Английский язык 2 класс Книга для чтения Верещагина Бондаренко

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Reader (Ридер) - Английский язык 2 класс Книга для чтения Верещагина Бондаренко - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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жос АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК КНИГА ДЛЯ ЧТЕНИЯ 2 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авторы-соаавители И. Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА К. А. БОНДАРЕНКО 15-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2014 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК81.2АНГЛ-93 А64 Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 2 класс : пособие для уча-А64 щихся общеобразоват. организаций и шк. с углубл. изучением англ, яз. / авт.-сост. И. Н. Верещагина, К. А. Бондаренко. — 15-е изд. — М. : Просвещение, 2014. — 47 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-09-031795-5. Книга для чтения является составной частью нового, переработанного в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом начального общего образования учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для 2 класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Книга содержит сказки, рассказы, адаптированные тексты для формирования умений чтения на начальном этапе обучения. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2ДНГЛ-93 ISBN 978-5-09-031795-5 © Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 © Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Lesson 1 Read the story to learn why the kitten is called so. (Прочитай рассказ и узнай, почему так зовут кошечку.) THE MERRY-GO-ROUND CAT Here are some new words: a merry-go-round — карусель an eye [ai] — глаз outdoor ['autdo:] — уличный poor [риэ] — бедный nobody’s kitten — бездомная кошечка to look for — искать to see — видеть to stay — оставаться suddenly ['sAdanli] — вдруг to set — сажать Mini is a kitten, a nice grey kitten with big green eyes. She hasn’t got a father, a mother, a sister or a brother. Mini hasn’t got any friends. She is an outdoor kitten. Poor Mini! She is nobody’s kitten. She goes from house to house to look for a friend. On and on she goes and goes, and goes. Mini stops at an office. She wants to look for a friend. But she sees a big brown dog in the office. So Mini doesn’t want to stay there. She goes to a hospital then. But the doctor has got pussycat with seven black and white kittens. So Mini doesn’t want to stay in the hospital. On and on she goes. Then she sees a park. Children like to run, jump and skip in the park. They like to play hide-and-seek and leapfrog there. Suddenly she sees a merry-go-round. She sees a man. His name is Charlie. He loves Mini and sets her on a horse. It’s fun to ride on the merry-go-round. And she stays with Charlie. Now Charlie and Mini are friends. And Mini, nobody’s kitten, is now Mini, the merry-go-round Cat. Т) Find and read out the sentences to illustrate the pictures. (Найди и прочитай предложения, соответствующие картинкам.) Arrange the sentences in a logical order according to the text. Use them as a plan to retell it. (Поставь предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста. Используй их в качестве плана для пересказа.) 1) Mini is in the park. 2) Mini is a poor kitten. 3) Mini is in the hospital. 4) Mini is in the office. 5) Mini and Charlie are friends. Lesson 2 Do you like dogs? Then read the story to know what happened to the dog, named Wolf. (Ты любишь собак? Тогда прочитай рассказ и узнай, что случилось с собакой по имени Волк.) MY LITTLE DOG WOLF Here are some new words: a wolf [wulf] — волк to live [Irv] — жить one day — однажды out of ['aut 9v] — из to meet — встречать to run away — убегать after ['a:ft9] them — за ними happy ['haepi] — счастливый a hen — курица I’ve got a little dog. His name is Wolf. He is brown and white. Wolf is a nice dog. He likes me very much. We are friends. Little Wolf lives in a little house. The little house is a doghouse. The doghouse is green. One day Wolf says: “I want to run, I want to play.” 8 г And he runs out of his house. On and on he runs and meets two little kittens. “Bow, wow,” he says. The little kittens run away from him. Wolf runs after them. He wants to play with them. “Hello, kittens! Bow, wow,” he says. But the kittens run away from him. Wolf is not happy. On and on he goes. He meets five little yellow chicks. “Bow, wow,” he says. The little chicks run away from him. Wolf runs after them. “Let’s play, chicks. Bow, wow,” says Wolf. But the chicks run away from him. On and on Wolf runs. Suddenly he meets Mother Hen. She is big and black. “Bow, wow,” Wolf says. But Mother Hen does not run away from him. She runs after him. 2-Верещагина, 2 кл. кн. д/чт. а 10 I г Now Wolf does not want to play. He wants to go honne to his green doghouse. He is at home and he likes his doghouse very much. There is no place like home.