Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова Перретт

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 3 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова Перретт - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год - Серия Brilliant (Бриллиант):

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I? Ю.А. КОМАРОВА, И.В. ЛАРИОНОВА, Ж. ПЕРРЕТТ класс к УЧЕБНИКУ «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. BRILLIANT» Содержание Раздел 1 Знакомимся с английскими звуками.4 Раздел 2 They Сап See the Key...........14 Раздел 3 He’s Got Two Legs!.............19 Проверь себя! Разделы 2 и 3...............24 Раздел 4 There Are Lots of Flowers......26 Раздел 5 The Tiger Is Having a Bath.....31 Проверь себя! Разделы 4 и 5...............36 Раздел 6 What Are You Wearing?............38 Раздел 7 / Like ........................43 Проверь себя! Разделы 6 и 7...............48 Раздел 8 Rob Has а Bath...................50 Раздел 9 We’re Going to Go ...............55 Проверь себя! Разделы 8 и 9...............60 Раздел 10 I’m the Best Swimmer!.........62 Раздел 11 He Will Win!..................67 Проверь себя! Разделы 10 и 11...........72 Мой языковой портфель...................74 Знакомимся с английскими Э1^уками 1 ) Прочитай следующие слова. green seal queen peach sweet stream feet sheep cream Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. реп ршсЬ pan sh^p 3) Впиши пропущенные буквы. cat sl^p Ben seal green tr в в sw t cr m si py qu......n 4) Прочитай следующие слова. bear hair hare stair stare hair scared wear pear chair Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. hare wear bear б) Найди шесть спрятанных слов. Выпиши их. S с а г е d Z Ch а i i) Z р е а г Z Z Z Z Ь е а г Z W е а г Z S t а г е Z 1 hair 7 ) Прочитай следующие слова. mouse cow down brown mountain town crowd house fountain 6 8 Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. cow pear stare ' ‘ ■ cloud сшп1 stream owl sweet 9) Напиши словами то, что на картинке обозначено цифрами. mouse 6 ( 13 Прочитай следующие слова. night tie lie fly fight sky pie spy light 14j Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. tie----- light [ai] brown pear night lea] tau] mountain stare fly (l^ Помоги детям пройти к центру лабиринта. Собери четыре слова и выпиши их. д 1б) Прочитай следующие слова. toy coin noise point boy royal lie hair pear 17) Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. noise royal [аи] (l^ Соедини половинки слов. Напиши получившиеся слова. \ point ЪА 9 19) Прочитай следующие слова. straw autumn royal August draw noise launch crawl toy (2^ Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. draw spy [ai] autumn point fight launch noise crawl 21) Найди спрятанные слова. Выпиши их. ‘А ' J 1а, 'иЩ ■i:k "Ос, л .'и/ Ь/г (kf^ Иг I <'2-, J4-XV ' 0% ^i/L, co/n 10 22) Прочитай следующие слова. start fork horse shorts arm scarf straw bird nurse Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки ■ scarf—^ August autumn [a:] fork shorfs [э:] arm horse star (2^ Напиши словами то, что на картинке обозначено цифрами. 1 .3id 2 .... 3 4 5 6 1 1 25 Прочитай след>то^4**е слова. Г ZOO statue crew school chew blue screw baboon 2^ Соедини подчёркнутые буквы и соответствующие им звуки. horse school scarf statue 27) Найди шесть спрятанных слов. Выпиши их. s c r e w X X Cg I u X s t a t u e z 0 0 X X X b a b 0 0 n s c h 0 0 I .а!и! 12 28 Заполни пропуски в словах, выбрав правильные буквосочетания. 1 air Г are! ear h ..9.. .Г.. 2 еа ее S W 3 OW OU 4 иг ir or er 5 оу oi 6 aw au w....m a 1 1............n c h M: A 7 00 ew ue gl (2^ Прочитай слова в транскрипции и напиши их. 1 [nait] .......... 4 [tai] ................... 2 [flai] ................. 5 [sta:] .................. 3 [hD:s] ................. 6 [lait] .................. 