Английский язык Учебник 11 класс Биболетова Бабушис Снежко

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 11 класс Биболетова Бабушис Снежко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Enjoy English (Энджой инглиш):

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Student’s Book М. 3. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, Н. Д. Снежко Английский язык Учебник для 1 1 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации к использованию в образовательном процессе в образовательных учреждениях, реализующих образовательные программы общего образования и имеющих государственную аккредитацию 2-е издание, исправленное И 3 Д А Т т и Е Л т ь с т у в 0 л Т 1 Р и в L т 1 S и Н Е L R S 201 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 Б59 УДК 802.0(075.3) The authors would like to thank the designers Natalia Valayeva and Ekaterina Valayeva for their creative artwork and design which really bring the book to life. Our deepest gratitude to Anna Kutz whose editing work helped make the English language in the textbook sound natural and transparent. Special thanks to Duncan Prowse for consultancy advice and coordinating the recording of the audio materials, and for assistance in publishing arrangements. УМК “Английский c удовольствием” / “Enjoy English” (11 класс) состоит из следующих компонентов: • учебника • книги для учителя • рабочей тетради № 1 • рабочей тетради № 2 “Контрольные работы” • аудиоприложения (CD MP3) • электронного приложения По вопросам приобретения УМК “Enjoy English” (11 класс) следует обращаться в издательство “Титул”: тел.: (48439) 9-10-09, факс: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: [email protected] (книга почтой), [email protected] (оптовые покупатели). [ Биболетова М. 3., Бабушис Е. Е., Снежко Н. Д. Б59 Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник для 11 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— 2-е изд, испр.— Обнинск: Титул, 2011.— 200 с.: ил. ISBN 978-5-86866-530-1 Учебник "Английский с удовольствием” (11 класс) предназначен для старших классов (базовый уровень) общеобразовательных учреждений РФ, в которых обучение английскому языку начинается со второго класса. Все учебники данной серии рекомендованы Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации. Содержание учебника полностью соответствует действующему образовательному стандарту и примерной программе по английскому языку. Тематика учебника отобрана с учетом интересов учащихся 11-го класса, их речевых потребностей и ориентирована на самоопределение учащихся, выбор будущей профессии и продолжение образования. Учебник готовит к итоговой проверке уровня подготовки по английскому языку, предусмотренной для выпускников полной средней школы, формирует умения познавательной деятельности, обучает школьников стратегиям самообразования. Учебник основывается на современных методических принципах и отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к учебникам начала третьего тысячелетия. ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-86866-530-1 М. 3. Биболетова, Е.Е. Бабушис, Н.Д. Снежко, 2009 Издательство “Титул”, дизайн, воспроизведение, распространение, 2009 Learning strategies content • How to deal with reading test questions • How to deal with listening test questions • How to deal with matching test questions • How to deal with fill-in-the-gap test questions • How to deal with true / false test questions • How to deal with multiple choice test questions ' How to write an informal letter > How to take notes effectively How to write opinion essay / afar and against essay ' Tips for doing internet research • Tips for participating in a discussion (in an exam situation) ' What questions to answer while writing a biography • How to deal with structural clozes • Tips for giving a talk (individual long-turn exam task) • General exam taking advice (final assessment) • Effective time management • An effective study plan • Effective exam-taking strategies • How to conquer exam anxiety • Exam-taking tips Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary , ~ ■ 1 What do young people face in society today? Page 8 1 World languages: local or global? Irregular plural forms Articles with countries, languages Passive voice (Revision) Common suffixes for adjectives Writing to an internet forum expressing your opinion on the kind of English language you would like to be taught Giving personal reasons for learning languages and your future opportunities Names of countries and languages Words and phrases related to speaking / learning languages Borrowings 2 Living in a global village Revision of tenses Supporting and opposing an idea Preparing and conducting an interview Summarising the results of an interview Expressing personal attitude to globalisation Words used to describe change Words used to support or oppose an idea Words used to describe origins • 3 Are you aware of your rights? Modal verbs: obligation, necessity, permission Writing an essay on having too much / not enough freedom Describing rights and responsibilities at school Words and expressions related to rights and responsibilities Linking words and transitional phrases 4 Participating in society Expressing attitudes to politics Speaking about how to contribute to school life Conducting an award-giving ceremony Words and phrases related to contributing to society 5 Feeling safe Use of articles (Review) Prepositions Suggesting ways of helping the environment Describing the ideal citizen Words related to antisocial behaviour Progress check 2 The job of your dreams Page 46 1 Choosing a profession Tenses (Revision) Word-formation Describing a future job Interpreting diagrams Expressing opinions Writing an opinion essay Discussing criteria for choosing a profession Summarising the results of a discussion Personal qualities / skills Adjectives describing jobs Verbs related to applying to “jobs” / “professions” 2 What happens after school? Future perfect (active and passive) Writing a project proposal (cooperation programme) Expressing attitudes to top universities Discussing advantages / disadvantages of studying at different educational institutions Writing a for / against essay Words related to higher education Contents Unit 3 ,■£ Heading for Л Better new шхггЫ? Page 78 Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 3 Final assessment Reported speech (Revision) Clauses of consequence so /such (that) Taking notes Describing an exam system Developing presentation skills 4 Are there any alternatives to modern technology? Present perfect simple / Present perfect continous / Past simple (Revision) Expressing opinion Discussing different modes of learning Discussing controversial statements in groups Reporting the results of a discussion Verbs related to education Words related to e-learning and distance learning Progress check 1 How dependent are you on modern technology? Describing changes and comparing past and present (Revision) Future simple for making predictions Adjectives (suffixes) Describing technological changes and the way they influence people’s lives Describing one’s favourite mode of communication Making predictions about the future of technology Abbreviations of electronic / digital devices Multi-word verbs 2 Extraordinary minds Past perfect passive Speaking about a famous person’s life (doing research and writing a famous person’s biography) Talking about engineering as a future profession Doing a problem-solving activity (in groups) Giving biographical information Phrases with the word “problem” 3 Science or fraud? Word categories (Revision) Discussing the importance of science Doing research and presenting a new scientific discovery or fraud Words and expressions related to science 4 To clone or not to clone? Expressing opinion on ethical issues (in groups) Debating on cloning humans Writing an opinion essay Words and phrases used to express attitude to ethical issues 5 Old or modern: Medicine as a new technology Doing a class survey (designing and writing questions, summarising information) Writing a report on survey results Writing a home remedy recipe Describing symptoms and giving advice Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technologies in medicine Giving and supporting arguments Phrases with the word “health” Words referring to food and healthy eating Words and expressions related to health and medicine Words often confused Contents Unit Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 6 Modern technologies and the environment Word building Discussing the dangers of rubbish / litter Discussing noise pollution Doing research on existing environmentally-friendly technologies Discussing and writing a Green Party Manifesto Words and expressions related to the environment 7 Let’s get digital Discourse Numerals Discussing the importance of the internet in modern life Simulation of the TV Show “Bol’shie” Words and expressions related to digital technologies and the internet Progress check 4 Where are you from? Page 124 1 City versus country Word building Expressing and justifying opinions about city life and country life Describing where you live Giving a talk about the nature in and around your city or village Words and phrases related to city life and country ' 2 What hobbies do you prefer? Expressions with the word “time” Discussing hobbies and pastimes and summarising the results Comparing popular pastimes in different countries Writing a letter describing the most popular pastimes in Russia Talking about hobbies Discussing what to do in the evening Words and phrases related to hobbies and pastimes 3 My circle of friends Personal adjectives Discussing an ideal friend’s profile Writing a “Friendship Recipe” about how to be a good friend Expressing personal opinions Discussing the ways of maintaining friendship Giving a talk about friends and friendship Making notes about a discussion Creating a collage Words and phrases related to friendship 4 East or West? Combining words Word building Discussing the lifestyles of people in different countries Expressing and justifying opinions Describing the lifestyle in your region / city / village Commenting on a common statement Writing a personal opinion essays Words and phrases related to lifestyles Definitions 5 Keeping traditions Progress check Multi-meaning words Describing festivals Discussing school traditions Writing a letter to the future Contents Appendixes Appendix 1 School English..................................................................157 Appendix 2 Learning strategies.............................................................169 Appendix 3 Cultural guide..................................................................178 Appendix 4 Grammar reference.............................................................. 181 Appendix 5 List of irregular verbs.........................................................189 Appendix 6 Dialogue vocabulary.............................................................191 Appendix 7 Key vocabulary..................................................................193 Условные обозначения CG — Cultural guide — текст для аудирования — работа в парах — работа в группе I — задание повышенной сложности — работа с интернетом ii ';Л': " i я II' Section 1 What do young people face in society today? ^ World languages: local or global? Spo I Answer the questions. Use your Workbook to write the answers. PersoMti ^uiz /И EHgUsh: How long have you been learning English for? ' Why did you start learning it? —--------------r--- __________________4^^ What was your first ' English lesson like? -----------^----------------- What was your first \ English teacher’s name? ' ^ What do you enjoy most in your English lessons? What do you find most difficult^ about learning English? ' Why are you learning "" English now? ' How do you think you are going to use English in the future? Would you like to learn any ^ other foreign languages? ' Are you learning any other foreign language? 2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the quiz questions. Do you have much in common? • learning foreign languages No egg in eggplant f's is no egg in eggplant or ham in hamburger; etner apple nor pine in pineapple. ' E-g.ish muffins were not invented in England or -'ench fries in France. / ® -.'.eetmeats are candies, while sweetbreads, •'ich aren’t sweet, are meat. .; ■ s take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square 5-d a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. ' the plural of tooth is teeth, |0 ■vhy isn’t the plural of booth beeth? к , One goose, 2 geese. $o, one moose, 2 meese? I One index, two indices? s cheese the plural of choose? Ship by truck and send сащо by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways? How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another? When a house burns up, it burns down. You fill in a form by filling it out, and an alarm clock goes off by going on. When the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. you don’t know Whai Words fheir meanings? strange about verbs with these definWois large with ^ottiething b) - - if it happens to an o^ fi con^pletely destroys it the gap n^bn^fexiil7o° dd ^>^ch as your name or acidreL spaces ofan official document or address in t^e empty" document ^ ^ spaces of an official i GRAMMAR FOCUS: IRREGULAR PLURAL FORMS 6 a) Find irregular plural forms of some nouns in the poem. b) Read the dictionary entries and check the irregular plural nouns in the poem. booth (countable) — an enclosed space, usually just for one person, where you can do something, such as voting or making a phone call, without other people seeing or hearing you cheese (countable or uncountable) — a solid food made from milk goose (pi. geese) — a large white or grey bird with a long beak index (pi. indexes, indices) — an alphabetical list of something, such as subjects or names at the back of a book that indicates the pages that are mentioned moose (pi. moose) — a large mammal that lives in North America, northern Europe, and Asia tooth (pi. teeth) — the hard white object inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food c) Give other examples of irregular plural nouns. If necessary, check their plural forms in the dictionary. ^ Work in groups. What can you do to make learning English easier? Write a list of ideas. 8 Look at the picture and guess what the people are doing. bJ9 Listen to a radio programme about the different ways of learning English and then complete the sentences. Use your Workbook. “Crazy English” is a method of ... . Students practise it by ... . This method helps them to ... . The school administration is against this method because .... “Crazy English” was developed when .... Li Yang realised that reading his work out loud .... According to the exam results, Li Yang was In 1994 he started .... Today about ... people practise this method. 10 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Use the words below and also ideas from Ex. 7. 1 What skills do you think can be practised by the method described in the radio programme? 2 What other skills should be practised in order to speak English fluently? 3 Would you like to try learning English in this way? Why? / Why not? 4 What would you like to improve in your own learning? Use: effective / ineffective, shyness, confidence, accuracy, fluency, fear of public speaking, knowledge of vocabulary / grammar, reading / listening / speaking / writing skills f! 11 Read the dictionary entry for the word “borrowing” and match the words with the countries they come from. borrowing — a word directly taken from one ...nguage and added to another. "ote: Although there are typically far fewer bor-■ -ings than the native words of most languages, ‘.iv are often widely known and used, since their :s?—owing served a certain purpose, for example to «ide a name for a new invention. Word bistro feng shui ^ graffiti kangaroo ■' karaoke piiamas sauna scholarship Origin Australian Aboriginal African Arabic Chinese Finnish French German Indian Russian zebra ■ Japanese troika I Italian 12 Work in groups. Give examples of borrowings in your language. Do you know where these words come from? How often do you use them? How do you feel about them? 13 Read the joke and say what language the people are speaking. Do they understand each other? Translate the joke into Russian and then back into English so that it makes sense. 14 Look at the map of the world and show where these languages are spoken. How did you guess? Spanglish Chinglish Franglish Danglish Hunglish Finglish Foglish Runglish Italish n ■ I 12 15 Read the text about these kinds of languages and find two names that are a combination of Russian and English. Explain how they came about. All these languages come from word combinations that describe certain local variants of English. They developed as a means of communication between two or more language groups that do not share a common language. Although the names of these languages look similar, they are actually quite different. Some genuinely mix the languages, some alter between English and the other language, some are local dialects of English used by English speakers themselves, and some are just non-native pronunciations of English. As a term for describing the Russian-English pidgin language, “Runglish” was popularised in the year 2000 when it was used as the language aboard the International Space Station. Although less widespread than other variants, Runglish is spoken in a number of English-Russian communities, most notably the Russian-speaking Jewish community of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York. Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2010: Odyssey Two mentions a similarly named language, Russlish. The small subplot in Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2010 involved the crew of a Russo-American spaceship, who attempted to battle their boredom with a so-called “Stamp Out Russlish!” campaign. As the story went, both crews were fully fluent in each other’s languages, to the point that they found themselves crossing over languages in mid-conversation, or even simply speaking the other language even when there was no one present who had it as their native tongue. Use of “Russlish” in space has been realised to some extent on the International Space Station. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov said in October of 2000: “We say jokingly that we communicate in “Runglish”, a mixture of Russian and English languages, so that when we are short of words in one language we can use the other, because all the crew members speak both languages well.” ’If WORD FOCUS: COMMON SUFFIXES FOR ADJECTIVES 16 Read the text once again and say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements. See “How to deal with true / false test questions” in “Learning strategies”. 1 The languages described in the text were invented to make English easier for people from different countries to understand. 2 The languages have different names but they are very similar. 3 Runglish was invented in space. 4 Runglish is spoken only aboard the International Space Station. 5 A variant of Runglish was first mentioned in a science fiction book. 6 A pidgin language is a mixture of two or more languages. Pidgin is usually used between people who do not speak each other’s languages. □ □ □ □ □ 17 Read through the text again. Put the adjectives you find in the table in your Workbook. Use the words from the list and add more examples of your own. suffix examples -al -ant, -ent, -lent -ed -ing -ful -ic -ive -less -ious, -ous -ible, -able -y tradition, communicate, responsibility, effect, culture, history, excellence, limit, music, remark, interest, conversation, understand, ambition, care, create, wonder 18 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word. 1 In this school we study languages that are less ... in Russia. 2 If I want to enter the university I must get an ... mark on the exam. 3 The new method of learning English is very ..., but I don’t think it is ... for everyone. 4 I think that the usage of this language is very .... 5 She is a very ... person. She will do the task in time. 6 He is extremely ... .He wants to learn several languages and become a diplomat. His English is perfect. Some people think he is a ... English speaker. TRADITION EXCELLENCE INTEREST EFFECT LIMIT RESPONSE AMBITION NATURE 19 Work in groups of 3-4. Draw a scheme / picture to show how languages influence each other. Explain it. Share your ideas with other students. local variant / dialect, means of communication, native tongue, mixture, non-native pronunciation, pidgin language describe, develop, share a common language be different in nature, be spoken in..., mix, similar, different, mixed, widespread, fluent, international, so-called 20 Compare the two texts and say which of them you like more. Explain your opinion. Say it in English I went to my niece and nephew’s party the other weekend. 1 played the piano and we were all singing along when a mouse ran out from behind the sofa with a piece of apple In its mouth. Say it in Globish At the party of my brother’s children the other day, I played an instrument with black and white keys and we all sang along. Then an animal that cats like to eat ran out from behind the seat with a piece of fruit in its mouth. 21 Answer the questions. What do you think Globish is? Who speaks it? Is it useful? Does it have any future? 13 22 Read the text and check your guesses. ..-■■■■--« “ГГГ l „ftMBM.Itusesor,W th Inal «ords and P>''""®I,lndmg in simple rpr*frrs^s:«n^^ set UP W «le «““^„tetlmes descriPed as a Nerriere himself . \s to promote g' =^^riS==== —Sir»--"*"” 1.®........"'Zmtoi'^e end of Babel «■anidnd bas always d ^presslon. Used Globlsfi i= ® I cbarlesKayOB*"'^ “SsB a constibcted -B^,eats Basic tng'ib' f ^ouid taKe ь ::famir;s"«:mombs.fB^ Ijrweelcs for Second *nd and sweat tran hndv water . nard wodr. eyewash an b ц md not d.e_ Another simpiihea 123 Work in groups of 3-4. Make two lists of strengths and weaknesses of simplified languages. GRAMMAR FOCUS: USE OF ARTICLES WITH COUNTRIES AND LANGUAGES 24 Read the rules and match them with an example. There is more than one example for each rule. 1 We use “the” with the names of countries when they include words, such as state, republic, kingdom, etc. 2 We do not use “the” with the names of countries. There are some exceptions: the Netherlands, the Sudan, the Vatican City. 3 We do not use “the” with the names of languages when they are NOT followed by the word language. Examples: a) My brother speaks French fluently. b) The USA consists of 50 states. c) The Netherlands is a country in northwest Europe. d) The French language is difficult to learn. e) Australia is both a country and a continent. 25 Fill in “the” where necessary. Find the countries mentioned in the exercise on the world map. What languages are spoken in these countries? 1 ... United States of America is located in ... North America between ... Canada and ... Mexico. The official language of the USA is ... English. 2 ... China is the world’s largest country. ... Chinese language is one of the most difficult for Europeans to learn. 3 ... Croatia lies on the northeast of Adriatic, it borders with ... Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia. 4 ... Cyprus lies in the Mediterranean, 71 km south of ... Turkey. Most people in Cyprus speak ... Greek and ... English. 5 ... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is made up of ... England, ... Wales, ... Scotland and ... Northern Ireland. Its population is about 60,000,000 people. 6 ... New Zealand is a country in the Pacific Ocean southeast of ... Australia. About 10% of the population are Maori people who lived there before Europeans came. The language they speak is ... Maori. 14 26 Work in pairs. Answer the question: Do you think English should be simplified and made easier to learn? 27 Read the teachers’ comments on this topic which they made on an internet forum. Mark the ideas + or - depending on how they answer the question above. Форум учкстелей английского языка (Работает на Invision Power Bo^d) - Windows Internet Ем(йогег iy tyJ ’ f T https://www.englishteache Antonio Benedict from Itaiy In my view English should be taught at different levels, but not simplified. And besides, by changing the language, we are depriving the student of the real words. If the student is taught a simplified version of a language, how will he or she be able to understand authentic texts like poems, slang expressions, or lyrics? That is really no good for students! Magda Szabo from Hungary We call our planet "a global village" now which means that everything is gradually becoming one grey mass: our culture, our eating habits and even the way we think. I think this means that we should keep everything that is characteristic to us and our language in first place. We should guard our own mother tongue as a precious possession and use any second language just as a way to communicate with other global citizens. Hector Kadmos from Greece No language is easy to learn because they all have their own history and culture! And no language can be simplified just for the sake of easiness. By trying to make it easier, we might deform it and then, together with its complexity, much of its beauty would disappear! I think students should deal with the real language and all its complexity and be exposed to real-life language used by native speakers. This is the only way to teach learners how to manage in a real conversation. Lea Hoffman from Germany I know that doing business in English does not always require very good usage or even a complete understanding of the language. Why should we speak the way native speakers do when we can already understand each other? It is more important to be able to communicate and understand each other than it is to be grammatically correct. Sometimes students are taught old-fashioned phrases and vocabulary with subtle meanings and this makes it difficult for all users of English to understand each other! Students should be taught simpler English. Peter Teller from the UK I don't think there is any use in simplifying a language: if we oversimplify the language we teach, it will become useless for real communication. On the other hand, if the language is too difficult to learn, not many people will be able to master it. I believe we should teach a foreign language in a manner close to how children start learning their mother tongue, and then gradually work towards the real-life language. We definitely should aim at reaching a "real" language level, otherwise there is no sense in learning it at all. 15 Cecylia Piastek from Poland Why don't we show some respect for the English language? Although English is a difficult language both to learn and to teach, it doesn't mean that we have any right to change it just because we feel like it. How can we change something that doesn't belong to us anyway? Should we simplify it only for the sake of convenience for us, non-native users? I don't think that's fair. Language is valuable heritage and heritage demands respect. Muint Taine from Burma I'm convinced that a simplified version of English should be taught. The simpler the language, the better the communication will be between people, for current and future generations who are part of today's globalisation. English is no longer just a language used by native speakers; it is used by people all over the world, including young people who are increasingly trying to be part of the global community. I believe that if we can globalise English and use its more simplified version, we will be able to explore and better manage our planet. GRAMMAR FOCUS: PASSIVE VOICE (REVISION) 28 Read the rule and find examples of passive voice in the texts above (Ex. 27). Complete the table in your Workbook. Passive: be + Vs example Present simple am / is / are + Vs is written Present continuous am / is / are being + Vs are being written Past simple was / were + Vs were written Past continuous was / were being + Vs was being written Future simple will be + Vs will be written Present perfect have / has been + Vs has been written Past perfect had been + Vs had been written Future perfect will have been + Vs will have been written Modals + infinitive should / can / ... + be + Vs can be written Modals + perfect infinitive should / can 1 ... + have been + Vs should have been written 29 Complete the gaps in the sentences below with the correct form of the passive voice. Add the examples to the corresponding line of the table in your Workbook. 1 During the last lesson students ... (expose) to some authentic language. 2 At the moment the intensive language courses ... (organise). 3 A new French textbook ... (write) recently. 4 Some people think that soon a simplified version of English ... (use) by many people. 5 They said that the book ... (translate) from German in 1989. 6 By June 2015 our language research ... (complete). 7 This article ... (discuss) when he arrived at the meeting. 8 The essay should ... (finish) yesterday. 16 30 Use the correct forms of the words in the brackets to complete the text. “English English” is a term that (1) ... (apply) to the English language that (2) ... (speak) in England. In English-speaking countries outside the UK, the term “British English” (3) ... more frequently ... (use). However, the term “English English” (4) ... (introduce) some time ago by Peter Trudgill in Language in the dritieh lelee. This term (5) ... now generally ... (recognise) in academic writing. The term “British English”, however, has a wider meaning, and (6) ... usually ... (reserve) to describe the features common to English English, Welsh English, Hiberno-English, and Bcottish English. A lot of people (7) ... always ... (interest) in the different accents and dialects that exist in Britain. That’s why The Englieh Dialect Dictionary that (S>) ... (compile) by Joseph Wright, is now extremely valuable. But the diversity of accents within the nation (9) ... still ... (study) by linguists. Dialect research papers (10) ... often ... (sell) for hundreds of pounds. People tend to be very proud of their local accent or dialect. 31 Read the opinions again (Ex. 27) and complete the table in your Workbook. English should be simplified English should not be simplified 32 Discuss the question in pairs. Which of the teachers would you most like to learn from? Why? 33 Write to an internet forum expressing your opinion on the question: Would you like to be taught a simplified version of English? Use; Let me start by... I’d rather... Only then... Why should... The most important need is... I think that... In my view,... This is a very good reason why... Obviously,... After all... Let’s... shall we? 34 Read the definitions and match them to the words. Answer the questions in pairs. 1. Accent 2. Dialect 3. Jargon _________a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by a particular group of people a way of saying words that shows what country, region, or social class someone comes from . special words and phrases that are only understood by people who do the same kind of work. Are there different dialects in Russia? Name some of them. When did they first appear? Why do they exist? What are the differences between the dialects? When do we say that a person; ... speaks with an accent? ... speaks in a dialect? ... uses jargon? 17 35 Listen to the interview and match the speaker with the question. See “How to deal with listening test questions” in “Learning strategies”. 1 Are there any English words that mean completely different things in various parts of the world?________ 2 Does the internet create a universal language for quick and easy communication?________ 3 How many people speak English as a first, and as a second language worldwide?________ Which varieties of English are spoken by the largest and the smallest numbers of people?____________ Are there varieties of spoken English which might be impossible to understand by some native English speakers?__________ Why does English have so many different words and accents in the various countries it is spoken in?__________ 36 a) Look at the list of languages and put them in order from most to least spoken in the world. Arabic Bengali English Hindi Japanese Mandarin Chinese Portuguese Russian 6panish b) Listen to the recording and check your guesses. Fill in the 1st column of the table in your Workbook. World language ranking Number of native speakers Number of speakers as a second language Total number of speakers 1 37 Listen to the recording once again and 39 Work in groups of 3-4. Make a list fill in the rest columns of the table in your Workbook. Ш38 Work in pairs. Discuss what foreign language you would like to learn and why. of reasons why people learn foreign languages. 40 Read the text and add more reasons to your list. Then share your lists with other students. Learning a second language is beneficial to all. Learning to speak foreign languages may be the best thing you can do to improve your life and open new doors. First of all, you get access to knowledge. What are you interested in? Is it science? Music? Computers? Health? Business? Sports? Today’s media, such as the internet, television, and the press, give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favorite subjects. After all, we live in the information age, don’t we? There’s only one problem. Most of this knowledge is in a foreign language. If you can communicate in other languages, you can: Contact people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and opinions on internet discussion groups. Send e-mail to interesting people. Learn about their life and culture. Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a 18 t ■ t t i conversation, or... ask for help. Who knows, may be a foreign language will save your life someday! Language competence in a second language increases your job opportunities, and pushes your career forward. If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning languages now! Knowing a foreign language will let you: Put “excellent knowledge of English or French” on your CV. Get your dream job, earn more money and create your future. Gain technical knowledge. If you’re going to read about technology, computer science, genetics or medicine, you’ll probably have to do it in a foreign language. So you will understand your subject area even better and become a solid employee. Foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world. You can do wonderful things, such as watch films in their original form. Once you try it this way, you’ll never go back to dubbed versions! You can also read great books. There is an amazing number of titles — from classic plays like Hamlet to modern love stories like A Knight in Shining Armor and modern thrillers like Jurassic Park. And what about enjoying music more? Believe us, music is much better if you can understand the words. Learning languages is not only useful, but it also gives you a lot of satisfaction. Making progress feels great. You’ll never forget the moment you discover you can speak with foreigners or watch a TV programme in another language. Languages make you a more powerful, happier person. It is not difficult to imagine some of the situations where knowing a foreign language would give you a great feeling. Mini-project: A poster "Foreign languages in my life" 41 Work in groups of 3-4. Follow these steps: • Why is learning a foreign language important to you? Write a list. • Read through the list of reasons you have written and revise it. Choose the most important factors. • Think about how these factors influence / could influence your life. • Plan your presentation. Write the key points and the supporting arguments. • Design a visual support in the form of a poster. • Decide who will say what. • Make the presentation. Use: beneficial for all, excellent knowledge, improve your life, effective(ly), easily, powerful, successful, amazing, enjoyable experience Dialogue vocabulary First of all,... After all,... I think,... I doubt that... I am convinced that,.. We..., don’t we? ".i/i Section 2 Living in a global village b ■ 42 Look at the pictures and say what countries / cultures you associate the everyday objects with. 43 Work in pairs. Guess the answers to the questions. Questions Your answers before listening after listening 1 How fast is the world’s population growing? 2 What per cent of the world’s population lives in cities? 3 How many people travel by aeroplane? 4 Is China’s booming economy leading to new trends in global tourism? 5 Are some parts of the world cut off from the internet? 6 Which are the world’s major religions? 7 Does Hollywood really win against Bollywood? (CG) 8 What has been the impact of the population boom in developing countries? 9 Which country leads the way in allowing young people to vote? 10 What is one of the most significant problems in education today? 11 And finally, who could be hit worst by one of the biggest problems of today’s information society, that is, junk e-mail? 44 Listen and check your guesses. Complete the table in your Workbook. 45 Work in groups. Close your books. How many facts can you remember? * Л г - 1е=г5.= ■ WORD FOCUS: WORDS TO DESCRIBE CHANGE 46 Divide the words from the list into two categories: ■* ^ + to describe a negative change: to describe a positive change: decrease, grow, reinforce, deteriorate, improve, rise, develop, increase, strengthen, fall, lessen 20 r s 47 Fill in the table in your Workbook. verb noun adjective decrease deteriorate develop fall ' grow verb noun adjective improve increase lessen rise strengthen 48 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the proper word forms (see Ex. 47). Make any necessary changes. See “How to deal with fill-in-the-gap test questions” in “Learning strategies”. 4 5 6 ' 1 8 9 10 The number of people studying languages has ... significantly. The educational programme was stopped because of the ... of interest among students. The environmental situation in the region ... and many people moved to other parts of the country. Experts predict a ... in migration. The inflation rate has ... by 10% during the last five years. Our college offers a new ... course for teenagers. We can see a substantial ... of student numbers in our university. Everything should be done to ... the situation. The new traffic organisational system will ... the negative effects of cars in the city centre. The conference participants will discuss ... of the regional economy. INCREASE EALL DETERIORATE RISE DECREASE DEVELOP GROW IMPROVEMENT LESS STRENGTHEN 49 Work in pairs. Write 2-3 phrases to explain the word “globalisation”. 50 Read the text. Was your explanation close to the explanation given in the text? Globalisation Globalisation refers to the idea that the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications and the influence of very large multinational companies. The world is seen as a global village in which all countries depend on each other and seem to be closer together. There are many arguments surrounding the phenomenon of globalisation and they’re all quite controversial. Opponents of globalisation or anti-globalists say that it exploits workers and degrades the environment. They say that, as multinational corporations become more powerful, they become less accountable for their actions. And there’s increasing concern that multinational (mainly American) companies are crushing the cultures of smaller nations. But supporters of globalisation, or globalists, argue that world trade makes everyone richer. They say that, as more countries make trade deals with one another, international understanding increases, therefore lessening conflict and improving human rights. 21 nit i "Section 2 53 Read about an example of globalisation and say whether your guesses were correct. What has changed? The popularity of western music has spread all over the world. Pop music developed into a global industry in the second half of the 20th century. It started with Elvis Presley and the Beatles, who could be called the word’s first rock stars. These musicians created a new era, allowing other singers to become internationally famous. Rock’n’roll was spreading throughout the continents when a small group in the north-west of England appeared. At that time, the group was playing in small halls in Liverpool. They decided to change their name from the Quarrymen to the Beatles and in the following eight years, they sold millions of copies all over the world and became as popular as Elvis. Both music professionals and fans agree that Elvis Presley and the Beatles are the most valuable phenomena to have entered the pop music world of the 20th century. They started a new era that then created a new global industry. But pop music changes quickly. It is sometimes difficult to understand why a group or a singer is successful and why the public buys their music. For this reason, the industry is constantly changing. GRAMMAR FOCUS: REVISION OF TENSES 54 Do the tasks below. Then calculate your correct answers. 1 Read through the text and select some of the verbs. Match the verbs with their correct tenses. (6 points) Present simple Present continuous Past simple Past perfect Past continuous Present perfect Which of the sentences describes a temporary situation? Which one describes a permanent one? (2 points) a) They employ lots of people. b) They are employing new staff. a) From 1989 to 1995 he played in a rock group. b) When I first saw him, he was playing the piano. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. (8 points) e) My son (be) very naughty these days. It is so untypical of him. f) I (not / know) anything about this band. g) He (not / have) an MP3 player. h) He (have) a talk with the manager. He can’t a) (You / like) this kind of music? b) What (you / think) about this song? c) What (you / think) about? You look worried. d) My son (be) very naughty. see you right now. Choose the correct sentences. (2 points) a) The Beatles have sold millions of records over a period of eight years. b) The Beatles sold millions of records over a period of eight years. a) She has worked in show business for eight years and she likes it. b) She worked in show business for eight years and she likes it. Choose the correct way to complete the sentences. (2 points) a) They had worked together for several years b) They have worked together for several years .. .before they became successful. .. .and now they are very popular. .. .before they decided to record an album. .. .but they still don’t get on well. 23 55 What is your score? Are you good at verb forms? Read the “Grammar reference” on page 182 if necessary and do Ex. 54 again. 56 Read the text about another globally famous person and fill in the appropriate verb forms. Dmitri Hvorostovsky is one of the most famous singers in the world. He often (1) ... (take) part in performances in different countries and always (2) ... (become) the centre of attraction. Some fans (3) ... (call) him the "Elvis of opera". When Hvorostovsky heard about this, he (4) ... (think) it was a huge compliment since to him, Elvis (5) ... (be) a kind of revolutionary. Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk in Siberia — there he (6) ... (study) at school, and for some time (7) ... (be) the singer in a rock band where he (8) ... (play) heavy metal. After Hvorostovsky (9) ... (win) several professional contests in Russia, Irina Arkhipova (10) ... (encourage) him to take part in the Cardiff Singer of the World competition in 1989. He (1 1) ... (win) it and his world career (1 2) ... (launch). His manner of singing is very lyrical and it (1 3) ... sometimes ... (call) "old school". He (14) ... (work) with theatres and singers all around the world. Some years ago he (15) ... (record) an album with Olga Borodina. Now Hvorostovsky (16) ... (have) a house in London and (17) ... (speak) good English. He works a lot and tries to have a healthy way of life. He confessed that he (18) ... (give up) smoking and (19) ... (stop) drinking alcohol many years ago. He knew this would help him perform his best in his profession. 24 57 Listen to the text and check your answers. Correct any mistakes. 58 What other examples of globalisation can you see around in everyday life? Think of... • shops in your region • goods you buy • food / restaurants • your own ideas... Make a list of items that are global. 59 Work in groups of 3-4. Compare your lists from Ex. 58 and discuss the questions below. 1 Are there any locally produced things in your lists? 2 Do you think you can find examples of globalisation more than 5-10 years ago? What are they? 3 What do you think of these examples? 4 Do you think any brands from your region could become global (for example, popular local food brands)? 5 Do you think the process of globalisation is the same in different countries? 6 How do you think other teenagers feel in this globalisation of the world? WORD FOCUS: SUPPORTING / OPPOSING AN IDEA 60 Divide the words from the box into two groups. Complete the table in your Workbook. For: Against: to approve of something to be against something to be in favour of something to be negative towards something to be positive towards something to disapprove of something to oppose something to support something ■lia; 61 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words and word combinations from Ex. 60. When I decided to enter the technical university, my parents ... my choice. I strongly ... this plan. It won’t work. The government was ... the new plan of city reconstruction. It was not realistic Anti-globalists ... multinational corporations. Anti-globalists ... the international institutions, such as the World Bank, the International Olympic Committee. Those ... our new plan, please raise your hands. The school administration ... the idea of creating a school council. Globalists ... the ideas of close cooperation throughout the world. 62 Read the text and say if the author... • supports anti-globalists • is against the anti-globalist movement • is neutral towards the movement The groups and individuals that represent what is known as the "anti-globalisation movement" began in the late twentieth-:entury. Their purpose was to combat the cobalisation of corporate economic activity and :: prevent the free trade among nations that ~ ght result from such activity. Members of the anti-globalisation movement *3ve generally seeked to protect the world's ; cpulation and ecosystem from what they believe :: be the damaging effects of globalisation. Support for human rights is another cornerstone the anti-globalisation movement's platform, '■ey advocate for labor rights, environmentalism, ■=minism, freedom of migration, preservation of re cultures of indigenous peoples, biodiversity, c.ltural diversity, food safety, and ending or ■eforming capitalism. The movement itself ■eludes diverse and sometimes opposing ^■lilosophies of the globalisation process, and corporates alternative visions, strategies and tactics. Generally speaking, protesters believe that the global financial institutions and agreements they make undermine local decision-making methods. Many governments and free trade institutions are seen as acting for the good only of multinational corporations (e.g. Microsoft, Monsanto, etc). These corporations are seen as having privileges that most human beings do not even have, such as moving freely across borders, extracting desired natural resources, and utilising a diversity of human resources. They are then able to move on after sometimes doing permanent damage to the environment, the culture or the economy, in a manner impossible for that nation's citizens to actually do themselves. Activists also claim that corporations impose a kind of "global monoculture". Common targets include the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). In light of the economic 25 gap between rich and poor countries, anti-globaiists ciaim "free trade" wiii actuaiiy resuit in strengthening the power of industriaiised nations. Activists of the movement argue that, if borders are opened to muitinationai corporations, they should be simiiariy opened to aiiow free and iegai circuiation and choice of residence for migrants and refugees. These activists tend to target organisations such as the Internationai Organization for Migration and the Schengen Information System. In 2003, many of those invoived in the movement showed wide opposition to the war in Iraq. Many participants were among those 11 miiiion or more protesters that on the weekend of the 15th of February participated in giobai protests against the Iraq war and were dubbed the "worid's second superpower" by an editoriai in the New York Times. The economic and miiitary issues are cioseiy iinked in the eyes of many within the movement. Despite the iack of formai co-ordinating bodies, the movement manages to successfuiiy organise iarge protests on a giobai basis, using information technoiogy to spread information. One argument often made by the opponents of the anti-giobaiisation movement is that, aithough it protests about things that are wideiy recognised as serious problems, such as human rights vioiations, genocide and giobai warming, it rareiy proposes detaiied soiutions. Some have aiso criticised the movement for engaging in vioient or destructive protest. In generai, movement ieaders tend to encourage peacefui protest as the more productive way of getting attention and respect for their goais, aithough occasionaiiy protests do turn vioient. Timeline of anti-globalists events June 18, 1999 — Carnivai against Capitaiism woridwide, inciuding London, Engiand, and the USA January 20, 2001 — Washington, D.C., President Bush's inauguration June 25, 2001 — Barceiona, Spain, Worid Bank protests Juiy 20, 2001 — Genoa, Itaiy, G8 summit September 29, 2001 — Washington, D.C., Anti-capitaiist anti-war protests Weekend of February 15, 2003, March, Aprii — Giobai protests against Iraq war about 12 miiiion anti-war protesters May 29 — June 3, 2003 — Evian, Geneva and Lausanne, Switzeriand, G8 July 2 — July 8, 2005 — Scotland, Protests against the G8 Summit June 2006 — Russia, St Petersburg, G8 June 2, 2007 — 80,000 protest in Rostock ahead of the G8 Summit 63 Read the text once again and write out the ideas that support / oppose the idea of globalisation. ^64 In pairs compare your lists and add your own ideas. Which group would you support: globalists or anti-globalists? Why? 65 Listen to a radio programme about some research on teenagers’ attitudes towards globalisation and say whether the speaker has a similar attitude to yours. 66 Listen to the programme again and complete the following sentences. Use your Workbook. 1 The research wanted to find out what teenagers thought about globalisation because .... 2 The research wanted to check two hypotheses: a) Teenagers are .... They want to consume .... They want to learn more about .... b) Teenagers are .... They are not interested in ... . 3 The teenagers were from ... to ... years old. 4 They were from ... , ... , ... and .... 5 The results of the research suggest that .... 26 67 who do you think lives in Britain? Which races and nationalities do they represent? 68 Read the text and check your guesses. Use the “Cultural guide” if necessary. Who lives in Britain? Britain is a country where people of different nationalities have been historically mixed. Several thousands years ago people travelled from many different parts of the world to live in Europe and Great Britain. In fact, every person in Britain has origins from another country. The official count in 2001 showed that Britain’s population consisted of the following different races and nationalities. Here are some of the figures. 54,154,000 ^ White | 1,053,000 Indian ‘ 566,000 , Black Caribbean i 747,000 Pakistani 231,000 other minority groups ! 485,000 Black African ,, 248,000 Vietnamese / Malaysian / Thai * Black American and 98,000 Australian j 283,000 Bangladeshi 247,000 Chinese Thousands of years ago Britain was invaded by different countries, races and nationalities including the Romans, the Saxons, the Normans, the Vikings. And so today many people actually descend from them. Even then, invaders brought slaves. In the 3rd century AD Rome used black soldiers to guard Hadrian’s wall. In the 20th century Britain suffered much during the Second World War and people from other parts of the world were invited to help rebuild the country. Many of them were from different countries belonging to the British Empire. The first ship came from West Indies in 1948. It was called the Empire Windrush and it had hundreds of people on board. Later people continued to arrive and stay in Britain. As a result of these events, Britain has become a country where different nationalities, cultures and religions are mixed. This mixture has influenced all spheres of life, including the country’s literature, music, art, fashion and everyday habits and routines. People who were born in other countries have brought their traditions, rituals and food with them. For example, Indian and Chinese takeaways are as popular as traditional British fish and chips. An international influence is also clearly seen in popular music styles. For example, rap and hip hop, types of music extremely popular among teenagers, originally came from Africa. Even in schools different origins have to be taken into consideration, particularly when a school uniform is required. 