^ (^) Arrange the sentences in a logical order according to the text. Use them as a plan to retell it. (Поставь предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста. Используй их в качестве плана для пересказа.) 1) Wolf meets Mother Hen and doesn’t want to play with her. ^ There is no place like home, хорошо, a дома лучше. — В гостях 11 2 2) Wolf meets five chicks. 3) Wolf meets two kittens. 4) Wolf likes his little green doghouse. ((2) One of you tells the story. And the classmates ask questions for more information. (Один из вас пересказывает текст, а другие задают ему вопросы.) Lesson 3 Do you want to know what Mother Cat teaches her daughter? Then read this text. (Ты хочешь узнать, чему Мама-кошка учит свою дочь? Тогда прочитай текст.) THE LITTLE KITTEN After Sh. Hamamdjian Here are some new words: a paw [рэ:] — лапа the next day — на следующий день an ear [ю] — ухо to hear [hia] — слышать a mouth [mauG] — рот 12 г ' One day a little red kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my four little paws! One, two, three, four! What can I do with my four little paws?” Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can run with your paws!” The little kitten runs and runs and runs. The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little eyes. One, two! What can I do with my two little eyes?” Then the little kitten says, ‘Yes, I can see with my eyes, I can see you. Mother, I can see little chicks, I can see a big dog.” The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my two little ears. One, two! What can I do with my little ears?” Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can hear with your ears.” And the little kitten says, ‘Yes, yes, I can hear you with my little ears. I can hear you, Mother, I can hear little chicks, I can hear a big dog.” The next day the little kitten says to her mother, “Oh, Mother, look at my little mouth; what can I do with my little mouth?” Mother Cat says, “Oh, you little kitten, you can eat a mouse with your little mouth.” And the little kitten says, ‘Yes, yes, I can eat a mouse with my little mouth. Oh, Mother, I hear a mouse, I see a little grey mouse, I run after it and I want to eat it.” Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы.) 1) What can the little kitten do with her four paws? 2) What can the little kitten do with her eyes? 3) What can the little kitten do with her two ears? 4) What does Mother Cat say about her mouth? 15 ^Try and role-play the tale. (Постарайся и разыграй сказку по ролям.) ^ Think of your own tale if you can. (Если сможешь, придумай свою сказку.) Lesson 4 Do you like to draw? Do you want to know how Dippy Duck learns to draw? Then read the story. DIPPY DUCK’S DINOSAUR After Moira Andrew Here are some new words: a dinosaur ['dainaso:] — динозавр to add [aed] — добавлять a dot [dot] — точка a leg [leg] — нога paint [peint] — краска; раскрашивать a dandelion ['daendilaian] — одуванчик lonely ['bunli] — одиноко a piece of paper ['pi:s av 'peipa] — листок бумаги 16 Dippy Duck likes to draw a dancing dinosaur. He works all day, but the dinosaur doesn’t look right. The next day Dippy Duck adds dots all over the dinosaur. But the dinosaur doesn’t look right. So Dippy Duck draws dark eyes, white teeth and legs to dance with. But the dinosaur doesn’t look right. “What must I do?” he asks his friend Poor Peter. “Paint is what you need. Dippy Duck.” So Dippy Duck takes paints and paints it with pink, dark blue and green dots. He paints 3- Верещагина, 2 кл, кн. д/чт. 17 so many dots that he is very tired. Then he paints dandelions so the dinosaur can dance in them. One day Dippy Duck’s friend Lucy Lamp Lady comes to look at the picture. “My dinosaur still looks lonely,” says Dippy Duck sadly. “He looks lonely,” says Lucy Lamp Lady. Dippy Duck thinks and thinks. Then he has an idea [aTdis]. So Dippy Duck draws the dinosaur’s Dad and a little dog. Suddenly the dinosaur jumps out of the picture and begins to dance. The dinosaur’s Dad and his little dog dance too. “How lovely! Dance with us. Dippy Duck,” they say. Poor Peter and Lucy Lamp Lady want to dance with the dinosaur and his Dad, too. They dance and dance so they get tired and fall down, but they are very happy. The next day Dippy Duck takes another piece of paper and again he draws and draws ... Well, what do you think he draws? You decide. 