13 They Can бее the Key 1 ) Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 The key’s under the tree. 2 They can see the key. 3 Where is it? 4 I can’t fly. 14 Ч 4) Напиши ответы на вопросы. What are they? are they? What are they? What are they? What are they? 5) Прочитай и нарисуй. Two books are on the chair and three pens are under the chair. A box is next to the computer and a rabbit is in the box, A lion is behind the chair. 16 Соедини линиями. 1 Parrots сап fly. 2 Zebras can run. a 3 Tigers can’t dance. 4 Elephants can’t fly. 5 Cats can climb. Прочитай и раскрась. Number sixteen is blue. Number eleven is red. Number twenty is green. Number fourteen is purple. Number twelve is yellow. Number eighteen is brown. сП пЛ г Ч г’ S сП г’ S Q Ъ 17 Найди и обведи названия семи животных. m s u i e I h g Cp e n g ^ u i n D a a b V c 0 X Z t h q w e n r t i 0 s t r i c h g r у u i 0 p d e s p a r r 0 t r e f g s w a n Л\^ 9^ Прочитай и заполни таблицу знаками ^ и ^ . ^ - сап ^ = can't 7 parrot climb fly run / X / 1& He's Got Two Le^s! ^ Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 It’s got four legs. 2 Have you got the key, Rob? 3 I haven’t got the key. 4 He hasn’t got a tail! г 2 Соедини линиями. 1 I’ve got 2 You’ve got 3 He’s got 4 She’s got 5 It’s got 6 We’ve got 7 They’ve got a She has got b They have got c You have got d We have got e He has got f I have got g It has got ^ Напиши предложения, используя данные слова. fish dug bird шл. j I've gof 2 a dog. ^ Напиши ответы: Yes, I have или No, I haven't. 1 Have you got a red pencil? ..................... 2 Have you got a white rubber? ................... 3 Have you got a blue book? ...................... 4 Have you got a yellow bag? ..................... 20 m Подбери к картинкам слова и напиши их. nose eye foot fail hand moufh arm ear leg mouth ^ Напиши ответы: Yes, he has или No, he hasn’t. 1 Has the boy got four legs? .. 2 Has he got one foot? .................. 3 Has he got two feet? .................. 4 Has he got a tail? .................. ^ Напиши ответы: Yes, it has или No, it hasn’t. 1 Has the goat got four legs? У.ft...ЬЯЯ:.......... 2 Has it got a tail? .................. 3 Has it got two arms? .................. 4 Has it got a nose? .................. 21 ^ Прочитай. Напиши ответы на вопросы. Stella is from America. She’s got black hair and blue eyes. She’s got a fish. She hasn’t got a dog. George is from England. He’s got red hair and green eyes. He’s got a dog. He hasn’t got a fish. Yes. she has. No, she hasn h Yes, he has. No, he hasnf. 1 Has Stella got green eyes? .......... 2 Has George got black hair? 3 Has Stella got a fish? 4 Has George got a dog? 9 ) Нарисуй себя и своего друга. Раскрась картинки. Теперь заполни пропуски в предложениях. I’ve got ........... eyes and .......... hair. My friend has got ............ eyes and ..... hair. 22 (l^ Отметь знаком ^ нужную картинку: а, Ь или с. а Ь с 1 It has got one arm. 2 It has got a big head. 3 It hasn’t got a nose. 4 It has got four arms. 5 It has got four legs. 6 It hasn’t got legs. 7 It has got two legs. 8 It hasn’t got arms. 9 It has got a tail. 10 It hasn’t got a head. / 23 Проверь себя! Разделы 2 и 3 Напиши ответы на вопросы. 1 What’s your name? ......................... 2 How old are you? .......................... 3 Can you swim? ......................... 4 Can you fly? ......................... Сосчитай животных и напиши. 1 one ...... 2 three .......... ! 7Z Ill'll. € I —I I 5 eleven ......... 7 eighteen ......... ^ 8 twenty ........... 24 О ком идёт речь? Выбери и напиши. О elephant octopus 1 It’s got four legs. ...... 2 It hasn’t got legs. .................. 3 It’s got eight legs................... 4 It’s got big ears. ................... 5 It hasn’t got ears.................... 6 It hasn’t got a tail.................. ^ Обведи лишнее слово в каждой строке. Затем нарисуй картинки. fish 1 eyes 2 nose 3 arm ears leg ears 25 There Are Lots of Rowers Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 There’s а swing! 