Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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ft ft h I Ч PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS Условные обозначения и сокращения говорение ) )) слушание чтение письменное задание подготовка к ГИА дополнительное задание задание повышенной сложности домашнее задание GS Grammar support УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 6+ Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Э. Ш. Перегудова, Н. М. Лапа, О. В. Дуванова, О. в. Стрельникова, Е. В. Кузнецова, И. П. Костина, Ю. Н. Кобец Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А Зимняя Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов Консультант М. Дандридж (Великобритания) Консультант по языковому тестированию канд. пед* наук В, Н. Симкин ] Wha the I teen you] Рабочая тетрадь является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций и предназначена для активизации и закрепления лексико-грамматического материала учебника. Рабочая тетрадь может использоваться учащимися как на уроке, так и для самостоятельных занятий дома. Содержание рабочей тетради соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта основного общего образования. thin me. reac ISBN 978-5-09-025129-7 Издательство «Просвещениеj>, 2015 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2015 Все права защищены а S Ml № svv^ A *•:. 6+ ^4^ B^J Л' :«^*! ’■> • У I « в f « -.«•/■у.*''-. -r* ^.4V^ >-. *. *тг-У»: ■ <•? J^ -5 r Ш • ^*f Lesson Ш- - " • f I 1 p I» « cl/ - *>.C ^ . 1 ' ‘ 1-5 Ч * * r*j Ji « ■-*■ -= i 'I Л Лн. * .V ^>3 Ч'; K' ri f/. jr-r,-: P §b' :• ^ ' > yS >М:У: f* f Щ >/•: № 4 I •-*s < ./ !'.■ '+ .J Here is an interview with the What are Kevin Brooks’ favourite the present verb forms. popular genres? ritish writer Kevin Brooks.* Complete the interview, using the verbs in one of ^ ‘•.■Аи4 • 41 0гап)гг^^ Present Present Present Present Present meaning Simple: ! read books every day. Progressive: I am reading a crime story at the moment. Perfect: I have enjoyed reading since I was five. Perfect Progressive: I have been reading fantasy this week. GS p. 179 How long (0) hGVe you been Wfiting (to write) for teenagers? — For ten years (to write) poems and little stories since I was a child. I like writing for teenagers. When I (2) ___________________ (to write) for young people, I think about writing the plot. What writers (3) your rent thing (5) me. In since learnt early (to influence ) (to read) lots of diffe-read, and I think every-have) an influence on , J. D. Salinger and Jack London were my favourite writers. I like crime fiction and I still (to read) a lot of American crime writers. I also like reading a lot of non-fiction books. read) much teen fiction by other writers? I usually (8) _ (to read) a lot. But, when I (9) V/^‘ tAfU iV«i- (to write) a book, I (10) — What (11)_________ - I (12) ___________ you (to try) not to read much teen fiction. (to work) on at the moment? (to work) on a screenplay^ for Martyn Pig. ^4% ► , 2015 # • ► , 2015 ^ a screenplay ['skri:nplei] киносценарий Unit 1 I ■ * r • ^ f\ LESSON 1 •/j 2* In your culture. During Teen Read Week,* teens are usually asked about their reading interests, habits and attitudes. Read what Russian teenagers write about their tastes in reading. Translate their comments for the Teen Read Week survey, using the words from the box in the correct form instead of the underlined words. as long as • autobiography • biography • classic detective story • to encourage • to explore • a historical novel fantasy • fiction • genre • imagination • to influence non-fiction • to recommend • poetry • a novel • realistic a reference book • science fiction • to succeed in Lei WhicI the g portTi Tf «Чтение — это прекрасный способ проводить время. Мой любимый жанр — Фэнтези, при условии, что это хорошая литература. Но я также люблю поэзию, исторические. реалистические и классические романы». 1 п * ё I V: - 7Л «Я научилась читать рано, и книги очень повлияли мою жизнь. Книги помогают мне добиться успеха в школе, использовать моё воображение. - Книги побуждают меня исследовать новые предметы, помогают мне лучше понимать людей. Я очень люблю читать документальную *>.* справочную литературу, биографии и автобиографии. А когда я хочу отдохнуть, я читаю детективы или научную фантастику. Всю эту неделю я читала книгу Бориса Акунина «Фантастика». Я получила большое удовольст- вие и -рекомендую ♦ t всем, кто любит хорошую художественную литературу». Unit 1 LESSON 1 в I W ~ in Ed succes the mi and E centui remar He Wt H fabulo a bril Dr W Reade ore < ead- ents id of •I *% Г: i I ► .i r '5- •i Lesson 2 1* Great Britain is the birthplace of many famous writers. Which writers are these stories about? For questions 1 — 14, read the text below and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs given in capital letters. Match the texts and the portraits. Past meaning Past Simple Active: She wrote a lot of detective stories. Past Simple Passive: Her books were translated into many languages. Past Progressive: He was writing that novel when he was a student. Past Perfect: By that time he had published his famous novel. A В William Shakespeare (1564—1616) Robert Louis Stevenson (1850—1894) 1. He was a famous novelist and poet. He (0) WAS ЬОГЛ in Edinburgh. During his life he travelled a lot. When he (1) ____________ in America, he (2) _____________ Mrs Fanny Osbourne whom he (3) Her young son, Lloyd, (4) famous Treasure Island. The novel (5) success when it (6)____________. _____in France. him to write his ________ a great 2. He was the greatest playwright of all time. Among the most famous of his plays are Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet in the 16th and King Lear. His plays (7) century. He (8)______________ by his contemporaries as a remarkable playwright and a great poet. 3. He was a great master of the detective story. He was born in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. He (9)__________________his first detective story when he was 28. He (10) ___________ his vivid imagination to develop fabulous plots. He (11) __________ powerful stories about a brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson. He vividly (12) _______________ his characters. Readers (13)____________them and always (14)______________ more of these stories. C Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) (0) BE BORN (1) TRAVEL (2) MARRY (3) MEET (4) INSPIRE (5) BE (6) PUBLISH ■&: ■ ■ (7) SET (8) HONOUR (9) PUBLISH (10) USE Unit 1 LESSON 2 ■.■о I- ! ■ • О. ■ / - J' j - I.. '■I \ I I - i P 7 f- i-* ' Г t-* f fVr ii' I; l~' • 1 i . ■ j Ф I Ф ^•r I - № Ш 6 6Й§Б1 2. In your culture. Mikhail Lermontov Is one of the most famous Russian poets* What is he famous for? Read Mikhail Lermontov’s biography. For questions 1—13, choose the best answer (a, b or c). Mikhail Lermontov was born in Moscow, on October 15, 1814. At the (0) Й of three, he lost his mother and his grandmother, Yelizaveta Arsenyeva, took him to Tar- khany, Penzenskaya guberniya. The little boy was very talented. He learnt to read early and read many books in his (1) ________. Mikhail studied French, English, German and read Byron, Walter Scott, Goethe and Schiller in the original. When he was fourteen, Mikhail went to Moscow with his grandmother, where he entered the gymnasium. At the _____by the poetry of A. Pushkin gymnasium he was (2) began writing 1830, Lermontov’s first poem The Spring was (3)_____ The same year he entered Moscow University. By 1832, he had (4) ______ 200 lyric poems, 10 long poems and 3 plays. In 1832, Lermontov left the university and went to St Petersburg, where he studied in the cadet school till 1834. At that time, while he was working (5) ___ the novel Vadim^ he wrote his famous poem The Sail,^ In 1837, Lermontov wrote his (6) ______poem The Death of the Poet^ where he (7) (8) the tsar’s role in Pushkin’s murder. It was published and was a huge Because of that poem he was sent to the Caucasus.® to write his wonderful poems: The Demon and The Caucasus (9) Mtsyri he gave a (11) picture of the life of his (12) novel A Hero of Our Time^ where _______. The great writer died in 1841, at the age of 26. He was (13) by his contemporaries as a remarkable poet and novelist. 0 ® age b century c year 1 a childhood b gymnasium c school 2 a interested b inspired c admired 3 a appeared b published c valued 4 a improved b succeeded c written 5 a on b at c with 6 a mysterious b powerful c enjoyable 7 a played b influenced c described 8 a progress b success c achievement 9 a explored b made c inspired 10 a remarkable b thrilling c fantastic 11 a classic b realistic c romantic 12 a contemporaries b classmates c relatives 13 a realised b imagined c honoured 1 The ^ The ® the Sail — «Парус» Death of the Poet — «Смерть поэта» Caucasus ['ko:k3S3s] — Кавказ Unit 1 LESSON 2 L FI k: r> n Л c p 1 )oets. e the юЬег I his Tar- read Ichail alter with t the hkin f. In .832, and •e he *e he huge and rhere ;d in poet I le •d nent L (d Lesson 3 1. Below is information about famous British writers, nil in the table with the missing words using the suffixes below, cessary. Then fill in the gaps in the text with words that fit in the correct form. Consult a dictionary if ne-same numbered gap in the hint Word building Noun suffixes: -tion, -ist, -er, -or Adjective suffixes: -ive, -able^ -ful, -ous GS Verb Noun Noun (person) Adjective 0) - humour 1) - fame 2) remark — 3) - drama 4) - novel 5) succeed success 6) - power 7} describe 8) invent 9) - contemporary 10) create creation 11) imagine 12) - suspense Humorist Jerome K. Jerome (1859—1927) was a well- known (0) humorist, playwright and a short story writer. His best (0) _________ Men in a Boat made him (1) ______ book Three George Bernard Shaw (1856—1950) was a (2) _________ playwright. His most famous plays are Pygmalion, Too True to Be Good. In 1925, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Unit 1 LESSON 3 r I* m ’ i ,'p Ш \' . s I и: -•-•i I, .' I • Г" William Somerset Maugham (1874—1965) is an outstanding (3) successful (4) -Л-w*. >> :V.^ His first really (5) __________ Bondage. Maugham wrote (6) ries, where he gave realistic (7) life of his contemporaries. The language of his short stories is considered to be very (7) ______________ and and one of the most and short story writers, novel was Of Human short sto-of the A into coUe cent] 2^1an< I Л i w' . Л. f^- FsV; ■M -4 '"Ш ..-VS!. P«c-- ?% m m »v. * MJ' Anthony Horowitz (born 1955) is a (9) British writer. He is the (10) of two very popular book series for children and young adults: Alex Rider and The Gatekeepers.- Anthony Horowitz is very _____________ and (11) ________________. He develops fabulous plots. His books are thrilling, exciting and X, * . * rt i^._ ___ 2. British people honour their famous writers. Complete the text about the well-known British writers. For questions with the correct forms of the verbs given in capital letters. 12, fill in the gaps hint Passive Voice Present Simple Passive: The Roald Dahl Museum is visited by many tourists. Past Simple Passive: The exhibition of Robert Burns was held in our school. Present Perfect Passive: The book has been published this year. GS p. 181 ?Аь*' * Г-. J. M. Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, was born in ICirrie- muir, Scotland. Now his birthplace (0) IS kept as a museum. Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland, and January 25 — the date of his birth — (1)___________________by Scots the world over. Robert Burns (2) ____________________ with a ceremony called Burns’ Supper, at which tradi- tional Scottish dishes (3) Burns’ poems and after the meal (5) there may be some Scottish dancing. In 2009, the 250th anniversary of his birthday (6) _______________. ' There are special book museums all over Great Britain. Exhibitions of books, photographs, pictures of famous British writers (7) _______________ there. The exhibition of one of Scotland’s best-loved writers Robert Louis Ste- venson (8) in 2005, to mark the 155th anniversary oi his birthday. The National Portrait Gallery in London contains a lot of world-famous masterpieces. Many portraits of famous British writers (9) ____________________ there. Unit 1 LESSON 3 (0) KEEP (1) CELEBRATE (2) REMEMBER EAT READ FINISH MARK (7) HOLD (8) ORGANISE (9) EXHIBIT Why (вы lan^ HbU ния г- p" ,^1 s an most ters. iman sto-L the short and Agatha Christie is the world’s most published crime writer. Agatha Christie’s books (10) into 103 languages, and they are still popular today. A new collection of her detective stories (11) *------------ re- cently. Exhibitions on her life and work (12) __________ every year in her native town, Torquay, En- gland. if (10) TRANSLATE (11) PUBLISH (12) ORGANISE a у. V W 9 4 # very Alex very elops and gaps pw*-.* iO-‘V -• ■ vt**».* ‘■^Ars^ . . r i !. t! Ir. .. * -• • . r* •v-v-.V* W ilst (• * J <. / •' :• •* -• w •:-Л**‘’iV» пян.^< - s5bi№CrN*r*^*.. . ,1 w.-WJKiI^JBJlI якЯ| 1.V^" • •«W5s3«^^ ■ .1^ ... ................:.v.•'•>.• y.i -j . *•** J rNV.vKi - f. 4Г J uj _ F# V ^ 5 _______ - •fey^vV IXh p—( > JI7. • I г ^ 1>*Д :•• • лз II" Д M " "" jJ- . улЧ*' u ...?rrwv.- . I Wi«: шш w. ____ Us; ./m i :1 л«.■^^ kv -*>• . An*!* ^“.гчТ..%^ 5V ^ ^ 4t«j ?W* ■‘X Ч-*'-. ■ ■? J; i:«,' и ■ж if " ‘ =■' '^1 ;f.'> .: ч''-1 ?>: -^t;r. •-■•:: ;..i F4 . «i >• VT* -.'I » к ш'У\ ^ Й* •5?, УЧ цйу ;.T -•.*ьгT:•! :vT-:c-. •+Г1. ‘•K ' Ч ,. A^ ■ •T^.v.* V , Л*РЧ^*. .*■ ГЧ S"J >•> M R. Burns ж g!. 7, .;.. ; ■/Й -V :4VXZ*I in*^, sv •<•••?: :sftV ^l+v- .wV.^ m y.' *>v •'•* • 7*r ’: v;/ * Л .'ifJ ■ "Ш *4. Г5 Vv"-S*V ^VKx:o; •■ ЛГ ,.CS=5^ Cr^-‘ ^:v v' -V '^7 :*-*<ьббФткч< г-.'Л-лЛс»: - ._с;г'-х=* v-:*WA f.s >>V'« llffe >v’ •?!-X Ш Ш >:: ■ Щ- ' ^hii № •-•J >*лг^ ^ -4. f - _i -^:;£ .Ллу:>А л •■•'■а;; :; г^гГ-:::.? ?. у vy.rW-; •-> S:.- -•>V l #f». - W! Ш •• •«♦ ^ •< m.- >:< A 4.*^i v:5vK‘ -Ал f .*>’*.-Л*!*, Й5Й^’ ft? j ^чч:/- >!»v >. Л-'- :t ’^'y-i !v* »• Н,- о у у У^^ш. . f„ i 1 *-to ;V‘ ^ - w » “»”i i^? Л-.- ^;::'!:i v^; Нжг- s-r**^T ' I * W P "^^1гл aF •* •*l•■•*p•л i-ie ••!•*- W ^ ^ rf*. I JL* Ш. AV. .^r rv * "T? ^ v;;^srs4"f4'"5 M, Barrie •■•'- - / '1 . p4M!№jt.--I t,.^ •Ж siii -■^f ■ ■Ш ■ CJ. r." Iv' :i i".i ,»> • • -"p J S J I f ^ Ч :• yr//^ . ■: -. >>!! I ; 1 ..:J{ ■V^. Щ * ,;-7i J У vjjc/ »Til I 3. In your culture. Olga Novikova wrote a report about her favourite Russian author. Why does Olga like this author? Complete her report, translating the words in brackets. My favourite author My favourite (0) guthof (автор) is Nikolai Gogol. He is an (1) (выдающийся) Russian writer. I enjoy reading this author for his vivid imagination, his brilliant sense of humour and very rich, (2) language. He is ный богатым (творческий), (4) and ( изобретательный ) ____________ (одарён- (увлекающийся описа- ниями ). Unit 1 ---- ----, - -----> T-i-l И ш-хА irtmimiiii' I LESSON 3 ^ # . г J» . * / , 1Г !11 t А 4. t; V r. yr Nikolai Gogol (6) ______________ (родился) in Sorochintsi, Ukraine, in 1809. He started writing at school. In 1828, he went to St Pe-tersburg. His first novel Hans Kuchelgarten (7) _____________________ (был опубликован) there, in 1829, but it was not a success. Gogol (8) (работал учителем)^ tried to become an actor and wrote for some magazines, until he met Alexander Pushkin in 1831. A. Pushkin (9) ( повлиял) his choice of literary material greatly, especially his Dikanka Tales^ which (10) ____________________ (были основаны) on Ukrainian folklore. Gogol used his vivid imagination to develop fabulous (11) (сюжеты). N. Gogol was a master of many (12) (жанров). He wrote historical fiction, short (романы). I particularly __________ (яркая) story. stories, horror stories, fairy tales, plays and (13)______ erijoy his famous historical tale Taras Bulba. It is a (14) And especially I liked Taras Bulba, who was a very strong and heroic character. Gogol is best known for Ms (15)_______________(реалистический) novel Dead Souls^ and his famous comedy The Inspector General.^ The ideas of these famous works suggested to Gogol by Pushkin. His books are so (16) (захватывающие) that you can’t stop reading. And the characters are greatl Lesson 4 1. In your culture. There are a lot of literary places connected with the names of famous Russian writers. What literary place would you recommend your foreign friend to start the literary exploration of Russia with? Choose the place you advise visiting first of all and write about it. I tMnk the best place to begin the literary exploration of Russia is_____________________. was born and lived. It’s the place where welcomes visitors from all over the world. who wrote is an outstanding most famous were books were set in often described in his works. It was there, too, that he wrote It’ll be interesting to __________ Besides, I tMnk it’ll be great to ^ Dead Souls — Мёртвые души» ^ The laspector General — «Ревизор» Unit 1 LESSON 4 L( 0) i) 2) 3) 4) ! 5) ] 6) 7) ■ L( Rep to t дился ) started St Pe-Igarten кован) . Gogol 1 елем ) у г some ikin in влиял) special- . Gogol ibulous , short Lcularly > story. i Souls^ ks were eading. lames of )loration УК' Lesson 5 1. Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined information using a wh clause, as in the exampie. Wh-clauses What we want Is a good adventure novel. To, что нам нужно, — это хорошим приключенческим роман. GS р. 186 0) We gave them some detective stories to read. What we gave them were some detective stories to read. 1) I was looking for a historical novel bv Walter Scott. What ______________________________________________________________ 2) I want to read The Lord of the Rinss bv Tolkien. What 3) He bought a new book bv Christopher Paolini. What 4) She wrote a letter to her favourite author Jacqueline Wilson Who 5) I rang you because I wanted to ask you for a reference book. Why_____________________________________________________ 6) We need to go to the library. - What____________________________________________________ 7) They went to the Charles Dickens Museum. Where 1. Alice, Sean, Annie and Lisa are sharing their opinions on reading. Report what they say, to show the teenagers’ feeiings and thoughts. Use the verbs: to say, to think, to believe, to hope, to be sure, to be sorry. Reported structures: that-clauses Alice: “I enjoy reading.” Alice says that she enjoys reading. GS pp. 188 Unit 1 Л 4 Ф . - ¥ F 9 -V К V. ' I ■m /d V* Щ --■лЗ ' r- r • 9 •-v. • 7/y к I LESSONS 5—6 ri I r- f- I * » i . i ' ¥ fli V. • о f V r. >r>/4 % m i'»« itf' j V4«T+ 31! ..V’. !V Alice: Reading is one of the best hobbies I could have. It will help me to become smarter and succeed in life. Alice says that reading is one of the best hob-bies she could have. is sure that it will help her to become smarter and succeed in life. Sean: But I hate reading. It’s boring, and I can never find a good book to read. Sean ^<3 Lisa: My friends haven’t books yet. Most of them ing after the first few pages read the Harry Potter be interested in read- Lisa She________________ Annie: J. K. Rowling is an outstanding storyteller. Her stories are thrilling, emo tional and suspenseful. You’ll enjoy reading them. Annie She 4) Sean: But I prefer films. Films are more exciting and colourful. Sean Alice: I like films, too. But films miss half the story while books are more descrip- tive and Alice tell the whole story. 6) Sean: I’m going to read the first Harry Potter book. It won’t be boring. Sean CONSOLIDATION 1, Word building* Write down adjectives and nouns using the words from the box and one of the suffixes in the list. There is an example at the beginning. adventure emotion bore create encourage • enjoy gift • humour • imagine • literature • mystery • novel remark • susnense • talent describe excite inform power thrill • drama explore invent • real educate fame interest relax success Adjectives: -ai emotional, -able enjoyable, -ary imaginary. -ed gifted. -fu \ So :d Unit 1 ■/ CONSOLIDATION could -ful wonderful, i suc- hob- come I can Potter read- , emo- 3scrip he box -ing exatmcj, -ive ImaQinative, -OHS famous, Nouns: -ment enjoyment. -ist dramatist. -ism reaWsm, -€г/-ог thriller. -tion imagination,_________________________________________________________________ iStf 2. Grammar, The top six British writers choose the books they think children should read in school. For questions 1—10, read the text betow and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. There is an example at the beginning (0). The Royal Society of Literature (0) qsked (to ask) the top six British writers to make lists of the books they think kids should read before leaving school. These lists could help them with a discussion they (1) (to have) with the people who choose what to include in lessons. J. K. Rowling (2) the British writers who (3) ________(to be) among (to ask) to list the books. J. K. Rowl- (4) (to put) Emily Brontё’s Wuthering Heights («Грозовой перевал») and Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on her top ten list. Philip Pullman (5)________________ (to involve), too. He (6)_________ (to make) his list. The Ma- gic Pudding by Norman Lindsay and Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are (to include) in his list. A list, that (8) _______________(to make) (to include) Homer’s The Odyssey («Одиссея») and James Joyce’s Ulysses («Улисс»). With the help of these by the famous poet Andrew Motion, (9) lists the best books for schools will (10) (to choose). For 3, questions . There is Grammar, Read some interesting facts about British writers and literature. 1—12, fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs given in capitai let-an example at the beginning (0). 1. Limericks are short humorous poems. They are very popular in Great Britain. Many of them (0) Wgfg Written by the famous English poet Edward Lear. Competitions for tr the best limerick (1) since the 19th century. 2. Daniel Defoe is well known for his book Robinson r Crusoe. Defoe (2) the novel when he was nearly on the (0) WRITE (1) HOLD (2) WRITE i': 60 years old. The story of Robinson Crusoe (3)___ real adventure of a sailor, Alexander Selkirk, who (4) (3) Г (4) BASE LIVE alone for four years on an island. Defoe (5) children. But every child now (6)_____________ ____his book for Robinson Crusoe. 3. Walter Scott completed his novels with rmusual speed. Guy Mannering, for example, (7)____________in six weeks. 4. William Shakespeare wrote at least thirty-seven plays, although only eighteen of them (8) _______________________ his lifetime. The first collection of r plays 9» _____________ until 1623, seven years after his death. It *101_________________thirty-six plays. He usually wrote for a specific group of actors, and as they (11)___________older, he 12) ___________plays with older characters in mind. (5) NOT WRITE (6) KNOW (7) WRITE (8) PUBLISH (9) NOT PUBLISH (10) CONTAIN (11) BECOME (12) CREATE Unit 1 г пт» CONSOLIDATION mm . r ^ f V » ^ f » L V - н г ______4. In your culture* There are many literary museums in Russia. Read about the Ivan Turgenev Museum in Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. There is a mistake In each line of the text. Cross out the mistake and write the correct variant. There is an example at the beginning (0). r 1 V m TS 7 — - j : V -j I ^ 'J? ^ i- • .V -S'A»'. S!i^ 4^ Ч * m •4 . Ym л'.у о V- :.>s; •Л* x.-f t9f' •A> л5| y; :* L ■ll ■: h V. ll.'' :»r. 5^^ r I I:: ^ T Ш • ъ • Ш СШЛ1^ Y .Т, -Tw 1» .< 4VV. « j Л .-.• Hir- ?№да.-: t •y. *« \V!> •f.-dfr. •АЧ Av-* I •< г ^'Xy к -V »• 6v*a3kob ч;<-* %*- -V/, 'A” 1^/;. .^r* E'i* ‘<4? r >;•: W" 10 C&i ж^- 0^ •-Ч- •>V F^W t* y\?. i,V>i fc>- •. ser-! 'it:X Ш ь» ^1 w ^ У .гЛ-* J Ц- r I? ^ - I- ••K .i ‘ J.;: J ■ Г The Russian writer Ivan Turgenev тг% 1 n by his was valued contemporaries as an outstanding novel. His novels and tales read widely in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, England and USA. The State Turgenev Museum open in the author native town of Oriol. Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, where Ivan Turgenev was spent most of his life, is also museum and is open to the public. The museum visit by tourists from Russia and abroad. The memorial department of a museum is attracted many visitors. The rooms in this building redecorated to look like the author’s originally home. The ‘‘Living Room”, the “Dining Room”, “Study-Bedroom” and the “Library” show to the public. In the memorial part of the museum one can be seen the writer’s desk. Turgenev’s wondering novels: Rudin, Unit 1 ? K" Г. CONSOLIDATION 1 each ш1е at 17) Father’s and Sons («Отцы и дети»), 18) On the Eve («Накануне») wrote there. 19) The sofa, which he was called “Samson”, 20) the ancient clock and other thing, 21) who have been described by him in his works, 22) can see in the museum. Lesson 9 tf^ й y-f’ о PREPARATION FOR TESTING ° LISTENING COMPREHENSION Sk;vv.- 4 i ^ T r Ф ,• •% You will hear British teenagers answering the question “What book do you think all kids should read?”. Which genres do they prefer? Listen to the recording. Mark (/) the appropriate box in the table. The genres may be chosen more than once. You wiil hear the recording twice. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 Speaker 7 Your score 7 6—5 4—3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 i " Л - V-"' к Unit 1 rr^r PREPARATION FOR TESTING ^ j I V' r. \-x ^ Ч r/y г • READING COMPREHENSION i4 - 4/- r;_ r •' f fv ^ rfrr /t *V / fjj ^. >. ГЛ ‘ ■ iV ' V ' ^ tfj j . - Ш. ■' ’■^v ;v U J ^ > . * SV-v P 4 ' V Ч 4 * r //,• ; . / \,^i *■ ' r L*.^ <1 ^ f t h ^ г Ш'у. -/,■ Г V* J^ *• -' * у ICFl'" • t . mw'u: ■ Й Read about one of the most famous people of Britain, William Shakespeare. For questions 1—4, choose the best answer (a, b or c). 1. Shakespeareworks are often published in one book, and it’s not a very large one. Perhaps some may wonder why Shakespeare is valued as one of the world’s greatest poets. It would be very difficult to give a brief explanation. But open any of his plays and read and you’ll immediately see why people regard him as the greatest playwright who has ever lived. For one thing, when Shakespeare has said a thing, it seems impossible that it could ever be said better. Shakespeare’s language is indeed the language of life. His experience as an actor and his poetical genius made his plays the most wonderful ones ever written. 2. Shakespeare’s plays are also wonderfully interesting. In his plays he could write equally well funny scenes and scenes of fear and excitement. His historic works tell the stories of the early English kings: of poor Richard II, clever Henry IV and brave Henry V. Others tell the tragic stories of the ancient world: about the murder of Julius Caesar, about the Roman general Mark Antony. Other plays tell the tales of imaginary characters: of Othello, who murdered his wife after listening to the lies of an evil man, William Shakespeare was born more than four hundred years ago, but his plays are still performed and will be performed for many years to come, 3. Shakespeare knew human nature very well. The characters in his plays seem like real people. There are many heroes among them, fine soldiers and not very clever men, beautiful ladies and tigers in women’s clothing. Shakespeare was able to show us almost every kind of man and woman, good and bad, and to know how to touch all our feelings, from sad to joyful. We cannot help feeling sorry when we see poor old King Lear walking around in the storm, and we laugh at the adventures of the fat and funny Falstaff. 4. Last of all, though Shakespeare wrote his plays for the amusement of those who went to see them, they contain many good lessons, which can help those who read them to be better, wiser and happier, Shakespeare’s belief in man was the source of his optimism, which we can feel even in his blackest tragedies: Romeo and Juliet died but their ideal of free and happy love Щ • * • f m stayed forever. Unit 1 I .1 i: A 4^ ' 4 ’ ж f ziie \ r JU -i ke f-A - ‘aiy PREPARATION FOR TESTING t I Lil к C Ч' estions n pub-a very ЭГ why world’s cult to any of Kiiately great-•"or one ling, it be said eed the n actor ays the v^onder-enes of ngs: of )iies of l1 Mark irdered n more formed re very em like among clever 1 wom-to show woman, )uch all STe can-)oor old storm, the fat e wrote )se who ly good 10 read lappier. j source even in I Juliet ФУ love 1 Why a Shakespeare could find the best way to s b Shakespeare could explain things briefly, c Shakespeare acted in his own plays. 