Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 7 класс Комарова Ларионова Макбет - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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MACMILLAN: ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю.А. Комарова И.В. Ларионова К. Макбет АНГЛИИСКИИ язык Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений 2-е издание Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации экспертное заключение № 10106-5215/258 от 12.10.2011 г. (научная экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 001443 от 25.01.2014 г. (педагогическая экспертиза) Экспертное заключение № 747 от 10.02.2014 г. (общественная экспертиза) Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту Москва «Русское слово» MACMILLAN 2014 Student's Book contents | Ф Ь t i€) ь i 9t Ь Ь № Starter unit jnit 1 Making Music unit 2 Let's Celebrate! Jnit 3 Where Do You Live? REVISION 1 Jnit 4 Screen Stories Jnit 5 Disaster Zone! Unit 6 Playing Games REVISION 2 Unit 7 Your Future, Our Future Unit 8 Internationa! Adventures Unit 9 Best Friends? REVISION 3 Across the curriculum Dictionary irregular verbs page 6 page 9 page 21 page 33 page 45 page 49 page 61 page 73 page 85 page 89 page 101 page 113 page 125 page 130 page 148 page 167 © Unit 1 Vocabulary Grammar Starter Page 6 ♦ Family ♦ Clothes ♦ At school ♦ be ♦ have got Making Music Page 9 ♦ instruments and musicians ♦ Adjectives of opinion ♦ Present simple ♦ Frequency adverbs and expressions ♦ like, love, hate + -ing Let^s Celebrate! Page 21 ♦ Celebrations; verb + noun ♦ Special days ♦ Present continuous ♦ Present simple and present continuous ♦ Present continuous for future arrangements Where Do You Live? ♦ At home ♦ Jobs and places of work ♦ there is / there are with a/an, some and any ♦ much, many and a lot of Reading & Listening ♦ R: The Ones to Watch ♦ L: A TV game show ♦ R: Celebrations in the UK ♦ L: A mobile phone conver Page 33 REVISION 1 Page 45 Review your progress Built ♦ L: Conversations around town Screen ♦ TV programmes ♦ Past simple; affirmative and negative Stories ♦ Types of film ♦ was / were ♦ Past simple; questions and short Page 49 answers ♦ ago Disaster ♦ Natural ♦ Past continuous; affirmative, negative, Zone! phenomena questions and short answers ♦ Adverbs ♦ Past simple and past continuous ♦ R: The History of Animatic ♦ L: A radio programme ♦ R: News in brief ♦ L: Safety instructions Page 61 Playing Games Page 73 ♦ Games ♦ Computers ♦ Comparative adjectives ♦ Superlative adjectives ♦ could / couldn't ♦ should / shouldn't ♦ R: Reader reviews ♦ L: World records REVISION 2 Page 85 Review your progress Your Future,. ♦ Your life story ♦ will / won't ♦ R; Your Carbon Footpri^* Our Future ♦ Recycling; materials and ♦ First conditional ♦ L; A science programme Page 89 containers International ♦ Types of transport ♦ be going to ♦ R; Are You Ready for the Adventures ♦ Health problems ♦ would like to / wouldn't (ike World Scout Jamboree' and first aid ♦ must/ mustn't ♦ L; At the chemist's Page 101 ♦ Indefinite pronouns Best Friends? ♦ Personal issues ♦ Present perfect; affirmative ♦ R; Dear Diana ... Page 113 ♦ Adjectives of ♦ Tense review; present, past and future ♦ L; Horoscopes character © REVISION 3 Page 125 Review your progress Culture Britain ♦ Music in Britain The USA ♦ Our Family Thanksgiving Canada^^ ♦ Life in an Arctic Town India ♦ From Britain to Bollywood! The USA ♦ Hurricane Katrina: a survivor’s story ♦ The Highland Games England ♦ Europe’s First Plastic Bag-free Town South Africa ♦ South Africa: the Rainbow Nation Speaking & Pronunciation ♦ Personal information ♦ Describing people ♦ English in the classroom ♦ Asking about activities ♦ Sentence stress ♦ Planning celebrations ♦ [i] and [i:] ♦ Asking about where you live ♦ Word stress ♦ Talking about actors ♦ [dj, [t] and [id] ♦ Describing a picture ♦ [wDz] and [waz] ♦ Expressing preferences ♦ Silent/ ♦ Asking questions about the future ♦ will (Tl) ♦ Asking about types of transport ♦ [b] and [v] ♦ Northern Ireland: from Fighting to Friendship ♦ Discussing star signs ♦ Past simple and present perfect Writing ♦ A music review ♦ and, but, because ♦ An invitation ♦ Capital letters and punctuation ♦ A description of a place ♦ Order of adjectives ♦ Describing a film ♦ Planning paragraphs ♦ A narrative ♦ one day, then, later, in the end ♦ A product review ♦ Word order ♦ A composition ♦ Checking verbs ♦ Advice for travellers ♦ too and also ♦ A description of a friend ♦ Using pronouns Dialogue builder ♦ Talking about likes and dislikes Whatdoyou thinkof...? It's Ok / not had, I suppose ♦ Making arrangements I'm jree on ... Where shall we meet? ♦ Asking for directions I'm looking for... Go straighten. ♦ Talking about preferences I'd ratherwatch It's better than .. ♦ Making conversation I hope it's nice at the weekend. Anyway, how's school? ♦ Giving advice Whatshould l get then? I thinkyou should get... ♦ Giving opinions I think it's a good idea to In my opinion,... ♦ Travelling by bus When's the last bus back? You can pay on the bus. ♦ Finding information what sort of thing are you looking for? I'd like to find out about.. Across the curriculurri CLIL Music Page ' CLIL History Page - 2 CLIL History Page "' 3 ,CLIL Literatu Page ■' 3 CLIL Geograp Page' 3 CLIL ICT Page' - CLIL Science Page ' -i CLIL Science Page * — CLIL Literatur Page ' -3 starter unit Recycle Personal information Match questions 1-5 with answers a-e 1 What's your name? Where are you from? How old are you? When's your birthday? Who's your favourite singer? О Recycle Describing people a I'm from England, b It's on 29th September, c My name's Zoe. d I like Shakira. e I'm 13. I’ve got long / short hair. He’s got dark / fair hair. She’s got blue / brown eyes. Has® 2 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 1. What's your name? J^My name's ... 3 Describe Zoe, Steve and Dan. Write sentences. Zoe's got... hc?ir, and she's got... eyes. 4 Describe three of your classmates. ^ Sergey's got dark hair, and he's got brown eyes. о Recycle Family О Recycle Clothes 5 Find pairs of family words. How do you say them in your ianguage? Copy and complete the table below. 7 Check the meaning of these words. Then describe the clothes in the picture. niece uncle wife father sister son grandmother nephew daughter grandfather mother husband aunt brother jeans trousers skirt T-shirt shirt jacket dress jumper shoes trainers coat boots Peter's T-shirt is red and white. His trainers are blue and white. niece 8 Write about your ciothes and your classmates’ clothes. л/iy trousers are white, and my T-shirt is red. Pavel's jumper is brown, and his jeans are blue. Possessive's Jane is Dan’s aunt. His cousins’ names are Liz and Paul. $ Write sentences about your famiiy. л/iy sister's name is Polina. /Vly cousins' names are ivan and Rosa. Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives subject pronouns 1 you he she it we they possessive adjectives my your his her its our their Unit contents: Vocabulary Instruments and musicians; adjectives of opinion Grammar Present simple; frequency adverbs and expressions; like, love, hate + -ing Skills Read a band profile Listen to a TV game show Write a music review Talk about likes and dislikes Across the curriculum Music Culture Music in Britain I love playing the guitar. Do you play an instrument? Where is the tango from? a) Chile b) Argentina c) Portugal The Australian Aborigines have an instrument called a muhggool. What is it called in English? a) a boomerang b) clapsticks c) a didgeridoo Morris dancing is a traditional folk dance. Where is it from? a) England b) Scotland c) Wales Taiko drumming is from Japan. What does taiko mean in English? a) loud b) fast c) drum Vocabulary 1 Instruments and musicians 1 (^To^ Listen to the instrument sounds and match them with the pictures. 1 - c keyboards Recycle Find eight types of music in the wordsnake. Which is your favourite? ^soulhe^ f s^optone ) 4 Complete the text with words for instruments or musicians. 2 Й041 Listen, check and repeat. 3 Match the instruments in exercise 1 with these musicians. keyboards - keyboard player saxophonist drummer keyboard player vocalist recorder player guitarist bass guitarist pianist The Jonas Brothers are an American pop band. There are three musicians in the band: Kevin, Joe and Nick. Joe and Nick are the principal (1) V.... Kevin plays the (2) g.... Joe sometimes plays the (3) d... - he’s a (4) d... . The Jonas Brothers have got four CDs: It's About Time (2006), Jonas Brothers (2007), A Little Bit Longer (2008) and Lines, vines and Trying Times (2009). Suffixes -ist / -er We use the suffixes -ist or -er to make nouns for musicians from instruments, guitar-^ guitarist drum drummer 5 Your voice Ask and answer about types of music. Do you like rock music? Yes, I do. 1 like Chaif and DDT. What about you? @ Vocabulary plus -* Workbook pit 6 ourworld.com Home I Browse OURWORLD MUSIC Find people Music Forum More я H > Breathe We’re an indie pop/rock band based in the small village of Dale, near Manchester. There are four of us in the band: brothers Fred Williams (16) and David Williams (14), James Mint (14) and Martin Kane (15). We all live in the village, but we don’t go to the same school. Fred’s the lead guitarist and David’s the vocalist. James plays the bass guitar and Martin’s the drummer. We do concerts and we also perform at local events. i Send us your questions! • Who writes your songs? Fred writes most of our songs, but we also play cover versions of songs from different bands. • What are your musical influences? We love indie bands like Arctic Monkeys and Oasis. We’re also fans of jazz and American rock. • Where do you practise? James lives on a farm and there’s a big garage behind his house. We practise there because there aren’t any neighbours! • When’s your next gig? We’re playing at the Summer Fair here on 16th June. For more information, watch this space! • How can I buy the Breathe CD? No Problem, our first CD, comes out in November. Order it here! 05 Read and listen. Complete the summary. name age instrument Fred Williams 16 (1)... (2) ... (3)... Vocals (4) ... 14 Bass guitar Martin Kane 15 (5) ... First CD: No Problem Next concert: on (6) ... Find these words in the text. What are they in your language? Where Who How When What 3 Read the text again and choose the correct answers. 1 Do the band members live in the same village? Yes / No 2 Does James play the drums? Yes / No 3 Does Martin write the songs? Yes / No 4 Do they like jazz music? Yes / No 5 Do they practise in James’s house? Yes / No 4 Answer the questions. Write full sentences. 1 Where are the band members from? 2 Where do they perform? 3 What bands do they like? 4 Where is their next gig? 5 When does their first CD come out? Across the curriculum Music-«piso Grammar 1 Present simple 1 Translate the examples into your language. Is there a word like do / does in your language? Complete the sentences with the present simple affirmative of these verbs. go listen play start sing like finish Our English teacher p\ays the drums. My best friend ... to reggae music. I ... to rock concerts with my classmates. My parents ... in a choir. Our music class ... at half past eight. We ... school at five o’clock. I ... punk music. 3 Make the sentences in exercise 2 negative. Our English teacher doesn't play the drums. Read the speliing rules below. Then write the third person form of these verbs. 1 sing 2 do 3 teach 4 study 5 listen 6 finish -------------------йээй Third person -s play + s plays tidy + ies tidies go + es watch + es goes -*■ watches 5 Complete the questions with Do or Does Then write short answers. Does Rihanna come from Barbados? Yes, she does. ... you study music at school? ... Beyonce sing in English? ... you play the trumpet? ... professional musicians practise every day? ... Victoria Dayneko play the guitar? ... Enrique Iglesias live in England? 6 Complete the text with do or does and the present simple form of the verbs in brackets. affirmative James plays the bass guitar. negative They don’t go to the same school. questions Do they listen to jazz music? Does Martin write the songs? short answers Yes,! / you / we / you / they do. No 1 / you / we / you / they don’t. Yes, he / she / it does. No, he / she /it doesn’t. Do you watch The x Factor? It’s a TV talent show for singers. The winners are very lucky. What (1)... they ... (receive)? Well, they (2) ... (not win) money, but they (3)... (make) a CD. So they (4) ... (become) rich and famous too! One winner is Leona Lewis. She (5) ... (not play) an instrument but she’s a great singer. Leona (6) ... (live) in London, and she (7) ... (like) pop music and travelling. (8)... you ... (know) her songs? 7 Complete the questions with these question words. Who Where Why How often What When How often do you go to concerts? ... is your favourite singer? ... do you like him / her? ... instrument do you play? ... do you buy music - at a shop or on the Internet? ... do you listen to music - during the day ot in the evening? 8 Your voice Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. ^ How often do you go to concerts? ^ I go to concerts every summer. 12 Language guide pi8 Vocabulary 2 Adjectives of opinion 1 Check the meaning of these adjectives. Then choose the correct adjectives for the sentences. strange boring loud quiet slow traditional cheerful sad lively annoying great terrible ‘I can’t hear you - it’s very quiet / loud!’ Tom thinks classical music is lively / boring. ‘I love this new song - it’s annoying / great!’Г ‘I always feel sad / cheerful when I listen to violins!’ *^.U The bagpipes are strange / traditional in Scotland. Listening A TV game show 4 071 In your notebook, write the letters of the alphabet from A to M. Listen to the game show and answer the questions. ‘What’s this? It’s terrible / slow!’ Music A-Z A Alicia Keys В British C ... 2 Your voice Listen to the six pieces of music. What’s your opinion of them? We use So do i when we agree with someone. I love rap music. So do I! 3 Compare your answers to exercise 2 with your partner. Do you agree? • Do you like piece 1 ? ^ No, I don't. I think it's terrible. ^ So do I! 5 (°T^ Listen to the game show again and check your answers to exercise 4. e (Tosl Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where is Christina Aguilera from? 2 Where is Dover? 3 What nationality is Alicia Keys? 4 Which music festival is in June? 5 What is Kylie’s last name? 6 Who sings Grace Kelly? Britain Britain = England, Scotland and Wales The bagpipes are Scotland’s national instrument. Every August, more than 200 musicians play at a special event at Edinburgh Castle. It’s called the Military Tattoo. Scottish pipers always wear the traditional kilt. They sometimes wear a special hat too. In Glasgow they celebrate the World Bagpipe л J Championships every year. At school, music is obligatory until Year 10 (when students are 14). After that, it’s optional. Rob has got music classes twice a week. He often composes music on the computer. He likes using a program called Music Publisher because you can mix different instruments. But he hates singing! He sometimes performs at school concerts because he plays the violin in the orchestra. They . practise after school once ^ a week. 3 Wales is sometimes called The Land of Song’ because choir are very popular there - lots c Welsh people love singing! Folk r is always popular, but there are a lot of pop singers from Wales. T a big music festival every Augi called Eisteddfod. It’s the bigg competitive music festival ir Europe, and the songs are always in Welsh! 1 ФЦ Read and listen. Match paragraphs 1-3 wi pictures a-c. Find words 1-6 in the text and match them witt definitions a-f. a musician who plays the bagpipi to write music a traditional musical instrument a group of singers a traditional Scottish skirt for mer to play music at a concert bagpipes piper kilt compose perform choir a b c d e f __VA WWI I Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What is the Military Tattoo? 2 Where are the World Bagpipe Championships? 3 Is music an obligatory subject in English school 4 What can you do with Music Publisher? 5 Why do people call Wales The Land of Song’? 6 What is an Eisteddfod? 4 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 ;—- __ What instruments are traditional in different par of your country? What are the typical songs of your country? Are there any music festivals in your town? What do you do in your music classes at schoo Grammar 2 Frequency adverbs and expressions 1 Read the examples. How do you say the red words in your language? 0% 1 100% I never sing in the choir. She hardly ever goes to music festivais. He sometimes performs at concerts. They often compose music. He usually enjoys music classes. We always have music on Tuesdays. 2 Add frequency adverbs to the sentences to make them true for you. At school... we sometimes sing. 1 we ... compose music on the computer. I ... perform in concerts. .. learn about composers. .. listen to ciassical music, play the recorder. .. piay percussion instruments. we we I ... we Ч. Look at the examples and complete the rules with after or before. ----------------------------------BeetW Position of frequency adverbs Pipers usually wear a kilt. The songs are always in Welsh. a Frequency adverbs go ... most verbs, b They go ... be. 4 Order the words to make sentences. 1 are / Our / interesting / usuaily / English classes 2 Russian / speak / We / hardly ever 3 never / is / teacher / late / Our 4 listen to / songs / English / We / sometimes 5 my /1 / homework / do / aiways 6 tests / have / often / We 5 Read the examples. What is the position of the frequency expressions in the sentences? We’ve got music classes twice a week. He’s got orchestra practice once a week. There’s a big music festivai every year. 6 Use the table to write true sentences. go on holiday study English once a do PE twice a see my friends (two) times a send SMS every use a computer day. week. month. year. weekend. summer. I go on holiday every summer. 7 Your voice Ask and answer about these activities. dance go shopping compose music play the drums do homework ^ How often do you dance? ^ I dance every day. like, love, hate + -ing 8 Translate the sentences. Then match them with symbols a-e. 1 He loves playing the violin. 2 He likes composing music. 3 He doesn’t mind performing at concerts. 4 He doesn’t like doing exams. 5 He hates singing. e® a c d - Pronunciation: sentence stress a фо] Copy the sentences from exercise 8. Listen and underline the emphasis in each sentence. He loves playing the violin. b (iio] Listen again and repeat. Remember to emphasize the underlined parts. Speaking 9 Ask and answer about these activities. sing listen to music go to concerts buy CDs go to the disco ^ Do you like singing? ^ Yes, I do. 1 love singing! I often sing in the shower. Language guide pi 9 Writing dossier A music review CD Reviews This week, Gorka from Bilbao sends us her reviews. Angy: Angy This is Angy's first CD and it's very popular. She sings songs by Nirvana, Britney and Dover. I like it, but it's not my favourite CD of the year! Nick Barr: Is it Real? This CD is at the top of the charts, but I don't like it! The single Is itReal?\% OK, but the other songs are very slow, Nick plays the guitar well, but the vocals are terrible! The Zutons: You Can Do Anything love listening to this CD because The Zutons are great! This is the band's third CD. My favourite song is Always Right Behind You. 1 C^H] Read and listen to the reviews. Which CD is Gorka’s favourite? Which one doesn’t he iike? 2 Look at the Language focus. Then complete the rules with and, but or because. Language focus: and, but, because This is Angy's first CD and it's very popular. Nick plays the guitar well, but the vocals are terrible! I love listening to this CD because I thinkTheZutons are great! 1 We use ... to give a reason for something. 2 We use ... to add an idea. 3 We use ... to contrast an idea. 3 Choose the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I love pop music and / but I don’t like rap. I haven’t got The Kaiser Chiefs’ new CD but / because I don’t like it. I love Britney’s music and / because I’ve got all her CDs. Shakira sings in English and Spanish because / but she’s bilingual. Rock music is OK but / and I prefer soul. Chris Martin sings because / and he plays the piano. Writing plan (T) Choose three CDs and plan reviews. Think about these questions. > Is this the band’s / singer’s first CD? -f Do you like it? Why (not)? ■f What’s your favourite song? > Are the songs in English? (g) Write reviews for the three CDs. Use the model reviews and your plan. Check your writing. ✓ Include and, but and because. ✓ Use adjectives of opinion from page 11. ✓ Use like + -ing correctly. 0 Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. @ Dialogue builder Talking about likes and dislikes 1 (^[lU Zoe is listening to Steve’s new songs. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct words. Steve Zoe Hey, Zoe. What do you think of this song? It’s my band's new song. Seriously, though. What do you think? Hmm. And what about this one? I really (3) like / hate this one! J 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at Zoe’s Top Ten playlist. Answer the questions. 1 What’s Zoe’s favourite song? 2 Who sings Pure Intuition? 3 Which Take That song does Zoe like? 4 How many songs by Nelly Furtado are on Zoe’s playlist? 5 What do you think about Zoe’s Top Ten? What is it? Well, I prefer (1) The Killers / Snow Patrol. Er, the guitar is (2) fantastic / OK, but the vocals aren’t great! It’s not bad, I suppose. Aagh! Turn it off - I can’t stand it any morel 4 Write your Top Ten playlist. Include the names of the bands and the songs. 5 Compare your playlist with a partner. Prepare a dialogue about some of the songs. Look at the Useful expressions to help you. 6 Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. What do you think of America by Razorlight? ^ Well, I prefer I'm Like a Bird by Nelly Furtado. 