Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Верещагина Афанасьева часть 1

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 4 класс Верещагина Афанасьева часть 1 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS I.N. VERESHCHAGINA O.V. AFANASYEVA Student's Book PART 1 И.Н. ВЕРЕЩАГИНА О. В. АФАНАСЬЕВА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ язык 4 Ю1АСС Учебник для общеобразовательных учрехсдений и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В двух частях Часть 1 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 10-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2012 УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук (№10106-5215/15 от 31.10.2007 г.) и Российской академии образования (№01-376/5/7Д от 22.10.2007 г.). Верещагина И. Н. В31 Английский язык. 4 класс : учеб, для общеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. с прил. на электрон, носителе. В 2 ч. Ч. 1 / И. Н. Верещагина, О. В. Афанасьева. — 10-е изд. — М. : Просвещение, 2012. - 220 с. ; ил. - ISBN 978-5-09-026519-5. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-09-026519-5(1) ISBN 978-5-09-026520-1(общ.) Издательство «Просвещение», 2007 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2007 Все права защищены ROUND-UP LESSONS Lesson 1 Brush up vour vocabulary and grammar. (/7*) season, winter, summer, autumn, year, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (v) rain, snow, skate, ski, sledge, be (am, is, are) {adj) cold, warm, hot, fine, nice, terrible, bright, different {adv) always, often, usually, sometimes, terribly, never, well, very, no, not, indeed {prep) in (into), about, of, at ... o’clock {conj) because go for a walk, make a snowman, play snowballs How’s the weather today? — It’s fine. What’s the weather like today? — It’s cold. Hi! How are you? — I’m fine. Thanks. ' Сокращения (n), (v), (adj), (adv), (prep), (conj), (pron), (interj) CM. в «Списке сокращений», с. 193. г © He 1 We 1 I am/I’m not She • is/isn’t You are/aren’t It J They , © © 0 Am I ...? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Is he ...? she ...? it ...? Yes, he/she is. No, it isn’t. Are we ...? you ...? . they ...? Yes, we are. No, you/they aren’t. \о Let Us Review How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? Are they different in Russia and in Great Britain? © When does summer (winter) begin in Russia and in Great Britain? © Read and guess what season it is: a) The season between spring and autumn, when the sun is hot. b) The season between winter and summer, when birds come back from hot countries. c) The season between autumn and spring, when it is cold and there is a lot of snow. (4) What poems and songs about “Seasons and Nature” do vou remember? Act out the one you like best. © Think about spring and autumn and make up five sentences from the chart^ below. It IS isn’t cold spring. often warm autumn. always very terribly hot March. usually fine in April. sometimes dry September. bright October. nice Let Us Read and Learn © Enjoy vour English and sing the song “What’s the Weather Like Today?”, [olo] 1 ■ WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE TOPAY? Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times) What’s the weather like today? Is it sunny? What’s the weather like today? Is it rainy? What’s the weather like today? It’s quite funny How it’s changing. What’s the weather like today? Is it snowing? What’s the weather like today? Is it clearing?^ What’s the weather like today? Is it going to be Really yery nice indeed? Shining sun, And sparkling^ sea. Warm and dry, with just a breeze [bri:zj. ' chart [tfoitl — таблица 2 Is it clearing? — Проясняется? 3 sparkling I'spa:klio] — сверкающее i Among' the trees... breeze... Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times) Yesterday the wind was blowing.2 Is today going to be fine? Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times) Let Us Read LOOK, REAP. REMEMBERIJ > to rain, to snow It often rains/snows in autumn. It is raining/snowing now. It never rains/snows there. It doesn’t rain/snow in June. Does it often rain/snow there? It isn’t raining/snowing. Is it raining/snowing? It often rained/snowed last winter. It didn’t rain/snow last month. Did it rain/snow in March? © Read and find out what Misha and Kate think of winter. Misha: Winter is my favourite season. I like it very much because it’s so beautiful in win- ter. The sun is so bright. The streets and houses,^ the trees are white and the snow looks so beautiful in the sun. You can ski, skate and sledge a lot. We usually play snowballs and make snowmen in winter. We play a lot in the forest and have winter holidays too. We celebrate Christmas in December and New Year in January. Santa Claus (we call him Father Frost) gives us presents. ' among ta'niAp] — среди 2 the wind was blowing I 'blauit)] — дул ветер 3 houses [ 'hauziz] — дома 1 Kate: I dislike^ winter. I can’t ski or skate and I am always cold in winter. The days are short and the nights are long. It is dark at 5 o’clock in the evening and my mother asks me to come home early. So I am always at home in the evening. You know, I like different colours: yellow, red, green, brown and blue, but I can only see white this time of the year. Winter is always white. Tell vour friend about any season and sav why you like or dislike it. (Exercise 7 can help vou.) ® Complete the dialogue and act it out. Fred: Hi, Al! Л1: ..... How are you? Fred: ...... Let’s go for a walk. Л1: Where to? Fred: ...... Al: That’s a good idea! What about the weather? Fred: ...... Let’s meet at 12 o’clock. Al: ..... See you later then. 0 Let Us Write ,10) Write down questions and begin them with the words given in brackets. It often rains in autumn in Moscow. {When/Where) It never snows in Africa. (Does/Where) It usually rains in October. {When/Does) ® Get ready to interview vour friend about his/her favourite season. Write questions. Let’s see who the best interviewer is. ' dislike [dis' laik] — не любить A к Lesson 2 Brush UP your vocabulary and grammar. (n) clothes, hat, cap, shoe(s), boot(s), jeans, shorts, sweater, jacket, shirt, blouse, skirt, tights, coat, overcoat, raincoat, thing, shop, size, party, birthday, colour (V) wear (wore), put on (put on), take off (took off), dress, try on (tried on), suit, buy (bought), bring (brought), wonder, want, thank (adj) black, grey, blue, green, red, brown, yellow, white, great, bad (worse, the worst), good (better, the best), funny, next, small (adv) tomorrow, quickly, slowly ipron) I (me), you, he (him), she (her), it, we (us), they (them) {prep) on (conj) but, and, or, if It suits you well (all right). I wonder ... . I wonder where he is. What size ... do you wear? (What is your size? What size are you?) You look great in it. How much are they? I’d like ... . At the party. 