Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кузовлев - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» Условные обозначения и сокращения ВЯ Ш И н говорение слушание чтение письменное задание дополнительное задание задание повышенной сложности АВ Activity Book R Reader GS Grammar Support LCG Linguistic and Cultural Guide Российская академия наук Российская академия образования Издательство «Просвещение» ШИМШЖШ! Рабочая тетрадь 6 класс Пособие ДЛЯ учащихся общеобразовательных организаций Москва «Просвещение» 2013 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922 А64 Серия «Академический школьный учебник» основана в 2005 году Проект «Российская академия наук. Российская академия образования, издательство «Просвещение» — российской школе» Руководители проекта; вице-президент РАН акад, В. В. Коллов^ президент РАО акад. Н. Д. Никандров, чл.-корр. РАО, д-р пед. наук А. М. Кондаков Научные редакторы серии: акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук А.А.Кулнецон, акад. РАО, д-р пед. наук М. В. Рыжиков, д-р экон. наук С. В. Сидоренко Научный консультант авторского коллектива акад. РАО, д-р психол. наук И. А. Зимняя Авторы: В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова, И. П, Костина, Е. В. Кузнецова, О. В. Дуванова Научный руководитель авторского коллектива проф. Е. И. Пассов Рабочая тетрадь является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для 6 класса общеобразовательных организаций и предназначена для активизации и закрепления леке и ко-грамматического материала учебника. Её содержание разбито на циклы, каждый из которых соотносится с соответствующим циклом учебника. Рабочая тетрадь может использоваться как на уроке, так и для самостоятельных занятий дома. Рабочая тетрадь была переработана в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта основного обнщ-го образования. ISBN 978-5-09-0250W3-3 H^jaarc.'ij.OTUo «Прогш'щение», 201.3 Художегтнгштое офо))мление. Иддатрл1.гтт> «Просвещение», 2013 Иге права защищены Unit 1 What do you look like? Lesson 1 Ш 1 • Two girls are talking about Jane, a new pupil in their class. What does Jane look like? Complete the table. Name Age Appearance Hair Eyes Height 2. Jane’s friend Susan has got a brother. He doesn't look like Susan at all. Read about Susan and write about John. Choose the words from the table in Student’s book (pp. 6—7). 0. Susan is a short girl. lohn is a tall boy._________________________________________ 1. Susan is slim. 2. Susan’s got long straight hair. Her hair is dark. 3. Susan has got blue eyes and a turned-up nose. 4. Susan is attractive. And _____________________ П 3. What did you look like when you were born? 1) Answer the questions. How tall were you? _____________________________ What colour were your eyes? ____________________ What colour was your hair? _____________________ How long was your hair? ________________________ too. Unit 1 1* Lesson 1 2) What do you look like now? Complete the questions and write the answers. Grammar for revision To be: the Past Simple the Present Simple Tenses l/he/she was short. I am short. You/we/they were short. You/we/they are short. He/she is short. and 1. How tall you now? 2. What colour your eyes? 3. What colour your hair? 4. How lonff your hair? Lesson 2 1. What do Jane, Kate and Bill look like? 1) Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Kate isn’t as old as Jane. 2. Jane isn’t as tall as Kate. 3. Jane isn’t as old as Bill. 4. Bill’s hair isn’t as dark as his father’s hair. 5. Bill isn’t as young as Kate. 6. Bill isn’t as short as Kate. a) Jane is a bit older than Kate. b) Kate is much younger than Bill. c) Bill’s father’s hair is a bit darker than Bill’s hair. d) Jane is a bit shorter than Kate. e) Bill is much taller than Kate. f) Bill is much older than Jane. Unit 1 Lesson 2 2) Match the sentences that mean the same. 1. a) 2. _________ 3. _______ 4. ________ 6. 2. Are the things different or aiike? Compare the things in each pair. Use the words from the box. More than one variant is possibie. Grammar for revision Degrees of comparison of adjectives A mouse is much smaller than a cat. England is a bit larger than Scotland. A tiger is as dangerous as a crocodile. A car is much more comfortable than a bike. GS p. 147 0. a leopard / a tiger 1. Star Wars* / Back to the Future* 2. Ben Nevis* (1343 m) / Elbrus (5642 m) 3. the Ob (5410 km) / the Thames* (338 km) 4. England (130,000 sq km) / Wales (21,000 sq km) 5. a giraffe / an elephant 6. Saturn (125,000 km) / Mars (6800 km) a bit • much • (not) as dangerous • long as • tall • big • large high • interesting 0. A leopqrd is as dangerous as a tiger. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unit 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 ^ X. Garae “What have you got on?” Throw a dice and identify the thing in the picture. Answer the questions: Have you got it on? Do you like wearing it? Unit 1 Lesson 3 Ш 2. The British pupils are answering questions about their school uniform. 1) What do they wear to school? What are their favourite clothes? Complete the table. For spelling consult Student’s book (p. 12). Name School clothes Favourite clothes You 2) What are your school/favourite clothes? Complete the table. Lesson 4 1. Here is Bill’s opinion on clothes. What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? I think clothes are very important because people look first, then listen. The clothes say a lot about people. I always think of people by their clothes. I am not comfortable in clothes I don’t like. My favourite clothes for every day are jeans and a T-shirt. I look cool in them. I agree that __________________________________________________ I don’t think that I think that The best clothes for every day are Unit 1 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. Bill asks his sister to give a book to his classmate John. Jane agrees but is not sure that she knows John. Jane asks Bill about John. 1) Look at the two dialogue charts. How different are they? Which dialogue chart fits the situation? A В ва 2) Listen to the conversation between Bill and Jane. Which dialogue chart fits the conversation? 3) Act out two conversations according to both dialogue charts. CONSOLIDATION 1. How many words do you know to describe a person’s appearance? 1) Complete the word web. tall handsome 8 2) Compare your word web with your partner’s. Unit 1 Consolidation 2. Do the children care what they look like? Fill in the gaps with that’s why, because or because of. Clothes are important to Paul (1) ______________ he is always care- ful about his clothes. Paul always has neat and clean clothes on (2) he looks great. Meg doesn’t like her appearance (3)_____________ her nose. She wants to stay slim (4) Linda is slim (5) she doesn’t eat many cakes, she doesn’t eat many cakes. _________ she always wears Sarah looks great (6) ________________ smart things. 3. Look at the picture. Listen to the teacher. She’ll describe Meg, a character of a story Meg and Mog by H. Nicoll. Complete the picture and label the clothes. 4, Jane got a letter from her Russian friend. Put ’ (apostrophes) where necessary. Write the full forms of the verbs. Grammar for revision Possessive case/contractions Pete’s eyes ’re = are I’ll = I will he’s got = he has got doesn’t = does not 0. Ill tell you about my brother Dima. I'll n will)___________________________________________________ 1. Dimas 10. 2. He doesnt look like me. 3. Dimas hairs black and his eyesre brown. 4. He likes riding his bike. 5. Hes got a pet parrot. 6. Whats your sisters name? 7. Whats her hobby? Unit 1 Consolidation 9 5. These are some interesting facts from the Guinness Book of World Records.* Compare the people and things. Use the words from the box. heavy tall short light long short Grammar for revision Degrees of comparison of adjectives David is a bit taller than Dick. David is much taller than Dan. GS p. 147 10 Mind! Foot = 30.48 cm Inch = 2.54 cm Pound = 0.45 kg R. Wallow was much 1) Height: Robert Wallow was 8 ft 11.1 inches tall. Nelson de la Rosa was 28.3 inches tall. R. Wallow was not as________________ as Nelson de la Rosa. ___________________ Nelson de la Rosa. Nelson de la Rosa was much R. Wallow. 2) Weight: Jon Brower Minnoch was 975 pounds. Lucia Zarate was 4.7 pounds at the age of 17. J. B. Minnoch was not as _________________ J. B. Minnoch was much ___________________ L. Zarate was much ___________ ___________ as L. Zarate. L. Zarate. J. B. Minnoch. II 3) Boxing: The fight between Andy Bowen and Jack Burte lasted 110 rounds (7 hours 19 min). The fight between Lloyd Honeygham and Gene Hatcher lasted 45 seconds. The fight between A. Bowen and J. Burte was not as _______ as the fight between L. Honeygham and G. Hatcher. The fight between A. Bowen and J. Burte was much _________ ______________ the fight between L. Honeygham and G. Hatcher. The fight between L. Honeygham and G. Hatcher was much __ ____________________ the fight between A. Bowen and J. Burte. Unit 1 Consolidation Lessons 7—8 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION You’ll hear the 7 o’clock news on the radio. Look through the statements. Listen to the news and tick {'^) the correct answer. You will hear the news twice. 1 The police are looking for a a man. ________________ b a boy. a girl. 2 He is 3 He is a b c a b c 10 years old. ___ 20 years old. ___ 12 years old. ___ short and plump, tall and slim. short and slim. 4 He has got a long black hair. __________ b short brown hair. _______ c long brown hair. ______ 5 He has got jeans and a a black top on. b a green top on. c a dark top on. Your score 5 4 3 2 Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф READING COMPREHENSION Read the article from a children’s magazine. 1. Choose the best title for the article. a) Clothes in Britain. b) British people don’t care for clothes. c) Formal clothes in Britain. Unit 1 11 Test yourself These days most people in Britain do not wear very formal^ clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts they can wear what they like — from jeans and sweaters to T-shirts and shorts. Anything is OK if you look clean and neat. But men in offices usually wear suits and ties and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and businessmen wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men should wear suits and ties and women should wear smart dresses. It is difficult to say what people wear in Britain because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and do the same or ask advice of your friend. You’ll be more comfortable if you don’t look different from everyone else. 2. Mark the sentences with the letter T if the information is true and with the letter F if it is false. a Most people in Britain wear formal clothes. __________ b A lot of British people care much for their clothes. __________ c British people can’t wear jeans at theatres. _________ d There are dress rules in some hotels and restaurants. ___________ e It is OK to ask your friend for advice if you don’t know what to wear. ______ Your score 6 5 4 3 Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Meet the Simpsons, a famous American cartoon family. Who Is who? Fill in the gaps with the preposition with or in and the words from the box. There are two extra words. There is am example (0) at the beginning. Mr Simpson is a man (0) in a white (1)_____________________________and blue (2) ______________. 12 ^ formal — формальный, официальный Unit 1 Test yourself Mrs Simpson is a woman (3)__________long blue (4) She is (5)___________a yellow (6) ___________. Bart is a boy (7) a red (8) and green (9) Lisa is a girl (10)____ Maggie is a baby (12) ribbon^ in her (14) ______ a red (11) a (13) top • trousers T-shirt • blouse shirt • hair (2) • dress shorts • skirt • blue 2. Queen Elizabeth II* has got a lot of grandchildren. Are they of the same age? Put the words in brackets in the correct piece and in the correct form. There is an exampie (0) at the beginning. Peter Philips is (0) the oldest , (old) Princess Eugenie of York is (1) ________________. (young) She is 13 years (2) ______________________ Peter Philips, (young, than) Prince Henry isn’t (3) Beatrice, (old, as ... as) She is 4 years (4)__ (young, than) Peter Philips is 4 years (5) ____ __Princess her cousin. ___ his sis- ^ a ribbon — лента Unit 1 Test yourself 13 ter Sarah, (old, than) Prince Henry has a brother: Prince William is (6) _______________________ he. (a bit, old, than) He was 2 years (7) when Prince Henry was born, (old) Your score 21—20 19—15 14—10 9 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING Your foreign friend Sue asks you to write about your favourite clothes. What will you write? (50 words) Dear Now I’ll answer your question. I ______________________ Best wishes. 14 О CULTURAL AWARENESS How well do you know British culture? 1. Match the clothes with the name of the person or thing that gave the name to the clothes. 1 a bowler hat a the battle in the Crimea 2 a cardigan b Wellington 3 wellies c Beaulie 4 a balaclava d Lord Cardigan Unit 1 Test yourself 2. What is what? Match. 1 Paddington a a museum 2 Madame Tussaud’s b a mountain 3 Buckingham Palace c a wax model museum 4 the Tower of London d a station in London 5 Ben Nevis e a film 6 Star Wars f a river 7 the Thames g an official Queen’s home Your score 11—10 9-8 7—6 5 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached В I can read and understand: • descriptions of people; • stories about British clothes: • children’s poems ВЯ I can understand children’s conversations about: • their favourite clothes; • their relatives I can: • describe a person; • compare people and things; • express my opinion about people’s appearance and clothes; • ask for and give personal information I can write: • about my favourite clothes; • about what I look like now Unit 1 Test yourself 15 Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • degrees of comparison of adjectives; • the Present Simple Tense; • the Past Simple Tense Учебные умения Не умею Умею • использовать функциональные опоры для составления диалога; • использовать различные способы запоминания слов на иностранном языке; • представить творческий проект Unit 2 What are you like? Lesson 1 1. What positive or negative things do the stars say about people? 1) Classify the characteristics. sociable talkative happy funny Good: friendly lazy careless strict shy cheerful careful kind polite helpful brave bossy boastful clever honest merry Not very good: 2) Match the characteristics with their opposites. Translate them. Word building Prefixes and suffixes приставки и суффиксы un- im- dis- -ful -less значение не- без- не- обладающий качеством без-, не- 1. careful 2. clever 3. kind 4. happy 5. polite 6. sociable 7. fair 8. honest a) unhappy b) unkind c) careless d) silly e) shy f) impolite g) dishonest h) unfair Unit 2 17 Lesson 1 2. What are you like? 1) Tick 3 characteristics that describe you the best and explain why you think so. — talkative — kind — merry — helpful — lazy — friendly — funny — brave — dishonest — boastful — honest — sociable — shy — polite — careful — clever — bossy — careless I am 2) Write 3 characteristics that describe you the least. Be honest! I think I’m not ______________________________________________________ Lesson 2 1. What does Jane say about her classmates? Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box in the correct form. There is one extra verb. me — When I was in primary school, some boys (0) called names. — Linda enjoys (1)____________with her friends on the telephone — Paul didn’t want to (2) _ — The boys in my class (3) — I can’t (4) ______________ always ___________ the truth. — Sue often (6) ____________ me. He was very sorry. ___well with the girls. Mike. I think he (5) with her little brother. . bully • get on • trust • hurt • ' tell • quarrel call chat 18 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Lessons 3—4 1. Jane’s and Paul’s friends do different activities in their spare time. What do they usually do? What are they doing now? Cross out the word that does not fit in each sentence. (0) Paul usually goes roller-skating in the evenings (1) He sometimes is roller-skating in the sports centre now. (2) Sarsih often helps her Granny in the garden now. (3) Paul usually is helping his dad to wash the car now. (4) Bill and Tom often play basketball at the moment. (5) They sometimes are playing basketball in the playground at the moment. (6) Jane dances at the club on Fridays at the moment. (7) She is performing a folk dance at the moment on Fridays. ГЗ 2. Role play. Jane and her friend are chatting on the telephone. What are the friends chatting about? Match the questions with the answers. (1) — Hi, Jane! Are you doing homework? (2) — What are you doing? (3) — What music are you listening to? (4) — Is Kate listening to music too? (5) — What is she doing? (6) — What is she writing? (7) — Who is she writing to? — How interesting! (a) — No, she isn’t. (b) — A letter. (c) — No, I am not. (d) — I’m listening to music. (e) — She is writing. (f) — My favourite songs. (g) — To a Russian pen friend. 3. Mike and Steve are at the sports centre. Who are they talking about? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form. Grammar for revision The Present Simple Tense — the Present Progressive Tense I read books every evening. I am reading a book now. I hear a wonderful song. GS pp. 152—153 M: (0) Do you know (know) Ken? S: Ken? M: (1) ___________ you _____________ S: Which boy? M: He (2) _________________ (see) that boy over there? (play) tennis with Helen. Unit 2 Lessons 3—4 19 S: Oh, I (3)________________ M: His name’s Ken. He (4) every Friday. He (5) _______ I (6) ________________ (not know) him. ___ (play) tennis here (be) very good at it. (want) to play a game with him. What are the children’s favourite activities? 1) Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the correct verb form. Spelling rules Ving form read — reading win — winning dance — dancing travel — travelling Sing read play tell listen ride an in a skateboard. They I like (0) reading books. I (1)________________ adventure book now. Jane likes (2)_____________folk songs. She (3) a school choir now. Mike and Steve like (4) ____________________ (5) ball at the sports centre now. My friend likes (6)_________________________to scary stories. He (7) his brother a very scary story now. 2) Cross out the verb that does not fit. I (0) wp/^h/am watching an exciting film now. We (1) take/are taking a trip around London now. My family usually (2) travels/is travelling in summer. We (3) are exploring/explore new places when we are at the summer camp. We (4) do/are doing a lot of interesting activities at school. Listen! My sister (5) is playing/plays the piano now. Lesson 5 1. Who does Mike look like? Fill in the gaps with be, look like, be like or like in the correct form. 20 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Mike (1) his father. They (2) both tall and hadsome. Mike (3) ___ They (4) _____________________ (5) jokes and he (6) _______________ his mother, too. both friendly and kind. Mike _______________ always cheerful. He (7) a good friend. Lesson 6 1. How will you reply to the following apologies? Choose suitable replies. More than one variant is possible. 1. — Sorry, I wasn’t polite. a) — Forget it. 2. — I want to apologise to you. b) — That’s all right. 3. — I’m sorry. I was wrong. c) — Don’t worry. 4. — I’m very sorry. I wasn’t kind. d) — Oh, it’s my fault. CONSOLIDATION 1. Which word doesn’t fit? Underline it. Explain your choice. 0. careful, cheerful, helpful, brave 1. unkind, unfriendly, silly, unhappy 2. honest, helpful, kind, careless 3. lazy, talkative, sociable, boastful 4. kind, clever, impolite, polite to apologise to be sorry 2. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box in the correct form. 1. Mike and Paul often quarrel. But then they (сожалеют) about it. 2. Bill is late for his English class. “(Извините) I ___________,” he says to his teacher. 3. My friend was not right and he (извинился) __________________. Unit 2 Consolidation 21 3. What are your classmates like? Fill in the gaps with the names of your classmates and their characteristics. 1. ______________ is _________________, _______________ isn’t scared of anything. ___________ is _________________. 2. 3. We can 6. takes care of his/her clothes and things. always tells the truth. IS shows respect to himself and other classmates. IS often talks during the lessons. IS II 4. We often compare people’s characteristics with animals’ traits (чертами). 1) Find out how British and American people use these similes. As busy As fast As happy As scared As silly As strong As tall As shy As brave As loyal a jaguar a bee a pig in mud a goose an ox a giraffe a mouse a rabbit a lion a dog 2) In your culture. How do people in Russia compare animals’ traits with people’s characteristics? What are similar comparisons? What are different comparisons? 3) Think of your own comparisons. as brave as a t\gpr as talkative as ______________ as clean as ________________ as small as ________________ as fast as ________________ as shy as ______ as beautiful as as tall as______ as slow as _____ as ugly as _____ 22 Unit 2 Consolidation 5. We use some of these characteristics to describe a pet. 1) Find the characteristics in the picture. 3 a cr pa *a Ms I \ 5? о p- **v a О (0 eC;* 0) о 05 >> CD CCf c? О c fD H-* ЛЭ Ф .n 3 0> w ca CJ о Si 2) Can you find the cat’s name? Big awful red slow interesting clever Its name is _______________ 3) Write an acrostic about your pet. 6. Here is a horoscope for Jane for the next week. 1) What does it say? Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box in the correct verb form. Grammar for revision The Future Simple Tense You will make new friends. You will not (won’t) quarrel with your best friend. GS p. 153 look (2) like • wear • be • buy get on well with • go quarrel Consolidation Unit 2 23 Looks: You (0) will look great next week. You (1) the shop and (2) _____________ a smart dress. There (3) a party at your school next week. You (4) ______________ to your new dress to the party. You (5) _______________ (6) it. Friends: Next week you (7) ________________ (8) with your friend. 2) Kate is asking Jane questions. What are Kate’s questions? super in it. Everyone your classmates. You Grammar for revision The Past Simple: questions Did you go to the shop yesterday? What did you buy? GS p. 153 24 0. you / go to the shop / last week? Did you ao to the shop last week? 1. your mother / go / with you? _________________________________ 2. what / you / buy? ___________________________________________ 3. you / go / to the school party / last week? __________________ 4. what clothes / you / wear / to the party? ____________________ 5. you / look great / in your new dress? ________________________ 6. your classmates / like it? ___________________________________ M 7. Paul and Bill are at the party. Paul doesn't know all the children there. He is asking Bill. Here are Bill’s answers. What are Paul’s questions? Grammar for revision Prepositions in wh-questions — Who is Bill talking with (c кем)? — With Jane. — What are you talking about (o чём)? — About our hobbies. P: (0) who is Sarah speaking to? B: Sarah is speaking io Ken. Unit 2 Consolidation Р: (1) _______________________ В: Jane is dancing with John. P: (2) _______________________ B: Mark and Liz are listening to Helen. P: (3) _____________________________________ B: Linda is playing with Susan. P: (4) ___________________________ B: Sue is looking at Helen. P: (5) ______________________ B: Ken is laughing at Joe. 8. What does Paul usually do every week? What is he doing now? Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box in the correct form. Grammar for revision The Present Simple Tense — the Present Progressive Tense On Mondays Paul usually goes to the library. Now he is playing sports in the sports centre. He likes basketball. GS pp. 152—153 watch (2) ' feed play go • like • swim • train • water • • have • eat [ do • not know ' 0. On Mondays Paul usually watches TV after school. Now he is play-in q sports at the stadium. 1. On Tuesdays he often ______________________ fish for breakfast. Now he _______________________________________ a hamburger. He hamburgers very much. 2. On Wednesdays he usually school. Now he ___________ basketball after 3. On Thursdays he usually break time. Now he_______ in the playground. ___________rabbits during the __________ flowers. Unit 2 25 Consolidation 4. On Fridays he usually films in the evening. Now he because he 5. On Saturdays he usually he ___________________ his French homework. It’s difficult for him ________ the words. __________________ to the park. Now in the swimming pool. Lessons 8—9 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION Now you’ll hear a conversation. 1) How do the children apologise and reply? Tick. You’li hear the conversation twice. A a Sorry! ___________ В a OK. ________________________________ b I’m awfully sorry! c I’m very sorry! ___ b That’s OK. c That’s all right. 2) Choose a picture that matches the conversation. Circle the correct letter. В Your score 4 3 2—1 0 Your mark 5 4 3 2 26 Unit 2 Test yourself о READING COMPREHENSION Read an article from a popular children’s magazine. Answer the questions after the article. He’s about two metres tall, he doesn’t wear any clothes and he’s got red hair all over his body. People say, he lives in the Caucasus mountains, in Kazakhstan. Scientists^ call him the Alma. Russian scientists are looking for him now. In fact, one of the scientists has already hunted the Alma for many years. The Alma is half-man and half-monkey. He is not sociable and friendly. He can be aggressive and angry. He only comes out at night, he loves horses and he can run very fast (60 km/hr). There are a lot of stories about him, but no one really knows where he really lives. 1« Who is the article about? Tick the correct answer. The article is about a a scientist b a monkey c half-man and half-monkey 2. Fill in the ad with the necessary information. Wanted Name: Appearance: Characteristics: Address: ’ a scientist — учёный Unit 2 Test yourself 27 Your score 15—14 13-11 10-7 6 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 о USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Bill is talking about his family and friends. Fill in the gaps with suitable words. One word in each group is extra. There is an example (0) at the beginning. — My sister is (0) sociable . But she is sometimes (1) ______________________. (shy, clever, sociable) — My best friend is (2) ___________________________ (3) _____________________ him. (boastful, honest, trust) and I can always — My Mum is very (4) (helpful, lazy, kind) — My pet is a (6) _______ (clever, funny, strict) — My Dad never looks (8) (cheerful, polite, sad) .. She is always (5) cat. He’s very (7) .. He is always (9) — Pete never (10) .. He is (11) (gets on well, friendly, calls me names) 28 2. At weekends Paul and his family do different things. What are Paul and his family doing now? What do they usually do? Choose the correct verb forms. Underline them. Paul’s mother usually (0) (goes/is going) shopping on Saturdays, but now she (1) (is preparing/prepares) vegetables for dinner. Paul’s sister often (2) (helps/is helping) her mother. Now she (3) (is help-ing/helps) her, too. Paul (4) (is playing/plays) computer games at the moment. He sometimes (5) (plays/is playing) computer games on Sundays. His cat (6) (is sleeping/sleeps) on the sofa. Unit 2 Test yourself 3. It is 7 am. Jane’s family is in the kitchen. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct verb form. Jane’s mother (0) is sitting (sit) at the breakfast table. She (1)____________(read) a morning newspaper. She (2)_______________(read) newspapers every morning. Jane’s father (3)______________(eat) a salad. He (4)____________(like) fruit salads. There is a cartoon on TV. Jane and Kate (5)______________(not watch) it. They (6)_______________(put) textbooks in their school bags. They usually (7) cartoons in the evening. Bill (8) ______________ (9) (like) cartoons. _________(watch) (watch) TV. He Your score 26-25 24-21 20-13 12 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING Your foreign friend asks you about your best friend. Describe your best friend in a letter to your foreign friend. (50 words) Don't forget to write about: • your friend’s appearance; • his (her) character; • his (her) favourite activities; • why you like him (her). Dear My best friend’s name Best wishes, Unit 2 Test yourself 29 о CULTURAL AWARENESS How well do you know British and American culture? Write the letter T if the sentences are true and F if they are false. 1 American children of your age choose the class president. 2 When British people apologise they say That’s all right. 3 The Scout organisation is only for boys. _______ 4 Hide-and-seek is an indoor game. ________ 5 The Lake District is in Scotland. _______ Your score 5 4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached В i can read and understand: • information about the scouts; • children’s poems; • stories about children and their games Б] I can understand: • children’s small talks about their friends I can describe: • a person’s character; • my pet; • my best friend; • relations between boys and girls in my class I can: • apologise; • reply to an apology EL I can write: • a letter about my friend 30 Unit 2 Test yourself Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • the Present Simple Tense; • the Present Progressive Tense (for a present meaning); • the Future Simple Tense Учебные умения Не умею Умею • использовать функциональные опоры для составления диалога; • использовать различные способы запоминания английских слов; • работать с таблицей “Word building”; • понимать смысл пословиц; • понимать связи между словами и предложениями внутри текста; • представить творческий проект Unit 2 Test yourself 31 Unit 3 п.<;' ж Home, Sweet Home Lesson 1 1. Look at the picture of Ally’s room. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions. I like my bedroom. I think it’s better than my sister’s room. It’s got a big white wardrobe (1) _____________ the door and there is a desk (2) _______ the wardrobe with my computer (3) it. There are some book- shelves (5) ____ (4) the wall The bed is (6) the desk and the window. _____ the corner of _________ the room. the room. Everything is white and blue (7) ___________ The curtains (8) ___________ the window are white and the carpet (9) the floor is blue. Lesson 2 1. Dorothy, the girl in the book The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum,* came to the Emerald City. She stayed at the Palace of Oz. What did her room look like? Fill in the gaps with was/were. Grammar for revision There was/were There was a big table in the middle of the room. There were six chairs around the table. GS p. 151 There (0) were a lot of rooms in the palace. Dorothy’s room (1) __________ the most beautiful little room in the world. There (2) __________ a soft and comfortable bed. There (3) ___________ a 32 Unit 3 Lesson 1 small fountain* in the middle of the room. There (4)____________beautiful green flowers on the windows, and there (5) ______________a shelf with books. There (6)___________many green dresses in the wardrobe. 