1 The Killers - Somebody Told Me 2 Lucie Silvas - Breathe /n 3 feist - Mashaboom 4 shakira - Pure/ntw/t/on 5 Nelly Furtado - Say it Right 6 Take That-Put/ence 7 Maroon 5 - Makes Me Wonder 8 Christina Aguilera - Candyman 9 Nelly Furtado - I’m Like a Bir 10 Razorlight UsefuCexpression^ What do you think of...? 1 really like ... I hate / can’t stand ... It’s OK / not bad, 1 suppose. What about...? Well, I prefer... (£ Language Guide Vocabulary Instruments and musicians saxophone drums keyboards vocals saxophonist recorder linn keyboard player bass guitar recorder player guitarist bass guitarist pianist Adjectives of opinion strange boring loud quiet slow traditional cheerful sad lively annoying great terrible can't hearyou - it's very loud! у в'' - what's this? It's terrible! Dictionary extra! bagpipes (n) kilt (n) choir (n) ★ mix (v) ★ ★ ★ compose (v) ★ ★ neighbour (n) ★★★ contact (v) ★ ★ ★ obligatory (adj) folk music (n) optional (adj) ★ gig (n) ★ perform (v) ★★★ influence (n) ★★★ Usefulexpr^^SSJ What do you think of...? I really like... I hate/can't stand ... It's OK / not bad, I suppose. What about...? Well,! prefer... Grammar Present simple affirmative I play You play He / She / It plays We / You / They play the bass guitar. negative i don’t play You don’t play He / She / It doesn’t play We / You / They don’t play the saxophone. questions Do I play Do you play Does he / she / it play Do we / you / they play the drums? short answers Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Yes, you do. / No, you don’t. Yes, he / she / it does. / No, he / she / it doesn’t. Yes, we / you / they do. / No, we / you / they don't__________________________________ о We use the present simple to talk about habits and routines. о In the third person singular (he / she / it), we add s to the verb, о In the negative, we use doesn't with the third person singular. third person spelling rules We usually add s to the verb. play ^ plays like -> likes With verbs that end in a consonant + y, we omit the у and add ies. study -» studies tidy tidies With verbs that end in ch, sh, ss, X, or 0, we add es. watch -» watches go -*■ goes wash washes The verbs have and be change spelling. have has be -*■ is Question words what's your name? where are you from? when's your birthday? How are you? How old are you? Who's she? How often do you play golf? My r\ame's Marla. I'm from Russia. It's in August. I'm fine. I'm 13. She's my teacher. I play every week. Frequency adverbs and expressions 0% 100% never hardly ever sometimes often usually always о We use adverbs of frequency to say how often we do something, о Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb. He often studies in the library on Saturdays. о Adverbs of frequency go after be. I am never late for school. like, love, hate + -itig C C I love composing music. C I like playing the drums. I don't mind singing in choirs. @ I don't like listening to rap music. (§)@ I hate performing in concerts. о We use the -ing form of the verb after love, like, don't mind, don't like and hate. Grammar exercises Workbook p99 er Progress check Instruments and musicians 1 Label the musical instruments. 2 Write the musicians that play the instruments in exercise 1. Adjectives of opinion 3 Find six adjectives of opinion in the wordsnake. Which three are positive and which three are negative? ^annoj^. / Present simple 4 Complete the dialogue with the present simple of the verbs in brackets. Jim What kind of music (1)... (you / listen) to? Sally I listen to pop music, but my sister (2)... (like) classical music. Jim I think classical music (3) ... (be) great. I (4) ... (play) the violin in an orchestra. Sally Do you? How often (5)... (you / practise)? Jim Every day at home and twice a week I (6) ... (go) to orchestra practice. 5 Write present simple questions. 1 2 3 4 Where / you / live? What time / this class / finish? What music / you / listen to? How often / your teacher / give you homework? When / you / study English? 6 Answer the questions in exercise 5. Write full sentences. (g) Frequency adverbs and expressio Rewrite the sentences. Put the frequency adverbs and expressions in the correct plac Our teacher gives us homework, (always) I’m late for class, (never) We study English, (twice a week) I listen to classical music, (hardly ever) We go to the beach, (every year) it’s hot in August, (usually) like, love. Hate + -'mg 8 Write sentences. Use the correct form of love, like, don't mind, don't like and hate + -ing. 1 My friends ... (C w / listen) to music. 2 I ... (©© / do) exams. 3 My brother... (© / sing). 4 My teacher... (c / speak) English. 5 My mum ... (© / play) the piano. Cumulative grammar | 1>2>з>4>5>б>7>в; 9 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. My sister Ellen is a Goth. She (1) ... (like/ listen) to bands like Black and The Convent. (2) ... (you / know) them? Ellen always (3) ... (wear) black clothes and she (4)... (hate; listen) to my favourite bands. Ellen also (5)... (sing) in a Goth band with her friends from school. Fortunately they (6) ... (not practise) at our house, because my mum (7) ... (not like) Ellen’s music. She always (8) ... (say): ‘Ellen -turn that music off NOW!’ lletoKelebratei Unit contents: Vocabulary Celebrations: verb + noun; special days Grammar Present continuous; present simple and present continuous; present continuous for future arrangements Skills Read about celebrations in the UK Listen to a mobile phone conversation Write an invitation Make arrangements Across the curriculum History Culture A Family Thanksgiving I love pancakes! What ^ do you call Pancake -f.. ' Day in your country? m- m -Ш ; 1 Which famous bell rings at midnight on New Year’s Eve in London? a) Big Ben b) St Paul’s c) St Clement’s 2 What do American people celebrate in November? a) Christmas Day b) Independence Day c) Thanksgiving Day 3 What do British people celebrate on 5th November? a) Hallowe’en b) Bonfire Night c) New Year 4 On what day of the week is Pancake Day? a) Monday b) Tuesday c) Wednesday I 1 Vocabulary 1 Celebrations: verb + noun Recycle Match the dates with the celebrations. Do you celebrate them? Choose a verb from box A and a noun from box В to describe the pictures. 5th Nov 31st Dec 31st Oct 25th Dec Christmas Day New Year’s E Bonfire Night Hallowe’en В go send wear watch have eat give decorate a party special food the fireworks the house a costume to church a present a card 2 <3311 Listen, check and repeat. 3 Write expressions from exercise 1 for these celebrations. Christmas Day - give presents, eat special food 1 Christmas Day 2 Bonfire Night 3 New Year’s Eve 4 Hallowe’en 4 Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs. have celebrate watch wear eat Bonfire Night Lots of people in Britain {1)... ‘Bonfire Night’ on November 5th. Each town or village (2)... a big bonfire when it gets dark. People stand around the bonfire and (3)... fireworks. They (4)... warm clothes because it’s usually cold at this time of year. They (5)... potatoes baked in the bonfire. They are delicious! Bonfire Night is great fun. Your voice Ask and answer about celebrations. How do you celebrate your birthday? I usually have a party for my friends, and the; give me presents! My mum makes a cake ant my relatives send me cards. i Vocabulary plus -^Workbook p117 22 Hogmanay These Scottish men are celebrating ‘Hogmanay’. They are wearing traditional Scottish clothes, listening to Scottish music, eating and drinking. What are they celebrating? a) Christmas b) New Year c) a wedding May Day >—^ Netting Hill Carnival The first day of the month 1 These British people are of May is known as May 1 celebrating Netting Hill Day. Traditional English May 1 Carnival. They are enjoying Day celebrations include 1 the music and the food. Morris dancing, crowning 1 Some people are wearing a May Queen and dancing 1 costumes and dancing. around a Maypole. What 1 Where is Netting Hill are these men and women ■ Carnival? celebrating? ■ a) London a) harvest time 1 b) Liverpool b) the longest day of the year 1 c) Manchester c) the coming of summer ■ Patron Saint's Day These Irish children are celebrating their patron saint’s day on March 17th. They are wearing green clothes, listening to a traditional Irish band and taking part in a parade. Who is their saint? a) Saint David b) Saint Andrew c) Saint Patrick Stonehenge Festival These young people are at a famous music festival at Stonehenge. They are watching their favourite bands and they are staying in tents. Which country are they in? a) The USA b) Britain c) Australia '>----------------- Swan Upping These people are counting and marking swans on the River Thames. This ceremony dates from the 12th century and takes place in the third week of July every year. Which swans are they recording? a) black swans b) mute swans c) tundra swans 1 Do the quiz. 2 ЛЗ Listen and check your answers. Across the curriculum History-»pi32 Grammar 1 Present continuous 1 Look at the table. What are the full forms in the affirmative and negative sentences? affirmative She’s dancing. They’re having a party. negative She isn’t wearing a pink dress. They aren’t celebrating Christmas. questions What is he celebrating? Why are they wearing costumes? We use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress at the moment. I Check the spelling rules on page 31. Then complete the text with the correct form of the present continuous. My friends and I (1) ... (have) a Hallowe’en party. In the first picture Sarah (2) ... (decorate) the room, and Kelly (3) ... (put) the food on the table. You can’t see me because I (4)... (take) the photo! In the second picture everyone (5) ... (wear) Hallowe’en costumes -there are witches, ghosts and vampires, A lot of people (6) ... (dance), and some people (7) ... (eat) Kelly’s pizzas. I (8) ... (chat) to Frankenstein’s monster! Correct the sentences. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence for each. They’re celebrating Bonfire Night. (Hallowe’en) They aren't celebrating Bonfire Night. They're celebrating Hallowe'en. 1 They’re wearing norma! clothes, (costumes) 2 John is singing, (dance) 3 They’re drinking water, (orange juice) 4 Helen is talking to a vampire. (Frankenstein’s monster) 5 They’re having a terrible time, (fun) Pronunciation: [i] and [ii] a Listen. Pay attention to the sounds. [i] This is his English friend. [i:] He’s leaving tomorrow evening. b Listen and repeat. Which word do you hear? 1 it’s / eats 2 living / leaving 3 his/he’s 4 this/these 4 Write present continuous questions. Then write short answers. you / study English? Are you studying English? Yes, I am. 1 you / sing? 2 your teacher / speak? 3 you / do a grammar exercise? 4 your classmates / wear a uniform? 5 your mum / work today? 6 you / write in English? 5 Complete the questions with the present continuous. Then look at the text and the photo and answer the questions. 1 What... they ... (celebrate)? 2 ... they ... (sing and dance) in a ring? 3 ... the woman ... (laugh)? 4 What... the woman ... (wear)? 5 What... the men and women ... (do)? @ Maslenitsa is a Christian holiday and a pagan holiday. People celebrate Maslenitsa in all parts of Russia. They celebrate the end of winter. During Maslenitsa week people eat pancakes with cheese, butter or jam, and they drink milk. People have parties with singing and dancing. Children play and have fun. Speaking 6 Ask and answer the questions from exercise 5. ^ What are they doing? ^ They're celebrating the Maslenitsa. № Language guide p31 Vocabulary 2 Special days 1 Match the special days with the pictures. Which two special days are not In the pictures? Twelfth Night harvest festival Mother’s Day / Father’s Day saint’s day Easter Sunday school trip birthday Valentine’s Day carnival prize-giving ceremony Listening A mobile phone conversation 5 Look at the information. Where is the Netting Hill Carnival? When is it? Come to the nottinghill CArNiVAU West London Bank holiday weekend: Sunday 24 - Monday 25 August 2 Listen and repeat. 3 Copy and complete the calendar with some of the special days from exercise 1. January Щ birthday May February June March July April August September October November December 4 Your voice Ask and answer about special days. ^ When's your birthday? It's on 3rd January. 6 Listen to the phone conversation and choose the correct answers. 1 Zoe is going ... a) to school. b) shopping. 2 Laura is at the carnival with ... a) her cousins. b) her parents. 3 Laura is ... at the moment. a) singing a song b) watching the processions 4 Zoe can’t hear very well because ... a) her phone is broken. b) the music is loud. 5 Laura is eating ... a) a fish burger. b) a hamburger. 7 ФЕ Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 People are playing instruments called steel drums. 2 The weather is very hot 3 The dancers are wearing colourful costumes. 4 Laura is dancing in the procession. 5 The Caribbean food stall is on the street corner. The USA Special days: Martin Luther King Day Independence Day Columbus Day Thanksgiving Today we're getting ready for Thanksgiving - it's always on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a kind of harvest festival. It's a very old tradition here in the USA. It's a special day and people don't usually go to work. Families always spend the day together, so my big sister is coming home from college this evening. At the moment my dad is decoratin the house and my mum is making a pumpkin pie.Tomorrow we're having the big traditional Thanksgiving dinner with roast turkey, stuff and cranberry sauce. It's always delicious! Then tomorrow afternoo' we're visiting our cousins to give them presents. Did you know that people eat 46 million turkeys here in the USA every Thanksgiving? But every year one of those turkeys is really lucky. It doesn't die because it receives an official pardon from the American president. The president's turkey usually goes to live on a farm in Virginia, but this year's lucky turkey is moving to Disneyland! ФЮ What do you know about Thanksgiving? Guess the answers. Then read, listen and check. 1 Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in November/April. Thanksgiving is an old / a modern tradition. People usually have chicken / turkey for dinner. How many turkeys do Americans eat every Thanksgiving? Why is one turkey lucky every year? Where is the lucky turkey going this year? 3 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 When is Thanksgiving? 2 How do people celebrate Thanksgiving? 3 What do people usually eat? Do people celebrate harvest festivals in your country? Are there any other autumn festivals? What kind of food is typical at special meals? learn more! The USA Workbook pi 26 26 1: ii Read and listen. What is a den? 1 a type of tree 2 a private space 3 a large detached house Countable and uncountable nouns Countable nouns have got singular and plural forms. We can count them, one chair, two chairs У Uncountable nouns haven’t got singular and plural forms. We can’t count them. one electricity, two electricities X electricity У 2 Find words in the text that match these definitions. Are the words countable or uncountable nouns? 1 a chair for more than one person 2 a liquid you drink 3 a musical instrument 4 everything that you eat 5 people that live near you 6 work you do for school 3 Answer the questions. 1 How old is Ben? 2 Where is his den? 3 Where do Ben’s parents live? 4 What furniture is there in Ben’s den? 5 Does Ben ever sleep there? 6 Is it quiet in the den? 4 Your voice Imagine you’ve got your own den. What has it got inside? My den has got a big Do you ever dream about having your very own space? Do you hate sharing your room with your brother or sister? Well, meet Ben. This 14-year-old designed his own den -and then he built it in a tree behind his house. Now he’s writing a book, with advice and instructions. So, if you feel inspired, you can build your own house too! Ben’s parents live in a detached house. His den is in a big tree in their garden. Inside, it’s very cosy. There’s an old sofa and two armchairs, and there’s also a desk. There isn’t any water, so the tree-house hasn’t got a bathroom. But there is electricity, so Ben’s got a TV and he’s even got a small fridge! There’s also a bed, and he often sleeps up in the tree. Sometimes, Ben uses his den as a quiet place to think or play his guitar. There aren’t any neighbours, so the only noises are the birds that live above his den. When he gets some homework, he takes it up into the tree. And at the weekends, he relaxes there with his friends. There’s always some food in the fridge because Tele-Pizza don’t deliver here! Grammar 1 there is / there are with ajarx, some and any 1 Look at the table and complete the rules with some or any. countable nouns (singular) countable nouns (plural) uncountable nouns affirmative There’s an old sofa. There are some armchairs. There’s some food in the fridge. negative There isn’t a bathroom. There aren’t any neighbours. There isn’t any water. questions Is there a bed? Are there any windows? Is there any electricity? short answers Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 1 We use there is / there are with alan or... in affirmative sentences. 2 We use there is / there are with a/cm or... in negative sentences. 3 We use there is / there are with a/an or... in questions. 2 Complete the dialogue with a/an, some or any. The world's smallest house Steve There are (1) ... unusual houses in the world, but this is incredible! What’s it called? Dan It’s called the Snail Shell. It’s the world's smallest house. The bed is very comfortable! Steve Are there (2) ... chairs in there? Dan No, there aren’t. There isn’t (3)... furniture - it’s a minimalist house! Steve And what about the facilities? Is there (4) ... toilet? Dan Yes, there is! And there’s (5)... small cooker too. Steve Really? Is there (6) ... sink? Dan No, there isn’t. You need to take (7) ... water with you. Steve Well, the Snail Shell is (8)... excellent idea! But! think I prefer my semidetached house ... 3 (515 Listen and check. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of there is or there are. 1 ... any computers in your classroom? 2 ... a sofa in our classroom. 3 ... some desks and chairs in this room. 4 ... a swimming pool at your school? 5 ... any plants in our classroom. 6 ... a library at our school. 5 Look at the picture and write sentences. Use the correct form of there is or there are and these words. a nice view chairs electricity pollution neighbours a toilet There's a nice view. 6 Your voice Ask and answer about where you live. Use these words. a swimming pool nice neighbours a garage traffic shops a lift ^ Is there a swimming pool where you live? No, there isn't. rQ3~ Language guide p43 Vocabulary 2 Jobs and places of work 1 (5Н] Match these places with 1-8 in the picture. Then listen, check and repeat. garage hospital police station hair salon library office leisure centre supermarket 2 In which places from exercise 1 do these people work? Write sentences. Then listen and check. fitness instructor librarian secretary nurse police officer mechanic shop assistant hairdresser A fitness instructor works in a leisure centre. 3 C^iZl Listen to the six sounds. Which jobs from exercise 2 are they related to? Pronunciation: word stress a (EH] Listen and repeat. Have the words got two or three syllables? garage mechanic hospital assistant hairdresser office b (°T^ Listen again. Pay attention to the word stress. Copy and complete the table with the words above. □□ □ □□ □ □□ garage Conversations around town 4 Listen to conversations 1-5. Then match them with a-e to find out where the people are. a library b supermarket c hair salon d hospital e leisure centre Conversation 1 b supermarket 5 (ЗШ Listen again. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. 1 The shop assistant says that... 2 The hairdresser says that... 3 The fitness instructor says that... 4 The librarian says that... 5 The nurse says that... a) ... there isn’t a cafe. b) ... there isn’t any fresh bread. c) ... there’s a shop across the road. d) ... there are some magazines on the table. e) ... the toilets are on the first floor. 6 Cjil] Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 What time does the supermarket close? 2 Has the girl got an appointment at the hair salon? 3 What is the man teaching at the leisure centre? 4 How many books and CDs does the man borrow? 5 Who is the boy visiting at the hospital? ** *‘* Culture nie Edit yfew Favorites Tools Це1р Address i Canada Nunavut is a region in northern Canada. It’s in the Arctic Circle. V ^ Q Go Linte ! CANADA: LIFE IN AN ARCTIC TOWN Welcome to Taloyoak Hi, I'm Victor. I'm 14 years old HOME PAGE FAQS Where is Taloyoak exactly? It's in the far north of Canada, in the Nunavut region, six hours by aeroplane to the nearest city. felt's in igplt'ssi Is it a big town? How many people live there? There are about 800 people, so it's quite * a small community. There are only two shops! гЛ Are there lots of cars in Taloyoak? ^ How do you get yoiir supplies? J A barge comes in summer and brings our supplies for the year. There isn't much traffic - everyone travels by ski-doo! 7 Is there much to do there in your free time? | ^ ^ swimming pool. You can't swim in штттттшятшяяштштттттщтттттттш0 the sea here! I'm a big fan of ice-skating - it's very popular here. Is it always cold where you live? ■ How much snow is there? J It's about -25°C in winter. So, yes, it's quite cold! For a short time in summer there isn't any snow, but in winter there's a lot. 0 Do you like living in the Arctic? because I've got a lot of good friends here. But one I think I want to live in a big city - maybe Vancouver or Toronto. 