Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Верещагина Афанасьева

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Activity book (активити бук), Workbook (воркбук) - Английский язык 4 класс Рабочая тетрадь Верещагина Афанасьева - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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I. N. VERESHCHAGINA О. V. AFANASYEVA Workbook PROSVESHCHENIYE »W01ISNEIIS И.Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА О. В. АФАНАСЬЕВА ФГОС АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ ч класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка 4-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2016 УДК 373.167.1:81 1.11 1 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 0+ Рабочая тетрадь является составным компонентом УМК «Английский язык» для учащихся 4 класса. Пособие имеет поурочную структуру и предназначено для тренировки учащихся в употреблении материала, представленного в учебнике. Задания рабочей тетради направлены на формирование предметных результатов; орфографических, грамматических и лексических навыков иноязычной речи, а также на развитие умений письменной речи. Материал рабочей тетради соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования. Учебное издание Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Афанасьева Ольга Васильевна Английский язык РАБОЧАЯ ТЕТРАДЬ 4 класс Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Центр лингвистического образования Руководитель Центра Ю. А. Смирнов Зав. редакцией английского языка М. А. Семичев Ответственный за выпуск Т. О. Звонарёва Редактор А. Е. Колесникова Художники В. Е. Киселев, А. А. Куликова, И. В. Молчанова Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли Технические редакторы Е. А. Сиротинская, Т. Е. Хотюн Корректоры Н. Д. Цухай, 3. Ф. Юрескул Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 11.06.15. Формат 84xl08'/,e. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура LiteraturnayaC. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 3,15. Доп.тираж 10000 экз. Заказ № 43522. Акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано по заказу ОАО «ПолиграфТрейд» в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1. Тел.: -Ь7(4812) 31-11-96. Факс; -1-7(4812) 31-31-70. E-mail: [email protected] https://www.smolpk.ru ISBN 978-5-09-037857-4 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2013 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2013, 2015 Все права защищены Dear girls and boys, Welcome to English 4 Workbook. Through the exercises in this book you will be able to control your knowledge in English and master the language. You will understand how important independent work is, as it will help you in your life and future studies. You will find the keys to the exercises at the end of the book. They will help you to give yourselves a correct mark. You should colour Q, your parents — , and your teacher will colour . Use red for “5” (excellent), green for “4” (good), and blue for “3” (satisfactory). We hope that in all the three cases your marks will be the same. We wish you every success. Authors ROUND-UP LESSONS Lessons 1-8 © © Complete the statements and questions. Use am, is, are. Example: This letter long? Is this letter long? 1) My shoes very clean_________________________________ 2) Your parents at home? ______________________________ 3) What colour his bag? _______________________________ 4) Who your favourite teacher? 5) What your favourite books? . 6) I hungry._____________________ 7) Autumn and winter cold seasons. Look at the pictures (page 5) and write whose pets they are and what colour they are. Example: The girVs chickens are yellow. grey black and white KATE DONALD THE FRIENDS THE BROWNS THETEACHER Write what the people and animals have got/haven’t got. Example: I've got a doll but I ... a ball. I've got a doll but I haven't got a ball, 1) Nick likes to read. He ... many books. 2) ... you ... any butter on the table? 3) These dogs ... many puppies. 4) I ... any bread. Let’s go shopping. 5) She ... milk. She can’t drink white coffee. 6) “What’s wrong?” “I ... something in my eye.” 7) Pussy is a big black cat. It ... many funny kittens. Write the plural (множественное число) of the following nouns. Shoe, party, birthday, tortoise, eye, shop, family, house, mouse, wolf, box, child, wife, hare, foot, leaf, potato, glass, tooth, exercise, puppy, sheep. Write what there is/there isn^t (there are/there aren*t) in different places or ask questions. Example: ... any chairs in the room? Yes, ... Are there any chairs in the room? Yes, there are. 1) ... seven days in a week. 2) ... four or five seasons in a year? 3) How many months ... in a year? 4) ... a nice bird in a tree. 5) ... any flowers in winter. 