2. How did the bedroom change? Look at the pictures and write down 6 things that changed. There was a small carpet on the floor. Now there is a b\a carpet on the pOQL. 3. In British newspapers you may find a lot of ads about houses. Find out the following information about the houses. The number of the house _22________________ the street ________________________________ the rooms three bedrooms, a The number of the house the street _____________ the rooms ______________ 22 Green Hill 3 bdrms, 1 bthrm, 1 Ivngrm, 1 dngrm, 1 kn. 73 Apple Road 6 bdrms, 2 bthrms, 2 Ivngrms, dngrm, kn, 2 gdns. Other information 'a fountain ['fauntin] — фонтан 2*Кузо8лев. б кл. Unit 3 Lesson 2 33 4. The Great Wizard of Oz in the book The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum lived in the Palace of Oz. Try to imagine the Palace and its decoration, describe it. Use the words from the box or any other words. armchair(s) • chair(s) • curtains • dining room • garden picture(s) • rooms for visitors • sofa(s) • table(s) • cosy comfortable • wonderful • modern conveniences running water • central heating • electricity • lamp(s) mirror(s) • carpet(s) The palace was very big and beautiful. There were _________________________ rooms there. ____________ and a lot of There was a a There was a big beautiful _____ In the______________ there was In the_____________ The________________ there were were cosy. There near the palace, and a lot of______ Lessons 3—4 П 1. Complete the table with the three forms of the verbs. Infinitive (VI) (V2) (V3) cleaned brought drew learnt do feed 34 Unit 3 Lessons 3—4 Infinitive (VI) (V2) (V3) gone sew sweep sung broke bought saw play made perform written set come stood 2. What have the children done? What did they do in the past? Underline the verbs in Past Simple and circle the verbs in Present Perfect. 0. Alice watered the flowers. 00. The girls read an interesting book in the evening. 1. The girls have done their homework. 2. They visited their Granny last summer. 3. Ally has made breakfast. 4. Alice has swept the paths. Unit 3 2* Lessons 3—4 35 36 5. Alice and Ally went shopping together yesterday. 6. The girls have bought a tasty cake. Grammar for revision The Present Perfect Tense Have you helped your mother today? We have already decorated the room. Dad has just painted the door. We haven’t watered the flower yet. GS pp. 154—155 3. Mum is talking with her children. How did the children answer her questions? Complete the children’s answers with the adverb and the correct verb form. 1. — Are you going to the library today? — I ________________ there. 2. — Do you know where Dad is? — He _________________ to the hospital. 3. — Is Steve going to watch the film with us? — He _________________ this film. 4. — Have you bought apples and oranges? — Sorry, Mum, we ________________ them ______ 5. — What about your homework? — I ________________ it. 6. — And what about Steve? — Look! He his homework. 7. — Would you like something to eat? — No, thanks, we _______________ lunch. (be/already) (go/just) (see/already) (buy/yet) (do/already) (finish/just) (have/already) 1) Look at the pictures and write down what the children have done about the house. Tom Linda Unit 3 Lessons 3—4 Tom has worked in the garden. 2) Group work. How do you help about the house? Make up questions and ask your friends. Have you helped your mother to cook dinner? Who have you helped? What have you done? 5. Alice and her classmates are going to have a Halloween party. What have the children done? What haven’t they done? Make up sentences. Use the correct verb form. 0. Doreen and Justine/make/already/the programme. Doreen and lustine have already made the programme.___________________ 1. Polly/bring/just/Coca-Cola. 2. Ron/buy/yet/his Halloween costume. 3. They/buy/yet/flowers? Unit 3 Lessons 3—4 37 4. They/make/yet/sandwiches? 5. They buy/just/hot dogs. 6. Andrew/bring/already/a DVD player. 7. They/decorate/already/the room. Grammar for revision The Past Simple Tense, the Present Perfect Tense I forgot to buy milk yesterday. We have already bought some chocolate. GS pp. 152, 154 38 G. James and Cindy are talking about what they have done. Complete their questions and answers with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple). - I (1) (answer) all the questions in the test today. — That’s great! You will get a good mark! (2) you ________________ (find) your Activity book? No, I (3) ----------. I think I (4) _________ (leave) it at school yesterday. — Where is Emily? — She (5) _________ (go/already) to bed. (6)----------you ___________(prepare/yet) for the test__________? — Yes, I (7) ______. I (8) — And I (9) __________ (10) (take) me an hour and a half! _______ (finish/just) the last exercise. (do) all the exercises on Thursday. It — Oh, I (11) (walk/yet) the dog — Don’t worry. I (12) Unit 3 Lessons 3—4 (do/already) it. Lesson 5 1. What makes a good house? all modern conveniences central heating electricity running water gas rooms for everyone cosy rooms comfortable in town in the country in a green area near the school near shops near the sea a swimming pool modern furniture beautiful decoration Remember to write about: ■ where the house is; • what there is near the house; • what modern conveniences there are; • what furniture there is. Lesson 6 1. Listen to the small talks between parents and their children. Complete the missing information. 1. — Mum, shall I help you? 3. — Shall I _______________________ — Oh, 2. — Shall I give you a hand? — It’s OK, ________________ I’ve already cleaned it. 4. — I’ll do the shopping. Buy some milk, please. Unit 3 Lesson 5 39 2* Put the conversational charts into the order you hear the conversations. 1. Offering H ^ Refusing 2. Offering H ^ Accepting 3. Offering H ► Accepting 3. What can you offer in these situations? Match. More than one variant is possible. 1. I’m very tired but I have a lot of dishes to wash. 2. It’s hot in the room. 3. There’s no sugar. 4. There are a lot of leaves on the paths. 5. I can’t do this exercise. A. Shall I open the window? B. Shall I give you a hand? C. Shall I help you? D. Shall I sweep them? E. Shall I go to the shop? 4. Your friend offers to help you. 1) You accept his/her help. What can you say? You refuse the help. What can you say? Complete the dialogues with the words from the box. More than one variant is possible. It’s OK, thanks. • Thank you very much. • Oh, themks. It’s all right, thank you. • Sure. I’m sorry but I’m busy now. • In a minute. Accepting Refusing 1. Shall I open the window? 2. I’ll help you with your homework. 3. Shall I take your coat? 4. Shall I give you a hand? 5. Shall I help you to decorate the room? 6. I’ll do it for you. 40 Unit 3 Lesson 6 CONSOLIDATION Grammar for revision There is/are 1. Мы используем оборот there is, если хотим сказать о наличии предмета в каком-либо месте: There is а big table in the dining room. 2. Мы используем оборот there are, если хотим сказать о наличии нескольких предметов в каком-либо месте: There are а lot of flowers in my room. 3. Мы используем отрицательную форму there isn’t/aren’t, когда говорим об отсутствии предмета или предметов в каком-либо месте: There isn’t а dining room in my flat. There aren’t any pictures in my room. 4. Мы используем оборот there was/were, когда говорим о наличии или отсутствии предметов в каком-либо месте в прошлом: There was а bed in my room. There weren’t any posters there. 5. Мы используем some в утвердительных предложениях, когда хотим сказать о наличии нескольких предметов в каком-либо месте: There are some chairs in the dining room. 6. Мы используем any в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях: — Were there any posters in the dining room? — No, there weren’t any. GS pp. 150—151 1. Fill in the gaps with some, any, there is/are (not), there was/were (not). 1. Are there ________________________________ chairs in your room? 2. __________________________________________ a TV set in my room. 3. _____________________any computers in schools many years ago. 4. ___________________________ a lot of beautiful places in my city. 5. There are 6. __________ _____________ flowers in the garden. a DVD player in my primary school. Unit 3 Consolidation 41 2, Where did Alice’s friend live? 1) Complete the questions about her house. Use there was/were. 1. How many rooms ________________________ in the house? 2. ___________________ a dining room in the house? 3. ___________________ a living room? 4. How many bedrooms _________________________in the house? 5. _____________________ any bathrooms there? 6. How many bathrooms __________ 7. __________________ a kitchen? 8. _____________ in the house? ___________________ any modern conveniences? 9. What pieces of furniture ___________________________ in the house? 2) Here is some information about the house where Alice's friend lived. Describe her house. 129 High Street 4 bdrms, 2 bthrm, 1 Ivngrm, dngrm, kn, 2 gdns rhere were 4 bedroom! in the house.___________________________________ Grammar for revision The Present Perfect Tense Мы используем Present Perfect: 1. когда говорим о действии, которое завершилось, и нам важно действие и его результат в настоящем, а не время, когда оно произошло: The garden is clean. We’ve swept the paths. I’ve made some sandwiches. Here they are. 2. c наречиями времени already (когда хотим сказать, что действие уже завершено), just (если хотим сказать, что действие только что завершилось) и yet в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: I have already done my homework. I have Just finished my homework. Have you done your homework yet? I haven’t done it yet. 42 Unit 3 Consolidation 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb and adverb. 1. ________ you _________ the flowers ___________? (water/already/yet) 2. We __________________the dishes, (wash/just) 3. My Dad is happy. I _____________________ to sweep the paths in the garden, (help) 4. I ________________ a good mark in Science, (get/just) 5. I can go to the cinema now. I ___________________________ the poem. (learn/already/yet) 4. Before Open House Night children from Clare’s class decided to clean and decorate their class and schoolyard. What have they done? Make up the sentences using the pictures and the words from the box on p. 44. 0. Jane and Jim 3. Tom and Steve 1. David 4. Clare 2. Katie and Susan 5. Alice 6. Paul and Lena 7. Andy Unit 3 Consolidation 43 to clean the carpet • to draw the pictures • to clean the windows to bring some books • to water the flowers to wash the curtains • to sweep the paths to tidy up the room 0. lane and ;im have tided up the room. 5. How many words to describe the house can you remember? Pieces of furniture you can sit on Pieces of furniture where you can keep your things in Things that make the room cosy and comfortable curtains Parts of the room/house Modern conveniences 6. Your relatives and friends often need your help. Offer your help in the following situations. 44 Unit 3 Consolidation 1. — I don’t know how to do this exercise. — Thank you very much. 2. — I’m very tired of tidying up the rooms. 3. — I have to wash a lot of dishes. 4. — I have a lot of things to do. 5. — Your room is a real mess. 7. Alice and Ally talk with their grandmother. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form. Grammar for revision The Present Simple Tense, the Past Simple Tense, the Present Perfect Tense We usually work in the garden. Yesterday we worked in the garden. We have already worked in the garden. GS pp. 152, 154 — We usually (0) help (help) our Mum about the house. We (1) _______________(do) a lot of work about the house. Yesterday I (2) _____________ (wash) the dishes and (3) _____________ (tidy up) the room. Alice (4) sometimes (5) _______ This week Dad (6) we (7) ______________ - (8) _______________ __(water) the flowers today. We (go) shopping with our parents, (do) the shopping. But last week (go) to buy a present for our Mum together, you ___________________ (work) in the garden? — Yes, we do. We often (9) ________________ (clean) the garden, today I (10) ____________________ (already/sweep) the path there. And we (11)________________(plant) some new roses. We (12)_____________(love) roses very much. Unit 3 Consolidation 45 Lessons 8—9 О TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION The Browns family are going to have a birthday party for their dad. They are discussing their plans. Put in the right column to show what work the mother will do, which things they have already done, and what the mother accepted the help for. Work to do Mum will do it They have already done it Mum accepted the help To do the shopping To buy a present To sweep the paths To clean the kitchen To wash the clothes To cook dinner To wash the dishes To water the flowers Your score 8 7—6 5 4 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 46 О READING COMPREHENSION Here is a description of the house from the book The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.* For questions 1—5, choose the correct answer. Hobbits didn’t live in houses, they lived in holesL The hobbit lived in a hole in the mountain. It was not a bad, uncomfortable hole, not a hole with nothing to sit on or to eat on. It was a hobbit hole and hobbits loved comfort. The hole had a round door. The door opened to a room like a tunnel: a very comfortable room. There were carpets on the floor; there were comfortable chairs and a place for hats and ^ a hole — нора Unit 3 Test yourself jackets. There were a lot of little doors in the room. There were no upstairs: bedrooms, bathrooms, wardrobes (he had whole rooms for clothes), kitchens, dining rooms, all were on the same floor. The best rooms were all on the left. Only these rooms had windows. Choose the correct answer. 1 The hobbit lived in 2 In the hole there 3 A wardrobe in the text is 4 Which rooms had windows? a b 5 How many floors were there in the hole? a a comfortable hole, b a bad, uncomfortable hole, c a hole with nothing to sit on. a were no rooms, only a tunnel, b was one room, c were a lot of different rooms. a a piece of furniture for clothes, b a room for clothes, c the clothes that the hobbit had. All the rooms had windows. The rooms that were on the left of the tunnel had windows, c There were no windows in the hole. a There was one floor, b There were two floors, c There were a lot of floors. Your score 5 4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 Q USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Read a popular fairy tale. Fill in the gaps with there was/were or was. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Once upon a time (0) there were three Bears who lived together in a house of their own in a forest. One of them (1) _________________ a Little Wee Bear, and one (2)________________a Middle-sized Bear, and the other (3) _______________ a Great Big Bear. (4) _______________ three Unit 3 Test yourself 47 bowls^ for porridge in the house. And (5) _________________ chairs to sit in. (6)___________three beds to sleep in. (7) a little bed for the Little Wee Bear; (8) __________ bed for the Middle-sized Bear; and (9) _____________ the Great Big Bear. The little bed (10) ____________ tiful and comfortable. three arm- a middle-sized a great bed for the most beau- 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple). 1 I _______________ (just/get) a letter from my friend. 2 I think I _________________ (already/do) a lot of important things in my life. 3 Jake _____________________ (finish) his homework at 6 pm. It 4 Nelly 5 I (take) him an hour to do it. ________ (yet/finish) her task 6 Steve 7 ______ (read) a lot when I was at school. ____ (yet/read) this book ___________ you (watch) the football match yesterday? 8 My mother (do) the shopping today. Your score 19-18 17—15 14—10 9 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 48 Q WRITING You got a letter from your pen friend Alex, who lives in Norwich. He asks you to write him about your house/flat. What would you write? Write about 50 words. Remember to write about: • where your house/flat is; • how many room there are; • what furniture there is; • if you like it or not. ^ a bowl [boul] — миска, тарелка Unit 3 Test yourself Dear Yours, О CULTURAL AWARENESS How well do you know British and American culture? Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1 In England people write the address in this way: a Apple Road 73 b Great Britain c 73 Apple Road Norwich Norfolk NR 46 GK Norwich Norfolk NR 46 GK 73 Apple Road Norfolk NR 46 GK Great Britain Norwich Great Britain 2 Caravan is a a place where people can live and sleep when they are on holiday. b a house for camels. c a group of people with animals who travel together. 