1 c^lol Read and listen. Find this information about Victor, 1 His age 2 His favourite sport 3 Why he likes living in Taloyoak 2 Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Taloyoak is a city. 2 There are a lot of cars in Taloyoak. 3 The barge comes every month. 4 There aren’t many shops in Taloyoak. 5 There’s a swimming pool and a dance hall. 6 There’s a lot of snow in summer. Your voice Answer the questions. 1 How is life in your town different from life in Taloyoak? Think about these ideas. shopping transport landscape weather services free time 2 In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small town? What about a big city? learn more! Canada -♦ Workbook pi 27 38. Grammar 2 much, many and a lot of 1 Look at the examples. Then complete the rules with much, many or a lot of. uncountable How much snow is there? countable How many people are there? .У".. There are a lot of people. There aren’t many people. There’s a lot of snow. There isn’t much snow. 1 We use How ... or How ... in questions. 2 We use ... in affirmative sentences. 3 We use ... or... in negative sentences. 2 Complete the text with much, many or a lot of. Nanuk is a mechanic - he repairs ski-doos in Taloyoak. There are (1) ... ski-doos here -most families have got one. There aren’t (2) ... mechanics, so Nanuk can make (3) ... money. He’s always very busy in the winter, but there isn’t (4) ... work in sumnier. At the moment it’s winter, so Nanuk hasn’t got (5) ... free time. He only repairs ski-doos, because there aren’t (6) ... cars in the Arctic! 3 Complete the quiz questions with How much or How many. Then guess the correct answers. How much do you know about THE ARCTIC? 1 ... continents are there in the Arctic Circle? a) one - North America b) three - Europe, Asia and North America 2 ... ice is there on the surface of the Arctic Ocean in winter? a) about 3-4 centimetres b) about 3-4 metres 3 Inuit is the native language of the Arctic region_____people speak it? a) about 90000 b] about 9 million 4 Polar bears are an endangered species_ polar bears are there in the Arctic today? a) about 20 000 b) about 2 million 5 ... food do polar bears eat every day? a) 0.5 kilos b) 5 kilos 4 (ЗШ Listen and check. Speaking 5 Prepare questions about your town. Use how much or HOW many and these words. traffic supermarkets pollution hair salons hospitals snow ^ How much traffic is there? 6 In pairs, ask and answer your questions. Use much, many and a lot of. ^ How much traffic is there? ^There's a lot of traffic. rQ2 Language guide p43 39 Writing dossier A description of a place Mv Room My bedroom is quite small. It's got a bed and a desk.There's also a small brown wardrobe and a bookcase. The best thing in my room is my fantastic new computer. My room has got one window with curtains. There isn't a very nice view -1 can see some shops arid a garage on the corner. In the distance there are some blocks of flats. Vladimir is about 130 km away. There isn't much space in my room but I like it. I often do my homework here because I can listen to music at the same time. At least I don't share my room with my brother now! by Sebastiao, Cascais 1 (Зт Read and listen to the description. Which things has Sebastiao got in his bedroom? 1 a desk 2 a wardrobe 3 a sofa 4 a computer 5 curtains 6 a nice view 2 Look at the Language focus. Copy and complete the table with the adjectives in the examples. 1 1 Language focus: order of adjectives 1 When we use two adjectives together, we use a particular order. There's a small brown wardrobe. This is my fantastic new computer. There are some horrible green curtains. )■ opinion size age colour i ! 1 1 nice (1) ... old (3)... big (4)... (6) ... (2)... (5) ... white Rewrite the sentences. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct places. 1 Tina lives in a big house, (old) 2 She’s got a nice room, (big) 3 There’s a white wardrobe, (tall) 4 There are some modern chairs, (red) 5 She’s got a new bed. (nice) 6 She’s got a small cat. (grey) Writing plan Ф Plan a description of your bedroom. Answer these questions. -f Is your room big or small? What furniture is there? What’s the best thing in the room? >• Is there a nice view? What can you see? ♦ Do you like your room? Why (not)? Do you share it? (2) Write a first version. Use the model and your notes to help you. (3) Check your writing. / Check the order of adjectives. / Use furniture words from page 34. / Check that you use There is / There are correctly. / Use some, any, much, many or a lot of. (4) Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder -■■'i Asking for directions 1 C^m Dan is asking for directions. Read and listen. Are these sentences true or false? 1 Westfield Road is quite far. 2 Dan needs to turn left. 3 Westfield Road is opposite Green Park. Dan Woman Excuse mei I’m looking for Westfield Road.^ "^Westfield Road? Oh, yes, it isn’t far. Which way is it? That way. Cross the road here, and go straight on. Down there? Yes, then turn right. Westfield Road is the second on the right. Is it near Green Park? Yes, it’s just opposite the park. OK. Thanks!J \^No problem. 2 dH] Listen again and repeat. Practise your 4 Imagine you want to go to one of these intonation. 3 Look at the street map and answer the questions. CAVENDISH HOSPITAL CLIFF COURT FIATS .J i- ■t» GREEN PARK I . \ R I. A? UE: Ь:* trt (Л V'- ■ til £4 < 1 stfJELP ROAP О a£ •U CINEMA I H [ G H ST RE .■ E . T ^ f 1 _ fi--” ••••- NEW PARK 1 LIBRARY YOU ARE HERE j supermarket places. Prepare a new dialogue. Cross Street Cliff Court flats Park Avenue Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. ^ I'm looking for Park Avenue. Cross the road ... 1 Is there a hospital? 2 How many parks are there? 3 is there a leisure centre? 4 Where is the library? 5 Where is the supermarket? I’m looking for... Cross the road. Go straight on. Down / Up there? Turn left / right. It’s the first / second on the left / right, it’s opposite / next to / near... Language Guide Vocabulary At home Places of work and jobs garage mechanic hospital nurse police station police officer hair salon hairdresser library librarian office secretary leisure centre fitness instructor supermarket shop assistant Dictionary extra! build dream (v)^^ community electricity (n)^^* exactly (adv)*^Vk- cozy (adj) inspired (adj) den (n) share design (v) ★ ★ ★ space (n)^^* iicafulexpressions I’m looking for... Cross the road. Go straight on. Down / Up there? Turn left / right. It’s the first / second on the left / right. It’s opposite / next to / near... Grammar there is / there are with ajan, some and any singular countable nouns affirmative There’s (is) a fridge / an old sofa. negative There isn’t (is a cooker/ an not) armchair. questions Is there a desk / an office? short answers Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. о We use there is / there are with ajan, some and any to talk about quantity of things. о We use there is before singular countable nouns. о We use a before nouns beginning with a consonant and an before nouns beginning with a vowel. plural countable nouns uncountable nouns affirmative There are some chairs. There’s some food. negative There aren’t any mirrors. There isn’t any electricity. questions and short answers Are there any lamps? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Is there any water? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. о We use there are before plural countable nouns. We use there is before uncountable nouns. о We use some and any with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns. о We use some in affirmative sentences, and any in negative sentences and questions. much, many and a lot of countable nouns uncountable nouns affirmative There are a lot of tables. There’s a lot of pollution. negative There aren’t many cars. There isn’t much rain. questions and short answers Are there many shops? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. Is there much traffic? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. How questions How many students are there? How much snow is there? We use much, many and a lot of to talk about quantity of things. We use a lot of in affirmative sentences. We use many and much in negative sentences and in questions. We use many with countable nouns and much with uncountable nouns. Grammar exercises -» Workbook p 103 )> or Progress check At home 1 Write the words for objects 1-6. © Places of work 2 Complete the sentences. A mechanic works in a g... 1 2 3 4 5 6 A librarian works in a I... A hairdresser works in a h... s... A secretary works in an o... A nurse works in a h... A fitness instructor works in a I... c... there is / there are with a / an, some and any 3 Write sentences. Use the correct form of there is / there are and a/an, some or any. In Newville ... 1 Italian restaurants Л 2 a supermarket / 3 a school Л 4 nice cafes / 5 a police station 6 an old castle X 7 cinemas X In Newville there aren't any Italian restaurants. HowmMch ...? / How many...? 4 Complete the questions with How much or How many. 1 . .. water is there? 2 . .. apples are there' 3 . .. pizzas are there? 4 . .. bananas are ther 5 . .. bread is there? 6 . .. food is there? much, many, and a lot of 5 Choose the correct words. There isn’t much / many water. There are many / a lot of pizzas. There isn’t much / many bread. There aren’t much / many apples. There are a lot of / much bananas. There’s many / a lot of food. Cumulative grammar Ггу2Тз>4>5>в>7 6 Complete the text with these words. living go is ’re don’t much going travels live a lot of Welcome to our house! We (1)... in a modern spaceship. There isn’t (2) ... space - there (3) ... only one room. But that’s OK. We love (4)... here. Our spaceship (5) ... very fast, and we usually (6)... to a different planet every year. At the moment we (7)... staying on Mars, and next year we’re (8)... to Venus. We (9) ... visit Earth very often because there are (10) ... strange people! 2\ i j» i’S*^ •- AfVt Л’<> *v:> Л i* V- -.Г '^z -’'Л2: ■ ' .■--‘^^•'•■■^• .•.ч^'Ч-'■■':•:?•-'. > -'л. •■ ’-•?.. "-.-T2r2^J .^-h I ^^■'^i''4 - --'---^^^.-^_._u.. ^ -y ^ ^ I I HI IIII I Vocabulary Listen to your teacher’s instructions. D an instrument A The month between March and May g The room where you have C a shower wearing < Hallowe’f £ You watch these] a religious °'' ^*9'^*^ festival К H . , . A... works^ A person who plays the guitar is a ... salon J The first month of the year You can find a fridge and a cooker in this L M You can borrow This person room books from here works with cars R Q the opposite an instrument of loud О A secretary often works in an ... N Doctors and ... work at the hospital the opposite of fast T U a country X an instrument W a piece of furniture V People celebrate this day on 14th February Y a colour an animal Reading 1 Read the text and complete the questions with these words. Who When Do How much What How (1) ... is Monkey Land? Monkey Land is an amazing adventure course in a beautiful forest location. There are zip wires and rope bridges for you to travel from tree to tree. It usually takes about two hours to complete the course. (2) ... can take part? Monkey Land is popular for people of all ages, but there are some restrictions. The minimum height is 1,5 metres, and the maximum weight is 145 kg. Groups sometimes come to Monkey Land for school trips, and it’s a great idea if you’re looking for an exciting place to celebrate your birthday. (3) ... fit do you need to be? There aren't any particular restrictions, but you need to be reasonably fit and strong. An instructor provides training to ail participants before they begin the course. (4) ... you need to wear special clothes? Just wear old, comfortable clothes, and don’t wear sandals. All participants also wear a safety harness. (5) ... can you go? Monkey Land is open from April to October, every day except Wednesdays. You can book online or by phone. (6) ... does is cost? It’s £15 for under-18s and £20 for over-18s. Spectators go free. Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How long does it take to complete the course at Monkey Land? Can very young children take part? Are there any instructors at Monkey Land' What do all participants wear? Is Monkey Land open during the winter? How much does it cost for a family with tv\ adults and two children? Listening 34 Tanya is booking a trip to Monkey Land. Listen to the phone conversation and choose the correct answers. 1 When are they going to Monkey Land? a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday How many people are there in the group? a) eight b) ten c) 12 What are they celebrating? a) the end of term b) a birthday c) a wedding What time are they going? a) 10.00 b) 12.30 c) 14.00 What other activity can they do there? a) go-karting b) tennis c) mountain biking How much does the car park cost? a) £2 b)£4 c)£10 Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. J* What do you enjoy doing at the weekend? — What are you doing this weekend? ^ Are there any places like Monkey Land in you country? ^ How often do you do sport? ^ Do you ever go roller skating or ice-skating? ^ Have you got a bike? Project You're going to write a leaflet about an activity centre. Listen to your teacher's instructions. Grammar like, love, hate + -ing 1 Write sentences using the correct form of these verbs. Question forms 4 Complete the questions for these answers. c о "J75 •1^ > (D ce love like don’t mind don’t like hate My brother / © (^ / tidy / his room. He / c C / play / the drums. He / /go/toschool. He / c / listen / to rock music. He / © / do / his homework. Present simple and present continuous 2 Complete the text with the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Every Christmas Eve 1 (1) ... (meet) my cousins in London. We usually (2) ... (have) dinner at my aunt’s house, but today we (3)... (not go) there. We (4) ... (go) ice-skating at Somerset House. My little sister (5) ... (not like) ice-skating, but I (6)... (love) it. It (7) ... (not snow) today but it's quite cold, so I (8) ... (wear) my hat, scarf and gloves.! love Christmas! Quantity 3 Choose the correct words. 1 Are there much / any / an good sports shops in your town? 2 There are any / many / some nice clothes shops. 3 I need much / a lot of / any money to buy a new bike. 4 How many / any / much pocket money do you get? 5 How much / some / many Christmas presents do you buy? 6 Is there a / an / any ice rink in your town? Г Where ...? I live near Manchester, in the north of England. What... today? I’m riding my BMX at the track. What... BMX...? It stands for bicycle motorcross. A BMX bike is used for this sport. Why ... cycling? I like cycling because it's so exciting! How often ... here at the track? I practise here twice a week. How many bikes ...? I’ve got two bikes - this BMX and a road bike. How much ... these bikes ...? They cost quite a lot - about £600! Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence. 1 I go often to the library. 2 In Britain, people are celebrating Bonfire Night every year. 3 Do you like listen to techno music? 4 Plays Alex the guitar? 5 We go to a party this evening. 6 There are lot of desks in this room. 7 There isn’t some food in the fridge. 8 How many classrooms there are at your school? 35 Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Characters Girls Jenny, Aisha Boys Michael, Darren Girl or boy Sam AT SCHOOL ON MONDAY MORNING Aisha Hi. How was the weekend? Jenny [sounding serious] Not bad. Aisha What’s the matter? Are you OK? Jenny I don’t know. Michael is being very strange these days. Aisha In what way? Jenny Well, we always walk to school together, but this week he’s walking with Dan. Aisha And you don’t like walking alone ... Jenny I don’t mind that! But he doesn’t want to talk to me. Aisha Oh, I think he does. He really likes you. Jenny No, he doesn’t! When I go into a room and he’s talking to a friend, they look at me and change the subject. Something’s wrong, I know! What can I do? He’s my best friend! Aisha Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a reason. Come on, class is starting. AT LUNCHTIME Michael Darren Hi guys! Are you ready for Saturday? Yes. We’re practising this afternoon after school. In fact, we’re practising every day this week so we’re ready for the party. Michael Where’s Dan? He’s the singer! We need him. Sam He’s seeing the dentist now, but he’s coming this afternoon. Michael Cool. How is the song going? Darren Fine, it’s really good. The guitars are great and I love playing this style! Sam Yes, it’s fun. What time are we meeting on Saturday? Michael Ssh! Here’s Jenny! [Jenny and Aisha walk up] So, urn, there isn’t any homework today and ... Jenny Hi, Michael! Michael Hi. Um, see you later. We’re going ... um ... to the hairdresser. Jenny The hairdresser? It’s lunch time. Darren There’s a new hairdresser. It’s cheap at lunchtime. Michael Bye! Jenny Oh no! Is Michael going out with the hairdresser? But he’s my friend! Oh! Aisha Jenny! Sam and Darren are going with him ... Jenny Oh, I know but... Aisha Come on. Jo’s waiting for us. IN THE STREET AFTER SCHOOL Sam Have we got a present for Jenny? Darren There are some fantastic computer games in this shop. Michael Jenny doesn’t like computers. I want to give her a special present. Sam You like Jenny a lot, don’t you? Michael She’s a good friend! She likes swimming and she loves music. Sam Does she play an instrument? Michael No, she doesn’t. But she loves singing and writing songs. She’s great. Darren We can give her a guitar. And my broths' can give her some classes. Michael A guitar? Hey ... good idea. Darren Everybody pays five pounds ... Sam There’s a second hand music shop opposite my house. Michael Perfect. Darren Oh no! Here she comes again! Michael Hi Jenny. Jenny Hi. Oh. Your hair’s the same ... Michael Um. The hairdresser’s busy today. Sam We’re going again on Saturday. Jenny Oh. But Saturday’s my birthday. Michael Is it? Ah. We’re watching the football on Saturday. What are you doing on Sunday? Jenny I’m busy! Good bye! Michael Jenny... Sam Oh-oh. Darren Don’t worry, Michael. SATURDAY AFTERNOON Jenny Thanks for coming to the leisure centre with me. [sighing] This is a terrible birthday! Aisha But you love swimming! Jenny Yes, but why are we going this way? That’s Michael’s house ... Aisha He’s lending me his dictionary. Come or It’s only for a minute, [ringing belf] Hello, Darren. Darren Hello! Hi Jenny. Someone’s waiting for you in the living room. Jenny Hello. Waiting for me? Darren This way ... Everybody SURPRISE! Happy Birthday! Michael You’re looking great today, Jenny. Happ> birthday! Jenny Oh, Michael! Thanks! 48. Unit contents: Vocabulary TV programmes; types of film Grammar Past simple: affirmative and negative; was / were; past simple: questions and short answers; ago Skills Read about the history of animation Listen to a radio programme Write about a film Talk about preferences Across the curriculum Literature Culture From Britain to Bollywood! fUmSuizi Last night I watched a music programme on TV. What did you watch? Vasiliy Stepanov was one of the stars of The Inhabited island. What was the name of his character in the film? a) Guy b) Maxim c) Strannik In Shrek, Eddie Murphy is the voice of the donkey. Who is the voice of Princess Fiona? a) Keira Knightley b) Penelope Cruz c) Cameron Diaz The American actress Anne Hathaway made a film about a famous writer in 2007. Who was it? a) J.K. Rowling b) Jane Austen c) Emily Вгоп1ё Where are Bollywood films from? a) Japan b) Australia c) India • -i л Vocabulary 1 TV programmes 1 Match the types of TV programmes with the pictures. Which two types are not in the pictures? cartoon soap opera the news reality show chat show documentary sports programme comedy game show music programme drama weather forecast Recycle Write sentences about TV programmes in your country. Use these adjectives. great stupid interesting boring funny serious u 2 (Сзб1 Listen and repeat. The news’ is singular in English. The news is on at ten o'clock. 3 Look at the TV listings. What kind of programmes are 1-6? What time are they on? 1 The Simpsons is a cartoon. It's on at twenty-five past five. CHANNEL 1 . i I 1 17.25 The Simpsons Bart and Lisa have an adventure. ,,, ,,, „ .\ 2 17.55 Who Virants ra be a iQlillionaire? More Did you know? In Britain, people watch about ZVi hours of TV every day. That’s eight years of their life! 4 Your voice Copy and complete the table with programmes you like and don’t like. I like ... don’t like ... contestants play to get rich. 18.30 Easfeh%ere"lh tonight’ tonight’s episode, Paula discovers sorpjs bpd^ews. 19.20 В|й§ PiWobtDavid Attenborough explains the secrets of the ocean. ,. ruu 20.25 Matcb^oVmebavi^l^ru^ highlights from Arsenal v Manchester Utd., 21.00 Big^'ferbthei^lt’s^g^ctkjn night! 5 Ask and answer about programmes you like and don’t like. ^ Do you watch ^ Yes, 1 do. / No, I don't. Why (not)? Vocabulary plus-» Workbook pi 19 @ 1920! Felix the Cat was one of the first animated cartoon characters. The black and white cat^dn't speak because cartoons were silent in the 1920s. When sound cartoons started, Felix became less popular. •\950s Walt and Roy Disney founded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio in 1923. Five years later, they ma.de the first sound animation - a Mickey Mouse cartoon. DisneyTV began in the 1950s. 19605 The Flmtstones was_the first TV cartoon in colour. It started in the USA during the 1960s. This prehistoric family had a car made of stone, and they even travelled by 'aeroplane'- on a giant dinosaur! J 19705 In 1975, the creative and innovativie. Russian animator Yuri Norstein completed his best known work Hedgehog in the Fog. The film vyoo-a lot of awards at home and abroad, and in 2003 was voted the best animated film of ail time at the Laputa Film Festival in Tokyo, Japan. 19905 In 1995,ToyStory was the first computer-animated film. Before then, cartoons didn't^use computer animation.Toy Story was an enormous success. Millions of people w.entto see it at cinemas around the world. 