6) ... any water in the glass. Complete the sentences using some or any. Example: My sister hasn*t got ... potatoes, but she has ... carrots. My sister hasn't got any potatoes, but she has some carrots. 1) There is ... juice in the cup________________________ 2) Is there ... money in your pocket? 3) There aren’t ... old trees in the park. 4) We haven’t got ... small pets. 5) There is ... meat in the shop. 6) Has she got ... tights? _______ Refer the sentences to the two columns: much many Example: There isn't much Example: There are many sandwiches on the plates. milk on the table. 1) There are ... bright flowers here. 2) There isn’t ... soup for dinner. 3) There aren’t ... vegetables in the shop. 4) Are there ... good books at school? 5) Is there ... hot porridge? 6) There is ... ice cream for you. 7) There are ... people in the street. 8) Look at Robert Pullin and read the list of words. Then write what he likes (wears, buys) and what he dislikes (doesn’t wear, doesn’t buy). Example: Robert Pullin wears jeans but he doesn Ч wear trousers. wears jeans, jackets, sweaters, shirts never wears trousers, gloves, trainers, coats buys apples, ice cream, milk, jam never buys carrots, potatoes, sweets, salt likes fish, fruit, juice, eggs dislikes coffee, cold porridge, soup, butter Write what people always, usually, often, sometimes do/don’t do. Example: Do you go to school on Sunday (sometimes)? Do you sometimes go to school on Sunday? 8 1) When does Helen get up {usually)} 2) Does he come home late {often)} 3) He doesn’t go to the cinema {often). 4) We don’t wear shorts in autumn {usually). 5) I speak Russian at school (always). 6) She has fish for lunch {sometimes). 10) What do Nick and the members of his family usually do or what are they doing at the moment? Example: Nick's parents usually (to watch TV) in the evening, Nick's parents usually watch TV in the evening, 1) Look, Nick’s sister (to go) for a walk. 2) She never (to go) for a walk in the evening. 3) Nick’s cousins (to drink) apple juice now. 4) Nick (to play football) every day. 5) Nick’s brother usually (to look after) their pets. 6) “Where is Dad?” “Oh, he (to swim) in the swimming pool. What did the people do yesterday {last week, 3 days ago,,,)? Example: She buys bread. She bought bread yesterday, 1) He has coffee for breakfast. 2) My cousin is late for school, 3) They don’t come to school at 11 in the morning. 4) The lessons begin at 8.30. 5) My mother usually brings interesting books to read. 6) He wears warm clothes in winter. Compare people, animals and objects. Example: Sue*s desk isn*t very big. Ann*s desk is ... . Sue*s desk isn't very big. Ann's desk is bigger. 1) Nelly’s brother is clever but his sister is ... . 2) A tortoise is slow. It is ... than a dog. 3) My dolls are not very nice. Your dolls are ... . 4) The potatoes are not very good. Buy some ... potatoes. 5) That woman isn’t very beautiful. My sister is ... . 6) The big brown monkey is not very funny. The small grey monkey is ... . 7) Pete is a very bad pupil, but Hans is even (даже) ... . 10 0 Read the story and write what Mr Brown can do and what he can’t. Example: Mr Brown can catch fish. Mr Brown can't grow flowers. Mr Brown is a forester. He lives in the forest near a big lake. He is very good at catching fish and grows many vegetables in his garden. But he doesn’t know much about flowers and never grows them. He has got a lot of animals and knows how to talk with them. I think birds and animals understand him and he understands them, too. In winter when he is not very busy he often tells us stories about the forest’s wonders and we like to listen to them. Mr Brown likes to watch TV programmes but he is a bad sportsman and never plays games. Mr Brown has got a computer at home but he never works on it as he doesn’t know how to do it. Fill in the proper forms of the verbs. 1) It often (snows, is snowing) in winter here. 2) It never (snows, snowed) in Africa. 3) “What’s the weather like?” “It (is raining, rains). 4) It (rains, rained) all day yesterday. 5) It didn’t (rain, rained) last month. 6) It is cold but it (isn't snowing, doesn't snow). Translate into English. 1) Вчера шел дождь. 2) В ноябре часто идет снег. 11 3) Идет дождь, но на улице не холодно. 4) Снег идет сейчас? 5) Оставайтесь дома. Идет дождь. 6) Мы любим смотреть телевизор, когда идет дождь. 7) Здесь редко идет дождь. 8) Вчера шел снег? лпо 12 BASIC COURSE SCHOOL LIFE Lessons 9-16 1 ) Look at the timetable and say when Nelly has got P.E., Arts, Music and Handicraft. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday English Russian Maths Maths RE. Arts Russian Maths Drawing Maths English Russian Music Arts Russian Russian Maths Music Maths Handicraft English RE. Day off 2) Look at the table (page 14) and write 14 sentences about Peter’s daily sports life in winter and in summer. Example: In winter Peter plays tennis at 3 o*clock on Monday, In summer Peter plays football at 11 о * clock on Monday. 13 Sea- sons Days Ten- nis Foot- ball Volley- ball Bas- ketbal Base- ball Ski- ing Skat- ing Run- ning Swim- ming u. bols. Could you help her? Write down everything you remember about American symbols. A. 1) Colour:____________ 2) Name:______________ 3) Number of stars: _ 4) Number of stripes: 5) Colour of stripes: _ 6) Stripes stand for: _ ' “Star-Spangled ['spsengld] Banner” — «Звездное знамя» {гимн Соединенных Штатов Америки). 59 7) Stars stand for:_______ 8) Places to see the flag: B. 1) Year when it appeared in the USA: 2) Country it came from: 3) Reason (причина) it came to the USA: 4) Place it is now: C. 1) Year it became the official symbol: 2) An olive branch stands for: 3) Arrows stand for: 4) Place where this symbol is: 60 D. 1) Kind of symbol it is: 2) People it stands for:_ 3) Places where we can see it: 4) Time “Uncle Sam” appeared as a symbol of the US: _________________________ 5) US stand for: a) b)------------------ Write what people can read, sell, protect, prepare, be interested in. Complete the following: 1) People can read letters,__________________________________________ 2) People can sell vegetables, 3) People can protect plants, 4) People can prepare meals. 5) People can be interested in languages. Think of your own sentences using the following: Example: It is good advice. I will follow it. 1) (bad advice) _________________________________ 2) (clever advice) 3) (kind advice)_ 4) (dangerous advice) 5) (excellent advice) _ n Read the words and phrases given below. You should know their meanings and be able to write them correctly. If necessary, consult the vocabulary at the end of your Student’s Book. Words: — discoverer, discovery, sail, sailor, island, settlement, turkey, danger, harvest, God, nut, wood, peace, hunter, friendship, independence, gold, gun, snake, tailor, state, government, magazine, newspaper, letter, advice, person, host, hostess, rule. — discover, sail, reach, be interested (in), appear, prepare, hunt, smoke, depend (on), fight (fought, fought), be situated, protect, sell (sold, sold), advise, move, relax. V 61 adj — round, hard, native, wooden, peaceful, golden, empty, dangerous, each, own, personal. adv — together, maybe. prep — along, through, since. Phrases: Lesson 46: How’ve you been? How long have you been here? Jack, you’re back! It’s been a long time. I’ve heard so much about you! Lesson 47:\i depends; gold coin; golden hair. Lesson 48:io look through. Lesson 50: — May I do it? — Yes, you may. — Do, please. — No, I’m afraid not. — No, you mustn’t; pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars. Lesson 5/: can — could — be able to; I can do it; He couldn’t do it then; She will be able to do it next week. The advice is good. It was good advice. And what about these words? Can you read and understand them properly? n — continent, planet, France, territory, colony, soldier, colonist, Spain, stripe, Cuba, festival, symbol, statue, national, eagle, sauce, Indian, liberty, ceremony, culture, costume, Asia, Alaska, Negro, plantation, rice, tobacco, president, cowboy. V — group, row, attack, display, fold. adj— traditional, official, American, Indian, Spanish, roast, whole. ЛПО 62 MY COUNTRY Lessons 53-57 © © Be sure you know the verbs. Add -tion to each verb and translate the new words into Russian. Example: translate — translation — перевод. collect _____________________________________________________ explain _____________________________________________________ protect _____________________________________________________ prepare______________________________________________________ found _______________________________________________________ inform ______________________________________________________ celebrate compose create __ decorate True or False? 1) Russia is rich in gold and silver. 2) One Russian symbol is the Russian national flag. 3) The Russian flag has four stripes on it. 4) The other symbol of Russia is a firtree. 5) The Neva [’neivo] is the longest river in Russia. 6) Russia is the smallest country in Europe. 7) Russian people have always been devoted to their Motherland. 8) The Urals form a natural border between Europe and Asia. 63 Ask questions for more information. He founded the capital. 