1 I am/I’m not 'Л © He She It is/isn’t Am 1 Is We You They are/aren’t reading. he she it > reading? Are J we you they J Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, we are. No, I’m not. No, she isn’t. No, they aren’t. Let Us Review (1) Name: \0 1 four things you wear on your feet; 2 five things that keep you warm; 3 two things you wear in hot (cold) weather; 4 three things that only women wear; 5 six things that men and women can both wear. (D Look at the pictures on page 10 and sav what they are wearing. ► Example щ Mike is wearing a green T-shirt. Mrs Smith Mike Mr Smith Ann Nick Tom Mr Black © Choose the answers which you think are right. A. When do you wear light* clothes? a) all the time; b) when I go out; c) when it is hot in the street; d) when I run a race. B. What do you buy in shoe shops? a) blouses; b) high boots; c) trainers; d) trousers. C. What do you take with you when you go to the South? a) an overcoat; b) a raincoat; light llaitl — легкий c) mittens; d) sandals ['saendlzj. D. What do you do when you don’t know if you like the dress? a) I put it on; b) / try it on; c) / buy it; d) / take it off. Guessing game: sav what one of vour classmates is wearing at the moment and let the other pupils guess who he/she is. What poems and songs about “Clothes” do you remember? Act out the one vou like best. Let Us Read © Read the text and find in it how we choose the right dress. Read these sentences aloud. EVERYTHING tS GOOD IN ITS SEASON ' fur [fs:] — мех; меховой 1 There are four seasons in the year. Each of them brings different weather and different clothes. When it is hot people wear T-shirts and shorts, sports shoes, socks and sandals. Women wear light blouses and skirts. In summer people dress like this in Africa, Russia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and America. In cold weather people usually put on warm clothes; jeans and trousers, sweaters and jackets, overcoats and caps. In winter they wear fur> coats and fur caps, high boots and mittens or gloves. The proverb says: “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.” Another proverb says; “Everything is good in its season.” Do you understand it? When you think what to wear, choose the right dress. Think what is good on the sports ground and 111 what is good at the party and why a long dress looks beautiful on a woman but is funny on a little girl. When you buy clothes, try them on. Make sure that they are your size, that they suit you and that you like their colour. 0 Let Us Talk © Sav what are the right clothes and what are not for the following: — a race; — a birthday party; — a rainy summer (autumn) day; — a cold winter day. ► I wear (choose) shorts when I run a race. Example § People don’t wear (put on) raincoats on a cold winter day. (8)say_ what you are wearing at the moment and why. © Discuss in the groups the following: — what clothes you would like to buy; — what your parents usually wear; — what your favourite colours are; — what you know about this year’s fashions.' @) a) Read the dialogue. Jane: Excuse me. Shop assistant: Yes. Can I help you? Jane: I’d like a pair of jeans, please. Shop assistant: Wdiat size do you wear? Jane: Thirty-six. Shop assistant: What colour would you like? Jane: Light blue. Shop assistant: Here’s a nice pair. Jane: Can I try them on? Shop assistant: Of course you can. Jane: Do they suit me all right? Shop assistant: You look great. And the colour suits you. Jane: Thank you. I’ll take them. How much are they? Ы Now you are in a shop. Act out the dialogue. Buy the things you want. The words can help you: a pair of gloves a pair of shoes a pair of trousers a pair of trainers a blouse a jacket a sweater Let Us Write Find a picture of a man (men), a woman (women), a boy, a girl. children wearing different clothes. Finish the questions about their clothes. Get ready to ask them in class. Example ) Are they wearing ..., ... Are the boys wearing .. The boys are wearing .. What are they wearing? or aren’t they? ' fashion I'faejn] — мода 1 « У Lesson 3 Brush up vour vocabulary and grammar. («) family, name, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, child (children), wife, husband, parents, uncle, aunt, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, man (men), woman (women), girl, boy, friend, teacher, doctor, engineer, pilot, pupil, cosmonaut, worker, driver (v) work, live, fly (flew), come (came), become (became), excuse, know (knew), like, meet (met), think (thought), have (had), have got (had) {adj) little, old, interesting, large {adv) here, there, how (how many), then, still, every, every day, together {pron) whose, my, his, her, its, our, your, their, same {interj)byQ, hello come from a family; be in the country How many ... have you got? It was nice meeting you. See you later. What about you? Kate’s dog. His sisters’ dolls. My mother’s birthday. His sister’s dolls. Their parents’ names. +/- © I We You They ^ I have got/haven’t got Have we you they ^ got He She It has got/hasn’t got Has he she . it got +/- © I We You They I play/don’t play Do we you they play? He She It he plays/doesn’t play Does she it play? Let Us Review (i) Some families are small and some families are large. Look at the pictures on op. 15-16 and name the members of each family. -\0 The Greens 1J -J The Smiths The Adams © Do you come from a large (small) family? How many ... (grandparents. ...) have you got? What do they do? (What are they?) 1. He works in a hospital ['hnspitl]. He is ... . 