69 Read the text again and say whether the following statements are true or false. Then correct the false statements. Migration to Britain started 500 years ago. Roman invaders brought slaves from Africa with them. Mass migration started after the First World War. The first immigrants came from India. Today different nationalities live separately in their communities. Immigrants have influenced the food habits of the British most of all. Some popular music styles originated in Africa. 27 I WORD FOCUS: DESCRIBING ORIGINS 70 Look through the text in Ex. 68 and find expressions similar in meaning to “be from”. 71 Match the global objects and the names that have come from different countries to the countries of their origin. Make sentences about them. Use the words from Ex. 68. Then give your own examples. macaroni America Pushkin Japan sushi China football Albania bicycle Italy silk England compass Russia ' gunpowder printing papermaking Newton Pavlova sputnik potato Mother Teresa France Ш 72 Discuss the following questions: • Do people migrate in your country / region? • What makes people migrate? 73 Listen to the radio programme about the reasons for migration. Then check your guesses and add more reasons to your list. 74 Listen to the programme again and complete the following statements with your notes from Ex. 73. Use your Workbook. 1 Sociologists designed ... to analyse and describe migration. 2 In terms of migration, they divide countries into two groups: ... and .... 3 Leaving one country, migrants are looking for ... in another. 4 The most serious push factors that make people emigrate are .... These are ... and .... 5 Other push factors that should be taken into consideration are ... and .... 6 There are global factors that make people migrate, for example, ... and .... 7 The most important pull factors are .... 75 Do research on the topic “Who lives in Russia?” Follow these steps. • Find a person or a family who have migrated to / from another country. • Prepare the questions for the interview. • Arrange a meeting time for the interview. • Conduct the interview with your selected person or family. • Summarise their comments and responses. • Then report what you learned to your classmates. Mini-project; Should we agree with globalisation? 76 Work in groups. Discuss these questions: 1 Why is everyone talking about globalisation? 2 What is it and when did it start? 3 Is it good or bad or inevitable? 4 What are some of the examples of globalisation in your country? 5 Has globalisation brought any significant changes to you personally? 6 How does migration affect your area? Give examples. 7 On the whole, are you in favour or against globalisation? 77 Present a brief summary of your discussion to the other groups. 28 Section 3 Are you aware of your rights? ^78 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 Do you have any rights? Complete the table with your answers. Rights at home Rights at school Rights in the street 8 Can you remember a story from the news which you’ve heard recently? What was it about? Why do you remember it? What did you feel about it? J79 2 What other rights would you like to have? 3 What would you do if you saw one of your classmates cheating? 4 Do you think it’s a good idea to give money to homeless people in the street? Why? / Why not? 5 Some teenagers won’t accept someone who looks different or who is of a different ethnic origin. How do you feel about this? How would you react? 6 What would you think of someone who dyes their hair blue just to look cool? 7 Do you always agree with what your teacher / parents tell you to do? Why? / Why not? Give an example. Work in groups. Discuss the questions from Ex. 78. Are your answers similar or different? Which point is the most controversial? Why do you think this is so? 80 Read the introduction to the text from an internet forum and answer the question. • What do you think happened to the young people of Derry? This week Children's Express Foyie Bureau reporters discovered that the young peopie of Derry have been kept in the dark over their rights. ^81 Read the report and check your guesses. Derry young people wronged over rights Aprii 21, 2004 As young people, we were shocked when we recently found out ——— about our official rights as children through a UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also as young journalists, we believe there is one right that is more important to us than others and that is the right to have our voice heard. Beyond this right, however, young people have almost 50 rights in total, according to the UN Convention. After completing a number of interviews across the city we discovered that three out of ten children didn't know anything about what rights they had and most had never even heard of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This made us ask the question, why? 29 Wgi What we need are ways to enforce these rights and make sure that every child knows them. If we do this, then we believe children will feel better about themselves and so will treat one another better. Instead of perhaps boring you with the full list of rights, we, as a group of young people in Derry, decided to compile a list of our ten top favourite rights. If you want to find out more, check out the website www.unicef.ora As a child or young person: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 You have the right to live (obvious but important!). You have the right to choose your own religion. You have the right to an education. You have the right to be with your parents if they are what's best for you. You have the right to be protected from abuse and neglect. You have the right to express the views you have and your views to be listened to in anything that affects you (teachers take notice). You have the right to a decent standard of living. You have the right to choose your friends and hang out with them. You have the right to be protected from all forms of cruelty, exploitation and torture. The government must uphold your rights. 82 Read the text again and guess the meaning of the words given in the box. Use the context to guess their meaning. decent abuse neglect torture uphold 83 Work in groups. a) Discuss the rights presented in the text and agree on the three most important ones. b) Each right involves responsibility. Think of a responsibility for each right. Share your opinion with your classmates. 84 Work in groups. Discuss these questions: • Do you know about your rights, especially those which deal with education in grades 10-11? • How do you find out about your rights? • Do you think young people in general know about their rights? What can you do help them learn? WORD FOCUS: PHRASES WITH RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY 85 a) Explain in English the following expressions: equal rights human rights b) Read the dictionary definitions. Translate the phrases into Russian and complete the sentences below. Make necessary changes. animal rights right — something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have: have a / no right to do something, give someone a right to do something be in the right — to be morally or legally correct in what you do or believe be within your rights (to do something) — to have the moral or legal authority to do something by right — if things are done as they should be responsibility — La duty that you have to do because it is part of your job or position 2. a moral duty to behave in a particular way responsibility to / towards, have a responsibility, a sense of responsibility, take responsibility for something, under your own responsibility — when you are doing something because you think it is right and you are ready to take responsibility if something wrong happens as a result 30 Unit I Section 3 86 Complete the following sentences. Use the words and phrases from Ex. 85. Make necessary changes. See “How to deal with matching test questions” in “Learning strategies”. 1 Both globalists and anti-globalists think they are .... 2 ..., you should have the interview before getting a new job in this company. 3 Her ... makes her work hard and do everything in time. 4 The Ministry of Education ... students a ... to choose some of the final school exams. 5 Nobody wanted ... for the accident so the police started an investigation. 6 School rules say that it’s a student’s ... to study well, be organised and act politely. 7 The officer in the airport ... to ask them to show their passports. 8 Our work plan was agreed on by everybody and I think we should follow it. Everything else is ... . 9 We ... to future generations is to prevent serious damage to the environment. 10 You ... no ... to talk to me in that way! 87 Match the halves of the sentences. Discuss them in groups. Consequences result from a right If you don’t accept responsibility to feel safe Equal opportunity is freedom of speech Everyone has a right is a responsibility One right is not accepting responsibilities Following the rules other people can lose their rights 88 Go back to the first set of questions of the section (Ex. 78) and use the examples to explain the statements in Ex. 87. GRAMMAR FOCUS: MODAL VERBS FOR EXPRESSING OBLIGATION, NECESSITY, PERMISSION 89 Match the sentences with their meanings. 1 Can / Could / May I use your phone, please? a) Asking for permission 2 We were allowed to / could wear jeans at school. b) External obligation 3 I have to bring all my course books to school. c) Lack of obligation or necessity 4 I must work harder. d) Past obligation 5 You don’t have to pay for this course. e) Permission in the past 6 We had to go to bed at 10 p.m. f) Personal obligation L 90 Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning. Use the modal verbs. 5 Teachers are not obliged to stay late at school. . Is it necessary to wear formal clothes? Do you ... wear formal clothes? I They said it wasn’t necessary for me to write the essay. They said ... to write the essay. They said it was possible for me to hand the essay in later. They said ... hand in the essay later. 4 You are not allowed to wear trainers at school. You ... wear trainers at school. Teachers ... stay late at school. We are permitted to use the swimming pool free of charge. We ... use the swimming pool free of charge. I was forced to stay after school to do the test again. I ... stay after school to do the test again. 31 91 Complete the sentences for yourself. 1 This year I must .... 2 school I have to ... but I don’t always 3 1 am glad I don’t have to... this week. 4 When I was 5 years old I had to . school I wasn t allowed to ... . 6 I don’t have to ... at home. 92 Work Ш groups. Choose one of the quotations and translate it into Russian Do you agree with it? Explain your ' opinion. ^ Clarence Darrow; You cm only protect your liberties in this yeorld by protecting the other man’s freedom Гои can only be free if! am free. Luxemburg. Eleanor Holmes Norton; The only way to make sure people you aeree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don’t agree with. m 93 Work in groups. Do the questionnaire Discuss It with your partners. Teenagers today have: a) too much freedom b) not enough freedom c) the right amount of freedom The most strict people are: a) parents b) teachers c) politicians Do you have freedom to choose: a) your own friends b) the music to listen to c) how to spend your own money Which of the things below do you thin-should be banned from school? a) hats b) piercing c) baggy clothes d) short skirts e) make-up f) dyed hair 5 Parents today should have the right to:' a) control the TV programmes their children watch b) limit what their children can accessj via the internet 6 At what age do you think the following] should be allowed: a) getting married b) getting a driving licence c) smoking cigarettes d) having tattoos e) piercing f) part time jobs g) drinking beer WORD FOCUS: LINKING DEVICES 94 Group the linking devices from the list below according to their function. Use your Workbook. introducing: ... sequencing ideas: ... expressing contrast: ., stating results: ... giving examples: ... adding: ... concluding: ... also in summary as a result moreover besides nevertheless but next finally secondly first of all so firstly thus for example to begin with for instance to conclude furthermore to sum up however to summarise in conclusion yet 95 Write an opinion essay. See “How to write opinion essay / a/or and against essay” in “Learning strategies”. Begin it with the words: / tkin/c / ^et tea muck ficcdom.. / don^t think, / (fct enough fteedam. Follow the steps: • Choose the opinion to start your essay with. • Write a list of arguments to support your opinion. • Consider what other people may think about the problem. Make a list of other opinions and arguments to support them. • Develop your ideas into short paragraphs. • Decide on the order of the paragraphs, and think of the links between the paragraphs. Use the expressions from Ex. 94. • Think about how to finish the essay. • Check your essay and correct any mistakes. Mini-project: What I know about my rights and responsibilities 96 Work in pairs / groups. Draw a picture of an ideal high school student by following these steps. a) First, think of all of his / her rights and responsibilities. b) Then make a description of his / her day from start to finish. c) Create a poster to illustrate your ideas. d) Finally, present the poster to the class. vO 33 Section 4 .Participating in society M97 Work in pairs. Complete the quotations. В "A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to..." Winston Churchill 98 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. • How do you feel about politicians? • Are you interested in them? Why? / Why not? • Do you know any politicians personally? Would you like to be a politician? "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when..." Nikita Khrushchev 4 doesn’t feel it’s the right time for him / her to vote.__________ 5 has been influenced by his / her parents’ political views._________ 6 has had some misunderstanding with peers about politics.__________ 7 doesn’t feel he / she can change anything. 99 Listen to some teenagers speaking about their attitude towards politics and decide whether they are interested in it or not. Speaker 1 Speaker 2. Speaker 3. Speaker 4. Speaker 5. 100 Listen to the recording again and decide which of the speakers... 1 is interested in other things besides politics 2 says that another hobby made them interested in politics._________ 3 has changed his / her mind about political parties several times. 34 101 Discuss this question in pairs. • Which of the opinions in Ex. 100 is closest to yours? Dialogue vocabulary I believe it’s silly of (teenagers) to. I don’t believe... I realise... I feel /1 don’t feel... I think... I’d like to... ш 102 Write а paragraph expressing your attitude to politics. Write about 100120 words. Use: to identify oneself with, to be prepared to, to need some time for, to play one team or another, to find the truth for oneself, personality, political party, independent, open to choice, life experience, limited Useful phrases: I think I need some time for... I’d like to be a ... rather than... I first got interested when... I understand that... That’s why I’m so interested in... But I can’t agree with... I have been unsure... I know for sure... I don’t see much difference between... I understand... I don’t believe... 103 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. • If you got a chance to talk to the prime minister, what three questions would you ask him? • What is one thing the prime minister should do for young people? SM/r.4 II 104 Work in groups. Choose 5-6 people from the list. Then rank them according to the importance of their contribution to society. Explain your opinion. E T. Haascvcit, M. Thatckci, M. Gc^iiachc-v, T%Lncess Ъ1апа, /. Ghandl, Ъ. Шсккат, /. SEutzkaya, 'f. ЪQstcj€vsk^, W. Shakxspavic, S.. Hast'iapavLck, Od'iaztsam, Ki. TzLaihavskp, M. 'V^setzkapa, Ji. Shempakin, 4. SoizhmitsLn, /. K. ToikLcyi, L. Takstop, "bacta^- L. Koshak, 4. Naizt 105 In groups of 3-4 analyse your results. Who are your choices? Why? Who do you think is missing from the list? 106 Use the ideas from the list to design criteria to rank people for their contribution to the society. Rank the criteria from the most to the least important. Along with the ideas from the list, add some of your own. works hard follows political issues in newspapers supports people in the community protests when something is wrong takes part in politics writes to a Member of Parliament if he / she feels strongly about something takes part in activities to protect the environment c-elps others beys the law s a good friend ■n^tes in every election nakes people happy --pports charities cans a political party 35 107 Read the text about Dmitry Likhachov and say what the following figures refer to. See “How to deal with reading test questions” in “Learning strategies”. 500 1928 1953 1993 Dmitry Sergeyevich Likhachov was an outstanding Russian scholar who was considered the world’s foremost expert in Old Russian language and literature. He has been called “a guardian of national culture” and “Russia’s conscience”. The same year he graduated from the Leningrad University (1928), Likhachov was arrested for his speech criticising the Bolshevik reform of Russian orthography. Deported to the Solovki Special Purpose Camp, he spent 5 years there. Likhachov returned to Leningrad unbroken, and started his spectacular scholarly career in the Pushkin House (as the Russian Literature Institute is known), which spanned more than 60 years and saw the publication of more than 500 scholarly works. Likhachov didn’t stop his work even during the Siege of Leningrad. He believed that Russia was an integral and indivisible part of European civilisation, contrary to “Euroasiatic” views of Russia popular with Lev Gumilev, Boris Rybakov, and many other contemporaries. In 1953, Likhachov was admitted into the Soviet Academy of Sciences. He defended Andrei Sakharov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and others during their hard years. In 1986, he was elected the first President of the Russian Cultural Fund. In his 80s and 90s, he became more of a public figure, serving as an informal advisor to St Petersburg Mayor Anatoly Sobchak and President Boris Yeltsin. In 1993, he became the first person to be named an Honorary Citizen of St Petersburg. He also presided over the commission set up to prepare for Alexander Pushkin’s bicentenary. A year before his death, Likhachov became the very first recipient of the reinstated Order of St Andrew. The Likhachov Philanthropic Fund was set up in 2001. 108 Read the text once again and say whether the following statements are true, false or not given in the text. 1 Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev was born in 1906. 2 He was an expert in Old Russian language and literature. 3 When he graduated from university, he supported the orthography reform. 4 In 1928 he started his work in the Russian Literature Institute. 5 During the Second World War, he left the city for several years. 6 He opposed the ideas of Lev Gumilev and Boris Rybakov. 7 He wrote several articles where he criticised Gumilev’s theories. 8 At the end of his life, he became a political and public figure. 109 Think of more people to add to the list in Ex. 104. Do some research and find some important facts from their biographies. Mini-project: Student awards 110 Work in groups of 3-4. Set up an award for the students who contribute most to school life. • Think of a name for the new award. • Decide how often the award would be given. • Design a set of criteria for the award. • Plan the application procedure. • Choose possible winners. • Organise an award ceremony. 36 \ Section 5 Feeling safe 111 Make a list of the least “green” products you use in every day life. 112 Read the descriptions of such products and match them with the pictures. Fill in the gaps in the texts. Small crimes against the planet Ifei wipes This ... is called “Sweet Baby”, and if you spray it iround, your room will have the odor of perfumed "iin- nappies. You probably wouldn’t like it, especially r vou don’t have or want a baby. Moreover, the label on states openly that it is harmful to the environment. ^Ъat is new about it is that this ... operates on ctricity, which means you will be wasting energy >2ether with filling the air with unwanted perfume. [ vou have your ... on for 15 hours a day, one refill _ last for up to 80 days. So you don’t like to cook? Then this invention is for you! The kit consists of a cardboard sleeve, a plastic tray, a beefburger, a bun, some chips, some tomato sauce and a foil tray to cook everything in. Everything is wrapped separately and put in a box or sachet. But there is more here to throw away than there is to eat, and the use-by date gives you only 24 hours before the whole thing goes in the bin unopened. It seems that ... producers think that you have nothing in your kitchen apart from a microwave oven! Using these makes me want to kill someone! You may also be familiar with this terrible product if you have got a cheap electric lawnmower: steel ... have been replaced by disposable plastic ones, and they barely are able to last for 15 minutes. They don’t actually cut the grass but shred it, and only one sort is compatible with your make of the mower. Surprisingly, the label is said to be made from 100% recycled paper. I' :> to any chemist’s and you will find a big variety of 1-em: makeup remover ..., hand ..., tooth ..., wood dog ..., window ... and houseplant leaf ..., each ;i>ntaining some special compound that makes them ".irticularly suitable for a certain type of usage. The bole ... industry exploits the idea that a separate 5:iposable cloth for every chore exists. I actually find at many of them are exceedingly unnecessary. For at ample, I wouldn’t choose to buy any houseplant esf ... since I wash my plants with soft soap foam -■aider a nice cool shower! And they like it! Do you think it is possible to be 75% organic? I don’t think so! The label on a package of this fresh ... says it is 100% organic and invites us to admire its quality. Moreover, it says that it is alive and hydroponic, which is just another way of saying that is grown in water. I don’t immediately understand why that means the ... has to be put into a thick plastic, individual box and exported from Canada. Some people are ready to pay more for organic food thinking they are doing so partly out of concern for the environment, but this is not exactly the case. plastic lawnmower 37 blades к 113 Use your Workbook. Read the texts again. Find and write down the words which mean: things can be called this when they can exist or be used together designed to be thrown away after you have used it once or just a few times extremely made of waste materials to put an amount of something into a container but not for the first time a flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates or food a date printed on something you buy that shows that it may be less safe to eat or less effective after this date 114 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. • Which of the products above do you find the least green? Why? • Do you use any of these products? If so, how often? • Do you ever refuse to use something out of concern for the environment? GRAMMAR FOCUS: REVIEW THE USE OF ARTICLES I 115 Read the rules and find more examples in the texts (Ex. 112). We use a / an with singular countable nouns when we talk about them in general He wants to buy a car. to refer to any one thing of that kind He bought a car. with be and have (got) We do not use a / an with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns. We use some. He bought some petrol for his car. He bought some books. We use the with nouns when we are talking about something specific, for example, when the noun is mentioned for a second time, or the noun is already known He bought a car. The car is very expensive. with nouns which are unique The sun, the moon with the words: morning, afternoon, evening, night, beach, station, sea, cinema, theatre, coast, countryside, world, shop, library, city, weather, etc Have you been in the theatre recently? We do not use the with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns when we talk about them in general Students take a lot of exams. with proper nouns Nikita lives in Novosibirsk. with possessive adjectives or the possessive case That is his new car. with the words: bed, church, school, college, hospital, prison, university, court when we refer to the purpose they exist Children should go to school. Unif 1 Section 5 116 Complete the text with articles as necessary. What is happening to our weather? Although most of us say we love the hot weather, I wonder if we would feel (0) the same if every day was the same with predictable sunshine and heat? Never having lived in (1) ... hot country for more than (2) ... few weeks I am not sure what my (3) ... opinion would be. Maybe I would miss (4) ... rain? There is something about (5) ... freshness that is in (6) ... air after (7) ... summer rainfall. When I was younger I was scared of (8) ... thunder and my mum used to tell me it was only God moving his furniture around! To pass (9) ... time we counted between (10) ... lightning flashes and thunder, (11) ... number we got to was supposed to be (12) ... number of miles away we were from (13) ... storm. It is shame that today we don’t have those heavy snowfalls, these should be part of everyone’s childhood! Sledging down (14) ... nearest slope until your fingers feel as though they will drop off was all part of (15) ... fun! These days with (16) ... first flurries of snow we are given weather warnings and told not to go out unless our journey is “essential”. There is (17) ... outcry if schools are closed, but is (18) ... journey to school “essential” in such weather conditions? A debatable point! I remember having to struggle through deep snow to get to (19) ... school, but as it was only (20) ... short distance from home and the teachers all lived locally, that was no problem. Nowadays it is somewhat different. Our seasons seem to have disappeared — or have they merged into each other? ШП7 Discuss with your partner the following questions. What are the biggest threats to the environment today? Is anything being done about them? 118 Read the text and say what the main purpose of the Kyoto Protocol is. t; The Kyoto Protocol "he Kyoto Protocol is an addition to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change. Countries which ratify this protocol commit to reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases. Industrialised countries have specified reduction targets and can engage in emissions trading or what's being called "Joint implementations". Finally, countries can take part in a third instrument, the "Clean development mechanism". A total of 141 countries have ratified the Kyoto agreement. Notable exceptions include the United States and Australia. The agreement came into force on February 16, 2005, following ratification by Russia. The Kyoto Protocol may seem just a small first step to dealing with climate change, but it is significant. We have to find ways to contribute to socio-economic growth and at the same time lower our emissions of greenhouse gases. But the major changes of our energy systems that are required, are not only to reduce their harmful effects, but also to address the oil shortage, the security of our energy supply, and even world peace. WORD FOCUS: PREPOSITIONS 119 Fill in the prepositions to complete the expressions. Check your answers in the text. Translate the expressions into Russian. Use your Workbook. 1 an addition ... the Convention 2 to engage ... trading 3 the agreement came ... force 4 to deal ... climate change 5 to contribute ... socio-economic growth 6 changes are required ... many reasons 120 Choose the correct preposition in brackets. 1 A new computer-operated heating system was created in addition (with / to) the existing one. 2 Representatives of different countries were engaged (in / to) the discussion of environmental problems. 3 The new school rules will come (into / to) force next year. 4 Governments of all countries must deal (with / about) environmental issues. 5 Everybody should contribute (to / into) the solution of the problem. 6 We can’t solve the problem now (for / because) this simple reason: it requires time and investment. 121 Listen to some teenagers talking about an idea aimed at helping the environment. What is the idea? Ш 122 Listen again and say what each of the speakers thinks about the idea. Take notes. See “How to take notes effectively” in “Learning strategies”. s 124 Share your ideas. Think of some other ways of helping the environment. Whose idea is the most original, the most sensible, the most efficient? J 125 Work in pairs. Discuss this question: What is anti-social behaviour? Give some examples. 126 Look at the pictures and guess what kinds of anti-social behaviour they represent. i(^; 40 123 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Is your situation similar to the speakers’ or is it different? Prepare to discuss the last two points with the whole class. 1 How much rubbish do you produce? 2 Where do you throw it out? 3 Do the shops you go to use too much packaging? 4 Is it possible to recycle where you live? 5 If not, what do you think should be done about this problem? 127 Listen to some people speaking about this kind of behaviour and check your guesses. 128 Listen again and take notes. Complete the table in your Workbook. reasons against using mobiles while driving reasons for using mobiles while driving actions to prevent people from using mobiles while driving 129 Say what your opinion is on the following points. • Do you think that using mobiles while driving should be prohibited? Why? • What would you do to prevent people from using mobiles while driving? Add your ideas to the table. 130 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Remember some of the other examples of anti-social behaviour you talked about in Ex. 126 and 127. What can be done to prevent it? Do you think that heavy fines and other legal measures would stop anti-social behaviour? What can young people do about it? 131 Work in groups of 3-4. Discuss safety issues. Take notes. Think about: • what makes your feel safe • what you can do to make life safer Consider the following aspects: • the environment • food • everyday habits / lifestyles • the people around you • behaviour at home / outdoors / in public places Summarise the results of your discussion and present them to the rest of the group. Mini-project: An ideal teenage citizen 132 Work in groups of 3-4. Draw a picture of an ideal teenage citizen. Consider these characteristics: • which languages he / she speaks • his / her attitude towards globalisation • certain rights and responsibilities • his / her attitude to politics • his / her contribution to school life • his / her lifestyle (for example, how “green” it is) and his / her social behaviour Prepare a presentation of the ideal teenage citizen. \ 41 Um'f 1 Key vocabulary abuse contribute accountable approve of something accent deal with ambitious be spoken accuracy decrease authentic be against concern degrade beneficial be in favour of confidence deteriorate controversial be negative towards something dialect develop effective be positive towards something experience engage in fluent be in the right fluency fall independent be within your rights index grow ineffective come into force jargon increase limited disapprove of something neglect improve native (tongue) equal rights personality lessen responsible for many reasons shyness oppose spoken human rights rise traditional have / take responsibility strengthen widespread identify oneself with support in addition to uphold means of communication wrong First of all,... I doubt that... I am convinced that,... We..., don’t we? I believe it’s stupid of (teenagers) to. I don’t believe... I realise / understand... I feel /1 don’t feel... I’d like to... I’m more interested in... than... I have to say... I don’t see why... Probably it’s because... In my view... Let me start with... I think I need some time for... I’d like to be a... rather than... I first got interested in it when... That’s why I’m so interested in... But I can’t agree with... I have been unsure... I know for sure... I don’t see much difference between... .. ■ L -1* . > 42 •• . i/ “Г - Progress check ^ 1 1 2 3 4 5 a) Listen to a girl speaking about her experience of learning English and put the parts of the course in the order she mentions them. A Case Study В Original Writing C Language Investigation D Language and Society E Stylistic Analysis Points □ /5 b) Listen again and match the statements and the course parts. You can choose some of the parts more than once. It made up most of the course work for the students._______ It was the speaker’s favourite part.______ The students studied all three parts of this subject. It was the longest part of the course. The students were given materials to prepare for this part in advance._____ The students were given plenty of practice in this subject._____ The speaker still recalls something from this subject now.______ The students had to write articles in this subject._______ Points □ /10 2 Read the text and complete the gaps m the sentences with the words from the text. Use no more than three words in each gap. The Irish Travellers are the largest minority in Ireland. There are about 25,000 Irish Travellers in Ireland and 1,300 in Northern Ireland. They are a little understood nomadic community, who have many difficulties to overcome if they are to survive as a culture and gain acceptance into Irish society. Among the challenges facing them are poverty and racism. The Irish Travellers are a distinct ethnic group which has existed for centuries. Often they are mistakenly considered part of the nomadic Romani, an ethnic group which originated in the region of India and is now widespread throughout Europe. But the Irish Travellers are indigenous to Ireland, so the two cultures are not related. While both are nomadic, the Irish Travellers are Roman Catholic and speak a language that is theirs alone. They have their own culture, customs, traditions, and language. They are noted for their musical and storytelling abilities. In times past, they travelled by horse-drawn wagon in caravans, making camp along the way. Tinsmithing, horse trading and peddling were the major sources of income in those days. Tinsmiths were so prevalent among Irish Travellers that the terms Tinker and Irish Traveller were used interchangeably. Today, Tinker is one of many names for Irish Travellers. Horses and wagons have given way to mobile homes pulled by motor vehicles. They continue their life on the road, but there are fewer places to stop and fewer places where they are wel- 43 come. Today, Irish Travellers mainly work in recycling. Changing needs of society and progress have eliminated the jobs that could support a culture on wheels. Irish Travellers are poor, undereducated, and on the receiving end of discrimination. Their life expectancy is lower than average while their infant mortality rate is higher than average. As is the case with the Romani, the Irish Travellers are seen by many as a group of immoral, ignorant criminals and con artists. People distrust their nomadic culture and their language, Shelta. Many think it's a secret language specifically developed as a tool to help the Irish Travellers trick innocent people. But this is not true. It is an old language, which has evolved with time and circumstances. Once heavily infused with Irish Gaelic, it is now infused with English. 1 ... are the two main problems of Irish Travellers. 2 The Irish Travellers are mistakenly taken for the nomadic Romani, another ... widely spread in Europe. 3 Although both groups are nomadic, their cultures .... 4 In the past the Irish Travellers went around by ... in caravans. 5 They were called Tinkers, which is now ... for them. 6 Irish Travellers have mobile homes pulled ... now. 7 Today, the Irish Travellers mainly work .... 8 They have low ... and their infant mortality rate is ... . 9 People distrust their ... and .... 10 People think that the Irish Travellers have ... that helps them trick people. Points /12 3 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line. Origins of writing in China Most linguists believe that writing was (0) invented in INVENT China during the latter half of the 2nd millennium BC. Chinese is written with characters. Each character represents a syllable of (1) ... Chinese and also has a SPEAK meaning. The characters were originally pictures of people, animals or other things but over the centuries they have become (2) ... stylised and no longer look like INCREASE the things they represent. The Chinese writing system is (3) ... . The largest LIMIT Chinese dictionaries include about 56,000 characters, but most of them are archaic, obscure or rare variant forms. Knowledge of about 3,000 characters (4) ... you to read ABLE about 99% of the characters in Chinese newspapers and magazines. To read Chinese literature, technical writings or Classical Chinese, though, you need to be familiar with about 6,000 characters. There are currently two systems for Chinese characters. The (5)... system, still used in Hong Kong and TRADITIO.' Taiwan, comes from standardised character forms dating back to the late Han Dynasty. The Simplified Chinese Character System, (6)... in 1954 to promote mass literacy, (7) ... most complex traditional characters to fewer strokes. 44 4 Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gaps Human On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a (1) ... standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration which states that “Human beings are born with (2) ... rights and fundamental freedoms”. In 2006, Human Rights Day focused on (3) ... poverty as a matter of obligation, not of charity. Poverty is (4) ... by human rights violations. The links between human rights and poverty should be obvious: people whose rights are (5) ... are more likely to be poor. Generally they find it harder Rights Day or impossible to participate in the labour market and have little or no access to (6) ... services and resources. Meanwhile, the poor in many societies cannot enjoy their rights to education, health and housing simply (7) ... they cannot afford them. And poverty affects all human rights: for example, low income can prevent people from accessing education, which in turn inhibits their participation in public life and their ability to influence the policies affecting them. Governments and those in a position of authority must (8) ... responsibility for dealing (9) ... poverty. The realisation of human rights — including the fight against poverty — is a duty, not a mere aspiration. 1 A whole В universal C complete D typical 2 A similar В same C equal D identical 3 A fighting В saving c encouraging D breaking 4 A caused в led c resulted D made 5 A lessened в broken c decreased D neglected 6 A simple в basic c unimportant D extra 7 A so that в but c because D as 8 A make в support c take D contribute 9 A on в about c over D with Points □ /9 5 Give a 2-minute talk on problems of globalisation. Be ready to answer some questions when you finish. Remember: • to explain what “globalisation” is • to mention what spheres of life it influences • to give some examples of globalisation in different spheres • to say how globalisation influences your life • to express you opinion on globalisation and explain it 6 Comment on the following statement. You have 40 minutes to do the task. Studying foreign languages can change your life. What is your opinion? How can learning a foreign language influence one’s life? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • Introduction: State the problem. • Your personal opinion: Give some reasons to explain it. • The other point of view: Give some arguments and explain why you don’t agree with it. • Conclusion. Mark your score For tasks 1-4, you can get a total of 43 points. 43-30 points — well done 29-23 points — good 22-17 points — you can do better 16 points or less — revise and try again Tasks 5 and 6 should be evaluated by you, your classmates and your teacher. 45 The job of your dreams Choosing a profession I Read the joke. What do we call the job the girl mentions? “You never get anything right,” complained the teacher. “What kind of job do you think you’ll get when you leave school?” “Well, how about a weather girl on TV?” -J2 Make a list of 5-6 jobs. In pairs compare your lists and put all the jobs in order from the most to the least popular. Explain your choices. 3 Match these job characteristics with their definitions. 1 1 well-paid a) giving pleasure and joy I 2 stressful b) giving satisfaction and profit ■ 3 challenging c) dull and tiresome 4 enjoyable d) extremely irritating and often overwhelming 5 boring e) difficult and complex 6 rewarding f) stimulating, interesting and thought-provoking 1 7 complicated g) meeting all requirements and conditions i 8 satisfying h) awarding enough money \ • I 4 Work in pairs. Write a description of the most popular job in your list. Then join another pair and read your description. Let the other pair guess the job you have described. Use these points to guide you: place of work duties pay holidays hours of work training benefits health safety promotion experience Example: This person works in an office. He or she has to work with documents and answer telephone calls all day. This is a nine-to-five job and is not very well-paid. The person in this job should have a college or university degree. Even though the job is not well-paid, it is quite satisfying because... 5 Read the statements and guess the meaning of the phrases in bold. Decide whether you agree with the statements. Why or why not? 1 Not many people have unusual ambitions, most of them choose an ordinary but practical job. 2 Many young people prefer to become selfemployed business people, rather than work for a company. 3 It is difficult to make a good career unless your relatives are very supportive. 4 If you are stuck in a dead-end job, you should try to choose a new direction in your career. 5 You must have the guts to go through medical training: some people get squeamish at the sight of blood. 6 It is useful to make a rough estimate of your future income when you apply for a new job. \S1 6 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. Then write your answers down. Use your Workbook. 1 What kind of job would you like to have? 2 What would your friends and family think about your choice? 3 What kind of job would you least like to have? 4 What jobs, if any, do you think should only be done by men / women? 5 What’s more important to you — earning lots of money or having a job you enjoy? Шт Listen to these teenagers talking about how to choose a profession and take notes on their answers. Then compare their answers with yours from Ex. 6. Use your Workbook. me Tim Mary Kate Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 6 8 In groups of 3-4 discuss the questions. • What do you consider a good job for you? Why? • Do you have any unusual ambitions? • What do you expect from your future job? • What do you need to do to get a good job? Dialogue vocabulary II A good job should be... Being (a pilot) seems an interesting job because... I’d like to become a... because... I dream of becoming a... although it’s not an ordinary job. I think my future job will... Good salary is very important / not as important as... I believe that if a person is (persistent and self-confident), he or she will... 47 9 Put the words and expressions in the box. Some of them can reffer to both categories. Use your Workbook. WORD FOCUS: WORD FORMATION Personal qualities Professional qualities or knowledge imaginative, well-educated, professional, well-organised, knowledgeable, able to work to tight deadlines, computer literate, creative, able to work in a team, interpersonal skills, telephone skills, able to make decisions, able to solve problems, able to do research, negotiation skills, initiative, competent, enthusiastic, responsible, competitive, persistent, inspirational, able to cope with stress, able to take risks, motivated, committed Ш 10 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and choose the three most important personal qualities and the three most important professional qualities or skills for each job. Compare your choices giving your reasons. Example: We think that a nurse should be very responsible because... Besides, it is important for her to be able to solve problems as... 11 Fill in the table with the correct form of the words. Use your Workbook. noun adjective verb imaginative professional — creative competent — enthusiastic responsible — competitive persistent inspirational 12 Make a list of people you know that you associate with the qualities from Ex. 11. In pairs ask each other questions about why your partner has chosen those people. Example: A: Why have you written “Lisa” here? B: She is the most responsible person I know. She always keeps her promises and... Mini-project: Important qualities for a successful career 13 Work in groups and follow the steps. Report the results of your discussion to the rest of the class. • Decide which qualities are more important for a successful career: are they more professional or more personal? Explain your opinion. • Make a list of 8-10 qualities a person should have to achieve professional success. • Do you think the qualities depend on the nature of the profession? Why? k‘ 14 Label the table with the words below and comment on what the table tells you. Male Hairdressers Engineers Female IT specialists Nurses JOBS __ CTNDER Male Female 10 90 9 91 85 15 78 22 Dialogue vocabulary The table shows... Statistics tells us... The figures reveal... The majority of (engineers) are... (male / female). It looks like (90%) of... are (male / female). Not many (women / men) are..., whereas... Ei5 Work in groups of 3-4 and discuss the following questions. Make notes of your discussion. Are there jobs that are better for just men or just women? What do you think are some male and female jobs? Explain your opinion. Use: have different talents, be honest, get on well with people, be aware of one’s own emotions, feel empathy, work well with others, deal with stress well, be self-confident and optimistic, be more / less ambitious... _ . W-‘ 16 Write a “For and Against” essay. You have 40 minutes to do this task. Comment on the following statement. Roles as men and women start when we are born and there will always be male and female jobs in any society. What can you say “for” and “against” this issue? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: Introduction (state the problem). Arguments “for”. Arguments “against”. Conclusion. Use: be equal, understand better, be good at doing something, a prestigious job, be aggressive / passive, be dominant / subordinate, be emotional / rational, have stereotypes in mind, continue from the past... WORD FOCUS: JOB AND PROFESSION 17 Read the dictionary entries and answer the questions. What types of jobs do you know? What verbs can be used with jobs / profession? What words can be used to speak about: a) looking for a job c) not having a job b) applying for a job d) having a job job — work that you do regularly to earn money Words often used with job: apply for a job, get a job, find a job, offer someone a job, take a job, do a job, be in a job, be out of job, leave your job, lose your job, job interview, temporary / permanent job, part-time / full-time job, top job profession — a job that you need special skills and qualifications to do Words often used with profession: the teaching / engineering profession, in a profession, go into / enter / join a profession When we ask people about their job, we usually say “What do you do?”, or “What’s your job?” The answer would usually be “I am a...” or “I work as a...”, and not “My job is...” 49 4 18 Read the conversations and choose the correct option. Then listen to the recording and check your answers. i f 1 — I’ve applied / asked for several jobs already. — Have you got any? — Oh, yes. I’m at / in advertising now! 2 — You know, I left /found my job after an argument with the boss! — How long have you been without / out of your job? — For a month already. But I’m going to a job interview / job talk this morning! — Good luck! 3 — I’ve given / taken a job at a hotel in the city centre. — Congratulations! Is it a full day / full-time job? — No, it isn’t. It’s part-time / part-day. 4 — Have you heard the news? Helen is holding one of the first jobs / top jobs in the company now! — It’s not surprising. She’s very experienced: she’s been making / doing the job for years. PRONUNCIATION FOCUS: PRACTISING INTONATION IN A SHORT CONVERSATION 19 Listen to the recording again and practice the conversations in pairs imitating the intonation. 20 Read the definition and think what jobs a freelance can do. Give some examples. Share your opinion with your classmates. 2 I Read the text and answer the questions. • What does Sophia do for a living? • Does she like her job? Why? • Do you think she has made a success in it? Why? Look through the lens to a bigger and brighter future 6 December 2001 Behind small-rimmed spectacles and locks of unruly curly hair, Sophia Evans, a 33-year-old freelance photographer talked passionately about photography and modestly about her successes. From her London base, Evans travels around the world to capture images for newspapers, magazines and advertising agencies. At home she works as a freelance photographer for The Observer and The Sunday Telegraph. During her university days, a boyfriend gave her a camera; she snapped away and slowly became hooked on taking pictures. About to complete a degree in Latin American studies, Evans talked with a friend about life after university. Photojournalism came up. “It was like a light went on. It had never occurred to me but when she said it, I realised yes that is what I want to do,” said Evans, smiling at her naivety. Evans and her friend set off for Latin America to become journalists. A night in jail in San Salvador, while it did not impress resident hardbitten foreign journalists and photographers, provided a fast-track into that world for her. She travelled around Mexico, Haiti and Texas documenting people’s lives before returning to set up home in London. Freelance is a self-employed person who does work for different organisations. 50 t 1 “When I was young, travel and adventure -icracted me to photography; I was interested in he revolutions in Central America. But nowadays ' IS about getting a good photograph. It is about :ae language of photography, and really about in'ing to say something with photographs,” she idmitted. Hard work, persistence and support from her cusband, a Mexican photographer, have been key : Э Evans’ drive and success. “I have been working as a professional pho-rographer for six or seven years now. Before that I « as studying photography and doing waitressing :d support myself I have dedicated about 10 years : r my life to either trying to be a photographer :‘r to being a photographer,” she said. She sincerely believes dreams must be pur-jed with true commitment and energy, no mat-:er if you make it a success or not. “Someone cannot teach you how to do photography They can teach you how to use a -ainera and what the technical side of things are cut the actual taking of the photograph comes [rom the mind, it is not something you can learn. You have to practise and practise and practise _nd learn through your mistakes.” Earlier this year, Evans was one of 12 photographers from around the world to be selected by he World Press to attend the popular Photography Master class and last year, she spent almost hree months living with and documenting people’s lives on the Miskito coast, an isolated jungle region in northeast Nicaragua. She advocates that forming relationships with ■ubjects has an important place in the job. “If it is a celebrity — and you don’t have much time — all you do is chit-chat, and talk Ш try and make them feel comfortable. But if you are somewhere for weeks or days, then you just involve yourself with the people. If they go dancing, you go dancing, if they have a drink you have a drink, you just do what they do.” “My favourite part of the job is meeting people and then having the pleasure of being led into their lives and photographing it — that is a journey in itself.” Glossary small-rimmed spectacles — очки в небольшой оправе unruly curly hair — непослушные вьюш,иеся волосы snap — (informal) take photographs naivety [nai'i:voti] — наивность hard-bitten — закаленный drive — (here) the energy and determination that makes you try hard to achieve something pursue — try to achieve chit-chat — friendly conversation about the things that are not very important 22 Read the text again and put the events in chronological order. a) She gets her degree in Latin American studies. b) Sophia works as a photographer for The Observer and The Sunday Telegraph. c) A boyfriend gives Sophia a camera. d) Evans travels around Mexico, Haiti and Texas. e) She realises that she wants to be a professional photojournalist. f) She is put in jail in San Salvador. g) Sophia gets interested in photography. h) Evans goes to Latin America to become a journalist. 23 Find in the text the words and expressions corresponding to the definitions. enthusiasm and determination to work hard provide money, food, clothes, etc, that one needs in order to live find something so interesting that you want to do it as much as possible admit your mistakes and draw the right conclusions from them start a journey in a particular direction finish a course of study at university and get a qualification 51 24 Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 23. 