2 What 3 4 a His plays are about people well-known in history, b He wrote different kinds of plays, and they were very interest c His plays had a tragic end. What does the author say about the characters of Shakespeare graph 3? a Shakespeare described real people, who lived in the 16th centc b Shakespeare described heroes and beautiful ladies in his plays, c Shakespeare could give a true-life impression of characters. What can Shakespeare’s plays teach people according to paragraph a They can teach people how to amuse each other, b They can teach people to be better, wiser and happier, c They can teach people how to find the ideal love. in para Your score 4 3 2 1 Your mark 5 4 3 2 USE OF ENGLISH 1. 1- Grammar. Read the humorous stories about the famous writers below. 19, fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs and pronouns given . There is an example at the beginning (0). For questions in capital let- A One day Robert Burns (0) WCiS denly he (1)__________ near the sea. Sud- a cry for help. He (2) towards the water. Just then a sailor (3) ____________ off a boat, and began to swim towards the man who (4) ________________ for help and saved him. The man was very rich. He thanked ____a shilling. By this time _____ round them. They who (5) ______________________ the brave sailor and gave (6) _ a lot of people (7) __________ called the sailor a hero but the rich man (8) him only a shilling. Burns stopped (9) ________ “Let him alone. The gentleman (10)_____________ much his life costs.” C (0) WALK (1) HEAR (2) RUN (3) JUMP (4) CALL (5) SAVE (6) HE (7) STAND (8) GIVE and said, better how (9) THEY 1101 KNOW В The famous author of detective stories, Arthur Conan to Paris. He took a cab at the Doyle, once (11)__________ railway station to go to the hotel. “What hotel would you like to go to, Mr Conan Doyle?” asked the cabman. The ^ (11) COME writer (12) 64 How (13) you my name?” he asked. r • г* ■ (12) SURPRISE (13) KNOW Unit 1 PREPARATION FORTESTING m I Л . J И Ш -/A" /f/л '"'f. r 7Л ‘ ■ ^ * . ✓ ;■ ■■ щ. г/-.-. 1 i ■ I .• “Well, it is simple. Yesterday I (14) in the newspaper that you would visit Paris. Then I noticed that your suit (15) of good English wool/^ (14) READ (15) MAKE ST Yol 0 a prefer ® still c can 1 a work b teaching c entertainment 2 a cheap b powerful c ideal 3 a educational b enj oyable c informative 4 a well-known b famous c popular 5 a encourage b describe c honour 6 a imaginative b imagination c imagine 7 a suspenseful b suspense c successful 8 a film b fiction c novel 9 a Science fiction b Fantasy c Non-fiction 10 a influence b discover c encourage • a" Your score 29—27 26—21 20—14 • • • ъ 13 and less i Your mark , ^ 5 , . , * • • • * 4 3 ■ Ш r V 2 ■■ г т wer (а. ms of s more pages ! many events. new .nment itive STUDENT CARD Task 2 You play the part of a student in an international language school in London. At the weekend, you are planning to go on a literary tour to Oxford. You have nobody to go with. You meet your classmate Mike on campus. • Invite your classmate to go to this literary tour with you. • Answer your classmate’s questions about your favourite writers and books. • Answer the questions about literary places in your country. • Accept the invitation to meet with your classmate at Paddington Station at 9 a.m. You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your classmate. Remember to: • mention all the four aspects of the task; • take an active part In the conversation and be polite. WRITING You’ve received a letter from Lucy, your British pen friend. ... Most of my friends enjoy reading. I like reading too, especially detective stories and fantasy. ... \N[\at areyour tastes in reading? Who are your favourite writers? what are your friends' favourite genres? i i - r - Vr i f, ful tion ge ^S'V » w" ^ Then Write a letter to Lucy, answering her 3 questions. Write 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Unit 1 '"^:s . *, v-^ - :< . 4 I PREPARATION FORTESTING 1 ^ j r: ^ V » ‘ И> л . ч ^1. 4^ • ^г . /J CULTURAL AWARENESS ?■ ^ J ■Ч.-1—rr-f^: mK4f ^ '/WJ ■''■4>_^ L. r-f » :r « • What do you know about the famous British writers and iiterary pieces of Britain? Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. Three endings are extra. Agatha Christie is a well-known British author, Stratford-upon-Avon is an English town Charles Dickens is a remarkable British writer, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, Jane Austen is one of the most honoured novelists in English literature, Philip Pullman is a contemporary British children’s writer, Roald Dahl is an outstanding novelist and short story writer, F A who is famous for writing powerful romantic stories. В is the birthplace of such famous writers as Arthur Conan Doyle, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson. C who gave a realistic picture of the life of English people in Victorian England. D where Robert Burns was born. E who is famous for writing detective stories, who is best known for the fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials. where William Shakespeare was born, who is famous as a writer for both children and adults. He is known especially for his very popular children’s books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. who is famous for the highly successful Alex Rider series of adventure novels for children, and a new fantasy series — The Gatekeepers. who is regarded as a “father of modern fantasy literature”. - у r \ V j. Щ If*?', : vvr- 'Л Л • •V- 1 - ж: iA-- "j • T.T :\ 'j 1 да ::4> pr ■i Г» ->V-y & " \ l Sf^ •' II - *1. >?■ Ш. t ^ •y>.X , ______________ -I -.-.Э л».*, -У V-*V| Ч U ^ к-. Vi^j т - ■ Ч|- VF # ro V j:?:' Гк ; Mr- i^ai гА -J ящ I ? bV r- >WJrsp,i f 5 sli- *^4.J ■ I. iV9k- r iSLAf^- Л «• •;vr.' v«‘j •vW •M :c; i - 1 f £tt,T:.v. f T^mr r A Ш f ^TTi * I Л ' • Г ^ ’ rj ■ f} f , •■ 1- •r *^ ' / • - rV ^y/ * • * "ч / Л»у f-Ф ■ * V*. A ’-7:^ # .J^J:4. 4'< ■*ЧГЙ iV- |»J ^ ( ” ■:>3 •-s* ijbia V ■* У "(*« > V, > , .V rce i й: - <• r^r Г/ч-5: Г !M. •* i ьл < -1л :/■ !l^’ •5*'- ■ l| Ш Г:<гг л£-. :-л V-?** #• •.*.4* ■< V •/ .' . I ■? ^ i Sr:-:> 4 •! > < <-y. »5-, yp ______________'/.V : •-V:- •<•■>•.-! I 4 » J r . . I V * УИ X.- y-.-;: ->x-y J.jtyy :Лч; ^ ^4. ^ ti . Г-У: .4 ^ Ч V* / »• Ч r/vi У •'jT • vj- Ч ^ •Ч Ч •. •» '• ri*>/4 •V Si{ E>. I*. V- '.V'/rjj Unit 1 T •. I' - I I мглгпл fi nxj PREPARATION FORTESTING tch the roman- ters as Robert life of stories. trilogy n. hildren for his Charlie jcessful :or chilli Gat€‘ rn fan** I. >€ -L L. ■■ Ш Л-' i-a 'H )Г.. 1 1 -f' /-1 ^ /i „лей ГУ J I A \ " л Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Simple • Present Progressive • Present Perfect • Present Perfect Progressive • Past Simple • Past Progressive • Past Perfect • Passive Voice • Reported speech: that-clauses • Wh-clauses ; Учебные умения He умею Умею • Находить и использовать информацию из Интернета • Работать в группе • Использовать справочный материал для того, чтобы рассказать о родной стране • Выполнять задание по аудированию в тестовом формате «множественный выбор» • Выполнять задание по чтению в тестовом формате «верно/неверно/в тексте не сказано» • Писать рецензию на прочитанную книгу • Критически оценивать проектные работы • Организовать самостоятельную работу по подготовке к ГИА t V г ; * Exercises I found the interesting/difficult/boring: i • Л H 5,. r- Unit 1 V- PREPARATION FOR TESTING f Ullit 2 Let the music begin Lesson 1 nsii. In your culture. Moscow and St Petersburg offer a lot of places where you can listen to some good music or see an interesting performance. What are those places? Fill in the gaps with the articles where necessary. /Г biix< The article 1. Tchaikovsky’s music музыка Чайковского the Tchaikovsky Contest конкурс имени Чайковского 2. the Gogol Theatre {театр имени Гоголя), the Taganka Theatre (театр на Таганке), the Sovremennik Theatre, the Satire Theatre the Bolshoi Conservatoire’ Hall, the Tchaikovsky Hall the Bolshoi Theatre 3. The famous Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky was born in Votkinsk, Udmurtia. P. I, Tchaikovsky, a famous Russian composer, was born in Votkinsk, Udmurtia. GS p. 175 Tourists may be interested in (0) — Moscow theatres (even those who don’t know Russian), there are a lot of different performances. People who love animals can go to (1) ____ Durov Animal Theatre and (2) Kuklachev Cat Theatre. The first one was founded by (3) famous animal trainer Durov who was one of the Durov ' a conservatoire [kan'sawatwaj — консерватория Unit 2 LESSON 1 I :.Лт ш 'ш I ■ ■ 'Jijfii :\//Ац Ш I. icSl ;-;и- - I - Я-■ Щ I circus dynasty that was started in the late 19th century. Kuklachev, (4) circus clown, started his theatre to show what cats can do. You will enjoy any performance for adults at (5) ____ Obraztsov Puppet Theatre. They still show performances created by Sergei Obraztsov (1901—1992), who was (6) _____ leader of the theatre from 1931 to 1992. (7) __St Petersburg’s ballet is famous all over the world. Many tourists try not to miss the chance of going to (8) ____ Mariinsky Theatre. There are ballet performances at (9) _____Mussorgsky Opera House and (10) ________ Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire. Wonderful music performances are offered by (11) ____ October Concert Hall. During the latest season orchestras conducted by Herbert Blomstedt (Sweden) and Seidji Ozawa (Japan), (12) famous foreign performers, played there. ЦЛ 2. In your culture. There are many famous performers and composers in Russia. And there are conservatoire students and music school pupils who may become famous in the future. Which of them do you know? Use the underlined verbs to form the nouns and translate them. Use a dictionary to check. - r hint & Word building: noun suffixes: ~er, ~or present (v) представлять; показывать (спектакль) a presenter (n) — ведуидий программы conduct (v) — a conductor (n) GS p, 197 0) 1) 2) Modest Mussorgsky composed music known all over the world. He was a great Russian composer. UTyana Lopatkina dances at the Mariinsky Theatre. But many world theatres ask her to dance on their stages because she is a brilliant ballet Igor Moiseev founded his famous Folk Dancing Ensemble in 1937. And he was known not only as the __________________of the Ensemble but also of new ways in choreography. Unit 2 MB -Sf) Ser St Аз- ZETB rt 3>s mm P m' ^ :cus mce cre- rom not ?or- ЪП' ;ert ,en) And am. 3) Mikhail Glinka wrote the first Russian national opera in which he followed ethnic musical traditions. As a_________________________of the Russian folk tunes he showed how rich the world of the ethnic music is. 4) Sergei Rachmaninoff performed in the best world concert halls as a pianist with great success. He was not only a brilliant _______________but also a wonderful com- poser. 5) As the leader of the Virtuosos of Moscow Orchestra,^ Vladimir Spivakov contributed ____________ to much to the development of the chamber^ music. He is also the violin playing. 6) Pavel Kolesnikov is working hard as a pianist because he wants to win the Tchaikovsky Contest. He will be able to perform with the best orchestras as a ___________ of the famous competition. 7) Alexandra Pakhmutova is very popular in Russia because she has written hundreds of songs. She is known as a successful __________. 8) Nikita Zverev who is a young 12-year-old pianist has just begun his musical career. He is not known to the public because he is just a_____________. 3. In your culture. Here is the story about the outstanding Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich. What was his most famous work? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. 1\ I Ц 'ill Л Ik vl| appeared • choral • composer • conductor continue • first night • full houses • influenced masterpiece • pianist- • symphony took place • tuneless and complicated eat tsk yas iys Dmitri Shostakovich was born on 25 September, 1906 in St Petersburg. His father was an engineer and his mother was a (0) pjflnfst and gave him his first piano lessons. When he was 13, he became a pupil of the famous (1) _______Alexander Glazunov at the Petrograd Conservatoire. Shostakovich was happy because he liked Glazunov's music a lot. Dmitri ; the Virtuosos [,Уз;1Ги'эи5эиг] of Moscow Orchestra — оркестр «Виртуозы Москвы» ■ chamber ['yeimbsl — камерный Unit 2 LESSON 1 Li \т if т щ ПЬ: W/ fS ■ ИЕ_ \\1 ! ^ у. >== 1| L \Ж'^\ \.W^ 1М:>- Шк- Wr:L.. П, 'I ЪУ/У/хС.'/. wwm- Щ0' mi^ т: mi'm- ШШ: тш. Kff VJff :. -■ mwt Shostakovich wrote his first (2) in 1925 and it was performed all over the world. Every year until he died, Shostakovich celebrated its (3) as the moment when his life changed forever. Shostakovich’s Second Symphony (4) _______________________^ in 1927. It was an experimental work with a (5) __________________ending when the choir sang “To October” by Alexander Bezymensky. In the years of the Great Terror (in the late 1930s), his music was criticised, the critics said it was (6) . In December 1941, D. Shostakovich (who lived in besieged^ Leningrad) wrote his most famous “Leningrad Symphony”. It is a real (7)____________________Its first night (8)______________ in the besieged city in 1942. Though Shostakovich’s works were a great success and played to (9) in Russia and in the West, he suffered^ from criti- cism of the official powers.^ Many specialists think that the conflict with the powers (10) _________________his music very much. D. Shostakovich died in 1975 in Moscow. His son Maxim, a well-known (11)______________________> helps to popu- larise his father’s music by working with the best world orchestras. Even now many orchestras (12)________________to perform Shostakovich’s music all over the world. Lesson 2 Bt 1. Young people’s music tastes are different. What music do the young people (ike? Complete the sentences using Ving forms or infinitives. More than one variant is possible. r Jiinf Ving form and infinitive after verbs Неличные формы глагола с окончанием -ing и инфинитив после глаголов 1. Ving форма после can't help, fee! like, look forward to, can’t give up, can’t stand: ' I can’t help listening to pop music. 2. Инфинитив и Ving форма после: 1) to begin, to start, to continue, to hate, to like, to iove, to go on: I like playing the guitar. = I (ike to play the guitar. 2) I stopped listening to the music and got to work. Я прекратил слушать музыку ... I stopped to iisten to the music. Я остановился, чтобы послушать ... I remembered to turn off the TV set. Я вспомнил, что надо выключить ... I remember turning off the TV set before I left. Я помню, что выключал ... GS рр. 184—185 _______ - ---------J' 0) Му sister continued 5tndymq/tO StudV (to study) music at the conservatoire. 1) Helen started _______________ (to sing) when she was a little girl. ' besieged [bi'si:c};d] — осаждённый, блокадный ^ to suffer I'SAfol — страдать, претерпевать 3 power 1'раиэ] — власть it 7i 9i 1ф. • а нэ ■ * ушШ. - I • 1 26 Unit 2 ■ ■ ■ LESSON 2 i all over 2)Ican4stand symphony with a ■Uexander lusic was >er 1941, lieningrad layed to 'om criti-with the 1 in 1975 i to popu-Dven now c all over infinitives. i5 atoire. ________________ (to watch) theatre performances on TV because I like the atmosphere of a theatre. 3) My mother had gone to work and we went on music. (to listen) to loud 4) Yesterday I met my old friend in the street. We hadn’t seen each other for a long time and I stopped______________ (to talk) with him. 5) I am looking forward to _____________________ (to hear) the new songs by Elton John, 6) I feel like _________________ (to buy) as many CDs of British rock groups as I can. 7) I like________________(to go) to the music school because I am learning so much from it. 8) I can’t stop (to read) about the history of my favourite rock groups because I can get to know how this or that song was written. 9) I hate _____________________ (to listen) to any recordings. I prefer real music, 10) My grandfather remembers __________________________ (to watch) the last concert of The Beatles in Britain. fiS 2, Vocabulary. Young people write what they think about modern music on different Internet srtes. What do they think about modern music? Fili in the gaps with the words from the box. ( aggressive • idols • recorded albums • entertain • enter the best dance music chart instruments • lyrics • ^sastde4ise^,'sy^to-the-sta^ • recordings - released • synthesisers • tour unique worth • I like listening to classics in pop and rock. Take Sting,* for example. He is like a dinosaur in the music industry: he (0) made his way to the stage in the 70s and his music is still (1) ^_____________. listening to. He (2) ________________ and (3) _______________ 12 albums where most d4) ^______________ and tunes are wonder- nil. He is a (5) musician. I think many young people listen to the awful noise they call music. There are musicians who can’t even play their musical ’6) _____________ , Though their music is (7) ,__________________they are i(8)_______________for some young people. &ich music doesn’t (9)_________________but destroys. I don’t like iti • I am sorry that the music on CDs is different from the music at the concerts. Their (10)_____________ ____sound different because at the concerts they don’t have the high-tech computers and (11) _____________________they have in the studios. I like singers whose music is real. Unit 2 LESSON 2 m чштш. 1 ( * s tl • I’d say that today’s dance music is really good. Every month 20 groups and singers (12) ________________ and each of them is great! I can’t help dancing to their music! • I don’t like that today most successful musicians don’t (13) ________________the world very often and prefer to sell their (14) I’d like to go to concerts to see and listen to them. Lesson 3 28 lljjl 1, Write it right. Here is the letter from your foreign friend in which he talks about his likes and dislikes in music. What would you write to your friend in response? Answer the questions from the letter. Write 120—140 words. > # i I i i i i i Dear RoYY\aY\, You asked me about my favourite subjects, i enjoy music classes because I like to sing. I have been learning to play the guitar for 3 years and I am in the school rock group. We perform at all the school parties. We play the music of popular performers. It's great! Rather often (3 or 4 times a year) we go to the classical music concerts. I can't say I like it very much but we have to go because it's part of our school music programme. We usually write compositions about what we like or dislike about the concert after that. Do you have music lessons In your school? Have you got a rock group and a school choir in your school? What music do they sing or play? Do you and your classmates go to classical music concerts? What do you think about them? Your friend, Dan Unit 2 I) LESSON 3 ~^мтт 5 real-singers rreatl I . rausi-d very sten to « about r. Write Lesson 4 hin.i Future meaning 1. Present Progressive: We are visiting our grandparents tonight. 2. 1) to be going to: I am going to buy tickets for the conoert. 2) to be going to: He is a great musician and it is his native town. His concert is going to be a success. 3. Future Simple: 1 think we’ll enjoy the concert tonight. 4. Present Simple: The concert starts at 7 p.m. GS pp. 180—181 LJ Eiii . .Young people like different styles of music. WTiat music do these young people like? Complete the sentences using the correct verb forms. Ш m Ш M Ql- For me there’s nothing like rap music. My friends and I have bought tickets and on Saturday we are going to (will go to j are going to) a. rap concert. — Today’s schedule is very busy. — Really? But I hope we _________________ (are going to / will) have time to go to the dancing party. I can’t do without dance music. I enjoy jazz and my favourite big band is doing well this month: their new jazz compositions have been very popular and the public admires them. They _____________________ (are entering j are going to enter) the top jazz chart at the end of the month, *t I am looking forward to the country music festival. I don’t know the programme but I think that this year it______________(will include / is going to include) folk and country music. Ш ШЩ1 Unit 2 I ШШ- 4) Rock music is really my favourite and I spent three hours queuing up for the concert tickets. But I got themi So next Sunday I __________________________ (am going j will go) to SL rock concert. 5) I like musicals. I hope the first night of A Chorus Line^ __________ (will take place / is taking place) soon. 6) 7) 2. 1) Match the questions with the answers. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Are there any tlckets/seats available this week? Can I buy some tickets, please? How many tickets do you want? How may/Can I help you? Is John Roberts going to play/ perform tonight? Is that all you can offer me? Is there more than one performance? What can you offer me? How much does the ticket cost? May/Can I help you? The Nutcracker?^ What’s that? What is special about the group? Which performance? Which performance are you interested in? Would you like the seats near the stage or would you prefer to sit further back? A В C D F G H I J К b- M N verb forms. ^ Л Chorus Line [э 'кэ:гэ8 lam] — «Кордебалет» (мюзикл) ^ The Nutcracker [бэ 'пл1,кгаекэ] — «Щелкунчик» (балет) ^ Sunset Boulevard [^SAiiset 'biclvoidj — «Бульвар Сансет» (мюзикл) Jesus Christ Superstar [,ф1:гэ5 ,kraist 'smpasto;] — «Иисус Христос — Суперзвезда» (мюзикл) щ We are waiting for a great concert: a famous orchestra _____________________ (comes I is coming) to our city on Friday. I like jazz programmes on TV. But I don’t like one thing about them. They are night programmes. And this evening it __________________ (is going to begin / begins) at about midnight. 3 tickets. I am interested in the performance at Covent Garden. Only one performance. Sorry. I am sorry, but we have got only ten tickets for Monday. I can offer you tickets for the performance of the American Ballet Theatre. I’d like to sit near the stage. It costs 40 dollars. It is a famous ballet by Tchaikovsky. They are winners of the Grammy Award. Yes, he is. He will play the role of Hamlet. I’d like tickets for tomorrow’s concert. Yes, you can. Yes, there are. We’ve got tickets available for Thursday and Friday. Yes, please. 4. n 2) ^ Pair work. You are talking to the box office clerk. Make up a dialogue using the phrases from ex. 2.1] and act it out. OEI 3. Grammar. Musicals by Andrew Lloyd Webber are very popular in Britain and the USA. What do these young people think about them? Complete the sentences using the correct ■a A T 0) The musical Sunset Boulevard^ is very popular and they have very good actors. So they are going to play (are going to play j are playing) to full houses. 1) The music of Jesus Christ Superstar^ is emotional and powerful. The actors sing beautifully. All the tickets have been sold out. No doubt the performance (will I is going to) be Si great success in our city. ¥. T d the con-going / oill take 'hey are begin / lance at jnly ten jerform- rheatre. jvsky. ■ Award, of Ham- concert. tickets Friday. tfie USA. > correct itors. So -31 4) 0» .} — Look, the American film Evita is on TV this week. — Oh, it’s great! I__________________(am watching j will watch) it. The musical Cats has always been successful. Probably it ___________ (will j is going to) be enjoyed by the public in Moscow. Have you heard the main duet from The Phantom of the Opera^l It’s powerful and romantic. Listen to it and you______________ (are going to / will) like it. I have heard so much about the musical Bombay Dreams. Well, it is included into our British programme on June 15. My parents have already bought three tickets. So in the evening on 15 of June we _______________ (are going / will go) to the theatre. When ___________ the performance of Bombay Dreams ________________ (do/begin / does/begin)1 The young singers who take part in Sunset Boulevard are at the start of the musical careers. I think they_____________(are making / will make) their way to the stage soon. The firm___________________ (is releasing j releases) the album The Phantom of the Opera in 2 days. шт ■'ШШЩ J actors ormance ■Л) Lesson 5 si 1. The Promenade concerts may be called the most important event in the musical life of Britain. 1) What musicians and orchestras take part in the Proms every year? There are 6 mistakes n sentences 1—10. Find and correct them. The Phantom of the Opera [Ээ Taentsm av 5i 'opraj — «Призрак Оперы« (мюзикл) ..^ LESSON 5 mm 0) Though 4fee- Henry Wood’s idea was to popularise classical composers in the 1920s, they started to present the music of contemporary composers like Claude Debussy and Richard Strauss. 1) When the BBC Symphony Orchestra was organising in 1930, it became the main orchestra for the concerts. 2) At that time the season included nights based on the music of one composer; Mondays were Wagner, Fridays were Beethoven and there are no Sunday performances. 3) During the Second World War, the Proms continue to be organised until the Queen’s Hall was destroyed by a bomb in 1941. 4) From the 1950s, the number of guest orchestras at the concerts began to grow. 5) These concerts were performed by first international conductors Leopold Stokowski, Georg Solti and Carlo Maria Giulini. 6) The first foreign orchestra, Moscow Radio Orchestra, performed in 1966. 7) Sir Malcolm Sargent was the Chief Conductor of the Promenade concerts between 1948 and 1966. The charity that was founded in his name continue to hold a special Promenade concert each year after the main season ends. 8) The Last Night of the Proms is a different concert from the others. 9) It traditionally presents classics and some pieces of patriotic music. The public is wearing fancy dresses; flags and balloons are welcome. 10) Near the end of the concert, the conductor make a speech thanking the musicians and the public. Finally, God Save the Queen and Auld Lang Syne are sung. Henry Wood's idea ii I- l' I. Ii ! - а Lesson 6 В Si 1. Write it right. Your foreign friend is having his/her birthday soon and you want to send a CD to him/her as a birthday present. Write a letter to your friend with your best wishes on his/her birthday and don’t forget to write why you have chosen this CD. ml ■mmm m ■Ш ii: CONSOLIDATION SI 1. Grammar. Here are some newspaper and magazine notes about different events in the world of music. What are these events? Complete the sentences using the articles a or the where necessary. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0) Maestro Yuri Temirkanov conducts — Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera ТИв I Tsar’s Bride («Царская невеста»). 'Ш '• mm шт шт Ш1 шт шт'' ■v'- ■ 11 Unit 2 LESSON 6 33 рШ:: Wf:' ' Щ., \т iiiiit mmS:,' \Щтш Г W..- ШШ1 ШШ?:; Ш-i- mm:i Ш1 ш. т- шт UI ' . ЩШР^' ijgL 1ШШ SI £!a^.'v. Ш MV к 1ШШ^ шт:: '// Ш: Ж’ р:: F: ^v— J 1) first night of______ Sergei Prokofiev's War and Peace is coming next Bolshoi. season at------------ 2)______brilliant conductor Vladimir Fedoseyev hashed Tchaikovsky Symphony Moscow’s best orchestras. _ _ ______Europe ________next spring. Vishnevskaya’s Opera Centre is situated in Moscow in — Ostozhenka Orchestra since 1974 and made it one of 3) ____St Petersburg Quartet is going to tour 4) ............... I ____ \ laiLUK^vaixaycL о —----------— - ^ ~— ^ j street. It was founded by __________ brilliant opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya and li4 -lb wao ±Kj\x-LL\j.\^\A KTj - ---------- -JT---- - outstanding cellist^ and conductor Mstislav Rostropovich. 