1) Who _____________________________ 2) What capital 3) When_______ 4) Where______ 5) Why________ Choose the words that you could use to describe: a) Russia: _____________________________________ b) Russian people: (the) biggest, noble, rich, honest, devoted, brave, independent, peaceful, (be) full of, (be) proud of, (be) fond of, kind, clever, friendly Agree or disagree. 1) The capital of Russia is Kiev. 2) Moscow is not an old city, it is less than 100 years old, 3) The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. 4) Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. 64 5) In the 16th century Moscow was one of the largest cities in Europe. 6) Moscow has always been the capital of Russia. 7) Peter the Great moved the Russian capital to St. Petersburg. 8) In 1918 Moscow became the capital of Russia again. Try and explain in written form the following: an honest man ______________________________________________ brave ______________________________________________________ a rich woman________________________________________________ young_______________________________________________________ war enemy 65 © Your British friend is interested in the war of 1812. Please answer his questions. Л Nick: Why was Russia in great danger in 1812? Nick: Was Napoleon sure he could easily win the war against Russia? Why? Nick: When was a terrible battle in Smolensk? Nick: Why did Napoleon’s army leave Smolensk so quickly? Nick: Why did the Russian tsar invite Michael Kutuzov to become the head of the Russian army? Nick: Where did Kutuzov decide to give a fight to Napoleon? Nick: What battle was the beginning of the greatest Russian victory over Napoleon in the war of 1812? Put the articles where necessary. Red Square Volga Urals Moscow USA Baikal Asia Europe Arctic Ocean Neva Black Sea Alps Russia Kiev Apple Street America Indian Ocean Green Street 66 Write the missing forms of the adjectives. Example: big — bigger — (the) biggest braver happy more comfortable (the) best bad earlier cleverer the most interesting Read the words and phrases given below. You should know their meanings and be able to write them correctly. If necessary, consult the vocabulary at the end of your Student’s Book. Words: n — bank, enemy, bravery, birch, top, map, stone, war, army, battle, victory, soul, heart. V — found (founded), win (won, won), die, kill. adj — noble, honest, devoted, brave, young, hospitable, real. adv — really. prep — between, against. Phrases: Lesson 54:io travel east (west). Lesson 55; to be founded; to be made of. And what about these words? Can you read and understand them properly? n — youth, border, mineral, prince, chronicle, fortress. V — break, flow, conquer, criticize. adj — symbolic, poetic. adv — practically. ЛПО 67 KEYS School Life (Lessons 9—16) Exercise I. Nelly has got RE. on Tuesday and on Friday. She has got Arts on Tuesday and on Thursday. She has got Music on Wednesday and on Friday. She has got Handicraft on Friday. Exercise 2. 1) In winter Peter plays tennis at 3 o’clock on Monday. 2) In winter Peter plays football at 5 o’clock on Tuesday. 3) In winter Peter plays volleyball at 3 o’clock on Wednesday. 4) In winter Peter plays basketball at 11 o’clock on Thursday. 5) In winter Peter goes swimming at 6 o’clock on Friday. 6) In winter Peter goes skiing at 9 o’clock on Saturday. 7) In winter Peter goes skating at 10 o’clock on Sunday. 8) In summer Peter plays football at 11 o’clock on Monday. 9) In summer Peter plays tennis at 2 o’clock on Tuesday. 10) In summer Peter plays volleyball at 12 o’clock on Wednesday. 11) In summer Peter plays baseball at 1 o’clock on Thursday. 12) In summer Peter goes running at 7 o’clock on Friday. 13) In summer Peter goes swimming at 12 o’clock on Saturday. 14) In summer Peter plays basketball at 10 o’clock on Sunday. Exercise 3. A. (1) on, (2) after, (3) in, (4) at, (5) in, (6) in, (7) at, (8) at, (9) at. B. 1) No, Nora usually had a walk at one o’clock in the afternoon. 2) That day Nora had a walk after classes. 3) Nora laughed at Allan because he was funny. 4) Allan ran because he tried to stop the two boys from fighting. 5) Nora usually went for a walk at noon in summer. Exercise 4. 1) “The News” is on at half past six. 2) “The Weather” is on at half past eight. 3) “Sports” is on at half past ten. 4) The film “Don’t Ask Me!” is on at half past nine. 5) “We Are in Africa” is on at half past eleven. 6) “Tom and Jerry” is on at half past twelve. Exercise 5. 1) can we; 2) won’t we; 3) is he; 4) didn’t they; 5) doesn’t it; 6) is there. 68 Exercise 6. 1) I worked there yesterday. 2) I counted them yesterday. 3) I them yesterday. 4) I drank it yesterday. 5) I wrote it yesterday. met Exercise 7. 1) It’s never too late to learn. (Cp. Век живи, век учись.) 2) Better late than never, but better never late. (Cp. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.) 