Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева часть 1

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 6 класс Рабочая тетрадь Афанасьева Михеева часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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_____ ^ PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS о. V. AFANASYEVA I.V. MIKHEEVA о. в. АФАНАСЬЕВА И. В. МИХЕЕВА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК D J/Д VE Й€ла1€€ Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 14-е издание Москва «Просвещение» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 А94 Рабочая тетрадь является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для VI класса общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка и содержит упражнения для выполнения учащимися в классе и дома. Материал рабочей тетради соотнесён с соответствующими уроками учебника и способствует формированию у учащихся умений в аудировании, говорении, чтении и нисьме в рамках предлагаемой авторами тематики. ISBN 978-5-09-028816-3 Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006 Все права защищены • Today's Quotation' • While there is life there’s hope. О Write 10 sentences to describe the picture. ■ I ■ ' quotation [kwoo'teijn] — цитата 1* о This is a card Kate sent to her friend from a holiday camp. A. Describe how Kate spent her time in the holiday camp last summer. 2)ear OL^a, J cun (juritifig to uou potn a suMner holideuf ciuttfi. 1 >'еаЩ Like it here, tvery day is different. We go to the forest and u/atch the huxls. The ureather keefis fine, so u/e su/ifn in the Lake eutd Lie in the sun a Lot. 7t seldom rains and are have to water the filants in the garden every evening, hut J enjoy doing it. 7 have some very good friends here - a hoy cuid two girls. The hoy filays the guitar and sings very well. 7n the evenings we sometimes make a fire, sit around it cuid sing together and sometimes we g^ uft early in the morning and watch the sunrise. Jt seems to he the best summer in щ whole Life! 7 ho fie you are keefling well. Cive nof love to your fiarents and your sister. See you at school very soon. Hour !!ate В. Write a postcard to a friend or a relative and describe your own summer. (Write in the past tense because the summer is over.) ^ Your friend has just come from the country where he spent his holidays. You want to know as much as possible about his holidays. Use the word combinations from the box and write questions that you can ask him. IXAMIPLE: How often did you make a fire? to make a fire, to build sandcastles, to wear jeans and T-shirts, to stay much outdoors, to meet different people, to take little children to the zoo, to have a swim, to be hot and sunny, to rain a lot, to read much, to grow vegetables, to eat a lot of fruit, to ride bicycles о Look at the pictures and write what Mike and his friends used to do during the summer. 7r^=^T Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in past simple or past progressive. Л: Wasn’t the 9 o’clock film interesting? B: (not watch; mum/watch the 9 o’clock news) I didn’t watch the film because mum was watching the 9 o’clock news. 1. A: Linda! Wake up! It’.s not polite to sleep when your elder brother is talking. B: (not sleep; I/think with my eyes closed) 2. A: I saw you in mum’s new hat! B: (not wear; I/try it on) 3. A: Helen, what shall I do? B: Sorry, (I/not listen) 4. А: Did you enjoy the football match? B: {wejnot play; it/rain) 5. A: How are you after your swimming race? B: (we/not swim; the weather/be cold) 6. A: I phoned at 5, but there was no answer. B: Naturally. {I/do shopping at the time) 7. A: Why did you tell your brother a lie? B: (I/not; I/joke) 8. Л: Did you win the race? B: (we/not run; a thunderstorm/begin) 9. A: Why did you write your test so badly? B: (I/whisper the answer to John) 10. A: So, what did your mother say about your plan? B: (I/not tell her; she/be busy; she/talk on the phone) Q You have heard a weather forecast for different places in Russia. Write what you have heard. Use the words from the box. In Moscow the day will be cold with heavy showers. In Moscow... In St. Petersburg... In Astrakhan... In Tula... In Novgorod... In Lipetsk... In Kursk... In Saratov... In Murmansk... In Novosibirsk... cold warm foggy cool bright dry cloudy hot wet rainy frosty clear misty windy with heavy showers with a lot of snow with a lot of sunshine with a thick fog with rainstorms О Open the brackets and complete the text. I want to tell you what (1. happen) to me yesterday afternoon. When I (2. come) home from school I (3. have) dinner and (4. begin) doing my homework. While I (5. do) it, the telephone (6. ring). It (7. be) my friend. He (8. say) he (9. have) something important to tell me and (10. ask) me to come to his place. I (11. leave) home two minutes later. It (12. be) a wonderful day. The sun (13. shine) and a pleasant cool wind (14. blow). I (15. feel) very happy. I (16. know) something wonderful (17. be) going to happen. When I (18. come) to my friend’s place, I (19. find) the door of his flat open. I (20. come) in. My friend (21. sit) on the floor. In front of him (22. stand) a big box and he (23. look) into it. I (24. come) up to him and (25. look) into the box too. There (26. be) two lovely puppies in the box! “Here,” said my friend. “One is mine and one is yours. You always (27. want) to have a poodle. It (28. be) my surprise.” The little puppies (29. play) with each other. It (30. be) fun to watch them. I (31. choose) the bigger one, (32. thank) my friend and (33. go) home. I (34. think) that all the people in the street (35. look) at me and my dog. I (36. feel) so happy! О Write it in words; -3°; 0°; +17“; -19“; +25“; -14“ О Write the same in English. 1. «Новости» — это ежедневная телевизионная программа. 2. Сквозь туманную дымку мы увидели башни старого города. 3. Ты слышал сегодня сводку погоды? 4. Мы не ждём гостей сегодня. 5. — Сколько разных цветов у радуги? — Семь. 6. День был тихий и ясный. Ветра не было. 7. Предсказывать погоду — трудное занятие. 8. «Мои родители имели обыкновение читать газеты ежедневно», — сказала мама спокойным голосом. 9. Лёгкий туман рассеялся к утру, когда мы покидали лагерь. 10. — Как люди используют барометр? — Он помогает предсказать погоду. ф Complete the chart below. Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb ... happily fast ... hard ... late ... * • • daily calm ... ... early ф Do you remember your last birthday? Try to remember and describe the weather on that day. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge' Ш 1. She sells seashells on the seashore. UNIT ■ I Today's Quotation Do all the good you can, ■ Ц ” By all the means you can. In all the ways you can, In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can. О Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. The doctor asked me to breathe in and out several times. 2. Here’s the taxi, get in quickly. 3. Do come in; we’ve been waiting for you. 4. The weather is wonderful and I don’t want to stay in. 5. “Get out of here!” shouted the man angrily. 6. The door was locked and the poor dog stayed out all night. 7. “Is anybody in?” Goldilocks asked. 8. In summer the children lived in the mountains and learned to cook on a fire and sleep out. ‘ Tongue-twister Challenge [Длд twisto 'tjslinrhl — попробуй сказать скороговорку о Fill in either in or out to make the sentences complete. 1. We lifted our heads to breathe ... fresh clear air. 2. She has to stay ... and do the dishes. 3. His new book will come ... in summer. 4. A young lady got ... of the taxi and entered the hotel. 5. When you breathe ..., you make air come ... of your lungs through your nose or mouth. 6. When the sun, moon or stars come ..., they appear in the sky. 7. Peter, stand up and come ... to the blackboard. 8. “Breathe ... deeply through your nose,” said the doctor. 9. It is getting a bit cold to sleep ... . 10. She breathed ... through her lips to try and cool the hot tea. О Look at the pictures and write 3 sentences about each picture saying what the people were not doing. о Mf Green wants to go to Spain on holiday. Complete his conversation with a travel agent. Mr Green: Which is the best ... to visit Spain? Travel Agent: It depends: if you like ... weather, you can go there in summer, but if you prefer ... weather, I advise you to visit Spain in early spring or late autumn. Mr Green: Isn’t the weather ... in autumn? I hear that one day can be sunny and another day can be ... . Travel Agent: Not quite so. October is a very pleasant month in Spain with a ... temperature of about 18—20°. Though it can be ... in the morning so you have to be careful if you are going to drive. I don’t think there will be any rainstorms or ... . Mr Green: I hope not. So I won’t need to take my ... and umbrella. Travel Agent: Definitely not. I’m sure you’ll have a ... time in Spain. О Complete the two columns following the example. She had a great influence on her little brother. She influenced her little brother a lot. 1. 2. His words had a great influence on the pupils. 3_______________________________ 4. Chekhov’s plays still have a strong influence on modern writers. 5. _____________________________ 6. Climate always has an influence on man’s behaviour. 1. My parents have always influenced me. 2. ______________________________ 3. Radio and television influence people’s lives. 4. ______________________________ 5. Did anybody influence your decisions? 6. _______________________________ О Look through the text “Climate" (ex. 16 in your textbook) and complete the sentences. 1. Climate has a very important influence on ... 2. At the same time the coldest place on the planet ... 3. In the Arctic ... 4. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn ... 5. But recently climate has changed a lot ... 6. Winters have become ... 7. The taiga zone has ... 8. Nowadays the air surrounding the Earth has become much warmer because ... 9. Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals 10. Trees take this gas from the air, and ... О Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense to complete the text. THE STRANGEST BOOKMARKS’ I (f. work) in a public library. I (2. work) here for many years and I (3. love) my job. I think I (4. be) lucky (5. have) it. First of all I (6. not have to) get up early as the library (7. open) at 10 o’clock. Secondly, it (3. be) interesting work because people always (9. come) in and (10. ask) me (11. help) them. This way I already (12. meet) a lot of interesting people. Yesterday a man (13. come) to ask me about the climate in Brazil. While I (14. look) for this information, I (15. learn) a lot of interesting things about that wonderful country. There is something else that makes me like my job and that is bookmarks. People (16. use) the strangest things as bookmarks. I (17. find) a penknife, a comb, a watch, a key, lots of pens and pencils, different leaves and flowers and what not. But the other day I (18. have) a surprise of my life: I (19. open) the book and what I (20. see) (21. be) a huge toothi It (22. be) used as a bookmark. * a bookmark — закладка для книг о Fill in the missing forms of the verbs. I II HI IV ездить верхом ride ... ... ... носить (одежду) ... wore ... ... покупать ... ... bought • . . знать ... ... ... knowing гореть, сжигать ... burnt, burned ... ... кашлять ... ... coughed ... путешествовать > • > ... ... travelling прятать(ся) hide ... ... ... пахнуть ... ... smelled, smelt ... ломать ... ... breaking причинять боль ... hurt ... • •• кивать ... • •• nodded ... завязывать tie • • • • • • ... беспокоить(ся) worry • «« ... ... жарить ... ... ... frying бросать • • • .. • thrown • • • О Make the sentences complete using present perfect or present perfect progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1. Thank you. I {read) your book. You can have it back. 2. Nelly, how long you (read) “Robin Hood”? 3. My elder sister (cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet. 4. I (make) already the pie. Have you set the table, dear? 5. — Why are your hands dirty? — I (work) in the garden. I (make) two flowerbeds. 6. I never (be) to Italy, but I always (want) to be there. 7. Oh, look! She (drink) the whole bottle of milk. 8. Jack and John (play) tennis for an hour and a half and they (play) three games. 9. I am tired. I (wash) the dishes for the whole evening. I am sorry, I (break) one plate. 10. Nick is working on his computer. He (work) since 9. But I (work, not) on it in my life. ф А. Маке up words from the parts in the box. weather bow rain house sun man green light sun storm rain shine B. Write your own sentences with the words you have made up. Ф Write the same in English. 1. — Ты видел радугу вчера вечером? — Нет. Я никогда не видел радугу. 2. Ник живет на побережье всю свою жизнь. 3. Его книги всегда оказывают большое влияние на детей. 4. В конце XX века люди много говорили о климатических изменениях. Погода стала изменчивой. 5. Ливень с ураганом уничтожил (разрушил) поля. 6. Что вы знаете о ♦ парниковом эффекте»? 7. Я очень люблю солнце (солнечный свет) и солнечную погоду. Всегда любил их, но я терпеть не могу жару. 8. Что вы жгли в саду вчера вечером около восьми? 9. — Ты разбила мамину любимую чашку! — Да, она была такая хрупкая. 10. Люди и животные вдыхают кислород, а выдыхают углекислый газ. 11. Каким образом люди производят углекислый газ? 12. За последнее время климат очень сильно изменился на нашей планете. 13. Сегодня туманный день. Какую погоду мы ожидаем завтра? 14. Он спит на открытом воздухе с 10 лет и никогда не простужается. 15. В наши дни дорого питаться вне дома. 16. —Как давно ты знаешь Вильямса? — Я знаю его 3 года. 17. У меня эти часы уже 5 лет. Мне их купил папа в Санкт-Петербурге. Они ещё не останавливались. 18. Какая сегодня чудесная погода! Ярко светит солнце, на небе нет облаков, но немного прохладно. Дует холодный ветер. 19. — Какая сегодня температура? — Ноль градусов. Не та погода, чтобы кататься на лыжах. Ф Describe the climate at the place where you live. 1. Are summers cold (hot)? Have they become drier (wetter)? Are there many rainstorms? 2. Are winters warm (severe)? Arc there many snowstorms? Was it so in the past? Do you remember any snowless winters (snowless New Years)? 3. Do autumns and springs tend to be rainy and cold or otherwise? 4. Do you like this kind of climate? Ф Write a paragraph called “Our weather is going crazy”. О Explain why greenhouse effect can be dangerous for our planet. Write 15—20 sentences. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 2. Swan, swam over the sea. Swim, swan, swim! Swan swam back again. Well swum, swan! ■ ■ Today's Quotation What is a butterfly?* At best he is a caterpillar^ dressed. О A. Put the adverbs from the box on the scale in the right order from always to hardly ever. generally/usually, seldom, often, hardly ever, always, some-times/occasionally 1. always 2. 6. hardly ever 4. * a butterfly [bAtaflail — бабочка * a caterpillar I'kxtapils] — гусеница в. Translate the adverbs in brackets and complete these sentences putting the adverbs in the right place. 1. Mammals live in the trees {редко). 2. Boxes are made of cardboard {часто). 3. One can see this wonderful bird {почти не, едва ли). It has become almost extinct. 4. You can find the most interesting species of animals in zoological gardens {обычно). 5. When people ruin natural habitats {время от времени), birds and animals leave them {всегда). 6. We say “birds and animals” forgetting that birds are also animals {часто). 7. It is difficult to cure this disease {иногда). 8. In this peirt of the country it rains in summer {едва ли, почти не). 9. People keep reptiles as pets {редко). 10. You can see swans on the ponds in our cities {время от времени). О Choose the right form of the possessive and personal pronouns and complete the sentences. We gave them our presents and they gave us theirs. 1. She gave me ... phone number and I gave her ... . 2. They gave you ... car and ... . 3. He gave them ... documents and ... . 4. We gave her ... address and ... . 5. She showed me ... greenhouse and I ... . 6. He showed ... new pigeons and we ... . 7. They told her ... fairy tale and she ... . 8. She told ... about her new pet and I told ... about ... . 9. I brought them ... puppy and they ... . 10. He ruined ... sandcastle and we destroyed ... . О Write sentences to say what the usual habitats for these animals are: foxes, snakes, bears, crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, eagles, mice, wolves, giraffes. Forests are usual habitats for foxes. О Change the sentences to use passive structures. Nowadays people hardly ever read books in Old English. Books in Old English are hardly ever read nowadays. 1. They always take pictures on holidays. 2. Do people write letters nowadays? 3. We never expect rainstorms in winter. 