5) Svyatoslav Rikhter,____________ brilliant pianist, and Irina Antonova, head of Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, started the musical December Nights held at the famous museum. 61 Elvis Presley’s lyrics and dancing were different and unusual. ^ ^ ^ ^ 7) One”of the most important rock events was _____. Woodstock music festival in 1969. 8) Mick dagger. long-living rock star, thinks that rock is more than just music it is a whole lifestyle. , 9) Netting Hill Carnival is famous for Caribbean music and dancing. 10)______ Glasgow Jazz Festival will offer outdoor events this time. __ 2. Grammar/Vocabulary. Complete the sentences translating the words in brackets. There is an exampie at the beginning (0). 0) Though the weather was bad and the rain started, the concert didn’t stop and the famous group mnfrinugd performing / continued to perform (продолжила исполнять) its most popular songs. 1^ j (не могу не купить) tickets for the concert because i promised my children to go with them. , л , 2) Please________________(прекратите играть) the piano so loudly! j____________________(очень неудобно просить) you to help me but you are №. О О) the only person who can do it. 4) My sister (любит петь). And she sings anywhere. 5) My brother (терпеть не может ходить) to the music | fn m school, he thinks it’s boring, gj J _______________(c нетерпением ожидаю получения) a new album oi Ma- donna as a birthday present. . , , ^ tt • ■ 7) My friend__________________(начал писать) music when he was 5. He is going to be a composer. 8) Though my parents hate hard rock, I (не могу бросить i 9)1 слушать) rock music every day. (помню, что пригласила) Helen and John to the Чж m party when I met them at the shopping centre. j. . j IQ^ 1 (остановился, чтобы поговорить) with my triena.j El 3. Grammar. Two friends are discussing their plans. What are their plans? Read the dialogue and fill in gaps 1-8 using the correct verb «J™ expressing the future meaning and written in capitals to the right from each sentence. There is an example at the beginning (0) #11 a cellist ['tfelistl — виолончелист 34 Unit 2 CONSOLIDATION J ___next rmphony aring. jozhenka ;aya and head of ; held at 3tival in music — — I have been to the concert of The Broadway Boys. Oh, I really liked it! I strongly advise yon going to their concert and enjoying it. I think you (0) will llkg it, too, — I don’t know if I want to see them. Maybe I (1) _______________ to listen to them. — Maybe? How can you miss this great event? They have wonderful songs, they use computer effects that make the concert more interesting. These concerts (2)____________________a success. As for me, I (3) _____________________their concert once again. All my friends (4)__________________ to the concerts tonight and tomorrow. I think they (5)___________________sorry. — Do the concerts begin late? — No, on Saturday and Sunday they (6)______________ at 9 p.m. and on Monday and Tuesday — at 8 p.m. Don’t think! Just go! — Well, I think (7) __________________ you. When (8)______________________to the concert? — On Tuesday. r r (0) LIKE (1) GO (2) BE (3) SEE (4) GO (5) NOT/FEEL (6) BEGIN (7) JOIN Г (8) YOU/GO in brack- and the Ължила lecause I you are phere. le music a of Ma- is going бросить ,n to the г friend. rb forms e. There 4. Vocabulary. Here is the information about The Beaties, the most popular British rock group ever. For questions 1—16, choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). The Beatles (Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr) (0) C to the stage in Liverpool, England, in I960. And in 1962 the group 11)_____the Top Thirty chart with the song Love Me Do, they reached the 27th spot.^ The Beatles (2)___a new kind of rock and many rock groups t3) ____ their example. They (4) ______ their success in America in 1964. ' The con- rerts in America made them the (5)___________ of young people. There were no tickets (6)_____ two or three hours after the box offices had been opened. They (7) many countries during their career but never visited the Soviet Union. There is an interesting story about their (8) _____. In the UK they (9) ______ twelve al- bums, and in the USA nineteen. It happened so because they (10) _____ 14 songs for one album and in the USA only 12. Young fans knew the III) _____ of their songs, sang along with The Beatles during the concerts and followed them everywhere. From 1962 to 1970, 1 _____ 214 songs. Their last concert (13)_____in the January of 1969. And a 3 .ater they (14)_____that they would stop performing together. But The Beatles siill considered to be a (15) ___ group whose songs are real (16) ______. Я1 m a spot разе, место в списке Unit 2 CONSOLIDATION ШШ Mi щ:р:у т т:: Шйг' &т тв^^; .'■■^■п ■■■ Шй 0 a arrived b came @ made their way 1 a entered b started c performed for 2 a created b Inspired c admired 3 a achieved b followed c forgot 4 a continued b appeared c followed 5 a musicians b composers c idols 6 a bought b available c chosen 7 a arrived b toured c came 8 a instruments b albums c events 9 a published b announced c released 10 a recorded b included c dealt with 11 a changes b ideas c lyrics 12 a invented b recorded c needed 13 a took place b impressed c attracted 14 a were tired b continued c announced 15 a choral b unique c complicated 16 a idols b recordings c masterpieces с г, i S' i I— ^ m. i Lessons 10^—11 PREPARATION FOR TESTING «] LISTENING COMPREHENSION Frank Sinatra is commonly thought of as the best American pop star of the 20th century. What was he famous for? Listen to the recording. For questions 1—10, mark the statements TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or NOT STATED (N/s). You Ml hear the recording twice. I 3 -.■.■.'.'v .Ti'ue False"" '■ Not stated 1) When Frank Sinatra was a little boy, he wanted to be an engineer. 2} Frank Sinatra organised The Hoboken Four, a singing group, when he was young. 3) It was the radio that brought Sinatra his first success. 4) Musical films made him the idol of millions. 5) Sinatra never stopped playing in films. 6) He got a number of Oscars and a Golden Globe in the 1950s. E ! ЯВ"е 36 Unit 2 PREPARATION FOR TESTING le their way :ormed for lired fot owed s sen L6 ats ■ased It with cs ded •acted .ounced ipiicated sterpieces Продолжение True False Not stated ' Frank Sinatra finished his film career with the 'Die of a detective. : Frank Sinatra had his last concert when he was Э0 in the mid 90s. 9 Frank Sinatra died in Los Angeles. "0) Sinatra's nicknames came from his appearance and his wonderful voice. Your score 10 9-8 7-6 5 and less Your mark О READING COMPREHENSION jry. le statements ■=— and country are popular musical styles with the long histories of their own. «Nat events are there in their histories? According to the text, mark statements 1—12 TRUE -П or FALSE (F). Not stated Jazz is called the most truly American musical form. New Orleans, Louisiana, is if-ren called the birthplace of American jazz. It appeared in the early 1900s. Most Im->K-tant musicians in jazz history came from New Orleans including Louis Armstrong 1X11—1971), one of the greatest jazz musicians. Louis Armstrong created a new jazz itn'le by improvising solos and performing them in an unusual style. Improvising is Т1ЕГ7 important for jazz. Good jazz singers and soloists must improvise freely and skil-Louis Armstrong is said to be the inventor of a new vocal style when instead zf singing words, Armstrong sang sounds like “de-de-de” or “lat-dat-da-da” to imitate Tu^ous musical instruments. Later Ella Fitzgerald (1918—1996) used this style with success, brilliant Ella, who was called the First Lady of Song and who became finest woman jazz singer of all time. Гпе 1940s are known as the time of Big Bands. Their catchy music was everywhere mtL people danced to Big Band Music. The Big Band includes thirteen or eighteen «nsicians. The Big Band period gave the world wonderful musicians as Glenn Miller, Ellington, Count Basie, Benny Goodman and others who played to full houses ж dance halls and ballrooms across America. Jazz itself includes different styles, the ЖШЕ5. for example. The blues songs are slow and they are almost always about un-i^cy love or different troubles. Today jazz is no less popular in the United States. Though it has changed, it pre-«Tves old jazz traditions. Unit 2 PREPARATION FOR TESTING Г L 1 'I J "■III I I;. 37 j П. r ,r Шу т^- кш: ту. Country music Is American, too. It comes from old ballads and cowboy songs. Country music singers always use guitars, banjos and fiddles, they don’t usually have big bands. The words of country songs are usually about unsuccessful love. In the 1920s, Nashville, Tennessee, became a centre for writing and recording of country music. During the 1940s and 1950s, radio made country music more popular. It also began to change. It sounded more like the commercial music of the time. Still country mu^ sicians came to Nashville to sing and to record their songs. In the 1970s, the “New Nashville” sound developed. Musicians started to use electric guitars. Country music has continued to be popular today. Some singers have gone back to the beginning of country music, they have continued to perform traditional country material. Mean^ while, new country styles are still developing and country music record labels are still situated in Nashville. 1) Jazz appeared in the USA, in the state of Louisiana. 2) Most famous jazz musicians of the time came to New Orleans, Louisiana, to sing jazz. ____ 3) Louis Armstrong was a very famous musician who created improvising, a new jazz style. ____ 4) Jazz singers and soloists are considered to be good if they improvise freely. ____ 5) Louis Armstrong sang sounds in his songs instead of words, his “de-de-de” sounded like musical instruments. ____ 6) Ella Fitzgerald is considered to be one of the best jazz singers ever, _____ 7) Big Bands of 13 or 18 musicians were very popular in the 1940s. ____ 8) The blues is a jazz style with sad and slow songs. ____ 9) Country music was born in the 1920s in Nashville, Tennessee. ____ 10) Country music hasn’t changed since it was born. ____11) Nowadays traditional country music and new country styles with electric guitars are developing. _____ 12) Today musicians don’t come to Nashville to record country music. Your score 12—11 10—9 a—6 5 and less ' Your mark <1 О t* rc USE OF ENGLISH ЧУГ> Vocabulary. Elton John (born 1947), an outstanding British musician, is famous all over the world. What made Elton John famous? For questions 1—21, choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fiM in the gaps in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). For more than forty years Elton John has been one of the most famous British singers, composers and pianists. He is on the list of 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. Elton John (0) b playing the piano when he was 3. In 1966, Elton John wrote mu-1 ■ sic for the (1) _____ written by Bernie Taupin and sent it to him. And their part-' ^ nership (2) ______ to this day. In 1969, Elton John (3) ________ his first album but it and didn’t buy the album. When in a year or two he first the public (4) ___ (5) _____the US Top 100 chart, he was in the 92nd spot. John’s first American concert (6) _____ in Los Angeles and was a success. In 1973, John’s album Don’t Shoot Me 38 Unit 2 PREPARATION FORTESTING gs. Coun-bave big le 1920s, у music, iso began ntry mu-:he “New ;ry music inning of d. Mean-i are still aiana, to ig, a new I > freely, de-de-de” ' Г m Only the Piano Player became his (7) in the USA because some songs from ctric gui- the world, b or c) to s British M\ Time. Tote mu-leir part-Ibum but I he first n concert Sftoof Me ihe album entered the best songs charts in America for the first time. In 1977, John 8) that he had decided to stop performing. Taupin began working with others. In 1979, John and Taupin (9)_______to work together again. In 1985, John was one of zhe many (10) ______ at Live Aid, the charity marathon concert. In the 1990s, Elton John was already known as one of the most popular musicians. In 1997, John lost TWO close friends, (11) ____world famous Italian designer Gianni Versace and Diana, il2)______Princess of Wales. His concerts in her memory and his song Candle in the Wind raised millions of pounds that went to (13)_______Diana Memorial Fund. Today Ston John continues performing to (14) ________. He has sold 250 million (15) ! He performed with (16) ______ London Symphony Orchestra and with many world-famous musicians. His performances in (17)______Palace Square in St Petersburg and at 18)_____State Kremlin Palace in Moscow were very successful. Elton John continues (19)_____musicians today. In his interviews he said, “I want to work with Pharrel, Timbaland and Eminem. Some people think that our work won’t be a (20)__________. But LI could be fantastic! Today my musicians and I are working hard because at the end ~f this year I am (21) _____ a new album. I want my fans to enjoy it!” 0 1 2 -3 a d less I 9 :o :i - 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a continued a lyrics a keeps up a appeared a ignored a released a appeared a opportunity a announced a connected a conductors a the a — a the a concerts a albums a — a a a the a follow a opportunity a releasing Your score 21—20 (g) started b songs b continues b released b liked b appreciated b took place b breakthrough b agreed b conducted ' b performers b b b b b b b b the a concert halls instruments the a b inspire b chance b conducting 19—15 14—11 c decided c compositions c influences c invented c admired D entered c performed c chance understood united idols a a c c c c c c c c c c c c c full houses songs a the conduct success c thinking of 10 and less штт Ш m штт. шт ш\ т Your mark Unit 2 PREPARATION FORTESTING гш SPEAKING STUDENT CARD Task 1 Talk about music young people like to listen to today. Remember to say: • what music you and your friends like; • why you like this kind of music; • what your favourite group or singer is; , . • why you like this group or singer. You have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The teacher will listen'to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. . STUDENT CARD Task 2 Your friend and you are going to buy tickets for a musical performance. You are discussing with your friend what performance to choose. • Tell your friend about a popular musical that will be performed in your city/town soon. • Invite your friend to watch the musical. • Ask your friend about his/her musical preferences. • Agree to go to the concert of a famous group. You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your friend. Remember to: • mention all the four aspects of the task; • take an active part in the conversation and be polite. WRITING You've received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, James. I f # I» -I II I # I I i ^ к i i ... My friends and ) have just returned from a rock concert. We really had fun! it has been a wonderful day! ... When dfdlyou last visit a concert? Who performed in the concert? What did you like or dislike about the concert? Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100—120 words. Remember the ruies of letter writing. ша.. шт Шг .......................... . . jM mm. ШГ.. 40 Unit 2 PREPARATION FOR TESTING о CULTURAL AWARENESS What do you know about British and American mustcai traditions? Match the words in the ieft column with their definitions. One definition is extra. lished. Then >n. ^ # )ncert. ncert? 1 George Gershwin A 2 The Edinburgh Festival В 3 Wales C 4 Benjamin Britten 5 Henry Purcell 6 Rock and roll D T Elvis Presley ' The Beatles E 9 Elton John 10 Promenade concerts F G H 1 J К began in America in the 1950s. is a brilliant rock composer and singer, is a famous British composer and pianist who wrote symphony, choral music and music for children, is a famous British composer who wrote the first British national opera. is an American composer who wrote both classical music and popular tunes. is an annual holiday of music and drama. is famous for its choral music. is an American composer who wrote rock music. are the most popular British rock group, was called the King of rock’n’roll, were started to teach young people to listen to classical music. Your score 10 9—8 7—5 4 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 SELF-ASSESSMENT 1 ' Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Exceiient S i can read and understand: ' • articles about classical and rock music, about ~4©icians and their achievements; • opinions about musicians and different kind music 1 t can understand: • opinions about different music and musicians; • a story about Promenade concerts Unit 2 PREPARATION FOR TESTING ■a 4^ ■m ■m m m ■m m Ш ■m Ш Ш Ш ■Z&f ш ш ■£Ш 41 IK: тш: шт mmi 42 Продолжениц Level reached Ц / Description of achievement i::::: / ■ Poor Fair Good Excellent В 1 can: • talk about my favourite music and musicians, my tastes in music; • talk about my favourite rock or pop musicians, about their career and music; • express my opinion about different types of music; • talk about the best Russian musicians; • talk to a box office clerk El 1 can write: • a thank-you letter to a recording company; • about my favourite music and musicians ‘ Grammar checklist Can understand Can use И • Future meaning: Future Simple, Present Progressive, Present Simple, to be going to • Ving form and infinitive after some verbs • Articles with proper and geographical names 1 ^^Ц^^ебные умения He умею Умею • Находить информацию в Интернете и использовать её • Рассказывать о родной стране • Выполнять задание в тестовом формате «верно/неверно/в тексте не сказано» • Оценивать творческие проекты Exercises I found the most interesting/bpring/difficmt: Unit 2 PREPARATION FOR TESTING Excellent What’s the news? Lesson 1 ® 1. In your culture. Here is the text about the Russia Today TV network, t choices does the Russia Today network offer? Fill in the gaps with the words that fit in ■Tse correct form from the word box. h use jj ею The first Russia Today TV : 1 channel was launched in De-гешЬег 2005. Now the Russia Today ' ____________________, has three ^^:Ъа1 news (2)___________________ »zich (3) _________________________ ■-1-? latest Russian and global 24 hours r 1 day. The news is presented in •Jt^lish, Spanish and Arabic. Every hours a day on Russia Today ^ere is a three-minute talk called ■ Media Mirror” which pre-:^ts news items from the Russian ____________. From ____________ pro- (7) i-} __ (6) f~iuime learn about the most remarkable stories that appear in this country’s lead- newspapers. (8) ______________________, over 700 million people in 100 coun- "-es (9) ______________________ watch Russia Today to learn what other are not likely to present. In Great Britain, the Russia is over 55 million people; in the USA, it is day's (11) m m Ш iSTCut 50 million people. The best of the Russia Today’s (12) _________________ '.izi be watched (13) _____________________ at the Russia Today's YouTube -4 ■ _________________. where the number of (15)______________________________^ ^ already increased to half a billion. Russia Today employs over 2,000 ________________________professionals around the world. Units ШШ :штт ш Ш LESSON 1 |Ш ШГ т. № т 'Ш- шж- mw. Юг Я^:,Л ш- Ш-: Lesson 2 There is say that the coverage of events on different all-Russia (4) 44 About 23 per cent of TV viewers like (9) 20 per cent like (10) .. (11) and more or less (12) fer to watch sport, (13) ally watch (18) РОССИЯ -2^ PLAN ETA РОССИЯ \'j{ ■«St Ш 1 ■ ■ -ШШ-тДС№1ШК РОССИЯ i РОССИЯ 2 ^ a public-opinion poll [рэо1] — опрос общественного мнения ^ coverage ['клуэпф] — освещение событий Units LESSON 2 fti йБК 1. In your culture. Below is the information about TV viewing preferences of Russian] TV viewers. What do Russian TV viewers like watching? Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the] Russian words given after the teict. Si on Russian TV. According to the public-] opinion poll,^ more than half (63%) of Russian (2)_______________________prefer] to watch (3) ,_____^___________________• However, 67 per cent of the people asked! does not differ much. Young people demonstrated a lower level of interest in this] type of programmes. About 53 per cent of the (5) ________________________ like watching (6) __________________________. A bit less popular are] (7) ___________________(48%) and (8) ___________________________________ (37%).| and about] . Men, more than women, pre-] and (14) . Morel than half of TV viewers (55%) are sure that today’s television cannot work with" out (15) _________________________________. However, about two-thirds of Russians] dislike both the content and (16)________________________________________ of today’s TVj (17)____________________________ _. Only 11 per cent of those asked say that they actu-] es of Russian alents of the ' the public_____ prefer »eople asked 3 широкий выбор программ телезрители новостные программы телевизионные каналы (зрительская) аудитория художественные фильмы развлекательные шоу концерты (музыкальные представления) сериалы 10 ток-шоу 11 викторины 12 интеллектуальные игры 13 документальные фильмы 14 политические дебаты 15 реклама 16 формат 17 передачи рекламного, коммерческого характера 18 рекламные ролики rest in this )pular are ____ (37%). and about romen, pre- ____. More work with- < f Russians today’s TV' t they actu-1 Lesson 3 Reported statements She says that she will come next week. She said that she would come the next week. He says, “1 have seen this show." He said that he had seen that show. GS pp. 188—192 J &i 1. A lot of people have answering machines for their phones. Here are some messages. Aeport these messages according to the example (0). 9t To: Clarence From: Megan Hi, Clarence, this is Megan. I’m bnsv today. I’ll come to vou tomorrow. Bve. wecjqn told Clorence that she was busy that day. _________________________^_________ Sne also sflid that she woHid come the next day.________________________-___________ It To: Clarence From: Jennifer ’ Ш. Clarence, this is Jennifer. I’m going away for some days. I’ll call vou next week. mm M Ш m Ш Щ Ш Ш Ш Ш: 'Ш Ш Ш Ш1 Ш m m Ш 1Ш1 Ш 7'A ■ ** To: Mrs Davidson From: Clarence’s form teacher Gocxl afternoon, Mrs Davidson. Ci^rence was absent from the Science lesson yesterday. Гш sure she was missing the lesson for good reasons. ■■-уШИ Ш -Ч Units .. LESSON 3 '■уЩЩ 45 3) То: Clarence From: Alex and Jane Hi, Clare, we are going to watch Star Academy* at PhiFs place today. We'll be happy if von join us. 4) To: Clarence From: Helen Hi, Clarence, this is Helen. I’ve got two tickets for our school band concert. I’ll be waiting for vou near the hall at 5.30 o.m. Bye. mmmt 5) To: Clarence From: Grandma Hi, Clarence, this is your Grandma. I’ll be in London next week. I hope vQu’Il meet me at the station on Saturday at 5.30 n.m. Love and kisses. E штшш ■■ Шг Шй: тг m's Шй- ш шшм ШШк- 6) То: Clarence From: David It’s a pity vou are out again. I’ve tried to talk to vmi many times. Yesterday I was waiting for you in the Internet cafe from 5 to 6 n.m. Please call me. 7) To: David From: Clarence Hi, David, this is Clarence. Yesterday I was waiting for vou for half ял hour in thJ school band room? llw 8) To: Helen Prom; Clarence Hi, Helen, this is Clarence. Lhave got vour message. I’m sorry but I won’t go with vou to the concert. My Granny is coming and I’m going to meet her at the station. See yout 46 Units LESSON 3 г ■-Ш ses. : call me. ur in the 2. Grammar. Most children can't imagine their Ifces without TV. Report what some British children said about the role of fclovtsion in their lives. “I think life will be boring without TV.” л/lanv kids said that their lives would be boring without TV. li “I have never thought of turning the TV off.” One girl from Birmingham told the interviewer that__________________________________________ “I won’t be able to live without my TV.’ Another girl from London said that --- Ji “We spend more time with TV than with our parents.’ Most kids said that ____________________________________________ 4> “My TV is always on even if no one is watching it.’ One boy from Leeds said that ---------------------- ('digital] — цифровой Units ■ тШШ mm Ш ■Ш ■'-m “On average, we spend 2 hours and 35 minutes watching TV every day. With digital^^ TV we spend another half an hour a day.” Many children said that ____________-------------------- ■ ■ -—------------------------------- €* “Last year we didn’t have digital TV and I spent two hours watching TV. Now with digital TV I spend another half an hour a day.” Some teens told the interviewer that —------------------------------------------ “I watch TV whenever I like. But my parents do not permit me to watch TV after 9 p.m.” One teenage girl from Manchester said that-------------------------------- Ш ■ШЯ Ш m Ш m m :^|H m ЧШ m Ш m m m 47 ii^Dl ■A LESSON 3 tmr Lesson 4 r ^rOrnWO'C hint К Reported statements with modal verbs He says that he can watch TV while doing his homework. He said that he could watch TV while doing his homework, GS p. 190 1. This is what Moscow teenagers told a TV Park guide about TV seivices in Russia. Translate what they said into English. Use the reporting verbs that fit ^fo say/to comp/ain/ta suggest/to add/to advise/to agree/to be sorry). 0) Vadim: Ha телевидении должно быть больше передач для подростков. Vadim said that there should be more programmes for teenagers. 1) Angelina: Следует показывать больше сериалов и передач о моде и стиле. 2) Polina: Должно быть меньше рекламы и реалити-шоу невысокого качества. 3) Kostya: Я очень люблю смотреть телевизор. Я даже рекламу смотрю. Не наду ничего менять. 4) Olga: Не надо убирать рекламу. Мы должны знать, что следует покупать. 5) Dasha: Так же как рекламу сигарет и алкоголя, нужно запретить «плохие| \ШШС ■ слова, даже в ночное время. 6) Volodya: Могли бы передавать больше познавательных программ и историческ! сериалов. Нужно запретить сериалы на криминальную тему в прайм-тайм. 7) Dima: Следует показывать больше художественных фильмов о войне, а такж документальных фильмов об истории нашей страны. 8) Katya: По телевизору смотреть нечего. Я включаю только музыкальные канал! Я могу не смотреть, а только слушать и делать уроки. % J }mpfain/to I В 2. Ofcom is the organisation that makes sure the TV is suitabie for viewers. They think that ' programmes should be given cinema-style ratings, l№at else does Ofcom suggest? What do teenagers think about cinema-style ratings for TV? I ЯерогТ what they said. I tSi Ofcom: TV shows with bad language, violence and scary moments can be categorised as 15 or even 18. Ofcom suggested that tv shows with bad language, violence and scary moments could be categorised as 15 or even 18.____________________________________ It Ben: It won’t work. Parents can’t check what their children are watching on TV in their bedrooms. Ben said that ________________:--------------------------------------------------- He added that ____________________________________________________________________ иле. ества. He надо гать. ^ плохие * ■рических тайм. а также е каналы. 1 за rate — иметь какую-л. категорию, класс .1 “ ж password ['pa:sw3:d] — пароль, пропуск Units LESSON 4 ш ■ш wmm -шш ■i Kate: It’s а good idea. It may stop children from watching films they are too young for. Kate agreed that ______________________________________-_______________________ She added that . . ____________________________________________________________ A Brandon: It will be useful for children to know which film to choose. But at the same time they don’t have to follow the rule. Brandon said that ------------------------------------------------------------- He also said that ------------------------------------------------------------- Benjamin: Cinema-style ratings for TV won’t atop children from watching what they want. Benjamin said that ------------------------------------------------------------ 5ч Jason: It might be a good idea. But it may spoil some things for teenagers like me. Jason agreed that _____________I-----------------------^_______________________ But he also said that__________________________________________________________ m Ш Ш ШШ ШШ m ■i Ш ■ \-/jt M m ■Ш Ф* Linda: With ratings we’ll have to be careful too. Bad language and violence are sometimes learnt from these 12—15-rated^ films. Linda said that ______________________________________________________________ She added that_____„__________-____________________—-------------------------- ~ Joyce: Young people as well as their parents ought to know what language is going to be like in a TV programme. Joyce suggested that_________________________________________________________. *1 Ann: There should be both ratings and a password.