1) Find sentences to illustrate the pictures and read them aloud. 2) Draw your own picture to give it to your mother on the 8th of March. 19 L*—к -• Read and learn the poem, then recite it to your mother and Granny. My Dear Mummy My dear, dear Mummy, I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the 8th of March. Be happy, be happy On the 8th of March. I love my dear Granny. I love her very much. — And do you love your Granny? — Of course, and very much. 20 Lesson 5 Do you like holidays? Read the text about one funny holiday. APRIL FOOL’S DAY Here are some new words: a fool [fu:l] — глупец first [fsist] — первый sometimes ['sAmtaimz] — иногда to show [Jbu] — показывать to grow [дгэи] — выращивать a bush [buj] — куст to believe [bi'liiv] — верить horizontally [,hDn'zDnt9li] — горизонтально holiday ['holidei] — праздник to set back — отводить назад a hole [haul] — дырка, отверстие (buttonhole — петля для пуговицы) Can you guess and translate? April ['eipral] a trick spaghetti [spa'geti] popular ['popjub] April Fool’s Day is the first day of April. In England it is the day for tricks. You play 21 funny jokes on parents, sisters, brothers, friends, classmates and sometimes on teachers. You can play as many tricks as you can on as many people as you like. You can play April Fool tricks only before 12 o’clock. If you play it after 12 you are the April Fool. Children like this day very much. They have lots of fun. They are happy to play lovely and kind tricks. TV shows funny films on the first of April. Sometimes they show new films. In one of the films they say that farmers grow long spaghetti in the bushes. These films are very popular. But some people don’t believe it and they say that spaghetti can’t grow horizontally, others ask where they can buy spaghetti bushes. 22 This is a very funny holiday. Here are some tricks children play. — Call the zoo and ask to speak to Mr Lion. — Set the clock back an hour. — Say to a friend: “Oh my! You have four big holes in your coat ...” (Buttonholes.) — Look at your feet. You have two shoes... One left and one right. April Fool’s Day The doorbell is ringing Better hurry and see! I think it is the postman With a present for me. I think it is a farmer With the bag of hay Or a clown from the circus Who just wants to play. I think it is a spaceman Coming in for a call But today’s April Fool’s Day — There is no one at all. to hurry ['Ьлп] — спешить a postman ['paustman] — почтальон hay [hei] — сено a clown [klaun] — клоун 23 а circus ['s3:k9s] — цирк a spaceman ['speisman] — космонавт ^ Tell what jokes you play on the 1st of April. ^ Do you like when classmates play tricks on you? Lesson 6 Do you want to know more about English holidays? Then read the text and say what you’ve learned. BUGS BUNNY AT THE EASTER PARTY By Kathryn Hitte Part I Here are some new words: Easter ['iista] — Пасха everybody ['evribodi] = everyone ['evriwAii] каждый, все a party ['pa:ti] — вечер, торжество 24 а basket of eggs — корзина с яйцами Saturday ['saetadi] — суббота behind [bi'haind] — позади Names: Bugs [Ьлдг] Bunny ['Ьлш] Elmer ['elma] Pig Petunia [рэЧ]и:пю] Pig Two weeks before Easter everybody in town is busy. Everybody but not Bugs. Everyone wants to have a big Easter party. Everyone wants to go there but not Bugs. Bugs pooh-poohs [pu:z] this idea. His friends Elmer and Petunia Pig ask and ask him to give the baskets of eggs to the children but he doesn’t agree. “I don’t like it, I don’t want to play Easter Rabbit.” So on Saturday afternoon he goes for a walk but suddenly he sees a man behind him. Bugs doesn’t like it. He runs and runs and sees Petunia’s house. He gets into the house. The man stops at the house. Petunia and Elmer are at home. They are happy that Bugs comes to them. “We go shopping to buy something for the party. Let’s go with us,” they say. Bugs is sorry. He says, “No, I can’t go with you. Have fun at your little party.” Elmer and Petunia Pig don’t help him. And he goes on. 26 (Т) Is it so? Read the sentences which are true to the story. 