4. Postmen usuedly bring daily newspapers in the morning. 5. He often breaks fragile things. 6. People often grow vegetables and flowers in greenhouses. 7. Schoolchildren occasionally burn dry leaves in autumn. 8. We hardly ever make marmalade from lemons. 9. The doctors cured your dog in no time. 10. Walt Disney created a lot of funny characters in his cartoons. О Look through ex. 10 in your textbook and write a list of hobbies typical of both Russia and Great Britain. О Make your own sentences using the table and write at least 10 sentences of your own. EXAMtf^LE: The work must be completed soon. the work must be completed soon this telegram ought to be sent today the film has to be watched in the evening • • • have to • ■ ■ • • • • • • should • • • • • • ... can ... ... О Express the same in a different way. E>tAMi^»LE: When did God create the world according to the Bible? When was the world created? 1. You should include this name on the list. This name should ... . 2. Don’t damage these trees: they look so beautiful! These trees shouldn’t ... . 3. Animals die out if people destroy their habitats. Animals die out if their habitats ... . 4. The vet^ cured the dog with great difficulty. The dog ... . 5. Let’s not endanger animals. Animals must not ... . 6. During the war fascists [Tai/ists] destroyed a lot of cities and vi-lagcs. A lot of cities and villages ... . О Write the same in English, use passive structures. 1. Радугу можно видеть на небе после дождя, когда светит солнце. 2. Жары следует ожидать только в конце июня. 3. Где в наше время можно купить барометр? 4. Эти виды животных должны быть помещены (put) в наш зоопарк в этом году. 5. Твою ' vet = veterinarian (.vetarineananj — ветеринар хрупкую чашку можно легко разбить. Будь осторожен! 6. Эти прекрасные леса не должны быть уничтожены. 7. Отсюда можно увидеть побережье Франции. 8. Некоторые серьёзные болезни не могут быть вылечены. 9. На заводе должны производиться 250 автомобилей ежедневно. 10. Сколько имён должно быть включено в наш список (list)? Complete the sentences using the words from the box. endanger, cardboard, include, cure, pigeons, species, insects, extinct, mammal, habitats, creature 1. Many ... of animals can become ... in the near future. 2. Nowadays many scientists say that some chemicals* can ... human life. 3. Birds are animals. Are ... also animals? 4. Tourists photographed the ... in Trafalgar Square. 5. Nelly’s pig was a funny ..., with short legs, small ears, and not much hair on its skin. 6. Boxes are generally made of ... . 7. Lakes and ponds are natural ... for frogs. What are usual ... for snakes? 8. How many stories does the book ...? 9. The crocodile is not a ..., it’s a reptile. 10. Don’t worry, I’ll ... your little rabbit. Ф A. Fill in the gaps choosing suitable reflexive pronouns. 1. She felt so unhappy that she threw ... on the bed and cried. 2. Look at ... in the mirror: your face is all dirty. 3. Hurry up, children! Put away your toys. You must do it ... . 4. After the shower he dried ... on a big and soft towel. 5. It was a wonderful day and we really enjoyed ... . 6. It was a new place and soon we understood that we had lost ... . 7. I know that I’ll never let ... ask her such a question. 8. The boy threw ... upon his knees in front of the king. 9. They have nobody to thank but ... . 10. She never lets ... shout at her dog. B. Write the same in English. 1. Чтобы купить картон и бумагу, мы пошли в магазин «Сделай это сам» (DIY). 2. Он так устал, что бросился на землю и тут же заснул. 3. Уверен, что на концерте вы получите огромное удовольствие. 4. Они никогда не позволяют себе опаздывать па 'chemicals I'kcmiklz] — химикаты уроки. 5. Смотри, не потеряйся, когда будешь идти через лес. 6. Она посмотрела на себя в зеркало и улыбнулась. 7. Ты такой мокрый! Возьми полотенце и вытрись поскорее. 8. Не беспокойся. Я всё сделаю сам. Ф А. Say what the difference between the verbs to destroy and to damage is. To damage something means to spoil it physically, so that it does not work properly or does not look as good as it did before. To destroy something means to damage it so much that it is completely ruined. B. Choose either to destroy or to damage to express this idea in English. 1. разбить армию 2. уничтожить бумаги (документы) 3. повредить корабль 4. испортить багаж 5. разбить надежды 6. повредить глаза 7. расстроить чьи-то планы 8. згничтожить леса 9. разорвать (испортить) платье 10. повредить нашему здоровью Ф Write а short story about: 1) your pet if you have one; 2) your friend's pet; 3) your favourite hobby; 4) your friend’s (parents’) favourite hobby. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 3. If a dog chews^ shoes What shoes would he choose to chew? Too few for sure. You’re a choosy’’' shoe-chewer. ‘ to cliew [tfu:] — жевать * choosy l‘tfu:zi] — разборчивый, капризный UNIT 4 ■ ■ Today's Quotation Better to give than to take. О A. Look and compare these 2 sentences. Can you see the difference between them? Notice the use of the comma.’ If people use nuclear weapons, they will destroy our planet. People will destroy our planet if they use nuclear weapons. B. Complete the sentences using the comma where necessary. 1. If people think more about ecology ... . 2. We’ll have no shortage of food when ... . 3. ... when we solve this problem. 4. ... if we use filters. 5. We shall survive if ... . 6. ... if we don’t dump waste into rivers. 7. If children take care of animals ... . 8. ... if people don’t destroy their habitats. 9. When I come to the country ... . 10. They will see many species of mammals when ... . О Write questions to these sentences to find out where and when these things will be done. The floor will be washed. — When will the floor be washed? — Where will the floor be washed? 1. Bread will be bought. 2. The carpet will be cleaned. 3. The work will be finished. 4. The game will be played. 5. The table will be set. 6. The operation will be made. ' comma ['кптэ] — запятая о Find 9 words connected with animals and their life in this word search square. a r d о m 0 P s a X к о m e h r w h m a m m a 1 b X b f s a V a n n a e z t f c t h u e о s u n i i b t q a a e e У m d s n r d c b g X e V s a P c s V e i z о w b P n e t r e P t i 1 e f e g r f g m c a f n к n c e q d t u V t a e b g i r t w h c r e a t u r e e c d i c u g c q n X s d О Use the word combinations to write what the children will do or won’t do if they join the “Save the Animals" society. If the children join the “Save the Aniinal.s” society, they will feed birds in winter. to feed birds in winter, to clean animeds’ habitats, to help to keep rivers clean, to throw (dump) waste into rivers, to protect wild animals, to damage the environment, to hurt animals, to take home stray* animals, to prepare food for cold seasons, to help animals to survive, to catch insects, to collect birds’ eggs * stray [slrei] — бездомный (о животных) Change the sentences to use passive structures and write them down. A. 1. Nowadays people forecast weather more accurately. 2. Children should take care of animals. 3. Countries must not test nuclear weapons. 4. Factories and plants must not poison water in the rivers. 5. Humans should keep their environment clean. 6. People should not dump waste into lakes, rivers, and seas. 7. Doctors should cure dangerous diseases. 8. We ought to save endangered animals and plants. 9. Man should not influence climate so much. B. 1. They always take pictures on holidays. 2. Do people often write letters nowadays? 3. What do we usually make salads from? 4. The weathermen expect a rainstorm tomorrow. 5. People generally grow flowers in front of their houses. 6. Grannies usually tell wonderful fairy tales. 7. Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg in 1703. 8. What languages do people speak in India? 9. The fire destroyed the palace. 10. You won’t forget our meeting, you will remember it. О Express the same using the comparative degree of the following adjectives. not so bad=b... not so liad=better not so iigly^b... not so ugly=more beautiful not so not so not so not so not so not so not so not so not so not so good=u»... wet=d... difficult=e... boring=i... small=h... unpleasant=p. sad=/i... short=Z... easy-^d... cheap=e... О You are preparing a geography quiz for your friends. Make questions about some interesting facts. You have all the answers ready. EXAMMJE: Which is the largest city in Australia? — Sydney is. 1) ? New York is. 2) ? Everest is. 3) ? Russia is. 4) ? The Nile is. 5) ? The Amazon river is. 6) ? The Pacific Ocean is. 7) ? Alaska is. 8) ? Africa is. You — So do I. — Neither am I. О Give your replies to these phrases as in the exampie. Somebody — I like long walks in the countryside. — I am not fond of fishing. — I can’t do harm to plants. — I never walk on the grass in the park. — I often feed birds in winter. — I will spend the coming summer at the seaside. — I have given milk to stray kittens many times. — I can explain why it is good to recycle things. — I am trying to be green.* — I never leave waste in the forest. — I have read an interesting book about mammals. — I hate to see waste dumps in our forests. О Read the sentences and write which activities are good and which are bad for the environment. Nuclear power stations can go wrong and cause nuclear pollution. If you try not to waste water, you save water and energy. Using filters at electric power stations makes air cleaner. Acid rains are dangerous for the atmosphere. When you throw ' to be green — поддерживать идею охраны окружающей среды away a newspaper or a magazine, you are throwing away some part of a tree. If you travel by bus instead of a car, you save more energy. Using filters in cars and buses makes air cleaner. When you burn things in the yard, you produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Some sprays* can do a lot of heirm to the atmosphere. Good activities 1. People try to plant trees wherever they want them. Bad activities 1. When plastic bags are destroyed, it does a lot of harm to the atmosphere. Complete this poem using one of the three words from the right-hand column. Use a dictionary if necessary. FIELDS by Ann Nolan Clark Brown fields. With ground all broken, I walk softly over you I would not ... (Dyou, While you keep The baby corn seeds sleeping. See, brown fields, The sun will shine for you; The sun will warm you. And make you ... (D . Soon the ... ©will come And wet you. And give you water For your baby corn seeds sleeping. The sun will call the corn seeds; The rain will call the corn seeds; They will push up; Little corn seeds will push up. Up through the broken ground. Little corn seeds ... ® water hurt see dry hot happy r£uns thunderstorms fogs (D moving playing growing ' spray [spreij — a) баллончик c жидкостью, которая распыляется под давлением; б) жидкость, которая распыляется под давлением Brown fields, You will turn to ... d Little ... ® corn ears Growing, Little ... ®com ears ... ® , For the rain. For the sun. Ф Write the same in English. (D yellow red green dancing singing talking 1. Множество заводов и фабрик вырабатывают отходы и сливают их в реки. Так вода в реках становится отравленной. 2. Дыры в озоновом слое очень опасны для людей: ультрафиолетовое излучение проходит через них и достигает Земли. Такое излучение может вызвать опасные заболевания. 3. Население многих стран страдает от недостатка воды. 4. Ядерное оружие способно произвести страншые разрушения па нашей планете. Ядерпые электростанции не такие уж «чистые», как полагают некоторые: они становятся причиной радиационного загрязнения. 5. Окружающая среда — это всё, что вы видите вокруг себя. Сегодня люди понимают, что необходимо сохранить её в чистоте, если человечество хочет выжить. Ф These are 2 words of advice about what must and what mustn't be done if we want to survive. Write more advice to people. Dos 1. Waste must be recycled. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Don’ts 1. Waste must not be dumped into rivers, lakes and seas. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 4. Peter Piper picked^ a peck^ of pickled® peppers. ’ to pick — выбирать * a peck — мера ёмкости сыпучих тел (щепотка, кучка) ® pickled — маринованный UNIT 5 Today's Quotation Try to wake up happy. О There are two mixed up stories here. Put the pieces right and copy out the two stories giving each a title. 1. This theory ['0iori] answers all the questions. Scientists are still asking questions and try to explain why so many plants and animals became extinct. It’s one of the oldest mysteries in the world, and it may never be solved. 2. In 1900 many zoos had passenger pigeons.' On 14 September, 1908 the last wild passenger pigeon was caught near Detroit.^ Martha, the last living passenger pigeon in the world, died on 1 September, 1914. Her body is placed in a museum in Washington, D. C. 3. Many of them think that a change in climate caused it. But what could cause such a change in climate? Some scientists say that an asteroid ('a;st3roid| fell on the earth 65 million years ago. A huge cloud of dust rose into the sky. There was no sunlight. Temperatures became very low, and without sunlight, plants died. The dinosaurs died from hunger and freezing. ' a passenger pigeon — странствующий голубь * Detroit (di'lrnil] — г. Детройт, штат Мичиган, США 4. In the 18th and 19th centuries there were millions of beautiful passenger pigeons in the United States and Canada. A visitor from Holland wrote, in 1625, that there were so many pigeons that the sky was dark with them and no sun was seen. Today, not a single passenger pigeon is alive. 5. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for over 140 million years. Then, suddenly, 65 million years ago, all the dinosaurs died, and most of the other animals and plants died along with them. Over 75 per cent of life on earth became extinct. For more than 150 years scientists have tried to find out why. 6. The passenger pigeon was one of the largest and most beautiful members of the pigeon family. It was about forty-five cm long, had narrow wings and a long graceful^ neck. Its tail was twenty cm long and was silvery white. The head was dark blue and the neck was gold and green and purple. Q Find the odd word out. 1. To damage, to endanger, to destroy, to ruin, to create. 2. Safe, nuclear, calm, pleasant, mammal. 3. Radiation, destruction, environment, population, pollution. 4. Fox, bare, pigeon, reptile, habitat, insect. 5. Paper, glass, cardboard, waste, plastic, wood. ’ graceful ['greisfall — грациозный, изящный о А. Look at the maps. Can you write the names of the countries you see below? B. Compare the countries using the model 8 sentences. is not so big/small as ... . Write о А. Match the words in the columns, using the article where necessary. a/— Scottish global scientific international dangerous terrible huge smiling shock society crisis pile energy cooperation picnicker accent B. Make up 8 sentences with the word combinations you have got. He is from Scotland and speaks with a Scottish accent. Answer the questions using the words of Unit 5. Write your answers down. 1. What do you call someone who is having a picnic? 2. How will you describe a room where all the things are in the wrong places and which is not very clean? 3. What do women usually do with fruit and vegetables in autumn? 4. What can happen to a pie if you leave it on fire for a long time? 5. How is a school year usually divided? 6. What do you call a very bad accident when many people are killed? 7. What do teachers or parents do when they like children’s work at school? Choose the word that you think is right (in four cases both are possible). tin(s) — can(s) 1. He opened a ... of coke. 2. I can’t find the ... of beans' I bought yesterday. 3. How many ... of tomatoes shall I buy? to spoil — to ruin (and their forms) 1. The cook ... the soup as he had put a lot of salt in. 2. After the war many towns and villages were ... . 3. The food will ... if you don’t keep it cool. 4. Grandmothers often ... their grandchildren. crisis — disaster 1. His last day at work was a ... . 2. Sometimes a rainstorm can be a .... 3. A few years ago the country had a political ... . ' beans — бобы а bit — а lot 1. Let’s stay here ... longer. I like the performance ... . 2. He remembered ... more about me than I did about him. 3. My sister’s boots were ... too small. 4. They talk ... about this problem. О Put these words under four categories: Sports, Shopping, Health, Food. sroi^rs SHOWIAfQ щтш FOOT} To row, pancakes, cream, chess, the baker’s, a loaf of bread, pork, headache, boating, rugby, sick, cricket, the grocer’s, a stomach, earache, athletics, ill, toothache, to hurt, the butcher’s, to buy, blood pressure, hockey, pulse, a jar of honey, cottage, cheese, golf, dairy products, lungs, sour cream, to recover, team, horse-riding, to sell, a pound of bacon, to cough, competition, to sneeze, a soft drink, a packet of biscuits, to wrap, a throat, to fry, to cure, pain, a prescription, the fishmonger’s, medicine, to pay, a sweetshop, a bar of chocolate. О Look through ex. 20 (Unit 5) of your textbook and write answers to these questions: 1. What was the weather like on that day, the last day of the term? 2. What did Vicki see in the grove? 