20005 During the 1990s, Japanese anime became very popular. The illustrators drew manga characters for comics and films. They also influenced a lot of computer games such as Pokemon. / !• (ilz] Read and listen. Which characters’ names are mentioned? Read the text again. Find the past simple form of these irregular verbs. become make begin have go draw 3 Are the sentences true or false? Felix the Cat had a funny voice. Walt Disney first drew Mickey Mouse in the 1920s/ Toy Story was the first TV cartoon in colour. P . Hedgehog in the Fog won international awards.L-Toy Story was the first computer-animated film. * Japanese anime first became popular in 2000. ^ Across the curriculum Literature -»pise п Grammar 1 Past simple: affirmative and negative 1 Look at the examples. Which verbs are irregular? affirmative Sound cartoons started in the 1920s. Walt Disney made his first sound animation in 1928.________________________________ negative Early cartoons didn’t use computer animation. Felix the Cat didn’t speak. 2 Check the spelling rules on page 59 and the Irregular verbs list on page 167. Then write the past simple affirmative form of these verbs. 1 appear 2 produce 3 create 4 speak 5 read 6 write 7 see 8 travel 9 use 3 Complete the text with the past simple affirmative of these verbs. start finish do watch go have Last night I (1) ... my homework. Then we (2) ... dinner. After that I (3) ... a music programme on TV. It (4) ... at eight o’clock. It (5) ... at half past nine. Then I (6) ... to bed. 4 Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets. The History of TV The Scottish engineer John Logie Baird (1)... (invent) television in the 1920s, but its practical development (2)... (not start) until 1930s when the Russian engineer Vladimir Zworykin invented a television transmitting and receiving system employing cathode ray tubes. In the beginning, most people (3) ... (not have) a television at home. In 1969, a lot of families (4)... (buy) TVs because they (5)... (want) to watch the astronauts on the Moon. Colour television also (6)... (begin) at this time. In the past, only three channels (7)... (exist) - and all the programmes (8)... (finish) at bedtime! I Correct the sentences with the information in brackets. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence. 1 Igor Kirillov read the news for Vestl. (Vremya) 2 The BBC began in 1929. (1932) 3 Nikolay Ozerov made animal programmes, (sports programmes) 4 Eastenders started in 2005. (1985) Pronunciation: [d], [t] and [id] a (£H1 Listen and repeat the past simple verbs. [d] [t] [Id] travelled watched invented b (JUl Listen and repeat these verbs. Add them to the table. appeared finished started liked created was / were 6 Was and were are the past forms of be. What are they in your language? affirmative Felix the Cat was silent. negative These cartoons weren’t in colour. questions and short answers Was Toy Story the first animated film? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. 7 Complete the questions and answers. Use the correct form of was or were. Q Was Eastenders the first soap opera in Britain? A No, it (1).... Coronation Street (2)... the first soap opera. It started in 1960. it (3)... very popular then, and it’s still popular now! Q (4)... cartoons popular when TV began? A Yes, they (5)... . The first TV cartoon (6) ... Felix the Cat. Speaking 8 Think of a famous actor from the past. Ask and answer to guess the actor. Was it a man? Yes, it was. Was he from Russia? Language guide p59 Vocabulary 2 Types of film 1 Hatch the types of film with the pictures. Which three types are missing? fantasy horror action-adventure thriller science fiction comedy western martial arts musical cartoon war historical Listening Listen and repeat. Z Complete the sentences with types of film. ■ This ... film, set in the future, is about how zombies invade the Earth. Is Will Smith the only human to survive? ■ The Jonas Brothers are singers at a summer camp in this ... film from the Disney Channel. 3 This ... film is about probably the most famous family in the world: the Simpsons. - In this laugh-a-minute ... film, Jane Nichols is always at weddings but never gets married. r(ow many examples can you think of for each type of film? Write a list. r^tasy: Lord of the Rings,The Chronicles of Narnia ... ^r voice Think of a film and describe it to ^ur partner. Guess the fiim. It's a fantasy. It's about a girl from Oxford called Lyra. ^ Is it The Golden Compass? A radio programme 6 Read the information. What does Rob Foster collect? 19.00 The biggest Star Wars collection in the galaxy? Mark Barr talks about the American collector Rob Foster and his Star Wars memorabilia. 7 (5^ Listen to the radio programme. Which is Rob’s favourite figure? 8 ФЗ Listen again. Are the sentences true or faise? 1 Rob has got more than 2000 Star Wars figures. 2 He started collecting starwars memorabilia when he was ten. 3 Rob works in a special effects studio. 4 There were six Starwars films. 5 They made the first Star Wars film in 2005. 6 Rob’s favourite film was Return ofthejedi. Culture ... о India ргоп) Впщп te ^ Bollwool! There are 22 official languages in India. M Last year, the British student Surina Koura game show, and her prize was a part in a Here, she tells us about her experiences. won a television Bollywood film. Why did you decide to participate in the game show? Well, I love Bollywood films! I always went to see them when I was a child. How did you feel when you discovered that you were the winner? It was absolutely fantastic. It felt like winning the lottery! Where did you go to make the film? I went to Mumbai - that's the modern name for Bombay.The film industry is really important there. Did you meet any famous actors? Yes, I did. I met a lot of great Indian actors, including Aishwarya Rai. Did you speak English in the film? No, I didn't. 1 spoke Hindi. But I only had a small part, so I didn't say much! What did you enjoy most about your experience? I loved visiting the country. 1 saw the Taj Mahal, and I rode on an elephant! Did you know...? ♦ India’s film industry is called Bollywood from the words Bombay + Hollywood. ♦ Bollywood makes about 1000 films every year - that’s more than Hollywood! ♦ Bollywood films are usually love stories, comedies or action films. 2 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Why is India’s film industry called Bollywood? 2 Do they make more films in Hollywood or Bollywood? 3 What kind of films do they usually make in Bollywood? 4 Where did Surina go to make the film? 5 Who is Aishwarya Rai? 6 What did Surina do during her visit to India? 3 Your voice Answer the questions about your country. 1 Who are the famous actors? 2 Are there any famous directors? 3 Can you watch foreign films at the cinema or on TV? 4 Do you ever watch films with subtitles? ... learn more! India pi 28 Grammar 2 Past simple: questions and short answers 1 Look at the examples and answer the questions below. questions Did you enjoy your experience? Did she meet any famous actors?___________ short answers ____________________________ Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 1 Do we use Did with regular and irregular verbs? 2 What is the form of the verb after Did? 3 Do we use the verb in short answers? 2 Make questions. Then read the information and write short answers. Dakota / act in The Golden Compass'? Did Dakota act in The Golden Compass? Yes, she did. 1 she / go to school in London? 2 Dakota and her mother / live in Brighton? 3 Dakota / like drama at school? 4 she / want to be an actor? 5 she / make a film in 2008? Dakota Blue Richards Dakota played Lyra in the film The Golden Compass. She was born in London in 1994. When Dakota was young, she and her mother moved to Brighton. Dakota went to St Paul’s Primary School there. She enjoyed drama, but she didn’t want to be an actor originally. She wanted to be a teacher. In 2008, Dakota made the film The secret of л/ioonacre. Order the words to make questions. Then write true answers. 1 you / watch / What / on TV / did / yesterday ? 2 go / Where / you / to primary school / did ? 3 breakfast / have / did / What time / you ? 4 travel / How / you / to school / did / today ? 5 your best friend / When / you / did / meet ? 6 did / do / What / last weekend / you ? гш Language guide p59 4 Complete the past simple questions. Then guess the answers. 1 When ... Hollywood ... (become) the centre of the film industry? a) 1914 b) 1984 2 Why ... film directors ... (choose) Hollywood? a) Because it had a station. b) Because of the sunny weather. 3 When ... they ... (make) the first Hollywood film with sound? a) In 1927 b) In 1947 4 When ... Hollywood ... (celebrate) the first Oscars ceremony? a) 80 years ago b) 20 years ago 5 How many films ... they ... (make) in Hollywood last year? a) About 60 b) About 600 ago 5 Translate the sentences. Is the word order the same in your language? India became independent many years ago. 1 had breakfast two hours ago. 6 Write the time expressions in the correct order. ^ a week ago three hours ago a minute ago six months ago a few years ago two days ago ^ the distant past a few years ago Write past simple questions. When / you / get up? When did you get up? 1 2 3 4 5 the recent past ► When / you / arrive at school? When / this class / start? When / you / start learning English? When / your family / go on holiday? When / you / go to the cinema? Your voice Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Use ago in your answers. ^ When did you get up? ^ I got up four hours ago. qg ‘Ef ‘qs ‘bj. isjbmsuv © Writing dossier Describing a film The Spiderwick Chronicles a The lost film I saw was The Spiderwick Chronicles. It's cm Americcm film. I sow it in English with subtitles in my language. b This is a fantasyfilm aboutthree children and their mum. They go to live in Uncle Spiderwick's big, mysterious house. They meet a lot of strange creatures there. c I really liked the special effects in this film. There were bird spirits and flower fairies, but my favourite character was a little creature called Thimbletack. by Chantal, Amsterdam 1 (ЗНИ Read and listen. Match questions 1-3 with paragraphs a-c. 1 What did Chantal like about the film? 2 Where is the film from? 3 What was the film about? 2 Look at the Language focus. How many paragraphs should you write? Language focus: planning paragraphs Plan the general idea for each paragraph before you start writing. It’s a good idea to write three paragraphs. Then make notes about the content of each paragraph. 3 Read ChantaTs description again. Copy and complete her paragraph notes about The Spiderwick Chronicles. ^ \^ \ \ ^ \ t t t 1 к - W-. fgft, <* b.4 .iS- Ыг* jSt, i«, . '‘fc Ч, Ч,. Ч, Щ Щ Paragraph 1 Name of film: (1) Nationality/language of film; (2) Paragraph 2 Type of film; (3) Main characters: (4) Paragraph 3 I like: (5) My favourite character: (6) Writing plan 0 Plan a description of a film. Use the paragraph Ideas from the model. 0 Write a first version. Remember to write three paragraphs. 0 Check your writing. ✓ Use vocabulary for types of film from page 53. Use the correct tense -present simple or past simple. ✓ -Check that your paragraphs are coherent. 0 Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Talking about preferences 1 (353 Steve and Zoe are trying to decide what to watch on TV. Read and listen to the dialogue. Are these sentences true or false? 1 Zoe wants to watch a film. 2 Steve doesn’t like watching tennis. 3 Steve is going to record Rambo. Steve Zoe Shall we watch the new Rambo film? Why not? Oh no. Tennis is so boring! Weil, I’d rather watch Rambo. It’s a classic! ____________________No, I want to watch it now. 2 (353 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the TV guide and answer the questions. Rambo? No way! The Rambo films are rubbish. I’d rather watch Wimbledon. No, it isn’t. It’s better than watching a war film! Why don’t you record it? You can watch it later. Hey - give me the remote!________________ Channel 1 Channel Channel Channel 2 3 4 Wimbledon Quiz Time Rumbo The news The men’s with lots Sylvester Followed О d CM finals of big Stallone by the prizes returns in national his latest weather adventure forecast 1 What’s happening at Wimbledon? 2 What’s on Channel 3 at eight o’clock? 3 What channel is Quiz Time on? 4 What’s on after the news? 5 Which programme do you prefer? 4 Invent a TV guide for your country. Write four TV channels and four programmes. 5 Prepare a new dialogue about your preferences. Use your TV guide from exercise 4. > 6 Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. ^ Shall we watch ...? ^ No way! Useful expressions^ Shall we watch ...? No way! ... is / are rubbish, ’d rather (watch) ... It’s better than ... @ Language Guide Vocabulary TV programmes Шк L cartoon soap opera the news reality show chat show documentary IФ sports comedy game show music programme programme drama weather forecast Types of film fantasy horror action-adventure thriller science fiction comedy western martial arts musical cartoon war historical BEAFttAlli AflMD. Dictionary extra! absolutely (adv) ★ ★ ★ lottery (n) ★ base(v) ★★★ create (v) ★ ★ ★ elephant (n) ★ found (v) ★ ★ ★ influence (v) ★ ★ ★ prehistoric (adj) silent(adj) ★★★ stone (n) ★ ★ ★ success (n) ★ ★ ★ survive (v) ★ ★ ★ Useful expressionsj Shall we watch ...? No way! ... is / are rubbish. I’d rather (watch)... it’s better than ... Grammar Past simple: afprmative and negative was I were affirmative l/You/He/She/lt/We They went on holiday. negative 1 / you / He / She / It / We / They didn’t escape. questions Did 1 / you / he / she / it / we /they open the door? short answers Yes, 1 / you / he / she / it / we /they did. No, 1 / you / he / she / it / we /they didn’t. о We use the past simple to talk about events in the past. о All persons are the same, о Regular verbs end in -ed. For irregular verbs, see the Irregular verbs list on page 167 of the Student's Book. spelling rules Most regular verbs: add ed. start -♦ started Regular verbs ending in e: add d. use -♦ used Regular verbs ending in consonant + y: change у to i and add ed. carry carried Regular verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant; double the final consonant and add ed. stop stopped affirmative 1 / He / She / It was popular, a success. We / You / They were negative 1 / He / She / It wasn’t from America, at the cinema. We / You / They weren’t questions Was 1 / he / she /it silent? rich? Were we/you/ they short answers Yes, 1 / he / she / it was. No, 1 / he / she / it wasn’t. Yes, we / you / they were. No, we / you / they weren’t. о We use was / wasn't with I, he, she and it. We use were / weren't with we, you and they. Past simple: questions questions Did 1 / you / he / she / it become / we / you / they popular? short answers Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did. No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t. о We make questions in the past with Did and the infinitive. Did you travel by bus? / In short answers in the past simple we don’t repeat the main verb. Did you watch 'Friends' last night? Yes, I did. ago Grammar exercises -» Workbook pi 05 ^ We use ago to state the time before now when an event happened. The film finished five minutes ago. We use ago at the end of a sentence with the past simple. .59 п\ 0Г, Progress check TV programmes 1 Read and write the words. 1 [‘we6a ,fD:ka:st] 2 [ri'aelati/эи] 3 [,бэ 'njuiz] 4 ['saup ,ор(э)гэ] 5 [.dDkju'mentari] Types of film 2 Put the letters in the correct order. 1ЕШШШНШШШ 2 ийшшшйй 3 [шНЗЙЙЕИ 4 [с][ё][п][с]ШЕ[1] 0 Ш Ш 0 Ш И Ш 5 [7] 0 Й Ш Й Ш 6 ШШШЙШЙЫ ШШИ[з] Past simple 3 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of these verbs. do study start have watch get up 1 I... an adventure film last night. 2 I... my homework this morning. 3 This class ... an hour ago. 4 I ... at seven o’clock this morning. 5 We ... French last year. 6 I... bacon and eggs for breakfast. 4 Make the sentences in exercise 3 negative. Past simple: questions 5 Complete the past simple questions. 1 When ... (you / begin) this exercise? 2 When ... (you / start) at this school? 3 When ... (you / go) on holiday? 4 When ... (you / celebrate) your birthday? 5 When ... (you / watch) a film? ago 6 Answer the questions in exercise 5. Use ago. I began this exercise... was / were 7 Complete the dialogue. Use was, were, wasn't or weren't. Inna (1) ... Aleksander Belyayev a scientist? Ilya No, he (2).... He (3) ... a writer of science fiction novels. Inna What (4) ... his famous books? Ilya He wrote The Amphibian Man and Professor Dowell's Head. I don’t know about his other books - I think they (5) ... very famous. Cumulative grammar | i>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9> 8 Choose the correct words. Meet Prince Caspian! © 1 Ben Barnes (1) was / were born in London | in 1981. He (2) become / became famous | as Prince Caspian in the second Chronicles of I Narnia film. They (3) made / makes the film in New Zealand, and Ben (4) have / had a fantastic time. Now he (5) hasn’t / haven’t got (6) much / many free time because he (7) ’s making / makes the third film in the series. ; I A few years (8) last / ago, Ben (9) was J I were a drama student at university. Now, i he’s a big Hollywood star. How (10) much / | many actors are that lucky? ____________________________________________fb • -г. :-л Unit contents: Vocabulary Natural phenomena; adverbs Grammar Past continuous: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers; past simple and past continuous Skills Read news reports Listen to safety instructions Write a narrative Make conversation Across the curriculum Geography Culture Hurricane Katrina: a survivor’s story There were floods in my town last year. Do you ever have natural disasters where you live? M(iwEq№ • • •] in 2004 there was a terrible tsunami in Asia. On what day was it? a) Christmas Day b) Boxing Day c) New Year’s Eve Which American city did Hurricane Katrina devastate in 2005? a) New York b) Washington D.C. c) New Orleans In 2008, more than 60000 people died in a natural disaster in China. What was the disaster? a) an earthquake b) a volcano c) a hurricane What is a typhoon? a) a tornado b) an avalanche c) a tropical storm jn Vocabulary 1 Natural phenomena 1 Match these weather words with the pictures. Which four are not in the pictures? hurricane earthquake tsunami storm tornado wildfire flood avalanche landslide volcano thunder and lightning hailstones Recycle What’s the weather like in these places today? Guess the answers that you don’t know. In ... . London Australia Aiaska my town it’s... ! sunny hot rainy cold snowy cloudy dH] Listen and repeat. 3 Write true sentences from boxes A, В and There was an earthquake There was a volcanic eruption There were wildfires There was a tsunami There was a hurricane There was an earthquake in Lisbon in 1755. with the information ® in New Orleans in Galicia in Thailand in Lisbon in Pompeii © about 2000 years ago. in the summer of 2007. in August 2005. on 26 December 2004. in 1755. there was / there were There was a terrible earthquake in China in 2008. There were floods in Britain in 2007. 5 Your voice Think about a natural disaster you saw on the news recently. Answer the questions. 1 What was the disaster? 2 Where was it? 3 When was it? 4 diH Listen and check. I Vocabulary plus -» Workbook pi 20 47 Read and listen to paragraphs 1-3. Match them with pictures a-c. Find words in the news reports for these ©■ 3 Read the reports again and answer the questions. 1 Where was the wildfire? 2 How many people were staying in temporary accommodation because of the fire? 3 Who was missing in the avalanche? 4 What factors made the search operation more difficult in the Alps? 5 What happened to John Molinero? 6 How did John survive? ~ .3.'^ ' ir ' i -'' -ЛУ* " iVV’ Across the curriculum Geography-»piss ■ ‘-b}v.y.iw Grammar 1 Past continuous: negative affirmative and Look at the table. What are the past continuous forms for I, you and we? affirmative ____ subject was/were -mgr form He was recovering in hospital. They were riding their bikes. negative subject wasn’t/weren’t -/ng form She wasn’t carrying a mobile phone. They weren’t wearing avalanche monitors. We use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress in the past. 2 Write sentences. Use the past continuous affirmative. I / watch the news I was watching the news. 1 They / talk / about the floods 2 It/rain/a lot 3 People / leave / their homes 4 The water / cover / the roads 5 Rescue workers / help / people to escape 3 Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 I... (not study) last weekend. 2 Our teacher... (not work) last Saturday. 3 You ... (not listen) to me! 4 We ... (not swim) because it was very cold. 5 It... (not rain) here yesterday. 6 My friends ... (not wait) for me in town. 4 Complete the texts with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. A Volcano Appears In 1943, a farmer in Mexico (1)... (work) when he saw a large hole appear in his field. Smoke (2) ... (come) out of the ground and there was a bad smell of eggs. He didn’t know where his family were but everyone was'in danger. Soon, ash (3)... (erupt) out of the ground and everybody (4)... (run) away from the new volcano, because it (5)... (grow) bigger. After a week there was a cone 100 metres high. The Story of Pompeii Jn the Roman city of Pompeii, there was a terrible volcanic eruption in 79 ad. Lava and dangerous gases (1) ... (come) out of the volcano. All the people (2) ... (run) away from the town. They (3) ... (cover) their mouths. The volcano destroyed the city. In 1748, an archaeologist (4) ... (work) in Pompeii, and he discovered some of the victims. They (5) ... (lie) on the ground. They (6) ... (try) to escape, but they didn’t survive. 6.45 8.30 12.00 2.30 Look at the list of times. What were you doing at these times yesterday? Write past continuous sentences. 