1) Everybody is busy. Everybody doesn’t want to work. 2) Bugs wants to go to a big Easter party. Bugs pooh-poohs this idea. 3) Bugs has nice friends. Bugs doesn’t like friends. 4) On Saturday afternoon Bugs goes swimming. On Saturday afternoon Bugs goes for a walk. 5) Petunia and Elmer are happy to see Bugs. Bugs doesn’t go to his friend’s house. @ Say if Bugs Bunny likes Easter. Can you prove that? Lesson 7 Do you want to know what happens to Bugs Bunny? Then read part II of the story. BUGS BUNNY AT THE EASTER PARTY Part II Here are some new words: to breathe [bri:6] — дышать a big purple satin ['saetin] ribbon — большая фиолетовая атласная лента kids — дети а guest of honour ['gest эу'лпо] — почётный гость а prize [praiz] — приз to carry ['кзеп] — носить (на руках) 28 Suddenly Bugs Bunny sees that now a man and a woman go after him. He is afraid, he breathes hard. He stops, he doesn’t know what to do, where to go. Then the woman and the man stop. The woman begins to draw him and the nnan gives hinn a big purple satin ribbon as a present. Then he sees two little children smiling happily. He can’t believe his eyes. “Ribbon!” he says. “Picture! Kids! What’s the matter?” “It is time for our Easter party,” the man says and puts the big purple satin ribbon around Bunny’s neck. “We ask you to be a guest of honour at our party. And your picture can be a prize at the party.” ‘Yes, I agree,” he says at last. So off they go to the playground. 29 со о V Many children and their friends Elmer and Petunia meet them. Everybody is happy. They have an egg-rolling competition. Children have got many eggs. It is fun. Bugs gives the Easter baskets — one basket to every child. “Aren”t you glad to be here after all, Bugs?” “Certainly, I am. I like to be the guest of honour of the party.” Children carry him home. Now every year Bugs is a lovely guest at Easter parties. (i)Find sentences to illustrate the pictures. Answer the questions. 1) Why does Bugs breathe hard? 2) How many people go after him? 3) What does the man give him as a present? 4) What does Bugs do at the party? 5) Are Bunny’s friends happy? 6) Is Bugs Bunny a lovely guest at Easter parties now? 31 Lesson 8 Read the text to know more about London. TOWER RAVENS Here are some new words: a tower [Чаш] — башня (the Tower — Тауэр, крепость-музей в Лондоне) ravens ['reivnz] — вороны different ['difarant] — различный leg-rings — кольца на ногах orange ['югтф] — оранжевый (цвет) to feed [fi:d] — кормить centuries ['sentjsriz] — столетия to guard [ga:d] — охранять will stand — будет стоять 32 Can you guess the meaning? to visit ['vizitj a museum [mjur'zism] a photo ['fautau] a legend ['lecfesndj Many boys and girls visit Great Britain. They usually start with London. In London they walk along London streets, see old houses, offices, schools. When they 33 live in London they go to London’s zoo and watch different animals there. But one place all children and their parents go to is the Tower of London. It is a museum now. They want to see Tower ravens. Nine big dark black ravens live there. They have leg-rings of different colours: yellow, white, grey, blue, green, red, orange, dark blue and dark green. All day they are out. People like to speak to them, to make photos of them and give them something to eat. But the ravens don’t like it. They have their “Father” — Raven-master who feeds them. And they know him very well. For many centuries ravens guard the Tower of London. The legend says “Only so long as they stay, will the White Tower stand”.^ Qj Answer the questions. 1) Where do children and their parents usually go when they are in London? 2) What do boys and girls like to watch in the Tower? 3) What do you know about the ravens? 4) Why do the ravens live in the Tower of London? 