3. Who met Vicki at the grove? 4. Where did the girls put all the rubbish? 5. What did the girls ask the woman in a pink hat to do? 6. What did the woman thank the girls for? 7. Why were the girls happy when the picnickers drove away? 8. What did Mr Bird talk to his class about? 9. What did he say was the result of the environmental crisis? 10. What rules have people learnt to protect the environment? О Fill in the articles where necessary to complete the story. Vicki and her friends decided to start their own Clean up ... Countryside Society. ... girls had ... another meeting ... next day. Vicki offered to watch for ... rubbish dumpers. Everybody agreed and soon Rosie and Jane noticed ... picnickers. ... picnickers were finishing ... lunch and they left all ... rubbish on ... ground. ... girls asked what ... picnickers were going to do with ... litter. ... tall man with ... American accent said he did not know what Vicki meant, but ... woman with ... pink hat on said that ... young lady (she called Vicki like that) was right. ... woman said they couldn’t leave ... rubbish there. Vicki gave them ... bag to put ... rubbish in. ... woman thanked ... girls for helping them understand that ... country was ... beautiful place. Ф Write the same in English. A. 1. Джон приступил к работе в 3 часа, а в половине четвёртого он её уже закончил. 2. Комната была в ужасном беспорядке. Я поняла, что мне придётся убрать её. 3. Мы решили немного подождать. 4. В наши дни все понимают, как важно международное сотрудничество. 5. Нелли ничего не знала о работе своего литературного (literary) общества. 6. Джон работает на компьютере часами. Он испортил себе глаза. 7. Вики и её подругам было приятно, когда учитель похвалил их. 8. На столе лежала стопка новых книг. 9. Шла (была) последняя неделя четверти. 10. Маленькая сестрёнка попросила Виктора купить банку кока-колы. B. 1. Алиса сказала, что Джон говорит с акцентом. 2. Джейн хотела знать, где её двоюродные братья были вчера. 3. Мама сказала, что летом мы поедем в Грецию. 4. Эндрю ответил, что ничего не знал о катастрофе. 5. Кити знала, что её сестра не умеет готовить. 6. Она удивилась, когда поняла, что Анна законсервировала яблоки. 7. Папа показал мне книгу, которую купил для брата. 8. Я спросила, куда уехала наша тётя. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 5. If a three-month truce^ Is a truce in truth. Is the truth of a truce in truth A three-month truth? ’ truce [tru:sl — договор о перемирии UNIT 6 0 Find the odd word out: 1. heat, sunshine, shower, mammal, weather 2. huge, daily, misty, praise, fragile 3. disaster, mess, society, crisis 4. birds, mammals, insects, shortage, fish 5. pollution, cooperation, greenhouse, population 6. pollute, produce, destroy, damage, atmosphere, poison Q Match the two columns to get a correct sentence. Write the sentences down. 1. If nuclear power stations go wrong, 2. If people stay in direct sunlight for a long time, 3. If there is no ozone layer in the atmosphere, 4. If people use filters at nuclear power stations, 5. If factories dump their waste in the rivers, 6. If people want to survive. 1. we won’t be protected from ultraviolet radiation. 2. they will clean air again. 3. they will cause nuclear pollution. 4. they will get ultraviolet radiation from the sun. 5. they will solve the environmental problems. 6. they will become dirty and poisoned. A. Form the verbs from these nouns and adjectives. water — to water, pale — to pale calm — ..., light — ..., shower — ..., rain — .. ter — ..., waste — ..., cause — ..., clear — eye — ... test — ..., fil-milk — ..., B. What is the meaning of the verbs? If you are not sure, consult a dictionary. C. Write if the underlined words in the sentences are nouns or verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. It’s very dry; we must water the garden. 2. Don’t waste electricity, turn off the light when you go out. 3. It has started to shower, you’d better take your umbrella. 4. Nuclear waste is a dangerous thing. 5. Showers are forecast for tomorrow. 6. You must filter the drinking water. 7. The fire won’t light. 8. People who live in the country get up early to milk their cows. 9. He is the cause of all my unhappiness. 10. When the sea or the weather calms, it becomes quiet and still. О Write the same in indirect speech. “Tell Colin that I can’t come and see him yet,” said Mary. “I’m very busy in the garden.” Martha was not happy to hear that. “Eh! Miss Mary,” she said, “he will become angry when I tell him that.” “I can’t stay,” Mary answered. “Dickon is waiting for me. I was not in the garden yesterday. Tell Colin to read or look through his books.” “He has been waiting for you since seven o’clock,” Martha said. “Can’t you come just for a minute?” “I can’t and I don’t want to. I will come to see him in the evening,” Mary said. “And don’t look at me in this way, Martha.” О You are going to interview your partner. Prepare questions you may ask. Find out: — how much time he/she spends outdoors; — if he/she keeps to a diet and why; — how he/she understands healthy eating; — if he/she takes a lot of medicines and when he/she does it; — what he/she is planning to do to keep in good health; — how many meals a day he/she has and if they are huge meals; — where he/she spends free time; — how many hours a day he/she reads; — when he/she goes to bed. Q A. What do you think these words mean? Choose the correct answer. Look the words up to check yourselves. 1) An under-five is 2) A pushchair is a) a building that has four floors. b) a child who is under five years old. c) a pupil going to the fourth form. a) a game in which children push each other off their chairs. 3) А high chair b) a chair that stands pushed into a corner of the room. c) a special chair on wheels for pushing a small child about. a) a chair with long legs used for a baby or a child to sit in. b) a chair with a tall back. c) a big and beautiful chair for a king to sit on. B. Read the text. It has got five paragraphs. Find a key sentence (a sentence expressing the main idea of a paragraph) in each paragraph. Write the key sentences out. Do under-fives need more exercise? 1. Lucy Jackson is the author of the book “Childsplay”. In her book Lucy writes that small children should have special exercises in exercise classes because at home they do not have enough exercise. 2. Small children do that because they cem’t run around freely. That is not simply possible. The world around them is not a safe place. As a result many small children become not active and unfit. 3. Lucy writes that parents should begin exercise with very small babies. They should move their arms and legs gently to the music. As children grow they should follow a special exercise programme. 4. But many people think that cliildren will learn to run and jump as they play naturally. They should eat healthy food, play outdoors. In western countries many parents take their children to exercise classes where they jump around with their mothers to disco music. They seem to enjoy themselves. But it is not clear if the classes influence their future development. 2 — (). B. Лфанасы‘пп, в кл. 5. Most schoolchildren do some sport at school. Many of them take regular exercise in their free time. But their younger brothers and sisters spend most of the time in front of the television or sitting in a pushchair and/or high chedr. О Write questions to the text above using the words: who, where, when, why, what kind of, what, how many. О Give at least three reasons why Lucy thinks small children should have regular exercise. Write them down. О Read the poem “An Autumn Farm” written by John Holt, a 12-year-old boy, and try to write your own poem on the topic “The Natural World". AN AUTUMN FARM A fresh morning begins at a farm. A smell of bacon in the air. A smell of a new day beginning. A sound of blowing leaves in the air. A smell of wind and fog. A smell of animals in the barn.* A sound of the whistle^ from the wind, through the trees. A smell of Autumn. A chill® in the air. A light frost on the ground. ^ N I T 7 о A. Imagine yourself in the picture. Write a list of words to name the things you can see around. Compare your list with your friends’. See whose list is the longest. * a barn [ban] — сарай * a whistle [‘wislj — свист * chill jtfil] — прохлада в. Write а list of adjectives that help you to describe these things. Q Complete this text about Great Britain and copy it out. Great Britain is a ... country, a kingdom in ... Europe. It lies on several islands and has a ... of about 57 min people. Great Britain’s capital is ... and the national currency' is a..........is the main language. The climate of Great Britain is very ... . There are a lot of ... falling out all the year round. The wind brings rain from the ... Ocean. Snow only ... occasionally and doesn’t stay for long except in the ... of Scotland. The usual ... in England and Wales are +4 °C in January and +16 °C in July and August. A lot of tourists come to Great Britain every year to do some ... in its big and small towns. О Write the same kind of text about Russia. Q Look at the map of London on p. 36. Imagine that you are showing London to your friends. Write at least 5 sentences about three places you want to show them. 'currency f'kAronsij — деньги, валюта 2* Choose the right item. 1. The flag of Russia has three colours: white, blue and red. In what order do they follow each other? a) blue b) white c) red white blue blue red red white 2. Which of these cities has never been Russia’s capital? a) Moscow b) Kiev c) Novgorod d) St, Petersburg 3. A Great Fire of Moscow broke out in ... a) 1805 b) 1817 c) 1812 4. Moscow was founded in ... a) 1147 b) 1148 c) 1149 5. ... threw off the Tatar yoke [‘ta;lo 'jouk| and called Moscow the third Rome. a) Peter III b) Ivan III c) Boris Godunov 6. The population of Russia is about ... a) 100 min b) 150 min c) 200 min 7. The first settlement of Moscow was situated on ... a) the Vorobiovi Hills b) Krasni Hill c) Borovitski Hill 8. Which of these towns is not a town of the Gold Ring? a) Suzdal b) Vladimir c) Tula d) Yaroslavl 9. In the Tretyakov Picture Gallery you can see ... a) pictures by Russian painters b) pictures by foreign painters c) pictures by both Russian and foreign painters 10. In the Bolshoi Theatre you can see ... a) ballet and listen to opera b) drama and listen to opera c) drama and ballet О A. Complete the text on the postcard and copy it out. 2)ear Citida, Thank ifou fot if our card. 7 am glad ifou re kaaing a good time, but 7 am not surftrised. Brighton is u/onderful at this time of if ear. We are going on hoUdag next month. We are going to £ondon. We are fUanning to stag .... We are not taking the car. We are going ... . We u/ant to do a lot of u/alking. We u/ant to see ... .7 am taking mg camera and Chris is taking ... gou кпош hour much he Loves... . Cnjog If our hoUdag. £ove, Chris and Ulartf B. Write a postcard to describe your plans for the coming holidays. W N I т 8 ■ I • Today's Quotation • Rome was not built in a day. ■■■ Last summer John Gray visited East Anglia. On his trip he met Joanna who he admired very much. Now back in Canada, John is thinking about all the nice things she told him. Write what they were. 1. Our trip is so exciting. She said their trip was so exciting. 2. There are so many holidaymakers here. 3. Your face is so attractive. 4. I have never met such a strong man. 5. I have never been so excited. 6. Our two countries are con-' nected. 7. We can see beautiful scenery here. 8. I will never forget this trip. 9. I can see you also admire this place. 10. I like our journey. О Joanna is looking through the album of pictures she took in East Anglia. She remembers John and the trip, but differently. She thinks John asked her very many questions. Write what John asked her. 1. What’s your birthplace? He asked me what my birthplace was. in in 2. Do you go to university? 3. Are there any waterfalls Canada? 4. Do you like hedges England? 5. Have you got any meadows in the place where you live? 6. Are the fields as flat in your country as they are in East 7. When are you going home? 8. Why don’t you stay in East Anglia a bit longer? 9. What countries have you been to? 10. Will you come back to England some day? N^nglia? О Write the sentences using a participle instead of a clause. a) The place that is situated in the Highlands attracts many tourists. The place situated in the Highlands attracts many tourists. b) The two rivers that are running in the valley join together at the foot of the mountain. The two rivers running in the valley join together at the foot of the mountain. 1. The old castle which was built five hundred years ago belongs to the university. 2. The holidaymakers who were wearing light clothes walked along the beach. 3. The lands that were discovered by Columbus were rich in gold. 4. The children who were excited by the news shouted “Hoorah!” three times. 5. The hedges that divided the fields were getting yellow. 6. The young lady who was standing at the door looked very attractive. 7. The two banks which were connected by a bridge were high and looked dangerous. 8. The chocolate factory which was run by Mr Wonker made the best chocolate in the world. 9. Betty Smith heard the noise of a child who was crying. 10. He entered the yard and smelt something that was burning. Q Copy out the text using just one adjective from the brackets. Bill: I’m so (exciting/excited). I’ve just seen a very (interesting/ interested) film. Liz: Really? What was it? Bill: It was a horror film called The White Moon. Liz: Oh, horror films are so (frightening/frightened). I never watch them. Bill: I’m (surprising/surprised), all my friends watch them. Liz: Not me. I like romantic films. Bill: I’m always (boring/bored) when I watch them. Give me a good comedy or a horror film. They are so (exciting/excited). О Give them a name. 1. Someone who bakes bread is a baker. 2. Someone who interviews people is an ... . 3. Someone wlio plays football is a football ... . 4. Someone who eats well is a good ... . 5. Someone who paints houses is a ... . 6. Someone who sleeps well is a good ... . 7. Someone who rules the country is a ... . 8. Someone who kills animals is an animal ... . 9. Someone who explores new lands is an ... . О о Make up 6 (3+3) sentences with its and it's. Match the words in the two columns to say what these places are famous for. London is famous for its museums. Kent Stonehenge Land’s End Liverpool Cambridge Washington, D. C. New York Paris St. Petersburg Rome — a group of huge stones of pre-historic times — Winter Palace (the Hermitage) — its university — the fact that it’s the most westerly point in the country — fruit growing and gardens — a big port on the western coast — the Eiffel I'aitll Tower — the White House — the Coliseum [,kDli‘si:aml — the skyscrapers о Look through ex. 20 of the textbook and write your answers to these questions: 1. What makes Britain so beautiful? 2. How can you characterise the scenery of Britain? 3. What is the main activity in the south-west? 4. Where is Heathrow Airport situated? 5. What are the principal cities in the Midltmds? 6. What is special about the shape of East Anglia and its position? 