Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS V- Activity Book УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ Щ- говорение И- слушание — чтение EL— письменное задание И— задание повышенной трудности П— дополнительное задание ш- ■ '* X- - , )Г- . л ■ -. -': „П .0'.^"■;-•' . v'l;, чУг-'ЛЛЛ г#-.' ■ - ■ SSw»' It ■Ш0 '■ Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций 13-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2013 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2 Англ-922 А64 Серия «Академический школьный учебник» основана в 2005 году. Проект «Российская академия наук, Российская академия образования, издательство «Просвещение» — российской школе» Руководители проекта: вице-президент РАН акад. В. В. Козлов, президент РАО акад. Н. Д. Никандров, чл.-корр. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. М. Кондаков Научные редакторы серии: акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. А. Кузнецов, акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук М. В. Рыжаков, д-р экон. наук С. В. Сидоренко Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова, И, П. Костина, О. В.Дуванова, Ю. Н. Кобец Научный руководитель авторского коллектива профессор Е. И. Пассов Рабочая тетрадь является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций и предназначена для активизации и закрепления лексико-грамматического материала учебника. Её содержание разбито на циклы, каждый из которых соотносится с соответствующим циклом учебника. В конце каждого цикла имеется раздел “Consolidation”. Целью упражнений, помещённых в данном разделе, является повторение в новых ситуациях материала, усвоенного ранее. Последние страницы в Рабочей тетради, как и в предыдущих классах, отведены для альбома “АН about me”. Рабочая тетрадь может использоваться как на уроке, так и для самостоятельных занятий дома. ISBN 978-5-09-030973-8 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2011 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2011 Все права защищены Unit 1 'Г- . . Are you happy at school? Lesson 1 1. Grammar, неге is John’s letter to his friend. How did John spend his time in the Lake District? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form. V hint Describing past actions On Sunday we went to an old castle. We were swimming for 2 hours. My friend had visited this museum before. Past Simple Past Progressive Past Perfect GS p. 197—198 J r f { r i (fi The Lake District 20 August Dear Tom, We (0) went (to go) for a fantastic week in the Lake District after my family (1) ______________(fo spend) three days in Chester. I (2)_________(to look) forward to going to the lake because I (3)_________(already/to be) there before and (4) __________ (to enjoy) the trip very much. My first day was a great surprise. Late in the evening people (5) _________ (to leave) their tents to watch strange lights in the sky. The lights (6)____(to fly) for Unit 1 Lesson 1 some time, and then (7)__________________ {to fly) away. Nobody (8)________________ {can) explain what they were. Another interesting moment was when I (9) _________________ (fo watch) birds over the lake through a telescope. We (10) __________________ {to be) happy to have sunny and warm weather. During the week I (11) __________________ {to swim), (12) ______________ (13) ______________ {to fish) and a lot. I (14)_______________ the friends that I (15)_____ I hope to see you soon. Best wishes, John ______________ {to go) sunbathing {to enjoy) the time in the Lake District. Now I miss __________{to make) during my stay there. 2. Write it right. What will you write to your British friend John (Mandy) about your summer holidays? Write a letter (about 100 words). In your letter write about: • where you spent your summer holidays; • what you liked doing most of all; • your impressions about the holidays. Read the Learning to learn note first. Learning to learn 6 Как оформить личное письмо Письмо личного характера оформляется следующим образом: 1. В правом верхнем углу указывается адрес того человека, который пишет письмо, например: ^98000 Russia Lipetsk, ul. Severnaya, dom 35, kv. 15 Под адресом пишется дата. 2. Письмо начинается с обращения, например: Dear John, Dear Mandy. После обращения ставится запятая. Unit 1 Lesson 1 3. Первое слово письма после обращения пишется с заглавной буквы и с красной строки. В начале письма автор обычно благодарит за ранее' полученное письмо, например: Thank you for your letter. 4. В конце письма автор выражает желание о дальнейших контактах, например:, I am looking forward to hearing from you. I hope to see you soon. 5, Завершается письмо словами Love, With love. Best wishes, All the best, ejtCTT' после которых ставится запятая, и с новой строчки — подпись автс указания фамилии. Lesson 2 1. Grammar. Report what Marcy says about herself and her school life. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. r £rOrr)fY)Of hint Reported speech The girl: My name is Marcy Lewis. ^ The girl says (that) her name is Marcy Lewis. 33. GS p. 204 J Unit 1 Lesson 2 .’n J yJZ Ш J •il 0) “I’m thirteen years old.” {to say) Morey soys that she is thirteen years old. 1) “I’m in the 9th grade at Dwight D. Eisenhower Junior High.” {to say) Marcy____________________________________________________ 2) “We all like our new teacher Miss Finney.” {to say) 3) “Miss Finney will no longer be our teacher in my school.’ {to be sorry) 4) “My life is not easy.” {to worry) 5) “My mother makes me go to ballet classes.” (fo be upset) 6) “I sing as badly as I dance.” {to think) Lesson 4 1. Write it right. This is part of Julia’s letter. Write back to Julia. Answer her questions. Follow the rules of letter writing (100 words). ( r ... / like ^oin^ to school because / mix with my friends there. /Ilso / discover new things at school. Of course !‘d like to chanye some thinys at my school. !‘d like to make the school hours shorter because it's really unfair that we spend 35 hours at school every week. / also think that we should have less homework and there should be more school trips to yo on. Besides, !‘d like to have ICT every day. dnd what about you? Do you like yoiny to school? Do you want to chanye anythiny at your school? 8 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1, Robert and his foreign friend Hans from Berlin are talking about school Choose the correct answer: a or b and tick (✓) it. 1 — I’m in Form 2R. a — I go to a primary school, too. b — What do you mean by form 2R? 2 — My mother was very glad to see my marks in my school report, a — You are lucky. b — Can you explain what you mean by school report, please? 3 — I’m the class president, a — What do you mean by class president! b — What is the Russian for class president! 4 — At our school the first lesson begins at 9.15, after the assembly, a — Have a nice time! b — We don’t have assembly at my school. 5 — When will you go for the half term? a — Tomorrow, b —At 12 o’clock. 6 — I’ve got 80% for the English test, a — Sorry, I don’t quite understand. What do you mean? b — How much is it? 7 — I go to a Sunday school, a — What do you mean by Sunday school! b — Does your school work on Sunday? Unit 1 Lesson 5 CONSOLIDATION 1. Vocabulary, do a crossword about a British school. Across 1. Pupils often go on it to practise geography, biology and history. Many schools start their school day with it. British children have them at Christmas, in spring and in summer. It is a period of time, part of a school year in Britain. 5. Look at the picture. 6. A mark that means “very good”. 7. In these lessons pupils do different experiments. Down 1. A subject in which pupils practise painting, drawing and sculpture. 2. Short for Physical Education. 3. It is Physics, Chemistry and Biology. 4. A club where children learn to perform. 5. Different questions to check pupils’ knowledge. 6. An organisation for boys and girls that teaches them practical things. 7. It is a period of time between lessons. 2. 3. 4. 2 T 4 i 1 1 1 JL й 6 1 1 I 2 3 5 7 3 4 5 & 1 Ж i ] 1 6 1 i ■ 7 10 Unit 1 CONSOLIDATION 2. Word building. How many new words can you make? 5^ 1) Combine the words from the two columns. Translate the words you have. 0) home 1) sea 2) wind 3) sun 4) time 5) sight 6) high 7) country side work seeing table bathing light surfing homework — домашняя работа 2) Make up 5 sentences with the words you have. 3. Vocabulary. Marie from Paris describes her visit to England. For questions 1—16, choose the correct word (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the text. Last month my family went on a week (0) trip to England. According to our (1) ______________ we visited London and Brighton. The first three days we were (2) _______________ London. We went (3) __________________ a lot and (4) ______________ other tourists. I (5) _____________ that London IS an international city and you can hear different languages there. First, I was a bit (6) ____________________ because I couldn’t (7) _______________________ everything (8) ____________. It was strange because I have good and (9)____________________marks in English at school and know a lot of English words (10) ___________________. Sometimes I couldn’t (11) without a dictionary. In Brighton we enjoyed good weather, we (12) _________ sunbathing and visited the Unit 1 11 CONSOLIDATION famous Pavilion. During the trip we tried some traditional dishes; my favourite was fish and chips. Now I (13)________________it a lot. When we came (14)______________ home we all decided that our trip to England was the (15) __________________ our summer holidays. Now we (16)__________________________going to Wales. of 0 (ai) trip b field trip c outing 1 a timetable b registration c trip 2 a travelling b discovering c learning 3 a sunbathing b sightseeing c windsurfing 4 a mixed with b spoke c talked 5 a decided b discovered c explored 6 a happy b worry c nervous 7 a understand b learn c know 8 a quite well b very much c a lot 9 a nice b excellent c high 10 a best of all b besides c by heart 11 a go b do c live 12 a were b went c go 13 a don’t like b try c miss 14 a back b to c into 15 a highlight b event c attraction 16 a wait b look forward to c want 4. Grammar. The children are sharing impressions about their school life. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: Past Simple, Past Progressive or Past Perfect. 1) Jane: “Last week we (0) went (to go) to York. It__________________(to be) a great experience to me because I__________________________ before.” (never!to be) on field trips ________________ (neverjto 2) Kirk: “It was my first day at the swimming club. I _______ swim) before that’s why I ______________ (fo feel) a bit nervous and ________________________(not to know) what to do.” _______(fo put) a newspaper on the school notice (to be) happy because we________________(to work) 3) John: “Yesterday our class board. We____________ really hard on it. We school and ______________(to write) interesting articles about our ___ (fo take) photos of our classmates at different competitions. I think that producing a school newspaper ________________ (fo be) a good experience.” 4) Linda: “During the lunch time I went to the canteen.* There _______________ (fo be) a lot of pupils there. Some pupils __________________ (fo have) lunch, some _______________ (fo read), some __________________ and Sue to the piano and ________________ (fo play) computer games (fo talk) to her friends. I___________(fo come) up _________(fo start) playing.” 12 * a canteen — столовая Unit 1 CONSOLIDATION Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION ESEL Listen to two pupils talking about their schools. Write the information about David and Linda. You’ll hear the conversation twice. Linda David How old is he/she? What form is he/she in? When should the children come to school? What is (are) his/her favourite subject(s)? Does he/she have to wear a uniform? Does he/she like school? Your score 14 13—11 10-7 6 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION Eb Read Susan’s notes about a day of her school life. Mark the statements true (T), false (F) or unstated (U). 8.00 Arrived at school. 8.35 Went to registration in my classroom. 8.40 Went to the assembly hall and listened to information about school activities for the day. 9.00 The first lesson was Maths. We wrote a test. I think I did it well. 9.50 In the Spanish lesson we were reading and trying to translate stories. It was interesting. I like languages more than Science. This year, besides French, I began to study Spanish. 10.35 Break time! We went outside and talked to our friends. On other days I may go to the canteen to have something to eat. 11.00 At the end of the break we went to Food Technology. Today we were making cakes. I like cooking very much and I’m glad that I’ve got a double lesson of my favourite subject. At the end of the double lesson we tried our cakes. We all enjoyed them. Unit 1 13 TEST YOURSELF 12.30 During the lunch we went to the canteen and had a very nice meal of chicken and salad. Then after lunch we all went outside and played ball. I think this was really fun. 1.55 We went to afternoon registration. 2.00 The first two lessons in the afternoon were ICT. We had to produce a poster about what we enjoy doing after school. I made a poster about tennis. Michael and John made terrific posters. Everybody liked them. 3.20 Our final lesson on Wednesday is English. This English lesson was in the library where we learnt about how to use the library. 4.00 It was the end of the day for most pupils but I had to go to a cross-country club. We did lots of running around the Memorial Park. Then I went home. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) School starts at 8 o’clock. Susan had registration twice on that day. Susan got a good mark for the Maths test. Susan studies two foreign languages. During break time Susan went to the canteen. Susan’s favourite subject is Food Technology. Susan likes playing tennis after school. Michael and John made a poster about football. Susan went home at 4 pm. Susan wrote her notes on Wednesday. Your score 10 9-8 7—5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 14 ^ Unit 1 TEST YOURSELF ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. EL Vocabulary. What does Mike say about his school life and favourite subject? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. There is an example (0) at the beginning. a waste of time boring • by heart discover events • excellent • field trips • look forward mix • outings • take part in do without miss Some children say that school is (0) boring and (1)____________________. But I don’t agree with them. I like ________ my friends and to school and on holiday I (2) teachers and I always (3) _____ school. Our school life is interesting. We have a lot of interesting after-school (4) ______________ during the year. We (5) ________________sports competitions. We often go on (6) to do tasks for History and Geography. Each term we go on (7) to interesting historical places and museums. I do well in many subjects but my favourite is History. I can’t say I like French because we have to learn a lot (8) . I think I can (9) ___________________________ French. I like going to school because I (10)______ new things in the lessons. with my friends there and (11) 2. EL Grrammar. ТЬе children are talking about school and school activities. Report what they say. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0) Susan says, “My class goes on a field trip on Friday. I think we’ll enjoy it. Sgsgn sgys thgt her class goes on a field trip on Fridgy. She thinks thgt they will enjoy it.__________________________________________________________________________________ 1) Robert says, “There are different clubs at my school. I think that I’ll join a chess club.” 2) Jane says, “I’m good at a lot of subjects. I’m happy that I get only A’s and B’s.” 3) Linda says, “I am starting a new school. I worry that I don’t know anyone in my class.” Unit 1 TEST YOURSELF 15 4) David says, “I don’t like the lessons starting early. I’m upset that we have to be at school by 8 o’clock.” 5) Sarah says, “Last term we went on a school outing to our local museum. 6) Kate says, “My friend and I go to a drama club. We are glad that we often perform at our school concerts.” Your score 17 16—14 13-9 8 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING EL Write a letter to your foreign friend Robert/Mandy about your school. Don’t forget to write about: • your favourite subjects; • your school activities; • your attitude to school. Ask Robert/Mandy three questions about his/her school (about 100 words). 16 TEST YOURSELF о CULTURAL AWARENESS EbWhat do you know about British schools? Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) A school day starts with assembly in most British schools. Registration takes place every morning before lessons and often before afternoon lessons, too. _______A school year in Britain has four terms. _______British children have longer summer holidays than Russian children. _______In Britain the mark A means excellent. _______Science includes Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Maths. _______At the end of each term schools send a report card to parents. Your score 7 6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent Si can read and understand: • letters about summer holidays; • a school timetable; • a class diary; • stories about schools and after-school activities; • children’s opinions about school. ИI can understand: • children’s opinions about summer holidays; • children’s opinions about school and favourite subjects. I can: • describe my summer holidays; • explain what my favourite subject is; • describe my school activities; • use different expressions to say that I don’t understand; • ask about meaning. Unit 1 17 TEST YOURSELF Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent Бк I can write: • a letter about my summer holidays; • a letter about my school. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use “that”-clauses in reported speech Учебные умения Не умею Умею • работать с лексической таблицей • построить высказывание по образцу • переводить с русского языка на английский • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • выбрать значение многозначного слова • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: 18 Unit 1 TEST YOURSELF \ ) i I 'S ** 9 * f Ч Unit 2 What are you good at? Lesson 1 1. In your culture. / Write it right. Here is some information about the achievements of schoolchildren from Russia. Translate the information into English. The words in the box can help you. Read the Learning to iearn note No 6. ' to take part • International Olympiad • in Informatics • team ' ^ to set a record • to get the gold medal • the World Cup ^ Начиная c 1989 года российские школьники принимают участие в Международной олимпиаде по информатике и являются одними из лучших. В 2000 году российская команда установила своеобразный рекорд. Школьники завоевали четыре золотые медали и кубок чемпионов мира по информатике. Кубок чемпионов российские школьники выигрывали несколько раз. Since Unit 2 Lesson 1 19 L 2. VoCflbulary. The highlighted words are in the wrong sentences. Find the correct word for each sentence. properly In judo you first learn how to fall necessary. I’m hoping to compete in the Winter Olympics. I’m training gold. I go in for music and want to be a properly pianist. I am looking forward to the World achievement. I’d like to win a professional medal. I ski with the British Children’s Ski championships. My website has won a top net record. I’m working hard at my award to be a professional actor. My biggest ambition was that I got a medal for a running race. My ambition is to set a new team. To get good results it is hard to enjoy playing the sport. Lesson 2 1. ОгаШШа.Г. which words do we use to characterize people? Which words do we use to describe how they do different things? Divide the words in the box into two columns and translate them. (Sometimes adjectives and adverbs have the same form.) /Г V Adjectives and adverbs He is a brilliant pupil. He works brilliantly. This work is hard. He works hard. Ж- GS p. 192, 194 J 00) 0) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) beautiful • beautifully • early • fast • friendly • lovely • neatly • properly • silly • well hard • late wisely Adjectives beautiful (красивый) early (ранный) 00) 0) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Adverbs beautifully (красиво) early (рано) 20 Unit 2 Lesson 2 2. ОГЯШШЯГ. Complete the following pieces of advice. Form the adverbs using adjectives in the box. You may use the adjectives more than once. Mind spelling rules. r hint Adverbs happy — happily GS p. 194 =4 ^ careful • correct • fast • good • hard • neat • polite • proper ' quiet • regular • sensible • unnecessary • wise J ____________________________________________________________^ School work Study properly /well/ Write________________ Listen _ Talk _ Behave After school Go home Don’t make your parents worry Do your homework__________ Choose an after-school activity Lesson 3 1. Grammar. Elizabeth and Jessica are twins from The Sweet Valley Twins series. They have a friend, Mary. The girls are different. In what way? /Г к hint The degrees of comparison of adverbs Lisa works harder than Mary. Lisa works (the) hardest. GS p. 195 J Unit 2 Lesson 3 21 Abilities Jessica Elizabeth Mary 1) works hard X XXX XX 2) thinks creatively XX X XXX 3) writes correctly XX XXX X 4) behaves wisely X XXX XX 5) behaves sensibly X XXX XX 6) plans things carefully X XXX XX 7) works fast X XXX XX 1) Mary works harder than lessicq. Elizabeth works hardest. 2) ____________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________ 6) ____________________________________________________________ 7) 2. ОгЯ.ШШЯГ. Who can do different things better, best? Compare yourself and your friends. Grammar him К The degrees of comparison of adverbs Lisa works harder than Mary. Lisa works (the) hardest. GS p. 195 J 22 Name 1 Name 2 1 • comes to school early • works hard • writes neatly • knows much • studies properly • worries the parents little • jumps high • runs fast XX XXX X Unit 2 Lesson 3 Sasha comes to school earlier than me. Olga comes earliest. Lesson 4 1. Write it right . You have got a letter from your friend Jack. He writes: r ^ r r f t ^ r .../ am a sport if person. / train for 20 hoars euery week. / organise mif da if ■ properl If and thafs whif I have time for mif school work. /Иу instructor won't ' let me train if / don't ^et a ^ood school report. How do if on organise if oar 1 daif? Do If о a have time for after-schooi activities?... Write a letter to Jack (100 words). In your letter: • answer his questions; • ask two questions about his after-school activities. Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. The children are talking about what they can do well. Choose the correct answer for each question. 1 What are you like at dancing? a I like dancing, b I can dance well. 2 Do you know how to sew? a Yes, I’m really good at sewing clothes, b It’s a good idea. 3 Do you know anything about writing computer programmes? a I’ve no idea how to write programmes, b Computer programmes are really good. 4 What helps you to achieve a lot in skiing? a I train hard, b I’ve won the competition. 5 Can you cook well? a I’m sorry, I can’t. I am busy now. b I know something about cooking. CONSOLIDATION 1. A teacher of English makes notes on her pupils. 1) Word building. FHI in the tables first. Noun Noun (person) Adjective Verb spelling work written to spell speaker learner Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb careless bad hard fast slow incorrect good serious neat 24 Unit 2 CONSOLIDATION 2) ОГВШШЯГ. Write how well each pupil does in English. Use the words from tl^ tables. 0) Mark: Bad spelling. Careless written work. Mark spells badly. He writes carelessly.___________________ 1) Alex: Hard worker. Fast learner. 2) Victor: Slow speaker. Incorrect spelling. 3) Helen: Good and serious worker. 4) Daniel: Neat written work. 2. Word building. Sarah talks about her ambition. Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1—5) in the text. Read the Learning to learn note first. > team задание на словообразование 1фгда ты в^толняешь задание, в котором требуется образовать новое слово для ^ запо1лнения пропуска в предложении, поступай следующим образом: 1: Прочитай предложение с пропуском, чтобы понять общий смысл. 2. Определи, какой частью речи является пропущенное слово. 3. Вспомни суффиксы и приставки (а также другие способы словообразования), с помощью которых ты можешь образовать нужное слово. 4. Правильно запиши образованное слово в указанном месте. 5. Прочитай готовое предложение и проверь, имеет ли оно смысл* I love drama and acting and I have joined a drama club. We (0) usaally do one (1) ______________________ every six months. We (2)____________________every week. In the weeks before a show we work harder work has to wait but the (3) ______ understand. We do everything (4) This means that school ________________usually I want to be a professional (5) (0) USUAL (1) PERFORM (2) PRACTICE (3) TEACH (4) PROFESSION (5) ACT Unit 2 25 CONSOLIDATION 3. СгГЯШШЯГ. Try to guess what the people do and how they do it. The verb begins with the same letter as the first name and the adverb with the same letter as the surname. 0) Rose Frost is a good runner. She runs fast. She runs faster than anyone in the class.___________________________________________________________________ 1) Sally Baker has abilities in singing. She ________________________________ 2) It is difficult to hear what Tom Quin is saying. He 3) Will Harris is a hard working person. He 4) Roy Cooper has never had an accident on his bike. He 5) Sam White is not afraid of water. He 6) Peter Brown is not a good actor. He 4. U Vocabulary. Choose the word that fits in each sentence in the pair. Translate the word. ( board hard set top train -fery- I i ij 0 a You must try hard to be the best, стараться b Try on this sweater. ________________ 1 a She_____a new record yesterday. _____________ b I always help Mum to________________ 2 a It was work. b It is necessary to work results. a My mum bought me a summer. _______________ b She is a sportsman. the table. to get good and a skirt for a I want to take part in the Olympics and I hard for this sports event. _____________ b We went to the competition in Spain by 26 5 a It was interesting to travel on ______________ the ship. b There is my name on the_________of fame in our class. _ Unit 2 CONSOLIDATION 5. ОгвШШаГ. What is the best way to do your homework? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form. r ж ES> First Conditional к If you ask your parents, they will help you. GS p. 205 J> 0) If you create a comfortable homework area with pens, pencils, rulers, a dictionary, you will spend less time looking for things you need, (to create; to spend) 1) If you ____________ to do your homework at the same time each day, it 2) If you a part of your schedule, (to become; to try) _______to your teacher carefully at school, it you some ideas for your homework, (to listen; to give) 3) It____________you to do your homework properly if you the television while you are doing your homework, (to help; to turn off) 4) You ________________ words more easily if you ___________________ them aloud.^ (to read; to remember) 5) If you__________neatly, your homework nice, (to look; to write) 6. ОгаШШаГ. What do children say about their achievements? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form. r hint D к Present Perfect and Past Simple I have set a record. Last year I set a national record. GS p. 197 J 0) I have loved (to love) drama and acting since I was small. 1) I 2) I 3) I 4) I 5) I 6) When we 7) I_______ 8) I ______ (to ski) for eight years already. (to do) Taekwon-Do since I was five years old. (to begin) studying the piano at the age of four. (to give) my first concert at nine. (to win) my first prize in 2009. ________(to win) the World Cup I was so happy. (to win) lots of medals for team races and single races. (to start) playing tennis two years ago and I ________ (fo achieve) a lot since then. 9) My life_______________(to change) since I______________(fo win) my medals in swimming. * aloud — вслух Unit 2 CONSOLIDATION 27 1 Ш 1 1 2 ^1 i j ■ J 1 J Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF о LISTENING COMPREHENSION EByou will hear a story about Molly. She took part in a competition. For questions 1—7, write T (if the statement is true), F (if it is false) and U (if it is unstated). You will hear the recording twice. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) _____Molly started taking photos when she was five. _____Molly’s relatives like photography, too. _____ Molly learned about the competition from her family. _____She sent the photo of an owl to the magazine. _____Molly had to go to another city to get the award. _____All the winners came to get awards with their parents. _____Molly hopes to become a professional photographer. Your score 7 6-5 4-3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 28 О READING COMPREHENSION SEL Read the story Sadie’s Talent by Lloydene Cook. For questions 1—6, choose the correct answer (a, b or c). Sadie was the youngest child in the family with lots of talents. Her papa was the Pig Calling Champion. Her mama sewed perfectly. Her brother, Buster, could stand on his head. And her sister, Clorissa, could sing better than a bird on a sunny morning in May. Sadie liked making up stories in her head, but she was shy and didn’t share them with anyone. One summer afternoon Sadie sat near the house. She was upset. “What’s worrying you, Sadie?” asked Grandma. “Everybody does things better than I do,” Sadie said. “I think you haven’t found your gift yet,” Grandma said. “What gift is that?” Sadie asked. “Everybody has a gift,” Grandma explained. “Something that makes you special. You haven’t found your talent yet.” “How do I find my talent?” Sadie asked. “Look inside yourself,” Grandma said. “And how will I know if I find it?” Unit 2 TEST YOURSELF “You will feel special all over,” Grandma said. And Sadie looked. She sang with Clorissa. She sewed with Mama and made pies with Grandma. But Sadie didn’t feel anything. One night after supper the family gathered in the yard. Mama was sewing, Grandma was shelling' nuts and Grandpa was making a toy alligator. Clorissa was singing a new song and Buster was standing on his head. Grandma said, “I remember how my mama told me stories — best stories I ever heard.” Sadie said quietly, “I know a story. Grandma. Far back there lives a big old hairy monster. Every night he comes out and looks for something to eat ...” When Sadie told her story, everyone stopped to listen. Clorissa and Buster down near Sadie. “People tried to catch the monster, but he always went away. Some people he’s still walking in this forest at night, hungry for his supper!” Buster said “That was a good story.” “Tell us another one. Please!” Clorissa asked. Sadie smiled at Grandma. “Once upon a time ...” sat say In Sadie’s family a people liked stories. b children sang beautifully. C everybody had some abilities. Sadie didn’t tell other people her stories because a the members of the family were busy, b she didn’t want to share her stories, c she wasn’t sure that people liked them. Sadie was upset because a she had lost her gift, b she thought she didn’t have any talent. c all members of the family had got gifts and Sadie hadn’t got one. While Sadie was telling her story about a monster, a her sister was singing, b her Grandma remembered a better story. c the members of the family listened to her quietly and carefully. Sadie was happy because a she understood what talent she had. b nobody was scared of the monster, c her Grandma smiled. The word gift in the story means a a present. b a talent. Your score 6 5 4-3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 ' to shell — очищать {от скорлупы) Unit 2 29 TEST YOURSELF о USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. EL Grammar, неге is some information about a young sportsman. Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct form of the word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Sam plays cricket. He (0) {to be) one of the players on the National Skill Sets programme. My greatest achievement is that I (1) __________________ {to play) for Kent. I (2) ________ {to start) playing when I was seven. I (3) ____________ {to join) {never!to look back) the Kent team when I was nine and (4)_____________________ since then because I love it. I (5)_______{to train) twice a week in the winter and every day of the week in the summer. I advise young cricketers to enjoy (6)____{to play) the sport. If you (7)____ {to play) more, you’ll play (8)_______{well). To get good results you should have (9)______{good) skills than everyone else, and train (10)__{hard) than everyone else, and think (11) {carefully) of all. {one) team and progress from My ambition is to get in the Kent (12)_________ there. 2. EL Word building, use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1—5) in the text. There is an example (0) at the beginning. More than 80 teams took part in the Robot (0) Olympiad in Tokyo. Each team built a robot. One of the (1)__________ says that it is necessary to make children interested in science. One of the boys said, “At the world (2)___________ we will write a program (3) (4)___________ more (5)______ ____________ during the . That’s why we have to work harder and (0) OLYMPIC (1) ORGANISE (2) CHAMPION (3) PROFESSION (4) COMPETE (5) PROPER 30 3. EL Vocabulary. Peter became the youngest winner of the music competition. How did Peter feel about winning? Choose the correct word (a, b, c, or d) to fill each gap (1—7). There is an example (0) at the beginning. Last night I won the BBC Young Musician of the Year (0) competition. When they said my name it felt like a dream. I felt quite (1)_______________at the competition final. But I (2)__________________ to enjoy myself. And I really enjoyed playing with the orchestra. I was happy when the competition was (3)_________________. I felt pleased with the part I had played. I took the (4)____________ music prize. It was (5) without hard work. I first started playing the violin when I was six. I play it for about an hour and half every day. My (6)____________________is to be a violin soloist. But now I can relax a bit and enjoy my (7)__________________! (Peter, 12) Unit 2 TEST YOURSELF 0 @ competition b school c achievement d ambitiojj 1 a nervous b necessary c possible d properly 2 a tried b played c set d trained 3 a away b around c up d over 4 a award b top c drama d same 5 a possible b impossible c important d necessary 6 a ability b ambition c achievement d skill 7 a gold b achievement c schedule d team Your score 24—22 21 — 18 17—12 11 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 о WRITING British and American children write letters to different magazines for children and ask for advice. Here is one of the letters. r / like playing an nnnsaa! instrnment — the pipe. /Hif granddad kept one in his hoHse. Bat some children lan^h at me. Wh^ don't they nnderstand? (Alex Winter, 13) Write back to Alex. Give advice and write about your favourite activity and your achievements (100 words). Follow the rules of letter writing. L TEST YOURSELF о CULTURAL AWARENESS How much do you know about British and American culture? Mark the following statements T (true) or F (false). 1) ______In the report cards parents can read teachers’ comments on the pupil’s work. 2) _____If pupils stay at school during the lunch hour, they can play a sport at this time. 3) _____ If a person can do many things well, we can call him or her a jack-of- all-trades. 4) ______Children of 13 years old can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 5) ______In Russia there is an award, which is a part of the International Award Association. 6) _____The Duke of Edinburgh has three awards: bronze, silver and gold. Your score 6 5 4-3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S I can read and understand: • descriptions of people’s activities; • stories about people’s achievements; • magazine articles about children’s problems. ВЯ I can understand: • opinions about how people can do things; • when people ask me about my abilities. I can: • express my opinion about people’s abilities; • say I can/can’t do something; • say how I can do something; • ask if a person can do something; • retell stories about after-school activities. 32 Unit 2 TEST YOURSELF Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent EL I can write: • about my friends’ and my own ambitions and achievements. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • adverbs of manner • degrees of comparison of adverbs Учебные умения Не умею Умею • работать с лексической таблицей • построить высказывание по образцу • распознавать фразовые глаголы • переводить с русского языка на английский • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • выполнять тестовое задание на словообразование • кратко излагать содержание текста • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником Exercises I found most in teres ting/boring/difficult: Unit 2 2~Кузовлев, 7 кл., раб. т. 33 TEST YOURSELF Unit 3 Can people do without you? Lesson 1 34 1. Vocabulary, do Americans support charities? Choose the correct word to fill in each gap in the text. Circle your choice. In the USA people (0) provide/(шррот^ charity in different ways. Some of the Americans are members of (1) charitu/a charity and work for it. Many others just help (2) charity/needy organisations to collect (3) contribution/ donations, clothes or food. They also (4) take part/contribute in different charity events. The surveys show that a lot of Americans are (5) supporting/involved in volunteer work. About 90 million Americans regularly (6) raise/donate some part of their time to volunteer work. A lot of them (7) contribute/carry money on charity needs. American schoolchildren (8) raise/take money, clean parks or (9) are involved/volunteer in nursing homes. Many companies give their workers free time to (10) provide/ support volunteer work. 2. In your culture. / Vocabulary. Read about one of the Russian charity funds. Choose the appropriate word to fill in each gap in the text. The Children Oncology and Haematology Research Institute* (0) set up a charitable fund “Nastenka”. The fund started its work in February of 2002. The * Научно-исследовательский институт детской онкологии и гематологии Unit 3 Lesson 1 charity (1) sick children and their families. It also (2) to charity events people from different countries to make their (3)_____________ and (4)_____________money for the fund. The charity doesn’t only (5)_____________ money. Its members (6) _______________ to charity in many different ways. They (7)__________the needy children with medical care, organise parties, entertainment shows, concerts and excursions for sick children. 0 a open b put set up 1 a raises b supports C donates 2 a asks b gathers C makes 3 a difference b fundraising C contribution 4 a donate b carry C use 5 a have b spend c raise 6 a contribute b take part c support 7 a give b provide c take Lesson 2 1. ОгаШШдГ. Read about Make a Difference Day. Decide which sentences are correct and which have a wrong verb form. Tick {•/) the correct sentences and put the correct verb form where necessary. r Ving form Organising a charity fair is a good idea. 1 can help with organising the sweet and cake sale. GS p. 202 J 00) Make a Difference Day is the day of help others. 0) USA WEEKEND Magazine set up this day to involve all people in charity projects. 1) Everyone can contributing. 2) Make a Difference Day happens on the fourth Saturday of every October. 3) Last year 3 million people volunteered on that day by do different charity projects. 4) You also can make your contribution to the day by cleaning your local park or visit an elderly person. 5) Help with collect clothes or food for those in need. 6) Make donations to charities is also very important. 7) The project can be large or small — make a difference on Make a Difference Day! 2* 00) helping 0) ^ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Unit 3 35 Lesson 2 2. Grammar, a lot of famous people do something for charity. Complete the information with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Г V hixit TO Ving form / infinitive I helped by donating some money. I donated some money to help people in need. ж GS p. 202 J ' award • care • donate • look • set up • provide ' I support • teach • volunteer J Hint work — working make — making sit — sitting Mother Teresa was famous for (0) donotinq all her life to charity. She helped by (1)_____poor people in different countries. She volunteered (2) ________ those in need with food and medical care. She was also famous for (3) __________ the Missionary of Charity. The members of the Missionary of Charity help by (4) ___________ in different countries. The volunteers go to poor countries (5) _______ people the first aid and (6) _____after the sick and the elderly people. In 1978, the Nobel Peace Prize Committee decided (7) ______Mother Teresa for (8)____________about the needy people. 36 Lesson 3 1. Your parents, friends, teachers and other people around cannot do without your help. What do you and your classmates do to help other people? Make up questions to ask your classmates. Write the questions out in the table below. Ask your classmates and report their answers. 1) to do about the house? / What chores / ask / your parents / do / you 2) your grandparents /you / Would / like / to help them? 3) you / donate money / Do / your parents / on charity? / let 4) What / usually / your friends / do / you / ask / to help with? 5) does / Where / need / your town / to support? / you Unit 3 Lesson 3 2. Grammar. Tracy is really bossy sometimes. Her brother Steve says that living with Tracy is like having an extra parent. Make up sentences about what Tracy wants her brother Steve to do. Use the words given. к Complex object Tracy makes me tidy my room every day. hint GS p. 203 1) make / tidy / his room Tracy makes Steve tidy his room. J 0) want / do / regularly / his chores about the house Tracy wants Steve to do his chores about the house regalarly. 2) want / make a mess / in the house / not 3) ask / turn the music off 4) let / take / her things / not 5) make /do the dishes 6) need / do the shopping 7) would like / walk the dog Unit 3 37 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. Celebrations are always great fun. So, why not invent some more holidays? 1) Read about the holiday Tracy would like to have. Choose the appropriate word to fill in each gap in the story. I’d like (0) to set up Flowers Day on April 15th. I want people all over the world to (1) _______________ this holiday by (2) _______________ flowers in their towns. This is how you can (3)___________ to the day and make our towns better. Also you can (4)_________greetings cards with flowers on them to your friends and relatives. (5)______________flower fairs can also be a wonderful idea. I’m sure this holiday. I’m looking forward to (7) everybody will enjoy (6) __ ______________Flowers Day. 0 a set up ^ to set up c setting up 1 a celebrate b provide c carry 2 a plant b planting c plants 3 a put b volunteer c contribute 4 a donate b support c send 5 a Organise b Organising c Organisation 6 a have b having c to have 7 a celebrate b celebrating c celebration 2) it right. Write a short story about a day you would like other people to celebrate. Use Tracy’s story as a model (60—70 words). Lesson 5 1. Amanda has come back from Africa where her parents worked as volunteers. Now Amanda is sharing her impressions about the trip with her classmates. Choose the best answer to match each situation. 38 Unit 3 Lesson 5 1) — Amanda, where did you spend your holidays? — I went to Africa. My parents worked there for the children’s charity UNICEF. 2) — There were no TV or computers in the houses there. 3) — Once we travelled around and I saw elephants, lions and giraffes. 4) — I taught the local children English and they taught me their traditions. 5) — I made friends with some local children there and now we write letters to each other. Would you like to have a pen friend in Africa? 6) — When I’m an adult, I want to do volunteer work in some poor country. a) — That would be wonderful! I like writing letters. b) — I don’t find it exciting. I personally can’t live without my computer. c) — Really? That’s wonderful! d) — It sounds great! I find volunteering very important. e) — Terrific! Actually, I saw them only in the zoo. f) — What a great idea! Learning about other people’s culture is very interesting! CONSOLIDATION 1. Vocabulary. What do we do? And what do we make? 1) Put the words and word expressions in the appropriate column. an announcement • the bed • a board of fame • breakfast • a cake ' a charity project • a contribution • a difference • donations an experiment • a-- film • friends • homework • housework notes • noise • a poster • our best • something useful • a speech the shopping • volunteer work • without something DO MAKE an announcement. 