3 The author of The Marvelous Land of Oz is a A. Volkov. b L. Frank Baum, c B. Byars. 4 A typical British house has got a one floor. b two floors, c three floors. Your score 4 3 2 1 Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 3 Test yourself 49 о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached В I can read and understand: • information about British flats and houses: • stories about different houses Б! I can understand: • information about flats and houses: • small talks about helping around the house ^ I can: • describe my flat/house/room: • talk about work about the house: • offer help: • accept help: • refuse help: • ask questions about a place where a person lives I can write: • about my room/flat: • about how I help about the house Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • there was/were; • the Present Perfect Tense (just, yet, already) Учебные умения Не умею Умею • работать с таблицей “Word building”: • использовать видовременные формы английского глагола: • использовать функциональные опоры для составления диалога 50 Unit 3 Test yourself Unit 4 Do you like to go shopping? Lesson 1 1. What shops do people go to to buy food? Fill in the gaps with the words from the word box. People go to the corner shoij to buy some sweets for Sunday __ shop to buy some meat for Monday __shop to buy some bread for Tuesday __shop to buy some flour for Wednesday __ shop to buy some butter for Thursday __shop to buy some apples for Friday to to to to to 2. Today people buy food in different containers. What are they? Match the words in the left and in the right columns. a bottle uf milk___________ the grocer’s the baker’s the greengrocer’s | the corner shop the dairy the butcher’s Unit 4 Lesson 1 51 Lesson 2 1. Make up and answer the questions below about your everyday life. Grammar for revision Quantifiers (a lot of) eggs (some) milk, (a little) meat — How much tea do you drink every day? — Oh, a lot./Not very much. — How many cartons of juice have you bought? — A lot./Not many. GS p. 149 How many/How much • money do your parents give you every day? • coffee do you buy every month? • times a week do you eat chocolate? • time do you spend on your homework? • shops are there near your house? • shoes have you got? A lot (of ...). Not many. A little./Little. A few./Few. Not much. Lots (of ...). How much time do you spend on vour homework? — A lot (of time). 2. Make up as many sentences as you can. He has got She hasn’t got They have bought We are going to buy She doesn’t need They made Dad spent He has got many lots of a little a few few much little a lot of some T-shirts. friends. That’s too bad. bars of chocolate, bread for sandwiches, time to do it. mistakes so they got good marks, money on a present for Mum. milk. It’s not enough. 52 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Lessons 3—4 Grammar for revision The Past Progressive Tense I was doing my homework at 2 o’clock yesterday. While I was doing my homework, my Mum was making dinner. GS p. 154 1. Make up sentences according to the example. Say if you and your family members were doing the same at different times last Sunday. 0. At 9 o’clock in the morning I was sleeping. (Mum/make breakfast) While I was sleeping at ч o'clock in tnc n: j>nina. Miin' vvus mukhuj brcLikz imL---------------------------------------------------------------- 1, At 9:30 I was washing the dishes. (Mum/talk on the phone) 2. At 10 o’clock in the morning I was tidying up my room. (Mum and Dad/shop) 3. At 11 o’clock in the morning I was playing on the computer. (Mum and Dad/watch TV) 4. At 12 o’clock I was doing my homework. (Mum/make lunch) 5. At 12:30 Dad was washing the dishes. (Mum/help me with my homework) 6. At 2 o’clock in the daytime I was walking out with my friends. (My parents/visit their friends) 7. At 5 o’clock in the evening I was helping Mum to make a pizza. (Dad/make a salad) 8. At 6 o’clock in the evening Mum and I were having tea. (Dad/read a newspaper) Unit 4 Lessons 3—4 53 9. At 8 o’clock in the evening my Dad and I were talking about what had happened during the day. (Mum/call Granny) 2. What were the children doing when something happened? Grammar for revision The Past Progressive Tense I was doing my homework when my Mum called me for dinner. GS p. 154 0. I (have breakfast) when my friend (come) to my house. ■' '.vtib breakfast when rnv friend came to >nv house.____________ 1. Janet (make) an omelette for breakfast when her grandparents (arrive). 2. My friends and I (play) outside when the rain (start). 3. I (sleep) when Dad (call). 4. I (have a dream) when suddenly the teacher (ask) me a question. 5. We (dance) when the music (stop). 6. I (go) to the supermarket when I (meet) my friend. 7. I (try on) a sweater when a salesperson (come) up to me. 8. I (look for) a present for Jack when I (see) him in the shop. 54 II 3. While Jane and her parents were in Covent Garden, Charlie was staying at home with Emily, his babysitter. What questions did Charlie’s mother ask him and Emily when she came home? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Past Simple/Past Progressive). Mum: What (you do)___________________________while we (shop)________________________in Covent Garden? Unit 4 Lessons 3—4 Emily: At 9 o’clock we (read) a tale. M: What tale (you read) ______ Charlie: We (read) ___________ Red Riding Hood”. After we that a very interesting game. “The Little (play) '^4 M: What game (you play) Ch: “Cats and Dogs”. TV. E: Then, for half an hour Charlie (watch) ________________ M: What (you do) _____________________, Emily, while Charlie (watch) E; I (make) cartoons? lunch. When we (eat) Mr Brown (call) _ M: What (you do) Ch: I (draw) __________ when we (arrive) a picture. M: Show me your picture, please. Beautiful! 4. Betsy is telling her parents about Janet’s sleepover* party last Saturday. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Past Simple/Past Progressive). The party (to be)_____________great! We (have fun) _____________ for the whole night. For din ner we (have)__________ a very nice soup, some salads, and pizzas with cheese and tomatoes. While we (eat)_________, we (listen)________to our favourite music. When we (have) __________ tea with marmalade, Janet (bring) ___________ in a big chocolate cake! It (be) ____________ very nice. When we (finish) ____________the dinner, we (start)__________to play. At 11 pm we (play) ________________ “Snap!”. It (to be)____________very exciting! For an hour Unit 4 Lessons 3—4 55 or two we (play) (go) ___________ some other games. While we (play) the game “Who am I?”, Charlie (feel)_____________tired and ______ to bed. At 2 o’clock in the morning we all (feel) tired and (go) __________ to bed, too. Lesson 5 1. Imagine you are buying one of the books below in London and one in Washington, D.C. Make up two dialogues. Use the words from the box. Some phrases may be used twice. (ГЗЯВ JJ Uto„ ^ . SmcntOiMt» l-NGLAM) aKiDS’e NDI What can I do for you? • Yes, please. • I’d like ... I’m looking for ... • How much is it? Can I look at the pictures, please? • Can I have a look at it? Here you are. • Can I help you? • Here is the money. Yes, sure. Ten pounds and fifty pence. (2) Ten dollars. (2) • Bye. (3) How much does it cost? • You are welcome. • Have a nice day. Thank you. • Thank YOU. (2) • What about this one? Have a look at this one. • Thanks. 56 S; Ask what the customer wants. 1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________ You: Say what you want. 1. _______________________ 2. Unit 4 Lesson 5 S: Say that you’ve got it. 1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ S: Agree. 1. _______ 2. S: 1. 2. Tell him/her the price. S: Thank the customer and say goodbye. 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ You: Ask for what you want to look at/to buy. 1. _____________________________________ 2. You: Ask about the price. 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ You: Give money and thank the salesperson. 1. ____________________________________ 2. ____________________________________ You: Say goodbye. 1. _________________ 2. _________________ CONSOLIDATION 1. What are these people talking about? Fill in the gaps with the following words: much, many, a lot of, lots of, a few, only a few, a little, only a little, few, little. Match with the rule. Unit 4 57 Consolidation Grammar for revision Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные употребляются с разными количественными местоимениями: а lot of/lots of/many/much — много; а few/a little — немного; few/little — мало С исчисляемыми существительными (ап egg, а potato) мы используем: many, some, а lot of, lots of, a few, few. C неисчисляемыми существительными (meat, milk) мы используем: much, some, a lot of, a little, little. В вопросительных предложениях мы используем any, many и much, в отрицательных предложениях — (not) any, (not) many или (not) much. GS p. 149 Ann: I can’t buy this dress. I’ve got (too) little money. Bill: They’ve got _________________ things in the shop but I can’t choose what to buy. Cyril: My sister has got choose what to wear. dresses, but she can’t _________________time. Dan: We can’t go shopping with you. We’ve got_______________ Emma: There’s ___________________ food in the refrigerator. You can have a snack. Fred: My Mum needs Greg: ________________ apples to make a pudding. Helen: How Ike: There are not potatoes will be enough for this pie? _____ money do you need? _______ shops in our village. 2, In a clothes shop children are talking about buying some things. They’ve got opposite opinions. What are they? Grammar for revision Demonstrative pronouns Noun substitutions Do you like this dress? Do you like these slippers? Do you like that hat? — Which one? — The pink ones? — One of those? GS p. 149 58 Unit 4 Consolidation Do you like this skirt? Would you like these shorts? I’d like to buy this dress. No, I like that one . No, I like _____________ — I would like to buy — Mum wants to buy that iacket. — It will be nice to buy — Dad wants to buy these leans. — What do you think of those shoes? — What about that school bag? — I think better. are ter. — Look at better! are much bet-_______. It’s 3. What were Betsy, her family and her friends doing one day? Make up sentences. Grammar for revision The Past Progressive Tense I was doing my homework when my Mum called me for dinner. While/When I was doing my homework, my Mum was making dinner. GS p. 154 0. Betsy / watch TV / when / her mum / ask her / about her homework. Betsy was watching TV when her mum asked her about her homework. 1. Betsy and her classmates / play hide-and-seek / when / the rain / start. 2. Betsy and her friends / have a sleepover party / when / they / hear / shouts for help. 3. My Mum / shop / in the toy department / when / she / meet / her best friend. 4. My Granny / sleep / when / someone / start / to play the piano. 5. Betsy’s dad / watch TV / when / his boss / call. Unit 4 Consolidation 59 6. Betsy and Jane / talk over the phone / when / Charlie start playing with his new toy train. II 4. Here are two stories about the two children and their embarrassing moments. What happened to them? Make up questions and answers. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0. Where / Emily / run to / when the rain / start? Where was Emily running to when the rain started?__________________________ 1. Emily / run / to assembly / when the rain / start. 2. What shoes / Emily / wear? 3. Emily / wear / her new shoes / that were very big. 4. Suddenly one of her shoes / fly off / and she / put / her foot straight into a big puddle!^ 5. What / Michael and his friend / do / when some girls / come / to talk to them? 6. Michael and his friends /sit / in a tree in the park / when some girls / come up / to talk to them. 7. Michael / want / to impress them / and start / climbing the tree really high. 8. What / happen / to Michael / while he / climb / the tree? 9. While Michael / climb / the tree / he / fall / and / rip^ / his jeans. ‘a puddle ['pAdl] — лужа ^ to rip — рвать 60 Unit 4 Consolidation 10. What / the girls / do? 11. All the girls / laugh / and Michael’s face was as red as a toma-tol □ 5. What were Betsy and her friends doing at her birthday party? Make up one sentence out of two. 0. The children (play) and (sing). Betsy’s mum (prepare) everything for tea. While the children were playing and singing. Betsy's шыт was preparing everything for tea.____________________________________________ 1. Betsy’s mother (set) the table with a birthday cake. Emily and Rich (have) tea with sandwiches. 2. Betsy’s dad (choose) a CD for musical chairs. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a song to music. 3. Susie, Kim and Aleck (sing) a “Happy Birthday” song. Betsy (listen) to them carefully. 4. Janet, Neil, Nelly and Jennifer (play) “pass the parcel”. Tom (watch) the game with great interest. 5. Mike (make) up a birthday poem for Betsy. The other children (have fun). 6. Betsy (have) a birthday party. Her grandparents and other relatives (call) her all the time. Unit 4 Consolidation 61 Lessons 8—9 TEST YOURSELF О LISTENING COMPREHENSION Three children answered one question: “What's the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?” What did each of them answer? Match the names and the answers. Three answers are extra. 1 Katie Knox 2 David Lemon 3 Emma Adeleye a a black and white skateboard b a brown watch c a party dress d two skateboards e a mobile phone f a dress and shoes 1 ______ 2 3 Your score 3 2 1 0 Your mark 5 4 3 2 62 Unit 4 Test yourself о READING COMPREHENSION Read the story from the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by Paula Danziger and answer the questions after the text. I hate to go shopping. I love clothes, but they always look awful on me. And when you find something you like, they never have it in your size. It’s awful. So there we were at the “Chubbies”* section. .. The saleslady came up to my mother. (1) “Can I help you, dear?” she asked. (2) ‘Oh, what do you want?” she asked me. “I want a pair of size five blue jeans.” “Marcy,” my mother began. “Mom, she asked what I wanted, not what I was going to buy.” “You’ll have to excuse my daughter. She gets upset when she shops.” The saleslady smiled and said, “I can understand.” it. (3) It wasn’t a dress but my mother liked 1. Where do the following sentences belong? Decide in which gap (1—3) each sentence (a—c) should go. a _____ My mother was looking at ugly dresses. b _____We are looking for a party dress for my daughter. c _____ With her help I bought a purple trouser suit. 2. Match the statements (a—c) with the pictures (1—3). a Marcy was going to buy ________. b Marcy wanted to buy_________. c Marcy bought ________. ^ ^ ^ ^ -» ' r> & Unit 4 Test yourself 63 3. Why does Marcy hate to go shopping? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false. a The clothes don’t look nice on her. ____________ b They never have the clothes she likes in her size. _______________ c She never knows what she wants. ________________ d Marcy’s and her mother’s tastes are different. _______________ Your score 10 9—7 6—5 4 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 64 Ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. For questions (1—7), choose the correct variant (a, b, c). There is an example (0). 0 How much does it cost ? a cost b sell c __________ 1 I’d like to buy a loaf of__________. a cheese b bread c butter 2 How much is this ____________ of coffee? a bar 3 I’m going to the a baker’s b carton c jar _______ to buy some milk. b butcher’s c dairy how much this box of chocolate costs. b customer c grocer _ you need some flour, some butter and salt to c menu 4 Ask a________ a salesperson 5 For this ____ taste. a recipe b price 6 At the greengrocer’s you can buy_____________. a green tea b a cabbage c a tin of dog food 7 We’ve got _________ onion soup for lunch. a enough b any c a few 2. Fill in the gaps with “a” where necessary. 