Учебник Английский язык 2 класс Верещагина Бондаренко Притыкина часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Учебник Английский язык 2 класс Верещагина Бондаренко Притыкина часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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I.N. VERESHCHAGINA К. A. BONDARENKO T.A. PRITYKINA PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Student's Book PART 2 и. Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА К. А. БОНДАРЕНКО Т. А. ПРИТЫКИНА ФГОС АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 2 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В двух частях Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 3-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2013 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук (№ 10106-5215/449 от 01.11.10) и Российской академии образования (№ 01-5/7д-556 от 20.10.10) Условные обозначения — задание с использованием аудиозаписи домашнее задание при выполнении задания следует прослушать текст, прочитать его и выучить наизусть задание на чтение задание на говорение изучение нового материала письменное задание игры и головоломки Верещагина И. Н. В31 Английский язык. 2 класс. Учеб, для общеобразоват. организаций и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. с прил. на электрон, носителе. В 2 ч. Ч. 2 / И. Н. Верещагина, К. А. Бондаренко, Т. А. Притыкина. — 3-е изд. — М. : Просвещение, 2013. — 156 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-09-030162-6. Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для 2 класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского, языка. Задания и упражнения учебника представлены в рамках восьми тем, подобранных в соответствии с интересами и возрастными особенностями учащихся начальной школы. Задания разделов Test Yourself помогают корректировать и систематизировать полученные лексико-грамматические навыки. В учебник включён англо-русский словарь. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 ISBN 978-5-09-030162-6(2) ISBN 978-5-09-030161-9(общ.) Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Дорогие мальчики и девочки! Вы знаете, что этот учебник английского языка состоит из двух частей. Это вторая часть. По ней вы продолжите изучать язык. Обязательно слушайте звуковое пособие и выполняйте задания по нему, делайте упражнения в рабочей тетради, больше читайте по книге для чтения. Постарайтесь добросовестно выполнять все домашние задания (q¥), тогда вам будет легко и интересно учиться дальше. Желаем усаехов/ /!еторб/ ^;;.,v-'' WORLD AROUND ME -Г «fb Lesson 47 Let Us Learn Look at the picture and say where the toys are. Exercise 143 can help you. Ф 2) What about your toys! Where do you put them! Let Us Read and Learn 3) Read the poem "My Cat" and learn it by heart. My Cat I’ve got a cat. Look at my cat! Tricks 1 she can do. I love my cat. She loves me, too. Her name isPam. 0 qtC •' She can do this,. She can do that. ^ tricks [triks] — догадайся о значении этого If. слова Let Us Read Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] name, take, take it; please, take the ball; table, a table — tables, a brown table. My toys are on the table. Take them from the table. [л] but, duck, under, under the table. The cat is not on the table, it is under the table. — Where is the ball? — It is under the table. [ез] bear, chair, a chair — chairs, on the chair, under the chair. Where is the cat? Suddenly he sees the cat under the chair. What is on the chair? Look! It is a monkey. [u] put. Put it on the table, please. Take the doll and put it on the chair. Don’t put your bear under the chair. [13] box, a box — boxes, in the box, out of the box. — Where is the box? — The box is under the chair. [ae] bag, a bag — bags, in the bag, out of the bag. Put your toys into the bag. take take that take that bear take that big bear take that big white bear take that nice big white bear take that nice big white funny bear take that nice big white funny bear out of the bag -- топш AROUND тш put put this put this monkey put this little monkey put this little brown monkey put this little brown funny monkey put this little brown funny monkey on the chair 5) Read and say if dogs and cats are friends. Rex and the Picture^ Nick likes to draw. He draws well. He can draw planes and cars, dogs and cats. He takes his chair, sits down at his table and draws. Suddenly a big brown dog comes in.2 It is Rex. Rex and Nick are good friends. Rex sees the picture on the table. He looks at the picture and sees a big black cat. Rex does not like cats. So he begins to bark, “Bow-wow-wow. Gr-r-r.” 1 picture ['piktfo] — картина 2 comes in ['клтг'ш] — входит ' •«'-.У-'Г- WORLO AROUND ME Nick looks at the picture, then he looks at the dog and says: “Ha-ha-ha! It’s not a cat, Rex. Don’t worry. It’s a picture of a cat.” 6^ Read out the sentences from the text to prove that: — Nick can draw well. — Nick and Rex are friends. — Dogs and cats are not friends. Puzzle Time Write down the words that begin with these letters. Homework 143. 1. Listen and repeat the new words, 2. Read and learn the poem "My Cat". 3. Read Exercise 4. 4. Say why you like/don't like the text "Rex and the Picture". 5. Do Exercise 6 in writing. 6. Have you got pets^ at home! Ask each other about your pets. 7. Do exercises in the Workbook. 1 a pet — любимое домашнее животное WORLD AROUND ME Lesson 48 Let Us Learn R MEMB R the son of my uncle = my uncle’s [z] son the daughter of my aunt = my aunt’s [s] daughter the son of Mr Smith = Mr Smith’s [s] son the daughter of Mrs Green = Mrs Green’s [z] daughter 1 } Let's warm up. I’m at the window, He is at the door. She is at the blackboard, We are on the floor. Let's play a "Memory" game. Look at the picture. Then close the book and answer your partner's questions. Here are the questions. Then change over. tbAtv 1. Where is Jack’s dog? 2. Where is Jane’s cat? 3. Where is Dan’s kitten? 4. Where is Ted’s puppy? S -г WORLD AROUND IV!Е 3) Look at the picture of Exercise 2 for a moment, say what coiour the animals are. Example: Jack’s dog is black. m Learn the new words. Exercise 144 can help you. Let Us Read Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [se] hat, happy, a happy boy, a happy sister. Are you happy? I love my happy family. — Why is Vova happy? — Vova is happy to have a pet. Don’t worry, be happy! [o:] ball, fall, fall out of, fall down on the ice. — Why does he often fall down? — He can’t skate well. [e] let, clever, a clever child. Mary can play computer. She is very clever. — Is his dog clever? — No, it isn’t clever. Try and guess: school + bag = schoolbag. The book falls out of her schoolbag. 6)®Э Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your relatives' names. Example: Pupil 1: Have you got a brother? Pupil 2: Yes, I have. Pupil 1: What is your brother’s name? Pupil 2: His name is ... Pupil 1: Has your brother got a friend? Pupil 2: Yes, he has. Pupil 1: What is his name? ... WORLD AROUND ME _ _____________ {7 Let's play "The Champion" game. Who can think of and say more sentences using: my sister’s dog, the boy's puppy, the girl's monkey, Sam's bear? Example: — My sister’s dog is very clever. — My sister’s dog is black and white. — My sister’s dog can run and jump. — My sister’s dog says “Bow-wow-wow”. — I like my sister’s dog. — I want to play with my sister’s dog. m Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem ’’Where Is the Ball?”, Read and learn it by heart. Where Is the Ball? 145 Where is the ball? Oh, where, oh, where? Is it in the box Or under the chair? Oh, this is my blue And yellow ball! Under the table Near^ the wall.^ Read and find facts in the text to prove that dogs are clever animals.^ Scotty Scotty is a little puppy. He’s brown and black. He’s got a very good friend. His friend’s name is Tim. Tim is at school. When Tim goes to school, Scotty goes with his friend to school, too. Scotty is happy when he sees Tim. Tim is happy to see his friend, too. 1 near [шэ] — около 2 a wall [wo:l] — стена ^ animals ['asnimalz] — животные 10 WORLD AROUND ME Tim says: “Hi, Scotty!” Scotty says: “Bow-wow-wow.” One day when Tim goes to school and Scotty goes with him, Tim’s book falls out of his schoolbag. Scotty sees it. He takes the book, runs to Tim and puts the book into Tim’s bag. Tim is happy. “It’s great!” he says. “Thank You are a very clever dog.” Scotty is very happy. He jumps and jumps jumps and says: “Bow-wow-wow! you. and Read out the sentences to illustrate the picture (Exercise 9). Puzzle Time rt^You know the words: gra'ndmofher, grandfather, son, daughter. Now try and guess the meaning of the new words: grandson, granddaughter. Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words, 144. 2. Listen and learn to sing the song "Where is the Ball", 145. 3. Read Exercise 5. 4. Write who they belong^ to and think of sentences with them. Example: Kate, doll — Kate’s doll. Kate’s doll is on the chair. 1 to belong [biTnr)] — принадлежать 71 WORLD AROUND ШШ I 1. monkey, Mr Green 2. Sam, computer 3. the girl, toy 4. the boy, robot 5. Tell us about Scotty. 6. Try and think of your own poem "Where is the Ball' 7. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 49 Let Us Learn R At£AtB£li the names of my brothers = my brothers' names liilllitJS the names of my sisters the toys of my friends - = my sisters’ names my friends’ toys ® Le*'s warm up. Bill’s dog is big. Tom’s dog is small But little Jack Has no dog at all. /2 ШОЙШ AROUND ШШ Choose the names for them. Example: The dogs’ names are Lessy Rex King Pussy Mimi SjRead and guess who they are. My father and my mother are my parents ['pesrants]. Tom’s father and mother are his parents. Kitty’s father and mother are her parents. My father is my mother’s husband ['hvzband]. His father is his mother’s husband. Her father is her mother’s husband. My mother is my father’s wife [waif]. Her mother is her father’s wife. His mother is his father’s wife. 13 •RtD AROUND МШ Mr Green and Mrs Green have got a son. They’ve got one child [tfaild]. Mr Brown and Mrs Brown have got two sons and one daughter. They’ve got three children [TJildran]. RMEMBm a child — children a wife — wives a man — men a woman — women [Vimm] # Let Us Read and Learn to the poem "Who Is He!", 146. Read it and answer the question. Then learn it by heart. Who Is He? A boy has got a picture And he says: “Sisters and brothers have I none.^ But the boy in the picture Is my father’s son.” Who is he? к none [плп] — никого г WORLD AROUND ME Let Us Read (^ Read the text to know more about your relatives. Your mother and your father are your parents. Your mother is your father’s wife. Your father is your mother’s husband. Your mother’s father is your grandfather. So is your father’s father. Your father’s mother is your grandmother. So is your mother’s mother. Your mother’s sister is your aunt. So is your father’s sister. Your father’s brother is your uncle. So is your mother’s brother. Your aunt’s children are your cousins.^ So are your uncle’s 1 a cousin ['kAzn] — двоюродный брат, сестра 15 WORLD АНОШШ ME______________ children. The child of your brother or sister is a niece^ or a nephew^^ Girls are nieces and boys are nephews. Let Us Talk Draw your "family tree",^ show it to your classmates and tell them about your family. Let Us Write You've got the picture of your "family tree". Please, write who is who. Homework 146. 1. Listen to the poem "Who Is Hel", 2. Read Exercise 5. 3. Learn to write the words from p. 12 (REMEMBER) and the words: happy, clever, fall. 4. Tell us about your family, where they live (country, town, street). Exercises 6—7 can help you. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. 1 a niece [ni:s] — племянница 2 a nephew ['nevju:] — племянник 3 family tree — родословная семьи, изображённая в виде дерева 76 I VVORtD AROUND MB Lesson 50 Let Us Learn 1 ) Train your memory. Look at the picture for a moment. Then close your book and say what you remember. Example: It’s a family of four bears. The parents have got two children, a son and a daughter. 2jSay it right. How many true sentences can you make? funny, clever. Kate, Jane and Bob. The children’s names is The boys’ toys are Your father’s wife 77 WORLD AROUND ME Your aunt’s dogs is The girls’ children are My mother’s husband My parents’ dolls parents your mother, nice. your cousins Dan and Tim. my father, my grandparents. 3jSay where these people live. Exercise help you. 147 can Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem "Do You Know Mary?", Read the poem and learn it by heart. Do You Know Mary? Do you know Mary? Mary who? Mary McDonald. 148. 18 WORLD AROUND MB Of course I do. Do you know her parents? Yes, of course I do. I know her father And her mother, too. Do you know her grandparents? Yes, of course I do. I know her Grandpa And her Granny, too. Do you know her cousin? Yes, of course I do. I know her nieces And her nephews, too. ^^)Here are two more poems. Listen to them, 149. Choose the one you like best. Read the poem and learn it by heart. Goodnight Goodnight, Father! Goodnight, Mother! Kiss^ your little son. Goodnight, sister! Goodnight, brother! Goodnight e very one. ^ 1 Goodnight [gud'nait] - 2 to kiss — целовать ^ everyone ['evrrwAn] — все Спокойной ночи 19 WORLD AROUND ME A Duck Family Father Duck goes for a swim. Mother Duck comes out with him. And behind them, nice and clean,^ Seven yellow ducklings swim. Seven little yellow balls. “Quack, quack, quack,” the mother calls.^ What a pretty sight they make^ Swimming on the lake.^ Let Us Read 6 ) Learn to read these words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [i] live, I live, he lives. — Where do you live? — I live in Russia. I live in Moscow. — Where does his uncle live? — He lives in America. — Does her husband live in Africa? — No, he doesn’t. He lives in Great Britain. [i:] street, a street — streets, what street. — What street do you live in? — I live in Pushkin Street. — What street does your cousin live in? — He lives in Lomonosov Street. 