7. Why did Emperor Hadrian build a wall across the north of England? О Open the brackets to complete the text. We left Oxford on the third day to go back home. It (I. rain). The weather (2. change) for the worse when we (3. leaue). Harris said that when the sun (4. shine) the river (5. turn) everything into a golden dream, but at the moment the river (6. look) grey. It (7. rain) for several hours when we (8. stop) for the night. We (9. have) a good hot supper. A game of cards (10. play) after it. When Harris and I (11. lose) five pence each, we (12. decide) (13. stop) because we (14. think) the game (15. get) too exciting. The fire (16. burn) in the fireplace and we (17. feel) quite peaceful. “If Harris (18. not, want) to go on such a trip again in future, he (19. be sorry),” I said. “I never (20. feel) so well and romantic.” But Harris (21. speak) about possible illnesses and (22. say) that it (23. be) very serious if one of us (24. become) ill because we were a long way from a doctor. Ф Complete the text using the correct verb forms. Jack Robinson (be) a famous explorer. Today he (come) to the television studio (give) an interview about his exciting life. Oliver Shade, an interviewer, (talk) to him. Interviewer. Jack Robinson: Mr Robinson, you (spend) your whole life (explore) the world. But we know that your special interest always (be) the British Isles. When you (get) interested in travelling? I can’t tell you the exact* day but I remember that when I (be) a little boy I used (read) a lot. ‘ exact [ig'/a;kt] — точный, определённый I nterviewer: Jack Robinson: Interviewer: Jack Robinson: Interviewer: Jack Robinson: Interviewer: Jack Robinson: Interviewer: And once my parents (give) me a book about British geography. When I (look) through the book, I (see) a picture of the Lake District. I (admire) the place greatly and at that moment I (decide) (become) a traveller. When you first (go) to the Lake District? When I (leave) school, my father (take) me on a journey to the North of England and we (spend) a few days in the Lake District. What other parts of England you (explore)! I (be) to all the parts of the country and also to Scotland, Wales and Ireland. But I never (be) to India where I (go) next Monday. Next Monday? Yea. We (start) on October 12, and at the end of the month we (arrive) in India. You (go) by sea? Yes, of course. I (take) part in an expedition (discover) some lost Indian cities. Isn’t that greatl I hope your journey (be) a success. The best of luck to you, air. Ф Write the same in Engiish. A. 1. Города, расположенные на побережье, часто являются портами. 2. Поля, разделённые живыми изгородями, всегда выглядят очень привлекательно. 3. Отравленные реки представляют опасность не только для рыбы, но и для человека. 4. В каждой стране есть фабрики и заводы, загрязняющие окружающую среду. 5. Места, связанные с Шекспиром, находятся главным образом (mainly) в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне. 6. Что ты думаешь о людях, загрязняющих окружающую среду? 7. Как мы называем людей, живущих в Шотландии и говорящих на шотландском диалекте (dialect)? 8. Дети, взволнованные цирковым представлением, решили стать акробатами. 9. Есть ли в Британии местности, покрытые лесами? 10. Фрукты, законсервированные в прошлом году, были очень вкусными. B. 1. Какой район Англии богат углём? 2. Где расположены знаменитые курортные города Англии? 3. Где родились Уильям Шекспир и Оливер Кромвель? 4. Почему римский пра- ф витель Адриан приказал построить стену на севере Англии? 5. Какие города Англии связаны с английской культурой? 6. Какой район Англии был покрыт морем? 7. Почему район юго-западных графств (the Southwest) привлекает отдыхающих? 8. Аэропорт Хитроу находится далеко от Лондона? Как далеко? Write three good reasons why you would like to visit: a) the Southeast of England; d) the Midlands: b) the Southwest of England; e) the North of England. c) East Anglia: Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue*twister Challenge Ш 6. Three grey geese in the green grass grazing,^ Grey were the geese and green was the grazing.* UNIT 9 Today's Quotation Sunny thoughts make the whole day brighter. A. Use articles where necessary to make the sentences complete. 1. What ... beautiful rainbowl 2. What ... huge barometer! 3. What ... golden sunshine! 4. What ... fragile cup! 5. What ... strange forecast! 6. What ... good weathermen! 7. What ... dangerous habitats! 8. What ... awful disaster! 9. What ... deep knowledge! 10. What ... brave people! 11. What ... misty weather! 12. What ... attractive scenery! 13. What ... exciting journey! 14. What ... excited children! 15. What ... green hedges! ’ to graze (greiz) — щипать траву; grazing — пасущийся, щиплющий травку ^ the grazing — пастбище в. Write out from the sentences above different nouns and put them into these columns; Countable nouns, singular Countable nouns, plural 1. a rainbow 1. 2. ... 2. 3. ... 3. 4. ... 4. 5. ... 5. 6. ... Uncountable nouns 1. sunshine 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... О Rewrite these sentences in this way: a) 9 sentences where the underlined words are nouns; b) 9 sentences where they are verbs. 1. a) Don’t let me influence your choice, b) The stars’ influence on people is not proved. 2. a) We saw some shape through the mist but we couldn’t see who it was. b) The little girl shaped a small piece of plasticine^ into a cat. 3. a) The boy stood speechless from shock, b) The news, I’m sure, will shock the boy. 4. a) The new film received high praise from everyone, b) I can only praise you for your courage. 5. a) There was no can of beans on the table, b) When does your mother usually can fruit? 6. a) The soldiers and officers could not forget their awful defeat, b) The Duke said he would defeat the enemy’s army. 7. a) If I stand on a chair, I can touch the ceiling, b) He felt the touch of her hand on his shoulder. 8. a) He says he is in control of the situation, b) I’m not sure he can control the class. 9. a) Giving no reason she suddenly left, b) It’s difficult to reason with him. He will never say that he is wrong. * plasticine |'placstisi:n| — пластилин о Read the sentences. Guess the meaning of the underlined words, then write your own sentences using these words as another part of speech. Little Johnnie was wolfing his bar of chocolate, (a wolf^to wolf) Are you afraid of wolves? 1. The cow isn’t nxilkiiig very well. 2. Our armies stormed the city. 3. They breakfasted at a small Italian cafe. 4. Tonight we are showing the film starring Charlie Chaplin. 5. The bottle was marked “Produce of Spain”. 6. Someone tried to poison our cat. 7. They crowned him King of Portugal. О Write where you can buy these things. Jjfl j at the dairy. a loaf of bread? sheets and blankets? a goldfish? a map of England? a bar of chocolate? biscuits? a towel? shoes? pork? a cake? a tortoise? at the sweetshop at the department store at the pet shop at the baker’s at the bookshop at the butcher’s О Write 16 sentences about the picture on p. 46. Use the examples and the given words. 1. What (a) beautiful picture(s)! 2. How beautiful the picture is (the pictures are)! 3. It is so beautifull 4. It is such (a) beautiful day (weather)! long — street old — cars bright — sunshine fresh — air huge — crowds tall — buildings misty — day changeable — weather calm — man brave — balloonist excited — people exciting — journey unusual — procession flat — fields attractive — idea pleasant — holiday V ' ' / о А. Look at the picture and write what these people gave their friends for Christmas. Steve Arnold Jenny Mary Fiona Ian B. Write answers to these questions. Did Steve give Liz the disk? Liz Tony No, he didn’t. He gave the disk to Tony. 1. Did 2. Did 3. Did 4. Did 5. Did 6. Did 7. Did Arnold give Fiona the toy dog? Ian give Tony the firtree? Mary give Arnold the Santa? Liz give Ian the book? Fiona give Arnold the box of chocolates? Jenny give Mary the ring? Tony give Liz the album of stamps? О Look through ex. 19 of your textbook and correct these statements: 1. The Mall, a wide avenue used for royal processions, runs through Hyde Park. 2. The Tower of London is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II. 3. There are more than twenty parks in and around Ijondon which are owned by the Crown. 4. London Zoo is situated in St. James’s Park. 5. King Henry VIII had eight wives. 6. King Henry VIII became head of the Roman Catholic Church in 1534. 7. Queen Victoria ruled England in the 16th century. 8. In front of Buckingham Palace there is a monument to Queen Elizabeth I. 9. The Royal Albert Hall has rich collections of paintings and other works of art. 10. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I Britain became an empire with a lot of colonies. 11. Queen Elizabeth I ruled for the longest period in the English history. О Look at the picture and connect the places with the names. Write 3 or more sentences about each of them. GQ a) Victoria and Albert Museum b) Regent’s Park c) Buckingham Palace d) Albert Hall e) St. James’s Park f) the Mall Q Write the same in English. 1. Какой трогательный рассказ! 2. Узкие улицы этого города напоминают мне Венецию (Venice). 3. Королева Великобритании царствует, но не правит. 4. Самые известные короны британских монархов можно увидеть в Тауэре. 5. Кто в вашей семье интересуется политикой? 6. Сколькими парками в Лондоне и около Лондона владеет королевская семья? 7. У королевы Елизаветы II несколько официальных резиденций в Великобритании, одна из них находится в Шотландии. 8. Гайд-парк, Риджентс-парк и парк Св. Джеймса — королевские парки Лондона. 9. Многие места в Лондоне тесно связаны с королевской семьей. Describe the picture from ex. 5, p. 46. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge EH 7. My dame’ has a lame^ tame® crane, My dame has a crane that is lame. Let my dame’s tame crane Feed and come home again. ’ a dame [deim] — дама * lame [leimj — хромой * tame [term] — ручной ■* a crane [kreinj — журавль ^ N I т 10 Today's Quotation There is more to life than money. Life must have meaning. О Complete the story with the verbs from the box (with or without to). cook marry do wash make clean help cook clean wash You all know the story of Cinderella. Cinderella was very unhappy because her stepmother didn’t love her and expected the poor girl ... the house, ... the meals, ... the plates, and ... many other things. But she never wanted the own daughters ... Cinderella with this work. She didn’t expect them ... or ... or ... . They didn’t do anything except enjoying themselves. Their mother wanted them ... Prince Charming, so they tried on pretty dresses all the day long. They also ordered poor Cinderella ... more pretty dresses for them. Cinderella was a kind girl and tried very hard to please her stepsisters. Write the same in English. 1. Я хочу, чтобы вы знали побольше о политике. 2, Никто не ожидал, что королева Виктория будет править столь долго. 3. Я бы хотела, чтобы вы сами зарабатывали себе на жизнь. 4. Бедная женщина не хотела, чтобы они стали ворами. 5. Никто не ожидал, что он примет участие в официальной церемонии. 6. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она владела этой фермой. 7. Королева Елизавета I не хотела, чтобы Мария Стюарт управляла Англией. 8. Он посоветовал нам сказать именно эти слова. 9. Учителя всегда хотят, чтобы подростки учились хорошо. 10. Я прошу вас не кричать. о Look at the pictures and say what Mr Brown wants/doesn't want (expects/doesn't expect, would like/wouldn't like, tells/doesn't tell, asks/doesn't ask, advises/doesn't advise) the people to do. the boy the girls ( Do as you please. ) the ladies BANK ^ut your money in the banl^ ШопЧ scream at the top of your voic^ you (Don’t be stupid. Be your age.) they Q Complete the sentences using the words from the box. we what, when, where, who, which, why, how 1. Do you know ... the Mall is? — Yes, it is a street that connects Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. 2. Do you know ... Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne? — Yes, in 1952. 3. Do you know ... concerts of classical music are usually held in London? — I think in the Royal Albert Hall. 4. Do you know ... said: “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King ...”? — Yes, Queen Elizabeth I. 5. Do you know ... Queen Victoria was so popular among the English people? — Under her rule England became a rich country. 6. Do you know ... of the two Queens — Queen Elizabeth I or Queen Victoria had a longer period of reign? — Queen Victoria did. Her reign lasted for 64 years. 7. Do you know ... you can get from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament? — Of course I do. Go down Whitehall and on the left you’ll see its fine building. О Match the words in these columns. 1. stupid a) deer 2. royal b) music 3. wild c) family 4. exact d) residence 5. wicked e) puppy 6. pleased f) face 7. touching g) time 8. official h) witch 9. public i) film 10. classical j) ceremony О Put these letters into words. Unit 9, ex. 12 of your textbook can help you. licpub onerht irempe nueave rolcont calssailc ticspoli gedtyra narmcoh О Match the dates with the events of which they remind you. In 1945 World War II came to an end. 1492 1901 1994 1066 1918 1666 1782 1564 1952 1812 Queen Victoria died. Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne. William the Conqueror invaded the British Isles. William Shakespeare was born. The Battle of Borodino took place. Queen Elizabeth II visited Russia. Columbus discovered America. Moscow became the capital of Russia again. The Great Fire of London took place. The monument to Peter the Great was opened St. Petersburg. in о Complete the replies lo express your feelings. — Royal processions are always colourful. — They are so ...!/They are so interesting to watch! 1. — Queen Victoria reigned for 64 years. — How ... I 2. — I’ve come to say we are leaving for East Anglia on Mon- day. — What ... ! 3. — Environmental pollution is becoming more and more dan- gerous. — It is such ... I 4. — Cambridge University was founded in 1209. — It is so ... I 5. — I’m fond of reading books about pirates. — They are so ... ! 6. — Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland attract so many holi- daymakers. — No wonder. They are such ... 1 7. — Look, there’s a r£dnbow in the sky. — How ... 1 8. — Many species of animals are endangered. — What ... ! О Make the sentences complete. Fill in as, at, on, against, for if necessary. 1. I don’t think he acts ... the law. 2. The twins were ... like as two peas. 3. She was so angry that she cried ... the top of her voice. 4. From her window Nelly could see lots of snow ... the top of the mountain. 5. Susie is one of the best pupils. She is always ... the top of her class. 6. Think ... a while. I’m sure you know the answer. 7. Do ... you please, but I think you should come home on time. 8. How much does he earn ... a month? Ф Rewrite the story using the articles a, the where necessary. In ... 16th century, ... Stratford-upon-Avon weis ... commercial town surrounded by ... rich farmland. Its markets attracted people from miles around. ... names of some streets tell us today what was made or sold in these streets, for example ... Sheep Street or ... Wood Street. John Shakespeare was ... son of ... farmer who came to ... Stratford to find his fortune. He became ... glovemaker. With ... money he made, he bought ... house in Henley Street. He also married well. Mary Arden came from ... rather rich family. In April 1564, Mary and John had ... son — William. ... exact date of his birth is not known, but many people believe that it was ... 23rd of April. Today Shakespeare’s birthday is mtu'ked with ... parade through ... Stratford in which people from all over ... world take part. Ф Give them names and write these names down. 1. Someone who takes part in making laws is a ... . 2. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a ... . 3. Someone who has travelled to another place for a holiday is 8i • • • • 4. Someone who always causes trouble is a ... . 5. A machine which makes and serves coffee is a ... . 6. Someone who makes clothes as a job is a ... . 7. Someone who makes films is a ... . 0 A. Look at the picture and write the names of these places in the theatre. в. nil in the prepositions to, in, for, on, about, at, of to make the sentences complete. If you want to go to the theatre, you should think about some things beforehand. First ... all go ... the box-office and ask if they have seats ... the day you want. Don’t forget that the most expensive seats are ... the front stalls or ... the boxes, and the cheapest are ... the gallery. The seats ... the dress circle are not so expensive but quite good, especially if they are ... the first and second row. If you can’t decide ... your seats, you can look ... the map ... the hall which usually is ... the wall ... the box-office and can be quite helpful. Ф Do this word search square and see if you can find 10 words connected with William Shakespeare. a s к w r s о n n e t V h a m 1 e t к c r r e e n a q 1 h b d s a 1 n d c о m e d У t g e 1 w b f b 1 g w r e a e b e s g 1 j i a d P У q t i t о о 1 t У 1 c w h m f c a 1 f w h m g u n j t d i о n s h a к e s P e a r e X z f z 1 h e h m d X О Write questions about William Shakespeare and his life to which the sentences below are answers. 1. On the river Avon. 2. He died on his birthday, aged 52. 3. Comedies, tragedies and historical plays. 4. lie is also famous for his sonnets. 5. Anne Hathaway. 6. In the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. 7. It was Lord Gower who gave it to the town. 8. In Holy Trinity Church. 9. Three: one son and two daughters. 10. Because they want to see the place connected with the life of W. Shakespeare. Ф Write 8—10 sentences to explain why you would like to visit Stratford-upon-Avon. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue*twisier Challenge Ш 8. Whatever one toucan* can do Is sooner done by toucans two And three toucans (it’s very true) Can do much more than two can do. UNIT 11 О Write this story using one of the participles from the brackets to make the story complete. NESSIE Have you heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal (/. living/ lived) in Loch Ness in Scotland. The animal is about 50 metres long {2. including/included) its tail. Nobody knows anything about its ' a toucan [Чшкэп] — тукай (a tropical American bird with bright feather/t) (перья) and a very large beak (клюв) (3. eating/eaten) habits. There are some photos of the animal {4. taking/taken) by different people (5. visiting / visited) the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real. This animal (6. giving/given) the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourist attractions to the area for years. Expeditions (7. sending/sent) to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so did individuals (3. looking/looked) for the animal. But there has been no result yet. Nessie (9. seeing/seen) now and again is still a great mystery. Very few things Ц0. knowing/known) about Nessie are: it has a long and thin neck like a giraffe’s; its head is quite small and looks like a horse’s or a snake’s head; its colour is dark yellow and its habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake. О Open the brackets to get the story about Pat complete, then write your own ending of the story. SHE IS NOT A CHILD ANY LONGER Pat (i. have) a lot of trouble with her parents this year. They want her (2. be) at school every day emd (3. expect) her (4. do) more at school. She (5. know) she (6. must) (7. work) hard (8. get) good marks but she (9. can, not) (10. arrive) at school on time and (11. be) ready with her tasks. Pat (12. be) almost twelve and she (13. think) she (14. become) a grown-up person. “I (15. be) not a child any longer!” she (16. repeat) to her parents every day. “Why you (17. want) me (18. come) back home so early?” One day she (19. walk) from her friends very late and it (20. be) dark in the street. Pat (21. feel) very frightened. Suddenly she (22. hear) some noise, she (23. turn) round and ... О Write answers to these questions: 1. What characters of Disney cartoons do you remember? 2. What are hedges in Britain used for? 3. Who were famous rulers of ancient Rome? 4. What canal connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans? 5. What adjective is missing in the expression “as ... as a pancake”? 6. What does the black raven remind you of? 7. What is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for? о Complete the poem using one of the words on the right. Copy the poem down. A SAILOR’S STORY Watching how the sea behaves^ For hours and hours I .... And I know the sea is full of ... I’ve often noticed it. For on the deck each starry^ ... The wild waves and the tame® I count and know them all by sight And some of them by ... And then I think a man like me Has no right to roam; For I’m homesick when I go to ... And seasick when I’m ... play/lie/sit fish/water/waves night/day/evening colours/smell/name a pub/sea/work home/alone/cold UNIT 12 О Look through ex. 3 of your textbook and write questions to the text to find out: 1. what carols are; 2. why Bob Cratchit could hardly write; 3. what kind of nephew Scrooge had; 4. who Scrooge saw at the door when he opened it; 5. how the Ghost of Christmas Present changed Scrooge’s home; 6. what Scrooge saw in Bob Cratchit’s house; 7. what the Ghost of the Future showed Scrooge; 8. what Scrooge promised to change in his life; 9. if Scrooge kept his word. Q Write this text and make it complete with the help of the words from the box. presents books stockings (2) toys(2) dessert exciting fireplace give Day sweets Merry Christmas * to behave [bi'heiv] — вести себя * starry (from “star”) — звёздный ® tame [teim] — приручённый CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas Day, December 25th, is the most ... day of the year for Englisii children. On that day they get ... and ... presents to their brothers, sisters, parents and friends. You probably know that English children hang ... at the ... or near their beds on Christmas Eve. In the morning they usually find their ... filled with small toys and ... . They may also find larger ... lying nearby. The morning will be spent playing with new ... and reading new ... . Then comes lunch, traditionally with the turkey as the main dish and Christmas pudding for .... The whole family tries to come together on Christmas ... to say “ ...” to each other. ’ Describe the best New Year party you have had. Write a Christmas story that can be illustrated by this picture. о In this card there are 4 words in which the letters are mixed up. Put the words right and copy down the text of this greeting. О Design your own (one, two or more) Christmas/New Year cards. Choose the greetings you like most, write them in your cards and then send the cards to your parents, relatives, friends. With best wishes for Christmas and the New У ear! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Hear! With Christmas ^reetinys and all Good wishes for the New hear! Ho piny Christmas brinys all your favourite thinys! Happy holidays! Season's areetinys and best wishes for the New 4ear! When ijOH wake ир Christmas morning Hope j^oa find beneath the tree So many lovely presents Уои'И be happy as can be! Rememberiny you at Christmas With a cheery note to say — May yon spend the festive season In a most deliyhtfni way! О Draw as many toys to put on the firtree as you can, then write their names in English. UNIT П В В Today's Quotation The most important three words you can say to yourself: Yes, I cani О A. Read the fairy tale “The Spirit in the Bottle” and write the numbers of the paragraphs in the right order. 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ... A. The giant gave Herman a piece of old rag* and said that it was a very unusual rag. One end of it could cure people from all diseases, and the other end could turn iron and steel into silver. B. The next day Herman went to the forest with his father. Though he had never done such work before, the student worked well. About noon his father said they would eat their dinner. Herman took his bread and said he would go a little way into the forest. C. Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who worked very hard from morning till night. He had a son, Herman by name. The old man had saved some money and sent his son to university. Herman was a very good student. He worked hard and learnt a lot of things. * a rag — зд. лоскут D. But the money that his father had given him was all finished after two years and Herman came back home. His father had no more money and Herman said he would stay and work with his father. E. Then the young man opened the bottle. Immediately the little thing jumped out of the bottle and began to grow. In a moment it stood before the young man like a huge giant. “Thank you, young man,” he said. “Now it’s my turn to help you.” F. The young man was so pleased with the bright sunshine that he walked and walked among the trees. Suddenly he heard a voice: “Let me out! Let me out!” Herman looked down and saw a green bottle under the tree. There was something in the bottle that looked rather like a small frog and that jumped up and down shouting: “Let me out!” B. Write 5 sentences to finish the fairy tale. О Complete the sentences using the adjectives from the box. sad healthy interested sorry pleasant picturesque dirty happy tragic pleased easy 1. OK, I’ll do it for you if it can make you ... . 2. Don’t cry. I don’t understand why you are reading this book if it makes you so ... . 3. Let’s wash the plates and clean the flat; I know it will make mother ... . 4. Spend more time in the open гиг, it will make you ... . 5. — Look at yourself! What have you been doing? — I’ve been working in the garden and it has made my hands and clothes ... . 6. Reading about Scotland made me really ... in the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. 7. A lot of terrible things happened to Mary, Queen of Scots, and made her life ... . 8. “I am very angry with you and I’ll make you ... for what you have done,” said the King to his Minister. 9. If we go to Glasgow by car, it will make our journey ... and ... . 10. They planted some trees and flowers гdong the wall and made the garden even more ... . о Insert to where necessary. 1. I wouldn’t like that wicked boy ... come to our party. 2. The policeman made the thief ... return the thing he had stolen. 3. He was made ... earn his living at the age of fourteen. 4. Most of the teenagers are not allowed ... act as they like. 5. My mother would like me ... come home before nine o’clock. 6. When I get good marks at school, it makes me ... feel happy. 7. Tom was made ... stay in the palace and ... do all the things princes usually do. 8. Nobody expected the trip ... be so wonderful. 9. Let Mary ... put on her smart clothes and ... go to the theatre with us. 10. We would like the trade between our countries ... develop. О Make these sentences passive. 1. You make me laugh. 2. She never lets me go to the river alone. 3. I will make you apologise. 4. Mother doesn’t let little Johnny stay up late. 5. My parents let my elder brother read whatever he likes. 6. Henry’s cousin never makes him iron his clothes. 7. My granny always makes me clean up my room. 8. Liza’s parents let her have parties in their house. О Write the same in English. 1. Мне не разрешили выбрать школу. 2. «Позволь мне поехать в Шотландию с бабушкой», — просила маму маленькая Нелли. 3. Мы не ожидали, что он нанесёт удар. 4. Мальчика заставили остаться дома, так как он был болен. 5. Мы хотим, чтобы вы сосредоточились на этой работе. 6. В прошлом году в нашем городе было построено несколько новых торговых центров, но нам не разрешили построить стадион. 7. Пам бы хотелось, чтобы они посетили самое живописное место па севере Англии — Озёрный край. 8. Не заставляй меня кричать изо всех сил. Он нас не услышит. 9. Ответ ученика осчастливил (сделал счастливой) старую учительницу. 10. Детям не разрешили поиграть на компьютере. О The words in each pair sound the same but mean different things. Choose the right words to complete these sentences with them. son — sun made — maid hour — our there — their write — right knight — night flower — flour berry — bury tale — tail 3 — O. B. Л(|мнпг1>свд. 6 КЛ. 1. а) The ... is becoming warmer: spring is coming! b) Your sister’s ... is your nephew. 2. a) It was a big house and so there was a ... who helped to clean it. b) Is your smart new sweater ... of wool? 3. a) It usually takes me just one ... to do my homework in English, b) We like it when foreign guests come to ... school. 4. a) They are nice boys, besides everybody knows ... devotion to ... friends, b) Have you been to the Highlands? How long did you stay ... ? 5. a) Don’t forget to ... me a letter when you go away on holiday, b) I am sure you are ... when you try to learn as much as you can about the customs and traditions in other countries. 6. a) At ... Moscow looks strikingly beautiful, b) How much do you know about King Arthur? Was he a ... of the Round Table? 7. a) I didn’t know that this ... grows only on tops of high rocks, b) Take the ... and the eggs and mix them. 8. a) They decided to ... Shakespeare in the church, b) Do you know that the tomato is a ... ? 9. a) The fox has a long bushy ... . b) That’s the best ... I’ve ever heard. Where did you find it? Write not less than ten questions on the text “Scotland the Beautiful" (ex. 25 of your textbook). Complete the text with the words from the box and copy it down, trading striking deer modest picturesque prosperous devoted HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS To the north of Edinburgh and Glasgow are the Highlands of Scotland; mountains with few trees, wild ... and many sheep. It’s one of the most ... places in the world. The Highlanders, the people of the area, are very ... to their country with its ... beauty, though it is not so ... as other places in Britain. Most of these people are farmers and fishermen. Scotland does a lot of fish ... . On the small islands to the north and west of Scotland there are fishing and farming villages. The houses in the villages look ... but they have to be strong enough to keep people warm in winter when cold winds blow from the sea. Some of the people still speak Gaelic, the ancient Celtic language of Scotland. Write down questions to get more information about Edinburgh. Find out; 1. what Edinburgh is sometimes called; 2. what street lies between the Old Town and the New Town; 3. what the Castle used to be; 4. why the Castle attracts a lot of tourists; 5. what the Royal Mile is; 6. in what part of the city the monument to the dog Bobby is situated; 7. what makes Edinburgh especially attractive; 8. who lives in Holyrood Palace; 9. what kind of music the performers play in the square in front of the Castle; 10. how high the monument to Sir Walter Scott is. Write five good reasons why you would like to visit Scotland. Remember the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands" by Robert Burns and write the English equivalents to the underlined parts of this poem. Learn this poem in Russian. В ГОРАХ МОЕ СЕРДЦЕ В горах моё сердце ... Доныне я там. По следу оленя лечу по скалам. Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу. В горах моё сердце, а сам я внизу. Прощай, моя родина! Север, прощай, — Отечество славы и доблести край. По белому свету судьбою гоним. Навеки останусь я сыном твоим! Прощайте, вершины под кровлей снегов. Прощайте, долины и скаты лугов. Прощайте, поникшие в бездну леса. Прощайте, потоков лесных голоса. В горах моё сердце ... Доныне я там. По следу оленя лечу по скалам. Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу. В горах моё сердце, а сам я внизу! (Перевод С. Я. Маршака) 3* ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 9. Round and round the rugged^ rock The ragged^ rascal'* ran How many Rs are there in that? Now tell me if you can. UNIT 14 s ■ ■ • Today's Quotation The greatest risk in life is doing nothing. ■ О Remember the plural for these nouns. Write the words down, policeman — policemen 1. sportswoman — 2. valley — 3. thief — 4. mouse — 5. sheep — 6. wolf — 7. deer — 8. shelf — 9. potato — 10. brush — * rugged ['rAgid] ностью * ragged I'raegid] - * rascal [’raiskal] - 11. berry — 12. child — 13. radio — 14. tooth — 15. Englishman — 16. hero — 17. video — 18. wife — 19. goose — 20. photo — неровный, шершавый, с шероховатой поверх- одетый в лохмотья, оборванный мошенник, негодяй о Find the missing information. Draw this table in your notebooks. Country Capital Population j Symbol Interesting Fact 1. England 2. Wales red double-deckers in London streets about 3 million Edinburgh О Match the words in the columns. 1. prosperous a) streets 2. picturesque b) valleys 3. modest c) news 4. smart d) parades 5. striking e) friends 6. devoted f) answers 7. military g) clothes 8. busy h) states Use the verbs with or without to or V+ing to complete the sentences. We heard Nick {shout) at the top of his voice. We heard Nick shouting at the top of liis voice. 1. I have never seen them (sleep) out. 2. I heard them (discuss) the greenhouse effect yesterday. 3. Let him (look) at this insect carefully and (name) it. 4. Don’t let t3hem (destroy) the animals’ habitats. 5. They were made (stop) nuclear tests. 6. The queen watched her ministers (join) the ceremony. 7. The holidaymakers expected the weather (be) good. 8. We wouldn’t like their team (defeat) yours. 9. I heard him (remind) his students about the test. 10. The thieves wanted Oliver (get) into the house through the window. Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sentences below and guess what the other word in each pair means. prosperous a rock a grave modest smart trade to hang military to contrast to concentrate to prosper rocky a graveyard modesty smartly a tradesman a hanger ['hsepaj a militarist contrasting concentration 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, If the government looks after the interests of the people, the country prospers. It is difficult to climb a rocky path. There is usually a graveyard near every church. He knows so much but never shows it: his modesty is surprising. She had a new pink blouse on and we all told her that she was very smartly dressed. A tradesman is a person whose job is to sell goods. Don’t forget to hang your new dress on the hanger if you are not going to wear it now. A militarist is a person who wants to strengthen and use the armed forces* of his country to make it more powerful. White and black are two contrasting colours. The concentration of harmful gases in the air can be very dangerous. Complete the text with the words from the box and copy it down. path castles served streams agriculture scenery picturesque argue visitors valleys ' armed forces ('amd 'fo:siz] — вооружённые силы WOULD YOU LIKE TO VISIT WALES? Many people go to Wales on holiday. It is famous for its beautiful mountains, ... and ... . In Wales there are a lot of places that haven’t been damaged by tourism, ... or industry. Some people may ... that there is a lot to see but nothing to do in Wales; and they will be wrong. You can go boating on the ... Llangollen Canal or go riding along the narrow rocky ... in the Snowdonia National Park. Wales is also famous for its ... . They stretch like an iron chain across the country. ... to Wales often go to see Caernarfon Castle in North Wales. This is where Prince Charles became Prince of Wales in 1969. Don’t forget to make a visit to it. Perhaps the most impressive castle in Wales is Caerphilly. For centuries it ... as a fortress and is still one of the greatest castles of the western world. О Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sentences below and guess what the other word in each pair means. a) to enter — an entrance b) fluent — fluency c) to serve — a servant d) brief — briefly e) a stream — to stream f) agriculture — an agriculturalist g) a climber — a climb h) a path — pathless 1. Excuse me, where is the entrance to the cinema? 