1 I C£m give you _____ few pounds. 2 Can you buy some coffee, please? We’ve got Unit 4 Test yourself little left. 3 Will you give me some apples? I’ve got --------- few left. 4 Let’s go shopping. I’ve invited ______ few of my friends for lunch. 5 We’ve got _______ little milk! We can have tea with milk! 6 There are _______ few shops in this area. You’d better go to some other place. 3. What were the children and their parents doing the whole day before a school party? Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Past Simple / Past Progressive). There is an example (0) for you. Jane (0) (chose) was choosing presents for her classmates while Jennifer and Susie (1) (write) _______________________ invitation cards. Then Jack, Tom and Charlie (2) (come) _____________________________ and (3) (colour) ________________ the invitation cards very nicely! While Jane’s mother (4) (make) five of Jane’s classmates (5) (cut) and Nelly (6) (draw) _____________ chocolate cakes at home, ________sandwiches. Neil and some other girls (7) (decorate) some pictures while Betsy ____________the classroom. ____________________ fruit ___________________ to help Emily’s and Kim’s mothers (8) (prepare) __________________ salads when Betsy’s mother (9) (come) ____________________ them. When the children and their mothers (10) (finish up) ____________________ all the preparations, Kim’s and Tom’s fathers (11) (arrive) ___________________. They (12) (bring) ________________ a lot of chocolate bars for the whole group. Your score 25—24 23—17 16—12 11 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 3”Куэоа.1«ч». 6 КЛ. Unit 4 Test yourself 65 о WRITING You’ve got a letter from your foreign friend. She asks you about the way you celebrated your last birthday. Write back to her. (50 words) Dear Last Sunday was my birthday. I had a sleepover party. I got a lot of presents. We had a lot of fun. How did you celebrate your last birthday? Did you have a party? If so, what did you do at your party? Love, Jane 66 О CULTURAL AWARENESS What do you know about British culture? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false. 1 _____ Hamleys is one of the most popular toy shops in England. 2 _____ Today, the British use pounds and pence. 3 ____ There is one hundred pence in a pound. Unit 4 Test yourself 4 5 6 7 There are 454 grams in a pound. Corner shops are always on the corner of a street. Covent Garden is a popular circus in Great Britain. A pint is more than a gallon. Your score 7 6 5—4 3 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached В I can read and understand: • descriptions of different shops; • information about the system of measurements in Britain; • information about the money the British used in the past; • children's stories and short texts about shopping and shopping experiences; • a shopping list BB I can understand: • children’s opinions about shopping; • talks between a salesperson and a customer ^ I can: • express my own opinion about shopping; • talk about my shopping experience; • talk about my favourite shop; • count food in different measurement systems; • talk to a salesperson; • talk about the recipe for my favourite dish 3* Unit 4 Test yourself 67 Продолжение Description of achievement Level reached 2 3 4 5 El 1 can write: • a recipe for my favourite dish; • a shopping list; • a letter/a short description of a (birthday) party Grammar checklist Can understand Can say • quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns {many, some, a lot of, lots of, a few, few, much, a little, little); • demonstrative pronouns (this/ that/these/those): • substitutions; one/ones; • the Past Progressive Tense Учебные умения Не умею Умею • выполнять задания в формате “True/False”; • различать грамматические явления; • использовать функциональные опоры для составления диалога; • представить проект 68 Unit 4 Test yourself Unit 5 Do you care about your health? Lesson 1 1. Everybody may have a health problem. Б1 1) Song. These children have health problems. What problem does each of them have? Match. a headache a stomachache backache toothache a cold the flu 2) How much time will it take them to get better? What do you think? 0. Ruth has toothache. I think it will take her a day to get better. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. has has has has has has 3) These monsters look strange. Why? Grammar for revision Noun. Number arm — arms tooth — teeth GS p. 146 arm • ear • eye • hand • head • leg • tooth Unit 5 69 Lesson 1 Monster A has got Monster В Monster C II 4) Fill in the gaps. Then draw a monster with: 6 — six eves 3 — 2 — 2 — 3 — f 28 — 4 — I 0 — — I ^ 2. Letter writing. Help your mother to write a note to your English teacher. Write a note explaining why you can’t come to school. your name date Dear can’t come to school today because ^ health problem your mother’s name 70 Unit 5 Lesson 1 Lessons 2—3 1. Paul has a cold. What do people advise him? Match the 1. You must stay in bed. 2. You mustn’t take medicine without the doctor’s advice. 3. You should wear warm clothes. 4. You must put a warm compress on your ear. similar tips. a) You mustn’t put a cold compress on your ear. b) You shouldn’t go without a warm sweater. c) You must consult the doctor and then take medicine. d) You mustn’t get out of bed. □ 2. Every person must know what to do in the following situations. Fill in the gaps with shall, must, mustn’t, shouldn’t. 0. You’ve hurt your leg. You must visit a surgeon. 1. I feel tired. ___________ I consult a doctor? 2. If a child has got a cold, he or she ________________take aspirin. 3. If you’ve got the flu, you ______________ consult a pediatrician. 4. If you’ve got backache, you 5. “I’ve got toothache.” — “___ carry heavy things. _________ I take you to a dentist?’ 6. My cat has got a stomachache. I ____________ take it to a vet. 7. If you’ve got appendicitis, you stay at home. 3. Do you know how to be healthy? 1) Choose the correct word to complete each tip. 0. You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. 1. You shouldn’t much. 2. You should sleep for________________ hours. 3. You should drink ___________________ at breakfast time. 4. You should play enough _____________. 5. You should exercise not less than every day. cake/fruit and vegetables walk/watch TV nine/five milk/coffee computer games/sports one hour/seven hours Unit 5 Lessons 2—3 71 u 2) What should children do if there is an accident? Write your ideas down. Grammar for revision Modal verbs should/must You should go there. You must be careful. She shouldn’t go there. put your arm in cool water put butter on the burn^ wash your arm with water call 999* You mustn’t worry. GS p. 156 change the position of your arm use a bandage^ put a cold compress on If you have broken your arm, you shouldn’t change the position of your qrm.__________________________________________________________ If you’ve cut your arm, ___________________________________________ If you’ve burnt your arm. II 3) Use the information from the Internet to learn more about it. https://kidshealth.org/parent/firstaid_safe/sheets.html 4. Paul should follow some rules. Why? What does Paul’s mum tell him? Match. Grammar for revision Modal verbs may/might, must You might hurt yourself. He must like it. GS p. 157 72 0. Don’t eat much chocolate. 1. Don’t watch TV much. 2. Don’t take the tablets. 3. Don’t use the Internet without your parents’ permission. 4. Don’t ride a skateboard very fast. 5. Be careful with fireworks. a) It might be not safe for children. b) You might hurt your eyes. c) You may fall down. d) You may have toothache. e) It might be bad for your eyes. f) They must be your Grandma’s ones. * burn [Ьз:п] — n ожог 2. v (burnt) жечь, обжигаться ^ a bandage [ 'bsendicfe] — бинт Unit 5 Lessons 2—3 0. d) Don't eat much chocolate. You mav have toothache. 1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. Lessons 4—5 1. How often do these boys visit doctors? Match the sentences with the same meaning. Grammar for revision The Present Perfect Tense I have just visited the doctor. os pp. 154—155 1. Bill has just visited a doctor. _c]_ 2. Dan has never visited a doctor. ________ 3. Has Fred ever visited a doctor? ________ 4. Nick visited a doctor a month ago. __________ 5. Pete has already visited a doctor. ________ 6. Has Sam visited a doctor yet? __________ a) He doesn’t visit doctors. b) This is not his first visit to a doctor. c) He left the doctor’s room 10 min ago. d) Has he got advice from the doctor? e) He was at the doctor’s last month. f) Does he visit doctors? 2. What is your medical history? 1) Answer these questions. Have you ever had: a headache? a stomachache? earache? backache? toothache? a cold? appendicitis? Yes No Have your legs ever hurt? Have your eyes ever hurt? Have your arms ever hurt? Yes No Unit 5 73 Lessons 4—5 2) Ask your friend about her/his medical history. П 3. To be healthy everyone should follow these tips. What has Paul’s mother done to be healthier? Grammar for revision The Present Perfect Tense have walked to school today. GS pp. 154—155 0. Go to the dentist every year. 1. Check your eyes every year. 2. Eat fruit and vegetables every day. 3. Go to the swimming pool every week. 4. Walk to work every day. i: has visited the dentist this year. 4. Here is the doctor’s report about Bill Simpson's visit. Fill in the doctor’s report. Report on Bill Simpson Bill Simpson (0) has never had (have) a serious illness. Bill (1) ------ never ------- (have) headaches. But he (2) ______ ------ (break) his leg in 2009. He medical check this month. He (be) in hospital. He (3) ___ (4) ------------ (have) a (5) ----------------- (never have) problems with his back. He (6) ------------------ (never have) problems with his teeth. 1Н<*-ИТ1Я 74 Unit 5 Lessons 4—5 Lesson 7 1. Two friends are talking about their health. Fill in the dialogue chart with the phrases from the box. * How are you? • I’m sorry to hear that. • Thank you. ' I I hope you’ll get better soon. • You should stay at home, i You don’t look well. I feel terrible. I think, I should. . Asking how somebody is 1. r; .. are you?___ Showing sympathy. Advising 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ Saying how you are 2. __________________ Saying what you hope will happen 6. ________________________ Accepting advice 5. _____________ Thanking 7. ______ CONSOLIDATION 1. Look at the animal below. It is very strange. П 1) What has it got? Use the words from the box. Grammar for revision Noun: the possessive case Elephant’s legs cow elephant fox rabbit ear head leg tail GS p. 146 75 It's got an elephant's head. II 2) Draw your own strange animal and describe it. Cj 2. Read a description of an English fairy tale character. Fill In the gaps with the words in brackets in the correct form and you will learn what he looks like. Grammar for revision Noun. Number Множественное число существительных head — heads but foot — feet GS p. 146 76 The Red Ettin was a terrible giant and magician. He had 3 _______________ (head), 6 ---------------- (eye), 60 --------------- (tooth), 2 (arm), 2 (leg) and 2 (foot). He had no (child). He lived alone in his castle. But he had a lot of _____________________ (cow) and _______________ (sheep). He was very evil. 3. What are these parts of the body? How many words can you unscramble? 0. cabk — back____________________ 3. are — _____________________________ 1. mochast — _____________________ 4. mar — _____________________________ 2. tial — ________________________ 5. trotha — 4. What’s the matter? Choose the correct word. 0. Peter doesn’t feel bad//terrible and has gone to the doctor’s. 1. I can’t see! There is something in my left ear/eve/arm. 2. These jeans are too short for me. I’ve got long legs/arms/feet. 3. I didn’t go to school yesterday because I had —/a/the cold. 4. I’ve got backache. I have fallen and hurt /cut /pushed my back. Unit 5 Consolidation II 5. Word building. Fill in the table. adjective + -ness = noun noun + -y = adjective ill kind polite happy illness — болезнь scare juice health anger fun scary — жуткыы, пугающий_______ 6. Here are some rules and information for travellers w/ho stay at a youth hostel’ in England. Fill in with must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t. Grammar for revision Modal verbs must, should I must follow the rules. Я должен следовать правилам. You mustn’t take the knife. Нельзя брать нож. Children should do what their parents tell them to do. Детям следует делать то, что им говорят родители. Children shouldn’t bring toys to school. Детям не следует приносить игрушки в школу. GS р. 156 0. You must be at the hostel by 23:00. 1. You __________ worry about food — there’s a shop there. 2. But you___________tell the shopkeeper the day before if you want to buy milk, butter and bread. 3. You 4. You 5. You 6. You 7. You 8. You medical room in the hostel. clean up after you have cooked something. leave your room in a mess. bring a pet with you. play radios and players in the room. care about your bicycle if you have one. bring your tablets if you need them, there is no ^ a youth hostel — гостиница для молодёжи Unit 5 Consolidation 77 7. Linda talks about her family. Read what she says and then complete the sentences below. 78 Grammar for revision The Present Perfect Tense I have tidied up the room today. GS p. 154 I take the dog for a walk every morning and evening and I play tennis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I am used to having a lot of sport activity. I’ve got two children. Nick works in France but he telephones every week. Susan goes to school and she visits French classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We always go away on holiday when school finishes, at Christmas,* Easter* and in summer. I think our family is like any other family in Britain. 0. It is Sunday. Linda has walked the dog today. 1. She . 2. Nick tennis three times this week. ____________________ this week. 3. Susan 4. They _ two times this week. __________ this year. 8. Paul thinks that Friday 13th is an unlucky day. He worries about his friend Tom. Write what Bill advises Tom. Use the words from the box. Match with the rule. Unit 5 Consolidation Grammar for revision Modal verbs 1. Если мы говорим о том, что должны делать, или о том, что нельзя делать, мы используем must + V: I must think about safety. Я должен думать о безопасности. You mustn’t take the tablets. Нельзя брать таблетки. 2. Если мы советуем делать что-то или не делать чего-либо, используем should; Children should be careful with tablets. Детям следует быть осторожными с таблетками. They shouldn’t go there. Им не следует ходить туда. 3. Если мы выражаем различную степень уверенности в том, что может происходить сейчас, используем: a) may/might + V — если мы менее уверены She may be ill. Возможно, она болеет. b) must •+ V — если мы более уверены It must be dangerous. Это, должно быть, опасно. GS рр. 155—157 I cut your finger • eat many chocolates • eat you • I fall (break your arm) • go to the zoo • have a stomachache i I I make breakfast ride a bike 1. — d) You shouldnT ride a bike today. You miaht/mav fall and break vQur arm. 2. 3 a)_________________________________________________ 3. 4. 9. Paul’s friend Ann has fallen ill. What are her friends saying about this situation? Write a second sentence with a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word in bold. 1. It’s a good idea to wear a warm pullover, should .-.arm pullover.__________________________________________ 2. Stay in bed! must Unit 5 79 Consolidation 3. It’s very dangerous to take medicine without a doctor’s advice, mustn’t 4. Perhaps, it is a cold, may 5. I’m sure she has the flu. must 6. My advice is to stay in bed. should 7. It’s very important to consult a doctor, must 8. Perhaps, she is running a temperature, might 9. I’m sure she feels awful, must 10. Some children may have health problems because they get bad e-mails or text messages. It is cyber bullying. Here are two stories. Are they similar? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form. Grammar for revision The Present Perfect/the Past Simple/ the Past Progressive Tenses Have you ever been scared? (нас интересует событие) When was it? (нас интересуют детали) What were you doing at that time? (нас интересует действие в определённый момент/период в прошлом) GS рр. 152—155 80 I (0) haven't told (not tell) anyone about it but I (1) ________________ (have) a few experiences. One time I (2) _________________ (get) lots of calls and they (3) _______________ Unit 5 Consolidation (scare) me. I (4) — Then the calls (5) ____________(can not) even walk to school alone. _______________ (stop) but I (6) ------------------- (feel) scared for a few weeks after. (7) ----------------------- you ever _________________ (get) such calls? If yes, I think you should tell a friend, a teacher or a parent. Bullying (8) _______________ (take) the form of blogs and Facebook groups. At my school, there (9) ------------ (be) a sit- uation with a girl. She (10) -------------- lying. In the blogs a lot of boys and girls (11) --------- tack) this girl and her character for a long time. (12) (go) to her form teacher and (13) — (call) the Victim’s Assistance centre, too. They (14) ---- (learn) about her situation and (15) ______ lying. (deal) with cyber bul- ______ (at- This girl (stop) the bul- TEST YOURSELF Lessons 9—10 О LISTENING COMPREHENSION You will hear a conversation between two people. For statements 1—5, write a letter T if the statement is true or F if it is false. You will hear the talk twice. 1 2 3 4 5 The boy has backache. The boy might have the flu. The boy has hurt his leg. The girl gives some medicine to the boy. The girl advises the boy to drink lemon juice. Your score 5 4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 5 Test yourself 81 о READING COMPREHENSION Francesco came to hospital with his parents. What happened in the hospital? 1. Put the paragraphs in the correct order. a “Have you forgotten my tablet?” asked Bill when Mrs Bloom, the nurse, came to the doorway, “The doctor said you shouldn’t have one in the evening today,” she answered. “Does your stomach hurt?” “No,” said Bill. b Francesco said goodbye to his mother and father, and then they left. Bill, one of the other boys in his room, said, pointing to a boy on a bed, “That’s Rubin. He had an operation this morning, and that’s why he’s sleeping a lot today.” “Have you ever had an operation?” he asked Francesco. “I will have my tonsils^ out tomorrow,” said Francesco. Bill had his appendix out. c “And tomorrow I’ll meet some more new friends,” Francesco thought, and then he fell asleep. d In a few minutes. Bill was asleep. Francesco felt lonely without his parents. But it was good to know that all the hospital workers were there to help his doctor help him. He was glad that Rubin and Bill were sharing his room with him. e When Rubin woke up, the three boys talked for a minute. Bill remembered something and pushed his button to call the nurse. 2. What have you learnt about these people? Match. 1 Francesco 2 Bill 3 Rubin 4 Mrs Bloom a has just had an operation, b had appendicitis, c will have an operation, d works in the hospital. Your score 9 8—7 6-5 4 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 tonsils ['tDns(3)lz] — гланды 82 Unit 5 Test yourself ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Grammar, if you don’t want to have the flu you should follow some advice. Fill in the gaps with must and shouldn’t. 0 You shouldn't eat ice cream. 1 You 2 You 3 You 4 You 5 You 6 You keep your feet warm, go to anyone who has a cold, wash hands well and often, spend much time in shops, wear a special mask, take vitamins. 2. Grammar. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive). 0 Have you ever swum (swim) in a new swimming pool? 1 __________ you ever__________ (be) to a new sports club? 2 __________ you ___________ (go) to any sports camps during your last holidays? 3 __________ you ever _________ (eat) hot dogs? They are not very healthy. I’m sure. 4 I ________ (buy) a new tracksuit this week. 5 __________you __________ (walk) to school today? 6 I 7 While I but I ___ (ride) a bike to school yesterday. _______ (ride) a bike to school, I (fall) off. (not hurt) myself, I (be) lucky. 3. Vocabulary. Read some information about animals. Choose the correct word. 0 Horses have got four Cle^/arms. 1 A snake goes on its stomach/back. 2 A leopard is a catlike animal with black spots/feet. 3 A long tail/nose helps a crocodile to swim. 4 A seal/fox is very furry. 5 A lot of birds are used to/like living in big cities. Unit 5 Test yourself 83 4. Vocabulary. What health problems do these children have? Choose the correct word. 0 Nick has the flu. He feels ___________. a (|errib^ b wrong 1 Jack feels unwell. A doctor will __________ a call b consult 2 Little Mary had earache and she had to _ a eat b take 3 Ruth has got toothache. She should go to a the pediatrician b the surgeon 4 Jack has a sore throat. He should _________ a use a plaster b put a warm compress on c well him. c examine ________ medicine. c drink c the dentist c wash it with cool water Your score 25—23 22—20 19—16 15 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О WRITING Your friend has invited you to a party. You can’t come because of a health problem. Write a note to your friend and explain why you can’t come. О CULTURAL AWARENESS How weil do you know British and American culture? Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1 The emergency number in Britain is _______ a 911 b 999 c 01 84 Unit 5 Test yourself 2 А part of an American hospital that gives fast help to people who have had an accident is _________. a a surgery b an emergency room c a section 3 Your medical history is _________. a a historical book about doctors b notes about your health c a history of medicine 4 Complete the English proverb away”. a One fruit b A cup of tea a day keeps the doctor c An apple Your score 4 3 2 1 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 О SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached S I can read and understand: • children’s stories about health problems; • stories about different hospitals sa I can understand: • children’s stories about health problems; • health tips ^ I can: • say how I am; • ask about somebody’s health; • give advice if somebody has health problems EL I can write: • note to a teacher explaining why I can’t come to school Unit 5 Test yourself 85 Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • modal verbs should, must, may, might, shall', • the Present Perfect (ever, never, this year)-, • the Past Progressive Tense; • plural nouns (regular/irregu-lar plurals) Учебные умения Не умею Умею • понимать структурные связи внутри текста (хронологический порядок); • использовать слова для логической связи частей предложения; • понимать смысл пословицы; • провести опрос и подготовить сообщение; • работать с таблицей “Word building” (суффиксы -ness, -у) Unit 6 Whatever the weather ... Lesson 1 1. The weather may change many times during one day. 1) These words can help you to describe the weather. Form adjectives from the following nouns. cloud n — облако sun n — солнце Word building cloudy a — облачный sunny a — солнечный .j Noun Translation Adjective Translation fog rain wind snow storm frost 2) Translate the nouns and the adjectives. 3) Remember one day when the weather changed many times and describe it. It was in (month)_________________________________________________ In the morning it was ____________________________________________ In the afternoon it was In the evening it was _ Unit 6 87 Lesson 1 2. There are different ways of talking about the weather. 1) Look how Jane is talking about the weather in London. Identify the parts of speech of the highlihted words. ^ ‘ / ........- , //////// •*It often rains in autumn, /// г / / / •.................... • There is often rain in autumn. ’•.................................ТГГГ...., • It is often rainy in autumn. / Word building rain V (e безл. оборотах: it ~s, it is ~ing) — идти (о дожде) snow V (в безл. оборотах: it ~s, it is ~ing) — идти (о снеге) frost V — подмораживать rain n — дождь snow n — снег frost n — 1) мороз 2)иней rainy a — дождливый snowy a — снежный frosty a — морозный 2) What is the weather like in different seasons in your city/town/village? In summer In autumn It is sometime : hot and humid. In spring It is sometimes stormy. There is often c a I't':-.'.' уп:г In winter 88 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 1. The weather can be dangerous sometimes. What will/won’t you do in such weather? Fill in the gaps. Grammar for revision First Conditional If it is stormy, I won’t talk over the mobile phone outside. GS p. 158 1. If it (be) stormy, my friends and I (ride a bike in the street). 2. If there __________ __________ (be) a severe storm, my parents and I ____________ (stay at home). 3. My father and I _________(fish in a boat) if there________ (be) a heavy rain. 4. If there (be) a thunderstorm, I (play football) if it open window). 5. My friends and I_____ 6. I_________(play outside) if the playground ing the night. 7. If the weather_______ metal things). (stay near an (rain). (frost) dur- (be) stormy, I (stay away from 8. My parents and I (be) 25 below zero. (not go skiing) if the temperature Unit 6 Lesson 2 89 Lesson 3 1. What is the weather going to be like in Britain? Listen and tick the correct picture in each pair. In Scotland * In Midlands 2. й гС ir a) b) a) b) In Wales In South England О О a) b) a) b) 2. What is tomorrow’s weather in Europe? 1) Draw the weather symbols and the temperature on the map. 90 Unit 6 Lesson 3 2) What will the weather be like in different countries tomorrow? It will be __________________________________ in ___________________ There will be It will _____ in in The temperature will be 3. Mel and Linda are discussing their plans. Will their plans depend on the weather? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Grammar for revision Future meaning: the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to, the Future Simple Tense I am going to listen to music in the evening. I am playing tennis on Sunday. I will stay at home I think. GS pp. 153, 155 Unit 6 Lesson 3 91 — What (0) are you going to do (do) at the coming weekend, Mel? — My parents and I have planned so many things. We (1) ___________ (go) to Brighton on Friday evening. — It’s a great place! — I agree. I think in sunny weather I (2)_______ (take part) in _________ (visit) the swimming competition. On Saturday we (3) _______________ the famous Pavilion in the afternoon. And at 7 pm we (4)___________(go to) the concert at Brighton Dome. And what about you? — We haven’t seen my Grandma for a month. We (5) ____________________ ______(visit) her. I am sure she (6)___________(be) happy to see us. Lesson 4 1. Write an e-mail to your friend about your favourite season. (50 words) -xj. i m Edk bmrt Formet Took Miingi НЦ» Send X Cii- ~ Check Spoing 1 Attach 1^! Prio*»y sign iM Encrypt Jb Offlne From; Г BQTo; г B^Cc: г SubtKt: Mtta&i: 1 Tlmts New RoHMTt vl j 12 V I, В / 0 A. 'E ;E «tip Ш Ш SB- % a 1 92 Unit 6 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1. Jane and her mother are talking about the weather. 1) Does the dialogue chart fit Jane’s and her mother’s conversation (Student’s book ex. 1.1) p. 126)? Saying how they feel in such^ weather Saying what they/you think about the weather Describing the weather Saying how they feel in such weather Describing the weather Refusing to do this or that Offering to do this or that Disagreeing to do this or that Disagreeing with offer Saying about the condition on which they will do this or that Expressing the condition on which they will do this or that Agreeing to do this or that 2) Organise the dialogue chart to fit the conversation. 3) Act out a conversation according to your dialogue chart. 2. In Britain friendly people usually talk about the weather when they start a conversation. How do they respond to remarks about the weather? Choose the correct response from the right column. 1. The weather is awful. a) Yes, it is lovely. 2. It is a beautiful day. b) Yes, it is wonderfull 3. It is fine today. c) Yes, it is fantastic. 4. It is a wonderful morning. d) Yes, it is beautiful. 5. It is wonderful outside! e) Yes, it is terrible. * such [SAtf] — такой condition [k3n'dij(a)n] условие Unit 6 93 Lesson 5 CONSOLIDATION 1. Children are talking about the weather. Match each situation with the rule and use the correct verb forms. Grammar for revision Future meaning: to be going to; the Present Progressive Tense 1) It is cloudy. It is going to rain. 2) I am going to visit my grandparents on Sunday. 3) I am watching a football match on Sunday evening. GS pp. 153, 155 94 0. — What are your plans for tomorrow? — I am staying (stay) at home tomorrow. 1. — It is very stuffy. — It________________________ (rain). 2. — The weather is fine today. What are your plans? — We________________________ (visit) the Zoo. 3. — Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow? — No, I don’t. But the temperature is very high and it is so wet after the heavy rain. It _____________________ (be) hot and humid. 4. — It is raining. What are you going to do? — I ________________________ (stay at home and watch TV). 5. — There is sunshine outside. I hate staying at home today. — I agree. That’s why I _____________________ (spend) much of the day on the beach. 6. — There are dark clouds in the sky. — Yes, it __________________ (be) stormy. 7. — It is freezing. Please put on a warm sweater. — I will. And it is cloudy. It__________________________ (snow). 8. — Why are you wearing your tracksuit? — I ________________________ (play) football after school. 9. — What will the weather be like tomorrow? — Look, the sky is cloudless. It_________________ morrow. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. (be) sunny to- Grammar for revision First Conditional If you ask me, I will help you. GS p. 158 Unit 6 Consolidation 1. If it beach. 2. If I (be) sunny tomorrow, I (go) to the (go) to Spain, I (see) Madrid. 3. My parents and I ___ (be) a storm on Sunday. (stay) at home if there (be) foggy, my father 4. If it _________ the car. 5. My family_____________ (stay) in the countryside if it (be) hot and humid in town. (not drive) 6. My parents and I (clear up). (have) a picnic if it 3. The weather in spring is not always good in my region. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words. Use N for nouns, V for verbs and A for adjectives. Word building There is often rain in May. Л It often rains in May. ^ It is often rainy in May. A. 1. It is raining all day long. _ 2. It is windy and wet. ___ 3. There will be a light snow this weekend. 4. There is a heavy rain and a storm. ___ 5. The weather is rainy today. ___ 6. It will snow every day this week. __ 7. The wind was very cold yesterday. ____ 8. There will be frost tomorrow. ___ 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Use the words from the box. 1. I _______________ it when it is hot and humid and so I stay in- doors. 2. There will be a ___________ .. It is so dangerous! 3. There is too much water in the street. The snow fast. 4. I can’t see anything because of the heavy________ very Unit 6 Consolidation 95 5. The weather is awful. There is a a__________ rain. storm and 6. There are countries where people haven’t experienced __________temperatures. The temperature is always___________ zero there. 7. Please open the window. It is ___________ in the room. 8. Britain is known for its _______________ too hot in summer or too cold in winter. temperatures: it’s never above • dislike • fog • freezing • heavy • is melting mild • severe • stuffy • thunderstorm Lesson 7 TEST YOURSELF LISTENING COMPREHENSION You’ll hear a radio weather forecast. Listen to the forecast and complete the statements. You’ll hear the information twice. 