1 clean [kli:n] — чистый 2 to call [ko:l] — звать ^ What a pretty sight [sait] they make — Какое милое зрелипде 4 lake — озеро 20 WORLD AROUND ME Let Us Talk 7 Have a talk with your classmates about the poem 'Goodnight". Here are the questions to help you. l.Is the poem “Goodnight” about a girl or about a boy? 2.1s the boy big or little? S.What relatives has he got? 4. Does he say “Goodnight” to his parents? 5. To whom else does he say “Goodnight”? 6. He wants his mother to kiss him, doesn’t he? 7. Do you like the poem? Why? 8. Do you say “Goodnight” to your parents? 9. Do your parents say “Goodnight” to you? 10. Does your mother kiss you “goodnight”? 11. Do you like to kiss your mother? Puzzle Time 8 / Find 10 words on the topic "Family". g r a n d p a r e n t s r a к e a a u n c I e f a b e p u r n a b c d e n C m h g e + g h i j к d d n e h n i e c e I m m e о w + t n о p q r s о f p i e s i s t e r t t g q f r i e h d u V w h h r e h u s b a n d X e ■ I s u w у a b c d e у r j + V к Z f g h i j Z 21 WORLD....AROUND.....ME Homework 1. Listen to the poems "Goodnight" and "A Duck Family", 149. 148, 2. Listen to the poem "Do You Know Maryl", and read it in Exercise 4. 3. Write about the family of "The Three Bears". 4. Learn to write these words: parents, a husband, a child — children, a wife — wives. 5. Tell us about the poem "A Duck Family". 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 51 (Optional) Lesson 52 Home-Reading Lesson 1 Text "The Merry-go-round" 22 ■ •: Л чл» v-'i't'j ? с XTCRryextv • ~ г~ ~Г~1~1Ш«1ГТП"-----------------------'T1' ~ тг------ ТГ----------------- - esson 53 Let Us Learn 9G> Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place you live in. (^j Say where your relatives live. Let's play "The Champion" game. Who can make up more sentences using the words: happy, clever, fall! Look at the picture and say what you can see. Exercise 150 can help you. P ; ''--л .ea' ж О . *v' s\>r ''St.' "Л» /л'Ж WJ * » , !/■ ■‘"1 2S Ф Let Us Read and Learn 5 ^ Listen to the poem "At the Zoo’ poem and learn it by heart. At the Zoo 151. Read the Two little monkeys Live at the Zoo. Then they have some children. First^ three, Then one, Then two. How many monkeys Now live at the Zoo? Let Us Read 6 Learn to read these words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] lake, a lake — lakes, a big lake, a nice lake. Do you like to swim in the lake? [i9] near, near the house, near the lake, near the chair. The ball is near the box. — Where are your toys? — They are near the table. [e] hen, a hen — hens, nice brown hens. Have you got hens? What colour are your hens? ^ first [fsist] — сначала 24 _........... WE READ FAtRY TALES 7 Do you want to know about Jen's family and her ^ friends? Then read the tale. The Little Red Hen Part I This is the little Red Hen. Her name is Jen, or Jen the Hen. Jen the Hen is very clever. Jen the Hen has got a family. She has got three httle children — three little chickens. They live in a brown house in Green Street. *Jen the Hen has got one son and two daughters. They are yellow. They are very, very nice. They like to run and jump. How Jen the Hen loves them all! They are a happy family. Jen the Hen has got three friends. They are a cat, a dog, and a duck.* 2S г WE READ FAIRY TALES .V- Л'- y;; У.У г; >< This is the Cat. The Cat’s name is Pam, or Pam the Cat. She is a big grey cat. She lives in Green Street, too. This is the Dog. The Dog’s name is Tug, or Tug the Dog. He is black and white. He is very big. He lives in a doghouse. This is the Duck. The Duck’s name is Chuck, or Chuck the Duck. She is brown. She is big, too. She is a good swimmer. She lives near the lake. 8 Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the ^ pictures. «0 Let Us Talk Describe’ Jen's friends. ’ Describe [dTskraib] — Опиши 26 г Homework Л 1. 2. 3. 4. Listen to the poem "At the Zoo", (кл) 151. Read Exercise 6 and part of the text in Exercise 7 (from * to *). Do Exercise 2 in writing. Do you think that Jen the Hen is happy! Then prove it. Read the poem "At the Zoo" (Exercise 5) and think of your own one. 5. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. lesson 54 Let Us Learn , Agree or disagree. 1. I’ve got ten hens at home. 2. The ducks are near the lake. 3. His hens are green. 4. My house is near the stadium. 5. Children like to skate on the lake. (2 ^ Pretend you are a teacher. Ask your classmates questions using the words: live, a sfreef, near, a lake, happy, clever, fall. Let the classmates answer your questions. 27 \ WE READ FA>RY TALES (3 Learn the new words. Exercise you. Let Us Read 152 can help 4y Learn to read the words and sentences: first read ^ them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [эи] know, I know, he knows. This little girl knows many Russian poems. Do you know English poems about sports? What English songs do you know? [e] help, can help, want to help, like to help, help about the house. Do you help your mother about the house? Does Nick’s brother help his parents about the house? [ei] lazy, a lazy boy, a lazy girl. — Is it good to be lazy? — Of course, not. — Are you lazy? — No, I am not. I like to help my parents. know you know Do you know? Do you know poems? Do you know English poems? Do you know English and Russian poems? Do you know English and Russian poems about sports? ^Lefs play ”The Champion’’ game. Who can make up more sentences with the new words? 28 WE READ EAIRY TALES 153. LetUs^ead and Learn ______________ (^Listen to the song "My Chickens", part I, Read and learn to sing it. My Chickens I. Chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens, Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens. Little, lovely,^ fluffy^ chickens. White and yellow little chickens. I am waiting:® come, come, come, come. Grass for you will be like plum.^ Oh, you, my lovely chickens. Oh, you, my fluffy chickens. Little lovely, fluffy chickens! Chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens. Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens. Little lovely, fluffy chickens. White and yellow little chickens. ^^Find the facts and read them out to prove that Jen the Hen and her chickens are not lazy but her friends are very lazy. The Little Red Hen Part II Jen the Hen and her three little chickens are in the street. The children are happy, they like to play and run. Then the mother says: ^ lovely ['Lvvli] — красивый, милый ® fluffy ['Алй] — пушистый ® I am waiting ['weitip] — Я жду * plum — слива 29 WE READ FAiRY TALES \,-- v‘ ’4 ., y>f- \'. ^\^ -^,- “I’ve got five seeds/ I want to plant^ them. I know how to have many seeds.” “Oh, how clever you are, Mummy!” “Let’s go to our friends and ask them to help me. 5? So she goes to see her friends. “Hi, Pam! How are you? I want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?” says Jen the Hen. “I’d love to but I am not well today. I can’t help you. I can’t work but I can play,” says Pam the Cat. So Jen the Hen goes to Tug the Dog. “Hello, Tug! Are you fine? I want to plant some seeds. Can you help me?” “I am fine but I don’t like to work. I like to play.” ^ seed — зёрнышко ^ to plant [plamt] — посадить в землю 30 So Jen the Hen goes to Chuck the Duck. Chuck the Duck is near the lake. “Glad to meet you, my friend,” says Jen the Hen. “Can you help me plant some seeds? “Oh, no, I am sorry, I can’t. My friends and I want to go to the lake. We like to swim and play there and we don’t like to work.” So Jen the Hen goes to her chickens and says: “I am very sorry, my dear children, but my friends are lazy. They don’t like to work. They are not clever. Can you help me plant the seeds?” “Of course we can. With great pleasure.” They love their mother and they help her plant the seeds. They do it very well. Begin your answers with: That's true. That's not true. 1. Jen the Hen has got five chickens. 2. Her friends like to work very much. 3. Her three friends are lazy. 4. Jen the Hen has got five seeds to plant. 5. Jen’s children love their mother. Puzzle Time Write each word with the last letter of the previous^ one. How many words can you write! Chicken, near, r... ^ previous ['prtvios] — предыдупдий 31 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 152. 153. 2. Listen to the song "My Chickens", 3. Read Exercise 4. 4. Do Exercise 8 in writing. 5. Say all you know about Jen's friends. 6. Tell us about one of your friends (not lazy, clever, happy, kind). 7. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 55 Let Us Learn 1 ) Make up true sentences as quickly as you can. Jen the Hen Jen’s children Tug the Dog Chuck the Duck Jen’s friends Pam the Cat are is not are not is lazy. clever. happy. lovely. L 2 Ask questions to the following answers: 1. I know many English poems. 2. She likes to help her mother about the house, 32 3. We live near a big lake. 4. Nick knows where his aunt lives. 5. My little brother puts his toys into the box. Think of wrong statements for your classmates to disagree with you using: Thafs not right..., That's not true..., I don't think so... . 4^ Learn the new words and expressions.^ Exercise 154 can help you. Let Us Read and Learn I Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] lake, make, I make, he makes. Two and three makes five. To make fun. [e] ten, bread, make bread, like bread, white bread, brown bread. My Granny can make bread very well. Do you like white or brown bread? [i] begin, I begin, he begins, begin to read, begin to draw, begin to play the piano, begin to play tennis. Let’s begin to sing the song. Let’s begin to read the book. A pity. What a pity! Have pity on... Have pity on him. What a pity you can’t go with us. What a pity — my friend is not well. expressions [ik'sprejnz] — выражения 33 г WE R [$] matter. What’s the matter with...? — What’s the matter with her daughter? — She is not well. What a pity! 6 Listen to the song "My Chickens", part II, Read and learn to sing it. 155. My Chickens II. Here are seeds to you to peck^ them. And some water^ come to have it. Oh, you, my lovely chickens. Oh, you, my fluffy chickens! Little lovely, fluffy chickens! Chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens. Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck, oh, my chickens. Little lovely, fluffy chickens. White and yellow little chickens. 7 Read the text to know who helps Jen the Hen to make bread. The Little Red Hen Part III Now Jen the Hen has got many seeds. She knows how to make bread for her children and friends. Jen the Hen goes to her friends. They are in the street near her house. She wants them to help her.^ But they are lazy. ^ to peck — клевать ^ some water ['sAm'wo:t9] — немного воды ^ She wants them to help her. — Она хочет, чтобы они помогли ей. Pam the Cat says: “I don’t want to help you make bread. I want to jump.” ‘‘I don’t want to help you make bread,” says Tug the Dog, ‘T want to run.” ‘T don’t want to help you make bread,” says Chuck the Duck, ‘T want to swim.” ‘‘What a pity!” says Jen the Hen and she goes home. When she comes home, her children ask: “What’s the matter with you. Mum?” “I am very sorry but my friends are very lazy. They don’t want to help me make bread.” “Oh, don’t worry,^ dear Mummy. We can help you.” Can you, my dears?” ' worry ['wAri] — беспокоиться 35 WE READ FAIRY TALES Of course, we can. With great pleasure!” “Oh, thank you, my lovely children. All right Let’s go and begin to make bread.” 8 / Read out the answers to the following questions: 1. Does Jen the Hen know how to make bread? 2. Where are Jen’s friends? 3. Do her friends want to help her? 4. Why don’t they want to help her? 5. Why is Jen the Hen very sorry? 6. What do the children say to her? 7. What do they begin to do? Let Us Talk________ 9 Look through the text once more and role-play the talk between: a) Jen and her friends; b) Jen and her children. Puzzle Time 10 How many words that begin with the letter you remember! Write them down. h do ^ All right [o:Trait]I — Хорошо! Правильно! 36 Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words. ih 154. 155 (part II). 2. Listen to the song "My Chickens", 3. Read Exercise 5. 4. Choose the right word for each gap: help, near, lazy, know, when. Do the task in writing. 1. ... does she come from school? 2. My sister ... my mother about the house. 3. The children ... many English songs and poems. 4. That boy is very ..., he doesn’t want to read books. 5. Our school is ... the lake. 5. Say what you can about Jen and her children. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 56 M ^ Let's warm up. What a pity That little Kitty Lives in a big city. J7 WE щшт РАШУ TALES Let Us Learn 2 Complete the sentences. 1. Little Ann knows ... . 2. They live in ... . 3. My aunt’s son begins ... . 4. We like to help ... . 3 Complete the dialogue. Q A: Mary is not at school. Q A Q A Q A Q A I think she is not well. Is she at home? Do you know her telephone number? I am so sorry. I don’t know. I think Nina does. 4 ) Learn the new words. Exercise you. Let Us Read 156 can help (5 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] tired, is tired, am tired, are tired. Are you tired at school? — Do you help your mother when she is tired? — Of course I do. When Father comes home, he is tired. 38 [е] ready, is ready, am ready, are ready. — Are you ready to read the text? — Yes, I am. — Are you ready to go to the stadium? — No, I am not, I am very tired. [i:] eat, like to eat, want to eat. — Do you like to eat brown bread? — No, I want to eat white bread. Hens, chickens and ducks eat seeds. [л] hungry, am hungry, is hungry, are hungry, a hungry dog. This dog is very hungry. — What do you like to eat when you are hungry? — Brown bread. As hungry as a hunter.^ [o:] always. In winter we can always see snow. This girl always helps her mother about the house. [i] give, I give, he gives. Give me that toy, please. He can give me that robot. I am always ready to play with robots. (6 Make up your own sentences using the new words. Let Read and Learn 7 Listen to the song "I Don't Want”, part I, Read and learn to sing it. I Don’t Want I. Every time^ I have a headache^ Mama takes me to the doctor. 157. # ^ As hungry as a hunter ['hAnta]. — {поел.) Голодный как волк. ^ Every ['evri] time — Каждый раз ^ headache ['hedeik] — головная боль 39 Every time I have a headache Mama takes me to the doc.