2. She works at school. She is ... . 3. They fly planes. They are ... . 4. We are at school. We are ... . 5. I fly rockets ['rokits]. I am ... . @Say_ what Alice’s relatives are and what they do. Alice Give Joan’s answers to Monica’s questions and act out the dialogue. (It’s a hot summer day. The weather is fine. Monica’s family is at the seaside. Monica sees a new girl. She doesn’t know her but wants to become her friend.) Monica: Hello. I’m Monica. What’s your name? Joan: ..... Glad to meet you. Monica: ...... How old are you? Joan: ..... And what about you? Monica: ...... Do you like it here? Joan: ..... Are you here with your family? Monica: Yes, I am. But ... is not here. ... is still in London. Joan: I’m here with my father. Oh! Look! He is calling me. Bye, Monica. It was nice meeting you. Monica: ...... See you later. ^^What poems and songs about out the one vou like best. ‘Family” do you remember? Act Let Us Read Read the text about Robert and his family. Sav how many relatives Bob has and what relationships^ they are to him. — Hello! My name is Robert Bucket, but my call me Bob for short. I am nine and come from I live near Hyde Park. My hobby ['hnbi] is taking I think it is interesting to take photos. Look at my family pictures. — Oh, this is a lovely photo. This is David and Frank and me. David is on the right. He is my uncle. Frank is on the left. He is my cousin. friends London. photos.2 1 relationships [n'leifanjips] — родственные связи 2 take photos ['fautauzl — фотографировать — This photo is very nice too, I think. This is my grandmother. She works a lot. Her name is May. It’s a lovely name, isn’t it? My granny is not old. She is 48. She likes bright colours and bright ideas and her pupils like her. — Oh, and this one is my baby ['beibi] brother. His name’s Jack. I don’t see a lot of him now as he lives with my mother and my other granny Pamela out in the country near London. — These are two pictures of my father. Here he is alone and here we are together in the mountains where we usually go skiing. This is our favourite place. Now I’ve got new skis. They were a birthday present from my parents. Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures (see Exercise 71. ® Look at the pictures of Bob Bucket’s family (see Exercise 7) and sav what clothes his family are wearing and why. Let Us Talk iJO; Talk about vour family. Bring to the classroom any picture you like. Say if the people in the picture are a family. Give them names, sav a few words about their professions, places they work, their aae^ and family relationships. Sav what the people are wearing. 0 Let Us Write ^ Get ready to ask Questions about vour friend’s family. Write them down. Complete the dialogue (see Exercise 5) in writing. Lesson 4 Brush up vour vocabulary and grammar. (n) meal, food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, sweet, egg, fruit, apple, vegetable, potato (potatoes), carrot (carrots), bread, soup, fish, salt, jam, porridge, coffee, tea, milk, juice, ice cream, cup, glass, table, pocket, pity, money (v) eat (ate), drink (drank), enjoy, need, pass age [eichl — возраст (adj) thirsty, hungry, tasty, sweet (pron) some, any, many, much (prep) with, without (interj) OK, please, thanks have breakfast (dinner, lunch, tea, supper); for breakfast (dinner, lunch, tea, supper); be hungry; be thirsty; of course Here it is. Would you like ...? Could I have ...? That’s a pity. © 0 г a... fa... There is | some ... There isn’t any... [ a lot of... much... There are There aren’t \ any... ( a lot of... ( many... © r a...? Is there any...? much ...? Ч Are there г any...? \ many...? \0 Let Us Review q.QaL,READ, ШйШВШ > There is some toast on the table. There are some potatoes in the basket. Look at the pictures for a moment, then close the book and name everything you remember. Examples There is some salt on the table. There are some sweets in the picture. Imp; kurokam III © Name: 1 three things babies always have for breakfast; 2 two things British people often have for breakfast; 3 five things your relatives sometimes have for dinner; 4 three things people have for tea; 5 four things you usually have for supper. © Sav what vou like to eat every dav at any time of the year. And what about vour relatives? © Could you go to the shop and buv all the things vour mother needs to cook dinner? Write vour shoppina list and ask if they have these things in the shoo. Act out a dialogue with a shop assistant. Example ► — Do you have any brown bread? — Yes, we do. (No, we don’t.) © What poems and songs about “Food” do you remember? Act out the one vou like best. Let Us Read and Learn (D Enjoy vour English and sing the song “I Like Food”. [°1о] 2. part U / UKE fOOV I. I like food, I like eating lots and lots of food. (2 times) Bread and jam, and meat, and fish. Cakes and biscuits too, Beans^ and mustard,^ eggs and chips,'^ Mutton^ steaks,^ potatoes, peas,^ And salted mushrooms too. Let Us Read © Read the text and sav what difference there is between “full English breakfast” and “continental l.kpntfnentll breakfast”. In England you may have what they call “full English breakfast”. First they bring you cereal^ and fruit juice, then you get bacon,^ eggs and tomatoes. Then comes toast and marmalade. You finish your breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea usually with milk. ' If you want to sing the whole song listen [°I°] 2 up to the end. The teacher can help you with the words. ^beans [biaizl — бобы ^mustard ['niAStadl — горчица '^chips ttfips] — чипсы, жареный хрустящий картофель ^mutton ['niAtnl — баранина ^steak [steik] — бифштекс ^ peas [pi:z] — горох * cereal I 'siarial] — хлопья 9 bacon 1 'beikon] — бекон 10 marmalade I 'maimaleid] — джем 1 In fact English people don’t often have “full English breakfast”. They have just bread or toast with marmalade with a cup of tea or coffee. Sometimes they call it “continental breakfast”. Let Us Talk (D What do you usually have for breakfast? Is it different from the “full English breakfast” or the “continental breakfast”? 