2. She could speak German with great fluency. 3. A servant is a person who works in another person’s house, cooking, cleaning, etc. 4. They discussed their holidays briefly. 5. She was crying and tears were streaming down her cheeks. 6. An agriculturalist is an expert on agriculture who advises farmers. 7. Their long climb up the mountain was very difficult. 8. Those areas in the mountains were absolutely pathless. Use the words from the box to complete the text. brief, paths, rescue, streams, passports, look, service, rocks, including, injured Mountain climbers are very brave people. In the mountains they risk their lives every minute. There are no roads or ... in the mountains but there are a lot of high ... and ... which are hard to cross. Climbers often take dangerous routes’ nobody used before them. They start getting ready for the climb long before it begins. Firstly they choose the mountain and ... it up in all kinds of books, they make ... notes and study the information. The more they know about the mountain they are going to climb the better. Then, if they go climbing in another country, they’ve got to think about their ... . The most important thing is to prepare the equipment ... food and medicines. It’s easy to get ... in the mountains. Though there is a ......... in many countries, mountain climbers must be prepared for all kinds of accidents. О Make up 8 sentences with the adjectives: musical, industrial, cultural, regional, traditional, natural, national, agricultural. ' a route [ni:t] — маршрут ф Make these sentences negative or interrogative as in the example. She has got a good friend. — Has she got a good friend? He has to return before two o’clock. — He doesn’t have to return before two o’clock. 1. Steve has got to spend more time doing his homework. 2. Mother has got an old photo of herself as a little girl. 3. We have to study the map of the British Isles. 4. They have got a passport. 5. All the people have got to take care of the environment. 6. We have got a good bus service in our town. 7. This country has got a monarch. 8. She has to ask someone for advice. 9. We have got to learn more about this empire. 10. Teenagers have to be polite to grown-ups. Ф Say the same in a different way using the words; class, lecture, exam, mark, book, talk, lessons, notes. Choose the right preposition in, on. 1. a long talk about the French art given to a group of people 2. a long talk about the history of the country 3. a mark a geography teacher gives you 4. a book with a lot of information about computer studies 5. an exam pupils take at the end of literature classes 6. notes about the problem of population 7. lessons where students sing and learn much about music 8. a class where English Grammar is explained Ф Complete the sentences, make them true. 1. Yesterday my mother noticed ... . 2. We never saw ... . 3. Nobody ever watched ... . 4. You can hardly ever hear ... . 5. My friend never/always watches ... . 6. Once I felt somebody ... . 7. I didn’t hear ... . 8. I never noticed ... . Ф Remember three things that you have never seen, watched, noticed or heard. Teii the ciass what you have remembered. I have never seen a dodo fly. I have never heard my teacher speak French. Write the same in English. 1. Ha что ты смотришь? 2. Береги себя в поездке. 3. Она сидела на диване и просматривала журнал. 4. Что ты ищешь? 5. Кто присмотрит за ребёнком, пока меня не будет? 6. Он сказал, что не знает, где её искать. 7. Где мне взять эти сведения? — Посмотри информацию в словаре. 8. Господин Джонсон ищет работу. 9. Какие документы ты просматриваешь? 10. За кем ты ухаживаешь? Read to get some more information about Wales. Do you know that... • In Wales most road signs are in English and in Welsh. • The fourth channel on Welsh television gives programmes mainly in Welsh. • St. David is the patron saint of Wales. On 1st March, St. David’s Day, patriotic Welsh people wear a leek or a daffodil, both symbols of Wales. • Every year, an international festival called Eisteddfod [ai'stedfad] is held in the town of Llangollen flsen'gnGlsnl. People come from all over the world to recite poetry, sing and dance in this colourful competition. • Cardiff, the modern capital of Wales, has a Roman castle and a modern shopping centre. • Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio-gogogoch. This is the longest place-name in the United Kingdom and, probably, in the whole world. Count how many let- ters it has! • Rugby is the national game of Wales. The rules of the game are quite difficult. A team consists of fifteen players. The game is played with an egg-shaped ball. • Welsh is a Celtic language, and is very difficult to learn. It has very musical intonation, and difficult sounds. • There are three National Parks in Wales. These parks are protected by law because of their natural beauty, but people live and work there. • The highest mountain peak in Wales is Snowdon. It is 1085 metres high. • The Welsh for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten is un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, chwech, saith, wytn, naw, deg. • The population of Wales is about two and a quarter million. • The Welsh call their country Cymru ['клтп] and themselves Cymry ('kimn], a word which has the same root as “camrador” (friend, comrade). Write down the names of five-ten things that you think of when you say 'Wales’. Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twisier Challenge Ш 10. Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread Spread it thick Say it quick. Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread Spread it thicker Say it quicker. Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, brown bread Now repeat it While you eat it. Open the brackets and use the verbs in the right form. Copy the text down. Once upon a time in the middle of winter a Queen (i. sit) at her windows made of ebony.* She (2. sew). Suddenly the Queen pricked* her finger with her needle. There (3. be) some blood on her finger. The three colours: white, black and red made her (4. say) to herself: “I would like (5. have) a ‘ ebony — чёрное дерево * to prick — уколоть little daughter with a skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.” Very soon a little daughter was born to her. She (6. be) the prettiest little girl in the kingdom, just as the Queen (7. want) her {8. be). Everybody (9. like) (10. watch) the little girl (11. play) in the garden or (12. feed) her favourite pet animals. All people in the kingdom (13. forget) what this little Princess’s real name (14. be) because she (15. call) “Snow White”. Unfortunately, before her little daughter (16. grow) up the good Queen (17. die) and a year later the King (18. marry) another womгш. The new Queen (19. be) tall and very beautiful but she (20. not, want) anybody (21. be) more beautiful than herself. She often (22. ask) her magic looking-glass: “Mirror, mirror on the wall! Who is the fairest one of all?” And the looking-glass always (23. answer) that the Queen (24. be). The Queen (25. not, expect) any woman or girl (26. become) as beautiful as the day, and (27. be) more beautiful than herself. The looking-glass always (28. tell) the truth. So as soon as the Queen (29. hear) she (30. be) the most beautiful lady in the kingdom she (31. feel) quite pleased. But when seven more years (32. go) by the Queen (33. get) a different answer to her usual question. The mirror (34. say) Snow White (35. become) the prettiest girl in the country. That unexpected answer (36. make) the Queen pale. She (37. want) her servant (38. take) Snow White away into the forest and (39. kill) her. О Look at these story titles and write about them using the example. "No One Listens to Andy” a) I don’t know why no one listens to Andy. b) I wonder how Andy feels about it. c) I’d like to know who Andy is. d) People ask me if Andy is very unhappy. 1. “Mr O’Connor Cleans the Garage” 2. “Larry Little LeгLrns to Fly” 3. “The Cat That Could Not Find a Mouse” 4. “Polly Makes New Friends” 5. “Ducks for Breakfast” 6. “Michael Uses His Head” 7. “How Penny Got Her Wish” Q Express the same in English. 1. Какие длинные волосы! 2. Это необходимые сведения. 3. Ваши советы хороши. 4. Это такие смешные щенки. 5. Это такая умная собака. 6. Это такой сладкий кофе. 7. Какие большие деньги! 8. Какие глубокие знания! 9. Какая сегодня плохая погода! О Choose the right word: is or are. 1. Where ... the money? 2. My sister’s hair ... so beautiful. 3. I have never heard of it. The information ... very important. 4. ... the trousers in the wardrobe? 5. The greenhouse ... not big enough. 6. The sunshine ... so bright. 7. These weathermen ... working for television now. 8. These ... very rare species of animals. 9. This ... an endangered species of birds. О Write questions that you are planning to ask a visiting professor from the USA. Find out: 1. where in Washington, D.C. you can get information about the first settlement in New England; 2. where the Capitol and the White House are situated; 3. how Americans greet people when they see them for the first time; 4. if Americans have an official song and what it is called; 5. if all the states in the USA have their own flags, symbols and songs; 6. what he knows about “ghost towns”; 7. which states are the largest and which are the smallest; 8. when the first skyscrapers were built; 9. if Americans travel a lot and where they usually spend their holidays; 10. if there are any interesting museums in Washington and in New York. □ □ □ Today's Quotation The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. и □ Express the same in one sentence. Use Complex Object. I saw a strange man. He was walking up the stairs. I saw a strange man walking up the stairs. 1. My friend is coming to see me after dinner. I expect him. 2. She played the piano at the party. I heard it. 3. I would like you to do something for me. Read this story aloud. 4. Peter wants to make the birthday cake himself. Let it be so. 5. Our footballers won that important match. We watched them when it happened. 6. Will Uncle Jim take Alex out for dinner? Alex wants it so much. 7. The thief entered the house very quietly. Nobody noticed him. 8. They are planning to spend the weekend at home. I wouldn’t like it very much. 9. The train arrived five minutes early. No one expected it. 10. Liza didn’t want to recite her poem. We made her. Choose the right word: bank(s) or shore(s). 1. Jim climbed out of the boat onto the ... of the river. 2. They have a beautiful house on the ... of Lake Geneva. 3. Paris is situated on the ... of the Seine. 4. What is there on the left ... of the river? 5. The lake was huge. We could see a boat about a mile from the ... . 6. It was wonderful to see the ... of England again after so long at sea. 7. He followed the man along the river ... . 8. The town is on the high ... on either side of the river. 9. We could see the trees on the other ... of the lake. 10. Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to arrive on these ... . A. Write the same in English: 1. берег озера 2. берег моря 3. берег реки 4. берег океана B. Write 8 sentences of your own with these combinations. Choose the right word to complete the sentences. 1. (Million/Millions) of people travel abroad and enjoy it. 2. I have three (hundred/hundreds) books at home. 3. I know at least two (dozen/dozens) places where we could go on holiday. 4. One can see (thousand/thousands) of stars in the night sky. 5. Nick brought (hundred/hundreds) of photos from the summer camp. 6. We have learned several (hundred/hundreds) English words. 7. This car can do ten (dozen/dozens) miles an hour. 8. The population of Great Britain is over fifty (million/millions) people. 9. Moscow Zoo has (hundred/hundreds) of species of different birds. 10. There are only four (hundred/hundreds) pupils in this school. О Revise the forms of the irregular verbs and complete the table. Meaning I и III IV ловить, хватать caught дрожать, трясти(сь) shaking дуть blew прятать(ся) — hide гореть, сжигать 1 1 burning вести, возглавлять lead стоить cost означать meant 1 падать 1 1 falling выбирать choose 1 ! расти grown терять lost предсказывать forecast о Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sentences below and guess what the other word in each pair means; translate the sentences into Russian. a canoe — canoeing mighty — might to rise — a riser to stretch — a stretch/stretchy/a stretcher (stretchers) 1. Canoeing is a kind of sport. 2. Might is power or strength. If she begins shouting, she always shouts with all her might. 3. An early riser is someone who likes to get up early in the morning. A late riser is someone who likes to get up late. 4. A stretch of land or water is an area of land or water usually one that is large. 5. Stretchy material is slightly elastic, it can stretch easily. 6. Stretchers are used to carry injured or sick people. Do you remember your Mother’s birthday? Each member of your family had prepared a surprise for Mother. Say what your Mother saw when she came home after work that day. J When Mother came home, she saw that Father had cooked a special dinner. О Once upon a time there lived a king who liked to give orders. Report his commands. '/\yL£t King (to the captain): Bring all the soldiers to my palace. The King told (asked) the captain to bring all the soldiers to his palace. 4 — О. в. Афанасьева. 6 кл. Don’t take my power from me. ^^how me your magic mirror^ О Write the same in English. 1. Джон решил, что он поедет навестить своих прабабушку и прадедушку через 3 дня. 2. Я не знала, что их дом стоит на берегу озера. 3. Анна спросила нас, бывали ли мы когда-нибудь на берегах Миссисипи. 4. Ученик сказал, что не может назвать пустыни в Австралии. 5. Я хотела понять, зачем они это сделали. 6. Маленький Джон не знал, при какой температуре плавятся металлы. 7. Мы спросили, когда мы снова поедем в Лондон. 8. Он не поверил, что я никогда не видел небоскрёбы. 9. Учитель спросил, какие крупные (могучие) реки России и Америки мы знаем. Ф Complete these lists: 1) а rocky beach, __________ , _________ , __________ , ________ 2) a mighty wave. __________ , _________ , __________ , ________ 3) a chain of words, __________ , ________ , ________ , ________ 4) an endless film. ________ , _________, ___________ , ________ 5) a great attraction for birds. _______ 6) a mixture of English and Russian, Ф Think of the best way to translate the proverb “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence" into Russian and write a short story to illustrate it. Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 11> A flea’ and a fly in a flue^ Were imprisoned.® So what could they do? Said the flea, “Let us fly.” Said the fly, “Let us flee.”^* And they flew through the flaw® in the flue. IT 17 4^: . Today's Quotation и Щ Real success comes in small portions ■ {Ц evei*y day. О The king gathered his people again and spoke to them. Report his statements in writing. 1. “I have declared war on Spain.” 2. “My people must obey my orders.” 3. “My helpers gathered in the palace yesterday.” 4. “I will speak to all the citizens at the end of the week.’ 5. “I need your support.” ' a flea (fli:] — блоха * a flue (Пи:1 — дымоход ® were imprisoned — зд. попали в ловушку to flee (fled, fled) — бежать, спасаться бегством ® a flaw [Ad:] — трещина, щель 4* в. 1. “There are many beaches in our kingdom.” 2. “We have endless grasslands and wildlands.” 3. “The biggest river in the kingdom is our most important waterway.” 