2) Make up 5 sentences using any of these word expressions. Unit 3 ^ il '■IHtI- ^^1 L m~ - CONSOLIDATION 39 2. Огашшаг. Read the text about International Day for the Elderly. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box. You may use the prepositions more than once. ■ about by for in of over to with 40 October 1st is International Day (0) for the Elderly. It started (1) ___________ the 1990s, when the United Nations decided that older people needed a holiday. Now millions (2)___________people all (3)____________the world are involved (4) _______________ the celebrations every year. People celebrate the day (5) ___________ organising parties and picnics (6)__________their grandparents or elderly relatives. It is a terrific holiday (7) __________ show how much we care (8) ______ them (9) them. It is also nice to provide ______our support and love. 3. ОгатШЕГ. a lot of British school children do something for charity. Here are what they say about what they do. Put the article the where necessary. 1) I think helping — elderly people is necessary. I help__________elderly people at _____local nursing home. 2) I volunteer at the local RSPCA. I help to feed ________ animals and clean _______ cages. 3) My friends and I support _______ needy children in poor countries. We provide them with_______food and clothes. clothes for UNICEF. clothes went to 4) At my school we collected _____ _____children in need. 5) My school raises ______ money for _____ charity. Then we donate ________ money to different charities. 4. СгГЕШШЕГ. The schoolchildren are talking about volunteering. Complete what they say with some or any. • Do you do (0) any volunteer work? • At my school we do (1)_________charity projects. • I do (2) ______volunteer work at the local kindergarten. I don’t get (3) __________ money for what I do. There are (4)___charity clubs at my school. We don’t really do (5) ___ volunteer work at school (6)_ Last term we raised money for Save the Children. Our peirents also made (7)_____donations. • Do you have (8) Unit 3 fundraising ideas? CONSOLIDATION 5. The schoolchildren made a poster to involve other people in charity projects. Think of the best way to complete each sentence in the poster. There is an example (0) at the beginning. V 0) Put a smile on a child’s face by doncitiiiq money to Children in Need. 1) Make your town a better place________________________________________ 2) You can make a difference____________________________________________ 3) Take part in fundraising_____________________________________________ 4) Show how much you care_______________________________________________ 6. Write it right. Here is Tanya’s letter to UNICEF. 1) Read Tanya’s letter and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or word combination from the box. * be involved • Sincerely' • learning more • Dear Sir or Madam ' ^ send me • I’m looking forward to • would у f‘ f r charity’s name-charity’s address- the title---- (обращение) the text- the close your name r 398000 Russia Lipetsk, ^ ul. Severnaya, dom 35, kv. 15 1 October 2010 •* ^ UNICEF 55 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3NB England (1)_______________________, I learnt about your charity organisation from my teacher, I am very interested in ^ (2)___________about the charity and how I (4) ___also I can (3)______ like you to (5) address, (6)____________ (7)____________ (4)_____ your e-mail getting your answer. Tanya Kalinina your address -date ' sincerely — c уважением % . -4|r Unit 3 41 CONSOLIDATION 2) Here are some addresses of charities in Britain. Choose a charity. Write a letter to the charity. Read the Learning to learn note first. RSPCA OXFAM Enquiries Dept, Causeway, 274 Banbury Road Horsham, Oxford 0X2 7DZ West Sussex RH12 IHG England England Learning to learn j , I ' ' ПСгГк написать письмо-запрос (a request letter) Если ты пишешь письмо-запрос (а request letter), следуй правилам: "1. Сообщи, откуда ты узнал(а) об организации. I 2. Сформулируй чётко, какого рода информацию ты хотел(а) бы получить. 3. Напиши несколько слов о себе, но твоё письмо не должно быть очень длинными. 4. Правильно пиши свой адрес. 5. В конце письма не забудь написать своё имя и фамилию. 42 Unit 3 CONSOLIDATION Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION ESEL For questions 1—5, listen to Amanda, Pete and Kelly talking about what they do for charity. Match the names of the teenagers with what they do. Use the names more than once. You will hear the recording twice. Amanda Pete 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) donates money to charity, is involved in volunteer work at school, wears clothes from charity shops, volunteers at the nursing home, raised money to help animals. Your score 5 4 3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 READING COMPREHENSION 1) For questions 1—5, read the story Who You Are Makes a Difference by Helice Bridges. Put the paragraphs of the story into chronological order (the first paragraph of the story is in its place). Complete the table after the text. A One day a teacher in New York decided to honour each of her pupils by telling them the difference they each made. She called each of the pupils to the front of the class. First she told them how the pupil made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon^ with gold letters, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.”^ ^ a ribbon — лента ^ Who I Am Makes a Difference. — Кто я — это очень важно. Unit 3 43 TEST YOURSELF в After that one of the boys in the class went to the local company and gave the ribbon to the worker. He wanted to thank the worker for helping him with his career planning. Then he gave him the other two ribbons, and said, “We’re doing a class project, and we’d like you to find somebody to honour. Give the person a blue ribbon, then give one more blue ribbon. That person can give the ribbon to a third person to keep this ceremony.” That evening the boss came home and told his 14-year-old son and said, “The most surprising thing happened to me today. I was in my office and one of the workers came in and gave me a blue ribbon for being a creative person. Then he put the blue ribbon that says “Who I Am Makes a Difference” on my jacket. He gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find somebody else to honour. I want to give it to you. I’m always busy and don’t pay much attention to you. Sometimes I shout at you for not getting good marks at school and for your bedroom being messy. But now I want you to know that you make a difference to me. You are the most important person in my life. You’re a great son and I love you!” The boy started to cry. He looked at his father and said, “Dad, I thought you didn’t love me. Now I know that you love me.” Later that day the worker went to see his boss. The worker told him that he liked him for being a very creative^ person. Then the worker presented his boss with the blue ribbon and said, “Would you take this extra ribbon and present it to somebody else? The young boy who first gave me the ribbons is doing a project at school and we want to keep this honour ceremony going. Then the teacher decided to do a class project. She gave each of the pupils three more ribbons, told them to honour some other people and report about the results. 1 2 3 4 5 Paragraphs A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 3ib 2) Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the story. _ The teacher honoured her top pupils with a blue ribbon. _ The teacher explained why she gave the pupils the ribbons. _ The schoolboy gave the ribbons to the worker, because he couldn’t find anybody to honour. ___The boss’s son started to cry, because he understood that his father loved him. ___The worker asked his boss to present his son with the ribbon. ___The schoolboy came up with the idea of the honour ceremony. ___The teacher gave the pupils three more ribbons to honour other people. Your score 11 10—9 8-5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 44 * creative — творческий 2 to keep going — продолжаться Unit 3 TEST YOURSELF ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Б1| Огашшаг. For questions 1—12, read the text about the Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation. For each gap choose the appropriate word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. The Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation (0) started its work in May of 1994. It is (1) _________________ organisation that helps young talented children to develop their skills. The Foundation (2) __________________ talented young musicians and dancers (3)________________organising concerts for them. The (4) _______ pupils of the Foundation in festivals and their support to specialized music and _____________ to charity projects. competitions (5) ______________ achievements. The Foundation (6)____________ art schools in Russia. Also it makes its (7) (8)_______________children’s homes and hospitals is one of its charity projects. The _ money for those in (10)____________. ____________ money. The pupils of the members of the Foundation (9)________ But the Foundation does not only (11) Foundation are (12) in charity concerts all over the world. 0 a did Jb' started c set up 1 a charity b a charity c charities 2 a amuses b raises c supports 3 a by b for c in 4 a contribute b learn c take part 5 a show b to show c showed 6 a donates b raises c provides 7 a contribution b difference c announcement 8 a Support b Supporting c Supported 9 a raise b carry c use 10 a need b needs c needy 11 a spend b donate c take 12 a involve b involving c involved 2. Vocabulary. The schoolchildren decided to organise a charity fair. For questions 1—6, write what the schoolchildren want each other to do using the verbs in brackets. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0) organise a sweet and cake sale (the classmates / Mandy and Tracy) (want) The classmates want Mandy and Tracy to organise a sweet and cake sale.____________ 1) bake cakes for a sweet and cake sale (the teacher / Allison) (’d like) Unit 3 TEST YOURSELF 45 46 2) make a poster about different charities (the classmates / Alex) (need) 3) organise a charity concert (Linda / Denis) (want) 4) have a non-uniform day (the teachers / the schoolchildren) (let) 5) donate money (the school / the sponsors) (ask) 6) think about those in need (the charity fair / the schoolchildren) (make) Your score 18—16 15—13 12—7 6 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING EL Fill in the form with the information about yourself (60—70 words). \ r< t f ( r r r * MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY FORM My name My address I learnt about Make A Difference Day from__________________________ I took part П I want to be involved П О CULTURAL AWARENESS EL What have you learnt about charities in Britain? For statements 1—7, match the names in the first column with the appropriate information about them in the second column. There is one extra letter which you do NOT need to use. Complete the table below. Unit 3 TEST YOURSELF 1) Arbor Day a) 2) Children in Need b) 3) Help the Aged c) 4) Oxfam d) 5) Spring Week of Good e) 6) The RSPCA f) 7) UNICEF g) h) is an international project, when young volunteers show why charity is important and try to involve other people in volunteering. is a school programme. All the British schoolchildren take part in it. is a shop that collects clothes, sells the clothes and donates money to those in need. is a US holiday for planting trees. is a British charity. It cares for animals. is a British charity organisation. It collects money and helps elderly people. is an international organisation. It helps children all over the world. is a British charity. It raises money and supports children in Britain and other countries. Your score 7 6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S I can read and understand: • articles about charity organisations and projects; • stories about charity organisations, projects and volunteers. И I can understand: • what children say about their volunteer work. I can: • express that I’m excited; • express that I’m not excited; • express my opinion about charities and volunteer work. Unit 3 47 TEST YOURSELF J .'1 1 ■'Л Продолжение i 48 Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent El I can write: • a letter asking for information about a charity organisation. Grammar checklist Can understand Can say • complex object • Ving form • infinitive of purpose Учебные умения Не умею Умею • кратко излагать содержание текста • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником • построить высказывание по образцу • переводить с русского языка на английский • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • выбрать значение многозначного слова Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: Unit 3 TEST YOURSELF [ Unit 4 ч Г Are you а friend of the planet? Lesson 1 1. ОгЭ.ШШНГ. Fill in the table with the words from the box. Use the article (a/an) with countable nouns. r Ж V Countable and uncountable nouns We like when air is clean. GS p. 188 f €Htr • animal • area • bag • bin • bottle • can • electricity • energy j environment • garden • glass • litter • nature • newspaper j I V plastic • pollution • pond • school • tree • wildlife / Countable Uncountable gn gnimgl. gir. 2. Vocabulary. How eco-friendly are you? Choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps (1—9). (0) Recycling things means using them again, making new things from old ones (1)__________________throwing them away. Recycling materials can (2)__________________________ energy and materials. Unit 4 Lesson 1 1 49 ш 0 @ recycling 1 а because of 2 а cause 3 а metal 4 а plastic 5 а air 6 а reuse 7 а reuse 8 а environmental 9 а damages Lesson 2 Be sure you know where to put (3)______________ bottles, paper, (4) _________________, clothes and cans for recycling. Recycle aluminium cans — wash and squash* them before you put them in the can bank. This means fewer trips to collect them and less (5) ________________. Buy large size packets and bottles. You will (6) _________________ litter. Don’t get plastic bags, you already have lots of them at home — (7) __________________ them! It is important to be (8)__________________because litter generates^ greenhouse gases and it (9)_________________our planet. b reducing b instead of b spoil b glass b bin b pollution b recycle b destroy b eco-friendly b causes c destroying c according to c save c small c energy c environment c reduce c protect c healthy c disappears 1. ОгЯШШаГ. More than a third of all paper is recycled. How does it happen? Fill in the gaps with the verb from the box in the passive form. hirit Present Simple Passive Wood is cut into pieces. GS p. 201 J> to carry to take • • to cut (x2) • to dry • to mix (x2) to use (x3) • to work up • to recycle 50 A Producing paper starts in a tree. Every fifth tree in the world is used (^используется) to make paper. В The wood_________________(рубится) into small pieces. C The wood chips®_______________(смешиваются) with water to produce a pulp."* * to squash — расплющивать ^ to generate — образовывать ® wood chips — древесные стружки ■* pulp — масса Unit 4 Lesson 2 D Used paper {забирается) from recycling centres. Then it {отвозится) to paper factories. E The used paper {обрабатывается) and {смешивается) with the wood pulp. Chemicals_______________{используются) to make the pulp white. Then the pulp_______________{сушится) to form a huge roll of paper. Large rolls of paper {режутся) into smaller ones. Large rolls {используются) for newspapers, smaller rolls for books and magazines. G Less than a half of all paper ______________ {перерабатывается). We can recycle more. Reading lesson 1. Write it right. You have learnt about otters in Britain and the USA. How are wild animals protected in Russia? Write an e-mail letter to your British friend. Use the words from the box. Follow the rules of letter writing. I in danger • common • bring back • look after I I would like to write a few words about They were_____________. However_____ More than that, As a result L Unit 4 51 READING LESSON Lesson 3 1. Write it right. Here is a letter from Sarah. She lives in Kenya. I f f f" г Г ( г r r h ( Ketif^a has one of the most beantifa! environments in the worid; beantifnl forests, a lot of wiidiife. Bat the trees are cat down and the land is sold. Kenya is a very biy tonrist country and the environment attracts many tonrists every year. But if the environment isn't protected then oar natare won't be beautiful. Do you have the same problems in your country? Write a letter to Sarah (100 words). Answer her question and ask two questions about what she does to protect nature. V Ш i 1 11 г i 1 1 [' 1 1 ihi liri ; ml fW ^ m ’" ‘1^* ■'Si . “ ■ ■ V • ■ . , 14 ^ gi,-! Л rvi — 52 Lesson 4 1. What are children most worried about? Complete the sentences with the words from the box in the correct form. I to be concerned that to be worried te----find to be very concerned about • to be worried about • to worry I 0) “I find the problem of water worrying. Many people in the world often do not have enough water to drink.” 1) “I______________climate change. I don’t want all the animals to disappear or the temperature to be very high.” 2) “I__________________animals in danger. Some animals are quite rare now.” 3) “I _______________________ rainforests are destroyed. They make our air clean.” 4) “I find the problem of ozone ______ problems.” 5) “Many people ______________________ because there may be health when litter is left in the streets. It spoils the environment.” Unit 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. In your culture. / Write it right. Read the fact file and write about national parks and nature reserves in Russia. Use the plan. deer (олени) ЕД>^а->г It Vi fc v>;»■, a sable (соболь) n® ILL National parks of Russia 23 national parks / 84 nature reserves National parks: Valday (17.05.1990), Novgorod region; animals: bears, wolves, foxes, otters; Lake Valday, Lake Seliger. Losiny Ostrov (1983), Moscow; animals: deer, foxes, different birds. Nature reserves: Barguzinsky nature reserve (29.12.1916); Lake Baikal; animals: sable. The aim is to protect animals and plants. People’s visits are reduced. • How many national parks and nature reserves are there in Russia? • What are nature reserves for? • What are some of these parks and reserves? When did they appear? • What can people enjoy there? CONSOLIDATION 1. Vocabulary. What do you know about our environment? Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. ' Climate change • Glass bottles • Greenhouse gases • Office—paper ' , Plastic bottles • The litter from our bins • A lot of trees • Walking to school J Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION 53 0) office paper is recycled into toilet paper. 1) _________________are recycled into supermarket bags. 2) _________________are melted down and made into new glass products. 3) __________________are saved if people recycle their paper. 4) __________________are made out of carbon dioxide, ozone and other gases. ________________is taken to special places. 5) 6) 7) instead of going by car is good for the environment, results from global warming. 2. ОГЯШШЯГ. Make captions to the pictures using the words from the box. r Countable and uncountable nouns There is a glass of water on the table. It is necessary to recycle glass. a glass • glass • a paper • paper • a chocolate • chocolate 'j Ч a fish • fish • a wood • wood / 4 ^ a Glass glass 54 Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION Make up 5 sentences using any of the words above. 3. Grammar. These are some ideas how to “be green”? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You may use them several times. /Г A few and a little Л К Plant a few trees. GS p. 191 J 0) Below are a few ideas. 1) Recycling materials means that greenhouse gases a few a little fewer less energy. are produced. Using old glass to make new glass uses _____________ ________materials and causes__________pollution than making totally new glass. 2) Use_______paper, write on both sides. 3) Choose products with_________chemicals. _______walk instead. It is good for your health and 4) Watch TV. Take for the environment. 5) In some areas there are ___ places for wild plants and animals than there were some years ago. You can make your garden and plant____________flowers. 4. ОгвттДГ. Members of environmental groups can give very useful pieces of advice. What do you think about their suggestions? Rewrite their suggestions to show your attitude (using modal verbs in brackets). /Г hint Modal verbs We mustn’t use a lot of chemicals. GS p. 199 J' 1) 2) 3) 4) Don’t use toxic oven cleaners, (must) To clean the oven use lemon juice instead, (can) Reuse shopping bags to carry products from the shop, (can) Choose a paper bag instead of a plastic one at the grocery shop, (can) 5) Don’t throw away old clothes and toys, (should) 6) Donate your old clothes or toys to people in need, (can) 7) Choose items that are made from recycled material, (should) 8) Walk or ride a bicycle to school, (should) L Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION 55 You mustn't use toxic oven cleaners. 