0 (?) Read the dialogues, make up vour own and act them out. //V THE SHOP Billy: Do you have any sweets? Shop assistant: Sorry, I don’t. I have some biscuits and cakes. Would you like some? Billy: Yes, please. Could I have this cake? Shop assistant: Of course. Anything else? Billy: No, that’s all, thanks. COOmG SALAD Ann: Mother: I’d like to cook some salad for supper. Ann, could you have a look and see if there are any vegetables in the fridge? Yes, we’ve got some but not many and there are no tomatoes. That’s a pity. Is there any salt, dear? Yes, lots. Will you go to the shops and buy potatoes, carrots and tomatoes? I can’t make salad without them. OK, Mum. I will go. Where is the money? Here it is, dear. Mother: Ann: Mother: Ann: Mother: Lef Us Wrife Put some or any into the following: 1. There is ... money in my pocket. 2. There isn’t ... tea in the cup. 3. There are ... potatoes for dinner. 4. There are ... vegetables for supper. 5. Is there ... jam on the table? 6. There is ... meat here. 7. Are there ... carrots in the bag? Write what you like (dislike) to have for dinner in summer and in winter (Exercise 6 can help you). Write 5 questions beginning with: Is there ...7 Are there ...? to find out what food your friend has got. Lesson 5 Brush up your vocabulary and grammar. (n) animal, bear, bird, parrot, cat, kitten, cow, mouse (mice), crocodile, dog, duck, elephant, fox, hamster, hare, horse, lion, pig, puppy, sheep (sheep), tiger, tortoise, monkey, giraffe, duck, wolf (wolves), pet, body, neck, tail, hair, head, hand, arm, leg, foot (feet), eye, mouth, ear, nose, shoulder, finger, toe, face, tooth (teeth), hundred (v) look, teach (taught), must, open, visit, live, grow (grew), try, give (gave) (adj) big, long, short, clever, domestic, wild, favourite, beautiful, happy, slow, quick (adv) slowly, quickly Happy birthday! Happy New Year! big — bigger — the biggest nice — nicer — the nicest beautiful — more beautiful — the most beautiful bad — worse — the worst good — better — the best Let Us Review Name: -\0 1 some domestic animals and birds; 2 animals and birds that can be wild and domestic; 3 animals that live only in hot countries; 4 animals that eat only grass, leaves from the trees, vegetables and fruit; 5 some animals that are quicker than the tortoise; 6 some animals that are bigger than the cat; 7 some animals that can have different colours or change them; 8 the most beautiful animal. Think and give vour opinion on the following: 1. Wliich is cleverer, the dog or the hare? 2. Which is shorter, the crocodile or the fish? 3. Which is more beautiful, the horse or the pig? 4. Which is bigger, the bear or the elephant? 5. Which is funnier, the monkey or the fox? 6. Which is angrier, the tiger or the kitten? 7. Which is the most beautiful animal? 8. Which is the best food for lions? 9. Which is the worst food for dogs? Look at the picture on p. 26 and find what is wrong. Example f The giraffe can’t live in cold countries where there is a lot of snow because it only eats grass, leaves from the trees and fruit. In cold countries in winter it can’t find the things which don’t grow at that time of the year. Listen [olo] 3 and answer the questions: © © 1. What animals are usually the most favourite pets? 2. Do people sometimes keep wild animals as pets? Wliy? Guessing game: ask vour friend questions about his/her favourite animal and guess what it is. Find out what its colour is. what things it likes (dislikes) to do. what it likes to eat and drink and also what its body looks like and where it lives. What poems and sonos about “Animals” do you remember? Act out the one you like best. Let Us Read © Read and say why birds and animals move from one country to another. A lot of birds and animals move from country to country and from continent ['knntmant] to continent during the year. Some move when summer is over and it becomes colder and some when there is no food to eat. Many birds can’t find food under the snow, so they fly to Africa and other warmer countries. When winter comes some birds can fly more than 7000 kilometres ['kib,mi;t9z] in 3 days. They come back in spring and never see winter. 1 Read the text. Match the pictures and paragraphs ['paerggraifsl. 2. At Windsor [Vinzs] there was a Safari Park. Windsor is near London, in the South of England. The Park opened from 10 o’clock to 7 o’clock. Visitors went through the Safari Park in cars or Park buses.^ There were three important things for visitors to remember: they must drived slowly, never open the car window and never get out of the car in the places where monkeys, lions, tigers, zebras, giraffes and other wild animals lived free.^ -..In the Safari Parir tu a*'ntais'’The‘l-e'’wr Va ^Ot countries In the^^R- for birds and^^^- '"■» й”Гг“:, ' cage tkeicfe] — клетка 2 fence [fens] — забор, загородка 2 bus [bAs] — автобус drive [draiv] — ехать в машине 5 live free [fri:] — жить на воле V, Let Us Talk Describe your favourite animal and then ask vour friends to guess what it is. 0 jO) There are many books, films. TV programmes all about animals. Do you like them? Why? What do you learn from them? Let Us Write Do Exercise 5 in writing. Complete the sentences to discuss them with vour friends in class. Wolves are ...er than aren’t they? What animal is bigger than ...? What is the ...est animal? What animal has the longest ...? ... can’t swim, can they? '4k Lesson 6 Brush up your vocabulary and grammar. (n) holiday, Christmas (Xmas), present, doll, toy, box, bag (v) celebrate, decorate, get up (got up), love, send (sent), put (put) (adj) last, new, coloured (pron) nobody, nothing, somebody, anybody, something (anything), everybody, everything, that (those), this (these) (prep) under Halloween; St^ Patrick’s Day; Easter; St Valentine’s Day; Thanksgiving Day; Memorial Day; Santa Claus; at the end of 1 Л You He She lived