^ I have a headache, I have a headache. I don’t want to go to bed.^ I have a headache, I have a headache. I don’t want to go to bed. 8 Read the text and say if Jen the Hen is right or not. The Little Red Hen Part IV Jen the Hen and her children are tired but happy. Now the bread is ready. The bread is on the table. It looks great! Suddenly Jen’s friends come in. They see the bread. They are hungry and want to eat it. ‘‘Glad to see you. Do you want to help us eat the bread?” Jen the Hen asks her friends. Yes, I do,” says Pam the Cat. “I am hungry.” Of course, I do,” says Tug the Dog. “I am as hungry as a hunter.” “With great pleasure,” says Chuck the Duck. “I am hungry, too. And the bread looks so nice.” “Yes, you are right. The bread is nice. But you are lazy and I don’t want to give you the bread,” says Jen the Hen. “I want to give the bread to U' Ui ^ doc=doctor ^ to go to bed ложиться спать WE READ FAIRY TALES my little chickens. They are very, very nice. They are not lazy. They always help me!' ) Agree or disagree. 1. Jen the Hen and her children are in the street. 2. They are happy. 3. Jen’s friends are in the street, too. 4. Jen’s friends want to help Jen the Hen. 5. The Hen loves her friends very much. 6. The children always help their mother. Let Us Talk ^0 Say what you think about Jen's friends. Do you want to have such friends! (11/What do you think about Jen's family! I ❖7 WE FI Puzzle Time 12 Write the words that begin with these letters; U H] к E N S Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 156. 157. 2. Listen to the song "I Don't Want", 3. Read Exercise 5. 4. Do Exercise 2 in writing. Write down 8 sentences. 5. Tell us what you think about Jen's family. What about your family? 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 57 (Optional) Lesson 58 Home-Reading Lesson 2 Text "My Little Dog Wolf Lesson 59 1 Lefs warm up. I wish I knew What does the wind do, Where does the wind go When it doesn’t blow. ❖2 WE READ FAIRY TALES Let Us Learn (2^Complete the sentences. 1. I am ready to ... . 2. She is tired when she 9G> Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about: — whom you always help; — whom you always give your toys to play; — bread you like to eat when you are hungry. ^) Pretend you are a teacher. Find out why some pupils are not at school. (Ъ / Learn the new words. Exercise vm 138 can help you Let Read and Learn ^ j Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] ten, bed, a bed — beds, in bed, go to bed. When it is ten I go to bed. I don’t read books in bed. My brother is in bed at ten. [i] his, ill, am ill, is ill, are ill. Nina is ill. She is in bed. I am not ill. — Where is Helen? — She is not at school. She is ill. She is in bed. Ф [ai] like, kind, a kind woman, a kind man, a kind boy. Are you always kind to your friends? Is 43 im TALES your friend a kind boy? Is your teacher kind to you? Be always kind to your relatives and friends. [A] son, come, I come, he comes, come home, come from school. Come to see me today. My friend always comes to me to play computer games. When Father comes home he is always tired and hungry. [cfe] giraffe, a giraffe — giraffes. Giraffes live in Africa. 7 Listen to the song "I Don't Wanf\ part IL Read and learn to sing it. I Don’t Want II. Every time I have a stomachache^ Mama takes me to the doctor. Every time I have a stomachache Mama takes me to the doc. I have a stomachache, I have a stomachache. I don’t want to eat my lunch.^ I have a stomachache, I have a stomachache. I don’t want to eat my lunch. 159. ^ stomachache ['sUmokeik] — боль в животе ^ lunch [UntJ] — второй завтрак, обед WE READ FAIRY TALES 8 Read the text and say why Ann doesn't want to play. My Little Cousin Ann Part I My mother has got a sister. Her name is Mary. She has got a daughter. This girl is my cousin. My cousin’s name is Ann. She is a little girl. She is only five. Ann is a nice and funny girl. She has got many toys. She likes to play with them. Mummy gives Ann her nice toys to play with — a brown monkey, a yellow giraffe, a little white duck, a big black bear and a doll Barby. But today Ann doesn’t want to play — she is ill. When Dad comes home and sees Ann in bed, he says: “Hello, Ann! Why are you in bed? What’s the matter with you?” “I am sorry, I am ill,” she says. “Oh, what a pity!” says her father. “Do you want to play, my dear? I know you like to play. Let’s play.” “No, thanks, I don’t want to play. I am tired,” says Ann. “Oh, I see, if you don’t want to play, then you are ill,” says Father. “I think a doctor can help you.” “I don’t want a doctor. I don’t like doctors,” says Ann. “But I know a very nice doctor. He is very kind and clever. He helps those boys and girls ❖5 4-v„ - , ^ WE READ FAIRY TALES who are ill. He can help you too. He has got a very nice little black bag with many things in it.” '‘What things?” asks my cousin. "I want to see them.” ЮК,” says Dad. 9 True' or iaise'? 1. Ann is a big girl. 2. She is five. 3. She likes to play. 4. Ann doesn’t like to play with her friends. 5. Mother gives Ann nice toys to play with. 6. The toy giraffe is green. 7. The duck is yellow. 8. Dad comes home and sees Ann in bed. 9. Ann wants to play. 10. Ann is ill. 11. Ann doesn’t want to see a doctor. Let Us Talk r 10 Let's talk about Ann. Use a "snowball" retelling. Puzzle Time 11 Find "a rhyming twin" (рифмующееся слово) for ~ each of these words: boy toy -man — ... nice — ... where — ... know — . here — ... fine — ... ^6 FAIRY TALES Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 158. 159 (part II). 2. Listen to the song “I Don't Want", 3. Read Exercise 6. 4. Do Exercise 2 in writing. Write down 6 sentences. 5. Have you got a cousin! Tell us about her/him, please. Your classmates will ask you questions for more information. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 60 1 Let's warm up. Role-play the dialogue. — How do you do, Mary? — How do you do? — Hope you’re not tired. — Hope you’re too. Let Us Learn 2 Pretend you are not at school. Classmates visit you. Let the classmates ask you questions. 1. When are you in bed? 2. Who conies to see you when you are ill? 3. Is your doctor a kind woman/man? 4. Do you always do what your doctor says? 5. What do you do when you are ill? 47 WE 3 Answer your classmates' questions about what you do: — when you are tired; — when you are ill; — when you are in bed; — when you come from school. 4 Learn the new words. Exercise you. 160 can help Let Us Read 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [л] but, much, very much. I like to dance very much. My little sister reads very much. — When can we see much snow in the streets? — In winter. [i9] here. Here it is. — Can you give me that book? — Here it is. [u] book, look, look at, look into, have a look. Look into the book. — Can I have a look at your car? — Why not? [ai] ice, ice cream. Children like to eat much ice cream. The girl eats too much ice cream. Do you like ice cream? [aujopen, I open, she opens, open the book. Open the bag, please, and put your books into it. Steve opens his English book and begins to read it. i 48 WE READ FAIRY TALES 6 < Do you want to know why Ann is ill! Then read the ~ text. My Little Cousin Ann Part II Now Ann wants to see the doctor very much. She wants to see his little black bag. When the doctor comes, Ann says: “Hello, doctor! Glad to see you. Where is your little black bag? What have you got in it? Can I have a look at it, please?” “Here it is,” says the doctor and gives Ann his bag. “And you open your mouth,” ^ the doctor says to Ann. Ann opens her mouth. “Good girl. Now I know why you are ill — you like to eat too much ice cream. Do what I say and “ mouth [mao0] — рот ^9 vv ^ T 9 SK3ss O) D soon you will be all right again.^ Now give me my bag, please. Goodbye, Ann.” “Goodbye, doctor, and thank you,” says Ann. * * ☆ So Ann is well now. She is happy. She plays with her toys. Ann plays with her friends in the street. She is not ill now and she wants to eat ice cream again. 7 Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the pictures. Let Us Talk 8 Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. — Ann thanks the doctor. — Now Ann is well. She is not ill. — The doctor gives Ann his black bag. — Ann wants to see the doctor. — The doctor says why Ann is ill. 9 Say what you do when you are ill. ^ soon you will be all right again поправишься скоро ты SO W£ REAP FAIRY TALES Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the song "I Don't Want", part Read and learn to sing it. I Don’t Want III. Every time I have a toothache^ Mama takes me to the dentist. Every time I have a toothache Mama takes me to the dentist. I have a toothache, I have a toothache, I don’t want to clean my teeth. I have a toothache, I have a toothache. I don’t want to clean my teeth. Puzzle Time 161. 114 11616125 1 4153201518 123125 4125 Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 160. 2. Read Exercise 5 and the last paragraph of the text from Exercise 6. ^ toothache ['tu:0eik] — зубная боль ^ to clean [kli:n] my teeth [ti:0] — чистить зубы S7 V/E READ FAIRY TALES 3. Do Exercise 3 in writing. 4. Tell us what you do when you are ill. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 61 Let Us Learn 1 0O Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions like this: Example: a) Pupil 1: Where is my cat? Pupil 2: Here it is. Have a look at it. Pupil 1: Oh, thank you very much. b) Pupil 1: Where is my mobile phone, I wonder? Pupil 2: Open your box and have a look at it. Pupil 1: Oh, thank you very much. 2 Do you like kind people! Who is kind in your family! 3 Have you got kind friends! Tell us about one of them. 4 Learn the new words. Exercise you. 162 can help 52 ___МШ READ FAIRY TALES Let Us Read and Learn______________________ 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] ten, get, I get, he gets, get a hen, get a toy. Can you get it for me? И not, long, a long street, long skis. My Dad has got long skis. [1э] here, ear, an ear — ears, long ears. — Who has got long ears? — The hare has. [з:] her, bird, a bird — birds, many birds. Can you see many birds there? The bird is yellow and blue. [i:] see, tree, a tree — trees, green trees, in a tree. The bird is in a tree. (б Listen to the poem ”The Cat and the Mouse”, 163. Read and learn it by heart. The Cat and the Mouse Little mouse, little mouse. Where is your house? Little cat, little cat, I haven’t got a flat.^ I’m a poor^ mouse I haven’t got a house. Little mouse, little mouse. Come into my house. Little cat, little cat, flat — квартира poor [puo] — бедный, бедная S3 Е READ FAIRY TALES I cannot do that. I’m a poor mouse You want to eat me. (7 ^ Brother Hare has got a great wish (желание). Do you want to know about it! Then read the text. Why Hares Have Got Long Ears Part I This is Brother Hare. He is very little, but he has got a great wish. He wants to be big. He wants to be very, very clever, too. One day Brother Hare comes to his Aunt Mammy-Bammy. “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy,” he says. “How are you?” “I’m fine, thank you,” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy. “And you?” “I’m very well, too. Aunt Mammy-Bammy, can you help me?” says Brother Hare. “What do you want?” “I have got a great wish! I want to be very big and very, very clever.” “I can help you if^ you do what I want. Can you see that Bird in the tree? I want to have that Bird. Get it for me. 9? 'Right' or 'wrong'? 1. Brother Hare is big. 2. He wants to be very, very kind. if — если 54 WE READ FAIRY TALES 3. One day he comes to his Granny. 4. Brother Hare doesn’t want to be clever. 5. Aunt Mammy-Bammy wants to help him. 6. She asks him to bring her the Bird. Let Us Talk 9 Do you know stories about clever animals! Can you tell us about one of them! 10 Tell us the text in the shortest way (очень коротко). You may use the text. Homework m 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 162. 2. Listen to the poem "The Cat and the Mouse", 163. Read and learn it. 3. Read Exercise 5. 4. Write a short summary of the story (Exercise 7). 5. Tell us what you think about the cat and the mouse from the poem (O) 163). Do you know any other poems about clever animals! 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. SS I WE READ FAIRY TALES Lesson 62 Let Us Learn 1 Disagree with the following statements. Begin your answer with: Thafs not right. That's not true. I don't think so. I believe not. 1. The little Hare cannot get a bird from the tree. 2. The pigs have got long ears. 3. The cow can live in a tree. 4. The giraffe can’t get leaves^ from trees. 5. Children don’t like ice cream. 6. Jen the Hen can’t make bread. Say: a) what animals have got long ears; b) who can/can't live in a tree; c) what toy you can get out of your box. ) Learn the new words. Exercise you. Let Us Read 164 can help 4 ' Learn to read the words and sentences: first read ^ them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [аг] cat, hand, a hand — hands, in my hand, in his hand, my left hand, my right hand. Look at him. What has he got in his left hand? [ai] ice, nice, a nice chicken — nice chickens. She has got a nice kitten in her hands. What nice day it is today! leaves [li:vz] — листья S6 [qu] home, close, I close, he closes, close the book, close the bag. Open the box, take the toy bird out of it and then close the box. Take the book out of your bag and then close it. (5^ Say what you can close/open. Example: I can close my bag. \6 ) ФО Work in pairs. Use the new words. Example: Pupil 1: Eve got a nice bird in my lefP hand. Pupil 2: And Eve got a nice kitten in my righP hand. Let Us Read and Learn 165. Read and learn ^ Listen to the poem ”Eyes’\^ it by heart. Eyes Brother Left and Right his brother. Hardly ever see each other.^ Mirror^ is the only place Where they’re coming face to face.