4. “Your Queen is having her birthday tomorrow. She was born in 1626.” .5. “The armed forces of the kingdom are mighty and strong.” О Revise the forms and meanings of the irregular verbs and make the table complete. Meaning I II III IV становиться — — become — сиять, светить — shone — — думать think — — — пахнуть, нюхать — — — smelling летать fly — — — носить (одежду) — wore — — подниматься — — risen — лежать lie — — — стоить (о цене) — — — costing бросать — threw — — воровать, красть steal — — — ловить — caught — — О Choose the right word (what, where, when, who, why, how, whose, which) to make the statements complete. 1. No matter ... long it takes I’m going to finish this picture. 2. No matter ... we are going to meet we shall meet at six. 3. No matter ... said it he is not quite right. 4. No matter ... you may think we are going to do it our own way. 5. No matter ... of you wrote that postcard he made a lot of mistakes. 6. No matter ... dog it is you should feed it. 7. No matter ... he returns we shall discuss it with him. 8. No matter ... you have decided to do it, it’s your decision and I will obey. о Open the brackets to make the story complete. THE GREAT IRON CHEST’ Part I Long, long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, an old Wicked Witch Ц. put) a King’s son under a spell.^ She (2. shut) him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she (3. hide) the Prince, Chest, and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one (4. know) what (.5. become) of the Prince. The Prince’s father (6. send) men far and wide but they (7. can, not) (3. find) him. Year after year the Chest (9. stand) there in the great wild forest. It so (10. happen) that a King’s daughter (11. lose) her way in that forest. She (12. walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13. see) some strange Chest (14. stand) in front of her. She also (15. hear) the Chest (16. speak). The Chest (17. want) (18. know) where the girl (19. come) from and where she (20. go). She (21. answer) she (22. lose) her way. The voice from the Chest (23. say) it (24. help) the girl if she (25. promise) (26. come) back and (27. marry) him. She (28. agree). О Make two lists of words on the topics: Scenery me------------------- CO------- sh------------------- de---------- ba----- pa----- mo--------------------va---------- ro----- he------- Water bodies oc — — — ri — — — st — — — — ch — — — — s — — О Write sentences using: mighty, a shore, a beach, a desert, a chain, an attraction, a skyscraper, a mixture. ’ a chest — сундук ^ to put under a spell — заколдовать о Say what can; 1) melt; 2) rise; 3) stretch. О Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sentences below and guess what the other word in each pair means: translate the sentences into Russian. a religion — religious a president — presidential a slave — to slave to support — a supporter to obey — obedience fabidjans]; obedient [a'bi:djant] to declare — a declaration to vote — a voter to judge — a judgement a citizen — citizenship 1. Religious people believe in God. 2. How often are presidential elections held in the USA? 3. I have been slaving in the garden all day long and I am dead tired. 4. When our football team played in another town, all the supporters went to watch the game. 5. Show your obedience and do as I ask you. 6. They are wonderful, obedient children. 7. The American Declaration of Independence is the document that declared the freedom of the original 13 American colonies from Great Britain. 8. How many voters gave their voices for him? 9. I am afraid his judgement of the problem is all wrong. 10. He wanted to know how he could get British citizenship. О Insert these words where necessary: on, for, against, to, at, by, of. A. 1. In 1941 Germany declared war ... the Soviet Union. 2. Have you paid ... the bill? — I can’t pay ... the books now. Will you send me a bill ... them? 3. A ten-dollar bill is a bill ... ten dollars. 4. She says she is interested in the US history but she has never heard of the Bill ... Rights of the US Constitution. 5. After the meal I asked for the bill ... the lunch. 6. Originally there were ten rights (amendments) in the US Bill ... Rights. 7. They introduced a new bill ... education into the British Parliament. B. 1. People all over the world fight ... peace ... war. 2. Who will judge ... the next case? 3. He often acts as a judge ... our school sports competitions. 4. Judging ... what everyone says about him he is a loyal friend. 5. The members of the delegation decided to vote ... the new school rules. 6. Have you heard about the new amendments ... the Constitution? Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete {past simple, past progressive or past perfect). 1. Andrew (ask) if John (see) any skyscrapers. 2. While the tailor (measure) him, Mr Brown (try) to be calm. 3. They (shoot) in the forest when John (arrive). 4. We (be) sure they (finish) their work by ten. 5. She (work) as a nurse in 1998. 6. Who (watch) television when Dad (come) in? 7. What (happen) next? 8. Nobody (know) what (happen). 9. I (not, know) when Mrs Padley (be) born. 10. When Nick and I (meet), he (write) a very interesting project. Ф Make sure that you know these facts and complete the sentences. Write them down. 1. The Revolutionary War (the War of Independence) began in 1775 and was over in _____________. 2. The US Constitution was written in the city of -----------. 3. The American government consists of three main parts (branches). They are: a) ________, b) ________ , c) --------. 4. The Congress makes meets in the US _______ ____ of the country. The Congress It consists of the _________and the 5. There are _________senators in the Senate. 6. A senator’s term is _________years. 7. All in all there are ________ congressmen and congresswomen in the House of Representatives. 8. A representative’s term is _____ years. 9. The and Congress makes. 10. The President’s term is President for no more than carry out the laws that the years. In America one can be ____terms. _______judges. 11. The US Supreme Court is made up of __ 12. The judges work in the US Supreme Court as long as ф Write questions to which these are answers. 1. There were thirteen colonies. 2. To write the Constitution. 3. In the US Capitol in Washington, D. C. 4. One hundred. 5. Four hundred and thirty-five. 6. Two years and six years. 7. They carry out the laws that the Congress makes. 8. They help the President to make decisions. 9. Thirty-five years old. 10. In November of every leap year. 11. They make sure that the President and the Congress follow the Constitution. 12. As long as they live. 13. More than 200 years ago. 14. They are called amendments. 15. The 13th amendment. 16. The 19th amendment. Ф Make up as many words as you can out of the words; a) representatives tent, river, ... , ... , ... b) amendments send, tea, ... , ... , ... е тает лед. 2. Мы знали, что Якоб и Вильгельм Гримм (Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm) написали много сказок. 3. Гид сказал, что строительство здания Капитолия (the State Capitol) было завершено в 1792 году. 4. Учитель сказал нам, что в английском языке более 450 000 слов. 5. Мы узнали, что Луис Салливан (Louis Sullivan) спроектировал (design) первый небоскрёб. 6. Я прочитала, что Конгресс США проголосовал за Декларацию независимости (the Declaration of Independence) 4 июля 1776 года. 7. На уроках истории мы много читали о первых колонистах в Америке и узнали, что пилигримы собрали свой первый урожай осенью 1621 года. 8. Американские колонисты не хотели, чтобы ими управлял король. Они отослали письмо в Англию, где написали, что будут сражаться за свою независимость. 9. Мы не знали, что 19-я поправка к Американской конституции дала женщинам право участвовать в выборах в 1920 году. 10. Ты знал, что поправка к закону — это изменение в конституции или закона? Ф Read this text attentively and make up questions on it. Write them down. WOMEN'S RIGHTS At the beginning of the 19th century women in America did not have equal rights with men. They did not have the right to speak in public, to vote. They were not allowed to study at most colleges. In most states married women could not own land or houses. Two women, Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott, decided to meet with other women to try to change laws and customs. In 1848 women from all over the country met to discuss women’s rights. After their meeting where all men and women were declared equal, women began to speak publicly about their rights: the right to own and sell property, to get education, to work at any job or in any profession, to vote; in fact to be equal with men. Many years passed before women began to receive these rights. Many women understood they had to work together for the rights of all people, be they black or white, men or women, slaves or free. Questions: 1. At the beginning of the 19th century women in America didn’t have equal rights with men, ...? 2. to speak in public or vote or study at most colleges? 3. Who decided ...? 4. When to discuss women’s rights? 5. What ... after their meeting? 6. What rights ...? 7. Women in America received their rights soon after they began fighting for them, ...? 8. What ... understand? Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge Ш 13. A tutor* who tutored the flute Tried to teach two young tooters^ to toot® Said the two to the tutor, “Is it harder to toot, or To tutor two tooters to toot?” UNIT 19 О Open the brackets and write the complete story. THE GREAT IRON CHEST Part III When the Princess saw the young man, she (1. like) him very much. She (2. begin) (3. work) as hard as she (4. can). She (5. think) she never {6. see) anyone so handsome.* She (7. know) she (8. make) ' a tutor Ctjuidj — наставник, учитель; to tutor — учить, наставлять * a tooter — дударь ® to toot [lu;t] — дудеть, трубить, играть на дудочке ■* handsome ['hsenssm] — красивый (обычно о мужчинах) him free soon. And she (9. do). The Prince {10. take.) her liand and {11. say) he {12. be) under the spell all those years. He {13. suffer) a lot. He {14. thank) the Princess as she {15. save) him. He {16. tell) her he {17. want) them {18. go) to his father’s kingdom and {19. expect) her {20. marry) him. The Princess {21. agree) because she already {22. fall) in love with the young man. But she {23. ask) him {24. let) her {25. go) first to her father’s palace and {26. say) goodbye to her old father. The Prince {27. agree) though he {28. look, not) pleased. He {29. want) the Princess {30. speak) no more than three words to her father and then {31. come) back to him immediately. 0 Write an end to the fairy tale “The Great Iron Chest". О Now read the real end of this story and compare it with your own. Write five things that are different or the same in these stories. A. In my story the Prince waits for the Princess in the forest but in the real story the Wicked Witch takes him to a faraway land. B. In both stories the Prince and Princess get married. The Princess told the Prince she would do everything he had asked her but when she got home, without thinking, she spoke more than three words to her old father, and (though she was not there to see) no sooner had she spoken the fourth word, than the Chest and the Prince were gone. When the Princess came back to the place where they had been, she couldn’t find them. So now, the poor girl walked and walked in the forest looking for her Prince. At last she came to a little cottage. She looked through the window and saw a clean room with a large table set for dinner. There were no people inside only a whole company of frogs. The Princess knocked and the frogs let her in. She was kind to them and they told her that the Wicked Witch had taken the Prince to a faraway land. They said that the way there was long and dangerous. They didn’t want the Princess to go on her journey but the girl said she would go. So she did. She found the Prince over the glass mountain on the shore of a deep lake. He was sleeping. She told him she had set him free when he was in the iron Chest, she had climbed a glass mountain and had swum over a great deep lake before she found him. The Prince opened his eyes, looked at the Princess. He was so happy she had come! Both of them started on their journey back, that long dangerous journey. After nine days of walking they found they were in the forest where everything had begun. They saw the frogs’ cottage but suddenly it changed. There were beautiful flowers and tall trees everywhere. In the place where the old little cottage had stood there was a huge palace. The Prince and Princess got married. Her old father came to live with them. So they had two kingdoms between them, and they ruled long and happily over them both. A mouse did run; The tale is done. О What's in the doggy bag? Look at the picture and write 10 sentences about what Mrs Miller has got in the doggy bag that she has brought home from the restaurant. Use a few, a little. Mrs Miller has got a few apples. Mrs Miller has got a little butter. О Write these sentences about Scotland, Wales and the USA, don’t use the word country, but make sure that the sentences are still true. This country is ruled by a President. — The USA is ruled by a President. 1. This country has got a written Constitution. 2. In this country people wear kilts. 3. The highest mountain in Britain is situated in this country. 4. The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in this country. 5. The tradition of Thanksgiving Day is typical of this country. 6. The military tattoo takes place at the end of summer or in early autumn in this country. I. The people of this country call themselves Cymry ['kimri] and their country Cymru ['клтп|. 8. The city which is called Athens of the North is situated in this country. 9. The daffodil is the national symbol of this country. 10. A monument to a dog which has become the symbol of devotion can be found in the capital of this country. II. This country is sometimes called “the melting pot”. 12. The Grand Canyon, one of the main tourist attractions, is situated in this country. Q Express the same in English. 1. Толкни дверь посильнее (harder), и она откроется. 2. Все уважали мистера Грина за его честность и мудрость и думали, что он настоящий джентльмен. 3. Золушка была славной, скромной и застенчивой девочкой, но мачеха не любила её. 4. «Иногда бывает трудно подчиняться (слушаться) правилам», — заявил судья. 5. Америка — страна бесконечных равнин, живописных долин, саванн и величественных водопадов. 6. Я поддерживаю вашу идею поблагодарить этого замечательного человека за его верность и преданность. 7. В этом оживлённом городе много небоскрёбов и миллионы горожан. 8. Конгресс состоит в общей сложности из 100 сенаторов и 435 конгрессменов — членов палаты представителей. 9. Храбрые люди из спасательной службы помогают тем, кто попал в беду. 10. Эта горная цепь тянется до берега океана. Она очень живописна и привлекает толпы туристов. UNIT 20 ■ ■ ■ • Today's Quotation • Better unborn than untaught. О Ten good friends are members of a sports club. They are going to meet at the club at 6 o’clock in the evening and each will be practising his sport. Write 10 sentences about them. These pictures can help you. Dan will be canoeing. 1. Dan will be 2. Roger will be 3. Colin ... 4. Max ... 5. Len ... О Write what can be: 6. Harry . 7. George 8. Robin . 9. Kevin . 10. Ian ... 1) vast; 2) humid; 3) uninhabited; 4) lonely; 5) sandy; 6) tropical; 7) swampy; 8) inhabited; 9) icy. О Choose the right item and complete the sentences. a) Present simple or present progressive? 1. I can’t come to the phone now. I (to have) a bath. 2. The Queen (to live) in Buckingham Palace. 3. Australia (to export) wheat, wool and dairy products. 4. Look, that man (to smile) at us. Perhaps he (to know) us. b) Future simple or future progressive? 1. I (phone) you tomorrow if you like. 2. John says he (be) busy at 10 a.m. tomorrow. He (work) on his lecture. 3. There are a lot of mistakes in this document. I (type) it again in the evening. 4. I (play) tennis with Kate tomorrow night. 5. I (tell) you what to do on Saturday. c) Past simple or past progressive? 1. How many cities you (see) in Australia? 2. What book they (read) when the bell (ring)? 3. — You and your friend looked so excited when I (see) you. What you (talk) about? — We (discuss) the plans for our holidays. 4. When he (go) to Australia, he (not. know) much about this unusual country. О Open the brackets to complete the sentences. Choose one of the progressive tense forms — present progressive, past progressive or future progressive. 1. Where is Sarah? — She (take down) the curtains in the sitting room. 2. The group of tourists from France (visit) St. Paul’s Cathedral at 2 o’clock in the afternoon yesterday. 3. While the young people (walk) along the path, they (argue) angrily. 4. He is a student of the Agricultural Academy and (do) very well. 5. Tomorrow at 3 I {fly) over the Atlantic Ocean. 6. Come to me at 6! We {watch) “The Sleeping Beauty”. 