in Kiev last year. It 'swam a lot last summer. We You TheyJ to be<^ was were talk + -ed = talked [t] play + -ed = played [d] want + -ed = wanted [id] last year last month last week last Sunday last Saturday * St [sant] {сокращение от saint [seint]) — святой Let Us Review © You know some British holidays. When do the British celebrate them? Look, read and rememberJ NOVEMBER Bonfire Night November, 5 Remembrance Day November, 11 i DECEMBER Christmas Day December, 25 s JANUARY New Yearns Day December, 31/January, 1 FEBRUARY St Valentine’s Day February, 14 a в MARCH St Patrick’s Day March, 17 T APRIL April Fools’ Day April, 1 a VI Easter Sunday late March or early April к Ф MAY Mothering Sunday Sunday in May E JUNE Father’s Day Sunday in June E JULY 3 w AUGUST в E 1 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Halloween October, 31 < ■ © Match the words from the columns: Christmas Day Easter Sunday New Year’s Day Mothering Sunday Halloween April Fools’ Day Remembrance Day St Valentine’s Day IS in May. on the 14th of February, on the 31st of October, on the 25th of December, late March or early April, on the 11th of November, on the 31st of December/ on the 1st of January, on the 1st of April. ' Mind the difference between the English and the Russian year. I at home My mother in the country My friend was/wasn’t at the stadium My parents My granny were/weren’t on the sports ground at school Think of your winter holidays and make up true sentences about them. last month, last December, last Christmas. Listen to what Evelyn did on the 25th of December. _Ш_4. and sav: 1 what holiday she celebrated that day; 2 what present she got. What poems and songs about “Holidays and the English Year” do you remember? Act out the one you like best. Let Us Read Read the text and answer the questions: 1. Is the United States' an old country with old traditions or a young2 country with old and new traditions? 2. What do Americans like? 3. What holidays did the Germans^ and the Scots take to America? 4. What holidays do only Americans celebrate? 5. When do Americans celebrate Memorial Day? The United States is a young country. In fact sometimes people call it the “New World”. Americans like new ideas. They built the first skyscrapers,'' they put the first man on the Uhe United States [di: ju;,naitid ' steits] — Соединенные Штаты (Америки) 2 young [Jap] — молодой 2 the Germans ['фз:тэпг] — немцы skyscraper ['skai,skreip3] — небоскреб 1 moon. But Americans love old things too. They like to visit historic [hristnnk] houses and museums [mjur'ziiamz], they like old traditions [tra'dijnz], remember the days of the “Wild West”.* The people of the United States are in fact people from many different countries. In one city you can find people whose parents, grandparents or great-grandparents came from Africa, South America and Europe ['jusrap]. These people brought to their new home their traditions. The Germans brought the Christmas tree and the Scots brought Halloween. There are new American festivals [Testrvlz] and traditions too. Only Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and Memorial Day.2 People celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday of May. This day is for people to remember those who died^ in wars,^ their dead^ friends and relatives. Let Us Talk © Complete the dialogue and act it out. Terry: ...... How are you? Sylvia:...... And how are you? Terry: ...... Where were you at the end of December? What did you do? Sylvia:...... And what about you? Did you celebrate only Christmas or did you celebrate the New Year too? Did you decorate the Christmas tree? Terry: ...... Sylvia: Did you enjoy it? Terry: ...... And you? Sylvia: ..... Remember what vou did on the first of April last spring. Sav what you can about this day of fun — April Fools’ Dav. that lasts only until midday. 0 ' “Wild West” — «дикий» Запад 2 Memorial Day [тэ, то:пэ1 'deil — День памяти павших в Гражданской войне в США 1861 — 1865 гг., испанской (1898 г.) и других войнах 3 die [dail — умирать ^ war [wo:l — война 3 dead [dedl — умерший 2 Английский язык. 4 хл. Часть 1 г 9 Tell vour friend about the most interesting holiday in America. England and Russia. Let Us Write 10; Put in was or were. 1. My parents ... in New York on Christmas Eve. 2. I ... at home on the 14th of February, we ... busy reading our Valentine’s Day cards. 3. My brother ... fourteen on the first of January. 4. Where ... you at the end of the week? Complete the text using the past tense forms of the verbs given below. was died were gave called put sent began got Nobody knows very much about St Valentine. He ... a Christian ['kristjanj. He ... a poor' girl some money before he ... . So people ... him the saint [seint] of love and ... to celebrate St Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. Last year I ... a lot of Valentine’s cards. There ... hearts^ on them. My friends ... them to me. Some of them ... their names down. ' poor [риэ] — бедный 2 heart Ihoitl — сердце L 14 Lesson 7 Brush UP your vocabulary and grammar. (n) nature, earth, river, lake, sea, ocean, mountain, hill, field, forest, tree, leaf (leaves), star, day, yesterday, week, tale, sport, sports ground, stadium, game, ball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, football, hockey, basketball, hide-and-seek, hopscotch, swimming pool (v) run (ran), jump, swim (swam), skip, draw (drew), can (could), play, go (went), see (saw), ski, skate (adj) busy (adv) around, away (from) (pron) another (prep) from, over look around; look at; last week, last month, last year I ^ ri 1 We we You can (could) ... . you They ^ can’t (couldn’t) ... . Can (Could) < they > ... ? He he She she It V \о Let Us Review © Name the sports or games you know. © Work in groups. Make a list of: 1 the sports and games your friend can play; 2 the sports and games your friends’ families like to play or watch; 3 the sports and games your friends can play now but couldn’t play last year. © Look at the chart and ask vour friend different questions about his/her last holidays. With whom Where did you they live ...? visit ...? play ...? When swim ...? Why ski ...? What game did he skate ...? How often she skip ...? How many games go ...? draw ...? (4) Have you got a good memory? When did vou last: • play hide-and-seek or hopscotch? • go to the sports ground or the stadium? • go to the seaside? • see the mountains? • go skiing? • look at the stars at night? • see the moon early in the morning? • swim in the river or in another place? © What poems and songs about “Nature” do you remember? Act out the one vou like best. Let Us Read and Learn © Enjoy vour English and sing the song “The Bear Went over the Mountain”. 