5. ОгЯШШаГ. Put the verbs into correct form (active or passive). f--------- Present Simple Passive Wood is cut into pieces. GS p. 201 “4 J We (0) produce {to produce) a lot of rubbish (= litter) from homes, schools, factories, offices and hospitals. The rubbish (1)______________{to collect). What happens to rubbish when it (2)_________________(fo take) away? The rubbish from our bins (3)_________________{to take) to large holes^ in the , ground (they (4)_______________{to call) landfills). Sometimes they (5)_________________{to make) specially for rubbish. In the landfill hole the rubbish (6) ________________ {to press) using special machinery. Then it (7)________________{to cover) with earth. The problem is that there are fewer and fewer places for new rubbish. Besides, rubbish (8) ____________________ {to cause) environmental damage. Animals and plants (9) More than that, rubbish (10) ______________ {to disturb). ____________ {to stay) in the ground for many years. Many materials, for example, plastic, (11)____________{not to change) for a long time. 6. AVord building'. Put the words into the correct column. f reuse • j repair \ repeat • recreate • recycle • redecorate • remember replace • report • reread • reserve • respect retell • rethink • rewrite Words with the prefix re-reuse = re- + use,__________ Words without prefixes repeat,____________________ 56 * a hole — дыра, яма Unit 4 CONSOLIDATION 7. Grammar. Here is some information about the most popular national park in the USA. Fill in the article the where necessary. /Г hirit Л К Article with geographical names The Everglades is in Florida (the USA). GS p. 189 (0) — Great Smoky Mountains National Park covers the area in two states (1) ____ North Carolina and (2) ____ Tennessee. It is the most visited national park in (3) _____ America. (4)_____Great Smoky Mountains are a small part of (5)_Appalachian Mountains, but they are the tallest. (6) _ Clingmans Dome is the highest peak in the park. Large and smaller waterfalls are found on nearly every river in the park. Small rivers carry their water to (7)___Mississippi River and further in (8)____Gulf of Mexico. Rivers and (9)______Fontana Lake offer boating and fishing. The idea of creating a national park in (10) Smokies started in the 1890s. Now the Park offers a lot of activities to enjoy. The hardest part is choosing which tour, waterfall or historic area to explore. Lesson 7 TEST YOURSELF о LISTENING COMPREHENSION _ ■ •> И EL You will hear a story about Jonathan. He is a ranger (looks after the countryside). For questions 1—7, write T (if the statement is true), F (if it is false) and U (if it is unstated). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Jonathon has visited 12 parks. He was happy to meet an animal in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He saw a mother bear in Yellowstone National Park. Jonathon swam in the rivers or lakes of the parks. In his favourite park, Jonathon travelled with his parents. His favourite park is Yellowstone. Jonathon likes to share what he learned about the parks with other people. Unit 4 57 TEST YOURSELF 58 Your score 7 6—5 4-3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 о READING COMPREHENSION S EL Read the article Wilderness Bob by Janelle Gray. For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer (a, b, or c). At 3:30 one morning in July 1932 a man named Bob Marshall went to climb as many peaks in the Adirondack Mountains as he could in one day. Bob Marshall loved to walk and he loved to write after that. He loved facts, too. He knew that he’d climbed 13,600 feet that day. He kept statistics on everything. But most of all. Bob Marshall loved wilderness — natural lands with no houses, roads,* or towns. When he wasn’t walking in the wilderness, he was working to save it. By the time he died, at the age of thirty-eight, he had written important books and articles on the protection of nature, he had helped to form the Wilderness Society, a group that works to protect wild lands. Today, a great area of wilderness in Montana, where he often walked, is called the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. Robert “Bob” Marshall was born on January 2nd, 1901. When Bob was fifteen years old, he climbed his first mountain. Every summer after that, he and his brother explored the Adirondack forests. Bob always wanted to be a forester. His dream came true. He worked in Montana and Idaho, where he met a grizzly bear. He lived in Alaska for over a year. There he explored on foot and by boat; he went to all-night dances with the Eskimos. Then he wrote a book called Arctic Village. He got money for the book and shared it with the villagers (each person got $18). In the 1930s roads appeared across wild lands. People cut down forests. Bob Marshall thought that forests were also to enjoy. In a magazine article he explained why some lands should stay wild. He wrote the rules that didn’t let people build on many wild lands, and he also worked to make picnic grounds and ski areas to bring people from cities to the beauties of the wilderness. 1 One of Bob Marshall’s achievements was a climbing a 13,600-feet tall mountain, b building roads across America. C starting an environmental group. 2 While Bob Marshall was living in Alaska he a paid money to people there. b met a grizzly bear. C collected a lot of facts about life there. 3 The Bob Marshall Wilderness Area is a place a where Bob was born. b where Bob liked to walk, c where Bob wrote his books. * a road — дорога Unit 4 TEST YOURSELF Bob Marshall wanted people a to write magazine articles about wildlife, b to enjoy the beautiful wild places, c to learn to ski in the beautiful mountains. The main aim of Bob Marshall’s life was a to write books about nature, b to protect wild lands, c to climb mountains. Your score 5 4 3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Eli Огашшаг. неге is an article about animal world of Florida. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs (active or passive). There is an example (0) at the beginning. Florida (0) has {to have) a lot of wildlife. A lot of animals (1)__________ {to find) in and around Florida. Some animals (2) ________________ (to protect). Special care (3) ______________ (to take) of the manatee, bald eagle, sea turtle, and porpoise. Unit 4 59 TEST YOURSELF The manatee is a large sea animal. It isn’t afraid of people and often (4)_______________(to play) with swimmers. Bald eagles (5) _____________ (to like) the Florida climate, but when people (6) ______________ (to build) more houses, eagles (7) ______________ (to have) fewer places to build their homes. The Miami Audubon Society (8)______________ (to take) care of eagles if they (9)____________(to hurt). Sea turtles (10)______________(to have) a special place on Hutchinson Island, where their babies can grow. Babies (11)_____________(to protect) until they can swim out to sea. Porpoises (12)______________(to catch) into large fishing nets. These fishlike animals (13)______________(to find) in the wild, but they also (14)___________ (to do) tricks in shows around the world. They (15) ____________ ____________ (to use) in many projects. Porpoises are playful animals, people can ride on their backs. 2. В Vocabulary. Read about national parks. Choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill each gap (1—7). There is an example (0) at the beginning. National Parks are special places on (0) Earth . They (1)__________a large area. Some parks (2)______________mountains and rivers. Others (3)____________ homes for plans and animals. A lot of people visit national parks every year. Some choose the closest park, others go to the places that are (4)_______________away. But in every park the (5) ______________is very special. People learn about the important role of each bird, tree and flower in the (6)_____________. They also learn the (7)_________ plants may (8) protected. It (9)_____________ importance of protecting ___, because some animals and ______________if they are not is good when people are about nature around them. 0 (a) Earth b world C nature 1 a appear b cover c support 2 a protect b discover c help 3 a appear b cover c provide 4 a over b far C through 5 a wildlife b pollution c air 6 a Earth b nature reserve c environment 7 a ponds b nature c babies 8 a disappear b disturb c destroy 9 a close b in charge c concerned Your score 24-22 21-18 17—12 11 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 60 Unit 4 TEST YOURSELF о WRITING EijWhat can you do to protect the environment? Here is a part of a British boy’s letter who answers this question: t rr'r'f c r f r f r i t ... To save energy / try not to watch 71/ mach. /!nd / ase the compnter only if / need it to do my homework. What do уои do to protect the environment? \ Write your answer to the question (100 words). \ t t f i t i i f I t t' e l i i О CULTURAL AWARENESS How much do you know about British and American culture? Answer the questions. 1) What are the three Rs?________________________________ 2) What are the two aims of national parks? 3) What was the first national park in the world? Unit 4 TEST YOURSELF 61 4) What is the aim of a nature reserve? П 62 5) What environmental groups/organisations do you know? Your score 5 4 3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S I can read and understand: • articles and stories about nature; • letters about ecological problems and environmental activities. ВЯ I can understand: • what people do to save the Earth; • what people are worried about. I can: • describe ecological problems in my home place; • express my opinion about ecological problems; • describe what is done in my family, school to save nature; • retell stories about national parks; • say that I am worried about something. Eii I can write: • about environmental problems; • about protecting the environment. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Present Simple Passive • articles with geographical names Unit 4 TEST YOURSELF Учебные умения Не умею Умею • выбрать значение многозначного слова • определять связи внутри текста с помощью союзов и союзных слов • построить высказывание по образцу • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: Unit 4 63 TEST YOURSELF Unit 5 Are you happy with your friends? Lesson 1 1. Vocabulary. Answer the following questions about your friends. Use the words in brackets. 0) Can you ask your friends for advice if you have any problems? (turn to my friends) Yes, I can. I can (always) turn to my friends for advice if I hove some problems._ 1) Is your friend always ready to help you? (be there for) 2) Do you spend a lot of time together with you friends? (often get together) 3) Do you argue with your friends? (fall out) 4) How soon are you friends again after an argument? (make up) 5) Do you want to start a friendship with your new classmates? (make friends) 64 Unit 5 Lesson 1 6) Can you rely on your friends? (true friends) 7) Do you think you will always be friends with your best friend? (last forever) 2. Vocabulary. Translate from Russian into English. Make up word combinations from the words in the two boxes. * to be (x2) • to keep • to betray • to make (x2) • to fall ' to rely • to get • to turn • to have ) ^^щштт^ш,^шттт^тввттт^^ттт»тт^шттт,т^^т,^,т^^тт^тт^тштт^ттт»^тш^ттш»ттшттт^ш,^^ ^ true friends • up • together • out over little things • me • there for me ' ^ a sense of • secrets • to me for help • friends with • on them ^ 0) Я подружился со своими лучшими друзьями 3 года назад. I made friends with my best friends 3 years ago.___________________________ 1) Мы часто собираемся вместе. 2) Иногда мы ссоримся из-за пустяков, но быстро миримся. 3) У моих друзей хорошее чувство юмора. 4) Они умеют хранить секреты. 5) Они всегда готовы прийти мне на помощь. 6) Мои друзья тоже всегда могут обратиться за помощью ко мне. 7) Они мои преданные друзья, и я всегда могу на них положиться. 8) Я думаю, что они никогда меня не предадут. Unit 5 З^Кузовлев, 7 кл., раб. т. _ 65 Lesson 1 'll ■' ■ft ч I i 1 .к i s 4 J Lesson 2 1. 1) Fill in the gaps with who/that/which. Give two variants where it is possible. iT hixits=xc Relative clauses with who/that/which My friend is a person who is always there for me. {подлежащее) К GS p. 205 66 0) I want to have a pen friend who/that lives in another country. 1) “Friendship is like a song __________ is made to sing. Friendship is a doing thing.” 2) I’d like to make friends with Peter________________has a wonderful sense of humour. 3) I really feel sorry for Ellen__________ pets, either. 4) Friendship is a thing _________________ to keep. 5) Bracelets of friendship are the things with someone. 6) I can always rely on Jane _____________ friends. is friendless and hasn’t got any is easy to start but difficult __________show you to be friends is one of my childhood ______________ has been 7) I want to start up a friendship with my ex-friend Jimmy_____ my friend for three years. 8) It is easy to mix with people ___________________ are really friendly and sociable. 2) Vocabulary. Write out words and word combinations which mean the following: друг no переписке__________________________________________________________ подружиться________________________________________________________________ начинать (дружеские отношения/дружбу)______________________________________ поддерживать (дружеские отношения/дружбу)__________________________________ быть друзьями______________________________________________________________ возобновить дружбу дружелюбный_______ дружба____________ быть без друзей друзья детства _ бывший друг_____ Unit 5 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 1. Peter is the main character in the book Superfudge by Judy Blume. 1) Look through the short extract from the story and make captions to the pictures according to the example. r ж Relative clauses with who/that/which My friend is a person (who) I can always rely on. (дополнение) ^Myfnendisapersonwhoisalwaysthereforme^(n^^^ra^e^ 1 GS p. 205 '^J Peter: Just look what I won at Jimmy Fargo’s birthday party. I’ve already named him ... Dribble! Mum: I’m not going to take care of him! Peter: Of course you are not. He’s MY turtle. And I’m the one who’s going to take care of him. Mum: Are you going to feed him and all that? Peter: Yes! And I’m going to make him happy! 0) This is Jimmy Fargo who had a birthday party. 1) This is Peter birthday party. a turtle at Jimmy Fargo’s 2) This is the turtle named Dribble. 3) Look at Peter’s mum Dribble. 4) Have a look at Dribble to feed and all that. 5) Peter likes Dribble to make happy. 2) Circle the number of sentences in which the word that/who or which can be left out. Unit 5 3* 67 ^ Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. Write it right . Write a letter to a children’s newspaper to find a foreign pen friend (100 words). Remember to describe yourseif/your classmates/your friends. \ r f r I ^ * f * r r r i i i Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to your newspaper to tell you that I’d like to make friends with someone from another country. I’m looking for an English-speaking pupil who I could write letters to in English. Let me tell you something about myself: I’m really looking forward to hearing from someone who would like to be my pen friend. Lesson 5 1. Claudia, Mary Ann, Stacey and Christie are talking about a thing for the four of them to do together. Complete their conversation with the phrases that fit from the word box. Three phrases are extra. 0) Claudia: "Why don't we ride bicycles to the shopping centre?" (suggests riding bicycles to the shopping centre) 1) Stacey and Christie: _______________________________ '______________________________________(agree) 2) Mary Ann: ________________________ (suggests buying some new cakes) 3) Claudia: _________________________ (is not against doing it) 4) Stacey: ________________ (suggests going to the cinema) 5) Mary Ann and Christie: ___________ (are ready to do it) 68 Unit 5 Lesson 5 6) Claudia: (suggests buying a film for Stacey’s DVD and watching it) 7) The girls: (are happy to do it) How about ...? OK. • Sure. < We’d be happy I I know how to ride a bicycle. • It sounds boring. We could also ... • We might as well to do it. • What do you mean by “new” cakes? Why don’t we ... • Why not? CONSOLIDATION 1. Vocabulary. Here is Kelly’s letter about her friends at an international school. 1) Fill in the gaps with the words that fit. I with • on (x2) • out • up • together • for (x3) • to • about • to I In my class there are children who belong (0) _to^ different religions. I make friends (1)_______all of them. Usually we get (2)________well. Sometimes we fall (3)_________ over little things but we make (4) quickly. We often get (5) and have a good laugh because we all have a good sense of humour. My friends are always there (6) me when I’m upset. They are loyal and I can always rely (7) ________them. And I am ready to help them, too, if they turn (8)_______me (9)_______help or advice. We care (10) one another and I’m sure that they will never betray me whatever happens. 2) Write out phrasal verbs from the letter and translate them. 2. СГЭШШЯГ. Read and find the sentences with mistakes. Underline the mistakes and correct them. 0) 1) 2) 3) Most my friends are also my classmates. Most of all I like to play with my pets. Most of friends we have are our classmates. I have learnt something very important about friends and friendship. Don’t worry; nothing bad has happened to your friend. Cassie and I both go to dance classes and music lessons. We both are good at dancing and singing. 7) We get both good marks in English and Literature. Most my friends 4) 5) 6) Unit 5 CONSOLIDATION *1 69 3. П Grammar. Tick («^) the correct variant in the following pairs of sentences. b. J f have & have got I have/have got a friend. BUT: We have fun together. GS p. 196 a I have got a lot of pen friends, b I have a lot of pen friends, a We have fun each time we get together, b We have got fun each time we get together, a Has your teacher got a sense of humour? b Does your teacher have a sense of humour? a She has got dance classes twice a week, b She has dance classes twice a week, a I hope I will have got new friends at a new school, b I hope I will have new friends at a new school, a We hadn’t any new pupils in our class last year, b We didn’t have any new pupils in our class last year, a Did you have any problems with your classmates last year? b Had you any problems with your classmates last year? a Will you have English next year? b Will you have got English next year? a Do you have lunch at school? b Have you got lunch at school? 4. Grammar. What do you think of friends and friendship? Answer the questions below and leave out that/who or which where it is possible. 4 J r Relative clauses with who/that/which К My friend is a person (who) I can always rely on. (дополнение) My friend is a person who is always there for me. (подлежащее) Л GS p. 205^ 0) Do people from other countries who want to make friends with people from your country need specific advice? People from other countries who want to make friends with people from my country need specific advice. 1) Was there anything that your friends did and it showed them your true friends? 70 Unit 5 CONSOLIDATION 2) Did you have a funny experience which you shared with your best friend? 3) Is your mother a person who you can discuss all your problems with? 4) Who is that person that you can rely on if you have a problem? 5) Do you think that friendship is a feeling which can disappear at any moment? 6) Do you agree that friends are people who can make you happy? 7) Are you sure that all your friends are people who you can share bad times with? Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION - -i-* BBEL Frankie calls his friend Tony over the telephone. Listen to the conversation and mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Frankie calls Tony to invite him to visit him. Tony is going to meet Frankie at the station in New York. Frankie is going to come at the weekend. Tony has got a lot of friends in Rosemont where he lives now. Tony and Frankie lived in the same city some time ago. Tony’s mother wants Tony to spend time with his new friends. Tony’s father says that old friends are better than the new ones. Your score 7 6-5 4-3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 5 TEST YOURSELF - i1 ¥ tl ..-1 ' :r N ■A -.3 ■ M 71 о READING COMPREHENSION SgL Here is an extract from the story Under a Spreading Chestnut Tree about Henry Longfellow, a popular American poet, and his friends. Read the story and mark the statements 1—9T (true), F (false) or U (unstated). 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) ______ Henry Longfellow worked at Cambridge University. ______ Every day Henry Longfellow walked to see a large chestnut tree. ______ Longfellow wrote a poem under the chestnut tree. ______ Longfellow was a person who visited a lot of popular people every day. ______Henry Longfellow made friends with popular and not-so-popular neighbours. ______ Children raised money for making an armchair from the chestnut tree’s wood. ______ The book, which Longfellow’s friends gave him as a present, had his name. ______ Longfellow wrote a poem From My Armchair because he wanted to say '‘Thank you” to the children. ______When the children who had donated money visited him, Longfellow wrote them new poems. Henry Longfellow lived on Brattle Street in Cambridge and worked at Harvard University. Every day when he walked to work he went by a large chestnut tree. Longfellow admired the tree so much that one day he decided to write a poem “The Village Blacksmith”^ which became one of his most famous poems. Longfellow was a very popular person who a lot of people visited every day. Among these people were Charles Dickens and Pedro II, the emperor® of Brazil who Longfellow wrote to in Portuguese. But there were also not-so-famous neighbours, especially the children. The city of Cambridge grew and townspeople decided to cut down the chestnut tree, which Longfellow made famous. Longfellow’s neighbours and friends decided to make an armchair for Longfellow from the tree’s wood. Seven hundred children donated money to pay for the chair. They gave the armchair to Longfellow on his seventy-second birthday on February 27, 1879. They also gave him a book that had the names of all the children who had contributed. Longfellow was happy with his birthday present. He put the chair in his study and showed it to his visitors. Longfellow wanted to thank the children and wrote a poem, “From My Armchair”. When one of the children ----------1 72 * Under a Spreading Chestnut Tree ... — «Под развесистым каштаном...» ^ “The Village Blacksmith” — «Деревенский кузнец» ^ an emperor — император Unit 5 TEST YOURSELF who had contributed to the chair came to visit him, Longfellow let the child sit in the armchair and gave him or her a copy of the poem “From My Armchair”. (after Carol H. Horowitz) Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. EL ОгдШШЯГ. Choose the correct variant in brackets and underline it. In three sentences two variants are possible. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0) A sense of humour is a thing (that/which) is very important in a friend. 1) The time (which/that) friends spend together helps to keep their friendship strong. 2) Some people choose friends (who/which) are much like themselves. 