2 There’s а river. 3 There are lots of flowers. 4 There’s a playground! There's a swing! ■ ЯГ/ ’ 1 ’ ' ■ tv \ I^ 26 2 ) Впиши There's или There are. 1 ТЬ.?.Г.?...ЯГ.?... two swings. 2 Т.Ь.?.Г.Я.?.... a river. 3 ............... three houses. 4 ............... a cat. 5 ............... lots of trees. 6 ............... two girls. 7 ............... a dog. .LS --’CO- таи c'- '. —U3»T—' ■ №... V) /С/гллтч 3) Обведи /5 или are и допиши предложения. In my village... 1 there is /(are) 17 2 there is / are 1 3 there is / are 12 .Ьяу.- 4 there is / are 18 5 there is / are 14 27 b i g j b m s t 0 n i C e t u w a n S m a 1 1 X r 1 w p n s h 0 r t 1 h 0 r r i b 1 e X Прочитай и нарисуй. 1 а tall girl 3 а big flower 5 а nice dog 2 a short boy 4 a small flower 6 a horrible monster б) Допиши предложения, используя данные слова. Ыд small fall shorf free thjq frees doqs 1 A k'!3..A9.3:................ кл- Tj Допиши предложения, используя данные слова mountain frees river swings flowers 1 There are three ...... 2 There is a big ............ 3 There is a long ............. 4 There are two tall ............ 5 There are lots of ........... ^ U'' S 1_ЬлЛ- S3 A_y_ J' '*rr 29 Нарисуй. к ■ш Му Favourite Place о '<Э о ^ if6^ Теперь опиши своё любимое место. This is ................ It is in ................. There are lots of ............ There is a ........... There isn’t a ............. The ............ is lovely. 30 The Tiger Is Having a Bath Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 It’s having а bath. 2 It’s а lion. It’s sleeping. 3 They’re eating. 4 It’s drinking. И TJ a e .'Q?P О /.tЬ.9У.{Р.З.k9.tb: \y 31 "2 iTooccscc:: -з 1 ^ - 3 4 2 3 4 5 7 8 (^ Напиши предложения, используя данные слова. sifting sv^imming running watching TV drinking eating 32 Напиши ответы: Yes, I am или No, I’m not. 1 (Are you watching TV?^i 3 (Are you sleeping?\— г 7/ I M 11 / il S>-w/- Yes, / am. 2 4^Are you eating? 4 (^Are you drinking?J-:xy "1 Посмотри на картинки в упражнении 4 и обведи правильный вариант. 1 ^He’s watching TV^ Не isn’t watching TV. 2 She’s eating. She isn’t eating. 3 He’s sleeping. He isn’t sleeping. 4 She’s drinking. She isn’t drinking. Напиши вопросы, следуя образцу. 1 Is Vicky dancing? .... 2 Is Nick eating? .............. 3 Is Bill sleeping? .................... 4 Is Katy watching TV? ........................ 53 Tj Напиши предложения, используя данные слова. swimming walking watching sleeping 3 JeL __ ______ ^ _сСЭ ^ 8) Посмотри на картинки в упражнении 7 и напиши предложения, используя данные слова. The girls The—buys The cats The dogs 1 They’re walking in the jungle. The boys are talking in the jungle. 2 They’re swimming in the sea. 3 They’re sleeping in the kitchen. 4 They’re watching TV in the bedroom. Напиши ответы: Yes, they are или No, they aren't. 1 Are the boys walking? ....... 2 Are the dogs sleeping? ...................... 3 Are the cats swimming? ........................... 4 Are the girls watching TV? ....................... Составь и напиши предложения. Нарисуй картинки. sleeping. drinking. If is dancing. They are fighfing. eafing. running, having a bafh. CD This is on CD CD —- - - - elephant ^ a If /: э с CJ а These are 0'ira-Tfes О CD CD LJ TKis is a CD catriel CD, > 2 35 pOE»epb себя* Разделы 4 u 5 1 . Опиши картинку. 2 ) Допиши предложения, используя данные слова. What are the animals doing? siffing eating running drinking u. i%f7t ing watching TV {M 1 The hippos ' 2 The lions ................ 3 The giraffe .............. 4 The camels ............... 5 The zebra ................ 6 The snake ................ 7-T-T 3) Напиши, что говорит репортёр. 1«дау11Ш1| '*'4 it 'Ч С 5^ W POROOS^ \ Л \г Oh! The lion is sieeping. The elephant 57 ll What Are You Wearing? Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 Гш putting on my pyjamas. 2 Гт wearing grey jeans and a grey coat. 3 Гт wearing a yellow and black jumper. 4 We’re going to the pirate ship! 2) Подпиши картинки. boots coat jeans jumper trainers T-shirt shorts skirt socks 1 8 loL 3 6 ........................... Прочитай, нарисуй и раскрась. He’s wearing a yellow T-shirt. He’s wearing red jeans. He’s wearing green socks and black and white trainers. 9 4 г* обвел#' слова, hungry I г"7Г^- у cold scared fired happy sad h i s t _X> b u b j a i h d n 0 к d r a e g t 1 m e P f r C 0 1 d P g у S n 0 r У s C a r e d Теперь напиши предложения. 5 I пп hof. {1 J J. <- n Were hungry. .0 о 6 0 Q J Ш t - > -1 и Q (i О 8 Q Я 40 ^ Допиши предложения, используя данные слова. trainers hoofs jeans coat jumper shorts hat socks T-shirt o Oo о ^ о ■ О О о A и ^v^ » * ** 1 ® ” ) ** ■/-4\ S ^ ^ —~ ^ ^ 4^/ mV'/# :?-' ' T ■■*--==^ 2 4/ ,p j They like chicken. о 2 4 .......................................... 7j Обведи правильный вариант. ________ f Yes, we do. 1 Do you like pizza? ^(No, we don’Q j Yes, we do. 2 Do you like swimming? No, we don’t. ■-^., I Yes, we do. 3 Do you like dancing? V ., . , ^ No, we don t. ( Yes, we do. 4 Do you like chicken? |* ^ ., _, ,^ w/€v-# ^ No, we don’t. 46 Проверь себя! Разделы б и 7 1 ) Прочитай, раскрась и напиши. Number one is wearing a yellow T-shirt and green jeans. Number two is wearing an orange jumper and blue shorts. Number three is wearing a pink jacket and a black skirt. Number four is wearing a red shirt and brown trousers. Number five is wearing a blue T-shirt and white jeans. Number six is wearing a yellow and red dress. T-shirf Ab 1 Напиши предложения. Используй I’m eating или We’re eating. I'm eafinq cake and ice cream. Л-/ i'0‘L Заполни пропуски нужными словами. chips lots of Тит white drinking blue eating milk My name is T.9!V........... It is my friend’s birthday. The cake is .................. and .................... There are ................. girls and boys at the party. They are .................. pizza and ................. They are ..................... 49 Rob Мае a Bath 1 ) Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их. 1 I go to bed. 2 I have a bath. 3 I have my breakfast. 4 I clean my teeth. o, / to bed. 50 Подбери к картинкам предложения и напиши их 1 I don’t watch TV. ь 4 I get up. 5 I have lunch. 6 I don’t go to school. Подпиши картинки. J It's nine o'clock. 2 I ........ homework. 52 Заполни пропуски нужными словами. do have does hus 1 She .Ь.Я^........ a bath. 5) Напиши дни недели. .. Ти а с5> Sa V. W J^n i i/uvuvi/jyvi ruuwr, SJ c Su Th ^ A теперь заполни пропуски в предложениях. goes swimming watches TV plays volleyball goes to school goes to the cinema plays—termts goes to her grandmother s house 1 Maria on Thursday. 2 Maria .............................. on Tuesday. 3 Maria .............................. on Wednesday. 4 Maria .............................. on Sunday. 5 Maria .............................. on Saturday. 6 Maria .............................. on Monday. 7 Maria .............................. on Friday. 55 2) Прочитай, напиши и раскрась. The tewel is pink. The sun cream is yellow. The sunglasses are blue. The mask is green. The flippers are black. The fishing net is brown. The sun hat is yellow. The beach bag is green and white. The bucket is red and yellow. The armbands are orange. The lilo is red and yellow. The spade is green. 1 ............ 5 fpwej 9 \\ 6 10 11 56 8 12 3) Допиши предложения. Гт going to go to the beach. I’m going to take a towel, I’m going to go to the beach. I’m going to take Напиши ответы на вопросы. I и V .-Tv Dl c£T cS^ 1 Is she going to eat an ice cream? 2 Is he going to play on the lilo? ............. 3 Is she going to wear a hat? ............ 4 Are they going to catch some fish? ........... 