^ Ann suggested that ----------------------------------------------------------- W'- Tom: Films on TV must also be rated on bad language and violence. Tom suggested that ----------------------------------------------------------- m Ш шт ■ Ш ш шт т т ш т -/с 49 ш гм i я\. i : i i ii i Tl Ш if i j: it!; 3:^' lOK ■ If; Ц1 Щ: Л j'.\ !%f:' Ш Ш Кй k 3. Each year in the UK the most popular TV programmes are given the National Tele\fr Sion Awards. What was the young TV viewers* reaction to the latest results? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. grammar hint Я1ШтЮ;: =4 Phil said that the show had taken first place. But Jane said that the show took first place in 2012. 2). 3) Siraon was not happy to find out that Doctor Who* hfld Ьб6М TflUked only fou among the most popular dramas, (to be ranked) Don was not surprised that Ant and Dec_________the National Award. He add that in 2012 Ant and Dec ____________ the National Award, too. (to win j to У given) Douglas was happy that The X Factor* __________. first among the most popul^,^. shows. He remembered that in 2011 it also_________first place, (to be ranked to take) Charlotte was glad that her favourite TV programme Britain’s Got Talent* the biggest audience. She was proud that in 2011 and in 2012 it ________ as one of the best talent shows. (to get j also to be nominated) Catherine told her classmates that her favourite show I’m a Celebrity ... G# Me out of Here*____________the National Award. She added that in 2012 tbf show _______ first place among the most popular reality shows. (to be given . .2 jnal TeleviH h the сои J Э) Susie found out that Strictly Come Dancing* the National TV Award ____ the Award, either. and complained that in 2011 her favourite show ____ (not to get j not to get) Laura said with regret that in 2012 EastEnders*____ best serial dramas. She added that in 2011 the serial __ (not to take j not to be named) Hazel was surprised that such a boring soap* as Emmerdale* She also said that the only soap she____________for many years was Corona- first place among the ___the winner, either. so high. tion Street* and that in 2012 her favourite soap the best serial dramas, (to be rated j to watch / to take) Lesson 5 first place among ' e «6 Elli 1. Word building. First News is the only national newspaper for all children aged жг^/ееп 7 and 14 in the UK. It was started in January, 2006. |№at is special about this newspaper? For questions 1 — 16, use the words from the word box « ^rm new words that fit in the same numbered gap in the text. ■Ml тл ■шшш вш aly fourtl He adder in I to Ы ;t populai ranked t* First News is an educational and (0) gntertginfng тй^зрарег. 30,000 children read it at home every week. First News is a (1) __________ newspaper published -(F^ry Friday and available for just £1. First News ~ produced in a (2) ___________, full colour and tab- ed newspaper format. The weekly caters for young -3i ^______ to get them interested in the (4)_________ jD»:ut the world around them. In 24 pages, the news-offers the stories under (5) tdlines: World and UK News, (6) Puzzles and (7) _________________ Ггий Articles and others. Crazy But First News tells children about today’s issues, it gives SI a lot of (8) ______________, and- entertains them. The weekly has fun design and a (9)__________reporting »T7,e. It offers (10) ^_ arr^mational news (11) The weekly contains reports and good home and aegraphs. There are a lot of (13) popular articles on , with much gossip and many pho- in First F which are about what’s new, what’s in and what’s 'tJtppening. First News is becoming and (15) ____ one of the most media for ty ... Gel 2012 the ye given 1 wicing Brits. First News website has more than 35,000 ^rrcmg people registered. In 2011, First News TV was MLinched. In 2008, First News won a Save the Children Aw^rd for Outstanding (16) __________ to Children, and 31 2011, First News won the Newspaper of the Year АжаЫ. Г (0) ENTERTAIN (1) WEEK (2) TRADITroN ^ (3) READ (4) NEW ^ (5) DIFFER (6) ENTERTAIN ^ (7) COMPETE (8) INFORM (9) LIVE Г (10) DETAIL (11) COVER (12) CELEBRATE (13) ADVERTISE (14) POWER (15) INFLUENCE (16) CONTRIBUTE r ■ Units LESSON 5 ят.'/- *ШГ: Lesson 6 El 1, Thare are a lot of reasons why people like to listen to the radio. Why are some British teenagers fans of the radio? Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use between two and five words includ-j ing the word given. 0) This radio station informs you of modern tunes, information This radio stfltion gives you information about the latest songs. 1) It is the only radio station I can rely on to get info on new rock singles, reliable It is the only radio station where I _______________info on new rock singles. 2) On my local radio station I can learn about all the latest music and gossip, me ) My local radio station keeps___________________all the latest music and gossip, ^ m штш ШШ' шт^/ ШШг шт шшш. 5) ЖШ?:--- ■ ттш:- 6) ШШШ' шш MBMf ттш” ттм вшг 7) 8) ттш: ШШ тш: тм 52 JACKim ^^^Fpiaying what we want My local radio music! advertising There is so 3) Sometimes it is good to change TV for radio, change The radio ________________________ watching TV. ^ ■* ) * 4) My local radio programmes are quite informative and tl4 = music is very good. I informs music performances and plays really goo4- ~ over the songs on Capital. plays My _ all the newest and coolest tunes! entertaining Listening to Heart ГМ gossip It gives me great pleasure Lesson 7 ISl Й EL 1, Below are some pieces of information about Joost, an Internet TV service from inventors of Skype (2003), Nikias Zennstrom (Sweden) and Janus Friis (Denmark). Joosf began di velopment in 2006, In 2012, it was officially stopped. 1) For questions 1 — 11, find the best answer (a, b or c) to learn what Joost was like. Joost was a new way of watching TV (0) Ь the Internet. 'With Joost, people ca get all the things they loved about (1) _, including a full-screen picture and hu^ dreds of shows. Units LESSON 7 :-шт IS псе so that it words includ- BEm Lgles. зек singles, gossip. H I : and gossip. [ TV. ^ itive and thfij 5 really got sometimes very irritating. With Joost, you got great (9) _ *£ search and exchanging messages. ... Joost included a channel-based chat room to let viewers (10) Л real time while watching the same channel. ..., Joost was a welcome addition to the digital home (11)_____. 1 J 4 10 a in a, television a channels a watching a search for a possible a content a variety a advertisement a Internet a talk a TV (© on b the media b sets b adding b lock b available b TV viewing b choice b advertising b radio b say b TV set c by c the Internet - c presenters c updating c find c remarkable c audience c quality c a commercial c television c tell c video Ъ Complete the text with the words below. bon 8 1. Writ ervice from th* юst began de as like. t, people cai are and hua 1. Write it right. What is your favourite TV programme, show or seriai? Mrfte about one of your favourites to your foreign friend. Use the questions below. • What kind of programme is it? • ^Tiat channel is it broadcast on? • Who is the TV host? • What is the aim of the programme? • What is the programme about? • Wbat is the programme famous for? • Who plays the main roles? • What is the most exciting thing about the show? ..., Joost had everything from music and sports to trav-il. adventure, science and cartoons from some of the world’s isest-known TV (2)______. ... they were (3) ____ more and more channels, shows and videos to Joosf. You had to click a channel you liked or (4) _______your fa- vourite show from the list. Some of the shows on Joost were (5)_________worldwide. much of the (6) ______ on Joost was available only to users in North America. ... Joost had a full-screen picture, its (7) ___ could be much better. ... on traditional TV, the Joost service was also supported with (8) _________, which features too, such to each other ЩШ m шшт mm ш м ш щ WA 'тшш\ 'Ш 'й т щ ■I 'Ш щ ■ш т ■Щ М м м щ ш Щ 53 LESSON 8 йштт ШШШ 1ШШ: тшм Ш: Ш- Ш: -," 1КШ1 тт€ т^: тш:% шт¥^ 1шт^ vm} ш т I 0:': mt mi i; № т т Щ-- шт$ т тш: штг шя. ш ш. i: т ш %т. What do your family members think about the show? Could the show be interesting for your foreign friend to see? Why? I ’« « Ш \m.: ЩШШ Lesson 9 d Щ| 1. In your culture. Zolotoy Klyuchik is a regional children’s newspaper which hasj teenage supplement cailed Na Vyrost («Ha вырост»}. 1 1} What is the supplement like? Use the Fact file and write a letter about it to the Teen li magazine. Exercise 1 from Lesson 5 can also help you. Category ' ‘ teenage supplement to children's newspaper ■ Country/ city Russia/Lipetsk 1 Size tabloid format/16 pages Website www.goldkey.lpgzt.ru 1 Frequency’ every month Aim to educate, to inform, to en-J tertain 1 First issue^ November 1993 Price 8 roubles 1 Authors . professional journalists, teachers, teenagers 1 Sections «Познакомимся», «На доску почёта», «Портрет на фоне», «Фанатам», «ЗнаИ наших!», «На тусовку!», «Наш гость плюс мы», «На выезде», «Нарочно не! придумаешь!», «Модная жизнь», «Спортивная жизнь» 1 54 ' frequency ['friikwansij — зд. периодичность ^ an issue (also ['isjuj) — выпуск, издание ш Unit 3 LESSON 9 Л/Й'^Гп Дш '"“п ЗвырооУ ЗвыростН ЗвыростУ тямлю(н™м«\иимжяв«и №Н1Я1И1»)Н111Д-.«М»«ДРПД ЧЩ ш ■..т т чт ■т ■т у- Щ ■ 'W-^ ■f мт чт ■■Ш ш ■ш т т т Wtte about YOUR region а l/Eocai teenage newspaper or magazine to the Teen Ink magazine. mm m ■m ONSOLIDATION rm, to en- 1. Grammar. Hers are some of the questions you have discussed or are going to discuss in re essons on the media. Which questions interest you most of a!i? Sioose the best variant for the questions beiow. In some cases, more than one variant is bie. УШ m m ■Ш m mm 1М», «Знай арочно не J ] where do you get the most accurate and up-to-date news daily? 0 Where b What c When . ____________you get your news from newspapers or TV? a Where b Do c- What _____________ news do you read or watch per day? a How many b How much c: How else Ш '//<1 Ш Units CONSOLIDATION Ш im 55i Т1Г I ■ 'Лтмь ЩШШШ шт'^ 1Ш-т^:У тк№- ШШШ1 ШШШй. mmi Ш)Ж--'' ■тпж ш do you turn on the radio to get yo news? tion? a How often b How c; Where ___________your friend have a favourite radio stj c Have a Does b Has 5 You find teen magazines rather informativi ? a don’t you b do you a are you 6 ______________ teen magazines have an age limit? a Should b Can a Do ___________you fond of the Internet? a Are b Do c Have better — the Internet or books? a What is b Which is c Is it 9 ______________ much more information that can found online than in books? a Is b Is there c How 10___________ classmates? a What is the most popular website with yoi b What kind of c Which 11 a Have you ever used your mobile to get the news? b Do c Did 2. Grammar. On the Web there are a lot of sites for teenagers. Make up sentences with relative clauses to learn about the Teen Newsweek website. Put corf mas where necessary. У f Browser"' File Edit View Go Bookmarks Tools Help vj ,i https:// 31 The Teen Newsweek ...... . :.. •. • s • • , . •.....• .• • . 0) Teenagers are interested in the pews. for Teens is the officia/ Newsweek website for-such teenagbrs. ■ r fnr ТРРП.'; is the official NewsweeFwe0slte for teenagers wHoi -------' —^ ^ ^ ^ ■■■■ are interested in the news. 1) News for Teens is a news website. Each week it covers important international news items and provides interesting quizzes on news items. ’x:.’...•■• .-..■..■.I'd Units [> to get уогц, с Where hte radio sta^ c Have mformative^ c are you age limit? c Do 2) If some teenagers want to talk to the editor,^ there is a chance for them. .1 'i 3) One of the sections is called “This week in history”. It teaches young j people about a lot of world events from the past. ]□[ c Have ■ books? c Is it 1 that can bi e How site with you c Which 35ite. Put com ewsweek al News- ■ ;rs who " nt inter-ems. 4) News for Teens is a well-organised site. It will help teenagers to keep up with what is going on in the world each week. 5) This is the website https://www.weeklyreader.com/teennewsweek/. You can use it any time you like. 6) In the Weekly Writer section, a popular writer offers the first paragraph of a story. You can write a follow-up paragraph to continue the story. editor ['edits] — редактор Unit 3 CONSOLIDATION Ш ШШШШ mmmm ■'ШWШ vim шШШ шт.-.- mmi l№ тш< El 3. Vocabulary. Match the two columns and write down as many word combinatic as you can. broadcasting channel daily corporation detailed debate documentary entertainment feature Aim high-quality information Internet media mass newspaper news presenter political programme radio service reality show regional station television television user viewing mr m. a broadcastmQ corporation, SI 4. Vocabulary/Grammar. Match the words from the two columns and use the wo combinations you’ve got to answer the questions below. Some words in the right column be used more than once. m m. to go * to be • to leave TV to turn TV • to cater to search • a (wide) range online • of • on for • off Ш 1) Do you use the Internet regularly? m: 2) Is there a great choice of programmes on your local radio station? 3) Do you turn the TV off when commercials come on? mi ШШ: 4) Do you read magazines which are for adults? ЯШ-. -o Units ■ 4 CONSOLID/VriON 3rd combinatior How often do you look for info on the Internet to do your homework? Do you switch on the TV in the morning before going to school? Do you leave your computer working if you go out for a short period of time? How often do you buy TV guides to see what to watch? 5, Grammar/Vocabulary. There are a lot of reality and talent shows on the British TV do British teenagers think of these shows? Cross out the wrong words in brackets that 'CT fit. and use the won , right column сз iO) (ssid j told) the reporter that she was not a fan of reality TV. She 't she hated all the reality shows (1) (by j on) British TV. 2' (replied / replied that) she didn’t like reality TV shows. She (3) (contin-R continued) the winners of such shows as The X Factor* or Star Academy* real celebrities. Units тш1 msa ■mmi mmi m Ш m m m m Ш 'Ш m ШМШ тшж Ш шш\ ш ■Шшт CONSOLIDATION mi: Ш.У Andy said that Fm a Celebrity ... Get Me out of Here* was really good, but the: (4) (could be / can be) more fights. He also said that in the show everyone got very well, (5) (that j which) wasn’t really what people wanted to watch. Catherine (6) (agreed / agreed that) I’m a Celebrity ... Get Me out _ Here was so funny that she didn’t want to change the channel when the shot (7) (was / was on). William tried to (8) (convince his classmates / convince) that all those realitJ shows were all the same. He (9) (advised j advised his friends) that they (10) (show not / didn’t) waste their time on reality shows. Susie said that Strictly Come Dancing* was a fabulous show because the profe sional dancers that (11) (were training / had been training) the celebrities wer actually talented. She promised that she (12) (would j should) definitely be watc ing the final. 1МЖ: mmy шш.:\ Ш)' mu w mi Lesson 12 PREPARATION FOR TESTING °) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Teenagers’ attitudes towards adverts vary. You will hear four teenagers talking about their attitude towards advertising. For questioi 1—4, choose from the list (A—F) what each of them thinks about commercials and advertiij ments. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use. You will hear the record^ twice. Ш' Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Advertisements are not realistic. Commercial breaks stop you from wat ing TV too long. Commercial breaks spoil family gath ings. Adverts with celebrities are the most ritating ones. Ads that cater for adults are loved by ct dren more than those for children. Advertisements are more interesting tl films. тш: 1ШШ'л ■ 60 Your score Your mark Units PREPARATION FORTESTING ... 4—3 -■ ■■ 3 2 о READING COMPREHENSION but there le got OB e out of , . . . the show ^ journalist on the Newsround website. Read through Shelley’s answers to the questions below. Match the questions and the an-ers. se reality )) (shouU le profej ties were be watchf 1 What subjects did you like at school? Z What were your hobbies? ________ Й Did you write only school stuff? ______ ■* When did you first think that you wanted to work in the media? _______ S What was your first job, and how did you get it? ______ i What other jobs have you had?_________ T What is your advice to young people who want to get into journalism? S t^iTiat do you enjoy about journalism? ____ What’s the worst thing about working in journalism? _______ question advertise ! recordir )m watcb у gather 5 most ir ed by chil en. 5ting thai It’s a great buzz; I like knowing stuff and then being able to pass it on to the audience. I really enjoyed that on radio and at Newsround I really like making stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids. I only liked English and Art, that was it, I hated everything else — I really did. History, Geography, Sciences — I hated them all. But I loved English. I did hospital radio and I spent a lot of time going to see bands. I was heavily into music. I was trying to get into radio so I didn’t write a lot. I got my experience in hospital radio and then got work experience at the local BBC station and the local commercial station. That’s where I started writing for news bulletins. When I was about ten, I’m not sure why but mainly I was really into radio and loved listening to it. I wanted to be one of the news broadcasters and I found out that to get into radio news you had to be a journalist. My Dad wanted me to be a lawyer. I worked as a broadcast journalist on Red Rose Radio in Lancashire. I was doing some Journalist work during the course. The editor I worked for told me that vhe editor of Red Rose was looking for a journalist, so it was an example of how important networking is. ■ I have been a researcher on the Guinness Book of Records and I also worked at BBC local radio stations and commercial stations. I worked as a correspondent for a news service that puts bulletins on mobile phones. Now I work for the News-’Xiund website. The worst bit about this work is the hours. It is shift^ work: and I don’t think it will ever change. You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are interested in. If you are not going to go to college, then you have to get a lot of experience. I:’s harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It’s another route. Your score Your mark 7-6 4 and less » dnft — смена, рабочий день Units PREPARATION FORTESTING 1 : lui D I ^ " nd- '1 _ 61 Б1 2) Read through the following sentences, cross the wrong word(s) in each ser tence and write the correct one(s) in the space provided. There is an example at th beginning <0). m m m Ш ШШ. ШМ 0) At school Shelley only liked English and -Histery. Art 1) Shelley's hobby was music and she spent a lot of time going to play in bands. 2) Shelley was trying to get into radio, so she didn't read a lot. 3) At school Shelley got her experience in home radio. 4) Then she got work experience at the regional BBC station and the local commercial station. 5) That’s where Shelley started writing for new bulletins. 6) Shelley knew that to get Into radio news you had to listen to be a radio fan. 7) But her granddad wanted her to be a iawyer. 8) On Red Nose Radio in Lancashire, Shelley worked as a broadcast journalist. 9) Among others, Sheiley has been a reader of the Guinness Book of Records, 10) She also worked for a news sen/ice that puts bulletins on websites. 11) Now Shelley works for the Round the News website. 12) Shelley thinks that the best thing about working in the media is shift work. 13) Shelley thinks that if a person is not going to go to college, then she or he should have to do a lot of experiments. 14} Shelley really likes reading stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids. mm- T<‘r./f>.' •• • ' 62 Щ. Your score Your mark 14 13—10 9—7 6 and less" Unit 3 PREPARATION FOR TESTING each se nple at Art ем Фи1 |Г--1р I 1:^ USE OF ENGLISH and less Grammar, Here are sonne comments British adults made on the information about favourite ae^rties of British teenagers. rt their comments and make necessary changes. There is an example for you at the ning (0). Mrs Henderson: I am not surprised that television is named one of the most popular teenage activities. Mrs Henderson was not surprised that television was named one of the most popular teemae activities.__________________________________________________________ Mr Brooke: I am surprised by the fact that British teenagers’ favourite TV programmes can be a soap opera and a quiz. Mr Brooke Mr Peterson: I feel sorry that teenagers spend their pocket money on games and going to the cinema rather than on books. I’m happy that my son does not play computer games very often. a) Mr Peterson_____________________________________________________ b) He______________________________________________________________________ Mrs Peterson: I suggest that teenagers should spend their pocket money on books rather than on games. It will be a good use of money! a) Mrs Peterson b) She added Mr Braxton: It is normal that three out of four boys aged 16—17 are involved in sports outside school. My 16-year-oId son has been playing football for his school football team for two years. a) Mr Braxton b) He contmued Mrs Holley: It’s a pity that only four out of ten girls take part in swimming and keep-fit. Last year my daughter took part in a school swimitiing competition and got second place. a) Mrs Holley b) she added Л!г Gordon: I’m sorry to say but participation in sports activities falls off when teenagers start to earn money and learn to drive. My daughter will never stop taking part in swimming. This year she is learning to drive and still going to swimming practice. . a) Mr Q0rd0r\____________________________________________________________________ b) But he was sure c> He added шш\ mm\ mm -Mm ^шт -я .л 'Ш\ Unit 3 PREPARATION FORTESTING Ш-у i£ Ш: Ш-: 2. Vocabulary. Here are some opinions of British and American Internet users on the role of media in people’s lives. Can we trust the media? For questions 1—9, choose the best answer (a, b or c). There is. example at the beginning (0), Every day we read (0) b and magazines. Every day we watch television news broa casts and hear short news reports (1) _____ the radio. Every day we are influenc by (2) . People consider it to be a way of getting (3)___information. The (4)_____has always provided people with the facts. But are we, the general audier of the United States, (5) ____ all sides of issues? Are we, the US newspapers about both sides of the problem? Or does one si and a more positive attitude from the media? I think tl American'journalism (as well as any other journalism (8) ^_) should give all vie magazines readers, always (6) get more press (7) equal coverage. All views should be (9) a chance to be understood. m- Sfv., Wm‘>, Ш iPh a the press a by a the media a original a network a watching a told a publication a worldwide a given Your score 21—20 (5) newspapers b on b people b truthful b press b reading b said b observation b in the country b provided 19—17 c information c from c news c straight c programme c seeing c talked c coverage c overseas c presented 16—11 10 and less wm. Your mark SPEAKING STUDENT card Task 1 Give a talk abJout the type of the mass media you like best. , Rqmietnber td say: • what type of the media you are a fan of; ■ ■ ■ • why you value this medium more than other media; • what your parents/friends think about the medium you like best. , You'll have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The teacher will lister to you untii you have finished. Th he/she will ask you some questions. Units PREPARATION FOR TESTING *■■■ ?■**; &г ' J.,. rri* ■^фо X- Ш ........ WH “DENT CARD Ле w'X°ra™Jr'°" ““х/^*=в=" “bout'your -sVe're™' "“°“* ™ you onioy watching % SS'S Sch'i -■< I* blJ^n suggestion and explain your choice wS«,g„%Sr“''°"- P'*t°= PPrt EHiember to: , I Se^?n of the talk; in the conversation and be polite. ;1щг тш Unit 3 PREPARATION FORTESTING 65 mw тш тш- im. тШ: You have received а letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Megan, mi' Ш- > i I i 1 i i k i i ^ i t ... I like to read news stories about young people of my age. But a lot of news stories about us/teenagers are negative. I think they don't care about our feelings. I sometimes ask myself, why they don't write happier stories. Maybe they \Nar\t more people to buy the paper? ... Where do you get your news? do you like to read news stories? Why? Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions. Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. i. CULTURAL AWARENESS mi vm Do you know anything about the UK and US media? Write out the words from the word box under the following headlines: 1). TV channels:------------------------------------------------------- 2) TV shows: 3) Magazines: 4) Newspapers: „„ Units PREPARATION FOR TESTING t t: . But a у don't 't write oer? stories? t -S' Sunday supplements: Serials/soap operas; Radio stations: • NBC • The BBC World Service • The Daily Telegraph » The News of the World • Neighbours • The Real World • The X Factor • The Voice of America • ITV • The Times • Coronation Street • EastEnders • Strictly Come Dancing • Shout • CBBC Russia Today The Daily Mirror The Observer Emmerdale BBC 6 star Academy Mizz Teen Ink Your score Your mark 23—22 21—18 17—11 10 and less SELF-ASSESSMENT 1 Description of achievement ' Level reached - Poor Fair Good Excellent Ш 1 can read and understand: « articles on the UK/US/Russia's media; ■ tetters about teenage magazines; • tact files and charts on the media; • epffiions on the role of the media in people’s 1 lees ) can understand: • rxwnions about advertising in the media; j • aoinions on TV programmes; • "^sons why people are fans of the radio; • aoinions on the role of the media in people’s Ш mi m m ШШ ■mm Ш Ш ■Ш ШШ Ш Ш M PREPARATION FORTESTING Продолже? V>5*: ■<:% V УЛ Level reached Description of achievement Poor Fair Good Excelleni ^ 1 can: • talk about the media in Russia; • ask and answer questions about the media; • taik about most popular Russia's TV channels; • talk about favourite TV programmes; • talk about the role of the media in people’s lives Ei 1 can write: • a letter to a teenage magazine about the content of the magazines 1 read; • a letter about good and bad points of teenage magazines; • an advertisement for a channel, a newspaper; • a description of an imaginary newspaper or a magazine Ш Wi-- Grammar checklist Сап understand Сап use 1 • Reported statements: reporting verbs/modal verbs/time and place markers • Relative clauses • Different types of questions / • Ving form of the verbs ! w; FM Учебные умения Не умею Умею • Соблюдать правила написания письма в редакцию какого-либо журнала по интересующей меня проблеме • Находить информацию в Интернете и использовать её • Использовать справочные материалы для того, чтобы рассказать о родной стране на английском языке • Выполнять задания в тестовых форматах «верно/неверно/в тексте не сказано» и «множественный выбор» ш. Exercises I found the most interesting/boring/difficuit: 68 Units PREPARATION FORTESTING ение ent What school do you go to? Lesson 1 El 1. The education system in Great Britain is not easy to understand because it is different in dif-%rent parts of the UK. Complete the table of the system of education in England and Wales. Key stage School year Age Type of education and school Exams , 2—5 1) reception 5 2) 1 Year 1 5—6 5) Year 2 6—7 2 Year 3 7~8 6) Year 4 8—9 Year 5 9—10 Year 6 10—11 3 Year 7 11—12 Two types ot schools 3) 4) 7) Year 8 12—13 Year 9 13—14 4 Year to 14—15 GCSE* Year 11 15—16 Ш\ Ш m Unit 4 i I ill LESSON 1 V& >i^C ' '.'