® ^ left — левый ^ right [rait] — правый ^ Eyes [aiz] — Глаза ^ Hardly ever see each other — Едва ли когда-нибудь видят друг друга ^ Mirror ['mira] — Зеркало ® face to face [feis] — лицом к лицу 57 г -^••’^ «у 8 Do you want to know how Brother Hare got the Bird! Then read the text part II. Why Hares Have Got Long Ears Part II Brother Hare takes a box, puts seeds into it and goes to the tree with the box in his hands. The Bird sees Brother Hare and says: “Hello, Brother Hare. What do you want to do with your box?” “Oh, I’ve got many seeds in the box. They are yellow, they are big, they are very, very nice!” “And what do you want to do with the seeds?” says the Bird. “I want to eat these seeds,” says Brother Hare. “Oh, I want to eat the seeds, too, says the Bird. “If you want to eat these seeds, says Brother Hare, “then jump into this box!” The Bird is hungry, she wants to eat the seeds very much, and she jumps into the box. Brother Hare closes the box, takes the box with the Bird in it and runs to Aunt Mammy-Bammy. 9 Answer the questions. 1. Do you think Brother Hare is clever? Try and prove it. 2. Where does the Hare see the Bird? 3. What does the Hare take with him and why? \ "V* , -.V ' 59 99 ss 4. How does Brother Hare get the Bird? 5. What does Brother Hare do then? Let Us Talk 10) Give a short summary of the two parts of the text. 11; Say what you think about Brother Hare. Puzzle Time 12 Read the "secret message". (See part 1, page 140— 141.) 20— 8 22— 5 18 8 12 18 5 — 9 — 19 Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words. 164. 165. 2. Listen to the poem "Eyes", 3. Read Exercise 4. 4. Do Exercise 1 in writing. 5. Give a short summary of the two parts of the text "Why Hares Have Got Long Ears". 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. S9 WE REAP FAIRY TALES Lesson 63 (Optional) Lesson 64 Home-Reading Lesson 3 Text "The Little Kitten" 1 Lesson 65 1 Lefs warm up. I put my right hand in, I put my left hand out, I put my right hand in And turn myself around. I put my right foot in, I put my left foot out, I put my right foot in And turn myself around. Let Us Learn________________ 2 Play a ''Guess” game. Example: Pupil 1: What have I got in my left/right hand? Pupil 2: I think you have got a nice... 3 Agree or disagree. 1. Birds like ice cream very much. 2. Mice have got long ears. 3. Cats like to sit in trees. 4. He closes his eyes when he watches TV. 5. My friend knows many nice English songs. I L 4 Learn the new words. Exercise 60 166 can help Let Us Read 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] take, snake, a snake — snakes, a long snake, a brown snake. Snakes like to live near lakes. — Where do snakes live? — Snakes live in Africa. Snakes eat green frogs. [u:] zoo, tooth, a tooth — teeth, nice white teeth, a toothbrush. “Show me your teeth,” says the dentist. house, mouth, a mouth, open your mouth, close your mouth. Open your mouth and clean your teeth. [au] a tooth — teeth 6 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Exercise 166 can help you. 67 WE READ FAIRY TALES А. 1. What does the dentist say to the girl? 2. What does the girl do then? 3. What does the dentist do then? B. 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Is her mouth open? 3. What do you see in it? Let Us Read and Learn (^j Listen to the poem "I Must Clean My Teeth’’, 167. Read and learn it by heart. I Must^ Clean My Teeth I say to the snake Let’s play with me!” Oh, no!” says the snake. Oh, no!” says he. “Here is my toothbrush^ And here is my cup so new.® I must clean my teeth I can’t play with you. 66 66 66 ^ must — должен ® toothbrush — зубная щётка cup so new [nju:] — такая новая чашка 62 8 Do you want to know what else Mammy-Bammy asks Brother Hare to do! Then read the text. Why Hares Have Got Long Ears Part III Brother Hare goes to Aunt Mammy-Bammy. He is happy. He has got the Bird in the box. “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy!” he says. “Here is the Bird for you.” And he gives the Bird to his Aunt. Aunt Mammy-Bammy takes the Bird and says: “What a nice Bird you’ve got. You are clever, but not very clever. If you want to be very clever, get the Snake’s tooth for me. Do you want to be very, very clever?” “Oh, yes, of course, I do!” says Brother Hare. “I think I can get it!” Brother Hare takes some gum^ and makes a toy bird out of the gum. Then he takes the toy bird and goes to the lake where the Snake lives. The Snake is hungry. Suddenly she sees the bird. She wants to eat it. The Snake takes the toy bird into her mouth. But now... What’s the matter? She can’t close her mouth! It’s awful!^ Brother Hare runs up to her and gets the Snake’s tooth out of her mouth. “Oh, it’s great! I’ve got it.” And he runs to Aunt Mammy-Bammy. ^ gum [длт] — смола ^ It’s awful ['o:fl]! — Ужасно! 63 ■sb 9^^ Agree or disagree. Begin your answers with: I'm sorry you are not right, You are quite right. 1. Brother Hare goes to Mr Fox. 2. Brother Hare gives the Bird to Aunt Mammy-Bammy. 3. Aunt Mammy-Bammy takes the duck. 4. Aunt Mammy-Bammy says that Brother Hare is not very clever. 5. Aunt Mammy-Bammy asks Brother Hare to get the hen for her. 6. Brother Hare thinks that he can get the Snake’s tooth for Aunt Mammy-Bammy. 7. Brother Hare makes a toy bird. 8. The Snake is not hungry. 9. Brother Hare gets the Snake’s tooth. Let Us Talk 10) Think of a title for part III. Й Homework 1. Listen to the poem "I Must Clean My Teeth", 167, and learn it. 2. Listen to Win 166 and read Exercise 5. 3. Make up sentences. 1. hand, got, a, have, I, nice, my, in, left, ball. 2. sing, a, bird, song, tree, in, the, nice, can. 3. ice cream, bag, take, an, my, out of, open, and, it. 64 4. ill, bed, when, am, in, I, I am. 5. parents, very, are, my, kind. 4. Tell us about your visit to a doctor. Exercise 6 can help you. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 66 Let Us Read and Learn 1 j Listen to the song "I've Got Ten Fingers", Read and learn to sing it. I’ve Got Ten Fingers^ I’ve got ten fingers, I’ve got ten fingers, I’ve got two ears. Two eyes, one nose. 168. у—■X 2 Complete the list of words about the head in a "chain" way. Example: Pupil 1: a face Pupil 2: a face and an eye ... ^ fingers ['figgoz] — пальцы ^ head [hed] — голова 65 3) Play "The Champion" game. Who can make up more sentences with: hand, nice, close, snake, mouth, tooth (teeth), toothbrush\ ^; Learn the new words. Exercise you. 169 can help (5 Complete the sentences using the new words. 1. They say they are champions in running, jumping, swimming, skipping. They are ... 2. When I meet my friend I ... hands with him/her. 3. Mother likes how her son draws, sings, dances. She says he does ... very well. Let Us Read 6^ Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] every, everything. Tell me everything about it. Do you know everything about snakes? He thinks he knows everything about computers. [9u] close, boast, I boast, she boasts, a boaster — boasters. He boasts he knows everything about robots. But we think he is a boaster. [ei] take, shake, I shake, he shakes, to shake hands, to shake a tree. The house shakes when the trains go by. 66 ..........WE REAP FAIRY TALES 7) Read the text and think of a title for part iV. - Why Hares Have Got Long Ears Part IV Tired but happy Brother Hare comes to Aunt Mammy-Bammy and gives her the Snake’s tooth. “Hello, Aunt Mammy-Bammy!” says he. “I’ve got the Snake’s tooth for you. Here it is! You see I can get everything. I can get birds! I can get snakes! I can — I can... I can do everything! Now I am big! I am very, very big! Now I am clever! I am very, very clever!” “Are you?” says Aunt Mammy-Bammy. “Of course I “Really? But am!” says Brother Hare. I don’t think so. I want to teach you a lesson,” says his Aunt. She takes Brother Hare by the ears, shakes him and says: “Don’t boast. Brother Hare! Don’t boast!” Aunt Mammy-Bammy shakes the Hare, shakes and shakes, and his ears get longer^ and longer and longer. And so hares have got long ears. longer — длиннее 67 WE REAP FAIRY .ТАШЗ....................... 8 Put the sentences in a logical order according to the text. 1. Aunt Mammy-Bammy asks Brother Hare to get the Snake’s tooth for her. 2. The Bird wants to eat the seeds. 3. Brother Hare asks his Aunt Mammy-Bammy to help him be big and clever. 4. Now hares have got long ears. 5. Brother Hare gives the Bird to his Aunt Mammy-Bammy. 6. Brother Hare is very little. 7. Brother Hare takes a box with seeds in it and goes to the tree where the Bird lives. 8. Brother Hare says that he can get everything and that he is very big and clever. 9. He puts the box under the tree. 10. Aunt Mammy-Bammy teaches him a lesson. 11. Aunt Mammy-Bammy asks Brother Hare to get the Bird for her. 12. The Bird jumps into the box. 13. Brother Hare gets the Snake’s tooth and gives it to his Aunt. Let Us Talk 9 Let's talk about the tale. 1. Do you like the tale or not? Why? 2. What do you think of Brother Hare? 3. Are you sorry for the Bird and the Snake? 4. Do you think Aunt Mammy-Bammy is clever? Prove it. 6S PuzzleTime ______ ____________________ Write the names of the things you see in the picture in the alphabetical order. Homework 1. Listen to the song "I've Got Ten Fingers", 2. Read Exercise 6. 168. 3. Do Exercise 5 (6 sentences) and Exercise 10 in writing. 4. Dramatise the tale "Why Hares Have Got Long Ears" or an episode you like most. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. i 69 WE JREAP FAIRY TALiS Lesson 67 Let Us Learn Work in a "chain" way. Complete the sentences. 1. He boasts that he knows everything about ... . 2. ... shakes hands with ... and they go to ... . 3. We think ... is a boaster as he ... . ^—'ч These sentences are not true. Say that it is not so. Example: The boys play hockey at home. The boys don’t play hockey at home. 1. I shake hands with my teachers. 2. My baby brother says he can do everything very well. 3. The children ski in summer. 4. My friend helps me in everything. y"-- 'V?y‘ Learn the new words. Exercise Let Us Read 170 can help you. 4 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [Ж] cat, rabbit, a rabbit — rabbits, a nice grey rabbit. Where do rabbits live? Do you know any fairy tale about rabbits? [o] not, fox, a fox — foxes, a red fox. Foxes are very clever animals. Foxes and hens are not friends. [e] ten, well, a well — wells, in a well, to fall in the well. Do you know the fairy tale “The Fox in the Well”? 70 WE READ FAIRY TALES [л] mother, other, each other. Teach each other. Put your toys into the other box. — Where is your doll? — In the other box. car, hard, work hard, think hard. My father is a businessman. He works hard. Do you work hard at your English? [a:] 5 ; Paraphrase (перефразируй) the sentences. Example: We always work very much at our English. We always work hard at our English. 1. She works very much at her Russian. 2. He thinks very much before he answers the teacher’s question. 3. Mr Smith works very much in his office. 4. Mother works very much about the house. Let Us Read and Learn 6) Listen to the poem "Good Advice"/ part I, 'ч— 171. Read and learn it by heart. Good Advice I. Work while® you work, boys, Play while you play; That is the way, boys. To be happy and gay.® ' Good advice [sd'vais] — Хороший совет ® while [wail] — в to время как gay [gei] — весёлый 71 Г“ 7 ) Read the text and find out why Brother Rabbit is in the well. Why Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox Are Not Friends Part I One day Brother Rabbit, Brother Fox, Brother Bear and many other animals want to plant corn.^ They work hard but Brother Rabbit doesn’t like to work. He says, “Oh, oh, oh, I am not well. I can’t work.” He jumps, runs and plays. It’s fun. Suddenly he sees a well. The well has got two buckets.^ When one bucket goes down, the other bucket * to plant corn = to plant seeds ^ a bucket ['bAkit] — ведро 72 goes up. But Brother Rabbit doesn’t know about it. He jumps into the bucket, and the bucket goes down. The other bucket goes up. Now Brother Rabbit is in the well! He doesn’t know what to do. 8 j Find the facts in the text to prove the following, say what you think about it or disagree. 1. Brother Rabbit is lazy. 2. Brother Rabbit is not a good friend. 3. Brother Rabbit is fine. 4. Brother Rabbit suddenly sees a house. 5. Brother Rabbit is not clever. 6. Brother Rabbit knows how to get out of the well. Let Us Talk 9 j Do you like Brother Rabbit or not! Why! Puzzle Time 10 Read the message: 69181920 20891411 208514 19165111 73 WE READ FAIRY TALES Homework 171 (part I). 1. Listen to the poem "Good Advice", 2. Read Exercise 4. 3. Do Exercise 7. 4. Do Exercise 1 in writing. Write down 6 sentences. 5. Do you know any other fairy tales about lazy animals! Tell us a few words about them. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 68 Let Us Learn 1J Pretend you are at the Zoo. What animals can you see there! Example: Pupil 1: I can see a penguin. Pupil 2: I can see a penguin and a snake ... Complete the sentences. My mother is a teacher. She works ... at ... . His aunt is an engineer. She works ... in ... . My cousin is a businessman. He works ... in ... . Her sister is a doctor. She works ... in ... . 74 3 Маке up as many sentences as you can. to read this English book, to draw animals, to work about the house, to roller-skate, to play tennis. Help Teach each other 4 Learn the new words. Exercise _■ you. 5 Do you remember the new words, Ч_' of your own sentences with them. 172 can help 172! Think Let Us Read and Learn 6 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [I] six, fish, a fish — many fish, big fish. Fish swim in the pond. Go fishing. My father likes to go fishing. Do you go fishing with your father? My cat likes to eat fish. Dinner, have dinner, for dinner. We have dinner at six. I want to have fish for dinner. Does your mother like fish for dinner? Silly, a silly monkey, a silly frog. Do you think Brother Hare is silly? 