6.15 6 Your voice Read your sentences out to your partner. Language guide p71 Vocabulary 2 Listening Adverbs Remember! We use adjectives to describe a state, and adverbs to describe an action, in an emergency, be calm. Walk calmly to the emergency exit. Qes® Safety instructions 4 Match instructions 1-4 with pictures a-d. Look at the Language guide on page 70. Then copy and complete the table with the adverbs of these adjectives. bad hard easy angry good fast calm careful noisy regular (-ly) regular (-ily) irregular angry-angrily 2 ФЮ Choose the correct words. Then listen and check. HOW TO SURVIVE fVN fiURTHQOIlKfe An earthquake is a terrible experience, but you can (1) easy / easily stay safe if you follow these steps. e Move (2) quick / quickly to your emergency position - under a desk or table, e Stay (3) calm / calmly and count to 60. Most earthquakes don’t last more than 60 seconds, e Only use the phone in an emergency. The emergency services are working (4) hard / hardly and they need the phone lines, e If someone is (5) bad / badly injured, don’t move them. 3 Your voice Write instructions for an emergency at your school. Use these verbs and adverbs. leave walk wait calmly quickly quietly Leave the classroom calmly. What to do when № strikes 1 Count the time between the lightning and thunder, and wait for the storm to pass. 2 Move quickly away from any trees. 3 If you’re in an open place, get down immediately and cover your head. 4 Lightning travels easily through cables, so don’t use any electrical equipment^ 5 (Зл!] Listen and put the instructions from exercise 4 in the order you hear them. 6 Listen again and choose the correct answers. 1 Lightning struck Mr Saunders while he ... a) was playing football, b) was walking the dog. 2 Mr Saunders shows people the ... he was wearing when the lightning struck. a) trainers b) trousers 3 Every year, lightning kills about... people in Britain. a) three b) 30 4 If lightning strikes while you’re outside with other people, you should ... a) stay together. b) separate. 5 You’re safe if you can count more than ... seconds between the lightning and thunder, a) ten b) 30 6 After lightning struck Mr Saunders, ... a) he went to hospital, b) his dog died Reading 1 Read the text. Who won the reality TV game? Reality TV on Paradise Islands Some time ago, ten young people arrived on two small islands in the Pacific Ocean. It was the start of a new series of the popular reality TV show, Shipwrecked. In the beginning, there were five girls on Tiger Island and five boys on Shark Island. When they arrived, they found a box of food and instructions for building a simple house. Although they were living on a beautiful desert island, there was a lot of hard work to do. Every week, the two teams came together for a beach party. On that day, one new person arrived every week. He or she spent three days on each island, and then chose the best place to live. Both teams tried to make their island the most attractive place, with the best accommodation and the most exciting social life. Again, it wasn’t easy. They couldn’t take computers or music players. They just had to use their imaginations. During the five-month game, the Tigers and Sharks had lots of adventures. The Tigers won this time - they had the biggest group at the end of the game, so they got the £70000 prize. But when they returned to real life, they also took home great suntans, wonderful memories and lots of new friends! Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where are the islands? 2 How many people first arrived on the islands? 3 Why was life there hard work? 4 What two things happened every week? 5 Could the participants take their own entertainment to the island? 6 What did they need to do to win the game? Listening Liz and Dan are talking about the programme. Listen and answer the questions. 1 Did Dan watch shipwrecked yesterday? 2 What was he doing yesterday afternoon? 3 In Liz’s opinion, which was the best team? 4 Does Dan agree with Liz? 5 When did Liz start watching Shipwrecked? 6 Does Liz want to take part in the next series? Speaking Work in pairs. Ask and answer. How often do you watch TV? What did you watch last night? What are your favourite programmes? Do you ever watch reality shows? Which programmes do you never watch? Does Big Brother exist in your country? Project Imagine you were a participant on Shipwrecked. You’re going to write a blog about your experiences. Listen to your teacher’s instructions. Grammar Past simple 1 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Big Brother is watching you! What happens to the winners of Big Brother? Britain’s first winner, Craig Phillips, (1) ... (give) all his prize money to a friend. She (2) ... (need) the money to pay for an operation. Another winner, Kate Lawler, (3)... (become) a DJ after the programme. In 2006, Pete Bennett (4) ... (win) the big prize. With his money, he (5) ... (buy) a house for his mother. Then, he (6)... (write) his autobiography, in 2007, Brian Belo (7)... (be) Big Brother’s youngest winner. He (8) ... (celebrate) his 20th birthday during the show. You could have a big party with £100000! Past continuous 2 Complete the sentences. Write one negative and one affirmative sentence for each. Use the information in brackets. At nine o’clock in the Big Brother house last night, ... the housemates (shout X / feel relaxed /) The housemates weren't shouting. They were feeling relaxed. 1 Brian (cook dinner X / clean the kitchen /) 2 Nadia and Kate (sunbathe X / play cards У) 3 Pete (read a book X / have a shower /) 4 Amanda and Sam (chat X / sleep /) 5 Craig (watch TV X / talk to Big Brother /) Comparatives and superlatives 3 Complete the questions with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. In your opinion,... 1 Are reality shows ... (good) than chat shows? 2 What’s ... (bad) reality show on TV? 3 What’s ... (funny) comedy on TV? 4 Are adventure films ... (exciting) than westerns? 5 What’s ... (good) music programme on TV? 6 What’s ... (interesting) documentary? Question forms 4 Complete the questions. 1 What... do last night? I watched television. 2 Which programme ... watch? I watched a comedy. 3 ...good? Yes, it was. It was really funny. 4 ... the news later? No, I didn’t. I went to bed. 5 What time.,.? I went to bed at ten o’clock. 6 ...tired? Yes, I was. I was really tired! Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence. 1 It started raining while we was walking home. 2 He can play chess very good. 3 You won the game? 4 I could to play draughts when I was eight. 5 Comedies are funnier that dramas. 6 You should saving your work on a memory stick. 7 My parents bought a laptop ago two years. 8 I think reality shows are most interesting than soap operas. (Jm] Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Characters Girls Annie, Meg Boys Pete, Joe Man Neil IN THE MOUNTAINS Annie I love skiing, but this is crazy. It was sunny an hour ago, but now ...! Meg This storm is getting worse and the sky’s getting darker. It’s getting colder too. Pete Yes. It’s more difficult to ski now. Annie I don’t like this. It’s very snowy and windy. Joe There could be an avalanche soon. Let’s find somewhere to rest. We should wait for the storm to pass. Pete 1 saw a small house down to the left a few minutes ago. We should try and find that. There was a light at the window. Annie OK. Come on then. Let’s go. ATTHE HOUSE Pete We’re here. That was hard work! Joe Hello! Hello-o! Annie A light’s on in the window, but the house is empty. Meg What should we do? It’s dark now. Pete I know. We can’t ski down. Joe Look! The door’s open. We should go in - the storm is getting stronger! Pete It’s strange. The door’s open but there aren’t any people inside. Annie There’s food on the table. Meg Yes. And the television is on. They were watching a music programme. They left quickly ... why? I don’t like it. There should be somebody here. Joe There’s some bread and milk. Pete We shouldn’t touch it. This isn’t our house! Annie But I’m hungry ... and cold! Meg There was some wood outside. We should make a fire. Come on, Pete. BACK ATTHE HOUSE (TWO MINUTES LATER) Meg Quick! Close the door! There was a strange animal out there. Annie A strange animal? Pete Yes. We saw it for a moment. It had four legs and four arms! Annie Was it a monster? Joe Or a dream? Monsters don’t exist. Meg Joe Pete Meg Joe Annie Pete Joe Pete Meg Annie Pete Joe Pete Annie Neil Meg Neil Annie Neil Meg Neil Joe It had strange hair and it was walking slowly towards the house. It was probably ... Listen! I heard a noise. Something was banging on the door a moment ago! I’m scared. Turn the lights off. And the television. Quickly! Oh no! 1 saw it! It was at the window! There was a face there at the window. And it had four arms, like Pete said. It was waving twc of its arms! I saw it too. It was shouting. I couldn’t hear it because of the storm, but it was moving i^ mouth angrily. What should we do? I’m really scared now. Are all the doors and windows closed? Cal! the police! Where’s my mobile? I don’t know! Oh no!! left it at the hotel. What can the police do in this storm? Listen! The thing is here in the house! It broke a window! It’s in the kitchen! We should do something! We need ... the milk! The milk? Yes. Open the door and throw the milk at the monster! It’s cold. Ready? One, two, three,... NOW! YEUCH! Couldn’t you hear me? I was trying to get you to open the door! Who are you? Who am I? This is my house! Who are you' Oh. Oh no. Oh dear. Sorry. Do you need a towel? We were in the storm and we saw the house and ... oh dear. I only went outside for a minute! I left my keys and skis in the car and I went to get them! Why did you close the doors? [laughing] You were carrying skis? Ah, four arms. It wasn’t a monster or a ghost. It was you! And why did you throw the milk at me? I’m freezing! We’re so sorry. What’s your name? We car make a fire, and ! can explain. Unit contents: Vocabulary Your life story; recycling: materials and containers Grammar will / won't; first conditional Skills Read about your carbon footprint Listen to a TV programme about cars of the future Write a composition about problems and solutions Give opinions Across the curriculum Science Culture Europe’s First Plastic Bag-free Town Life expectancy тЩ Percentage of rubbish recycled COj emissions per person per year (tonsil VO- W < i ■ e ci^f^mnent’quizj^ In five years'time, 1 think I'll be at university. Where will you be? Guess the answers to these questions. Then look at the information and check your answers. 1 In which country do people live the longest? a) Singapore b) Russia c) Andorra 2 Which country has got the worst CO^ emissions per person? a) UAE b) USA c) Canada 3 Which European country recycles the most rubbish? ] a) Germany b) Norway c) Switzerland [89, Vocabulary 1 Your life story 1 (sfeil Match the expressions with pictures 1-12. Then listen, check and repeat. go to school get a job be born grow up leave school fall in love get married buy a house grow old have children learn to drive go to university J Recycle Match the people and their ages. baby child teenager adult senior citizen 13-19 0-1 20+ 65+ 2-12 Фа ® Read the information. Can you guess the famous people? © She was born in 1965. After university, she went to Portugal and got a job as an English teacher. Later, she wrote seven famous books. When she became very rich, she bought houses in Scotland and London. She grew up in New York and California. In 2005, she fell in love with Brad Pitt and they had their first child in 2006. © He was born in Russia in 1985. He began playing for Dynamo Moscow when he was 16, but later on he became captain of the Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League. 3 Find the past forms of these verbs in exercise 2. go get become buy grow fall have learn leave Your voice Answer the questions about one of your parents or grandparents. 1 Did he / she learn to drive? 2 How many children did he / she have? 3 Where did he / she go to school? 4 At what age did he / she leave school? 1 Vocabulary plus -» Workbook pi 22 Tonight’s TV ^4 ’ Think about this: how many toilet rolls will you buy in your lifetime? And how much energy will you use? This programme will answer all your questions. It tells the story of an average person's life, and shows the impact that we will each have on the planet. The programme follows an average life journey from when you're born to when you grow old. It shows how much food you'll eat, and how many products you'll buy during your average of 78 years on Earth. There are lots of really fascinating facts here. For example, did you know that British people will eat 10000 chocolate bars in a lifetime? And they'll drink more than 70 000 cups of tea! Also, in your lifetime, you'll meet more than 1700 people. And although some people won't get married, most people will fall in love three times. After watching this programme, you'll probably feel bad about the 40 tons of rubbish that you'll throw away in your lifetime. So, click on the link below to read some tips about saving the planet. ^ ^ Find out how you can help the environment a V- ' ->■ Я 1 (^Uz] Guess the answers. Then read, listen and check. 1 The average person in Britain lives for 78 / 87 years. 2 Most people produce 4/40 tons of rubbish in their lifetime. Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1 The programme is about... 2 The average British person eats ... 3 The average British person drinks ... 4 Most people meet... 5 Most people fall in love ... Across the curriculum Science-»pi42 Grammar 1 will I won't 1 Study the table and answer the questions below. subject will / won't infinitive affirmative You will eat 10000 chocolate bars. You'll drink 70000 cups of tea. negative They will not fall in love. They won’t get married. questions How many bottles of water will you buy? Will you live more than 78 years? short answers Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. We use will / won't when we make predictions about the future. 1 What’s the short form of will? 2 What’s the short form of will not? 3 What form is the verb after will? 2 Look at the information and complete the sentences with will or won't. In his lifetime, Mr Average will... ... live for 78 years. ... have two children. ... buy 18 computers and eight cars. ... eat four cows, 21 sheep and 845 cans of beans! 1 He ... have five children. 2 He ... have two children. 3 He ... buy 18 computers. 4 He ... buy 18 cars. 5 He ... be a vegetarian. 6 He ... eat 845 cans of beans! 3 Imagine your future. Write sentences with will or won't. My parents / buy a house / in England My parents won't buy a house in England. 1 I / leave school / when I’m 18 2 I / visit / London one day 3 My best friend / become an astronaut 4 Russia / win / the next World Cup 5 I / get married one day 6 My classmates / be / rich and famous гШ 4 Complete the text with the future form of these verbs. pass get not learn study not become work help cycle 1 think I (1) ... environmental science at university. I (2) ... my exams' and then I (3)... a job. But I (4)... a geography teacher. I think 1(5) ... for an organisation like Greenpeace. I (6) ... to drive because cars are bad for the environment. I (7) ... to work and I (8) ... to save the planet! Pronunciation: will ( ii) a C^eil Listen to the sentences. Do you hear a or b? 1 a) I go to university, b) i’ll go to university. 2 a) We study English, b) We’ll study English. 3 a) You pass your exams, b) You’ll pass your exams. b Listen and write the sentences. Speaking 5 Write questions using will. 1 2 3 4 5 6 leave school when you’re 16? get a good job? learn to drive? buy a house near the beach? go to university? have six children? Language guide p99 :> 6 Ask and answer the questions from exercise 5. J^Will you leave school when you're 16? ^ No, 1 won't. I'll leave school when I'm 18. Vocabulary 2 Recycling: materials and containers 1 Match pictures 1-7 with these words. Then listen, check and repeat. bottles jars tins cans cartons box bag 2 Complete the text. Use these words. plastic aluminium metal, cardboard paper glass Your recycling box Please put these things in your green recycling box: Recycle (1)... cans here and (2) ... jars. Please put (3)... boxes and (4) ... bags in the brown box. We will collect this on Mondays. Don’t put (5)... bottles or cartons in the recycling boxes. You should take these to your local recycling centre. Next year, we will recycle (6)... tins. 3 Your voice Ask and answer about recycling at your house / school. Do you recycle plastic bottles at home? No, we don't. But we recycle glass bottles. Listening A science programme 4 CJHI Listen to the TV programme about cars of the future. Which one of the designs in the pictures don’t they talk about? 5 Listen again. Complete the sentences with will or won't. 1 In the future, cars ... use petrol. 2 Cars'... have solar panels on the roof. 3 The cars of the future ... be smaller. 4 Cars ... be made of recycled plastic or aluminium. 5 People ... drive in the future. 6 Traffic ... travel in tunnels under the ground. 6 Choose the correct words. 1 There are 23 / 23G million vehicles in the USA now. 2 People drive cars with solar panels in California / Britain. 3 In the future, cars will be able to fly/ change size automatically. 4 The cars of the future will be much lighter / bigger. 5 Cities will become more dangerous / nicer places in the future. Culture ... Europe's First PLASTIC IBjAG'FREE Town Did you know that we use 13 billion plastic bags every year in Britain? But if you visit Modbury, in the county of Devon, you won’t see any plastic bags! The town’s shopkeepers will give you special biodegradable bags, and you’ll need cardboard boxes if you go to the supermarket. This project was the idea of Modbury resident Rebecca Hoskins. Rebecca makes documentaries for the BBC, and last year she was making a film in Hawaii, where she saw the terrible effects of plastic. The ocean is full of plastic, which kills thousands of birds and animals every year, such as the birds and turtles that eat plastic bags on the beaches. If we don’t take action now this problem will get much worse in the future. When she returned home, Rebecca convinced her town to stop using plastic bags. Now, lots of other towns have got similar plans. So next time you go shopping, think about this: if you throw that plastic bag away, it will take a thousand years to disappear! 1 (SI Read and listen to the article. Which sentence is correct? a Plastic bags are free in supermarkets in Modbury. b There aren’t any plastic bags in the town of Modbury. 2 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 How many plastic bags do people use in Britain every year? 2 What alternatives do people use when they go shopping in Modbury? 3 Who had the idea to make Modbury a plastic bag-free zone? 4 Where was Rebecca when she realised the effects of plastic bags? 5 What kills turtles on the beaches? Your voice Answer the questions about your country. 1 Are plastic bags free at supermarkets in your country? 2 Can you recycle plastic bags, bottles and packets in your town? 3 What other things can you recycle? [ ... learn more! England Workbook pi 31 Grammar 2 First conditional 1 study the rules and the examples. Then answer the questions below. possible situation consequence If present simple will / won't infinitive If you visit Modbury, you won’t see any plastic bags. If you throw plastic away. it will take 1000 years to disappear. consequence =< possible situation The problem will be worse in the future if we don’t take action. We use the first conditional to talk about possible situations in the future and their consequences. We can put the situation first, or the consequence first. If we put the situation first, we use a comma. 1 Which tense do we use in the If part of the sentence? 2 Which tense do we use to talk about the consequences? 3 Do we use the first conditional to talk about the past or the future? 2 Match 1-6 with a-f to make sentences. Don’t forget to use a comma. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs In brackets. 1 2 1 - c If my town prohibits plastic bags, I won't use them. 1 If my town prohibits plastic bags ... 2 If turtles eat plastic bags ... 3 If I forget my mum’s birthday ... 4 If it snows next weekend ... 5 If you eat healthy food ... 6 If our teacher gives us a lot of homework ... a) ... they’ll die. b) ... you’ll feel better. c) ... I won’t use them. d) ... she won’t be happy. e) ... we’ll go skiing. f) ... I won’t go out with my friends. If I visit London, I... (meet) a lot of new people. If they ... (not speak) Russian, I’ll speak to them in English. If my friend ... (come) with me, I’ll have a lot more fun. if the Queen is at home, we ... (visit) Buckingham Palace. If she ... (invite) us for tea, we’ll say ‘Yes please’! гШ Language guide p99 4 Your voice Complete the sentences with your ideas. If I’m bored this evening, I'll watch a film. 1 If I don’t get any homework today, I ... 2 If it rains next weekend, I ... 3 If I get £50 for my birthday, I ... 4 If I don’t pass my exams in June, I... 5 If I feel ill tomorrow, I ... 5 Ask and answer about the sentences in exercise 4. What will you do if you're bored this evening? ^ I'll watch a film. Writing dossier A composition Traffic pollation: Jet's make a differencel There are 750000 people m my city, and they've got 1.5 million cars. That's a lot of cars! Traffic is a problem because it (1) produses carbon dioxide. C02 is bad for the environment because it (2) contribute to the problem of global warming. If we don't act now, the problem will be worse in the future. Whut con we do? To stort with, we can cycle and walk more. We can also use public transport. If we use buses and trains, we (3) don’t create so much carbon dioxide. Let's moke a difference! by Alexis, Athens 1 Read the composition and correct errors 1-3. Then listen and check. 