Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 7 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Текст из книги:
lONTENT] Jr ^ UNIT 1. RUSSIA, MY HOMELAND........... 3 UNIT 2. ENGLISH — A LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD...................... 14 UNIT 3. ME AND MY WORLD.............. 32 UNIT 4. IT TAKES MANY KINDS TO MAKE THE WORLD...................... 46 UNIT 5. CHRISTMAS.................... 59 UNIT 6. THE PLEASURE OF READING...... 65 UNIT 7. POPULAR ARTS................. 78 UNIT 8. SPORT IN OUR LIFE............ 97 UNIT 9. EXPLORING THE WORLD..........112 KEYS.................................122 RUSSIA, MY HOMELAND — »:>'.v;-jeaef '.'ли' 1. Write ten questions about Russia that you may ask your friends in class to see how much they know of our country. You may like to find out; 1) on what continent(s) Russia lies; 2) what the climate in Russia is like; 3) how many countries border on Russia; 4) what countries border on Russia in the east, in the west, in the south and in the north; 5) how many nationalities inhabit Russia; 6) if there are any volcanoes in our country; 7) who the most popular Russian writers are; 8) what the most famous Russian theatres are; 9) if people in Russia travel a lot; 10) where people of Russia like to spend their holidays. 2. Look through Ex. 2, p. 5 of your Student’s Book and fill in the boxes to complete the chart. The Russian National Government \ Use the right geographical names to complete the text. See the map of Russia and the word box. a) Siberia b) River Ob c) Altai Mountains d) East European Plain e) Ural Mountains f) West Siberian Lowland g) European Russia h) Georgian i) Caucasus Mountains j) Elbrus k) Baltic l) Poland Russia displays a variety of landforms and environments. Most of the land between the Baltic region (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) and the (f) ... is covered by the Russian Plain or the (2) ... . The Russian Plain occupies northwestern Russia or (3) ... • To the east of the Urals is the vast (4) ... or the West Siberian Plain, the greater part of which is occupied by the basin of the (5) ... . Much of (3) ... is mountainous. The (7) ... lie southwest of Lake Baikal and along the border with Mongolia. Between the Black and Caspian Seas are the high (S) ... which rise to (9) ... at 5,642 m (18,510 ft) on the (10) ... border. The Kaliningrad region between (11) ... and Lithuania on the (12) ... is a detached part of Russia. Match the titles (a—d) with these texts (1—4). a) The Steppes b) The Arctic North c) The Taiga d) The Subtropical Region 1. It is a severe tundra ['1лпёгэ] region. The subsoil^ there is nearly always frozen. The usual temperature in winter is minus 50 ®C, though lower temperatures have been registered. Most of the land is nearly uninhabitable because of the length and severity of winters there. 2. It is the most extensive of Russia’s natural zones and covers more than half of the country. It consists of open coniferous^ forests growing on swampy ground. In European Russia it gives way southward to a zone of mixed coniferous and deciduous® forest that, however, dies out to the east with decreasing rainfall and severer winters. This part of Russia is grass-covered and almost treeless. Winters are cold there, but summers are hot and dry. It stretches in a narrow coastal strip along the Black Sea. From the North it is sheltered by mountains. The water in the sea is warm enough to swim in seven months of the year. Vast tea, tobacco and citrus plantations have been developed in the region. Complete the text using the word combinations from the box. rush hours industrial centre in chronicles cultural importance in temperature international collection radio and television sets the actor, director and producer * subsoil — недра, подпочва ^ coniferous [ks'niforos] — хвойный deciduous [di'si^jss] — лиственный mJL 0ШГЙ MOSCOW Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the world’s great cities. Its name was first mentioned (1) ... in 1147. Since that time Moscow has played an important role in Russian history. Today Moscow is not only the political centre of Russia but also the country’s leading city in population, industry and in (2) ... . Moscow stands on the Moskva River in the centre of the vast plain of European Russia. The climate of Moscow is continental. Winters are long and dark with a lot of snow. Northerly winds from the Arctic bring very sharp drops (3) ... . The minimum recorded temperature is -42 ®C. Spring is rather short, and the temperature rises quickly during late April. Summers are warm and July is the warmest month. Rainy days are quite common, but the summer rainfall often comes in heavy showers and thunderstorms. Autumn, like spring, is brief with rapidly falling temperatures. Moscow is the largest (4) ... of Russia. The most important industries are those producing automobiles and trucks, machine tools, (5) ... . Moscow’s plants and factories also produce food, furniture, clothes and footwear. The most important element in Moscow’s city transport is the metro — subway. The system was begun in 1935 and is still developing. Some of the stations, especially the older ones, are highly decorated with marble, statues and mosaics [msu'zeiiksl. Trains usually arrive at three-minute intervals, though the interval is less during (6) ... . Moscow has numerous theatres, headed by the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, which was founded in 1825. The city’s principal drama theatre is the Moscow Art Theatre. It was founded by (7) ... Konstantin Stanislavsky and the dramatist and producer Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. In its early days it was especially famous for its performances of Anton Chekhov’s plays. Also of the worldwide fame are the State Central Puppet Theatre and the Moscow State Circus. Moscow has some museums and art galleries of international rank. Among them are the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts with a fine (3) ..., and the State Tretyakov Gallery with an excellent collection of Russian paintings. Look at the pictures and write what places in St Petersburg the students a) are going to see; b) have visited. 1) Dvortsovaya Square 2) the Russian Museum 3) Winter Palace 4) Kazan Cathedral 5) the Admiralty ['sedmsralti] 6) St Isaac’s Cathedral 7) the monument to Peter the Great 8) the Kunstkamera ['клпз1Даетэгэ] Ь) i/Mift I /. Write a short story of Andrei Sakharov’s life. Use the information below or anything else you know about him. Andrei Sakharov (1921—1989), a Russian scientist, “the father of the hydrogen I'haidrocfeon] bomb” and human rights campaigner: — born: on the 21st of May in Moscow; — childhood: a very friendly atmosphere of a united family; — school years: one of the best pupils; a gold medal at finishing school; — student's life: a wish to become a physicist ['ftzisistj; a student of Moscow State University; his graduation from the university in 1942; — professional career: much interested in science; his work at one of the military plants during the war; a member of the team creating the hydrogen bomb, the first test 12.08.1953 — success; an academician at the age of 32; three times the hero of the Socialist Labour; — political and public activity: summer 1962 — an offer to ban nuclear tests in the atmosphere, water and space; 1970 — the beginning of public campaign for human rights; 1975 — the Nobel prize for important work towards world peace; protests against the war in Afghanistan. Six years spent in Gorky in exile^ far from Moscow; — last period of life: coming back to Moscow in 1986; active social and political work known to millions of people in Russia and abroad; work for “perestroika”; died — 14 December, 1989. . Complete the dialogue and then write it in indirect speech. Andrew: Hi, Denis! I haven’t seen you for a long time. Did you have a good holiday? Denis: Very good. I ... , Andrew: Really? And what was it like? Denis: Most of all I enjoyed swimming in the sea and ... . Andrew: Did you stay in a hotel? ^ an exile ['eksailj — ссылка ¥Mtt. Denis: We did, but it wasn’t a big one. ... Andrew: Did you go to any interesting places? Denis: Just one or two. ... Andrew: And how was the weather? Denis: Changeable. ... 9. Complete this table of irregular verbs. V ’ ' V2 V3 ! V+ing 1 ■ Translation J cost flew fallen ... forgetting i стоить hurt sold left i ••• вставать, подниматься ... ... stolen wearing ... SPA 10. Revise word-building models and complete the sentences with the derivatives^ of the words on the right. A. 1. The morning was ... and ... . mist, frost 2. That day the weather was rather ... . change 3. That was a ... meeting. danger 4. The world faces a lot of ... problems. ecology 5. I can’t find any ... dress for the party. suit 6. Mr Johnson was a ... businessman. prosper 7. It was ... news. strike 8. The young lady was well-educated and very ... . attract 9. That’s a ... thing! differ 10. The villagers were very ... towards the strang- hospitable ers. ^ a derivative [di'nvotiv] дериват слово, образованное при помощи суффикса или приставки. В- 1, There is a ... of fresh water in some African countries. 2. The ... of this city is going to be reelected soon. 3. ...s from different parties came to the conference. 4. We should prevent the ... of this area. 5. The old woman’s ... to her job is really wonderful. 6. The ... of the snow under the rays of the sun was really striking. 7. Mr Robinson is a well-known ... . 8. Today we should take our final ... . 9. What is the main tourists’ ... of the place? 10. A ... of the country has official power over it. ¥Mwi short govern represent destroy devote white senate decide attract rule 11. Read the texts about Sydney, Oxford and New York and tick the right squares. This text mentions: Sydney I Oxford New York 1. Famous buildings V 2. Origin of the nickname 3. Status among other cities 4. Size 5. Division (main parts) 6. Landscape 7. Population 8. Rivers nearby 9. Beauty 10. Parks and gardens SYDNEY is the oldest and biggest of Australian cities with 3.7 million people. It is a busy modern city and a business centre with high-rise buildings and thirty wonderful beaches. Perhaps the most famous building in Sydney is the Opera House. Its roof looks like sails on Sydney Harbour. It was opened in 1973 for music, theatre and dance. Near the Opera House there is one of the longest bridges in the world. OXFORD is 90 kilometres from London — about an hour by car, bus or train. The River Thames runs through Oxford, and the River Cherwell joins it there. The land is low, but there are hills to the west. Much of the city is old and very beautiful. More than 110,000 people have their homes in Oxford. But in some months of the year there are a lot more people in the city — thousands of students come to Oxford from other towns. Tourists come to Oxford to see the fine buildings, museums, parks and gardens. Oxford is a very interesting city, and many visitors fall in love with it. People often call NEW YORK “The Big Apple”. The reason for it is that people used to say, “There are a lot of apples on the tree, but when you take New York City, you take The Big Apple.” A lot of people wanted to take “The Big Apple” and they still do. New York today is one of the world’s biggest and most exciting cities. More than twenty million people visit New York every year. When visitors think about New York, they usually think about Manhattan — an island 21.5 kilometres long and 3.7 kilometres wide. But New York City has five parts called “boroughs”: Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Staten Island (Richmond). The city has 10,000 kilometres of streets and seven million or more people live here. « Write the same in English. 1. Россия расположена на двух континентах. Это Европа и Азия. 2. Россия граничит с Японией на востоке. С какими странами наша страна граничит на западе? 3, Экологическая ситуация в России не очень благополучная. 4. В наше время в России редко пользуются самоварами во время чаепития. 5. Основная церковь России — Русская православная церковь. 6. Мне нравится жить в России, хотя наша жизнь достаточно сложная. 7. Парламент России называется Федеральным собранием. Он состоит из двух палат — Совета Федерации и Государственной думы. 8. Главой Российской Федерации является Президент. 9. Москва стала городом контрастов, не так ли? 10. Москва — это город, где многое можно увидеть и многим можно заняться. Это город, который обязательно надо посетить. 13. Guess the familiar phrases from the way the letters and pictures are placed in the boxes. Example: Number 1 is Three Little Pigs*\ 14. Read the text about Easter and write a text about some other Russian holiday or a Russian festival. Easter is the most important church festival. Easter Day is always on Sunday, but it is different every year. It celebrates Jesus Christ's return to life. And it also celebrates spring. »шжв. turn People send each other Easter cards. Eggs are an important part of Easter because they mean spring and new life. People decorate eggs with different colours and eat them on Easter Sunday. Many people also eat kulitch and paskha. Kulitch is a kind of cake and paskha is a mixture of soft cheese with fruit, eggs and butter. All these things seem to be especially tasty after the long Lent.^ The most important part of the festival for religious people is the night church service. All churches are beautifully decorated for Easter and people sing special Easter hymns. ^ Lent — Великий пост &ШГ ENGLISH - A LANGUAGE OF -^E WORLD 1. Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. ,1 Ancestor language AncestoTfel 5ITENGUShT2 Dutch PARENl LANGUA GE At one time, at the beginning of history, people probably spoke the same language. As time went on, this parent language (some think that there were several parent languages) spread and changed. At first, the parent languages were spoken by small groups of people. By and by, these groups grew in numbers and there wasn’t enough food for all of them, so people began to move to other places. When these tribes arrived at a new place, they spoke almost the same language as before, but as time passed people began to say things a little differently. Some words that were needed in the old home were no longer needed in the new place and were dropped. New words were made to describe new experiences. Ways of making sentences changed too. And suppose the people had settled in a place where others were already living. Then the two languages blended, and both of the languages changed. At first, the speech of the new people had changed only a little from the original language. After a long time, when there were many changes in words, sounds and grammar, it could be considered a new language. In just these ways Spanish, French and Portuguese [,po:tJu'gi:z] developed from Latin; and English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Dutch grew from an early form of the old Germanic language(s). The ancestor language, together with all the languages which developed from it, is called “a family” of languages. 1. ... ? — Because there wasn’t enough food for all of them. 2. ... ? — No, it wasn’t different, it was nearly the same. 3. ... ? — To describe new experiences. 4. ... ? — Because some words which were needed in the old home were no longer needed in the new place. 5. ... ? — From Latin. 6. ... ? — English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Dutch. 7. ... ? — The ancestor language, together with all the languages which developed from it. c.. Put the verbs in brackets into present, past or future simple, Mr and Mrs Gray live in a big city, and they (i. have) a son. His name (2. be) Pete. Pete (3. not like) (4. wash). One day Mrs Gray said, “I (5. like) {6. live) in the country with Pete next summer.” So they (7. find) a small house in the country and (S. take) Pete there for a vacation. When they (9. arrive) at the house, Mrs Gray said to Pete, “We {10. stay) here for two weeks.” The boy (11. run) into the house and (12. fall) down on the floor. He (13. hurt) his leg but (14. run) further (15. look) in the rooms. When he (16. come) back, he (17. throw) his ball up and (18. cry), “Mum! I (19. can, not) (20. see) a bath. Where (21. be) it?” “This (22. be) a very small house,” his mother answered. “There (23. be) no baths here.” Pete (24. get) really happy. “This (25. be) a very nice holiday indeed. Mum,” he said. 0тпШ ■ Look at the map and write the names of some countries where English is the native or official language. 4. Write the same in English. 1, Если будете в России, обязательно загляните в один из небольших русских городов в центре страны. 2. Когда мы приедем в Петербург, мы сходим в Мариинский театр, чтобы послушать оперу или посмотреть балет. 3. Когда вы услышите эту музыку, вы поймёте, почему я её так люблю. 4. Она позвонит тебе, если ты дашь ей свой номер телефона. 5. Если тебе понравится эта книга, я подарю её тебе. 6. Я буду изучать немецкий, если у меня будет такая возможность. 7. Когда гости уйдут, мы вымоем посуду и ляжем спать. 8. Как только ты закончишь перевод, мы прочитаем его. 9. Если ты будешь говорить громко, ты разбудишь ребёнка. 10. Мы обсудим эту проблему, как только он придёт в школу. %А 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms to complete the sentences. Use present simple or present progressive. 1. a) Why you (look) at the boy angrily? b) The sky is dark. It (look) like rain. 2. a) — John, I сапЧ believe my eyes. You (sleep) at 12 o’clock in the morning! — I (not, sleep). Mum. I (think) with my eyes closed. b) I (think) it is healthy to get up early. 3. a) — How are you? — I’m fine. I (have) a good time, b) When you (have) breakfast? 4. a) We’ve got a grand piano. It (stand) in the corner of the room, b) Why you (stand) so close to the television? 5. a) This material (feel) very soft. Is it wool? b) I’m afraid I (feel) bad today. I’d like to go home and straight to bed. Complete the telephone talk between a newspaper reporter and a famous pop singer. You can find the missing information in the pictures on p. 18—19. R: Mr Starr, may I ask you a few questions? S: Yes, fire away.^ R: Our readers would like to know, how you spend your evenings. It’s 9 p.m. now. Before I called you, you 1 or 2? S: Nothing of the kind. I 3 and 4. R: Oh, I see. Your beautiful young wife? § she now? S: She is not. She 6. R: Thank you, Mr Starr. Now could you say some words about yesterday’s concert? S: What do you want to know? Д: 2 you when the TV people arrived? S: No, I 8 from my fans. R: ... your musicians 9? S: Yes, they were. R: Are they going to make a TV programme about you and your group? S: I think so. ^ fire away *=* start (doing sth) J тпШ R: And what will you be doing tomorrow night? S: 10, R: Really? Are you going on a new tour? S: Yes, we 11 to France. On Sunday at 8 p.m. we 12 in one of the biggest halls in Paris. R: I wish you luck and success in France and thanks for your time. S: Don’t mention it. 7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms to complete the sentences. 1. a) ... you (go) shopping last Monday? — Yes, I ... and I (buy) all the things you told me to buy. b) Yesterday Jane (do) shopping while I (do) the room, 2. a) ... you (play) football yesterday? — No, we ... not. It (rain). b) We (play) football when a thunderstorm (begin). 3. a) ... you (visit) your grandma last week? — No, I ... not. I (prepare) for my exam. b) I (visit) my grandma when her American guests (arrive). 4. a) ... you (take) the dog out yesterday evening? — No, my mother (do) it. b) When I (take) the dog out yesterday evening, I (meet) an old friend of mine. He (hurry) to his sports club. 5. a) When ... your brother (come) home last Thursday? — He (not come) on Thursday. He (stay) in the country. b) When my brother (come) home, he (fall) down and (break) his leg. о. Маке sentences with used to and never used to about yourself when you were very young. These are some of the ideas that you may use: travel alone, fight with local boys, steal sweets, ride a tricycle, cook for the family, break the toys, colour pictures in picture books, be afraid of the dark, like porridge 9« Write sentences with would that can be the answers the old grandfather gave to his grandson’s questions. — Grandpa, did you ever go fishing when you were a boy? — I loved fishing. I would go to the river with my rod as often as I could. — And did you travel by horse? — Did you and grandma go to the cinema? — Did you ever play basketball? — Another thing I’d like to know is if you liked going to the theatre? — Did you and grandma go abroad together? — Did you give grandma chocolates when you were young? 10. Compiete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the right forms. 1. No one expected Olga {give) the wrong answer to such a simple question. 2. Did you see our football team {win) the game yesterday? 3. Who can make me {do) what I don’t want to do? 4. I would like all the people of the world {live) in peace. 5. Pauline did notice her little brother {steal) into the living room, 6, Will you let me {play) in the garden, mother? 7. Didn’t you feel the caterpillar {crawl^) up your leg? 8. I don’t want you {lose) your time. 9. When did you hear our teacher {say) that we were going on a trip? 10. Yesterday I watched a bird {build) its nest. * to crawl [kra:I] — ползти 0furM 11. Choose the right phrasal verbs, put them in the right forms and complete the sentences. 1. William, ... off your socks! 2. They had a quarrel, but 5 minutes later they ... up. 3. If you can’t say honestly why you were late, you should ... up a good excuse. 4. The old lady couldn’t ... up the idea of visiting Paris. 5. She ... away all her money to poor people. 6. ... me back my pen, please. 7. I’m sorry I was rude. I ... back everything I said. 8. The teacher said she would ... out our tests. 9. Charles’ children ... after him. 10. I would like you to give me your address and to ... down ours. 12« Write the same in English. 1. Самолёт взлетел в 11 часов вечера. 2. Он быстро убежал, ни с кем не попрощавшись. 3. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы отнесли словари в библиотеку. 4. Марта отдала свою коллекцию марок младшей сестре. 5. Никогда не теряй надежды (не отказывайся от надежды) и никогда не говори никогда. 6. Когда вы раздадите наши контрольные работы, сэр? 7. Не забудь записать адрес её электронной почты. 8. Не могу разобрать то, что он говорит. 9. Она довольно молода, но очень любит краситься. 10. Мы думаем, что Джон характером пошёл в отца. 13. Write these nouns into the table. Use a dictionary if necessary. Common nouns Countable Uncountable Proper nouns Concrete , Collective Material Abstract Personal e Geographical f 1. Washington, D.C. 2. tea 3. freedom 4. a class 5. Mark Twain 6. a book 7. metal 8. the Moskva River 9. a turtle 10. Snow White 11. understanding 12. an orchestra 13. Julian 14. a teddy bear 15. a pop group 16. cotton 17. seriousness 18. the Alps 19. a discovery 20. happiness 21. a crew 22. Pinocchio 23. sand 24. the Pacific Ocean 14. Complete this table of nouns in the singular and in the plural. 1. potato ... 8. ox ... 2. ... deer 9. swine 3. ... teeth 10. foot ... 4. volcano 11. mosquito 5. radio 12. 1 photo 6. heroes 13. ... tomatoes 7. mouse 14. woman 1 ... 15. Complete the text, use a (an), the or zero article. Write the text down. I don’t think my mother is fit^ to be (i) ... parent, really I don’t. Every morning is (2) ... same. I’m standing by (3) ... door with my coat on, ready to go. School starts at nine, it’s already eight-forty and she’s not ready. “Come on,” I shout at (4) ... top of my voice. “We have to leave now or I’ll be late for (5) ... lessons.” “Wait (d) ... minute. I can’t find my shoes.” I sigh and patiently call upstairs, “Aren’t they in (7) ... bedroom?” “No.” “Where did you take them off?” “I thought I took them off in (8) ... bathroom.” “Look there, then.” “I have.” “You should put your things neatly away at night, Mum. Then you won’t have (9) ... unpleasant surprises in (10) ... morning.” At last, she comes downstairs. But what (11) never wears (12) ... right things. We have (13) she can’t bother to look through them at (14) come out like that.” “Why not?” “You just can’t,” I tell her. “You’ll catch your death. It’s snowing out there. It’s far too cold for (15) ... bare arms.” And I make her go back upstairs for (16) ... sweater. picture she looks! She windows upstairs, but . weather. “You can’t * to be fit — быть пригодным к чему-либо J Express the same in English. 1. He следует есть зелёные фрукты. 2. Когда время собирать фрукты? 3. Дома есть фрукты? 4, Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты купил немного свежих и немного консервированных фруктов. 5. Арбузы (watermelons) — это не фрукты, а ягоды. 6. Вы выращиваете фрукты в своём саду? 7. Я купила много фруктов. Фрукты спелые и сочные (ripe and juicy). 8. Бананы и цитрусовые фрукты не растут на севере. 9. Апельсины, бананы и виноград — это фрукты. 10. На столе лежали различные фрукты. Я не знал названия некоторых из них. 17 Complete the captions using fruit or fruits» 1 I eat a lot of ... We import many different tropical ... . •'9 ■ . -У: 3 ... is the best food for you .V 4 This salad is made from many ... . g Do you usually use dried or tinned ... as the filling for your pies? тЛ tfM/rS’ 18. Think of what you can say to your English teacher in class and write more sentences on these models. 1. I’m sorry I’m late. 4. How do you spell this word? .......... ................................. ? .......... ................................. ? .......... ................................. ? 2. Can I have a copy, please? 5. Could you repeat the last sentence? .......... ................................. ? .......... ................................. ? .......... ................................. ? 3. Shall I read the text? .......... ? .......... ? ? 19. Write the same in Russian. Think of what the phrasal verb fo get + ... means in each sentence. 