75 WE READ FAIR¥ TALES Let Us Read 7 Do you think Brother Rabbit is clever or not! Read ^ and prove it. Why Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox Are Not Friends Part II Brother Fox comes up to the well. He sees Brother Rabbit in it and says, “Brother Rabbit, why are you in the well?” “I like it in here, in the well. I want to have fish for dinner,” says Brother Rabbit. “I want to have fish for dinner, too,” says Brother Fox. 76 “Then jump down into the well, too if you want to have fish for dinner,” says Brother Rabbit. “How can I jump into the well. Brother Rabbit?” “You jump into the bucket. Brother Fox,” says Brother Rabbit. Brother Fox jumps into the bucket, and the bucket with Brother Fox in it goes down. The other bucket with Brother Rabbit in it comes up. Brother Rabbit jumps out of the bucket. “You, silly Brother Fox, goodbye,” says Brother Rabbit and runs away. Now Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox are not friends. (^ Put the sentences in a logical order according to the text. 1. Brother Rabbit runs away. 2. The bucket with Brother Rabbit comes up. 3. Brother Fox sees Brother Rabbit in the well. 4. Brother Fox jumps into the bucket. 5. Brother Fox wants to have fish for dinner, too. 6. The bucket with Brother Fox in it goes down. Let Us Talk [9)90 Work in pairs. Act out a talk between Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox. ^0 Listen to the poem "Good Advice", part II, 78. Read and learn it by heart. Good Advice II. All that you do, girls, Do with your might.^ Things done by half,^ girls. Are never done right.® Puzzle Time 11 AVrite the words that begin with these letters: EVERY H N G A Homework 173 (part II). 1. Listen to the poem "Good Advice", 2. Read Exercises 6, 7. 3. Do Exercise 3 in writing. Write down 6 sentences. 4. Use the sentences of Exercise 8 as a plan to retell the text. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. ^ Do with your might [mart] — всех сил ^ Things done [Ьлп] by half [ha:f] наполовину ® Are never done right — Никогда не сделано правильно Делайте изо — Сделанное 78 Lesson 69 (Optional) Lesson 70 Home-Reading Lesson 4 Text "Dippy Duck’s Dinosaur' ILesson 71 Let Us Learn These are the questions little Jim asks his friend Ann. Pretend that you are Jim and your partner is Ann. Act out the dialogue. Jim: Is your dinner ready at 3? Ann: ... Jim: Do you always have fish for dinner? Ann: ... Jim: Do you always begin your dinner at 5? Ann: ... Jim: Does your sister like to eat fish for lunch? Ann: ... Jim: Does your Father bring ice cream every day? Ann: ... Jim: Your silly cat doesn’t like ice cream, does he? Ann: ... V. 2) Play "The Champion" game. Who can think of and say more sentences with: fish, silly, dinner, tooth, teeth, boast\ 79 3 Learn the new words. Exercise you. 174 can help 4 Xomplete the list of words you know. Name not less than 11 words. Who is the champion! Example: Pupil 1: hungry Pupil 2: hungry and lazy ... Let Us Read 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourselL then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] shake, brave, a brave boy, a brave officer. — Is this skier brave? — Yes, he is. Do you want to be brave? Afraid, be afraid of. I am not afraid of barking dogs. — What are you afraid of? — I am not afraid of anything, I am brave. [ai] fine, fly, I fly, he flies. The boy wants to be a pilot and fly in a plane. I want to fly into the ‘‘Blue”, I want to swim as fishes do. [u:] Zoo, room, a room — rooms. We’ve got three rooms. My room is nice. I’ve got many toys and books in my room. How many rooms have you got? [a:] hard, dark, a dark room, a dark street, to come into a dark room. He was afraid to come into a dark room. г/ б ; Do you want to know what Mark does to become a pilot! Then read the text. Mark Is Afraid of the Dark Mark’s father is a pilot. Mark wants to be a pilot, too. He wants to fly into space.^ But he is not brave. He is always afraid of the dark. He cannot go into a dark room or to a dark street without^ his father or mother. And his father says, “You can’t be a pilot, Mark. You can’t fly into space. It is very dark in space and you are afraid of the dark. A pilot must be brave and you are not brave.” “Come with me into the dark room. I am not afraid,” says Mark. ^ space [speis] — космос ^ without [wid'aut] — без S/ WE READ FAIRY TALES “No, no,” says his father. “You must go there without me. You must stay^ there for ten minutes.” Mark doesn’t want to go there. But he wants to be a pilot very much. And he goes into the dark room and stays there for ten minutes. Father is happy. His son is a brave boy. Mark is happy, too. He knows that he can be a pilot and fly into space. 7 Answer the questions. 1. What is Mark’s father? 2. Where does Mark want to fly? 3. Mark is not brave, is he? 4. What is Mark afraid of? 5. Why does Mark go into the dark room? 6. Why is Father happy? 7. Is Mark happy, too? Why? Let Us Talk (8 Give a short summary of the text. 82 stay [stei] — оставаться WE READ FAIRY TALES I Let Us Read and Learn (9 Listen to the poem "Lamp"/ learn it by heart. Lamp 175. Read and If you want to read or write In the evening or at night, Put me here, switch on the light^ On your left, not on your right. Homework 175. 1. Listen to the poem "Lamp", 2. Read Exercise 6 (role-play). 3. Do Exercise 1 in writing. 4. Do you know any stories or fairy tales about brave children! Tell us about one of them. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. M Give Jack's answers to Phil's questions. Then role-play the dialogue. Phil: What do you want to be? Jack: ... * lamp — догадайся о значении этого слова ^ switch [switj] on the light — включи свет 83 ' И :_L WE READ FAIRY TALES Phil: It’s great. Do you want to fly? Jack: ... Phil: Are you brave? Jack: ... Phil: Are you afraid of flying? Jack: ... Phil: Oh, I see. Good luck^ to you. 2 Think of 5 more questions which Phil can ask Jack. 3 j Correct the wrong statements. Begin your answer with: / don't think so. I'm afraid you are wrong. I don't think you are right. 1. Children like to play in dark rooms. 2. Rabbits are very brave animals. 3. Teachers like silly pupils. 4. My father likes to go fishing every day. 5. Foxes do not like to eat fish. 176 can help 4 Learn the new words. Exercise you. 5 Do you remember the new words, 176! Then think of your own sentences with them. Let Us Read 6 'Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. Good luck — Желаю удачи ..READ FAIRY TALES [d] frog, often ['ofn]. My friend often conies to see me. Father often brings home nice books. We don’t often eat fish for dinner. [e] ten, present, a present — presents. I like to give presents to my parents and friends. What presents do you like to get? When do you get presents? [ai] why, cry, I cry, he cries, don’t cry. Don’t cry at school. Who cries in the street? 7)Do you want to know why John is happy one day! Then read the text. A Bicycle John’s father likes to swim. So he often goes to the swimming pool. His mother likes to play tennis. They often go to the stadium. Their son John is seven. He wants to be a good sportsman. His mother teaches him to play tennis but he asks his parents to give him a bicycle. One day Father comes home and says: “I’ve got a present for you. Come and see.” John comes up and sees... “Oh, it’s great! It’s a bicycle! I like it very much. Thank you. Daddy! I am so glad to have it.” Every day Father and John go to the sports ground to ride a bike. One day John says, “I can ride a bicycle very well. Let’s ask Mother to go with us.” So they go to the sports ground and watch John riding a bike. He rides and rides and rides. He is happy. He says, “Look, Mum! No hands!” Then he says, “Look, Dad! No feet!” г WE R The parents are very happy. Their son can ride a bicycle well. But suddenly John cries, “Look, Mum! No teeth!” 8 'True', 'false' or 'don't know'! lU/! hn - 1. John’s father likes tq skate. ^2. His mother plays (the" piano) very well. ^3. John is seven. 4 4. John’s mother teaches him to play tennis. 5. He likes to play tennis. 6. One day Father gives him a ball as a present. -^7. John is happy to see the present. 8. John rides a bicycle very well. Let Us Talk 9 Find facts to prove that John's family like sport. Let Us Read and Learn 10 Listen to the song ''Dance with Me", and learn to sing it. Dance with Me 177. Read Come, my friend, and dance with me It is easy, you can see. One step back, one step out. Then you turn yourself about. It is fun to dance with you. And it isn’t hard to do. One step back, one step out. Then you turn yourself about. TALES Puzzle Time ___________________ m; Write the words beginning with these letters: Homework 1. Listen to and repeat the new words, 2. Listen to the song "Dance with Me", 3. Read Exercise 6. 4. Do Exercise 3 in writing. 5. What do you think about John as a sportsman? 6. Have you got a friend who likes sport? Tell us about him/her. 7. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 73 Review Let Us Talk (T ^ Let's play a "Snowball" game. Complete the list of relatives. Example: Pupil 1: a father Pupil 2: a father and a brother ... (2 Speak about all your relatives and their professions. If you can, say where they work. 87 WE ШЕШ FAIRY TALES You have read a lot (прочитал много) of fairy tales. Do you remember their titles! Tell us a few words about the one you like best. Let your classmates ask you questions for more information. 4 Listen to the story, 178. What do you think about Jim! Discuss it with your classmates. Let Us Read 5 People have different opinions^ about learning English. Whafs your opinion! Why Must I Learn English? Pete is a little boy. His family lives in a big house in Green Street. His father is a dentist. He works hard in a hospital. His mother is a housewife. She works hard about the house. Pete is eight. He goes to school. He likes his school. He likes everything he learns there. But he doesn’t like English. He does not want to learn it. Today Pete’s teacher gives him a bad mark^ in English. When Pete comes home from school, his father says, “Again^ a bad mark in English! Shame on you,^ Pete!” ^ opinion [o'pmjsn] — мнение ^ a bad mark — плохая отметка ^ Again [э'деп] — Опять ^ Shame on you — Стыдно ss He is sorry and looks down. Then he looks up and asks his father, “Why must I learn English? I don’t know with whom I can speak English.” “You, silly boy! You can speak English with your teacher and your friends. And you can watch TV films in English,” says his father. “I can speak Russian with them,” says Pete, “I know Russian very well.” “But if English or American children come to see us, don’t you want to speak with them?” asks Pete’s father. Of course, I do,” says Pete. Well, dear, and then don’t you want to go to England or America?” asks Pete’s father. I’d love to,” says Pete. Then you must know English well if you want to speak with your English or American friends.” Pete thinks a little and then asks, “But do American and English children learn Russian?” “Oh, yes, and they are very good pupils,” says Pete’s father. “It’s great! Then I can speak Russian with them,” says Pete. “Shame on you, a lazy boy!” “Don’t be angry,^ Father. It’s a joke.^ I know why I must learn English.” “I am glad that you are clever, my son, to understand^ it. Get only good marks in English. u- w 5? ^ angry ['aspgri] — сердитый ^ joke [йзэик] — шутка ^ to understand [,Ando'staend] понимать S9 . i V-i! •) i > 6 'Agree or disagree. 1. Pete’s family lives in a little house. 2. His mother works in a plant. 3. Pete doesn’t like his school. 4. Father is angry with Pete for his bad marks in English. 5. Pete doesn’t know why he must learn English. 6. English and American children learn Russian. 7. Father doesn’t understand Pete’s joke. Lesson 74 (Optional) Lesson 75 Home-Reading Lesson 5 Text "April Fool’s Day” i 90 V -cr: Ы c. Lesson 76 Test yout^ elf ^ 1, Now you can understand English better. Listen to the story “At the Lesson”, 178, one more time and choose the sentences true to the text. (See Workbook, Lesson 76.) 2, You can talk and discuss a number of problems: — The members of the family love each other very much, don’t they? Look through the poems, stories, fairy tales you have read and prove that. — Some animals are very clever. Can you find any facts to prove that? — But some animals are not friends. Look through some fairy tales and prove that. 3, You have learnt new words and expressions. Find out if you can write them properly. (See Workbook, Lesson 76.) 4, You have learnt 4 songs and 10 poems. Can you act out the one you like best? 91 Lesson 77 Let Us Learn 1 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 179. 2 Tell the time. Example: It’s seven o’clock. 92 LIFE 3 Look at the clock and complete the sentences. 1. I go to school at ... . 2. My friend doesn’t go to school at ... . He goes to school at ... . 3. — Do they go to the swimming pool at ...? — No, they go to the swimming pool at .... 4. The children go to the sports ground at ... . 5. — Does your brother go to the stadium at ...? — No, he goes to the stadium at ... . 4 Make up as many sentences as you can. to the office to the hospital to school go to the plant goes to the stadium begin to the sports ground begins to the lake to bed to work to read a book to watch TV at o’clock I 93 DAiL\ I Let Us Read and Learn 5 Read the poem to find out what Big Ben is. Then learn it by heart. Big Ben Tick-tock, Tick-tock, This is Big Ben. Big Ben is a clock. Day and night^ With all its might^ Big Ben, the clock, Says: Tick-tock. Let Us Read 6 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [n] clock, o’clock, five o’clock, it’s five o’clock, seven o’clock, it’s seven o’clock. [e] eleven [I'levn], eleven o’clock, it’s eleven o’clock, at eleven o’clock. My father goes to bed at eleven o’clock. [w], [e] twelve, twelve o’clock, it’s twelve o’clock, at twelve o’clock. My baby sister has always dinner at twelve o’clock. ^ Day and night [nait] — И днём, и ночью ^ With all its might [mail] — Изо всех сил daily LiF 7 Read the joke and say if Willy is good at drawing. Teacher: Willy! Your map is very good. I give you a five. But who helps you draw? Does your Father ... Willy: Oh, no, my father doesn’t help me. He draws everything for me. Let Us Talk 8 Pretend you are a teacher. Let the classmates answer your questions. 1. Have you got a friend? 2. How old is he/she? 3. Does your friend go to school? 4. Does your friend go to school at eight o’clock or at two o’clock? 5. When does he/she come home? 6. Does your friend like sport? 95 III Y I IPF g Яыт- S Щт I ■ i».. 