5) Напиши названия месяцев. January \ >> V '(i ^ ^ fe.. )! V о N D ^ Напиши о себе. 1 I’m going to go on holiday in 2 My birthday is in .......... 3 My friend’s birthday is in .. 4 My teacher’s birthday is in .... 5 My name day is in ........... ъь Прочитай вслух. Гт going to go on holiday! Pm going to go to a lovely Pm going to take my and my and my . Pm not going to take my . I can swim! We’re going to eat Pm going to make a big Qon the beach! and and and play -MOM jJ Теперь напиши ответы на вопросы. 1 What is Katy going 2 What is Katy going to take? to eat? Л 4J 59 Проверь себя! Разделы 3 и 9 1J Подбери картинки к предложениям. 1 I get up at seven o’clock. 2 I go to school and read my books at eight o’clock. 3 Г go home at one o’clock. 4 I have lunch at two o’clock. 5 I play volleyball at three o’clock. 6 I do my homework at four o’clock. 7 I watch TV at five o’clock. 8 I go to bed at nine o’clock. Теперь укажи время на часах, нарисовав стрелки. а 12 >/v^j J 12 gO ш 12 12 Г S' '12' 12 12 12 60 ЮГт the beet Swimmer! 1 ) Подбери к картинкам предложения. 2) Напиши, следуя образцу. 62 She's the best in her scr^o • He's taller than a free! He's the best in his school! She's stronger than a tiger! He's the best at History! jd) Нарисуй свой портрет и напиши о себе. Гт brilliant! Г т Заполни пропуски нужными словами. taller icmger younger better This swing is ... than that swing. This tent is than that tent. This dancer is than that dancer. This man is than that man. This elephant is ... than that elephant. 1 He’s younger than Father. He’s a 2 It’s smaller than a cat. It’s a ......... 3 He’s older than Father. He’s a .......... 4 She’s younger than Grandmother. She’s a .................... 5 It’s taller than a flower. It’s a ....... 6 It’s bigger than a house. It’s a ........ 65 Will Eddie and Fred come back to Brilliant Island? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. 67 i ^ Напиши о себе. 1 This year I am eight. Next year I 2 This year my favourite lesson is Maths. Next year my favourite lesson ........................... 3 Today is Friday. Tomorrow ..................... 4 Today I am at school. Tomorrow I .............. 5 This year my teacher is ....................... Next year ..................................... 6) Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы. dp \- \_ К" 1 Will the children eat pizza? 2 Will they drink milk? ............... 3 Will they sing songs? ............... 4 Will they listen to music? .......... 5 Will they do Maths? ................. 6 Will they paint pictures? ........... 7 Will they swim? ..................... 8 Will they eat bananas? .............. 09 7) Напиши о том, что будет делать Дженни на следующей неделе. Monday Tuesday Wednesday go on a coach to the mountains go skiing in the mountains visit the old castle 8) Напиши о том, что будешь делать ты на следующей неделе. 1 On Monday I will ................. 2 On Tuesday ....................... 3 .................................. 4 5 6 7 70 Соедини линиями. 1 She will be an acrobat, 2 He will be a pilot. 3 She will be a doctor. 4 He will be a teacher. 5 He will be a farmer. 6 She will be a gardener. 10) Напиши о себе. a He will teach children. b She will give medicine to people. c She will water the flowers. d He will drive a tractor. e He will fly a plane. f She will walk on the high wire. 71 ршерь оеОя} газ^лы IU4TIT 1 Знаешь ли ты английсю1й алфавит? Напиши ответы на вопросы. 1 What is the tenth letter of the alphabet? The tenth letter is J. 2 Which is the fourth letter of the alphabet? 3 Which is the second letter of the alphabet? 4 Which is the fifth letter of the alphabet? 5 Which is the seventh letter of the alphabet? 6 Which is the eighth letter of the alphabet? ^ Напиши недостающие слова. 1 big ........ 2 tall ............... 3 good 4 bad 5 long 6 beautiful 72 the bigcjest