.Jj ■ В 2. Rewrite the following sentences using the passive. №" ^гС1гг)1ГПйх hintwmmsa К Passive Voice At the meeting, two important decisions have been taken. The hometask must be done in time by all pupils. GS pp. 181 — 182 0) All children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. School must be attended by all the childtrer) between the ages of 5 and 16. 1) They discuss different problems at the lessons. 2) The builders built a new school. 3) Pupils must take exams at the end of each stage of education. 4) They will know the results of the tests in a few days. 5) They had finished the work before the exams started. Щ 6) In the next ten years, more people will get education through the Internet. Ш-: 7) Has anyone told Ann about the news? 8) Who are they going to invite to play for the school team? 70 Unit 4 LESSON 1 1} Me Les I Ш 3. Vocabulary, неге are some expressions that can be used to talk about school. 1) Match the expression and its meaning. to attend a school, not a college or a university or have a job to be in the school building for any other reason than studying to be in the school building to study to have a good mark in examinations or tests to attend school regularly to do examinations to get a very bad mark in examinations 1 to go to school A 2 to take exams/tests 3 to pass exams/tests В 4 to fall exams 5 to be at school c 6 to be in school D 7 to be in the school E F G 2) Fill in the gaps with the expression or part of the expression from ex. 3.11 in the correct form. 1) Are you still __________ or at university? Jason didn’t work hard and ______________ the exams. ________ at 4 p.m. I got all good marks. 3) Everyone who wants to join an excursion should be 4) At the end of this year I __________ three _________ 5) This year you ^__________ in 4 subjects, won’t you? 5) 5-year-oid children do a lot of Interesting things ^_ T) What ___________ do you go ? GJ 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions and translate expressions with prepositions. уШ m Mi- щщш- mf.:"- ш тт.--. тш-: шт^: 1тш) т 1Ш:-У::: - ■ Ш'-. рЩШк-. ■. Шг, 8) I have to stay at school 9) _____the morning we went to the museum. 7 p.m. to finish my task. 10) The homework was so difficult that he finished it only 11) Tomorrow weTl be busy_______ 5 o’clock. _____________ midnight. 12) David’s work has improved the last month. fiiSI 2. Vocabulary. Here are some tips that can help to decide where it is better to study. Fill in the gaps in the text with a correct word or word combination from the box. There are two extra words. atmosphere courses • deal with experience • further education level • opportunities • sixth form • earning a colleges • clubs » disabilities -з discipline « encourage ОСВЕд • leave vocational After you have done your (0) GCSES you need to make important decisions. So what are your choices? You can either (1) ___________________ school and go to work or stay at school. You also can either enter a (2) college or a college of (3) Leave school If you are sure this is for you and you want to start (4) ____ money, then do It. But do not be surprised if you find it difficult to get a job at the age of 16 with no (5) _______. Stay at school Most schools have sixth forms which they (6) ________ their students to go into. You will have the same teachers and friends and things around you. In addition, you do not have to (7) __________ change and making new friends. Although the (8) __________will proba* bly be less pressured than at school, the teachers will still make you do the work. If you need a “push” to do anything, then you may better stay at school where the (9) _____________ is more strict. Unit 4 LESSON 2 ‘XSl am «"h ha' US rai d.ei edi cot □ Sixth-form colleges They are for students aged 16—18, which usually offer a lot of A-(IO) ________ subjects and sometimes other courses. For students who study there, there are lots of (11) ______ TO express oneself. Many sixth-form colleges have student unions which have various sports fl2) ___________, societies and may organise interesting events. Further education college These are colleges which offer a great range of (13) _________, from A-levels to (14) ________courses like decorating and landscape designing. The students will be of different education levels and from different families. Many colleges of further education encourage people with (15) _________ to go into education. ■ШШ1 Lesson 3 study, re are what ay at want ut do ;o get which to. •lends lo not f new )roba-;each-f you ; mav Bl Si 1. The system of education in the USA is different from the system of education in England. Listen to the information about the US system of education and complete the table. Grade Types of school Age i 1) 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 ' 5 10 6 2) 11 7 Combined junior— senior high school 3) 12 8 13 9 4-year high school 14 10 4) 15 11 16 12 17 4-year college Unit 4 LESSON 3 т т ш. Ш:. шт^ шх Ш'- Щх, Ш'- Ш: %'Ш Ш',' т,- т- IPS* :;й'' ш- ш- ш Ш.. iy/.. ш. т Ш: W- шшш Jfill IS1 2, Vocabulary. Though systems of education are different in Britain and the USA, they have something in common. Compare the US and the British systems of education. Fill in the words that fit. Both in the US and England most children (0) Attend schools where education is free. In the USA they are called (1)_________ schools and in England they are called (2) -------schools. Secondary education is (3)_________in both countries but in the USA children must (4) _________ school between the (5) ________. of 6 and 18 and in England between the ages 5 and 16. The period of primary {6} ^_________in England is 6 years. In the USA primary education is called (7)____________. It can take from 5 to 8 years in different (8) ____________________________ of (9)________. there are quite different in these two countries. In the USA students of schools. The names of schools and the period do not take (10) of each (11) ___ exams but in England they have national exams at the end Г ----------- Lesson 4 ^rOfDiy^Ox hint Reported questions Sebastian: "Do British children wear uniform?” Sebastian asked if British children wore uniform. Alice wanted to know where you would spend your summer holidays. GS p. 192 ------------------------------------------- 1. Here is what the children wanted to know about school life in Britain. Make the sentences. 0) A lot of children asked / took / British children / what exams / every year A lot of children asked what exams British rhildren took every year.____________________ 1) The children wanted to know / at secondary school / if / more homework / there would be Unit 4 LESSON 4 2) Rick asked / children / what marks / at British, " schools / got 3) Liz wanted to know / all British teens / what toj do after school / had already decided / if they 4) Steven was interested / at elementary school / all the children / if / had had good marks .. fe шт ■шт ton IS called n the nd in gland from >eriod dents e end 5) A boy asked / what school / had been to / Prince William* m 6) Some children wanted to know / could work / teens / where шшт ■:тт о Joan was interested / what / not to fail the exam / ъЗ should do / you there ritish at to В El 2. Here are some questions that children asked on the Internet site about the education oroblems in the English-speaking countries. Report them. _ File Edit View Go Bookmarks Tools Help ;• -• Д https:// \ ^ Newsweek B1 ii.Russia wanted to children went to &jtWirdays. 1) When do children start school in Australia? (kids from different countries) 2) What school did the Queen study at? (a lot of Internet users) m ■ШШ1 mm .^шт Unit 4 ■ :::: LESSON 4 V// Ш т- ш- Ш' Ш- т шш W Ш:: №1smI Шш ш. г'Ш/ Ш 1^- и;-- Ш: ШШ' шш 76 Й/е; Efii! Weiv Go. Sooronafits Tools Help 3) Where will I live if I come to Britain to study English? (Pablo) 4) Will I get a certificate? (Pablo) 5) Has anyone studied at a language school in Canada? (Ralph) 6) What marks have British children got in Literature exam this year? (Sandra) 7) If Russian children have an opportunity, will they study at a boarding school? (Bertie) 8) Did Prince William study well at school? (a lot of children from different countries) 9) When can Canadian children leave school and start working? (some kids from France) 10) Did your parents study at university? (Mark) Lesson 5 1. Grammar. There are different opinions about where it is better to study. Here is one of these opinions. Complete the text with the correct form of the words. I think studying at home has (0) П10Й6 (many) advantages than any other way of schooling. One of the (1)____(big) advantages of homeschooling is the timetable. Home- Unit 4 LESSON 5 3ch( ^Ut, tam tool enc( day (sit vou 16) in (lie (8) horn (9) . Le эрро Rear I 5cho (0) i f |1) . may Time zo h lean futu L or aj die ! a ba 16) . class marc Ii more can 18) J and ! chooi cheei rung neld n- It IS one ay of lome- schooling (at least for us) takes (2) ______ little) time, and it also isn’t limited to cer-bain hours. When I was little, Mum or Dad :ook (3) ________ (we) to the zoo, the sci- ence centre, a park or wherever during the day while all the other kids (4) ___________ • sit) in school. If you were sick or tired, you could sleep (5) ________ (long). I did 16)__________^ (much) of my high school in the evenings while I (7) _______________ lie) on my bed. And finally, I think the '8) ______(important) advantage of homeschooling is that it brings families '9)__________(close). Lesson 6 Bi 1. Vocabulary, starting a new school may be stressful but it gives a pupil more opportunities. ffead the text. For questions 1 — 14, decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each space. If you thought there were a lot of afterschool activities in middle school, just wait tO) b you get to high school! Because classes and grades are il) ___________stressful in high school, you may feel like you just don’t have time or energy for activities. But it’s important to find cime for (2)_________one! They’re a great way :o have (3) _________ fun, make new friends, learn about yourself and open the door to the future. Let’s say you play a musical instrument, or are (4) ________ in playing one. Your middle school (5) ____ offer an orchestra and a band. In high school, you can join groups >6)_________: jazz ensemble, rock ensemble, classical quartet, jazz quartet, stage band and marching band. That’s a lot of choices! In high school, you’ll have (7) _____________ more variety in which sports teams you can join. If your middle school only offered '8)__________teams, like basketball, baseball and soccer, your high school (9)________let you ■ ■ ■■ , choose from sports (10) gymnastics. cheerleading, football, golf, bowling, swimming, field hockey, ice hockey, track and field and softball. BE in a team AE on a team Unit 4 Cf' ! “ill-’ • ^ <- - f ■ i . f V. ;:и li.; r) ' ■ rp II. I! ^ Г'И fl4 ^ И i ^ hi’ ihi H t ^ Ч1П ' f LESSON 6 Often, places on a team are reserved for (11)______and more experienced athletes. This main team is usually (12)________the varsity team. But most schools offer a second team, called junior varsity or JV, for (13)________students. Keep in mind that at some schools the first-year students (14) out what you can and can’t do. participate in certain sports, so find 0 a while © until G for 1 a much b most G more 2 a at least b least c more 3 a a b the q — 4 a interested b interesting c good 5 a should b may c has to 6 a like b such c as 7 a a few b many c much 8 a a few b little G, a little 9 a must b should C might 10 a such b such as c as 11 a oldest b old c older 12 a called b known c named 13 a little b younger c smaller 14 a couldn’t b mustn’t c shouldn’t Lesson 8 1. Sort out the sentences to support the following ideas. There is more than one correct answer. Add at least one sentence to support each idea. 1 The school gives a lot of opportunities to express oneself. 2 Our school has good educational facilities. 3 The teachers are good. Every year we go on school trips. We visit museums and places where our parents work. We have a school newspaper, which is rather popular. There are different sports clubs in my school. We are awarded for good work. There are big laboratories and good computer classes. We are given support when necessary. There is a school theatre where all pupils can take part in. There is a large library in our school. (4t Unit 4 .... LESSON 8 iletes. a sec-lat at ) find I We have a great choice of optional subjects. J They encourage us to work our best. К I like drawing very much. And I am a member of an art studio in my school. We are treated like adults. '■'m. m Ч irrect CONSOLIDATION “ 1. Vocabulary. Find the word that does not belong. Explain why. 1) attend, go, visit, enter 2) comprehensive, primary, higher, compulsory 3) fail, pass, enter, take 4) optional, private, public, state 5) college, gymnasium, lyceum, kindergarten 6) university, college, academy, conservatory 7) GCSE, A-level, entrance, further Bl 2. In your culture. Here is an article about Moscow State University. Read about the history of the University. For questions 1 — 11, fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb given. The University (0) WAS established by a decree of Russian Empress Elizabeth^ dated January 25, 1755. The initiative of opening a university (1) __________ to Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov, The first lessons 12)_________ on April 26. January 25 (3) as Students’ Day in Russia. In the 18th century, the University had three faculties: philosophy, medicine and law. The University press (4)_________the most popular newspaper in Imperial Rus- sia — Moskovskie Vedomosti. Г(0) ESTABLISH (1) BELONG ^ (2) HOLD (3) STILL/TO CELEBRATE (4) PUBLISH ■41 m -У.Ш Ш Ш m ents by a decree of Russian Empress Elizabeth — декретом российской императрицы Е1лизаветы Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION I II Щ life'-.;. m-r Й1^ In 1919, education became free, and a preparatory faculty (5) _________ for children of the working class so that they would be able to pass the entrance examinations. In 1940, the University (6) __________ in honour of its founder Mikhail Lomonosov. (5) CREATE (6) NAME Since 1953, most of the faculties (7) on Sparrow Hills (Vorobievy Gory). The MSU main building was the tallest building in the world outside New York City at the time of its construction. It (8) to (7) SITUATE contain 33 kilometres of corridors and 5,000 rooms. Now the University (9) ______ 39 faculties, 13 research institutes and 14 research centres. More than 40,000 students study at the University. More than 10,000 professors and lecturers and researchers (10) for (8) SAY r (9) HAVE the faculties and research institutes. Every year about 4,000 international students from all over the world (11) ________ Moscow University. ^ (10) WORK (11) ENTER EL 3. Vocabulary. Here is an article about the system of education in Canada. Choose the correct word {з, b or c) to fill in the spaces in the sentences. Most children (0) Ь public schools, which are (1)__by the government, though some children attend (2) ___ schools. There are some children who are (3) _ at home by their parents. These children are (4) to be homeschooled. In general. Canadian children start their first grade when they are six years old; some of them attend kindergarten for one to two years before Grade 1, it is (5) _. The school year runs from September each year (6) ^_June of the next year. Students in high school begin to decide whai they want to do after school, what profession to choose. In Grades 11 and 12, students in Ontario (7) _____to choose from workplace preparation, university/coliege preparation, college prepara- tion and university preparation courses. Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school (8) ______ they are 16. But most students stay (9) _____ till they get a diploma after their 11th, 12th or 13th grade depending on the province they are living in. After high school completion, students can choose to (10)____their education in university, college or Cegep. Cegep is from the French language and stands for College of General and Vocational Ed- ucation and it is between the first two years of university (11) years of vocational studies and high school. studies or three r=“= 0 a go © attend c visit i''L 1 a set b recommended c controlled 2 a private b comprehensive 0 elementary 3 a studied b learnt c taught 4 a expected b said c hoped Щ- 5 a optional b compulsory c extracurricular 80 Unit 4 1': CONSOLIDATION Wha' ie D fl2) !> 1 ?> S lough __at aeral, them ;chooi what on to itario ition, para- rrito-5 16. get a e de-4iter se to ge or : and 1 Ed-three 6 7 8 9 10 11 EL 4. since are able until further start a general a a a a a till can after longer finish educational c in c must c before c more c continue c preparation _ _ ,'J Й In Britain, children often discuss the problem which school they get into - ... .44^.. I, ui iMUl 4^1 I vj;ovj>ucio tlic: vvmjLjM lUUl LMcy yeL MltU* What are their opinions about a new school? Fill in the gaps with the articles {a, the or —), — I think it is important to go to (0) Q_ school suitable for you. I think the children should decide. If you are (1)________fantastic athlete and love PE, you should go to <2) ______ school with (3) _____big stadium and (4) ________ food sports facilities. And if like me, you love to write, you should be at (5)_______school with (6)________big library and (7) ______good English department. It is important to be in (8) ______ right school, so you can succeed. — Last year I didn’t get into (9) ______ church school I wanted to go to and my Mum started teaching me at *10) ____ home. My Mum didn’t like any of (11)____________lo- cal schools. I know other children who could not get into (12) ____ school they wanted, — When I was in Year 8, I was upset because I didn’t get to (13)______same school as my best friend. But now Гш in Year 9 and I have made (14)____________ lot of friends, 50 sometimes it can be good going to (15)_________school you didn’t really want to go to. — I really care what school I go to. After all, (16) ._____ influences your life. I want to be (17) ______ biologist and I want to go to (18) university. kind of education you get Э. Some of the reported questions below are correct and some are wrong. I m A A МП ■ ^ ^ ^ __ -I.. ?■- 4 Underline the mistakes in the sentences and write them again correctly. 0) The students asked if they will have a test tomorrow. The students asked if they would have a test the next day.______________________ 1) The parents wanted to know if religious education was compulsory at that school. M 'Ш ular 2) Some students couldn’t remember what hometask had they got yesterday. Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION шш '//г- ш Ш: т W. ПА ш. ш- ш 1шт It В! Ж ША-: Шг Ша Ш-: ш W/J. ш ■' с?... ■■ шш ш. ш- ■ Ш: 82 3) The daughter asked his father if college of further education gave him good preparation for the future profession. 4) The parents wanted to know if the price for studying at the boarding school was high. 5) Pupils wanted to know how much time they would spend on the excursion. 6) The girl wanted to know did her mother like going to school. 7) The teacher asked had the students already read the text. 8) The mother asked what mark had her son got for the test last week. 9) The mother asked her son if he was ready with his homework. 10) Paul asked his friend what university he will enter next year. Б1 6. Find out about the education system in Austraiia. For questions 1—17, fili in the gaps with the word that fits. The education in Australia takes 12 years. A lot of children start (1)_________school at the age of 5 years (Year 1) and the child studies there (2) __________ they are around 12 years old (Year 7). There are many types of (3) ____________ for children up to 5 years, but the main ones are special centres or families who take care of the kids in a system which is called Family Day Care. Students go to (4) ____________school when they are 12—13 years old (Year 8). The (5)_________education is up to Year 10. The Years 11 and 12 are (6)__________but are necessary if a student wants to get (7) education. Students who leave school in Year 10 can start working or take any (8) course. The last two years of high school are where students begin to lead their (9)___________towards their chosen professions. The students will (10) what to study I to folic do Eng subject ematics Biolog; are the necessa Stuc Friday, for lun practic hours c demic : Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION prepa- study depending on the career which they want to follow. For example, a student who wants to do Engineering in University should (11)_________ subjects such as Physics and high-level Mathematics instead of subjects such as History or Biology, The (12)________of the last two years are the most important ones, good results are necessary to (13) _______ a university. Students have (14) _________from Monday to Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m,, with a (15)_________ for lunch. (16)___________ activities such as soccer practice, dance classes, etc. are done after school hours or Saturday mornings. Australia is in the Southern hemisphere^ and so the academic year (17) ________ at the end of January and finishes in December. О PREPARATION FOR TESTING LISTENING COMPREHENSION Test results show that girls beat boys in nearly all of the subjects. Why are boys doing worse at school? You will hear five teenagers answering this question. Usten to the recording. For questions 1—5, choose from the list (A—F) what each of the speakers says. Write the corresponding ietter next to the speaker. Use the ietters only once. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice. □D Boys care less about their future. Boys with good marks are laughed at. Boys are less intelligent. Methods of teaching for boys should be different. Boys do not take studying seriously. Boys pay attention only to few subjects. 2 and less Unit4 PREPARATION FOR TESTING (Г ja 01 Ш -wmi ЧШ . Mi M m Ml m Il.v.-. * f '.L Ik,;. Ш?: О READING COMPREHENSION You are going to read some articles about schools in Britain. For questions 1 —9, choose from the schools (A—D). The schools may be chosen more than once. Which school: 1 la a comprehensive school? 2 is a hoarding school for boys? 3 is a school where boys and girls study together? 4 is a college of further education? 5 offers free education? 6 prepares special food for pupils? 7 is for those who are good at sport? 8 concentrates on studying Maths and Information Technology? 9 was repaired and decorated not long ago? If you’re a Year 11 student, no matter whether you are a boy or a girl, thinking about what direction to take after school, or a Year 9 or 10 student considering your future aims, you’ll be making important decisions that will influence the rest of your life. We offer a great range of courses for the Post Leaving Certificate and for adult students. Students who successfully complete their studies at the College get the necessary qualifications to enter their chosen career or to continue their studies at the third level. The education is free, however, there are sums of money that students have to pay to attend all courses, for example, for registration and for examination. Students are informed at the interview stage about the specific prices of their chosen course. The School is situated in an attractive market town almost in the centre of England. School House, the boarding residence, is set in an attractive Georgian house. The House is comfortably furnished and offers an attractive “family” atmosphere to boys aged between 11 and 19 years. Entry into School House is by interview, not examination, and the important criteria for selection are a willingness to live happily and study effectively in a society of boys. We have very competitive prices and, with a long and successful tradition of boarding, it is very often the case that too many people want to study here. All special diets are catered for. Our school is unique. It is a school for boys and girls aged from 7 to IS years. Our boarding price will be a little over £10,500 per year this year ■— that’s about half what you would expect at a private school. This is a Specialist Sports College. In addition to all the usual facilities for sport we have an indoor swimming pool and a riding school. Boarding houses are organised to meet the needs of each age group. Younger children live in Rank Weston House. Boarders aged from 11 to 13 have a separate house for boys and for girls. Older boys and girls live in Gatton Hall. All of the boarding houses have been completely repaired in recent years. There is always a vegetarian option and other diets can be catered for by special order. Our school is coeducational state secondary school, with almost 1,400 pupils and students. About 1,100 pupils between the ages of 11 and 16 study for their GCSE exams, with more than 300 students in our Sixth Form studying for A-level exams. The school’s accommodation is set around three buildings. Pupils in Years 9 to 11 are based in the main building in the town. The Sixth Form is based in the old girls’ high school buildings. Years 7 and 8 are based in a separate building. We want our pupils to work with business to develop our Specialist School status as a Maths and Computing College and develop the skills to succeed in these and other fields. Unit 4 PREPARATION FORTESTING 1. G: friend: For qi that f T1 to do to fii There to un comp (4) _ don’t a job, first, profe; best ( (9) _ there my b( 2. Gi about Repor 0) H 2) W Your score 12 11—10 9—7 6 and less se from Your mark USE OF ENGLISH mi linking idering ;he rest tificate at the intinue ums of jgistra-3ut the of En-house. isphere srview, to live ( prices le case years. 3 about' College, ig pool Lch age I to 13 Gatton years, special ils and I ■ GCSE' vel exfears 9 in the tiding, status ise and 1. Grammar/Vocabulary, Tory, a girl from Canada, is talking about the options she and her friends have after school. For questions 1 — 10, read the text below. Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered gap in the text. There is an example at the beginning (O). This year I have to make an important (0) dgclsiotl: what to do next. Our school gives us excellent (1) ______________ m find out what is better for us to do in the future. There are a lot of (2) _____________ subjects that help us to understand it and express our (3)_______________. When compulsory education is over, students can either enter a (4) ___________ institute or try to find a job. But if you don’t want to meet with (5)__________ while trying to find a job, our teachers advise us to get (6)__________training first. Our school gives us a lot of (7) ^________. about the professions that our community needs. But I think that the best choice is to get (8)_________education. There are no (9) ___________examinations to universities but studying diere needs very careful (10) ~______, I try to study my best in order to get a place there. ^ (0) DECIDE (1) OPPORTUNE r (2) OPTION (3) PERSONAL (4) TECHNIC . . (5) DIFFICULT (6) VOCATION (7) INFORM (S) HIGH ^ (9) ENTER (10) PREPARE 2. Grammar. Sruce is going to enter Ashby School. He went to the interview and told his parents about the questions he was asked there. Report the questions he was asked. 