7. Can he/she swim? 8. Where does he/she go to swim? 9. With whom does he/she always go to swim? 10. When does he/she always go to swim? Puzzle Time 9 How many words can you find? Write them down (10 words). fromanameightenearedollivengineer ft Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words, 179. 2. Learn the poem "Big Ben" (Exercise 5). 3. Read Exercises 6, 7. 4. Do Exercise 4 in writing. Write down 5 sentences. 5. Say what you do in the morning (3 sentences). Example: I get up at seven o'clock. I dress. I have a breakfast. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. 96 DAILY и Lesson 78 Let Us Learn 1 Complete the list of numerals (числительных). Example: Pupil 1: one Pupil 2: one and two ... 2 Let's play "The Champion" game. Who makes up the last sentence! Example: At eight o’clock I go to school. ... 3 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, ^ 180. Let Us Read 4 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] get, get up. I get up at seven o’clock. My mother gets up at six o’clock. — When does your father get up? — He gets up at six o’clock, too. Ou:], [3] usually. I usually get up at seven o’clock. My mother usually gets up at six o’clock. — Does your father usually get up at six o’clock, too? — Yes, he does. They usually go to the swimming pool at four o’clock. We usually go to the stadium at six o’clock. 97 DAILY LIFE [e] exercise, an exercise — exercises, do exercises. — When do you do exercises? — I do exercises at seven o’clock. [au] shower, a shower, take a shower, then I take a shower, then she takes a shower. My brother does exercises and then he takes a shower. Do you take a shower after exercises? 5 ФО Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Begin the questions with the words given in brackets. 1. My father gets up at seven o’clock. {When) 2. Nick always goes to the sports ground at four o’clock. (Where) 3. My friend can play tennis very well. (Who) 4. The girl likes to play tag. {Does) 5. My brother and I go to the swimming pool with our parents. (With whom) 6 Read and say what you think of John. ^ the moon [mu:n] — луна ^ because [bi'koz] — потому что 98 Шт Let Us Read and Learn 181. Read and learn it by 7 Listen to the poem, heart. A Good Rule Mind the clock^ And keep the rule^ Always be in time to school. Puzzle Time 8 Find the numbers. t w e 1 V e f f t w p 1 p p i i о h о n e p p g V u r s e V e n h e r e i p e p p t e n e X p n i n e p p p Homework 1. Listen to the poem "A Good Rule' 2. Read Exercise 4. 3. Do Exercise 5 in writing. 181 ^ Mind the clock — Следи за часами ^ keep the rule — выполняй правило Л 99 л ^ I ■: 4. Say what you do after school (5 sentences). Example: I go home at ... I have dinner at ... I do exercises. I play ... 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 79 Let Us Learn Complete the sums. Example'.One and two is three. 4 + 5 = 3 + 2 = 7 + 1 = 8 + 2 = 6 + 6 9 + 2 2 ФО Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Make it in a "chain" way. Example: a) When do / does you / he / she usually ...? And you? b) What do/does ... at ... o’clock? And you? 3 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 182. 100 ILY LIFE Let Us Read (4 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] time, it’s time. It’s time to get up. What’s the time? — Can you tell me the time, please? — Of course I can. It’s three o’clock. [ju:] excuse, excuse me, excuse me, please. Excuse me, can you tell me the time? [3:] certainly. — Do you go to the Zoo with us? — Certainly I do. Let Us Read and Learn m 15 These two dialogues can help you ask and tell the time. Read and learn them by heart. I. Fred: What’s the time? Bob: It’s two o’clock. II. Jill: Excuse me. Tim: Yes. Jill: Can you tell me the time, please? Tim: Certainly. It’s four o’clock. Jill: Thanks. Tim: Not at all. (6 Think of your own dialogues and role-play them (see Exercise 5). 101 DAILV life Read the joke "It Is Not The First Time" and say why Father is angry. Does he think about the toothbrush or the cat! It Is Not the First Time Kate’s father sees his daughter in the bathroom. He sees Kate has a cat and cleans its teeth with his toothbrush. She speaks kindly to the cat. Father gets angry^ and asks Kate to let the cat go^ and give him his toothbrush. But Kate says: “Don’t be angry, Father. It isn’t the first time. I usually do it every morning. >> Puzzle Time 8 Change the underlined letter to make a new word. Example: bed - red bed — pet — rat — sun — snow — block — life — now — love — men — pan — box — glue — too — nine — Homework 1. Read Exercises 4, 5. 2. Do Exercise 1 in writing. 3. Say what your mother/father/brother/sister does in the morning. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. ^ get angry — сердиться ^ let the cat go — отпустить кота 702 DAILY LIFE 1 Lesson 80 (Optional) Lesson 81 Home-Reading Lesson 6 Text "Bugs Bunny at the Easter Party", part I Lesson 82 Let Us Read and Learn 1 Listen to the song "What Do You Do at This Time!", 183. Read and learn it by heart. Ф What Do You Do at This Time? Now it’s six o’clock, Six o’clock, six o’clock. Now it’s six o’clock And what do you do at six o’clock? — I get up. Now it’s seven o’clock. Seven o’clock, seven o’clock. Now it’s seven o’clock And what do you do at seven o’clock? — I do exercises. Now it’s eight o’clock. Eight o’clock, eight o’clock. Now it’s eight o’clock And what do you do at eight o’clock? — I take a shower. 703 I I Let Us Learn Say what you usually do at this time. At six o’clock ... . At three o’clock At seven o’clock ... . At five o’clock , At eight o’clock ... . At one o’clock . At two o’clock ... . 3 On your way to school you meet a friend. You want to know the time. Speak to him/her. 4 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 184. Let Us Read 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] dress, I dress, she dresses. She takes a shower and then dresses. Before he goes to school he dresses. Every, day, every day. Every day I get up at seven o’clock. — Do you do exercises every day? — Yes, I do exercises every day. My father doesn’t go to the swimming pool every day, but my mother does. [e] breakfast, have breakfast. — When do you usually have breakfast? — I usually have breakfast at eight o’clock. m |V LIFP # ikw * Щ MW [л] lunch, have lunch. — Do you have lunch at eleven or at twelve o’clock? — I usually have lunch at eleven o’clock. — When does your mother usually have lunch? — She usually has lunch at twelve o’clock. Let Us Write 6 Write the plural (множественное число): a child — a man — a woman — a tooth 7 Learn to write these words. time excuse me It’s time ... certainly Puzzle Time 8 How many words can you make up out of these letters! (20 words) e X r c 1 s nfdlinirolw a t e n tielil Homework 1. Listen to the song "What Do You Do at This Time!", 183. Read it in Exercise 1 and learn it by heart. m 2. Read Exercise 5. 3. Tell your classmates when you: get up, do exercises, fake a shower, go io school, come home, play games, go to fhe sports ground (swimming pool, stadium). Make up a story. Use these phrases as a plan. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 83 1 Let's warm up. This is the way I wash my hands, Wash my hands, wash my hands. This is the way I wash my hands Early in the morning. Let Us Learn Do you know how to ask and tell the time! Point to the clock and ask your partner what time it is. Let your partner answer your questions. Then change over. 106 f г Щ i 3 How many true sentences can you make up! It’s three o’clock. It’s seven o’clock. It’s eight o’clock. It’s two o’clock. It’s five o’clock. It’s six o’clock. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time to get up. to go to school, to take a shower, to do exercises, to come home, to go to the sports ground. to go to the swimming pool. 4 Play "The Champion" game. Who can make up more sentences! Begin them like this: / think ifs time to ... . 5 Look at the pictures and make the sentences complete. This boy has ... at ... o’clock. This girl has ... at ... o’clock. 107 This man has o’clock. ai ••• This woman has ... at ... o’clock. 6 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 185. Let Us Read 7 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [n] wash, I wash, he washes. Wash your hands before you have breakfast, lunch or dinner. [ei] face, a face — faces, a nice face, a big face, a funny face. Wash your face, Charlie — it’s not clean. [o:] morning, in the morning. My little sister doesn’t get up at six o’clock in the morning. Every morning. Every morning Dad and I do exercises. 8 Read the story. Can you think of a title for it! 108 It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to get up. Mother Fox says to her three little children: “Get up! Get up! It’s time to go to school.” The children don’t want to get up, but they do. “Good children,” says Mother Fox. “Now do exercises. ?? 109 They all do their exercises. “Very good,” says Mother Fox. “Now look at the clock! Do you know the time?” “Yes, we do,” say the children. “So what’s the time?” “It’s eight o’clock.” Mother Fox says: “It’s time to go to school, isn’t it?” “Oh, yes, it’s time to go to school,” say the little foxes. They take their schoolbags, say “Goodbye” to their mother and go to school. Puzzle Time Begin each word with the last letter of the previous one. How many words can you write? Who is the champion? wife, e... Homework 185. 1. Listen and repeat the new words, 2. Read Exercises 7, 8 (in persons). 3. Do Exercise 3 in writing. 4. Choose the right word for each gap: tooth, women, child, men, woman, children, teeth, man. This ... is an engineer. These ... are workers. This ... is my mother. Those ... are my aunts. This ... is four. He does not go to school. These ... go to school. The baby has got one ... . My dog’s ... are big and white. 110 LIFE 5. Look at the pictures (Exercise 8) and tell us about Mother Fox and her children. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 84 Let Us Learn R MEMB R The Present Progressive Tense now Jt Zy Д am am not A Д IS -mg Д is not -ing ^ are are not I am playing now. I am not playing now./ I’m not playing now. He is playing now. He is not playing now./ He isn’t playing now. They are playing now. They are not playing now./ They aren’t play- ing now. 1 Look at your teacher and say that you do the same. 117 2 Play "The Champion" game. Who can make up more sentences! Use the patterns: I am ...ing now. She is ...ing now. They are ...ing now. And what about you? 3 In the pictures you can see the McDonalds. Look at them. Agree or disagree. Look at Roy. He is getting up. Look at Mr McDonald and his children. They are doing exercises. Look at Charlie. He is taking a shower. 112 •9. f § 3 Look at Roy. He is cleaning his teeth Look at Sue. She is washing her face. Look at Mrs McDonald. She is washing her face. Look at the McDonalds. They are having breakfast. Look at Charlie and Roy. They are going to school. 113 4 Look at the pictures and say if they like to do it. Example: Snowy likes to wash. m Let Us Read and Learn 5 Listen to the poem "What Does the Clock Say?", 186. Read and learn it by heart. What Does the Clock Say? It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Get up, get up, get up! It’s eight o’clock! It’s eight! It’s eight! Come on!^ It’s late!^ ^ Come on! ^ It’s late! Поторапливайся! Поздно! m ILY LIFE It’s nine o’clock in the morning. Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s nine o’clock, it’s nine o’clock, “It’s nine, it’s nine,” says the clock. It’s ten o’clock in the evening.^ Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight. It’s ten o’clock, it’s time for bed,^ Say “Goodnight” and go to bed. Let Us Talk 6 Pretend you are a teacher. Ask your classmates about what they usually do in the morning. Here are some questions to help you. 1. When do you usually get up? 2. Do you get up at six o’clock or at seven o’clock? 3. Do you do exercises every day? 4. Do you like to do exercises? 5. What do you do then? 6. Do you take a shower every morning? 7. When do you clean your teeth? 8. You clean your teeth every day, don’t you? 9. You don’t have breakfast at six o’clock, do you? 10. When do you have breakfast? 11. At what time do you go to school? ^ in the evening [m6Ti:vnir)] — вечером ^ it’s time for bed — пора спать 115 12. Do you have lunch every day? 13. Do you have lunch at school or at home? 14. When do you usually have lunch? 7 Now tell your classmates what you usually do in the morning. 8 A. Do you want to know about the large clock in London! Then read the text "Big Ben". Big Ben Big Ben is the name of the big clock in London. The Clock Tower with Big Ben on it is one of the most famous^ places in the city. It has one Big Ben and four little Bens round it. They show the exact^ time in Great Britain. London looks wonderfuP from the tower. B. Do you remember the poem about Big Ben (see Exercise 5, Lesson 77)! Read one more poem about it. The big clock on the tower Tells you every hour In London — only when You are not far from Big Ben. 9 Do you know the famous Russian clock! Where is it! What is its name! Does it show the exact time in Russia! 116 ^ famous — известный ^ exact — точный (о времени) ® wonderful — удивительно, чудесно ily im Puzzle Time 10 How many words that begin with the letter do you remember! Write them down. Homework 1. Listen to the poem "What Does the Clock Say!", 186, read it in Exercise 5 and learn it by heart. 2. Do Exercise 3 in writing. 3. Choose the right word: what, when, where. 1. ... does your sister get up? 2. ... does she do then? 3. ... does she come home from school? 4. ... does she usually do at 3 o’clock? 5. ... does she go to the swimming pool? 4. Tell your classmates what you do in the evening. 5. Tell us about the famous clock in Moscow. 6. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 85 (Optional) Lesson 86 Home-Reading Lesson 7 Text "Bugs Bunny at the Easter Party", part II 777 Lesson 87 1 Lefs warm up. Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping, Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong! Let Us Learn 2 Look at the pictures. Agree or disagree. The little monkey usually has breakfast at seven o’clock. The hares have lunch at ten o’clock every day. The little bear does not get up at five o’clock. 