3) А good beginning makes a good ending. (Cp. Хорошее начало полдела откачало.) Exercise 8. Nouns: exercise book, song, subject, floor, picture, museum, uniform, window, rubber, carpet. Verbs: leave, meet, join, count, learn, spend, laugh, study. Adjectives: famous, poor, important, easy, different, comfortable. Exercise 9. 1) Shall I make the bed? 2) Shall I wash up? 3) Shall I put the books in the bookcase? 4) Shall I close the bookcase? 5) Shall I wash the floor? Exercise 10. Regular verbs: laughed; studied; joined; counted; worked. Irregular verbs: met; left; sang; got (on with smb)\ was/were (over). Exercise 11. 1) on; 2) by; 3) at; 4) to, on; 5) for; 6) in; 7) for; 8) —; 9) at; 10) on, with, at. Exercise 12. Mary goes to school five times a week. She goes to the cinema twice a week. She goes to the theatre once a week. She goes to the swimming pool twice a week. She goes to the museum once a week. She goes to the Zoo once a week. Exercise 13. 1) The new boy came to school on Thursday. 2) His name was Peter Rivers. 3) Miss Fair asked Peter to sit next to Tom. 69 4) It was Maths. 5) Peter counted well. No, he wasn’t. 6) The children had lunch after Maths. It was half past twelve. 7) He took out an old brown apple, some old cheese and some bits of fish from dinner. 8) Children laughed because Tom had the garbage in his bag. 9) Peter asked Tom to eat an egg and some bread. The Place We Live In (Lessons 17—23) Exercise 1. 2) A kitchen is a place we make food in. 3) A bathroom is a place we wash our hands, faces in, or a place where we take (have) a shower. 4) A flower is a plant that grows in gardens. 5) A key is a thing that locks the door. 6) A bedroom is a place (room) we sleep in. 7) A hall is a place where we take off or put on our overcoats. 8) A house is a place we live in. Exercise 2. A. (1) in, (2) in, (3) of, (4) behind, (5) over, (6) of, (7) at, (8) of. B. Picture 1. Exercise 3. 1) a hall; 2) a dining room; 3) a bedroom; 4) a bathroom; 5) a toilet; 6) a kitchen Exercise 4. 1) comfortable; 2) warm; 3) quiet; 4) small; 5) large. Exercise 5. 1) False; 2) False; 3) False; 4) False; 5) True; 6) True. Exercise 6. Возможные типы вопросов: 1) Is there a bath in your bathroom? 2) What is there in your kitchen? 3) How many chairs have you got in your living room? 4) Have you got a mirror in your bedroom or in your bathroom? 5) Where is the bookcase in your flat? 6) What is your favourite room? 7) Your kitchen is large, isn’t it? 70 Exercise 7. A. The boys had lunch in the kitchen. B. 1) False; 2) False; 3) Don’t know; 4) True; 5) Don’t know; 6) True. Town Life. London (Lessons 24—30) Exercise 1. I) a; 2) an; 3) an; 4) a; 5) a; 6) a; 7) a; 8) a; 9) an; 10) an; II) a; 12) an; 13) a; 14) an. Exercise 2. [t]: to laugh — laughed — laughed; to work — worked — worked; to lock — locked — locked; [d]: to study — studied — studied; to join — joined — joined; to describe — described — described; to happen — happened — happened; to believe — believed — believed; [id]: to count — counted — counted; to shout — shouted — shouted; to start — started — started. Exercise 3. Возможные ответы: I have already been to the church. I have never been to the church. I haven’t been to the church yet. Exercise 4. 1) be — was/were — been; 2) see — saw — seen; 3) read — read — read; 4) buy — bought — bought; 5) bring — brought — brought; 6) meet — met — met; 7) build — built — built; 8) wake — woke — woken; 9) burn — burnt — burnt; 10) become — became — become. Exercise 5. It is a monument to ... Exercise 6. 1) Do you do your lessons in the study or (do you do them) in the living room? 2) Is there a cupboard in the hall or a) (is there a cupboard) in the kitchen? b) is there a wardrobe in the hall? 3) Did it happen to your cousin or (did it happen) to your friend? 4) Have you got a new fridge or (have you got) a new television? 5) Does he believe your words or doesn’t he believe them? 6) Has he been to Westminster Abbey or (has he been) to St. Paul’s Cathedral? 71 7) Have you been to the trip to England or (have you been) to the trip to America? 8) Has she turned to the right or (has she turned) to the left? Exercise 7. 20 minutes to get to the church, one hour to get to the theatre, half an hour to get to the cinema. 10 minutes to get to the museum. It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. 45 minutes to get to the bridge. 5 minutes to get to my friend’s house, half an hour to get to the main square. 10 minutes to get to the monument, two hours to get to my Granny’s house. Exercise 8. 1) in front of; 2) in; 3) by; 4) in, in, of; 5) with/to, in; 6) to; 7) of; 8) to; 9) to; 10) to, in, of. Exercise 9. 1) She is going to school. She is going to leave her house. 