1 It is about the weather in ____________________________. 2 The day will be 3 It will be ________ 4 There will be Your score 5 4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 96 READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the article. What is the arcticle about? Choose. a The weather in the USA. b How they forecast the weather in the USA. c How they forecast the weather in the USA in November. Unit 6 Test yourself Many Americans like talking about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always wanted to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or used the old reports of what the weather was like in the past. Today people use radars, satellite pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people forecast the weather for a whole year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Department forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year, Americans read a forecast for the whole year in The Old Farmer’s newspaper. Both the Weather Department and The Old Farmer’s newspaper use information about past years. First they take the old weather reports and the information from satellites, balloons, radar stations and ships at sea and put them into a computer. Then the computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many Americans, they are important for farmers, pilots, astronauts, sportsmen, filmmakers and just for people who spend a lot of time outside. Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they like to talk about it and they like to watch TV weather forecasts. And for them the weather reports are important, too. 2. According to the text, mark the statements (a—e) as T if they are true and F if they are false. a) Americans don’t care what the weather will be like. ____ b) The Old Farmer’s newspaper gives the information about the weather for the year. ____ c) Old weather reports are useful for forecasting the weather. d) Weather reports are very important for people of different professions. ___ e) Americans dislike a lot of their weather. _ Your score 6 5 4 3 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. Jane will have her birthday in August. What will she do on her birthday? Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0 If the weather ii (be) lovely, Jane and her friends will swim (swim) in the river. Unit 6 4“Кузовлев, 6 КЛ. Test yourself 97 98 1 Jane and her friends ___________(be) fine. (have) a picnic if the weather 2 They 3 If it (go) to the beach if it_____________ (be) very hot. (rain), they____________ (stay) at home. 4 If Jane’s parents and her friends to the countryside 5 Jane _________ (agree), they (take) Jane (be) a heavy rain 6 Jane and her friends (be) hot and humid. (invite) her friends to the cafe if there ________________(not/stay in town) if it 2. Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms. Use the Present Progressive Tense, to be going to and the Future Simple Tense. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0 It is raining all day today. It is going to be wet (be) tomorrow. 1 There are many dark clouds. It __________________________ (snow). 2 — Do you have any plans for the weekend? — Yes, I (visit) my grandparents. 3 — Have a nice time in Edinburgh! What are your plans for the trip? — Maybe I there. (visit) the most beautiful places 4 It has become dark and stuffy. It __________________________ (be stormy). 5 — It will be sunny and warm tomorrow. Have you decided what to do tomorrow? Yes, I (plant) flowers in the gar- den. 3. Jane wrote about her trip to Scotland in her diary. What did she write about the weather in Scotland? Circle the correct word. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0 It is raining today. The weather is ________________________. a lovely wet c dry 1 It’s so cold outside. I am ______________________. a hot b fine c freezing Unit 6 Test yourself 2 The spring weather is fine. There is sunshine and the temperature is above zero. The snow is going to _________________ a snow. b melt. c rain. 3 It is cloudy and wet. It is going to be ________________ a foggy. b frosty. c sunny. 4 I don’t like this July. Do you know that there will be ________ tomorrow? a a thunderstorm b frost 5 The day is awful. A______________ be all day long. a light b mild c severe c sunshine wind is blowing and it will Your score 16—15 14—13 12—9 8 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 Ф WRITING Your foreign friend is going to visit you in August. What will you write to him/her about the weather in your region in August? (30 words) О CULTURAL AWARENESS What do you know about British culture? Mark the statements 1—4 as T if they are true and F if they are false. 1 The British never talk about the weather. ____________ 2 Many British people spend their holidays in Brighton. 3 It’s a lovely day. a — Yes, it’s lovely. _____________ b — Yes, it’s beautiful. __________ 4 Lord Nelson travelled to the Caribbean Sea. _____________ Your score 4 3 2 1 Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 6 4* Test yourself 99 о SELF-ASSESSMENT Description of achievement Level reached 5 I can read and understand stories and poems about the weather S I can understand: • the information about the weather in different regions; • the information about weather forecasts: • talks about the weather; • opinions about the four seasons m I can talk about the weather in my region I can say: • what I think about the weather; • how I feel about the weather; • what I do in different weather/sea-sons; • what season I like best El I can: • write a letter about the weather; • make a weather map Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • the Future Simple Tense; • to be going to\ • the Present Progressive Tense in the future meaning Учебные умения Не умею Умею • использовать функциональные опоры для составления диалога; • выполнять тестовые задания формата “True/False”: 100 Unit 6 Test yourself Продолжение Учебные умения Не умею Умею • работать с таблицей “Word building”; • различать грамматические явления; • представить проект Unit 7 a: What are you going to be? Lessons 1—2 1. Places people work at are different. What are some of these places? Make up new words. Match the words in two columns. You may use the words in the right column more than once. post station ______________________________________________ police company ______________________________________________ book office _______________________________________________ computer chocolate toy work factory shop 2. What jobs do some people have? Fill in the gaps with the words in the word box in the correct form. One word is extra. 1. She works in a clinic but she is not a doctor. She is 2. He works in a police station. He is _________________ 3. He designs new houses. He is ______________________. 4. She takes letters and parcels to people’s houses. She is 5. He works in a workshop. He is 6. They design bridges, cars and other machines. They are 7. She works in an office and helps her boss. She is 8. They work at a factory. They are ____________________ 9. They operate computers very well. They are 10. She works in a library and helps people to choose books. She is 11. They count other people’s money. They are 12. They know how to deal with money. They are 102 Unit 7 Lessons 1—2 an accountant • a lawyer • an architect a computer operator • a nurse • a businessman a designing engineer • a mechanic • a police officer a postal worker • a secretary • a worker • a librarian 3. What is special about some jobs? I think that the job of a_______ I think that the job of a_______ The job of a____________________ _________is hard but interesting. ________is useful but dangerous. is exciting but not very popular. Lessons 3—4 1. You go to school and it is your work. What do you have to do at school? What don’t you have to do at school? Choose the words from the two word boxes and make up sentences. Grammar for revision Modal verb have to He doesn’t have to go to school every day. They don’t have to go to school five days a week. GS pp. 156-157 Word box 1 answer teachers’ questions carry a heavy bag do homework tidy up the classroom wear a uniform come to school at ... make reports once a week be at school from ... to ... study rules at every lesson We have to go to school five days a week. OR________________________________ We don't have to go to school every day.____________________________________ Unit 7 Lessons 3—4 103 Word box 2 ' I I every day/two times a week/three times a week/two times a • ' month/three times a month , never/very often j 2. What must and must not you do at school? What do your teachers tell you? Make up sentences. Use the words from the word box. Grammar for revision Modal verb must If you want to be a good pupil, you must be ready for every lesson. You must not (mustn’t) forget to bring your homework diary to school. GS pp. 156-157 You must be polite to one another. You mustn't foraet уоыг books. eat in class forget your books use a mobile telephone write on your desk be polite to one another listen to your teacher shout in class forget to wear your uniform talk to one another do tests without your classmates’ help do your homework for every lesson 3. What do people have/do not have to do in their jobs? What must/must not they do? 1. Car designers design modern cars but they test them. I think, car designers __________ like driving cars. be clever and they 2. A nanny work with children. She get on well with them. Besides, she be trustworthy and kind. 104 Unit 7 Lessons 3—4 3. А lawyer know all the laws. But he/she _______keep be trustworthy the law and order in his/her job. Lawyers___________ professionals. 4. A librarian___________meet a lot of people during the day. A good librarian __________be ready to advise people what book to choose. But a librarian __ works in. 5. A businessman read all the books in the library she/he ________ make his business plan and organise other people to realize this plan. A business person __________ be trustworthy. 6. A housewife_________do a lot about the house. She_________look after her family. She does not need to go to work but what she does is a hard job. 7. A secretary ________ help her boss to plan his time and to answer the telephone. Sometimes she___________ prepare tea or coffee. But she_________ tidy up the office where she works. A good secretary _________use a computer very well. 8. A musician Musicians ____ 9. A cook ____ play a musical instrument very well. be both talented and hard-working, prepare meals. A good cook _______ lot of recipes. He be very careful and he know a know what food to choose. Lessons 5—6 1. People can ask about the same things in different ways. Grammar for revision Who?/what?-questions — Who is he? — What is he? — He’s Mr Brown. — He is a teacher. GS p. 157 Unit 7 Lessons 5—6 105 1) Match the questions that have the same meaning. 1. What is his name? a) What does she do? 2. Who are you? b) Who is he? 3. Who are they? c) What are their jobs? 4. What are you? d) What do you do? 5. What’s her job? e) What is she? 6. What are they? f) What are their names? 7. Who is she? g) What is her name? 2) Underline the questions which are about people’s jobs. 2. There are a lot of people who do unusual jobs in Great Britain. Some of these people wear special costumes and uniforms. Look at the photos, ask questions about these people’s jobs and find the answers. that man? she? he? 4. — they? a) — The Queen of Great Britain. b) — A Ravenmaster.* The Ravenmaster takes care of the Tower Ravens.* c) — Bobbies. The British call police officers Bobbies. d) — A sentry.* Sentries are soldiers who keep watch and guard.' 106 * to keep watch and guard — стоять на страже порядка Unit 7 Lessons 5—6 Lesson 7 1. Here are some irregular verbs. 1) Classify the verbs from the box in the right columns. make • taught • build • made • was/were • taught • meet • gone ^ driven • lost • met lose • took • become • frozen • became ' wrote • write • teach • take • begin • met I ' written • taken j won • go • sell win won made drive drove built freeze * froze be • been begun become VI V2 V3 make made made 2) Give the missing forms of these verbs. 2. The day you first went to school and birthdays are very important events which you always remember. What were your achievements and important events before these events? Use the words from the box. Before I started school _______________________________________________________ Unit 7 Lesson 7 107 Before I celebrated my 11th birthday learn to read/write/swim/... learn to play the piano/the guitar move to ... travel to ... win a competition in ... learn to ride a bike plant a tree explore change a school change my hairstyle learn to make a cake become a champion in Lesson 8 You have got a letter from your foreign friend Luke. He thinks learning at school is hard work which takes a lot of time. Luke also thinks that pupils must have more free time for some other more interesting things. What do you think about all this? Write a letter back to Luke. (50 words) Follow the rules of writing personal letters. 108 Unit 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Some children know what they are going to be when they grow up. What conversation about their future professions couid take piece between Danny and Jeff, if Danny wants to be a mechanic and Jeff wants to be a iawyer? Fiii in the chart beiow. Ask for arguments Give arguments against a chosen profession Don’t voti think it is ? You will have to Whv ? You will also have to and Besides, people in this iob/profession must • Disagree with your friend’s arguments and explain your choice I think that ________________________________________________ Г11 _________________________________________________________ Besides, ____________________________________________________ Unit 7 Lesson 9 109 CONSOLIDATION 1. Who are these people? What do they do? Complete the questions according to the answers. Grammar for revision Subject questions (Who...? What...?) What happened in 1805? — Admiral Nelson won the Trafalgar Battle. Who won the Trafalgar Battle? — Admiral Nelson. Who is she? — Mrs Brown. What is she? — A teacher. GS p. 157 1. — Harry Potter? 2. — wrote books about Joan Rowling? a) — Hans Christian Andersen was born. b) — Daniel Radcliffe. 3. played the role of Harry Potter? c) — Joanne Rowling. 4. — happened in 1805? d) — A popular British writer. 5. — _ friend? 6. — is your best is he? e) — My Dad (does). f) — A businessman. 110 7. — helps you with your homework? Unit 7 Consolidation g) — My Mum (is). 2. Emily Dickinson (1830—1886) was a famous American poet. What was special about her life? Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Grammar for revision The Past Simple Tense/the Past Perfect Tense Before they moved to town they had lived in the countryside. GS pp. 152, 155 Emily Dickinson (0) was (be) one of the three children of Edward Dickinson, a US congressman. She (1)_____________(be) born and (2)______________(grow up) in Amherst, Massachusetts, the USA. She (3) (not like) social activities and she (4) ______________ (live) a lonely life in Amherst. Before Emily Dickinson (5) _______________ (be) 30 she (6) ______________________ (become) a recluse.^ She (7) __________________ (not leave) her father’s house and (8) ____________________ (have) few visitors. She (9) __________________ (write) beautiful poems and very few people (10) ___________(know) about it. Before Emily (11)___________(die^) ' > />v - in 1886 she (12) _ Her poems (13) the world. (write) more than 1000 poems. ____ (make) her famous all over 3. Ask questions to show your interest. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Grammar for revision Modal verb have to Do you have to work a lot? Will you have to do it tomorrow? Why did you have to do that? GS pp. 156—157 * a recluse — затворница ^ to die — умирать Unit 7 Consolidation 111 0. I had to cook food yesterday. Л'.