1. Jack is always the last to get up. 2. I’m afraid I can’t join you for the party: I really must get down to my studies. 3. The two children are getting along very well, as far as I know. 4. We can’t get any more people on, you’ll have to wait for the next bus. 5. I saw Sarah get off the train but then I lost sight of her. 6, The fish was really huge, but it got away. 7. No cats in here — out you get! 8. All young actors and actresses have to learn to get over their fear (страх) of the public. 20. Write the same in English. 1. He будь так груб со своим отцом. 2. Какой язык твой родной? 3. Я сказал, что не знаю ответа, но позже вспомнил его. 4. Я не говорю по-итальянски, поэтому я попросил Марию переводить мне в магазине. 5. Учитель дал своим ученикам тренировочное упражнение на правописание. 6. Эти два мальчика родственники? 7. Старик живёт в лесу в одиночестве. 8. Одежда 20-летней давности сейчас выглядит старомодной, не так ли? 9. Когда Колин услышал звук подъезжаюш;ей машины, он понял, что папа вернулся домой. 10. Какова средняя летняя температура в Москве? 11. Не кажется ли тебе, что с её стороны было невежливо (rude) уйти, не сказав нам об этом? 12. Вчера наша футбольная команда разочаровала нас. Она проиграла матч. 13. Он 0ШЖ^. почти согласился помочь нам. 14. Мне нравятся современные словари. 15. Ты знаешь, из какого количества слов состоит словарь Шекспира? 16. Ты когда-нибудь покупал словарь? 17. Я часто работаю переводчиком с иностранными делегациями, но никогда не пробовал делать письменные переводы (выступать в роли письменного переводчика). 18. Каким словом можно назвать все слова языка? — Словарь. 21 - Look through the dialogue of Ex. 47 in your Student’s Book (p. 49) and find in it words that finish in -tron/*/dn; 1) f_________tion(s) 3) e_ 2) i_______tion 4) p_ ЮП 5) i_________tion _tion 6) s________tion 22. Make up nouns from the verbs given below with the help of the suffix -tfon/-/on and write what they mean in Russian. 1) translate — ? 2) interpret — ? 3) realize — ? 4) relate — ? 5) isolate — ? 6) pronounce — ? 23^ Write c or s to complete the words in the sentences. 1. It takes a lot of practi...e to play the piano well. 2. The team is prac-ti.,.ing for the match on Saturday. 3. Practi...e makes perfect. 4. I find it difficult to speak English because Fve been out of practi...e for three years. 5. You’ll never learn to ride a bike if you don’t practi..,e. 6. Our school orchestra is practi...ing in the hall now. 24. Complete the sentences. Use be or get in the appropriate^ forms. (Sometimes either of them is possible.) 1. Goodbye, Paul, and ... well soon! 2. Winter is coming: it is ... colder and colder. 3. Will you ... so kind and open the door for me? 4. Andrew and Sally are ... married next week. I ... invited to the wedding. 5. I ... hungry. Mum, can you get me something to eat? 6. Congratulations, Vickie. We ... very proud of you. 7. ... good and behave like a nice little boy. 8. She ... so unhappy reading that letter that I thought it was my duty to try and comfort her. 9. Don’t ... so nervous, everything will be fine, I promise. 10. It ... so dark that I couldn’t find the ' appropriate [a'praupriot] — соответствующий ш door of the room. 11. When people go fishing, they should expect that their clothes may ... dirty. 12. The weathermen forecast that by the end of the week the weather will ... warm again. SFA 25. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. Correct ... is very important when you learn a pronounce foreign language. 2. English has become the ... language of the 21st globe century. 3. Thanks, you have been most ... . help 4. She works as an ... . interpret 5. I don’t think you can read books by English or ... America authors in the original. 6. It’s ... to turn your back on the person when he or polite she speaks to you. 7. What’s the ... of this word? mean 8. I would like to buy a new ... dress. fashion 9. The old lady looked ... . disappoint 10. Are the boys ... to each other? They look very relate much alike. 11. That was an absolutely ... meeting. No ... was taken. use, decide 12. I don’t think these methods can be ... . effect SFA 26. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. Once there was a teacher who lived in a Pakistan village. He had many young boys to teach. Some of them were (i) ... than others. The teacher (2) ... they were as stupid as asses.^ One day he (3) ... at these stupid ones, “I (4) ... men out of asses all my life and I can do it again.” As it happens, just as he (5) ... this, a servant (6) ... by the schoolroom and he heard what the teacher said. The servant (7) ..., “That’s wonderful. He (8) ... my donkey into a man, and I (9) ... a son!” stupid, think shout make shout walk think, make have ^ ass = donkey 27. Write the same in English. Маша — ученица седьмого класса. Она учится в средней общеобразовательной школе с углублённым изучением английского языка (а general secondary school specialising in English). Маша изучает английский язык уже шесть лет. В этом году у семиклассников шесть уроков английского языка в неделю. В классе они практикуются в чтении, говорении и письме. Сейчас им легче учить английский, чем было вначале, потому что они знают гораздо больше слов, чем раньше. Но иногда у них возникают проблемы при заучивании новых идиом, поиске (нахождении) родственных слов или изучении грамматических правил. Многие учащиеся находят интересным рабо тать со словарями, хотя некоторые считают, что это скучно. Но все Ма шины одноклассники довольны тем, как их учат английскому языку. 28. Write а paragraph about how you are taught English, 29. This is the beginning of the famous English fairy tale “Jack and Beanstalk”^ but the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow. a) So one morning Milky-White gave no milk at all — not one drop! Then the good hard-working mother threw her apron over her head and cried, “What shall we do? What shall we do?” b) A long, long time ago, when most of the world was young, and folk did what they liked because all things were good, there lived a boy called Jack. c) Jack loved his mother and felt just a bit uncomfortable at being such a big boy and doing so little to help, so he said, “Cheer up! Cheer up! Г11 go and work somewhere.” And he meant what he said. ^ a beanstalk ['bi:n,stork] — бобовый стебель d) His father was very ill, and his mother, a good soul, was busy all day long trying to support her sick husband and her young son by selling the milk and butter which Milky-White, the beautiful cow, gave them. For it was summertime. But winter came on and there was no more grass in the fields to feed the cow. Now Jack often came home with an empty sack. 1. 3. Fit one of the “cat” idioms in each of these situations. (Ex. 70, p. 59 of your Student’s Book can help you.) 1. My friend Alex loves football. He often watches it on TV. But his dream had always been to watch a final match of his favourite team at the stadium. So when his father brought home two tickets for such a match, Alex looked ... . 2. My grandmother often says, when I don’t tell her something she expects me to say. I don’t mind because I know that it’s a joke. 3. My Mum often told me that I should be very careful with her favourite Chinese vase. Yesterday playing with my little brother I broke it. You can imagine that I felt ... when Mum returned home from work. 4. This morning, when we were having an English lesson, our teacher had to leave the classroom to answer a phone call. Some of the boys and girls at once started shouting at the top of their voices and fooling around. When the teacher came back to the classroom, she said, “Oh, well, ... 5. When my best friend Helen told me that her parents wanted to move to a new flat and that Helen would have to change her school, she asked me to keep it a secret and I promised not to ... . 6. Andrew and Peter are cousins but they fight ... . They never agree with each other and if one of them says yes, the other says no. We all hope that they’ll grow out of it. .. When my father tries to tell me that I should be careful not to make people angry, he usually says, son.” I think I understand what he means. i . Complete these limericks in your own way and then compare them with the original ones. (See the keys.) Шг There was а young lady of Riga, Who rode with a smile on a tiger; And the smile on the face of the tiger. Match the two halves of “Ghastly 1) Latin is a language As dead as dead can be; 2) “Stupid boy! Where are elephants found?” The pompous teacher bossed. 3) When I die, bury me deep; Bury my history book at my feet. 4) I shot a sneeze into the air. It fell to earth, I know not where. Rhymes”. a) Tell the teacher I’ve gone to rest And won’t be back for the history test. b) But some time later, so Гт told, Twenty others caught my cold. c) First it killed the Romans And now it’s killing me. d) “They’re never found!” the child replied. “They’re too big to get lost.” iffi 33. Match the questions and the answers of this quiz. QUIZ 1. What science studies ancient handwriting? 2. What is the name for this number: one followed by a hundred zeroes? 3. What is the English equivalent of these surnames meaning the same in different languages: Haddad, Kovacs, Kuznetsov, Ferreiro, Schmidt, Fernandez? 4. How do we call dictionary authors? 5. What does the word “brontosaurus” mean? 6. How do we call the part of the word before the root? 7. How do we call phrases that read the same in both directions? 8. What language can build its words without vowels? 9. What language do they speak in Holland? 10. In what language do they use two question marks — one at the beginning and one at the end of the sentence? Answers a) Smith 1) Spanish b) Dutch g) Lexicographers c) Palindromes h) Googol d) Prefix i) Czech e) Paleography j) Thunder lizard 34. Match the “dog” idioms with their 1. every dog has its day 2. every dog is a lion at home 3. a good dog deserves a good bone 4. a dog in the manger 5. the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on 6. dumb dogs are dangerous 7. an old dog will learn no new tricks 8. let sleeping dogs lie Russian equivalents. a) собака на сене b) не бойся собаки, которая лает c) будет и на вашей улице праздник d) старого пса к цепи не приучишь e) собака лает, ветер носит f) не буди лиха, пока оно спит g) всяк кулик в своём болоте велик h) по заслугам и честь 35. The names of 20 fruits are hidden in this wordsearch. The words are forward, backward, up and down and diagonal. Circle all the words, then write the uncircled letters in the right order. That will give you the answer to the question: bV/iy do elephants wear red sneakers? Fruit gfaldd Wordsearch apple^ grapefruit melon pineapple ^ banana kiwi orange plum cherry lemon papaya pomegranate date lime peach prune grape mango pear tangerine (From The American Girl Library ‘‘Games and Giggles".) ^ “Apple” and “pineapple” are two separate words in this puzzle. So are “grape” and “grapefruit”. P 0 M E G r R A N A T E A T 0 P E Y R R E H c P H 1 L L D D A T E M A E p E P U P 1 N E E Y P M T P E M 1 L P M A 0 H E A N A 0 A S A N R T C E U N R R К N A A H A N R G W В 1 G N N E R 1 P R 1 E w 0 A G R A P E F R U 1 T В E N 1 R E G N A T s ME AND MY \ЛЮВШ Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. Ш 77 6. 7. Stamp collecting, or philately, has been a hobby of millions of people for about 100 years. Stamp collecting can be a very educational hobby. Every picture on a stamp was selected for some particular reason. Each can give you some information about the country from which it came. The most valuable stamps, of course, are the rare ones. Usually they are connected with some events. For example, in certain United States post offices in 1847 there was a shortage of five-cent stamps. The postmasters just cut ten-cent stamps in half, each part paying five cents postage. Today these halves cost several hundred dollars each. Mistakes occur in printing stamps, and such mistakes make the stamp even more valuable. In 1918, the first United States airmail stamps went on sale. Each of them cost 24 cents. In a certain post office the clerk sold them at the regular price. What he did not notice was that on some of them the airplane was printed upside down. Later, each of those stamps cost $2,000! It is also called philately. For about 100 years. It can give you information about the country from which it came. The rare ones. Because in 1847 there was a shortage of five-cent stamps in certain US post offices. Mistakes in printing. Because the airplane on them was printed upside down. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? K/MifS. ^ |il>i iC. Complete these dialogues. 1) A: Is this OK if I use your roller skates? Б: ......... A: B: 2) A: B: A: B: 3) A: B: A: Thank you very much. I love roller skating! Do you? I prefer ......... I really enjoy taking photographs. And you? I’m afraid ........ What do you like doing then? Please, don’t ask me to go to the shops with you. I hate ............ Do you? I don’t like shopping for food but I quite enjoy ............ Good! I want to buy a birthday present for my little brother. We can go to the toy shop together. B: I’d like to. I’m quite fond of ......... 4) A: I like it when it rains. And you? B: Oh no! ......... A: I see. But I prefer ......... B: So today is just the kind of day you enjoy. 3. Five of these sentences have mistakes in perfect tenses. Find the sentences and correct the mistakes. 1. My pen friend writes that he has just come back from London, 2. Last week he wrote to me that he has stayed in London for about a week. 3. We knew that our friends had enjoyed the film. 4. Why didn’t you tell me that you and Paul have met before? 5. Look! I had made some coffee for you. 6. — Where is Mum? — She has just gone out. 7. Did father tell you that he has bought some tickets to the cinema? 8. I read in the newspaper that the President had left the country. 9. She knows that I have told her the truth. 10, Mother says that she had always wanted me to be a doctor. 4-. Write the same in English. 1. Я знаю, что английские школьники уже видели центр Москвы и Кремль. 2. Если вы никогда не видели Гайд-парк, сходите туда в воскресенье. 3. Мы поняли, что наши гости уже рассказали школьникам о своей поездке. 4. Мы только что пришли. Мы еш;ё не сняли с себя пальто. 5. Учитель рассказал нам, где он побывал и что видел. mtT0 6. Друзья сказали нам, что уже побывали в новом музее. 7. Мы верим, что мир изменился к лучшему (for the better), 8. Когда путешественники нашли маленького мальчика в лесу, они поняли, что он долго прожил в полном одиночестве. 9. Когда мы прочитали книгу М. Твена, мы решили посмотреть пьесу, поставленную по ней (the play after it). 10. После того как Джон написал портрет Люси, он понял, что осуществил свою мечту. Choose the right captions for the pictures. 4 1. a) Catherine gives up every morning. b) Catherine looks up every morning. c) Catherine makes up every morning. d) Catherine gets up every morning. 2. a) Stop him! He is getting away with my bag! b) Stop him! He is taking away with my bag! c) Stop him! He is giving away with my bag! 3. a) “Nelly Bell” is making off. b) “Nelly Bell” is getting off. c) “Nelly Bell” is taking off. a) Elvis Presley is giving out his autographs. b) Elvis Presley is getting out his autographs. c) Elvis Presley is making out his autographs. tftUtS. 6. Write the same in English. 1. пять фотографий; 2, три мышонка; 3. две крыши; 4. восемь словарей; 5. пятнадцать оленей; 6, два зоопарка; 7. многократное эхо; 8. четыре вулкана; 9. белые гуси; 10. миллионы рыб; 11. тысяча овец; 12. юные жёны ~i ш This is one of the stories about the famous Nasreddin. But the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow. Use a dictionary if necessary. a) When they reached the court, Lord Enibi and Judge Cadi were already there talking and laughing together. As soon as the judge saw the poor man, he shouted angrily, “You should be ashamed of yourself! You have filled yourself up with the smells from Lord Enibi’s restaurant. But you haven’t paid him a penny. Pay him at once, do you hear!” b) The poor man sighed, “Life is hard for people as poor as I am. Yesterday I was passing the restaurant owned by Lord Enibi. I stopped for a moment because the food smelled so nice. Lord Enibi ran out of the restaurant and said he had caught me swallowing the smell of his food. He handed me a bill, but I hadn’t a single penny to pay him. So he took me to Judge Cadi. The judge is going to pass sentence^ today. Could you possibly come to the court with me and say something in my defence?” c) In the north of Persia there lived Effendi Nasreddin. He was the cleverest man for miles around, and many people came to ask for his advice. Once a poor man came to see him for just this reason. He bowed very low, and said, “I have a great favour to ask of you.” “I shall be delighted if I can be of help to you. So tell me what I can do,” replied the Effendi. d) “Can you hear the money rattling, my lord?” said the Effendi, “Don’t be silly! I’m not deaf, of course I can hear it,” replied Lord Enibi crossly. “Excellent. I’m so glad that is settled. My brother smelled your food cooking and now you have heard his money jingling. So that puts things straight between you.” And with that, Effendi Nasreddin turned on his heel and gave the poor man his arm. Together they walked out of the court. * to pass sentence — вынести судебный приговор k!3Bl. е) The Effendi stepped forward and bowed the deepest of bows. “It so happens that this poor man is my younger brother. He hasn’t a cent, so I’ve come along to settle his debt.” Then he took the purse that hung on his belt, held it up to Lord Enibi’s ear and shook it till all the coins jingled inside. 1. 2. 4. 5. 8. Write what the members of the Potter family will have done by seven o’clock p.m. when they all come back home. Example: Mr Potter / to speak to the reporter, Mr Potter will have spoken to the reporter by the time he comes back home (by seven o*clock p.m,), 1. Mrs Potter / to buy vegetables and fruit. 2. Old Mr Potter / to read all the newspapers and magazines. 3. Old Mrs Potter / to finish knitting her grandson’s sweater. 4. Uncle Fred / to wash his car. 5. Aunt Polly / to pay a visit to her niece. 6. John / to do his homework. 7. Barbara / to write her project. 8. Their cousin Rachel / to plant some roses in the garden. 9. Write the same in English. Use future simple or future perfect. In some cases both are possible. Choose the better of the two. 1. Завтра к десяти часам утра она напечатает 25 страниц. 2. Я уверена, мы когда-нибудь встретимся, 3. В следующем месяце Джону будет четырнадцать лет. 4. Если ты попросишь его, он тебе поможет. 5. Если вы его попросите, он закончит перевод к воскресенью. 6. Через пару лет (а couple of years) вы закончите школу. 7. Я уверена, бабушка выгладит мне платье. 8. Через четверть часа спортсмен пробежит последние сто метров. 9. В следующем месяце будет сорок лет, как моя тётушка Джейн замужем за дядей Джеком. 10. Сколько страниц ты переведёшь через десять дней? 10. Put in articles where necessary, 1. They have built ... new school at ... end of our road. 2. Yuri Gagarin was ... first man to travel through ... space. 3, ... thermometer is ... instrument that tells you how hot or cold something is. 4. How do tfturS. you learn ... latest news? Do you watch ... telly or listen to ... radio? 5. You must cross ... bridge if you want to get to ... opposite bank of ... river. 6, Let us wait till ... moon rises. 7. ... thief went to ... prison for six years. 8, ... queen bee is larger than other bees. 9. I was so tired that I went straight to ... bed. 10. England lies to ... north of France. 11. John found ... coin in ... garden, ... coin turned out to be magic. 12, I would like to become ... astronaut, even though it is ... dangerous job. 13. Do you think that everybody should go to ... college or to ... university? 14. ... only thing to do on ... hot day is to go swimming. 15. In the US a lot of people still go to ... church regularly. 11. Write the same in English. 1. Лук — это овощ круглой формы с сильным запахом. 2. Дом лежал (был) в руинах после пожара. 3. Это был тот самый праздник, который мы когда-то отмечали вместе. 4. Испания расположена (лежит) к югу от Франции. 5. Он всегда хотел учиться в университете. 6. В этой деревеньке была красивая старинная церковь. 7. Сколько времени вы ежедневно проводите на работе? 8. Положи фрукты в холодильник, пожалуйста. 9. Телескоп — это прибор, благодаря которому предметы выглядят больше и кажутся ближе. 10. Что происходит в соседней комнате? 12. Write down some opinions with which you; a) agree, b) disagree, and to which you can say that you are c) not sure. a) .... — I should think so. .... — I quite agree here. .... — Exactly. .... — That’s just what I was thinking. .... — Sure. b) .... — Don’t be so silly! .... — Just the other way round. .... — On the contrary. .... — Certainly not. c) .... — I’m not sure. .... — Yes, but ... .... — I’m afraid I don’t agree, .... — On the other hand, ... .... — I don’t think you are right. 3 Match the captions with the pictures. a) They’ve turned everything upside down here! b) What made him turn up here so unexpectedly? c) I’ll turn them into horses. d) Turn your pockets inside out now! e) Don’t turn round but I think your father is sitting at the next table. f) I never thought that boats can turn over so easily. 14. Answer these questions. Use the vocabulary of Unit 3, Ex. 34 of your Student’s Book. 1. If you have made a decision and are not going to change it, what do you call such a decision? 2. If someone wants to have the door opened for him, and there’s no bell, what does he do? 3. If your TV set has buttons for the controls, what do you do to switch the telly on or off? 4. How do you call a stick of wax that gives light when it burns? 5. What is another word for a fight? 6. What do you do to start a mechanical clock working? 7. What do we have to do with mechanisms when they break down? 8. What do parents teach their children to do not to grow up greedy and selfish? 9. What do you feel when you do something wrong and know it? 10. What does the sun give us? 11. What do dentists do with your bad tooth if they can’t fill it? 12. In what other way can you say that something is near your house? 13. What do people in Britain eat cornflakes and salad from? 14. What is another word for merry, happy or joyful? 15. Write English equivalents for these. 1. полная горсть орехов; 2. чайная ложка сахара; 3. полный стакан сока; 4. столовая ложка мёда; 5. полный рот шоколада; 6. полная чашка молока; 7. полная тарелка овощей 16. Choose the right word (admrb or adjective) to complete these sentences and write them down. 1. The orange tastes (bitter/bitterly). 2. He answered the question {firmf firmly), 3. She looked at me {serious/seriously) and said she didn’t feel {unhappy/unhappily). 4. Why do you sound so {sad/sadly)7 5. John smiled {sad/sadly) and said he was {regretful/regretfully) about the accident. 6. The voice on the phone sounded {cheerful/cheerfully), 7. On the phone John’s voice sounded {firm/firmly). 8. The bunch of flowers smelt {sweet/sweetly), 9. — Do you think he spoke {serious/seriously) when he offered me a place in his office? — I think so. He sounded quite {serious/seriously). 10. Little Jane looks so {serious/seriously) in her new school uniform. тЖ SFA. ^ Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. The last film I saw was very ... . 2. What ... instrument can you play? 3. Where did you spend your ...? 4. There was a ... valley not far from our cottage. 5. The soup was a bit ... . 6. The old armchair is my favourite because it is very .... 7. Daniel got higher ... in Oxford. 8. Where did Chris spend his ...? 9. I’m making a real effort to look ... in spite of the incident. 10. A ... path ran along the valley. 11. She is really very ... about what has happened. 12. The new little puppies looked ... and ... . bore music child wood salt comfort educate boy cheer wind regret health, bounce SFI 1G. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. The afternoon was hot, and so was the railway carriage. In the carriage were a small girl, a small boy and another girl who was the (i) ... of the three. They small (2) ... with their aunt. Most of the aunt’s remarks travel seemed to begin with “Don’t”, and nearly all of the children’s remarks (3) ... with “Why?” begin “Why those sheep (4) ... out of the field?” asked drive the boy looking out of the window. “Perhaps the grass in the other field is (5) sug- good gested the aunt absurdly. “Why is it (6) ...?” came the question. good “Oh, look at those cows!” exclaimed the aunt, who (7) ... her patience. lose Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 1. Jane left {home/house) at 8. 2. — Where is Uncle James? — He must be somewhere in the {home/house). 3. What a beautiful (home/house) stands on the hill over there! 4. Andrew said he would come back (home/ house) at the end of July, 5. — Aren’t your parents in England? — No, they are (at home / in the house). 6. Is your (home/house) big or small? 7. Mother says when she travels abroad, her thoughts are never far from (home/house). 8. (Home/House) generally refers to the building. 9. A (home(house) becomes (homelhouse) when you speak of it as the place you live in. 10. Will you describe your (home/house) as dark or light? 20- Read the words on Daddy’s gift mug and write your own inscription for one of the other mugs. " 'i- Dad^ Meaning: Special No matter your title -Father, Dad or Pop -You’re a super guy Who is always on top. It’s your opinion That everyone seeks; To your family you’re truly Special ancf unique. ^ For Ihe love and support pM You have given away, f. You’ll receive rich rewards Tomorrow and today. / V , и/ ^ 11 Complete the text with the help of the information offered by the British Royal Family’s genealogical tree on p. 42. The British Queen Elizabeth II has the most interesting family tree. Her Majesty Herself is the granddaughter of Queen Victoria (1837— 1901). Queen Elizabeth is married to Prince Philip, who is her (1) ... and the (2) ... of her four (3) ... : three (4) ... and one (5) ... . They are Queen Victoria’s (d) ... . All of them are married and have families of their own. Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth’s elder (7) was married to Princess Diana who died in an accident in 1997. Now his (3) ... is Ще ЩгШёЬ ЗК^ора! jTamilp tEree Prince Charles 1948 Camilla Rosemary 1947 Princess Vice-Admiral Prince Anne Timothy Laurence Andrew 1950 1955 I960 Sarah Ferguson 1959 Prince Edward 1964 Sophie Rhvs-Jones *1965 Princess Diana Captain Mark Phillips 1948 Peter Phillips Autumn Kelly Zara Phillips 1977 1978 1981 Lady Louise 2003 Prince William 1982 Prince Harry 1984 Viscount Severn 2007 Savannah Isla Phillips Phillips 2010 2012 Princess Beatrice 1988 Princess Eugenic 1990 Prince George 2013 •1 Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall and Rothesay. Charles’ two sons have one aunt and two (9) ... . William is married to Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. Thus the Queen has eight (10) ... and three (11) ... . 22- In the year 2000 the members of the Royal Family were of different ages. Describe their ages in that year in words. Queen Mother — 100 years old (!) Queen Elizabeth — 74 years old Prince Charles — 52 years old Princess Anne — 50 years old Prince Andrew — 40 years old Prince Edward — 36 years old Prince William — 18 years old Prince Henry — 16 years old Princess Beatrice — 12 years old Princess Eugenie — 10 years old 23. Think of your relations and write which of them; is fond of fishing/gardening/travelling ▲ likes watching television/playing games/listening to music ▲ loves or hates cooking/keeping pets/visiting museums a goes in for sports a plays musical instruments a cares for taking photos and collecting things a does something else as a hobby 24. Write a paragraph about your hobby. SFA^ 25. Match the descriptions of these British customs and traditions with their names. a) Pancake Racing b) Clootie Wells c) Egg Rolling d) Searching the Houses of Parliament e) Ceremony of the Keys 1. Before every State Opening of Parliament, the Yeomen of the Guard in their scarlet and gold uniforms gather in the Prince’s Chamber of the House of Lords. Ignoring the existence of electric light they scrupulously search every corner of the cellars beneath the Palace of Westminster by the light of old candle lanterns. When they are satisfied that all is well, a message is sent to the Queen, and Parliament is free to assemble. 2. The original Easter eggs were hard-boiled eggs stained with vegetable dyes and often beautifully decorated. The custom of rolling Easter eggs downhill is observed every Easter Monday at Avenham Park, Preston, in Lancashire, although chocolate eggs, or even oranges, can be used nowadays. 3, Tossing pancakes, especially while running, is nationally famous. The women of Olney and nearby Warmington wear aprons and headscarves for the occasion and, armed with pancakes and frying pans, gather in the village square. From here they race for some 400 metres to the parish church tossing their pancakes three times on the way. The winner receives a prayerbook, after which all the frying pans are laid around the church and a service of blessing is held. L In Scotland some wells or trees near them are decorated by passers-by with strips of cloth, representing problems, prayers or wishes. It is traditional to visit the wells before or on the first Sunday in May, The Tower of London, started in 1708 by William the Conqueror, is one of the city’s oldest buildings, guarded still by soldiers and Yeomen Warders of the Tower or Befeaters in bright Tutor-style costumes. One of the Tower’s many traditions is the ancient Ceremony of the Keys, when each night at 9:53 p,m,, the chief Warder locks the Tower Gates and carries the Keys ceremonially to the Resident Governor. Molly’s parents said she could have a puppy. Help her get to the pet shop to pick out her pup. Write what name Molly has chosen for her pet. To find it out look at the shops in the order she passed them. If she went by the door, she took the first letter of the shop for the pet’s name. The pet’s name is (From The American Girl Library '"Games and Giggles'",) IT TAKES MANY KINDS TO MAKE THE WORLD 1 . Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. МШУСР! f" ГМИ» The word “cartoon” was originally used by painters during the period of the Italian Renaissance. And in fact, it is still used by artists. What they mean is the first sketch/ When newspapers and magazines began to use drawings to illustrate news and to provide amusement, these drawings also came to be called “cartoons”! In the 19th and early 20th century there were a number of magazines which specialized in cartoons — Charivari in Paris, Punch in London and Life and Jungle in the United States. The first comic strip^ appeared in the early 1900’s. The first comic strip was called Buster^ Brown and was published in 1902. It was so popular that children all over the USA wanted to dress in “Buster Brown” clothes. Another of the early comic strips was Bringing Up Father, This came out in 1912. It has since been translated into 27 different languages and published in 71 countries. 1. ... ? — They mean “the first sketch”. 2. ... ? — Charivari, Punch, Life and Jungle, 8. ... ? — It appeared in the early 1900’s. a Hkatch — набросок ^ a comic strip — страничка юмора в газете а buster — гуляка, кутила »мгФ. 4. ... ? — It was called Buster Brown and it was published in 1902. 5. ... ? — Yes, the children all over the USA wanted to dress in “Buster Brown”. 6. ... ? — Into 27 different languages. 2. Jo likes unusual colours. Use the example and write what colour the furniture in his room will be when he paints it. The words from the box will help you. Example: 1. Jo*s desk will be coal black when he paints it. ж Describe the size or the shape of these objects. (Use Unit 4, Ex. 4 (C), p. 104 of your Student’s Book.) ^ I- 4. How can you characterize these? Use the example and Unit 4, Ex. 4 (C), p. 104 of your Student’s Book. Example: A knife that юопЧ cut is blunt. 1. Soup that is too hot to eat ... . 2. A box that weighs 35 kg ... . 3. Juice which is not cold but is not warm either ... . 4. A child’s cheek ... . 5. Ice cream which is so cold that you can hardly eat it ... . 6. An axe that cuts wood easily .... 7. A bird’s feather .... 8. A pencil that is well prepared for writing .... 9. A small kitten ... . 9. Choose the right adjectives to complete the sentences. 1. If you put too much sugar in jam, it becomes ... . 2. Lemons are ... . 3. Black coffee without sugar tastes ... . 4. How much salt have you put in the soup? It is so ... . 5. The tea is too there is too much sugar in it. 6. Don’t eat these green apples. They are ... in taste. 6. a) Look through Ex. 46, p. 87 from your Student’s Book and write out the adjectives of Ex. 9, p. 105 to describe Danny and his father. Danny: _____________________ Danny’s father: ____________________ b) Describe Snow White, her mother, her father and the dwarfs using the adjectives from Ex. 9, p, 105 from your Student’s Book. c) Write a description of any of Walter Disney’s characters as you remember them. 7. Complete the charts with the missing forms of the adjectives. Absolute (Positive) Comparative ' Superlative (the) slimmest 1. attractive ... 2. ... ... 3. ... wiser 4. free ... 5. bouncy ... 6. ... more 7. shy ... 8. thin 9. tidier 10. •.. ... (the) most cheerful 8. Write your opinion about these things and activities. Example: big / Australia or Asia? In my opinion Asia is bigger than Australia, 1. difficult / speaking English or writing English? 2. boring/doing the flat or doing lessons? 3. fragile / glasses or cups? 4. high / Elbrus or Everest? 5. tasty / porridge or soup? 6. slow/buses or jeeps? i 0ШгФ 9. Express the same idea writing the adjectives with the opposite meanings in the comparative degree. Example: He is not so unfriendly. I thought he was more unfriendly. He is friendlier than I thought. 1. Her handwriting is not so bad. I thought it was worse. 2. This river is not so wide. I thought it was wider. 3. The boy is not so slow. I thought he was slower. 4. The film is not so boring. I thought it was more boring. 5. The dress is not so old-fashioned. I thought it was more old-fashioned. 6. The lady is not so sad. I thought she was sadder. 7. The driver is not so careless. I thought he was more careless. 8. The street is not so long. I thought it was longer. 10. We have asked ten boys and girls: “Have you had a nice evening?” All of them have answered “Yes.” Write what they have been doing. Example: Jane: to watch an interesting film on ТУ. Jane has been watching an interesting film on TV. Colin: to play on the computer. Sara: to watch a video. John: to read an interesting novel. Mary: to paint her friend’s portrait. Dolly: to sew a dress. Peter and Tom: to discuss the plan of their future holidays. Sam and Jack: to work in the garden. 11. Choose the right tense: present perfect or present perfect continuous. Write the sentences down. 1. — How (have you spent / have you been spending) the evening? — I (have read / have been reading) some papers and magazines. 2. Someone (has ridden / has been riding) my bike and (has broken / has been breaking) it. 3. How long (have you had / have you been having) these glasses? 4. Someone (has used j has been using) my computer and (has broken / has been breaking) it. 5. I (have read / have been reading) two books this week. 6. Here you are! I (have looked / have been looking) for you everywhere. 7. — Where (have they gone / have they been going)? — Sorry, I don’t know. 8. They (have built / have been building) their cottage for three years already. ышгФ. 12. Write the same in English. 1. — Тебе нравится Греция? — Никогда там не был. 2. Дождь идёт с утра. 3. Анна накрывает на стол уже час. 4. Джон никогда не обращался за советом. 5. Джек работает в саду 40 минут. Он полил цветы, но ещё не посадил розовые кусты (кусты роз). 6. Мой отец собирает книги по искусству с детства. 7. — Куда он ушёл? — В какую-то картинную галерею. 8. — Как давно ты берёшь уроки музыки? — Уже три 1Ч)да. 9. Всю свою жизнь я учусь готовить. 10. Ты когда-нибудь рисовал портреты? 13. Match the words and word 1. a preparatory scliool 2. a mathematician 3. an editor 4. humorous pocuns 5. witty works 6. paperback 7. an assistant editor 8. salary 9. an adorable son 10. children’s verses combinations in the two columns. a) редактор b) остроумные произведения c) обожаемый сын d) юмористические стихи e) помощник редактора f) детские стихи g) подготовительная школа h) книга в мягкой обложке i) заработная плата j) математик 14. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense: past perfect or past perfect continuous and write the sentences down. 1. I found a baby bird in our garden. It (fall) out of the nest. 2. Jill (draw) sketches for two years before she painted her famous landscape. 3. Ann asked me if I (send) letters to my grandparents regularly. 4. Jane agreed that John (cause) trouble since the day of his arrival. 5. It was nearly seven years since I (see) Johnny. 6. Jane apologized because she (leave) the book at home. 7. Barbara said she (not invite) Polly to the party. 8. We didn’t go to the film because we (see) it. 9. Little Sara’s face and hands were in flour. It was clear she (cook). 10. James said he (wait) too long, he couldn’t wait any longer. 1 15. Choose the right adjectives to complete the sentences. (Sometimes either of them is possible.) Write the sentences down. 1. She sat near the (furthest/farthest) window. 2. We are only four. Our (eldest/oldest) son couldn’t come. 3. Yesterday we bought the (last/latest) copy of this weekly magazine. It had come out only two 0мтф days before. 4. What is the title of Marinina’s (last/latest) detective story? 5. Two boys entered the hall — a short one and a tall one. The (latter/later) was wearing a dark suit. 6. December is the (last/latest) month of the year. 7. Irene has all the (last/latest) pop records. 8. For (further/farther) information refer to the secretary. 9. The (next/near-est) train to Moscow is at seven. 10. John’s house is (next/the next) door. 16. Write answers to these questions: Who is the teliest? Who is the smailest? Helen is taller than Charles, but smaller than Andrew. Andrew is smaller than Sara. Sara is smaller than David. Alice is taller than Andrew, but smaller than Sara. (First count the names. Draw a line and write the name "*Helen**, Then draw a shorter line for Charles, Then draw lines for the other names — longer or shorter than the others.) 17. Write the best Russian equivalents for these: 1) as poor as a church mouse 2) as cool as a cucumber 3) as hard as nails 4) as old as the hills 5) as happy as a lark 6) as fresh as a daisy 18 Choose the right adjectives to make these comparisons complete and write the sentences down. 1. I think Ben is ill. He is as ... as a ghost. 2. Draw the curtains apart. The room is as ... as night. 3. — Let’s have a swim! — Oh no, the water is as ... as ice. 4. I don’t think he will win the race. He is as ... as a tortoise. 5. My little daughter’s eyes are as ... as the sea. 6. She is a very shy child. She is always as ... as a mouse. 0мгф L» 19. Put in the articles where necessary. 1. Have you ever heard her telling ... lie? 2. He never speaks in ... whisper. He always shouts at ... top of his voice. 3. She did some cooking for ... while and then went to her bedroom to take ... nap. 4. I can’t say there are many dictionaries in the library but there are ... few. 5. It’s twelve o’clock. Let’s have ... break. 6. — Did you have ... good time at ... party? — Rather. 7. Jane is always in ... hurry. 8. I’ve been looking for ... textbook for two weeks already. But I haven’t found it yet. What ... shame! 20. Imagine that you are asked these questions. Write the sentences which could be possible answers to them. (Use Unit 4, Ex. 41, p. 124 from your Student’s Book.) 1. — Can you help me? I wonder when the train from St Petersburg arrives. — ... 2. — This may sound a stupid question but I’d like to know how much a kilogram of brown bread costs in Russia? — ... 3. — What do you think of going to a concert of rock music? — ... 4. — Would you mind telling me why so many people watch soap operas? — ... 5. — Excuse me, do you happen to know when and where puppet shows start? — ... 6. — Something else I’d like to know is how many gold medals the Russian team won at the XXII Olympic Games and where they were held? — ... 7. — Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? — ... 8. — Excuse me, do you happen to know why people often call New York “The Big Apple”? — ... 9. — Would you mind telling me what the biggest museum in New York is and where it is situated? — ... 10. — Excuse me, this may sound a stupid question, but when did the cinema appear? — ... 21. Write the same in Russian. 1. The children rushed out of the classroom at the end of their lesson, 2. Ann is afraid of dogs because when she was a little girl, a big black dog rushed at her. 3. This is a difficult job — don’t rush me and don’t rush at conclusions. 4. John had a terrible pain in his left side and his parents rushed him to hospital. 5. There is plenty of time, we needn’t rush. 6. Do you think it is polite to rush into the room like that? 7. Don’t rush out of the room without saying goodbye. Write the new words properly. (Unit 4, Ex. 45, p. 126—128 of your Student’s Book can help you.) 1. wgheit; 2. isaxnuo; 3. ygolom; 4. nebd; 5. mees; 6. vewa; 7. lemons; 8. larpartuci; 9. lindky; 10, memblu; 11. rumrum; 12. wap; 13. pir-some; 14. tromundees 23 Write the list of “speaking” verbs alphabetically. (See Unit 4, Ex. 47, p. 128 of your Student’s Book.) 9 Write the names of the body parts in the pictures. тм4гФ 25. Write descriptions of two imaginary characters. The first is nice and loveable. The second — unpleasant and difficult to socialize with. Include in your descriptions as many words from p. 138 of your Student’s Book as you can. В Look at the picture of a horse and write the names of the parts of its body indicated by numbers. 27. Choose the right verbs and use them in the right forms to complete the sentences. 1. The young man was so hungry that he ... at the food that was given to him. 2. The child was lying on his chest and then he ... over to look at the sky. 3. Гт sure you will ... over all the difficulties. 4. I usually ... off at this stop. 5. I was asked to ... out of the car and follow my host. 6. When Alec heard the doorbell, he ... to the door to open it. 7. ... on the television. There’s a good comedy on. 8. Don’t speak too soon and don’t ... at conclusions. 9. Don’t let him ... away with my bag! 10. How are you ... along with each other? 11. It’s not polite to ... into a room without knocking. 12. The boy was asked to ... his pockets inside out. емгФ ш >2& Complete the sentences using the derivatives of right. 1. Jane’s cake was in shape, but it was very delicious. 2. Jacob’s ... views are well-known. 3. Nobody could explain that ... fact. 4. Mrs Loveday seems a ... woman, always ready to help. 5. You should be more ... in class. 6. ... people are difficult to please. 7. He waited ... for our ... . 8. I promise ... that everything will be done properly. 9. She gave us a ... smile and nodded. 10. David looked at us ... and said he had failed. 11. I tried to give the ... of being interested at his ... party. 12. Some people are nice and others are ... and difficult to socialize with. the words on the regular progress mystery please attention fuss anxious, decide solemn kind gloomy appear bore love, pleasant SW 29. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. There once was a little fish. He was of good family. I (1) ... his name, but if you want to know it, you must ask someone (2) ... than me. He had one thousand and eight hundred brothers and sisters, all born at the same time. They did not know their parents and had to take care of (3) ... . They {4) ... around happily in the sea. They had enough water to drink: they lived in the (5) ... ocean of the world. They (6) ... about where their food (7) ... from tomorrow. Each wanted to live his own life. forget knowledgeable they, swim great not think, come 40. Write the same in Russian. 1. — Does your granddaughter often visit you, Mrs Walter? — Oh no. Once in a blue moon. 2. Don’t pay attention to his words. He was simply feeling blue. 3. The old gentleman gave his nephew a black look but said nothing. 4. The word “critic” to her is like a red rag to a bull. 5. Our boss was given a statue of a horse. Don’t you think it is a real white elephant? 6, John has never been yellow. 31 • Write a paragraph on what makes people different and alike. 32. A. Draw a picture of your family tree. (You may use photos too.) Include all your relations in it. B. Describe your family tree. Decide whose story is the best. C. Write about the member of the family you like most. 33. Write 10 sentences about your favourite toy when you were a small child. Describe what it looked like and explain why you liked it. You may do a drawing of it too. 34. Each of the mixed-up words below is the name of a colour. Write them correctly. Colour Scramble . «А т/гФ 35. Match the words in the columns to 1) as black as a) a peacock 2) as hungry as b) a horse 3) as weak as c) a mouse 4) as proud as d) a lord 5) as merry as e) coal 6) as strong as f) a lark 7) as clear as g) a kitten 8) as drunk as h) a dog 9) as quiet as i) a bell 10) as sick as j) a wolf 36. Put the parts (a, b, c) of this verse in their right order. a) A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuff’d it well with plums; And in it put great lumps of fat. As big as my two thumbs. b) The king and queen did eat thereof; And noblemen beside; And what they could not eat that night. The queen next morning fried. c) When good King Arthur ruled this land, He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley meal To make a bag-pudding. SFA 1. Match the headlines with the paragraphs of this text. _________________ - - a) The Best Time for Shopping } b) Keeping Old Festivals ^ c) The First Holiday of the New Year d) Pagan Festivals Щ1, e) Festivals Will Live On “ n : ‘ A -----------: .vvifi^v, I f) The Last Day of the Old Year i '//■ ' V44v,vi.:,-^...:N-44y . •jjittinnmmiiiiitmmmmnmitmimmmiintHib £g) What People Promise to Them- .. “ selves - Festivals Unite People Today FESTIVALS OLD AND NEW (After Jackie Maguire) In Britain^ Canada and the USA, in each of the four seasons, people enjoy different festivals and celebrations, 1. Thousands of years ago the people of Britain were pagans.^ In their religions the sun, the moon, the winds, rain, animals and trees were all important, and they had festivals for them. ' pagan ['peigsn] — языческий ^ pagans ['peigsnz] — язычники 2. When Christianity came to Britain, the people wanted to keep some of their old festivals, so many lived on, but as Christian festivals. Halloween, Christmas, Saint Valentine’s Day and Easter are all examples of this. 3. Today many people (even people who do not usually go to church) celebrate these festivals and also many other festivals which did start in the church. Food, family and flowers are the important part of most celebrations. Most people have a big family dinner at Christmas. People today often live far away from their families, so they send greetings cards at special times like Christmas. The cards say things like “Thinking of you across the miles”. Post offices and telephones are very busy too. 4. New Year’s Eve is on 31st December, the last day before the New Year begins. In many places people go to parties, bars or restaurants with friends in the evening. Sometimes they meet outside in big squares. 5. New Year’s Day is on 1st January, the first day of the new year. It is a holiday for most people, and the banks and many shops don’t open. Many people stay at home on that day and rest. Most people go back to work on 2nd January, but in Scotland they have two days’ holiday and go back to work on 3rd January. 6. At this time of year a lot of people make New Year’s resolutions. They decide to do something different to be a better person. For example, they say, “I’m going to stop smoking,” or “I’m going to learn something new,” or “Fm going to work harder.” 7. The shops are very busy in January with January sales. This means things are cheaper than before Christmas, so it is a good time to buy winter clothes. Times change, and festivals change too. But people have celebrated many of these festivals for hundreds of years — and will still enjoy them in many years’ time. iiA SFA Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. We ... spend a lot of time together with our families on usual Christmas Eve. 2. I think that Santa should be a good ... as he visits our climb homes climbing down the chimneys. 3. Do you sometimes make Christmas ...s yourself? decorate 4. I have a ... that Christmas has become too much of feel business and so has lost its ... . mean 5. Santa Claus is an ... old man in red clothes with a long imagine white beard, 6. I always have a lot of ... balls and lights on my Christ- colour mas tree. 7. ... people often pull a cracker at the start of their Britain Christmas dinner. 8. ... Christmas foods are Christmas pudding, turkey and tradition potatoes and Christmas cake. As you already know, on New Year’s Eve people often make resolutions for the year to come, for example, “I want to join a sports club” or "/7/ keep my desk tidy next year”. Write down your New Year’s resolutions in the order of importance. Compare your resolutions in class (if you wish, you can keep some of them secret). . About a hundred years ago a little girl sent a letter to a New York newspaper The Sun. This letter has become one of the most famous letters ever written. Read her letter and the editor’s^ answer. Write your own answer to the girl’s letter. ^ Dear Editor, ^ I am eight years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "7/ you see it in The Sun, ifs so.** Please ■> tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? S Virginia O^Hanlon ^ an editor — редактор w- щ ^ л Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they give to your life its highest beauty and joy. How dreary would be the world without Santa Claus! Not believe in Santa Claus? You might as well not believe in friends! Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can imagine all the wonders that are unseen and unseeable in the world. No Santa Claus? Thank God, he lives and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, no, 10 times 10 thousand years from now, he will continue to make the heart of a child glad! О a) Read the text (use a dictionary if necessary) and write what mother and what child it tells us about. Oh, let us praise it, this season! See the glitter of the lights of the tree. Smell the wild pine scent, the dripping pitch. Stand back, the miracle begins, love! That is the answer. There is no other. The tired Mother rests, listening to the Animals who are enchanted with the Child! She notes the coming of the camels (spitting), Leashed outside by the Three Travellers, Who are gossiping with Joseph. What will she do with the bounty they leave? She wants no gifts. Only peace and love. Stand back. Let this moment last. The beautiful Child is here. Listen! The message is clear. Peace and love. The Mother bends over the Child who lifts His hands and looks at her. His eyes are Luminous and clear. Joseph shakes his head. Peering into the stalls. The Child speaks. He blesses His Mother and the world. Including all creatures of water, land And sky. Give heed!^ Peace and love, Oh, let us praise it, this season! Listen to the tiny voice of the lovely Child Blessing His Mother and the world. Smell the sharp Scent of the tree. See the glitter of the lights. Stand back and hear. Peace and love! b) Write the story of the Child’s birth as you remember (know) it. 6. In the rhyme the lines are mixed up. Put them in the right order. 