34 Only so long as they stay, will the White Tower stand. — До тех пор пока они остаются, будет стоять Белая башня Тауэра. (^) What else do you know about London? (Ex. 5, lesson 77 of your Student’s Book can help you.) Lesson 9 Do you want to know why Frog is sad and happy? Then read the tale. FROG IN LOVE By M. Velthinys Part I Here are some new words: sad — печальный feel like laughing ['la:fii3] and crying — хочется смеяться и плакать thump, thump [0лтр] — тук-тук inside [in'said] — внутри real [пэ1] — настоящий heartbeat — сердцебиение the air [еэ] — воздух the sky [skai] — небо to seem — казаться 35 Frog feels funny. He doesn’t know if he is happy or sad. One day he sees Piglet. “Hello, Frog,” says Piglet. ‘You don’t look very well. What’s the matter with you?” “I don’t know,” says Frog. “I feel like laughing and crying. And something goes thump, thump inside me.” “I see, you are not well. Go home to bed.” On the way home Frog sees Hare’s grey little house. “Come in and sit down,” says the kind Hare. “What’s the matter with you?” “Sometimes I am hot, sometimes I am cold and something goes thump, thump inside me. It goes 1-2, 1-2, 1-2.” Hare thinks hard like a real doctor. “I see,” he says. “It’s your heart. My heart goes thump, thump, too.” Hare takes a big book and reads it. “Aha!” he says. “Listen: you’ve got heartbeat. You are hot and cold. You are in love.” “In love?” says Frog. “Wow, I am in love!” He is so happy. He jumps out of the house up in the air and falls from the sky. “Oh, you seem to be fine,” says Piglet. “I am. I feel nice. I am in love.” “Who are you in love with?” asks Piglet. “I know,” he says. “I am in love with the nice, lovely yellow Duck.” ‘You can’t be. A frog can’t be in love with a duck. You are green and she is yellow.” Find and read sentences to answer the questions. 1) Whom does Frog see one day? 2) What does he say to Piglet? 3) What does Piglet ask him to do? 4) Does he go home or does he go to Hare’s house? 5) Is Hare a good friend to Frog? Try to retell the story. Use the questions as a plan. 37 Lesson 10 Read part II and say if you agree that the fairy tale is called “Frog in Love”. FROG IN LOVE Part II Here are some new words: to carry ['kseri] — приносить a flower ['Ааиэ] — цветок to sleep [sli:p] — спать high [hai] — высоко dangerous ['demcfearas] — опасный to be fond [fond] of — любить Frog runs home and paints a picture with red and blue in it and green which he likes very much. In the evening he goes to Duck’s house and puts his picture there. Duck is happy and asks: “Who can give me this nice picture?” The next day Frog carries flowers and puts them near her house and runs away. And so it goes on day after day but Frog is not brave and can’t speak to Duck. Duck is very happy to get all the presents. 38 Poor Frog is sad and hungry. He can’t eat, can’t sleep well. He thinks and thinks how to show Duck he loves her, “I must do something that nobody can do. I must jump very, very high as a very good sportsman. Dear Duck will see it and love me back.”^ Every day Frog jumps and jumps. The Duck sees it and asks: “What’s the matter with Frog? He jumps very high. It is dangerous.” And she was right. One day Frog falls from the sky. Duck comes to help him. Frog cannot walk. She takes him home. She knows what to do. ^ will see it and love me back и за это меня полюбит 1 “Oh! What a pity, dear Frog,” she says. “I feel so sorry for you. I’m so fond of you.” “I am very fond of you, too, dear Duck,” says Frog. His heart goes thump, thump. And suddenly his face is green. They begin to love each other and are very happy. A frog and a duck. Green and yellow. Love knows no colours. Arrange the sentences in a logical order. Use them as a plan to retell the text. 1) Poor Frog is sad and hungry. 2) Every day Frog jumps and jumps. iJ 41 3) Frog runs home and paints a picture. 4) One day Frog falls from the sky. 5) Duck is happy and asks: “Who can give me this nice picture?” 6) Duck takes him home. 7) His heart goes thump, thump and his face turns green. 8) Frog is not brave and can’t speak to Duck. 42 add [sed] добавлять afraid [s'freid] испуганный be afraid of бояться (кого-нибудь) after ['a:ft9] после, за afternoon [,а:йэ'пи:п] полдень again [э'деп] опять, снова air [еэ] воздух angry ['aeggri] сердитый be angry сердиться animal ['aenimsl] животное ask [a:sk] спрашивать Bb basket ['ba:skit] корзина behind [bi'haind] позади believe [bi'li:v] верить breathe [bri:6] дышать bring [brig] приносить bush [buj] куст buttonhole ['bAtanhaul] петля для пуговицы call [кэ:1] называть carry ['kasri] нести century ['sentfan] век, столетие circus ['s3:k9s] цирк clown [klaun] клоун Dd dangerous ['Ьетфэгэз] опасный different ['diforant] различный dinosaur ['dainsso:] динозавр