5. THE BEAR WENT OI/ER THE MOUNTAIN The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain, The bear went over the mountain To see what he could see! And all that he could see Was the other side of the mountain. The other side of the mountain, The other side of the mountain Was all that he could see. р Let Us Read © Read the tale and think about the moral ['moral]. THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE AHP A Grasshopper lived in a field near a big forest. He liked to sing and dance very much. And he sang and danced all day long. He had a lot of fun playing in the green grass near the river in the daytime and at night he liked to look at the stars and the moon. Sometimes he went to the mountains. He looked at the dis-tant^ ocean and the faraway^ beautiful hills. One day he saw an Ant. He looked very tired^ and hot as he was very busy working. “Why are you working on such a lovely day?” asked the Grasshopper. “I’m collecting^ food for winter,” said the Ant and went on working. But the Grasshopper sang another song and danced another dance. Wlien winter came and there was a lot of snow, the Grasshopper had nothing to eat. He was very hungry, so he went to visit the Ant and asked him to give him some food. ' ant laentl — муравей 2 distant I'distsntl — отдаленный, дальний 3 faraway [,fo:r3'wei] — далекий tired f'taiad] — усталый 5 collect Ika'lekt] — собирать “I worked all summer to collect my food,” said the Ant. “What did you do?” “I was very busy singing and dancing,” answered the Grasshopper. “Well, if you sing and dance all summer and do not work, then you must starve^ in winter,” answered the Ant. Choose the best moral for the tale “The Grasshopper and the Ant”. 1. People who always plan [plaen] their lives are often bad friends. 2. If you have problems ['prnblomz], nobody can help you. 3. A short happy life is the best. 4. Always prepare^ for hard^ times in the future. Now read the tale aloud. Act out the parts of the narrator, the Ant and the Grasshopper. Let Us Talk 10) Some people like to live in towns and some prefer the country. What do you think is the best place to live in and why? Where do people usually oo when they are on holidays? Where were you last summer (winter, week, month)? What did you do there? Let Us Write Someone tells you: 1. I went to the mountains last winter. 2. It was my birthday yesterday. 3. My brother was on holiday in autumn last year. Ask questions for more information. Write them down. ' starve Istaivl — умереть от голода, голодать 2 prepare Ipri'pesl — готовиться 3 hard [ha:dl — трудный 0 ‘Li Choose vour friend in the class. Imagine three things he/she did yesterday and three things he/she didn’t do yesterday. Write them down. Examples ► You had coffee for breakfast. You didn’t go to London yesterday. Lesson 8 Brush up your ypcabulary and grammar. Daily L i f (n) day off, Saturday, weekend, time, morning, afternoon, evening, night, book, school, pleasure, exercise, homework, shower, house, bed (v) watch, clean, wash, do (did), help, read (read [red]), speak (spoke) (adj) next (adv) soon, tomorrow, today (pron) what, who, whom, when, where, why, which (prep) before, at at the weekend; in the morning (afternoon, evening); go to school; do exercises; do homework; take a shower; wash up; help about the house; watch TV; go to bed; come home; play chess +/- © I shall/shan’t 1 will/won’t J Shall r We Will I You r He She ^ will/won’t do Will < It They J Ч. we you he she it they do ...? do ...? Let Us Review (1) Match the time and the actions. ■\o I get up He has lunch They go to bed She gets up We watch TV I speak English to my teacher at seven o’clock in the evening. in the afternoon. at seven o’clock in the morning. in the evening. at ten o’clock at night. in the morning. © Next Saturday vour friend will go to the zoo. Ask him/her ques- tions and fill in the chart, using the words in the box. Examples ► When will you get up? What will you do at ... o’clock? when what where with whom who why < Q C£ Э b < ЧЛ 8,00 10,00 get up go out of the house feed th^birds have lunch go home Say when Derek will be/won’t be in the following places. Derek will be in South Africa in October. Examples \ Derek won’t be in India [hndia] in January. @ You are going to have vour holidays in the mountains with vour parents. Sav: — where you will go for your holidays; — if the place will be far away from your city; — what the weather will be like. Let Us Read and Learn © What songs and poems about “Daily Life” do vou remember? Act the one you like best. © Enjoy vour English and sing the song “Mulberry Bush”.