1) a a) The north wind does blow, 2) b) He’ll sit in a barn 3) c) And we shall have snow. 4) d d) Poor thing. 5) e) And hide his head under the wing. 6) f) And what will poor robin do then? 7) g) And keep himself warm 8) _ h h) Poor thing. 7. There are at least 10 words of three or more letters hidden in this word wheel. See how many you can find. The letters have to be together in the right order. Begin with the word "reach” * heed — careful attention 8. Read the instructions and make cobweb Christmas balls to decorate your Christmas tree or to give to your friends and relatives as Christmas presents. How to Make Cobweb Christmas Balls? lo make a cobweb Christmas ball you’ll need a spool of cotton thread, some liquid starch and a small balloon. That’s all. Blow up the balloon to the size of a large Christmas tree ball and knot it. Tie a piece of string around the knot and suspend the balloon from a table edge. Hold the string in place with a couple of books or a piece of tape. Spread newspapers under the balloon. Put the spool of thread in a deep bowl. Cover the spool with liquid starch. Wind the thread around the balloon in a spidery crisscross pattern. Continue until the balloon is covered with a fine cobweb of thread. Let the Christmas ball dry overnight, then pop the balloon and carefully remove it. Try several cobweb Christmas balls in different colours. Or even mix colours. Hand the airy ball on the Christmas tree just as it is, or add a bright bow for even more colour. шиж THE PLEASURE OF READING Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. Элг:* гал'г.-..- 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... ■ 'V V The first' newspapers were nothing like our papers today. They were more like letters containing news. In the fifth century BC there were men in Rome who wrote these newsletters and sent them to people who lived far away from the capital. Something more like our papers was started by Julius Caesar in 60 BC. His government published a daily bulletin devoted mostly to government announcements, it was called Acta Diurna which meant Daily Happenings. In the sixteenth century Venice people paid a fee of one gazeta to read notices that were issued by the government every day. These were called Notizie Schritte (Written News). The first regular newspaper established in London was the Intelligencer in 1663. At that time papers were mostly published only once a week because their production was slow. The first American newspaper, Public Occurrences, was started in Boston in 1690, but the governor of the colony quickly stopped it. Benjamin Franklin headed the Pennsylvania Gazette from 1729 to 1765. The people were so eager to have newspapers that by the time of the American Revolution there were 37 of them in the Colonies. They were like letters containing news. Something more like our papers. It meant Daily Happenings. It was established in London in 1663. Because their production was slow. Public Occurrences. ■ :i --•'.v.-.jc; “Make Way for Ducklings” is a very famous story that tells us how ducklings once walked through the streets of Boston. It was written about seventy years ago. Since it was written, a lot of children have read and enjoyed the story. Write the beginning of this story and put in the missing words from the box to complete the story. A PLACE TO LIVE (After Robert McCLoskey) Mr and Mrs Mallard were looking for a place to live, (i) ... they had found some places, but Mrs Mallard said they were no good. (2) ... they found a nice place in the forest, but Mrs Mallard was sure there were foxes there. (3) ... they saw a small pond that looked like a nice place, but Mrs Mallard was sure there were turtles in the water. (4) ... they had seen some places, but Mrs Mallard didn’t like them either. So they flew on and on. (5) ... they got to Boston. They were too tired to fly any further (6) ... they slowly flew to the city centre. There was a nice pond in the Public Garden with a little island on it. “We have found the place to spend the night (7) quacked Mr Mallard. So down they flapped.^ ^ So down they flapped. — Они опустились на воду, шумно хлопая крыльями. La 3. Insert the connectors (see Unit 6, Ex. 3, List B, p. 160 of your Student’s Book) to complete the story and write the text down. nevertheless ▲ on the contrary a as A because a although a actually anyhow/however a so/that’s why (2) A SURPRISE “Where is Mama?” asks Jamie. “Where did she and Uncle John go? And why couldn’t I go with them?” “(i) ... you were busy here with me,” his Granny answers. “They went off in the truck to meet your Daddy. They are bringing something home for you. (2) ... it is a surprise.” Soon Jamie hears the truck, (3) ... he runs out to the porch. {4) ... it is cold outside, his Father tells him to wait inside. (5) ... Jamie returns into the house. Soon Daddy comes in with a basket. (3) ... Jamie wants to know what is inside, he waits for Mama and Uncle John. And in a few minutes they are all in the living room standing near the basket. Suddenly Jamie hears a tiny noise. It is something like a bark, (7) ... it is not quite a bark. And the basket is not still, (8) ... it is shaking, and Jamie hears the noise again, a little louder this time. Jamie runs to the basket. Two bright brown eyes stare at the boy for a second, “Is that a dog?” asks Jamie. “Is that really a dog?” “Well,” Uncle John answers lifting out a ball of soft brown fur, not much bigger than one of Jamie’s shoes and placing the ball on the floor. “It’s not much of a dog right now. (P) ... if you give him some growing time, he’s going to be quite a dog.” - Write down the text, use the indefinite articie where necessary. 1. Last Monday I was given ... present. It was ... black puppy. I wanted to give him ... name, but Mum said he was too small yet to have ... name. She said we’ll think of ... good name for him later. 2. Yesterday т John painted ... picture. John is ... seven-year-old boy. He is ... student of Hill School. Hill School is ... old school. They teach ... future painters there. John is ... good student. Everybody says he will make ... good painter. 5. Write the same in English. Pay attention to the use of articles. 1. Это произошло в маленьком городе на юге Франции. 2. В городе, где он живёт, нет театров. 3. Книги, которые он купил вчера, — словари. 4. Я люблю читать книги. 5. Джим работает в больнице. Он врач. Больница, где он работает, находится рядом с большим парком. Сейчас Джим выходит из больницы. Он идёт в парк. 6. Use а/ап, the or zero article to complete these texts. A. 1. On my way ... home I saw a little kitten. 2. It’s eleven p.m. Let’s go ... home. 3. Yesterday Nick was taken to ... hospital. 4. ... hospital where Dr Robson works is ... tall grey building situated near ... church. 5. Mum is listening to ... latest news on ... radio. 6. My little cat is on ... bed. 7. All little children should go to ... bed not later than at nine o’clock in ... evening. B. (2)... word that names (2)... particular person, (3)... place or (4)... thing must begin with (5)... capital letter. When you write, you sometimes use (6)... person’s name or (7).,. name of (3)... special place or (9)... special thing. Then, (20)... names of these (22)... people, (22)... places or (23)... things must begin with (24)... capital letters. 7. Write the nouns into two columns: A — countables, В — uncountables. drill A interpreter practice a idiom isolation a video A crossword a childhood a dirt doubt a education A deer A potato a roof a candle a love a care A milk A adventure 4 success a sketch 8. Write what the weather will be like in Russia tomorrow. The south of the country (2)..., but the temperature (2)... very high — only 12—15 degrees above zero. It (3)... in the east and there (4)... from the southwest. The Arctic Region (5)..., it (6)... a lot and the temperature (7)... below zero. The west of the country (3)..., but there (9)... . > Write what tenses and forms are used to describe future in the sentences below. (The table on p. 165—166 of your Student’s Book can help you.) 1. My Granny will have retired when she becomes 55. 2. When are you going to see your parents? 3. Soon winter will come. 4. Do you know when our ship arrives in Liverpool? 5. I hope he will explain everything to you. 6. — I’ve left my umbrella in the office. — I’ll bring it. 7. We are receiving a delegation from Britain tomorrow. 8. I’ll be flying to London tomorrow at 3. 9. If it doesn’t rain, we shall play volleyball after lunch. 0 Use the tenses and forms from the table on p. 165—166 of your Student’s Book to describe future. 1. Я не знаю, когда начнётся концерт. 2. В это время завтра я буду загорать у моря и не буду ничего делать. 3. Думаю, что завтра пойдёт снег. 4, Обещаю, мама не будет беспокоиться. 5. Ты помашешь I' tuA W' мне из окна? 6. Мы поедем в Шотландию на машине. К тому времени Джон получит водительские права (driving licence), 7. Если ты пробормочешь ответ себе под нос, учитель не поймёт тебя. 8. Когда ты празднуешь день рождения? Кого ты собираешься пригласить? 9. Мы встречаемся завтра в шесть. Ты придёшь? 10. Посмотри! Он плохо умеет кататься на велосипеде. Он сейчас упадёт. . Write what you will say to offer help in these imaginary situations. 1. Old Mrs Grace сапЧ carry a heavy bag. 2. It is very cold in the room — the window is open. 3. There is no bread left. 4. Old Mr Arnold has left his glasses at home and can’t read the article, 5. Your mother is tired and thirsty. 6. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink. 7. Your little brother’s kitten hasn’t had any milk yet. Your brother is in a hurry. 8. Your father needs a certain magazine, but you haven’t got it at home, 12. Write the same in English. 1. связка ключей; 2. команда корабля; 3. стая львов; 4. стая волков; 5. стая птиц; 6. рой пчёл; 7. стадо коров; 8. косяк рыбы; 9. отара овец; 10. волейбольная команда; 11. букет цветов; 12. вязанка дров 13. Write the sentences using the singuiar or plurat forms of the verbs in brackets. Give two forms where possible. 1. How many people (be) expected to come? 2. While my family (be) on holiday. I’m going to finish my book. 3. The police (have) arrived. 4. The government (be) going to solve this problem. 5. The crew (be) gathered on the deck an hour ago. 6. Our football team (have) gone to Liverpool. 7. There is some danger but not all people (see) it. 8. The committee (know) about the fact. 14. Look at the pictures on p. 71 and write in what cities these libraries are situated. a) London b) Washington, D.C. c) Beijing d) Moscow e) Paris 15. Use a/an, the or zero article to complete the sentences. 1. We went to (/)... restaurant yesterday, and I ordered (2)... chicken and (3)... glass of orange juice. 2. Put some sugar in (4)... coffee. It tastes bitter. 3, Name three objects made of (5).,. glass. 4. I never drink (d).., instant* coffee, only (7)... real coffee, 5. The prisoner was given only (S)... bread and (9)... water. 6. (10)... water tastes very unusual. It is not (11)... mineral water, is it? 7. What (12)... metal is the ring made of? Is it (13)... gold or (14)... bronze? 8. (15)... bronze is * instant ['instant] — растворимый тнётФ (16).,. hard metal made of (17)... copper^ and (18)... tin.^ 9. (19)... bag is made of (20)... paper. 10. Can we have two teas and (21)... coffee, please? 11. Have you bought (22)... new iron, Linda? 12. I’ve bought (23)... paper for you, Granny. There is a TV programme in it. 13. We need more (24)... lemon for (25)... pie. 14. Is it (26)... orange or (27)... lemon? 15. “Perrier” is (28)... mineral water. Write the same in English. Pay attention to the use of articles with the names of meals. 1. Когда вы обычно завтракаете? 2. Я никогда не ем рыбу или мясо на ужин. 3. Завтрак в девять, затем у нас будет лёгкий ланч в час. А как насчёт обеда? 4. За поздним завтраком все были молчаливы. 5. Кто готовит чай в вашей семье? 6. Вы уже пообедали? 7. — Мойте руки. Завтрак готов. — А что у нас на завтрак? 8. Вчера на завтрак у нас не было горячего. Мы спешили. 9. Обед, который вы (нам) приготовили, госпожа Браун, очень, очень вкусный. 10. Присмотри за обедом. Я вернусь через несколько минут. 17. Write out the numbers of the sentences in which the verbs are used in the future perfect continuous tense. 1. Mr Williams will be flying to London tomorrow morning. 2. Jane will have finished school by then. 3. By the end of the year, she will have been writing her next novel, I’m sure. 4. The Martins will have been living in Cornwall for 10 years by next spring. 5, I have been working in the office for four years already. 6. By this time next Monday, they will have been working on the project for a week. 7. She will be lying on the beach tomorrow morning. 8. In a few minutes, Jane will have been lying on the sofa for six hours! 9. We have been learning English six years. 10. By the end of our school year, we will have been learning English for six years. 18. Write suitable replies for these phrases from Unit 6, Ex. 32, p. 181 of your Student’s Book. 1. What a nice bowl! 2. You must have some more salad. 3. Happy New Year! 4. It’s so nice to see you again, dear. 5. Meet my brother William. 6. I have just passed my English exam. 7. Bye-bye, give my love to aunt Jane. 8. Thank you for your help. 9. I’m awfully sorry. I have torn the towel. 10. Have a nice day. * copper ['кпрэ] — медь ^ tin — олово ШЙЖ ф. 19. Choose the right captions for the pictures. 1. Don’t run гг\^ау1 I want to talk to you! 2. We’re run out of the vegetables. Go to the shops and buy some. 3. Bye-bye. Run in and see me some day. 4. Cross the street carefully. There is always a danger to be run over. 20 Write what they are: 1) a person who works in the librai^; 2) an act of speaking; 3) a person who knows a lot of stories and tells them well; 4) a soft cover people put over an egg in the eggcup to keep it warm; 5) an act of looking for or searching for something; 6) boxes, bottles or other things to put something in and keep it there; 7) a list in a book saying what the book contains; 8) someone who talks a lot; 9) magic words; 10) a number of copies of a book, newspaper, magazine that are produced and printed at one time; 11) a soft cover people put over a teapot to keep the water warm. тЛ 21 . Write the same in English. Use your active vocabulary. 1. Они представились, и господин Томпсон начал свою речь, которая произвела на нас большое впечатление, 2. Ты видел последнее издание этого романа? 3. Что сегодня по телику? 4. Ты слышал, как моя бабушка рассказывает сказки? Ну не замечательная ли она рассказчица? 5. Он очень любит детективные рассказы и просто «глотает» их. 6. Откуда доставляют овош;и в северные районы нашей страны? 7. — Что случилось с мясом? — Оно испортилось. 8. Комната была небольшой, но тихой и очень уютной. 9. Не глотай свой ланч! Так себя не ведут (It’s bad manners). Тебе следует есть медленнее. 10. Сколько ягод вам удалось собрать? 11. Где находится оглавление в этой книге? 12. За свою жизнь у старого Уильяма было много опасных приключений. 13. Злая ведьма заколдовала юношу, превратив его в крошечного зверька. 14. Куда вы положили контейнеры? Rewrite these sentences. Use the necessary pronouns instead of the words in bold type. 1. I like your clothes. Your clothes are always up-to-date. 2. My pyjamas are blue. I wear my pyjamas when I go to bed in winter. 3. Your advice is good, but I can’t follow your advice. 4. The police have arrived. I have never seen the police. 5. Have you heard the latest news? I don’t like the latest news. 6. — Where is your watch? — My watch is in my pocket, so you can’t see my watch. 7. My parents have put the new clock on the shelf. The new clock looks very modern. 8. My mother smiled over the contents of her letter. She liked the contents of the letter she was reading. Write answers to these questions. 1. How long does it usually take you to dress in the morning? 2. How long does it take your family to have breakfast? 3. How long will it take you to get to the nearest library? 4. Did it take you long to learn a poem by heart when you were a child? How long? 5. How long did it take you to do your homework last year? 6. How long does it take you to do it now? 7. Do you think it will take you long to learn another foreign language? How long? 8. We are sure you have read Ruslan and Lyudmila by A. Pushkin. How long did it take you to do it? w. 24. Look at the pictures and write what these people have to do instead of what they are doing. Example; Will you go shopping instead of watching television? щшт\т ткФ 8FA 2Ь. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. How did you get the ... about the author's ... ? 2. The story about the prince’s ... and ... seems really very ... . 3. The ... of ... press was a great event in history. 4. The first handwritten books were ... decorated. 5. Early libraries were used only by ...s. 6. In modern libraries ... catalogues are used. 7. After a long and ... search they found what they were looking for. 8. This kind of literature has some strange ... for me. 9. The child spent his days under the ... eyes of his Granny. 10. He stood ... and couldn’t understand what was going on. 11. That was really a ... idea. 12. Boxes and bottles are ...s. inform, child appear, appearance mystery invent, print beautiful science electron danger fascinate watch speech fascinate contain SFA 26» Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. Aunt Lynn was not really an Aunt. She (i) ... at school with Robin’s mother, so Robin was not her nephew, Robin was four years old, and he looked a lot (2) ... . Lynn (3) ... no pets that might give Robin germs, and never (4) ... him toys that had sharp corners. She also made Robin (5) ... warm clothes when a cold wind (6) ... and rubber boots when it (7) ... . be young, keep buy wear, blow rain 27. Choose one of the characters from “The Reader of Books” (Unit 6, Ex. 48, p. 192—195 of your Student’s Book) and describe him or her in a paragraph. Try to use the adjectives from Ex. 9, p. 105 of your Student’s Book. I :■! 28 Write a short description of the book you’ve read recently. You may follow the example. Example: / have just read an interesting historical novel. It is not a classic, It is a book written by ... . He is (not) a very famous writer, but I liked the book very much. The plot is amusing and exciting. The main characters seem true to life. The book is easy to read and you learn a lot from it. It is a hardcover with an interesting design and coloured illustrations. I think it*s the book to read, 29. This is the beginning of a true story that happened to a photographer while he was working in the Middle East, but the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow and write who in your opinion ate the fruit. a) First I thought of the children who lived in the building and played in the garden below. I often talked with them when I met them in the halls and on the stairs. Could they be playing a trick on me? Maybe. b) Still the bananas were gone. And why bananas and nothing else? Who or what had been in my apartment? I could not guess. c) Nothing told me that something strange was about to begin that morning. I just walked into my kitchen and there it was. The bananas in my fruit basket were gone, or at least all but the skins were gone. And I had not eaten them. d) But then I thought there was no way for the children to reach my kitchen without my knowing it. The kitchen window was too high, and I knew that the children had not come through the door. e) I couldn’t understand how it had happened. I lived alone and had no pets. None of my friends^ had been in to see me. There were no mice in the building: at least none I knew of. 1. 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ___ 5. ____ 30. Extraordinary means remarkable, unusual, outstanding. How many words can you make using the letters in the word EXTRAORDINARY? If you can find more than 50 words, you’re extraordinary! (Count all forms of the words.) ^ none of my friends — никто из моих друзей 1 , Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. a: ccording to a Greek myth Pan invent-^ed the first musical instrument — the shepherd’s pipe. One day he sighed through the reeds on a river bank and heard his breath produce a sad sound as it passed through them. Pan broke the reeds, bound them together and had the first musical instrument. The fact is we can’t say where the first musical instrument was made because all primitive people all over the world made music of some sort. It was usually music that had some religious meaning. When it was performed, the spectators usually danced, drummed or clapped hands and sang with the music. The first instruments were of the drum type. Later, man invented wind instruments, made from the horns of animals. Last of all, man discovered the use of strings and invented the simple lyre ['lais] and harp from which he developed the instruments played with a bow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. According to a Greek myth Pan did it. Pan broke the reeds and bound them together. It had some religious meaning. The spectators danced, drummed and sang. They were of the drum type. They were made from the horns of animals. г.. Маке sure that you remember or know these people’s jobs: match the descriptions of people’s activities with the names of professions. a) a director a b) a poet a d) a sculptor e) a teacher g) a conductor ▲ h) a nurse j) a dentist a k) a shop assistant m) a scriptwriter a n) a barber c) a journalist a f) a producer a i i) a composer a A 1) a film actor A o) an architect p) a bus driver a q) a butcher a r) a pilot s) an artist A t) a tailor 1. Someone who drives a bus is ... . 2. Someone who makes up songs and music is ... . 3. Someone who makes clothes to order (especially for men) is ... . 4. Someone who plans, designs buildings is ... . 5. Someone who looks after our teeth is ... . 6. Someone who flies aircraft is ... . 7. Someone who writes poems is ... . 8, Someone who sells meat is ... . 9. Someone who writes texts for films is ... . 10. Someone who organizes the preparation of a film and controls the money spent on it is ... . 11. Someone who plays roles in a film is ... . 12. Someone who gives instructions to students especially at school is ... . 13. Someone who sells goods in a big store is .... 14. Someone who makes statues or other shapes from metals, wood, marble, etc. is ... . 15. Someone who works for a newspaper, writes articles is ... . 16. Someone who paints pictures is ... . 17. Someone who directs an orchestra is ... . 18. Someone who instructs actors, cameramen in a film or a play is ... . 19. Someone who cuts men’s hair is ... . 20. Someone who takes care of sick, hurt or old people is ... . 3. Make passive parts of sentences from the words in brackets. Write them down. Example: This is a very popular television programme (every week ! it! watch / millions of people /by). — Every week it is watched by millions of people. 1. His new picture is a masterpiece, {everybody / impress / at the exhibition / next week). 2. I can’t stay with my niece for a holiday as she is naughty, {the child / spoil / by / her parents). 3. — Does the clock work? — Oh yes, {it / repair / last Monday). 4. — Did you get up early? — Too early. (/ / wake / a strange sound / by / at 5 o*clock / in the morning). 5. — You are such a shy person, so uncertain. — {I / never / teach / to do things / on my own). 6. Have you got tickets for !i m w this play? — Oh yes, {two seats / buy / last week), 7. I like this detective story a lot. {It / stage / in our theatre / next season), 8. The play is a tremendous success, {ten curtain calls / take / during / the last performance), 9. No wonder the actors know their words so well, {the play / rehearse / many times / before / the premiere^), 10. I hope (a new record / break / in swimming / at the coming Olympic Games), 4 Find 16 words in this line and write them down: 1) violin 5. Write passive sentences to express the same. Example: They should hold next year's congress in New York. Next year's congress should be held in New York. 1. You can reserve tickets for the Bolshoi Theatre performances. 2. The actors shouldn’t disappoint the audience. 3. People must do away with such bad habits as smoking. 4. You don’t have to share this Student’s Book. There are enough copies in the library. 5. You ought to drill grammar rules. 6. You can’t make lazy pupils do their homework. 7. You should * a premiere ['premies] — премьера Ui mi turn down the radio. I can’t talk on the phone. 8. People usually don’t have to weigh their hand luggage at the airport. 9. You must transport the goods at once. 10. Students ought to translate this text and memorize it. 6. Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences and write them down. 1. I can’t use my bike now. It {is repaired / is being repaired). You’ll have to go on a hike without me. 2. Detective stories {are devoured / are being devoured) easily. 3. He warned them to be careful. The gate {was white-washed / was being whitewashed). 4. Be quiet, his speech {is interpreted j is being interpreted). 5. Lunch was ready: the meat {was roasted / was being roasted), the vegetables {were boiled / were being boiled). 6. Mr Brown can’t see you now. He is meeting the new managers. They {are introduced / are being introduced). 7. When I came home in the evening, everybody was in the living room: a new play {was broadcast / was being broadcast). 8. Last summer the book {wasn't being translated / wasn't translated) to the end. Now they’ve got a copy of translation and it {is published / is being published). 9. You can’t enter the hall now. The play {is rehearsed / is being rehearsed). 10. She couldn’t give a concert last week. The piano {was tuned / was being tuned). 7. Use present perfect passive in these sentences introducing just or recently and develop the idea. Example: The socks are mended. The socks have just (recently) been mended. You can put them on. 1. The clock is repaired. 2. The Student’s Books are sold. 3. The new script is being translated now. 4. Ten schools are built in Moscow every year. 5. My flat is being repaired at the moment. 