1 We ate breakfast, collected our bags and.......school. 2 What are you going to do to.....? 3 If you................ you are not likely to make them again. 4 Many city dwellers.........country living these days. 5 It takes up to six years to......in Medicine. 6 The .... energy, drive and innovation of staff are essential to our success. 25 Find in the text the qualities that describe Sophia and her husband and write them down. How do you think these qualities help her cope with her joh? Л26 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions and report back to the class. What is Sophia’s recipe for success? Do you agree with her? Do you know any other recipes for success? What are they? Dialogue vocabulary I think her idea is that... I think she is right because... I don’t think she’s got the right recipe because... WORD FOCUS: VOCABULARY CLOZE 27 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct options. See “How to deal with multiple choice test questions” in “Learning strategies”. Some people are fortunate enough to discover that they have a special interest when they are very young giving them a direction when they go to choose a (1) ... . Jessica showed an interest in clothes and in sewing from a very early (2) ... which resulted in her winning awards in school fashion shows (3) ... a teenager. She is well on her way X^O'na'cd a (4) ... career in costume design. Others have a more difficult time finding their way. Even people who believe they know their areas (5) ... interest are often misled by their emotions or the glamour of a certain job. So (6) ... young people “want to write”, but analysis shows they are intrigued by what they think the life of a writer is (7) .... not realising that it is a hard craft. Fortunately, there is help available to determine your areas of interest in the form of (3) ... tests in which you answer “either/or” questions, if you are asked if you would prefer to sell clothes in a store, or be in (9) ... of an auto parts department, your immediate reaction may be “neither”. However, a slight preference toward one of those, as well as your choices in other questions, (10) .. reveal some interests you have that may not have been so apparent before. 1 A job В career C trade D occupation 2 A time В stage C year D age 3 A as В when c while D then 4 A fortunate в difficult c different D wonderful 5 A in в about c of D at 6 A many в all c much D every 7 A about в resemble c like D kind 8 A pedagogical в psychological c psychiatric D physical 9 A charge в deal c response D sight 10 A have to в is able c can D could i 52 S28 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Sum up what you think influences our choice of profession. 1 Have you ever done any psychological vocational tests? What did they reveal? Would you like to go into the same career as your parents? Why or why not? How have your parents’ jobs influenced your career choice? In what way? Do you often discuss your future career with your friends? Would you like to choose the same professions as any of your friends? Why? Whose opinion is important to you in choosing a career? Why? Section 2 What happens after school? ШССИЯ 30 Think about your education after school. What kind of educational institution would you prefer to attend? Why? J31 Listen to the people speaking about higher education and match the speakers with the statements. Whose opinion do you share? 1 Higher education should become cheaper.______________ 2 You should save money so you can pay for higher education later. 3 The internet provides an alternative to universities.__________ 4 Education should be free for everybody.______________ 5 Higher education shouldn’t be free for all.__________ 6 Educated people are more useful to the country in general. WORD FOCUS: UNIVERSITY WORDS 32 Match the words with their definitions 1 alumnus {pi. alumni) (AmE) a) a study course for people who want to get a new qualification that’s different from their previous one 2 graduate (AmE) b) a former student of a specific school, college or university 3 postgraduate c) someone who has completed his / her undergraduate studies and was awarded such a degree by a college or university 4 undergraduate d) a student in a university or college who has not received a first degree (esp. a bachelor’s) 5 Bachelor / Bachelor’s e) someone who has finished their studies at the high school, college, or university level or someone who has a degree from a university 6 Master / Master’s f) someone who has completed at least one year of graduate study and was awarded such a degree by a graduate school or department 7 retraining course g) a student who continues his / her studies after graduation 8 refresher course h) to study some subject as an academic specialty (AmE) 9 major (in) (AmE) i) a study course which serves as a review of previous education 54 33 Fill in the gaps in these sentences with the words from Ex. 32. 1 My qualification turned out to be so unpopular that I had to do a ... course in order to become a web designer. 2 Josh is in his first year at university. He’s only an ... student. 3 She’s always been academically minded. She decided to do a ... course and become a ... of Science. 4 Vicky’s about to ... from university. She’s going to get her first university degree: a ... of Arts. 5 Every five years doctors and teachers have to do a ... course to keep up with new developments in their areas. 6 Do you know any St Petersburg State University ... who have become really famous? 7 He’s interested in environmental protection, that’s why he has chosen to ... in ecology. 34 Read the web page and answer the questions. 1 What have you learnt about Russian educational tradition? 2 How did Novgorod University get its name? 3 Would you like to study at this university? Why? / Why not? 4 What should you know about a university to be able to make the right choice? .... ОфиииальнАЯ инфоояацкл Учебный npouecc Hayia Международная деятельность Разное объявления Понос ErgKsh It is not a coincidence that Novgorod University has Prince Yaroslav's name. In the year of 1030, Yarosiav the Wise came to Novgorod the Great to teach reading and writing to the chiidren of reiigious and senior officiais. It is a weil-known fact that education was of vitai importance in the Novgorod system of spirituai values in the 11th century. Indeed, the existence of schoois in medievai Novgorod can be traced in birch bark ietters and chronicies. As time passed, not oniy were schools established but also theological seminaries, gymnasiums, and libraries. That is why Academician Yanin, the famous investigator of ancient Novgorod called it "the cradle of Russian education". Thus, the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University became the successor to what was considered one of the oldest educational traditions in Russia. On the eve of the university's first anniversary. Prince Yaroslav the Wise's personal seal was discovered during some archaeological excavations. Academician Yanin considered it a remarkable coincidence and suggested awarding the university the name of the Russian prince. Glossary spiritual values — духовные ценности medieval — средневековый birch bark letters — берестяные грамоты theological seminaries — духовные семинарии personal seal — личная печать coincidence — совпадение 55 li- 35 Do research on the internet about a university of your choice See “Tips for doing internet research” in “Learning strategies”. Find out: the university’s name and location the courses that are taught there the degrees you can get its structure: departments, faculties, etc the facilities available: laboratories, research centres, libraries, computer centres, etc the university’s history the number of students, professors, tutors the projects the university is part of the quality of the education, the university rating in Russia or worldwide any famous alumni 136 Use the information you got in Ex. 35 and write a description complete with illustrations. Put your description on display for your classmates to get acquainted with. 37 Discuss the following questions in pairs. 1 Would you like to study in any of these universities? Why? / Why not? 2 Is the rating of a university important to you? Why? / Why not? 3 Is the history of a university important to you? Why? / Why not? 38 One of the projects in Saratov State University is called “The Global Classroom”. What do you think this project is about? Make some guesses. 39 Listen to a student who is involved in the project and check your guesses. 40 Listen to the recording again and choose the best option. The speaker... a) is a student at East Carolina University. b) is the project participant. c) is the project organiser. The working language of the project is... a) Russian, b) French, c) English. The project is broadcast via... a) the internet, b) radio, c) television. The main aim of the project is to... a) enable students to discuss important topics. b) develop students’ computer skills. c) teach students new subjects. The participants major in... a) Informational Technology, Cultural Studies and Economics. b) Marketing, Psychology and Business Studies. c) Communications, International Studies and Education. Most students work... a) in groups, b) in pairs, c) in threes. Student partners... a) see each other regularly. b) send each other lots of e-mails. c) work on their tasks together. 1 1 56 42 Read the joke and translate the words in hold. Which degree would you like to get? Why? The graduate with a science degree asks, “Why does it work?” The graduate with an engineering degree asks, “How does it work?” The graduate with an accounting degree asks, “How much will it cost?” The graduate with a philosophy degree asks, “Do you want problems with that?” 43 Put ticks in the table to indicate correct expressions. Use your Workbook. Mini-project: An educational initiative 41 You are going to design a project concerning the cooperation between secondary schools and universities worldwide. Work in groups and follow these steps. a) Discuss these questions. • What is the main goal of the project? • What skills will it develop or what subjects will it concern? • What will the working language of the project be? • Who will be involved (e.g. teachers and students)? • How will the participants communicate? • What kind of assignments will they be given? • What will the output of the project be? b) Write down your ideas and present your project proposal to your local / nearest university or college. school college university go to attend study at - enter get into / in leave get an education at graduate from 44 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the sentence parts that follow. cunning — clever and skillful explode — destroy excel — be superior to in quality, degree or performance Oxbridge is something I feel very strongly about. For those who don’t know what Oxbridge is, (1) ... . Cunning really, and sounds better than Camford. I’m going to start here by exploding a few myths — the first of which is that these universities are the best in the country. They aren’t. It all depends on one, which subject you take, and two, (2) .... If you want to do medicine, for example, you’d be much better off at Edinburgh: the Cambridge course is incredibly academic and focused on training research doctors rather than practising ones. And the same is true of other subjects. On the other hand, there are some subjects at which Oxbridge excels: Oxford for English, for example, (3) .... So the first message is: don’t get caught up in the idea that these universities are superior to every other university academically, (4) ... . So. If you’ve decided it is for you, what next? Well, you have to decide on your college — and this is not an easy business, for there are 26 of them and (5) ... . Everyone has to decide on the character, subject strength and location they are interested in, and these things should not be taken lightly. Each college is very different and it is vital to pick one where you feel comfortable. And if you don’t get in, don’t despair. I know how terrible it is to be turned down: (6) ... . I know it’s easy to say that you shouldn’t be upset if you don’t get in. But you really shouldn’t take it personally. Both universities are very special places that do not suit everyone. I know people who went to each of them and hated it to the point where they actually left after just one term. These universities really don’t suit everyone, and although it may be hard to see, they may be doing you a favour by not accepting you. Far too many people get carried away with the mythology and prestige of these universities, by parental and school pressure and (7) ... . You have to decide if these places would really suit you, not if you would suit them. a) and Cambridge for history b) your choice will have a large impact on your time there c) it happened to me the first time round d) because it’s simply not true e) by the need to see if they can cut it f) it’s Oxford and Cambridge University g) what you are looking for in a university 45 Read the joke and answer the questions. 1 What do ‘94’ and ‘58’ stand for? 2 What were the two men proud of? 3 Was the cab driver proud of the same thing? Why do you think so? 4 What does the title of the joke mean? World famous universities Two young men who had just graduated from Harvard got into a taxi in downtown Boston. They were all excited about the graduation and were talking non-stop about their futures as the cab took off After listening to them for a couple of minutes, the cab driver asked, “You boys Harvard graduates?” “Yes, Sir! Class of ‘94’!” they answerec proudly. The cab driver extended his hand back t: shake their hands, saying, “Class of ‘58’.” 58 46 Read the students’ opinions on where to get an education and add your own ideas to the list. It seems that attending an expensive university has become similar to owning a designer bag. I think a good education and professional skills can be got in any university. relieve that a degree from a •■'■estigious university guarantees nigh salary in future. Graduates of top universities have more job opportunities and are more likely to have successful careers. It’s true that a university which is not very famous is easier to enter but I think the quality of the education is the same. _47 Work in pairs. What do you think of the young people’s opinions in Ex. 46? Do you agree or disagree? Discuss various ideas and opinions. 49 Look at the pictures and guess what all these people have in common. Say what you know about them. s 48 Work in groups. Make a list of the most prestigious universities in your region. Would you like to enter one of them? Why? Discuss your opinions. Dialogue vocabulary I think... I feel that... As far as I’m concerned... Why do you think that...? \Vhat makes you feel that...? I think... because... That’s why I feel that... .. .and so 1 think that... That’s what I feel too... Exactly. 50 Answer the questions. 1 What professions can you master in vocational colleges? 2 What is the main difference between vocational colleges and universities? 51 Read the text and check your guesses. Contrary to popular belief, vocational colleges aren't just for students who couldn't get into university. Students attend vocational colleges for a number of reasons, including getting some practical skills or experience before going to university. For many people it is a good two-year long alternative to longer higher education programmes. Whereas in universities the education concentrates more on theory and abstract knowledge, in vocational colleges the education usually prepares learners for careers that are traditionally non-academic. In other words, it is directly related to a specific occupation or vocation, and students develop expertise in a particular technique or learn some practical skills. Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more on specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed. Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics. In fact, a lot of famous people studied in colleges before they rose to the tops of their fields. Can you name any of these people? Do you know their story? 52 Do research on the internet of a successful person who didn’t go straight to a university after school. Present the results of your research to the rest of the class. WORD FOCUS: VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TERMS 53 Read the extracts from the radio programme about vocational colleges. Then match the answers and the questions. Translate the words in bold into Russian. 1 Who can enrol in a vocational college? a) Oh, that’s not so easy. We have so many different students from school-leavers to professionals with graduate degrees. 2 Are there entrance exams? b) Many feel they might become more employable if they get additional qualifications. 3 Describe a typical student of the college. c) Actually, we’ve got an “open admission” policy which means we don’t have exams, only an interview before the start of the course. 4 Why do university graduates come to the college? d) Anyone who’s got a secondary school certificate. 60 54 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. 1 To enroll at university or vocational college, would you rather have an interview or an entrance exam? 2 How does an interview differ from an entrance exam? 3 Why do people get nervous before entrance exams? 4 What educational institutions have an “open admission” policy in Russia? 5 What graduate degrees do you know? Describe them. 6 Why do additional qualifications make a person more employable? 7 Who are some of the university graduates you know? What kind of professional careers have they made? 9 55 Listen to the recording and complete the column about the USA. Use your Workbook. J56 Work in pairs and complete the column about Russia in Ex. 55. The USA Russia \Vhere can you get a vocational education? .\re there any entrance exams? \Vhat are the minimum entrance requirements? \Vho studies there? How long is the course? ^Vhat qualifications are given at the end of the course? \Vhat types of programmes are there? —157 Compare the systems of vocational education in Russia to the ones in the USA. Discuss the systems in groups. Dialogue vocabulary There are... whereas / while... there are... ...is not as... as ...are as... as .. .is much more serious / shorter than... .. .is less important than... There are fewer / not as many arguments for.. than against... You can t compare... to... because... To sum up... 58 Write a paragraph that describes your opinion of the Russian system of vocational education. 59 Work in pairs and write down the advantages of studying at a vocational college or university. Use the ideas you discussed in Sections 1 and 2 of this unit. Use your Workbook. University Vocational college • gives more prestigious qualifications • provides better job opportunities • secures hiring preference for university graduates • is easier to enter • has shorter courses • ... Work in groups of 3-4. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of studying at a vocational college or university. Use the ideas from the list in Ex. 59 and make notes of your discussion. 61 Mini-project: A debate 61 Work in two groups and follow these steps: • Here is the motion for the debate: “You can never make a successful career unless you graduate from a prestigious university”. 1 4 For the chairperson: For the speakers: Dear guests / Ladies and gentlemen, could I have On behalf of our group. I’m going to... your attention, please? I’m sure you’ll agree that... Let me open / close the discussion. Today we re The fact / truth is... going to... We need to think about... Now, I’ll give the floor to... Yes, but do you really think that...? May I ask you to keep to the time limit of... Yes, but look at this from another perspective... Unfortunately, your time is up. I agree, but on the other hand,... Does the audience have any questions? I invite the audience to vote. 62 GRAMMAR FOCUS: FUTURE PERFECT (ACTIVE) / FUTURE PERFECT (PASSIVE) 62 Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 By June, 27 all the school-leaving exams will have heen taken. 2 By June, 10 the two most difficult exams will have heen taken. 3 On June, 10 the 11th graders will he getting ready for the rest of the school-leaving exams. 4 On June, 27 the 11th graders will he having a school-leaving party. 63 Read the explanations and their examples. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using future simple or future perfect. We use future perfect passive to describe an action that will be finished before a certain moment in the future. will + have + heen + V3 (Past participle) The future perfect passive is not used very often because it is seldom required by the situation. But when it is used, it is usually followed by the word by. Example: The book will have been read by that time. 1 This assignment ... (write) by the 1st of November. 2 Don’t worry! Everything ... (do) on time. 3 The test ... (check) by tomorrow. 4 I am sure I ... (offer) a new job by September. 5 He ... (give) a chance to re-sit the exam by the end of the school year. 6 We ... (give) our school certificates by then. ■ VC. 1 к « . 1 - i ■■ f- ' i i ■ -. 64 Read the school development plan and write sentences to describe it. 4 w 2013 ^ 2015 / ® by 201s / . projects r ^ pool / build ^ 65 In groups of 3-4 discuss the changes you expect hy the end of this century. Choose a secretary and then together develop a short paragraph describing these changes. Compare your paragraphs with another groups’. You can use the following verbs: develop investigate complete discover construct create invent reconstruct build launch learn erect Example: New ways of transportation will have been discovered. People will be able to travel to remote parts of the world in a very short time by. 63 Section 3 ^Final assessment 66 Read the exam questions. Match the questions with the students’ answers. Do you think these are real life answers? Why or why not? 1 What causes the tides in the oceans? a) Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. 2 Name the four seasons. b) Keep it in the cow. 3 How can you delay milk turning sour? c) There is a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. 1 forget where the Sun joins in this fight. 4 Who discovered radioactive elements? d) Filrtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand and dead sheep. 5 Name one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink. e) Madman Curie discovered radium. 67 Put the sentences in the correct order to reconstruct the story about a strict professor. l_b_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ _ _ a) He insisted that anyone who kept writing on their exam after the bell would take a zero on the exam. b) An economics professor at school had a strict policy that the hourly examinations were to be completed at the bell. c) The guy looked at him and said, “Professor, do you know who 1 am? d) The guy, with an enraged look on his face, shouted, “You mean you have no idea who 1 am?” e) The professor replied, “No, and 1 don’t care if your dad is the president of the United States... you get a zero on this exam!” f) The professor responded, “No, I’ve no idea who you think you are.” g) Well, one guy kept writing on his exam for a while after the bell and then confidently strode up to turn it in. h) The professor looked at him and said, “Don’t bother to hand that paper in... you get a zero for continuing after the bell.” i) And with that, the guy said “Good!” and plunged his exam into the middle of the stack with the other students’ exams, and made a hasty retreat from the examination room! 64 - so scared. I’m not лл§ to pass it! I had my exams all last week, and it was so stressful. GRAMMAR FOCUS: REPORTED SPEECH REVISION I think it’s good to have exams. Sometimes it’s a nice surprise to see that I’ve done better than I expected. 68 Read what these young people have said about their exams and fill in the gaps in the conversation. See “Grammar reference” (page 185) if necessary. Jenny: Have you talked with any classmates about the exams? What have they said? Mike: Yes, I have. They’ve all said different things. Maria said... Jenny: That’s funny! You know, she’s so clever! And what about George? Mike: Oh, he told... Jenny: I’d have expected something like that. What did Denis say? Mike: Denis said... Jenny: Poor thing, he must be so tired! And Nelly? Mike: Yes, she said... Jenny: Oh, Nelly is Nelly! What about Anna? Mike: Anna told... Jenny: And what did Chris say? Mike: Chris said... Jenny: Oh! He’s right as usual! Now let’s get down to studying! 70 Work in pairs. Exchange your ideas and i report them to the rest of the class. Then i listen to the real end of the story. GRAMMAR FOCUS: CLAUSES OF CONSEQUENCE 71 Read the explanations and translate the examples. We use so / such (that) to talk about the result of something. such + adjective + noun + that Example: They were such good friends that they never quarrelled. so + adjective / adverb + that Example: The teacher spoke so quickly that I didn’t understand a word she said. Clauses of consequence follow the sequence of tenses’ rule. (See “Grammar reference”) 65 72 Join the sentences. 1 She was very busy last week. She missed our meeting. Example: She was so busy last week that she missed our meeting. 2 Peter was very late. We decided to start our conference without him. 3 He was embarrassed. He could hardly understand the explanations. 4 They were making noise. They were turned out. 5 His speech was brilliant. I felt extremely proud of him. 6 She gave us a very good example. We understood the rule at once. 73 Fill in the gaps with so or such. 1 I was ... tired that I couldn’t go to the stadium. 2 She spoke in ... a loud voice that we heard everything from the last table. 3 You talk ... nonsense, I refuse to listen to you. 4 These are ... trifles that you shouldn’t feel unhappy. 5 Their story was ... frightening that we couldn’t sleep. 6 She talked to him in ... a tone that he became extremely angry. 7 He drew ... a wonderful picture that everybody congratulated him on his success. 8 The trip appeared to be ... expensive that we decided we couldn’t afford it. 74 Think of a test or exam you’ve taken some time ago and describe it. Use the words from the list. Write 4-5 sentences. Use: difficult, tired, happy, important, nervous, helpful, friendly, clear Example: I was so nervous that I couldn’t read the question. 75 Do the quiz and find out what kind of student you are. 66 c you never wasxe pun everything thoroughly ^ , ^&bv:ousbe«use,ou.nowvou'-o. Л where to relax В what you’ve exam’s structure C what was wrong Try to concentrate and manage your time: you can easily do everything but decide on your priority and stop finding more interesting things to do. To cope with the problem try to follow these tips: • Define and fix the time for your activities (lessons, homework, your way to school and back, meals, sleep) and your rest. • Make sure you have rest time every day. • Try to break your timetable into periods not longer than half an hour. It will help you to concentrate on your activity. • At the end of each period write down the results of your learning or revising activity (make notes, select some key words, etc). • After each 30 minute period of work, give yourself a short rest. It will provide some relaxation and good mood for a day ahead. • As soon as you feel some success in coping with your time in this way, make your serious activity periods longer. • When you realise that this approach to your time management is productive, look through your timetable again, define the most challenging topic and break it into shorter parts. • Analyse the results of your work during a day and think of the place where you study better: at home (in your room, in the kitchen, in your garden, etc) or out (at school library, at your friends’, etc). • Think of your personal manner of learning things (reading to yourself, reading aloud, making notes / keywords, representing the information visually, repeating the information aloud, listening to your friend who reads the text, etc). Choose the manner which is most convenient for you and learn things in this way when possible. self-confidence - sense sure of their power and success «pectations-prospects of good or bad fortune perfectionist — a person who IS not satisfied with anything that IS not completely perfect narsii — severe and strict credit — praise, trust in oneself main . C, student be main aim is tn ^ doesn’t mean ^^У ^°nfus[th ■ would tell your fr- TourseJffn^ and • rrpto rtf'tips: • ИЗД your „oST^f" >'<>“ believe ,b ■ doing your? Break a 1?°“'' VPut future successful in th ■ ‘^^ussmates R ^”d avoid r ^pecifie ас„:^,?™«Ьег ,ba, ь ДГГГ- «'b 67 Н«“оГа”ы'’®“Р think „ . • “'■Г -POP task or threafo • nours the Ло , ■ ^ tt do if” s oe a Ж Perfectionist student Have you noticed that you can be a perfectionist? It happens rather often, but sometimes you experience a real trouble with managing your time. Your perfectionist expectations push you to do a lot of unnecessary work. You often feel stressed out because of trying to do things “perfectly”. Here are the tips for you; • Remember that you study for yourself, and you should be healthy to realise your plans in future. Be less harsh on yourself! • Try to make difference between the things you should and you must do. It will give you a chance to avoid stressful situations and to make your high expectations more realistic. . Discuss your expectations with your parents and friends. They know you well and their opinion might be useful for you. • Don’t be afraid to make some mistakes. All people make mistakes from time to time. No use being too critical to yourself. Give yourself credit. • Planning your day try to break your timetable into shorter periods: not longer than half an hour for a certain activity. Then relax for some tiine. • Watch how your classmates work. Being aware of various personal styles of learning will make you more tolerant to yourself. . Do remember that nothing is absolutely perfect! In any of your activities you should see a possibility of doing things better. That will give you a perspective for the future and contribute to your creative thinking. 77 Work in pairs and discuss the tips in Ex 7fi j . Why or why not? ^ find them useful? M ini-project: A new examination system 3 78 Work in groups of 3-4. You have two choices- Fith л • a new exam system for Russia or describe how to ^ and introduce Discuss the following aspects of the -■ 1Ге|“ьШ,у “ «“-У • its fairness • find it to assess • ho„ it .ppro”i.,t,::“st7s4tnt Present ^ »-) 68 Section 4 Are there any alternatives to modern technology? 79 Read the text and say what the danger is. niver sities and co«ee« today are in dang®*'- T -5 tradidona' edu-^nwers't'""' easit'Q atiOHO' \ar\W , as tbe e-\earf'■^''^ and onVne which \S >'“■ the vJnW-- ■ tnc •- sho'wn ino'- .....phoeni^. „gsearch arnrne coWeges „ae enroll ..Л wo .heir P™9'-="’";'h both isiveW e oroQ"' ^ tn<= hav/c a\so to be fsi “Too«e9e=="^'’‘" tradibof^®' schoois- t -rTr It |,f|^ 80 Answer the questions. 1 What is e-learning? 2 What subjects do you think can be learned online? 3 Do you think that e-learning can compete with traditional universities and colleges? 81 Read the website description and answer the questions. 1 Why do you think the site has this name? 2 Is it a popular site? How do you know? 3 Who is this site for: students, teachers, researchers? 4 How do you think this site can be used? 5 Would you like to use this site? Why? / Why not? Second Life is a virtuai worid based on the internet. There are more than 6 miiiion peopie who have aiready signed up to it. In this cyberspace you can become a new person by choosing your appearance, age, gender and coiour. Just type in your character's password and meet with others who have the same academic interests. You can use this cyberspace for iearning, teaching and doing research. 82 Read some people’s opinions on the site and There is one extra statement. Andy: There are some university professors and lecturers today who are interested in Second Life but I don’t think they all are planning to partake in it. Not yet, at least. It could be the right thing for those who are disabled, have problems with communicating or are not confident enough in a real life classroom. Gilly: We do hope that Second Life will become a place where every student feels comfortable about taking part in academic discussions. As you will be able to choose your appearance there won’t match them with the statements. be the typical discrimination found in normal communication. And the teacher and the student will be on the same level. Tony: It’s a great idea but you should be aware that Second Life uses a really advanced technology. You won’t be able to use it effectively unless you have a top-range computer. Even university computer laboratories may not be up to it. Rosanna: The character you design for yourself helps you feel more confident and involved. You can actually create the person you have always 69 dreamt of being. For example, I made myself look fitter and younger. Hamish: My concern is that students may be taken in by the fake personalities of their tutors who they may expect to be of their own peer group. This could be like bumping into an aged uncle in a disco. 1 Some universities won’t be able to use it because they have old computers. 2 This site makes teachers and students feel equal. 3 Some students might find it strange to find their professors in this particular cyberspace. 4 Some universities will run their own cyberworlds and not need this site. 5 Some universities may not be interested in using this site yet. 6 This site makes shy students feel more confident. ^83 In pairs discuss the following questions. 1 What types of students does e-learning suit most of all? Why? 2 How does traditional learning differ from e-learning? Make notes of your ideas and report them to the class. Dialogue vocabulary I am sure that... I believe that... These are different approaches because... These systems look similar because... Traditional learning is... while e-learning.. WORD FOCUS: E-LEARNING AND DISTANCE LEARNING 84 Complete the table. Use the words from the list and add some of your own. Use your Workbook. e-learning distance learning traditional learning blogs CD-ROM classroom computer-aided assessment e-mails television electronic voting systems regular mail software television courses web-based teaching materials tape recorder exchange of printed or electronic media face-to-face teaching group work interactive exercises mobile technologies MP3 recordings multimedia online learning radio broadcasts laptop 85 Listen to a distance learning student and answer the questions. 1 What kind of course is he doing? 2 What is the main aim of the course? 3 What kind of tasks does he have to do? 4 What kind of assignments are there? 5 What materials are needed for the course? 6 Does he have a tutor on this course? 7 Is the course easy or difficult? Why do you think so? 70 86 Listen to the recording again and complete the notes. The course I’m doing is aimed at those who the office or at school, and the question is if the are interested in the process of learning and ........in the learning process. The assignments the.....has had on it. One of the first exercises are wordy, lengthy and difficult. I often wake up is to look through a virtual suitcase in an attic at five in the morning with new ideas about my belonging to someone you don’t know, then pick way of thinking! five items that tell you something about this ... It’s.......course that was just launched this ........and say why you chose them. Easy, you year. Materials include.and... including “First say! Well, no. It’s actually quite difficult, because Class”, the university’s own conferencing software. you have to then do a lot of......to complete You are allocated a tutor and a tutor group. There the task! is..., rather you are assessed on your portfolio. Further on in the course, you watch a video This course is really what you make it. There are about......and what they are learning. Another ..................... which can be extremely frustrating, video is about where you learn, be it at home, in but challenging and rewarding as well. GRAMMAR FOCUS: PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE / PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS / PAST SIMPLE (REVISION) 87 Read the text and change the verbs on the right to make sentences on the left. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. See the “Grammar reference” (page 186) if necessary. Modern distance education (1) ... around at least since Isaac Pitman taught shorthand in Great Britain via correspondence in the 1840s. Since the development of the postal service in the 19th century, commercial correspondence colleges (2) ... distance education to students across the country. Computers and the internet (3) ... not only distance learning easier, but also many other day-to-day tasks. One of the oldest distance education universities is the University of South Africa, which (4) ... correspondence education courses since 1946. The largest distance education university in the United Kingdom is the Open University (5) ... in 1969. There are now many similar institutions around the world, often with the name “Open University” in English or in the local language. Distance education programs are sometimes called correspondence courses, an older term that (6) ... in nineteenth-century vocational education programs that (7)... through the post. This term (8)... by distance education, and has expanded to encompass more sophisticated technologies and delivery methods. The first subject taught by correspondence (9) ... the Pitman Shorthand, a tool of stenography. Primary and secondary education programmes (10) ... also widely available by correspondence, usually meant for children living in remote areas. BE PROVIDE MAKE OFFER FOUND ORIGINATE CONDUCT, REPLACE BE BE a 88 List the advantages and the disadvantages of the different modes of learning. Use the words from your list and from Ex. 84. Use your Workbook. Use: flexibility, adaptability to learner’s needs. e-learning distance learning face-to-face classes face-to-face human interaction, feeling of isolation, expensive, globally resourced / unlimited data, teacher’s help and support, media literacy, group / team work, peer assessment 71 89 Work in groups of 3 and role-play the exam situation. See “Tips for participating in a discussion (in an exam situation)” in “Learning strategies”. ROLE 90 Think of your plans and goals for the next ten years. Write your ideas on the lifeline. Use your Workbook. now in a year in five years in ten years ^ (3_4 minutes) opportunity to Lur month. You and you ^ „mg for choose a mode oi Yon can choc* classes • “‘■‘'V'SinS assignment examiner w ask questions. ’^'.’^Suts S the Ofh-V conversation and be , take an active p polite ^(jeas i--4iendtocotnen,«i.bsnggestio» • ‘-‘"Гап „.4 mint»*! „„versatio"»" rsviu.-:%t:t:SE;„meanbL-‘’ , rou -estions- .„vjhatyu action’ . poyo'»'’” .oudecrAe*^ .oesdon^- havebeeu qake s carelul^)^ y^gtt ov^n .o bothstnl'^yornenP'»'* . \istento ® .odentsi°^ •-^‘innt .„,cneConvet^:rcometo- '391 Work in pairs. Discuss your future plans. Is there a time when you think you will stop learning? Explain your answer. 72 92 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 According to the author of the text, when does learning stop? Why? 2 Do the author’s ideas correspond to your ideas? 3 Choose the best title for the text and explain your choice: a) You can’t teach an old dog new tricks b) Lifelong learning c) It’s never too soon or too late for learning The concept of lifelong learning is that “It’s never too soon or too late for learning”. Lifelong learning is based on the idea that one can and should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviours throughout one’s life. It throws the proverb “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” out the door and instead sees citizens provided with learning opportunities at all ages and in numerous contexts: at work, at home and through leisure activities, not just through formal channels such as school and higher education. Lifelong learning can be accomplished through distance learning or e-learning, continuing education, home-schooling or correspondence courses. There are also postgraduate programs for those who want to improve their qualification, bring their skills up to date, or retrain for a new line of work. Internal corporate training has similar goals. In later life, especially in retirement, lifelong learning can take many forms, not necessarily academic, and more often recreational. One of the reasons lifelong learning has become more common is the fact that scientific and technological progress happens so quickly. Despite the increased duration of primary, secondary and university education (14-18 years depending on the country), the knowledge and skills acquired in these places are usually not sufficient for a professional career spanning three or four decades. 93 Read the text again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements. Ш 1 People stop learning when they finish school. 2 People can learn in different situations and circumstances. 3 There are many ways to continue education after school. 4 You can never change the qualification you have got. 5 Internal corporate training is one of the forms of lifelong learning. 6 Scientific and technological progress makes people learn at all ages. □ □ □ □ □ □ 94 Work in groups of 3-4. Choose one of the quotations and discuss it. Report the results of your discussion to the rest of the class. ■learnmisno,aprcduc,of>chooU4butthe (.879-1955). Physicist and Nobel laureate ■Ve , Ш ,o use n,y brains.’ ^Bjll Shanky (1913-1981). manager Scottish footballer and “What poor education I have received has been gained in the University of Life.” Horatioo Bottomley (1860-1933). British journalist and financer You can t teach an old dog new tricks.” An old saying Mini-project: Round table discussion: Education in the 21 st century E 95 Prepare for a whole class discussion. Work in groups of 3-4 and follow these steps. a) Choose an issue your group will focus on. You can choose from the following topics: • Male vs female jobs. Will this separation exist in the future? • What factors should be considered while choosing a career? • Creating a “global classroom” (an educational initiative) • Vocational college or university: Which is a better choice? • A new exam system proposal • Is e-learning a real alternative to traditional classes? b) In your groups discuss your chosen issue. Use any of the materials you have produced during the units so far. Some examples are: • an opinion essay • a poster • a project proposal • voting results from a debate • results from a project c) From your group, choose a speaker who will state your group’s opinion on the chosen issue. Prepare the speech in your group. d) Hold a Round Table Discussion. e) Listen to the speaker in your group and ask questions. f) Then listen to the other groups’ opinions and state your arguments. g) At the end in your groups, decide whether your opinion has changed after the discussion. 73 Key vocabulary Useful phrases .. .because I really do think... .. .because it seems to me... But, wouldn’t you say...? Do you agree? Don’t you think that...? Excuse me for interrupting. I can’t understand your point... I do think that... I have my doubts about that... I have to insist on... I totally / entirely / completely agree I’m absolutely certain that. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m not sure but this... I’m not sure I agree with you there... alumnus {pi. alumni) compete challenging a job interview ambitions concern committed able to cope with stress bachelor / bachelor’s construct competent able to take risks benefit document (something) competitive able to work in a team cyberspace erect complicated able to work to tight deadlines experience graduate (from) creative apply for a job freelance guarantee enjoyable computer literate graduate major (in) enthusiastic distance learning initiative originate full-time e-learning job reconstruct imaginative enrol in a vocational college master / master’s inspirational entrance exams postgraduate lifelong leave / find a job profession major negotiation skills promotion motivated online test refresher course part-time provide job opportunities retrainer course site undergraduate persistent prestigious professional rewarding satisfying self-employed stressful vocational well-paid worldwide top job Let’s start with... May I have a word? Our opinions are different: ...thinks... and I believe that. That’s a very good point. That’s what I think. The reason why... was... We both agreed / thought / felt... We couldn’t agree / decide because... Well, I guess... What about...? What do you think / feel? What’s your opinion? Why don’t we...? Yes, that’s my feeling too. You mean that..., don’t you? 4 Progress check 1 a) Listen to a career officer talking about the importance of a person’s first job and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Everyone likes his/her first job. П 2 Money is the main reason you get your first job. П 3 Your first job helps you to feel independent. П 4 Your first job teaches you responsibility. П 5 You don’t have to show up to your first job. П 6 If you are sick, your supervisor will find somebody to fill in. П 7 If you don’t do a good job, you will lose your position. EH 8 You will use all your skills in your first job. EH 9 You will feel more adult because of your first job. EH 10 Your first job will help you to grow personally. EH s Points /10 b) Listen again and choose the best option from the questions below. Most people look forward to their first job because... a) it’s interesting. b) it gives them money. c) it seems enjoyable. Your first job... a) gives you independence. b) enables you to go on living with your parents. c) provides you only monetary benefits. To keep your first job you should... a) be nice to your supervisor. b) attend work every day. c) find someone to work for you. Having your first job means you can... a) show your freedom to your parents. b) speak to them about your maturity. c) do more of what you want. Your first job might be... a) fun. b) unskilled. c) unique. 2 a) Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra title. A THE PERFECT JOB В NEVER BORED C EXHAUSTING FOR ALL D MONEY OR TIME? E A ROLE REVERSAL F FREE EVENINGS Points □ /5 1 Every family needs a homemaker. Whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. In our family, we chose the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid job. We have actually experienced both since I had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at home for a time. The days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being “just a housewife” have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. Nowadays there is a lot of pride in being the “homemaker”. It is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not financial, are great. The family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time. So, after my first baby arrived, I felt for years that I had the perfect job. I was my own boss. I could work when I wanted and have a rest when I wanted. If I didn’t feel like cleaning or doing the shopping and wanted to have a day off, that was fine. Nobody else would have to be asked to cover for me, my work could wait until I was ready to do it. Oh yes, it was hard work taking care of our home and our children and the hours were long, but the work was varied and very rewarding. In fact, being a homemaker was the perfect job for me. I was absolutely happy being a housewife and mum. Watching my children thrive, witnessing their first steps, hearing their first words and all the other milestones were worth more than any amount of money. Points □ /5 I stayed at home until the youngest started school and then I went back to work part-time. The extra money was very helpful but I found it exhausting coping with the house and my job. 75 what amazes me is how people cope working full-time, looking after a home and bringing up children. I am surrounded by people like this where I now live. They have big houses, new cars, fancy clothes, they refurnish every couple of years or so, take numerous holidays. But when are they actually at home to enjoy all this? From 6.30 am the cars start leaving. Kids are woken up at some early hour, then driven through busy traffic to be dropped off at the child minder. The parent then has to travel to work. What happens if there is a blip in this tight schedule? What if the child has a tantrum or the car won’t start? Then in the evenings the process starts again in reverse. The kids are picked up from school where they are in an after school club, then put to bed almost as soon as they get home. Everyone is exhausted. Where is the benefit to all this? b) Read the texts again and decide which text mentions that homemaking... 1 was easier than combining full-time work and housework. СИ 2 prevented the family from having social life. СИ 3 helped someone to pursue his/her own interests. СИ 4 made someone very happy. СИ 5 has become a worthwhile career. СИ 6 gave someone much freedom. C 7 is hard work with long hours. СИ 8 made for a financially difficult period. СИ 9 is beneficial for the family. СИ 10 helped the family to establish a certain routine. СИ Points □ /10 “I don’t know how you stay at home all day... I would be bored out of my mind”, was a comment I often heard when I stayed at home. Was I bored? Never! I mastered the housework so that I wasn’t a slave to it. Obviously, there was the cleaning to be done regularly but it was the sharing of the tidying up that made the difference. My family learnt to tidy up after themselves and if there was a bit of accumulated dust it would wait until the end of the week when a day was set aside for a thorough cleaning. I established a routine for the necessary chores that had to be done daily, but if they weren’t completed by lunchtime, they were left until the next day. That way I had time to pursue my own interests and to spend time with the children as well. There were financial downsides of course to staying at home. New clothes and regular hairdos were a luxury. Social outings were those which included the family, perhaps going for a walk in the countryside, or taking a picnic. Expensive meals in restaurants were way beyond our means and out of the question. After my second child my former boss asked if I would consider returning to work. The salary would have been very welcome but there was no way anyone was going to look after my children except me, until they were old enough to go to school. Money was less important to me than my family. Besides, I would still have to pay someone to care for my children. 3 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. bear Sarah, тИй1А.1г you, for yow,r Letter which i (o) recewecL Last week., it was. really ^ood to hear from, you. you said you (i) ... (see) Awtow reoeiAtty but you didn't say how he was. Please, let me know and Qive him my best re0arols. I (2) ... (be) in Novgorod for three months and I'm ewjoyLiA.0 Life here very much, rve been working as a manager since 1 (з) ... (arrive) and i find it realty lwterestlw0. I'm Llvlw0 in a smaLL hotel at the momewt, but I (4) ... (move) to a flat ne^t week, rve asked a friend of mine to share It with me. I'm learning R-usslaw and l can already understand what people around me are talking about. But l find it really difficult to speafe ■R-usslaw. 1 (s) ... (flwlsh) the course by the end of the year and hope 1 feel more confident with this Law0ua0e. you said you (6>) ... (come) to see me this Christmas. I hope you haven't chaw0ed your mlwd. bon't forget to brlw0 some warm clothes as It 0ets really cold in winter. if you (7-) ... (come) ['ll show ^ou around. There's an awful Lot to see. Love, bee 76 4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line. Career choice Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important (0) decisions we will ever make in our lives. It has to he made with much (1) ... and deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary (2) ... and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are (3) ... wasting a large part of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all (4) ... but no pay, things can get difficult. Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to (5) ... . We end up more (6) ... than we were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to think about (7) ... a career counselor. A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, (8) ... and values. He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession. Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various (9) ... . Check to see if the job gives you what you want from a career. Passion is the key word in selecting a career. Select something because you feel passionate about it, not because it is the latest thing in the job market. DECIDE THINK BENEFICIAL FOOL SATISFY WHERE, CONFUSION CONSULT SKILLFUL ALTER Points □ /9 5 You and your friend have been asked to organise an event to inform school students about the local university. Decide which is better: • to invite some university teachers to your school • to hold an informal meeting with university students at your school • to organise a lecture at the university • to have an excursion around the university for the students at your school Discuss the options with your friend and agree on the best one. You have 3-4 minutes to do the task. Remember to: • be active and polite • come up with ideas • give reasons • agree or disagree with your friend • invite your friend to suggest ideas • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account • come to an agreement 6 Comment on the following statement. You have 40 minutes to do this task. “Being a freelance opens a bigger and a brighter future for you.” What can you say for and against this issue? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • Introduction: State the problem • Arguments for • Arguments against • Conclusion Mark your score For tasks 1-4, you can get a total of 46 points. 46-32 points — well done 31-23 points — good 22-17 points — you can do better 16 points or less — revise and try again Tasks 5 and 6 should be evaluated by you, your classmates and your teacher. 77 I Heading for a better new world? L How dependent are you on modern technology? ........ Think about your everyday life. What modern technologies do you use every day? Make a list. Do they have a more positive or a more negative impact on you? Share your opinions in groups of 3-4. Dialogue vocabulary I find... very useful because... I spend too much time... I could be doing... I spend most of my time... It’s good / bad for my health because... If I didn’t have... I would... GRAMMAR FOCUS: (REVISION) DESCRIBING CHANGES AND COMPARING PAST AND PRESENT 4 Read Will’s opinion and answer the questions. Which sentence describes a change or an action in the past but that is linked to the present? What grammar tense is used for this? How is the action that happened only in the past described? How are the things that happen regularly in the present described? How is a habit or state that happened in the past, but is not connected to today, shown? What phrase is used for this? 5 Make sentences using the correct tenses. Use your Workbook. People / learn much / from / behaviour of animals. People / think / Earth / flat. Many years ago / people / live / with very few things / and / have / a lot of time to think. Today / people / have / many electronic devices / their home / and / use / every day. 79 6 Work in pairs. Think about people’s lives 50 years ago. What did people use to have instead of today’s modern devices? Dialogue vocabulary People’s lives have changed a lot because of... People didn’t use to have... 50 years ago. People used to have... instead. Now they use... It’s much more convenient / fast / economical / pleasant... But it’s less natural / beautiful / healthy. 7 Match the abbreviations on the left to the names on the right. What are these things used for? PDA Compact disc — rewritable DVD Personal digital assistant PVR Personal computer PC Personal video recorder CD-RW Digital video disk or digital versatile disk 8 Listen to the interview and mark the statements true / false / not stated. 1 People buy fewer electronic devices nowadays. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 2 People have more gadgets at home now. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 3 People like to have many different devices. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 4 People want to buy cheap devices. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 5 Producers are going to combine many different functions into one device. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 6 New multifunctional devices should be easy to operate. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 7 You can buy any gadget online. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 8 Different gadgets should be able to work separately. 1) true 2) false 3) not stated 9 Listen again and fill in the gaps. Use your Workbook. habits time toys devices phone devices navigation control devices 80 muHMMhi ■iMiMiiilini ..... нШ1Ш WORD FOCUS: MULTI-WORD VERBS 10 Match the verbs from the interview to their definitions. 1 take out a) to start doing something seriously 2 get down to b) to connect a piece of equipment to an electricity supply 3 set up c) to remove something from a box, bag, etc 4 plug in d) to make a piece of equipment ready for use 11 Work in pairs. Describe a device or gadget you’ve recently bought. Follow the plan. 1 What did you buy? When did you buy it? 2 Why did you want to buy it? 3 What did you do when you brought it home? 4 Was it easy to operate? 5 Did it make your life easier or more difficult? 6 How often do you use it now? Use: The device / gadget I last bought was... bring home take out set up plug in find it easy / difficult to operate study the manual / phone a friend It has made my life more / less... Now I... 12 Work in pairs. Ask each other questions about how much time you spend on each of these activities every day. Write down your answers. Average amount of time spent with each medium per day. among 8-1 8 year-olds: 3:51 Д P Total 1:1 *■' Prerecorded TV ■32 Videos DVDs :32 Tapes ^ Othe .Total Total :17'-Handheld - -Wewspaper. Radi) ■ I :14 Magazine 51 .48 Online ,32 ,23 Books ) I------ ----•---------------------------1--------------'-------------1 Watching Listening to Using a Plaing video Reading TV and videos music computer games . 10 In groups compare your answers with the data in the diagram. Draw a similar diagram for your group. Are there any common tendencies you can spot? Example; From our diagrams we can see that our habits are very similar to those of American teenagers. We also spend most of the time... and... Although we have a lot in common there are some differences. For example, we spend... whereas American teenagers... 81 82 14 Read the text and choose the best title. 1 Keeping in touch 2 Teens and technology 3 How teens express themselves Today's American teens live in a world surrounded by communication technologies. The internet and cell phones have become a central force that drives the rhythm of daily life. The number of teenagers using the internet has grown by 24% in the past four years, and 87% of those teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 are now online. Compared to four years ago, teenagers' use of the internet has intensified and broadened as they continue to log on more often and do more things when they are online. Among other things, there has also been significant growth over the past four years in the number of teens who play games, get news, shop, and get health information, all on the internet. Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment preferences. These technologies have enabled a variety of methods and channels by which youth can communicate with one another as well as with their parents and other authorities. E-mail, once the cutting edge "killer app", is losing its privileged place among many teens as they express preferences for instant messaging (IM) and text messaging as ways to connect with their friends. In focus groups, teens described their new environment. To them, e-mail is increasingly seen as a tool for communicating with "adults" such as their teachers, and institutions like schools. They also see it as a way to convey lengthy and detailed information to large groups. Meanwhile, teenagers use IM for everyday conversations with multiple friends that range from casual to more serious and private exchanges. They also use it for their own personal expression. Through buddy icons or other customisation tools, teens can express themselves with a particular look and feel and differentiate themselves from one another. Other IM tools allow for the posting of personal profiles, and even "away" messages, which let others know when a user is away from the computer but wishes to remain connected to their IM network. Glossary log on — to enter a computer system usually by typing in a special password "killer app” — short for the American slang expression "killer application”, a piece of software that everyone wants to use because it is so good customise — to change the way something looks or works to fit your exact needs cell phone — AmE, mobile phone 15 Read the text again and choose the best options. 1 The number of American teenagers using the ; internet today a) has grown by 87% compared to four years ago. b) is the same as four years ago. c) has increased by 24% compared to four years ago. 2 American teenagers today a) use only the internet for their communication. c b) use various technologies for their communication. c) prefer e-mail to other ways of communication. If teenagers need to communicate with their teachers they a) use their cell phones. b) use e-mail. c) use instant messaging (IM). Teenagers use buddy icons a) to express themselves. b) to save time. c) to entertain themselves. “Away” messages are used a) to show that you don’t want to connect to your friends. b) to show that you are away on holiday. c) to show that you are not at your computer at the moment. 16 Read the text in Ex. 14 again and complete the left column of the table. Write down the ways teenagers use these technologies in the USA. Use your Workbook. The USA Russia the internet e-mail cell phone 17 Work in groups. Now complete the right column of the table for teenagers in Russia. Use your Workbook. Is the situation the same or different? I can imagine there will be houses in which everything is controlled by computer, like the heating, the fridge, the oven. No doubt you’ll be able to control these functions from your own internet site so if you are at work, you’ll be able to switch on the oven to cook your dinner simply by connecting to the internet. ^ 18 Work in pairs. Discuss your favourite method of communication. Do you prefer the same method? Why? / Why not? Use: My favourite method of communication is... I prefer it to other ways because... I use it to... But if I want to contact... I use... because... I also use... But I hardly ever use... as... 19 Read the texts A, B, and C. Say which of them describes what is most likely to happen in the near future. /------------------------------------------------N I think that in the future roads will become so busy that we won’t be able to use cars anymore, and I think we will have to have better forms of public transport. SI I believe that information technology will continue to drive change in the next century. I think there will be more than 100 computers per person, mostly combined with other things, each computer a million times more powerful than today’s PC, and all of them interconnected. GRAMMAR FOCUS (REVISION): MAKING PREDICTIONS 20 Read the texts again and underline the phrases that express what people think about the future. What grammar structure is used? We use future simple to say what we think will happen in the future or what is certain to happen. The phrases that are commonly used with future simple are: 1 think... I can imagine... I expect... 1 hope... I’m (not) sure... I believe... There is a good chance... 83 Write three more predictions of your own. Use your Workbook. there? 24 Read the quotations and comment on them. What do they all have in common? “I think there's a world market for maybe five computers.” Thomas Watson, the Chairman of IBM, 1943 “But what... is it good for?" Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip. "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the radio in the 1920 s. - "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olson, President, Chairman and Founder of Digital Equipment Corp, 1977 “This ‘telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication." Western Union internal memo, 1876 ■ ' “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 640K ought to be enough for anybody.” Bill Gates, 1981 84 Mini-project: Time capsule i>-? 5 a) Work in groups. Make predictions on how technology at home will change in the future. Read the ideas below and then add your own to the list. a fridge that can analyse its contents and order necessary food via the internet an electric guitar that can download the lyrics and music of popular songs from the internet an ultra slim and super light laptop or tablet computers a digital calculator able to display real time transactions done with credit cards a pen that can write on any surface and store the data in itself b) Work in pairs. Discuss all the ideas. Choose two or three most likely to happen. Follow the scheme. Student 1 Start with any idea. Explain why you think it is likely to happen. React to your partner’s opinions. Agree and give more support or disagree and explain why. Suggest the best idea. Student 2 Agree and give more support or disagree and explain why. Suggest another idea. Explain why you believe it will happen. React to your partner’s opinions. Support the idea. c) Make notes of your discussion. d) Write down your decision and then illustrate it. e) Present your idea to the class. f) Put it in a “time capsule” to be kept for 10 and 100 years. Dialogue vocabulary (for discussing and choosing one option) I belive / I’m sure /1 think / I suppose... I agree /1 also think so / Yes, definitely. /1 think you are right. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I don’t think this will happen. I wouldn’t be so certain. That’s a good idea, but... Right... / OK... / Well... So, what do we choose as the most likely to happen? 85 I Section 2 Extraordinary minds 26 Take a piece of paper and draw a circle using only a pen or a pencil. Compare your drawings in pairs. Whose circle is better? Why? 86 27 Read the text and answer the following questions. 1 Who was I. K. Brunnel? 2 What do you know about his life? 3 What kind of person do you think he was? 4 Why is he famous? The man who could draw a perfect circle Isambard Kingdom Brunei (9 April 1806 — 15 September 1859) was an English engineer. He was born in Portsmouth, UK, the son of Marc Brunei, a naval officer and an engineer. He worked in his father’s office, and helped to plan the Thames Tunnel, opened in 1843. He himself planned the Clifton Suspension Bridge, and the Hungerford Suspension Bridge over the Thames. He designed the Great Western (1837), the first steamship built to cross the Atlantic, the Great Britain (1843), the first ocean screw-steamer, and the Great Eastern (1858), then the largest vessel ever built. He was also appointed engineer to the Great Western Railway (1833) and constructed many docks. He is best known for the creation of the Great Western Railway, a series of famous steamships, and numerous important bridges. Most of Brunei’s bridges are still in use. The Thames Tunnel is now part of the London Underground, and the Brunei Engine House at Rotherhithe that once housed the steam engines that powered the tunnel pumps still stands, as a museum dedicated to his work and life. Though Brunei’s projects were not always successful, they often contained innovative solutions to long-standing engineering problems. During his short career, Brunei achieved many engineering “firsts”, including assisting in the building of the first tunnel under a navigable river and development of the first propeller-driven ocean-going iron ship, which was at the time also the largest ship ever built. He also set the example for the engineers and innovators who followed him and who are inspired to translate their creative thought into action. Glossary suspension bridge — a type of bridge that hangs from strong steel ropes that are fixed to towers screw-steamer — a steamship propelled by a screw vessel — a large boat or ship appointed — chosen to do a particular job to power — to give a machine or vehicle energy to work innovative — offering new ideas or making changes 28 Read the text again and mark the statements true (T) or false (F). 1 Brunei followed in his father’s footsteps. 2 He himself planned the Thames Tunnel. 3 The Great Western was the largest ship ever built. 4 People still use most of the bridges built by Brunnel. 5 Today there are steam engines in the Brunei Engine House. 6 All of Brunei’s projects were successful. 7 Today’s engineers can learn a lot from Brunei. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 29 Look through the text again and tick the information it contains. 1 dates of life 2 main accomplishments 3 childhood events 4 things he is famous for 5 beginning of his career 6 turning points of his life ' 7 how he died 8 personal qualities 9 his appearance 10 social recognition □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 30 Discuss these questions in groups. • Why are biographies important? • What kind of information is there in a biography? How is it different from other texts / books? 31 Read through the text about one of Brunei’s important accomplishments and say what it adds to your understanding of his life and character. In 1852 Brunei turned to a third ship, even larger than two previous ones, and intended for voyages to India and Australia. The Great Eastern was cutting-edge technology for her time: almost 700 ft (213 m) long, fitted out with the most luxurious appartments and capable of carrying over 4,000 passengers. She was designed to be able to cruise under her own power non-stop from London to Sydney and back since engineers of the time thought that Australia had no coal reserves, and she remained the largest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunei’s ambitious projects, the ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical problems. The ship had been portrayed as a white elephant, but it could be argued that in that case Brunei’s failure was principally one of economics — his ships were simply years ahead of their time. His vision and engineering innovations made the building of large-scale, screw-driven, all-metal steamships a practical reality. The Great Eastern was built at John Scott Russell’s Napier Yard in London, and after two trial trips in 1859, set forth the following year on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on 17 June 1860. Though a failure at its original purpose of passenger travel, she eventually found a role as an oceanic telegraph cable-layer, and the Great Eastern remains one of the most important vessels in the history of shipbuilding — the Trans-Atlantic cable had been laid, which meant that Europe and America now had a telecommunications link. Glossary luxurious — providing the greatest comfort schedule — a planned order of things to be done failure — lack of success 32 Guess the meaning of the words from the text. 1 cutting-edge a) the most modern and advanced point in the development of something b) a feature that gives someone or something an advantage 2 run over (schedule) a) to continue for longer than planned b) to explain something again 3 behind (schedule) a) not modern b) too late or slow 4 trial trips a) testing trips b) difficult trips 5 maiden voyage a) first voyage b) voyage only for women GRAMMAR FOCUS: PAST PERFECT PASSIVE 2 They had been stopped by the police before they realised what had happened. 3 We had been taken for a ride by the time the other guests arrived. 4 Anna has earned the honours from her hard work. 5 After the cat had been chased up a tree, the smart dog relaxed under the tree. 6 The circus performer had often been hurt by the old lion that died a week ago. 7 Mary has been injured from her jump off the platform. 8 Had he been helped in a long time? He looked very dissatisfied. 9 She had never forgotten Jerry’s attitude. 10 James has been accused of crimes by the judge. 11 She told us she had been remembered and helped by her former students. 12 Harry has been seen in the library lately. 33 Translate the sentence from the text into Russian. Answer the questions. .. .The Great Eastern remains one of the most important vessels in the history of shipbuilding — the Trans-Atlantic cable had been laid, which meant that Europe and America now had a telecommunications link. 1 How many actions does the sentence describe? What are they? 2 In what chronological order did they happen? How do you know? 3 What tenses are used to describe the actions? 4 Do we know specifically who performed the actions? Why? / Why not? 5 Why is a passive form of the verb used for one of the actions? 6 Can you find another example of past perfect passive in the text? What is it? 34 Read the explanation and the examples below. Then tick the sentences with the past perfect passive. We use past perfect passive to describe an action (in passive) that was finished before a certain moment in the past. had + been + Vj (past participle) 1 You had started the car too quickly. 35 Read the joke and fill in the gaps with the best option. Once a doctor, an engineer, and a programmer were debating what the world’s oldest profession (1) ... . The doctor said that medicine was the oldest because God (2) ... surgery in the removal of Adam’s rib. The engineer (3) ... that before that act, God (4) ... feats of engineering by (5) ... the Earth and heavens from nothing. The doctor (6) ... that the engineer was right and that engineering was (7)... the oldest profession. But then the programmer interjected that programming was even (8) ... . He was chided by both the doctor and the engineer saying that engineering had to be the oldest, because before God engineered the Earth and heavens, (9) ... nothing, only the Great Void, only Chaos! The programmer simply smiled and said: “Where do you think the Chaos (10) ...?” 88 1 A has been В was C is D had been 2 A performed В produced C fulfiled D made 3 A agreed В added C argued D announced 4 A has performed В had been performed C had performed D was performed 5 A creating В designing C building D constructing 6 A argued В added C agreed D approved 7 A indeed В however C of course D completely 8 A oldest В older C younger D youngest 9 A it was В there is C had been D there was 10 A came from В came out C came of D came out of Mini-project': Writing a famous person^ biography 36 Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the steps and make notes. Use your Workbook. 1 Choose a famous person. 2 Write down at least four information sources you could use to get information about your person (both published or unpublished). 3 Write three questions that show why you are interested in this person. 4 Design a mind map that reflects your ideas / concepts about this person and keep adding to it until it’s complete. 5 Draw a timeline that shows 5-10 of the most important dates in your person’s life. 6 Find a photo or draw a picture of your person. 7 Present all of your materials to the class. Use; He / She is best known for... He / She is regarded as... .. .is still in use. dedicated to innovative solutions to long-standing problems achievements accomplishments contribution set the example for... follow somebody be inspired by somebody be ahead of time You can choose any format for your presentation: a wall chart / poster, an essay, a Power-Point Presentation, a Quiz “Who am I?” See “What questions to answer while writing a biography” and some sample biographies in “Learning strategies”. Ш 37 Work in pairs. Look through the texts in Section 2 and complete the mind map with some examples of the work the engineering profession involves. Use your Workbook. Compare your ideas with your partner. Possible ideas: plan (projects), design (ships), construct (docks), create (steamships), find solutions (to problems), develop (new ships), etc There’s something wrong with it, it won’t backfire and the wheels don’t fall off. 89 i 38 What kind of professional and personal qualities do you think you need to become a good engineer? Make a list of qualities. Use your Workbook. 39 Listen to the interviews with some young engineers and match the speakers to the statements. There is one extra statement. Use your Workbook. a) Engineering is as important as any other profession. b) Working in different fields helps you to make the right choice for yourself. c) You can learn a lot from doing a project from the very beginning to the end. d) There is a lot of variety of technical solutions in engineering. e) Engineering involves lots of travel. f) Engineering is about working for the future. Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 Statement 40 Listen to the interviews again and add to the mind map in Ex. 37. Use your Workbook. 41 Listen to the interviews again and write down the positive and negative aspects of choosing engineering as a career. Use your Workbook. Positive Negative It was a very skilled job which I learned a lot from. It is at the cutting edge of technology. It is seen as dull and unexciting. 42 Work in pairs. Add your own ideas to the list. Share the ideas with your classmates. 90 43 Work in pairs. Discuss the question: Would you choose engineering as a future career? Why? / Why not? Dialogue vocabulary I would definitely (not) choose engineering as a future career for several reasons. First of all,... Also,... In addition to this,... What about you? If you ask me,... 44 Read the message taken from Message Board on Study Skills and decide what kind of advice you would give her. Share your advice with your classmates. My dear, I feel I'm really behind the class in Maths. I don't understand it and I can't make myself study. How can I improve my study skills? Please help! Dialogue vocabulary If I were her... I think it is important for her to. I believe she should... I would..., if I were in her place. I suggest she should... 45 Read the text and match the paragraphs to the titles. a) Visualise! b) Think metaphorically. c) Make new combinations. d) Think in opposites. e) Prepare yourself for chance. f) Find new perspectives that no one else has taken before. g) Form relationships and make unlikely connections. h) Produce! THINKING LIKE A GENIUS “Even if you’re not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein to improve the power of your creative mind and better manage your future.” The following eight strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively, in order to arrive at solutions to problems. “These strategies are common to the thinking styles of creative geniuses in science, art, and industry throughout history.” Glossary to harness — to get control of something in order to use it for a particular purpose biased — preferring one person, thing or idea to another in a way that is unfair mediocre — average or below average in quality heredity — the genetic process by which a parent’s qualities pass to their child incongruent — strange because of being very different from other things relay — a piece of electrical equipment / a race in which each member of the team does part of the race and then another member continues suspend — stop for a short time particle — an extremely small piece or amount of something complementary — things that combine well together, often because they have different qualities Leonardo da Vinci believed that, to gain knowledge about the form of a problem, you begin by learning how to restructure it in many different ways. He felt that the first way he looked at a problem was too biased. Often, the problem itself is reconstructed and becomes a new one. When Einstein thought through a problem, he always found it necessary to formulate his subject in as many different ways as possible, including using diagrams. He visualised solutions, and believed that words and numbers as such did not play a significant role in his thinking process. A distinguishing characteristic of genius is productivity. Thomas Edison held 1,093 patents. He guaranteed productivity by giving himself and his assistants idea quotas. In a study of 2,036 scientists throughout history. Dean Keith Simonton of the University of California at Davis found that the most respected scientists produced not only great works, but also many “bad” ones. They weren’t afraid to fail, or to produce the mediocre in order to arrive at excellence. 91 The laws of heredity on which the modern science of genetics is based came from the Austrian monk Grego Mendel, who combined mathematics and biology to create a new science. Combine and recombine ideas, images, and thoughts into different combinations, no matter how incongruent or unusual they are. I Da Vinci forced a relationship between the sound of a bell and a stone hitting water. This enabled him to make the connection that sound travels in waves. Samuel Morse invented relay stations for telegraphic signals when observing relay stations for horses. Physicist Niels Bohr believed, that if you held opposites together, then you suspend your thought, and your mind moves to a new level. His ability to imagine light as both a particle and a wave led to his conception of the complementarity principle. Suspending thought (logic) may allow your mind to create a new form. Л 1 Aristotle considered metaphor a sign of genius, and believed that the individual who had the capacity to see resemblances between two separate areas of existence and link them together was a person of special gifts. Whenever we attempt to do something and fail, we end up doing something else. That is the first principle of creative accident. Failure can be productive only if we do not focus on it as an unproductive result. Instead: analyse the process, its components, and how you can change them to arrive at other results. Do not ask the question “Why have I failed?”, but rather “What have I done?” 46 Read the texts in Ex. 45 again and match these pieces of advice to the texts. 1 Try to produce as many ideas as you can. 2 You can learn a lot from your own mistakes and failures. 3 Try to look at a problem in a way in which you have never looked at it before. 4 If you can’t understand why it is white, ask yourself why it is not black. 5 Think what a problem reminds you of or what it looks like. 6 Experiment with unusual combinations. 7 Try to see how different things are connected. 8 Illustrating possible solutions or trying to see them with your eyes closed may make them clearer. 92 WORD FOCUS: PHRASES WITH THE WORD PROBLEM 47 Look through the text in Ex. 45 and find the words and phrases that combine with the word “problem”. Use a dictionary to add more to it. Use your Workbook. Example: to arrive at a solution to a to find a solution to a problem 48 Complete the sentences with one word only. 1 That’s a nice idea, hut it still doesn’t ... our problem. 2 The unusually hot weather is ... serious problems for the country. 3 1 don’t think 1 will ... problems passing this exam. 4 Let’s ... at the problem from a different perspective. 5 First of all, 1 tried to think the problem .... 6 1 couldn’t find any ... to it. 49 With your books closed, try to write down as many expressions with the word “problem” as you can. Q 50 Work in pairs. Discuss the following I questions. 1 Do you ever use any of the strategies from the text? 2 Which of the strategies do you consider the most useful? Why? 3 Which strategies would you like to use to improve your creative thinking? Mini-project*: Applying thinking skills in practice. Problem-solving in groups В 51 Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the steps: • Choose one of the linguistic puzzles on page 94. Discuss it in your group and find a solution to it. You have 10 minutes to solve it. If you have some time left, solve another problem. • Now solve the logical problem. You have 10 minutes to solve it. • Finally, choose an engineering task and perform it in 10-15 minutes. • Report your results to the class and check them with your teacher. • Analyse your performance on all the problems. • What conclusions can you draw? If you haven’t managed to solve all the problems in this lesson, finish them in the next. Dialogue vocabulary (for speculating) Personally 1 think... It seems to me that... It’s difficult to say exactly, but 1 suppose it could be... I’m not sure, but it might be... It can’t be... because... It must be... as 1 would guess... (for analysing performance) On the whole we did pretty well / OK / Not so bad. We thought the problem through and... We worked quickly / in an organised way / slowly. We were good at... We found it difficult to... If we had a chance to do it again, we would. 93 LINGUISTIC PUZZLES: 1 I with borrowed silver shine, What you see is none of mine. First I show you but a quarter, like the bow that guards the Tartar; Then the half, and then the whole, ever dancing around the pole; And true it is, I chiefly owe my beauty to the shades below. Who am I? 1 The more you make of me the more ^you leave behind. What am I? Can you uncover what each group of three ha? ' m common' I have no voice, yet I speak to you; I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree. I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door; I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. What am I? 1 doughnut notebook golf course 2 turtle peanut oyster 3 brown polar Kodiak 4 cough tear rain 5 soap granola candy 4 In your future and in your past I come and go so senseless and fast. My purpose is unknown to all. Remembrance seems to drift then fall. I travel by night and fade by day Because that is my common way XIJMHUICAL TASKS: 1 a Think of a number to continue the sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, ... If Peter gives Jane 20.00 roubles the money they each have is in the ratio 1:3, but if Jane gives Peter 20.00 roubles the money they each have is exactly the same. How much money have Peter and Jane each before they exchange any money? Kate’s age plus Jim’s age is 27; and Kate’s age plus Ann’s age is 38; and Jim’s age plus Ann’s age is 33. Therefore, how old are Kate, Jim and Ann? Engineering challenge tasks: 1 The objective in The Paper Tower challenge is to construct the tallest freestanding tower from a single sheet of paper and a small amount of tape. The tower must be able to stand on its own for at least 10 seconds. 2 The Spaghetti Cantilever challenge is a fun one. Each team is given a small package of spaghetti, a roll of tape and a table. The objective is to construct a cantilevered structure that extends as far from the table as possible without touching the ground. The structure must be attached to the top of the table and nowhere else. Because spaghetti is very brittle, the engineering becomes very important. Measurements should be taken from the edge of the table to the furthest point of the spaghetti structure. 3 In The Bridge challenge each team is given some building materials such as glue, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, or small pieces of wood. Each team should get the same amount of materials. The goal is to build a bridge that can span a 24-inch distance and support increasing amounts of weight. The bridge that can support the most weight before breaking u the winner. 94 Section 3 Science or fraud? 52 Read the quotation and choose the best explanation of it. Do you agree with it? “To mistrust science and deny the validity of the scientific method is to resign your job as a human. You’d better go look for work as a plant or wild animal.” P. J. O’Rourke, American political satirist, journalist and writer a) If you are not a scientist, you are not a good person. b) If you don’t believe in science, you are not a good thinker. c) If you are bad at science, you should leave your job. 21 53 Listen to an interview with a scientist and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the speaker. 1 Science is extremely important for the lives of future generations. СИ 2 Science is the way humans change the world. СИ 3 Science combines many different processes. СИ 4 Science is more important for society than for individuals. СИ 5 Science has an extremely wide application. СИ 6 Science helps us to become aware of environmental problems. СИ 54 Listen to the interview again and fill in the gaps in the sentences with not more than three words. Use your Workbook. 1 Firstly, science is our way of observing the .. 2 I think personally that science combines the use of observation, intuition, theory, hypothesis, .... 3 I think that few other things in life have as wide of an application in a person’s ... , or ... as does science. 4 ... our society is depending increasingly upon technology, and the result of this dependence is that our environment is ... . 5 Knowing more about science will help us to become better informed about the kinds .... 55 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. • Do you think science is important for modern life? Why? / Why not? • Would you like to take up science as a future profession? 56 Do you know of any new scientific discoveries made recently? Tell the rest of the class about them. Use: be extremely important / crucial for... a way of observing the world around us have a wide application in... depend upon/on technology become more informed about... 95 I GRAMMAR FOCUS: WORD CATEGORIES (REVISION) r 57 Put the words from the list into these categories: articles, prepositions, relative pronouns / question words, linking words, auxiliary verbs, comparatives, expressions of quantity, indefinite pronouns, personal pronouns. Use your Workbook. Add more words to the categories. anyone than so who for many where everything have the but a it from do whatever which and more was on they few is as with little you 58 a) Fill in the gaps. Refer to the “How to deal with structural clozes” in “Learning strategies” to help you. Secrets of an Ancient Computer Computers go back farther in history than you might imagine. A mysterious mechanism found in a 2,000-year-old Greek shipwreck may have been used to calculate the positions of planets, predict when eclipses were to occur, and solve other astronomical problems. Known as the Antikythera mechanism, the device is about (1) ... size of a shoebox. When (2) ... was found underwater about 100 years ago, the mechanism was (3) ... poor shape. (4) ... metal pieces had congealed into one mass, then broken into pieces. People (5) ... studied what was left of the mechanism suspected that it (6) ... something to do with astronomy. To find (7) ... more, researchers recently used advanced imaging methods, including X-ray computer tomography, to look inside the metal fragments and to check for ancient writing on the device. The researchers discovered (8) ... the mechanism had at least 30 bronze gears with as many as 225 teeth, likely all cut (9) ... hand. This fresh look provided clear evidence that the device could have (10) ... used to compute eclipses of the sun and moon. A lunar eclipse occurs (11) ... the moon passes into Earth’s shadow, and a solar eclipse occurs (12) ... the moon passes between the sun and Earth. Scientists suspect that the mechanism (13) ... also able to show the motions of the planets. A user could pick a day in the future and, using some sort of crank, work out a planet’s position on (14) ... date. With the added information, the researchers came up with a new model for how the mechanism operated. All (15) ... findings show that the Antikythera mechanism was perhaps 1,000 years ahead of anything else discovered from its time period. b) Read the text again. Say what the ancient device is like: How old is it? Where was it found? How big is it? What could it do? 59 Listen to the story of the discovery and check your answers. к 96 60 Read the rules and decide whether they are serious or humorous. What made you think so? Give reasons for your answers. Rules of the lab If an experiment works, something has gone wrong. When you don’t know what you’re doing, do it neatly. Experience is directly proportional to equipment ruined. Always keep a record of your data. It indicates that you have been working. To do a lab really well, have your report done л\'е11 in advance. If in doubt, make it sound convincing. Do not believe in miracles — rely on them. Team work is essential; it allows you to blame someone else. All unmarked beakers contain fast-acting, extremely toxic poisons. No experiment is a complete failure. At least it can serve as a negative example. Any delicate and expensive piece of glassware will break before any use can be made of it. WORD FOCUS: SCIENCE VOCABULARY 61 Work in pairs. Check the meaning of the words using a dictionary. Complete the gaps with the words from the box. Change the form if necessary. search for claim investigate challenge declare reject accept reveal confess They ... to have made a new discovery. Stephen was ... the winner. He was frustrated because his colleagues .., his arguments. Scientists are ... evidence. The research aims to ... why the company is not doing better. The survey ... that most residents are against the new project. Sarah ... his explanation without question. He later ... that he had been involved in the trick. They are likely to ... the decision because it was made in a hurry. 62 Work in pairs. Match the words to their explanations and find Russian equivalents for these words. fake a) hoax b) scandal c) fraud d) 5 buff I something that is not what people claim it is, and is designed to trick people a copy of something such as a painting or piece of jewellery that is intended to trick people someone who is very interested in and knows a lot about a particular subject a trick in which someone deliberately tells people that something bad is going to happen or something is true when it is not talk or reports in the newspapers or on television about shocking events 63 Work in groups. Follow the steps of the jigsaw reading. a) Read the article your teacher gives to your group. Help each other to understand it. Use a dictionary if necessary. b) Fill in your line in the table. Use your Workbook. c) Form new groups with at least one member from each of the other groups. Do not show your notes to the new group. d) Take it in turns to ask and answer questions about the different articles so that you can fill in the whole table. e) Go back to your first group. Compare your notes and reconstruct the rest of the articles. Read them aloud in your groups. f) If you have difficulties reconstructing the articles, ask questions to clear them up. Are aliens coming? People have been searching for extraterrestrials for years but there is no real proof that they exist. But people’s interest in UFOs surfaces again and again when new “ facts” — real or imaginary— appear. At the age of globalisation such waves of interest spread all over the world very quickly due to the development of the TV and the internet. For example, some years ago the “Roswell case” launched a hot discussion in the USA. I А film showing the autopsy of an alien who died in a UFO crash in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, gave what UFO believers claimed to he real proof that extraterrestrials exist. The US Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal examined the film carefully checking every detail, including the age and the quality of the film, the photographer, and the shots of the alien’s organs. The investigation proved that the film was not real. Great inventions Inventors come up with all sorts of crazy ideas and create a lot of strange things. Cars that run on water, or machines that generate energy are just some examples of what have heen invented. One of the first world-known perpetual motion machines was invented hy Charles Redheffer and exhibited in Philadelphia and New York in the beginning of the 19th century. Hundreds of people paid a dollar to see it and the invention became a profitable business. The machine really looked as if it was turning by itself without any power. But it became obvious that there was actually a man off-site who was turning •the crank. For skeptics it was a convincing victory of how common sense prevails, but these types of failures couldn’t stop creative inventors. One hundred and fifty years later, another American, Joe Newman, presented his “energy machine”. He persuaded people that if they bought one, they could forget about electrical bills after that. Some people believed him and now can’t understand why they are still getting electricity bills. IQ — a number that influences your life T ^'~\is a number that we think shows a persons X V^intelligence. But what does it depend on? For many years scientists believed that IQ was mostly inherited. One of the largest IQ studies was held by Sir Cyril Burt, professor of psychology at University College of London. He based his theory on the studies of twins and proved that IQ was really mostly inherited. His study was the largest and thi results looked truly representative. Even skeptici believed them. As a highly respected scientist Burt supportes the much-debated Пн- exam and thus influencee children’s school life throughout Britain. Burt died in 1971 and what a shock it was whe: scientists found out that many results left by thr professor couldn’t be called “scientific” as they wen not supported by real figures. What is more, some a his IQ studies did not exist at all, even the names of his assistants were invented by the professor. So, tht role of genes in IQ is still under discussion. Crop circles Some people think crop circles have been causec by aliens but there are really no reliable theorie on how they appeared. They were first noticed in fields in southerr England in the 1970s, but then spread over the worlc. People reported that they had seen balls of light anc heard high-pitched noises over the fields. Varioc “scientific” explanations appeared immediately. Somt researchers blamed tornados, while others blame,: “directed plasma” and geomagnetic currents runnirj; through the Earth. Alien-related theories appears: and military experiments started becoming connecte: with crop circles. All sorts of interpretations were made. Tht circles were given sometimes mysterious or religion meanings, and even healing powers. The discussion was hot and unresolved when pair of frauds confessed showing a special press the-used to make the circles. But it was too late... Many people still want ■ know why there are crop circles all over the world- No Title Topic / What happened Where it happened / Who was involved How the mystery was revealed Outcomes 1 Are aliens coming? 2 Great inventions 3 IQ — a number that influences your life 4 Crop circles 98 h 64 Finish these sentences about yourself. a) Compare your notes to your partner’s. 1 I didn’t know that... 2 It was interesting to learn that... 3 I was surprised to know that... 4 The conclusion I can make is that... b) Discuss the quotation. Give your interpretation of it. “Not to know certain things is a great part of wisdom.” H. Grotius, Dutch jurist Mini-project: Semi-scientific conference "Believe it or not?' 65 To prepare for the conference, follow the steps: 99 100 Section 4 I To clone or not to clone? I don’t agree with cloning. I think everybody has a right to be an individual. .... - Г— T 66 Look at the cartoon. What’s going on in the picture? Why is it funny? 67 Do the quiz and find out whether you know much about cloning. Is it true that... cloning is a human invention? identical twins are actually clones? clones have identical DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid? the word “clone” comes from Latin? “clone” in Latin means brother? the embryos of mice were first cloned in Russia? a sheep was the first mammal cloned from an adult cell? Dolly, the sheep, was first cloned in England? cloned animals live longer that normal animals? 68 Listen to the answers and check your guesses. Which of the facts do you find the most amazing? 69 Listen to the people’s opinions about cloning and fill in the second column of the chart. Put a cross if a person supports cloning and a minus, if he / she is against it. Use your Workbook. Speaker General attitude to ck>ning Reasons and arguments 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 70 Listen again and make notes in the third column. Use vour Workbook. 71 Put the phrases in three groups. Use your Workbook. Positive attitude Neutral attitude Negative attitude И I don’t even want to think about it! It makes me worry about the future. It’s an amazing medical breakthrough. I’m not really into the whole cloning thing, but it’s interesting... It has allowed medical research to advance at a faster pace. It allows scientists to find alternative methods to cure certain diseases. This would be extremely dangerous. It will help us in the future. That’s a difficult one to answer! On the one hand,... but on the other hand,... 72 Work in groups. Express your attitude to cloning. Give reasons. Summarise your group’s opinions and report them to the class. Dialogue vocabulary (for reporting the results of group discussion) We all / Most of us believe that,.. Two / Three of us are convinced that... But one person... No one is worried about... 73 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Who is the main character of the film? 2 When was the film released? 3 Is it an original film or a screen version? 4 What is the whole story about? 5 Have you seen the film or read the story? Did you like it? Why? / Why not? 74 Read the extract from the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (1818). Answer the following questions. 1 Who do you think the monster is talking to? ,2 Who is the narrator of the story? 3 What does the monster want and how does the narrator respond? 4 How does the monster want to resolve the problem? 5 How do we know that Frankenstein had some sympathy for the monster? 6 What emotion does Victor Frankenstein have? How do you know? 7 Does Victor accept the request of the monster? How do you know? 8 Is the monster physically violent toward Victor? How do you know? 9 Why has the monster been violent in the recent past? How do you know? felN ^ ^ f \ The being finished speaking and fixed his looks upon me in the expectation of a reply. But I was bewildered, perplexed, and unable to arrange my ideas sufficiently to understand the full extent of his proposition. He continued “You must create a female for me with whom I can live and who also has those sympathies necessary for my being. This you alone can do and I demand it of you as a right which you must not refuse to concede.” The latter part of his tale had kindled anew in me the anger, that had died away while he narrated his peaceful life among the cottagers, and as he said this I could no longer suppress the rage that burned within me. “I do refuse,” I replied, “and no torture shall ever extort consent from me. You may render me the most miserable of men, but you shall never make me base in my own eyes. Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint wickedness might desolate the world? Begone! I have answered you; you torture me, but I will never consent.” “You are in the wrong”, replied the fiend, “and instead of threatening, I am content to reason with you. I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shunned and hated by all mankind?” Glossary confused and not certain what bewildered to do perplexed — confused because you can’t understand something sufficiently — enough proposition — an offer or suggestion concede — to admit that something is true kindle — to create a strong interest or emotion in someone suppress — to stop yourself feeling an emotion torture — extreme physical pain caused by someone else extort — to get money or information from someone using force or threats consent — permission render — to show something in a particular way desolate — destroy Begone! — Go away! fiend — a very evil person, monster malicious — unkind and showing a strong feeling of wanting to hurt someone shun — to deliberately avoid a person I 75 Read the summary of the book and discuss the questions in pairs. Report the results of your discussion to the class. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a classic tale of a man-made monster seeking acceptance from society in light of his ghastly appearance and strange upbringing. Victor Frankenstein is an amateur scientist who creates a “perfect” human from spare body parts — only to have his plan backfire when the monster turns out to be extremely hideous and unappealing. The monster navigates the social scene for human friendship and is turned down again and again. So he decides to take revenge on the person who created him. First the monster kills his brother. Frankenstein is ravaged by his grief and guilt for creating the monster who has wreaked so much destruction, so he goes to the mountains alone to find peace. But instead of peace, Frankenstein finds horror when he is approached by the monster who then demands that he create a female monster to be his companion. Frankenstein, fearing for his family, agrees and goes to England to do his work. When he is almost finished, he changes his mind, and destroys the project. The monster then kills his friend and later his new wife Elizabeth. Victor realises that his life’s goal from that point forward is to hunt down the monster and kill him. Victor chases after him throughout Europe and the North Pole, but then temporarily loses track of the monster when he disappears into a crack in the ice. At this time he meets Robert Walton and his crew. The story ends with Victor’s death and the monster crying for forgiveness. After a short contemplation by Robert Walton, who promised to kill him if offered the chance, the monster convinces him otherwise and disappears back to the North Pole never to be seen again. 1 Did you like the story? Why? / Why not? 2 How did you feel after you finished reading the story? 3 Do you think the story sounds as unreal today as it did when it was written? Why? 4 Do you know any other examples of this kind of story? What are they? 76 Put an ‘x’ on the line to show how much you agree or disagree with the statements. Think of the arguments for your opinions. Right or Wrong? 