^ [°1q^ 6. MULBEm BUSH ^ Here we go round^ the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush On a cold and frosty^ morning. This is the way we wash our hands. Wash our hands, wash our hands. This is the way we wash our hands On a cold and frosty morning. '“Mulberry Bush” 1'тл1Ьэп — название детской игры 2 round [raund] — вокруг 3 frosty [Trosti] — морозный 4; This is the way we clean our teeth, Clean our teeth, clean our teeth. This is the way we clean our teeth On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we comb* our hair. Comb our hair, comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we clean our shoes. Clean our shoes, clean our shoes. This is the way we clean our shoes On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we run to school. Run to school, run to school. This is the way we run to school On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we walk in the park. Walk in the park, walk in the park. This is the way we walk in the park On a cold and frosty morning. Let Us Read © Read and say what the world will be like in 2100 and answer the questions after the text. Some people think that the world will change a lot. The cities will become bigger. They will be more beautiful. There will be more parks and trees in them. Some people say that there won’t be many people in the cities and the cities will become smaller but there will be more farms. More people will live in the country, and they will grow food for all the world. People will be taller^ and cleverer. Some people think that men will be two metres ['miitaz] tall, and women will be as tall as men. They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours. Pupils won’t go to school. ' comb [кэит] — причесывать - tall [toil] — высокий 4: They will have computers [ksm'pjuitaz] and computers will be their teachers. At weekends people will go to the moon. They will have a good time there. Back on the earth they will watch television [,teliVi3n] more and more. They won’t read many books. But they will learn many things from nature. All people will enjoy their life. Questions: 1. What will cities look like in 2100? 2. How will people change? 3. How will people study?' 4. Wliat will people do at the weekends? C 0 Let Us Talk Tell vour friend what vour idea of the future is. (Exercise 7 can help you.) ® a) Look at the pictures and sav what you and the members of vour family always do. what they never do and what things they do sometimes. study I'sUdi] — учиться b) Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. What will (won’t) you, vour father and mother do? Let Us Write -------------------------------------- Interview vour friend and speak about his/her day off. Write questions to the given answers. 1. - ....? — I shall go to the swimming pool with great pleasure. 2. - ....? — They will call us. 3. - .....? — Because I like this place very much. 4. - .....? — He will soon go to the mountains with his father. 5. - .....? — She will buy bread for lunch. ^1) Disagree using won’t, shan’t. 1. You will meet Max at 5. 2. Next week she will help you about the house. 3. I shall go shopping on Saturday. 4. We shall do our homework at night. 5. He will take a shower after dinner. 6. You will go to bed late. Lesson 1 for Home Reading Lesson 2 for Home Reading 1 BASIC COURSE SCHOOL LIFE Lesson 9 Let Us Learn G) Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. ["oTol _L © Name all the davs of the week. What day is it today? What dav was it yesterday? What day will it be tomorrow? © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [A] [ai] my, FHday, on Friday. Last Friday we went to the pet shop and bought a nice little hamster for my sister. Next Friday I’ll go to the swimming pool. '8' the sun, Sunday, Monday, on Sunday, on Monday, last Monday, next Sunday, this Monday, every Sunday. On Sundays we don’t go to school. In Russia Monday is the first day of the week, in Great Britain it is Sunday. What day comes after Monday? [ju:] you, Ihesday, on Tuesday, next Tuesday. Tuesday comes after Monday. Where do you usually go on Tuesday? Do you go to the sports ground on Tuesday? [w] well, Wednesday ['wenzdi], on Wednesday. Last Wednesday my mum had a birthday party. Do you play tennis every Wednesday? [з:] her, Thursday ["03:zdi], on Thursday, this Thursday. Thursday is my father’s day off. Does granny usually cook anything tasty on Thursday? she, meet, to meet — met, meet friends. Meet my sister. It’s nice to meet you. — When shall we meet? — We’ll meet on Wednesday. We met last Friday. [a:] father, laugh [la:fj, to laugh — laughed (at), to laugh at good jokes. When I saw a funny monkey I laughed a lot. Never laugh at old people. I wonder what he is laughing at. Sav what dav comes: after: Friday, Sunday, Wednesday; before: Saturday, Thursday, Monday. ■© a) Put the days of the week in order. Then sav them aloud. b) What do “Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri, Sat. Sun” in the calendar stand for? Pay attention to the abbreviations.^ QCTQBF.R Mon Tues I Sat П 8 10 17 24 31 n 18 щ 12 19 126 13 20 27 1 14 _21 28 22 29 2 ^16 23 30 © Sav what dav it is. Example ► Yesterday was Saturday. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow will be Monday. Pay attention to the abbreviations. — Обрати внимание на сокращения. http; kiirokam.ni School Life Yesterday Today Tomorrow 1. Sunday 2. Monday 3. Friday 4. Saturday 5. Thursday 6. Wednesday (LOOK. READ.B-EAAEMSERll^ at on in 3 o’clock noon night Monday Thursday morning/Tuesday evening the 1st of September the evening/the morning/the afternoon summer/winter 1997 January/July © Look at the pictures on pp. 49-50. complete the sentences and match them with the pictures. 1. It was cold and rainy so we couldn’t go to the swimming pool. 2. I had lunch at ... yesterday. 3. It often snows in ... . 4. Billy usually gets up at 7 but on ... he gets up at 9. 5. My little brother was born* in ... . 6. Where were you on ...? — Oh, we had a party. 7. He always watches TV in ... . 