6. The lamp is lit. 7. I am impressed by his speech. 8. All the new ballets were seen by the students. 9. The room is painted. 10. My bicycle was stolen yesterday. Use the words from the brackets to complete the sentences. Write them down. Example: There was a tree across the road because (it / blown down / in the storm). There was a tree across the road because it had been blown down in the storm. I № I ( ^ммжЖ 1, They didn’t have to call the doctor as {nobody / suffer / in the car accident), 2. Jim had to stay in the village because (his bicycle / steal), 3. They could easily reach the city centre because (a new road f build / through the city), 4. The play was a great success because (it / rehearse / so many times), 5, Tom couldn’t leave the school grounds because (the hole in the fence / mend), 6. They could sit down to dinner, (the table / lay / already), 7, After (the food / unpack)^ they tried to make a fire. 8. After (the poem / memorize)^ Tim had to do the sums, 9. A small boy went down the street crying because (he / beat / by bad bigger boys), 9. Express the same in English paying special attention to passive constructions. В Англии много достопримечательностей, но, когда туристы едут в Шотландию, их, конечно, привлекает знаменитое озеро Лох-Несс (Loch Ness), расположенное на севере. Какие тайны скрыты в этом озере? Никто не знает этого, но верят, что там прячется чудовище. Впервые его видели в 1933 году. С тех пор лох-несское чудовище видели по крайней мере 50 раз. Его много раз фотографировали. Первая фотография была сделана местной (local) газетой в тридцатые годы (in the thirties). Однажды видели его огромные глаза. Несколько раз за это время упоминались его рога (horns). Но ушей чудовища никогда не видели. Чудовище и сейчас не забыто, и вряд ли когда-нибудь его забудут, ведь это самая главная достопримечательность тех мест. Его упоминают во многих газетах. Несколько лет назад в газете было напечатано, что чудовище видели бегущим вдоль озера. В тот момент его нарисовали, и картины подтверждают, что оно существует. В других периодических изданиях есть информация, что видели двух чудовищ. Возможно, чудовище теперь имеет подружку, и скоро будут написаны статьи о его семейной жизни. 10- Маке the sentences passive. Use the two structures where possible and write them down. Example; They sent John a parcel, — A parcel was sent to John. — John was sent a parcel. 1. The company offered Nelly a very interesting job. 2. They showed me a rare post stamp. 3. The stranger asked the boy the way to the railway station. 4. They lent her their car to drive to the airport. 5. He told Mike the latest news. 6. They paid him his salary at last. 7. Ann refused him even a kiss. 8. Jimmy sent his girlfriend a gold ring. 9. My father allows me some money for books. 10. She gave him a pound for his help. 1 i . Write questions using the words in brackets. Example: The doctor was sent for. (Who ... ?) Who was sent for? 1. The bed wasn’t slept in. {Why ... ?) 2. Ann put on a funny dress for the party and she was laughed at. {Where ... ?) 3. The criminal is being looked for. {Why ... ?) 4. The new production of the play is much spoken about. {What ... ?) 5, If he doesn’t know the information, he will be spoken to. {Will ... ?) 6. The baby is looked after very well. {How well ... ?) 7. Your uncle was sent for in the morning. {When ... ?) 8. He isn’t a good lecturer. His speech won’t be listened to. (Why won*t ... ?) 12. Choose the right preposition: by or with and complete the sentences. 1. Kiwi is eaten ... a small teaspoon. 2. What were Pushkin’s poems written ... ? 3. That charming portrait was painted ... V. A. Tropinin. 4. What was this huge fish caught ... ? 5. This type of material should be sewn ... a long needle. 6. The new grammar material was explained ... the teacher. 7. Men’s clothes are made ... tailors. 8. That landscape is being painted ... a thin paint brush. 1 с Put in the articles where necessary to complete the sentences. Pay attention to the sentences with early, broad, high, iate, real. 1. It was ... warm autumn, and we enjoyed our stay in the country. 2. I shall always remember ... summer when we met, and I shall never forget ... evening when we parted. 3, It was ... late autumn when one afternoon I saw Tom Stuart walking along Fifth Avenue. 4. It is going to be ... long hard winter with frosty mornings and icy roads. 5. Endless days in ... late summer are not like those sliort days in ... midwinter. 6. It was ... real winter, cold and frosty. 7. The temperature in ... autumn, especially ... early autumn may be similar to the temperature in ... midspring. 8. In ... autumn of 1982 Freddy met Lady Burton and they married ... next spring. 9. It is ... hot summer. Flowers are dying. 10. England and France declared war on Russia in ... spring of 1854. t4 Choose the right preposition at, by, in, on to complete the sentences and write them down. 1. The stranger came early ... a winter day ... February. 2. He rarely left the house ... daylight. 3. ... twilight Mary would go out to her beautiful garden to look at the roses. 4. The children who saw the giant ... nightfall ran away and hid in the house. 5. Mrs Brooks woke up suddenly ... dawn when she heard a noise behind the door, 6. ... noon he opened the door of his office and said he was going home. 7. ... the evening Dr Kemp sat in his study looking through newspapers. 8. ... a dark night a week later I watched a moving light from my upstairs window. 9. Cats sleep ... day and hunt ... night. 10. And so it happened that ... a warm windy evening I drove over into the country to see my old friends. 1 C Use 3/an, the or zero article. Pay attention to the sentences with early, broad, high, late. Write the sentences down. 1. It was late ... night when I finished working. 2. In ... daytime birds are always busy looking for their food. 3. That night I was thinking about my concert and couldn’t sleep till ... dawn. 4. ... day had been clear and awfully hot then ... night came, warm and pleasant. 5. She remembered ... summer evening when they walked together in the fields. 6. We left London ... next morning, and it was at ... midday when we reached Edinburgh. 7. On ... hot morning last July they had a great vmtW- outdoor party. 8. I was up before ... sunrise. 9. The picture looked different by ... daylight. 10. We had everything ready for ... nice evening when our neighbour came with his three daughters. Later we agreed that ... evening had been great fun, 11. It was ... high noon, but Susie was still asleep. 12. The burglars broke into the house in ... broad daylight. 16. Complete the dialogues and write them down (Unit 7, Ex. 33, p. 229 of your Student’s Book can help you). 1. A: going to the Drama Theatre tomorrow night. B\ That sounds ... . Can we get the tickets? A: I hope so. When ... ? The play begins ... . If we meet an hour earlier, weTl manage to buy two tickets. ... tomorrow. В A: 2. A: B: A: B: A: It was nice of you to invite me to the play. It ... idea. ... you liked it ... to the opera house on Saturday. An opera by Verdi is on. ... . Гш not fond of opera very much. I prefer ... . Then ... to the Maly Theatre next week. A: I feel like going ... . Will you join me? B: Oh ... . I’m not fond of westerns. What about A: A love story? ... . I A: Hello, Bob. Are you doing anything special tonight? ... . B: Oh, Alex, that’s .... I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.... A: A new horror film. I think we can get tickets for the 7 o’clock show......... B: ... . Thank you for ... very much. дШ» ^ тшжЖ 17. Choose the right preposition from the box with the verbs get, rush, run, turn. Complete the sentences and write them down. I/ I: 1, He rushed ... his enemy angrily with tears in his eyes. 2. Does she get ... well with your aunt? 3. You left the tap turned on, and the bath water is running ... . 4. The boy turned ... successful after all. 5. It isn’t easy to get ... a shock like this. 6. Please turn the radio ... , I’m trying to sleep. 7. She’s always running ... her younger sister in front of her friends. 8. He was so unhappy that he tried to run ... from his family. 9. What will the world use for the power when it runs ... of oil? 10. The car turned ... three times after the crash. 11. Get the horses ... . We want to go for a ride. 12. There’s no need to rush ... the job, it can wait. 18. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. В 1. bargain a) 2. fair b) 3. fortunate c) 4. greet d) 5. handy 6. inhabitants e) 7. neighbourhood f) 8. noble 9. sour g) 10. thread h) 11. tune i) j) k) ing products its price musical level 19. Write the same in English using the verb set* 1. Я хотела сшить платье, но не знала, как приняться за дело. 2. Он отправился на работу час назад, разве он ещё не приехал? 3. Как ты начинаешь строить лодку? 4, Свадебные подарки выставлены в соседней комнате, и гости могут полюбоваться ими. 5. Всех горожан заставили г приняться за строительство моста. 6. Все жители деревни (villagers) отправились на поиски пропавшего ребёнка. 7* Пожалуйста, поставь лучшую посуду для гостей. 8. Пора начать упаковывать чемоданы. 20. Form adjectives and nouns using the suffixes -y, -hood and the words from the box, write 5—6 sentences with the new words. Example: hand — handy; neighbour — neighbourhood 21. Choose the proper words and put it in the right forms to complete the sentences and then write them down. In some cases either of the words is possible. A. gold — golden 1. Ann finislied school with a ... medal. 2, My ... rule is never to miss English classes. 3. There are some ... mines in the Rocky Mountains. 4. They are celebrating their ... wedding in June. 5. The year 1848 saw the beginning of ... rush in California when people went to the western coast of the USA in hope to find a lot of gold. 6, Many people believe that the 19th century is the ... age of Russian Literature. 7. Her ... hair looked beautiful in the sun. 8. In one of the fairy tales a fairy had come to the hall, but when she saw there was no ... plate for her, she got very angry. B. drop — throw 1. He ... the ball 100 metres at yesterday’s competition. 2. The fruit ... from the tree because it was ripe. 3. She ... both letters into the post office box. 4. John cried “Hooray!” and ... his cap in the air. 5. Mr White ... his pen on the floor and didn’t notice it. 6. She poured herself some juice and ... in a few cubs of ice. 7. The wicked witch threatened to ... the boy into the river if he didn’t agree to help her. 8. She ... her glasses and they broke. C. mend — repair 1. Your shirt is so old; are you going to ... it? 2. You are good at many things. Can you ... my old watch? 3. It’s high time to ... the broken window. 4. — What’s wrong with your car? — There is something wrong with the brakes. I’m going to ... them. 5. Can you ... a hole in my roof? 6. The sewing machine is out of order. Will you ... it? ^ Read the summary of the text and put in the words from the box, then you may write the text down. actually (2) as althougli because however (2) nevertheless (2) r. on the contrary so (2) A that’s why (2) Once upon a time there lived a poor man who had a big family: a wife and 13 children. Twelve of them had common names, but the thirteenth (1)... got a strange name of Merrymind. Every seven years there happened the great fair and everybody in the neighbourhood went there. (2)..., Merrymind’s family couldn’t miss it either, and (3)... the father gave every child a silver penny. They all dressed in their best and started for the fair. By the evening the twelve children had spent their money on clothes and beautiful things, but Merrymind hadn’t bought anything. (4)... he had set his heart upon a fiddle, but fiddles cost a lot more than a silver penny. Suddenly he saw a little grey-haired man selling a dirty fiddle with broken strings for a silver penny. (5)... Merrymind was a handy boy and could mend the strings. He bought it (6)... everybody laughed at him. He tried his best to mend the strings, but no strings would hold on his fiddle. At last Merrymind decided to leave his house (7)... everybody mocked^ at him except his mother. On a summer morning he set out to seek his fortune. At last he found himself in the mountains and saw a castle in the valley. He walked into the courtyard. It was full of people who were so busy working that they didn’t greet the boy or even look up at him or answer his questions. (S)... Merrymind found a talkative person, a soldier, who told him the story of the valley. Dame Dreary was the lady of the castle, she used to be a merry little thing called Lady Littlecare, (9)... there used to be parties and festivals. Nobody knew why everything had changed. Some said she had lost a magic ring. (iO)... everything could be improved if only Dame Dreary danced once. The next evening Merrymind came to the castle with his fiddle. He found some gold threads and managed to mend his fiddle. He had never played before (li)... when his bow touched the strings, they began ^ to mock — насмехаться г playing а pleasant melody. The music filled the air (12)... the busy people heard it and stopped working. Merrymind went to the castle, he played through the halls and up the tower stairs (13)... he came nearer, Lady Dreary started dancing with all her might. The heavy mist disappeared, the sun shone out, the blue sky was seen. Lady Dreary turned into Lady Littlecare with golden hear and laughing eyes. A white bird came from the east with a gold ring. The king made Merrymind his first fiddle. (14)... it was the highest position under the wise monarch. ^3. Fill in the gaps with the words in the right forms and word combinations from the box. applaud ^ designer - leading parts ▲ tragedy audience a director a lights go down rehearse a call A fall take curtain calls a buy tickets for it a comedy a stage a take their places costume designer The main person in the production of a play is the (f)... . He (2)... it and (3).,. the play with actors many times before the premiere. The success of the performance much depends on the scenery, so the (4)... should be talented. 'ГЬе (5)... should be a professional too, as costumes should impress the (6*)... . The director chooses the best actors for the (7)... . If a (8)... is staged, he needs actors and actresses with a great dramatic talent. In case of a (9)...у he is to find funny and light characters. The magic begins when the (10)... and the actors and musicians (11)... . If the i)lay is a success, it’s difficult to (12)... . And, of course, at the end of the performance the actors (13)... . The curtain (14)...j but the audience doesn’t want to leave the house and they (15)... the actors and (16)... them again and again. 24. Write the same in English. 1. Если вы идёте в кино, покупайте билеты в задние ряды партера. Оттуда лучше виден экран, и вы получите удовольствие от любого художественного фильма — вестерна, триллера или мюзикла. 2. Взрослые и дети любят мультфильмы. Успех мультфильма зависит от сценариста и художника. Музыка тоже играет большую роль. Снимать мультфильм оператору иногда труднее, чем художественный фильм. швж^ 3. Вчера я ходил в театр. Я смотрел одну из пьес А. Островского в постановке (staged by) одного известного режиссёра. Я сидел в ложе и хорошо видел сцену, декорации и актёров. Так как у меня было хорошее место, я не взял бинокль в гардеробе. Актёры играли очень хорошо. Костюмы, грим и декорации произвели на меня большое впечатление. Когда опустился занавес, я долго аплодировал актёрам. 4. Больше всего я люблю балет. Ты чувствуешь волшебную атмосферу театра, как только музыканты начинают настраивать свои инструменты. Свет гаснет, занавес поднимается, и ты оказываешься в сказке, где с тобой разговаривает музыка. Танцоры передают столько чувств и эмоций, что тебе не хочется уходить из театра. This is а story of pop music, but the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow, WHAT IS POP a) The 80’s gave us a new kind of music made by computers and synthesizers ['sin0isaiz3zj. Pop was becoming more international. Superstars of the 80’s are, of course, Michael Jackson and Madonna. At that time pop videos were sold out as well as pop records. M. Jackson’s videos were new and exciting. He was a brilliant dancer with a new type of dance called moonwalk. b) Pop music was born in the USA in the 50’s. There existed all kinds of music in the USA in those days: blues, jazz, rock and roll and others. Pop appeared, in fact, at the time Elvis Presley began singing. His first hit was Heartbreak Hotel (1956). Elvis became the first pop star. Boys and girls liked him and imitated him. He was different, and they all wanted to be like him and different from their parents. c) The 90’s are known and will be remembered for rap. Rap wasn’t new, it started in New York in the 70’s, but it became popular and important twenty years later. Rap like punk in the 70’s was the music of the city streets. It reflected dark feelings and problems of the streets and a new danger — AIDS.^ * AIDS (eidz) — СПИД d) Pop is popular music. It was born as a genre more than fifty years ago. Pop is the music for the young. Pop songs tell us about love and our feelings, having a good time and growing up, dating and dancing. The music makes us happy or sad, it sounds strange or amusing. It’s the most enjoyable type of music. e) In the early 70’s pop music started to get boring. New sounds as heavy metal or hard rock appeared. In the USA a different kind of music was developing — punk. The music was loud and unmusical, angry, ugly and pessimistic. At the same time another type of music came into existence — disco. The film Saturday Night Fever about disco dancing made it extremely popular. ШЕШ_ f) Nowadays the sound is changing greatly. Computers are very important. Samplers^ can take any sound and make it into part of a new sound. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the electric guitar — the main musical instrument of pop. g) The 60’s were a time when young people believed that rock music could give love and peace to the world. But when some great rock musicians died of drugs, it was the end of the dream. There were many prominent musicians and singers in America, but it was English groups that changed pop music: The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. 4. 5. 6. 7, 26. Write a page about your going to the theatre. You may use the following; to have a chance to miss an opportunity the curtain rises the lights go down the scene is laid the scenery opera glasses main characters . the cast is wonderful in the stalls/gallery/dress circle sound and light effects a good/poor performance the action develops slowly/quickly a popular actor/actress to play the leading role to have curtain calls the atmosphere of the theatre 27. Write the text. Open the brackets and make the story complete. Mr Lestrade was a detective from Scotland Yard and often (i. come) (2. visit) my friend Sherlock Holmes. Holmes (3. can) often (4. help) Lestrade. “You (5. bring) a good case for me today?” Holmes {6, inquire), “I can’t say that,” answered Lestrade. “It still (7. investigate) now.” He then {8, tell) us that someone (9, steal) plaster busts of Napoleon and (10, break) them, “Four days ago, when nobody (11, look)y a madman (12. take) a bust of Napoleon from the shop in Kensington Road and (13, break) it to pieces. Nobody (14. see) him (15, enter) the shop.” * sampler — музыкальный компьютер ЛЕЗ “Why you (16, to be interested) in this?” Holmes {17, to be surprised). “Гт sure he {18. steal) one again sooner or later,” Lestrade {19. answer). While I {20. dress) the next day, Lestrade {21. invite) us to the scene of robbery. The owner of the house {22. be) a journalist, too troubled that day to write anything about what {23. happen). “I {24. collect) the Napoleon busts for many years and nobody ever {25. try) to rob me. Last night I {26. wake) up by a loud cry. I {27. swear) to myself that I {28. catch) the thief if I {29. find) my gun but the door {30. lock). When I {31. get) out in the morning, I {32. notice) that one of the Napoleon busts (33. disappear). 28. Read the story ^The Adventure of the Six Napoieons” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and in one paragraph write who and why had stolen those Napoleon busts. SFA 2P Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the right. 1. A new ... of this book is more colourful than the old one. 2. What’s your ... of the film you watched last night? 3. I enjoy reading short stories, especially ... ones. 4. Shakespeare is, as everybody knows, a world-famous ... . 5. My brother Nick is a very ... boy: he is a great help about the house. 6. There are lota of gardens in this ..., it’s a really beautiful place. 7. All the ... of the block of flats knew and loved old Mrs Gordon. 8. I hate to remember those ... events of long ago. 9. The orchestra has a new ..., we still don’t know much about him. 10. The concert is about to begin: I see that the ...s are already taking their places. 11. The first ... of the new theatre will be given in September. 12. Everyone noticed the wonderful work of the costume ... . words on the edit impress humour drama hand neighbour inhabit fortunate conduct music perform design яг SFA 30. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. It was quiet in front of the cave. The men J (i)... off early in the morning waving their spears towards the hills where a herd of (2).., (3)... . The women (4),.. berries in the forest and (3)... cries and chatter could only (3)... now and then.. The (7)... (3)... in the stream and their grandparents were dozing in the soft October sunshine. go deer see, pick they, hear child, splash 31. Write the names of the instruments. г 32. There’s а number hiding in each sentence below. Try to find them all. Use a dictionary if necessary. HIDDEN NUMBERS / 1. At camp we have fxj|n in c}very kind of weather. 2. Pat won the road race. 3. Becca swims even when the sun isn’t shining. 4. I made our neighbour’s dog get off our porch. 5. Britanny’s height helps her make basket after basket. 6. Both reels for my fishing rod are broken. 7. There was a goldfinch on each perch of the feeder. ’LS 33. Match the names 1. music 2. architecture 3. dancing 4. literature 5. theatre 6. drama 7. drawing 8. painting 9. cinema 10. sculpture of arts with their descriptions. a) the art of making pictures or representing objects, plans, etc. with a pen or pencil b) the art of making films c) the art of performing movements to music d) the art and science of building e) the art of shaping solid representations of people, animals or objects out of stone, wood, clay, metal, etc, f) the art of arranging sounds in patterns, especially to produce a pleasing effect g) the art of making written works which are of artistic value h) the art of making pictures by using paint i) the art of writing plays for the theatre j) the art of performing on the stage 34. Choose the right answer. 1. In what country was cinema born? a) the USA b) Russia c) France 2. What’s the name of the Russian actor and especially for his method of training actors? a) Kachalov c) Shalyapin b) Stanislavsky d) Meyerhold d) England theatre director known кЭН тпЖ 3. Which art movement was Salvador Dali associated with? a) Impressionism c) Cubism b) Modernism d) Surrealism 4. What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for? a) painting b) sculpture c) engineering d) designing 5. Who was not a painter during the Renaissance period? a) Michelangelo b) da Vinci c) Matisse d) Raphael 6. Which of these books was not written by Ernest Hemingway? a) “Rich Man, Poor Man” c) “A Farewell to Arms” b) “The Sun Also Rises” d) “The Old Man and the Sea” 7. Which of these stories was written by Hans Christian Andersen? a) “Little Red Riding Hood” c) “Ali Baba” b) “The Ugly Duckling” d) “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” 8. Harriet Beecher Stowe was the author of which book published in 1852? a) “David Copperfield” c) “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” b) “The Secret Garden” d) “Tom Sawyer” 9. Which of these people is not a pop singer? a) Elton John c) Luciano Pavarotti b) Madonna d) Tina Turner 10. What was the motto of the three musketeers? a) “Waste not, want not.” c) “Never say die.” b) “To be or not to be.” d) “All for one and one for all.” 11. Who wrote the line “Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”? a) Mann c) Dickens b) Tolstoy d) Moliere h 0«ш#г шЕЖ SPORT IN OUR 1 . Read the text, give it a name and make questions to which the sentences after the text can be answers. Use a dictionary if necessary. Man has l)een skating in one way or another for more than 500 years. Ice-skating is much older than roller skating, since roller skating goes back only to the eighteenth century. Wheeled skates were used on the roads of Holland about 200 years ago, and we cannot really know who was the first to make them or use them. A man in New York called J. L. Plimpton invented the four-wheeled skate in 1863, after which this sport became really popular. Roller-skate races were popular in most United States cities until about 1910 when motorcycle and automobile races took their place. But, of course, roller skating has remained a favourite sport with young people. Ice-skating goes back beyond the 16th century. At that time the Vikings bound runners made of bone to their feet and skimmed on the ice. Щ23Я_ Iron runners were next used in skating, followed by the steel runners of today. In early days the skate-runner was attached to the foot by leather thongs. Later the skate was strapped to the shoe. In the modern skate the blade is permanently attached to the skating shoe. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. ? — ? — ? — ? — 9 — It is more than 500 years old. Roller skating appeared in the 18th century. J, L. Plimpton did. Because motorcycle and automobile races took place of roller skating. They bound runners made of bone to their feet and skimmed on the ice. In the modern skate the blade is permanently attached to the skating shoe. 2. Write headlines to these texts. Use a dictionary where necessary. 