3) A person (who/ -) does not like you just doesn’t know you very well. 4) Friends are people (who/with whom) we share both good and bad times with. 5) Friendliness is a feeling (which/that) shows that one person has interest in another person. 6) All (that/-) we can do for our friends we must do. 7) Everything (which/ -) we know about our friends we should not tell anyone else. 8) Our friendship is a feeling (of which/of that) I’m sure. 2. S Vocabulary. Put S if the following pairs of sentences are similar and D if they are different. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0) He’s a trustworthy person. D He can always rely on me. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) He’ll never betray me. He’s loyal and trustworthy. I often ask him to help me. I always turn to him for help. When I am upset and need my friend’s help, he is always there for me. My friend is always somewhere when I’m upset and need his help. We often spend a lot of time together. _____ We often get together. We have been friends with Nick for three years. Our friendship with Nick lasts three years. I make friends quickly. _______ I make up with my friends quickly. I am sure that my friends will never betray me. I am sure that my friends are true friends. My best friend Kitty will never tell anyone what I have told her. My best friend Kitty can keep secrets. Sometimes we fall out over little things. ____ Sometimes we argue about/over little things. Your score 17—16 15-13 12—9 8 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 5 73 L TEST YOURSELF a Л a 4 i 1 ..Л 1 4 I .ij ■1 й i ..jj 2 о WRITING If you have a good friend and if you want to show off your friendship, write about your best friend(s) to the TEEN Back-to-School Special magazine (100 words). Don’t forget to say why you’re best friends. 74 О CULTURAL AWARENESS Бк Which of the statements below do you agree with? 1) International schools have the same aims in different countries. 2) Cross-cultural projects are important for making foreign friends. 3) A twinned school is one and the same thing in any country. 4) Friendship is a universal thing: a true friend is a true friend anywhere. 5) There are not very many cultural differences in the way people start and keep friendships. 6) Friends in different cultures/countries usually have the same problems. 7) People in different cultures think the same about friends and friendship. Ф SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S I can read and understand: • children’s letters, poems, diary notes about friends and friendship; • short stories about friends. ВЯ I can understand: • what people say about their friends and friendship. Unit 5 TEST YOURSELF Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent I can: • tell about my best friends; • tell about problems friends can have; • tell about friends and friendship; • ask and answer questions about friends and friendship; • make suggestions and say that I am ready to do sh; • retell other people’s stories about cross-cultural experiences. Si I can write: • a short letter about my friends; • a letter to a newspaper. И:* 4:1 а X. ■М .'3 ■■->1 Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • structures characterizing people and things with who/that/which Учебные умения Не умею Умею • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником • построить высказывание по образцу • переводить с русского языка на английский • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • выбрать значение многозначного слова • кратко излагать содержание текста Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: Unit 5 75 TEST YOURSELF Unit 6 What is best about your country? Lesson 1 1. In your culture. / Vocabulary. Here are a few facts and opinions about some items in Russian culture. Fill in the gaps with the words that fit in the correct form from the box. You can use the words only once. * to be around • a character • to include • an item • to pack ' \ te—recognize • to represent • significant • a type of / 0) St Petersburg is recognized as the second capital of Russia. 1) Red Square is one of the most_____________icons of Russia. 2) Red Square best ______________ Russia because it makes everyone feel the 76 past and present of this country. Unit 6 Lesson 1 3) Each day the Obraztsov Puppet Theatre see its performances. 4) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is other country. with people who come to _____ clock you cannot find in any 5) The Obraztsov Puppet Theatre clock is decorated with folk tale for a hundred of wonderful collections 6) The circus artist school in Russia _________________ years. 7) The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts_____________________ of items from different countries. 8) The Museum of the History of Moscow has more than one million _____________________________: documents, maps, rare books, manuscripts and other publications. Unit 6 Lesson 1 77 Reading lesson cii Ч e. / Vocabulary . How would you characterize the following « I • items? Fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the correct positions and in the correct order. A 78 .JMG LESSON 0) Foreign tourists often buy becmtiful briqhtly-coloi/ired matryoshka dolls, (beautiful/ brightly-coloured) 1) 1 live in a______________________________________village on the river Volga, (quiet/ small) 2) The Kremlin Cup is a__________________________________________tournament, (popular/ tennis) 3) Ice hockey is a_________________ Russian/winter) 4) In the Hermitage there is an____ life-size/wax) 5) As a souvenir from Russia, I advise you to buy a___ platok. (beautiful/woolen) 6) Come to Russia on Shrovetide (Maslennitsa). It is a in Russia, {merry/traditional) 7) It is interesting to collect _______ dolls in _____ soft) (different/national) game that has a lot of true fans, (popular/ _____figure of Peter the Great, {impressive/ ____________Pavlovsky ______________holiday ____ costumes, (small/ Lesson 2 1. What are some children’s opinions on toys and games that are popular in Great Britain? Write the following statements according to the example. МГОГГ)-^ hirii :,тза: Adjective + infinitive This game is interesting {for children) to play. GS p. 203 0) “Little Bundies’Vvery nice/buy as a present/for your relatives and friends. "Little Bundies" are very nice to buy as a present for your relatives and friends._ 1) “Chemistry Lab 200”/very interesting/make experiments/with. 2) For most children/an original Barbie doll/impossible/buy/because it costs $8,000! 3) Electric scooters/fun/easy/ride! 4) The Fur Real pets/funny/play/with. 5) Water yo-yos/not safe/use! Unit 6 Lesson 2 79 I г ^ t 6) Nintendog/good/help/you/learn/how to look after dogs. 7) Gogo’s Crazy Bones, tiny plastic figures,/fun/collect/play/with/and swap. 80 Unit 6 Lesson 2 2. Here are some most popular things in Great Britain. What do the British think about them? Answer the question according to the example. Google is cosy to use!_______________________________________ 5 MemetSnwsei oeg)i BBC TV programmes Sony TV sets Nescafe Gold coffee Colgate toothpaste Coca-Cola Nike sports shoes Easy to use! • Pleasant to drink on a hot sunny day! Very interesting for people of all ages to watch. Comfortable to play sports in. • Nice to drink in the morning. Good for adults and children to protect teeth. Unhealthy to drink. • Comfortable to wear! Not expensive for every family to buy. • Interesting to watch. Lesson 3 1. Write it right. Look through the examples of what some people think to be the best or most popular in Russia (AB Lesson 1, ex. 1; Reading lesson, ex. 1). Express YOUR opinion about the people’s choice. Give your own examples and reasons (100 words). Unit 6 4—Кузовлев, 7 кл., раб. т. 81 Lesson 3 h Lesson 4 t Robert: 5 . Julia: - Robert: 6 iL Julia: i • Robert: 7 Julia: Л Robert: V r 82 1. Julia, a Russian tourist, is talking to her pen friend Robert, who lives in London. Choose the best variant (a, b, or c) to make up a dialogue between Julia and Robert. Robert: 1 What would you like to see next, Julia? Julia: a I’d like to see another piece of street furniture. b I’ll see it next time. Robert: 2 Let’s start with something interesting in this street. Julia: a What shall we start with? b OK. Robert: 3 Let’s find and have a good look at a telephone box. Julia: a Yes, it seems just fine. b Do you mean the famous red telephone box? Robert: 4 Yes, one of those that Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed in the 1920s. Let’s have a look at that one over there! Julia: a Why not? b Really? That’s wonderful! If you want to call, there are hundreds of telephone boxes for you. a That’s very good! b I want to know more about telephone boxes. We might as well go to the British Postal Museum to learn more about it. a It’s just what I wanted, b I know something about it. Why don’t we go there tomorrow? a I’d be happy to do it! b I’m sorry but I’ve got a question. Agreed! CONSOLIDATION 1. Ask or answer questions about the following toys and gadgets’ according to the example. /Г ыГ0гг)^г>0'( Adjective + infinitive This game is interesting (for children) to play. Is this game interesting {for children) to play? V GS p. 203 _______J ^ a gadget ['gaectjit] — техническая новинка Unit 6 CONSOLIDATION 00) It is easy to use a notebook! Is a notebook easy to use?____ 0) It is easy to use a mobile phone. A mobile phone is easy to use. 1) It’s impossible to live without modern mobile phones. 2) It’s comfortable to keep all my favourite music on MP3 players. 3) It is interesting to learn with telescopes or chemistry sets. 4) The electric scooters are fun because it is easy to ride them. 4* Unit 6 CONSOLIDATION 83 I 5) It is interesting for little kids to talk to Barney dinosaur and to play with him! 6) It is pleasant to listen to Barney dinosaur because he can sing 17 songs! Why___________________________________________________________________? 7) The Fur Real pets are good to understand how to look after animals. 2. ОгяШШаГ. What are the reasons that make the following toys and games popular? Choose the correct variant and circle your choice. The Monopoly board game is named (0) (ше be^Vbest game of the last 100 years in Great Britain. It has been around (1) for/since 40 years. Every year the Monopoly championship is organised. The (2) longer/longest match lasted two months. ^■4 #4 Lyubasha, Polina and Tanyusha are (3) the/— Russian dolls in traditional folk costumes of (4) the/— Tula and Smolensk regions. They are the type of (5) the/— dolls that people like collecting. 84 At the London Toy Fair there were hundreds of (6) the/— new toys and games but the electric scooters were the best. I for one want (7) one/the first for Christmas this year. Unit 6 Gogo’s Crazy Bones is one of (8) the most/ most popular toy games in Great Britain. Crazy Bones are small plastic figures which are exciting (9) to/for play games with, collect and swap. There are four hundred (10) of/— CONSOLIDATION Bones in five colours. All Crazy Bones, including five rare (11) ones/one, have individual characters. Crazy Bones have become very popular and (12) for/since the beginning of the year UK shops have sold millions (13) of/— packets of the little toys. 3. Read the text about Agatha Christie’s world records and choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps. Two world records (0) belong to Agatha Christie: more than two milliard (1)_________in 45 languages and the longest-running play. The Mousetrap} Agatha Christie is one of the best-loved writers and she has (2)________true (3)________all over the a new world record. world. Agatha Christie (4) _ At the end of 2008, Cromwell Press in Wiltshire^ (5)________The Complete Miss Marple^ book. Miss Marple is one of the most famous (6) ____________ created by Agatha Christie. Miss Marple is an old lady, she doesn’t look like a professional (7)_____ but she is very smart and can compete easily with any professional. The Complete Miss Marple book (8) _____________ 12 novels and 20 short stories. The book has 4,000 pages and its (9)______is almost 8 kg. There are only 500 (10)______of the book. The people who created the book think that it’s not just a new Agatha Christie’s world record it (11) __________ a technical achievement and a thing of (12)________. 0 а have b go (C) belong to 1 а books b manuscripts c copies 2 а millions b millions of c million 3 а books b fans c characters 4 а set b had c did 5 а recognized b included c produced 6 а characters b books c publications 7 а detective b writer c one 8 а includes b represents c collects 9 а weight b weighs c size 10 а manuscripts b readers c copies 11 а both b is both c both is 12 а beauty b past c proud ^ the longest-running play The Mousetrap — самый долго идущий спектакль по произведению А. Кристи «Мышеловка» 2 Cromwell Press in Wiltshire ['wil^a] — название издательства ® The Complete Miss Marple — «Полное собрание сочинений о мисс Марпл» Unit 6 85 CONSOLIDATION и 4. Read about some popular items in British culture and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Tenses It has been around for many years. It started to work in 2000. Tourists visit Blackpool every autumn. The book is written by Agatha Christie. 1 Present Perfect Active Simple Past Active Simple Present Active Simple Present Passive GS p. 197, 201 J The Beano (0) {to be) the second longest-running comics in Great Britain. The Beano (1)_____________{to be around) for 70 years. The Beano is so popular that it (2)______{to have) its own park Beanoland which (3)________{to open) in 2000. British roast beef (4) {to be) at the centre of the English national history for more than two hundred years. British roast beef and Yorkshire pudding (5)_________{to become) a true symbol of the English nation. 86 Unit 6 CONSOLIDATION Morris dancing (6) British people (7)___ ____(to be) a traditional English type of folk dancing which ______(to dance) for hundreds of years. Morris dancing is part of the May Day celebrations that (8)___________(to organise) in Britain every year. Blackpool (9) _______________ (to be) interesting to visit in autumn when at night there is a special illuminated performance. The first Routemaster double-decker (10) _________________(to appear) in the 1950s. Because of different reasons, in 2005 Routemaster buses (11)_____________ (to start) to disappear from London streets. Today, there are only few Routemaster double-decker buses which (12)____________(to take) tourists to most famous sights of London. People (13)_________________________(to buy and transform) the double- deckers into bars, homes, and restaurants. Fish and chips (14) ______________(to be) the British favourite dish since the days of Queen Victoria. The first fish and chip shop (15)______________(to open) in London in 1860. Lesson 7 TEST YOURSELF О LISTENING COMPREHENSION There are different reasons why people prefer one thing to another. You will hear Paul and Linda talking about popular and not so popular items. For questions 1 —5, tick the correct column. One statement is extra. You will hear the recording twice. Statements Linda Paul 1) A popular thing always means “a good thing”. 2) It is interesting to read books about Harry Potter. 3) A lot of children can’t do without Harry Potter books and films. 4) It is exciting to play with Gogo’s Crazy Bones. 5) My classmates have got collections of pleistic figures. Your score 5 4 3 2 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF 87 о READING COMPREHENSION BiThe Royal Mail has a long and interesting history. Read the text. For questions 1—10, choose the best answer (a, b, or c). The Royal Mail is the national postal service' of the United Kingdom, which collects and delivers letters. Letters are posted in red pillar boxes or post boxes, also called letter boxes. Postmen also deliver mail each morning direct‘d to homes or offices. In the countryside they travel round in vans, but in towns and villages they ride bicycles. There are 35,000 Royal Mail bikes and the distance postmen travel by b ikes each year is the same as going to the Moon and back again 200 times! □ I Post Brenhinol Royal Mail 88 ' service — служба ^ direct — прямо, непосредственно Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF The Royal Mail delivers 84 million items every working day and has more than 14,000 post offices. Every year the British send one billion letters to other countries. The Royal Mail has a long and interesting history. It has been around since the days of Henry VIII. The Royal Mail appeared in 1516. In 1635 King Charles I opened the Royal Mail to the public. Post boys who worked for the Royal Mail carried letters, riding on horses. In 1784, fast coaches started to carry the mail. In the 1830s, coaches disappeared because of the arrival of the railways. In those days a person who got a letter had to pay for it and a postman had to wait to the collect money. The cost was high, a postman’s visit was often unwelcome, and many people didn’t want to pay. In 1840 Rowland Hill suggested a postal reform, according to which the one who sent a letter had to pay a penny for it no matter how far the distance travelled. Thanks to Rowland Hill, on May 6, 1840, Penny Black, the world’s first postal stamp, appeared. Penny Black cost one penny and had a picture of Queen Victoria on it. It was the first stamp in the world and that is why there was no word “Britain” on it. Penny Blacks are now quite rare. Today, British stamps do not have the country’s name on them either and British people rely on the Royal Mail as much as they did hundreds of years ago. If you want to learn more about the Royal Mail you can visit the British Postal Museum and Archives in London or the Postal Museum in Bath. They both tell you about the Royal Mail and its significant place in history. In the Royal Mail Archives one can also find information on family members who worked in the postal service. In the Postal Museum in Bath you can see working machines, a life-size Victorian post office and a children’s activities room. 8 The Royal Mail a collects and delivers letters. b collects letters. C delivers letters. In the UK you can see a three types of boxes for posting letters, b two types of boxes for posting letters, c one type of boxes under three different names. Nowadays in the UK postmen usually deliver mail using a bicycles and coaches. b bicycles and vans. c coaches and railways. Postmen also deliver mail direct to a offices every working day. b offices and homes every working day. c homes every working day. One billion letters are a posted by British people every year, b delivered by British postmen every day. c sent by British people to other countries. The Royal Mail has been around since the days of a Henry VIII. b King Charles I. c Queen Victoria. The Royal Mail opened to the public in a 1516. b 1635. c 1784. Before 1840 people a paid for the letters they sent. b paid for the letters they got. c did not pay for the letters they sent or got. Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF 89 9 The Penny Black was the first and the only postal stamp in the world, that is why it a had no word “Britain” on it. b was very rare. c had a picture of Queen Victoria and the name of the country on it. 10 In the Postal Museum in Bath visitors can see a a life-size figure of Queen Victoria. b a life-size post office from the days of Queen Victoria. C life-size figures of members of a family who worked for the Royal Mail in the past. Your score 10 9-8 7—5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) Г1 l~_ I • 1. в Grammar. Rewrite the sentences below in a different way. Make all necessary changes. There is an example (0) for you at the beginning. 0) It’s dangerous to swim in Loch Ness! Loch Ness is dangerous to swim in.____________________________________________ 1) It’s exciting to watch May Day celebrations! 2) Is it easy to choose May Queen? ______________________________________________________________________________? 3) It’s not difficult to make a bracelet of friendship! 4) Is it interesting to take part in cross-cultural projects? ? 5) It’s not easy to win the Wimbledon CUP Final. 6) It is not healthy for little children to play computer games. 2, EL ^OCabula.ry. Read about Hamleys, the Museum of London and the Museum of the History of Moscow. Circle the correct variant. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Hamleys is one of (0) ftlm largesp/largest toy shops in the world. It (1) has been around/has been since 1760. Its seven floors are packed (2) with/in toys, toys and toys! Here you can buy any type of (3) tov/a toy you like. There are (4) thousands of/thousands cars, computer games, soft toys, teddy bears, dolls, and what not. 90 Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF The Museum of London is (5) recognized/recognized as one of the largest city museums in the world. Few museums have (6) collections/publications of items as the Museum of London has. Almost every item that illustrates London’s central place in the life of the country is (7) represented/packed here. The Museum (8) includes/imagines different items: costume, photographs, glass, furniture, manuscripts and other publications. The (9) symbol /character of the Museum is Dick Whittington, a real historical (10) detective/figure. The Museum of the History of Moscow, which opened in 1896, shows (11) the significant/an intelligent role of Moscow in the history of the country. The Museum (12) includes/supposes more than one million (13) items/copies: costume, textiles, photographs, glass and furniture. The museum has different types of collections (14) like/as archaeological, postcards, plans and maps and others. Your score 20—19 18—15 14—10 9 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф. WRITING EL Write about three most popular items which, in your opinion, can be the icons of Russia. Give reasons (100 words). О CULTURAL AWARENESS EL Search for the names of popular British items in the crossword below and write them out in the space provided. 1) a small house typical for the British countryside____________________________ 2) a British seaside resort famous for its Tower________________________________ Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF 91 3) а popular name of the London Underground__________________ 4) one of the four great world tennis championships played on grass 5) a product Cadbury’s is famous for_____________________ 6) one of the pieces of street furniture the red in colour 7) a bus with two floors (a double-decker)_______________ 8) the capital of Wales__________________________________ 9) a traditional festival of music, singing and poetry in Wales 10) a traditional five-line funny poem____________ 11) a popular ornament in a British cottage garden R 0 U T E M A S T E R C A R D I F F T и В E W I M В L E D 0 N C 0 E I s T E D D F 0 D T P I L L A R В 0 X E T В L A C К P 0 0 L M A C H 0 C 0 L A T E 0 G L I M E R I C к G N E Your score 11 10—8 7-6 5 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent Si can read and understand: • opinions about British most popular items and best-selling products; • short stories about best/most popular items in Britain. 