2) He is going to open the front door (the house). 3) The pupils are going to sing. 4) He is going to draw a picture (to colour a/the picture). 5) They are going to buy a wardrobe. Exercise 10. 1) Are you going to buy a new car? 2) How much money are you going to spend? 3) Where are you going to buy it? 4) When are you going to buy it? 5) Why are you going to buy it? Exercise 11. 1) We have never/already been to the Tower of London. 2) She hasn’t woken up yet. 3) Peter Brown has never/already seen Westminster Abbey. 4) Has he become an architect yet? 5) Have they ever been to Buckingham Palace? 6) They haven’t built a monument in the square yet. 72 Travelling and Transport (Lessons 31—36) Exercise 1. Regular verbs: laugh — laughed — laughed; study — studied — studied; happen — happened — happened; describe — described — described; lock — locked — locked; count — counted — counted; work — worked — worked; join — joined — joined. Irregular verbs: be — was/were — been; build — built — built; become — became — become; burn — burnt — burnt; read — read — read; lead — led — led; come — came — come; keep — kept — kept; learn — learnt — learnt; take — took — taken; say — said — said; wake (up) — woke (up) — woken (up); go — went — gone; get — got — got; know — knew — known; hear — heard — heard; do — did — done. Exercise 2. a) They travelled to Murmansk by plane. b) They travelled to Arkhangelsk by train. c) They travelled to the White Sea by car. d) They travelled in Murmansk and in Arkhangelsk by bus. Exercise 3. 1) Our classes began at 8.30 last year. 2) My little sister hasn’t drunk her glass of milk yet. 3) We have just chosen the presents for Christmas. 4) Nelly drew a funny picture last Thursday. 5) They have already had lunch. 6) “We have eaten all the bananas!” he said. 7) I spent all the money yesterday. 8) We have never swum in the ocean. Exercise 4. 1) built, built; 2) see, saw; 3) forgot, forgotten; 4) shake, shaken; 5) read [ri:d], read [red]; 6) be, was/were; 7) flew, flown; 8) bring, brought; 9) buy, bought; 10) found, found; 11) meet, met; 12) woke (up), woken (up); 13) steal, stole; 14) burnt, burnt; 15) lead, led; 16) became, become. Exercise 5. 1) This is Mr Brown who likes to travel by plane. 2) This is Mr Fox who bought me a ticket. 3) These are the gloves which 1 bought in Scotland. 4) This is Mrs Johnson who missed her train to London. 5) This is the picture which 1 took in Trafalgar Square. 73 6) This is Nelly Smith who met me at the railway station. 7) This is the train which I saw at the railway station. 8) This is the book which I bought in England. 9) This is the woman who liked to travel very much. Exercise 6. A. 1) to get out of a car; 2) to get on a train; 3) to miss a train; 4) to go downstairs; 5) to get off a horse; 6) to get into a taxi; 7) to catch a plane. B. 1) beautiful; 2) easy; 3) dirty; 4) cheap; 5) weak; 6) sell; 7) behind. Exercise 7. 1) I can reach St. Petersburg (from Moscow) by plane, by train, by car. 2) I can reach London (from New York) by plane and by sea (by ship). 3) I can reach the Bolshoi Theatre (from Red Square) on foot. 4) I can reach Yaroslavski railway station (from the Kremlin) by metro, by bus, by taxi or by car. Exercise 8. 1) by, on; 2) at, at; 3) at; 4) at; 5) to; 6) on; 7) of; 8) on. Exercise 9. Nick is getting out of the taxi (car). He is getting off the train (horse, bus). Exercise 10. 1) You have to walk along the road. 2) You have to speak quietly in the library. 3) You have to come in time for the performance. 4) You have to take pictures outdoors. 5) You have to listen to the radio after classes. 6) You have to go to bed early. Exercise 11. These are the first forms: be, see, read, buy, meet, build, become, wake (up), burn, come, learn, say, keep, take, go, get, know, hear, do, lead, begin, choose, draw, drink, eat, have, spend, swim, find, steal, fly, understand, fall, give, grow, make, shake, forget, sing, put, run, send, shine, sit, sleep, speak, wear, stand, teach, think, feel, catch. For the second and the third forms consult if necessary the list of irregular verbs at the end of your textbook. 74 Hobbies (Lessons 37—42) Exercise 1. 1) Andrew arrived at the bus stop at a quarter past twelve. 2) Andrew arrived in New York at a quarter past five. 3) Andrew arrived at the port at a quarter to seven. 4) Andrew arrived at the railway station at a quarter to twelve. 5) Andrew arrived in Klin at half past eight. Exercise 2. 1) buy, bought, buy, bought. 2) been, have, were, was, took, did. 3) been, have not bought. 4) were, was, were, were, were, see. 5) met, have, meet, met. Exercise 3. 