1. In 1880, in England, H. J. Lawson made a twowheeler with a chain driving the rear wheel. It had wheels of the same size. He called it a bicyclette. So a safe bicycle had been invented, factories hurried to manufacture it. Men used bicycles for work and pleasure. Women began riding them too. In 1888, in Ireland, J. B. Dunlop fitted pieces of rubber to the wheels. This was how tires appeared and made riding easier, quicker and more pleasant. Basketball has been played in the Olympic Games since 1936. Today it is played in more than seventy-five countries: in schools, high schools, colleges and universities. In the United States they say it attracts more spectators than any other team game. In the 1920s many basketball games were played in ballrooms. Guests danced before the game. Of course the highly polished floors were hard to play basketball on, but many fans were as interested in the dancing as they were in the ball game. 3. It is the national game of the USA. The field is divided into infield, or diamond, and outfield. The bases are at the corners of the diamond. There are two teams of 9 players. The ball which is semisoft and covered in leather is thrown, or pitched, by the pitcher from about the centre of the diamond to the batter on the home base. The bat is about 1 metre long. The catcher stands behind the batter, one fielder guards each of the three bases and the rest are placed strategically in the outfield. The object of the game is to score “runs” by hitting the ball and running round the diamond. There are two main professional baseball leagues and about 40 minor ones in the USA, and the game has spread to many countries. 3. Write the names of these sports and games in the right categories. Sports 1. ... (lames 1. ... boxing A basketball a long jump ▲ golf ▲ volleyball draughts ▲ field hockey A judo A badminton a wrestling a tennis a swimming a athletics a rowing A ya Answer the questions using your sports vocabulary. 1. What do we call a person who trains a team of athletes? 2. What do we call a person who settles disagreements in sports, gives points and decides who the winner is? 3. What do we say if two teams have an equal number of points? 4. Wliat do we say about a person if he or she is in good form? 5. What do athletes do in a championship? 6. What is a coach’s job? 7. How do athletes set their records? 8. Who wins in a football game? 9. What sports are included in Winter Olympics? 10. Where do sportsmen train for indoor games? 11. What indoor games do you know? Шл ¥ШТФ 22. Write the same in English. 1. Российская сборная (национальная команда) завоевала 13 золотых медалей на Олимпиаде в Сочи в 2014 году. 2. Хороший тренер помогает спортсменам побить рекорды и поставить новые. 3. Хотя лучший тренер готовил нашу команду к матчу, она сыграла вничью. 4. — Игры на открытом воздухе более популярны, чем игры для закрытых помещений? — Не знаю. Возьмём, к примеру, теннис или футбол. Они очень популярны. Однако чемпионаты по шахматам и шашкам тоже привлекают много людей. 5, Если вы любите хоккей, идите на стадион и болейте (shout for) за свою команду. 6. Если бы вы ходили в спортивный центр и занимались бы гимнастикой или аэробикой, вы бы лучше себя чувствовали и выглядели бы лучше. 7. Тяжёлая атлетика — очень трудный вид спорта. Этот вид спорта могут исключить (exclude) из Олимпийских игр. 8. Наш новый игрок (футболист) забил два гола в прошлой игре. 23. Match the words and word combinations from the two columns and make up sentences of your own with them. A В 1. a shuttlecock a) golf 2. a goal and a ball b) weightlifting 3. a barbell c) badminton 4. a bow and arrows d) fencing 5. an ice rink e) sailing 6. a yacht f) hockey 7. a stick and a puck g) football 8. a racing car h) arching 9. swords i) motor racing 10. a ball and a club j) figure skating 24. Write a paragraph about your favourite athlete. 25 Choose the right words: af, by, In, of, to, into, up to complete the sentences. 1. My parents will be disappointed ... me if I fail the exam. 2. The President waved ... the crowd from the steps ... the plane. 3. I am related ... Mike ... marriage. 4. They’ll just laugh ... you if you can’t »мгФ. think ... а better excuse. 5. “Get ... the car,” he said and we drove off. 6. The orchestra is tuning ... ready to begin. 7. Mrs Snow sat staring ... the letter ... disbelief. 8. The building was designed ... a famous architect. 9. I’ll give you this book, but ... return you will give me this new magazine. 26. Do this riddle. You can read a popular saying if you cross out in the boxes: 1) 3 names of sports and games 2) 3 weather words 3) 4 colours 4) 2 things that fly 5) 3 words that rhyme with “eight” soccer scarlet straight cloudy rain weight baseball no pink like jet giate beige purple tennis ' sunny there's i 1 place bluebird home 27. Open the brackets to complete the text. Mr Smith lived in the country. Five days a week he (i. go) to work by train every morning and (2. come) home the same way. One morning he (3. read) his newspaper on the train when a man sitting behind him, who Mr Smith never (4. meet) before, (5. speak) to him. “You not (6. lead) a very interesting life, do you? You ever (7. think) of changing it? If you (3. get) off the train now, you (9. find) a new world. The world you {10. dream) about all your life! You will be able {11, fly) to different countries and make discoveries.” Mr Smith suddenly {12. remember) how he {13. fly) to Canada one day. Since then he {14. forbid) to mention flights. It was awful. The plane {15. swing) all the time, he {16. throw) backwards and forwards. It {17. strike) him he never {18. see) his native village and his family. It {19. hurt) to think about it. He {20. watch) the engine {21. burn). And he {22. have) to land by parachute. Mr Smith {23, bite) his finger and {24. turn) angrily to the stranger, “I adore my life, it’s full of changes as it is. I {25, move) to a new house soon. It {26. build) now. Look out of the window and you (27. see) it. 28. Use do and make in the right forms to complete the text. тпф It will (!)>•• a young person good if he or she (2)... a decision about his/her future career before leaving school. Choosing a career is not simple. While (3)... your choice you should think about your talents, what subjects you like (4)..., in what field you have already (5)... progress, whether you like (3).,. things with your hands or prefer to work with your brain. In order not to (7)... a mistake you shouldn’t think only of how to (3)... money in the future. If you want to (3)... well in the chosen field, you should be greatly interested in what you are {10).,. . You should (11)... some efforts to achieve success. (12)... your best to become a really good specialist and you will (13)... a fortune in the end, at least by (14)... a lot of friends. SFA 29. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right. 1. The athlete was ... trying to catch up with the desperate leaders. 2. The man ... the children with punishment unless threat they stopped making noise. 3. After the flood the town looked ... and had to be filth carefully cleaned. 4. Jack is an ... actor, I like all the films where he amaze appears. 5. They are most ... students, it’s real pleasure to will work with them. 6. Skiing ... are popular in many countries of the compete world. 7. ... centres are becoming very popular with those fit who want to take care of their health. 8. It’s a great honour for an athlete to be a member of the ... team. nation 9. Mr Adams ... despised those who were less success- secret ful than he, he was a great snob. 10. ... is a very beautiful sport, I enjoy watching it on dive television. 11. The game was held on an ... court and had to be . covered stopped because of the heavy rain. i 12. The coach’s face remained ... all through the match. ■ expressive tUUf&. SFA 0. Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right. Once upon a time there lived King Midas who loved gold more than anything else in the world. Midas (1)... , spend days and nights counting the pieces of gold he (2)... . collect One day when he (3)... his money, a stranger entered his count house. “Midas,” said the stranger, “you (4),,. so much save money. You may be the (5)... man in the country. Are rich you happy now?” i “No,” answered Midas. “I never (6)... happy until eve- be rything that I touch (7)... gold.” become “You shall have what you wish,” promised the stranger. i Everyone (8)... the end of this story: from that mo- ’ know ment on Midas could neither eat or drink because all that | he touched immediately (9)... into gold. turn г \ л. JijiiHjORING THE WORLD 1. Complete the text with the help of the words from the box. as A however actually nevertheless a so A that’s why A although A on the contrary a because SHUT THE DOOR Jonathan Swift, (i)... a good master, was very severe with his servants. (2)... he was a kind man, but he always ordered his servants to shut the door whenever he came into or went out of the room. One day one of his maidservants asked for permission to go to her sister’s wedding. The girl expected her master’s negative reaction, but (3)... he easily agreed. (4),.. the girl’s sister lived at a faraway place. Swift lent her one of his own horses. (5)... the girl went out of her master’s study feeling happy. (6)... she forgot to shut the door. (7)... Swift 15 minutes later after her departure sent a servant after her to order her immediate return. The girl was disappointed but, (3)... she obeyed. “Why did you send for me, sir?” she asked entering his room. “(9)... I want you to shut the door and then you may continue your journey,” said Swift. 2 Turn these active structures into passive and write your sentences. 1. I’d like to know when they discovered these islands in the Pacific Ocean. 2. We’ll hold the rehearsal in the Big Hall on Friday. 3. They are staging a new tragicomedy at the town theatre. 4. They have just EL тшж9. shown an exciting running race on television. 5. I know that someone set this record at the Sydney Olympics. 6. They will draw the curtain in a second or two, let’s hurry to our seats. 7. You should read at least some books in the original. 8. One can enjoy historical novels as much as detective stories. 9. Someone will buy seats for you for tomorrow’s matinee. 10. They are making a new film about a young opera singer. 3p Use the right forms of the verbs in brackets and write the story. ^ • Sa. t. % it» it.-' it. t^Si All childrcM», (*xcept one, (f. grow) up. They soon know that some day tJiey (2. grow) up. This is how it (3. happen) to Wendy. One day, wlien she {4, play) in a garden, she (5. pick) up a flower and {6. run) witli it to her mother. At that moment she (7. look) so pretty that Mrs Darling (S. cry)j “Oh, why can’t you be a little girl fonwerl” Since that moment on Wendy (9. know) that she must (/9. grow) up. Her mother was a lovely lady with a romantic mind. This is how Mr Darling (Л. win) her. At one point a lot of gentlemen discovenni that they {12. fall) in love with her, and they all {13. come) to her house {14. propose) to her, except Mr Darling who {15. take) a cab and {16. arrive) at her place first, and so he {17. get) her. He {18. be) one of those clever ones who {19. know) all about money. And the way he {20. speak) about money was such that it {21. can) make any woman {22. respect) him. For a w(‘ek or two after Wendy {23. be) born her parents {24. be) doubtful' whether they {25. be) able to keep her. Mr Darling {26. sit) on the edge of his wife’s bed {27. hold) her hand and {28. calculate) expenses. She {29. want) to risk it, but that {30. be) not his way; Ills way (31. be) with a pencil and a piece of paper. (After J. M. Barrie) IT «'■ft *-"9^ * ^ doubtful ['dautfal] — сомнительный If ■4. Use your imagination and answer these questions in writing. Example: If you were a city, what city would you be and why? If I were a city, Fd be Moscow because iFs beautiful and exciting. 1. If you 2. If you 3. If you 4. If you 5. If you 6. If you 7. If you were a plant, what plant would you be and why? were a colour, what colour would you be and why? were an animal, what animal would you be and why? were a vehicle,^ what vehicle would you be and why? were a country, what country would you be and why? were food, what food would you be and why? were a building, what building would you be and why? 5. Look through Ex. 20, p. 307—310 of your Student’s Book and report what Wendy and Peter Pan said to each other. (1) Wendy: Why are you crying? What’s your name? (2) Peter: My name is Peter Pan. (3) Wendy: Is that all? (4) Peter: I don’t get any letters. My address is not funny. I don’t have a mother. (5) Wendy: Of course I did nothing. (6) Peter: I ran away the day I was born. (7) Wendy: Where do you live mostly now? Who are the lost boys? (8) Wendy: Don’t go! I know such a lot of stories. I’m a great storyteller. 6. There are phrasal verbs in these sentences. Complete them with necessary words. 1. After the party everything in the house was turned........ and Nicola had to spend the whole evening tidying it up. 2, Isn’t it time for us to do......these silly mistakes and learn to write words correctly? 3. The boiling milk easily runs ... the edge of the pan. You have to watch it. 4. Steve rushed ... the room shouting something about some great news. 5. Let’s get ... at the next stop and walk the rest of the way to the park. 6. It took the teacher ten minutes to set her pupils ... copy the ^ a vehicle ['vi:ik9l] — a machine that carries people or things from place to place (a car, a bus, a truck, etc.) I words down from the blackboard. 7. I think we could do ... something to drink, I feel very thirsty. 8. I smell the pancake burning. It’s time to turn it ... , 9. It’s another of Bob’s lies. Will he get ... with it again, do you think? 10. The boy was so hungry that he rushed ... his food and ate up everything that stood in front of him. 7. Complete these sentences about yourself. 1. When I was young, my mother made me ... . 2. When I was five, my parents never let me ... . 3. When I’m older. I’ll be allowed ... . 4. When I’m forty, I’ll never be made ... . 5. In a few years our teachers will let us ... . 6. No one can make me ... . 7. At the age of ... I was first allowed .... 8. I can’t make my friend .... 9. I can easily make my friends ... . 10. 1 can clearly remember how I was first made ... . 8- Look at the pictures and say what Ann’s wishes are. Use the example. Example; I ivish Peter wouldn't scream at the top of his voice. 9. Choose the right items to complete the sentences. 1. George usually ... his weekends with his Granny, a) has spent b) is spending c) spends 2. Гт tired because I ... up very early today, a) get b) have got c) had got 3. We always meet on Sunday. Next Sunday we ... again, a) meet b) will meet c) will have met 4. Where have you been? I ... for forty minutes! a) have been waiting b) am waiting c) waited 5. I know the boy with whom you ... 10 minutes ago. a) had been talking b) have been talking c) were talking 6. I couldn’t eat anything as I ... a huge meal before, a) had b) have had c) had had 7. If you ... to the shop, can I go with you? a) will go b) are going c) have gone 8. I hope that tomorrow at this time he ... his car on the way to London, a) will be driving b) will drive c) will have driven 9. Polly ... her homework for an hour and a half when her mother came back from work. a) was doing b) has been doing c) had been doing 10. Father ... the house before the children get home from school, a) shall leave b) will have left c) is leaving 11. Don’t worry, I ... your letter yesterday morning, a) posted b) have posted c) was posting 12. Anna ... English for 6 years by the end of this school year. a) has been learning b) will learn c) will have been learning 0шг9. 10. Open the brackets and complete the sentences with the proper verb forms. A. — Can I (i. have) my book back, Chris? — Sorry, I (2. not, read) it yet. But I (3. think) I {4, read) it by Saturday. Then I (5. bring) it to you myself. — You (6. like) it? — Oh, yes. Very much. Yesterday I (7. read) it for five hours non-stop. When mother (S. come) into my bedroom at twelve o’clock (P. say) good night to me, I still {10, read) it. B. Last Sunday Alice’s neighbour (i. ask) her {2, keep) her cat Fluff for three days when she (3. be) away on business. She {4, say) the cat (5. be) no trouble. But when Alice {6, wake) up the next morning she (7. notice) that the cat {8, eat) all the goldfish. When Alice {9, leave) for school, the cat {10, sleep) peacefully in the sun. When the girl {11. come) home, the cat {12. disappear). It {13, take) poor Alice two hours {14. find) Fluff in someone’s garden where the cat {15. run) after birds. Express the same in English, use complex object. Write your sentences. 1. Вчера я видел по телевизору, как Павел соревновался на Олимпийских играх и победил. 2. Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как музыканты настраивают свои инструменты? 3. Однажды я видел, как режиссёр репетировал пьесу со своими актёрами. 4. Никто не заметил, как рассказчик достал из кармана небольшой томик. 5. Не хочу слушать, как эта болтушка рассказывает о своей поездке. 6. Вчера я слышал, как прекрасно он говорит по-английски. А ведь это не родной для него язык, 7. Мы с интересом наблюдали, как юная поэтесса поднималась на сцену. 12. Choose the prepositions from the box to comlete the sentences. 1. How do you buy seats ... a play or an opera? 2. When a performance begins, the curtain goes ... . 3. In winter, autumn and spring people leave their coats and hats ... the cloakroom. 4. Our seats are ... the front stalls. 5. Let’s shake hands ... the bargain. 6. The apple dropped ... the tree ... the ground. 7. Laughter and applause came ... the door. 8. Let me introduce John ... you. 9. Jack made a good impression ... my parents. 10. Sarah searched ... “Collins Dictionary of Idioms” in the town bookshops and found it at last. I итт9^ Read the text and put the mixed up paragraphs in the right order. MRS DARLING MEETS PETER V . a) It was a shirt for Michael. Mrs Darling liked sewing and she liked the shirt. The fire was warm, and the nursery was dimly lit by three night-lights and presently the sewing lay on Mrs Darling’s lap. Then her head nodded, oh, so gracefully. She was asleep. b) She started up with a cry, and saw the boy, and somehow she knew at once that he was Peter Pan. He was a lovely boy. ■'Л ■U I c) He didn’t alarm her, for she thought she had seen him before in the faces of many women who have no children. Perhaps he is to be found in the faces of some mothers also. ,d) On the night we speak of all the children were in bed. Mrs Darling, their mother, had bathed them and sung to them till one by one they had let go her hand and slid away into the land of sleep. All were looking so safe and cosy that she smiled gazing at them and sat down quietly by the fire to sew. e) She slept and had a dream. She dreamed that the Neverland (an imaginary land that doesn’t exist) had come too near. While she ' J was dreaming, the window of the nursery blew open, and a boy did drop on the floor. He was accompanied by a strange light and it must have been this light that wakened Mrs Darling ; f) When Peter Pan saw that Mrs Darling was a grown-up, jumped lightly through the window. 3. 4. »шг9. 14. This is a mixed text- Write two proper stories under the given titles; 1) Cat^s Eyes 2) Dog*я Super SmelL a) At the back of a cat’s eye there is a special layer which reflects light. b) They can pick up much higher sounds than human ears are able to hear, c) They can hunt well at night because they are able to see in very dim light, d) Some of tliom can smell things about one million times better than man. And dogs also have superb hearing, e) Dogs have an excellent sense of smell. Г) This means that cats can make much better use of light than human beings. 15- Rewrite the story, fill in the proper names to complete it. Daedalus (3) l Icarus (2) ▲ Crete (2) ▲ Greek ▲ Minos a Greece ANCIENT MYTH If myths were true, a (i) ... artisan named (2) ... would have been the first man to fly. A sculptor, architect and inventor by profession, (3) ... had gone to {4) ... to construct the famous and complicated labyrinth for King (r5) .... But he fell into disfavour wiili the king and decided to run away. He made two pairs of feathered wings fastened with wax for himself and his son, {6) ..., and together tliey took off from the island of (7) ... to fly to ... . The legend says that (.9) ,..’s wings were a technical success, but (10) ... flew too near the sun, the wax of his wings melted, he fell into the sea and got drowned.' ^ to get drowned [draund] — утонуть ШШ- SHI 16 Complete the text using the derivatives of the words on the right. Make up a possible ending of the story. For many years Matenko had been the jester^ of King of Poland, the best (1) ... of the King and his court. But now Matenko was growing old, and people no longer laughed at his jokes. His face was so wrinkled that he could no longer make it look (2) and his memory was becoming so bad that he could no longer learn new jokes. (3) ..., King Jan decided that he must get a new court jester. He called Matenko and said, “The Queen and I are sorry, Matenko, but you are getting old. It is time for your {4) ... .” Matenko was heartbroken. For the first time in his life he felt (5) ... . entertain fun final retire wanted SFA 17- Complete the text using the derivatives of the words on the right. Make up a possible ending of the story. There was once a (1) ..., and in it there was a king who had a daughter (2) ... Princess Grizelda. The Queen, her mother, had left their home at the palace many years before to seek her fortune as a racing (3) ... . So the girl grew up (4) ..., and the King had had to bring up his daughter himself. “Grizelda,” he said to her one day, “I want to talk to you (5) ... .” “What is it, Papa?” “Grizelda,” said the King, “you are fourteen and you are still (3) ... .” “But I don’t want to have a husband,” protested the Princess. “Well, sooner or later you’ll have to think about it,” said the King, “so why not now?” king call drive, mother serious married ^ a jester ('ct5est9(r)| — шут m 18. Match the names of the hats with their descriptions. Use a dictionary if necessary. HATS, HATS, HATS 1. a baby’s hat 2. a genie’s ['cfei:niz] hat 3. a Mexican hat 4. a biker’s hat 5. a hat that’s attached to a jacket 6. a hat for the game of baseball 7. a hat made of grass 8. a man’s tall hat for formal occasions a) a baseball cap b) a turban c) a straw hat d) a top hat e) a hood f) a bonnet g) a sombrero h) a helmet Ex. 1, 1) On what continent(s) does Russia lie? 2) What is the climate like in Russia? 3) How many countries border on Russia? 4) What countries border on Russia in the east? In the west? In the south? In the north? 5) How many nationalities inhabit Russia? 6) Are there any volcanoes in our country? 7) Who are the most popular Russian writers? 8) What are the most famous Russian theatres? 9) Do people in Russia travel much? 10) Where do people of Russia like to spend their holidays? Ex. 3. 1. e; 2. d; 3. g; 4. f; 5. b; 6. a; 7. c; 8. i; 9. j; 10. h; 11. 1; 12, к Ex. 4. 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4, d Ex- 5. 1. in chronicles; 2, cultural importance; 3. in temperature; 4. industrial centre; 5. radio and television sets; 6. rush hours; 7. the actor, director and producer; 8. international collection Ex. 6- a) Dvortsovaya Square Winter Palace St Isaac’s Cathedral the monument to Peter the Great b) the Russian Museum the Admiralty the Kunstkamera Kazan Cathedral A JB^ cost — cost — cost — costing — стоить fall — fell — fallen — falling — падать fly — flew — flown — flying — лететь forget — forgot — forgotten — forgetting — забывать hurt — hurt — hurt — hurting — причинять боль leave — left — left — leaving — покидать, оставлять rise — rose — risen — rising — вставать, подниматься sell — sold — sold — selling — продавать steal — stole — stolen — stealing — красть wear — wore — worn — wearing — носить (об одежде) Ex, 10- A. 1. misty, frosty; 2. changeable; 3. dangerous; 4. ecological; 5. suitable; 6. prosperous; 7. striking; 8. attractive; 9. different; 10. inhospitable B. 1. shortage; 2. government; 3. representatives; 4. destruction; 5, devotion; 6. whiteness; 7. senator; 8. decision; 9. attraction; 10. ruler Ex. 11, This text /ne/7f/o/7s; Sydney Oxford New York 1. Famous buildings V 2. Origin of the nickname V 3. Status among other cities V V 4. Size V 5. Division (main parts) V 6. Landscape V V 7. Population >/ V V 8. Rivers nearby V 9. Beauty V 10. Parks and gardens V 0М/Г(^ Ex, 12, 1. Russia is situated on two continents. They are Ehirope and Asia. 2. In the east Russia borders on Japan. What countries does our country border on in the west? 3. The ecological situation in Russia is not very safe. 4, Nowadays Russian people seldom use samovars when they have/make tea. (Nowadays samovars are seldom used in Russia when people have/make tea.) 5. The main church in Russia is the Russian Orthodox Church. 6. I like living in Russia though our life is not always easy. 7. The Russian Parliament (The ParUament of Russia) is CEilled the Federal Assembly. It consists of two houses — the Federal Council and the State Duma. 8. The Head of the Russian Federation is the President. 9. Moscow has become a city of contrasts, hasn’t it? 10. Moscow is the city where a lot can be seen and much can be done. It’s the/a city to visit/see by all means (that you should/must visit). Ex, 13. 1. Three Little Pigs; 2. Broken heart; 3. Shame on you; 4. Falling in love; 5. Me and my shadow; 6. History repeats itself; 7. Bagpipes; 8. Coconut jism ■I •« В ■■ Ex, 1. 1. Why did the tribes (people) begin to move to new places? 2. Was the language spoken by a tribe at a new place much different from the language which was spoken in the old home? 3. Why were new words made in languages? 