92 Unit 6 TEST YOURSELF Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent ИI can understand: • what people say about icons of Britain; • children’s opinions on their favourite items/best-selling products; • questions about popular items. I can: • talk about the reasons why my friends or I like sth; • ask/answer questions about popular items; • express my opinion on different items; • say that I am ready to do sth. EL I can write: • about popular items/best-selling products in my country. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • grammar structure (adjective infinitive) to characterize people and things Учебные умения Не умею Умею • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником • построить высказывание по образцу • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • выбрать значение многозначного слова • различать относительные и качественные прилагательные (opinion/fact adjectives) • определять порядок следования прилагательных перед существительным Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult; Unit 6 93 TEST YOURSELF 94 Unit 7 Do you have an to follow? r Lesson 1 1. In your culture. / Grammar. What are these people famous for? Use the article where necessary. hint \ Articles Elizabeth II became Queen in 1952. Petr Kapitza was a great scientist. Richard the Lionhearted ruled England in the 12th century. Ричард Львиное Сердце правил ... GS р. 189 0) Grigory Oster is _a_ popular children’s writer. ____Children and adults like his books of funny advice. 1) Svyatoslav Fedorov was________wonderful eye doctor, he treated_______serious eye diseases. 2) Yuri Bashmet is_________famous musician. His concerts take place in__________ best concert halls. 3) Sergei Korolev was ________ great engineer and _____ scientist. His ideas are still very important for_______space engineers. 4) Ilya Repin was ______ great Russian painter. You can see his best works at the Tretyakov Gallery. 5) Georgy Grechko is_______cosmonaut; he has flown to________space three times. Unit 7 Lesson 1 6) Ulyana Lopatkina is famous ballet dancer; she dances at the Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg. 7) Peter______Great became Tsar when he was young boy. 8) Ippolit Romanov was 9) Vladimir Putin became inventor. In 1899 he invented an electric car. president in 2000. He was__________President of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2008. 10) Faddei Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev were discovered Antarctica in 1820. explorers; they 2. In youi culture. / Vocabulary, what can you tell your foreign friends about famous people of your country? Use the words from the word box. I actions • century • cosmonaut • courage • develop • diseases Hero • invented • inventor • leader • scientist • space • treat • troubles I 1) Georgy Zhukov was a marshal and a Soviet military leader in the Great Patriotic War (1941—1945), the hardest war of the twentieth___________. In his book Georgy Zhukov wrote about most important battles of the war, about soldiers and their__________________in difficult situations; he wrote about the_______________ that the war brought to the country; he wrote how hard people worked at factories and plants to achieve the only aim — victory.* * a victory ['viktari] — победа Unit Lesson 1 Z_ 95 I_ 2) Svetlana Savitskaya is a pilot and engineer. She went to_______in 1982 and 1984. She was the first woman ________________who walked in space. For her __________Svetlana Savitskaya got many awards, the most important one was ________of the Soviet Union. 3) Lev Landau was a great ______________________. His experiments helped to _______________different spheres in Physics. 4) Raisa Kravtseva is a doctor from Kursk; she got the National Medical Prize Prizvanie in 2009. Her works help to______________many patients with blood* 5) Arseny Gorokhov is an engineer and He personal computer in 1968 but few people in the world know about it. Lesson 2 1. ОгдШП1д.Г. Complete the sentences about the children and their achievements. Use the words from the box. r grammar hint Л Infinitive as an attribute К In my class Terry was the first (person) to finish the composition. GS p. 203 t to clean her room • to come to the finish • to finish her test ' ! to get a prize • to play the piano • to swim to the finish ) * to-write a poem • the first • the last • the only • the second • 96 * blood [bUd] — кровь Unit 7 Lesson 2 0) Ted was the only to write a jpoem. Other children in his class wrote compositions. 1) Peter and Ellen_____________________________________________________________ Other classmates didn’t get any prizes. 2) In her class Helen__________________________________________________________ No one else plays any musical instrument. 3) Melody______________________________________________________________________ Others finished the test at the end of the lesson. 4) Phil________________________________________________________________________ in the running competitions. He was very upset! 5) Roy won the swimming competition. Sam and he was happy to have the silver medal. 6) Lisa ________________________________________________________ Her brother and sister finished cleaning only in the evening. Lesson 3 1. Gramm.a.r. why do we call some people good specialists? Make sentences using who and whose. r hint Relative clause: whose and who grQrr)^<^r ' ■■■ A good painter is someone whose paintings attract people. A good ... is someone who ... GS p. 205 0) A good gardener works hard in the garden. His gardens are always clean and beautiful. A good gardener is someone who works hard in the garden._____________________________ A good gardener is someone whose gardens are always clean and beautiful._____________ 1) A good doctor treats sick people well. His patients feel good. Unit 7 Lesson 3 97 2) А good writer writes interesting books. His books are sold in many countries. 3) A good singer chooses wonderful songs. His songs are liked and sung everywhere. 4) A good engineer invents new machines. His machines work well. 5) A good sportsman wins championships. His results are always high. 6) A good architect creates beautiful buildings. His buildings are often interesting for tourists. 7) A good actor can play different roles. His roles are wonderful. Lesson 4 Write an article about a person for your School Board of Fame. Describe his/her achievements (100 words). Lesson 5 1. The children give comments to the following statement. Complete the comments using the statements from the box. It’s good to be young and famous. ! Agreed, but ... • How true. • I absolutely agree I I can’t agree. • I don’t think that’s right. • I’m with you there. Yes, but on the other hand ...» Yes, maybe, but ... 98 Unit 7 Lesson 5 1) - I think it’s not good to be famous if you are not 21. Why waste your time with cameras and people who follow you? 2) — __________________________Their life is hard. It’s not good for your health and not good for a young person. 3) — __________________________if you have a talent you should use it! 4) — __________________________fame may damage their life. 5) — _______________________It’s not good when people always want to take your photo and run after you for an autograph. CONSOLIDATION 1. П Vocabulary, 1 Cross out the word that does not belong. 0) a doctor an engineer a cosmonaut a leader 1) to build to spend to decorate to design 2) an astronaut to treat a disease a surgeon 3) to invent to develop to respect to discover 4) a house a ship a tower a building 5) the moon a century a mission space 2. Word building . How many words can you make? Use the words and from the box. Write which part of speech you have. 0) action (существительное) to act 0) a hero -or 1) science -ful 2) to invent -ist 3) beauty -tion 4) to collect -ic 5) 6) 3. U Vocabulary. / Grammar. The children are talking about their families. Choose the correct word (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the sentences. There is an example (0) at the beginning. — I am proud of my grandfather. He is (0) ^ doctor and works for the Doctors Without Borders^ organisation. He goes to dangerous areas to (1)___________ people. I know that my grandfather helped many people in (2)_______. He got an order for his (3)___________. He is the first (4)_________at his hospital. My grandpa was a skilful doctor and he (5) helps to treat serious (6)_______________. — My brother wants to be (7) __________ (8)___________. And my brother is a pupil (9)___ better and better. He studies well and he is (10) a new medicine which astronaut. His ambition is to go to ___ambitions make him study leader of his class. * Doctors Without Borders— «Врачи без границ» Unit 7 99 CONSOLIDATION 0 a the a c — 1 a treat b change c teach 2 a peace b trouble c space 3 a plan b knowledge c courage 4 a to win a gold medal b to get an order c to set a 5 a invented b bought c got 6 a people b specialists c diseases 7 a the b an c a 8 a space b sea c school 9 a who b whose c which 10 a the b — c a 4. Vocabulary. / Grammar, what is George Washington famous for? Fill in the gaps choosing the correct word in brackets. George Washington is one of (0) the {the/a) most famous Americans (1) _____ {whose/who) lived and worked in the eighteenth (2) ___________ {year/ century). George Washington was a military (3)___________{soldier/leader) during the American Revolution. He was the first p>erson (4)________ {becoming/to become) (5)_______{the/—) President of the United States and he understood how hard his work could be. George Washington was the person (6) ______{which/whose) ideas and actions helped to build a new country, that’s why he is often called (7) ______{the/—) father of the country. He didn’t want his country to be involved in any war because the new country needed (8)______________ {heroes/ peace). George Washington is (9)________________ {remembered/commemorated) in the name of the US capital, in statues in the USA and some other countries, on dollar banknotes and coins. Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF О LISTENING COMPREHENSION 100 You’ll hear the story of Neil Armstrong. Listen to the recording. For questions 1—8, complete the missing information. You’ll hear the recording twice. 1) Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, was born in the year of_____________ 2) He went to University in___________________________________________________ Unit 7 TEST YOURSELF 3) Neil Armstrong was in his family to go to University. 4) After the University he served as a 5) In 1962 Armstrong joined the group 6) He took part in__________________ 7) The Moon mission made Armstrong Your score 7 6 5-4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION Ш Read the story about the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. According to the text mark the statements 1—8 true (T) or false (F). Franklin Delano Roosevelt is still very popular in the United States. He was one of the greatest national leaders of his time. He was born in Hyde Park, New York, on January 30, 1882. He was the only son of James and Sara Delano Roosevelt. The Roosevelts were an old American family whose grandparents had come from England and Denmark. His mother was his first teacher and he could read and write when he was a little boy. Young Franklin studied at Harvard University and Columbia University which were some of the best universities of the USA. He wasn’t going to be a politician* but one day he agreed to try that way and he never left it. First Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President of the USA in 1932 when the country was in crisis. The nation relied on him and relied on his programme “The New Deal” («Новый курс»). The people didn’t mind that he was seriously ill and couldn’t walk. They understood that Roosevelt was the person whose New Deal could support and save the country. And he kept his promises.^ The New Deal projects changed the life of the whole country: millions of Americans found jobs and homes. In 1940 Roosevelt became president for the third time. It was the time when Europe was at war. In four years he became President for the fourth time. In American history no other person became president for four times! President Roosevelt was really the leader of the nation during World War II.* His wife was also very popular in the USA and in the world. She took part in many charity organisations. When Roosevelt died in April, 1945 the whole world was sorry. Americans remember Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a person who saved the country. * a politician — политик, государственный деятель a promise — обещание Unit 7 ii 101 TEST YOURSELF 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) _____Roosevelt’s grandparents were born in the USA. _____Roosevelt’s mother taught him to read and write. _____Franklin Roosevelt studied at very good universities. _____Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President when the life in the country was very difficult. _____Franklin Delano Roosevelt was very popular because he took part in many charity organisations. _____The New Deal changed the country. _____Franklin Delano Roosevelt was seriously ill. _____ Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President three times. Your score 8 7 6-5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. ISir Grammar. We respect some people for their deeds and achievements. Tick (/) the sentence if it is correct. Cross out the wrong word and write the correct word on the line. There are examples (0/00) at the beginning. whose (0) Charles Dickens was a writer which best books were about happy family life and good people. / (00) Lewis Carroll was a famous British writer whose book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is still popular. ____ (1) John Field was a popular Irish musician whose lived in Russia. ____ (2) German Titov was a second Russian cosmonaut to fly to space. ____ (3) Francis Gardner was an Englishman who started one of the best Russian china factories. ____ (4) Francis Ford Coppola is an American film maker that films are very popular all over the world. ____ (5) Queen Victoria was the only British monarch who become Queen at the age of 18. ____ (6) Arthur Conan Doyle was a popular writer who books are read and loved all over the world. 2. Qi Vocabulary. Ted is talking about his brother. Choose the correct word (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps in the sentences. There is an example (0) at the beginning. My brother Chris is my example to (0) follow. In his class he is very popular and I can say that he is the (1) ____________ of the class. He has invented a (2) ___________ (3) ___________ that helps mum in her garden work. And I think he’ll be an ____. But he says he wants to study (4) __________. If he 102 Unit 7 TEST YOURSELF studies it on Earth he’ll be a (5) spaceship he’ll be an (6) _______ ____________, and if he studies it on board a _________. But I want him to invent a new medicine or a new machine that could help to (7) ___________________people with serious diseases. It’s wonderful to help people in (8) 0 a follow b develop C invent 1 a explorer b scientist C leader 2 a medicine b collection c machine 3 a astronaut b inventor c hero 4 a machines b history c space 5 a scientist b leader c doctor 6 a astronaut b engineer c actor 7 a develop b follow c treat 8 a disease b trouble c action Your score 14—13 12—11 10—8 7 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING^ БЬ Write about heroes of your region. Describe their life and achievements (100 words). о CULTURAL AWARENESS - - - V EL What do you know about world famous people? For questions 1—10, mark the statements true (T) or false (F). 1) 2) 3) Admiral Nelson was a great sea explorer. Charles Babbage invented the first electronic computer. Igor Sikorsky’s company produced the first helicopter that could fly. Unit 7 103 TEST YOURSELF 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) ___Petr Kapitza was a great Russian physicist. ___Vladimir Shukhov was the number one Russian engineer and inventor. ___Alfred the Great was the only English king. ___Richard Burbage was a famous English actor who acted in many plays by W. Shakespeare. ______Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space. ______Captain Cook was a sea explorer who was the first to visit Australia. ______ Alexei Leonov was the only cosmonaut who walked in space. Ф SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent S I can read and understand: • information about famous people; • opinions about people children love and respect; • opinions about life and actions of famous people; • biographies of famous people. Qj I can understand: • opinions about life and achievements of different people; • opinions about people different children admire. ^I can: • talk about people I admire and what kind of people I admire; • talk about famous people and their achievements; • express my opinion about people who I think are heroes. BL I write: • about people I am proud of; • about my heroes in books and films. 104 Unit 7 TEST YOURSELF Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • infinitive as an attribute • relative clauses with whose • articles in the predicative, with cardinal points, with nouns that mean people’s positions Учебные умения Не умею Умею • построить высказывание по образцу • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • кратко излагать содержание текста Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: n Unit 7 105 TEST YOURSELF - >. 1 М:> ' ■ ' 'Hk 4 V' .J >A How do you spend your free time? Lesson 1 1. In your culture. / Vocabulary. Here is an article from the notice board of a secondary school. Translate it. Use the box for help. Read the Learning to learn note No 6 first. Наши интересы Мы провели опрос среди 120 учащихся седьмых классов нашей школы, которые ответили на вопрос «Как ты проводишь свободное время?». Вот результаты опроса. • 70 учащихся предпочитают смотреть телевизор. • 52 ученикам нравится слушать музыку. • 46 учеников любят бывать с друзьями на улице и в парке. • 40 учеников занимаются музыкой, танцами, рисованием и волейболом. • 33 ученика обожают компьютерные игры. • 25 учащихся любят читать; на первом месте фантастика и цветные журналы. • 13 учеников занимаются плаванием, теннисом и гимнастикой. • 9 детей занимаются коллекционированием марок, наклеек, монет и считают это увлекательным хобби. Итак, мы выяснили, что почти все учащиеся имеют какое-либо занятие, которое вносит разнообразие в их школьную жизнь и от которого они получают массу удовольствия. 106 Unit 8 Lesson 1 / made a survey among • prefer • are fond of • hang out • take up j are mad about • are keen on • come top • fantasy • gymnastics j collecting stamps • find ... an enjoyable hobby • is a change from get a lot of fun out of Our Hobbies 2. Vocabulary. Lucy is talking about her classmates’ favourite activities. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Almost • Almost every month • challenging • change • enjoyable every—day • fond • goes on • hanging • keen • mad • out of Sometimes • stamps • stickers • take Unit 8 Lesson 1 107 H (8) Most children in my class have free time (0) every day. (1) they are bored but at other times they try to do something (2) ________________________. They have different hobbies. One of the most popular hobbies is collecting. (4)_________ They collect everything: (3) _______________, coins and other things and like swapping them during lunch time. A lot of pupils are (5)_____________ of playing computer games in their free time. (6)___________ all boys are (7)______________about football. Two boys prefer sport — motorcycling. Of course, we Some all girls enjoy a more (9) _ (10) ____ (11)_____ (13) _________________ trips to different parts of our country. I like visiting new places and getting exciting experiences (14) ____________________________ my trips. up dancing. _____ out in our school playground. As for me. I’m _ on travelling. (12)________________________my family Travelling is a (15) friends. from school and a good way to make new Lesson 2 1. British children have different opinions about free time activities. What do they think about the following activities? Fill in the gaps with the correct word in brackets. Translate the sentences. r к Ж. -ing and -ed adjectives The film is boring. I was bored. GS p. 193 J 0) The film was boring, {boring/bored) Фильм был скучный.