dot [di5t] точка Ее ear [ю] ухо Easter ['bsts] Пасха eat [i:t] есть, кушать egg [eg] ЯЙЦО egg-rolling катание яиц (игра) Г- •• г к every ['evri] каждый everybody ['evribudi] каждый everything ['еуп0щ)] всё eye [ai] глаз feed [fi:d] кормить feel [fill] чувствовать, ощущать first [fsist] первый flower ['Даш] цветок fond [fond] нежный, любящий be fond of любить fool [fu:l] глупый; глупец friend [frend] друг go [дэи] идти go away уходить guard [ga:d] охранять guest [gest] гость Hh happen ['Ьаерэп] случаться happy ['haepi] счастливый hay [hei] сено hear [his] слышать heart [ha:t] сердце heartbeat ['ha:tbi:t] сердцебиение high [hai] высокий; высоко holiday ['hDlidei] праздник horizontally [,hDri'zt)ntsll] горизонтально hot [hDt] жаркий hungry ['Ьлрдп] голодный be as hungry as a hunter быть голодным как волк hurry ['Ьлп] спешить inside [in'said] внутри Кк kid [kid] ребёнок kind [kaind] добрый и leg [leg] нога legend ['lecfesnd] легенда live [liv] жить logical ['bcfeiksl] логический logical order ['о:с1э] логический порядок lonely ['bunli] одиноко look [luk] for искать /Ит man [masn] человек, мужчина meet [mi:t] встречать merry ['men] весёлый merry-go-round ['meng9u,raund] карусель museum [mju/ziam] музей Nn neck [nek] шея next [nekst] следующий nobody ['naubedi] никто Oo one day однажды orange ['пппф] оранжевый outdoor ['autdo:] бездомный, уличный out of ['aut 9v] из Pp paint [peint] краска; раскрашивать paper ['peipa] бумага parents ['pesrants] родители park [pa:k] парк party ['pa:ti] вечер, торжество paw [po:] лапа photo ['fautsu] фотография picture ['piktfa] картина piece [pi:s] кусок playground ['pleigraund] площадка для игр poor [риэ] бедный popular ['pnpjub] популярный present [pri'zent] дарить present ['prezant] подарок prize [praiz] приз, награда 45 prove [pru:v] доказывать purple ['рз:р1] фиолетовый Rr raven ['reivn] ворон real [гю1] настоящий ribbon ['пЬэп] лента role-play ['raulplei] разыгрывать run [глп] бегать run away убегать 55 sad [saed] печальный satin ['saetin] атласный Saturday ['saetadi] суббота see [si:] видеть seem [si:m] казаться It seems to me ... Кажется ... set [set] on сажать shop [jDp] магазин go shopping ходить за покупками show [Jbu] показывать sky [skai] небо sleep [sli:p] спать sometimes ['sAmtaimz] иногда spaceman ['speisman] космонавт spaghetti [spg'geti] макароны stay [stei] оставаться suddenly ['sAdanli] вдруг Tt tale [teil] рассказ, выдумка teeth [ti:0] зубы tower [Чаиэ] башня town [taun] город trick [tnk] трюк Vv visit ['vizit] посещать Ww walk [work] прогулка go for a walk гулять well [wel] колодец Уу year [jia] год 46 CONTENTS LESSON 1 The Merry-go-round Cat ............... 3 LESSON 2 My Little Dog Wolf ................. 8 LESSON 3 The Little Kitten ...................... 12 LESSON 4 Dippy Duck’s Dinosaur .................. 16 LESSON 5 April Fool’s Day ....................... 21 LESSON 6 Bugs Bunny at the Easter Party ......... 24 LESSON 7 Bugs Bunny at the Easter Party ......... 28 LESSON 8 Tower Ravens ........................... 32 LESSON 9 Frog in Love ........................... 35 LESSON 10 Frog in Love ........................... 38 Vocabulary ............................. 43 Учебное издание АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Книга для чтения 2 класс Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка Авторы-составители Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Бондаренко Кира Алексеевна Центр группы германских языков Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редактор Е. Ю. Туйцына Художественный редактор Н. В. Дождёва Художник К. Р. Борисов Технический редактор и верстальщик Е. В. Алфёрова Корректор Д. А. Белитов Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 08.07.13. Формат 84x1087,6-Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Pragmatica. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 2,3. Доп. тираж 20 000 экз. Заказ № 36734 (K-Sm). Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в филиале «Смоленский полиграфический комбинат» ОАО «Издательство «Высшая школа». 214020, г. Смоленск, ул. Смольянинова, 1. Тел.: +7(4812)31-11-96. Факс: +7(4812)31-31-70. E-mail: [email protected] https://www.smolpk.ru л Q ^ Student's Book Student's Book i5s мат 2 Учебно-методический комплект «Английский язык» авторов И. Н. Верещагиной^ К. А. Бондаренко, Т. А. 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