118 The foxes do exercises at six o’clock. The elephant takes a shower at three o’clock. The rabbit cleans his teeth at ten o’clock every morning. 3 Now look at the pictures (Exercise 2) again and ask your classmates questions. Begin them with: what, when, do, does. Example: When does the little monkey usually have breakfast? What does the little monkey do at seven o’clock? Does the monkey have breakfast at seven o’clock? 4 Look at the pictures (Exercise 2) again and say what they are doing (or not doing) now. Example: The little monkey is having breakfast now. г DAILY LIFE 5 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 187. 6 Say: a) what they usually do at this time. Example: Nick usually goes for a walk with his dog at four o’clock in the afternoon. b) what they are doing now. Example: Nick is going for a walk with his dog now. 120 I AILY LIFE Let Us Read 7 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [a:] after, [u:] noon, afternoon, in the afternoon. I come home in the afternoon. My father doesn’t come home in the afternoon. What do you like to do in the afternoon? It’s two o’clock in the afternoon — the family is having dinner. [o:] ball, walk, a walk, go for a walk. — When does your Granny usually go for a walk? — She likes to go for a walk in the afternoon. — Who takes your dog for a walk? — I do. [эи] home, homework, my homework, our homework. — What’s your homework? — This is my homework. Do homework. — When do you usually do your homework? — I usually do my homework in the afternoon. 8 Read the fairy tale and say who Flop, Polly and Chat are. Flop Part I The frog lives in a lake. He’s a big green frog. The frog’s name is Flop. Flop has got two friends, two big white birds. Their names are Polly and Chat. /2/ tt л ~ я щ s It’s morning. Flop looks at the clock. He wants to know the time. He looks and looks and looks. But he can’t tell the time. Then he asks one of his friends, Polly: “Can you tell me the time, please?” “Of course!” “What’s the time?” “It’s seven o’clock.” “Oh, it’s time to do morning exercises!” says Flop. Now Flop is doing morning exercises. Now he is taking a shower. And now he is swimming in the lake. He does it with great pleasure. He likes to swim. His friends Polly and Chat are doing morning exercises, too. But they don’t want to take a shower or to swim. They are only^ washing their hands and faces. only ['sunli] — только /22 Then the three friends have breakfast. After breakfast they usually play ganles. Flop plays leapfrog with his frog-friend. Polly and Chat play hide-and-seek. They have a good time. Let Us Talk 9 Pretend you've read the tale to your friend. He/She hasn't quite understood it and asks you these questions. Answer them, please. 1. Where does the frog live? 2. How many friends has Flop got? 3. What are their names? 4. Can Flop tell the time? 5. Can Polly tell the time? 6. When does Flop do exercises? 7. What does he do then? 8. Do Flop’s friends take a shower? 9. They have a good time after breakfast, don’t they? Can you prove it? 10 You remember the tale, don't you? Tell it to your parents (sister, brother) when you come home. f 1 Homework 1. Read and learn the poem from Exercise 1. 187. 2. Listen and repeat the new words, 3. Read Exercise 7. 4. Write that your sister doesn't do the same at the time my sister does. Use the example. Example: — My sister gets up at nine o’cloek in the morning. — And my sister doesn’t get up at nine o’clock in the morning. 1. My sister does exercises every day. 2. My sister usually takes a shower in the morning. 3. My sister cleans her teeth at seven o’clock. 4. My sister dresses at eight o’clock. 5. My sister has breakfast at nine o’clock. 5. Tell us what your mother/father/sister/brother does or doesn't do in the morning. 6. Learn to write these words: in the afternoon, homework, go for a walk, do homework. 7. Do exercises in the Workbook. m ? f I LY LjFE Lesson 88 Let Us Learn RMEm R The Present Progressive Tense now Am Ф Is ^ □□ -ing? Are^ Am I playing now? Is he playing now? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. Are they playing now? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. Where With whom am What is I I -ing? Ho: Who is I I -ing? Why are Where is he playing now? Who is playing now? With whom is she playing now? What game are they playing now? Why are you playing now? 125 1 Play ’’The Champion” game. Who can make up more questions? Use the patterns: Am I ...ing now? Where is he/she ...ing now? Is she ...ing now? With whom are they ...ing now? Are you ...ing now? Why are you ...ing now? 2 Try and make up as many sentences as you can. My father I My friend and I Tom’s brother Mr Brown comes home play games cleans his teeth dresses have breakfast has lunch wash my face and hands goes for a walk get up go to the swimming pool in the afternoon, in the morning, every day. every morning, every afternoon, at seven o’clock. 3 Look at the pictures and say: what they usually do at this time; what they are doing now? 126 i I m Let Us Read 4 Read the tale and say why the frog's name is Flop. Flop Part II In the afternoon the birds say, “Now we want to go to another^ lake.” “My good friends, take me with you! I want to go to another lake, too,” says the frog. “OK,” says one of the birds. “But you must do what we tell you to do. Can you see that stick?^ Put the stick into your mouth in the middle.® I take one end"* of the stick and Chat takes the other end. But remember! You must not speak!” “Very well,” says the frog. ^ another [э'плбэ] — другой ® stick [stik] — палка ® middle ['midl] — середина ^ end [end] — конец 727 So Polly takes one end of the stick. Chat takes the other end, the frog takes the stick in his mouth in the middle and off they go! They go to another lake. Now, look! They are flying! They all like it! Oh, how the frog likes it! Two boys see the birds. They say, “Hi, birds!” “Pe-pe-pe!” say the birds. Then one of the boys says, “Oh, look! What have the birds got?! Isn’t it a clock?” “Yes, I think it’s a big clock,” says the other boy. “No, I am not! I am not a clock! I am a frog,” says the frog and falls down. Flop!^ Flop! Flop! Flop [flnp]! — Шлёп! 128 г д и 5 lu. LIFE Let Us Talk 5 Have a talk with your classmates about the tale. Puzzle Time 6 / Find a "rhyming twin" in the box for each of these words: why — his — or — go — game — can’t — fall — hi — now — fox — is ball aunt my four box no name how bye Homework 1. Read Exercise 4 (in persons). 2. Do Exercise 2 in writing (6 sentences). 3. Do Exercise 6 in writing and read it as quickly as you can. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. 729 Lesson 89 Let Us Learn 1 Have you got a good memory! Look at the pictures for a moment and try to remember what they are doing. Then close the book and say it. 2 Look at the pictures again, think of some statements and questions. Let your classmates agree or disagree with you or answer your questions. Example: 1) The bears are playing volleyball. No, the bears are not playing volleyball. They I are playing football. 2) Are the bears dancing or playing football? 130 Your classmates would like to know what you usually do: every day, in the morning, in the afternoon. Tell them, please. 4 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, ^ 188. Let Us Read 5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [л] supper, have supper. We usually have supper at seven o’clock. When do you usually have supper? [i:] evening, in the evening. — What do you like to do in the evening? — In the evening I like to play with my little brother. [1Я chess, play chess. My father can play chess very well. — Who do you like to play chess with? — I like to play chess with my friend. — Are you playing chess with your friend now? — No, I am playing chess with my brother. 6 Say what you usually do at home after 6 o'clock. Let Us Talk 7 Listen to the story "At the Zoo" and answer the questions, 189. 737 DAILY. LIFE _____ ______ 8 Listen to the story "At the Zoo" again and tell it to your classmates or your relatives. Puzzle^ Time 9 Make up one word out of two. Example: grandmother grand foot hop leap after home grand mother work noon frog scotch father ball A Homework 189. 1. Listen to the story "At the Zoo", 2. Read Exercise 5. 3. Do Exercise 2 in writing. 4. Tell your classmates why you like (or don't like) to go to the Zoo. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. 732 DAILY LIFE Lesson 90 Let Us Learn 1 Look at the picture and say what they usually do at this time. Ask your classmates what they are doing now. Let them answer your questions. Let Us Read and Learn 190. Read and learn to 2 Listen to the song, sing it. You Take Your Little Hands You take your little hands And go clap, clap, clap; Ш You take your little hands And go clap, clap, clap; You take your little hands And go clap, clap, clap; Clap, clap, clap your hands. You take your little toes^ And go tap, tap, tap; You take your little toes And go tap, tap, tap; You take your little toes And go tap, tap, tap; Tap, tap, tap your toes. You take your little eyes And go blink,^ blink, blink; You take your little eyes And go blink, blink, blink; You take your little eyes And go blink, blink, blink; Blink, blink, blink your eyes. You take your little lips^ And go kiss, kiss, kiss; You take your little lips And go kiss, kiss, kiss; You take your little lips And go kiss, kiss, kiss; Kiss your dear Mum and Dad. ^ toe [t9u] — палец на ноге ^ blink [blipk] — моргать lip [lip] — губа DAILY LI Let Us Read 3 Johnny and Paul are talking over the telephone. The line is bad and some sentences are missing. Complete the dialogue and act it out with a partner. Mind intonation in questions. Johnny: Hello! Is that you, Paul? Paul: ... Johnny: Would you like to come to play chess? Paul: When? Johnny: ... Paul: I’d love to but I can’t. Johnny: ... Paul: Because at six o’clock I usually help my sister to do her homework. Johnny: Oh, what a pity, your sister isn’t good at doing her homework. What about seven o’clock? Paul: I’m sorry I can’t. ... Johnny: Is eight o’clock all right with you then? Paul: ... Johnny: Goodbye. Paul: ... 4 Now pretend you are talking over the telephone with your friend. Act it out. Ригг1^Д[те _______ 5 How many words that begin with the letter do you remember! Write them down. Who is the champion! 13S -inr Homework 1. Listen to the song "You Take Your Little Hands", 190. Read and learn to sing it (Exercise 2). 2. Do Exercise 3. 3. Now pretend you are talking over the telephone with your friend. Act it out. 4. These sentences are not true. Write that it is not so. Example: The boys are playing hockey at home. The boys are not playing hockey at home. 1. Little Jill is watching TV in the street. 2. The girls are playing chess in the swimming pool. 3. The children are taking a shower at school. 4. Dad is helping his son to do his homework. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 91 Review Let Us Talk Look at the pictures and say: a) what Kitty usually does in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening; b) what Kitty is doing now. 736 1 Ji!k if' 137 138 2 So you know what Kitty does in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Now she wants to know what you do every day. Tell her about it. 3 Do you want to know more about your classmates and their families! Ask them whatever you want. Let them answer your questions. 4 You've learned 5 poems and 3 songs. Do you remember all of them! Recite the poem and sing the song you like best. 139 I I 1^, I 1. Let ^s^ead 5 Choose and read aloud the words on the topic "Daily Life". get up, street, women, do exercises, take a shower, live, children, clean teeth, elephant, wife, every day, pilot, dress, love, have lunch, husband, in the morning, chair, have breakfast, yellow, those, wash hands and face, crocodile, have dinner, please, grey, go for a walk, in the afternoon. Great Britain, do homework, hopscotch, help about the house, cow, in the evening, have supper, bag, read books, bird, America, watch TV, play chess, under, go to bed 6 Now read all the words of Exercise 5 as quickly as you can. So who is good at quick reading! 7 Read the story and say if Jack wants to help his father today. Mr Smith and His Son Mr Smith lives on a farm.^ He is a farmer.^ He has got a son. His son’s name is Jack. He is ten. Mr Smith has a lot of work to do. So he gets up at five o’clock in the morning every day. His son usually helps him. He takes his horse for a walk. The horse’s name is Red because he is red. no farm [fa:m] — ферма farmer [Та:тэ] — фермер One day the farmer says to his son: “Jack, look at the clock! It is six o’clock. Get up! Get up! It’s time to take Red for a walk.” “OK,” says Jack. He doesn’t want to get up but he gets up, washes his hands and face, has breakfast and he goes off with Red. But very soon Jack runs back and says: “Dad, take your gun!^ A hare is over there.^ It’s as big as our horse.” “A hare as big as our horse?!” says the farmer. “It can’t be.” “Well, not as big as our horse perhaps^ but I think it’s as big as a dog.” “A hare as big as a dog?! It can’t be,” says the farmer. “Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a dog. I think it’s as big as a cat.” “A hare as big as a cat?! It can’t be.” “Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a cat. I think it’s as big as a mouse. “A hare as big as a mouse?! It can’t be.” “Well, perhaps it’s not as big as a mouse. I think it’s as big as a fly.” “A hare as big as a fly?! It can’t be. Well, my son, I think you don’t want to help me today.” 8 Now role-play the story. ^ gun [длп] — ружьё ^ over there ['ouvQ'des] — вон там ^ perhaps [ps'haeps] -^ mouse [maus] — мышь может быть m DAiLY U^E Let Us Read 1 8 Write the words that begin with b Homework 1. Read Exercise 5. 2. Read the story "Mr Smith and His Son" (Exercise 7). Mind the intonation. 3. Role-play the story "Mr Smith and His Son". 