1 It is not ethical to clone a human being. Agree completely Disagree completely 2 It is not ethical to clone any living creature, even an animal. Agree completely Disagree completely 3 In the next twenty years there will be human clones. Agree completely Disagree completely 4 Cloning is acceptable if it helps against terrible diseases like AIDS or cancer. Agree completely Disagree completely 5 Cloning is acceptable if it saves the life of a baby who is very sick or dying. Agree completely Disagree completely 102 Mini-project: Debate "Cloning humans should be allowed" S 77 Work in two groups: A and B. Prepare for the debate: Discuss the following questions: 1 Do you think humans should be allowed to be cloned? 2 What benefits do you think cloning can have? 3 What negative aspects do you think cloning can have? 4 Do you know what your country’s policy on cloning is? 5 Would you like to clone yourself or anyone else? 6 If you could clone someone famous, who would it be and why? Group A should think of as many arguments in favour of cloning as possible. Group В should do the same but against cloning. Think of how you can develop your arguments and give examples. Hold the debate. • Take it in turns to present your arguments. • Don’t forget to react to your opponents’ arguments. • Vote for the final decision. Dialogue vocabulary (for justifying opinions and persuading) Personally, I think (don’t think)... because... In my opinion I feel (I don’t feel)... because... I would definitely (wouldn’t definitely)... because... It would be better to... as... I feel that it’s important... as... But don’t you agree that... Yes, but I’m sure you’d agree that... Don’t you think that...? □ 78 Write an opinion essay “To clone or not to clone?”. Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • Make an introduction (state the problem). • Express your personal opinion and give reasons for it. • Give arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it. • Draw a conclusion. 103 I ktiJ Section 5 |Old or modern: Medicine os a new technology m 79 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions in pairs. • How have medical techniques improved over the last 50 years? • How have hospitals changed? • How has what we eat changed? 80 a) Listen to the first part of a radio programme and answer the questions. What is Blue Fruit? Would you like to eat it? В b) Do you know what GM means? Unjumble the definition. GM is ^ different organism picking up Д gene it transporting 81 Listen to the rest of the programme and choose the best option for each question. The speaker thinks that GM food a) is safe for eating. b) should not be eaten. c) will be OK in the future. In the area of medicine GM food a) can take up a long time to actually cure a diseases. b) can help to avoid painful treatment. c) can change the way you look. GM food a) is very expensive to produce. b) always looks the same as natural food. c) can be easily made to taste better. 82 Listen again and fill in the table. Use your Workbook. Arguments for GM Arguments against GM ... .. .they are not naturally produced. WORD FOCUS: PHRASES WITH "HEALTH' !S 104 83 Read the sentences. Translate them into Russian. Write down the phrases that contain the word “health”. Use vour Workbook. (--------------) • His health improved once he stopped smoking. ------------------ч ----------------' • Eating junk food can seriously damage your health. • Stress is definitely bad for your health. • What helps you to stay in good health? • He has been in poor health lately. • A balanced diet helps to maintain health. • He stopped working because of ill health. • It can take you several years to regain your health. • You can have a free health check if you work for this company. • Living in the city centre can be a hazard to your health. damage your 84 Work in groups of 3-4. With your books closed, take it in turns to make up sentences with the word “health”. The last group to give their example are the winners. Mini-project: Opinion poll. Class survey and results display. Would you eat a GM tomato? 85 a) Prepare a class survey. Use your Workbook. Follow these steps: • Think of 4-5 questions you would like to ask your classmates. Write them down. Use: keep one’s weight down home cooking / a three-course meal look, smell and taste / tasty food / certain flavours / amazing taste obvious benefits of GM food many calories / minimal calories protein and starch and vitamins products that improve one’s health • Prepare a form for your survey. b) Do the survey. Talk to as many people as you can. c) Summarise the results and display them for the whole class. 86 Write a report on the survey. Use the following plan. Introduction The aim of this report is to find out... 1 interviewed... people to learn what they think... Reporting results Most people seem to feel that... Several people said that... They gave the following reasons:... Conclusion It would seem that... In conclusion 1 would assume that... 87 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and say what you normally do if you catch a cold. Share your ideas. a cup of ginger tea a patient sleeping in bed a person taking a hot bath a bottle of milk, a bar of chocolate and a garlic clove a bowl with hot chicken soup a teenager gargling his throat 105 I I 88 Read the text and match the remedies with the pictures. Simple and effective home remedies for the common cold If you are sneezing and coughing, have mild fever, watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose, you probably have a cold. Colds are viral infections that take effect when the resistance in the body is low. They usually target the upper respiratory tract. It is often the result of stress, fatigue or nutritional deficiencies. To avoid the common cold, there are several home remedies: Taking a hot liquid can lessen cold symptoms. Hot chicken soup is most recommended. Since common cold patients often experience head and sinus congestion, a hot bath is most advisable. Fill the bath tub with very warm or hot water and add it with at least 0.5 kilo of salt. After the bath, go straight to bed and cover your whole body with a blanket. The body will sweat as a response to the heat and release some of the congestion. Taking long naps on a warm bed also soothes a cold and helps the body regain strength. Gargling with a warm salt water solution once every two hours will ease a sore throat. Drinking ginger tea is one of the best ways to attack a cold directly. To do this, boil fresh ginger root in water. Use honey instead of sugar to sweeten the tea. The tea will cause you to perspire. If you don’t want to drink the ginger, you can chew it instead which is another effective way to cure a cold. If you don’t like the taste of ginger boiled in water, try mixing cinnamon, milk and honey. If you want to substitute the milk, use chocolate instead. You can add garlic. Most of these drinks don’t taste very good, but if you want a natural and effective way to cure your cold, they are the best option. 89 Read the text again and collect the phrases under the following categories. Use your Workbook. Symptoms Remedy Effect sneezing hot chicken soup lessens cold symptoms coughing WORD FOCUS: WORDS OFTEN CONFUSED CURE, TREATMENT, REMEDY 90 a) Match the words to their explanations. 1 cure a) the process of providing medical care 2 treatment b) a fix for pain or minor illness 3 remedy c) a medicine that makes someone who is ill become healthy b) Fill in the gaps with cure, treatment or remedy. 1 The ... is all prepared from wildflowers. 2 She is undergoing medical ... now. 3 The doctors cannot guarantee a ... . 4 It’s a popular ... for toothache. 5 There is no instant ... for this condition. 6 The paramedics are getting training in giving on-the-spot .... 106 91 Work in groups. Discuss different home remedies. Choose two or three that are the least known. Write detailed recipes for them and present them to the class. Example: Place 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water. Mix desired amount of honey and you will have a tea that can cure your cold. Drink V2 cup every four hours. Basil tea Basil (fresh or dry basil leaves are good) tea is another way to cure a cold. Add cinnamon to provide a nice aroma and to ease the congestion. Cinnamon and thyme tea The combination of cinnamon, dried thyme, and cloves in boiling water can produce an effective drink to ease the cold. After boiling the tea, let it sit for three minutes, strain and drink. 92 Work in pairs. Read these medical jokes to each other. What makes them funny? “Doctor, please hurry. My son swallowed a razor-blade.” "Don’t panic. I’m coming immediately. Have you done anything yet?” "Yeah, I shaved with the electric razor.” "Doctor, doctor, will I be able to play the violin after the operation?” "Yes, of course...” "Great! I never could before!” 93 Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1 Where are the people? 2 What is the relationship between them? 3 What is the problem? 94 Listen to the conversation and decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated. 1 The patient can’t speak Russian, a) true b) false c) not stated 2 The patient slept well last night, a) true b) false c) not stated 3 The patient doesn’t usually eat that kind of food. a) true b) false c) not stated 4 The patient drank some water, a) true b) false c) not stated 5 The patient hasn’t taken any medicine yet. a) true b) false c) not stated 6 The patient has worked a lot recently, a) true b) false c) not stated 7 The pharmacist believes that it’s a minor illness. a) true b) false c) not stated 107 lUllWli iUiH I iiHiiMi шт i 95 Work in groups. Discuss what a person should do if he / she: 98 Read the text and match the titles to the paragraphs. feels tired all the time 1 Naturally nano can’t get to sleep 2 Small but dangerous? has got a high temperature 3 Waiting time /r'i A has got aching joints 4 What should be done? га has got a sore throat 5 Here and now '\^2Ш his / her chest hurts 6 Future vision л \ has got a bad cough 7 Early days i 96 Work in pairs. Student A is a patient. Student В is a pharmacist. Role-play the situations. Dialogue vocabulary (for asking for and giving advice) What seems to be wrong? / What’s the matter? / What’s the problem? Do you think it’s...? What do you think 1 should do...? What would you advise me to do? Why don’t you... Try... You definitely should... I’d recommend the... You could... Have you tried...? If 1 were you, 1... i j Jf Use: see a doctor, stay in bed, take some medicine, do exercise, go out a lot, eat healthier food, take an aspirin, use some anesthetic, take your temperature, use a bandage, take injections 97 What is nanotechnology? Unscramble the definition and check yourself. ts Nanotechnology very small machines building by using the skill of computer technology '‘•yr How can I get through this nanodoor? О 108 l/WNT'l What will the future of healthcare look like? A____________________________ In the future, nanotechnologies could help doctors detect disease earlier, target drugs to exact locations in the body, and give us new ways to grow and repair body tissue. But what will this "mini" medicine be like? Media images often show extremely small submarines shooting through the blood, but this vision of nano-sized healthcare is unlikely to become a reality. Scaled-down metal machines won't work on the nano-scale. В______________________________ But nanomachines actually already exist inside you. They are large molecules, like the enzymes that help power your body, and the ribosomes that make the proteins to form your hair and nails. They are present inside the cells of your body, they just don't look like our idea of machines. But they are designed to work on the nanoscale. If we could learn to copy their designs, help heal our bodies. C______________________________ The arrival of nanomachines that could help repair our bodies is a long way off. Before we can design these devices, we need to understand how things work on this tiny scale. Most of this research is still at a very early stage. how the tails, or "flagella", of some bacteria work. This type of tiny motor could be used in future as a propeller for delivering drugs around the body. A lot of current work is focused on developing sensors that detect diseases and tiny capsules rhat take medicines to where they're needed most in the body. But it could be a long time before we see the oenefits. All new medicines have to go through ong trials to make sure they're safe. So we'll probably have to wait years for most nanosized healthcare to reach doctors' surgeries and hospitals. E_________________________________ However, cosmetics and beauty companies are already using this tiny technology to big effect. Skin scientists have designed nano-sized 'containers" that can carry a product's active ngredients deep into your skin, where they work most effectively. And some sunscreens now contain zinc oxide nanoparticles. These protect you from the Sun's rays but, unlike larger particles, they don't give you that chalky look. F ________________________________ Some people are concerned that putting such small particles into our bodies may cause us harm. The tiny size of nanoparticles means they don't have the same properties as larger particles of the same material. So a chemical J that is safe in its normal state might actually be harmful in its nano-form. Then again, it might remain harmless. We don't really know yet. G__________________________________ A recent report by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering recommended further research was needed into the possible damaging effects of nanoparticles. They also suggested that all consumer products containing nanoparticles should be labelled. Ч f Glossary body tissue — ткани тела nano-scale — наномасштаб ribosome — рибосома, гранула flagella — жгутики, реснички zinc oxide — окись цинка nanoparticles — наночастицы ( Г, И’' 99 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. • How can nanotechnologies be helpful in the future? Make a list of ideas. • What are some of the dangers of this scientific invention? • Find sentences and phrases in the text that indicate further research is needed. Mini-project: Discussion: What is better for us? Home remedies, conventional medicine or modern technologies? 100 Work in pairs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these three approaches. Choose the one you think is the best. Remember to: • discuss all the options • take an active part in the conversation and be polite • come up with ideas • give good reasons • find out your friends’ attitudes and take them into account • invite your friend to come up with ideas • come to an agreement Dialogue vocabulary I: (for giving and supporting arguments) I’d much rather use... than... because... I’d prefer to... because... I think... is much more useful than... I like... better than... because... On the one hand... on the other hand... There is no doubt that... but there is also a chance that... It would definitely be better because... I don’t think... would be nearly as effective as... 109 I 110 Section 6 к Modern technologies and the environment 4 101 Think about the area you live in and answer these questions in pairs. 1 What are the most well known ecological threats? 2 Are the people in your area environmentally conscious? Why do you think so? 3 Is there a Green Party? What do you know about it? 4 What recycling facilities are there? 5 How is the rubbish dealt with? Use: river / oceans / lakes pollution, global warming, ecological balance damage, acid rain, pollution, plant and animal life extinction, deforestation, air pollution, energy shortage, human and industrial waste, etc 102 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and say what it shows. discarded plastic ice cream container 103 Listen to the story and check your guesses. 104 Listen to the story again and choose the hest options. 1 The campaigners wanted the restaurant a) to stop selling ice cream. b) to collect the litter. c) to redesign the plastic containers. 2 Hedgehogs got into containers because a) they wanted to find a place to live. b) they were looking for food. c) they wanted to hide in containers. 3 Hedgehogs died because a) it was very hot in the containers. b) the ice cream was bad for them. c) they got stuck and couldn’t get out. 4 The new redesigned containers have a) a smaller hole. b) a bigger hole. c) the same hole as in the old ones. 5 The restaurant is going to a) warn people not to throw out litter carelessly. b) make people collect their litter themselves. c) treat the hedgehogs who got themselves into danger. 105 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. • Did the story surprise you? Why? / Why not? • Would you ever campaign for anything? Give some examples. WORD FOCUS: ENVIRONMENT 106 Mark the words -t- or - according to what kind of effect they have on the environment. preserve "л harm protect damage save > the environment clean up improve have an impact on pollute J 107 Write 4-5 sentences about the impact people have on the environment in the place where you live. Use your Workbook. Example: Heavy traffic pollutes the environment. 108 Read the interview and put the events in the correct order. 1 Kelly found a job in a factory. 2 Kelly found a job in a laundry of a hotel. 3 Kelly’s neighbours moved out. 4 Kelly moved to a flat on a main road. 5 Kelly decided to leave the country. 6 Kelly moved to a block of flats. INTERVIEW Journalist: Today we’re focusing on the problem of noise — noise at home and noise at work. Medical experts agree that there are definite links between noise and stress levels... the noisier the environment, the more stress you are likely to experience. And it’s even worse when a person has to live and work in noisy environments. This is Kelly Emerson’s problem... Kelly: .. .the first place I lived in when I moved here was really terrible. It was on a main road... and I was used to living in the country. There were lots of cars and lorries passing by the front door all day and night. Because of this I decided to move, but things got much worse... ournalist: Kelly moved from her house on the main road to a block of flats. It was next to a park, so it should have been quieter, but it wasn’t. Kelly: .. .the problem in the next place was the neighbours... the people directly upstairs from me. They played music all night long and got very annoyed when I asked them to stop. The police used to come round two or three times a week, but they only stopped for a few minutes and then set off again even louder. I mean... the problem for me was that there was no break. It was noisy where I lived and noisy where I worked. 'ournalist: Kelly was working in a laundry of a hotel, the only job that she could find when she left school, and decided at the same time to move away from her home town. She was advised to look for a job in a quieter environment. Kelly: ... it was very well telling me to get a quieter job. If you’ve got qualifications, you can do what you like. If you’re not qualified, you’ve got to take what you can get. Anyway, I did what the doctor told me... I left the laundry and went to work in a factory. It was bringing in less money, but it was quieter. Journalist: Kelly was lucky enough to move to a really modern factory where the work involved assembling car stereos. The change she experienced was remarkable. Kelly: I used to feel a pain in my back and my shoulders while I was working in the laundry. I didn’t realise it was stress. After a week at the factory, I really felt much better. I suddenly noticed that the pain had gone. Then I started feeling more energetic and I didn’t feel so tired at the end of the day. I mean... the difference was quite incredible. Journalist: But there was still the problem of the noisy neighbours. Fortunately for Kelly, a change was about to take place. Kelly: My neighbours moved out. It’s much quieter now. The new people in the flat upstairs make less noise than I do. They’re so quiet. I think they must tiptoe everywhere. When I think about the way things were, the contrast is incredible. There’s really no comparison. i 109 Read the interview again and say what happens when you experience too much noise. What happens when the situation improves? Make notes. Ill I 110 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 Do you have to put up with a lot of noise? 2 Where do you experience more noise at home, in the street or at school? Why? 3 What can he done to reduce this problem? GRAMMAR FOCUS: WORD BUILDING 112 Look at the leaflets of Environmental Campaigns and Manifestos around the world. Say what actions they desire? Do vou think these actions are realistic? Why? / Why not? Ill Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words at the end of the lines. Follow these steps: • Read the text for general understanding. But ignore the gaps. • Then read the text again sentence hy sentence. Consider each gap and decide what part of speech is missing. • Decide whether the missing word is negative or positive. • Decide whether the missing word is singular or plural. • Finally, read the text with your answers and make sure it makes sense. Earth-friendly fabrics Shopping for clothes involves tricky decisions about fit, colour, style, and price. And if a (1) ... number of companies have their way, you’ll soon start checking labels for another key detail: (2) ... impact. Earth-friendly fabrics are in. It’s already (3) ... to buy shirts made from bamboo and socks made from corn. Shopping malls of the future might also carry clothes made from chicken feathers or rice straw. The companies that make such fabrics are interested in (4) ... development. This means trying to (5) ... things that people need while protecting natural resources and preserving biodiversity. “A fully sustainable business would be one that (6) ., negative impact on the environment,” says Gordon Rands, an environmental business expert at Western Illinois University in Macomb. “I don’t think such a business exists yet, but (7) ... it’s very possible. And companies are moving in this (8) ... .” So, (9) ... are now looking for new ways to make fabrics for clothes that are good both for your (10) ... and for the Earth. 112 Don’t throvujfo»» vote awav S, ffl Put£ up'^ cfean 5/« Ригл *■•““Ж* * » »• A A planet GREEI^ Water off ’ le Water tap while Crushing your teeth ' 113 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 Why is environmental awareness important? 2 How does acid rain produced in one country affect others? 3 What are some of the consequences of the deforestation? 4 Why is the ozone layer essential for the preservation of life on Earth? 5 Why is it difficult to stop the greenhouse effect? 6 Why is a sudden increase in temperature dangerous for life on Earth? Mini-project: Create an environmentally-friendly lifestyle 114 In groups write a Green Party Manifesto giving your proposals for Ban environmentally-friendly lifestyle in your area. Follow these steps: First, design an emblem for your party. Then design a poster for an environmental campaign in your region. Prepare a wall chart containing the essential information on the main environmental threats in your area. Write a programme for your party containing the main measures that are necessary to take in order to protect your local environment. Discuss what a manifesto is and give it a definition. Produce your own manifesto. Present it to the class. 113 Section 7 I LeKs aet diaital i 115 Work in groups and discuss this question. How has the internet changed the world? Make a list of the ten top uses of the internet and compare your lists in pairs. 116 Quiz. Read the texts. Which fact is not true? Consult dictionaries, encyclopedias and the internet if necessary. The first e-mail was sent out by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. Ray Tomlinson, a scientist from Cambridge, introduced electronic mail in 1972. He used the @ to distinguish between the I sender’s name and network name in the e-mail > address. ' Gotic^ie -^HoO? The search engine Google got its name from the word googol”, which refers to the number one with a hundred zeros after it. 3M Yahoo! derived its name from the word “yahoo coined by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels. A “yahoo” is a person who is repulsive m appearance and action and is seen as barely human! The very first web browser was created by Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the “world wide web It already had a GUI (графическим интерфе пользователя) when it was created in 1990. It took 13 years for television to reach 50 million users — it took the internet less than 4 years. I Business.eom Cha ' r L I. L I l i I 9 1. i I ff I I ■ r ■ r I I I I I 9 i ji II' « 11’ ii ji ' I I Ш ^1 I t JL е^хГгГbe sold at really high prices! The most expensive domain name was “business.com”, which was bought by eCompanies for $7.5 million in 1999. ^ ^ I VL-\\ . \ 1-^ The typewriter was invented by Hungarian immigrant Qwert Yuiop, who ieft his signature on the keyboard of a modern computer. ^ the most alluring sleep Experts say one h ibility of the distractions IS the 24 nour internet. YAHOO! screen shot is reproduced with permission of Yahoo! Inc. ® 2008 by Yahoo YAHOO! and the YAHOO! logo are trademarks of Yahoo! Inc. 117 Work in pairs. Answer the questions with your books closed. 1 What was @ used for? 2 Where does the name Google come from? 3 Who first used the name “yahoo”? 4 Who invented the “world wide web”? 5 Was the internet faster than TV at gaining popularity? 6 What can be sold via the internet? 7 What distracts people from sleep most of all? 8 Who invented the typewriter? 114 118 Read the texts and put the parts of the sentences hack in the right places. There is one extra choice. Follow the steps: • First, read the texts for general understanding. • Then read the texts sentence by sentence. Consider each gap, especially the words that go before and after the gaps. • Think what kind of content is missing. • Then find the right content. • Make sure it fits the gap grammatically. • Read the text again to make sure your answers make sense. |i- https/i'WMW ^ Правка вид Избранное ' С Amazon.cotn: Onbie Sho| amazon.com I Books ^ I umles. Music i Games ) [*g*alDownloaits 5 I Becti onics & Computers , I Home & Ganleu [| Grocery . Toys. Kids & BalJy 1 Appniel.S!ioes& Joweliy . He.imi «■ Beauty UpoitsAOirtdoois i Tools. Auto fcmdustiial Check This Out _ Amazon.com Gift Titanium Bestsellers Text 1 Amazon.com founder leff Re^ne After researching the success of dTffaeXar d” « - • bt (2) . . That year he left New York to”s«bChls”"’'”"'“' (3) ... and the booming high-tech industrv in . ‘^°™Pany in Seattle, website, and has since expanded to offer manv n^h.r launched its a) m addition to books ‘ ' c) ."сь'аГьоок? “ ' ''»rk City Amazon.com Gift ' Cards Find exactly vinat • Dad Sefflng on An Publish on Kir Sell YOJT Stir. Fulfilln^ntby WebSters by • Advantage Pn I Associates Prt i Amazon ExcU. ■ Arnazon Primt Amaaxi Beste AmazoTi Dai',* ПуСК; тКг» flesisncd- 3.nd- Text 2 mathematician and inventor, concepts Charles Babbage was a ^^^ines on principles (1) ■ • • developing a) because he found^a c) bTcI^e the production of mathematical tables f) that anticipated tn 3 Amazon, Amazon.com and Amazon.com logo are registered trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. 119 Work in pairs. Listen to the following customer comments and make notes. Decide what is wrong about them. What do you think the people really meant? 115 I De, э и 120 Read the jokes and in groups decide what the ending of each joke is. Then listen and check your answers. i li *■! . « L_fi .fi Send Cut Copy Insert Uo<3o ' Check nSpetIng Attach Priorty ^ Sign Enaypt OfFXne ^ ! [email protected] jm ШСс: Г . Ы. •• V w ~B r~Il E. 1 в / u a. I S3 116 Number One Historical Spam Subject Line: URGENT VIRUS ALERT! Don't Open Your City Gates for Giant Wooden Horses! CD player I wanted to buy a CD player, but was completely perplexed by one model’s promotional sign. So I called the sales clerk over and asked, “What does ‘hybrid pulse D/A converter’ mean?” He said, “It means that this machine will read the digital information that is encoded on CDs and convert it into an audio signal.” “In other words,” I said, “...”. “Exactly.” Call Centre I used to work in technical support for a 24/7 call centre. One day I got a call from an individual who asked what hours the call centre was open. I told him, “The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” He responded, “Is that Eastern or Pacific time?” Wanting to end the call quickly... Windows? A woman called the Canon help desk about a problem with her printer. The tech asked her if she was “running it under Windows”. The woman then responded, “No, my desk is next to the door. But that is a good point...” Cat Technical Support This is an actual account by a worker at a technical support and service centre. One particular customer had an old console-type machine with a print head that would ride back and forth on a spiral shaft. They also had a big bushy cat who liked to sit on the edge of the printer next to the operator. One day we got a service call with a panicky voice that said, “Cat caught in machine, come quick!” When I arrived I saw everyone sitting around mending their various wounds and scratches. But no sight of the cat. It appears that while they were running the machine the cat was twirling his tail in his usual fashion and stuck it down into the printer at the most inopportune time and got sucked ini... WORD FOCUS: GET YOUR INTERNET LANGUAGE RIGHT 121 Choose the right options in the sentences. 1 You can check your e-mail at the internet cafe / restaurant in the square. 2 Thousands of people logged on / entered to view the live internet show / broadcast of the concert. 3 To set up a company you first need to register an internet company / domain name. 4 I have unlimited / endless internet access via fast / broad-band internet connection. 5 You need special software / hardware for downloading / getting internet files. J 122 Match the phrases in the first column to those in the second. 1 connect to a) the website address 2 type in b) the website 3 click c) the internet 4 browse / search d) the information 5 download e) on a link -w 123 Collect examples of some internet language. Use your Workbook. 124 Work in groups of 3-4. Imagine that you are going to give a course on how to use the internet to a complete beginner. You’ll need to explain the following words to him or her. Agree on the explanations and prepare your notes. Compare your notes with another group. Who has the best explanations? internet provider □ Ш L password log on / log off virus hacker internet link A ir spam browse ^ к download \ \ / online / offline / website / / / surf / surfer \ world wide web \ V \ / homepage hypertext attachment Ч text file / sound file / image file e-mail address / e-mail message V access the internet wek. 125 Listen to the people speaking about the role of the internet in their lives and match the speakers to the statements. 1 The speaker feels that people should solve their problems in real life, not on the internet. 2 The speaker sees the danger of the internet cutting people off from real life. 3 The speaker is fascinated by the ability to communicate with those who are far away from you. 4 The speaker uses the internet for doing everyday routine tasks. 5 The speaker believes that the internet allows you to get your message across to many people. 126 Listen again and write down the positive and negative aspects of using the internet. Use your Workbook. Positive Negative 1 contact with friends who are far away 2 getting an immediate response from people 1 cutting people off from real life 127 a) Work in pairs. Imagine a world without computers. How would it affect your everyday life? Make a list of five inconveniences and compare your lists with another pair. Use your Workbook. Example: We’d have to borrow dozens of books from the library to get information instead of finding it on the internet. b) Do you use the internet much? 117 I 118 128 Give a 3-minute talk on the internet in your life. See “Tips for giving a talk (individual long-turn exam task)” in “Learning strategies”. Remember to say: • how you use the internet (where, what kind of connection) • what you use the internet for • how the internet influences your life (good and bad aspects) • what you would like to change, if anything, in your internet habits Use: alienates us from friends contact with people at the blink of the eye chat with immediate response new and chaotic carry your views the medium be cut off from everyday life have goods delivered take using the internet to the extreme take over your life positive tool for everyday use makes your life complicated part of daily life search the internet for the best prices to surprise a friend to remind a friend you are thinking of him send e-cards instant chat messenger GRAMMAR FOCUS: NUMERAL 129 Read the text and put the figures back into the test. Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the numbers. 5.6 2002 75 11.5 56.4 4.9 2001 2,024 75 550 2005 7.7 Some facts about the internet According to a (1) ... study, there were more than (2) ... billion documents on the web, mostly in the “invisible web”. A (3) ... survey of (4) ... million web pages determined that by far the most web content was in English at ((5) ... %) next were pages in German ((6) ... %), French ((7) ... %) and Japanese ((8) ... %). A more recent study which used web searches in (9) ... different languages determined that there were over (10) ... billion web pages in the publicly indexable web as of January (11) .... 130 Read the statistics and transform them into a text for a news radio programme Present your news item to the class. 1Чр|э i S “Total Worldwide j online Populations by Country, АППОП9 Age 15+ world Matrix Unique Visitors (000) Worldwide Total 694,260 152,046 Unites States 74,727 China 1 52,100 Japan 1 31,813 Germany 1 30,190 Unites Kingdom 1 24,645 South Korea 23,884 € France Canada I Italy g India g Brazil II Spain Netherlands „1 Russia Australia 18,996 16,834 16,713 13,186 12,452 10,969 10,833 9,735 Mini-project: TV Show "Bol'shie" (simulation) -Jl31 You are going to take part in a TV show where the influence of modern technologies and the Follow these steps: • Distribute the roles: the presenter, invited experts, the audience. • Work in groups according to your roles. • Prepare for filming the programme. • Film the programme. Use: to buy something online, to download music or movies, to give out personal information, to meet people face to face, to offer online courses of English, to give truthful information, to have inappropriate content, to be an anti-social activity, to communicate with people from different countries, to replace books and libraries, to use the internet for education, for entertainment... young people discuss internet on their lives. Dialogue vocabulary (for asking what someone thinks, presenting an opinion and summarising) What do you think about / of..? What’s your position on this? Do you have any thoughts on...? It seems to me that... From my point of view... The point I’m trying to make is... To sum up... Basically... Questions for the Presenter: • E-commerce has become very popular. Is it better to buy online or to go to a shop? Why do you think so? • Many students use the internet to help them do their assignments and they just cut and paste information from the internet. Is it possible to stop this? How? • Many young people in Japan lock themselves in their bedrooms, sometimes for years, to escape the pressures of life. They refuse to see people, but they still use the internet and mobile phones. Do you think this will happen in Russia? Why do you think so? Does the internet make people more impatient, so that we all expect an instant reply or immediate satisfaction? Don’t you think people need more time to think over their problems? Many people download MP3 music without paying any money for it. Do you think that this is a problem? Do you have any ideas or ambitions to start an internet company? Is it dangerous to meet people on the internet? Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the internet? 119 I Key vocabulary mi accomplishment accept alien-related time capsule alien browse amazing trial trip chat claim creative social recognition cloning clone cutting-edge innovative solution cure confess deliberately be behind schedule deforestation declare digital be best known for device download environmentally the turn of the century engineering express (onerself) conscious be ahead of time fake get down to environmentally be dedicated to fraud log on / off fake be inspired by somebody gadget operate friendly be crucial for gene plug in extraordinary a wide application genius reject extremely run over (budget) growth release (a film) GM (food) have an impact on baker reveal individual(ly) hoax search for innovative Abbreviations: manifesto set up logical PDA manual speculate multifunctional DNA nanotechnology store nano DVD password surf neutral PVR remedy take out online / offline PC spam particular CD-RW technology perpetual IQ treatment virus sore (throat) sustainable unlikely unlimited X-ray IM (instant messaging) Useful phrases It’s much more fast... There is a good chance to... I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. It wouldn’t be so certain. In addition... If you ask me... If I were her... I suggest she should... Personally, I think Don’t you think that.. It would be better to.. You definitely should. Why don’t you... I’d recommend that... 120 а) Read the texts and match them with the headings. There is one extra heading. A Bizarre Summer Fashion В Solar Car Fan C Direct Sun Lighting D Solar DIY Car Kit E Universal Hybrid Solar Charger F Rotating Plant Holder Points I I /5 A solar panel, which is 5 inches by 4.5 inches, powers the fan, which exchanges hot air inside the car for the presumably cooler air outside. If you park in the shade and want to use the fan, there’s a plug-in adapter for the car. One retail Website says the fan can reduce your parked car’s interior temperature by 25 degrees, though that’s not much solace considering another Website cited 160 to 180 degree temps inside a parked car on a hot day. If you want to try to make your car cooler, you can buy this solar gadget online for around $10. b) Listen again and decide which of the speakers: 1 mentions that most of things we use today are made of plastic________ believes that destruction of the Earth can be stopped__________ compares people with dinosaurs__________ hopes that our actions now will help future generations insists on taking environmental problems seriously This bamboo fan cap works just as you might imagine. Sunlight is absorbed through the disk on the top of the hat, which powers the fan that blows onto the forehead of the person wearing this unfortunate fashion accessory. Ladies don’t distress, there is also a more feminine style for those of you who are more apt to go for a floral design. For the joker in you or for those of you just wanting to keep cool, both styles are for sale in the UK at just £11.00 each. For the person who has everything else, this plant holder uses the sun’s rays to continually rotate the base so that sunlight is evenly distributed onto the plant. This could be deemed useful to dedicated gardeners lacking time to be fully attentive. Running in at only $24.95 (USD), this solar gadget is affordable and time-saving. 121 Now almost any common gadget can harness the power of the sun to power itself Winner of the Mac World Best of Show 2005, the Universal Hybrid Charger recharges any handheld device that you would normally plug into an outlet. The device is sold for $99.95 (USD) and comes in four different colors including a Quicksilver design. Besides the normal cables included in the box, they also throw in different tips which can be used to power a wide variety of cell phone brands. The battery holds energy for up to a year and can be recharged by the sun or, when necessary, a wall outlet. Direct Sun Lighting is not a single futuristic . -1 but a wave of new technology known as Hybr:.; Lighting (HSL). HSL is supposed to reduce c*.-for old-fashioned electricity by harnessing the -j power of the sun. The new lighting system that the light redirected into your home is to the actual light of the sun. There is also an to filter the additional natural colors of the -and sunset. So when is HSL going to be founc commonly in the average household? The H-model, delivering 50,000 lumen of sunlight ■ to be available for commercial buildings in earn and to be tested for residential housing in 20C> b) Read the texts again and decide which of the texts mentions: 1 the year of a product’s commercial launch 6 the size of a device 2 the year of a product’s participation in an 7 the temperature inside a car exhibition 8 the amount of light 3 the cheapest price of a device 9 the material used 4 the most expensive price of a device 10 the name of a design 5 the model of a device 3 Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gaps. Every day you can see the wind blowing and watch all of that wasted energy just floating away. A lot of energy is thought to be (1) ... and all you need to use it are a few wind turbines! Currently less than 1% of the Earth’s energy needs are (2) ... by wind, with Denmark being the most wind-friendly producing 23% of its own energy needs from wind. The energy produced is totally clean and also one of the (3) ... around and it is able to produce (4) ... 18 times more energy than is consumed in its construction, (5) ... nuclear which is estimated at around five. People are often worried about the look of wind farms but what they often forget is that the land can still (6) ... for farming, with only 1% of the space being taken up by the wind turbines. One of the biggest (7) ... about wind turbines, is their effect on bats and birds. In Norway, nine out of ten sea eagles were killed by turbines. Bats too are a serious problem. Even the manufacturers of wind turbines are (8) ... concerned by the numbers of bats being killed, prompting ongoing research. 1 A handy В available C convenient D ready 2 A supplied В hardest C distributed D donated 3 A easiest В selected C cheapest D most expensive 4 A on average В in average C by average D to average 5 A contrasted to В matched to C compared to D added to 6 A be using В have used C have been D be used 7 A advantages В benefits C prospects D concerns 8 A deeply В badly C wrongly D sadly Points 122 4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. -lai»] Правка виА ld36pawoe C^ew Сг^ввка tel-l I_______________________ I Страмюа - Сереж » The internet (0) has changed people’s life dramatically. It has allowed people from all over the world (1) ... (communicate) with each other and express their ideas and opinions. In a real life situation it is not easy to start speaking with a complete stranger, a person in power or a child. The internet (2) ... (hide) your age, class and looks. It has allowed many people to set up their own businesses. Some of these people are very young, even under the age of 18. The workplace (3) ... (become) increasingly stressful for many people, with longer hours and polluted air in big cities. The internet offers other alternatives, such as working from home and online shopping. Today you (4) ... (not . have to) go out to buy goods or earn money. The biggest concern about people using the internet is (5) ... (get) addicted to it. This happens because computers (6) ... (use) to compensate for feelings of loneliness, marital and work problems, poor social life, and financial problems. All in all, the internet is here to stay and whether it (7) ... (improve or ruin) our life is up to us. 5 Discuss with your friend the importance of the following inventions. Decide what the most useful invention is: • a CD player • a video camera • a telephone • a television • a personal computer Discuss the options with your friend and choose the one you both think is the most useful. You have 3-4 minutes to do the task. Remember to: • be active and polite • come up with ideas • give reasons • agree or disagree with your friend • invite your friend to suggest ideas • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account • come to an agreement 6 Comment on the following statement. You have 40 minutes to do the task. Now people are absolutely dependent on modern technologies, they will not survive without them. What is your opinion? How do modern technologies influence one’s life? Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • Introduction: State the problem. • Your personal opinion: Give some reasons to explain it. • Give some arguments for the other point of view and explain why you don’t agree with it. • Conclusion. Mark your score For tasks 1-4, you can get a total of 45 points. 45-30 points — well done 29-23 points — good 22-17 points — you can do better 16 points or less — revise and try again Tasks 5 and 6 should be evaluated by you, your classmates and your teacher. 123 I Where are you from? Section 1 City versus country I Look at the pictures and say what mista the artist has made. ■fUU !ГН' '’'1''(t’' '«it r" 2 Put these words and expressions into tv groups: the city and the country. Add ma words of your own. ---- I'l’ , I J ' 'br'-------------- i, t skyscrapers / blocks of flats a cleaner and safer environment the underground raising chickens farming nice little cottages producing your own food sunlight and fresh air terrible air pollution hiking some industrial areas fishing rush hour spacious apartments crowds of people traffic jams gathering a crop / harvest swimming litter producing goods growing wheat or rye trees and forests convenient parking areas huge factories and plants « a; 1 Ш 3 Work in pairs. Discuss the following que‘ tions. Share your opinions with another pair. • Do you live in the city or in the country? • Where would you rather live? In a large / small modern city or in the country? • How are the people different in the city from the people in the country? • Are people kinder / more open / busier in th; city or in the country? Why do you think so' * I 'J 4 Work in pairs. Fill in the table below. Use your Workbook. City Country Advantages Disadvantages 2 Ш 5 Listen to the recording and decide whether the speaker prefers to live in a big city or in the country. 6 Listen again and add more points to the table in Ex. 4. Use your Workbook. Ei ^ Write an essay “If I could choose, I would live in a big modern city / in the country”. Write up to 200 words. J 8 Discuss these questions in pairs. 1 Have you ever thought of moving anywhere? 2 Where would you prefer to move if you could choose any place in the world? 3 What would you do in your new place? 4 How do you think you would feel there? 5 Do you think you would see your home town / village differently upon your return? Why? —^ 9 Read the internet forum entry and say what the person did and why. E «П, f- ilxt 'Strange Hobbies" websites L Get Bent You, too, can bend forks with your bare, uh, nose. Step-by-step instructions. Z Paper Airpianes Paper airplane maker / Guinness record holder Ken Blackburn shares what he knows about the craft. 3 Jigsaw Puzzies Online puzzles, from a simple game of 6 pieces to a maddening 247 piece cut. 1 Happy Peopie "Talking about being happy became politically incorrect," says the Secret Society of Happy People. 5 Funny Names Drop by this online collection of amusing, interesting, strange and occasionally rude names from the phone book. 3 Cyber Karate Kick, jab, spin and punch with your little ninja stick figure. Ш24 a) Listen to people talking about their hobbies and say which of the websites they visited. Which speaker doesn’t mention any of the websites above? b) Listen again and say which of the speakers: 1 describes more than one hobby he / she has.__________ 2 has a positive outlook in life._______ 3 wants to become more popular with people. 4 says that many people don’t understand his / her hobby.________ 5 believes that his / her hobby can improve his / her thinking skills._______ 6 says that a hobby can help people to choose a career._________ 7 doesn’t like all aspects of his / her hobby. 8 admits that his / her hobby caused some problems in the past________ 9 got an award due to his / her hobby. 10 can’t understand everything about his / her hobby._____________ Ш25 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Summarise your discussion for the class. 1 What are some positive aspects of the hobbies from Ex. 23 and 24? 2 Are there any negative aspects? 131 I Which of the hobbies do you like / dislike** Why? Why do people choose strange hobbies? Which of the hobbies would you like to have? Why? Ш Dialogue vocabulary There are quite a few positive aspects in the hobbies we heard about. First of all,... Another good point we spotted is that... As well as these... Turning to the negative aspects, we would like to mention that... In addition to that,... The hobbies which we both liked are... The worst hobby from our point of view is... We believe that the reason why people have strange hobbies is... If it were up to me Td... My partner agrees with my choice / doesn’t agree... 26 Read through the list of pastimes and discuss the questions. 1 Which of the pastimes are most popular in your country? Put them in order from the most to the least popular. 2 Which of the activities have you tried? Give more details. 3 Are there any activities you have no idea about? 4 Do you think that English pastimes are similar to Russian ones? ' watching television ' having a conversation seeing friends gossiping on the phone cooking DIY (do-it-yourself) gardening reading newspapers and magazines fishing stamp collecting train-spotting bird-watching doing sports keeping pets knitting using the internet playing darts playing pool playing billiards playing cards hunting I 27 Work in groups. Read one of the extr.i from the book Watching the English. The hidden rules of English behaviour If Kate Fox and say what the most popular pastimes of the English are. Choose a titl: for the extract you’ve read. Reading rules Rules of the game Pet rules and “petiquette” Television rules Cyberspace rules anc; A We do watch quite a lot of television — national average is about three to three half hours a day — but television cannot said to be killing the art of conversation. In r same survey, 97 per cent of respondents had a i entertained or visited friends or relations in past month. I am also always somewhat skept about television viewing figures, ever since I involved in a research project in which a team psychologists installed video cameras in ordir people’s sitting rooms to monitor how nn television they watched and how they beha while watching. The subjects all filled in fo every day, saying what programmes they had * and estimating how much of each prograr they had actually watched. The differences between their estimates and reality showed that when people tell a sur researcher that they spent an evening, or an h “watching television”, it is more than likeh they were doing no such thing. What they ( mean is that they had the television on i they chatted with family or friends, played the dog, read the newspaper, squabbled the remote, gossiped on the telephone, cut; toenails, nagged their spouse, cooked anil supper, did the ironing and hoovering, sh;ii at their children, fell asleep and so on, pen occasionally only glancing at the television during that period. ^<=411 в I would add that reading books ranks as even more popular than DIY and gardening in national surveys of leisure activity, and over 80 per cent of us regularly read a daily newspaper. Our passion for word games and verbal puzzles is well known, but it is also worth noting that every one of the non-verbal hobbies and pastimes that occupy our leisure time — such as fishing, stamp collecting, trainspotting, birdwatching, walking, doing sports, keeping pets, flower arranging, knitting and pigeon fancying — has at least one, if not many more specialist magazines devoted to it. The more popular hobbies each have it least half a dozen dedicated weekly or monthly publications, as well as umpteen internet sites, and •.e often spend much more time reading about our avourite pastime than we do practising it. C In pet> doVo> \ shoo^^S^ ofcout^e- perfect exce-"’''="81'* have f„u„d , „„ “rarebridge ‘"taraction: the e Гь messaging - the whole thina surfing, for the insular, socially been invented English. In cyberspace we word-loving of disembodied words. No needT' to wear, whether to make ev. ^ about what hands or kiss cheeks or jusfsmT^M ’ to shake or embarrassing starts/n" „Ted m pauses silences with weather-speak- n i ^ ^ oooomfortable or tea-making or other displaceme f P"°"""^tinating for the usual prolonged SnHK no need no actual corporeal human b Clothing physical, words. Ou?CS° “"■ D Keeping pets, for the English, is not so much a leisure activity as an entire way of life. In fact, keeping pets is an inaccurate and inadequate expression — it does not begin to convey the exalted status of our animals. An Englishman’s home may be his castle, but his dog is the real king. People in other countries may buy luxurious five-star kennels and silk-lined baskets for their pets, but we, the English, let them take over the whole house. The unwritten rules allow our dogs and cats to sprawl all over our sofas and chairs, always hogging the best places in front of the fire or television. They get far more attention, affection, appreciation, encouragement and “quality time”, than our children, and often better food. Imagine the most overindulged, well dressed, adored bambino in Italy, and you will get a rough idea of the status of the average English pet. questions to g- the bng''^»' 28 133 \ 29 Read the extracts again and choose the best answers. According to the text: Watching television a) is a good entertainment. b) does not prevent people from talking to each other. c) is better in the company of friends. The survey showed that a) people watch less television than they think they do. b) people watch more television than they think they do. c) people practically don’t watch television at all. The English a) like reading as much as DIY and gardening. b) buy lots of different magazines. c) prefer reading about their favourite pastimes to doing them. The word “it” in the part about pets refers to a) a leisure activity. b) a way of life. c) an expression. The verb “sprawl” in the text about pets describes a way of a) sleeping. b) lying. c) eating. Pets in Britain a) are allowed to do whatever they like in the.