2 Look at the Language focus. What kind of errors are 1-3 in the composition? Language focus; checking verbs In your compositions, check that... a) ... the verb matches the subject. b) ... the verb is in the correct tense. c) ... the spelling is correct. 3 Identify the errors in the sentences. Then correct them. 1 My parents are driving to work every day. X 2 A big car produce more pollution than a small car. Л 3 If I learn to drive 1 buy a car. X 4 Some people has got two cars. X 5 You should recicle bottles and tins. X 6 We’re writeing in English. X Writing plan (D Complete the composition notes about rubbish. Find out the facts for your city and use the ideas below. Rubbish: let's make a difference! There are ... people in ..., and they create ... rubbish. That's...! Rubbish is a problem because... ... is bad for the environment because ... If we don't... what can we do? To start with, we can ... We can also ... If we ... Let's make a difference! Solutions - reduce the rubbish that we create - recycle more Ф Write a first version. Use the model and your notes to help you. @ Check your writing. Use the first conditional. / Write three paragraphs. tX Check the verbs. ® Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Giving opinions 1 (5z5l Zoe and her friend Helen are talking about choosing their school subjects. Read and listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences with zoe or Helen. 1 ... thinks she will study science subjects. 2 ... won’t study Chemistry. 3 ... will study science subjects and arts subjects. In Britain, students choose their GCSE* exam subjects when they are 13 or 14. In addition to the compulsory subjects, students usually choose four or five extra subjects. *GCSE = General Certificate of Secondary Education Zoe So, which subjects do you think you1l choose? All the sciences? Do you think that’s a good idea? I don’t agree. I think it’s better to have a variety. I think I’ll do Spanish, Music, Biology and Art. In my opinion, we should choose subjects that we like. 2 (32£] Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the information about choosing GCSE subjects. Then answer the questions. w Weston Secondary School Compulsory GCSE subjects English language, English literature, Maths, Science Optional GCSE subjects Students should choose four of the following: French Music Biology Spanish Art and design Economics German IT Human biology Chemistry History Sociology Physics Geography I ~ 'j<* f Ч Helen I’m not sure. I think I’ll do Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Human biology. Well, I think it’s a good idea to choose arts subjects or science subjects. Which subjects do you think you’ll choose, then? That sounds interesting! Yes, you’re right. If we like them, we’ll get better ^ marks!____________________________________________^ 4 Imagine you’ve got a British friend who is choosing GCSE subjects. Prepare a new dialogue. 5 Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. ^ Which subject do you think you'll choose? ^I'm not sure. I think I'll... Useful expressionsj I think I’ll... Do you think that’s a good idea?' I think it’s a good idea to . I think it’s better to ... In my opinion, ... 1 How many compulsory subjects are there? 2 How many optional subjects should students choose? 3 Which languages can students study? 4 How many science subjects are there? 5 Which of these subjects do you like? Language Vocabulary Your life story be born grow up go to school leave school learn to drive go to university get a job fall in love get married buy a house have children grow old Recycling: containers and materials Dictionary extra! ^ average (adj) ★ ★ ★ impact (n) ★ ★ ★ biodegradable (adj) link (n) ★ ★ ★ convince (v) ★ ★ ★ throw away (phrasal disappear (v) ★ ★ verb) energy (n) ★ ★ ★ follow (v) ★ ★ ★ ton (n) ★★ turtle (n) Osefurexpre2i22S i think Г11... Do you think that’s a good idea? 1 think it’s a good idea to ... 1 think it’s better to ... In my opinion, ... I ■ I I I ■ b b ■ Grammar will / won't affirmative I / You / He / She / It / We / They ’ll (will) fall in love three times. negative 1 / You / He / She / It / We / They won’t (will not) save the planet. questions о We use will or won't when we’re not sure about something in the future and make predictions. о To form sentences we use will + infinitive without to. You will eat a lot of chocolate bars. / о The form is the same for all persons. We don’t use s in the third person. He will feel bad. / о We don’t use do/does in negative sentences. They won't get married. / о We normally use the contractions 'II, not will, and won't, not will not, when we speak. First conditional Will 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they travel by car? short answers Yes, No, I 1 / you / he / she / it / we / they will. / you / he / she / it / we / they won’t. situation consequence If you ask. they’ll give you a biodegradable bag. If she takes a cardboard box to the supermarket, she won’t need a plastic bag. consequence situation He will damage the environment if he doesn’t recycle his plastic bags. о We use the first conditional to talk about possible situations and their consequences in the future. о To form sentences we use If + subject + present simple for the situation, and subject + 'II / won't + infinitive for the consequence. о To make the situation negative we use If + subject + don't / doesn't + present simple for the situation, and subject + 'II / won't + infinitive for the consequence, о We can put the situation first or we can put the consequence first, if the situation comes first, we put a comma. If we take actlor\ now, we will save the planet. We don’t put a comma if the consequence comes first. We will save the planet if we take action now. I Grammar exercises Workbook pill ^ .99; 0Г Progress check Your life story 1 Make sentences by matching 1-5 with a-e. 1 When will you learn ... 2 Will you leave ... 3 Where were you ... 4 Where did your parents ... 5 Did your grandparents go ... a) ... school next year? b) ... grow up? c) ...to drive? d) ... to university? e) ... born? 2 Answer the questions in exercise 1. Recycling: materials and containers 3 Compiete the sentences with these words. bags bottles cans boxes 1 I will use fewer plastic ... 2 Paper... are safe for turtles. 3 ... made of cardboard are easy to recycle. 4 I always recycle aluminum ... will I won't 4 Complete the sentences. Use will (✓) or won't (X) and these verbs. Xlive /go Xwin / do X be / grow old 1 Some of my friends ... to university. 2 The 2012 Olympics ... in Sochi. 3 People ... on other planets in 2020. 4 We ... exams in June. 5 Canada ... the next World Cup. 6 Everyone ... one day! First conditional 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs In brackets. 1 If he ... (win) the lottery, he will be rich. 2 If 1 go to India, I... (visit) the Taj Mahal. 3 Our teacher won’t be happy if we ... (not pass) our exams. 4 If you don’t get up now, you ... (be) late for school. 5 He’ll walk to town if he ... (miss) the bus. 6 Write first conditional sentences. it (rain) /1 (not play) tennis If it rains, I won't play tennis. I (not play) tennis /1 (stay) at home 1 (stay) at home /1 (be) bored I (be) bored /1 (phone) my friend my friend (be) at home / he (come) to my house he (come) to my house / we (play) tennis on the computer Cumulative grammar 123456 7^iyg 7 Choose the correct words. Wales plants a tree for every new baby 13-year-old Natalie Vaughan (1) was / were thinking about the environment when she (2) had / was having a great idea. If the government (3) plants / will plant a tree for every new baby, it (4) create / will create a big forest in the end! So now the Welsh government (5) is / am planting a new tree for every child born. All the children (6) receive / receives certificates about their trees, and they can (7) to visit / visit them. Natalie (8) is thinking / thinks that if people (9) feel / will feel closer to the environment, they (10) protect/will protect it more in the future. Unit contents: Vocabulary Types of transport; health problems and first aid Grammar be going to; would like to / wouldn't like to; must / mustn't; indefinite pronouns Skills Read about the World Scout Jamboree Listen to conversations at the chemist’s Write advice for travellers Practise language for using public transport Across the curriculum Science Culture South Africa: the Rainbow Nation .-rii M it We're going to visit our cousins in France this summer. Where are you going to go on holiday this year? 1 Where are the holiday photos from? 2 Which countries are these capital cities in? Athens Stockholm Beijing Amsterdam Copenhagen Pretoria 3 Can you write a country for every letter of the alphabet? Australia, Brazil, Croatia ... 1 Vocabulary I Types of transport 1 Match pictures 1-10 with these words. <5,^ Recycle How often do you travel using these types of transport? car bus train boat plane bike coach tram the underground moped motorbike ferry barge hot-air balloon cable car on foot by car j bus j tram j plane ... on foot (Я75| Listen, check and repeat. Compare the types of transport. Use the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. cars / motorbikes (dangerous) 1 think motorbikes are more dangerous than cars. 1 2 3 4 5 Speaking 5 Ask and answer. coaches / buses (fast) cable cars / hot-air balloons (exciting) motorbikes / mopeds (slow) bikes / cars (expensive) ferries / barges (comfortable) Match five words from exercise 1 with descriptions 1-5. This is often used to carry people up the side of mountains. This boat usually travels on canals. This travels almost silently through the air. This travels through cities and towns on rails, but not through tunnels. This is a large boat that often carries cars and people. 1 How do you travel to school? 2 How often do you travel by train? 3 How do you travel when you go on holiday? 4 Which types of transport in the pictures do you never use? Pronunciation: [b] and [v] a (£zi] Listen and repeat the words. [b] bike barge balloon [v] Vienna Venice Venezuela b (Jzzl Listen and write the words in the order that you hear them. bus very boat visit busy vote Vocabulary plus Workbook pi23 'V Are you going to be one of the lucky 30 000 people at the next World Scout Jamboree? Two international Scouts tell us about their plans for the big trip to Japan. 1 78 Read and listen. Who mentions these things: Simon, Elena or both? hiking weather travel plans the Japanese landscape meeting new friends practising English 2 Complete the journey plans with information from the text. Simon’s going to fly from (1) ... in England to Yamaguchi in (2) ... with (3) ... in Paris and Tokyo. Then he’s going to travel by (4)... to the site of the (5)... Jamboree. Elena’s going to travel by plane from (6) ... to Yamaguchi. Then she’s going to travel by coach to the Scout Jamboree in (7) ... . 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. h 1 Where is the World Scout Jamboree going to be? 2 How many people are going to be there? 3 How is Simon going to travel to the Jamboree? 4 Is Elena going to travel by coach? 5 What do Simon and Elena want to do? 6 What is Elena going to miss about Russia? Simon (15), an Explorer Scout from Newcastle, England Ten people from my District are going to go to the Jamboree in 2015. ! can't wait. We're going to fly from London to Yamaguchi in Japan with stopovers in Paris and Tokyo, then we're going to travel by coach to Kirara-hama, which will be the site of the 23rd World Scout Jamboree. We'll be at the Jamboree for ten days and I think it's going to be amazing. I'd like to go hiking, because I think the Japanese landscape will be really beautiful. I know I'm going to meet a lot of new friends, so I'm not going to be homesick! Elena (14), from the Russian Union of Scouts in Moscow, Russia I couldn't go to the last World Jamboree because you have to be 14, but next time I can go so I'm really excited! We're going to travel by plane from Moscow to Yamaguchi, then by coach to Kirara-hama. Am I going to miss Russia? Well, I'll probably miss the food and the weather (although they say it isn't going to be cold in July in Japan!). I'd like to meet some other Russian scouts, but I also want to make friends with people from all over the world. I think I'm going to practise my English a loti Across the curriculum Sciences pi44 Grammar 1 be going to 1 Look at the examples. What form is the verb after be going to? affirmative We’re going to travel by plane. I’m going to practise my English. negative I’m not going to be homesick. questions Are you going to miss your friends? short Yes, 1 am. / No, I’m not. answers We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions. Write sentences using the correct form of be going to. Simon and Elena / visit Japan Simon and Elena are going to visit Japan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Simon / fly to Yamaguchi They / stay at a campsite Elena / not travel by bus Elena / miss Russian food Simon / not be homesick It / be an amazing experience 3 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. Josh (1) ... (you / go) to university when you finish school? Emily No. (2)... (I / study) art at art college. What (3) ... (you / do)? Josh (4) ... (I / travel) around the world with a friend. Then maybe (5) ... (I / try) and join the army. 4 Write the future time expressions in order. Imagine today is Monday. tonight next week this afternoon next weekend now tomorrow next summer this evening j now, this afternoon ... 5 Complete the questions. Use the correct form of be going to and the words in brackets. 1 ... (you / study) this evening? 2 What... (you / have) for dinner tonight? 3 ... (your friends / pass) their exams next month? 4 ... (you / go) on holiday next summer? 5 What... (you / do) next weekend? 6 ... (your teacher / work) here next year? 6 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. would like to / wouldn’t like to 7 Translate the examples. How do you say would like to in your ianguage? affirmative Simon would like to go hiking. Elena would like to meet people. negative They wouldn’t like to stay at home all summer. questions Would you like to visit Japan? short answers Yes, 1 would. / No, 1 wouldn’t. The short form of would is'd. I’d like, she’d like, we’d like ... 8 Write true sentences. Use would like to or wouldn't like to. I / eat / the Japanese delicacy fugu I wouldn't (ike to eat the Japanese delicacy fugu. 1 I / go to the Scout Jamboree 2 My best friend / go to university 3 I / move to Peru 4 My parents / buy a bigger house 5 I / fail my exams next month 6 I / go home now 9 Your voice Ask and answer about the pictures. Use would you like to...? and short answers. ^ Cl) ^ 1 ride an elephant 2 eat insects 3 sail round the world 4 live in Africa 5 go camping > Would you like to ride an elephant? ^Yes, I would! Language guide p111 Vocabulary 2 Health problems and first aid 1 Match pictures 1-10 with these health problems. Then listen, check and repeat. a broken leg an insect bite a cough a headache a stomach ache a sore throat a cold sunburn a high temperature a cut 2 Look at the picture. Which of these items is not in the first aid kit? aspirin cough medicine plasters i antiseptic cream suncream a bandage ‘ Listening At the chemist’s 5 in Britain, the chemist’s symbol is a green cross. Is It the same in your country? 6 Match the Items in exercise 2 with the health problems from exercise 1. aspirin - for a headache, a cold, a high temperature or a sore throat Your voice Work in pairs, imagine you’ve got health problems. Give advice. •• I've got a terrible headache. You should take an aspirin and go to bed. (deol Listen to two short conversations at the chemist’s. Match each conversation with one of the descriptions below. 1 The man has got a sore throat. 2 The girl wants to buy some suncream. 3 The woman has got stomach ache. 4 The boy has got an insect bite. (^13 Listen again and answer the questions. Conversation a \ 1 Where was the boy on holiday? b L 2 What does the chemist recommend? = 3 How much does it cost? , 5 Conversation b 4 Where is the girl going to go on holiday? 5 Does she buy the cheaper suncream or the more expensive one? 6 What else does she buy? Culture South Africa: the Ra i n bow Nat ion South Africa Capital city: Pretoria Other cities: Johannesburg, Cape Town \ Everyone is mad about football in Johannesburg. The two big teams are the Kaizer Chiefs and the Orlando Pirates. When your team scores a goal here you must shout'Laduma!'- it's a Zulu word and it means 'thunder'. Zulu is one of the 11 official languages in South Africa (English is also an official language). There are lots of different cultures here - that's why it's called the Rainbow Nation. In the past, black people and ^ white people were forced to live separately. * W\ ^ But everything is different now, and people I ' are trying to live together in peace. South Africa is a beautiful country. If you come to visit one day, you must go on safari! At the Kruger National Park you can see the Big Five everywhere (that means lions, rhinos, elephants, leopards and buffalo). You mustn't forget your camera! Surfing is also really popular, and there are some great beaches in Cape Town. If you go there you must visit Table Mountain. You can go up in the cable car if you don't want to hike! :Jf!l What do you know about South Africa? Guess the answers. 1 In South Africa, the Kaizer Chiefs are ... a) a rock band, b) a football team, c) a political party. How many official languages are there in South Africa? a) one b) two c) 11 When someone talks about the Big Five in South Africa, what do they mean? a) The five biggest cities. b) Five kinds of animals you see on safari. c) The five best football teams. Where would you see Table Mountain? a) Johannesburg b) Pretoria Cape Town G) (JH] Read and listen to the text. Check your answers to exercise 1. Your voice What are the main tourist attractions in your country? Think about these things: 1 sports events 2 national parks 3 cultural activities 4 towns and cities learn more! South Africa -* Workbook pi32 Sit. .! ■- • -its-'' . r* ------- Grammar 2 must / mustn’t 1 Look at the examples and choose the correct words in the rules below. must / mustn’t________________________ You must go on safari! You mustn’t forget your camera. 1 We use must / mustn’t for obligation and strong recommendation. 2 We use must / mustn’t for prohibition and strong advice against something. 3 After must/ mustn'twe use the infinitive with / without to. 2 Complete the sentences with must or mustn't and these verbs. sit buy get shout take be World Cup Brazil . your tickets on the black market, in the correct seats, with an adult if you’re under 16. . glass bottles into the stadium. . abuse at the players. 3 Rewrite the Instructions with You must or You mustn't. You must read the instructions. fn. ^tru, ns SIX: "“‘'more etsa than Oct Indefinite pronouns 4 Complete the table with the bold words from the examples. In South Africa, everyone is mad about football. Everything is different now. You can see lions everywhere. affirmative negative people someone anyone (1) ... no one things something anything (2) ... nothing anything places somewhere anywhere (3) ... nowhere 5 Choose the correct words. Travel health advice (1) Everyone / No one can be ill on holiday, so you must be careful. (2) Someone / Anything should take a first aid kit, and you must put your doctor’s phone number (3) nowhere / somewhere in your suitcase. If you take this advice, (4) anyone / everyone will have a good time! 6 Complete the postcard with indefinite pronouns. ; HiZoe, Tills is tlie worst holiday] We're staying somewhere really horrible on a little island. There's (1)... to do in the evening, and there's (2)... to go dancing. (3)... in the hotel is over 40! And (4)... is really expensive in the shops. It's really hot and there are mosquitoes {5}... Help! l want to come home! 7 Your voice Write three sentences about your class, school and town. Use indefinite pronouns. in my class, everyone is really nice, гш: Language guide pi 11 ^ Writing dossier Advice for travellers eoo CD Ф m Ш тй D^tOia RcpV Reply Aif Fatward Print Dear Kristjan, We arrive in Tallinn next Saturday afternoon. 1 can’t wait! How should we get from the airport to the city centre? Is there a train? Which places are we going to visit? The city looks really nice in the photos, but I’d like to go to the beach too! See you soon, Pete PS What clothes should I bring? What will the weather be like? e e , - >1^ sm- Delete Reply Reply All Forward Print Hi Pete, The best way to get to the city centre is the number 2 bus. You can also take a taxi from the airport. It’s only 3 km. I’m going to take you to some great places! Don’t worry, we’ll go to the beach and we'll go to the Lahemaa National Park too. You should bring some suncream, but you must also bring warm clothes for the evening. Best wishes, Kristjan PS You can buy everything you need here, so don’t worry if you forget something. (JiH Read and listen to the emails. Which country is Kristjan from? Look at the Language focus. Translate sentences 1-4 into your language. Where do you put too and olso in your language? Language focus: too and olso We use too and also to add information. 1 I’d like to go to the beach too. 2 You can also take a taxi from the airport. 3 We’ll go to the Lahemaa National Park too. 4 You must also bring warm clothes. 3 Rewrite the sentences. Add the words in brackets. You should take some insect repellent. You should take some suncream. (also) You should take some insect repellent. You should also take some suncream. 