4. Why were some words dropped? 5. What language did Spanish, French and Portuguese develop from? 6. What languages developed from the old Germanic language(s)? 7. What is a “family” of languages? Ex, 2. 1. have; 2. is; 3. does not like; 4. to wash/washing; 5. I’d like; 6. to live; 7. found; 8. took; 9. arrived; 10. shall/will stay; 11. ran; 12. fell; 13. hurt; 14. ran; 15. to look; 16. came; 17. threw; 18. cried; 19. can-not/could not; 20. see; 21. is; 22. is; 23. are; 24. got; 25. will be tmiwM Li Ex. 3, 1, Great Britain; 2. The USA; 3. Canada; 4, Australia; 5. New Zealand; 6. India; 7. Pakistan; 8. Bangladesh; 9. Sri Lanka; 10. Ireland; 11. Papua New Guinea; 12. South Africa; 13. Nigeria; 14. Ghana; 15. Sierra Leone; 16. Gambia; 17. Tanzania; 18. Guyana; 19. (the) Bahamas; 20. Barbados; 21. Swaziland; 22. Lesotho; 23. Liberia; 24. Cameroon; 25. Uganda; 26. Eritrea; 27. Kenya; 28. Zambia; 29. Zimbabwe; 30. Malawi; 31. Namibia; 32. Botswana; 33. Malta; 34. The Philippines; 35. Singapore; 36. South Sudan; 37. Brunei Ex. 4. 1. If you are in Russia, visit one of the small Russian towns in the centre of the country. 2. Wlien we come to St Petersburg, we’ll go to the Mariinsky Theatre to listen to an opera or to see (watch) a ballet. 3. When you liear this music, you will understand why I like it so much. 4. She’ll call (plione) you if you give her your telephone number. 5. If you like this book, Г11 give it to you. 6. I’ll learn German if I have such a chance. 7. When the guests leave, we’ll wash up and go to bed. 8. As soon as you finish the translation, we’ll read it. 9. If you speak so loudly, you will wake up the baby. 10. We’ll discuss this problem as soon as he comes to school. Ex. 5. .. b) It looks ... I’m not sleeping . I’m thinking 1. a) Why are you looking 2. a) ... are sleeping ...; b) I think ... 3. a) I am having ... b) When do you have ...? 4. a) ... stands ... b) Why are you standing ...? 5. a) ... feels ... b) I’m feeling/I feel ... Ex. 6. 1., 2. ... were you watching television or reading a magazine? 3., 4. ... was washing up and talking to my wife. 5. Is she cooking now? 6. She is working on the computer. 7. Were you singing ... 8. I was getting flowers ... 9. Were your musicians playing? 10. I will be packing. 11. ... are flying ... 12. ... we’ll be performing шЛ ш Ex, 7- 1. а) Did you go ...? — Yes, I did and I bought ... , b) ... was doing shopping while I was doing .... 2. a) Did you play ...? — No, we did not. It was raining, b) We were playing ... began. 3. a) Did you visit ...? — No, I did not. I was preparing .... b) I was visiting ... arrived. 4. a) Did you take the dog ...? — ... did ... . b) When I was taking ... I met ... . He was hurrying ... . 5. a) When did your brother come ...? — He did not come ... . He stayed ... . b) ... was coming ... he fell down and broke ... . ЕЛ-. IP- 1. to give; 2. win; 3. do; 4. to live; 5. steal/stealing; 6. play; 7. crawl/ crawling; 8. to lose; 9. say/saying; 10. build/building Ex. 11. 1. take; 2. made; 3. make; 4. give; 5. gives/gave/has given; 6. give; 7. take; 8. give; 9. take/took; 10. take Ex. 12. 1. The plane took off at eleven p.m. 2, He made off without saying goodbye to everybody. 3. I would like you to take the dictionaries back to the library. 4. Martha gave away her collection of stamps to her younger sister. 5. Never give up hope, and never say never. 6. When will you give out our tests, sir? 7. Don’t forget to take down her e-mail address. 8. I can’t make out what he is saying (he says). 9. She is rather young but she is fond of making up. 10. We think John takes after his father. Ex. 13. a. 6, 9, 14, 19; b. 4, 12, 15, 21; c. 2, 7, 16, 23; d. 3, 11, 17, 20; e. 5, 10, 13, 22; f. 1, 8, 18, 24 Ex. 14. 1. potatoes; 2. deer; 3. tooth; 4. volcano(e)s; 5. radios; 6. hero; 7. mice; 8. oxen; 9. swine; 10. feet; 11. mosquitoes; 12. photos; 13. tomato; 14.. women шпШ ^ ifi Ex- 11^ I. а; 2. the; 3. the; 4. the; 5. the; 6. a; 7. the; 8. the; 9. II. a; 12. the; 13. —; 14. the; 15. —; 16. a/the -; 10. the; Ex. 16. 1. You shouldn’t eat green fruit. 2. When is the time to pick (gather) fruit? (What’s the time for picking fruit?) 3. Is there any fruit at home? 4. I would like you to buy some fresh fruit and some tinned fruit too. 5. Watermelons are not fruit, they are berries. 6. Do you grow fruit in your garden? 7. I’ve bought a lot of fruit. The fruit is ripe and juicy. 8. Bananas ami citrus fruits do not grow in the north. 9. Oranges, bananas and grapes are fruit. 10. There were different fruits on the table. I didn’t know the names of some of them. Ex. 17. 1. fruit; 2. fruits; 3. fruit; 4. fruits; 5. fruit Ex. 19. 1. Джек всегда встаёт последтшм. 2. Боюсь, что не смогу прийти к вам на вечер (в гости), я действительно должен начать заниматься. 3. Насколько я знаю, эти двое ребятишек хорошо ладят друг с другом. 4. Автобус не сможет вместить большее количество людей, вам придётся подождать следующего. 5. Я видел, что Сара сошла с поезда, но потом я потерял её из виду. 6. Рыба была действительно огромной, но сорвалась. 7. Копгкам здесь не место, пошла прочь (вон)! 8. Всем молодым актёрам и актрисам нужно поучиться преодолевать свой страх перед публикой. Ех. 20, 1. Don’t be so rude to your father. 2. What’s your mother tongue? 3. I said I didn’t know the answer but I remembered it afterwards (later). 4. I don’t speak Italian so I askixl Maria to interpret for me in the shop. 5. The teacher gave a spelling drill to his students. 6. Are these two boys related? 7. The old man lives in isolation in the forest. 8. Clothes of 20 years ago look very old-fashioned today, don’t they? 9. When Colin heard the arriving car, he realized his father had come home. 10. What’s the average summer temperature in Moscow? 11. Don’t you think it was 0шгЖ rude of her to leave without telling us? 12. Yesterday our football team disappointed us. It lost the match. 13. He has almost agreed to help us. 14. I like up-to-date dictionaries. 15. Do you know how many words there are in Shakespeare’s vocabulary? 16. Have you ever bought a dictionary? 17. I often work as an interpreter for foreign delegations, but I have never tried to be a translator. 18. — What is the word to call all the words in a language? — It is “a vocabulary”. Ex. 21. 1) foundations; 2) isolation; 3) expression; 4) pronunciation; 5) intonation; 6) situation Ex. 22. 1) translation — перевод 2) interpretation — толкование, устный перевод 3) realization — a) реализация', b) осознание, понимание 4) relation — a) отношение, связь; b) родственник 5) isolation — a) изоляция; b) уединение 6) pronunciation — произношение Ex. 23. 1. c; 2. s; 3. c; 4. c; 5. s; 6. s Ex. 24. 1. get; 2. getting; 3. be; 4. getting, am/have been; 5. am; 6. are; 7. be; 8. got/was; 9. be/get; 10. was; 11. get; 12. be/get Ex. 25. 1. pronunciation; 2. global; 3. helpful; 4. interpreter; 5. American; 6. impolite; 7. meaning; 8. fashionable; 9. disappointed; 10. related; 11, useless, decision; 12. effective Ex. 26, 1. more stupid; 2. thought; 3. shouted; 4. have made / have been making; 5. was shouting; 6. was walking; 7. thought; 8. will make; 9. will have Ex. 27. Mary is in the seventh form. She is a student of a general secondary school specialising in English, Mary has been learning English for six years already. This year seventh formers have 6 classes of English a week. They practise in reading, speaking and writing in class. Now it is easier for them to learn English than it used to be at the beginning of their studies because they know a lot more words than before. But sometimes they have problems memorizing new idioms, finding related words or learning grammar rules. A lot of students find it interesting to work with dictionaries though some think it is boring. But all Mary’s classmates are happy about the way they are taught English. Ex. 29. 1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c Ex. 30. 1. ... like the cat that got the cream. 2. Has the cat got your tongue? 3. ... like a cat on hot bricks (on a hot tin roof) ... 4. ... while the cat is away, the mice will play. 5. ... let the cat out of the bag. 6. ... like cat and dog. 7. Don’t put the cat among the pigeons Ex. 31. 1. They returned from the ride With the lady inside. 2. He thought he would risk it And go as a biscuit. Ex. 32. 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b Ex. 33. 1. e; 2. h; 3. a; 4, g; 5. j; 6. d; 7. c; 8. i; 9. b; 10. f Ex. 34, 1. c; 2. g; 3. h; 4. a; 5. e; 6. b; 7. d; 8. f 1ЕЕЖ. Ex. 35. (P) 0 1Ё G R A N A T Е) A! 1 : T 0 .\E] ' Y R R E H Cl :p 1 H I L ■14 V . D D A T e: M; A Б p tpj-' ^U) (Pj I N, E El Y P, My / T / 1 p Я y' H E Ц In!' Ч (Oy '■ s Ai Ы ■|Ri j 1 T . / ■■'Cy / 1 ■|Ei |u| y'y\ R к In| ;А| 1^1 fH A 1 ! (Gy w В \ : 11; jG In N E R ip. R I E 1 f iw; 1 ; Oj A [g]; R A^ '11Р.Г Ё F R tl" tit- T) T R E G N A 7^) s Answer to the question: To hide in the strawberries. i wm ■■ ■■ ■I ■> Ex. 1. How else is stamp collecting called? (What is another name for stamp collecting?) 2. For how long has stamp collecting been a hobby of millions of people? 3. What information can a stamp give you? 4. What stamps are the most valuable now? 5. Why did the postmasters cut ten-cent stamps in half in 1847? 6. What makes stamps even more valuable? 7. Why do some of the first US airmail stamps cost $2,000? MSSm Ex, 3, 2. Last week he wrote to me that he had stayed in London for about a week, 4. Why didn’t you tell me that you and Paul had met before? 5. Look! I have made some coffee for you. 7, Did father tell you that he had bought some tickets to the cinema? 10. Mother says that she has always wanted me to be a doctor. Ex. 4. 1. I know that the English schoolchildren have already seen the centre of Moscow and the Kremlin, 2. If you’ve never seen Hyde Park, go there on Sunday. 3. We understood that our guests had already told the schoolchildren about their trip. 4. We have just come (arrived). We haven’t taken off our coats yet (taken our coats off). 5. The teacher told us where lie had hv.o.u and what he had seen. 6. Our friends told us that they had alrtunly visited (been to) the new museum. 7. We believe that the world has changed for the better. 8. When the explorers found a/the little boy in the forest, they understood that the boy had lived in complete isolation for a long time. 9. When we had read the book by Mark Twain, we decided to see the play after it. 10. After John painted Lucy’s portrait, ht^ understood that he had realized his dream. Ex. 5- 1. c; 2. a; 3. c; 4. a Ex. 6, 1, five photos; 2. three mice; 3. two roofs; 4. eight dictionaries; 5. fifteen deer; 6. two zoos; 7. many echoes; 8. four volcano(e)s; 9. white geese; 10. millions of fish; 11. a thousand sheep; 12. young wives Ex. 7. 1. c; 2, b; 3. a; 4. e; 5. d Ex, 8. 1. Mrs Potter will have bought vegetables and fruit. 2. Old Mr Potter will have read all the newspapers and magazines. 3. Old Mrs Potter will have finished knitting her grandson’s sweater. 4. Uncle Fred will ¥тжШ have washed his car, 5, Aunt Polly will have paid a visit to her niece. 6. John will have done his homework. 7. Barbara will have written her project. 8. Their cousin Rachel will have planted some roses in the garden. Ex. 9. 1. She will have typed 25 pages by 10 o’clock a.m. tomorrow. 2. I’m sure we shall/will meet some day. 3. John will be fourteen next month. 4. If you ask him, he will help you. 5. If you ask him, he will have finished the translation by Sunday (he will finish ...). 6. In a couple of years you will have left (finished) school (you will finish ...). 7. I’m sure Granny will have ironed my dress (will iron 8. In a quarter of an hour the sportsman will have run the last hundred metres. 9. Next month my aunt Jane will have been married to uncle Jack for forty years. 10. How many pages will you have translated after (in) ten days (will you translate ...)? Ex- 10. 1, a, the; 2, the, —; 3. a/the, an; 4. the, the, the; 5. the, the, the; 6. the; 7. the, —; 8. a/the; 9. —; 10. the; 11. a, the, the; 12. an, a; 13. —, —; 14. the, a; 15. — Ex. 11. 1. The/An onion is a round vegetable with a strong smell. 2. The house lay/was in ruins after the fire. 3. It was the very holiday we used to celebrate together. 4. Spain lies to the south of France. 5. He has always wanted to go to university. 6. There was a beautiful ancient church in this little village. 7. How much time do you spend at work daily? 8. Put the fruit in the refrigerator, please. 9. The telescope is an instrument thanks to which (that makes) things look bigger and seem nearer. 10. What’s going on in the next room? Ex. 13. 1. b; 2. e; 3. c; 4. a; 5. f; 6. d Ex. 14. 1. A firm decision. 2. He knocks on (at) it. 3. I push the button. 4. A candle. 5. A struggle. 6. I wind it. 7. We have to repair them. 8. To share things. 9. I regret it. 10. Light and warmth. 11. They pull it out. 12. I can say that it’s close to my house. 13. From a bowl. 14. Cheerful. »ттМ. Ex. 15. 1. а handful of nuts; 2. a teaspoonful of sugar; 3. a glassful of juice; 4. a spoonful of honey; 5. a mouthful of chocolate; 6. a cupful of milk; 7. a plateful of vegetables Ex. 16. 1. bitter; 2. firmly; 3. seriously, unhappy; 4. sad; 5. sadly, regretful; 6. cheerful; 7. firm; 8. sweet; 9. seriously, serious; 10, serious Ex. 17. 1. boring; 2. musical; 3. childhood; 4. woody; 5. salty; 6. comfortable; 7. education; 8. boyhood; 9. cheerful; 10. winding; 11. regretful; 12. healthy, bouncy Ex. 18. 1. smallest; 2. were travelling; 3. began; 4. are those sheep being driven; 5. better; 6. better; 7. was losing/had lost Ex. 19. 1. home; 2. house; 3. house; 4. home; 5. at home; 6. house; 7. home; 8. house; 9. house, home; 10. house Ex. 21. 1. husband; 2. father; 3. children; 4. sons; 5. daughter; 6. great-grandchildren; 7. son; 8. wife; 9. uncles; 10. grandchildren; 11. great-grand- children Ex. 25. 1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. e Ex. 26. SCOUT тЛ Ю1Н- »шжФ Ех. 1, 1. What do artists mean when they use the word “cartoon” as a term? 2. What were the names of some magazines which specialized in cartoons? 3. When did the first comic strip appear? 4. How was it called and when was it published? 5. Did the children all over the USA want to dress in “Buster Brown” clothes? 6. Into how many languages has Bringing Up Father been translated? Ex. 2. 2. ... table will be emerald green ... 3. ... chair will be turtle brown ... 4. ... bookcase will be mouse grey ... 5. ... wardrobe will be lemon yellow ... 6. ... shelves will be sky blue ... 7. ... mirror will be dove white ... 8. ... box will be blood red ... Ex. 3, 1. a tiny pram; 2. a broad straight street; 3. a bulky wardrobe; 4. a narrow window; 5. a cake shaped like a heart; 6. a box shaped like a star; 7. a bowl irregular in shape Ex. 4. 1. is piping hot; 2. is heavy; 3. is cool; 4. is smooth; 5. is stone-cold/ ice-cold; 6. is sharp; 7. is light; 8. is pointed; 9. is fluffy Ex, 5. 1. sugary; 2. sour; 3. bitter; 4. salty; 5. sweet; 6. sour Ex. 6, a) Danny: attractive, bouncy, smart, short, small, cheerful, curious, young, clever, polite, thin (slim), poor, pleasant, lovely. Danny's father: attractive, independent, modest, smart, cheerful, strong, tall, serious, clever, polite, brave, honest, wise, thin, poor, pleasant, free, firm. ф at ЛОЗ Ex. 7. Absolute (Positive) I Comparative 1 Superlative 1. attractive I more attractive (the) most attractive 2. slim ; slimmer (the) slimmest 3. wise I wiser (the) wisest 4. free ! freer (the) freest 5. bouncy more bouncy (the) most bouncy 6. curious I more curious (the) most curious 7. shy ; shier (the) shiest 8. thin j Ihinnei (the) thinnest 9. tidy tidier (the) tidiest 10. cheerful more cheerful (the) most cheerful Ex. 9. 1. Her handwriting^ is bolter than I thought. 2. The river is narrower than I thought, 3. The boy is faster (quicker) ... 4. The film is more interesting ... 5. The dress is more modern ... 6. The lady is happier ... 7. The driver is more careful ... 8. The street is shorter ... Ex. 10. Colin has been playing on the computer. Sara has been watching a video. John has been reading an interesting novel. Mary has been painting her friend’s portrait. Dolly has been sewing a dress. Peter and Tom have been discussing the plan of their future holidays. Sam and Jack have been working in the garden. Ex. 11. 1. have you spent, have been reading; 2. has been riding, has broken; 3. have you had; 4. has been using, has broken; 5. have read; 6. have been looking; 7. have they gone; 8. have been building Ex^12^ 1. — Do you like Greece? — I have never been there. 2. It has been raining since morning. 3. Ann has been setting the table for an hour already. 4. John has never asked for advice, 5. Jack has been working in the garden for forty minutes. He has watered the flowers but has not planted rose bushes yet. 6. My father has been collecting books on шА »мтФ art since (his) childhood. 7. — Where has he gone? — (He has gone) to some picture gallery. 8, — How long have you been taking lessons of music? — For three years already. 9. I have been learning to cook for all my life. 10. Have you ever painted portraits? Ex. 13. 1. g; 2. j; 3. a; 4. d; 5. b; 6. h; 7. e; 8. i; 9. c; 10. f Ex^14. 1. had fallen; 2. had been drawing; 3. had been sending; 4. had been causing; 5. had seen; 6. had left; 7. had not invited; 8. had seen; 9. had been cooking; 10. had been waiting Ex. 15, 1. furthest/farthest; 2, eldest; 3. latest; 4. latest; 5. latter; 6. last; 7. latest; 8. further; 9. next; 10. next Ex, 16. David is the tallest. Charles is the smallest. Ex, 17. 1) беден как церковная мышь; 2) совершенно невозмутимый, не теряющий хладнокровия; 3) выносливый, закалённый; стойкий/жесто-кий; 4) старо как мир; 5) очень счастливый, беспечный; 6) цветущий, пышущий здоровьем/бодрый, полный юношеского задора, свежий, неуставший Ех. 18. 1. white; 2. dark; 3. cold; 4. slow; 5. blue; 6. quiet Ex. 19. 1. a; 2. a, the; 3. a, a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a, the; 7. a; 8. the, a E^2p^ Probable answers: 2. Well, let me see. It depends upon the kind of brown bread. I think it is about ... 5. I сапЧ tell you exactly. The first puppet theatres were probably made in India and Egypt. I think they started thousands of years ago. тпФ. 6, Sure. The 22 Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Russia. The Russian team won 13 gold medals there. 8. I’m not really sure. In the 1920s and 1930s, jazz musicians all wanted to work in New York. “There are a lot of apples on the tree,” they said, “but when you take New York City, you take the Big Apple!” Everybody wanted some of the Big Apple. 9. Certainly. The Metropolitan Museum of Arts is the biggest museum in New York, it is situated on Fifth Avenue. 10. I can’t tell you offhand. I think it was invented at the end of the 19th century by the Lumiere brothers in France. 1, В конце урока дети торопливо вышли (выбежали) из комнаты. 2. Аня боится собак, потому что, когда она была маленькой, большая чёрная собака набросилась на неё. 3. Это сложная работа, не торопи меня и не торопись с выводами. 4. У Джона сильно болел левый бок, и его родители спешно отправили его в больницу. 5. Нам не нужно торопиться, у нас ещё много времени. 6. Ты думаешь, вежливо врываться в комнату подобным образом? 7. Не убегай (не уходи), не попрощавшись. Ех. 22. 1. weight; 2. anxious; 3. gloomy; 4. bend; 5. seem; 6. wave; 7. solemn; 8. particular; 9. kindly; 10. mumble; 11. murmur; 12. paw; 13. promise; 14. tremendous Ex. 23, answer, ask, cry, mumble, murmur, reply, say, scream, speak, shout, tell, whisper Ex, 24- 1. arm; 2. hand; 3. finger; 4. leg; 5. foot; 6. toe; 7. paw; 8. hoof; 9. foot; 10. claw Ex. 26. 1. body; 2. head; 3. tail; 4. leg; 5. hoof; 6. back; 7. shoulder; 8. face; 9. chops; 10. tongue; 11. teeth; 12. forehead; 13. ears; 14. eyes; 15. nose; 16. neck; 17. breast; 18. nostril ш # »шгФ Ex, 27. 1. rushed; 2. turned; 3. get; 4. get; 5. get; 6. rushed; 7. turn; 8. rush; 9. get; 10. getting; 11, rush; 12. turn Ex. 28. I. irregular; 2. progressive; 3, mysterious; 4. pleasant; 5, attentive; 6. fussy; 7. anxiously, decision; 8, solemnly; 9. kindly; 10. gloomily; II. appearance, boring; 12. loveable, unpleasant Ex, 29, 1. have forgotten; 2. more knowledgeable; 3, themselves; 4. swam; 5. greatest; 6. did not think; 7. would come Ex. 30. 1. — Ваша внучка часто навещает вас, миссис Уолтер? — Крайне редко, почти не навещает. 2. Не обращай внимания на его слова. Он просто был в плохом настроении. 3. Старый джентльмен гневно взглянул на своего племянника, но ничего не сказал. 4. Слово «критик» для неё что красная тряпка для быка. 5. Нашему начальнику подарили статую лошади. Тебе не кажется, что это бесполезный, хотя и очень дорогой подарок? 6. Джон никогда (ещё) не трусил. Ех, 34. 1. yellow; 2. violet; 3. orange; 4. grey; 5. purple; 6. green; 7. navy; 8. beige Ex. 35, 1. e; 2. j; 3. g; 4. a; 5. f; 6. b; 7. i; 8. d; 9. c; 10. h Ex. 36. c), a), b) #JBb. Ex. 1, 1. d; 2. b; 3. h; 4, f; 5. c; 6. 7, a; 8. e Ex, 2. 1. usually; 2, climber; 3. dcKiorations; 4. feeling, meaning; 5. imaginary; 6. coloured/colourful; 7. British; 8. traditional Ex, 5. a) Baby Jesus and his Holy Mother b) THE BIRTH OF JESUS The power of Babylon waned^ like that of Assyria and Egypt and there arose a new empire Rome, greatest of all empires. Rome ruled the world holding all the nations in the iron grip of the legions. Word went out from Rome that for tax reasons all men must return to the places of their birth in order to register their names. So one night two people, Joseph and Mary, came slowly into the little town of Bethlehem |'be()lihcm|. Joseph had come to Bethlehem because he was a descendant of King David. He had brought Mary with him because she was soon to have a baby, and he did not want to leave her alone in Nazareth ['пэегэгэЭ] where he was the village carpenter. At twilight tliey came to the inn near the well in the village square. But because of all the travellers there was no room in the inn, so they had to use the stable for want of a better place. There in the stable Mary had her baby, and because she had no cot, she laid him in the hay in the manger^ from which the cattle fed. So Bethlehem slept, except for the shepherds up on the hills. They were guarding their flocks from wolves under a frosty sky where the stars were like a million holes in blue velvet. Suddenly in the sky there was a great light, and in the light groat shapes, winged creatures — angels. The shepherds were very frightened and cowered down by their pale campfire. ^ to wane [wem] — слабеть, уменьшаться ^ manger ['memcfeol — ясли шЛ Then came the voice and the singing — or perhaps the voice and the singing were one. Certainly they were beautiful and not of this earth. “Good news,” sang the voice. “Today in David^s city a deliverer has been born for you — the Messiah, the Lord. This is the sign: a baby lying in a manger.” The voice and the singing ceased and the heavens closed. For all its stars the night sky seemed to the shepherds dull as muddy water, and the bright campfire grey as ashes on a cold hearth. As soon as they came to themselves, the shepherds hurried down to Bethlehem leaving the dogs to guard the sheep. They walked through the sleeping town. They came to the inn and found the stable. There in the manger was the baby called Jesus, Joseph kneeling beside him, Mary sitting by his head as he slept in peace. The shepherds crept across the rustling straw, and then they knelt and gazed at the baby. Partly they worshipped, and partly they wondered — the very first of the countless millions who have done exactly the same. So there was peace in the stable. And outside all the people in the little town slept, unaware of the great thing that had happened. And up on the hills the dogs lay with their heads on their paws, watchful for fear of danger. Ex. 6. 1. a; 2. c; 3. f; 4. d; 5. b; 6. g; 7. e; 8. h Ex. 7. reach, each, ache, he, chest, strain, train, rain, in, see, seep, plate, late, later, ate ... i ■■ ■I Ex. 1. 1. What were the first newspapers like? 2. What was started by Julius Caesar? 3. What did Acta Diurna meam? 4. Where and when was the first regular newspaper established? 5. Why were the newspapers published only once a week in 1663 (at that time)? 6. What was the name of the first American newspaper?/What newspaper was started in Boston in 1690? Ф0шгф. Ex. 2. 1. previously; 2. first; 3. then; 4. later on; 5. finally; 6. so; 7. at last Ex. 3. 1. because; 2. actually; 3. so/that’s why; 4. as; 5. so/that’s why; 6. although; 7. nevertheless; 8. on the contrary; 9. anyhow/however Ex. 4- 1. a, a, a, a, a; 2. a, a, a, an, —, a, a Ex. 5. 1. It happened in a small town in the south of France. 2. In the town where he lives there are no theatres. 3. The books he bought yesterday are dictionaries. 4. Гш fond of reading books. (I like reading books.) 5. Jim works in a hospital. He is a doctor. The hospital where he works is situated near a big park. Jim is getting (going/walking) out of the hospital now. Ho is going to the park. Ex. 6. A. 1. —; 2. —; 3. —; 4. the, a, the/a; 5. the, the; 6. the; 7. —, the B. 1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. a; 5. a; 6. a; 7. the; 8. a; 9. a; 10. the; 11. —; 12. —; 13. —; 14. — Ex. 7, A. drill, interpreter, idiom, video, crossword, doubt, deer, potato, roof, candle, adventure, sketch B. practice, isolation, childhood, dirt, education, love, care, milk, success Ex, 8. 1. will be sunny; 2. won’t be; 3. will rain; 4. will be a strong wind; 5. will be cold; 6. will snow; 7. will be 11—13 degrees; 8, will be cloudy; 9. will be sunny intervals 1 шЛ »мгФ Ex. 9. 1. Future Perfect. 2. Construction to be going to. 3. Future Simple. 4. Present Simple. 5. Future Simple. 6. Future Simple. 7. Present Continuous. 8. Future Continuous. 9. Present Simple (a clause of condition). Future Simple (main clause). Ex. 10. 1. I don’t know when the concert begins. 2. At this time tomorrow Г11 be lying/lie in the sun at the seaside doing nothing. 3. I think it will snow tomorrow. 4. I promise mother won’t be anxious. 5. Will you wave to me from the window? 