______________________ 1) I think horse racing is very _. {thrilling/thrilled) 2) I’m not very in darts, {interested/interesting) 3) I went to a rugby match yesterday. It was great and I was {excited / exciting)___________________________________________ 108 Unit 8 Lesson 2 4) Dan and I went to the cinema last night. We didn’t like the film and were very_________________________________________________________________. (bored/boring) 5) History is an subject, (interested/interesting) 6) On Wednesday I have six lessons and a drama club. It is a very _____________________________________________________________day at school, (tired/tiring) Lesson 3 1. Write it right. This is part of a letter from your foreign friend, Julia. Write back to Julia. Answer her questions. Follow the rules of letter writing (about 100 words). I f r r f i f Unit 8 Lesson 3 r r r ... / like spending mif free time with my family. We are fond of watchiny and discnssiny films in the eveninys. dt weekends we prefer beiny ontside. We enjoy yoiny on picnics. We take оиг bicycles and ride in the countryside. Cyciiny is f 0ИГ hobby and we are mad about it. When the weather is not yood we yo to t museums, exhibitions and other interestiny places. I yet a lot of impressions out ' of such outinys. What about you? Do you like spendiny time with your family? ; How do you spend time toyether? ,j 109 /yd 1 1 I Я I 1 J Ш 1 ] I H Lesson 4 1. Group work. GAME: Sunday afternoon. It’s Sunday afternoon in summer. You are sitting at home feeling bored. Make suggestions for things to do according to the first situation until you find something that you all agree on. When you have agreed, take the next situation and continue as before. The game is finished when you have decided on doing something in town. Situation 1. It’s a warm afternoon in summer. Suggest a place to go. Situation 2. You go out of the house and it starts raining. Go back in and suggest an indoor activity. Situation 3. It’s stopped raining Suggest playing a sport. ■the sun is coming out! Situation 4. You are tired of playing tennis. Suggest going into town. Role card A You’d like to: • go for a picnic in the country • go to the seaside • go cycling • play tennis • play a board game • go to the museum You refuse to do the following things and explain why: • go to the zoo • listen to music • watch TV • go to see a film Role card В You’d like to: • go to the zoo • play a board game • go to the seaside • go to see a film • play tennis • go to the museum You refuse to do the following things and explain why: • go for a picnic in the country • go cycling • listen to music • watch TV Role card C You’d like to: • play a board game • watch TV • go to the seaside • go to the museum • play tennis • listen to music You refuse to do the following things and explain why: • go for a picnic in the country • go cycling • go to the zoo • go to see a film 110 2. VocabulHry. Harry and Bob are talking about what to do after classes. Fill in the gaps with the phrases of suggesting, refusing and accepting from the box. Unit 8 Lesson 4 * I’d like to, but • Let’s • What about • That would be nice. • I’m afraid ' ^ I can’t. • Would you like • how about • Why not • Unfortunately } — Harry, (0) how about going to the cinema and watching a film? (1)______ (2)______ (3) _____ (4) _____ (5) _____ There’s (6) _____ My granddad is coming today and I should meet him. play tennis, then. _ my arm hurts. ________________going roller-skating? golf I’m not good at it. Look, Bob! tournament on TV today. _ to watch it? ______play — Harry, I’m bored with watching TV. (7)_ chess then? — OK. (8)_____________ CONSOLIDATION 1. Vocabulary. / Graromar. Robert did a tree time survey among his friends. Here are some results. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. I excited ' relaxing fond • hanging • Sometimes • • interesting • keen take • thrilling • ' never • often twice a week Steve is (0) fond of listening to music. He finds it (1) _____________ (2)___________buys new CDs of his favourite pop singers. David is (3) He on climbing. He goes to the climbing club (4)__________ a (5)___________________hobby. Tom has (6)__________ is (7)____________about horses. He would like to (8) . He thinks that climbing is ______ridden a horse but he _____________up horse-riding. In his free time Jack prefers (9) __________________ out with his friends in the park. (10)____________________they play netball and other games in the school playground. He finds football the most (11)_______________________sport to play and to watch. 2. Grammar. Elizabeth invites her sister Jessica to see a new film. What are Jessica’s plans? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form. Describing future actions ж Л What are you going to do this evening? Jane and I are going to the cinema. I think I will join you. V to be going to Present Progressive Future Simple GS p. 197, 199 Unit 8 CONSOLIDATION 111 Е: Jessica, what (0) 1(1)______________________ are you going to do (to do) on Saturday? ____(to see) a new film at the Valley Cinema. (2)___ you (to join) me? J: Saturday? This Saturday? I can’t. I have already planned something. E: Oh, really? What (3)__________you______________(to do)? J: I (4)_________________(to go) to Kerry Glenn’s cottage. _________(to go) by car there? And, E: Where is the cottage? (5) when (6)__________you J: 1(7)____________ you (to come) back? (to talk) to Kerry tomorrow and then I (8) (to tell) you everything. 3. Grammar. Robert's friends are asking him questions at Mike’s party. How does Robert answer? The following notes will help you. iT We went on an outing to the theatre on Sunday. I was doing my homework from 5 to 7 yesterday. I am going to the museum on Sunday. I haven’t been there yet. ^eisgoingtoinviteRoberttotheparty^ hint Past Simple Past Progressive Present Progressive Present Perfect to be going to J Sun outing to the theatre Sun mum and dad come back from Scotland Mon Mon Tue Tue a test in Maths Wed Wed Thu write to Bryan Thu Fri football at the stadium (5—6 pm) Fri buy tickets Sat Mike's party Sat drama club performance 0) John: Have you been to the theatre? Robert: Yes, I have. We went on qn outing to the theatre on Sunday. 1) John: Have you written a letter to Bryan? Robert: _________________________________________________________ 2) Mike: I called you yesterday at 5. Where were you? Robert: _________________________________________________________ 3) Jack: Have your parents come back from Scotland? Robert: _________________________________________________________ 4) Sue: What is your mark in the maths test? Robert: _____________________yet. _______________________________ 112 on Tuesday. Unit 8 CONSOLIDATION 5) Mike: What are you going to do after classes on Wednesday? Robert:________________________________________________________________yet. 6) Pat: Are you going to the drama club performance? Robert: ___________________________________________________________________ 7) Pat: Have you already bought a ticket? Robert: 4. Ога.ШШа.Г. do Mary and Sue take part in the same school activities? Complete Sue’s answers. /Г hint 3X So and neither I like school. — So do 1. I can’t play chess. — Neither can I. 1 J 0) M: We often go on outings to historical places. S: So do we.______________________________________ 1) M: Tomorrow I will go on a geography field trip. S: SO_____________________________________________ 2) M: I played in the school band last year. S: So_____________________________________________ 3) M: I can’t take part in the chess competition. S: Neither________________________________________ 4) M: We are looking forward to the Christmas fair. S: SO_____________________________________________ 5) M: I’m going to join a music club. S: So_____________________________________________ 6) M: I won’t miss the motor race on Sunday. S: Neither _______________________________________ 5. U Grammar. Find out what Robert’s activities are. Match the two columns. You can use the second column only once. 0) Last year 1) Next year 2) This year 3) Yesterday 4) Tomorrow 5) Today 6) Every day 7) Now 5~Кузовлев, 7 кл., раб. т. a) he goes for a walk in the park. b) he spent a weekend in the country. c) he is enjoying a film on TV. d) he and his parents are spending holidays in France. e) he’ll call his friend. f) he is very busy. g) he’s had wonderful holidays at the seaside. h) he went to the pop concert. Unit 8 113 CONSOLIDATION Lesson 7 TEST YOURSELF о LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to four children talking about their free time. Tick the activities the children do. You’ll hear each story twice. Activity/speaker 1st speaker 2nd speaker 3rd speaker 4th speaker riding a bicycle playing tennis listening to music going on outings hanging out with friends Your score 11 10—9 8-6 5 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О READING COMPREHENSION 114 SEL Here are the results of a hobby survey made by the children’s newspaper. While reading match the questions to the results of the survey in the article. Number each question (A—G) in the correct order (1—7). You just love collecting! That’s the result of the hobby survey that we made a few weeks ago. 72% of you said that you were fond of collecting — and the most popular collection was stamps, with stickers coming next. Collecting is among the five most favourite hobbies or interests you are involved in. The survey showed that 77 out of 100 of you preferred spending time outdoors and the most favourite places to hang out are playgrounds and parks. You also said that you liked sports. Swimming came top. Swimming, football and riding a bike are the most popular activities but when it came to taking up a new activity, 23% of you wanted to try horse-riding. Most of you said you spent six hours a week on your favourite hobby and it cost your parents a lot. Many of you said you liked reading — and most of you said you read for between three and five hours a week. The survey showed that young people are not couch potatoes. It also showed that not everyone watched TV — just over 80%, and you’re quite choosy about what you watch! 33% of you spend almost four hours each day in front of the television. 50% of you spend five hours a week playing computer games. Unit 8 TEST YOURSELF Survey questions: A How much time do you spend on computer games? В Do you prefer outdoor or indoor activities?_________ C How many hours do you watch TV every day? __________ D What are your favourite activities? ________________ E What is your favourite sporting hobby?______________ F How much time do you read a week?___________________________ G If you want to take up a new activity, what will you do? Your score 7 6 5—4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. EL Vocabulary. Alex wants to start a new hobby and his friend Mike gives him some suggestions. For questions 1—9, choose the best answer (a, b, or c) to fill in the gaps in the conversation. There is an example (0) at the beginning. A: I’d like to take (0) up a hobby. M: It’s (1) ___________________ that you want to do a hobby. I thought you were (2)_____________on collecting stamps. A: Yes, I am. But I’d like to try something (3)_________________. M: Are you fond (4)________riding a bicycle? What about riding a mountain bike? It’s a change (5) bike and it’s more (6)_______ riding a standard » my mum won’t A: It sounds great, but (7) ____________ let me ride a mountain bike. M: I’ve got a good idea. Let’s go to a hockey match between the pupils of our school. I think we’ll get a lot of impressions (8) the game. And maybe hockey will become your new hobby! Well, let’s go! A: (9) 0 (Dup b away c for 1 a relaxing b surprising c exciting 2 a fond b mad C keen 3 a challenging b confident C properly 4 a on b of C about 5 a of b for c from 6 a necessary b thrilling c possible 7 a unfortunately b certainly c absolutely 8 a out b out of c off 9 a All right. b Really? c Really? That would be nice! Unit 8 5* 115 TEST YOURSELF 2. ЕЬ Grammar. The children are describing their hobbies and favourite activities. Choose the correct word in brackets and underline it. There is an example (0) at the beginning. — It’s (0) (amusing/amused) to play Lego. — Yesterday I saw a football match on TV. It was very (1) (exciting/excited). — It was the most (2) (boring/bored) film I’ve ever seen. I was very (3) (boring/ bored). — We were (4) (exciting/excited) when we won the swimming competition between Year 7 pupils. — I was (5) (interesting/interested) in stamp collecting when I was in the first form. — I can spend hours window shopping in the city centre with my friends. I find it very (6) (relaxing/relaxed). — When I’m (7) (tired/tiring) of watching TV, I go for a walk. Your score 16 15—13 12—8 7 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING EL If you go abroad on an exchange trip, you fill in some forms with your personal information. How will you fill in this identity card? (80 words) i 116 Identity card Name: ___________________ Subjects studied at school: Hobbies: Other interests: Unit 8 TEST YOURSELF CULTURAL AWARENESS ЕЬ Do you know the most popular sports and activities among British children? Match the picture and the caption. 1) rugby 2) cricket 3) darts 4) netball 5) baseball 6) bouncy castles 7) musical chairs 8) climbing 9) crazy golf I THfe к Your score 9 8—7 6-5 4 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 8 TEST YOURSELF 117 о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent Si can read and understand: • free time surveys; • articles about children’s free-time activities and hobbies; • children’s opinions about their free-time activities; • advertisements about activities for children. ИI can understand: • children’s opinions about their free-time activities; • children’s talks about their plans for the weekend. ^ I can: • explain what and why I like doing in my free time; • describe my hobbies; • accept or refuse a suggestion. EL I can write: • about my hobbies and free-time activities; • a letter about how my family spends free time. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • -ed and -ing adjectives • short answers with so and neither Учебные умения Не умею Умею • работать с лексической таблицей • распознавать фразовые глаголы • переводить с русского языка на английский • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвострановедческим справочником Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: 118 Unit 8 TEST YOURSELF Unit 9 What are the most famous sights of your country? Lesson 1 1. There are famous people in different professions. What professions made these people famous? Make up sentences using the words from the box. Г Articles The English painter William Turner (1775—1851) created real masterpieces. Henry Moore (1898—1986), a British sculptor, is known for his large, abstract sculptures. GS p. 189 У * British—architect • famous garden designer • Scottish engineer ' English painter • most famous British architect • English writer j 0) Christopher Wren [,krist3f3 'ren] (1632—1723) designed many buildings in London. The British architect Christopher Wren designed many buildings in London. Christopher wren, a British qrchitect, designed many buildings in London.________ Unit 9 *л 119 Lesson 1 1) Thomas Gainsborough [Дптэз 'geinzbora] (1727—1788) painted beautiful pictures. 2) Capability Brown [,keip3'bil3ti 'braon] (1716—1783) designed wonderful gardens and parks in England. 3) Rudyard Kipling [,rAdjad 'kiplip] (1865—1936) wrote many books for children. 4) Alexander Bell (1847—1922) invented telephone. 5) Norman Foster (1935—) has designed a lot of buildings which you can see all over the world. 2. Vocabulary. / Grammar. There are many interesting places in and outside London. Which of them would you like to visit? Complete the information about the sights. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box and with the articles where necessary. r к hint . ’vatesrti St Paul’s Cathedral Cambridge University Buckingham Palace Kensington Square Articles the Pokrov Cathedral BUT: the University of Cambridge the Modern Art Museum the Museum of Modern Art GS p. 189—190 J church • decorated • designed • founded (x2) houses • masterpieces • monument • paintings 0) The British Museum houses one of the world’s finest collections of _______________. They________________________it in 1753. 1) ____Windsor Castle is also__________Elizabeth’s home. The rooms and halls of the castle are really beautiful. Famous painters _____________________them. The castle is not a museum but it houses real____________________. 2) ____Uspensky Cathedral is the main Russian___________________in Britain. 120 Unit 9 Lesson 1 Windsor Castle Nelson’s Column Oxford University 3) Oxford University is very old. Monies^ it in the thirteenth century. 4) ______Nelson’s Column stands in Trafalgar Square. It is a to Admiral Nelson and_________Battle of Trafalgar that he won. 5) _____Museum of London is the largest city museum in the world. Philip Powell and Hidalgo Moya___________________its building. Lesson 2 1. In your culture. / Grammar. Olga is talking about the town where she lives, it’s Torzhok, the Tver Region. What is interesting about her home town? Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. r Past Simple Passive ^het^nwasfoundedbyPrince^rMnthe^elfth^^ GS p. 201 My town is very old. Its ancient name Novy Torg (0) was written (to write) in the Chronicles^ in 1137. There was a kremlin in the centre of the town but in the eighteenth century its wall and towers (1)______________________(to destroy) by a great fire. In the eighteenth century the town began to grow because the road® between St Petersburg and Moscow (2)___________________________(to build) and the ^ a monk — монах ^ a chronicle ['kronikl] — летопись ® a road — дорога Unit 9 Lesson 2 121 town stood near the road. In Torzhok there are wonderful buildings which (3) (to design) by the famous architects K. Rossi and A. L’vov. During the Great Patriotic War some of them (4) ___________________ (to destroy). The magnificent Borisoglebsky Cathedral (5)_____________(to build) in the eighteenth century too. It (6) ______________________ (to decorate) by the famous Russian painter V. Borovikovsky. The Cathedral (7)_________________________(fo restore) not long ago. Torzhok (8) (to visit) by many famous people, A. S. Pushkin for example. A. S. Pushkin liked having dinner at Pozharsky’s Inn.^ The building of Pozharsky’s Inn (9) _______________ (to damage) by fire in 2002 but later it (10)___________________(to restore). 2. In your culture. / Grammar. Vladimir is an ancient Russian town. It attracts many tourists every year. What can tourists see in Vladimir? Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Г Active and Passive Voice The fortress was founded by Prince Vsevolod in 1224. Prince Vsevolod founded the fortress in 1224. The fortress is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Past Simple Passive Past Simple Active Present Simple Passive GS p. 197, 201 Vladimir is one of the towns of the Golden Ring of Russia. They don’t know who (0) founded (to found) it. Some books say that Vladimir (1) ____________________________ (to found) by Vladimir Sviatoslavovich in 990. Other manuscripts say that it was Vladimir Monomach who (2)_______________ (to start) the city in 1108. The Golden Gate (Золотые ворота). It is a kind of symbol of the town. The Golden Gate (3)_____________________(to design) and (4)___________________(to build) by Russian masters. The Uspensky Cathedral is magnificent. Russian architects (5)_________(to design) and (6) ______________ (to build) it in 1158—1160. It’s famous for its an mn гостиница 122 Unit 9 Lesson 2 The Golden Gate The Uspensky The Pokrov frescoes. The cathedral (7)__________________(to decorate) by Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. The Pokrov Church on the River Nerl is known as a real masterpiece of Russian architects. It looks like a beautiful white flower because the church (8) _______________________ (to decorate) with white carving.^ The church (9) __________________(to build) in 1165. Lesson 3 1. Olga is from a small town in northern Russia. It is very old and it needs new buildings and constructions. What does Olga want to be done in her hometown? Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets. Jiin< Active and Passive Voice £rOrr}f^^r Л A museum will be built soon. The museum was built last year. They build one school in my city every year. My parents built a new house last year. My brother will build a new house next year. Future Simple Passive Past Simple Passive Present Simple Active Past Simple Active Future Simple Active GS p. 197, 199, 201-202j^ I know that there are plans to make my town better. It (0) will become (станет) more beautiful. A new railway station (1)___________________________(будет построена) ^ carving — резная работа Unit 9 Lesson 3 123 in my town. We need new trolleybus lines and next year they (2) ____________________ {построят) a line in the eastern district. There is a beautiful ancient church near my house, it (3)____________(была разрушена) in the 1920s, but soon the church (4)___________ ______________{будет реставрирована). We have got a local arts museum, wonderful paintings and unique folk costumes (5) _________________ {помещаются) there. Soon a painting by I. Aivazovsky (6) _________________ {будет передана) to our museum. My school is very old, it (7) ■_____________ {была построена) in 1935. Next year it (8) ____________________{будет перестроена). Last month a chocolate factory (9) _____________{начала) its work and chocolate sweets (10)_____________ {будут производиться) there. Lesson 4 1. Write your foreign friend about facts and places of Moscow which you think may be interesting to him/her (100 words). Lesson 5 1. Foreign tourists are talking to the guide at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Complete the dialogues using the statements from the box. How many variants can you make? ^ — ~ —— — — — — — — —— — — — — — — — _ — _ — — — — f a) Could you repeat ..., please? • b) How interesting! \ j c) I am sorry, what did you say? • d) I beg your pardon? j \ e) I see. • f) Indeed? • g) Pardon? • h) Really? / 124 Unit 9 Lesson 5 1) Guide: Tourist: Guide: Tourist: 2) Guide: Tourist: Guide: Tourist: The Victoria and Albert Museum was founded in 1852. I didn’t understand the date. In the year of 1852. The museum got the name of Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. ________________________I didn’t know about it. The museum houses the National Arts library, one of the world’s largest ones. The library has got over 750,000 books. _________________________How many? 750,000 books. •; fi___;' J*^ ■' I L—V I have learned so many interesting things today. CONSOLIDATION 1. V^OCd.buldl*y. Match the words from the boxes trying to find as many word combinations as you can. magnificent painting unique scientist building to invent to treat to achieve to house to design to found to protect to restore to develop sick people an aim a machine a collection a church a fortress a manuscript skills a collection a cathedral nature an idea a unique painting, to design a fortress, Unit 9 125 CONSOLIDATION 2. GrBirnnar. There are people who are all-time greats. Why are they remembered and respected all over the world? Fill in the gaps with the articles. r ^rarr)f^(^r hint Л Articles Sidney Nolan lived in Australia. Sidney Nolan was an Australian painter. The famous Australian painter Sidney Nolan was known for his humorous pictures. Nolan’s paintings can be seen in the National Gallery of Victoria. GS p. 189— 1) Michelangelo [,гпа1к1'аепфэ1эи] (1475—1564) was an Italian peiinter, sculptor and architect. He is known especially for_________statue of David, an ancient king of_________Israel. 2) Leonardo da Vinci [,И:э'па6эи da 'vintfi] (1452—1519), _________ famous Italian painter and engineer, is remembered for his paintings The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper («Тайная вечеря»). He also designed and invented many machines. 