1 The trains are nice. The coaches are comfortable, (too) 2 You must have a passport. You must have travel insurance, (also) 3 Don’t forget to visit the gallery. You should go to the science museum, (too) 4 You can get around by bus. You can use the underground, (also) Spring is a good time to visit. It's nice in summer, (too) Writing plan (D Imagine Pete is coming to visit the place where you live. Prepare your reply to his email. Answer these questions. -f How should we get from the airport to the city centre? ^ Which places are we going to visit? ♦ What clothes should I bring? 4- What will the weather be like? (2) Write the first version. Include answers to all the questions above. (3) Check your writing. / Use also and too to add information. / Include at least one indefinite pronoun. / Check the words for types of transport on page 102. 0 Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Travelling by bus 1 (£y] Zoe’s catching a bus. Complete the dialogue with these numbers and times. Then listen and check. 63 £1.80 3 half past three Zoe Assistant What time’s the next bus to Nottingham? Thanks. And when’s the last bus back? Thanks. Where does it leave from? The 63? Thanks. Do I need to buy a ticket here? ________Great. How much is it?^ It’s at (1)... At 9.30. Here’s a timetable. Bay number (2).... over there. It’s the number (3) ... bus. No problem. No, you can pay on the bus. It’s (4)... return. 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the timetable for the number 29 bus. Then answer the questions. 29 Buxton Manchester Buxton 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 Newtown 10.20 12.20 14.20 16.20 Stockport 10.55 12.55 14.55 16.55 Manchester 11.30 13.30 15.30 17.30 29 Manchester Buxton Manchester 11.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 Stockport 11.35 14.35 17.35 20.35 Newtown 12.10 15.10 18.10 21.10 Buxton 12.30 15.30 18.30 21.30 Day return Adult £5.50 Under 16s £2.75 Imagine you’re in Newtown and you want to travel to Manchester. Prepare a new dialogue. Use the information from exercise 3. Work in pairs. Practise your dialogue. What time's the next bus to Manchester? ^ It's at... iiQpfulexpression^ What time’s the next bus to ...?'' When’s the last bus back? Where does it leave from? It’s the number... bus. You can pay on the bus. > 1 Where does the number 29 bus go? 2 How long does the journey take? 3 What time is the last bus back to Buxton? 4 How much is a return ticket for a 15-year-old? Language Guide Vocabulary Types of transport ferry barge hot-air balloon cable car on foot Health problems and first aid a broken leg an insect bite a cough a headache stomach ache a sore throat a cold sunburn a high temperature a cut a bandage suncream cough medicine Dictionary extra! ^ buffalo (n) lion (n) ★ ★ can’t wait (phrase) rhino (n) force (v) ★ ★ ★ Scout (n) ★ hiking (n) separately (adv) homesick (adj) shout (v) ★ ★ ★ landscape (n) ★ ★ stopover (n) leopard (n) antiseptic' cream aspirin piasters Useful expressions] What time’s the next bus to When’s the last bus back? Where does it leave from? It’s the number... bus. You can pay on the bus. Progress check Travel and transport 1 Write the words in the correct column of the table. coach ferry plane hot-air balloon barge moped tram boat cable car land air water cocfch Health problems and first aid 2 Complete the sentences to describe the people’s health problems. Ш 4^/ 1 She’s got s.... 2 He’s got a b... I.... V ¥ 3 She’s got a s... t.... be going to 4 He’s got an i... b.... 3 Complete the questions. Use be going to. 1 What... (you / have) for dinner tonight? 2 What time ... (you / get up) tomorrow? 3 Where ... (you / go) on holiday this year? 4 When ... (you / do) your homework? 4 Answer the questions in exercise 3. You can invent your answers! would like to/wouldn't like to 5 Look at Sarah’s travel ideas. Write sentences. Use would like to or wouldn't like to. \ ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( I iWfc tit / visit France X fly / go by ferry X eat snails /stay in Pahs / go by train / see the Eiffel Tower she would like to visit France. @ must / mustn't 6 Look at the signs. Write sentences with You must or You mu^n't. 1 smoke 3 turn left 2 use your mobile 4 talk Indefinite pronouns 7 Choose the correct words. Hellojane! We're here in Morocco. At the moment we're in a village (1) somewhere / anywhere in the mountains. There's (2) nothing / nowhere to go in the evenings so we spend time with the people here. (3) Anyone / Everyone is very friendly. The food Is delicious, and (4) everything / anything is very cheap. Well, I must go - (5) no one / someone is calling me! Paula X T>2>3>4>5>6>7>8T Cumulative grammar Li 8 Complete the text with these words. will if couldn’t going the is would ago The British adventurer David Cornthwaite (1) ... travelling across Australia - on a skateboard! (2)... he finishes the journey next week, he (3) ... break the world record for (4) ... longest skateboard journey. David decided to go on this journey because he wanted to do something different. He started skateboarding two years (5) ... . Before then, he (6)... use a skateboard. Now he is travelling 3600 miles! When he finishes the journey, David is (7)... to relax. After that, he (8)... like to write a book about his experiences. bestihrieiras:/ Unit contents: Vocabulary Personal issues; adjectives of character Grammar Present perfect: affirmative; tense review: present, past and future Skills Read a problem page Listen to friends talking about horoscopes Write a description of a friend Practise finding information Across the curriculum Literature Culture Northern Ireland: from Fighting to Friendship ti ^ FnenWquiz] • • Choose the best answers for you. Then compare with a friend! 1 Who do you talk to first when you’ve got a problem? a) Your friends V b) Your family c) Nobody -1 keep my problems to myself! 2 In your opinion, what’s the worst thing a friend can do? a) Forget your birthday b) Steal your boyfriend / girlfriend c) Tell everyone your embarrassing secrets 3 Which of these sentences do you agree with? a) My friends should have the same interests as me. b) All my friends are completely different from me. c) I do different things with different friends. My best friends' names are Steve and Jason. Who are your best friends? Vocabulary 1 Personal issues 1 Match pictures 1-7 with these personal issues. Which two issues are not in the pictures? bullying pocket money health appearance shyness eating disorders exams homework arguments Recycle In two minutes, write as many words as you can for these categories. family clothes school subjects food 2 Listen and repeat. 3 Copy and complete the table with the words from exercise 1. school life home life pocket money I Vocabulary plus -» Workbook pi24 4 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1. 1 I’d like to get more .... I only get £4 a week. 2 I often worry about.... I study a lot, but then I forget everything! 3 ... isn’t just physical. It also includes verbal abuse. 4 Some models have ... like anorexia and bulimia. 5 My best friend often has ... with her parents. 5 Your voice Complete the sentences for you. 1 I think the most serious problems at my school / in my town are ... 2 I never worry about... 3 My friends and I sometimes worry about... I’ve moved to a new town and I don’t know anyone here. I’ve tried to make friends at my new school but I’m finding it really difficult. Help! What can I do? I’ve spoken to my parents but they say I must be patient. Joe, 14, Newcastle Two months ago, some older girls at my school started bullying me. They’ve stolen my dinner money three times, and they’ve sent me horrible text messages. What should I do? Sarah, 13, Manchester Recently, one of my friends has become very quiet and I’m worried about her. She doesn’t come for lunch with us any more - she always says that she’s forgotten her sandwiches. I’ve asked her if she wants to talk, but she just says that everything’s OK. What’s your advice? Amy, 14, Bristol You must talk to an adult about it immediately. Also, try to stay with your friends when you’re at school. And remember, the bullying is not your fault! It’s always difficult to start at a new school, so don’t worry! Most people suffer from shyness when they’re in new situations. Try talking to your class tutor about it - I’m sure he or she will help you. Call the Eating Disorders Helpline on 01237 333111, and tell them that you’re ' worried about your friend. They'll explain how you can help her if she’s suffering from an eating disorder like anorexia. (HEI Match letters 1-3 with replies a-c. Then listen and check. Find these words in the letters. Are they infinitives, past simple forms or past participles? spoken forgotten stolen Look at the irregular verbs list on page 167 and check your answer to exercise 2. 4 =« Read the text again. Complete the sentences with joe, Amy or sara\n. 1 ... is worried about his / her friend. 2 ... has started at a new school. 3 ...’s problem is bullying. 4 ... has talked to his / her parents about the problem. 5 ... has received horrible text messages. 6 Diana tells ... to call a telephone helpline. Across the curriculum Literature-»pi46 Grammar 1 Present perfect: affirmative 1 Look at the table and choose the correct words to complete rules 1-3. present perfect S 5 Complete the text with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ‘ve moved to a new town, spoken to my parents. He / She ‘s become very quiet. /It forgotten the sandwiches. We / You / 've stolen my money. They sent lots of text messages. subject has / have past participle We use the present perfect to talk about things in the past, when we don’t know exactly when they happened. 1 We form the present perfect with be / have and the past participle. 2 Regular / Irregular past participles end in -ed. 3 Irregular past participles are sometimes / always the same as past simple forms. Copy and complete the table with the past participles of these verbs. Check the irregular verbs list on page 167. move become write try ask send read talk help have regular irregular become 3 Choose the correct words. 1 Amy has wrote / written a letter. 2 She’s /’ve asked Diana for advice. 3 i’s /’ve read Diana’s reply. 4 Sarah has / have had problems at school. 5 The bullies has / have made her life difficult. 6 She has became / become unhappy. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1 We ... (start) exercise 4. 2 The teacher... (explain) it to us. 3 My classmates ... (help) me. 4 Our teacher... (give) us some homework. 5 I ... (look) at the irregular verbs list. 6 We ... (finish) this exercise. ■44 cm Language guide p123 Arsenal supports ChildLine ChildLine is a free, 24-hour telephone helpline. In total, it (1) ... (help) more than two million children. Lots of young people (2)... (talk) to ChildLine’s volunteers about bullying, peer pressure and family problems. Now, ChildLine (3)... (start) a text message helpline too. A lot of celebrities (4) ... (help) ChildLine. For example, the footballer Ashley Cole (5) ... (visit) the charity’s London offices, and Arsenal F.C. (6) ... (give) ChildLine £50000. Pronunciation: past simple and present perfect a (J|®] Listen. Do you hear a or b? 1 \a) She’s moved b) She moved house. house. 2 a) They’ve helped b])They helped me. me. b Listen and write the three sentences. Are they past simple or present perfect? 6 Your voice Read the information. Which things have you done? How to learn English ... • Watch films in English. • Write an e-mail in English. • Read an English magazine. • Speak to a British person. • Study English grammar. • Listen to songs in English. 7 Write present perfect sentences about the things in exercise 6 that you have done. I've watched films in English. 8 Compare your sentences with a partner. Who has done more things? Vocabulary 2 Adjectives of character 1 Find the bold words in a dictionary. What are they in your language? Aquarius 21 Jan-19 Feb You’re very independent, but be careful - you can be selfish ... ^ Pisces lA 20 Feb - 20 Mar You're always friendly and optimistic. You’ve got lots of positive energy! Aries 21 Mar-20 Apr Most Aries are very creative people, with lots of original style. Taurus \/ I 21 Apr-21 May I IM- Gemini I 22 May - 21 June 1 Cancer 22 June-23 July You always know | what you want, but 1 don’t be stubborn! 1 Gemini: the twins. 1 Sometimes cheerful, 1 sometimes moody. 1 You’re very loyal, and always a good ‘best friend’. Leo 1 24 July-23 Aug I Virgo 1 24 Aug - 23 Sept I in Libra 24 Sept-23 Oct Leos are never I boring. You’re chatty I and popular. I Virgos are usually I nice. But be careful - 1 don’t be too seriousi I 1 You aren’t very good at 1 making decisions, but 1 you’re always funny ... Scorpio 1 24 Oct-22 Nov 1 You’re good to your I friends, but you can 1 also be jealous. 1 1 л-i^ Sagittarius | 1 23Nov-22Dec I 1 You’re very determined, 1 ■ but you like to have 1 1 arguments. 1 1% Capricorn 23 Dec - 20 Jan You’re sometimes quiet, but always imaginative. Are the adjectives in exercise 1 positive or negative? Copy and complete the table. positive negative friendly 3 (Зт Listen, check and repeat. Speaking Ask and answer the questions. 1 What’s your star sign? ^ 2 Do you agree with the characteristics in the text for your star sign? 3 What star sign are the people in your family? 4 What are their positive and negative characteristics? Listening 5 (3i£] Listen. What star signs are Zoe and Dan? 6 (31®] Listen again. Which three topics do the horoscopes discuss? 1 love 2 health '^3 friends 4 family У5 school 6 appearance 7 Choose the correct words. 1 Zoe and Dan are on the bus / at a cafe. 2 Dan had an argument with his friend / mum. 3 Dan’s going to Portugal / Spain on holiday. 4 Zoe revised for exams / went out with friends last weekend. .—.. 5 Zoe’s exams start today / next week.) (}^7j Culture ... \ ^ -.ж:": '■ ,-V , «t- •‘•*»S'-,' ; V'.; OV111СШIIOO V.C4ICU wioioi. •; '' ’’ 'i > .. . */ ■ The capital city is Belfast. A hundred years ago, the whole of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom. In 1921, the country was divided. The Republic of Ireland became a separate country, but Northern Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom. After this, there was a lot of violence between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Finally, the peace process began in the 1990s. But it wasn’t easy. While the politicians were trying to agree, there were more terrorist attacks. But now, at last, Catholics and Protestants are working together in Northern Ireland. Gerry and John both live in Belfast. Gerry’s family are Catholics, and John is a Protestant. They’re spending the weekend on a community project with 20 other young people. Today they’re visiting the beach near Ballycastle. ‘Everyone here is very friendly,’ says Gerry. Tve met lots of really nice people.’ John and Gerry are going to keep in touch when they return to the city. ‘I think everyone will live in peace in the future,’ says John. ‘It doesn’t matter if we are Protestants or Catholics. Really, we’re all the same!’ i\ Read and listen to paragraphs 1 and 2. Are they about the past, present or future of Northern Ireland? Read the information again. Choose the correct words. 1 Ireland / Northern Ireland is sometimes called Ulster. 2 The capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast / Dublin. 3 The peace process began in the 1920s / 1990s. 4 Gerry is from a Catholic I Protestant family. 5 John lives in Ballycastle / Belfast. 6 John is optimistic / pessimistic about the future. 3 Your voice Answer the questions. 1 What different religions are there in your country? 2 Do people with different religions get on together? 5>' 3 Apart from religion, what other things |' can cause problems in a community? Л ... learn more! О Northern Ireland Workbook p133 -•in& ' 'i" ' v Ч-. Grammar 2 Tense review: present, past and future 1 Look at the table. Copy and complete the table with the negative forms. affirmative negative present present simple They live in Belfast. They don’t live in Belfast. present continuous They’re spending the weekend together. They aren’t spending the weekend together. past past simple The peace process began. past continuous The politicians were trying to agree. present perfect I’ve met lots of really nice people. future will People will live in peace in the future. be going to They’re going to keep in touch. present continuous for future They’re visiting the beach. Match tenses 1-5 with sentences a-e. 1 Present continuous 2 Past simple 3 Present simple 4 Future with will 5 Past continuous a) She studies every day. b) We’re studying English now. c) I met my best friend three years ago. d) We were playing football. e) People will travel to other planets. 3 Copy and complete the table with these time expressions. yesterday tomorrow at the moment next week two years ago last week every day next year past present future at the moment Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. We went (go) to Belfast last year. 1 2 3 4 5 She ... (do) her homework every day. They ... (have) dinner at the moment. I ... (come) to this school two years ago. We ... (walk) home when it started to rain. I think Brazil... (win) the next World Cup. ГОЭ' Language guide pi 23 5 Read the text and choose the correct forms of the verbs. At the moment I’m on holiday in Yakutia with my family. We (1) have / ’re having a great time! This morning we (2) went / go to the Ethnographic Museum of the People of the North. While my dad (3) chatted / was chatting to the lady in the museum, she said that we must visit a place called the Lena Pillars. Some people say that a dragon (4) built / was building it, but that’s just a story. In reality the Pillars were formed by nature. I (5) was seeing / ’ve seen a photo of them in the guidebook, and they look fantastic. We (6) go / ’re going there tomorrow morning. I (7) took / ’m going to take my camera because I think the view (8) was / will be amazing! 6 Your voice Complete the sentences with true information for you. Use the correct tenses. 1 I... every Monday. I’m ... at the moment. 1 ... yesterday. I was ... at two o’clock this morning. We’ve ... in our English class. I think I’ll ... tomorrow. I’m going to ... next year. I’m ... this evening. ME Writing dossier A description of a friend л/lv Best Friend irencf is my next-door neighbour cmd ибу best friend, we've bad some great times togeth^. I've stayed atvb'er house lots of times, and l know her pa rents well -tve been on holiday with them a couple of times. Last year we went to Poland! Irena and I don't go to the same school but I often see her at weekends. We sometimes go to the cinema, or we go shopping in town. Irena's a funny, sociable person. She's a loyal friend - she often helps me with my homework, and we study together_ before exams, we never have arguments, and i think we'll be friends forever! _____ By Hannah, Swansea ______ . C521] Read and listen. In the text, find ... 1 ... three examples of the present perfect. 2 ... one example of the past simple. 3 ... one example of the future. Read the Language focus. Then complete the table with subject and object pronouns. Language focus: using pronouns We use pronouns to avoid the repetition of names and nouns. Irena and I are best friends. We’ve had some great times together. I know her parents well - I’ve been on holiday with them. ^^ul&ject pronouns 1 you she we you ргогУиЬз ... you him it ... you them 3 Change the boid words to subject or object pronouns. 1 Simon is my best friend, i often play football with Simon. 2 His house is on King’s Road. His house has got a big garden. 3 Simon’s got a twin sister. She sometimes comes out with Simon and me. 4 His little sister is only seven. We sometimes take his littie sister to the park. 5 Simon’s parents are called Tricia and Alan. Simon’s parents are always nice to me. 6 His parents go to Scotland on holiday. I went with his parents last year. © Writing plan (D Make notes about one of your friends. Answer these questions. What experiences have you had together? How often do you see your friend? What do you usually do? Describe your friend’s character. 1 @ Write approximately 100 words about your friend. Use your notes to help you. d) Check your writing. Use tenses correctly: present, past, present perfect or future? include pronouns to avoid repeating names and nouns. ^ Check the adjectives of character on page 117, 0 Write the final version and put it in your Dossier. Dialogue builder Finding information 1 (^[jH Read and listen. Which two ways can Dan use to find the information he’s iooking for? the Internet talking to his parents a leaflet an encyclopedia Dan Adviser Hello! Have you got any information about language courses? I’d like to find out about Spanish courses. OK. Can I use the Internet here? Great, thanks. < Oh, OK. Thanks for your help. 2 Listen again and repeat. Practise your intonation. 3 Look at the internet page of an information centre for young people. Complete the text with these words. voluntary family homework helpline health money ■cT+1 »Information Direct Help and information for all 13-19 year olds. Learning ] ('•) ■■■ exam revision. Information about language courses. ] Find out about holiday jobs and ———^ (2) ...work. t3)... ] Learn about saving and banking. (4)... J Information about food and diet, exercise, and other health problems. Hello. How can I help you? Yes, we have. What sort of thing are you iooking for? Well, there’s a great website. This is the address. Yes, you can. It’s free. We’ve also got some leaflets about language courses. They’re over there. ^ No problem. Just ask if you need anything else, 4 Imagine you want to find out about one of these things. Prepare a new diaiogue. 1 doing voluntary work 2 studying in England 3 revising for exams 5 Work in pairs. Practise your diaiogue. ^ Hello! J* Hello, how can I help you? Useful Expressions] Have you got any information about...? What sort of thing are you looking for? I’d like to find out about... Just ask if you need anything else. Free 1 Find out about sports, clubs and ------' leisure activities in your area. Call our free information (6)...: 08001235 123 Language Guide Vocabulary Personal issues bullying pocket money health appearance eating disorders homework arguments Adjectives of character selfish friendly stubborn cheerful moody loyal nice serious funny jealous Scorpio: You’re good to your friends, but you can also be jealous. Dictionary extra! anorexia (n) Catholic (n) colony (n) ★ ★ fault (n) ★ ★ ★ helpline (n) patient (adj) ★ ★ process (n) ★ ★ ★ Protestant (n)i*r remain (v) ★ ★ ★ suffer (v) ★ ★ ★ terrorist (n) ★ ★ violence (n)^-A'* Phrases: it doesn’t matter keep in touch Usefurexpr^wonsj Have you got any information about...? What sort of thing are you looking for? I’d like to find out about... Just ask if you need anything else. Grammar Present perfect: affirmative affirmative 1 / You’ve run a marathon, won the Championship, climbed the mountain. He / She / It’s We / You / They’ve о We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in the past, when we don't know exactly when they happened. о Some past participle irregular verbs are the same as past simple irregular verbs: had - had tried - tried о Others are different from past simple irregular verbs: saw - seen swam - swam Tense review Present affirmative negative present simple They live in Belfast. They don’t live in London. present continuous I’m doing my homework. I’m not doing the washing up. о We use the present simple for routines and habits. о We use the present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment. Past affirmative negative past simple He read my horoscope. He didn’t read the TV guide. past continuous It was getting better. It wasn’t getting worse. present perfect I’ve had a hard time. 1 haven’t had an easy time. spelling rules for past participles Most regular verbs; add ed. play-» played Regular verbs ending in e; add d. receive received Regular verbs ending in consonant + y: change у to i and add ed. try tried Regular verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: double the final consonant and add ed. stop “» stopped О We use the past simple to talk about events in the past. All persons are the same. Regular verbs end in ed. See page 167 for the irregular verbs list, о We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress in the past. It is often used with the past simple and the time expressions when (before the past simple) and while (after the past continuous) to describe an event that happened during a longer action in the past. Future affirmative negative will You’ll live in Moscow. You won’t live here all your life. be going to I’m going to see my uncle. I’m not going to see my aunt. present continuous for future I’m catching the ten o’clock train. I’m not catching the half past ten train. о We use will or won't when we're not sure about something in the future and make predictions. о We use he going to + verb to talk about future plans and intentions, о We use the present continuous in the future for definite plans. We usually use a future time expression. Time expressions [0 Grammar exercises-» Workbook pn 5 ^ present past future at the moment every day yesterday last week 2 years ago tomorrow next week next year ©г Progress check Personal issues 1 Find six personal issues in the wordsnake. & Adjectives of character 2 Read and write the words. 1 ['frendli] 2 ['siarias] 3 ['biai] 4 I'd5ebs] 5 ['tjiaf(a)l] 6 ['muidi] Present perfect: affirmative 3 Copy and complete the table with the past participles of these verbs. give ask steal start finish send irregular regular 4 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in exercise 3. 1 I don’t understand this exercise. I ... the teacher for help. 2 I ... you a text message. Have you got it? 3 Where’s my bike? Someone ... it! 4 You’re late! The film ... 5 We ...Unit 9. 6 Our teacher... us a lot of homework today. Tense review: present, past and future 5 Write the sentence in the different tenses. 1 present simple She studies English. 2 present continuous | 3 past simple ^ 4 past continuous , 5 present perfect 6 future with will 7 be going to 6 Do you know the negative forms of the sentences in exercise 5? Do you know the question forms? 7 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Patrick (1) ... (be) 18 years old, and at the moment he (2)... (work) at a community project in Northern Ireland. ‘Last year, we (3)... (paint) a mural in a small town near Belfast’, Patrick says. ‘It rained while we (4) ... (paint), but it was lots of fun! Since 2011,1 (5)... (help) with three projects, and they were all great. I think community projects (6)... (continue) for many years - next year I (7)... (travel) to America with a group of children!’ 8 Put the time expressions in order. now next month today yesterday last year tomorrow Past last year Present Future Cumulative grammar i i>2>3>4>s>6>7>e» 9 Choose the correct words. what is a good friend? 'A good friend is (1) anyone / someone that helps you. My best friend (2) has / have helped me a I ot!' Charlie, 13 'The (3) more / most importantthing about friends is this; they should (4) be / to be loyal.' Kerry, 15 'Good friends (5) must hove / mustn't be jealous when you (6) 're /'ve got a boyfriend!' jane, 14 'They should listen to your problems. My best friend always (7) listen / listens to me when I'm (8) feel / feeling sad.' Paula, 13 '(9) Nothing / Nowhere is more important (10) that / than good friends!' i Ben,14 Vocabulary Listen to your teacher’s Instructions. Then play the game in groups. - i Уг Уп 1!'Q/ a ^%/ "'©A К'’'.7’°/пЛ гл-1 F You’ve caught a high-speed tram. G^onvard one space. .--.Vi.?.,-- . .. .s9® 4ov^^.,^oh' ГЛ ,1 '<1^ oXS^ihi Reading 1 Read the text and match paragraphs 1-3 with pictures a-c. © Weird and Wonderful Ways to Visit Britain If you're planning to visit Britain this summer, take a look at these unusual ways to get around.There's something for everyone! (T) If you’d like to get a bird’s-eye view of Bath, take a balloon ride over the city and see all the beautiful architecture from above. You’ll be in the air for about an hour - the best time to go is early morning or in the evening. Balloon rides are suitable for everyone from nine to 90, but you must book in advance. Remember to check the weather forecast on the day, because you won’t be able to travel if the weather is bad. The Great Orme tramway has operated since 1902, and it’s the only tram of this kind in the country. At the end of the ride you’ll reach the Great Orme nature park, and if it’s a clear day you’ll be able to see the coast and the mountains of Snowdonia. There’s also a caf6 and a mini-golf course at the top. Trams operate seven days a week, every 20 minutes from 10 am until 6 pm. For only £5.20 return, it’s a great day out. @ This strange contraption will take you over to Burgh Island in Devon. There’s nothing quite like it! The sea-tractor travels on enormous wheels with its passengers high up above the water. When you reach the island you can follow in the footsteps of Agatha Christie - she wrote one of her famous detective novels here. 1 How long is the balloon ride over Bath? 2 Why must you check the weather forecast? 3 What can you do at the end of the tram ride? 4 How often does the tram depart? 5 Why is Burgh Island famous? 6 Which trip would you like to take? Why? Listening 3 Listen to the balloon pilot talking to his passengers before a trip. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Late afternoon is the best time to go on a balloon trip. 2 It’s going to rain today. 3 The balloon will travel about ten miles. 4 They will be more than 300 metres high. 5 The balloon trip will start and finish in the same place. 6 There are eight passengers in the balloon. Speaking Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 5 How do you usually get to school? Do you ever cycle? Will you learn to drive when you’re 18? What’s the most unusual transport you’ve used? . ^ What kind of public transport is there in your town? - > In your opinion, how will transport be different in the future? ProjecI You’re going to write an article about unusual transport in your country. Listen to your teacher’s instructions. Grammar wilt / won't 1 Write questions about Sophie’s journey using Will. Then write short answers. 1 she / travel by train? (/) 2 she / stay in expensive hotels? (л) 3 she / visit different countries? {/) 4 she / go the USA? {/) 5 her parents / go with her? (/) 6 they / send her emails? (/) First conditional 2 Complete the first conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If she ... (stay) in the sun too long, she ... (get) sunburn. 2 She ... (not get) sunburn if she ... (use) suncream. 3 If you ... (cut) your finger, you ... (need) a plaster. 4 You ... (have) stomach ache if you ... (eat) too much. 5 If I... (get) a headache, I... (take) an aspirin. be going to 3 Write one negative and one affirmative sentence. John’s family (go to France x / go to Greece /) John's family aren't going to go to France. They're going to go to Greece. 1 They (stay in a caravan Л / stay in a tent /) 2 John (sunbathe x / swim in the sea /) 3 They (fly X / go by ferry ✓) 4 John (speak English x / speak Russian /) 5 They (visit Suzdal x / visit Yaroslavl ✓) Question forms 4 Complete the questions for these answers. 1 Where...? I’m from Aberdeen, in Scotland. 2 How ... get here? I got here by train. I’m travelling around Europe. 3 When ...? I left home two days ago. 4 How many countries ... in total? I’ll visit about ten countries, I think! 5 Where ... now? I’m going to Berlin now. 6 Where ... stay there? I’m going to stay at the youth hostel. Error correction 5 Find and correct one error in each sentence. 1 Are you going to going on holiday this summer? 2 Will you go to university in the future if you will pass your exams? 3 Everyone are very friendly here. 4 I’d like live abroad in the future. 5 You mustn’t to throw away glass bottles. 6 In China there are bikes everything. 7 I wouldn’t like travelling by balloon. 8 I’ve finish this exercise. ro c о (Л > Ф cc Listen and read. Then act out the sketch in groups. Characters Girls Mandy, Liz Boys Will, Ben Other characters Will’s mum, Charlie the quiz master, Sam (from Allen’s School) ONTHE PHONE Mandy Are you going to come tonight. Will? Will Of course! What time is the quiz starting? Mandy Eight o’clock. We’re going to meet at Ben’s at seven. Liz’s coming too. Will Great... OW! Mandy What happened? Will This glass bottle has broken in my hand. I’ve cut myself. 1 have to go. Mandy OK. Hope you’re OK. See you. Wili Yeah, bye. [calling] MUM! Mum Oh goodness! If that doesn’t stop bleeding, we’ll have to go to the hospital. Will Mum, 1 can’t! 1... oh, 1 feel strange. Mum You’re not going out now! I’m going to clean that cut. ATTHE RADIO STATION AT 7.40 PM Ben You look terrible! And your hand! Will It’s a long story, but I’ve cut my hand. I’ve also climbed down a tree to get out of my house! Mum didn’t want me to come. Ben What will she do if she finds you’re not there? Wili She won’t be very happy! Ben Come on. The quiz is starting in 20 minutes and your hand looks terrible! Wili Nobody will notice - the quiz is on the radio, not television. Ben Hmm. We’ll see. Mandy Hello, Where’s Will? Ben He’s coming. They’re giving him a microphone ... and an aspirin. Liz Why? Has he got a headache? Ben No, his head’s fine. He’s cut his hand. I’ll explain later. Look he’s here! Will Hi guys. Sorry I’m late. ON THE QUIZ SHOW Charlie Everybody Charlie Good evening! And welcome to The Big Quiz! This week, our teams come from Allen’s School in Cardiff and Potter’s High in Stoke. Hi teams! Hello, Charlie. Right, the first question is for Potter’s. How many times has Angelina Jolie been married? [buzzer] Will? Will Charlie Sam Charlie Charlie Will Mandy Liz Charlie Will Liz Will Charlie Twice. She’s been married twice. Correct! Allen’s School. Where was Nicole Kidman born? Dm, oo! She was born in Australia. Sorry, Allen’s School. Potter’s High, would you like to answer? Hawaii! Everyone thinks she’s from Australia, but she’s from Hawaii. In the USA. Well done, Potter’s High! It’s your question now. What’s Brad Pitt’s real name? 1 think it’s really Brad, or Bradley. What do you think, Liz? It isn’t, it isn’t. I can’t remember... Come on, Potter’s, time is running out, 1 remember! It’s Will, like me! Are you sure? Yes. is it William? William Bradley Pitt! YES! WELL DONE! OUTSIDE THE STUDIO Charlie Madam! Who are you? This is a live radio programme! Mum That’s my son, Will Withers. They’re winning! Come on Potter’s! ON THE QUIZ SHOW (HALF AN HOUR LATER) Charlie Mandy Wili Chariie And Potter’s are winning by one point. If they don’t answer this correctly, the question will pass to Allen’s School, whc can win! So, for two points: ‘beat’ is a British charity organization. Who does it help? ‘beat’? I’ve never heard of ‘beat’. I know! They help people with eating disorders like anorexia! My cousin ran a marathon for them! Potter’s High, you are the winners! AFTER THE PROGRAMME Will Hi Mum. What are you doing here? Mum Will... Will I’m sorry! I know you didn’t want me to come but I had to! Mum Will! I’d like to ... give you a big kiss! Will A kiss? Mum I’m so proud! You’ve won! Will You’re not angry? Mum No! I only wanted to clean your cut! Extria>centents) Music History (Festivals) History (Lost cities) Literature (Adaptations) Geography p130 pl32 pi 34 p136 p138 Information & Communication Technology pi 40 Science (Energy resources) Science (Nutrition) Literature (Writers and their work) Dictionary Irregular verbs p142 pi 44 pi 46 pi 48 p167 Introduction to the orchestra 1 Match the instruments with the pictures. clarinet cymbals cello gong flute harp tuba French horn bassoon violin trumpet bass drum 2 Read the text and answer the questions. Symphony orchestras In the 18th century, symphony orchestras had between 20 and 40 musicians, but today .they have about 90 musicians. The different types of instrument in an orchestra are classified into four categories (sections): strings (instruments made of wood and with strings), woodwind (instruments originally made of wood - you blow air against an edge or opening), brass (instruments usually made of metal - you blow air into them) and percussion (instruments you hit with drumsticks or with your hands). 1 How many musicians were there in a symphony orchestra in the 18th century? 2 How many musicians play in a symphony orchestra today? 3 What are the four sections in a symphony orchestra? 4 Which sections include instruments you blow into? 3 Copy the table and write the instruments from exercise 1 in the correct category. percussion woodwind brass strings 1 li ш 4 Read the text and fact file and answer the questions. Prokofiev - the child prodigy Peter and the Wolf Peter and the Wolf is one of the most well-known pieces of classical music. Prokofiev wrote it in 1936. He invented the story as a way of introducing children to classical music and the different elements of an orchestra. The different characters in the story are represented by different instruments - when we hear a flute, we know that it represents the bird, when we hear strings we know that they represent Peter and the clarinet represents the cat. By listening to the music we hear the story as it is happening, and we learn the sounds of different instruments. Fact file: Sergei Prokofiev Born; the Russian Empire, 1891 Started composing music at five years old. Wrote his first opera at nine years old. First teacher: his mother, a talented pianist Most well-known works;'Peter and the Wolf, opera'War and Peace', ballets 'Romeo and Juliet'and Cinderella How old was Prokofiev when he wrote his first opera? Who was Prokofiev’s first music teacher? When did Prokofiev compose Peter and the Wolf? Why did Prokofiev write this musical story? Which instrument represents the cat? What do we learn when we listen to the story? PETER UNO DER WOLF • PIERRE et le LOUP . . . - .(iOf ^ 5? BOOSEY t H*WKES ... ■ Project Do a project about another child prodigy: Mozart. Plan Draw a fact file table with the following headings: Full name; Place and date of birth; Age started composing; Wrote first opera; First teacher; Best known work(s); Died (date / age); is there a film about him? If so, what's the title? Research Find information about Mozart. Look in the library or search on the Internet. Make some notes about each section of the fact file. Prepare Complete the fact file with the relevant information. Illustrate it with some photographs or drawings. Present your material Put your project on a poster and show it to your classmates and teacher. I f E 3 3 1ШВ1ВРИ»Щ ICT and money 3 Read the texts and answer the questions. Electronic money Most people receive their salaries electronically.The company's pay department transfers money directly into their account. When we pay for goods, we also pay electronically - with a debitor credit card. E-commerce E-commerce - or electronic commerce - refers to selling and buying things online. Most big shops sell their products in this way, as well as having a real shop. Customers use a virtual shopping basket to collect their goods. When they finish shopping, they pay at a virtual checkout. 1 How do most workers receive their salaries? 2 What cards do people use to pay for goods electronically? 3 What is e-commerce? 4 Where do online shoppers pay for their shopping? 5 Why do online banks offer their clients a higher rate of interest? Online banking Most banks offer online banking now and some offer internet-only banking. Online banks offer customers a higher rate of interest because they do not have to spend money on running banks. You can make transactions at any time of the day or night. Project Do a research project about how people use technology. Plan Design a questionnaire with an aim to ask adults the following questions: • Do you receive your salary or wages electronically? • Do you use a debit or credit card? If yes, how often? • Have you ever booked plane or train tickets online? • Have you ever bought cinema or theatre tickets oniine? • Have you ever bought anything else online? If so, what? (books, DVDs, clothes, food ...) • Do you think shopping online is safe? • Have you ever used online banking services? • What else do you do online? Research Ask between six and eight adults the questions and record their answers in the questionnaire. Prepare Write a short text about your findings. Present your material Put your project on a poster and show it to your classmates and teacher. @ Шт ?1>1 № Energy resources 1 Match the words with the definitions. unable to be replaced a machine for producing electricity from wind the material we get from trees a structure to prevent water from flowing a fossil fuel formed from remains of plants and animals the light that the sun produces able to be replaced ancient remains of animals and plants, preserved in rock 2 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 renewable a) 2 non-renewable b) 3 coal c) 4 fossils d) 5 sunlight e) 6 wood f) 7 wind turbine g) 8 dam h) Non-renewable energy resources - fossil fuels Non-renewable energy comes from resources that are under the ground. It cannot be replaced - once it is used, it is gone. This type of energy comes from fossil fuels, eg, coal, oil and natural gas. Coal takes millions of years to form. It is made from the remains of plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. Oil and natural gas are made from the remains of sea creatures. Over time the remains become buried under mud and sediment. The sediment builds up, and the pressure and temperature increases. This transforms the remains, over millions of years, into the fossil fuels of today. The energy in fossil fuels comes from the sun. Plants use sunlight to produce energy, and animals eat plants, absorbing this energy. Burning fossil fuels releases the energy stored in the fossilized remains of plants and animals. 1 Where can you find fossil fuels? 4 2 Can you name three examples of fossil fuels? 5 3 How long does it take for fossil fuels to form? 6 What is coal made of? Where did the energy in fossil fuels originate? What happens when we burn fossil fuels? 3 Read the text and choose the correct words. Wind power: wind turbines convert wind energy into electricity by spinning a generator. Wind power is only possible if there is wind. Biomass: Biomass fuels, eg, wood, come from living things like trees. As we cut down trees for fuel, we plant new ones so we will always have wood to burn for fuel. Renewable energy Renewable energy resources can be replaced — the resource is always available.There are many different types of renewable energy. Solar power: The sun gives out an enormous amount of energy. Solar panels capture this energy and convert it into electricity for use in homes and other buildings. Water power: Moving water can be used to generate electricity, by forcing it to flow through a turbine. Most of the electricity in Switzerland (nearly 60%) comes from hydropower - there are several large reservoirs created by dams. 1 Renewable energy cannot / can be replaced. 2 Wood / Coal is a biomass fuel. 3 We use turbines to change wind / wood into electricity. 4 Half / Over half of Switzerland’s energy comes from hydropower. 5 Solar panels are used to receive / give out energy. Project Do a project about saving energy. Plan Look at all the ways you use energy in your home or at school and think about how you could save energy. Research Find some information about how we can save energy. Look in the library or search on the Internet. Prepare Make notes about all the ways you use energy and explain how you are going to try and save energy in the future. Add some photos, illustrations and diagrams. Present your material Put your project on a poster and show it to your classmates and teacher. E 3 3 w Ф (Л