1) a translator; 2) a reader; 3) a teacher; 4) a worker; 5) a traveller; 6) a collector; 7) a player. Exercise 4. A few apples, a little bread, a few bananas, a few carrots, a little coffee, a few biscuits, a few eggs, a little fish, a little fruit, a few potatoes, a little jam, a few hamburgers, a little juice, a few vegetables, a little meat, a little milk, a little salt, a few sweets. Exercise 5. 1) are, they, are; 2) is, it; 3) are, them; 4) they, are; 5) is, it, is. Exercise 6. 1) say; 2) tells; 3) say; 4) tell/told; 5) said/says. Exercise 7. 1) unfriendly; 2) unkind; 3) poor; 4) unhappy; 5) uncomfortable; 6) uneasy or difficult; 7) unimportant; 8) short; 9) expensive; 10) untrue; 11) slow; 12) boring. Exercise 8. 1) rose, risen; 2) decided, decided; 3) cared (for), cared (for); 4) meant, meant; 5) created, created; 6) said, said; 7) told, told; 8) listened (to), listened (to). Exercise 9. Rosie’s hobby is a) writing stories, b) theatre. (1) of, (2) in, (3) for, (4) for, (5) in, (6) with, (7) from, (8) by. 75 (9) of, (10) on, (11) at, (12) to, (13) of, (14) before, (15) to, (16) to, (17) up, (18) to. Exercise 10. Adrian is fond of a) collecting coins (stamps, badges), b) going to the theatre (cinema, museum), c) watching cartoons (feature films, documentary films), d) reading novels (fiction, poems). America (The USA) (Lessons 43—52) Exercise 1. Bag: textbook, exercise book, ruler, rubber, pen, pencil. Room: bed, sofa, fridge, carpet, picture, mirror, wardrobe, fire, cupboard, desk, curtains. Town: square, airport, cinema, car, theatre, bus, road, church, house, bridge. Exercise 2. a) collecting stamps, collecting badges, collecting coins, collecting pictures, collecting books, gardening, going to the cinema, going to the theatre, going to the museum, travelling, playing computer. b) car, plane, train, bus, trolleybus, ferry (boat), boat, automobile. Exercise 3. -er (officer, soldier, writer, worker, announcer, reader, performer, traveller, teacher, singer, forester, farmer, football player). -or (sailor, doctor, actor, narrator). -man (fireman, seaman, postman, policeman, milkman, fisherman). Exercise 4. 1) That’s not true. It is a continent. 2) That’s not right. He discovered America. 3) That’s right. 4) That’s not right. They often do. 5) That’s not right. He reached it in 1492. 6) That’s right. 7) That’s right. Exercise 5. 1) Christopher Columbus was interested in the sea. 2) The first English settlements appeared in America in the seventeenth century. 3) The Indians prepared turkey for the celebration. 4) That year the harvest was rich. 5) They thanked God together. (Together they thanked God.) 76 6) The new land was full of danger. 7) It is raining hard. Exercise 6. 1) for; 2) since; 3) since; 4) since; 5) since; 6) since; 7) for. Exercise 7. a) boring (hard, dangerous) work; b) a native (peaceful, dangerous) country; c) a wooden (empty, golden) box. Exercise 8. 1) Who flew there? 2) Where did he fly? 3) When did he fly there? 4) Why did he fly there? 5) With whom did he fly? 6) How many times did he fly there? 7) How often did he fly there? Exercise 9. 1) They celebrate Thanksgiving Day. 2) It is Thursday, the last Thursday in November. 3) People usually go to church. 4) Yes, they do. 5) It is the turkey. 6) Since 1621, the first celebration of Thanksgiving Day, the turkey has become its symbol. Exercise 10. 1) New Year’s Day, 2) Martin Luther King’s Birthday, 3) St. Valentine’s Day, 4) President’s Day, 5) St. Patrick’s Day, 6) Easter, 7) April Fools’ Day, 8) Memorial Day, 9) Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, 10) Flag Day, 11) Independence Day, 12) Labour Day, 13) Columbus Day, 14) Halloween, 15) Veteran’s Day, 16) Thanksgiving (Day), 17) Christmas (Day), 18) New Year’s Eve. Exercise 11. May I ask you for advice? May I take the newspaper? May I buy a magazine? May I eat some turkey? May I have some nuts? Exercise 12. 1) No, you mustn’t. 2) Yes, you may. 3) Yes, you may. 4) No, you mustn’t. 5) No, you mustn’t. Exercise 13. 1) Edward will be able to learn this rule (next week). 2) Alice will be able to prepare turkey for dinner tomorrow. 77 3) Му family will be able to move to another flat next Sunday. 4) My host will be able to invite his friend to come for the weekend next week. 5) The sailor will be able to sail round this island next week. Exercise 14. (1) When did the first colonists (colonies) appear in America? (2) Where were the colonists from? (3) What did they (the colonists) grow? (4) How many colonies were there in America in 1733? (5) Why did they begin to fight for independence? (Why did they fight for independence?) (6) Who was the first American President? (7) What did they go west for? (Why did American people go west?) (8) What kind of life did they have in the Wild West? Exercise 15. Pennies, dimes, dollars, nickels, quarters. Exercise 16. 