0) How old are you? I was qsked/They wanted to know how old i was. 1) 2) Why do you want to study at our school? I was asked/Thev wanted to know What marks did you have at your school? I wcis qsked/They wanted to know 3) Did you have any problems with your classmates? I was asked/Thev wanted to know Unit 4 PREPARATION FORTESTING -mm mm\\ ш- щ- г ш. Ш i: 1Нб \шш ш ш ш ш ш Ш: ”■ Ш: Bjk- Ш: 1Г. II:- Ш т 1И"- ii 86 4) What book are you reading now? I was askedt/They wanted to know 5) What are your hobbies? was asked/They wanted to know 6) Do you need a special diet? I was asked/They wanted to know 7) Have you had any operations? was asked/They wanted to know 8) Are there any special things that you want to tell us about yourself? was asked/They wanted to know Your score Your mark ia—16 15—12 11—9 t ■ .■ 5 ^ ■ 4 3 0 SPEAKING STUDENT CARD Task 1 Talk about the school you would like to study at, , . Remember to talk about: • what kind of school it should be; ^ ' • what facilities should be there; . • what opportunities schools should give to their pupils; • what kind of teachers should work there, why. You will have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. STUDENT CARD Task 2 You are talking with your friend James/Grace about coming examinations. • Ask your friend questions about the exams he/she is going to take. • Tell your friend that you worry about your future exams. • Answer your friend's question about examinations in Russia, • Calm or reassure your friend about the coming examinations. You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of your friend. Remember to: • mention all the four aspects of the task; • take an active part in the conversation and be polite. Unit 4 PREPARATION FORTESTING WRITING You have received a letter trom your English-speaking pen friend, Steve. I i e \ i i i ^ i i i f i ... Next year ( will go to the sixth form where 1 will learn Л/laths, Information Technology, English and two more subjects — which ones, I haven't decided yet. I want to get into Oxford. It is rather difficult and you need to work hard. What opportunities do you have when you choose where to study? What are your plans for the future? What subjects are you Interested in? M ss Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Ask him 3 questions about British schools. Write фл 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing, Then j-m m Ml шш\ m Unit 4 PREPARATION FOR TESTING 87 шш Ш: т^: ттш^: CULTURAL AWARENESS Match the words and word combinations with their definitions. There is one extra sentence. sLiliii- i '--7 -•И -Г . L V—■'-»- 1 Elementary school 2 Primary school m. 3 Comprehensive school 1ШШ, ШШШ:. 4 High school m- 5 College of further education m 6 GCSE ша 88 7 A-level exams Unit 4 an examination that American high school students take before they go to college the oldest and the most famous public schools in Britain an examination in a range of subjects, which is done by students in schools in England and Wales, usually at the age of 15 or 16 examinations in different subjects, which students in England and Wales take when they are 17 or IS the oldest and the best universities in the USA a private school in Britain for children of different ages a school for children between 5 and 11 years old in England and Wales PREPARATION FORTESTING 9 I 10 ^ srty aty ■шш sen- ш 8 SAT 9 Eton, Harrow, Winchester 10 Yale, Princeton Your score Your mark a school in the US where basic subjects are taught for the first six years of a child’s education a school that provides education for people who have left school, not provided by a university a state school in Britain for children over the age of 11 of different abilities a school in the US and Canada for children of 14 or 15 to 18 years old; used in the names of some schools in Britain for children from 11 to 18 years old 10 9—8 7—5 4 and less 5 4 3 2 1И1 SELF-ASSESSMENT chool ge tublic jects, 'is in ge of vhich when Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent Ш 1 can read and understand: • information about systems of education in different English-speaking counfries; • articles from the fnternet/magazines; • opinions about different types of schooling; • advice about studying at school and university Ш i can understand: • information about the US system of education; • opinions about different types of schooling; • advice about studying at school and university ^ 1 can: • talk about the system of education in the USA, Britain and Russia; • talk about my school; • talk about my plans for the future; • express my opinion about types of schooling; • calm and reassure someone Unit 4 PREPARATION FORTESTING щшш IC! It:- шш ш Ш- Vf. Шщ:" Ш^- Шл Ш:& Ш, Ш- Ш1/ ш Продолжение Level reached Description of achievement Poor E" 90 Fair Ей I can write about: • my school; • the opportunities Russian pupils have to get an education Good Excellent Le Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Prepositions of time • Passive Voice • Reported questions • Linking words EXetcises I found the most interestihs/difftcult/boiing: Unit 4 PREPARATION FOR TESTING чжение :ellent School — what’s next? Lesson 1 1. Young British children answered the question 'What job do you want to do when you're older?” What are their answers? Fill in the gaps with suitable conjunctions. r grammar him Conjunctions Both Layia and her friend want to work with children. Jack would like to be either a coach or a teacher. This job is neither easy nor highly paid. и ... и или ... или ни ... ни GS рр. 194—195 Ш лт ‘I would like to be a scientist a vet. I would like to be a sci- entist because I want to discover new things and do experiments. I would like to be a vet because I love animals and I would love to save them!” (Eden) “I’d like to be ______ an air hostess because they’re really kind and have really nice uniforms,______ a dancer because I love music, and I’m far better at dancing than at singing!” (Millie)__________________ “The job I want when I am older is to be a photographer to be able_____to earn money________become famous.” (Anna) “I want to be a model but I want to be underweight _____ muscular,” (Miranda) “I want to ____________ play my violin in the Royal Symphony Orchestra ___________ be an ■ architect.” fPhilippal __________• ' - • “I want to work in the police to be a nurse, because I want to help others who are in need.” (Emily) “When I am older I would like to be a lawyer because I love winning arguments!” (Jaz) fighting Units LESSON 1 ш- life т тт штт Щ.Ф: il С 2. W^ord building. Key skills are the skills you need to do well in education and training and to succeed in work. What are the six key skills? Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit In the gaps (1—12) in the text. (0) Communication skills. You should be able to use your speaking, writing, listening and reading skills (1) ________ for different tasks, for example, to take part in a (2) ______, to write documents or to give a (0) COMMUNICATE (1) EFFECTIVE (2) DISCUSS short talk. Skills in problem (3) _. Using your initiative (3) SOLVE you should understand problems and find the answer. Team working skills. Belonging to a group is necessary for (4) ______ success. This skill is (5) __ not only at work, but in school and at home too! (6)__________to leam. We live in a world where new- er ways of doing things appear all the time. (7) (4) BUSY (5) USE (6) ABLE (7) EDUCATE doesn’t end when you leave school. People who can leam new skills and get new (8)___________are valued. (8) KNOW IT* (ICT) skills. Computers are used almost everywhere. You should be able to write a letter, report or presentation, use the Internet to find (9) ______. Time (10) _______________ skills. It means scheduling (11) ______ from the most to least important. If you learn to do it (12) more things that you want to do. you will be able to do (9) INFORM (10) MANAGE (11) ACTIVE (12) SENSIBLE iSI Б1 3. Vocabulary. What are Nick's career plans? For questions 1—10, cross out any of the highlighted words that are not suitable. Ever since he can remember, Nick has wanted to become a vet. “I’ve (0) (always j already) loved animals. When I was about six, I had to take my eat. Hector, to a vet for a checkup and I think I made my (1) (career j job) decision then.” Getting a place on a veterinary science course is very competitive. It’s very important to find out what’s (2) (required / available) in advance and to choose the right subjects. Chemistry and biology will help you to get into veterinary school, where you can do (3) (qualifications / qualities) that will (4) (let / allow) you to work widely. Nick is working with a (5) (vet j IT consultant) at the moment and is planning to get some work (6) (achievement j experience) on a farm. It will help him to develop necessary (7) (qualities / conditions) and get key (8) (opportunities / skills) that are important for the future (9) (employment / school). It’s a very interesting (10) (job / work). It’s very satisfying working with animals, knowing that you’ve helped an animal to get better, knowing you’ve achieved something every day. Unit 5 ....— LESSON 1 Lesf Sli. 1) Wh£ recomr 0) Re PSl to 1) Do do( Th. 2) Pn SU) 6) Do agE Psi 7) Tn hei ТЪ d train-In the Lesson 2 El 1. Here are some recommendations for parents whose children make decisions. 1) What are they? Report the recommendations using different reporting verbs (to tell, to recommend, to advise, to warn). m r Reported speech (orders/recommendations) Listen to your child. They recommended parents to listen to their child. Do not ignore his problems. They warn parents not to ignore the child’s problems. GS pp. 192—193 /^3 ШШ 'Ш mys / a vet 0) Really listen to your teenager. Psychologists advise parents to listen to their teenager,_____________________ 1) Do not give advice that your teenager does not need. They___________________________________ 2) Provide your teenager with respect and support while giving up some of your control. They very hoose 'inary / al- ing to jvelop at are a ani-lieved 3) Help your child to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills. They 4) Prepare your teenager to take care of himself or herself away from home. They 5) Teach him or her to cook and to manage a budget. Teachers 6) Don’t be afraid to set limits on how much you can financially support your teenager. Psychologists ___________________________________________________________________ T) Try to be supportive and enthusiastic, even if your teenager often changes his or her mind. They :%mml ■ЩМ\ .mm mmm\ Units LESSON 2 93 li; тв: штш:: штш-: 2) Which of the tips above would you like to translate for your parents? Write them in order of importance for you. ШВ 2. Grammar, You wtll spend a lot of time taking exams over the next few years. These hints and tips will help you, 1) Add Do not where necessary. Tips for succeeding iu exams О — make a plan for studying and follow it. find a quiet place to work. write notes, choose key sentences or record them and listen to them later. 3)__________leave studying until the last minute. make sure you eat and sleep well, study all the day. Stay fresh by taking regular breaks, try to watch TV while preparing for exams. panic! If you feel nervous, do some physical exercises. In the exam, __________ read all the instructions carefully. 2) Report these tips using different reporting verbs. 0) It is advised (adivisabie) to make a plan for studying and to follow it. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Units LESSON 2 Le 1) w verb в) 1) 21 ri them rhese D Lesson 3 a b a b a b a b a b a b He usually turns up his trouser legs. nodBOpQ4UBQ€fY] {штанины) Put the applications in the box, ___________________^ He has put in an application for a visa.____________ I thought he was at home, but found him out.________ I found out his secret. ____________________________ He likes to go into long explanations. He had to go into hospital. ___________ He looked through the open door._________________________ He looked through his exam paper. _______________________ He is very qrdet. What is he thinking of't___________ Can he think of something interesting to spend the time? He put his best suit on. ________________________________ He put his best suit on the sofa. _______________________ hint Phrasal verbs Fill in the form. — Fill it in. Look through the documents.’— Look through them. GS pp. 195—196 0) He filled in the anplication. He filled it in,________________ 1) He looked through the iob advertisements in newsnaners. 2) He had to go into all his reasons for choosing this iob. 3) He put in his apnlicationa together with the letters. 4) He’s been looking out for a new iob for six months. mm 1. Vocabulary. Here is some information about John who wanted to get a job. 1) Which of the two sentences contains a phrasal verb? Choose the sentence, underiine the verb with the particie and transiate the verbs. 0 a He turned up too early. НрЫШёЛ mm M Ш % 2) What did John do to get a job? Rewrite the sentences beiow using pronouns instead of , m the underlined phrases. m mi m m m ■ m mi .mt Units LESSON 3 тШ: шт тш ттш щттш imw' Ш--'- ш:- Ш:;к т ш тш-штш: ]тШ: шт'. ш 96 5) Не put on Ыя best clothes. 6) Не thought over his friend’s suggestion. 7) He thought of his new image. 8) He made up a storv about his childhood. 9) He found out some information on the website. El 2. Vocabulary, it is not easy to get a job. Replace the underlined words (or word combinations) with the phrasal verbs from the box in the correct form. to come up with • to fill in • to find out Cx2J to get up • to go into • to look for • to look through to make up • to put on • to think of to think over • to read through Research the job (0) Discover what skills and knowledge the employers are likely to be (1) trying to find and (2) consider your skills. Research yourself (0) Find out (1) ----------- (2) ----------- (3) Discover how this job fits into your career plan. (4) Examine your information and {5} seriously consider possible answers to problem areas — have an explanation for poor exam results, for example. But don’t (6) exnlain unnecessary details and don’t (7) invent information. Make sure you know what job applications are like and have all the information you need to (8) write what is necessary in these applications. (9) Study your CV and think about the questions an interviewer might ask and (10) have an idea about some answers. Go to bed early the night before in order (11) to get out of bed early next day. Try to look your best at the interview. (12) Get dressed in a smart suit. (12) Units LESSON 3 meaning What sh St in th( Do i compan Plar Choose Г2)___ a) have If yi (5) know t At ‘6) _ Tha nonallj Less Si. John Gri What di from th a noth! 3) U iSi 3. Vocabulary. Match the words from the first and the second columns to form meaningful expressions, then find the correct translation and complete it. 1 to get on 2 to get on with 3 to look for 4 to look out for^ 5 to make up 6 to make up 7 to put on 8 to turn off 9 to turn on 10 to turn out 11 to turn up A a nice flat В a very interesting story C as an old man D early E fine F in the examination G smart clothes H the classmates I the computer and check the mail J the criminal _______________ К the lights when you leave a включать __^^„____ b выдумывать ______ c выключать_________ d загримировать_____. e искать ПЦеттуПНиШ f ладить с --------- g надевать --------- h оказаться ________ подыскивать преуспеть __ приходить __ 'Ш ■:т ЕП в к! 4. Vocabulary. The first day on a new job is like the first day of school. What should you know on your first day at work? Complete the sentences with the verbs that fit in the correct form. Do some research to (0) find out all you can about your new employer and the company. Plan what you’re going to (1) on during the first week of work. Choose the suit in which you look your best. Before going to sleep the night before, (2)___________ through things that you will need for your first day at work. Be sure *o have a pen to (3) ________„ in those necessary forms. If you (4) (5) .____ up on time, it will make a good impression on your employer, of clever questions about the work, even when you may already Snow the answers. At home write by name all the workers you can remember. You can continue (6) __________ in your list on Day Two. That first day of a new job usually (7) out to be physically and emo- tionally tiring. But each day after will get easier and easier. 'Ш M m m Ш шшш\ Lesson 4 ^ 1. Grammar, V№at was Reggie Love, the lawyer in the book The Client by John Grisham like? What did different people say about her? Fill in the gaps with the pronouns from the box. anyone • both • each • every • lots of nothing • meat- • much • someone • something 0) “Most of her work is with children.” 1) “Once she was in ________ social organisation in Memphis.” 2) “She works hard, doesn’t make ._________money, I don’t think money is important to Reggie.” 3) “You should find __________ who has dealt with her.” ■Ш ■ Ш ■ Ш ШШЩ m Units LESSON 4 i[ В' 'I Ш,1 Д 'I- Wi:. ШЛУ- 11Й: Ш/'у Шу. Rsw^i/-•:.•••• Ш;Л' 4) “Her dress was straight and black and she wore black and gold bracelets on arms.” 5) “She will never tell ________what Mark tells her.” 6) “She wrote ________ 7) 8) _______ in her notebook.” Reggie and Clint began______morning with a quiet cup of coffee as they planned the day and talked about the mail.” “She had money once, ________it, and it had brought but unhappiness.” (from The Client by John Grisham) Lesson 5 El 1. studying abroad may be different from studying in your country. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in bold and other words. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 0) You can learn more about the country if you are staying there. living You can learn more about the country bv living! in it. 1) studying abroad seems difficult but interesting to many students. challenging Students understand how is. 2) Studying abroad is similar to studying at one’s home college, different Studying abroad is not _____________________ studying at home. The choose possibi where Wo: It i ment, to spei living (10) _ (11) _ The Lag a online 3) When you are abroad, you can miss your relatives very much, depressed While abroad you ____________,___________________________because you can’t see par- ents and relatives. 4) You are in charge of all your things, responsible You everything. 5) You can learn a lot about yourself and the world while studying abroad, best Studying abroad_____________________________________experience you can have. B El 2. Word building. Many people like the idea of working and living abroad. Why? Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit in the gaps (1 — 14) in the text. The huge (0) flrOWth in (1) business has produced a world in which people travel looking out for their careers. It is no longer (2) _______ to meet people who have worked in all of the continents. No matter what (3) work abroad. It just needs some (4) lot of (5) ______ and the right plan. Less ШЕ People What r columr from tl iSing j the There are two ways to make it happen. The first is to choose a career path or an (6) ___________ that offers the possibility of moving (7) ________. The other is to decide where and when you want to go. Working abroad is stimulating for a number of reasons. It is very (8) ___________to work in a new environ- ment, perhaps in another language. Those who are able to speak the language get the most out of working and living abroad. You become more (9) __________________ and (10) ______________. And you can become a more valuable (11) __________later. made the process of find- The Internet has (12) ing a job abroad easier. Besides, there is (13) online that helps to make your (14) Lesson 6 Si 1. Vocabulary, is it a good idea for pupils to take part-time jobs while still in school? People from different oountries have different opinions, What relations do these conjunctions and linking words show? First put them into the right column, then fill in the gaps in the opinions with the appropriate conjunction or linking word from the table. More than one answer may be possible. (6) ORGANISE Щ (7) SEA (8) CHALLENGE (9) CONFIDENT (10) DEPENDENT (11) EMPLOY (12) DEFINITE (13) INFORM (14) APPLY У'A in (from The Guardian) Result Результат Contrast Противо- постав- ление Time Время Adding Добав- ление Giving examples Пример In Malaysia, parents don’t seem to have enough money to pay for their children’s education in the universities or college. (0) by working part-time, children can help their parents. (1) _______, by doing part-time jobs, students can earn their own money. (2)________________, they can learn to be independent. This will help them when :diey grow up in the future. (Ahmad, Malaysia) Unit 5 LESSON 6 '^ШЯ1 шт шт ш- ш 1Щ. ш- In Japan, about 30% of teenagers work part-time. Some of them have to work to make money for college. (3) _______________most students who have jobs want to spend money just for fun. They work to buy things (4)_______________clothes, electronic products and groceries. (Fumiyo, Japan) In my country, it is not so common for teenagers to work. Some teenagers, (5)__________, want to work to help their parents to pay for the education. Some take part-time jobs after school (6)__________ they want to become economically independent from their parents. (7) want. (Maria, Russia) they want to earn money to buy some things they they will value what they Teenagers are independent of their parents. (8) __ have now. (Andrew, Taiwan) What I want to say is (9) __________ working part-time has some bad points for students, it also gives them valuable experience for whatever they do later in life. (Fernando, Costa Rica) Teenagers can work (10)_________they have time to prepare their homework well. (Kurt, Germany) Lesson 7 iSI 1. Write it ri^ht. Here is a letter of application for a summer job. Fill in the gaps with the suitable phrases from the box. There are extra ones. 100. decided Best wishes • ©ear- • I look forward to hearing from you. • prepare would like • want » Yours sincerely Hello • make • took it into my head i Write back soon. (0) am Mr ■’'‘“’‘“"'apply £or the position o£ I rte IpriWfisW Chronicle “ П .. a summer holiday „as advertised Ш ^ job In to be a ohel- £щщ1у meals every - -- week. I like trying new reo P ' ’ Бшша Barton^ ■■ ! Le Ustc C( Wl' » I Unit 5 LESSON 7 .j;2ss у'.ш% rk to ipend iucts gers, take ident they they 3 for life, well. ad Lesson 8 B9 El 1. Prince William* decided to take a gap* year. Listen about Prince William’s gap year. How did he spend it? Fill in the table. Where What he did CONSOLIDATION И El 1, In your culture. The problem of choosing a profession is very important for Russian teenagers. What is necessary to consider? Choose the correct answer {a, b, c or d) to ffll in the gaps. There is an example at the beginning (0). Before you decide on what education and (0) Я you will do next year, it is worth looking (1) ______ tomor- row’s job prospects.^ What is the future of the work you are interested (2) ____? Will there always be a need for it? What is happening in the fast- growth industries? In (3) _____^ part of Russia, there are (4) ___ in the > areas of IT, finance, pharmacy, engineering and (5) _____Knowing about the changing world of (6)_____is an important step in deciding on the ed-^ucation and training you need. There are (7) ______ jobs for un- skilled workers. People are expected to have a range of skills, rather than specialising in just one or two. (8) ^ surveys show that people with higher education (9) usu- ally earn more than people who do not study at university. Employers look (10) _______workers with higher level skills and qualifications. The specialists that are needed now are IT specialists, managers, engineers, accountants, lawyers, According to experts, (11)_______ 15-years’ time (12) ______^ will value specialists that combine high qualifications with the necessary skills and qualities. The most (13)_____skills are communication skills, team-working skills, skills in problem (14)___. The person should be co-operative, creative, showing initiative. (Based on the newspaper Argument}/ i Fakty and the magazine Obucheniye V Rossii) a prospect — перспектива Units Л ШШ Ш '■rM '1 .Ш уШ уШ ш ш ш ШШ ш т ■т Ш ■ iШ шт CONSOLIDATION J01 N'■ 0 (а) training b trainee c trainer 1 а for b on c at }mmt 2 а in b at c of ШМ:;: 3 а all fa every c a ШШШ ШШ^ 4 а work b jobs c employment тШ:;- 5 а qualification b employment c application ШШ1 6 а work b job c career 7 а less b smaller c fewer \m:r S а Although b Besides c Because ШМу 9 а skills b abilities c qualities 10 а at b for c like ттш ШШ-й 11 а after b for c in 12 а employers b employees c employment 1ШГ-Й- 13 а allowed b found c employed шшЫ- ШШР 14 а reading b planning c managing ШР iM Шй Ш-- ш:-: i^v; Ш V/ gpig^-; il Ш. Ш, Ш- p^'- Ша. г^'' retraining out of some workers management profession more Such as qualifications out at employing required solving 2. Огашшаг. Sue Townsend was a famous British writer. Here is an extract from her column in Sainsbury's The Magazine. 1) Fill in the gaps with suitable pronouns. There is an example at the beginning (0). (3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Units CONSOLIDATION The last thing I want is (0) SOYY\6body who advises me. But I’ve been asked recently to write a book of advice for young people. I know young people don’t read advice books ~ they think they know (1) ______________, They also think that (2) __________who gives advice is not worth listening to. But here are pieces. They are not in any order of importance. Only wear white socks if you are playing tennis. Read for at least an hour (4)____________day. Remember that (5) _________governments tell lies. Do not buy jewellery. (6) Ask questions. And talk to strangers. Try to get part-time work as a waiter or waitress. You will leam several useful things: how to deal with people, the secrets of the professional kitchen and how to behave in restaurants. Don’t believe the shop assistant when she tells you that you look wonderful in the dress you tried on for laugh. Never read advice columns. ripii 1g tions 2) Report these pieces of advice, putting them in order of importance for you. Sue Townsend advised _____________________________________________ Ba 3. Grammar. Mark had a job interview. What happened before and during the interview? 1) Make sentences. There is an exampie at the beginning (0). My parents asked me that 1 shouid talk about my achievements. The interviewer told me if answer questions about politics. advised me to be afraid to ask questions. - what 1 was competitive. not to 1 could work under pressure. 1 didn’t iike about the job. 1 had been looking for a new job for a long time. 1 shouldn’t talk about the salary, remember good manners, tell him about myself. My parents told me that I should talk about my achievements. I 2} Turn the sentences into direct speech. The parents sqid. "Mark, you should talk about your achievements." Units CONSOLIDATION I .103 .ШК: тшт^ гт. ж- ш.. Шк Б1 4, Vocabulary. Fill in the webs with the words from the boxes and translate these phrasal verbs. at ош.-е-’е1оек in the morning [doing my homewor^ pn ... with my sister a friend for help late to be a success the computer the TV the unknown word new methods of raising money all my papers my holidays my pen U Sl 5. Write it right. What is necessary for people in Russia to get job satisfaction? The table below shows the results of the survey. Comment on these results. Write a report. CONSOLIDATION Работа должна быть... хорошо оплачиваемой интересной передективной (должна быть возможность профессионального роста) с хорошими условиями труда творческой, предполагающей инициативу 80% 54% 33% 28% 20% ш te these вать) Write 120 words. Use the following plan: * an opening statement; • an analysis of the situation; ■ conclusion. The aim of the survey was to show what is necessary for people in Russia to get job satisfaction. Ш In conclusion Lesson 10 («PREPARATION FOR TESTING^ ■Mmmi ■m m LISTENING COMPREHENSION on? The You wilf hear five teenagers who want to get work in an office during their summer hoiidays. For questions 1—5, choose from the list (A—F) what each teenager says about his skills and qualities. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 A I have team-working skills. В I have had work experience. C I can write without mistakes. D I know the company well, E I can concentrate on details. F I have worked on projects. Unit 5 PREPARATION FOR TESTING ^Ш1 105s m.: УЖ i^r Шг Ш- Ш:-7-Ш'/- .'■■ Ш- штт ш ш ш Ш: i- тшш^ W// Ш\ Шй-. 5®Й Ш: II- ISi mi т is 106 J Your score 2 and less Your mark a READING COMPREHENSION Read the story of John Carr, who changed his career, and decide in which gap (1—10) each phrase (A K) shouid go. There is one extra phrase that you do not need to use. In his own way, John Carr, 31, was a protester. Everything about him suggested he would become a teacher, (1) ______________ . After two years as a lawyer, he rea- ^ ^ V TT LJ cx XU VV ^ 131. ^ Л1С 1 Ccl used he would prefer to be in the classroom. He now works as a trainee teacher (2)________________in Guildford, Surrey, “I used to wake up each morning and think: ‘Oh no; (3)_____________________And I just thought, well, maybe that’s what life is like. It is such a relief to find it is not I left law about 18 months ago. I was with a large firm in Brighton. I felt like I wasn’t doing (4)____________. I ^suppose I could have moved to a different firm (5)_____________, But, to be hon- est, I didn’t really want to spend five or six years waiting. I think I knew what (6) ___________________ — i just needed to finally go and do it. Both my parents were teachers, I was drawn to teachers and people said ----------• I suppose I went against my parents’ wishes. It didn’t surprise my friends and family when I finally accepted that. I am really enjoying what I am doing. I am learning on the job, teaching politics, economies and geography. Every day is different. There is (8) I feel I’m doing something that is good for people. But I am here for myself as much as for the students. In the future I d like to work (9)__________. I feel there is a wide choice. I don’t have any regrets. Not even giving up (10) A В C D anything constructive at a private secondary school but he turned to law difficult starting a new job I don’t want to go in today I would be good at the job I’d always wanted to do in different types of schools and possibly teach overseas so much variety, freedom and creativity the prospect of earning all that money as a lawyer to see if that made a difference to my job satisfaction (from The Guardian i Your score ■,,, .j-; 10—9- a—7, 6—5 4 and less Your mark 5^:. Unit 5 PREPARATION FOR TESTING 2. G] CompI word i отеп. ess USE OF ENGLISH 1. Огатшаг/Vocabulary. Kerry doesn't know what career she wants and she wrote to a Tiagazme for help. Read the answer she has got. Use the words in capitals to form new words that fit in the gaps (1—16) in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). )) each iggest-le rea-eacher And I is not, ' like I I e hon- For most of us it is not easy to make a (0) decIsiOn about a career. The problem with that Is you might miss a lot of (!)__________because you don’t know about them. If you’re (2)__________it’s a good idea to find out a lot about (3)__________jobs. There are computer-based quizzes which can help you. Such quizzes push you into thinking what you like and (4)____________, whether you are ambitious or not, whether you are (5) __________ in ------------technology or in (7)___________, whether you are (8)________________, (9)_______________ or prac- tical. What is more important to you — a (10) paid job or job (11) ? which will help about courses, There is a special (12) ____ you to make the right (13)________________________________, (14) ____________and careers. Personal advisers can offer (15) --------------on a wide range of problems and help with (16)_____________^ forms. (0) DECIDE Л (1) OPPORTUNE (2) CERTAIN (3) DIFFER (4) ЕЖЕ (5) INTEREST (6) INFORM (7) TEACH (8) CREATE (9) MOTIVATE (10) HIGH (11) SATISFY (12) SERVE (13) CHOOSE (14) TRAIN (15) ADVISE (16) APPLY •dian) 2. Grammar/Vocabulary. When you are studying abroad, it is good to know some tips Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in bold and other words. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0) It is good to become friendly with other students, friends It is good to make friends with other students. allow Ask yourself if the programme achieve what you want. out documents are necessary for studying abroad. IS it It is required to get a special form and You may need a visa, apply It may be necessary________________________ visa. Ш Unit 5 .. PREPARATION FORTESTING .1071 тш- ш ш И- т ш Шу. Ш: 'л'- . ш 5) Accept the fact that all countries are different, every Accept the fact that_____________________________ different. 6) Think about being safe, your The brochure advises you safety. 7) Don’t go out alone at night, to They advised you _________ alone at night. 8) Be careful with your passport, warn They ____________________ with your passport. 9) Your study abroad may be useful if you decide to enter a university, go Your study abroad may be important if you decide________________higher education. 10) You can present what you achieve on your СЛ*. be Your on your CV. Your score 26-25 24—20 19—14 13 and less' Your mark SPEAKING Task 1 STUDENT CARD Give a talk about your job choice. Remember to say; • what job you would like to have; • what skills and qualities you have; • how your parents, subject teachers and friends influenre your job choice; • why you have chosen this job. You have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions. STUDENT CARD Task 2 You play the part of an interviewee in a foreign company. You want to get a job in the project that deals with advertising. • Tell the interviewer about skills and qualities you have. Give examples. • Answer the interviewer's questions. • Ask the interviewer about the project: working conditions and opportunities, • Say when you are ready to start working. You begin the conversation. The teacher will play the part of an interviewer. Remember to: • mention all the aspects of the task; • take an active part in the conversation and be polite. Units PREPARATION FORTESTING You h< 'ent. WRITING You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Mark. ^ i f^ I ( i f ^ t i i f> t i i ... My friends think I would become a good ITspeciulist But 1 am not sure. I would like to be a traveller. ... What professions do you like? why? what professions are popular with your friends? :ation. Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. m i - . Vo". ■■■’I ..Jai 5SS ■mm :iSm m .... т-мт rhen CULTURAL AWARENESS that How much do you know about Britain and the USA? For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer (a, b or c). 1 What should a person get before starting to work? a A-levels b a working card 2 A gap year is a period of time which a person takes to pause a between kindergarten and primary school, b between primary and secondary school, c between secondary school and college or university. c an application Units PREPARATION FOR TESTING Жу: ХШу- т.: ш ШШШ/ т: mi 3 А CV means а а summary of your job experience and ediicaricii. b your autobiography, c an application for a job. 4 Apple is a name of a US company whose besi-known product is a the typewriter. b the personal computer. c the dictating machine. 5 A GNVQ is an examination in a academic subjects. b practical subjecre. c extracurricular subjects. ШШй Your score 5 2 and Jess Your mark те< SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement ' Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S 1 can read and understand: • articles about the world of work; • stories about people at work or getting higher education Ш 1 can understand: - • opinions about different jobs; • opinions about studying/working abroad ^ 1 can: • express nny opinion about different jobs; • describe the job I’m interested in; • talk about skills and qualities necessary for different jobs; • ask questions about career plans; • answer questions about career plans; • discuss the choices after leaving school; • give reasons; • give counter-arguments El 1 can write: • a letter about my work experience; • a CV; • a letter of application Units PREPARATION FORTESTING ш. jets. !SS Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Reported speech (orders/recommendations) • Phrasal verbs • Indefinite pronouns • Conjunctions Учебные умения Не умею Умею • Выполнять задание по аудированию в тестовом формате «множественный выбор» • Работать в группе Exercises ! found the most interesting/difficUlt/borihg:: ■■шШ Ш - -ТШ ш ~уШ ^■ш щ ш ::1Ш| 7'Ш llent ш 7шт 7Ш ■■ Units PREPARATION FORTESTING .111 mm 7Ш il ШШ:- шь шту шш. Шу ш> шт тмк штшь^ Шк SW/к.У' а>:\ Шу ш- ШЖ: т- Ш:: I) С t: Г| с Му country in the world Lesson 1 21 C Г C Ш ___ 1. Word building. The survey among young people from different countries shows whac foreigners fhink about some aspects of British life. What are the results of the survey? Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text. J e C 4» Young people (0) overseas are generally positive about the UK, especially its (1)_________________development and a high standard of (2) ___________66 per cent of them believe that Britain’s (3) in the arts is (0) SEA (1) ECONOMY (2) LIVE (3) REPUTE based more on the past than the present. The area of British culture where people have the most (4) (4) KNOW is pop music and film. 81 per cent of the people consider that Britain exports good (5) _______________. Britain is recognised as a big (6) _____________________country. (5) SERVE (6) INDUSTRY 76 per cent of the people consider that there is a high (7)______________________ standard which the English are associated with. 58 per cent of the people believe ^ (7) EDUCATION that qualifications from the UK are respected by most (8) _______.. 28 per cent of the young people con- sider the British media to be more (9) (8) EMPLOY (9) TRUTH than the media in other countries surveyed. Though 62 per cent of those asked agree that Britain has a big reputation for (10) __________________and technological (11) the UK is ranked well behind (10) SCIENCE (11) ACHIEVE the United States, Japan and Germany. 65 per cent of people questioned agree that the UK is a good model of (12) _______________government. The survey showed that the young people’s opinions had been (13)_________________________influenced by the mass media. (12) DEMOCRACY (13) ENORMOUS Ei 2. Vocabulary. Read some facts about Canada. Complete the second sentence sc that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the words in bold. 0) In 1989, Canada joined the Organisation of American States. a member _ ■Sinrp 1989 Canada has been a member of the oraanisabon of American States.________________________________________________________________ Unit 6 LESSON 1 whai that 1) Canada is one of the world’s richest countries with strong democratic traditions, recognised Canada ____________„___^__________________________________________________ 2) Canada is one of the leading mineral producers in the world, ranks Canada __________________________________________________ 3) A large proportion of Canada’s mineral production goes abroad, exports Canada ______________________________________________________ 4) Its main trading partners are America, China and Japan, trades Canada ._____________________________________________________ li .CY JS !>e sc 1ШГ tmmm шйЯ тш"'~ ш mm шш п’т т ш Unit 6 LESSON 1 1 113 ш ш. Ш- т ш. Ш- ш ШШШ^ Ш' 5) Canada is also connected with the European Economic Community and traditional] European trading nations, links Canada 6) Canada joined the United Nations in 1945. became Canada 7) Canadian culture has been influenced by British, French and American cultures and traditions very much. enormous British, French and American cultures and traditions 8) The country is highly developed in the areas of health, education, social protectionj and human rights, fields The country Lesson 2 1. On p. 115, read the information about some of the 100 greatest Britons who British people^ chose in the BBC phone and Internet survey. 1) For questions 1—12, write down the missing words. bint Word building Noun suffixes: -ist, -er, -ation, -ment, -ian, -tion, -ion, -y Adjective suffixes: -ic, -al, -ful ,, ' GS pp. 197-199 m- Ш. 114. 0) science n 1) develop V 2) music n 3) explore V 4) found V 5) discover v 6) research v Unite scientist (person ) (person) (person ) (person ) (person ) (person) lay fTjri LESSON 2 itional 2) Use the words from ex. 1.1) in the correct form to fill in the same numbered gap. Ш' mb Ш: Charles Darwin was a great British (Ot SdentiSt of the nineteenth century who (1)___________________ the theory of evolutiori. John Lennon was a (2) _________________. a composer and a member of The Beatles, the most successful rock band of the 1960s. Francis Drake was an English (3) who was the first Englishman to the Boy Scouts in penicillin in 1928, _____ the possibility travel round the world in 1577-—1580. Robert Baden-Powell was a British soldier who (4) _______ 1908; and with his sister Agnes — the Girl Guides in 1910. Alexander Fleming was a British scientis: who (5) _______ for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1945. Alan Turing was an English mathematician who (6) ________ of computers. Steve Redgrave is a British sportsman who won gold and bronze medals at five Olympic Games from 1984 to 2000. For his , he is widely considered to be Britain’s greatest Olympian. John Harrison was an English clock (8) _________^______ who developed and buili the world’s first (9) __________ maritime* clock. Michael Faraday was an English (10) ____________ and chemist whose experiments (11) _____________________greatly to the understanding of electromagnetism. He (12) ______________^ as one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century. ШШй: ifii El 2. In your culture. Here are some great =.©sians. Why are these people famous throughout the vworld? Read the information about them. Make up one sentence using f/ie first to, whose or wfio. Make changes where necessary. 0) Yuri Gagarin was the first Russian cosmonaut. In 1961, he travelled into space for the first time in history. Yuri Gacjarm was the first to travel into space in 1961.______________________ 1) Galina Ulanova was a great ballet dancer of the 20th century. Her performances were a great success on many stages of the world. тщ% 2) Ivan Bunin was a great poet and novelist. He was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in literature. Ш- 3) Zhores Alferov is an outstanding physicist. He received the Nobel Prize for physics in 2000. ■3> mmi maritime ['msentaim] — морской Unite [1X0- ^ vho les, I to in 28, [ity хте to lilt nts He Ike ^0= 4) Aleksey Nemov is a famous gymnast. His gymnastics achievements brought many gold, silver and bronze medals as well as many fans. 5) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a writer and historian. He is known for the series of novels about Russia such as August 1914. The GULAG Archipelago, The Red Wheel and others. Ж . ■ -йШ1 mm Ш llTi mr .mmi ШЛ:?- ШШа ШШг.- штт^;: Ш: ШШШ'. 6) Vladimir Dal was а writer and a dictionary wriier. He compiled the famous Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Rushan Language and some collections of proverbs and fairy tales. 7) Kazimir Malevich was a painter. His Black Square made him famous throughout the world. 8) Aleksey Leonov travelled into space in 1965. He made the first space walk in history then. 1. Vocabulary. Here is the information atx>ut some of the most spoken languages in the worid. For questions 1—9, choose the best answer {a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the text. — As for (0) b speakers, Chinese is recognised as the world's largest language. The next four (1) _______ languages are English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic. In the future, German will (2) _______, and the influence of Chinese and Arabic will grow (3) .____. Less and less people are learning (4) _____ languages in the UK and the USA because they believe that everybody speaks or will speak English, which is one of the most (5) languages. spoken in many different ways in different parts English (6) _____ the language for international -- Though English is the world. Standard — Every language (8) new words from other languages. Without new words languages can’t grow and change. That’s why many old, small languages are (9) out now. 0 a foreign © native c overseas 1 a major b official c spoken 2 a become b die c expand 3 a wide b enormously c highly 4 a foreign b international G official 5 a widespread b major C global 6 a remains b ranks c belongs 7 a recognition b communication c reputation 8 a expands b exports c borrows 9 a dying b changing c expanding 118 Unite LESSON 3 Lei US Ex-f prov- ighout n his- iges in ;uag'e. n the grow USA, )f the Lesson 4 liii ^ 1. Write it right. This is part of Andrew’s Setter to his friend How would you answer Andrew’s questions? Write 100—120 words. f V V I I 'I # i I # # V k i i ... We are doing researdn at school about languages that our friends study. Here are the guestions that are included in our survey. Could you answer them, please? When did you start learning English? How long have you been learning it? What were your reasons for choosing English to study? Do you think English will be useful for your future career? Write soon. I'll be grateful for your answers. Andrew ■■‘7/ 77ЖШС7ХШ ■ишшшШ :|Щ Ш1 штшт тш! ■:ШП1 -:vja ш т Mi т LESSON 4 ?W‘ : W/л шт.. тш- ш ш Ш: sm- Lesson 5 1, Below are different opinions аЬгхл ’ What is the best way to learn a language? Сто» s ianguage better, tbe words in brackets that do not fit. Ьхгишшит К Adverbs and a<^ectives Do your work quickly anc If I get good marks, I fee^ bappy J It’s a bad habit to study (0) (hard . -hardir harder) just before an exam. Some students learn (1) (quicker / more qu^kly most quickly) in groups than alone. ' Students leam a language (2) (easier the easier easily) and (3) (fast / faster the fastest) in the country where it’s spoken. You should practise English (4) (less often often / more often) if you want to speak (5) (fluent j fluently / more fluent). The (6) (most effective / more effectively effective) way to learn a language is to study it (7) (regular j regularly / more regularly). You’ll feel (8) (comfortable / comfortably the most comfortable) speaking a foi^ eign language if you are not afraid of making mistakes. If you have no idea what a word means. look it up in a dictionary (9) (immediate immediately ). Think (10) (more careful j carefully most carefully) before you are going to write an essay. If you finish an activity (11) (early / earlier more early) than your partner, use the time to do some (12) (additional / additionally) exercises. El 2. Read some advice English teachers give their students to improve their English IdfiQUsge skilfs- CoinplGtG the sentences wfth tfie correct verb forrn± r First and Second Conditionals If you do your homework quickly, you will have time to watch a new film. Если ты сделаешь домашнюю работу быстро, у тебя будет время посмотреть новый фильм. If you did your homework regularly, you wouldn’t have problems at the exam. Если бы ты делал домашнюю работу регулярно, у тебя бы не было проблем на этом экзамене (сейчас или в будущем), GS р. 188 .......... ..................J (120. Unite LESSON 5 || S. t fit. Lucy, if you (0) listened fto listen) to me more carefully, your results would be better. — If Pete checks his work, he {!) ________________ (not to have) many mistakes. —■ You don’t take English seriously, Jane. If you (2) _____________________ (to do) exercises regularly, you would pass the test. — Fred, you’d do more creative projects if you (3) ___________________ (to attend) the lessons regularly. If I (4)__________________(to be) you, I’d ask your teacher for help more often. (to study) grammar harder, you won’t be afraid of ___________________ (can) do — If you (5) exams. — If you took English lessons seriously, you (6) tests better. — И you (7) speak English more fluently. (to have) more time to do all your homework, you’d '■m ШШ iglish Lesson 6 Si t ^ 1. You can improve your English not only in the UK but also in other English-speaking countries. Write down questions you might want to ask about language schools. 1) about the school Where I’d like please. 2) about the length of the language course How long________________________________. 3) about the number of students in the class How many .___________________________________ 4) about the number of lessons per week How________________________________________ Could you 5) about facilities Is there _____________ What kind of 6) about accommodation Where can __________ What _______________ 7) about extracurricular activities What______________________________ Do you 8) about the price of the course How_____________________________ Units LESSON 6 шт $шш ■mm ш ж т Л21Й в «9»^/ в Ъ '. ж-:. Ш- fi'f,- ■ (йй Ш iw''.-' Ш: УШ ivJ/r. i V/J-. Щ. ШШ^ Ш. Ш- Шг Ш:: ®- ш ш Ш W- й fe-■■ rSfv -••'• '#■ тш щш. шш ШШ- Lesson 7 I Ев1 1. If you travel to East Sussex, you can find many places which attract visitors of various interests. Read the following ads. Listen to five announcements of the East Sussex Information Centre. Complete the ads with the missing information. 1. Visit the Underwater Tunnel and experience an impressive \dew of (1) ._____________. Explore perfect rock pools. Other (2) ________: Sea Laboratory, Ocean Film Theatre, Restaurant and Gift Shop. Open daily, seven days a week, all (3) ________________. year, 2. Visit the then”. See (4) _ interesting (5) _ Open (6)_________ Museum of Shops “How we lived ________ exhibits.^ There is also an ____________ and Tea shots nearby. _____from 10 a.m, to 5,30 p.m. 3. In the Fun Pool, you can enjoy exciting water rides throughout the year. There is also a shop, a children’s play area and organised fun and games during (7) __________________. 4. Discover the secret of Garden Paradise. Learn the history of the world from 4,500 million years ago to the present day. Travel through time and see how plants and animals lived (8) _____________ years ago. Here is also one of the England’s leading Garden Centres, an excellent self-service restaurant and coffee shop. Open (9) __________________________, from 1st March to 31st October 10 a.m. — 6 p.m,, and from 1st November to 28th February 10 a.m. — 4.30 p.m. 5. The museum shows Alfriston’s history from the 15th century to the present day. Historical shops and hotels of Alfriston, plus beautiful walks offer a very interesting visit for all. Open (10) ■ ■______ from {11) ______ to (12)_____from Easter to the end of October, in Li s ] in C bull Cha (5). ffro rror firs^ .10) mg m e Uni' of t mid stat Roy C( SL thini box tors of Jentre. an ar. !Ti r Buckingham Palace, one of the most popular attractions for tourists in London. For questions 1 — 17, fill in the gaps with one suitable word. ftii П1 Buckingham Palace, the best-(O) knOWn royal palace in the world, is (1) in Central Loncbn. The palace takes (2)___name from the house (3) was bought by Kang George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte, and became known (4) the Queen’s House. John Nash, the royal architect, ' '-------into a palace in the 1820s. Victoria was the (6) ___queen to live there (from 1837). In the palace, there (7),__ the Queen’s Gallery which exhibits (8) from the Royal Art Collection, (9) __________ drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. The fim »^cony IS the place of formal appearances by the Royal Family on important --------------• Below it in the forecourt, the colourful ceremony of the Chang- mg о the Guard takes (11)-------------- regularly (generally every morning from April to early August). (12) ----- Her Majesty the Queen is in residence, you can see the Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally closed to the (13)_, the State Rooms -----------------tourists during the summer months in the mia-iyyus^ the State Rooms of the palace are used for (15) heads of ^tate^and for holding ceremonies where Her Majesty and other (16) of the Royal Family give official titles, honours and (17)____. CONSOLIDATION О 1. Vocabulary. Read the following opinion about the Russian language. Who do vou think expresses it: a native speaker or a foreigner? Fill in the gaps with the words from the Dox in the correct form. There is an example at the beginning (0). available • borrow « dictionary • fluent • maj or member- • native • practise • rank recognise » throughout • vocabulary • widespread Russian, also called Great Russian, is a (0) member of the Indo-European family of languages. As Russian is a (1) —^-----------------language, it is considered to be one 01 the (2) _---------------world languages. Knowledge of the Russian language opens the door to the study of Russia’s rich tradition of literature, art and music. Russian literature (3) ------------among the most beautiful and exciting national hteratures Ш the world. Russian is the (4)__________________ language of the greatest people known (5) ------------------------------------------^ the world: L. Tolstoy, P. Tchaikovsky, I. Pavlov, Unite CONSOLIDATION 12S А. Sakharov, to name just a few. Russian (6> as a very difficult m-k language. If you speak Italian, French or German, you will learn Russian (7)____________ even more easily as many words (8) in the 18th and 19th centu- Ш: ries from these languages. If you neither travel regularly to Russia nor have a Russian pen friend, you should (9)________________your Russian in other ways. There is a lot of books and DVDs waiting for you, and many are (10) at local тшШ: Russian shops. If you study Russian one hour a dav regularly, you will probably be (11)_______________ ^______ in three years. Being able to read a newspaper article with a (12) can be achieved in a year. ■ ШШМ- ШШ- □ El 2. Graminar. For questions 1—10, read about Alex who won a language competition. Look carefuiiy at each sentence. Some of the sentences are correct, and some have a word which should not be there, if a sen* fence is correct, put a tick (v^) on the iine. If a sentence has a word which shouidn’t be there, write the word on the iine. There are exampies at the beginning (0 and 00). (0) I had never spoken any of the languages I was tested on before. (00) First I had learnt Italian — it was not very hard because it was a bit like English except for a few things. (1) It was difficult to learn the Russian because lots of words aren’t like English. (2) But Zulu^ was my favourite because the language sounded nice. (3) My Mum was helped me to prepare for the competition with a stopwatch to time my quick answers. (4) I learnt Zulu for half an hour every- day for a month, but when I was ill, my Mum made me to learn it for an hour which was really unfair. (5) At the competition I was nervous about not answering quickly enough and making silly mistakes. (6) They had asked me questions like how to tell the time in each language. (7) The competition was difficult, but I was more better than other thirty-six people in the final. (8) As well as my awards, I also won a trip to the South Africa where I will open a language school. (9) I will have to keep off practising Zulu, so I can speak to the children I will meet there in their own language. (10) The next language what I am learning is Japanese and I hope to visit Japan soon too. (0) had (00) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) abroj Choc 3 i fficult centu-L Rus-ere is ; local э1у be ( with about Jlly at t, and 1 sen-itence ird on d 00). (10) So?d different countries are talking about their experience of studying English Choose the correct ending (a, b or c) to complete the sentences. ^rQYY)Tf\0^ First, Second and Third Conditionals If you go to England to study, you will improve your English. If you went to England to study, you would improve your English. If you had gone to England to study last summer, you would have proved your English. \ GS p. 188 im- J I’ll go to study English in London next year if a I pass the exam successfully, b I will pass the exam successfully, c I would pass the exam successfully. If I had a chance to go abroad to study, a I'll choose a London language school, b I would choose a London language school, c I choose a London language school. If he hadn’t done well at the exam, a he didn’t get a certificate, b he wouldn’t get a certificate, c he wouldn’t have got a certificate. If I were you, a I would study American English, b I’ll study American English, c I study American English. ' I would have understood what they were talking about a if I knew English better, b if I had known English better, c if I know English better. I’d take a six-week English course in England if a I would have more money, b I had more money, c I have more money. If you stay with a family, a you would have more language practice, b you had more language practice, c you will have more language practice. ьшт ES 4. Grammar. Read teenagers’ opinions about their homework. sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0) I regret that we get so much homework to do every day. wish ^ wish we didn t get so much homework to do every day. ■Ш ш mm ■шшш\ ■ш чштшй лтшш :вшт -■ .