6. We shall go to Scotland by car. John will have got his driving licence by then. 7. If you mumble your answer, the teacher won’t understand you. 8. When are you having a birthday party? Who(m) are you going to invite? 9. We are meeting tomorrow at six. Will you come? 10. Look! He can’t ride a bike well. He is going to fall down now. Ex. 11. 1. Shall I help you with your bag (carry your bag)? 2. Shall I close the window? 3. Shall I buy some bread (go shopping for bread)? 4. Shall I read the article aloud for you? 5. Shall I bring you a drink (a cup of tea, a glass of juice)? 6. Shall I wash up? 7. Shall I feed your kitten? 8. Shall I go to the library (shop) and bring the magazine for you? Ex. 12. 1. a bunch of keys; 2. a crew; 3. a pride of lions; 4. a pack of wolves; 5. a flock of birds; 6. a swarm of bees; 7. a herd of cows; 8. a school of fish; 9. a flock of sheep; 10. a volleyball team; 11. a bunch of flowers; 12. a bundle of wood Ex. 13. 1. are; 2. is/are; 3. have; 4. is/are; 5. was/were; 6. has/have; 7. see; 8. know/knows Ex. 14. 1. b; 2. d; 3. e; 4. c; 5. a tm Ex. 15. I. a/the; 2. —; 3. a; 4. the; 5. —; 6. —; 7. —; 8. —; 9 —; 10. the; II. —; 12. —; 13. —; 14. —; 15 —; 16. a; 17. —; 18. —; 19. the; 20. —; 21. a; 22. a; 23. a; 24. —; 25. the; 26. an; 27. a; 28. a Ex. 16. 1. When do you usually have breakfast? 2. I never eat fish or meat for supper. 3. Breakfast is at 9 o’clock, then a light lunch at 1. And what about dinner? 4. During brunch everybody was silent. 5. Who makes tea in your family? 6. Have you had dinner (lunch) yet? 7. — Wash your hands. Breakfast is ready. — And what do we have (are we going to have/are we having) for breakfast? 8. We had a cold breakfast yesterday. We were in a hurry. 9. The dinner you have cooked, Mrs Brown, is very, very good (tasty). 10. Look after the dinner. I’ll be back in a minute (in a few minutes). Ex. 17. 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 Ex. 19. 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b Ex. 20. I) a librarian; 2) speech; 3) a storyteller; 4) an egg cosy; 5) a search; 6) containers; 7) contents; 8) a chatterbox; 9) a spell; 10) an edition; II) a tea cosy 1. They introduced themselves, and Mr Thompson began his speech which made a great impression on us. 2. Have you seen the latest edition of this novel? 3, What’s on the telly today? 4. Did you hear (Have you heard) my Granny tell fairy tales? Isn’t she an excellent storyteller? 5. He is fond of detective stories and just devours them. 6. Where from (From where) are vegetables transported to the northern (north) regions of our country? 7. — What’s the matter with (What has happened to) the meat? — It has spoilt. 8. The room was not big but quiet and very cosy. 9. Don’t devour your lunch! It’s bad manners. You should eat тЛ slower. 10. How many berries did you manage (have you managed) to pick up (gather)? 11. Where are the contents of this book? 12. Old Williams has had a lot of dangerous adventures in his life. 13. A wicked witch put a spell on the young boy (youth) and turned him into a tiny animal. 14. Where have you put the containers? Ex, 22. 1. them, they; 2. they, them; 3. it, it; 4. they, them; 5. it, it; 6. it, it, it; 7. it, it; 8. them, them Ex, 23. 1. It takes me ... 2. It takes us ... 3. It will take me ... 4, Yes, it did/No, it didn’t. It took me ... 5. It took me ... then. 6. It takes me ... 7. Yes, it will/No, it won’t. I think it will take me ... 8. It took me ... Ex. 2^ 2. Will you water the flowers instead of playing football? 3. Will you feed your kitten instead of playing with your doll? 4. Will you ride your bicycle instead of playing on the computer? 5. Will you wash up instead of talking over the telephone? 6. Will you read (a book) instead of just lying on the sofa? 7. Will you do your room instead of just standing near the window (looking through the window)? Ex. 25. 1. information, childhood; 2. appearance, disappearance, mysterious; 3. invention, printing; 4. beautifully; 5. scientists; 6. electronic; 7. dangerous; 8. fascination; 9. watchful; 10. speechless; 11. fascinating; 12. containers E)u 26. 1. had been; 2. younger; 3. kept; 4. bought; 5. wear; 6. was blowing/ blew; 7. was raining/rained Ex. 29. 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. e; 5. b A bat ate the fruit. Ех, 30. Possible answers: а, air, an, ant, are, art, at, ate, axe, dairy, date, day, dine, do, ear, earn, eat, edit, editor, exit, extra, I, idea, in, into, it, near, neat, net, next, no, nod, not, note, oat, ordinary, ox, oxen, rain, ran, rat, rate, ray, rent, ride, road, rod, tax, tear, tide, tie, tin, to, toe, tone, tore, torn, toy, trade, train, tray, trio, yarn, year, yet. шкт ШШ •• ■■ Ex. 1. 1. Who was the first to invent a musical instrument? 2. How did Pan make his first musical instrument? 3. What meaning did the music of primitive people have? 4. What did the primitive spectators do to music? 5. What were the first musical instruments like? 6. What were the first wind instruments made from? Ex. ^ 1. p; 2. i; 3. t; 4. o; 5. j; 6. r; 7. b; 8. q; 9. m; 10. f; 11. 1; 12. e; 13. k; 14. d; 15. c; 16. s; 17. g; 18. a; 19. n; 20. h Ex. 3, 1. ... everybody will be impressed at the exhibition next week. 2. ... the child has been spoiled by her parents. 3. ... it was repaired last Monday. 4. I was woken by a strange sound at 5 o^clock in the morning. 5. I have never been (am never) taught to do things on my own. 6. ... two seats were bought last week. 7. It will be staged in our theatre next season. 8. ... ten curtain calls were taken during the last p>erformance. 9. ... the play has been rehearsed many times before the premiere. 10. I hope a new record in swimming will be broken at the coming Olympic Games. Ex. 4. 1) violin; 2) notes; 3) success; 4) sound; 5) drum; 6) music; 7) classical; 8) literature; 9) echo; 10) opera; 11) applaud; 12) drama; 13) art; 14) tragedies; 15) statues; 16) sculpture лл ^ IQjIL 0ШжЖ Ex. 5. 1. Tickets can be reserved for the Bolshoi Theatre performances. 2. The audience shouldn’t be disappointed (by the actors). 3. Such bad habits as smoking must be done away with. 4. This Student’s Book doesn’t have to be shared. 5. Grammar rules ought to be drilled. 6. Lazy pupils can’t be made to do their homework. 7. The radio should be turned down. 8. Hand luggage usually doesn’t have to be weighed at the airport. 9. The goods must be transported at once. 10. This text ought to be translated and memorized (by students). Ex. 6. 1. is being repaired; 2. are devoured; 3. was being whitewashed; 4. is being interpreted; 5. was roasted, were boiled; 6. are being introduced; 7. was being broadcast; 8. wasn’t translated, is being published; 9. is being rehearsed; 10. was being tuned Ex. 7. 1. The clock has just been repaired. (Now it shows the right time.) 2. The Student’s Books have just been sold. (Come next week.) 3. The new script has been recently translated. (We can start making the film.) 4. Ten schools have been recently built in Moscow. (Some of them have swimming pools.) 5. My flat has just been repaired. (You can come and have a look at it.) 6. The lamp has just been lit. (It’s no longer dark in the room. Walk right in.) 7. I have been impressed by his speech. (He is a good speaker.) 8. All the new ballets have just been seen by the students. (They loved them all.) 9. The room has just been painted. (It looks different now.) 10. My bicycle has just been stolen. (The police are looking for the thief.) Ex. 8. 1. ... nobody had suffered in the car accident; 2. ... his bicycle had been stolen; 3. ... a new road had been built through the city; 4. ... it had been rehearsed so many times; 5. ... the hole in the fence had been mended; 6. ... the table had been laid already; 7. ... the food had been unpacked; 8. ... the poem had been memorized; 9. ... he had been beaten by bad bigger boys jgtsa Ex, 9, There are a lot of sights in England but when tourists go to Scotland, they are, of course, attracted by the famous lake Loch Ness, which is situated in the north. What mysteries are hidden in the lake? Nobody knows, but it is believed that a monster is hiding there. It was seen for the first time in 1933. Since then the Loch Ness monster has been seen at least fifty times. It has been photographed many times. The first picture was taken by a local newspaper in the thirties. Once its huge eyes were seen. Its horns have been mentioned several times. But the monster’s ears have never been seen. The monster is not forgotten even nowadays and will probably never be forgotten, it is the main sight of that place. It is mentioned in a lot of newspapers. A few years ago it was published in the newspaper that the monster had been seen running along the lake. At that moment it was drawn and the pictures prove that it exists (existed). There is information in other periodicals that two monsters have been seen. Maybe the monster has a girlfriend, and soon articles about its family life will be written. Ex, 10. 1. Nelly was offered a very interesting job. A very interesting job was offered to Nelly. 2. I was shown a rare post stamp. A rare post stamp was shown to me. 3. The boy was asked the way to the railway station. 4. She was lent their car to drive to the airport. Their car was lent to her to drive to the airport, 5. Mike was told the latest news. The latest news was told to Mike. 6. He was paid his salary at last. His salary was paid to him at last. 7. He was refused even a kiss. Even a kiss was refused (to him). 8. Jimmy’s girlfriend was sent a gold ring. A gold ring was sent to his girlfriend. 9, I am allowed some money for books. Some money is allowed to me for books. 10. He was given a pound for his help. A pound was given to him for his help. Ex, 11, 1. Why wasn’t the bed slept in? 2. Where was Ann laughed at? 3. Why is the criminal being looked for? 4. What is much spoken about? 5. Will he be spoken to if he doesn’t know the information? 6, How well is the baby looked after? 7, When was your uncle sent for? 8. Why won’t his speech be listened to? mjt »шгЖ Ex, 12- 1. with; 2. with; 3. by; 4. with; 5. with; 6. by; 7. by; 8. with Ex. 13, 1. a; 2. the, the; 3. —; 4, a; 5. —, —; 6. —; 7. —, —, —; 8. the, the; 9. a; 10. the Ex. 14- 1. on, in; 2. in; 3, at; 4. at; 5. at; 6. at; 7, in; 8. on; 9. by, at; 10, on Ex, 15, 1. —; 2. the; 3. —; 4. the, —; 5. the; 6. the, —; 7. a; 8. —; 9. —; 10. a, the; 11. —; 12. — Ex. 17. 1. at; 2. along; 3. over; 4. out; 5. over; 6. down; 7. down; 8. away; 9. out; 10. over; 11. out; 12. at Ex. 18. 1. f; 2. d; 3. j; 4. h; 5. a; 6. g; 7. k; 8. b; 9. c; 10. e; 11. i Ex. 19. 1. I wanted to make a dress, but I didn’t know how to set about it. 2. He set off for work an hour ago, hasn’t he arrived yet? 3. How do you set about building a boat? 4. The wedding gifts are set out in the next room, and the guests can admire them. 5. All the town people set to building the bridge. 6. All the villagers set off in search of the child. 7. Please set out the best dishes for the guests. 8. It’s time to set about packing the suitcases. Ex. 20. noisy, hairy, bushy, watery, messy, grassy childhood, manhood, boyhood, brotherhood, fatherhood, motherhood титЖ- tM Ex, 21. A. 1. gold; 2. golden; 3. gold; 4. golden; 5, gold; 6. golden; 7. golden; 8. gold/golden B. 1. threw; 2. dropped; 3. threw/has thrown; 4. threw; 5. dropped; 6. dropped; 7. throw; 8. dropped C. 1. mend/repair; 2. repair; 3. mend/repair; 4. repair; 5. mend; 6. repair I. on the contrary; 2, that's why; 3. so; 4. actually; 5. however; 6. although; 7. because; 8. nevertheless; 9. that’s why; 10. nevertheless; II. however; 12. so; 13. as; 14. actually Ex. 23- I. director; 2. stages; 3. rehearses; 4. designer; 5. costume designer; 6. audience; 7. leading parts; 8. tragedy; 9. comedy; 10. lights go down; II. take their places; 12. to buy tickets for it; 13. take curtain calls; 14. falls; 15. applaud; 16. call Ex. 24. 1. If you go to the cinema, buy seats in the back rows of the stalls. You can see the screen better from there and you will enjoy any feature film — a western, a thriller or a musical. 2. Adults and children like cartoons. The success of a cartoon depends on the scriptwriter and designer. Music plays an important role too. Sometimes it's more difficult for a cameraman to make (shoot) a cartoon than a feature film. 3. Yesterday I went to the theatre. I saw one of A. Ostrovskiy’s plays staged by a famous director. I had a seat in a/the box and could see the stage, (the) scenery and (the) actors very well. As I had a good seat, I hadn’t taken opera glasses in the cloakroom. The actors played very well. The costumes, the make-up and the scenery impressed me greatly. When the curtain fell, I applauded the actors for a long time. 4. Most of all I am fond of ballet. You can feel the magic atmosphere of the theatre as soon as the musicians start tuning their instruments. The lights go down, the curtain rises, and you are in a fairy tale where music talks to you. The dancers express so many feelings and emotions that you hate to leave (leaving) the theatre. тпЖ Ex. 25. 1. d; 2. b; 3. g; 4, e; 5, a; 6. c; 7. f Ex. 27. 1. came; 2. to visit; 3. could; 4, help; 5. have you brought; 6. inquired; 7. is being investigated; 8. told; 9. had stolen; 10. had broken; 11. was looking; 12. took; 13. broke; 14. saw / had seen; 15. en-ter/entering; 16. are you interested; 17. was surprised; 18. will steal; 19. answered; 20. was dressing; 21. invited; 22. was; 23. had happened; 24. have been collecting; 25. has tried; 26. was woken; 27, swore; 28. would catch; 29. found; 30. was locked / had been locked; 31. got; 32. noticed; 33. had disappeared Ex. 29. I. edition; 2. impression; 3. humorous; 4. dramatist; 5. handy; 6. neighbourhood; 7. inhabitants; 8. unfortunate; 9. conductor; 10. musicians; II. performance; 12. designer Ex, 30. 1. had gone; 2. deer; 3. had been seen; 4. were picking; 5. their; 6. be heard; 7. children; 8. were splashing Ex. 31. 1. a cello; 2. a saxophone; 3. a drum; 4. a trumpet; 5. a harp; 6. an organ; 7. cymbals; 8. a flute; 9. a violin; 10. bagpipes; 11. a clarinet; 12. a horn; 13. a grand piano; 14. a trombone Ex. 32. 2. two; 3. seven; 4. four; 5, eight; 6. three; 7. one Ex, 3^ 1. f; 2. d; 3. c; 4. g; 5. j; 6. i; 7. a; 8. h; 9. b; 10. e Ex. 34. 1. c; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. c; 10. d; 11. b Ш1Т&. ^ iil Ex- 1, 1. How old is skating? 2. When did roller skating appear? 3. Who invented the four-wheeled skate? 4. Why did roller skating lose its popularity in the 20th century? 5. How did the Vikings skate? 6. In what way/How does the older skate differ from the modern one? Ex. 3. Sports: boxing, long jump, judo, wrestling, swimming, athletics, rowing, yachting, figure skating, weightlifting, karate, mountaineering, cycling. Games: basketball, golf, volleyball, draughts, field hockey, badminton, tennis, darts, chess, water polo, snooker, baseball, rugby. Ex. 4. 1. grass hockey; 2. surfing; 3. chess; 4. boxing; 5. rowing; 6. basketball; 7. high jump; 8. fencing; 9. darts Ex. 5. 1. will/shall tell, don’t point and say; 2. will bark / barks, sees; 3. will buy, promises; 4. try, will/shall run; 5. says, will give; 6. will open, despise; 7. won’t know, stops; 8. will be upset, doesn’t go; 9. asks, will /shall tell; 10. promises, will think / thinks Ex. 6- 1, unless; 2. if; 3. if; 4. unless; 5. unless; 6. unless; 7. if; 8. if; 9. unless; 10. if Ex. 7. 1. —, —, the; 2. —, the; 3. the, the, the, the, the; 4. —, —; 5. the, —, the, —; 6. the, —; 7. the, the, —; 8. the, —, —, the, —, the; 9. —, the, —, the, the, the, the, the; 10. —, —, —, —, — «нпФ Ех. ^ 1. а, —; 2. —; 3. —, the; 4. —, the, —; 5. а; 6. the, an, the, —, —, —; 7. the, the; 8. —, the, —; 9. the, the, the, the; 10. the, — 1. made; 2. done; 3. makes; 4. making; 5. do, do; 6. does; 7. make; 8. make; 9. does; 10. do 1. I wish (If only) I could play tennis. 2. I wish (If only) I could ride a horse. 3. I wish (If only) I were older. 4. I wish (If only) I went on a tour of Great Britain- 5. I wish (If only) I had an adventure. 6. I wish (If only) I could impress my teacher. 7. I wish (If only) I could win the game. 8. I wish (If only) I had more pocket money, 9. I wish (If only) I were a prince. 10. I wish (If only) I could share the secret with my friend. 11. I wish (If only) I could memorize poems easily. Ex 1. devoured, would be; 2. did, would study; 3. were, would have; 4. pointed, would see; 5. were, would not stare; 6. staged, would come; 7. played, would take; 8. wanted, would win; 9. trained, would not lose or draw EX.J2- 1. If a good coach trained our team, we would win the cup. 2. If sportsmen didn’t train hard, they wouldn’t be able to set new records. 3. If badminton were as popular as football, the stadiums would be filled with fans. 4. If you did aerobics, you would have a shapely figure. 5. If I didn’t love horses so much, I wouldn’t go in for horse-riding. 6. If Bob didn’t have such a quick reaction, he wouldn’t be a good fencer. 7. If Tom were not ill, he would take part in this competition. 8. If you lied to me, I would despise you. Ex. 13. — Hello, Pat. What are you doing? Are you watching TV (television)? — No, I’m not, it’s broken. — Oh, I have a friend who’s good at mending things. The boy will repair it very quickly. It will cost you 2 pounds. — Really? Is he so wonderful? Can we telephone him now? — Of course. If he"s free, he’ll arrive at your place in half an hour. He’ll go by underground or ride his bicycle. — That’s good. Thank you. Ex, 14. 1. rush; 2. set; 3. get; 4, get; 5. rushed/ran; 6. turned; 7. set; 8. running; 9. run; 10. turned; 11. ran Ex. 15. 1. with; 2. out; 3. away with; 4. up; 5. out; 6. up; 7. with; 8. away with Ex, 16. 1. f; 2. h; 3. d; 4. b; 5. j; 6. i; 7. e; 8. c; 9. g; 10. a Ex. 17. 1. On the playground, sports ground, on the field, etc. 2. It barks. 3. His property. 4. Filthy. 5. It’s beyond my understanding. 6. They point at sth. 7. It’s enormous. 8. He’s a willing helper. 9. We sew on a patch. (We mend the trousers.) 10. Filthy boots. 11. He threatens him. 12. We despise them. E)u 18, 1. b; 2. f; 3. e; 4. d; 5. a; 6. c Ex, 19. 1. either; 2. any; 3. either; 4. either; 5. any; 6. any; 7. either; 8. any; 9. either; 10. any Ex. 21. 1. A coach. 2. A referee or judge. 3. They draw the game. 4. He/She keeps fit. 5. They compete. 6. To train athletes for games. 7. They win the competition and break the old records. 8. The team that scores more goals. 9. Ice hockey, skiing, skating, figure skating and others. 10. In a gym, on a court, in a swimming pool and on sports grounds, etc. 11. Chess, darts, draughts, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, snooker and others. тЛ тпф Ех. 22, 1. The Russian national team won 13 gold medals at the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. 2. A good coach helps athletes to break records and set new ones, 3. Though the best coach trained our team for the match, it drew the game. 4. — Are outdoor games more popular than indoor games? — I don’t know. Take tennis or football, for example, they are very popular, but chess and draughts championships attract many people too. 5. If you are fond of hockey, go to the stadium and shout for your team. 6. If you went to a fitness centre and did gymnastics or aerobics, you would feel and look better. 7. Weightlifting is a very difficult sport. This sport can be excluded from the Olympics. 8. Our new player (footballer) scored two goals in the last game. Ex. 23. 1. c; 2. g; 3. b; 4. h; 5. j; 6. e; 7. f; 8. i; 9. d; 10. a Ex. 25. 1. in; 2. to, of; 3. to, by; 4. at, of; 5. into; 6. up; 7. at, in; 8. by; 9. in Ex. 26. There’s no place like home. Ex. 27- 1. went; 2. came; 3. was reading; 4. had never met; 5. spoke; 6. do not lead; 7. have you ever thought; 8. get; 9. will find; 10, have been dreaming; 11. to fly; 12. remembered; 13. had flown (had been flying); 14. had forbidden; 15. was swinging; 16. was thrown; 17. struck; 18. would never see; 19. hurt; 20. watched; 21. burning; 22. had; 23. bit; 24, turned; 25. am moving; 26. is being built; 27. will see Ex. 28. 1, do; 2. makes; 3. making; 4. doing/to do; 5. have made; 6, doing; 7. make; 8. make; 9. do; 10. doing; 11. make; 12. do; 13. make; 14. making ¥Мг9. Ex, 29. 1. desperately; 2. threatened; 3. filthy; 4. amazing; 5. willing; 6. competitions; 7. fitness; 8. national; 9. secretly; 10. diving; 11. uncovered; 12. inexpressive Ex. 30. 1. spent; 2. had collected; 3. was counting; 4. have saved; 5. richest; 6. I’ll never be; 7. becomes; 8. knows; 9. turned ■■ «■ ■« Ex. 1, 1. although; 2. actually; 3. on the contrary; 4. as; 5. that’s why; 6. however; 7. so; 8. nevertheless; 9. because 1. ... when these islands were discovered ... 2. The rehearsal will be held ... 3. A new tragicomedy is being staged at ... 4. An exciting running race has just been shown ... 5. ... this record was set ... 6. The curtain will be drawn ... 7. At least some books should be read ... 8. Historical novels can be enjoyed as much as ... 9. Seats will be bought ... 10. A new film about ... is being made. Ex. 3- 1. grow; 2, will grow; 3. happened; 4. was playing; 5. picked; 6. ran; 7. looked; 8. cried; 9. knew; 10. grow up; 11. won; 12. had fallen; 13. came; 14. to propose; 15. took; 16. arrived; 17. got; 18. was; 19. knew; 20. spoke; 21. could; 22. respect; 23. was; 24. were; 25. would be; 26. sat; 27. holding; 28. calculating; 29. wanted; 30. was; 31. was Ex. 5. (1) Wendy asked Peter why he was crying and what his name was. (2) Peter answered (that) his name was Peter Pan. (3) Wendy wanted to know if that was all. шЛ т1г9> (4) Peter said he didn’t get any letters. He added that his address was not funny and mentioned that he didn’t have a mother. (5) Wendy said that she had done nothing. (6) Peter said that he had run away the day he was born. (7) Wendy asked where Peter Pan lived mostly then and who the lost boys were. (8) Wendy asked Peter not to go. She added (that) she knew such a lot of stories. She mentioned (that) she was a great storyteller. Ex. 6. 1. upside down; 2. away with; 3. over; 4. into; 5. off; 6. to; 7. with; 8. over; 9. away; 10. at Ex, 8, 2. I wish Peter wouldn’t play football in rainy weather, 3. I wish Peter wouldn’t play on the computer for so long. 4. I wish Peter wouldn’t climb the tree. 5. I wish Peter wouldn’t run after the cat. 6. I wish Peter wouldn’t eat so much chocolate. 7. I wish Peter wouldn’t swim in cold water. 8. I wish Peter wouldn’t spoil the flowerbed. Ex. 9. 1. c; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. c; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. c Ex. 10. A. 1. have; 2. have not read; 3. think; 4. will have read; 5. will bring; 6. do you like; 7. read; 8. came; 9. to say; 10. was still reading B. 1. asked; 2. to keep; 3. was; 4. said; 5. would be; 6. woke up; 7. noticed; 8. had eaten; 9. left; 10, was sleeping; 11. came; 12. had disappeared; 13. took; 14. to find; 15. was running Ex. 11. 1. Yesterday on TV I saw Paul compete (competing) at the Olympic Games and win. 2. Have you ever heard musicians tune (tuning) up? 3. Once I saw a director rehearsing (rehearse) a play with his actors. 4. No one noticed the storyteller take a small volume out of (from) his «шг9. jjm pocket. 5. I don’t want to listen to this chatterbox tell (telling) about her trip (journey). 6. Yesterday I heard him speak (speaking) excellent English (English excellently). And it’s not his mother tongue. 7. We watched the young poetess rise (rising) (walk/go up) on (onto) the stage. Ex. 12. 1. for; 2. up; 3. in; 4. in; 5. on; 6. from, to; 7. from behind; 8. to; 9. on; 10. for Ex. 13. 1. d; 2. a; 3. e; 4. b; 5. c; 6. f Ex. 14. 1 — a, f, c 2 — e, d, b Ex. 15. 1. Greek; 2. Daedalus; 3. Daedalus; 4. Crete; 5. Minos; 6. Icarus; 7. Crete; 8. Greece; 9. Daedalus; 10. Icarus Ex. 16. 1. entertainer; 2. funny; 3. finally; 4. retirement; 5. unwanted Ex, 17. 1. kingdom; 2. called; 3. driver; 4. motherless; 5. seriously; 6. unmarried Ex. 18. 1. f; 2. b; 3. g; 4, h; 5. e; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А64 6+ Авторы: О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, К. М. Баранова, Ю. Е. Ваулина Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для VII класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка и содержит упражнения для выполнения учащимися в классе и дома. Материал рабочей тетради соотнесён с соответствующими уроками учебника и способствует формированию у учащихся умений в аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме в рамках предлагаемой авторами тематики. Рабочая тетрадь также включает игровые задания. ISBN 978-5-09-038229-8 Издательство «Просвещение», 2014 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2014 Все права защищены 4l030M«.aB6-1MU22»40tgM)$C242 Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна Баранова Ксения Михайловна Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Рабочая тетрадь VII класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр лингвистического образования Руководитель Центра Ю. А, Смирнов Зав. редакцией английского языка М,А,Семичев Ответственный за выпуск М. М. Чердакова Редактор А. Е. Колесникова Художественный редактор Н, В.Дождева Художник Е, В. Фёдорова Редактор карт Р, С. Азизбаева Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка Е, В, Семериковой Корректор Н, А. Ерохина Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продзгкции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 09.07.15. Формат 70X90 Vie. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура SchooIBookASanPin. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 8,69. Доп. тираж 10 000 экз. Заказ № 3835. Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано по заказу АО «ПолиграфТрейд» в филиале «Тверской полиграфический комбинат детской литературы* ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа*. 170040, г. Тверь, проспект 50 лет Октября, 46. Тел.: -1-7(4822) 44-85-98. Факс: -1-7(4822) 44-61-51. Состав учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» авторов О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. 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