-homes. b) are less important than people. c) are very lazy. The English a) invented most of the games played in the world today. b) made up rules for most of the games playec in the world today. c) are very sporty. The author of the texts a) is irritated by the habits of the English. b) cannot understand English habits. c) is humorous when writing about the habit-of the English. 134 30 Match the halves of the phrases without looking at the text. Then use the text to check your answers. 1 gossip a) at the TV screen 2 do b) eye contact 3 glance c) publication 4 have passion d) rules 5 weekly e) hands 6 social f) on the phone 7 make g) cheeks 8 fill h) recognised 9 shake i) the hoovering 10 kiss j) part 11 awkward k) interaction 12 unwritten 1) silence 13 widely m) pause 14 essential n) for word games 31 Work in pairs. Make lists of similarities and differences between English and Russian pastimes. Use your Workbook. 32 Your English pen friend has written a letter to you asking to help him with Ьк project on the most popular pastimes in other countries. Write a letter to your friend describing the most popula-pastimes in Russia. See “How to write . informal letter” in “Learning strategic? Follow the plan: Paragraph 1 • Open your letter. • Thank your friend for the letter. • Express your readiness to help. Paragraph 2 • Describe common pastimes in your counnr* • Mention some pastimes which are not popular in Russia. • Write about your favourite pastimes. Paragraph 3 • Express hope that your letter will help. • Offer more help if needed. • Close your letter. 33 Read the quotation. What do you thint it means? Similarities Differences WORD FOCUS: EXPRESSIONS WITH "TIME" 34 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the phrases. at this time of day at the time a short time ago a really good time for a long time hard time the first time local time the right time tell the time the time it’s time you started 1 It was ... we’d ever tried skating. 2 I’m usually free .... 3 Now seems ... to make a change. 4 We just left after midnight, .... 5 He is too young to ... . 6 It was a particularly ... for her. 7 What were you doing ... ? 8 She did karate .... 9 The fitness centre only opened .... 10 Do you remember ... when we first came to school? 11 We had ... diving. 12 ... packing for the trip. 35 Put the phrases with time in three groups. Use your Workbook. clock measurement period occasion / moment J В 36 Write down the answers to the questions. Use your Workbook. Discuss your answers with a partner. What have you learned about your partner? 1 What do you never do at this time of day? 2 When was the first time you’d ever tried a sport? 3 Could you tell the time when you were three years old? 4 Have you ever had a hard time learning to do something? 5 Is there a hobby you used to do / have been doing for a long time? 6 Have you found a new hobby or stopped an old one recently? 7 What do you always have a good time doing? 37 Do some dictionary research to find 4-5 more phrases with time. Share them with the class. Give explanations and examples. 38 Give a two-minute talk on your hobbies. Comment on: • The time you have for hobbies. • Your favourite hobby / hobbies. • Why you enjoy it. • How you started doing it. • Whether you want to take up something new. 39 Look at the cartoon and complete the caption using your own ideas. □ 40 Listen to two people talking about having fun and complete the sentences. Use your Workbook. The first speaker believes that _ The second speaker is sure that. 41 Work in pairs. Listen to the recording again and make a list of arguments the speakers make for and against having fun. Use your Workbook. 42 Work in pairs. Discuss the two opinions. Which one do you share? Explain your opinion. Give an example of the most mindless leisure activity you can think of. 135 I 43 а) Read the text for gist and say whether you agree or disagree with the author. Try to ignore the gaps for this first read. Playing video games Hours spent playing action video games (1) ... be as mindless as many parents think. Whether it’s Spiderman or Grand Theft Auto 3 or others, the fast-moving action of the games (2)... to improve a range of visual skills. Scientists believe that though teachers and parents sometimes object to video-game playing, it is (3) ... radically improving visual attention.They did a series of experiments and (4) ... that people who played video games several times a week for half a year not so mindless after all could deal with complex visual information '51.. than those who didn’t play at all. Even those who were given 10 hours of tr;. - :* on a video game, (6) ... their visual proc ■ -t skills. Scientists think that what helps the p _ r-to improve these skills is the necessity simultaneously cope with a number of v^- -c tasks: detect new enemies, track other em ~ and avoid (7) ... hurt. h) Read the text again and choose the correct options. 1 A can В must C may not D will not 2 A seem В seems C seemed D had seemed 3 A capable of В able of c capable to D able to 4 A explored в understood c told D discovered 5 A more easily в easier c easily D much easier 6 A enlarged в reduced c improved D understood 7 A to get в getting c having D to have 44 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Do you ever play computer games? How often? What kinds of games? 2 What do you think of computer games? 3 Why do some people think they are dangerous to play? 4 What benefits do they have? 145 Work in groups of three. You are going to practice an exam-like task. See “Exam-taking tips” in “Learning strategies”. Follow the steps: 1 Divide the roles: two candidates and an examiner. 2 Candidates do the task and the examiner listens to them, noting down the mistakes made. 3 When the task is completed the examiner comments on the performance. 4 Then the roles switch. The options to be discussed also change. Possible options: go to the ballet; go to a cafe; play volleyball; go sightseeing; go to the opera; surf the net; go to the theatre; etc. 5 Candidates do the task, discussing the new options. 6 The examiner comments on the performance. 7 The procedure is repeated one more time. Dialogue vocabulary Why don’t we choose... The best we can do is... And what if... I don’t quite agree with you. It’s quite a different thing. I can’t make up my mind. This isn’t exactly what I mean. The more so that... Evidently... Unfortunately... To sum it up... 46 You are going to spend the evenirtt with your English friend. Discuss '■ та her / him what you would like to gt and choose one thing you will hot? enjoy doing. Here is a list of possiai activities. • watch TV • go to the cinema • go to the stadium • play video games 136 Section 3 My circle of friends 47 Look at the pictures and discuss them. Answer these questions. • What are the people doing? • What might they be saying to each other? 48 Read these quotations and comment on them. Which ones make the most sense to you? Which don’t? Why? “Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” Aristotle (BC 384-322), Greek Philosopher “A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around.” John Lubcock, English Astronomer “Tell me what company you keep, and I’ll tell thee what you are.” Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish novelist “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” Henry Ford “Should auld aquaintance be forgot. And never brought to min ?” Robert Burns (1759-96), Scottish poet “A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.” Bernard Meltzer Р5П 49 What are your reasons for choosing someone as a friend? Rank them from the most important to the least important. I choose someone as a friend because of his / her... musical preferences athletic abilities outdoor interests indoor interests political views age location cultural background way of dressing ' being in the same class 50 Work in pairs. Share how you ranked your reasons and give reasons for your opinions. 137 with all the rules? Add more rules to the list. Robert Alar HOW TO BE A GOOD FRIEND To have good friends you must be a good friend. Here are some of the ways good friends treat each other: Good friends; • listen to each other. • don’t put each other down or hurt each other’s feelings. • try to understand each other’s feelings and moods. • help each other solve problems. • give each other compliments. • can disagree without hurting each other. • are dependable. • respect each other. • are trustworthy, • give each other room to change. • care about each other. 55 Listen to the people speaking about their school friends and match what they say :: the following statements. 1 He / She belonged to group of friends that took interest in a particular school subject 2 He / She used to have many friends at school but didn’t belong to any one group. He / She has pleasant memories of school and still keeps in touch with his / her scho friends_______________ He / She was popular at school and used to defend his / her friends who were shy. 5 He / She wasn’t very good-looking and liked to learn from his / her friends. 56 Listen to the recording again and say wlio of the speakers you would like to make friends with and why. Discuss your choice t in groups. 138 А 57 Read the text with gaps and choose the correct options. Maintaining friendship is crucial, best friends take time Best friends require one-on-one contact to survive. Telephone calls and (1) ... together are musts for best friends to continue. (2) ..., probably the quickest way to end (3) ... friendship is to neglect it and sever contact. Yet it is hard to make (4) ... in a busy day and busy life to maintain our friends. But you (5) ... have to have hours to spare to maintain a friendship. Instead try the following to keep from neglecting your friends: • Send frequent e-mail. E-mail is a the fastest way to get a quick note to someone. • Call once a week. Telephone calls do not (6) ... long. • Keep in (7) ... through brief messages left on answering machines. • Send an occasional card. Funny and appropriate cards take minutes to choose and address. • Exercise together. We all have to exercise. It is more fun with a friend, plus, there (8) ... no better place for talking than a walk in the park. • Clean house together. This is (9) ... thing that makes cleaning fun instead of boring. • Send pictures. A picture is still (10) ... than a thousand words. • Go to lunch at least once a month. More often would be better. 1 A joining В getting C coming D working 2 A In reality В In addition C In time D In fact 3 A a В — c the D an 4 A hours в seconds c time D minutes 5 A don’t в didn’t c doesn’t D aren’t 6 A do в take c go D spend 7 A catch в touch c match D search 8 A is в be c was D are 9 A other в more c again D another 10 A better в good c worth D like '2 58 Work in pairs. Read the text again and discuss the ways of maintaining a friendship. Which one you think is the best? Dialogue vocabulary Personally, I think... In my opinion I feel... because... Let me think, anyway... For example, if... How shall I put it...? I believe... 139 I X ишнит 59 Read the text and answer the following questions. 1 What is a social networking system? 2 How can you become part of one? 3 What are the benefits of being part of such a system? 4 How are such systems different? 5 What is the most popular system called? How did it develop? 6 What are the drawbacks of being a member of such a system? / k&Ajrd it ffVM a, frieMi! иг1\(г§^ел>Ы it from a Apparently quite a few other people have had the same idea, which accounts for the increasing popularity of social networking systems — online networks of people linked together in much the same way documents are linked together on the ■web. In a typical scenario, I register on a web page and send invitations to my friends to become part of my network or community. My friends, in turn, invite their friends and so on. Only after joining the network (on the invitation of a trusted third party) can someone see my personal details — e-mail address, location, hobbies, interests, and the like. Since everyone in the network is a "friend of a friend" (though perhaps several times removed), we all have a greater level of comfort about contacting each other and sharing information. Some of these networks are geared primarily toward dating, some are strictly for business contacts or employment searches, and still others are more general-purpose — for making friends, finding people to join you in recreational activities, or discussing common interests. Certain social networking systems are exclusive and invitation-only: you can't join unless you know someone who's already a member — but once you do join, you can contact (and be contacted by) anyone in the network. Other services allow anyone to join, but restrict newcomers' activities until they've been approved or "sponsored" by an existing member. Still others maintain multiple, non-overlapping networks, so that I can start my own network without an invitation, but I don't get access to members who are part of another network unless the two groups share at least one member in common. Usually you can search for people you know who are already part of e network, and once such a person verifies that you're a friend, you then have access to all you.' friend's friends — and their networks. Social networking systems of one sort or another have been around for a number o* years, but they reached fad status only in 2003. thanks to the service known as Friendster. Withi-three months of its debut, Friendster had ove' a million members. A year later, the numbe' had passed seven million. Meanwhile, competinc-sites sprang up by the truckload, each with its own spin on the networking concept. These sites proliferated so quickly that they soon became known by the acronym YASNS ("yet another socia networking system"). But while membership has steadily increased, actual use is another story. For example, while researching this article I searchec-Friendster for people in my address book anc-found quite a few — but also found that most of them hadn't logged in for many months. In fact, all of the networks I've investigated have a sizable percentage of "stale" members. Besides the time and effort required to use the systems, man. users have found that "friends of friends" aren i necessarily people they want to have relationships with. For example, I noticed today that one of m. friends had a friend with whom I've had some unpleasant dealings in the past. My friend ma. trust him, but I don't — yet he's now part of m-network. Still another difficulty is that most of these networks are completely distinct from eac^ other. If your friends do not all use the same system, it becomes very difficult to maintain a coherent network of contacts. 140 в 60 Read the text again and discuss these questions in pairs or groups. 1 How is being “virtual” and being friends different in reality? 2 Would you like to become part of a social networking system? Why? / Why not? 3 If you had a choice, which form of friendship would you prefer? 61 Give a two-minute talk about the friends and friendships you have in your life. Say: • if you have a lot of friends. • what qualities you look for in friends. • if you value your friends (Why? / Why not?). • what you usually do with your friends. 62 Discuss these sayings. What do they mean? Do you agree with them? What are similar sayings in Russian? Love me, love my dog. Opposites attract. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. When poverty comes in through the door, love flies out the window. Q 63 Here are the names of some people from famous couples. Do you know their partners’ names? Are they real people or characters from fiction? Say something about their relationship. Pygmalion Ruslan Mozart Eugene Onegin Odyssey John Lennon Anthony Romeo Princess Diana Adam V 'm w' 64 Read the summary of a play and put the paragraphs in the correct order. 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ A Juliet drinks the potion and everybody assumes that she is dead — including Balthasar, who immediately tells Romeo. Friar Lawrence’s letter fails to reach Romeo, so he assumes that his wife is dead. He rushes to Juliet’s tomb and, in deep grief, drinks poison. Moments later, Juliet wakes to find Romeo dead and kills herself due to her own grief Once the families discover what has happened, they finally end their bitter hate. Thus the youngsters’ deaths bring the families together. Romeo and Juliet is a true tragedy in the literary sense because the families gather sufficient self-knowledge to correct their behaviour but not until it is too late to save the situation. В Friar Lawrence informs Romeo that he has been banished from Verona and will be killed if he stays. The Friar suggests Romeo spend the night with Juliet, then leave for Mantua in the morning. He tells Romeo that he will attempt to settle the Capulet and Montague dispute so Romeo can later return to a united family. Romeo takes his advice, spending one night with Juliet before fleeing Verona. C The play begins with a large fight between the Capulets and the Montagues, two prestigious families in Verona, Italy. These families have been fighting for quite some time, and the Prince declares that their next public battle will be punishable by death. When the fight is over, Romeo’s cousin Benvolio tries to cheer him of his melancholy. Romeo reveals that he is in love with a woman named Rosaline, but she has chosen to live a life of chastity. Romeo and Benvolio are accidentally invited to their enemy’s party; Benvolio convinces Romeo to go. D Romeo visits his best friend Mercutio and his cousin Benvolio but his good mood is put to an end. Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, starts a quarrel with Romeo, which soon turns into a duel 141 with Mercutio. Romeo tries to stop the fight but it is too late: Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo, enraged, kills Tybalt. Once Romeo realises the consequences of his actions, he hides at Friar Lawrence’s cell. Juliet’s mother, completely unaware of her daughter’s secret marriage to Romeo, informs Juliet that she will marry a man named Paris in a few days. Juliet, outraged, refuses to comply. Her parents tell her that she must marry Paris and the Nurse agrees with them. Juliet asks Friar Lawrence for advice, insisting she would rather die than marry Paris. Fr. Lawrence gives Juliet a potion of poison which will make her appear dead and tells her to take it the night before the wedding. He promises to send word to Romeo — intending that the two lovers be reunited in the Capulet vault. At the party, Romeo locks eyes with a young woman named Juliet. They instantly fall in love, but they do not realise that their families are mortal enemies. When they realize each other’s identities, they are in panic, but they cannot help the way that they feel. Romeo sneaks into Juliet’s yard after the party and proclaims his love for her. She returns his sentiments and the two decide to marry. The next day, Romeo and Juliet are married by Friar Lawrence; an event witnessed by Juliet’s Nurse and Romeo’s loyal servant, Balthasar. They plan to meet in Juliet’s chambers that night. 65 Discuss these questions in groups and report your ideas back to the whole class. • Have you read Shakespeare’s play? • Have you seen any of the screen versions of the play? • Did you like any of them? Why? / Why not? • Why do you think this play is still popular today? • If you were a film director, would you like to make a screen version of the play? • What alternative ending would you suggest for the play? 66 Read the summary of the play again and write a brief summary (10-12 sentences) of any Russian play of your choice. Use Ex. 64 as a model. 67 Discuss these questions in groups and make notes. • Is getting along with others a natural ability of someone from birth or does it have to be learnt? • If so, how can this ability be learnt? • What qualities help you to have good relationships with others? • Friendship is one of the most important relationships. Do you agree? Why? / Why not? • What are some of the ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way? • What is the relationship between love and friendship? 68 Read the interviews with some young people and decide what question they all answered. Michelle: ...while both are important I feel love is more important than friendship. If you are a good decent person who treats others with kindness and respect, chances that you will have true friends are good. Love however, is much harder. In my opinion, we only get a chance j to love someone a few times in our lives if we’re lucky. So when those rare chances present themselves, it is important for us to do all that we can in our power to recognise those chances as such and use every opportunity to love and be loved... 142 Ryan: Friendship, of course! A friendship will last a whole lot longer than love. I guarantee it! I was best friends with my sweetheart first before we became closer. I think if we had skipped the friendship stage and gone straight for the love part, it would not have lasted as long as it has! В 69 Work in pairs. Read the interviews again and choose the closest one to your own opinion. Discuss your choices. У Dialogue vocabulary In my opinion... I’m not sure, but... What I really think is... I definitely believe that... It’s quite a different thing... Claire: Love and friendship go together. But love is most important. Friendship I believe only goes so far. I believe you can love your friends through thick and thin, but it does not mean you have to participate in everything they do. What they do may go against your beliefs and I wouldn’t want to sacrifice my own values for a friendship. t"- I Ben: .. .genuine love is an extension of friendship. Friendship is the beginning of love. Love without friendship is simply based on physical attraction. Friendship in love helps one person to see the other for who they really are. ...so to answer the question as best I can, it’s friendship, and from that can grow genuine love... Mini-project: Love and friendship collage Ш7О You are going to make a collage representing your understanding of “Love and friendship” and put the concept in a visual form. Work in groups and follow these steps. a) Discuss the concept you wish to present in your collage. Use the notes you made during your discussion and use the materials from this section. b) Discuss the collage. Find or draw pictures which represent the concepts you’ve just discussed. Be creative but make sure that the pictures have some connection to the concept. c) Arrange the visuals on a large piece of paper. d) Write a short paragraph which explains the concept and your choice of visuals. e) Invent a title for your collage. f) Present your collages and paragraphs to the class. Will: .. .Well, they kind of go hand in hand... if you’ve got a great friendship then you’ve got love and if you’re in love then you’ve got a great friend. But to answer the question. I’d go with love. I think love is the most important thing to feel, and to give back. 143 I Section 4 -East or West? ^4onh Pacific Ocean Un^d S^s of America Noffl" Al^mc Ocear ‘'«Hit 71 Write names of any five countries. In groups of 3-4 compare your lists and discuss the following: • Are the countries situated to the east or to the west from where you live? • Do people have different lifestyles (kinds of clothes they wear, whether they spend time outdoors, etc) in different countries? • Does a certain lifestyle depend on the geographical position of a country? 72 What countries do you associate the following things with? fast food cola icon DVD player sushi kimono coffee troika a lot of national holidays fashionable clothes plasma TV spaceship 73 Choose the words from the list to describe the lifestyle in the following countries: Japan, the USA, Italy. advanced not fast quickly changing fashionable technological urban 74 Listen to the recording and check your guesses. 75 Look through the texts and match the headings to the paragraphs. Global trends The “Japanese” way of living A simple but aesthetic life Looking for a different lifestyle Much work and bad health Bar culture, cafe and conversation Family life 1 A common feature of the leading countries of the world today is tough competition. People in the race have often sacrificed family or communitv values and have become more and more individualistic in order to compete. But Japan has got a different story. The importance of family still predominates over individualistic gains. People adhere to that genuine humbleness that has become the trademark of Japanese culture. The rapid pace that life takes in this culture is somehow hidden within the folds of an orderlv lifestyle. A deep sense of responsibility towards maintaining social values and tradition even among the younger generation makes Japan stand tall and unmatched in this area. Competition here is considered healthy and mutual respect is a top priority. From night clubs to Karaoke zones, to peculiar fashion trends, the young Japanese have learned how to come to terms with the global way of I 144 к Г enjoying oneself. However, the distinct strict attitude of their culture prevents them from taking this too far. Young people are ahle to enjoy themselves without getting crazy. But they also feel a constant struggle to keep up with peer pressure and urban expectations, and this has had a negative effect on Japanese people. Indeed, Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. On the brighter side, Japanese people today are more leisurely than they were 20-30 years ago. Travelling around the globe and within the country has become popular. In fact, you will notice a lot of Japanese tourists these days in the major tourist destinations of the world. Some current popular activities the Japanese enjoy include mountaineering, hiking, fishing, golf and football. Create funny and sometimes surprisingly useful gadgets is another Japanese distinction. To the Italian, family and friends are one of the important parts of life. They cannot think of spending an entire day without enquiring about their parents and children, or passing a weekend without a family lunch or dinner. So it is not a surprise that Italians living outside their country miss their families a lot. These days a major part of the Italian population is over the age of sixty. This continues to add to the slowness of life, and perhaps enforce the strong family bonding Italians are so proud of The lifeline for the Italians is coffee. Their day starts and ends with coffee. For the Italian, a cappuccino or an espresso after every meal is a must. Italians love to spend time talking with friends over a cappuccino. Topics range from family and football to religion and politics. Italians believe in living life to the fullest. This doesn’t always mean big since as the world’s most famous automobile makers, they love getting around in small well-designed cars. And they don’t necessarily care about parking their car in a proper place or even keeping it clean. However, Italians are great patrons of the art, and their homes, which reflect their artistic sense and warmth, are important to them. Their artistic sense is also reflected in their fashion. Italian fashion is world renowned. As one of the most prominent fashion capitals of the world, Milan, has been consistently adding to fashion trends adopted across the globe. The streets of this city reflect the height of fashion where people experiment with different cuts, colour and texture, even in everyday clothing. The lifestyle of the American family has undergone rapid changes in order to conform to the fast pace of changing trends. In the average American family typically the father spends around 9-10 hours a day at work while the mother spends around 7-8 hours a day at work outside the home. Add to it another couple of hours for the mother who often does the majority of the daily housework and the care of the children. The demands of this lifestyle have resulted in people becoming less concerned about maintaining their health. The average American man spends more hours watching television at home than he does exercising or socialising. For the children, being out of touch with their parents for most of the day means they also watch a lot of television and play video games. With this fast-paced lifestyle also comes fast food, contributing to Americans’ already negative health habits. To avoid this stressful lifestyle many Americans are opting for alternative professions that have less work pressure. The search often lands them in foreign countries ranging from Spain to the Philippines. These days some Americans can be found appreciating the lifestyle of various foreign countries rather than their own. 145 I 146 76 Read the texts once again and say in which countries: 1 Family values are important. __________ 2 The pace of life is rather slow._________ 5 Visiting parents and grandparents is a ... f« me every weekend. 6 When they started their business they faced ... competition. 3 Long working days influence one’s lifestyle a lot.___________ 4 People feel depressed because of the fast pace and peer pressure._____________ 5 The pace of life has increased recently. 6 Global trends have influenced people’s lifestyle____________ 7 People have got more interested in travelling.__________ 8 People are looking for quieter places to live and work.____________ 9 People combine their love of the arts with everyday things.____________ 10 New fashion trends have been created. 79 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Prepare to report on the results of your discussion. • What features characterise the lifestyle of the people in a particular country? • What does a country’s lifestyle depend on? • Compare people’s lifestyles in Italy, the USA and Japan. Use: changing trends, urban living, fast developing, unique, relaxed, lifestyle patterns, comfortable, digital, and the expressions from Ex. 77. WORD FOCUS: COMBINING WORDS 77 Match the words from the column A to words from the column В to make meaningful expressions. Use the text to check your answers. A В community a balance genuine a must is changes maintain competition mutual humbleness rapid lifestyle rapid pace stressful priority top renowned tough respect world values 80 Read these ideas and divide them into the two groups in the table. Add your own ideas. Then listen to the recording and check your guesses. Use your Workbook. • Based on ancient Greek and Socratic ideas • Chinese and Indian philosophy created a way of seeing life • Emphasis on individual rights • Emphasis on social responsibility • The “truth” is important • Balance is important The Western way of thinking The Eastern way of thinking 78 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from Ex. 77. 1 A lot of people in big cities suffer from a ... lifestyle. 2 In our company ... respect is one of the most important values. 3 In traditional societies ... values are still a ... priority. 4 To be fit one should .. and healthy food. 81 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions. • Do you think there are great differences between Eastern and Western ways of life and their ways of thinking? Why? Give examples. • What way of thinking dominates in Russia? What are your reasons? • What way of thinking is closer to how you think? Why do you think this is so? Dialogue vocabulary I agree that... I feel... I really feel that... I’m convinced that... It means that... It seems to be... , 1 ^82 Work in groups of 3-4. Plan a website about the lifestyle in your region / city / village. Use some websites from the internet as a model. Decide what kind of information you should include and how it will be organised. Identify your target audience. Choose or create pictures and illustrations. Make a presentation of your website. .Ifflxf 9 H fla .jiBalabanovo" THE ^^i*-r3Bft'Maioyaros]aretSi Spas-Demensk Geography Knluao region is located in the o( Moscow. F.om north to south oreo extended a more then 220 km from 53 3U to 55° 30' north latitude, from :esttoecst-ot220km,theoreo is 29.9 thousand km . 83 Do you think people’s lifestyles in most countries have changed recently? Why? / Why not? 84 Read the text and choose the sentence that best summarises its main idea. A Advanced technologies play an important role in the modern world. В Technologies have helped people survive in the past. C New technologies have changed people’s lifestyles. Our lives and everyday routines are constantly changing in the 21st century. Every day something new is invented to make life supposedly easier. What I find strange, though, is that as these things enter our lives, they seem to create new problems that we didn't have before. People are finding solutions to problems that barely exist. For example, do I really need that MP3 player when I could just burn a CD? Or do I even need that CD burner when I could just go out and buy the CD in a shop? Or do I really need that CD when I could read a book instead? This progression — or one could say regression — could go on forever. For every Invention, a new and better one seems to always follow. The more I look at today's world and technology, the more I think about its impact on my life. Without even realising it, my lifestyle has been affected daily by technology and its 147 I never-ending advances. While I have spent days writing endless e-mails and watching DVDs, I almost never stop to think about the technology behind these devices. Last year I learned in history that the biggest advance of the Mesolithic Age was the fish-hook. Yes, the fish-hook — that little object that attaches to a fishing line and is cast out, as the person sits for hours and hours, waiting to catch a fish that will probably require all of their strength to haul from the water. I found it ironic that an advance as enormous as the fish-hook that historically meant the survival of a community could later become just a pleasurable pastime to some. I wonder if fishermen ever think about the skill it took to create the fish-hook, or realise that it was the most important invention of a whole age. The fact that I didn't even know about the fish-hook makes me worry that I probably don't have any idea about the genius behind technology. I have turned on lamps countless times without ever really appreciating Thomas Edison's invention. And talking on the telephone never reminds me to thank Alexander Graham Bell for this miracle of communication. I do not really know how to define techno ogy, because everything around me seems be a part of some kind of technology. It coUc be anything from the invention of the fish-hc to the engineering of cloning sheep. Technoloc is a part of our lives as humans and it inevitat affects how we live. 85 Read the text once again and say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Sometimes people invent things that in realirr we could easily do without. 2 Certain things such as MP3 players and CE are an essential part of our lives. 3 Whenever the author of the text uses varioc technological advances, he always thinks about the people who created them. 4 The biggest advance of the Mesolithic Age was the fish-hook because it created an enjoyable pastime. 5 Modern fishermen hardly think about the importance of the invention of the fishhook. 6 The author remembers to thank Thomas Edison and Alexander Bell for their inventions. 86 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate form of the word. 1 Today we often ... with our friends via e-mail. 2 The ... got an international prize in ... of his work. 3 They stayed in a remote place where ... doesn’t depend on modern technologies. 4 The ... for candidates are extremely high. 5 The scientists are working hard to find the ... to the problem. 6 This particular telephone model went out of ... in the mid-nineties. COMMUNICATION INVENT, APPRECIATE SURVIVE REQUIRE SOLVE EXIST 87 In the text in Ex. 84, find and write down the expressions the author uses to introduce and explain his ideas, and to draw our attention to certain things. Use your Workbook. 88 Work in pairs. Discuss one of the following questions. Share your opinion with your classmates. 1 How does modern technology influence our lifestyle? Give examples. 2 Do modern technologies influence our way of thinking? Why? / Why not? 3 Are modern technologies important for a community to survive? Explain your opinio- 4 Are people becoming more and more dependent on technology? In what way? 5 Do you think it would be better to avoid using certain technologies? Why? / Why not' Use: (un)healthy, (un)safe, comfortable, convenient, useful, easy / difficult to operate, compact, advanced, inevitable, dangerous, pleasant 148 89 Read the statement and think about what it means. a) Say if you agree with the statement or not. Modern man should learn to live in harmony with nature and be less dependent on technological advances. b) Comment on the statement. Prepare a 2-minute talk. Remember to say: • What makes people dependent on technology. Give examples. • What can help people become less dependent on technology. • What you think it means to “live in harmony with nature”. • What kind of lifestyle you would prefer. 90 Work in pairs. Take turns to give your 2-minute talks from Ex. 89. Student A: Give your 2-minute talk and prepare to answer the questions. Student B: Listen to your classmate and ask 2-3 questions after he / she finishes. All the points from task b) in Ex. 89 should be covered. 91 In groups discuss the following words as lifestyles and give them definitions. healthy online business sports vegetarian family fashion James Bond outdoor star urban shopping traditional 92 Listen to the people describing their lifestyles. Use the list in Ex. 91 to say which lifestyle they have. 93 Listen to the recording once again and say which lifestyle: 1 is healthier 2 requires good computer skills 3 requires a lot of money 4 makes you stay at home 5 helps you be fit 6 keeps you close to your friends 7 allows you often see your family 94 Work in pairs. Choose 3-4 lifestyles from the list in Ex. 91. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of these lifestyles. What lifestyle would you choose? Why? 95 Comment on the following statement. Whatever you do, it is you who ultimately determines your personal lifestyle. Lifestyle is, after all, the way you demonstrate values and attitudes that are unique to you only. Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan: • Make an introduction. • Mention the advantages of the lifestyle you have chosen, give examples, and explain your opinion. • Mention the possible disadvantages of your chosen lifestyle. • Draw a conclusion. 149 Section 5 Keeping traditions -J96 Work in pairs. Read the dictionary entry for the word “tradition”. Give examples of traditions that are important where you live. Tradition — a) old customs, beliefs, or stories, that are handed down. She chose to become a doctor which was their family tradition; b) an activity that happens regularly and has become the expectation. My extended family has a tradition of having reunions every summer. 97 Read the texts about some traditional festivals and say which of the two meanings of the word “tradition” they represent. 98 Read the texts again and say which festival: 1 used to be cruel towards animals 2 involves a lot of eating 3 requires fast and careful movements 4 involves men only 5 has an unclear origin 6 involves a strange use of vegetables 7 involves wearing special clothes 8 is compared to another festival Footing festival Accra, the f • JyTf f' comm ^ ' • .ear Valencia-this ^ ^ Held fight in ^;;;;:;";Vilos of to the bigg involving to throw free-for-all evc^ ^^o ^ ^ as on the of ‘'S:'bS''*ery. I, „ , ''ng shorts and a ha ^ 'hors wear tight ■“«form, Ае;аг:Г,Г“ barfchests ’•■■«iuced a coopL of ee„? was those involved were i„T A ‘“®° “”hrm =««re became .mZllTV ' “®' became idern'C ! “f““ ■»“bly both, turned m fh «“"■ »r ■m-urred. graves when ,h,s 4 THE CAT FESTIVAL (May, Belgium) Belgium is something of a surprise package on the festival scene. The Cat Festival ■" JPr“ ' only one of many, but given that (until 18 7) used to involve throwing live cats off a bel у to see if they would land feet down, it deserves a mention here. Today the cats are ma e material but originally the event came about to control a rising cat population. No doubt there was a huge campaign not to b“ original event which was probably at the nine seemed quite logical. It should be noted that ,he annual goat-tossing from church № in Manganeses de la Polvorosa (Spa^n • whi^^^^ outlawed in 1992, still continues and mvolv the almost certain death of an animal. 5 THE KEPPEI KRABTASTIC WORLD CRAB-TYING CHAMPIONSHIPS (May, Australia) Whereas American rodeo riders rope cattle and steers and then jump from moving horses, the brave inhabitants of Keppel Sands (Queensland) take ten steps into an arena filled with big crabs and try to tie their claws together before getting nipped. On top of that, they are forced to go in barefoot. Only someone with a great affinity for shellfish would consider this event an act of cruelty towards animals. П99 Work in groups. Describe an unusual KJ festival in your region or a festival you ' “ have read or heard about. The questions will help you to structure your description. 1 Where and when does the festival take place? 2 What are its origins? 3 What does the festival involve? 4 What do people wear? What do they eat? 5 Is it popular? Why? Use: take place, originate from, used to involve, commemorate, involve, feast 100 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. • What are some of the traditions in your school? • Do you think they should be kept? Why? • Would you like to introduce a new tradition for the future pupils of your school? What would it be? 151 Mini-project: A letter to the future 101 Think of the brightest, the funniest, the happiest, the unhappiest moments in your school life. Write short descriptions of these moments and illustrate them. Then leave them at school to read at a later point in the future. What time did you use to leave your house for school in the morning? What time did your school finish? How did you get to school? Were you ever late for school? Did you take extra classes after school? How many hours a week did you study English? What was your best subject? What was your favourite subject? ■ What was your worst subject? What was your least favourite subject? What was the best thing about going to school? What was the worst thing about going to school? Which teacher gave you the most homework? Did you play any sports at school? Who was your favourite teacher? Why? What was your biggest success / failure? What would you like to do in the future? Y 102 Sit in circle together with your teacher Write short messages thanking each other for working together and sharin: the experience of learning English. Dear School-leavers, We congratulate you on finishing school and starting your new adult life! We wish you gox luck because: Life is a challenge. Meet it! Life is a gift. Accept it! Life is an adventure. Bear it! Life is a sorrow. Overcome it! Life is a tragedy. Face it! Life is a duty. Perform it! Life is a game. Play it! Life is a mystery. Unfold it! Life is a song. Sing it! Life is an opportunity. Take it! Life is a journey. Complete it! Life is a promise. Fulfill it! Life is a beauty. Praise it! Life is я struggle. Fight it! Life is я goal. Achieve it! Life is a puzzle. Solve it! Best wishes from your English-language teachers Key vocabulary bias appreciate advanced be severed from something city-dweller band aesthetic band together cyberspace comment (on) definitely keep traditions gadget estimate digital be likely to do humbleness increase essential something icon go down fun-loving eye contact interaction glance genuine the right time megalopolis gossip global a short time ago must locate humble for a long time pastime maintain mindless exam-taking tips plasma surf (the net) mutual ...and the like... priority settlement sprawl value(s) survive networking outgoing rapid(ly) techie top tough trustworthy urban increasing popularity non-overlapping networks social networking systems almost certainly / probably remain the same... .. .could / may well increase .. .is likely to change a bit Evidently... And what if... I think so. I don’t think so. Personally I think that In my opinion... Why don’t we choose... The best we can do is... It’s quite a different thing. The more so that... This isn’t exactly what I mean... Progress check % ^ 1 a) Listen to the interview with a person with an unusual hobby and decide whether the statements below are true (T), false (F), or there is no information given (NG). It was his grandmother who encouraged him to catch spiders. He goes hunting once or twice a year. The first spider he caught was very harmful. His grandmother didn’t know that the spider was harmless. His mother didn’t like bugs. His mother supports his hobby now. His favourite pet is a huge tarantula called Moby. 8 He avoided talking about his collection with his girlfriends. 9 He showed his collection of spiders to his future wife. 10 His small son doesn’t like bugs. 5 6 7 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Points □ /10 □ b) Listen again and fill in the gaps in the text. Use not more than three words for each gap. My grandmother taught me when I was One afternoon she got tired of trying ■ entertain me, so she invented this little activ:* which she said was a (1) ... . She sent me -:--n with a coffee can and an ice cream scoop a'lc told me (2) ... . When I caught one, she lookec : over, screamed, and pretended she was going : faint. She told me the spider was “(3)... to a bh. widow”. Then she explained how deadly bla. widows are. The spider I’d caught was actua_^ a common house spider, which is related to : ■ widow, but is utterly harmless. Grandma ki;-.:^' that, of course. She made it (4) ..., but I’m s_=-she didn’t expect that childish game to becc‘~c (5) ... . Points □ 2 Put the lines of Aesop’s fable in the correct order. The first and the last lines have been done for you. The Bear and the Two Travellers a) Two men were travelling together, when a Bear b) his companion replied. “Never travel with a friend c) touch a dead body. When he was quite gone, d) climbed up quickly into a tree and concealed himself e) fell flat on the ground, and when the Bear came up f) had whispered in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” g) the other Traveller descended from the tree, h) and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, i) suddenly met them on their path. One of them j) as he could. The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not k) in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked, l) and inquired of his friend what it was the Bear m) he held his breath, and feigned the appearance of death as much n) who deserts you at the approach of danger.” Points I I /12 154 3 Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gaps. Bird-watching Bird-watching is not only a simple and effective stress-reliever, it is also intellectually stimulating. There are so many different kinds of birds that the bird-watcher has the (1) ... to have a new experience every time he / she takes time out to go bird-watching. Some of the most beautiful creatures on the planet can be found close to your home. The graceful (2) ... of birds makes bird-watching one of the most rewarding hobbies you can choose. (3) ..., bird-watching can be combined with taking exercise and experiencing the beauty of the countryside. If you are looking for a hobby that the whole family can (4) ... in, then bird-watching must surely be on your list. Birds pose no (5) ... to children and getting your kids involved can (6) ... your next holiday into an experience that builds ever-stronger bonds within your family unit. If you are concerned about our world and the environment, then birdwatching can be an effective way to (7) ... a fascinating hobby with action to preserve our planet. By spending some time learning about the patterns of behavior and the migration of different types of birds, bird-watchers are able to make a (8) ... contribution to the body of knowledge that helps wild life organisations protect and preserve the natural environment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 reality nature Furthermore involve damage make mix important В disability В personality В However В practice В threat В take В join В significant C opportunity C outlook C Although C participate C hurt C turn C add C insignificant .Jjr Й -M D ability D view D Finally D enjoy D pain D put D combine D impressive Points /8 4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line. The dragon dance The dragon dance was started by the Chinese who had shown great (0) belief and respect towards the dragon. The dragon is an important symbol of Chinese culture and tradition. The dragon dance has spread beyond China to the whole world. It has become a special (1) ... of arts in Chinese physical activities. It symbolises good luck and (2) ... in the year to come for all the human beings on Earth. According to ancient history, during the period of Chun Chiu, the learning of Chinese Martial Arts was very popular and in students’ spare time, the dragon dance was also being (3) ... to provide more (4) ... . Erom its origins in combining stylised depictions of natural animals, the Chinese dragon evolved to become a mythical (5)... in Chinese culture. Its physical form is a (6) ... of many animals, including the horns of a stag, ears of a bull, eyes of a rabbit, claws of a tiger and the scales of a fish, all on a long serpent’s body. With these traits, it was believed that dragons were amphibious with the (7) ... to move on land, fly through the air and swim in the sea. The emperors of ancient China considered themselves to be dragons. The dragon is also the emblem of Imperial Authority. It symbolises (8) ... power, goodness, fertility, and dignity. BELIEVE PEREORM PROSPER TEACH ENCOURAGE CREATE COMBINE ABLE NATURE Points I I /8 155 S Give a 2-minute talk on the popular pastimes in your region. Be ready to answer some questions from your classmates after your talk. Remember to: • describe some common pastimes in your region • mention some pastimes which are not as popular • give some examples of your favourite pastimes and explain why you prefer them 6 You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Peter who writes: ...At school we йге presewtatlows ow festlvflls Iw different cou.wtrles. Coudol you. tell m.e what festt\/flLs are m,ost рорк.1йг Iw Ru-sslfl? which of them, are especlfllly popular Iw you.r re0low awd where i caw Qet more lwform,atlow flbou.t them.? As for m,y school wews we are flawwiwQ our school-ieavtwQ cerem,owy... Write a letter to Peter. You have 20 minutes to do the task. In your letter: • Tell him about a popular festival in Russia and in your region. • Recommend to Peter where he can get more information about these festivals. • Ask him three questions about his schoolleaving ceremony. Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Mark your score For tasks 1-4, you can get a total of 43 point- 43-30 points — well done 29-23 points — good 22-17 points — you can do better 16 points or less — revise and try again Tasks 5 and 6 should be evaluated by you, your classmates and your teacher. 156 School English Appendix 1 What's economic geography about? Without geography you’re nowhere. Jimmy Buffett Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. John F. Kennedy I Work in pairs. What do each of the branches of geography focus on? Political ^ geography Environmental' geography Geography Regional geography Economic geography^^^ 2 In what way can knowledge of geography he useful to people in the following jobs? What other geography-dependent jobs can you think of? builder real estate agent businessman politician astronaut geologist economist builder tourist agent pilot a □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 3 Work in pairs. What does the economic geography’s sphere of interest include? Tick the appropriate boxes. raw materials research on new medicines agricultural and industrial regions, their developmental tendencies and impact the country’s leading industries and their locations cutting-edge technologies in telecommunications the country’s transportation network, economically effective and non-effective means of transport traditional arts and crafts the country’s population, its population density and its trends in migration trade and commercial links between regions and countries 4 Read the story and choose the statement which best expresses the main idea of the text. Apple pie of the world When making an apple pie for the party, Joanna used lots of different ingredients. She got some flour, eggs, green sour apples, red sweet apples, lemons, orange peels, sugar, some condensed milk, and some vanilla. The pie was a great success with everyone who was there to eat it that night. Then Joanna remarked that it was the most international pie she’d ever made. And that was true — the flour was produced in France from wheat imported from Canada, the green sour apples were delivered from Poland and the red sweet ones from China, the sugar was Cuban, the lemons were from Morocco, and the oranges had absorbed the hot sun of Spain. The condensed milk had come from Finland, and only the eggs were produced by local hens 157 at some nearby farm. Joanna wasn’t sure about the origin of the vanilla. The fact that so many countries and so many economies happened to be involved in their party pie puzzled and excited everyone. “How strange,” said Mark, “that only one of the many ingredients has been produced locally. Is it good or bad for our economy?” His question led to a long and hot debate over the apple pie, which ended in nobody’s victory but left many unanswered questions. A Joanna wouldn’t have been able to make a pie if there weren’t well established commercial links between different countries. В International trade is important for industries but ordinary people are not real aware of it. C Our lifestyles and consumer habits depend on some level of international cooperation. D Economic integration is an essential featur and a reality in today’s world which may lead to new prospects but also problems for national economies. S Work in pairs. Match the columns to make meaningful phrases. Which of the statements belong to the supporters of an integrated economy? Which are those of their opponents? 1 The proportion of imported goods... a) .. .weaken local economies. 2 Due to economic integration,... b) .. .into the global economy, it may lead to its political dependency. 3 Importing core consumer goods may... c) ...can reduce costs. 4 If a country is highly integrated... d) .. .is increasing constantly. 5 Economic integration accelerates the economic... e) .. .we have much more variety in our consumer goods. 6 Sometimes buying goods abroad... f) .. .development of most countries. 6 Work in small groups. Does economic integration and the process of globalisation stimulate the economic development of a country? Give your arguments/or or against. ^ Study the pie-chart and the information explaining it. Comment on the statements below — say if you find them very probable / possible / unlikely / absolutely impossible, etc. Here in this chart you can see which goods make up the bulk of Country A's exports. The export of raw materials (e.g. oil and minerals) constitutes almost half. Next is machinery such as equipment for the oil and gas industries as well as construction equipment, constituting about fifteen per cent of their export products. Then come cars which for this year comes to about ten per cent. The automobile sector is very important for the country because of its growth potential. Digital and radio equipment gives another eight per cent of the total. The remaining twenty-two per cent is divided equally between agricultural machines and agricultural products. 158 1 Oil production is a considerable part of Country As economy. 2 Country A has a good supply of oil. 3 Country A can provide its own energy to its economy. 4 Country A is well integrated into the world economy. 5 Country A embodies the agricultural type of economy. 6 Country A does not pay much attention to high technology development. 7 There is a chance to increase the share of high tech equipment in Country As exports. 8 Exporting raw materials is less profitable than exporting manufactured goods. Country A should change its exports in favour of more technological industries. Example: It’s very likely that oil production makes a considerable part of the country’s economy. The pie chart says that... Useful phrases 1% According to the pie chart... The figures suggest that... The displayed information makes it possible to suggest... We can assume that... It’s very likely that... It’s very unlikely that... It’s highly probable / improbable that... There’s not enough information on... 8 What in your view stimulates the economic development of a country? Name three factors from the list which you believe are the most important. Add your own to the list. population warm climate proximity to the sea proximity to established transportation centres mineral supplies oil supplies an efficient transportation network general high education level of the population recycling technologies energy saving technologies 9 Work in pairs. Say what advantages and disadvantages each of the means of transportation have? Compare them against some of the criteria below. plane helicopter train car / truck / lorry ferry pipeline An efficient transportation network is essential for the sustainable development of any country. • its weight-carrying ability (how much of a load it’s able to transport) • its speed (how quickly the load can be delivered to its destination) • its reliability (whether the transport is independent from weather conditions) • its safety (whether the transport is safe enough for the people who operate it, for the people living nearby, and for the environment) • its ability to work in hard-to-reach regions (if the transport is able to do without proper roads, runways, etc) • its construction costs (how much it takes to build the transport itself and its operational facilities) • its maintenance costs (how much it costs to maintain the transport itself and all the necessary facilities in appropriate operational order) Example: Pipelines are good for transporting gas and oil. This way of transport is very reliable as it doesn’t depend on weather conditions, and oil and gas can be delivered to far destinations. However, the construction costs are very high. Maintaining pipelines can be difficult too as they often go through poorly populated regions. I 159 J 10 Work in pairs. What do you know about the greatest Russian railway lines Transib and BAM? Answer the following questions: 1 What is Transib short for? What’s its full name? 2 What do the letters BAM stand for? 3 Were the Transib and BAM constructed simultaneously? 4 What was their mission? 5 Has their mission been fully realised? 11 Read the text and check your answers. In Russia, railways have always served as the main means of transport. Taking into consideration the vast territories of the country, no one would underestimate the importance of a reliable way to exchange goods between the southern and central regions and Siberia and the eastern parts of the country. The idea to link Moscow and St Petersburg with the distant territories of Siberia and the Far East was supported by the key economists of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century, and as the result, the Trans-Siberian Railway (the Transib) was constructed. It runs from Moscow to Vladivostok through the southeastern parts of the country, along the borders of China and Mongolia. The railway connects hundreds of little towns with big industrial cities like Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk. The construction of the railway was particularly impressive as it had to cover more than nine thousand kilometres. The full journey takes several days and takes passengers through eight time zones. In 1974 a new railway construction project was launched — the Baikal Amur Mainline (BAM). That railway line was completed in 1991 and became an impressive supplement to the Transib since it covered three thousand and four hundred kilometres connecting Siberia to the Asia-Pacific region. BAM was a very ambitious construction project whose mission was to boost the economic development of Siberia. It was thought that from an economic point of view, Siberia should be considered a very promising region with its considerable supplies of oil, gas and minerals necessary for many industries as well as its gigantic coal deposits. Tin, diamonds, and gold are also extracted there. The problem in the past was Siberia’s isolation from the cen:-? part of Russia (which was and still is the n:_ ■ industrial centre), its labour shortage, and inefficient transportation. There was a str:*'. belief that activating the Siberian region coi_.-spur rapid growth in the country’s economv Lots of enthusiastic young people took pan -the BAM construction project which ran throiru; mountains and over the greatest Siberian rive-» the Angara and the Lena. All in all, the railv . comprises more than one hundred and for^ bridges of a hundred metres or longer each, a.-. it has very long tunnels. New cities and tov, -were built along the railway. In spite of the ve— harsh environment, the absence of proper heak.^ care, and the lack of any comfort or commode, the young construction workers moved quic and BAM was completed in record time. Force* labour was never used there. The Baikal Amur Mainline goes almc parallel to the Transib, stretching from TaisE.-*. through Severobaikalsk (on the bank of f 160 Novosibirsk Krasnoyarsk Severoboikolsk Dmsk ► Tomsk Taishet Barnaul Kemerovo • Yakutsk Sovetskoyo Govon > Khabarovsk Vladivostok Baikal) to Sovetskaya Gavan on the Pacific Ocean. But in contrast to the original thought about this railway the present day route could not be called a busy one and it is not even fully operational. This is because it’s rather difficult to maintain the long line that runs through the relatively unpopulated regions of Russia. The infrastructure of the towns built along the railway is not well developed either. However, economists and geopoliticians still consider the Transib and BAM a key factor of the Euroasian economy. The existing lines of transport provide a vitally important corridor from Europe to the resources of Siberia and further on to the riches of the Far East. It also provides a possible link to Japan, Korea and China, the boosting economies of the present, via a bridge. Will the Transib and BAM be revived shortly? Will they change the map of the vast territories in Russia and shape the future for millions of people in those regions? No one can say that they have the answer at their fingertips just yet. BAM Trans-Siberian line 12 Read the text again and answer the following questions. 1 What was the route of the Trans-Siberian Railway and how much ground did it cover? 2 Why are the Transib and BAM so important for the economy of the region they go through? 3 Who built BAM? 4 Why do many economists support the idea of re-launching the Transib and BAM projects? 161 i!' 1:3 13 Work in small groups. Study the facts about the Siberian region and the Far East and analyse the economic situation according to the plan below. • What contrasts can you see in the economic • What kind of problem does the present day situation in the Siberian region? situation of the economy cause? • Name some of the strengths of the region. • What measures could possibly solve this • Name some of the weaknesses of the region. problem? i\ Siberia is extremely rich in its natural resources. It has the world’s largest deposits of nickel, silver, zink, lead and other minerals. Siberia possesses oil and vast supplies of natural gas. Some resources have been used for decades while others were found quite recently (e.g. the Kovyktinsk natural gas fields near Irkutsk and the Chayadinsk gas fields in the Sakha Republic). Geologists believe that there are a lot more resources to be found and developed, especially in the Far East region, in Sakhalin and Kamchatka. But an adequate labour force and new technologies are needed to access and use the resources more efficiently. In spite of very cold winters. Southern Siberia provides good conditions for agriculture. In spring and summer this region has lots of sunshine, it’s warm, and the soil is very fertile (chernozem soil). Wheat, rye, potatoes and other vegetables can easily grow in this region. Tropical fruits like oranges and bananas can be cultivated in greenhouses, where they grow and ripen quickly and happily. Raising cattle, anothc: profitable business, is quite possible too. The southern part of Siberia boasts vast forests where valuable timber is produced. However the forests are a slowly-renewable resource an; should be managed very carefully. The gres’ Siberian rivers, like the Yenisei, Lena, Angar: and others, and the largest freshwater lake BailcL. make the region a unique place for fishery. Siberia has a multicultural and diverse pop= lation which represents many different lifestvf. and practises various religions. Most people ’.rv, along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The large-r cities are Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Irk л ^ and have populations that range from one to t» million people. However, in general, the popn;-v tion density of Siberia is very low — it’s aba six people per one square kilometre in Western Siberia, two people per one square kilometre Eastern Siberia, and only one person per or** square kilometre in the Far East. In China about 135 people per square kilometre, and li. Japan and Korea, correspondingly, it’s 337 and 465 people per one square kilometre. But the natural resources of those countries in Asia do not meet the demands of their rapidly developing economies. Siberia has got high tech educational, medical and scientific centres in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Barnaul and other big cities. Teams of brilliant scientists work in Acamemgorodok in Novosibirsk, which is sometimes called The Silicon Valley of Russia. Nowadays, more than a hundred advanced computer and software companies work there. Leading foreign companies, such as Microsoft, Intel and Hewlett-Packard, have offices there too. The Siberian “brains” are able to send their development of high tech enterprises across the whole of Russia. In small towns people’s everyday lives can differ a lot from those in main industrial cities. Heating systems often don’t meet the requirements of the harsh climate, and not everyone enjoys conveniences like running water, warm showers or baths in the house. Sometimes electricity and gas can be inaccessible too. These towns can also be difficult to reach due to undeveloped transport and communication systems. You may find some of the following ideas useful for your project: У Constructing bridges and tunnels which could connect Sakhalin and Kamchatka with the mainland. Nowadays oil, minerals, fish, and timber are transported to the mainland by ferries across the Tatar Strait; most consumer goods are delivered to the islands by sea too. Connecting Europe with Japan and Korea via Siberia and the Far East. The transport corridor would increase the economic significance of the Trans-Siberian Railway dramatically; the distance between / 14 Work in small groups. Design a project that could development in Siberia. Use the following ideas or Concentrate on ONE problem only. • Enhancing / Modernising the transport system • Setting up new enterprises • Implementing new technologies to extract minerals • Taking measures to stimulate the agricultural sector • Investing in the infrastructure to attract a new labour force • Collaborating with neigbouring countries in using and managing natural resources • Initiating joint construction projects • Your own idea / help the economic your own ones. Sakhalin and the Japanese island Hokkaido is only 40 km, which would make constructing a bridge quite possible. Creating an extended transport network based on the Trans-Siberian Railway jointly with China and Korea. The latter countries have already got their railway networks, which could be integrated with the Russian railway, though a considerable technical unification would be necessary. Modernising the Siberian railway system with maglevs*. This system could make the goods exchange between Europe, Siberia and Pacific region very quick and fully computerized. Investing in the tourist business in Siberia in order to spur the economy of the region. The unique wild life in Siberia could attract lots of tourists if the necessary infrastructure were created. Focusing on agriculture. Agricultural reforms and innovations could make Siberia one of the more attractive regions for living. I Maglev is a type of a high speed train that runs on magnets supported hy a magnetic field generated around a track; it does not connect with the rail hut rather “flies” above it; scientists are quite optimistic about applying magnetic levitation technology to freight trains. 163 Is physics difficult? The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing Albert Einstein Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Albert Einstein 1 Work in pairs. Tick the words you associate with physics as a school subject. difficult СИ scary СИ fascinating □ practical СИ logical □ challenging □ complex □ confusing □ brain-developing СИ 2 Explain one of the words you ticked above. Example: I find physics practical because it explains natural processes like electricity or mechanics. It helps us understand how different devices and appliances work. It can also be useful in everyday life and may ensure you against dangerous situations — a person who is in good terms with physics will never plug in a mixer with their wet hands. 3 Read the opinions below. Decide which of them you support and explain why. Physics never makes sense to me. I’ve always thought that all those formulas have nothing to do with real life and we can easily do without them. There’s no point in wasting time on laws of gravitation, magnetism and electrical induction. Physics is not a science for everyone. It’s good for a boring know-it-all which I’m not. I value more down-to earth things and I’m not ready to spend hours over schemes and calculations, which are beyond my understanding anyway. Physics is the science that has altered the world. It’s simply not true that physics is a science only for the select. I think everyone would be able to understand it if only they stopped considering it so scary. Physics is the most natural science which reveals itself every moment in our everyday life. We deal with it when we switch on the light in the evening, when we ride a bicycle and when we kick a ball on the football pitch. Why do some people consider it so sophisticated and impractical? 4 What do the branches of Physics study? Match the columns. 1 Mechanics a) This is a relatively young branch of physics which studies electrons, protons, and neutrons. In contrast to Newton’s physics, it states that the traditional model of atom is wrong, and that electrons, protons and neutrons are not the tiniest particles. It also studies what these particles consist of 2 Molecular physics b) This branch of physics studies the structure of the molecule, and the forces that hold atoms together. 3 Thermodynamics c) This branch of physics studies how objects and forces interact with each other. It describes if the object is static or dynamic, the types of motion, and the forces acting on the object. 4 Electrodynamics d) This branch of physics studies electricity, electrical current and electromagnetic fields. It also studies the interaction of charged particles within electromagnetic fields. 5 Quantum physics e) This branch of physics studies heat and states that heat is a form of energy-It also studies how temperature changes the characteristics of the object. 164 5 Read the following quotations. What branches of physics from Ex. 4 are they connected with? Whom do these two quotations belong to? • You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour, 5it with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity. 6 Read the information about one of the most famous scientists in physics. Guess the name and fill it in the last line gap of the text. He was born in 1642 and died in 1727, which is almost three hundred years ago, but his name is still familiar to everyone who has ever been to school. He is well-known for the “apple story”. Nobody knows for sure but it’s widely believed that the story describes how gravitational force was discovered and also identified as the force which acts on every object on the Earth. This person is often called the “father” of Physics, but like most talented people, he established himself in other sciences as well. Along with being a great physicist, he was also a distinguished mathematician and chemist. He studied history and chronology, and made a profound impact on optics, astronomy and philosophy. Being a university Professor and a Member of Parliament, he led quite an active and intense life. In 1705 he was awarded with the title of the “Knight” and so added “Sir” to his name. However, nobody inherited his title as he never got married and never had a family. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. People who see his tomb there can also see Alexander Pope’s words caved on the tomb which say: Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night: God said, “Let________________be!” and all was light. Work in pairs. Read the physics vocabulary and their definitions. Suggest the Russian equivalents to them. acceleration — change in speed or direction state of motion — characteristics of the way an object moves in the chosen coordinate system state of rest — the form of existence when the object does not move (in the chosen coordinate system) inertia — tendency to resist any changes in motion vector — something which has quantity and direction velocity — vector value of the speed frictional force — the force that acts upon the moving object in the movement in the opposite direction the universal gravitational constant — universally characterises the strength of the gravitational force gravitational acceleration — changing of speed due to gravity on the Earth’s surface equilibrium — the position in which all forces are balanced net force — the vector sum of all the forces that act on the object elastic force — a force arising from a deformation of an object 165 i 8 Work in pairs. Describe what’s going on in the picture below. Say what forces are acting on the object (the sledge). ■\ F, elastic force Fa net force F| — force applied to the object F^ — force applied to the object Useful vocabulary V F4 gravitational force to push upwards to pull downwards the force of gravity the force of the ground (elastic force) to push rightward to move rightward leftward directed frictional force 9 Work in small groups. From the point of view of physics, explain why it’s necessary to fasten safety belts when you drive a car. Useful vocabulary to act on the object inside the car to move at the same velocity to bump into something to pull up (тормозить) abruptly to move due to inertia can get the passenger through the windscreen 10 Read the three main laws of mechanics. Match the scientific wording for each law, its main formulas (if they exist) and the explanation that’s easiest to understand. Scientific wording Formula Explanation Newton’s First Law Any object in a state of invariable motion remains in that state of motion as long as a new unbalanced force is applied to it. a = F„et / m Fnet = ma For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or If you push something, you get pushed back equally hard. Newton’s Second Law The acceleration of a moving object is directly proportional to the value of the net force acting on the object and is inversely proportional to its mass. The vector of the acceleration coincides with the vector of the net force. The greater force we apply to the object, the greater acceleration it gets. Newton’s Third Law For every external force that acts on an object there is a force of equal value but in an opposite direction which acts back on the object that exerted the external force. mjai = -mjaj F, = -f”. If not touched, the object keeps moving in a straight line or remains at rest until a new external force starts acting on it. 11 Match Newton’s laws with the pictures. Applications of Newton’s laws of motion in real life 17 Read the questions and give the answers as quickly as possible. Blitz; 1 Can the weight and the mass of one and the same object have different values? 2 Do the weight of an object and the gravity force which acts on it have the same or opposite directions? 3 Which of the formulas should be applied to find out the gravity force on the Earth? a) b) c) s* T F = mg F = ma 4 What is the value of the gravitational constant? 5 What do we call a unit to measure the force? 13 Read the tale and guess which of Newton’s laws it’s connected with. The big old python enjoyed basking in the sun on the very top of the high rock. He spent days and weeks there — it was a wonderful way to pass the time. Lazily his eyes followed the big birds flying high in the sky. He enjoyed watching them. Large and impressive, they floated smoothly almost beside him. He felt a kind of unity with the birds. They had lots in common, didn’t they? Like him, they were far from the ground below. Just like him, they were much closer to the sky than all those miserable creatures that lived at the foot of the rock. There was only one thing that kept him 167 apart from their community, and it always left a strange bitter aftertaste in his mouth. Yes, they could fly. They knew how to do something he would never be able to experience. Flying, being in the air without the ground supporting you — how would it feel? Just then, a light feather, obviously dropped by one of the large birds, moved slowly past him. It was descending gradually and almost vertically as the air was absolutely still. The python couldn’t take his eyes off it. It reminded him of something. Yes, it was at school. The python didn’t like school, but his mother had insisted... True, he hadn’t benefited much from the experience. But that feather... it was connected to those old school days somehow. Yes, the python recalled it now: the Physics teacher had once demonstrated a fascinating experiment to the class. He had brought a long glass tube to show the class and said that there was a vacuum inside. But the python didn’t see any vacuum, just a white feather and a grey stone. The teacher turned the tube upside down and, naturally, both objects started to fall. Amazingly, the stone reached the bottom of the tube at the same moment the feather did! This impressed the young python and stuck in his memory but it didn’t lead to any desire to look into the matter further. Now the python wished he had been more curious about physics and had bothered to ask questions once in a while. Didn’t that experiment mean that when anybody was in the air with no firm ground below, a body could float just like a light feather ...even such a big body, like his own, the python’s? The birds seemed to have discovered this secret very long ago and kept it from everyone. He must try it for himself... For the first time in his life the python felt excited. He kept looking down from the rock, his eyes still on the tiny white spot that was the feather far below him... 14 Read Newton’s law of universal gravitation and write it down using physics symbols. Two objects are attracted to each other with the force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. 15 Read the text again and discuss the following points. 1 Does the experiment mentioned in the story exist, or did the python invent it all by himself? 2 What is the point of the experiment? What does it prove? 3 What is wrong with the python’s interpretation of the experiment? 4 Describe the experiment in a more accurate way. 16 Work in groups. Prepare a presentation about one of the famous physicists of Russia. You can either choose from the list below or suggest another Russian scientist. Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov Zhores Ivanovich Alferov Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitza Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov Lev Davidovich Landau Sergey Ivanovich Vavilov 168 Learning strategies Appendix 2 How to deal with reading test questions Unit 1: Ex. 107; Unit 2: Ex. 44, 82; Unit 3: Ex. 15, 45; Unit 4: Ex. 75 1 Read the instructions for each part very carefully to make sure that you understand what you need to do. 2 Remember that you don’t have to know the exact meaning of every word in the text. Use any kinds of clues, like the title or pictures, to help you understand what a text is about. Then try to read for the main idea. 3 Read and re-read your answers and be prepared to change your mind and think again about the answers you have given. Always consider going back and checking your answers. 4 Don’t choose an answer just because you see the same word in the text. Seeing the same or similar word both in text and question is no guarantee that you have found the correct answer. 5 Don’t choose your answers too quickly; check that linking words, tenses and time references all fit the choices you have made. 6 Answer the questions that you think are easy first; leave the problem areas until last. How to deal with listening test questions Unit 1: Ex. 35, 65, 99; Unit 2: Ex. 31, 86; Unit 3: Ex. 8, 39, 104 1 Listen to the instructions and read them carefully. Make sure you understand what you are listening for and what you have to do. 2 Use the short time you have before hearing each part to read through all the questions as carefully as you can so you are prepared for what you hear. 3 Check that your idea of what the correct answer is when you hear the recording the first time is confirmed when you hear it the second time. 4 Concentrate on understanding as much as possible of what speakers say but don’t be distracted by individual words or phrases. 5 Answer all the questions even if you are not sure: you’ve probably understood more than you think! 6 Don’t spend too much time on a question you are having difficulty with or you may miss the next question. How to deal with matching test questions Unit 1: Ex. 86; Unit 2: Ex. 3, 31, 53, 82; Unit 3: Ex. 98; Unit 4: Ex. 19, 30 Matching tests check your ability to see which things go together. Thinking of these tests as puzzles will help you match the correct pieces and eliminate choices as you go along. 1 Develop a clear test strategy and study past exam papers for more practice with matching tasks. 2 Read the instructions carefully and make sure you understand the task properly. Read the answers / titles first so you know the answer choices. Then as you read the questions / texts, you will already know all the options. This can prevent you from choosing the first or second choice because it looks right, when the correct answer is further down the list. 3 As you find each correct match, cross it off the list. This helps you limit your choices and increase your chances of getting every answer correct. 169 How to deal with fill-in-the-gap test questions Unit 1: Ex. 48; Unit 2: Ex. 44, 87; Unit 3: Ex. 54; Unit 4: Ex. 15, 18, 86 You may or may not have answers in fill-in-the-gap test questions. If you don’t have choices, you have to recall or guess the correct word; hut if you do have choices, you have to eliminate some options and choose the best answer. 1 Look for links in ideas. As you read the sentence, substitute the word blank for the gap. This helps you figure out what is missing and how the sentence makes sense when it’s complete. If there are answer choices, try to predict the answer without looking at the choices. Then look at the choices and find the one that best matches your prediction. If there are no given choices, fill in the gap with an answer based on your prediction. 2 Look for context clues. A fill-in-the-gap question usually contains clues to the correct answer. 3 Read carefully. Sometimes one letter can change the meaning of a word. Some words may look the same if you are reading fast when they are not the same at all. 4 Match the grammatical form of the question with the answer. If the verb is singular, the subject or answer must also be singular; if the verb is plural, the subject, or answer must also be plural. 5 Check your answer by reading the entire sentence and decide whether it makes sense. If not, revise your answer. 6 Use common sense to make sure your answer is logical. Revise your answer if it doesn’t match what you already know. How to deal with true/false test questions Unit 1: Ex. 16, 69; Unit 2: Ex. 93; Unit 3: Ex. 53; Unit 4: Ex. 85 1 True / False questions require you to recognise a fact or an idea and check your reading comprehension. Consequently, you have to read very carefully and closely. 2 When you take true / false tests, pay close attention to absolute words: words that are all positive or all negative, such as all, everyone, all the time, always, never, none, not at all, etc. If you see an absolute word in a test item, it will probably not be correct since answers are rarely always or never. 3 Look for other modifiers too. Words such as usually, many, most, rarely, sometimes, generally, znd frequently can make the statement true because they are not absolute words. 4 Study the sentence parts. Every part of a true sentence must be true. If any one part of the sentence is false, the whole sentence is false despite other true parts. 5 Be on your guard for false logic. Two sentences might be true but connected by a word that makes them false. Look closely at the connecting word to make sure it doesn’t lead to false conclusions. 6 Guess! When it comes to true / false questions you should guess on all questions you can’t answer. You have more than a 50% chance of getting the answer right since true / false tests often contain more true answers than false answers. How to deal with multiple choice test questions Unit 2: Ex. 27, 40; Unit 4: Ex. 11, 29, 43, 57 1 In multiple choice questions, the question is called the stem and the choices are called the alternatives. Multiple choice questions sometimes require fine distinctions between correct and nearly correct statements. These distinctions 170 involve more than just recognition of the correct option; they require synthesis, analysis, and application of the information. 2 Familiarise yourself with the different kinds of multiple choice questions by studying old exams. 3 Read all of the stem and every alternative for each question. 4 You can progress through a multiple choice section in three ways: • Read every question carefully but quickly, answering only those of which you are 100% certain. Put a “?” on those that need more thought. • Examine the questions you have not yet answered. Answer those you are reasonably sure of without spending too much time on each. Be sure to erase the “?” so you do not waste time looking at it again. • Finally, study the remaining unanswered questions. If you cannot come to a decision after careful thought, or if you run out of time, make a logical guess. Again, erase the “?” before you submit the exam. 5 Use the process of elimination to get rid of the obviously incorrect alternatives. 6 If your exam has other types of questions besides multiple choice, do the multiple choice items first. Just reading the stems and their alternatives can act as a warm-up to the whole exam. Also, the ideas embedded in these multiple choice questions will fuel your thinking for doing the other parts of the exam. How to write on informal letter Unit 4: Ex. 32 1 Read the task carefully and understand what points you have to cover in your letter. 2 Keep to the required format of the letter. It usually contains the following parts: Address Salutation (Dear Sue / Mark...) Reasons for writing Development Closing remarks Signature / name 3 Use at least one paragraph for each part of your letter. 4 In a friendly letter, the vocabulary and sentence structures are informal. 5 Check your letter for mistakes in grammar and vocabulary when you have finished. 6 Write clearly so that your letter is easy to read. How to take notes effectively Unit 1: Ex. 122, 128, 131; Unit 2: Ex. 7, 15, 29, 76; Unit 3: Ex. 36, 70, 109; Unit 4: Ex. 17, 67, 70 No one can remember all the materials they read or hear during a lesson or a lecture. That’s why you need to take notes. Taking notes helps you remember what you have learned. Good notes can also serve as a study guide to help you get top marks on exams. 1 Keep your notes short and concise. If you write too much, you’ll be right back where you started, trying to separate all of the essential information from the nonessential. There are several methods to taking notes: a) Write sentence fragments rather than complete sentences. b) Develop and use your own system of abbreviations to save space and time. c) Use sketches, charts, lists and schemes to separate the important facts from the minor details. 171 2 Be sure to mark direct quotes with quotation marks. This can help you distinguish between your own words and the writers or teachers words. 3 Check and double-check your notes after class. Be sure that you have spelled all names and copied all data correctly Check all other spelling as well. How to write an opinion essay / a for and against essay Unit 1; Ex. 95; Unit 2; Ex. 16; Unit 3; Ex. 78; Unit 4; Ex. 7 1 Read the whole question thoroughly and decide on your opinion. 2 Keep to the required format of the essay; General introduction; State the situation at the moment in the country / in the world. Give your opinion: List the reasons for it. Comment on the other side of the argument; Say why you disagree with it. Conclusion; Summarise your arguments and restate your opinion clearly. 3 Make a plan for your essay noting what to include in each paragraph. 4 Expand the point of your plan with relevant ideas and information. 5 Write in paragraphs. 6 Use a range of vocabulary and grammar structures. 7 Check your essay for correct tense forms, word order in sentences and proper spelling. 8 Write clearly so that your work is easy to read. Tips for doing internet research Unit 2; Ex. 35, 52; Unit 3; Ex. 36, 65; Unit 4; Ex. 22 As there is usually far more information available than you require, you need to make choices about what to read and how best to use it. Consider; • Your purpose What do you intend to do with each piece of information? Do you really need it? Can you do without it? • What you already have Brainstorm your knowledge of the subject before you start your research, or make a list of the keywords you already know on the subject. • Whether it is the best source Check to see if the source is reliable, up to date, written by experts in the field, and relevant to your needs. • Whether it is the best example As you find more information, the latest information may be better than what you have already collected. Keep evaluating which material is the most up to date and which is the best for your purposes. • How much you need Usually word limits are strict. Generally, you shouldn’t write more than a few lines or a paragraph on any one example. Bear this in mind when you take notes so that you do not record more than you need. This will save you a lot of time. Tips for participating in a discussion (in an exam situation) Unit 2; Ex. 89; Unit 3; Ex. 25, 100; Unit 4; Ex. 46 This task involves discussing a certain topic with an examiner who will be playing the role of your partner. The whole discussion will last for about 4 minutes. There 172 р are three possible directions in the discussion and you have to touch upon all of them, choose one option and then give reasons for your choice. You will initiate the discussion with the examiner. 1 First, give your opinion on each of the possible options without making any final judgments. 2 Listen to your partner (the examiner) and give support for the ideas you agree with. 3 You may argue the ideas you don’t agree with, but you have to state the reasons for your arguments clearly. 4 When possible, find ideas you have in common and elaborate on those rather than just focusing on the points you disagree on. 5 Make your suggestions according to the ideas you both agreed on. 6 Find out if your partner agrees with your suggestions. 7 Finish your discussion by summarising your points and giving reasons for your choice. 8 Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you. What questions to answer while writing a biography When and where was this famous person born? What do you know about his / her family? His / Her education? When and where was he / she born? What do we know about his / her family? Their education? In what ways was his / her life remarkable? In what ways was his / her life admirable? What do we know about his / her human qualities? Which quality / qualities helped him / her to achieve success? Which quality was the most troublesome and difficult? What is the most important lesson we can learn from the way he / she lived? SAMPLE BIOGRAPHIES Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856-7 January 1943) was a world-renowned Serb-American inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Tesla is regarded as one of the most important inventors in history. He is well known for his contributions to the discipline of electricity and magnetism in the late 19th and early 20th century. Tesla’s patents and theoretical work form the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor, with which he helped prompt the Second Industrial Revolution. In the United States, Tesla’s fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. After his demonstration of wireless communication in 1893 and his victory in the “War of Currents”, he was widely respected as America’s greatest electrical engineer. Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. In 1943, the Supreme Court of the United States credited him as being the inventor of the radio. However, despite all of these accomplishments, Tesla never put much focus on his finances, and so died impoverished and forgotten at the age of 86. His contributions were recognised and the derived SI unit measuring magnetic flux density or magnetic induction (commonly known as the magnetic field B), the tesla, was named in his honour. 173 Tesla’s legacy can be seen across the modern world wherever electricity is used. Aside from his work on electromagnetism and engineering, Tesla is said to have contributed in varying degrees to the fields of robotics, ballistics, computer science, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. In his later years, Tesla was regarded as a mad scientist and became noted for making bizarre claims about possible scientific developments. Many of his achievements have been used, with some controversy, to support various pseudosciences, UFO theories, and New Age occultism. Contemporary admirers of Tesla have deemed him “the man who invented the twentieth century”. Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov (12 January 1907-14 January 1966), was the head Soviet rocket engineer and designer during the “Space Race” between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s. Unlike his counterpart in America, Wernher von Braun, Korolyov’s pivotal role in the Soviet space program was kept a secret until after his death. Throughout his period of work on the program he was known as the “Chief Designer”. Twice in his life S. Korolev was awarded the highest title of the USSR: “Hero” for his contributions in science. Although trained as an aircraft designer, Korolyov’s greatest strengths proved to be in design integration, organization and strategic planning. He became a rocket designer and a key figure in the development of the Soviet Space Programme. Being appointed to that position, Korolev designed the Vostok and Vockhod spaceships on which the first cosmonauts were launched into space. It was the beginning of the space era in the history of mankind. S. Korolev had realised the most ambitious plans of the Russian scientist and inventor K. Tziolkovsky. Korolev prepared and assisted Russian cosmonauts, sending them to space and meeting them personally after landing at the Bikanur Cosmodrome. The first entry of a man into outer space was also made from the Voskhod spaceship designed by S. Korolev. By the time S. Korolev died unexpectedly in 1966, the foundation of the USSR as a powerful space state had been established. How to deal with structural clozes Unit 3: Ex. 58 1 Read the text quickly for general understanding and ignore the gaps. 2 Then read the text sentence by sentence, paying attention to the words which go before and after the gaps. Decide what part of speech is missing in each gap. 3 When you have filled in all the gaps, read the text again to check whether your answers still work. Tips for giving a talk (individual long-turn exam task) Unit 3: Ex. 128; Unit 4: Ex. 21, 38, 61, 89, 90 You will have to express your opinion on a suggested topic in this task. Your talk should be brief (about two minutes) but informative. This task checks your ability to speak spontaneously. 1 Read the task and the suggested prompts. 2 Follow the suggested plan and comment on each part. 174 ■ Keep to the point and be informative. - Use logic to link your ideas. Use linking words and expressions. 5 Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you. General exam taking advice (final assessment) How can you improve your results in a standardised exam in English? It is certainly true that you can’t cram for it as these exams are designed to assess the knowledge you have gained during many years of education. But you can significantly improve your score by studying! Follow these suggestions: 1 Find out what the exam format is. Practise taking old exams and learn which format you may encounter. Are you going to fill in multiply-choice items? Do you have to write an essay? Or does the exam have both? Studying old exams will help you save time and increase your chance of earning the best possible score / mark! 2 Understand the scoring / marking. For example, what happens if you leave some blank spaces in your answer sheet? Will you lose points? That’s why you should usually fill in the answer, even if you are not absolutely sure if it correct. 3 Take practice tests / exams. When it comes to taking an exam, practice does make perfect! And besides, the real exam may include a question that you have already answered correctly during your practice, as previously used questions, or similar ones, are often recycled. 4 Improve your reading skills. Read, read and read to expand your vocabulary, increase your reading speed and make your general understanding better. It will save you precious time during the actual exam. 5 Familiarise yourself with the instructions. Any time you save is more time you can spend answering the questions. This extra time could make the difference in your getting a higher score or better mark. 6 Revise, don’t cram. If you cram all the time, or try to put too much information into your brain in a short period of time, it may simply result in brain overload. When you are overloaded and don’t understand what you are studying, you are wasting your time. 7 Learn how to study effectively. Most people waste a lot of time trying to figure out how to study instead of just getting down to working on their exam tasks, learning new words and reading specifically for the exams. Effective time management • Develop blocks of study time. Some learners need more frequent breaks for a variety of reasons. More difficult material may also require more frequent breaks. • Make a “To Do” list. Write down things you have to do, then decide what to do at the moment, what to schedule for later, what to get someone else to do, and what to put off for a later time. • Keep a daily / weekly planner. Write down appointments, classes, and meetings in a chronological log book or chart. If you are more visual, sketch out your schedule, the night before, checking what’s ahead for the next day. This way you will always go to sleep knowing you’re prepared for tomorrow. • Create a long-term planner. Use a monthly chart so that you can plan ahead. Long-term planners will also serve as a reminder to constructively plan time for yourself • Prioritise assignments. When studying, get in the habit of beginning with the most difficult subject or task. 175 Find alternative study places free from distractions to maximise your concentration. If you’ve got “dead time”, think of how to use the time when you’re walking, riding in the car, etc to catch up on some extra studying. Review your study materials immediately after class. Your chance of forgetting is greatest within the first 24 hours after you receive the information. Review all crucial study materials and readings just before class or an exam. An effective study plan Four days before the exam Reread your notes and review the textbook. Three days before the exam Skim your notes and the textbook. Recite important points aloud. Two days before the exam Without looking at your notes or the textbook, recite the key points. Look back at your notes and the text to check your success. The day before the exam Take a sample exam and answer the questions or have someone quiz you. Skim your notes to find the most important and / or difficult points. The day of the exam If the exam is in the morning, you may not be able to study. But if you do have a few minutes, skim your notes once last time. Be sure to take a deep breath and relax before the exam. Effective exam-taking strategies There is even more you can do to increase your chances on any test / exam. Try these strategies: 1 Prepare the night before. Lay out your clothing, pens or pencils, watch, lunch, and other school supplies. You don’t want to be rushing around in the morning! 2 Choose comfortable clothing. 3 Get a good night’s sleep. A solid eight-hour sleep can recharge you batteries and give you the winning edge on any test / exam. 4 Be sure to eat breakfast. Eat a nourishing breakfast of cereal, fruit, eggs and toast or anything else that will help you last through the morning. 5 Avoid caffeinated drinks. Too much caffeine can give you the jitters. 6 Wake up! If you’re not a morning person, wake yourself up with a hot shower or take some brief exercise. A short jog can make a big difference. 7 Leave yourself enough time in the morning by adding an extra 15 minutes to the time you normally need to get ready in the morning. You can review your notes for a few extra minutes. 8 Build your self-confidence. Getting yourself upset and worked up before a big test will make you feel even more nervous. Remind yourself that you have prepared well so you will do well. A positive attitude brings great results. How to conquer exam anxiety There are many effective techniques to deal with exam anxiety, and here are some of them. 1 Downplay the exam. Instead of thinking of the day of the exam as the worst of your life and your own personal Waterloo, think about it as just one more hurdle to overcome. Be careful when you talk about it and don’t let you friends, parents or teachers push your panic button. 2 Don’t dismiss your fears. If you are trying to downplay the exam’s importance, don’t go to the opposite extreme by saying that the exam doesn’t mean a thing. 176 I Recognise that exams do matter, some more than others. But no exam will ever be the sole measure of your qualification. And an exam has nothing to do with your worth as a human being! Build familiarity. Study your notes in detail and be prepared. This will help you to feel more confident. Its also helpful to work on practice tests / exams and memorise all the instructions. Learn and use relaxation techniques. a) Visualise or imagine yourself doing well — filling in the gaps in the text or writing an essay with confidence. Imagine your teacher handing back your exam with an excellent mark on top of it. Visualising success puts you in control. b) Breathing techniques can help, especially during an exam. If you feel yourself losing confidence, take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself If you have some time before the test, try to get in some exercise. Be optimistic! Studies have clearly shown that people who approach tense situations with an optimistic attitude do better than those who think they will fail. Imagine yourself achieving success rather than failing. Exam-taking tips Unit 4: Ex. 45 Read the whole task very carefully. Comment on all the given options without making a final choice yet. Listen to your partner and agree to the suggestions you find relevant. Say what you don’t agree with and give your reasons. Try to find something in common and make your suggestions based on these points. Ask your partner for his / her opinion and if she / he agrees with your suggestions. Sum up your discussion giving your reasons. 177 Cultural guide a Greek philosopher and Aristotle ['aeristDtl] scientist В Babel ['beibal] — the word is used to describe the situation when many people are talking at the same time and it is impossible to understand anyone. The word’s origins were from the “Tower of Babel” in the Hebrew Bible. The story goes that God made all of the people speak different languages in order to scatter them across the Earth Beatles, the — a British music group from Liverpool, which became one of the most famous and successful rock bands ever Beckham, David — a British football player, who played for Manchester United and the English national team. His career includes playing for a Spanish team as well as an American one Bohr, Niels Henrik David (1885-1962) — a Danish scientist who made important discoveries in nuclear physics. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 Cicero ['sisarau] (106-43 BC) — a Roman politician who was known as an orator and writer Clarence Darrow (1857-1938) — a US lawyer. In his most famous case, he defended a teacher who was educating his students about evolution and the ideas of Charles Darwin Croatia [krau'eija] — a country in Europe, between Hungary and the Adriatic Sea. It was part of Yugoslavia until 1991 CV [|Si: 'vi:] — curriculum vitae: a document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job Cyprus ['saipras] — a large island in the Mediterranean Sea Edison, Thomas Alva — a US inventor who made over 1300 electrical inventions, the most famous of them is the light bulb Appendix 3 Einstein, Albert — a US physicist and mathematician who developed the theory of relativity Esperanto — an artificial language based on various European languages. It was invented in 1887 and was intended to become a language for international communication but it has never really become popular Gorbachev, Mikhail — the President of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991, who started the process of economic and political change H Hadrian’s wall [,heidrianz 'wo:l] — a stone wall which the Roman emperor Hadrian built across the north of England in 122 AD in order to defend Roman Britain from attack by northern tribes Harvard ['haivad] — a famous university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, established in 1636, and the oldest university in the USA hip hop — a type of music that developed in the 1970 s in New York City among African-American and Latino musicians using rap and short pieces of music which are repeated and combined with musical instruments on a turntable by a DJ Hvorostovsky, Dmitry — a famous opera singer, born in Krasnoyarsk, Russia I International Monetary Fund — IMF, the organisation that is part of the UN, which aims to encourage international trade and make each nation’s economic system stronger J Jurassic Park — a US film, made by Stephen Spielberg about dinosaurs created by scientists and put in a special park where people can go and see them. In the film, the dinosaurs escape and try to kill people 178 к о Kirov Opera in St Petersburg — The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in St Petersburg, Russia. Opened in 1860, it became the outstanding music theatre of late 19th century Russia, where many of the stage masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres Khrushchev, Nikita — a Russian politician who was leader of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964 Lennon, John — a British singer and songwriter, who was a member of the Beatles and wrote most of the band’s songs with Paul McCartney Leonardo da Vinci — an Italian painter, inventor and scientist of the Renaissance. His most famous paintings include The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper Luxemburg, Rosa (1871-1919) — a German Socialist leader, born in Poland M Meltzer, Bernard (1917-98) — a United States radio host for several decades. His advice call-in show, “What’s Your Problem?” aired from 1967 until the mid-1990s Mendel, Gregor Johann (1822-84) — an Austrian monk, who studied the pea plant to find out how qualities are passed from parent plants to their children. Later his discoveries were used in genetics N Napoleon Bonaparte — The Emperor of France from 1804 to 1815, a strong and influential military leader Nemov, Alexei (born May 28, 1976) — a gymnast from Russia and one of the most achieved of all time. He has won 12 Olympic medals Nobel, Alfred — a Swedish engineer and chemist who invented dynamite. When he died, he left all his money to establish the Nobel Prize Ogden, Charles Kay (1889-1957) — an English linguist, philosopher, and writer. He is now mostly remembered as the inventor of Basic English, an auxiliary international language of 850 words comprising a system covering everything necessary for everyday purposes Observer, the — a British Sunday newspaper, the world’s first Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development — (OECD), an international organisation of thirty countries, originated in 1948, that accept the principles of representative democracy and a free market economy Posh Spice — Victoria Adams, a singer and member of the Spice Girls, a band which was very popular in the 1990s. She is now married to David Beckham Presley, Elvis — a US singer and guitar player, who became popular as a rock-n-roll singer in the 1950s, and was one of the most successful ever. Princess Diana (1961-97) — Diana, Princess of Wales, the former wife of Prince Charles and the mother of Prince William and Prince Harry Rap — a type of music using rhythm and rhyme, usually over a strong musical beat Rostropovich Mstislav (1927-2007) — was a Russian cellist and conductor. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest cellists of the 20th century Romeo and Juliet — one of William Shakespeare’s best-known plays, a sad romantic story about two young people, who fall in love although their families are great enemies Roosevelt, Franklin D. — a US politician in the Democratic Party, who was president of the USA from 1933 to 1945 Roshal, Leonid (born April 27, 1933) — Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal is a noted pediatrician from Moscow, Russia, and an expert for the World Health Organization 179 Appendix 3 Cultural guide Sarnoff, David (1891-1971) — a Russian-born American businessman and pioneer of American commercial radio and television. He founded the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and throughout most of his career, he led the Radio Corporation of America Shemyakin, Mikhail (born 4 May, 1943) — a Russian painter, stage designer, sculptor and publisher, and a controversial representative of the nonconformist art tradition of St Petersburg Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (1917-2008) — a British science-fiction author and inventor, most famous for his novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, and for his collaboration with director Stanley Kubrick on the film of the same name Solzhenitsyn, Alexander (1918-2008) — a Russian writer, who was given the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970. Among his works are One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago Sunday Telegraph (the) — a more traditional British Sunday newspaper started in 1961 Tolkien, J. R. R. ['tnlki:n] (1892-1973) — a British writer and university teacher, known for his novels about imaginary characters, including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Tolstoy, Leo (1828-1910) — a Russian writer, best known for his long novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina Twain, Mark (1835-1910) — a US writer, best known for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures Huckleberry Finn UN (the) [Ju: 'en] — The United Nations, an international organisation that almost every country in the world belongs to, established in 1945 to ensure peace in the world and cooperation between countries in dealing with international problems Winston Churchill — a British politician who served as Prime Minister during World War II in 1940-1945 and again in 1951-1955. He also won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 World Bank (the) — WB, an organisation that is part of the UN, which lends money to poorer countries so that they can develop their World Trade Organization (the) — WTO, an international organization, established in 1995, that deals with the rules of trade between different nations Grammar reference Appendix 4 Этот раздел включает правила и примеры, которые помогут повторить уже известные вам грамматические явления, а также более детально изучить новую грамматику. UNIT 1 Section 1 Irregular plural forms of nouns • Some nouns have the same form in singular and in plural: sheep — sheep, deer — deer, aircraft — aircraft, series — series, crossroads — crossroads, etc • Some nouns have -f / -fe in singular, but -ves in the plural: half — halves, thief — thieves, leaf — leaves, knife — knives, life — lives, etc • Some nouns form the plural by changing their vowels: foot —feet, tooth — teeth, goose — geese, man — men, woman — women, mouse — mice, etc • Some nouns form the plural with -си: ox — oxen, child — children • Some plural nouns have no singular: cattle, clothes, contents, goods, thanks, trousers, etc Articles with geographical names and languages • We do not use articles with continents: Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica • We do not usually use articles with geographical areas: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Central America, Siberia But: the is used with the Far East, the Middle East, the North Pole, the South Pole, the Arctic, the Antarctic • We do not use articles with the names of countries: Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Israel, Egypt, Iran, India, China, Japan But: there are some exceptions: the Netherlands, the Ukraine, the Sudan, the Vatican City • We use the with the names of countries if they include words such as: state, republic, kingdom: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States of America • We do not use articles with the names of cities, towns and villages: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Toronto But: there are some exceptions: the Hague the is also used with of phrases the city of Moscow, the City of Rome, the town of Khanty-Mansiysk, the Village of Cross Keys • We do not use articles with the names of streets, avenues, highways, squares: Tverskaya Street, Main Street, Wall Street, Tzvetnoy Boulevard, Sixth Avenue, Red Square But: the Mall • We do not use the with the names of languages when they are NOT followed by the word language: English but the English language 181 Passive voice (Revision) The passive voice is used when we want to focus attention on the person or thing affected by the action. Normally, the performer of the action, or the agent, comes first and is the subject and we use the active form of the verb. With passive voice, the other person or thing receiving the action is made the subject. With the dry zorb, you are securely strapped in and then rolled over the top... With this one, you are not strapped in and you are encouraged to stand up and run like a hamster in its wheel. Verb form Construction Present simple am / is / are + V-ed / V3 The sports equipment is kept in the gym. Present continuous am / are / is being + V-ed / V3 The track is being repaired. Present perfect simple has / have been + V-ed / V3 He has just been awarded the second prize! Past simple was / were + V-ed / V3 The race was won by a school newcomer. He is so sporty! Past continuous was / were being + V-ed / V3 They were being treated as world champions when they won a local competition. Past perfect simple had been + V-ed / V3 The vegetables had been cooked for far too long, but we had to eat them for launch. Future simple will be + V-ed / V3 The school competition will be held on Saturday. Future perfect simple will have been + V-ed /V, There is no point in hurrying. The meeting will have been finished by now. Infinitive (to) be + V-ed /V, Exams have to be taken almost every year you are at school. Do you know who is going to be invited to the party? Section 2 Revision of tenses Past Present Simple active I wrote the report yesterday. I write reports every month. passive The report was written yesterday. Reports are written every month. Continuous active I couldn’t talk to you when you phoned yesterday because I was writing a report. I am writing a report at the moment. passive The report was being written yesterday at 10.00. The report is being written at the moment. Perfect active I had written the report by the time my boss came to the office. I have just written a report. passive The report had been written by the time the director came to the office. The report has just been written. Perfect continuous I had been writing the report for two hours when my colleagues arrived. I have been writing the report for two hours already. 182 Modal verbs for obligation, necessity, permission Permission • We use can, could, may, might, be allowed to to talk about permission: Can I use your pen for a moment? May / Might I suggest something? We are not allowed to go out late at night. Obligation and necessity • We use must when the authority comes from the speaker. You must be at school at 8.30. (I insist.) I’ve got a terrible toothache. I must go and see the doctor. (I think it’s necessary.) • We use have to when the authority comes from outside the speaker. We have to wear a school uniform. (There is a school rule.) You have to be 18 to drive in Russia. (There is a law in Russia.) • We only use must to talk about the present or future obligation. We use had to talk about past obligation. I had to go to see the dentist yesterday. • We use mustn’t when there is an obligation not to do something. You mustn’t smoke here. (It’s not allowed.) You mustn’t wash this sweater in a washing machine. • We use don’t have to when it’s not necessary to do something. Wie don’t have get up early tomorrow. I don’t have to bring this book to school. You can borrow one from the school library. Section 5 Revision of the articles 1 We use a / an • with singular countable nouns when we talk about them in general He wants to buy a car. • to refer to any one thing of that kind He bought a car. • with be and have (got) She is a musician. She has got an electrical guitar. 2 We do not use a / an with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns. We use some. He bought some petrol for his car. He bought some books. 3 We use the • with nouns when we are talking about something specific, for example, when the noun is mentioned for a second time, or the noun is already known He bought a car. The car is very expensive. • with nouns which are unique the sun, the moon • with the words: morning, afternoon, evening, night, beach, station, sea, cinema, theatre, coast, countryside, world, shop, library, city, weather, etc Have you been in the theatre recently? 4 We do not use the • with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns when we talk about them in general Students take a lot of exams. 183 with proper nouns Nikita lives in Novosibirsk. with possessive adjectives or the possessive case That is his new car. with the words: bed, church, school, college, hospital, prison, university, court when we are referring to the reason they exist Children should go to school. UNIT 2 Section 2 Ways of expressing the future (Revision) Form Function going to To express a personal intention or make a prediction about what you know / feel / see. I am going to study French this year. The sea is going to be very rough this afternoon, so don’t go swimming. Future simple With shall and will plus the infinitive of a verb you can express: a future fact, a sudden decision, an offer, a threat, a promise, an opinion about the future, a probability especially after think, suppose, expect, doubt if. Tomorrow will be my birthday. It’s all right. I’ll do the shopping. I will take you in the car if you like. I’ll stand by you whatever happens. I suppose we’ll manage without the car. Present continuous We can use it for planned or personally scheduled events. Usually used with principle verbs such as: come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc. He’s coming tomorrow afternoon. What are we having for dinner? ' I’m not seeing my friends until Friday. Present simple We use this when we are thinking of the certain future, something already arranged as in a timetable or programme. Your train leaves in ten minutes. is to / are to These are used to express an instruction or something arranged officially. The political leaders are to meet next month to discuss the crisis. > about to / due to We use these when we want to describe actions that are expected to happen, usually fairly soon. The 100 metre race is about to start any minute now. \ Common future time expressions include: ‘ next (week, month, year), tomorrow, soon, later, in X’s time (amount of time, i.e. two week’s time), in + year, time clauses (when, as soon as, before, after) + simple present (I will telephone as soon as I arrive.). 184 Future perfect We use the future perfect to say that something will have been completed by a certain time in the future. will + have (been) + V (past participle) The future perfect passive is not used very often because it is seldom required by the situation. But when it is used, it is usually followed by the word by. active Future perfect simple I will have read the book by the end of the week. Future perfect continuous 1 will have been reading the book for a month by the end of the week. passive The book will have been read by the end of the week. — Section 3 Reported speech (Revision) Direct speech Reported speech Statements Present simple Past simple Present continuous Past continuous Present perfect Past perfect Past simple Past perfect Past continuous Past prefect continuous will would • Pronouns and time expressions change according to the meaning of the sentence. “I want to read this book,” she said. She is doing her homework, he said. She said (that) she wanted to read that book. He said (that) she was doing her homework. Questions • The verb tenses, pronouns and time expressions change as in statements. • The reported questions begin with a question word or if/ whether. • The question mark and the words such as please, well, oh are omitted. “What do you want to say?” she asked me. “What are you doing?” Mother asked Tim. “Do you like pop music?” Ann asked me. She asked me what I wanted to say. Mother asked Tim what he was doing. Ann asked me if (whether) I liked pop music. Clauses of consequence We use so / such (that) to talk about the result of something. such + adjective + noun + (that) It’s such an interesting book, that you can’t put it down. so + adjective / adverb + (that) He runs so quickly, nobody can keep up with him. Clauses of consequence follow the sequence of tenses’ rule. 185 Section 4 Present perfect simple / Present perfect continuous / Past simple (Revision) Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous The action is finished. She has painted her room. (She has finished it.) The action may be finished or may be not finished. She has been painting her room. (Perhaps she hasn’t finished it, perhaps, she has.) We use it to talk about what has been achieved in a period of time. I have read three short stories this morning. We use it to talk about how long something has been in progress. I have been reading short stories all morning. For more permanent situations. I have lived here for all my life. For more temporary situations. I have been living in Moscow for three months. Present perfect simple Past simple Always connects past and present. Tells us only about past events. We use it to talk about something which started in the past and continues up to the present. I have worked in Novgorod for 5 years. We use it to talk about something which started and finished in the past. I worked in Novgorod for 5 years. The result of the action is connected to the present. I’ve lost my passport. Have you seen it anywhere? The result of the action is not connected to the present. When I was on a trip to London, I lost my passport and couldn’t find it. We use it with time phrases: Yet, just, already, this week, so far, etc. We use it with time phrases: Yesterday, last week, two days ago, in 1999, etc. UNITS Section 1 Describing changes and comparing past and present Present perfect (Revision) The present perfect is used to connect the past and the present. The present perfect is used: • To describe an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with state verbs, e.g. know, have, like, be, etc. I have known Mark for ten years. We have been in this class since we were 7 years old. • To describe an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. The action is more important than the exact time. He has been in Italy twice. I have never done skateboarding. • To describe an action within a time period which has not finished at the moment of speaking, e.g. today, this week, this year, etc. Have you seen Mary today? I haven’t met him this week. 186 Multi-word verbs There are many multi-word verbs in English. They are often made up of a verb -nd one or two small words, e.g. -ike up, put on, sit down, keep up with, get on with The smaller word may be a preposition or an adverbial. There are some differences. Verb + preposition Verb + adverbial The cat climbed up the tree. They filled in the form. / They filled the form in. He fell in the swimming pool. I switched off the light. /1 switched the light off. Look at this painting! He wrote down the address. / He wrote the address down. Future simple We can use future simple to predict the future. In the future, machines will do many of the jobs that people do today. When we predict the future, we often use will with the phrases: I think... I can imagine... I expect... I hope... I believe... I’m (not) sure... There is a good chance... Section 2 Past perfect passive We use past perfect passive to describe an action (in passive) that was finished before a certain moment in the past. had + been + V, (past participle) He told me he had worked in Sweden. 1 Section 3 Revising word categories • An article is a determiner (word used before a noun) that shows whether you are referring to a particular thing or to a general example of something. The indefinite article is a or an and the definite article is the. • Prepositions: on, at, in, out, up, etc • A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun for referring to a person or a thing that has been mentioned earlier: Personal pronouns: he, she, it, they, you, etc Object pronouns: me, him, her, them, etc Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, etc Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, ourselves, himself, herself, etc Indefinite pronouns: something, anything, somebody, anybody, etc • A relative pronoun is a word used to join sentences in place of it, he, she, etc We use who for people and which for things. • Question words: what, when, why, who, how, etc 187 • Linking words and phrases are used to connect parts of sentences, sentences and ideas. Time: when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, until, etc Contrast: although, even though, though, in spite of, despite, while, whereas, however, etc Reason and result: because, because of, as, since, so, as a result, therefore, etc Purpose: to, in order to, so as to, for, so that, etc • An auxiliary verb is a verb used that is used with another verb to show its tense, form questions, form the passive, or change an aspect of its meaning. The main auxiliary verbs in English are: be, have and do. • A modal verb is a verb that is used with another verb to express possibility, permission or intention: can, may, might, must, should, etc • Expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a lot of, little, few, no, none, all, etc Section 4 Numerals • We use a or one before hundred. One hundred is more formal than a hundred. • We use one, not a, before another number or inside a larger number. 1,400: one thousand, four hundred. • Hundred, thousand and million have no -s after a number. six thousand a few hundred three million but It’s happened hundreds of times. • We use ordinal numbers to say the names of Kings, Queens, popes and tsars. Henry the Eighth, Pius the Twelfth, Peter the First. • Writing of dates: 30 April 1996: the thirtieth of April, nineteen ninety-six / April the thirtieth, nineteen ninety six. • Telephone numbers are usually said one number at a time. 188 г List of irregular verbs Й Appendix 5 Infinitive Past simpie Past participie awake [a'weik] awoke [a'waok] awoken будить, просыпаться be [bi:] was [wt)z] (ed. ч.) been быть, находиться. were [wa:] (mh. ч.) являться bear [Ьеэ] bore [bo:] born [bo:n] рождать beat [bi:t] beat beaten бить, ударять become [Ы'клт] became [bi'keim] become становиться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] begun [bi'gAn] начинать(ся) bite [bait] bit bitten кусать(ся) break [breik] broke broken ломать, нарушать bring brought [bro:t] brought приносить, приводить build [bild] built [bilt] built строить burn burnt, burned burnt, burned жечь, гореть buy [bai] bought [bo:t] bought покупать can could [kod] — могу, умею cast [kcrst] cast cast кидать, бросать catch [kaetf] caught [ko:t] caught ловить, поймать choose [tfu:z] chose [tfooz] chosen выбирать come [клт] came come приходить, приезжать cost [knst] cost cost стоить cut [k\t] cut cut резать, рубить do [dtu] did done [(kn] делать, поступать, выполнять draw [dro:] drew [dm:] drawn [dro:n] рисовать, чертить, тянуть drink drank drunk пить drive drove [droov] driven ['drivon] вести машину, ехать на машине eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten есть, кушать fall [fo:i] fell fallen падать feed fed fed кормить feel felt felt чувствовать fight [fait] fought [fo:t] fought бороться, сражаться find [famd] found [faond] found находить fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [Яэип] летать forbid forbade forbidden запрещать forget forgot forgotten забывать get got got получать give [giv] gave given ['givan] давать go went gone [gnn] ходить, идти,ехать grow [дгэи] grew [gm:] grown [graun] расти, выращивать hang hung hung висеть, вешать have [haev] had had иметь, владеть hear [hia] heard [ha:d] heard слышать hold [haold] held held держать hurt [halt] hurt hurt ушибить(ся), причинять боль keep kept kept держать, хранить know [пэи] knew [nju:] known [naon] знать lay [lei] laid [leid] laid класть, положить lead led led вести, руководить 189 Infinitive Past simpie Past participie learn [1з:п] learnt [l3:nt] learnt учить что-то. learned learned узнавать, учиться leave left left уезжать, оставлять let let let позволять, разрешать lie [lai] lay lain лежать lose [lu:z] lost lost терять make made made делать, заставлять mean meant [ment] meant [ment] значить, иметь в виду meet met met встречать(ся) pay paid paid платить put [put] put put класть, ставить read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать rid [nd] rid, ridded rid, ridder избавлять ride rode ridden ехать верхом ring rang rung звенеть, звонить rise rose risen ['nzn] подниматься, вставать run ran run бежать, бегать say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] говорить, сказать see saw [so;] seen видеть sell sold [sauld] sold [sauld] продавать, торговать send sent sent посылать, отправлять set set set ставить, класть shake [feik] shook [fuk] shaken ['Jeikan] трясти shoot [fu:t] shot [fnt] shot стрелять show [fau] showed [faud] shown [faun] показывать shut [fAt] shut shut закрывать sing sang sung петь sit sat sat сидеть sleep slept slept спать smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled нюхать, пахнуть speak spoke [spauk] spoken говорить, разговаривать spend spent spent тратить, расходовать spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled проливать, разливаться spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] простираться stand stood [stud] stood [stud] стоять steal stole stolen воровать, красть swim swam [swtem] swum плавать take took [tuk] taken ['teikan] брать, взять teach taught [ta:t] taught [ta:t] учить tell told [tauld] told сказать, рассказать think thought [0a:t] thought думать, полагать throw [0гэи] threw [0ru:] thrown [0raun] бросать tread [tred] trod trodden ступать, топтать understand understood understood понимать, предполагать |,Anda'stasnd] [,Anda'stud] upset [Ap'set] upset upset расстраивать wear [wea] wore [wa:] worn [wa:n] носить (одежду), изнашивать win won [WAn] won [WAn] выигрывать, побеждать write [rait] wrote [raut] written ['ritn] писать 190 Dialogue vocabulary Appendix 6 What you can say if ...? you meet new people or start a conversation Hi! / Hello! — Привет! I’m Julia. I’m from Vladivostok.— Меня зовут Юлия. Я из Владивостока. And this is my friend Andre. He comes from Germany.— A это мой друг Андре. Он родом из Германии. Nice to meet you! — Приятно познакомиться It was nice to meet you too.— Мне тоже было приятно познакомиться. : =К=: How do you do? (very formal) — Как поживаете? (очень официальное приветствие. В ответ повторяется та же фраза: How do you do?) =N Excuse me, I could you tell me...? — Извините, могли бы вы мне подсказать...? I wonder if you could tell me...— He могли бы Вы подсказать мне... (звучит очень вежливо) Excuse me, do you happen to know... ? — Простихе. Вы случайно не знаете...? you want to state your point of view I have to say...— Я вынужден(а) сказать... In my view... In my opinion,...— По-моему.. Let me start with...— Позвольте мне начать с. Personally, I think...— Лично я думаю, что.. I insist that...— Я настаиваю, что... I am convinced that...— Я уверен, что... I don’t believe...— Я не думал, что... I know for sure...— Я знаю наверняка, что.. I feel... / I don’t feel...— Мне кажется / не кажется, что... you want to present arguments to support your point of view ^ .------------------------------------------1''' Let me start with...— Позвольте начать с... Eirst(ly)..., second(ly)..., finally...— Во-первых..., во-вторых..., наконец... (перед последним аргументом) In addition to...— В добавок к тому... Moreover,...— Более того,... On top of that,...— В довершение всего... (перед последним и самым убедительным аргументом) Erom all that, it’s obvious...— Из всего этого очевидно, что... you greet people you already know Hi! How are you? — Привет! Как дела? Eine, thanks. How are you? — Спасибо, прекрасно. A у тебя? How’re you doing? How’re things? How’s life? — Как дела? (равнозначные варианты) I Everything is all right, thanks.— Bee в порядке, I спасибо. ч_______________________________________ I It’s great to see you again! — Здорово снова I, тебя увидеть! f I’m glad to see you too.— Я тоже рад(а) тебя I видеть. You look great! You look gorgeous! — Прекрас HO выглядишь! Cool jeans! — Классные джинсы! (разе.) you share someone's opinion or support someone's judgment or suggestion К I feel the same.— Я отношусь к этому точно так же. I can’t agree more.— Полностью вас поддерживаю. It seems reasonable.— Это кажется разумным / резонным. Sounds like а good plan / idea.— Это, кажется, хороший план / хорошая мысль. I like the idea.— Мне нравится эта мысль. 191 you want to express disagreement I don’t think so. I don’t believe...— He думаю, что это так... I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.— Боюсь, что не могу с Вами согласиться. I wouldn’t be so certain.— Я не был бы так категоричен. It’s quite а different thing.— Это совсем другое дело. I doubt that...— Я сомневаюсь, что... you wont to Find out something Do you know about...? — Вы знаете о...? Where are you from? — Откуда Вы родом? Have you been to...? — Вы когда-нибудь бывали в...? Have you heard about...? — A Вы слышали о...? How do you feel about...? — Как Вы относитесь к...? you wont to give some advice or moke a suggestion You definitely should...— Вы определенно должны... It would be better to...— Было бы лучше... I suggest you should... — Я предлагаю, что Вы... (сделаете что-то) I’d recommend that...— Я бы рекомендовал... Why don’t you...? Don’t you think that... ? — Почему бы тебе не...? Не кажется ли тебе, что...? And what if...— А что, если... The best we can do is...— Самое лучшее, что мы можем сделать... you wont to check or clarify the meaning or understanding Do you mean that...? — Вы хотите сказать, что...? Are you saying that ... ? — Вы имеете в виду, что...? Have I got this right? — Правильно ли я это понял? This isn’t exactly what I mean.— Это не совсем то, что я имею в виду. If I understand you correctly... — Если я по-нял(а) Вас правильно... you wont to soy what you like or dislike _N. I’m quite happy about...— Я вполне доволен / довольна... I’m not really happy about...— Я не очень доволен / довольна... I’m keen on ...-ing (gardening, skiing) — Мне очень нравится... I hate when / if...— Я терпеть не могу, когда... I’m crazy about...— Мне ужасно нравится... I love parties / partying.— Я люблю вечеринки / ходить на вечеринки. you wont to comment on your partner's words , __________________________________________ Oh, come on! — Да ладно тебе! / He преувеличивай! / Поторопись! / Соберись и постарайся! That doesn’t sound convincing.— He очень убедительно звучит. Nothing of the kind! — Ничего подобного! What are you talking about! — Hy что ты такое говоришь! Look here,...— Послушай,... I’m absolutely positive about...— Полностью согласен... Right.— Да. (показывает, что вы следите за мыслью собеседника и поддерживаете ее) Exactly.— Именно так. Absolutely! — Абсолютно верно! / Полностью с этим согласен. 192 I Key vocabulary Appendix 7 This vocabulary lists new words and phrases you should memorize and use confidently by the end of the academic year. For the rest of the words, please, refer to any good English-Russian dictionary you have, since on completing your school course you are supposed to be able to work with all types of dictionaries and reference materials. Before you look up a word in the key vocabulary or in any other dictionary, please study the abbreviation in the table below. It’ll help you work more efficiently. abbreviation the word it stands for n ad) adv pron V prep conj n[C] n[U] n [C, U] noun adjective adverb pronoun verb preposition conjunction noun, countable noun, uncountable noun, can function as countable or uncountable, depending on the context Russian equivalents существительное прилагательное наречие местоимение глагол предлог союз существительное, исчисляемое существительное, неисчисляемое существительное в зависимости от контекста может быть исчисляемым или неисчисляемым able ['eibal] adj — способный be able — быть способным что-то сделать be able to соре with stress — быть способным справиться со стрессом abuse [a'bjuis] п [U] — оскорбление, жестокое обращение abuse [3'bju:z] v — оскорблять, обижать accent ['aeksant] п [С] — акцент, манера произношения accept [ak'sept] v — принимать, признавать (человеком, обществом) acceptance [ak'septans] п [U] — признание, принятие accomplish [э'клтрЬ]] v — завершать, доводить до конца, выполнять, совершенствовать accomplishment [э'клтрЬ/тэЩ] п [U] — выполнение, достижение, успех accountable [э'каиШэЬэ!] adj — ответственный, подотчетный accuracy ['aekurasi] п [U] — точность, аккуратность accurate ['aekjurat] adj — точный, тщательный, аккуратный add [aed] v — добавлять, прибавлять in addition to — в добавок к чему-либо, в дополнение advanced [ad'vumst] adj — продвинутый, передовой aesthetic [i:s'0etik] adj — эстетический against [a'genst] [a'gemst] prep — против, напротив be against — быть против, быть несогласным ahead [a'hed] adv — впереди be ahead of time — опережать свое время alien ['eilian] n [C] — чужестранец, инопланетянин alienate ['eilianeit] v — отдалять, заставлять отдалиться (семью, друзей) alien-related adj — имеющий отношение к инопланетянам alumnus [a'Lvmnas] pi alumni [a'Umnai] n [C] — выпускник школы или университета amazing [a'meizip] adj — удивительный, восхитительный ambition [aem'bijan] n [C] — устремление, цель, амбиция ambitious adj — амбициозный, честолюбивый application [,aepli'keij3n| n [U, C] — применение, использование; обращение, прошение, заявление, форма заявления а wide application — широкое применение apply [a'plai] v — обращаться к кому-то; применять (умения) apply for а job — обращаться по поводу приема на работу, выступать в качестве соискателя appreciate [э'ргкДеЦ] v — высоко оценить, проявить признательность approve [a'pruiv] (of) v — одобрять authentic [D:'0entik] adj — аутентичный, оригинальный (о тексте), настоящий 193 в Bachelor / bachelor’s ['baetfola] n [C] — бакалавр band [baend] n [C] — музыкальная группа band (together) v — собираться вместе, объединяться beneficial [.ЬетТг/э!] adj — полезный, выгодный benefit ['benifit] n [U] — выгода, польза от чего-либо bias ['baios] n [U] — наклон, уклон, предвзятое необъективное отношение be biased [,bi: 'baiost] — быть необъективным, склонным к поддержке кого-то / чего-то по каким-то личным мотивам browse [brauz] v — просматривать информацию, бродить по интернету capsule ['kaepsju:!] п [С] — капсула CD-RW [,si:di:a;'dAb9lju:] (compact disk—rewritable) n [C] — многоразовый компакт-диск (на одном и том же диске можно записывать информацию несколько раз, стирая предыдущую) challenge ['фэеЬпф] п [С, U] — сложная задача, вызов собственным силам challenge v — ставить под сомнение, испытывать challenging adj — сложный и интересный (о проекте, работе, задании) chat [tfaet] п [С] — беседа, болтовня; чат (компьют.) chat V — болтать, общаться в чате claim [kleim] v — заявлять, предъявлять претензии clone [к1эип] п [С] — клон, клонированное существо clone V — клонировать cloning п — клонирование comment ['knment] (on) v — комментировать commit [ko'mit] v — связывать себя обязательством commitment [ko'mitmont] n [C, U] — обязательство, верность обязательствам committed adj — преданный, верный обязательству, взглядам competent ['kompitont] adj — знающий, компетентный competitive [kom'petitiv] adj — конкурентоспособный complicated I'knmplikeitidl adj — сложный, осложненный многими факторами concern [кэп'ззш] п [U] — обеспокоенность чем-то, заинтересованность в чем-то concern V — рассматривать, беспокоиться, иметь отношение к чему-то concerning — в отношении чего-либо be concerned — быть заинтересованным, иметь отношение к чему-либо As far as I’m concerned... — Насколько это касается меня... confess [kon'fes] v — признавать(ся) confidence ['kDnfidons] n [U] — уверенность self-confidence и [U] — уверенность в себе; самоуверенность confident adj — уверенный в себе confidently adv — уверено contact ['knntaekt] n [C, U] — контакт eye contact — зрительный контакт contribute [,kr)n'tribju:t] v — вносить вклад, способствовать достижению общей цели controversial [,кпп1гэ'уз:/э1] adj — неоднозначный, вызывающий споры creative [kri'eitiv] adj — криативный, творческий crucial ['kruijol] adj — важный, критический, решающий be crucial for — быть чрезвычайно важным / жизненно важным cure [kjuo] п [С] — исцеление, выздоровление; лекарство для исцеления cure V — исцелять cutting-edge [,клЦц'еф] adj — передовой, современный cyberspace ['saibaspeis] « [U] — киберпространство deadline ['dedlain] n [C] — крайний срок окончания работы, проекта be able to work to tight deadlines — быть способным работать в условиях жестких временных сроков deal [did] п [С] — дело, сделка, соглашение deal (with) v — иметь дело с кем-то / чем-то, рассматривать (проблему), касаться (ситуации) declare [di'klea] v — объявлять, делать заявление, декларировать decrease ['di:kri:s] п [U, С] — уменьшение, сокращение (количества) decrease [di'krks] v — уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся) dedicate ['dedikeit] v — посвящать (время, жизнь) чему-то be dedicated to — быть посвященным чему-то definite ['definit] adj — определенный definitely adv — определенно, точно deforestation [dk.fnri'steijon] n [U] — вымирание леса, уничтожение лесов degrade [di'greid] v — ухудшать, портить deliberately [di'libaritli] adv — специально, преднамеренно deteriorate [di'tiorioreit] v — ухудшать(ся), портить(ся) develop [di'velop] v — развивать(ся) development n [U, C] — развитие, усовершенствование device [di'vais] n [C] — устройство, механизм dialect ['daiolekt] n [C] — диалект, говор digital ['did^itl] adj — цифровой disapprove [,diso'pru:v] (of) v — не одобрять что-то 194 1 distance ['distans] n [C] — дистанция, расстояние distance learning — дистанционное обучение download [.daunloud] v — загружать (компью-терн.) DVD [,di: vi: 'di:| (digital video disk) n [C] — DVD диск dweller ['dweb] n [C] — житель city-dweller — городской житель effective [I'fektiv] adj — эффективный effectively adv — эффективно e-learning ['i:,l3:nir)] n — обучение, основанное на использовании компьютера и интернета engage [in'geicfe] (in) v — заинтересовывать, вовлекать (в деятельность), принимать участие be engaged — быть занятым чем-то engineering [.encfei'niorii)] п [U] — инженерное дело engineering adj — технический, инженерный enjoyable [in'd^oiabl] adj — приносящий положительные эмоции, удовольствие enrol [т'гэи!] (on/for/in) v — записываться, зачисляться (обычно на обучение) enrol in а vocational college — зачисляться в колледж профессионального образования enthusiastic [in,0ju;zi'aestik] adj — делающий что-то с энтузиазмом entrance ['entrons] п [С] — вход entrance exams — вступительные экзамены environment [in'vairsnmont] п [U] — окружающая среда environmentally conscious adj — понимающий и осознанно относящийся к вопросам защиты окружающей среды environmentally friendly adj — не вредящий окружающей среде equal ['i:kwol] adj — одинаковый, равный equal rights — равные права essential [I'saenjol] adj — основной, необходимый estimate ['estimeit] v — оценивать, подсчитывать experience [ik'spiorions] и [U] — опыт experience v — испытывать что-то, проходить через что-то (о чувствах, деятельности) express [ik'spres] (oneself) v — выражать (себя) extraordinary [ik'stro:d3n3ri] adj — необыкновенный, особенный extremely [ik'stri:mli] adv — чрезвычайно fake [feik] n [C] — подделка fake adj — поддельный, ненастоящий fall [fo:l] n [C] — падение, спад fall [fo:l] (fell, fallen) [fel] [То:1эп] v — падать, снижаться fall to thinking — задуматься, начать думать о чем-то favour [feivo] п [U] — поддержка, одобрение; расположение к кому-либо / чему-либо be in favour of — быть за что-то, поддерживать что-то fluency ['fluionsi] п [U] — беглость (о речи) fluent [fluent] adj — беглый fluently adv — бегло force [fo:s] n [U, C] — сила, власть come into force — вступать в силу fraud [fro:d] n [U, C] — мошенничество, обман; мошенник full-time [,ftjl'taim] adj — полный (о времени) full-time job — работа на полный рабочий день fun-loving [Тлп1лУ1Г)] adj — любящий повеселиться gadget ['gaecfeit] п [С] — приспособление, техническая новинка gene [(fern] п [С] — ген genetic [cfei'netik] adj — наследственный, генетический, имеющий отношение к генетике genetics п [U] — генетика (наука) genius ['(femios] п [U, С] — гений, талант, гениальный человек get down to (got, got) V — приступать к чему-либо glance [gla:ns] n [C] — взгляд glance V — взглянуть global ['gbubol] adj — глобальный, повсеместный, мирового масштаба GM [,cfei:'em] (food) or genetically modified Idp'netikali .mndifaid] — генно-модифицированный go down (went, gone) v — спускаться вниз, падать, снижаться gossip ['gnsip] n [C] — сплетня, слух gossip V — сплетничать, распускать слухи graduate ['graecfeuit] n [C] — выпускник университета graduate (from) v — выпускаться из учебного заведения (обычно университета) grow [дгэи] (grew, grown) [gru:] [дгэип] v — расти, увеличиваться growth [дгэиб] п [U] — рост, увеличение н hacker [Ъгекэ] п [С] — хакер hoax [hooks] п [С] — обман, “газетная утка”, ложная информация human ['hju;mon] adj — свойственный человеку, человеческий human rights — права человека humble ['ЬлтЫ] adj — простой, непритязательный humbleness п [U] — непритязательность, довольствование малым 195 I icon [’aiknn] n [C] — икона, иконка (компъют.) identify [ai'dentifai] v — распознавать, отождествлять identify oneself with — отождествлять себя с кем-то / чем-то imaginative [I'msecfeinativ] adj — отличающийся воображением impact ['impaekt] n [C] — импульс, толчок have an impact on — оказать влияние на что-то, послужить толчком improve [im'pruiv] v — улучшать(ся) improvement п [U, С] — улучшение increase ['inkrks] п [U, С] — увеличение, рост, повышение increase [in'krks] v — расти, повышаться increasing popularity — увеличивающаяся популярность independent [.mdi'pendant] adj — независимый, самостоятельный index ['indeks] n [C] — индекс, указатель, алфавитный список {pi. indexes / indices) ['indeksis / 'indiskz] — каталог individual [|indi'vid^u3l] adj — индивидуальный ineffective [.ini'fektiv] adj — неэффективный innovative ['in9,veitrv] adj — инновационный, передовой inspiration [,inspi'rei/3n] n [U] — вдохновение inspirational adj — вдохновляющий he inspired hy somebody — быть вдохновленным кем-то interact [.intar'aekt] v — взаимодействовать interaction n [U, C] — взаимодействие inspire [in'spaia] v — вдохновлять IQ[ ,ai 'kju:] (intelligence quotient) [in'telicfeant 'kwaufant] — коэффициент умственного развития J jargon ['cfeaigan] n [U] — профессиональный жаргон, терминология, используемая людьми одной профессиональной сферы, часто непонятная остальным joh [djub] п [С] — работа joh interview [.cfenb 'intavju:| — собеседование при приеме на работу job opportunities — возможности трудоустройства К keep [ki:p] (kept, kept) [kept] [kept] v — держать, придерживаться, сохранять keep traditions — сохранять традиции, придерживаться традиций know [паи] (knew, known) [nju:] ] naun] v — знать be best known for — быть наиболее известным благодаря чему-то (изобретению, высказыванию) lessen ['lesan] v — сокращать(ся), уменьшать(ся), становиться менее значительным like [laik] adj — похожий and the like — и тому подобное likely adv — вероятный be likely to do something — оборот, передающий вероятность, что действие будет совершено Не is likely to have successful careers.— Вероятно, что его карьера сложится удачно, limited ['limitid] adj — ограниченный, неполный line [lam] п [С] — линия, связь (в том числе электронная) be online — быть в режиме он-лайн, находиться в интернет-пространстве be offline — находиться вне интернет-пространства literate ['litarit] adj — грамотный computer literate — умеющий работать с компьютером locate [lau'keit] v — располагать(ся) (о месте) log on V — входить в систему, компьютерную сеть log off V — выходить из системы, сети logic ['Incfeik] п [U] — логика logical adj — логичный м major ['тегфэ] adj — главный, основной majority [m9'd5o:r9ti] п [С] — большинство manifesto [.maeni'festou] п [С] — манифест Master / Master’s ['mcrsta] — магистр means [mi:nz] n [C] — средство / средства (обычно во мн.ч.) means of communication — средства коммуникации, средства связи megalopolis [.mega'lnpalis] п [С] — мегаполис mindless ['maindlis] adj — бессмысленный motivate ['mautiveit] v — побуждать, мотивировать motivated adj — заинтересованный, мотивирован- N nano- ['паепэи] — нано — префикс для обозначения одной миллиардной доли (fO®); очень маленький nanotechnology [,паепэо1ек'пп1эс151] п [U] — нанотехнология (наука) native ['neitrv] adj — родной, местный native tongue [.neitiv'Ug] — родной язык 196 negative ['negativ] adj — отрицательный be negative towards something — быть против чего-либо neglect [ni'glekt] (of) n [\J] — пренебрежительное отношение, игнорирование neglect V — относиться с пренебрежением, халатно, игнорировать negotiate [ni'goujleit] v — обсуждать что-то, вести переговоры negotiations [ni.gouji'eijans] — переговоры negotiation skills — умения, необходимые для ведения переговоров networking ['netwaikip] п — установление полезных контактов, налаживание деловых связей neutral ['njuitrol] adj — нейтральный opportunity [ppo'tjuiniti] n [C] — возможность oppose [э'рэих] V — противостоять, не соглашаться с чем-то outgoing [.aut'gouiol adj — дружелюбный, общительный overlap [,эоуэ'1аер] v — частично перекрывать (о геом. фигурах), частично заходить один на другой non-overlapping networks — обособленные, непересекающиеся системы particular [pa'tikjulo] adj — особенный, отличный от других part-time [,pa:'taim] adj — неполный (о времени) part-time job — работа на неполный рабочий день, частичная занятость password ['pa:sw3:d] п [С] — пароль pastime ['pccstaim] п [U] — времяпрепровождение PC [,pi: 'si:] (personal computer) n [C] — персональный компьютер PDA [,pi: di: ei] (personal digital assistant) n [C] — персональный цифровой секретарь (карманный компьютер) perpetual [ps'petfual] adj — вечный, бесконечный perpetual motion — вечное движение (перпетуум мобиле) persistent [po'sistont] adj — настойчивый, упорный personality [,p3:s3'n£eliti] п [С] — личность, индивидуальность plasma ['plaezmo] п [U] — плазма plug in ['pLvg in] V — подключать к источнику питания, к электричеству positive ['pnzitrv] adj — позитивный, положительный be positive towards something — быть за что-либо, положительно относиться postgraduate [,p9ust'gr®djuit] п [С] — аспирант priority [prai'nnti] п [С] — приоритет profession [prs'fejon] п [С] — профессия, специальность professional adj — профессиональный promotion [ргэ'тэцГэп] п [С, U] — продвижение (по карьерной лестнице), профессиональный рост provide [pro'vaid] v — обеспечивать, предоставлять provider п [С] — провайдер; тот, кто предоставляет услуги PVR [,pi: vi: 'а:] (personal video recorder) n [C] — записывающий видеоплеер / магнитофон rapid ['rapid] adj — быстрый, стремительный rapidly adv — быстро, резко, стремительно reason ['ri:zan] n [C] — причина for many reasons — no многим причинам recognise ['rekognaiz] v — узнавать, опознавать recognition [декэд'шГэп] n [U] — узнавание, признание social recognition — общественное признание refresh [ri'frej] v — обновлять, освежать refresher course — учебный курс, позволяющий вспомнить и расширить уже имеющиеся знания по специальности release [ri'lrz] v — высвобождать, выпускать release а film — выпускать фильм на экраны remain [ri'mein] v — оставаться remain the same — оставаться прежним, без изменений remedy ['remidi] п [С] — лекарство responsibility [ri,spT)nsi'biliti] п [U, С] — ответственность, обязанность responsible [n'sptmsibal] adj — ответственный on your own responsibility — no собственной инициативе, под собственную ответственность sense of responsibility — чувство ответственности retrain [,ri:'trem] v — переучивать(ся), переква-лифицировать(ся) retrainer course — учебный курс, позволяющий приобрести новую специальность, отличную от предыдущей reveal [ri'vkl] v — открывать, показывать rewarding [ri'wo:dir|] adj — стоящий, приносящий удовлетворение (моральное и / или материальное) right [rait] п [С] — право (юридическое или моральное) be in the right — быть правым be within the (your) rights — иметь право (юридическое и / или моральное) что-то делать rise [raiz] п [С] — подъем, увеличение rise [raiz] (rose, risen) [rauz] ['rizon] v — поднимать(ся), увеличивать(ся) risk [risk] n [C, U] — риск be able to take risks — быть способным на риск run over (ran, run) v — превышать run over budget ['глп эиуэ 'bAd^it] — выходить за рамки отведенного бюджета 197 satisfy ['saetisfai] v — удовлетворять satisfying — приносящий удовлетворение schedule ['Jedjuil, 'skedsul] n [C] — график, расписание be behind schedule — отставать от графика search for ['s3:tf fo:] v — искать self-employed [.self im'ploid] adj — работающий на себя, не по найму set up п [С] — набор, комплект; установка (ком-пьют.) set up (set, set) v — основывать, устанавливать (оборудование, программу) settlement ['setlmant] п [С] — поселение людей sever I'sevo] v — отделять be severed from something — быть отделенным от чего-то shyness ['Jamas] n [U] — робость, застенчивость solve [sdIv] V — решать, разрешать (проблему) solution [sa'lujan] n [C] — решение sore [so:] adj — больной, воспаленный sore throat ['so:,Grout] — больное горло spam [spsem] n [U] — спам sprawl [spro:l] v — лечь растянувшись, растянуться store [sto:] n [C] — магазин store [sto:] v — хранить (вещи, электронную информацию) strength [strepG] n [U, C] — сила, мощь; достоинство strengthen ['strepGon] v — усиливать(ся), укрепля-ть(ся) stressful ['stresfol] adj — стрессовый support [so'po:t] n [U] — поддержка, помощь, подтверждение support V — поддерживать, помогать (материально и морально) supportive [so'po:tiv] adj — поддерживающий, подтверждающий surf [s3:f] V — заниматься серфингом; переходить с одного сайта на другой surfer п [С] — серфингист; тот, кто “бродит” по сайтам survive [sa'vaiv] v — выживать survival [sa'vaival] n [U] — спасение, выживание sustain [sa'stein] v — поддерживать, удерживать от движения вниз sustainable [so'steinobol] adj — устойчивый time [taim] n [U] — время for a long time — в течение длительного промежутка времени, надолго the right time — нужное время а short time ago — недавно tip [tip] n [C] — совет exam-taking tips — советы о том, как сдавать экзамен traditional [tra'dijanal] adj — традиционный, характерный для культуры, обычаев treatment ['trrtmant] п [С, U] — лечение trustworthy ['trAst|W3:6i] adj — заслуживающий доверия turn [t3:n] п [С] — поворот turn [t3:n] V — поворачивать the turn of the century — время, когда один век сменяет предыдущий, начало нового столетия и undergraduate [дпбэ'дгаефихГ] п [С] — студент университета, еще не закончивший курс обучения unlikely [An'laikli] adv — маловероятно unlimited [An'limitid] adj — неограниченный uphold [Ap'hauld] (upheld, upheld) [Ap'held] v — поддерживать (на уровне), защищать urban ['з:Ьэп] adj — городской virus ['vaioros] n [C] — вирус w well-paid [,wel 'peid] adj — хорошо оплачиваемый widespread ['waidspred] adj — широко распространенный wrong [гоц] adj — неправильный, неверный, неправый wrong adv — неправильно, неверно be in the wrong — быть виноватым, неправым X-ray ['eks rei] n [C] — рентгеновский луч take out (took, taken) v — вынимать, доставать team [ti:m] n [C] — команда be able to work in a team — быть способным работать в команде techie ['teki] п [С] — технарь, знаток компьютеров и электроники 198 Titul Publishers wish to thank the following persons for the materials contributed by them: Natalia Bushneva, Ilya Denisenko, Svetlana Shirina and Igor Bizin. 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ISBN 978-5-86866-530-1 9 785868 665301 > Издательство “Титул”