7. She lay in the sun and watched the puppies who {bathe) in the cold water of the stream. 8. It is so hot that the chocolate {melt). 9. Next summer we {live) together with my numerous stepbrothers and stepsisters. 10. While the tailor was measuring John, the boy {tell) him the latest news. A. Continue this list of adjectives formed from the corresponding nouns. Noun Adjective star(r) — bone — skin(n)— water — mist — Noun Adjective swamp — swampy sand — sandy rock — rocky juice — ... grass — ... B. Put the adjectives from the right-hand column into these sentences to make them complete. 1. This ... land is very good for farming. Cows and sheep can feed here all the year round. 2. Peter, eat some more roast beef. You should eat more; you have grown so ...! 3. On such ... mornings it’s very difficult to drive, as you can’t see the road clearly. 4. These are ... apples. I like them most of all. 5. My little brother never eats fish if it is .... 6. Holidaymakers love the ... beaches in the south of Australia. 7. Why does this coffee taste so ...? 8. The picture shows the ... mountains of Scotland. 9. The sky is unusually ... tonight. How beautiful! 10. ... places have a lot of water in all seasons. Q A. Make up negative adjectives from these words using in- or un- (5 words with in- and 7 words with un-). 1. inhabited 2. expensive 3. important 4. expressive 5. formal 6. pleasant convenient — inconvenient 7. comfortable 8. declared 9. suitable 10. capable 11. educated 12. dependent в. Write the same in English. 1. Кресло было большое, дорогое, но неудобное. 2. Между двумя королевствами велась (there was) необъявленная война. 3. В деревне было много необразованных людей, не так ли? 4. Почему на тебе повседневная одежда? — Это неофициальная встреча. 5. Это самая неудобная квартира, в которой я когда-либо жил. 6. Страна стала свободной и независимой. 7. Это неважные новости. 8. В этом районе нет незаселённых островов. 9. На лице молодого человека была неприятная улыбка. 10. Рассказ был короткий и невыразительный. О Revise the phrasal verb to give. A. Complete these sentences filling in the necessary words in writing. 1. Could you give me ... my pen? 2. The teacher gave ... the examination papers. 3. When the harvest was really good, we used to give ... a lot of apples and potatoes. 4. I am surprised. They gave ... without a fight. 5. My elder brother gave ... smoking two years ago. 6. “These are the postcards we’ve got,” Susie said. “Will you help me give them ...?” 7. The trip to Italy was too expensive and they gave ... the idea of going there. 8. Could you give me my bicycle ..., please? B. Write these sentences in English. 1. Пожалуйста, раздай всем альбомы и карандаши. 2. Мы отказались от мысли выиграть этот матч. 3. В сказках многие короли дарят свои королевства. 4. Верни мне мою коллекцию марок, пожалуйста. 5. Никогда не отказывайся от надежды, ладно? 6. Мы просмотрели эти журналы и хотим их вернуть. 7. Вот деньги для всей группы. Раздай их, пожалуйста. О Look through ex. 20 of your textbook and complete these geographical names: A. 1. Au____________a 2. M________u_____e 3. D________n 4. A____a 5. C_______r_a 6. Qu____________nd 7. A_____________e 8. T_____________a 9. S________у 10. An_____________ca 11. В__________ne в. 1, the I_______Ocean 2. N__________Territory 3. the G______n Desert 4. New Z________d 5. the M________River 6. Alice S_______s О Look at the pictures and write the names for all fruit and vegetables you know. Use the constructions: This is a ... . These are ... . О 9 10 Look through ex. 20 of your textbook and finish these sentences: 1. They called this land terra australis incognita, or ... . 2. Australia is the world’s largest island and ... . 3. In the east the continent is washed ... . 4. There are three deserts there — .... 5. In the north-east tropical forests ... . 6. New South Wales is ... . 7. Citrous fruits, grapes, peaches and ... . 8. Queensland has ... . 9. Most of the land in the South ... . 10. The state of Western Australia ... . 11. Tasmania, the island state, is sometimes cedled ... . 12. Darwin is its capital and ... . 13. The capital of Australia ... . Ф Write the same in English. Use the words from the box. occupy vast golden pear lonely apricot hemisphere busy swampy striking humid citrous sandy peach inhabited Далеко от России, в южном полушарии Земли, находится необычайная страна под названием Австралия. Австралия занимает целый континент. Это страна разительных контрастов. Там можно найти всё: крупные оживлённые города, безбрежные пустыни, болотистые тропические леса с влажным климатом, песчаные пляжи и поля золотой пшеницы. На одном побережье растут цитрусовые фрукты, яблоки, груши, персики и абрикосы. На другом побережье, населённом очень небольшим количеством людей, сухо и жарко. Здесь вы увидите только одиноко стоящие фермы. Ф Write the names of the lands and water bodies which are around Australia. i > Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge □El 14. The sixth sheik’s^ sheep is sick. * a sheik [Jeik] — шейх, глава рода UNIT 21 ш- Today's Quotation Quarrels’ never could last long If one side were all the wrong.^ Put the words in the right order to make sentences. 1. often/football/my friends/play/in the evening/in the school yard 2. yesterday/met/two hunters/we/in the forest 3. borrow/both/books/they/from the library 4. can/seldom/see/a dingo/in a zoo/you/nowadays 5. cabbages/never/in the garden/grow/they 6. once/little/my father/foxes/in the forest/saw/two 7. curious/in this museum/find/can/always/insects/you/some Write answers to these questions: 1. What did the word “Australia” originally mean? 2, What is the nearest continent to Australia? 3. How many oceans surround Australia? 4. Where do most of Australians live? 5. What city is the capital of Australia? 6. How many states and territories does Australia have? What are they? 7. What is the least populated and the least developed part of Australia? 8. What primitive animals live only in Australia? 9. Which of the birds that live in Australia can laugh? Give the opposite: ordinary — different — a child — tears — richness — to land — unsuitable — comfortable — ’ a quarrel ['kworalj — ссора “ if one side were all the wrong — если бы виновата была лишь одна сторона о How well do you know Australia? Give names to its states and territories and their capitals. Shall I come with you? you? 1. Shall I wait for you? 2. Shall I make some coffee? 3. Shall I water the flowers? — Do you want me to come with 4. Shall I lay the table? 5. Shall I buy some berries? 6. Shall I measure you? О Use the passive constructions to express the same. Someone cleaned the windows while I was cooking, windows were cleaned while I was cooking. — The 1. They will post the letters when the ship arrives at the port. 2. People buy videos like this everywhere. 3. We water flowers every day. 4. Someone broke the window last night. 5. Christopher Columbus brought potatoes to Spain from South America. 6. People make cheese from milk. 7. They fought the battle in 1941. 8. Europeans explored Australia in the 18th century. О Open the brackets to make the story complete. Write an end to the story. Once upon a time there lived a little green magic man in a tree leaf. His name (1. be) Satchkin-Patchkin. One day he (2. sit) and - Л’’ I’. i о о (3. dream) about something when suddenly he {4. hear) a quiet voice: “Oh, what I (5. do)?! I (6. sell) my only cow. And I (7. not. be able) {8. have) any milk in future.” The little man (9. look) down and {10. see) an old woman who {11. cry) under the tree. He {12. remember) that he himself (23. not, drink) milk for many years. “I {14. must) {15. have) some milk or I {16. die)," he (2 7. say). He {18. go) to the farmer’s house because he {19. want) the farmer {20. give) him some milk. But as soon as the farmer {21. see) him {22. stand) at his front door he {23. shout): “What you {24. do) here at this hour? I {25. not, have) any milk. So, {26. go) away now! When I {27. have) milk, I {28. give) it to you.” But the magic man {29. know) the farmer {30. tell) him a lie. So Satchkin-Patchkin (32. decide) to punish the farmer. Give three-five good reasons why Australia can be called an “extraordinary place to explore” and write them down. Imagine you are having a biology class tomorrow. You will be discussing wildlife in Australia. Choose an Australian animal, describe it in 10—12 sentences and draw its picture. Listen to the poem, Ш 15, and read it. Then learn the poem by heart. WHY (by Raymond Wilson) Why should the world be usual? It surely* isn’t right! I don’t want to confuse^ you all, BUT Why shouldn’t day be night? Why shouldn’t snow be hot and black? Why shouldn’t pigs have wings?** ‘ surely ['juali) — конечно, непременно ^ to confuse (kon'lju;/) — смущать, приводить в замешательство ® а wing [wiq) — крыло Why shouldn’t the front be at the back? AND Why shouldn’t dustmen' be kings? Why shouldn’t marmalade taste‘s like meat? Why shouldn’t grass be red? Why must we always stand on our feet? WHEN We can stand on our head? Why shouldn’t starfish® sing like thrushes?'* Why shouldn’t elephants fly? Why shouldn’t pork-pies grow on bushes? AND Why shouldn’t the sea be dry? I won’t let the world be usual? And if you disagree I really confuse you all, ’COS Why shouldn’t you be me? Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister. Tongue-twister Challenge 16. Betty Botter bought some butter. But she said, “My butter’s bitter. If I put it in my batter,® It will make my batter bitter. If I buy some better butter. It will make my batter better.” So she bought some better butter, And it made her batter better. * a dustman (dustmen) ['dAStmonJ — мусорщик (мусорщики) ® to taste [teist] — быть на вкус ® a starfish ['sta: fij] — моркжая звезда '* a thrush [ОгдП — дрозд ® batter I'baeta] — бездрожжевое жидкое тесто, болтушка UNIT 21 о Open the brackets to make the story complete. It was a beautiful spring morning. There (1. not. be) a cloud in the sky, and the sun (2. shine) brightly, so Mr Andrews (3. be) surprised when he (4. see) an old gentleman at the bus stop. The gentleman (5. have) a big, strong black umbrella in his hand. Mr Andrews (6. say) to him, “You (7. think) we (S. be going) (9. have) rain today?” “No,” (10. answer) the old gentleman. “I (11. not, think) so.” “Then why you (12. carry) the umbrella on such a warm day?” The gentleman (13. smile) and (14. explain), “I (15. be) an old man, and my legs (16. not, be) very strong. It (17. become) very difficult for me to walk without a walking stick.* But when I (18. carry) a walking stick, people (19. say) that I (20. look) old and they (21. feel) sorry for me. And I (22. not, like) that. When I (23. carry) an umbrella in fine weather, people only (24. say): “(25. Look) at that stupid man!” О Open the brackets and complete the text. Mrs Brown loved flowers. She (have) a big and beautiful garden with a lot of apple trees, pear trees and plum trees. There (be) also lovely hawthorn and honeysuckle bushes in it. But most of all Mrs Brown (be) proud of her flowers: primroses, daisies, poppies and — above all^ — her wonderful roses. In the summer, her roses (be) always the best in her street. She even (win) a special prize for her yellow roses at two or three flower shows. One summer afternoon when Mrs Brown (read) a woman’s magazine, the bell (ring). Mrs Brown (get up), (go) to the front door, (open) it and (see) a small boy outside. The boy (be) about six years old, and (hold) lots of wonderful roses in his hands. * a walking stick — трость, палка для ходьбы ^ above all — больше всего “I (sell) roses,” he said. “You (want) any? They (be) very cheap. Only five pence each. They (be) fresh. I just (cut) them.” “My boy,” Mrs Brown answered, “roses never (buy) in my house, because I (have) a lot of them in my garden. You can’t expect me (buy) your roses when I (have got) my own.” “Oh, no,” (say) the small boy. “There (be) no roses in your garden now. I (cut) them all. They (be) here in my hands.” О When people go on holiday, they often write about the place they visit. Imagine that you are visiting Australia. Write a short letter to your friend or parents about its a) climate, b) land, c) plants and wildlife. Use the adjectives that you will need from the box. unusual, populated, humid, striking, swampy, well-known, sandy, dry, extraordinary (ordinary), (un)inhabited, mild, tropical, vast, hot, faraway, picturesque, laughing, brightly-coloured, bushy, (un)healthy, lonely, wild, flying, primitive Choose the right word. 1. The continent nearest to Australia is ... . a) Africa b) Asia c) Europe d) America 2. In Australia winter comes in ... . a) December b) January c) June d) July 3. Austrfdia’s population is about ... million people, a) 58 b) 18 c) 118 d) 158 4. New Zealand is to the ... of Australia, a) north b) south c) east d) west 5. The ... resembles a teddy bear. a) kookaburra b) dingo c) koala d) duckbill 6. Australia is divided into ... states and two territories, a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 3 7. Melbourne is the capital of ... . a) New South Wales c) Queensland b) South Australia d) Victoria 8. Sydney is the capital of ... . a) New South Wales c) South Australia b) Western Australia d) Tasmania 9. Sheep farmers in Australia have constant wars against ... . a) dingoes b) kangaroos c) buffaloes d) rabbits 10. Tasmania is sometimes called the ... isle, a) pear b) apple c) apricot d) peach 11. ... is one of the few places in Australia that have enough rain all year. a) Northern Territory c) Western Australia b) South Australia d) Tasmania 12. The bushy country rings with kookaburras ... . a) laughter b) cry c) shout d) whisper Read these five texts and guess what countries they describe. Rewrite them filling in the gaps with the names of the countries. 1. When you say ... you think of: kilts, military tattoo and bagpipes. ... is a very beautiful country with high rocky mountains, picturesque valleys and rivers of clear cold water. ...’s capital is sometimes called the Athens of the North, it’s a centre of business, education and law. People of ... love their country and keep its traditions. 2. ... is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. English is the language spoken there but it is spoken with a strong accent. The people who live in ... use so many expressions of their own that sometimes it is hard for an English-spe8iking foreigner to understemd what they speak about. 3. Although nobody needs a passport to cross the border from England to ... , it’s easy to see that ... is a different country as it has its own culture, tradition and language. The old capital of ... was Caernarfon. The castle of Caernarfon is the place where Prince Charles was crowned as Prince of............has high mountains, including Mount Snowdon, which is over one thousand metres high. 4. The land in ... was colonized mainly by the British and the French in the 17th century, but the growing disagreement between Britain and the colonies led to the Revolution and the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Differences between the North and the South of the country led to the Civil War. Nowadays ... is one of the main industrial countries in the world. 5. ... is the largest country in Britain. Its capital is the city where Queen Elizabeth’s main residence is situated. ... gave birth to such famous people as William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Horatio Nelson, Oliver Cromwell, Jonathan Swift. ... has a lot of traditions, for example five-o’clock tea or having turkey for Christmas. О Look at the map where the countries you have studied are marked. Write the names of the cities (as many as you can) which are situated in these countries. Contents Unit 1 3 Unit 12 . Unit 2 8 Unit 13 . Unit 3 14 Unit 14 . Unit 4 19 Unit 15 . Unit 5 25 Unit 16 . Unit 6 31 Unit 17 . Unit 7 34 Unit 18 . Unit 8 38 Unit 19 . Unit 9 43 Unit 20 . Unit 10 50 Unit 21 . Unit 11 57 Unit 22 . 59 68 83 89 Учебное издание Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Михеева Ирина Владимировна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Рабочая тетрадь VI класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова. Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко. Редакторы Н. И. Максименко. Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли. Технические редакторы Е. Н. Зелянина, Т. Е. Хогпюн. Корректор 3. Ф. Юрескул Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 20.03.12. Формат 70X90'/ie- Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Школьная. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 6,24. Тираж 15 000 экз. Заказ № 31477 (n-smi. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьшюй рощи, 41, Отпечатано в полном соответствии с качество.м предоставленных материалов в ОАО «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, д. 1.