м ■mi Unite CONSOLIDATION шжшж- i»/ mm-i: ЩЖё'" шш ш- ът ■ тж: тщ. fowup'! ет- 1) I’ll do my English homework regularly, I won’t have problems writing tests, if I -----------------------------------------------do my English homework regularly. 2) My Mum said, “Don’t forget about your homework.’ asked My Mum homework. 3) We were supposed to do five exercises before today’s lesson, ought We----------------------------------------------five exercises before today’s lesson. 4) I don’t like doing written exercises and I’m. not fond of looking up new words in a dictionary, neither I--------------------------------- - looking up new words in a dictionary. 5) I didn’t translate the text yesterday, that’s why I got a bad mark, would I ---------------------------------------------------------------the text yesterday. 6) Let’s do this grammar exercise first; it’s very difficult, not Why grammar exercise first? Doing homework is boring. It homework. Lesson 11 (»PREPARATION FOR TESTING Ш LIKENING COMPREHENSION You will hear an announcement of a cruise. Listen to the recording. For questions 1—5, complete the missing information. You will hear the recording twice. 1) Name of the cruise 2) Services during the cruise 3) Length of trips „_______ 4) Working days ______ 5) Price for adults’ and children’s tickets Unite PREPARATION FOR TESTING ReaC FALS rly. згк. юп. 3 in ary. iay. rst? )rk. гйтЬя ^Ji • Your score Your mark 7—5 4 and less m mi m lear READING COMPREHENSION 'Htw, ,' ' Anvrr’^ XU/Aj ,'>*#^^• f S-,’ 4 / w, V, . . ?7-:ibr:Easf:^st Read the text about Elizabeth II. According to the text, mark statements 1—11 TRUE (T), FALSE (F) or NOT STATED (N/s). Queen Elizabeth is the Queen of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth II is a modern, constitutional monarch. This means she isn4 the head of Britain’s government, but she is the Head of State. Elizabeth II became queen in 1952, Her coronation took place in 1953. It was the first coronation to be shown on television. Queen Elizabeth II has a wide range of duties to perform. Here are some of them. The Queen takes part in many important government processes, for example, the State Opening of Parliament. Among her many royal duties are regular visits abroad, which help to keep friendly links with foreign countries, and especially those of Commonwealth, and to encourage trade. The Queen also supports many charities, using her name and influence to help them to raise money. In January and June, the Queen presents medals or “honours” at Buckingham Palace. She gives them to people who have done something special. “The honours list” in- Unit6 PREPARATION FORTESTING .127 И' Ml т. 'V I Т| ■М'' dudes famous people such as top actors, musicians, politicians, scientists as well as ordinary people whose actions have benefited their local community. When foreign kings, queens and presidents visit Britain, they often stay at either Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. But the Queen doesn’t just entertain Heads of State. Four times a year, there are also Royal Garden Parties. The Queen invites all kinds of people. Some are famous, but other people have just worked hard for charities for a long time. Nine thousand people are invited to the parties which take place in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. Prince Philip and other “royals” often come too, so the royal family can talk to as many people as possible. In 1969, the Queen wanted to “open a window” on to the royal family. That year television cameras came into the royal home and filmed the family in private for the first time. Foidy- million people watched the programme. They saw a different side of the royal family. The programme brought the royal family closer to people, but it also helped to make problems for the future. Now the public wanted to see more and more of royal private life. It was harder to keep the reporters out. In the last forty years there have been a lot of documentaries, series and interviews about the royal family. Before the days of television they seemed formal. Today they seem informal and friendly. As well as TV programmes, there are also newspaper stories, books and magazines about the Queen and her family. Hundreds appear every year. Some are good — many are bad, but almost all of them are popular. 1) Elizabeth II is the Queen of the UK. 2) The Queen’s job is to lead formal ceremonies, like the Opening of Parlia- ment. ____ 3) The royal family have regular visits abroad. ____, 4) The Queen is a member of many charity organisations. 5) Four times a year, the Queen gives awards to people for their achievements in different fields. 6) Royal Garden Parties are held either at Buckingham Palace or at Windsor Castle. ____ 7) The Queen invites different people to Royal Garden Parties. .___ 8) In 1969, the Queen was shown on TV for the first time. ____9) Forty million people liked the programme about the royal family. 10) Since 1969, the royal family’s private life has been opened to the public. ____ 11) The TV programme in 1969 caused a lot of problems in the royal family. Your score 11—10 9—8 7—6 5 and [ess Your mark 5 4 3 2 12a Unite PREPARATION FOR TESTING 111 Vo( For I My ever cons my abot (4) was rica couli phor. (7). IS a {8 Oral bits day. for 1 or a C (12) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ‘ a kj ^ a hi isi- ary cal nts ng- aen 3ur ar- me ced DU- ike ce. oo, pie in- ion the ne. yal the the ies led ere Jy. em la- sts Ф- USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary. Trevor Baylis, a famous British inventor, is taiking about his inventions. For questions 1—13, choose the best answer {a, b or c). I started (1) _____ when I was about four or five. My parents were very much (2) _______that I could take everyday things and reproduce them in models using a construction kit.^ So I think I have been (3) _____ all my life. Some years ago I was watching a TV programme about a disease in Africa. The only way the people could (4) _____ information was through radio. But there was a problem. There was no electricity in Africa but batteries were so (5) __________ that people couldn’t buy them. And an old-fashioned gramophone (record player), (6) _____had a handle^ on it, (7)______me to invent the Clockwork Radio. Most of my inventions are for fun but I also made a (8) _____ of products that are useful, for example, Orange Aids for disabled people. Many of them need bits of kit (9) ____they could use them during their day. Such products were (10) ___ to make it possible for them to use, for example, a book or a camera, (11)______ or a bed, or wherever. Of all great inventions in the world, the jet engine (12) . But it was invented in 1930 (13) Frank Whittle. 1 a searching b inventing c developing 2 a surprised b' auspenseful c successful 3 a gifted b intellectual c creative 4 a borrow b require c receive 5 a powerful b cheap c expensive 6 a which b who c what 7 a inspired b made c let 8 a range b few c lots 9 a so b so that c that 10 a designed b discovered c researched 11 a while b though c until 12 a used b had c invented 13 a with b by 0 for Ш тш m m they are in a wheelchair is one thing I wish I m ’ a kit — набор, комплект (принадлежностей) ^ a handle ['hasndl] — ручка, рукоятка Unite PREPARATION FORTESTING ЛШ т ш iVk- Your score ?. 13—12 8—6 5 and iess | Your mark . ... .... 5 > 3 2 Writ Writ О SPEAKING Task t STUDENT CARD Give a talk about your progress in Engiish. Remember to say: • how iong you’ve been learning Engiish; • what you can do weii in Engiish; • what you do to improve your Engiish. You have to talk for 1.5—2 minutes. The teacher tisteo to you untii you have finished. Then he/she wm! ask you some questions. STUDENT CARD Task 2 You piay the part of a student in an international school. You and your English friend are taikmg about foreign languages you study at зй10с1. • Ask your friend about foreign ianguages he/she stKfses at schooi. • Express your opinion about his/her choice. • Give your friend some advice how to iearn Russian e*fectrvety. • Answer your friend’s questions about why you have decKJed to study Engiish. You beQrn th© conversation* The teacher will play tbe psrt ot your friend Remember to; ' • mention aii the four aspects of the taik; • take an active part in the conversation and be poirte. Б1 о WRITING You have received a ietter from your friend, Denis. \ ^ \ i \ I i I i i ^ I I i ... I study in a high school in Dresden. I'm thinking about going on an exchange trip to England. My marks in English are good and my teacher says it will be easy for me to get into the programme. Would you like to study abroad? Why? What are good and bad points of studying abroad at a high school? What is your opinion? E I Fo up Ш ac 130. Unite PREPARATION FORTESTING Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100—120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. ШШ1... mmmi жтж1 m mmmi 131 £■■■ ■ т. Ш !Йм -■■ ш ■Як V т,- ЩШу шъ тш ЩШш- mw' шт. Ш. iiiL.:.: щ\ Ш'. Р; Ш' Ш;; шс. Шл |Ы_J ГС 7) English is the most widespread language in terms of native speakers. 8) Russian is an official language of the UN. 9) Comic Relief is a charity organisation that raises money for poor people in Africa. 10) British people have received more Nobel Prizes than people from other coun- tries. 11) A native language is a language that a person learns in early childhood in the country where he or she is living. Your score 11 10 9—8 ij 7 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 L SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor j Fair Good Excellent S i can read and understand: • articles about some aspects of British life; • articles about famous people of Britain and Russia; • articles about charity organisations; • articles about different languages Я 1 can understand: ' • opinions about the role of different languages; • announcements of various attractions; • the BTA arguments for visiting Britain 1 can: • express my opinion about the role of the English and Russian languages; • express my opinion about the best way to learn a language; • describe some aspects of Russian life; • talk about famous people of Russia; • ask for information about language courses S [ can write: • a composition about Russia; • a composition with my reasons for visiting the UK; • my opinion why 1 learn English; • my opinion about studying abroad in a high school 132. Unite PREPARATION FORTESTING m ш- in Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • First ConditiDnat • Second Conditional • Third Conditional • Adverbs and adjectives - Hp ' '1 -' lay -:al ■Ш 1 Учебные умения ; Не умею Умею ;ж ^ • Выполнять задания по чтению в тестовом формате «установление соответствия» ттш1 ^тшуш Our school yearbook Lesson 1 ^rQmi'f^or hint Reflexive рго*юигга you he she it 1Щ,- What I really like about my new teacher is that she teaches us to treat (3) _____________ and other people with respect. • Be (4) _ . M: lean . W rybo with • A1 We xtve • Being involved in all the school activities helped me -------------. but also to become more successful at school. not only, to . enjoy My friends Hailey and Melissa work at the School Craft Corner, helping others to learn what they can do (5)___________ • When my friend Mike brought a model of a spaceship for the school exhibition eve- ___________T' Mike was really pleased with (7)________. • At the beginning of this school year, our class went on a coach trip to London. W^e entertained (8)__________very much. IB Si 2. Grammar. Here are some school announcements. Report the announcements. Make all necessary changes. The writing contest will be held in the library computer lab. 0) Our teacher told us that the Writing contg.sf would be held in fhe iihrnrv computer lab. ' ~ ^ A new issue of the School Newspaper which was designed and published by pupils has been released. 1) They informed us______________________________________ LTn The winners of the drawing contest can receive their prize if they haven’t alreadv done so. 2) They said 4) All senior pupils should attend the photography session for the next school yearbook, so that it will be published by the end of the term. 3) It was announced Today is the School Book Club meeting in the library at 2:30. We will continue to discuss The Book Thief, which we started discussing at the last meeting. Jane said 5) Jane also added mmrn ■ The Helping Hands Club is collecting old mobile phones to donate to charities. Please bring old mobile phones that are no longer needed. 6) The members of the Helping Hands Club announced m 7) They asked the pupils 8) Those pupils who have already chosen their courses for the next school year should fill in the forms. The headmaster said_________________________ ШШ ■шт\ ■ ШШ1 Unit 7 LESSON 1 яя^т; Lesson 2 \ШШ1 шШ ■Si 1. Heather Brown is one of the most popular puc:^ at her school. Report the questions the interviewer asked Heather Brown. Hake all necessary changes. № hint Reported questions "The concert was wonderful, wasn’t it?’ :r^- asked. They asked me if the concert had been wcr.derfuL “Have you done your homework or rwt?’ —y Mum asked. My Mum asked me whether I had done my homework or not. 4 GS p. 192 =J ттш- ШШШ:- ршшш ЩШШШу 0) How can you explain your popularity? The inteiviewer asked Heather how she could explain her vovulahty. 1) .What will you remember about your school?__________________________ 2) You enjoyed your schooldays, didn’t you?_ IK: ШЖ mm 3) What is your idea of a great teacher?. 4) Science wasn’t your favourite subject, was it?_ mmi , mm ■ВШШ 5) Did you study Spanish or French?. , ...mi Ш- 6) You always had a good report card, didn’t you?. S^V: mt; 7) What music will take you back into your schooldays?. 8) Have you passed all the exams or not?. ттш SSf^ 9) Are you going to university or will you take a gap year?. LESSON 2 thet Cor Re| г I. ^ El 2. Grammar. There are a lot of famous people who have achieved much. But not all of them got on well at the beginning of their carrier. Complete the information about some of these people with the correct verb forms. * Winston Churchill (0) WAS (to be) never a good student and some teachers believed that he (1) (not to achieve) anything. Though Churchill is considered by historians to be one of the greatest politicians of all time, he (2) _____________(not to become) Prime Minister until he (3) ______________ ^fo be) 62. He (4)______________(to award) the Nobel Prize for litera- ture when he was 79, • Samuel Morse (5) after he (6) ________(to become) an inventor , _______________(to try) unsuccessfully to be a professional painter. Returning from Britain, where he (7) _______________(to study), he understood that his pictures would not sell. It seems surprising that Morse (8) __________(to consider) to be a painter when he Richard Hooker (10) , ,________________(to work) for sev- en years on his humorous war novel, MASH. And it (11)___________________ (to refuse) by 21 publishers before Morrow (12) _________ (to decide) to publish it. The novel (13) (to become) a bestseller and a highly success- :уШ тщ '‘Ш шт ■■■« ■шш л тшш1 ■ ШШШё тшт л 'Ш .. || 'I ш. IJ >>/' Ш'(л: mwAv’: шш. tm щтшш \штш I just (0) eyitefed (started to learn at) high school and noticed that many of my fellow students were not (1) ______________ (encouraged) to learn at all. I am one of a few who try to (2) ______________ (get) A’s in my classes, but I am sometimes (3) ___________ (thought to be) boastful. My message to these students is this: grow up. You are (4) you are not taking the (5) Still, you ignore it by not (6) (given) free education and you are lucky to get it. Since (chance) of this, you don’t really earn it. (doing) your homework and arguing with teachers. You aren’t going to achieve anything with your life when you (7) (leave) school. You are (8)_________________^ (inspired) for be a success but you do not use your chance. I’m sure it is possible to (9) (make better) your learn- ing results and have fun too. For a lot of teenagers all over the world education is not available and they can’t (10) ^______________ (go to) school. Not everyone can become an (11) _______________ (excellent) sportsman or a film star, the rest of us have to work to (12) ^_______________ (succeed) in life. So, I (13) __________ (advise) you to stop wasting people’s money and time and (14) attitude before it’s too late. (think about) your mi 2. Vocabulary. Teenagers often write to magazines about the problems they worry about. For each gap in the passage, choose the appropriate word (a, b or c). For all five years of high school I had to (0) c certain courses. Only in grade 12 I was (1) ______ to choose the courses myself. In my last year, which is most dif- ficult time at school, I’ve done better than in any other school years. It’s because I’m (2) ____ what I’m being taught and it makes learning fun and a lot easier. I don’t think that English, History and Geography are easy courses. But because they are my favourite subjects, school (3) ______ a much nicer place. English is an important subject, so five years of learning this difficult language is (4) __. But another language should not be (5) _____. It should be the pupil’s choice. Most people will never (6) ____ to speak it. And if you don’t want to learn it, why (7) _____ so many years for something like that? I think, that the pupils should be (8) (9) _ — they know what’s im 0 a enter b 1 a allowed b 2 a attending b 3 a looks b 4 a available b 5 a compulsory b 6 a able b 7 a attend b 8 a encouraged b 9 a ourselves b 10 a on b to choose subjects in the future. pass recommended enjoying makes honoured extracurricular ought study themselves out (c) take c inspired c improving c seems c necessary c secondary c need c waste G influenced c yourselves c up Unit 7 LESSON 3 C( CrO! 0) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) bef( Put Mai Hi, my one Ties row nee it. dth not j*n-not ime to . to our orry ade Uf- [’m n’t are ant an- ^•er ars Ct5 CONSOLIDATION ^ 1. Grammar. There is a mistake in each reported sentence. Cross out the mistake and write the correct variant. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0) Jennifer said that her classmates had started a cheerleading squad some time ago-. 1) Jennifer said that they had practised a lot and they would have a performance tomorrow. 2) Julie said that she had been taking classes in Irish dancing for the last two years. 3) Julie was glad that she will be competing in the Schools Championships of Irish dancing the next month. 4) David said that senior pupils at his school had had some special activities yesterday. 5) David added that there would be a picnic and they would go down the river on a boat the day after tomorrow. 6) Brian said that he had been working hard on the school play which they were going to have following week. 7) Mark was very sorry that their school team had been playing in the Schools Basketball Championships the week before but it didn’t win. 8) Deborah said that she couldn’t come today because she and her classmates had gone for a coach trip after school. before Si 2. Grammar. Mark is writing a letter to his pen friend about what happens at his school before summer break. Put the verbs in capitals 0—16) in the correct form to fill in the same numbered space in Mark’s letter. - Hi, Denis! ^ How are you? ’..... School exams start next week — yuckl I hate exams, I always feel nervous. This year we have (1) _________ . (1) DO GCSE.* I (2) ___________ 11 subjects this school year. If ^ (2) LEARN ^11 [ Ш (0) (1) (2) jM -■Щ (3) (4) 1^: (5) (6) m (7) ■ ■■••ГгГ (8) -.кШ- т тт^л: тш шшш ШШ: т- W WWmcto'.c-'^ у Ш‘\ US’’’ I (3) the GCSE successfully, I сдп study for the A-level exam. A-levels are necessary if a pupil (4)____________to go to university. I (5) ____________ IT at university, because I (6) childhood. computers since my Of course our teachers want us (7) best. That’s why we (8) ________________ _ (9) ___________before we take our final exams. our again what we There is also a graduation ceremony for the pupils who (10)_______________school this year. It is an annual event, which (11) ______________ outdoors on the football field. The pupils (12)______________ a diploma sajdng that they (13) ______________ all the courses. All the preparations (14) _____________ already. We (15) ___________ some in- teresting activities and (16) the invitations. our teachers *(3) PASS (4) WANT (5) STUDY ^ (6) BE INTERESTED IN (7) DO r (8) GO THROUGH (9) LEARN (10) LEAVE r(ll) TAKE PLACE (12) GIVE (13) COMPLETE ^ (14) FINISH (15) PREPARE (16) GIVE \ El 3. Grammar, Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence and contains the words given. There is an example at the beginning (0). 0) I started doing my school project two weeks ago. for two weeks I have been doing my school profect for two wppks. 1) Do you need any help with your school project? should 2) Is this your first visit to Britain? before 3) I plan to study engineering when I finish school, going to 4) They will announce the results of the exams tomorrow. The results 5) It is necessary for you to work regularly to pass the exams, ought mo. Unity CONSOLIDATION 6) 7) tU( т т- н :е the 6) Mark is one of the best pupils at our school, ranks 7) At the beginning of the school year I joined the Girl Guides, member Bf 4. Vocabulary. Here is an article from a teen magazine giving some advice how to spend summer holidays. Use the words in capitals to form new words that fit in the gaps (1—14) in the text. There is an example at the beginning (0). Ш and Organise summer activities Summer holidays provide you with the (0) opportunity of playing computer games or watching television. But a little (1)______________might be also a good idea, because it is not always about schooling. It might be fun to get a part-time job and run a windowcleaning business in the (2)______________It’s abso- lutely fun to learn to skateboard or to design a T-shirt (3) ___________ .. In the process of having fun, you will read (4) _____________ that will help you and use Find something you consider what the local area. Each morning, ask (8) _________________ what you plan to do that day and each night, think about your (9) _____________. Many teenagers are keen to start something, but are less (10)________________when they find out that hard work is always necessary to achieve success. It is wonderful if your parents and friends are (11) ________ ____ and (12) _____________, because some encouragement from them will be necessary. Anyway, if you spend an hour or two a day doing something that inspires you, improves your skills and helps you to feel (13) _________, then you are learning something that will be (14) __________to you in the future. your creative (5) are (6) ________ (7) ______________ are available in ^ (0) OPPORTUNFE ■ I ^ (1) EDUCATE f (2) NEIGHBOUR ^ (3) CREATIVE]-f (4) INFORM (5) IMAGINE (6) INTEREST t (7) ACTIVE (8) YOU Г (9) ACHIEVE (10) EXCITE I (11) SUPPORT * ^ (12) CONSIDER : * (13) CONFIDENCE ^ (14) USE т т т т т ш mmmf :тт ттша штт ■шт шшт т :^тшт шшт ■mmmi ттшл /ШШШ -тт ншт mmmi штшм ттшл Unit 7 CONSOLIDATION ill ш- CONTENTS IBK ш Li:.!: bwc ii;S^ !Ша?:_ тт^: - ■ 'W'#l Reading Why not?........................................... 3 Consolidation............................................ 12 Preparation for testing................................... -|5 Let the music begin......................................... 23 Consolidation............................................ 33 Preparation for testing.................................... 36 mat’s the news?.............................................. 43 Consolidation................................................ 55 Preparation for testing...................................... 60 What school do you go to? ................................... 69 Consolidation.............................................. 79 Preparation for testing...................................... 8З School — wdiat’s next?..................................... 91 Consolidation............................................... 101 Preparation for testing................................... 105 My country in the world................................... 112 Consolidation... ........................................... 123 Preparation for testing................................... 126 Our school yeaitraok....................................... 134 Consolidation............................................ 139 mm-тшл — W Ic X Учебное издание Кузовлев Владимир Петрович Перегудова Эльвира Шакировна Лапа Наталья Михайловна Дуванова Ольга Викторовна Стрельникова Ольга Викторовна Кузнецова Елена Вячеславовна Костина Ирина Павловна Кобец Юлия Николаевна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 9 класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций Центр лингвистического образования Зав. редакцией английского языка Ю.А, Смирнов Ответственный за выпуск Е, Р. Михальчук Редактор Е. Р. Михальчук Координатор по художественному оформлению Н, В. Дождёва Художники Е.В. Фёдорова, С. А. Рудька Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка Е. В. Булгаковой, О, Ю. Мызниковой Корректоры Н.А, Ерохина, В.П. Ильичёва Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД №05824 от 12,09,01, Подписано в печать 20.03,15, Формат 84xl08^/jg. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура SchoolBookASanPin. Печать офсетная, Уч.-изд.л. 9,39. Тираж 18000 экз. Заказ № 40203(к-вт). Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение», 127521, Москва, З-Й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано по заказу ОАО «ПолиграфТрейд» в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1. Тел.: +7(4812) 31-11-96. Факс: +7(4812) 31-31-70. E-mail; [email protected] https://www,smolpk.ru для ЗАМЕТОК Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев Э. Ш. Перегудова Н. М. Лапа О. В. Дуванова О. в. Стрельникова Е. В. Кузнецова И. П. Костина Ю. Н. Кобец Г) Activity Book Состав УМК «Английский язык» для 9 класса: • рабочие программы (5-9 классы) • учебник • аудиокурс к учебнику • рабочая тетрадь • книга для чтения ■ контрольные задания • аудиокурс к контрольнь<м заданиям • книга для учителя • интернет-поддержка www.prosv.ru/umk/we Аудиокурсы и дополнительные материалы размещены в электронном каталоге издательава «Просвещение» на интернет-ресурсе www.prosv.ru и на сайте www.prosv.ru/umk/we ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ISBN 978-5-09-025129-7 9 785090 251297