| v'ti. Iicve !.o took roL4i yesterday? 1. He will have to write this letter. When _______________________________________ 2. They have to work a few days a week. How often ______________________________ 3. She has to go away. Where_________________ 4. We have to do a test. Do (really)________________________ 5. My brother has to drive a car. Why________________________________ 4t. What is Molly going to be when she grows up? Does she know anything about her future profession? Fill in the gaps with have to or must in the correct form. — I think I will be a model. — A model? What_________________ models ______________ do? — A lot of interesting things. I learn how to wear clothes, how to pose before cameras. — ___________________you _________________ sell clothes? — Oh no. Models I ______________ — What else ___ _______________ do things like that. help designers to sell their clothes. _______ models ________________do? — I don’t know yet. But I know that models and pretty. But my Mum says that I __________ about my appearance. First of all, I ________ school. That’s what’s important. be slim think much think about 5. In summer in Great Britain a lot of children look for summer jobs. Here are some summer jobs for children. 1) Fill in the gaps with must or have to in the correct form. More than one variant is possible. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Grammar for revision Modal verbs have to/must You’ll have to deal with a lot of people every day. They don’t have to tidy up the offices in which they work. We must come on time. We mustn’t be late. QS pp. 156—157 112 Unit 7 Consolidation 0. А child must be 13 or 14 years old to have a job. 1. If you are 13 or 14, you ________work for more than 25 hours a week. Newspaper delivering 2. You ________ get up early in the morning, at 6 or 6:30 am. 3. You _______ be healthy because you’ll ________ carry heavy bags. 4. You _________ do a lot of walking or cycling. Shop work 5. You __ 6. You __ 7. You Dog walking 9. You ____ ______be a fast learner. ______ always be on time. ______ deal with a lot of people. 8. A good shop assistant ___________ work well with other people and be friendly. like dogs and enjoy their com- pany. 10. When you walk the dogs you up any mess they may make. to clear 2) This is what some children think about working in summer. Fill in the gaps with must or have to in the correct form. More than one variant is possible. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0. Last summer I had 1' work in the holidays because I wanted to buy a new mobile phone. 1. Newspaper delivering ... I didn’t like this job because I___________get up early. 2. Paper rounds? In this job you ____________ do a lot of walking or cy- cling. I don’t like it very much. 3. I would like to deliver papers. I and I’ll be free in the afternoon! work in the morning Unit 7 Consolidation 113 4. Shop work? Well, I like meeting new people but in this job children _________be fast learners and never be late. It is very difficult. 5. Dog walking? I had an unhappy experience. When I weis walking the dogs I_____________ to clean up all the mess they made. That was terrible! 6. Dog walking? No problems ... Every day I ________________ own two dogs. Why not walk some other people’s dogs? 6. Board game. Answer the questions below. walk my 1. What do you know about this job? What do you think of it? 2. Would you like to have this job or not? Why? 114 Unit 7 Consolidation 3. What do these two jobs have in common^? Name four common features. 4. Which of your or your friends’ relatives had done this job before? What do they do now? Lessons 12—13 TEST YOURSELF Ot LISTENING COMPREHENSION Marcy and Joel are the two main characters in the book The Cat Ate My Gymsuit by P. Danziger. They are talking about their future professions. Don’t take their talk seriously. What are they going to be when they grow up? Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false. 1 Joel says that he is going to be a set of Tinker Toys. _________ 2 Marcy says that she would like to be a kumquat. __________ 3 Marcy knows what a kumquat looks like. ___________ 4 Joel is going to be a doctor. _______ 5 Joel can play music. ________ 6 Marcy wants to write books. _________ 7 Joel wants to be a musician. ________ Ч/ •vfa-, ^ What do ... have in common? — Что общего ...? Unit 7 Test yourself 115 Your score 7 6-5 4 3 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 о READING COMPREHENSION Here are two stories. One is told by Harriet* from the book Harriet the Spy and the other one by Russell Baker, a popular American journalist. Mark the sentences after the stories with T if the information is true and with F if the information is faise. Harriet: When I am big I will be a spy.^ I will go to one country and will find out its secrets and then I will go to another country and tell them. And then I will find out their secrets and I will go back to the first one and rat^ on the second. Then I go to the second and rat on the first. I will be the best spy and I will know everything. Everything. Maybe when I grow up I can have an office. People will come in and tell me who to go and spy on. I would like to have a gun® and follow people. Russell: Fifty years ago parents still asked boys if they wanted to grow up to be President. A great number of little boys said yes and meant it. When they asked me I said NO. I didn’t want to grow up to be President. “Well, what do you want to be then when you grow up?” asked my uncle. I loved to collect bottles, tin cans with pretty labels, and old magazines. “I want to be a garbage man"*,” I said. 1 In her future profession Harriet will know everything about people in different countries and what these people do. ________ 2 In her job Harriet will have to tell other people about her secrets. 3 Harriet wants to work in her own office. _________ 4 When Russell was small, he wanted to be President. ___________ 5 When Russell was a child, he collected bottles and cans. 6 Russell liked to read old magazines with pretty pictures. a spy — шпион ^ to rat — доносить ® a gun — пистолет * a garbage man — дворник, мусорщик 116 Unit 7 Test yourself Your score 6 5—4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 ф USE OF ENGLISH (GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY) 1. What do these people have to do in their jobs? Underline the correct word in brackets. There is an exampie (0) for you. Mr Gordon is an architect. He (0) (designs/examines) comfortable houses and other (1) (buildings/enterprises). He does not have to (2) (organise/explain) people to build them. Mrs Lee is (3) (a postal worker/a postal officer). She (4) (deliv-ers/reads) newspapers and letters to people. Mr Bixby and Mr Fraser are (5) (engineers/designers). They (6) (repair/design) and build engines, machines, bridges. Mrs Pierce is (7) (a manager/a housewife) in a big supermarket. She (8) (organises/does) other people’s job. Mr Pierce is a mechanic. He has to (9) (repair/produce) cars and he has to (10) (explain/serve) to a driver what has happened to his or her car. 2, Russell Baker is an American journalist. Read about Russell Baker’s Job which he did when he was eight. Fill in the gaps with have to and must in the correct form. When Russell Baker was a small boy, he worked as a paper boy. He didn’t like this job because he (1)__________do a lot of things he did not like. He (2) _________ get up early. He (3) ___________ carry a heavy bag with a lot of newspapers. He (4)___________walk from house to house and ring the doorbells. Every day he (5) _____________ sell 30 newspapers but he didn’t. His mother told him, “You (6) work a lot. You (7) __________ know that life is not all play. If you want to make a fortune you (8) _____________ have the character. If at first you cannot do what you should, you (9) _____________ feel unhappy. You (10)______________________________________________work and work.” In his dreams Russell want- ed to be a writer. He thought the life of a writer was easy. Writers (11)_________to walk from house to house. They (12)______________carry Unit 7 Test yourself 117 а heavy bag. They (13) _____________ ring doorbells. And what is more, writers (14) __________have the character. 3. Complete the questions according to the answers. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 0 — who works in an office? — Nat’s mum. 1 — is she? — A secretary. 2 — has worked at a police — My Granddad. station? 3 — was he? — A police officer 4 — works on Sundays? — Paul’s dad. 5 — is going to work in — My Mum. a supermarket? 6 — is she? — An accountant. 7 — is working in a workshop? — My Dad. 8 — What ? — A bus driver. 4. Jane’s trip was interesting. Why? Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms (the Past Simple Tense, the Past Perfect Tense). There is an example (0) at the beginning. Jane and her parents (0) came (come) to St David’s on July 22. They (1) _____________ (find) that their friends (2)____________________ (leave) before they arrived. Jane and her parents (3) __________________ (go) to one of the beautiful beaches. Jane (4) _________________________ (not see) a city in the park before they (5) ___________________________ (come) to St David’s. They (6) _____ wonderful old buidings and (7) _ They (8) ___________________________ (9)______________(go) home before they (10) _ (enjoy) the (walk) a lot. (be) sorry that their friends ________________________(meet). Q WRITING Emily Henson has written a ietter to one of the children’s newspapers. Her letter is about her mother’s profession, which Emily thinks to be very interesting. She wants to be an accountant, too. What do you think about all of this? Write a letter to the newspaper. (50 words) 118 Unit 7 Test yourself о CULTURAL AWARENESS How well do you know British and American culture? Choose the correct answer and circle the corresponding letter. 1 A Sentry is a a soldier who keeps order, b a person who takes care of Tower Ravens, c a police officer. 2 Roald Dahl was a a famous writer. b a famous filmmaker, c a famous musician. 3 Vivien Leigh was a a famous American actress, b a famous Hollywood filmmaker, c a famous British musician. 4 James Cook was a a famous sea explorer, b a famous admiral, c a famous cook. 5 Before Charles Dickens became a famous writer he had been a a journalist. b a shop assistant in a bookshop, c a traveller. Your score 5 4 3 2 and less Your mark 5 4 3 2 Unit 7 Test yourself 119 о SELF-ASSESSMENT i~~i~ iiTTfi^a Description of achievement Level reached В I can read and understand: • stories about people and their jobs/professions; • stories about what people have to/must do in their jobs; • stories about what people had done before ВЯ I can understand: • people’s talks about their work/jobs/professions; • what children say about their parents’ work/jobs/professions: • children’s opinions about school as work ^ I can: • ask what a person’s name or profession is; • talk about my parents’ jobs; • talk about my future profession; • express my opinion about someone’s job/profession; • express my opinion about school as work; • ask about and express an opinion about a chosen profession Б I can write: • about my parents’ jobs; • about what I will have to do when I grow up; • about what I am going to be in the future; • a personal letter about learning at school Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • modal verbs have to/must\ • subject questions (Who...?/ What...?); 120 Unit 7 Test yourself Продолжение Grammar checklist Can understand Can use • the Past Perfect Tense/the Past Simple Tense; • dates; • словообразование: суффиксы существительных -ег, -or, -ist, -ian Учебные умения Не умею Умею • использовать разные способы запоминания английских слов; • работать с таблицей “Word building" • использовать функциональные опоры для диалогической речи; • различать видовременные формы; • проводить опрос и подготовить сообщение; • выполнять задания в формате “True/False”; • представить проект Unit 7 Test yourself 121 ALL ABOUT 1. The way I looked when I was born. My height _______________________ My weight _______________________ My eyes _________________________ My hair _________________________ The way I look now. I am __________ My ____________ and 2. My favourite clothes. My favourite clothes are I usually wear to At weekends I like wearing and but to parties I usually wear something great: Now I have got on. 122 All about me 3. Му best friend. Write down your friend’s name vertically.^ Think of your friend’s characteristics for each letter of the name. I like my friend because 4. My flat/house. I live in There is/are ____________ I (don’t) have __________ My room is comfortable There is/are ____________ Besides _________________ on My room is because I like ^ vertically [ 'V3:tik9li] — вертикально 123 All about me 5. Му address. Му address is 6. How I help about the house. I (don’t) often help a lot about the house. I usually ___________________________________ I sometimes _________________________________ I like______________________________________ But I don’t like 7. What we’ve got in our refrigerator. This is our refrigerator. It is ______________________ and There are in it. There are a few We also have some We haven’t* got _____ and a lot of ________ and That’s too bad. But there are some products I like a lot. Here they are __________________________ 8. The recipe for my favourite dish. My favourite dish is ______________ This is a picture of my favourite dish. 124 All about me То cook you need I like a lot. It tastes 9. Healthy and unhealthy foods for me. are healthy for me. 10. My healthy family. My __________________ has hasn’t has My has hasn’t has 11. My parents’ jobs. My Mum works in She is a ____________ She has to I think that she My Dad is a ___ He works ______ He has to______ He says that 12. What I am going to be. I’m going to be a________ are unhealthy for me. this week this today this week this today and and in his job. I think that this profession is I like ________________________ 125 All about me People in this profession have to They must ______________________ I want _________________________ I hope __________________ too. My parents IL ;) у V-s. ri Ш ti Л I "^'4 /IL .-i- ii ^ --i 127 • .''.f. ,мл ч%\Г' .7 \ / / W >-ЧГ( J- о 128 Contents Unit 1 ................................................... 3 Unit 2 .................................................. 17 Unit 3 .................................................. 32 Unit 4 .................................................. 51 Unit 5 .................................................. 69 Unit 6 .................................................. 87 Unit 7 ..................................................102 All about me ............................................122 Учебное издание Серия «Академический школьный учебник» Кузовлев Владимир Петрович, Лапа Наталья Михайловна, Перегудова Эльвира Шакировна, Костина Ирина Павловна, Кузнецова Елена Вячеславовна, Дуванова Ольга Викторовна Английский язык Рабочая тетрадь 6 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Е. Ю. Туйцыпа Художники М. М. Салтыков, А. Г. Воробьёв Художественные редакторы В. Н. Алексеев, Н. В. Дождёва Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка Л. М. Абрамовой, О. А. Федотовой Корректоры Д. А. Белитов, И. Б. Окунева Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 — 953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 19.09.12. Формат 84X108'/к,. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Школьная. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 6,95. Доп. тираж 35 000 экз. Заказ № 35091 iKSmi. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещеиие*. 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат* ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1. Тел.: + 7(4812)31-11-96. Факс: *7(4812)31-31-70. E-mail: 8pk