4. Write what you like to do on Sundays and when. 5. Do exercises in the Workbook. Lesson 92 (Optional) Lesson 93 Home-Reading Lesson 8 Text "Tower Ravens" 742 г Lesson 94 Test yours eH 1 1. Now, we think, you haven’t got many difficulties in understanding English. So listen to (kfs) 189 and agree or disagree. (See Workbook, Lesson 94.) 2. You can talk and discuss: — good rules at home and at school; — what you (your friend) do (does) at this or that time; — what you (your friend) are (is) doing now; — who is lazybones and who is not; — yours or your friend’s daily life. 3. You have learnt (выучили) 23 new words and expressions. Find out if you can write them properly. (See Workbook, Lesson 94.) 4. You have learnt 4 poems and 1 song. Can you act out the one you like best? 5. This year you have got some information about Great Britain. Do you remember it? If not, look through the Student’s Book and Reader II and get ready to tell us about it. ПЗ DAI I 9vem 11 • Lesson 95 Home-Reading Lesson 9 Text "Frog in Love", part I Lesson 96 Home-Reading Lesson 10 Text "Frog in Love", part II Lesson 97 (Optional) 1 Англо-русский словарь Аа advice*^ [Qd'vais] совет afraid* [a'freid] боязливый be afraid of* бояться Africa ['aefrikQ] Африка after* ['a:fto] после afternoon [,a:ft9'nu:n] полдень in the afternoon в полдень again* [o'gen] снова, опять all right* ['o:l 'mit] хорошо always ['oilweiz] всегда am [aem, om] 1-e л. ed. Ч. наст. ep. гл. to be America [o'meriko] Америка and [^nd, ond] и angry* ["aepgri] сердитый animal* ["aenimol] животное another* [о^пл5э] другой are [a:] мп. ч. наст. вр. гл. to be aunt [a:nt] тётя awful ['o:fl] ужасный it’s awful ужасно bad:* a bad mark ['baed 'ma:k] плохая оценка badminton ['baedminton] бадминтон bag [baeg] сумка, мешок ball [bo:l] мяч ^ Слова, обозначенные звёздочкой тивный словарь 2 класса. * не входят в ак- П5 bark* [ba:k] лаять baseball ['beisbo:!] бейсбол basketball ["ba:skitbo:l] баскетбол bear [Ьеэ] медведь because* [bi'kDz] потому что bed [bed] кровать be in bed быть в кровати go to bed ложиться спать begin* [bi'gin] начинать belong* [bi'lnp] принадлежать big [big] большой a big wheel чёртово колесо bike [baik] велосипед bite* [bait] кусаться black [blaek] чёрный blink* [blipk] моргать blue [blu:] голубой board: a board game ['bo:d 'geim] настольная игра boast [baust] хвастаться boaster ["bausta] хвастун book [buk] книга box [bt)ks] коробка brave [breiv] храбрый breakfast ['brekfast] завтрак have breakfast завтракать Britain ['britn] Британия Great Britain [,greit Ъп1п] Великобритания brother [Ъглбэ] брат brown [braun] коричневый bucket* ['bAkit] ведро businessman ['biznisman] бизнесмен bye [bai] пока, до свидания Cc call* [ko:l] звать camel ["kaeml] верблюд can [kasn, кэп] мочь, уметь cannot = can’t не уметь car [ka:] машина cat [kast] кошка certainly ['ssitsnli] конечно chair [tjea] стул chess [tjes] шахматы chick [tjik] цыплёнок chicken ['tjikin] цыплёнок child [tfaild] ребёнок children ['tjildrsn] дети ['siti] город clean [kli:n] 1) чистить; 2) чистый clean teeth [ti:0] чистить зубы clever ['klevc] умный clock [klok] часы close [klouz] закрывать club* [kkb] клуб clumsy ['kknizi] неловкий cold* [kould] холодный come [клт] приходить computer [kam'pjuita] компьютер cook* [kuk] готовить cousin ["kAzn] кузен cow [kau] корова cry [krai] кричать, плакать Vd dance [da:ns] танцевать dark [da:k] 1) тёмный; 2) темнота daughter [Mo:ta] дочь day [dei] день day and night день и ночь one day однажды dentist ['dentist] зубной врач describe [di'skraib] описывать dinner ['ding] обед have dinner обедать for dinner на обед do [du:] делать do exercises ['eksssaiziz] делать зарядку doctor ['dnkta] доктор dog [dng] собака doll [dnl] кукла dolphin ['dolfin] дельфин dramatize* [Mrasmotaiz] драматизировать dress [dres] одеваться duck [dAk] утка ear [ю] ухо eat [i:t] есть economist [I'konomist] экономист eight [eit] восемь eleven [I'levn] одиннадцать end* [end] конец П7 engineer [,end5i'ni9] инженер English ['ipglij] английский even* ['i:vn] даже evening ['iivnip] вечер in the evening вечером every ['evri] каждый every day каждый день every morning каждое утро everyone* ['evriWAn] все everything ['evriGip] всё excuse [ik'skju:z] изви-нять(ся) Excuse me! Извините! eye [ai] глаз ff face [feis] лицо face to face лицом к лицу fall down ['foil Maun] падать family [MaemQli] семья fan [faen] болельш;ик farm* [fa:m] ферма farmer [Taimo] фермер father ['faMoj отец fellow [Melou] парень fine [fain] хороший finger* [Mipgs] палец first* [fsrst] первый fish [fij] рыба five [faiv] пять flat* [flaet] квартира fluffy* [^fLvfi] пушистый fly [flai] летать football [Mutbo:!] футбол forget* [forget] забывать four [fo:] четыре fox [fnks] лиса friend [frend] друг frog [frag] лягушка from [fram] из funny [Млш] смешной game [geim] игра gay [gei] весёлый get [get] достать get up ['get 'лр] вставать, просыпаться giraffe [d5i'ra:f] жираф girl [дз:1] девочка give [grv] давать glad* [glaed] радостный go [gou] идти, ходить go for a walk [work] идти гулять П8 good luck [1лк] удачи good night [gud'nait] доброй ночи grandfather ["graend,fa:69] дедушка grandmother ['дгаеп,тлбэ] бабушка green [gri:n] зелёный grey [grei] серый guitar [gi'ta:] гитара play the guitar играть на гитаре gum* [gAm] смола gym [dsim] гимнастический зал hand [haend] рука happy ['hsepi] счастливый hard [ha:d] усердно; много; тяжело hare [hes] заяц have (got) ['haev ('got)] иметь he [hi:] OH head [hed] голова headache ['hedeik] головная боль help [help] помогать hen [hen] курица her [hs:] её here [hi9] здесь Here it is! Вот! hi [hai] привет hide-and-seek ['haidond'si:k] игра в прятки his [hiz] его hockey ["hnki] хоккей home [haum] дом {свой, родной) at home дома homework ['haumwaik] домашняя работа hopscotch [^npskntj] игра в классики horse [ho:s] лошадь hospital ['hnspitl] больница, госпиталь house [haus] дом {строение) housewife ["hauswaif] домохозяйка how [hau] как hungry ['йлрдп] голодный hungry as a hunter голодный как волк husband ['hAzband] муж 149 // I [ai] я ice [ais] лёд ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] мороженое if [if] если ill [il] больной in [in] внутри into ['into] в is [iz] 3-e Л. ed. ч. наст, вр, гл. to be it [it] это, OHO (oh, она) jj join [cfeoin] присоеди-нять(ся) jump [(fevmp] прыгать Kk kind [kaind] добрый kiss* [kis] целовать kitten ['kitn] котёнок know [nou] знать a lake [leik] озеро lamp [laemp] лампа lazy [leizi] ленивый leapfrog ['li:pfiT)g] чехарда leaves* [li:vz] листья Lego ['legou] Jlero let’s [lets] давай(те) letter* ['leto] письмо like [laik] 1) любить, нравиться; 2) как live [liv] жить long [bp] длинный longer* ['Ьрдэ] длиннее look [luk] выглядеть look at ['luk 'aet] смотреть на lovely [^IavIi] восхитительный lunch [UntJ] 1) второй завтрак {обычно в полдень); 2) обед have lunch 1) завтракать; 2) обедать Мт таке [meik] делать таке bread [bred] печь хлеб man [таен] 1) человек; 2) мужчина many ["mem] много how [hau] many сколько 150 marbles ['ma:blz] шарики {для игры) meet [mi:t] встретить men [men] мужчины merry-go-round ['тепдэи ,raund] карусель middle* ['midl] середина mirror [^mirs] зеркало monkey ['nupki] обезьяна moon [mu:n] луна morning ['mo:nip] утро in the morning утром mother ['тлбз] мама mouse [maus] мышь mouth [mau0] рот much [тл1(] много very much* очень много must [mASt] должен my [mai] мой name [neim] имя near [ni9] около nephew ["nevju:] племянник nice [nais] хороший, приятный, милый niece [ni:s] племянница nine [nain] девять no [паи] не, нет none [плп] никто not [not] не, нет now [паи] сейчас number ['плтЬз] номер Оо o’clock [s'klnk] ... часов at 8 o’clock в 8 часов It’s 6 o’clock. Сейчас 6 часов. of course [эу 'ko:s] конечно office ['nfis] учреждение, офис officer ['nfiso] офицер often ['nfn] часто old [ould] старый one [wAn] один one day однажды only ["ounli] только open [^Qupon] открыть other ['a5q] другой our ['аиэ] наш pp parents ['pearsnts] родители park [pa:k] парк 151 parrot* ['paerat] попугай peck* [рек] клевать penguin ['pepgwin] пингвин perhaps [po'haeps] возможно pet [pet] любимое домашнее животное piano [pi'aenou] пианино play the piano играть на пианино picture ['piktjb] картина pig [pig] свинья pilot ['paibt] пилот pity ['piti] жалость, сожаление What a pity! Как жаль! plane [plein] самолёт plant [pla:nt] завод play [plei] играть playground ['pleigraund] плогцадка для игр please [pli:z] пожалуйста pleasure ['р1езэ] удовольствие with great pleasure c большим удовольствием pond [pond] пруд pony ["pouni] пони poor [рш] бедный previous ['pri:vi9s] предыдущий proverb* ["prDV3:b] пословица pupil ['pju:pl] ученик, ученица puppy ['рлр1] щенок put [put] класть, положить; ставить Rr rabbit ['rasbit] кролик read [ri:d] читать ready ['redi] готовый red [red] красный remember [n'membo] запоминать ride [raid] кататься right [rait] правильно That’s right. Правильно. robot ['raubot] робот roller-skate ['rsubskeit] кататься на роликовых коньках roller skates роликовые коньки room [ru:m] комната rule* [ru:l] правило run [глп] бегать Russia ['гл/з] Россия Russian ['гл]зп] русский 152 Ss say* [sei] говорить, сказать school [sku:l] школа at school в школе go to school идти в школу scooter ['sku:t9] самокат see [si:] видеть seed* [si:d] зерно seesaw ['si:so:] катание на качелях seven ['sevn] семь shake [feik] трясти she [Д:] она ship [fip] корабль silly ['sill] глупый sing [sip] петь sister ['sisto] сестра sit [sit] сидеть six [siks] шесть skate [skeit] кататься на коньках skate board ['skeitbo:d] роликовая доска skating rink ['skeitip,ripk] каток ski [ski:] кататься на лыжах skip [skip] скакать через верёвочку sledge [sledj] кататься на санях snake [sneik] змея snakes and ladders вид настольной игры snow [snou] снег snowball ['snoubo:!] снежок play (fight) snowballs играть в снежки snowman ['snsumasn] снежная баба, снеговик son [sah] сын soon [su:n] скоро sorry* ['son] огорчённый I’m very sorry. Я очень сожалею, sport [spo:t] спорт sports 1) спортивные соревнования; 2) спортивный sports ground ['spo:ts 'graund] спортивная плохцадка sportsman ['spo:tsmon] спортсмен spring* [sprip] весна stadium ['steidism] стадион stand [stasnd] стоять stay [stei] оставаться 753 stick* [stik] палка stomachache ["sUmokeik] боль в животе street [stri:t] улица such* [sAtJ] такой summer* ["sAmo] лето swim [swim] плавать swimming pool бассейн swing [swiq] качаться switch [switj] on включать {свет) table ['teibl] стол table tennis настольный теннис tag [tacg] игра в салочки take [teik] брать, взять take a shower ['JmyQ] принять душ tall [to:l] высокий teach учить teacher [4i:tj3] учитель team* команда teeth [ti:0] зубы telephone [4elifoun] телефон television [4eli,vi3n] телевидение ten [ten] десять tennis ["terns] теннис test [test] yourself [jo:"self] проверь себя thank [Gaepk] благодарить Thanks [Gaepks], Спасибо. Thank you. Спасибо, that [6set] TOT, та, то their [без] их then [беп] тогда, затем these [6i:z] эти they [6ei] они think* [Gipk] думать this [6is] этот, эта, это those [6ouz] те three [Gri:] три time [taim] время tired ["taiod] усталый be tired уставать too [tu:] тоже tooth [tu:G] зуб toothache* ["tu:Geik] зубная боль toy [toi] игрушка train [trem] поезд tree [tri:] дерево trick [trik] трюк, фокус try [trai] пытаться, стараться twelve [twelv] двенадцать two [tu:] два 15^ Uu uncle ['лдк1] дядя under [4nd3] под use* Ou:z] употреблять, использовать usually ['ju:3U3li] обычно Vv very [Veri] очень very much очень много volleyball ['volibo:!] волейбол play volleyball играть в волейбол Ww walk [wo:k] ходить, гулять want [wont] хотеть wash [wnj] мыть watch [wDtJ] смотреть watch TV смотреть телевизор water ['wo:t9] вода we [wi;] мы well [wel] 1) хорошо very well очень хорошо well [wel] 2) колодеп what [wBt] что where [weo] где which [witj] который white [wait] белый who [hu:] кто wife [waif] жена winter* ['winta] зима with [wi5] c with us c нами wives [waivz] жёны woman ['woman] женщина women ['wimm] женщины work [w3:k] работать worker ['w3:ka] рабочий yellow ['jelau] жёлтый yes D’es] да you [ju] ТЫ, вы your 0^:] твой, ваш zoo [zu:] зоопарк 155 Contents WORLD AROUND ME Lessons 47—51 .........................4—22 Lesson 52. Home-Reading Lesson 1 ......... 22 WE READ FAIRY TALES Lessons 53—72 ......................... 23—83 Lesson 58. Home-Reading Lesson 2 ......... 42 Lesson 64. Home-Reading Lesson 3 ......... 60 Lesson 70. Home-Reading Lesson 4 ......... 79 Lesson 73. Review ......................... 87 Lesson 75. Home-Reading Lesson 5 ......... 90 Lesson 76. Test Yourself 6 ............ 91 Lessons 77—92 .........................92—142 Lesson 81. Home-Reading Lesson 6 ........ 103 Lesson 86. Home-Reading Lesson 7 ........ 117 Lesson 91. Review ........................ 136 Lesson 93. Home-Reading Lesson 8 ........ 142 Lesson 94. Test Yourself 7 ........... 143 Lesson 95. Home-Reading Lesson 9 ........ 144 Lesson 96. Home-Reading Lesson 10 ....... 144 Англо-русский словарь ........... 145 156 Учебное издание Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Бондаренко Кира Алексеевна Притыкина Тамара Александровна Английский язык 2 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В ДВУХ ЧАСТЯХ Часть 2 Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Е. Ю. Туйцына Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождёва Художник К. Р. Борисов Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка Л. М. Абрамовой Корректоры Н.Д. Цухай, Н.М. Кочергина Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 06.03.13. Формат 84X108 Vie. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура SchoolBookCSanPin. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 7,74. Доп. тираж 16 000 экз. Заказ № 0300. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в ОАО «Можайский полиграфический комбинат». 143200, г. Можайск, ул. Мира, 93. WWW.oaompk.ru, www.oaoMnK-рф тел.: (495) 745-84-28, (49638) 20-685 Teacher^ Book Ш1Ш ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО Учебно-методический комплект «Английский язык» авторов И. Н. Верещагиной, К. А. Бондаренко, Т. А. Притыкиной для 2 класса включает: • рабочие программы (2-4 классы) • учебник (в 2 частях) • рабочую тетрадь • книгу для чтения • книгу для учителя • электронное приложение с аудиокурсом на CD • https://prosv.ru/umk/ Vereshchagina ШШ