1) two, 2) ten, 3) twenty, 4) five, 5) four. Exercise 17. No, it isn’t. It is a cartoon symbol of the American Government. Exercise 18. A. 1) red, white and blue; 2) “Stars and Stripes”; 3) fifty (50); 4) thirteen (13); 5) red and white; 6) the first thirteen colonies of the USA; 7) modern states of the USA; 8) schools, offices, shops, streets, squares, towns, big cities. B. 1) in 1884; 2) France; 3) symbol of friendship; 4) New York, Liberty Island. C. 1) in 1782; 2) symbol of peace; 3) symbol of strength; 4) the back of the dollar bill. D. 1) cartoon symbol; 2) US Government (American Government); 3) magazines, newspapers, posters; 4) at the beginning of the 19th century; 5) a) the United States, b) Uncle Sam. Exercise 19. 1) novels, magazines, newspapers, poems, books... 2) fruit, clothes, furniture, houses, cars... 3) earth, animals, children, cities, countries... 4) lessons, food, parties, celebrations, performances... 5) theatre, cinema, cartoons, documentary films, feature films... 78 Exercise 20. 1) It is bad advice. I won’t (can’t) follow it. 2) It is clever advice. I will (can) follow it. 3) It is kind advice. I will (can) follow it. 4) It is dangerous advice. I won’t (can’t) follow it. 5) It is excellent advice. I will (can) follow it. My Country (Lessons 53—57) Exercise 1. collect — collection — коллекция; explain — explanation — объяснение; protect — protection — защита; prepare — preparation — приготовление; found — foundation — основание; inform — information — информация; celebrate — celebration — празднование; compose — composition — сочинение; create — creation — создание; decorate — decoration — украшение. Exercise 2. 1) True; 2) True; 3) False; 4) False; 5) False; 6) False; 7) True; 8) True. Exercise 3. 1) Who founded the capital? 2) What capital did he found? 3) When did he found the capital? 4) Where did he found the capital? 5) Why did he found the capital? Exercise 4. a) Russia: (the) biggest, rich, independent, peaceful, (be) full of, (be) proud of, (be) fond of; b) Russian people: noble, honest, devoted, brave, kind, clever, friendly. Exercise 5. 1) That’s wrong. The capital of Russia is Moscow. 2) You are wrong. Moscow is an old city, it is more than 860 years old. 3) That’s right. The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. 4) You are right. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. 5) You are quite right. In the 16th century Moscow was one of the largest cities in Europe. 6) No, Moscow has not always been the capital of Russia. 79 7) Yes, you are right. Peter the Great moved the Russian capital to St. Petersburg. 8) That’s right. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of Russia again. Exercise 6. An honest man is a man who never tells lies (who always tells the truth); brave — not afraid of anything or anybody; a rich woman is a woman who is not poor (who has a lot of money); young — not old; war — a battle between two or more countries; enemy — one who is not a friend. Exercise 7. (1) Russia was in great danger in 1812 because Napoleon wanted to conquer it. (2) Yes, he was, because practically all of Europe depended on him. (3) It was in August 1812. (4) Napoleon’s army left Smolensk so quickly because it was empty. (5) The Russian tsar invited Kutuzov to become the head of the Russian army because Russia was in danger. (6) Kutuzov decided to give a fight to Napoleon near the settlement of Borodino. (7) It was the battle near Borodino. Exercise 8. Red Square, Asia, Russia, the Volga, Europe, Kiev, the Urals, the Arctic Ocean, Apple Street, Moscow, the Neva, America, the USA, the Black Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Baikal, the Alps, Green Street. Exercise 9. brave — braver — (the) bravest happy — happier — (the) happiest good — better — (the) best comfortable — more comfortable — (the) most comfortable bad — worse — (the) worst early — earlier — (the) earliest clever — cleverer — (the) cleverest interesting — more interesting — (the) most interesting. 80 Contents Round"Up Lessons (Lessons I — 8)................. 4 Basic Course..................................... 13 School Life (Lessons 9—16) .................. — The Place We Live In (l.essons 17 — 23)...... 23 Town Life. London (Lessons 24 — 30).......... 29 Travelling and Transport (Lessons 31—36)..... 36 Hobbies (Lessons 37 — 42).................... 44 America (The USA) (Lessons 43 — 52).......... 51 My Country (Lessons 53 — 57)................. 63 Keys............................................. 68 Состав учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» авторов И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. 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