3) _____Italian military leader Giuseppe Garibaldi [dsu'sepi ,gaen'bo:ldi] (1807—1882) fought in________Italy. He wanted it to become free. 4) _____ American astronaut Alan Sheppard (1923—1998) was _________________ second person and__________first American to go to___________space. 5) William Turner ['wiljom Чз:пэ] (1775—1851) was _ Turner’s pictures are housed in____Tate Gallery, great British painter. _____National Gallery, 6) 7) British Museum and in some other collections. _ Russian writer of__________plays and_________short stories Anton Chekhov (1860—1904) is best known for his plays The Seagull («Чайка»), Uncle Vanya and The Cherry Orchard («Вишнёвый сад»). Leo Tolstoy (1828—1910),____famous Russian writer, is best known for War and Peace and Anna Karenina. 3. In your culture. / Grammar. / Vocabulary. The cathedral of Christ the Saviour has a long and tragic history. What is special about its history? For questions 1—14, choose the correct answer (a, b, or c). The cathedral of Christ the Saviour (0) was built in the 19th century. The money for it (1) _________________ by ordinary people. The cathedral was the monument to the victory of the Russians over (2)__________Napoleon’s army in the Patriotic war of 1812. The cathedral (3) __________________ in 1839 by (4) Russian architect Konstantin Thon. It (5) was ____________________by 126 Unit 9 CONSOLIDATION (6) (7) famous painters. Construction work ____in 1883. In the 1930s the _____________. They wanted to cathedral (8)______________ build (9) _________ Palace of Soviets on the place of the magnificent cathedral but during the Great Patriotic War those plans (10) ___________________. After the war a swimming pool (11)________________there. But the cathedral was still in the hearts of many Russians. On the 7th of January, 1995 the new Cathedral of Christ the Savior (12) _______________ and in two years it (13) _________________. Today the magnificent cathedral (14)_______________by thousands of people. 0 a was destroyed was built c was restored 1 a was collected b is collected c were collected 2 a the b a c — 3 a started b is started c was started 4 a a b the c — 5 a restored b built c decorated 6 a — b the c a 7 a will be finished b is finished c was finished 8 a is destroyed b was destroyed c destroyed 9 a a b the c — 10 a destroyed b were destroyed c was destroyed 11 a can appear b appeared c had appeared 12 a was restored b was started c was built 13 a was completed b was invented c was decorated 14 a will be visited b visits c is visited Lesson 8 TEST YOURSELF Ф LISTENING COMPREHENSION BSEL You’ll hear the information about Coventry and about Warwick, Kenilworth and Rugby, towns that are near Coventry. What is special about them? According to the text mark the statements 1—6 true (T) or false (F). You will hear the recording twice. 1) ______Coventry ['kAvantri] Cathedral was built during World War II. Unit 9 127 TEST YOURSELF 2) 3) The new cathedral was built next to the old one. There is a museum in Coventry that is famous for its collection of English cars. 4) ______Warwick ['wank] school, one of the oldest boys’ schools was founded in the tenth century. 5) ______Kenilworth ['kenolws:©] was visited by Queen Elizabeth II. 6) ______Rugby ['глдЫ] gave its name to a new kind of sport. Your score 6 5 4 3 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ч о READING COMPREHENSION SEE Read the information about Clarence House. According to the text mark the statements 1—10 true (T) or false (F). Clarence House sits behind the garden wall of St James’s Park. It was the London home of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, and on fine summer days Queen Elizabeth entertained her guests,* who came to Clarence House, in the open air in the park. The Queen and her guests talked and had tea. They sat at the table that was decorated with beautiful flowers. Clarence House had been the Queen Mother’s town house since 1953 when she and her daughter Princess Margaret moved from Buckingham Palace after her husband King George VI died. Queen Elizabeth became Queen Mother. And since that time Buckingham Palace has been the home of Queen Elizabeth II, her elder daughter. Buckingham Palace is a royal symbol and the queen lives there. The Queen Mother made Clarence House a wonderful place for living; she decorated it with real masterpieces: unique paintings, rare sculptures and beautiful furniture. Family portraits and photographs are ever3rwhere. All the Queen’s clothes she had ever worn could be found in the wardrobes. All the things around the Queen reflected the story of her life. The Queen’s guests liked her home, most of all they liked it on 4 August when the Queen Mother celebrated her birthday. For Clarence House’s guests and for the Queen Mother it was the day of a carnival, a street party and a royal theatre. The Queen Mother’s birthday parade on the day was wonderful. When the Queen Mother celebrated her one hundredth birthday thousands of people came to Clarence House to say, “Happy birthday to you!” The Queen Mother looked so wonderful on that day that someone shouted: “Same time next year Ma’am.” (Ma’am is short for Madam.) Clarence House was built between 1825 and 1828 for William, the Duke^ of Clarence, later King William IV. When the King died in 1837, the house became 128 * a guest [gest] — гость ^ a duke — герцог Unit 9 TEST YOURSELF the home of his sister. Then the house became the home of this or that royal relative. Clarence House is never open to the public. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) The Queen Mother moved to Clarence House after her husband died. The Queen Mother left Buckingham Palace after it became the home of her daughter Queen Elizabeth II. ______ The Queen Mother made Clarence House a wonderful place for relaxing. ______Clarence House was beautifully decorated by the Queen Mother. ______The Queen Mother celebrated her birthday in Buckingham Palace every year. Many things from Clarence House can tell you a lot about the life of the Queen Mother. ______The Queen Mother lived more than 100 years. ______Clarence House was built in the nineteenth century. ______Clarence House was built for the Queen Mother. ______People can’t come to Clarence House for excursions. Your score 10 9-8 7-6 5 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 USE OF ENGLISH (VOCABULARY/GRAMMAR) 1. БЬ Vocabulary. / Granunar. in Russia there are many cities we are proud of. What could you tell foreign tourists about one of the most interesting cities of Russia? For questions 1—11 choose the best answer (a, b or c) to fill in the gaps in the text. There is an example (0) at the beginning. The Golden Ring of Russia is a special group of (0) ancient towns and cities not far from Moscow. All the towns were (1) ______________ in the 1970s and many (2)_____________are now museums. Suzdal is part of the Golden Ring. Suzdal was (3) ________________ in the eleventh century. It was (4)__________important religious centre in old Russia. There was a period in ancient times when the town had forty churches for four hundred families. (5)_________Suzdal Kremlin (6)__________________wonderful _______________by Russian masters. museums. Its beautiful cathedrals were (7)____________ In Suzdal you can see the monument to Dmitry Pozharsky, the monument was (8)_______________by Z. Azgur, (9)_________Belorussian sculptor. Thousands of tourists come to see the city and its wonderful (10)________________and admire the (11)______________of its museums. Unit 9 TEST YOURSELF 129 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ancient built things invented the the houses founded designed the paintings a a a a a a a a a a a books b b b b b popular restored monuments founded an b a b collects invented founded a cathedrals and churches manuscripts C c c c c c c c c c c c rare designed buildings made an prepares decorated housed masters masterpieces 2. БЬ Огаштаг. What do you know about one of the New Seven Wonders of the World? Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Christ the Redeemer is an icon of Brazil. It is the statue of Jesus Christ which (0) stands (to stand) on the mountain in Rio de Janeiro. The idea of the statue (1) ________________ (first/to suggest) in the 1850s when Princess Isabel (2) _____________(to decide) to build a large religious monument. But only 50 years later the idea (3)_______________(to support) by Brazilians. The statue of Christ with open arms (4) _____________________________ (to choose) (5)_____________________ First, people ______________________(to collect) money. Then Heitor da Silva Costa, a local engineer, (6)_______________________(to design) the statue. After that the statue (7) _____________________ (to create) by Paul Landowski, a French sculptor. The statue of Christ the Redeemer (8)_______________________(to open) in 1931. Today the statue needs restoring and it (9)_____________________(to restore) in the near future. Your score 20-19 18-16 15—11 10 и менее Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING 130 Б1 What can you tell your foreign friends about the capital of your region? Write a composition (100 words). Remember to mention: • when the capital was founded; • some facts from the history of the capital; • sights of the capital; • plans for the future. Unit 9 TEST YOURSELF Irkutsk Arkhangelsk Chelyabinsk О CULTURAL AWARENESS Бк What do you know about the world famous places of interest? For questions 1—8, choose the correct answer a or b. London was started as a fortress by the Romans. London was started by the Romans as their northern capital. St Paul’s Cathedral is a big and beautiful church. St Paul’s Cathedral is part of Westminster Abbey. The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror. The Tower of London was founded by the Romans. The Tower of London is an important fortress now. The Tower of London is a museum now. The White Tower is part of the Tower of London. The White Tower is part of Westminster Abbey. Moscow was founded by Russian tsars in 1147. Unit 9 131 TEST YOURSELF 7 а The Moscow Kremlin is older than the city of Moscow, b The Moscow Kremlin is as old as the city of Moscow. 8 a St Petersburg was founded in the seventeenth century, b St Petersburg was founded in 1703. Ф SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached Poor Fair Good Excellent SI can read and understand: • information about sights of different cities; • information about history of different cities; • opinions about popular sights of the modern world. И I can understand: • opinions about wonders of the modern world; • information about history and sights of different cities. I can: • talk about sights of Moscow and St Petersburg; • talk about the sights of my hometown; • express my opinion about choosing a Wonder of the Modern World. EL I can write: • about history and sights of my hometown; • about my hometown’s plans. Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • Past Simple Passive • Future Simple Passive • dates • articles with professions, with the names of buildings and sights J 132 Unit 9 TEST YOURSELF Учебные умения Не умею Умею • построить высказывание по образцу • пользоваться грамматическим справочником • пользоваться лингвистическим справочником • подготовить и представить проект по заданной теме • кратко излагать содержание • переводить с русского на английский Exercises I found most interesting/boring/difficult: Unit 9 133 TEST YOURSELF Unit 10 Are we different or alike? CONSOLIDATION 1. VoCdblllary. Read about World Children’s Day. Use the words given in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the story. 134 Unit 10 CONSOLiDATION Once a year, children from (0) different countries come together for a special (1) __________________ on World Children’s Day. It started on April 27, 1986 when Funda Karagozler and her classmates sent to UNICEF a letter to “Kids of the World”. In this letter they would like children from different countries to make their (2)________________to volunteering and Earth (3)_________________. It was a great idea! Now children get together every year on the fourth Sunday in April. A lot of talented (4)_______________, (5) _______________, (6) ________________ and the (7) from of different children’s (8) all over the world come to take part in the (9) _______________. They gather to show how much they care about the Earth and tell about their (10) _______________. The children organise (11) _______________about their problems and needs. They ____________ and other (13) also discuss (12) the Earth (14) problems. The children learn to treat . Children all over the 0) DIFFER 1) MEET 2) CONTRIBUTE 3) PROTECT 4) MUSIC 5) DANCE 6) INVENT 7) LEAD 8) ORGANISE 9) CELEBRATE 10) ACHIEVE 11) DISCUSS 12) POLLUTE 13) ENVIRONMENT 14) PROPER 15) DIFFER world want to make a (15) 2. Grammar. Read about Jenny’s summer plans. Fill in the gaps in Jenny’s story with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I (0) an) dlad (to be glad) the school is over. In summer I (1)_____________(to go) to the Urdd Eisteddfod festival. The Urdd festival (2) __________ largest summer event for children and young people which (3) (to be) the _ (to hold) Unit 10 135 CONSOLIDATION in Wales every year. The Eisteddfod (4) Welsh. The festival (5) _______________ _______________{to mean) “gathering” in (to set up) many years ago. More than 15,000 children and 100,000 visitors (6)________________{to come) every year to the event (7)________________{to celebrate) the Welsh language and culture. This summer my classmates and I (8) _________________{to take part) in music and dance competitions. We (9) ___________________ {already; to prepare) a new programme. There also competitions for young scientists, inventors, actors and poets (10)_______________{to organise). And in the evenings we (11)______________ {to have) sweet and cake sales, fairs, exhibitions and many performances. My classmates and I (12)_________________{already; to be) to the festival. Last year the festival (13) __________________ {to organise) in Cardiff. After we (14) _______________ {to compete) for 3 days at Cooper’s Field, which is next to Cardiff Castle, we (15)_______________{to go) on excursion around Cardiff. Cardiff (16) {to be) the capital of Wales. It (17) _________________________ {to be) the greatest time I (18)______ {to miss) the friends I (20) forward to (21)_______________ {ever; to have). Now I (19) {to make) at the festival and look {to see) them again. The festival is really exciting (22) is the event I (23)____________________ {to visit). The Urdd Eisteddfod {always; to look forward to). 3. Learn about European Capital of Culture celebrations in Liverpool from Peter’s story. Fill in each gap in Peter’s story with the most appropriate word. Every year European Capital of Culture is (0) chosen . The aim of the programme is that during this year the city (1) h_________ a chance to show its cultural life. The European Union got the (2) i__________ of naming a City of Culture every year. The programme made its (3) 1___________on June 13, 1985. Cork in the Republic of Ireland was the first city to (4) w______this title. They have now changed the programme to Capital of Culture. The last time a UK city was (5) r___________ 1990. Glasgow won this (6) h___________. The city got a lot out (7) o_ as City of Culture was in it. And it really helped the city to (8) d_ many historical (10) b____________ _. New hotels were (9) b_ and cathedrals were (11) r_ _____. Being the city, its Capital of Culture makes more people be interested (12) i____________ culture and history. Winning the title also means more beautiful buildings and places of interest will (13) b____________built and more tourists will (14) v______________the city. The EU committee voted (15) f_ in 2008. We are very proud (16) о_ Liverpool to be Capital of Culture it. Liverpool is known (17) a_ one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. Its museums (18) h_ collections of (19) i___________ from ancient times (20) t___ day. There are a lot of magnificent buildings whose (21) b___ marvellous the present is loved and 136 Unit 10 CONSOLIDATION admired (22) b_ people from all (23) o_ no other city in Britain (24) 1_ Liverpool. The celebrations included a lot of enjoyable (25) e_ 1,300 singers and dancers performed and showed their (26) s_ » evenings a lot of firework shows were set (27) u_________ (28) о__________ till late, dance performances were (29) о_ the world. There is More than . In the museums were ____ . All the city’s hotels were (30) p_ with tourists (31) w_ _______came to join the celebrations. Many people walked (32) a_________________ the streets to mix (33) w____________ each other. The celebrations were also very interesting (34) t___________watch on TV. The children of Liverpool were involved (35) i___________the celebrations, too. demonstrate They were (36) i_____ why their city (38) d_ charge of the posters (37) w_ ________ to be famous as a place of culture. The pupils from Pleasant Street School were chosen to take (39) p_____________in the opening ceremony at the city’s new Echo Arena, which was specially (40) b______________for the celebrations. There were, of course, some unhappy people who thought it was a (41) w_____________of time and the money could be spent more (42) w_______________. But they were few. Now we are looking (43) f_________ to a new Capital of Culture to be chosen. Unit 10 CONSOLIDATION 137 ALL ABOUT ME 1. My timetable and favourite subject(s). Day/Lesson Monday I like_____ because ___ I also like because My favourite subject is It 2. How I study. I usually study______ In Biology___________ in Russian My best subject is in Maths I work in Literature __, in English _ in it. 3. My plans in studying. I’m going to work harder in _ I’m going to study more seriously in , I am going to listen to the teacher I’m going to do my homework Besides, And I will come to school 4. What I do for charity. I think that supporting charities_ That’s why I am involved_________ I donate _________________________ I volunteer 138 ALL ABOUT ME 5. What chores we have in our family. In my family we agree on what chores we have around the house. My parents want me__________________________________________ My parents ask me___________________________________________ They need___________________________________________________ They also make___ My parents never 6. My family is eco-friendly. In our family we care about nature. We think about reusing different things. We don’t throw away_________________________________________________________, we reuse_______________________________________________________________________, besides we recycle__________________________________________________________. We collect__________________________________________________________and take them to_____________________________________________________________________. More than that, we try to reduce__________________________________________. I think it helps to save nature. 7. My best friend. I have a friend called___ lives IS On the whole my friend is We_______________________ I think is a true friend because We both He/she _ Besides I think that 8. My friends/classmates and I. I’ve got__________________________ They______________________________ We________________________________ We usually Sometimes I think I’m sure that Besides 139 ALL ABOUT ME 9. Му favourite toys, games and gadgets. I think My favourite They__________ Besides Also, __ 10. My heroes in books and films. I like watching________________________ _/reading My hero in my favourite film/book is He/she is my hero because______________ He/she 11. What I like doing and what I don*t like doing in my free time. I really enjoy_____________________________________________________________. It’s ______________________________. I’m keen on_____ I’m also fond of I’m mad about 1 hate ___ . It’s It’s . It’s . It’s I don’t like_____________ I think that__________________ On a warm summer day I prefer at all. It’s is a waste of time. On a rainy day I On a cold winter day I 12. Facts about my hometown. I live in _____________________ My hometown My hometown is famous for There are 140 ALL ABOUT ME 13. Му hometown’s plans. My hometown is_____________ It needs Soon In the near future 141 ALL ABOUT ME Contents Unit 1. Are you happy at school? ..................................... 5 Unit 2. What are you good at? ....................................... 19 Unit 3. Can people do without you? .................................. 34 Unit 4. Are you a friend of the planet?.............................. 49 Unit 5. Are you happy with your friends? ............................ 64 Unit 6. What is best about your country?............................. 76 Unit 7. Do you have an example to follow?............................ 94 Unit 8. How do you spend your free time? ........................... 106 Unit 9. What are the most famous sights of your country?.............. 119* Unit 10. Are we different or alike?................................... 134 All about me ......................................................... 138 Учебное издание Серия «Академический школьный учебник» Кузовлев Владимир Петрович, Лапа Наталья Михайловна, Перегудова Эльвира Шакировна, Костина Ирина Павловна, Дуванова Ольга Викторовна, Кобец Юлия Николаевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык Рабочая тетрадь 7 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Е. Р. Михальчук Художественный редактор Н. В.Дождёва Художники Н. И. Колосова. Т. В. Корчемкина, В. Ю. Лисицын. М. М.Долганова Технический редактор и верстальщик Н. В. Лукина Корректоры Т. А. Лебедева. В. Г. Голуб Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 28.03.13. Формат 84 X 108Vi6- Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Школьная. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 8,02. Тираж 25 000 экз. Заказ № 34570 (к-sm). Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа» 214020, Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1 Тел.: -Ь7 (4812) 31-11-96. Факс: -*-7(4812)31-31-70 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.smolpk.ru Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев Н. М. Лапа Э. Ш. Перегудова И. П. Костина О. В. Дуванова Ю.Н. Кобец • учебник с электронным приложением ABBYY Lingvo с аудиокурсом • книга для чтения • книга для учителя Интернет-сайт https://prosv.ru / umk/we •е :Л ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО I