Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 5 класс Рабочая тетрадь Комарова Ларионова - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Стэннетт, Б. Маккей, Ш. Пелтерет к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Гренджер «Английский язык» 1 Му Family Vocabulary Read the information. Write the names on Stick’s famiiy tree. Щ grandfather is Larry and my grandmother is Betsy. Topsy is my sister and Mutley is my brother. Jaylo is my cousin. My father is Bobo and my mother is Dinky. My aunts are Willow and Lily. And Rover is my uncle. H ME! 8................ 9 ......... Grammar Compiete the diaiogue about Sticks’ famiiy. Fiddie ^..WhQ's.....Bobo? Sticks He’s my ^...fatHer... Fiddie ............Willow and Lily? Sticks They’re my ............. Fiddie ®...........Larry? 10 Sticks He’s my ®............. Fiddie ...............Topsy? Sticks She’s my ®............ Fiddie ®..............Rover? Sticks He’s my .............. f Reading and grammar a) Read and match. ШЖОЪЬп’з sister Paul Is Sam’s uncle. Freda Is Oscar’s aunt^‘ Philip is Sadie’s brother. Ella Is Tracey’s grandmother. Beth Is Anne’s mother. a Ella b Paul c Beth d Freda e Mary 6 Tracey f Philip b) Now rewrite the sentences from exercise 3 a). Use his, her or their 1 Mary is John’s sister. Moryjshis.slster;.................. 2 Freda is Oscar’s aunt. 3 Ella is Tracey’s grandmother. 4 Paul is Sam and Nick’s uncle. 5 Philip is Sadie’s brother. 6 Beth is Anne’s mother. Vocabulary and grammar Look and write. 1 She’s fifty-one. / No, she.ls^..... She's fifty-two. 2 He’s thirty-five. Y€s,..he]s,........ 3 He’s ninety-seven. 4 They’re thirty-two. 5 It’s a hundred and six. 6 He’s eighty-six. Grammar Read and circle the correct words. ^ Jade Sarah Jade Sarah Jade Sarah Jade Sarah Jade Sarah Who’s Sally? She’s ^(my)/ your aunt. How old ^ is / are she? , She ®’s / are forty-two./ OK. And who are Jodie and Tim? ^ It’s / They’re my cousins. They’re twins. ® Who’s / Who are Boris? That’s their ® sister / father. He’s my ^ uncle / brother. How old is he? He’s / Is he thirty-eight.'^ C 2 Му Desk Is a Mess ci^ Vocabulary and reading Read and draw. Where is Fiddle? 1 He’s on the chair. 2 He’s under the chair. 3 He’s in the bag. ^ Grammar a) Look at the picture. Write correct answers. 1 The sweets are under the chair, (pencil case) 4 The books are next to the posters, (ch; No. they qren’t They c?re In the pencil case.... ......................................... 2 The magazine is on the bed. (desk) 5 The bag is on the desk, (chair) ................................................................ 3 The apples are under the desk, (pencil case) 6 The posters are on the desk, (bag) b) Find these things in the picture above. Complete the sentences. 1 The pencil case is next .to .......... 4 The camera......... 2 The rubber.... 3 The sandwiches 5 The chair Grammar a) Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. in dear a-mess ^-teg^ljhev’re3 My (t^ homework where’s ——;ттжг,тиг1,г^><втпг1«»г>>жгтгптгпшгш1тмиг«ш^.11ггггп^^ Mum Katie! Your room is ^ a me; els I ^...........are your socks? Katie Urn. ^..........under my bag. Mum And ..............your bag? Katie Oh. It’s next ®.........my chair. Mum And your magazines. Where are 6 9 Katie They’re ............ my cupboard. Mum That’s good. And your 8 ? Katie ®...........homework? Mum Yes, Katie. Where’s your homework? Katie Oh ................ My homework’s on my desk Ma\ school! b) Look at the picture. Answer these questions about Katie’s things. 1 Where is her bag? It's next to her chair. -i i 2 Where are her socks? 3 Where is her homework? 4 Where are her magazines? Grammar and reading Match the questions with the answers. 1 Where are the sandwiches?' 2 Where’s the book? 3 Who’s John? 4 Who are Emily and Kevin? 5 How old is Robert? 6 Is Steven your uncle? a No, he isn’t. He’s my grandfather, b He’s twenty-eight, c They’re on the table, d He’s my brother, e They’re my cousins, f It’s under the desk. (Z 3 Му Dream Town ^ Vocabulary Unscramble the words for these places. t e s c a I castle g b i r e d tmrksuepare 1^ I*»* s u h о e r r e VI minswmgi loop c a b e h 8 yailwar tastnio r a p к m e n a с I u b s n t о s i t a ® -■'1 Reading Read about Skyville. Then complete the f In Sky\«He there is a fantastic beach and "an castle. There are two big cinemas, but there ar any supermark^. There’s a lovely p^ an-river, and there are four hotels in Skyville.. Th isn’t a bus station and there aren’t any swimrr pools. There are twelve ^shops in Skyville \ there’s a big railway Grammar Look at the information about Roktc Compiete the text beiow with then there are or there isn’t, there aren’t Roktown is a great town. I .There are.two parks and ...........a cinema. ^...... a supermarket and ...........four shop but ..........a railway station. ®..........a swimming pool and a bus station. ^........a beach, but ®.......... a river. ®........any castles, but ......... two hotels. Grammar Match the sentence halves. 1 There aren’t a a bus station? 2 There are A b a beach. 3 There isn’t c six parks. 4 Are there lot of shops. 5 Is there V® any supermarke 6 There are a any hotels. Grammar Complete the questions and answers. 1 1 Is there a beach? Yes, 2 Are there any supermarkets? No, 3 any rivers? Yes, 4 a railway station? No, 5 a bus station? Yes, 6 any parks? Yes, 7 any cinemas? No, 8 a castle? Yes, Reading and grammar Read Jenna’s email about her town. Circle the correct words. Hi Amy My town is great! There is ^(a)/ an big river and there is a beautiful old ^bridge / bridges over it. There ^are / is two sports centres. There isn’t ^a / any railway station, but there’s a big bus ®park / station. There are a lot ®of / for cafes and restaurants and there are ^two / any big supermarkets. What about your town? Are there ®a / any museums? ®Are / is there a stadium? Writing Write a reply to Jenna. Use the information below for your town. ;Jenna r ... ... -«i)... r_ ” 1 Amy —A -fas-rts., - Subject; •: RE: My town ...Hijeiina.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... CE \ Skills I 4 The Place Where I Live Cross-cultural ^ Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. country island mountains town village 1 momtams ^ Reading Look at the posters and write the correct place in the sentences below. In Hillsville there are beautiful mountains. There aren’t any supermarkets and there aren’t^ any cinemas, but there are two rivers and there s an old castle. There is a small bus station and there are a lot of houses in Hillsville. ________ 1 There aren’t any supermarkets in Hillsyllle.ors^^ ........ 2 There are two rivers in Grammar David lives in Hillsville. Complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box. fio) On Sammis island there are four houses and there is one shop. There aren’t any cafds or supermarkets. There isn’t a swimming pool but there are five beautiful beaches! is in the mountains, is an island. M Writing Imagine you live on Sammis Island. Write the answers to Ted’s questions. Г'™"™"™"™*” rivers any mountains are There My 1 Ted Ted Where do you live? You David ^ Л/ly home is in the ^ Ted What’s good about the place where you live? Ted David The mountains ^ very beautiful and there are two 4 You Ted What’s bad about the place where you live? Ted David ® aren’t any supermarkets and there aren’t ® cinemas. You live? live? Unit 1 Progress check Study tips Reading Remember there are a lot of different texts. Look in this unit and find: • an email page 9..... • a poster • a list • a form Check you can do these things: 1 I can use personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. □ Match the words. 2 I know words for family relationships and places in a town. Write five or more words for each heading: 1 I—^ a your 2 you X b their 3 he ' our 4 she ^d my 5 we e her 6 they f his family relationships: brother, places in a town: parL.. .... possessive adjectives: my. 3 I can describe where things are. Where is the ball? 1 in the box the box Щ/L the box the box I can write numbers from 21 to 101. Write the answers to these sums. 1 two X three + twenty-one = tvyenty-s^ri.. thirty-two - one =..................... one + four X twelve = ................. eighteen - nine x two = .............. forty-eight ч- twelve - six =.......... I can say what things are in a place. Use /s, are, aren’t or isn’t to complete these sentences. Q 1 There are....three parks in my town. 2 There.......any rivers in my town. 3 There.........a railway station in my town. 4 There.........a beach in my town. 5 .....there any supermarkets in your town? Yes, there.......... 6 .......there a castle in your town? No, there........... a 7 А Realy Busy Day Vocabulary Look at the clues. Complete the crossword with words for school subjects and clubs. Down Across Ш Й a ® A ffl J. Reading Read and complete Doug’s timetable. Reading Read about Jade. Write a timetable for her. 9.30 Art 10.15 11.00 BREAK 11.20 12.00 LUNCH 1.00 1.30 2.15 4.00 9.20 Maths BREAK 12.10 LUNCH I've got Art and Geography in the morning. I've got Art at half past nine and then Geography at quarter past ten. After Geography, I've got a break and then I've got Maths at twenty past eleven. Lunch Is at twelve o'clock. I've got chess club after lunch, at one o'clock and then I've got Science at half past one and basketball at quarter past two. After school, I've got a basketball meeting at four o'clock. I've got Maths in the morning at twenty past nine. After Maths, I've got PE at five past ten. Then I've got a break at quarter to eleven. At quarter past eleven, I've got Geography. Lunch Is at ten past twelve. After lunch I've got netball club at ten to one and then at twenty-five past one I've got Art. At ten past two I've got Science. After school. I've got chess club at twenty to four. fl2) Vocabulary Match to make school subjects. 1 a lish 2 Eng b Education 3 His \ c graphy 4 Mus \ d Technology 5 Physical ench 6 Information f tory 7 Geo g ic Vocabulary Write the time below the clocks. 1 ..It's quarter 1?^ Grammar Look at the timetable. Complete the questions and answers. 1 What time / Maths / Monday? ..What.time's M It's at ten past nine,......... 2 What time / French / Tuesday? 3 What time / Science / Wednesday? 4 What time / English / Monday? 5 What time / IT / Tuesday? 6 What time / Geography / Wednesday? (7^ 8 Му Big School Bag Grammar Complete with a, an or some. pen orange 5 books 8 glue stick money 6 apple 9 desk door 7 sandwiches 10 hairbrush Vocabulary What is it? Look and write. 1 .■ill. a hairbrush a t. b ap some к some t some m some s If Grammar a) Look at the bag. Look and answer the questions with Yes, I have, or No, I haven’t. 1 Have you got a mobile phone? Yes^..i.haye,..................... 2 Have you got any rubbish? 3 Have you got any apples? 4 Have you got any keys? 5 Have you got a notebook? b) Look at the bag again. Write questions and answers. 1 (hairbrush) Hayeyou got a hairbrush? Yes^..i..haye, _ ............ 2 (oranges) 3 (chocolate bar) 4 (sweets) 5 (sandwich) @ Grammar Look, read and circle the correct words. Fiddle Sticks i) Reading Read the text. Tick (✓) the things Sally and Beth have got. Cross (X) the things they haven’t got. |t’s Sally and Beth’s holiday. They’ve got lots of things in their bag^They’ve got some ] keys and a hairbrush. They’ve got five books and some sweets. They haven’t got any sandwich^, but they have,got some apples. They’ve got fome tissues^^nd they’ve got a nfibbile phone! They haven’t got any"cho6olate bars £ I a drinl^They’ve got a purse and they’ye got some money! Fiddle OK, Sticks. What have we got? Sticks Look! We’ve got ''(jhr^/ two sandwiches and we’ve got / any mobile phone! Great. Have we got ^some / any sweets? No, we ’^haven’t / have. But we have got ®some / a chocolate bars. Yes, we’ve got four chocolate ®bars / bar. Fiddle And you’ve got ^some / a purse! Sticks Yes, I’ve got a purse, but I ^haven’t / not got ®a / any money! 1 chocolate bars g] 2 drink □ 3 purse □ ^ Reading and writing Look at the list and complete the text about Freya. 4 keys □ 7 apples □ 5 tissues □ 8 books □ 6 mobile phone □ 9 sweets □ - 10 money □ 11 sandwiches □ 12 hairbrush □ 3 pen / (no) 5 4 key / (some) 6 purse / (one) pencil / (no) 7 pencil case / (one) 8 apple / (one) Freya’s got''.....uJbQQk.....and ^......................, but she hasn’t got ....................... She’s got ^.....................and ®.............. She hasn’t got ®....................., but she’s got ...................... She’s got ® 9 MyLunchbox Vocabulary Find eleven food words in the word search. w h i s у a c w У 0 u 0 c h 0 c 0 1 a t e b a r 1 i Ш. h a m r g f к a c e P a i; e s c h e e s e i P n i c n a t u a b r h n 1 к h 1 c r i s P s t e e r a 0 t m m i r i n e n 0 d 0 b i s c u i t a Grainmar Look and write. What have the children got for lunch? 1 Sam Jhas.got.three ................. 2 Rosy...................................... 3 Tom 4 Melissa Writing Draw your lunch on the plate. Then write about it. Fprlunch,.l.h @ Reading Read and match. ^ Fiddle has got three bananas,-a ham sandwich and some crisps. He hasn’t got any сакеГ^ I Sticks has got two bananas, a cheese sandwich and some^akeV He hasn’t got any apples. Lola has got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake. She hasn’t got any crisps., ‘. Suzy has got four applesTa cheeselsandwich and sbme’crisps.'Sh'e hasn’t got any bananas.' тх1<млиттзил>.. . ..... ____________ .v;л!й^йй^iЙl^!^Й^!4гe.• •• • .лее..- Алл..... .... . s... кюииилг.и^^^ии ;; i. -vi;■■ v Grammar and writing Read and complete the dialogue. Use the words from the box. I has got hasn’t Have Has haven’t hasn’t ’ve ’s got Sticks ^ Has..........Lola got any apples? Fiddle Yes, she 2........... She ^......... got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake. Sticks ^...............you got any cake. Fiddle? got Fiddle No, I ^........... |’ 6...... some crisps, but I haven’t ^........ any cake. Sticks Has Suzy ®...............a banana? Fiddle No, she 9,............ She’s got two apples, but she ^0............got any bananas. Writing Write questions and answers. Use the prompts. 1 you / sandwiches? ✓ н.ауе.уоы got any sa Yes,..i.figye,............... 2 John / apple? X HasjoM..g.Pt..on gp ......... .No, hehgsnt,................. 3 we / cake? X 5 Jane and Emma / biscuits? X 6 Jim / yoghurt? ✓ 7 we / oranges? ✓ 4 you / crisps? ✓ 8 Ben and Toby / chocolate bars? X 10 Му School Skills Cross-cultural ^ Reading Read about Paolo. Match headings a-e to paragraphs 1-5. a Favourite things b The students c Our teachers d Me e School subjects 1 Me Hi! I’m Paolo. I’m eleven years old and I’m from Brazil. My school’s called the St Nicholas School of Porto Alegre. We’ve got three teachers in our class. Miss Slater is English. She’s 36. Mr Schiitz is our Maths and Geography teacher. Mrs Carlos is our Science and IT teacher. There are twenty-seven students in my class - fifteen boys and twelve girls. My special friends are Antonio and Davi. My favourite school subjects are Geography and IT and I’m also good at Maths. My favourite things in the classroom are the computer and the posters. 3^ Writing Write questions for these answers. 1 How many boys arc ...............................? There are 15 boys in my class. 2 What...................... ....................................? My favourite things are the computer and the posters. 3 How................................ ................... ? I’m eleven years old. 4 Who..................................................... . ? My special friends are Antonio and Davi. 5 What .............. .... ______ ? My school is called the St Nicholas School of Porto Alegre. I'f’M 11 years old. I'm from Writing Use these notes to write about Stella St Agnes Secondary School 24 students, all girls I Best " Donna^'and Mellie' Teacher: . Mr O'Brien, 26 * 7^ English and PE Favourite things in the classroom: DVD player'" [ Unit 2 Progress check Study tip Writing Remember to use punctuation marks when you write. Use full stops at the end of a sentence. Use capital letters ABC... at the beginning of a sentence, for names of people and places, school subjects, days of the week. Write these sentences with the correct punctuation: john and i are from london moscow is in russia Check you can do these things: 1 I can tell the time. □ Draw the hands on the clocks. 1 half past 2 quarter to 3 twenty-five 4 ten to eight 5 five past four seven past two SIX 6 twenty to three 2 I can talk about my school timetable. О Write sentences. 1 Monday / 9.30 8 ><3-24- I know words for food. О Write four more words. sandwich, chocolate bar,. ...{.'ye got 2 Wednesday /10.15 4 I can use have got, О Write the correct form of have got 1 1..И(?!Уе got....two oranges and a banana. 3 Tuesday /11.20 A m na ..............you any keys? Yes, I............ 4 Friday/12.40 3 She.................(not) any money, but she a wallet. 5 Thursday / 2.35 4 We........ lunchbox. some cake in our 5 You....... in your bag. three sandwiches 13 А Day with the Glow Family iJ Vocabulary Circle the correct word. have go do have go leave wake 8 get (a^sna^/ dressed / home dinner / to bed / homework a snack / homework / home to school / up / breakfast a snack / to school / dressed to school / home / dinner in / at / up at / dressed / to bed i) Vocabulary Choose and write. I have a snack I go to school I have breakfast I go to bed get home I wake up 1...шке Mpathaif pastnme,...... SCHOOL (20) Writing and vocabulary Look at exercise 2 again. Write sentences about Fiddle. Use phrases from the box and in the morning in the afternoon, in the evening or at night twenty past ten half past rune twenty-five to three quaaer to ten quarter past six ten past ten 1 fiddle.wakes up at half post nir< in the ШГ.ШШ_____________ Grammar Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. In the morning, I \_get.up (get up) at half past seven. My brother, Sean, ^............. (get up) at twenty past eight. We ................(have) breakfast and then we ................(leave) home at quarter to nine. I ®..............(walk) to school and Sean ® .............. (ride) his bike. We .............. (have) lunch at school at half past twelve. I ®______ (have) a cheese sandwich. Sean ^____________________ (have) two chocolate bars and some sweets. At half past three we ____ (go) home. I ...............(do) my homework and Sean .............. (watch) TV. We .............. (have) dinner at quarter to seven. I ...............(go) to bed at half past nine and Sean ________________(go) to bed at quarter to eleven. Grammar Look at the chart. Write questions and answers. Then complete the chart about you. 1 Julie / watch TV? ..DoesJ.yliewat^ ...................... 2 Toby and Harry / look at the stars? .N.o,,she doesn 3 Julie / make model castles? 4 Toby and Harry / play football? 5 Julie / listen to music? 6 Toby and Harry / watch TV? Writing Look at the information in exercise 5 again. Write what you do in the evening. 1 ................................. 5 ...................... 2 .................................. 6 ........................... 3 ............................... 7 4 ............................ Grammar Complete the text. Use the words from the box. magazines doi¥t do have to watch take games to doesn’t go dinner does half There’s no school today, it’s the weekend! Hurrah! I ''.don't. get up at seven o’clock at the weekend. I get up at ^...........past ten. I ^............swimming with my sister and then we ................lunch in town. I ®.............the dog for a walk in the afternoon and my sister ®.............her homework. Then I listen ^ music in my room. My sister ®................... She reads ®................. and plays computer ................. We have .................at eight o’clock. Then we ...................TV. We go ...................... bed at eleven o’clock. What about you? What do you at the weekend? 1 Sandy sometimes tells the truth. . Sandy usua 2 Sandy is always a good listener. 3 Sandy often remembers friends’ birthdays. 4 Sandy is usually friendly. 5 Sandy never helps her friends.............. 6 Sandy is never on time..................... b) Now look at the information about Ben. Complete the sentences with the correct word always, usually, often, sometimes or never. 1 Ben is often.......................a good listener. 2 Ben................................tells the truth. 3 Ben is............................. on time. 4 Ben...............................remembers friends’ birthdays. 5 Ben...............................helps friends. 6 Ben is......... ..................friendly. c) Complete the table in exercise 2 a) about yourself. Then write sentences. 1 I am....................... a good listener. 2 I......................tell the truth. 3 I am..... on time. 4 I......................remember friends’ birthdays 5 I......................help friends. 6 I am.....................friendly. 2^ Grammar Circle the correct word for each question. 1 Do /(^r^you friendly? usually 2 Do / Are you a good listener? often 3 Do / Are you remember your friends’ birthdays? sometimes 4 Do / Are you on time? never 5 Do / Are you tell the truth? always 6 Do / Are you help your friends? usually Grammar Look at Sara’s answers to the questions in exercise 3. Complete the dialogue. I 1 Are you friendly? I ^ a good listener? i 3 remember your friends’ birthdays? i 4 you on time? i 5 you tell the truth? ? 6 vou help vour friends? . YeSrJ am, I'w^^ Grammar Complete the students’ sentences. I do use listen new teacher answer | Ivan I always listen to my ^ .ШжЬ.ег.....! Petya I often ^................to songs in English. Yasha I never write ^............... words in my exercise book. Stas I usually ^.............my homework. Alisa I always ask and ®................ questions in class. Lara I never ®............ a dictionary. Grammar Write about the students in exercise 5. 1 Ivan always ..Itons to...his teacher. 2 Petya often...................... in English. 3 Yasha never....................... in his exercise book. 4 Stas usually .................... his homework. 5 Alisa always..................... questions in class. 6 Lara never...................... a dictionary. 15 Classroom Rap Vocabulary Match the sentence halves. 1 Hand in-^ a your pencil. 2 Play A b the teacher. 3 Open \ c your hair. 4 Look at ^d your homework. 5 Clean e to nine. 6 Brush f a game. 7 Count 9 the blackboard. 8 Pick up h the window. Grammar Complete the instructions for these pictures. 1 ....to your friend! with your classmate! mi your hair! a game! Vocabulary These words are frcKT c'assroom rap in the Student’s BooJc llatcr rhyming words. name door there eight hair mate 1 Mme 2 .... 3 .... 4 Vocabulary Can you remember the ciassroom rap? Unscramble the words to compieLe the classroom rap. Come in the (m r о s c I a о s) * dassroom_ And say your name, (n h a d) ^.... in your homework. Don’t (I a p y) ^ a oame' (p n о e) ....... Close the door. Look at the (c h r a e t e) ^ Stand on the floor. Now (I e n a c) ®..... Don’t sit (r e V o) ^ Work with your classmate. the winciow. the blackboard, there! (n t ’ d o) brush your hair. Read your English (k о b o) ^ And count to eight. (c к i p) 10 up your pencil, Don’t talk to your mate! [ Vocabulary Find nine verbs in this word grid 3 Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make poiite instructions. 1 on / chair / please / sit / your ..... 2 the / open / door / please ....................... 3 teacher / please / to / your / listen 4 do / please / homework / your 5 up / your / please / pick / pencil 6 floor / please / your / stand / on Grammar Make these instructions negative. Be polite. 1 Sit on your chair. Pl^s^dPh'tsjt ................ 2 Pick up your pencil. 3 Listen to this man. 4 Stand on the floor. 5 Leave your homework at home. Skills &oss-€ulturai 16 My Journey to School Reading Read about Cara’s journey to school. Then choose the correct answers. My home is about 30 km from school. I have a fantastic journey. I cycle to the station when it's sunny. When It's cold or rainy I go to the station on the bus. Then I go by train. There are lots of children from my school on the train. _ we don't do hornevyork. We talk and play games. Sometimes. we, sing songs. Then we walk to school from thestation. My Journey is long; * I leave home at half past seven and i get to school at quarter to nine. 1 Cara... a likes her journey to school, b doesn’t like her journey to school, c doesn’t go to school. 2 Cara... a always cycles to the station, b never cycles to the station, c sometimes cycles to the station. 3 The children ... on the train. a sometimes do their homework b always talk and play games c never sing songs 4 Cara ... from the station to school. a takes the train b walks c cycles 5 Cara’s journey to school is ... a 45 minutes. b one hour and a quarter, c one hour. Grammar and vocabulary Circle the correct words to complete the text about Kerry’s journey to school. 11(^0^/ doesn’t like my journey to school. I go 2 by / on bus and there 2 is / are always a lot of people on the bus. Then I ^ walk / walks from the bus stop to school. I get very ^ tired/happy because there ® is/are a big hill. But I love my journey home. I come home ^ by / in car with my mum. ® She’s / He’s a taxi driver. We listen ® at / to the radio and talk / talks about our day. # Writing Use these notes to write about Tom’s journey to school. love I iournev to school 1 cycle to I friend Sam’s house] go by car j with Sam and Sam’s dad long journey j leave home at 7.15 | get to school at 8-^Q { Tom loyes h is journ^^^^ .......................... г Units Progress check Study tips Revision It’s a good idea to revise new language regularly. Practise dictation with a friend. • Find three sentences from this unit. • Read the sentences to a friend. • Your friend writes them. • Check the sentences. • Then swap roles. Check you can do these things: 1 I know words for daily routines. □ Complete these phrases for daily routines. 1 wake up get get d.........d have b I e home go to s I can talk about my daily routine. Q Complete the clocks and write sentences about your daily routine. 1 get up ...ig.et ир. М.ща . Ше.шошшд,............. I can use adverbs of frequency. Q Complete these sentences. Use always, usually, often, sometimes or never. 1 I (100%) always...tell the truth. Joe (0%)............does her homework. I (30%)............walk to school. My dad (85%).............reads books in the evening. My sister and I (70%)...........get up at eight o’clock in the morning. I can give instructions. Put the words In the correct order. 1 your / up / pick / pencil Pick.wp.yowr.pendl,................. 2 the / don’t / chair / stand / on 3 the / clean / blackboard 4 hair / don’t / your / brush 19 Saturday Morning Chores Vocabulary Match the verbs with the nouns. 1 tidy~^ a the washing up 2 do \ b the cat 3 empty your room 4 go d shopping 5 feed e the bin Vocabulary Look at the pictures and complete the phrases. 3 t к the d g for aw к 1 vac u u m the carp et 2 m...e your b...... 4 w h the c 2^ Grammar Look at the pictures and follow the lines to see who is doing what. Then complete the sentences. Use is or are and the verbs in the box. Adrian and Kevin :1:<»«1Мпа1г?>муу>у.’Л111-111цу1Ш,аи»»осав8» Harry Laura Alfie Gemma and Eva I feed vacuum tidy do go make 1 Jo js feeding .the cat 2 Adrian and Kevin. 3 Harry............ 4 Laura............ 5 Alfie............ 6 Gemma and Eva Vocabulary Use the words in the box to label the picture. [fish rollerskates raincoat toy rubber gloves toothbrush ^...ТГ—.гтшгштшттшжпт-\уштттптшштщщп-тшттгштг--тгугттштг1.п-тг-поп -iirir—i.ri-rii-iT....~j.;■ - 1 toothbrush Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 sister / what / your / wearing / is Whut is your sister wearing ? 2 are / you / where / going 7 3 eating / you / what / are 7 4 John / who / phoning / is 7 5 and / going / your / where / mum / are / dad ? 6 Nina / is / what / reading 7 Grammar Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 He .'s^honmg (phone) his uncle. 2 They.............(go) to the cinema. 3 She.................(wear) a blue hat. 4 I..............(eat) a cheese sandwich. 5 She................(read) a magazine about animals. 6 I (go) to school. 20 Work and Play l3i Reading and vocabulary a) Read Holly’s and Paddy's answers to the questions in the survey. ^''1.^^! '^Paddy .1 HOW often do you lay the table? SSK^' ^ 2 How often do you tidy your room? 3 times a month 2 cries 5 3 How often do you do the washing up? every Tuesday and e^-ery arxj 4 How often do you go food shopping? feMz ^ ^ Wecnesday and Friday 5 How often do you go swimming? 2 times a month never - I don’t like 6 How often do you surf the Internet? 7.30 am - 8.00 am every day 7 How often do you play never -1 don’t like computer games? computer games! every Saturday and Sunday 8 How often do you hang Л every Saturday and out with friends? Sunday 3 times a month b) Now use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences about Holly. twice a month three times a week every weekend never twice a week every afternoon once a week three times a month 1 Holly lays the table three hmesa^w^ .... 2 She tidies her room 5 She goes swimming 6 She surfs the Internet 3 She does the washing up 4 She goes food shopping 7 She.................. plays computer games. 8 She hangs out with friends # Grammar and writing Look at Paddy’s answers to the questions in the survey. Write sentences about him. 1 ...P«ddy..!.ays.tfi.e 2 .He................................ 3 4 ................................... 5 ................................... 6 ................................... 7 ........... 8 Writing a) Use the ideas on the notepad to make six questions. play football ride a bike listen to CDs watch TV do your homework go to the cinema 1 ..How..often,..do.,you.|} b) Write true answers to the questions you wrote in exercise 3 a). pldy fQ.Qtball.tyy.ic^^ Vocabulary Put the words from the box in the correct place on the chart. sometimes often never always 100% 85% 70% ..always......................... 30% 0% Grammar Complete the sentences. Use adverbs from exercise 4 and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 100% Sara always plays (play) tennis after school. 2 85% I (do) my homework after school. 3 70% My brother (do) the washing up. 4 30% You (go) shopping with your friends. 5 0% I (watch) TV. Vocabulary and grammar Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue. ................. ..'Ч ойёгг >nevef- once every always -times- usually twice Joe What do you do after school? Fred I ^..always..play football after school - I play football ^.............. day. And I often go swimming. Joe How .................... do you go swimming? Fred Three or four ...............a week. Joe When do you do your homework? I ...............do my homework in the morning. Do you go swimming after school? No, I don’t. I don’t like swimming. I ®..............go swimming! But I play tennis ^..............a week, on MoTidays and Fridays. And I go to art club ® a week. Fred Joe 21 Saving the World Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the words in the puzzle. Find the mor^ Vocabulary Read the descriptions and match them with the things. 1 It's made of cardboard.----------------- a cans It’s made of glass. b magazines They’re made of metal. \ c a ruler They’re made of glass and plastic. d shoe box They’re made of paper. e a window It’s made of plastic. f sunglasses Щ Vocabulary and grammar Use the words in the box to complete the text. collects correct metal recycle boxes throw recycling put brown lorry I Our Green House At home, we don't I throw.....away our rubbish, we recycle it. We always ....................things in the ^ ______ recycling box. We put cans made of_____________ into the blue recycling box. We put ............ made of cardboard into the ®....................recycling box. Every Wednesday morning, a big ......................comes to our road and ® ................all our rubbish for ® ______ . What about your house? Do you ______________ _ _ your rubbish? б: PS. PC Grammar Look at the verbs in bold. Write PS (present simple) or PC (present continuous). 1 We always recycle our rubbish at school. 2 They’re putting the magazines into the green recycling bin. 3 She’s throwing away her old toys. 4 Big lorries collect the rubbish every Thursday. 5 I sometimes eat sweets after school. 6 I’m drinking a can of cola. 7 My brother and I are taking our rubbish to the recycling centre. 8 That glass bottle goes in the blue recycling bin. Grammar Look at the picture. Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hi! I'm Julia. This is a picture of me and my friends at the park. My friend, Tracy, drmkmg.................... (drink) a can of cola. I ^........................ (wear) jeans and a T-shirt and I ^ ........................ (not drink) cola. I hate cola! I ^ ....................... (eat) some cake. That’s my friend, Paul. He ^...................... (read) a magazine. Paul’s brother, Tom, ®......................... (play) football. Reading Read the text in exercise 5 again. Use the names from the box to name each person in the picture. tj Grammar Choose the correct words. 1 G Jtttta Tracy Paul Tom 1 Mm. 2 ... 3 ... 4 I eat /(m eating)some chocolate. It’s great! I eat /’m eating an apple every day. Sarah usually wears /’s wearing jeans. Today’s very hot and Sarah wears / ’s wearing a skirt. We always play / are playing football on Sunday morning. We don’t play / aren’t playing football today because it’s rainy. Skills Oross-cuHvml 22 Helping at Home У Reading a) Read about Gerry’s home. Tick (✓) the picture of Gerry’s home. 1 □ My Home in the Water My home is a boat! I live on a boat on the River Thames in England with my brother, Ruben, and my parents, Cath and Rob. Ruben and I go to school every day, but after school we help our parents on the boat. Our boat is very small. We've got two bedrooms, a small bathroom and a big sitting room and kitchen. My brother and I help our parents tidy the boat every day. I empty the bin and help my mum sweep the floor and wash the clothes. My brother does the washing up and helps my dad collect wood for the fire. On Saturday mornings I hang out with my friends and Ruben plays football, l like living on a boat because I see a lot of interesting things. My friends love visiting the boat - it's cool! b) Read again and write the correct names. Who... 1 sweeps the floor? сшуш^сМ........................ 2 collects wood for the fire? 3 tidies the boat? 4 washes the clothes? 5 hangs out with friends? 6 plays football? 7 empties the bin? 8 does the washing up? 7 Jd о 74 vy Ik! ! II 1 1 P - \ □ '0 [ TJ klL Complete the text about Phoebe’s home. Use the notes below to help you. Home a bus: two bedrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a bathroom near Oxford in England me, my mum, Tania, and my dad, Harr go to school, help parents on the bus,^ wash the bus, help dad cook the dinner «Гс On Sunday go swimming, watch TV My home is a red ^ ___bus___! I live on a big bus Where? Who? Every day ............................ Oxford with my mum, Tania, and ^............................., Harry. We’ve got two ^.,...................... on the bus and a ............................., a sitting room and a bathroom. I go to ®...........................every day, but afte school I ^...........................on the bu; I ®.............................the bus and help ®............................the dinner. Oi Sundays I go swimming and .................... Unit 4 Progress check Study tip Vocabulary You can make your own ‘complete the word’ tests to remember phrases. Can you remember these phrases from Unit 4? 1 t..у your r m 2 t h... away r.....ish 3 s.....the I.....net Now find three more phrases and make your own ‘complete the word’ tests. Check you can do these things: 1 I can use the present continuous to talk about what people are doing now. О Complete the dialogue with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. A What ^ ш&.уоышй\щ (read)? В I 2..............................(read) ‘Harry Potter’. A What ^ .......................your sister.........................(watch)? В She .............................(watch) ‘Pop Idol'. A And what about your parents? What 5 they.............................(do)? В My mum ®............. (feed) the cat and my dad .............. ...................(cook) lunch. 2 I know vocabulary for different materials. Q Add three more materials to this list. metal, plastic,..............,.......... I can talk about how often people do things. О Look at the table. Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences about Oscar. о ■ri |w«M T3 ‘ Grammar Choose the correct words. 1 Louise is the (most generous)/ more generous person I know. 2 My sister is good at sport / better at sport than me. 3 James is the funnier / funniest boy in the school. 4 I think Keira Knightley is the more beautiful / most beautiful film star in the world. 5 My grandmother is older / oldest than my grandfather. 6 Our teacher is crazy about sport. She’s the fitter / fittest teacher in the school. 5^ Vocabulary Look at the pictures and complete the words. 1 p PI /1 e 2 h ... r d - w... r к.n g 3 .....n t.....11....g n t 4 f r...n d..у 5 k n d Grammar and writing Look at the chart and the pictures. Write two sentences about each picture. Bob" Ufllf 1 kind ✓ ✓✓ ✓✓✓ 2 intelligent ✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓ 3 hard-working ✓✓✓ ✓ ✓✓✓ 4 old ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓ 1 B.Q.b ..Is .km.der. ,th Jom,,,............... Dan is the kindest Writing Write true answers to the questions. 1 Who’s the kindest person in your family? Ш l^Pther ls..tb ....... ..family,................................ 2 Who’s the most handsome pop star in your country?..... 3 What’s the funniest TV programme? 4 Who’s the nicest person you know? 5 Who’s the most hard-working person you know? i?* Skills Cross-cultural 28 City or Country? Reading a) Read about Fiona. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. From; Fiona Subjects Hi! My name’s Fiona. 1 live in Scotland. This is my house. We live in a small village in the country. I like living in the country, but sometimes it’s boring because it’s quieter than a city. I live a long way from my friends and there aren’t many shops or cafbs, and there isn’t a cinema. My cousin, Alex, lives in Edinburgh. I like visiting Alex because Edinburgh is more exciting than my village. It’s much bigger of course, and there are more interesting things to do than in the country. There are a lot of shops, cinemas and cafёs. There are also a lot of buses so it’s easier to meet friends. I love the shops and the cinemas, but I like meeting friends in caf6s the most. Cafёs are nice because you can sit and talk. Edinburgh is a beautiful city. I think it’s the most beautiful city in Scotland, but I like my home, too. It’s more boring than the city, but my village is cleaner and quieter, and the people are friendlier. 1 The city is quieter than Fiona's village. Fima’s yillagejsquj.e ..... 2 Fiona lives a long way from her friends. 3 There are more shops in Fiona’s village than in Edinburgh. T/F 4 Edinburgh is smaller than Fiona’s village. T/F 5 Fiona likes going to the cinema the most. 6 Fiona thinks Edinburgh is the most beautiful city in Scotland. T/F T/F b) Read again and answer the questions. 1 Which place is quieter: Edinburgh or Fiona’s village? Fiona's village,........................ 2 Why is it easier to meet friends in the city? 3 Which place has got more interesting things to do? 4 Where is it easier to go shopping? 5 Which place is cleaner? Writing Write two good things and two bad things about the city and the country. CITY COUNTRY Good things Good things There are woFe..... There, are more. ... people,............ trees,.............. Bad things Bad things Study tip Write the sentences with the correct punctuation. Writing - punctuation ^ ^Vhats your name? Remember to use an apostrophe (’) ............................................ correctly. 2 Hes older than me. a short forms: He is - He’s ............................................ b possession: Ben’s hair is long. 3 Johns chair is bigger than Petes chair. Check you can do these things: 1 I know words to describe people. Q Complete the words. 1 Mum loves talking to people. She’s very t a I к a t i V e. 2 Jon always does his homework. He’s h.r d - w..r к i.g. 3 Grandma gives me a lot of presents. She’s very g e.e...о..s. 4 Dad isn’t short. He’s t.I. 5 My sister loves tennis and volleyball. She’s g о at s p.....r... 2 I can compare two or more people. Q Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. I can use object pronouns correctly. Choose the correct word. at me /^hem)!^ Marina is ..younger...(young) than Olga. Olga is.................(short) than Marina. Valera is ................(fit) than Olga. Olga's chair is..............(comfortable) than Marina’s chair. Olga is.................(old) than Valera. 4 I can describe three or more people. О Complete the sentences with an appropriate adjective. 1 Mark’s very funny. He’s the fmnkst........ boy I know. 2 Mary loves talking. She’s the........... girl in the school. 3 Angelina Jolie is beautiful. She’s the...... ..........................actress in the world. 4 My grandmother is 80. She’s the person in our family. 5 I think Ronaldo’s the... football player in the world. —-- г: 31 We Have to Wear a School Uniform Vocabulary Look at the pictures and unscramble the words. 1 r i s t h shirt 2 eti 3 c t e к a j 4 s r t i к 5 h о s s e Writing Write true answers to the questions about your school. 1 Do you have to wear a school uniform? ........................ 2 Do you have to study ten subjects? 3 Do you have to stand up to greet your teacher? 4 Do you have to put your hand up to ask a question? 5 Do you have to clean your classroom? Ь Grammar Look at the list and choose the correct words. * wear a uniform 7 be at^schopl at 9.00 |\hcmge your shoes at school Шууоаг classroom at the end of the day p\Atyour hand up to ask a question ' Stand up to answer a question Zack and Zoe(bave to:/ don’t have to wear a uniform. They have to / don’t have to be at school at 9.00. They have to / don’t have to change their shoes at school. They have to / don’t have to tidy their classroom at the end of the day. They have to / don’t have to put their hand up to ask a question. They have to / don’t have to stand up to answer a question. Vocabulary Match the phrases in the box with the pictures. get ready for school get up early do homework go to bed early do some chores LIj ^ Qet up early. Grammar Look at the chart. Use the words to write questions with have to. Then write short answers. Monday to Sue f Pete and Tom . get up early ✓ ✓ get ready for у ш/ school A w do some chores ✓ X do homework X ✓ go to bed early • ✓ X 1 Sue / get up early Does Sue have to get up„early..........? y^s^shedoes.............................. 2 Pete and Tom / get ready for school 3 Pete and Tom / do some chores 4 Pete and Tom / do homework 5 Sue / do homework 6 Pete and Tom / go to bed early Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 wear / Zack / uniform / has / a / to Zdck has to wear a uniform........ 2 some / have / chores / Maria / doesn’t / to / do 3 switch / off / Paddy / his / to / has / mobile phone........................ 4 have / to / we / cook / don’t / dinner / the 5 his / room / has / Ivan / to / tidy Writing Write true sentences about what you have to do and don’t have to do at the weekend. Use the phrases in the box. wear-a seheel uniform go shopping get up early wash the car do some chores 1 .ЫопХЬауе,Ьошш..а^ 32 Rules of Sport Reading Read the clues and guess the sports. 1 Do you have to kick the ball? Ves, you do. Can you hit the ball with your hand? No, you cant Can you head the ball? Yes, you can. What’s the sport?............ 2 Can you roll the ball? No, you cant. Can the ball touch the ground? Yes, it can. Do you have to hit the ball? Yes, you do. What’s the sport?.............................. Can you hold the ball? Yes. you can. Do you have to throw the ball? No, you dont. Do you have to roll the ball? Yes, you do. What’s the sport? ............ 4 Do you have to throw the ball? Yes, you do. Can you carry the ball? No, you cant. Can you catch the ball? Yes, you can. What’s the sport? .......... J ^ Vocabulary _______________________________________ Match the verbs with the pictures, [carry catch head hit hold kick roll threw ] 1 throw 8 Reading and writing Match the rules with the correct sport. Football You can’t hit the ball You" cani kiok Ш You have to wear white clothes. Уйрисап nSi hwe to hit the ball with a racket. YOU cun'thitthe bull. Tennis pfeu have to kick the ball. @ Vocabulary Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the verbs in exercise 2. You can hit........the ball in tennis. You can’t the ball in basketball. You have to the ball in basketball. You have to............the ball in bowling. the ball in basketball. Grammar and writing Write some rules for basketball. Basketball rules 1 You have to ...throw the ha 2 You can’t 3 You can 4 You can’t Grammar Complete the texts with can, can’t, has to or have to. Yana loves swimming. She goes swimming Л on Saturdays with her friends. There are some rules at the pool. You cm’.t......eat or drink by the pool. You ^...............swim in the water, but you ^.......................run by the pool. You ^....................take your mobile phone into the pool. You ®.................. leave it in your bag. Alex lives near the park. He ®............. walk through the.,park because he can’t ride his bike there. He likes the park because he ^...............play football and tennis with his friends. He doesn’t ®............... pay money to play football, but he ®.............pay to play tennis. 33 Traffic Rules Vocabulary a) Match the pictures with the sentences. ...trafflcjlghts. 1 Cars drive here. H 2 It’s got two wheels. □ 3 People walk on this part of a street. О 4 These have red, orange and green lights. □ 5 You can park here. □ 6 You wear it to protect your head. Q b) Label the pictures in exercise 1 a). Use the words in the box. crash helmet traffic lights motorbike pavement road car park Grammar Complete the sentences. Use must or mustn’t. 1 Don’t eat or drink in the street. You mustn't ... eat or drink in the street. 2 Drive on the right. You.............drive on the right. 3 Don’t run in the classroom. You.............run in the classroom. 4 Switch off your phone. You.............switch off your phone. 5 Listen carefully. You.............listen carefully. 6 Don’t walk when the light is red. You.............walk when the light is red. Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 must / you / straight / keep / on Yo,u..m.ustkeep.strai^^ ........... 2 cross / you / the / mustn’t / road 3 cycle / mustn’t / the / you / on / pavement 4 fast / too / you / drive / mustn’t 5 turn / you / must / here 6 bicycles / cycle lane / must / the / use Vocabulary Label the items in the picture. Use the words in the box. I crossroads cycle lane parking meter pavement pedestrian crossing traffic sign traffic warden j Grammar Look at the picture in exercise 4 and complete the sentences. Use must or mustn’t. 1 The car must..........stop if people are crossing the road. 2 The van ..............drive in the cycle lane. Only bicycles..........use the cycle lane. 3 The motorbike...............turn left. It............keep straight on. 4 The moped................drive on the pavement. 5 The man on the motorbike wear a crash helmet. Vocabulary and reading Find the route from You to the school. Number the directions in the correct order. f a Turn left in front of the park. □ d b Keep straight on until you get to the e crossroads. □ c The school is on the right next to f the car park. □ Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and then keep straight on. D Turn right at the traffic lights. □ Г4^ 34 Rules, Rules, Rules Reading and vocabulary Use the words to complete the rules for beach volleyball. [feet net hit shoes pass throw touch Beach volleyball rules 1 You must play with bare |;eet.. 2 You can’t wear......... 3 To serve you have to........the ball up and hit it over the net. ' 4 You can...........the ball to your j teammates three times. ^ 5 You have to ............the ball over j the net. 6 The ball can’t........the ground. I 7 You can’t touch the...........with j your arms or hands. ^ Reading Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Hi, I'm Tom. I live in San Francisco, i have to I get up early every day because I get the bus to school. My journey takes 35 minutes. I usually have a lot of homework after school, s(| r can'tsee my friends ir|the week, f have to do myliomework. jaUse I can gS to bed lat rday morniflgl Anjd i |ca Tom has to get up early in the week. . T.. He can see his friends in the week. .. He doesn’t have to do his homework in the week..... He can hang out with his friends on Saturdays.... He has to go to bed early on school nights... He has to go to bed early on Saturdays. He can stay in bed late on Saturday mornings..... Writing Write about Anna with can, can’t, has to and doesn’t have to. Use the notes below and the text in exercise 2 to help you. get up early every day ✓ do her homework every night ✓ do chores in the week X go to bed early on school nights ✓ hang out with friends In the week X do chores at the weekend ✓ get up early on Saturdays X see friends on Saturdays ✓ Anna has to get up early every day. She. Unite Progress check Study tip Writing Keep a diary in English! Write four sentences in your diary every day. out with wyjnencls! Check you can do these things: 1 I can talk about things I have to do and don't have to do. Q Complete the sentences with have to or don't have to, 1 I have to,....get up early on school days. 2 I...............do chores at home. 3 I ..............do homework every night. 4 I ..............get ready for school in the morning. 5 I............. go to bed early on Saturdays. 2 I can ask questions about what I can do and have to do. Q Complete the questions with Can you or Do you have to. 1 Cm. you.......take your mobile phone to school? 2 ...............do extra homework at the weekend? 3 ...............sit with your friends in class? 4 ...............wear a school uniform? 5 .... ..........hang out with your friends at the weekend? 3 I can talk about different sports. О Use the words in the box to complete the rules. fhold hit carry head roll catch kick threw ^ In basketball you must ^ throw...................... the ball. You can’t ^ c.........................the ball. You can ^ c ......the ball. In football you must ^ к....................the ball. You can’t ® h..........................the ball. You can ® h the ball. In tennis you must ^ h................the ball with a racket. You can’t ® r.............. the ball. 4 I can talk about traffic rules. Q Write rules for these traffic signs. О 1 [•] 2 1 ..You must .ke^stro 37 Famous People Vocabulary Look at the pictures and unscramble the words. 1 r a t s t i artist 3 c a r d n e 5 r t i w r e Vocabulary Match the dates. 2 i t c e n s t i s 4 V e t n i n r о We write We say a Two thousand and seven Eighteen, seventy Nineteen, fifty-two Nineteen, seventeen Fourteen, seventy-three Fifteen, oh six (52) Grammar a) Choose the correct word. 1 Who was were Leonardo da Vinci? 2 Who was ' were Anna Pavlova? 3 Who was were Marie and Pierre Curie? 4 Who was were Pablo Picasso? 5 Who was / were the Bronte sisters? b) Match the answers with the questions in exercise 3 a). a She was a dancer. She was Russian. She was bom in 1881. 2 b They were writers. They were English. They were three sisters. c He was an artist. He was Spanish. He was born in 1881. d They were scientists. She was born in Poland and he was born in France. e He was an artist and an inventor. He was Italian. He was born in 1452. c) Match the questions with the answers. 1 Was Anna Pavlova a No, he wasn’t. English? 2 Were the Brontё Л b Yes, he was. sisters writers? 3 Was William ^ c No, she wasn’t. Shakespeare a dancer? 4 Were Marie and d Yes, they were. Pierre Curie inventors? 5 Was Pablo Picasso e No, they weren’t. Spanish? i) Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the words in the puzzie. Find the mystery word. «Лттятшш^Л Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 Leo Tolstoy / astronomer / an / was was ш.1о1$Шу..(Яп ........ ? 2 American / Brontё / were / sisters / the 9 3 athlete / was / Luciano Pavarotti / an 4 Marie and Pierre Curie / dancers / were 5 was / writer / Isaac Levitan / a Writing Use the words in the box to write true answers to the questions in exercise 5. ^English wHtef scientists singer artist j 1 .N.Q,..he^.s.!iT.r. Reading and writing Match the sentences with the correct person. One sentence doesn’t match the peopie. Which one is it? He was born in 1935У" He^as Italian. He was Spanish. He was Russian. He was famous for his operas.^ He was" a famous singer.|^^^^^^, p He"^was born in 1839. I pHe was a composer. Modest Mussorgsky ШшашшШ!рош.г.... Luciano Pavarotti (53. 38 Nineteen Hundred Vocabulary Find six words in the wordsnake. Use the words to complete the phrases. V S °°'ba;;tvspace® 1 ski in the шшиШ1п5.. 2 play.............. 3 watch............. 4 use......... 5 travel in... 6 cycle to.......... 0 Reading and grammar Look at Paddy's diary for last week. Answer the questions about Paddy's activities. Vocabulary Label the pictures using phrases from exercise 1. I Monday ^ Tuesday Wednesday 1 wsemmputers.......................... Thursday Friday Saturday walk to school play football goto bed early do homework on computer watch TV no school today! IT 1 Did Paddy cycle to school on Monday? Na fie didn't........................ 2 Did he play football on Tuesday? 3 Did he watch TV on Wednesday? 4 Did he watch TV on Friday? Grammar Write the past simple form of the verbs. 1 play 2 phone 3 watch 4 listen 5 use 6 ski 7 travel 8 cycle ..pidyed I Grammar Look at the chart. Complete the sentences about Zack and Zoe. Last weekend ■ ZacK,^ « 1 Zoe phone a friend X ✓ listen to music ✓ X watch TV ✓ ✓ play computer games X ✓ cycle to the cinema X X ZackdidnXphQM. Zoe phoned a fnend,... Zack and Zoe Zack and Zoe I Reading and writing Write true sentences about what you did and didn’t do last weekend. Use the verbs in the box. ftfavel watch play listen use phone | 1 I Jidn't travel...........by bus. 2 .........................a computer. 3 .........................volleyball. 4 .........................my friends. 5 .........................a film on TV. 6 .........................to music. I Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make Paddy’s questions. Paddy Dad, can I ask you some questions about when you were a child in the 1970s? Ray OK. 1 Paddy an / did / you / MP3 player / have .Did you .have, an M player.....? Ray No, I didn’t. But we had a TV. 2 Paddy computers / did / use / you Щ Ray No, I didn’t. 3 Paddy cycle / did / school / to / you Ray No, I didn’t. I walked to school every day. 4 Paddy friends / you / have / did / of / a / lot Ray Yes, I did. I had a lot of friends. 5 Paddy uniform / a / you / did / wear Ray No, I didn’t. 39 Every Word Is True Reading and grammar Complete the text. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. buy get take go have leave be read see sit Yesterday, Zack and Zoe "‘ were.........in Oxford. They ^............a fantastic day! In the morning they ^............. a bus from their home to the city centre. It was sunny, so they ...........on the grass in a park, and they ®............magazines. the park at quarter _________to an Italian They ®....... ..... past twelve and ^ restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon they ®............ some T-shirts. Then they ®............ a film at the cinema. They ...........home at half past eight. Writing Ask Zack and Zoe about their day in Oxford. Use the words to write questions. 1 take / a taxi / to the city centre Did you take a .......? 2 sit / on a bench..................... ? 3 read / a newspaper / in the park 4 have lunch / in an Italian restaurant 5 buy / some sweets................. 6 get home / at quarter to nine i) Writing and grammar Write Zack and Zoe’s answers to the questions in exercise 2. 1 No, we didn..................... Writing Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences about what Holly did and didn’t do last weekend. Last weekend Holly was very busy. After school on Friday she ^ saw. her friends. . They ^................................... and ..................................... They ^................................... On Saturday morning Holly ®............. .................................and they ®................................to town. They ............................... Then they ®................................... They 9................ Writing a) Complete the chart about what you did last weekend. Last к tid Hoity Me see friends ✓ sit in the park ✓ read a magazine ✓ read a newspaper X phone a friend ✓ take a bus ✓ take a taxi X go swimming ✓ play computer games X b) Now write about what you did and 7 didn’t do last weekend. ,.i«st..weekend,,.L ........ jVieiids, but weJidnX,,.,................. f Vocabulary Choose the two words which go with each verb. 1 read a film /(a newspaper) /(a magazine) 2 go to a restaurant / school / underground 3 take a bus / a hotel / a taxi 4 have a shower / lunch / friendly 5 buy a new shirt / shoes / the park 6 see a play / evening / a film 7 get back / home / late 8 leave at six o’clock / at 5.30 / morning 9 sit down / on a bench / table Grammar Complete the chart. Infinitive pt t i pie go went buy read take had leave sit get saw Skills Cross-cultural t 40 School Trip Ш Reading a) Read the text and answer these questions. 1 Which city did Dana visit?........... 2 How many places did she visit there?. My School Trip My name's Dam and I'm from Prague. Last month we went * "■ Л»» '‘Я" ^ to London on a school trip. We went by coach. It took 19 hours \ to get to London. It was a very long journey, but it was fun. On te the шуш played games and listened to mus\c. The first thing ^did was visit the Tower of London. It was great. We saw the wn jewels and the Beefeaters, in the afternoon we went on the London Eye. it was very S high. The view from the top was amazing. \Nesaw Big Ben and boats on the River Thames. The thing l liked most was the Natural History Museum. We saw a lot of interesting things and $ anenorrncus dinosaur. It was brilliant! b) Read again and answer the questions. 1 How long did it take to get from Prague to London? ILtook 19 hours,............. 2 What did Dana and her friends do on the way? Writing This is Leo. He’s from Paris. Write about his last month’s school trip to Oxford. Use these notes and the text in exercise 1 to help you. 3 Where did they go when they first arrived in London? 4 What did they see in the Tower of London? go / by coach sit / next to / his best friend journey I take / eight hours on the way /.read magazines, sing songs visit / the Ashmolean Museum have I a picnic in a park go / on a boat trip / up the river (He liked this best!) climb / Saint Mary's Tower (It has 127 steps!) Leo’s School Trip This is and he’s from ............................... Last month Leo and his classmates.............on a school trip. What did Dana see from the top of the London Eye? What was the thing that Dana liked the most? г Unit? Progress check Study tip Pronunciation Start a pronunciation diary. (Astronomer artist computer football Check you can do these things: 1 I Underline the stressed syllable so you remember the pronunciation. Repeat each word aloud. Practise with a friend. can ask and answer questions about people in the past. Match the questions with the answers. 1 Who was Nicolaus Copernicus?^ a They were writers. 2 Who was Cleopatra? b She was a dancer. 3 Who was Mikhail Lomonosov? ' \ ® He was an artist. 4 Who was Leonardo da Vinci? V d She was a queen. 5 Who were the Bronte sisters? He was an astronomer. 6 Who was Anna Pavlova? f He was a writer and a scientist. 2 I can ask questions about what people did in the past. Q Complete the questions and write answers. 1 Did people play,..football @ in 1900? Yes,.they diU 3 I can talk about what I did in the past. Q Complete the text. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. 2 Did people............to work in 1900? 3 Did people 1900? TV in watch be buy get (x2) have (x2) see take leave go (x2) 4 Did people............in space? 5 Did people... mountains? in the Last Saturday, I \..got.......up early and I ^...........breakfast. Then I ^..........the bus into town with my friends. We ^....... shopping. I .................a new T-shirt. Then we ®..........a pizza for lunch. In the afternoon we ^...........a film at the cinema. The film ®...............very funny. We ®................town at six o’clock, and I .............. home at half past six. Then ITV and I to bed. 43 А Bad Start to the Day Vocabulary Look at the pictures and unscramble the verbs. Complete the crossword. m i s t c h w f 0 f e I a V e w e к a p u .A nl ^/Л ■ e a r V r 2^ Grammar Zoe had a bad day yesterday. Look a the pictures. Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs ir exercise 1. her bag at home. U Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 up / did / wake / late / Zoe Did Zoe wake up late...........? 2 off / she / switch / lights / did / the 3 she / close / the / did / door 4 school / arrive / she / did / late / for 5 leave / did / bag / she / her / home / at i) Grammar a) Find the past forms of the verbs in the word grid. 1 buy ..bought..... 2 clean 3 close 4 drink 5 eat 6 feed 7 go 8 have 9 make 10 open b) Now put the verbs in exercise 4 a) into two groups: reguiar and irreguiar. 1 regutar - irreaular deem .buy Grammar Look at the chart. Compiete the sentences about what Zack and Zoe did and didn’t do yesterday. 1 Zack ЙМХШ^Ы.Ш...........early. 2 Zoe ...made................her bed. 3 Zack.......................his teeth. 4 Zoe ......................her orange juice. 5 Zack......................his breakfast. 6 Zoe.......................her school uniform. 7 Zack......................the cat. 8 Zoe..................... her school bag. Writing Write true answers to the questions. 1 Did you wake up late today? .No, |.didtt.'.t......................... 2 Did you make your bed? 3 Did you pick up your clothes in your room? 4 Did you have cereal for breakfast? 5 Did you arrive at school on time? 44 А Day Out at the Seaside Vocabulary Match the words with the pictures. ^caf6 fisherman postcards wetewt sandcastie shade aor-e'fS teacti sea ] 1 wetsuit I -■ \ Vocabulary Match the words to make phrases. 1 write a in a cafd 2 build b in the shade 3 wear ^c postcards 4 lie d a sandcastie 5 ride e a wetsuit 6 hang out f a donkey Grammar a) Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 summer / did / you / what / do / last Whut did.you ... TV / what / did / last / you / on / night / watch 3 breakfast ‘ did last / you / have / for / what Sunday .............. 4 did / you / morning / to / this / school / how / get ____ 5 afternoon / go / you / last / where / Saturday / did _____________ b) Match the answers with the questions in exercise 3 a). a I had cereal and toast. 3... b I walked, c I watched ‘Friends’, d I went to town with my friends, e I went on holiday to the seaside. Vocabulary and grammar Look at the pictures. Complete the postcard with the verbs in the box. Dear Grandma, We went to the beach yesterday. Dad Vbuj.lt ^ along the beach and balls for Tinker. Then he .............. postcards. In the afternoon, Paddy with my friend, Hetty. It was great! a sandcastie. Mum and I ®... Love, Holly To Grandma Grammar Write the past simple form of the verbs. Infinitive Past simple 1 build built 2 throw 3 run 4 ride 5 sit 6 write 7 swim 8 hang out Writing Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 Last weekend, I 2 Yesterday morning, Grammar Use these words to complete the questions. 3 Last night, I 4 Last summer, I 1 What.....time did you get up last Saturday? 2 .........did you phone? 3 .........did you meet your friends? 4 .........did you drink in the cafd? 5 .........did you get to the park? 5 Yesterday afternoon, I f63 45 Gulliver in Lilliput ^ Vocabulary Match the words in the box with the pictures. arrow bow horse island foek ship soldier wagon waves ] rock Reading and vocabulary Can you remember Gulliver's story? Complete the text with the words from exercise 1. Lemuel Gulliver was a doctor on a ’’..ship . On 5th November, 1699 there wa: a big storm. A lot of big Gulliver swam to an ^ hit the ship. Then the ship hit a anc When Gulliver woke up, he was on a beach. He saw a very small man. The man wa: a ..................... and he had a ®................. and ^ . Then Gulliver sav that there were hundreds of soldiers. They were very small and Gulliver was very big! They she arrows at Gulliver. Gulliver was hungry and thirsty, but the soldiers didn’t understand English. Gulliver pointed to hi: mouth and the soldiers fed him. Gulliver slept after his meal. Later the soldiers took him to their city A thousand ®.............pulled the ®......... Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 what / Gulliver’s / did / ship / hit 4 see / who / did / he „What did .^lliver's ship hit......? ............? 2 he / swim / did / where 5 the / what / him / at / soldiers / shoot / did ? ___________________________________ ? 3 did / wake / where / he / up 6 they / him / where / take / did п Grammar Make questions. Begin with Was there a ... / И^еге there any.... 1 people? 6 donkey? 2 theatre? 7 benches? 3 bicycles? 8 bicycle? 4 bench? 9 trees? 5 cinema? 10 house? Grammar Yesterday Paddy went to the park with his friend, Jimmy. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 Were there any trees? Yes, there were,....... 2 Were there any houses? 3 Was there a dog? 4 Were there any benches? 5 Was there a cafd? 6 Were there any people? 7 Were there any horses? 8 Was there a donkey? Writing Write sentences about the picture in exercise 5. Use There was / There were and There wasn’t/ There weren’t and the words in the box. bicycles a cafe cinema rocks children a theatre There were some... Гб5) 46 Му Life Skills Cross-culfiri D Reading a) Read Robbie’s autobiography. Where does Robbie live now? Where did he live before? 1997 I was born on 25th September in Edinburgh. 1998 I took rny first steps and said my first word. It was ‘dad’. 1999 2001 2001 My sister Fiona was born. I went to nursery school. I got my first pet, a rabbit called Sam. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 started primary school, I met my friend Andrew. I learnt how to swim. I started piano lessons. I won a music competition. My^family moved to Hanover in Germany. My uncle and aunt visited us in the summer. In November we went back to Edinburgh and I saw my friend Andrew again. b) Read again and answer the questions. 1 Where was Robbie born? ..1.п.М(йЬ.ыгдН,................... Writing Write an autobiography for Una. Use these notes and the text in exercise 1 to help you. 2 When did he say his first word? 3 When did he get his pet rabbit? 1996 1997 2000 2001 2004 2007 bom on 9th March in Dublin, Ireland took first steps, said first word 'No' got first pet, a cat called Mog Parted primary school, met friend Emer^ 1 learnt how to ride a bike started secondary school, went to London on a school trip 4 What did he start in 2003? 5 When did his family move to Hanover in Germany? 6 Who did he see again in Edinburgh in 2008? (Si) Units Progress check Study tip Crosswords Crosswords and puzzles are fun to do and they can help you remember vocabulary. • Think of a past verb, eg, left. • Think of another past verb which has one of the same letters as left, eg, threw. • See how many words you can write. L £ F T H R M A D E W Check you can do these things: I know these verbs in the past. О Write the past simple form of the verbs. Infinitive 1 drink 2 wake up 3 eat 4 swim 5 wear 6 speak 7 build 8 feed Past simple drank 2 I can ask questions in the past. U Use the words to write questions. 1 what time / you / get up / last Saturday What time, did^y up last Saturday? 2 what / you / have / for lunch 3 where / you / go 4 how / you / get there 5 who / you / meet [ I know the story of Gulliver arriving in Lilliput. Q Number the paragraphs in the correct order. a D There were hundreds of soldiers. I tried to stand up but they shot arrows at me. I didn’t try to stand up again. I was hungry and thirsty. b Ш My name is Lemuel Gulliver. I was a doctor on a ship. On 5th November, 1699 there was a terrible storm. There were big waves and my ship hit a rock. c □ I was very tired and I slept. That night they took me to their city. A thousand horses pulled the wagon. d □ The next day, I woke up on an island. There was a very small man on the beach. He was a soldier and he had a bow and arrow. e □ I asked for food but they didn’t speak English. I pointed to my mouth and they fed me. 4 I can use there was and there were. Q Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with There was/There wasn’t or There were/ There weren’t. 1 Ihere .were..............some people. 2 .........................any dogs. 3 ..........................a lot of children. 4 ..........................a cafd. 5 ..........................any trees. 6 a cinema. 49 Holiday Plans a) Choose the word which goes with each verb. 1 visit (relatives)/ the Internet late / morning swimming / sport the Internet / computer games TV / books some school work / music CDs friends / a cafd homework / something new b) Now label the pictures using the phrases from exercise 1 a). Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions about next weekend. 1 to / parents / help / you / are / going / your .A.re.y.o,u..gQing,to.M ........? 2 relatives / you / going / to / are / visit / your 3 a / play / sport / going / are / to / lot / of / you 4 late / up / are / going / you / to / get 5 paint / room / going / are / you / your / to 6 with / are / going / your / friends / hang / out / you / to Grammar and writing Write true answers to the questions in exercise 2. 1 ............................. 2 .......................... 3 ............................. 4 5 ............................. 6 Vocabulary Match the verbs with the nouns. 1 play—^ a a film 2 take b computer games 3 watch c sweets 4 phone d music 5 eat e your friends 6 listen to f some photos Grammar and writing Write sentences about what Zack and Zoe are going to do on their hoiiday next week. Use the phrases in exercise 4. tf© X 1 Ih.ey.sren'.tgping^.to ✓ Grammar Compiete the conversation. Use the correct form of going to and the verbs in brackets. Joe Hi, Paddy. Are you Agoing to do....... (do) any school work in the holidays? Paddy No, I’m not. I ^....................... (get up) late every day and I ...... ..................(play) a lot of sport. Joe Are you ................................. (play) computer games? Paddy Yes! I love computer games! ®..............you...... .......(surf) the Internet? Joe Yes, and I ®............................. (learn) something new. I ^.......... (learn) how to skate. Paddy Wow! That’s great. I ®.................. (hang out) with my friends but I ®............................. (not visit) my relatives. Joe I ................................(read) some books. I like reading. 50 The Talent Show Vocabulary Find six words in the wordsnake. Use the words to label the picture. ^\сгорЬол?0 Vocabulary and grammar b Vocabulary and grammar Look at exercise 1. Complete the sentences. Use will (✓) or won’t (X). a) Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. 1 Delia will.fall off the stage. ✓ 2 She .......hurt the girl in the audience. X 3 Jess.......kick the microphone. ✓ 4 Rory.......drop the microphone. ✓ 5 The audience........hear him singing. X 6 They.......win the first prize. X 7 The audience........laugh at them. ✓ sJFTg act play guitar do a magic trick dance I2j Ш SI dance s (7Щ b) Look at the chart. Choose the correct words. Talent Showl^* ^ Do you want to dance, sing or act? Do you want to play the guitar or do a magic trick? | J^writeyour name here! sing act play.^ guitar^ do a magic trick dance Liz LOU Dexter Tina Simon Lou Liz Dexter Tina Simon Am Teacher Lou Teacher Dexter Teacher Dexter Teacher Simon Tina Liz Teacher Good morning, class! Now, let’s talk about the talent show. I ^(Jn)/ won’t act. I’ve practised a sketch. OKI What about you, Dexter? What ^ will / won’t you do? I ^ ’ll / won’t play the guitar. Will you sing, too? No, I will / won’t. But Liz has got a great voice. She ^ ’ll / won’t sing. Right. Who ® will / won’t do a magic trick? Tina ^ will / won’t do a magic trick. Yes, I ® will / won’t. And Simon ^ will / won’t help me. And we ’ll / won’t all dance to a hip hop song! Great! I can’t wait for the show! Grammar Match to make sentences. 1 Claude will —^ a 2 I won’t live \ b 3 One day, Sue will be I c 4 We won’t travel \ d 5 I think Jess will win e 6 The teacher will ask f 7 The pilot g 8 They will design an h a good teacher, amazing invention, the first prize, in a big house, meet a celebrity, to China, will fly a plane, you a question. Grammar ^^9 Complete the sentences with will or won’t A Will it rain tomorrow? В No, it I won’t... Look. The sky is blue. It ..........be a nice day tomorrow. A Will there be any famous people at the show? В Yes, there ............ A How many children will you have in the future? В I think I ^........have six children! A Will you live in a different country one day? No, I ®.......... But I ®...... live in this city. I ^...move to a farm. A What amazing invention will they design in the future? В I think they ®.............invent a new kind of car - a car that can fly! Write predictions about your future. Use the questions to help you. Will you be famous? What job will you do? Will you live in a different country? Will you live in a city or in the countryside? Will you have children? How many? I ^n’t be fampus, I'lj (Я) L 51 Let's Go Rafting Vocabulary Complete the words. r.......f t ,„. n g r 11 r c s t r g....- к r t.... n g Graminar Choose the correct words. 1 Let’s@/ to go rafting. 2 Do you want ride / to ride the roller coaster? 3 Do you want to go / going horse-riding. 4 Let’s have / to have a picnic. 5 Do you want to go / go go-karting? 6 Let’s visit / to visit the Haunted Castle. Reading and grammar Use the sentences to write three dialogues. Do you want to go horse-riding? How about you, Jane? Do you want to go horse-riding? 1 A В 2 A В 3 A В A C Let's have a..pk Grammar and vocabulary Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. do How idea Let’s picnic too want it’s Lynn Paul Lynn James Lynn James Paul James Do you '• want.. to ride the roller coaster? Yes, that’s a great ^....... ^........about you, James? No, ........too scary. OK. ®.........go rafting. No, it’s ® .....cold. What ..........you want to do, James? Let’s have a ® Writing and grammar Look at the pictures. Use the words to write suggestions. Do you want to I f have horse-riding the roller coaster a picnic ^ Let’s I [ ride visit the Haunted Castle go-karting faftmg 2 Let’s 3 Do Vocabulary Label the pictures with the phrases in the box. No, that’s boring. Yes, that’s a great idea. No, it’s too scary. No, it’s too cold. 1 No, it's too scary.. 1 Do you want to go rafting .................„...? 4 Let’s 5 Do 6 Let’s Writing Write your own responses to the suggestions. 1 Let’s go go-karting. Good idea. 2 Do you want to go rafting? 3 Let’s ride the roller coaster. 4 Do you want to have a picnic? 5 Let’s go horse-riding. 6 Do you want to watch a DVD? (7^ ж I f; I 52 Loch Ness Holiday Reading Read about Wildlife Adventure Park. Imagine you are going to visit the park this summer. Answer the questions so they are true for you. Wildlife Adventure Park Wildlife Adventure Park is a great place for an exciting holiday. You can travel here by "train, coach or car._^We've got big rooms for four or eight people. There's a Wildlife Cafe, too. You can eat great food in the cafe or order packed lunches. ч,; r During the day you can do a lot of activities and play sports w our expert instructors. You can go horse-riding, go-karting, rock climbing, canoeing, water-skiing or swimming. In the evening you can play table tennis or video games. You can watch films ^ 1. . Ш or listen to music. 1 How are you going to travel to the Wildlife Adventure Park? 4 What sports and activities do you want to do? 2 How many beds do you want in your room? 5 What activities don’t you want to do? Why? 3 Do you want to eat in the cafd or order a packed lunch? 6 What are you going to do in the evening? Reading Read these notes about Holiday Towers. Match the headings 1-6 with the information a-f. 1 Place 2 Travel 3 Rooms 4 Food 5 Daytime activities 6 Evening activities films, music, computer games cafd and restaurant by coach or car go-karting. Haunted Castle, rafting, canoeing 4 to 10 people Cardiff in Wales 3^ Writing Write about Holiday Towers. Use the notes in exercise 2 and the text in exercise 1 to help you. Hofiday lowers is a. great ,place, ....... Unit 9 Progress check Study tip Spidergrams Draw some spidergrams to help you remember vocabulary. Think of a subject and write the words in groups. mother sister aunt grandmother father grandfather [brother son uncle famiiy ^^rents cousin relative ^inniiiii I II .......„ I...■.jjiiiiiiiir""^* Check you can do these things: 1 l can ask questions about plans and intentions. Q Use the words to write questions. 1 you / watch / films .Are,you,.g.omg..to.wnt^^^ .............? 2 he / eat / sweets ? 3 you / take / some photos 4 she / read / a lot of books 5 you / drink / cola 6 they / play / a lot of sport 7 you / do / some school work 8 you / get up / early Now write true answers to the questions. 1 .ШЛШ......... 5 2 ............. 6 ................. 3 ............. 7 4 8 2 I can talk about future predictions. Use the words to write sentences. 1 I / not be / a pop star ...(.Ши1.,Ье..й..ррр^ .............. 2 Marina / get / a good mark / next week 3 Ira / not forget / the words to the song / at the Talent Show 4 I think / Ilya / be / an astronomer 5 My friend / win / the gold medal / for dancing I can make suggestions and talk about what I want to do. Q Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. j to about ride want too Let’s great idea J Ben Hi, Maria. Do you '' want....... to visit the Haunted Castle? Maria No, it’s .............scary. I want to ^...........the roller coaster. Ben Yes, that’s a ^..............idea. How ®...........you, Pete? Pete No. I don’t want to ride the roller coaster. I want ®..........go go-karting. OK. ............go go-karting. Ben Maria OK. That’s a great Unit 1 Fast finisher Vocabulary Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. father aunt mother grandfather uncle grandmother 1 My father’s mother is my grMC^ffl.Qther. 2 My cousin’s father is my u............. 3 My mother’s father is my g............. 4 My cousin’s aunt is my m............... 5 My cousin’s uncle is my f 6 My father’s sister is my a............. p Writing and vocabulary Write about this room. I pester bag bed desk pencil case books box Grammar Write sentences about this town. 1 sports centre / swimming pool In.this Шш. there.is.a Jh.!?.re..is.n.'.t.a.SMm ............ 2 parks/cafds 3 shops / supermarkets 4 bus station / railway station 5 river / beach ^ Grammar Now ask and answer questions about the town. 1 houses? Are there .any hp.us.es? 2 railway station? 3 mountains? 4 football stadium? 5 river? 6 cinema? Unit 1 Extra practice ij Vocabulary Write the missing words. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 aunt / Monica / is / my Monica is .................. 2 her / cousin / Joanne / is 3 is / Sarah / sister / his 4 is / our / uncle / Nick 5 their / Bob / is / grandfather 6 mother / is / Suzy / your Grammar Look at the pictures. Circle the correct words. 1 The ruler is(ir^/ on the pencil 2 The chair is on / near the 3 The cat is under / on the case. desk. box. 4 The apples are under / in the bag. 5 The books are under / near the chair. Grammar Write There is or There are. 1 There are......two parks. 2 ...............a beach. 3 ...............a lot of shops. 4 ..............a football stadium. 5 ...............six houses. 6 a river. Grammar Now write the negative form of the sentences for exercise 4. 1 There.aren't......any parks. 2 ...................a beach. 3 ...................a lot of shops. 4 ....................a football stadium. 5 .................... six houses. 6 a river. (77) Unit 2 Fast finisher Reading and vocabulary Look at Jim’s timetable. Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. 1 I’ve got Geography at quarter past nine. ✓ 2 I’ve got PE at ten past ten. iVegpt PEatt^.o^ ............. 3 I’ve got a break at quarter to eleven. 4 I’ve got English at ten to ten. 5 I’ve got lunch at five to eleven. Reading and writing Look at Jim’s timetable again. Write sentences about the afternoon. 1 iVe got A/lqths at twenty to one...... 2 ........ 3 ........................................ 4 Vocabulary Unscramble the words for food items. 1 c u b t i i s biscuit........... 2 к n e c h i c 3 s e h e c e 4 к a c e 5 r t h у g о u 6 I e p a p 7 c s p s I r 8 d a I a s Writing Write sentences about what you have and haven’t got. 1 sandwiches ✓ / hairbrush X I've. got.some sandvyicb .. аШгЬгшЬ,............................ 2 apples ✓ / purse ✓ jye got ....... 3 tissues ✓ / money X 4 teddy bear ✓ / magazines ✓ 5 drink ✓ / sandwich X 6 sweets ✓ / mobile phone X 5; Grammar and vocabulary Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. Mrs Brown What’s in ....уоцг..lunchbox, Sarah? Have ^..........got a yoghurt? Sarah No, I ^........... But I have got ^ .........apple. Mrs Brown Have you got s........... sandwiches? Sarah ®..........., I have. I’ve got three cheese ............ Mrs Brown And ® .......you got any cake? Sarah No, I haven’t ®........any cake, but I "'o......got two chocolate biscuits. Unit 2 Extra practice Vocabulary Find ten school subjects and ten numbers in the word snake. Write them under the correct heading. School subjects ...СердгщИу..... »/,ffveePEoneeightHistorV'-T®®''®'' colour Numbers six Vocabulary Match the times. 11.45 15.30 19.10 08.25 22.05 10.20 16.35 ten past seven twenty past ten twenty-five past eight quarter to twelve twenty-five to five half past three five past ten Grammar Use a, an or any to complete the questions. Then write the answers. 1 Have vou qot any sweets? ✓ Yes, 1 have. 2 Have you got notebook? X 3 Have you got mobile phone? X 4 Have vou qot orange? ✓ 5 Have you got keys? X 6 Have vou qot tissues? ✓ Grammar Circle the correct words. 1 Joe and Emma have got^om^/ any sweets, but they haven’t / not got any rubbish. 2 I’ve got a / an purse and I’ve got a / some keys. 3 Julie hasn’t / haven’t^got any biscuits, but she has got a / some crisps. 4 We’ve got two sandwich / sandwiches and any / some tissues. 5 My dad has got some / any yoghurt and any / a banana. 6 I’ve got a hairbrush and / but a teddy bear. 7 My sister and I have / are got some magazines, but we haven’t got some / any money. 8 Eric has / have got some cake and two ham sandwiches. г г Units Fast finisher Ц Vocabulary Complete these adverbs of frequency. Then match them to the diagrams. Vocabulary Use the adverbs of frequency from exercise 1 to complete these sentences about yourself. 1 a 2 U 3 s 4 n 5 О ...У s c —--------ттш. .....................do my homework. ...........walk to school. ....................tell the truth. ..................go to bed at half past seven at night. ....................go school by bike. ...................... have breakfast at school. ’m......................a good listener. ’m .....................friendly. Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write instructions. to your your teacher! pencil! football in the classroom! magazines in the classroom! Grammar Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete this text. My brother Sid ^ doesn't like., (not like) his journey to school. He ^.(take) the bus and there ^...........(be) lots of people. He ^.........(leave) the house at 7.30 in the morning. I ®........... (love) my journey to school. I ®......(walk) to school. There ............. (be) lots of interesting shops and I ®...(look) at all the things in the shop windows. I ............(leave) the house at 8.00 in the morning. fSol Unit 3 Extra practice 4^ Vocabulary Find eight phrases for daily routines in the word snake. ^^avedinner/ea^^^ Гл.0 ^^eopgetdresse^'^^ 3^6obo^®workreacfboo/cs go to bed Grammar Correct the sentences. Use the information in brackets. 1 I get up at half past six. (seven o’clock) ...1 don'tgetupat.MIf^.sts 2 I walk to school, (go by bus) 3 Tina has lunch at twelve o’clock, (have breakfast) 4 My mum and dad watch TV in the evening, (play computer games) 5 You do your homework in the morning, (in the evening) 6 We go to bed at half past nine, (half past ten) и» Grammar Write the opposite of these instructions. Reading Read the texts. Who likes their journey to Pick up your pencil. Don't pick up your pencil. school? Who doesn’t like their journey? Draw © or © next to each text. Don’t brush your hair. Brush your huir. Jane 1 go to school by bus. 1 like my journey to school. The bus driver is very friendly. Count to twelve. Clean the blackboard. Zillah 1 go to school by car. 1 don’t like my journey to school. It’s boring! Don’t talk to your friend. Bob 1 hate my journey to school. 1 walk up Don’t play a game. a very big hill. It’s a long journey. Look at the teacher. Julian 1 love my journey to school. 1 go by train. There are lots of people on the Sit on the floor. train. It’s fun! с Unit 4 Fast finisher ^ Grammar Use the words to write questions and answers in the present continuous. Q what's..........................? ....................... 1 What/Joe/do Q He / tidy / his room A 2 Where / Sarah / go Q She / go / to school A 3 Who / you / phone Q I / phone / Max A 4 What / Rich and Val / read Q They / read / a magazine A 21 Grammar and vocabulary Complete the words in the paragraph. Nyasha and Josh like listenmg... to music and ^ g............swimming. Josh goes swimming ^ t.........a week, on Monday after school and o...........Saturday. Nyasha goes swimming ® о............a week on Sunday afternoon. Josh often buys CDs. Nyasha ® n..............buys CDs because she hasn’t got a CD player. She ^ s............the Internet every day and ® I............to music on her computer. Grammar Look at Roy’s answers to the questions. Then complete the sentences. 1 play football? 2 go shopping? 3 surf the Internet? hang out with your friends? tidy your room? 1 .RQypjgys|ootbg,l|.e 2 He.................... 3 He.................... 4 He.................... 5 He Vocabulary Match the words in the box with the pictures. cardboard glass metal paper plastic Grammar Write a sentence for each picture in exercise 4. 1 It's, made of glass,. 2 ............................. 3 ............................. 4 ............. 5 Unit 4 Extra practice ^ Vocabulary and grammar Look at the pictures. Use the verbs in the box to complete the sentences. feed wash do vacuum make em 1 He is Yacu.uwm.gl the carpet. 2 She..... the cat. 3 He...... his bed. 4 She..... the bin. 5 He....... the car. 6 She........... the washing up. 2) Vocabulary Put these expressions in the correct place on the chart. everyday b atwaye c twice a month d four times a month e never f every month j ..k.. 100% ..e... 0% Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 play / on / always / football /1 / Thursday .1..!Я1ш,у.5 play .. 2 swimming / goes / Toma / never Grammar It’s Saturday today. It’s Sarah’s birthday. Use the words to complete the sentences. 1 eat / sandwiches Sarah usually eats....... saMvyiches.... for lunch. Today, she's .eati^ ш.ке..• Sarah usually........... after breakfast. Today,.................. 2 eat/cake 3 do / homework 4 go/swimming 3 shopping / they / on / usually / go / Saturday 5 wash / the car Sarah usually on Saturday 4 go / sometimes / before / we / school / swimming afternoon. 6 listen to / music Today,.......... on her new 7 watch / TV MP3 player. Sarah usually 5 TV /1 / often / Sunday / watch / on on Saturday evening. 8 go / to the cinema Today,.. (S) Units Fast finisher Grammar Use the words to write questions. 1 you / old / your friend Are you .older..thM.yo . frlmd...................? 2 cartoons / funny / comics 3 cats / friendly / dogs Grammar Find six object pronouns in the wordsnake. Use them to complete the sentences. 4 your hair / long / your friend’s hair 5 your mum / talkative / your dad 6 your bag / big / your friend’s bag Vocabulary Use the words from the box to complete the text. best more interesting easier small things to do than a lot of country Hi, I’m Alex. I live in Cambridge in England. I like living in Cambridge. It’s a \ .smull...city, but there are ^.................shops and caf6s. It’s ...............to live in a city than in the ..................... because there are more ®................... There are more parks and cinemas in the city ®..................in the country. And it’s ...................to meet your friends in the city because there are a lot of buses. But I don’t travel by bus, I ride my bike. The ® .................thing about living in Cambridge is that I can ride my bike by the river. It’s great! Unit 5 Extra practice Vocabulary Read the clues and find the words in the word grid. Y N T A L L К О G I D F P A U R U 0 A F U N N Y R Y C I F M I H 0 N I G A I I N (Tf A A T fl V D H E C A C H D 0 G A Y p 0 О N N H A R D W 0 R К I N G D N О W I D Y О A H N I F L E D 0 R A L D U D W U A Y Y Someone who talks a lot is talkative. Colin plays football, volleyball and tennis. He’s very g.........at sport. Serena does her homework every night. She’s very h........... I like watching cartoons on TV. They’re always f........... A t,.........person isn’t short. Jake is very f.......... He loves parties and likes meeting new people. Grammar Complete the table. Ad|ecttve Comparative Superlative old older younger better oldest good friendly fittest more generous handsome most handsome more beautiful Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. 1 fastest / the / is / animal / a / cheetah А,йвеШ.И.15..Ше|^ ......... 2 cobra / is / a / than / longer / mouse / a 3 is / dog / friendliest / a / the / animal 4 than / tortoise / is / a / cobra / a / slower 5 cat / scorpion / is / a / dangerous / a / than / more 6 the / strongest / elephant / is / an / animal Grammar Use the words to complete the questions. I where who best friendlier than which 1 Which is bigger: a horse or a mouse? 2 Are you more talkative.............. your best friend? 3 .............is the tallest boy in your class? 4 Isa dog..............than a cat? 5 Are you the.............. at English in your class? 6 ............are there more things to do, in the city or in the country? Writing Write answers to the questions in exercise 4. 1 Ahorse,, 2 3 4 5 6 (85) Unite Fast finisher Grammar Look at the picture. Complete the text with have to or don’t have to. Hi, my name’s Mark. This is my school uniform. I |.МУ!?...Го.wear black trousers and black shoes. I ^...........wear a white shirt but I ^......... wear a tie. I ^............... wear a dark blue jacket. My school bag is heavy because we ®.......... study a lot of subjects. In class we ®.... put our hand up to ask a question. Vocabulary Look at the pictures and complete the rules for football. Use the words to complete the puzzle. Find the mystery word. 1 C A R R У 5 Mystery word; 1 You can’t the ball. 2 You can the ball. 3 You can’t.............the ball with your hand. 4 You have to the ball. 5 Only the goalkeeper can the ball. Grammar and writing Write questions with can and have to. 1 take / mobile phone / into classroom ...Саи уои.ШМ.!а ..... thectomom?..................... 2 eat sweets / for breakfast 3 make your bed / before school 4 watch TV / before / do homework 5 wear slippers / at school 6 go to the cinema / at the weekend 2^ Grammar Complete the words. Then write rules using must or mustn’t. 1 eat or drink in the s treet X You mustn't eat or drink in the street 2 wear a crash h ✓ 3 cycle on the p X 4 cycle in the cycle I ✓ 5 cross the r here X 6 keep s on ✓ 1^ [ Unit 6 Extra practice Vocabulary Find six words in the wordsnake. Use the words to compiete the text. че- ^;es'c'° "'■f Zack has to wear a school uniform. He doesn’t have to wear a ^ jacket... He has to wear a white ^ s .........and black ^ t......... His sister Zoe has to wear a black ^ s........ She doesn’t have to wear a ® t....... They have to wear black ® s......... 2^ Grammar Look at the pictures. Read the questions and write the answers. Paddy. Zoe and Zack 1 Do Zack and Zoe have to wear a school uniform? yes> ...they do,.......................... 2 Does Paddy have to get up early? 3 Does Holly have to get ready for school? 4 Does Tinker have to do some chores? 5 Does Ray have to go to bed early? Reading Read the rules for basketball. Are they true (T) or false (F)? 1 You have to throw the ball. T 2 You can head the ball. 3 You can’t kick the ball. 4 You can roll the ball. 5 You have to carry the ball. Grammar Complete the questions with have to or can. Then write answers. 1 Do you .have to kick the ball in football? ^ JC.Sr.yoa do.,.. 2 ...........you head the ball in basketball? X NO,, you .can't. 3 Do you.............wear white clothes in ice hockey? 4 you hit the ball in tennis? 5 Do you.............kick the ball in volleyball? Grammar Match the sentences in A with the words in B. Use must to make sentences from the words. 1 You're very ill. You must see a doctor. A В You / come / to it You / tidy / it You / see / a doctor I / go / to bed We / run We / do / something exciting 1 You’re very ill. a 2 I’m tired. \ b 3 We are bored. ^c 4 Your room is untidy, d 5 I’m having a party. e 6 We’re late for school, f Unit? Fast finisher Grammar 1 who / Jesse Owens Q an athlete A 2 who / Maria Montessori Q a teacher A 3 who / Pierre and Marie Curie Q scientists A 4 who / Leonardo da Vinci Q an artist and inventor A 2) Grammar Look at the pictures. Write questions and answers about life in 1900. 1 Q Did people watch TV...................? A No. they didnt......................... 3 Q A 6 Q A Reading and writing Imagine you are talking to Sherlock Holmes. Write answers to the questions. Holmes Where did you go last Saturday? You I. vyent Го..|:Не,Ш .. " Holmes What time did you leave your house? You Holmes Who did you meet? You Holmes Did you take a bus or a taxi? You Holmes Where did you go first? You Holmes What did you like best there? You Holmes Where did you go next? You Holmes What did you see there? You Holmes Finally, what time did you get home? You Unit 7 Extra practice Ф Grammar Complete the sentences with was or were. 1 was......Leonardo da Vinci American? 2 ..........the Marx brothers Russian? 3 ..........Luciano Pavarotti Italian? 4 ..........the Brontё sisters English? 5 Anna Pavlova Italian? Writing Answer the questions in exercise 1. 1 No, he ^sn'tr ...... Grammar Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Last Friday after school, Zack and Zoe I cycled (cycle) to the park. They ^.........(see) their friends. Zack .............(play) football. Zoe and Anna *...............(sit) on a bench and ®............ (read) a magazine. On the way home, Zack ®..............(buy) some sweets and Zoe .............(phone) her friend. They ®............(get) home at six o’clock. Reading and vocabulary Complete the texts with the words in the box. artist astronomer the Bronte sisters dancers inventor Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa Nicolaus Copernicus writers 1 He was Italian. He was an artist.........and an....................... He was born in 1452. His most popular painting was the . His name was 2 He was born in 1473. He was Polish. He was an.................. His name was 3 They were three English sisters. They weren’t................... They were famous.................... Their names were Grammar Choose the correct words. Did people tplay)/ played computer games in 1900? В No, they didn’t. They ^play / played football. Did people ^travel / travelled in space? В No, they didn’t. They "^travel / travelled by bus. A ( Did people ®use / used computers? в j No, they didn’t. And they didn’t ®use / used mobile phones. i: Units Fast finisher Vocabulary and grammar Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. wear swim run speak ride hang out ] 1 Mum swarr\ in the sea. 2 Dad a wetsuit. 3 Jake and Jim with friends in a cafd. 4 Sally along the beach. 5 George a donkey. 6 Max to two fishermen. Grammar Use the words to write questions for the answers. 1 Who / be / Gulliver Q Who was Gulliver....................? A He was a ship’s doctor. 2 What / the ship / hit A It hit a rock. 3 Where / Gulliver / wake up Q Grammar Look at the pictures of yesterday at the beach. Write sentences about what the people did and didn’t do. A On the beach. 4 Who/Gulliver/see Q............................... A A very small man. 5 Where / the soldiers / take / Gulliver 1 a sandcastle. A To their city. 2 Anna 3 Paul and Angie S) Writing Look at the picture of a fair last Saturday. Write sentences. Use There was/were and There wasn’t/weren’t and the words in the box. 4 Dina cathedral dogs cinema music people trees food children donkeys 5 Boris 6 Natasha Grammar Match the questions with the answers. a Music and films. b To the park, c Toast and jam. 1 What time did Ivan get up on Saturday? 2 What did he eat for breakfast? 3 Where did he go in the afternoon? 4 Who did he meet? 5 What did they talk about? 6 What did they do? There was a cathedral. There were some... d They played football. e Boris and Igor, f At half past nine. I Unit 8 Extra practice Grammar Match the verbs with their past simple forms in the box. hung out made ran spoke drank ate threw sat swam bttttt rode woke up wore put on left fed 1 build 2 drink 3 eat 4 feed 5 leave 6 hang out. 7 make 8 put on built 9 ride 10 run 11 sit 12 speak 13 swim 14 throw 15 wake up 16 wear Reading Read about Lulu’s day yesterday. Then look at the chart and tick (✓) the things Lulu did and cross (X) the things she didn’t do. Lulu hud a bad start to the day yesterday. She woke up late, she put on her school uniform. Then she fed her fish, but she didn't feed her cat. And she didn't switch off the light or close the window. She didn't make her bed. She ate her cereal, but she didn't drink her orange juice. She didn't close her door, and she left her homework at home. She arrived late for school. Poor Lulu! wake up early ✓ put on school uniform feed the fish feed the cat switch off the light close the window make bed eat cereal drink orange juice close door take her homework to school arrive at school on time Grammar Look at the chart you completed in exercise 2. Answer the questions about Lulu. 1 Did Lulu feed the fish? Yes, she did........... 2 Did she make her bed? 3 Did she close the window? 4 Did she eat her cereal? 5 Did she drink her orange juice? 6 Did she arrive late for school? Vocabulary Choose the correct words. 1 Gulliver’s ship hit a ^ wave /(ro^. 2 He woke up on a beach / in a city. 3 There was a very small soldier on the ship/ beach. He had a bow and arrow. 4 There were hundreds of soldiers / horses. 5 The soldiers shot bows at Gulliver. arrows / 6 That night they took him to their city in a car/wagon. Unit 9 Fast finisher Grammar Complete the suggestions and answers. A Let’s gomftmg.........................■ в No, it's too..................difficult. A Let’s В Yes,. Writing Write true sentences about what you are going to do or not going to do in the school holidays. Use the ideas in the box. „ do school шгк Jget up 1Ж ie, Internet ; ;^ ' c* jot of books pfoy a lot of sport ' .................................. ' ang out with my fri^ds 1 . I^mjiot goingto. do A Let’s В No,.... scary. Grammar Use the words to write sentences with will or won't. 1 Paula / visit / the Haunted Castle / next week ✓ Paula will visit the Haunted Castle next week. 2 Andy / hang out with his friends / this weekend X 3 Kevin / be an artist ✓ 4 Marina / live in another country X 5 You / make any mistakes X Unit 9 Extra practice Reading Read the sentences and write the name of each person below the correct picture. Vm going to read a lot of books.' - Natasha ‘I'm not going to get up late/ - Pete 'I'm going to surf the Internet/ - Marcus 'I'm not going to do any school work/ - Yola 'I'm going to hang out with my friends/ - James 'I'm going to visit my grandparents.' - Wendy Л 1 Pete Vocabulary Use will and the phrases in brackets to make sentences about the future. 1 It’s very cloudy, (rain soon) I think it will rain soo ....... 2 I like rock music, (buy a guitar) 3 The school’s music band is good, (win the contest) 4 My friend’s birthday is on Monday, (buy a book) 5 My friend likes PE. (be an athlete) Grammar Write short answers to the questions. 1 Will you be a scientist? 2 Will you hang out with your friend tomorrow? 3 Will you visit your grandparents next holiday? 4 Will you go to the seaside this summer? 5 Will your friend be an artist? Grammar Use the words in the box to complete the suggestions and answers. ’ want it’s too How idea Let’s I 1 Do you want.....to visit the Haunted Castle? No,.............too scary. 2 ............about you? Yes, that’s a great.............. 3 ............. go horse-riding. No, it’s cold. Wordlist Adjectives dinosaur have a snack / lunch / chicken amazing dog breakfast / dinner chocolate bar beautiful elephant leave home crisps big fish make the bed fruit boring fly pick up your clothes / ham brilliant horse school bag hamburger cheap insect put on your school ice-cream comfortable mosquito uniform lemonade dangerous mouse switch off (the TV) orange dark rabbit wake up pizza difficult scorpion walk to school salad early snail sandwich enormous snake Days of the week spaghetti exciting tortoise Monday sweets expensive Tuesday yoghurt famous Biography Wednesday fantastic autobiography Thursday Free-time activities fast be born in Friday go on a school / boat favourite be born on Saturday trip fit get a (bike) for your Sunday go swimming friendly birthday go to the cinema fun move to (England) Expressions of hang out with friends funny say your first words frequency have a picnic generous start (piano) lessons always listen to music / CDs good at start (secondary) school every day / week / look at the stars handsome take your first steps month / Monday / make model castles hard-working weekend play computer games heavy Chores how often play football / tennis hungry collect wood for the fire never read books / magazines intelligent cook dinner often / newspapers interesting do (some) chores once a week / month ride a bike kind do the washing up sometimes ski in the mountains long empty the bin three / four etc times a surf the Internet messy feed the dog / cat / week watch TV nice hamster / pet twice a week / month old go (food) shopping usually Geography polite lay the table city popular look after your little Family country scary brother / sister aunt hill short make your bed brother island small shake out the rugs cousin mountain strict sweep the floor daughter rock strong take the dog for a walk father sea successful tidy your room grandfather town talkative vacuum the carpet grandmother village tall wash the car mother terrible parents Home thirsty Daily routine sister bathroom young clean your teeth son bedroom do homework twins kitchen Animals drink (orange juice) uncle sitting room ant eat (cereal) bear get dressed Food and drink Materials camel get ready for school apple cardboard cat get up (early) banana glass cheetah go to bed biscuit leather chimpanzee go to school cake metal cobra have a bath / shower cheese paper plastic wood Occupations artist astronomer athlete celebrity composer dancer film star instructor inventor musician pilot police officer politician queen scientist singer soldier taxi driver teacher writer Places in a town / city beach bridge bus station caf6 castle cinema football stadium house park railway station shop sports centre supermarket swimming pool theatre Possessions glue stick hairbrush key lunchbox magazine mobile phone money pen purse rubbish stickers teddy bear tissues toy wallet Recycling bottle can collect jar lorry recycle rubbish recycling bin / box rubbish throw away wrapper School break classroom desk dictionary exercise book homework notebook pencil case rubber student teacher School routine change your shoes at school clean the blackboard clean your classroom count (to ten) hand in your homework listen to your teacher pick up (your pencil) put your hand up stand up to greet your teacher talk to your friend wear a uniform work with your classmate School subjects Art English French Geography History IT (Information Technology) Maths Music PE (Physical Education) Science Seaside beach build a sandcastle fisherman hang out in a cafd lie / sit in the shade ride a donkey run along the beach ship speak to a fisherman storm swim in the sea wave go rafting wear a wetsuit have a picnic write postcards ride the roller coaster visit the Haunted Castle Seasons autumn Times spring five past / to summer ten past / to winter quarter past / to twenty past / to Sports and sports twenty-five past / to actions half past basketball o’clock beach volleyball evening bowling morning canoeing carry Traffic catch bicycle football car park go-karting crash helmet goalkeeper cross the road head crossroads helmet cycle lane hit drive on the right / on hold the left horse-riding keep straight on ice hockey moped kick motorbike line park match parking meter net pavement pass pedestrian crossing player street racket traffic lights rock climbing traffic sign roll traffic warden rule turn left / right serve swimming Transport swimming pool bicycle table tennis bus team car teammate coach throw motorcycle touch moped water-skiing plane taxi Talent show train act audience costume dance to a (hip hop) song do a magic trick drop a microphone judge play the guitar sing stage Theme park go go-karting go horse-riding Irregular verbs be [bi:] was / were [wdz] / [w3;] быть, находиться become [Ьх'клт] became [bi'keim] становиться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] начинать bring [brig] brought [brait] приносить build [bild] built [bilt] строить buy [bai] bought [ba:t] покупать catch [kaetj] caught [kait] ловить do [du:] did [did] делать, выполнять draw [dra:] drew [dru:] рисовать drink [drigk] drank [draegk] пить eat [i:t] ate [et] есть fall [fD:l] fell [fel] падать feed [fiid] fed [fed] кормить find [faind] found [faund] находить fly [flai] flew [flu:] летать forget [fa'get] forgot [fa'got] забывать get [get] got [got] получать give [giv] gave [geiv] давать go [gau] went [went] идти, ехать have [haev] had [had] иметь, обладать hang [haeg] hung [Ьлд] висеть, вешать hit [hit] hit [hit] ударять keep [ki:p] kept [kept] держать, хранить know [паи] knew [nju:] знать learn [1з:п] learnt [l3:nt] учить, изучать leave [liiv] left [left] оставлять, покидать make [meik] made [meid] делать, изготавливать meet [mi:t] met [met] встречать put [put] put [put] класть read [ri:d] read [red] читать ride [raid] rode [raud] ездить run [глп] ran [raen] бегать say [sei] said [sed] сказать see [si:] saw [sd:] видеть sell [sel] sold [sauld] продавать send [send] sent [sent] посылать shoot [|u:t] shot [fnt] стрелять sing [sig] sang [saeg] петь sit [sit] sat [saet] сидеть sleep [sliip] slept [slept] спать speak [spi:k] spoke [spauk] говорить stand [staend] stood [stud] стоять swim [swim] swam [swaem] плавать take [teik] took [tuk] брать tell [tel] told [tauld] сказать, рассказывать think [0igk] thought [0a:t] думать throw [0rau] threw [0rui] бросать understand [.Anda'staend] understood [.Anda'stud] понимать wake [weik] woke [wauk] будить wear [wea] wore [wai] носить win [win] won [WAn] побеждать, выигрывать write [rait] wrote [raut] писать