8. April Fools’ Day is on ... . ® Read the words aloud and guess their meaning. history ["histari], historic [hi'stnrik], Geography [cfei'ngrsfi], continent ['kontmont], computer [kom'pjuito], central ['sentrolj, metre ['тНэ], kilometre ['kib,mi:t9] was bom [Ьэ:п] — родился School Life Let Us Read and Learn Eniov vour English and sing the song “We Met on Sunday”. t°T°^ 8. part I. WE MET ON SUNDAY I. We met on Sunday, the first of July. We talked on Monday, the second of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. That was the second of July. We smiled on Tuesday, the third of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. On Tuesday we smiled, on the third of July. We laughed on Wednesday, the fourth of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed. On the fourth of July. Let Us Read Shall I come back at 5? Shall we read the text? Shall I open the book? Shall I buy some vegetables? Look at the pictures on pp. 57-58 and use Shall l/we ...? w Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the dialogue. CqY°’!1 11. Then read and learn it bv heart. Act it out. George: What are you doing this Friday? Alan: I don’t know yet. Why?' George: You see, we are having a test [test] on Saturday. Can you help me with my English? Alan: Of course I can. When shall I come? George: Can you meet me after classes? Alan: OK. Two o’clock then. See you later. Bye. George: Bye and thanks a lot. ^ Think of your own dialogue and act it out. Don’t forget to change over. ' Why? [wai] — A в чем дело? (A что?) School Let Us Read Read the letter and sav what Marion Hailev. Head Teacher of Green Hill School, asks her pupils’ parents about. GREEN HILL SCHOOL 24 Mcuicd DecuL pcuients SaRoo?, itisit to LoKdon |jo«. c,Rosses 2^ ai^d зВ". Мя- Олгу («History ["histori] 1еас,К.ел) is tafemo Ris aRosses on a sc.RooR Wsit to tRe ^atuxaR ‘Histojiy Museum in London on TR-UAsday, lOtR ^pAiR. CiteAybody must pReose: — be at scKooR at 8, — wecuL tReiA scRooR uni|jOAm and aom{jOAtabRe sRoes, — bAing a AQincoat, a paafeed Runc.R, an e;teAjC,ise boofe and a penciR. sRaRR come baafe at 5 in tRe evening. TRis itisit is Ц-елу impoAtant and we Rope^ tRat aRR tRe aRiRdAen wiRR go. (JouAS sinceAeRy^ MoAion e?ce»*cise book/ museum/ pencil/ see you late»* Lesson 11 Let Us Learn © Sav what they are: 1 the days of the week which come after Sunday; 2 a thing we can draw with; 3 a thing pupils wear at school; 4 a thing on what we write at school; School Life 5 the days of the week when pupils don’t go to school; 6 a class where we can run, jump and ski; 7 a place which can help you know more about history; 8 the day of the week which is between Tuesday and Thursday; 9 a class where we can make things. © Put in: at. on. in. after, before. 1. Pete gets up ... seven o’clock in the morning. 2. We clean our teeth ... the morning. 3. They play leapfrog ... classes. 4. ... Sunday we shall go to the zoo. 5. We never drink coffee ... class. 6. We always meet ... classes in the morning. © Look at the pictures and offer the people vour help. Use the model Shall I ...? Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [оХ°] 12. © Let’s talk about Vour timetable. Example ^ On Monday I’ve got 5 classes: P. E., Russian, English, Reading and Handicraft. i LOOK, READ, REMEMBER! What’s the time? It’s half past six. © Look at the pictures and say what time it is. © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [a:] ask, half [ha:fj — halves [ha:vzl, the first half of the day, half a cake, half an apple. Give me half a carrot, please. [a:] past, past two, past five. It’s half past four. After classes at half past two 1 go to the swimming pool. Do you always come home from school at half past twelve? [ej pet, desk, a desk — desks, to sit (to be) at the desk, to sit down at the desk. There are twelve desks in the room. — Is your desk comfortable? — I think it is. There are some coloured pencils and an exercise book on the desk. [a:J class, classroom, a classroom — classrooms. — What is there in your classroom? — There are some desks, chairs and the teacher’s table in it. — How many classrooms are there in your school? — There are a lot. [e] pencil, lesson, a lesson — lessons, a difficult lesson, at the lesson. How many lessons have you got on Monday? What lessons have you got on Thursday? Do you like your English lessons? never ['nevo]. We never have lessons on Sunday. She never gets up at 5. They never go to school at night. School Life [ai] time, timetable, school timetable, on the timetable. Do you know where our timetable is? Look at the timetable. When do we have Handicraft? We have P. E. and History on the timetable today. [ael bad. Maths, Maths exercises, our Maths teacher, problems with Maths. Wlien have we got Maths? Does your brother have Maths on Tuesday? Have you got any problems with Maths? [a:] arm. Art, art museum. Art exercises, your Art teacher. Have you got Art today? We’ve got Art on Thursday and Friday. We like our Art classes very much. [ju:] Tuesday, Music, Music exercises. Music class, a Music teacher. I like music very much. Have you got Music on Thursday? What do you think of your Music classes? [л] butter, study, to study — studied. When you study you begin to know a lot. He likes to have Nature Study classes. Did you have Nature Study on Thursday? Wliat do you usually do in your Nature Study class? Who is your Nature Study teacher? Look at the pictures and say: ai what they usually do at the time and b) what they are doing now. 1 Let Us Read and Learn (D Enjoy your English and sing the song “We Met on Sunday”. 13. part II. W£ МВТ ON SUNDAY /3 II. We danced on Thursday, the fifth of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed. On Thursday we danced, on the fifth of July. We cried on Friday, the sixth of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed. On Thursday we danced and on Friday we cried. On the sixth of July. We parted 1 on Saturday, the seventh of July. On Sunday we met and on Monday we talked. On Tuesday we smiled and on Wednesday we laughed. On Thursday we danced and on Friday we cried. But on Saturday we parted And we said: “Goodbye.” “Goodbye.” ^ Now you know the whole song. Answer the following questions: 1. When did they meet (talk, smile, laugh, dance, cry, part and say goodbye)? 2. What did they do on Sunday (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday)? 3. Did you like the song? Read the proverb and give the Russian equivalent. Then learn the proverb. It’s neijer too-Jate toJearn. part (parted) — расставаться School Life Let Us Read Read the text about Santi’s school. Can you find any difference between his school and vour school? SAHT! GOES TO SCHOOL Santi is a little boy who is eight. He lives in Central ['sentral] Africa and goes to school there. School starts at seven o’clock in the morning, but he goes to school at half past six. Why? Well, he wants to get a desk near the teacher’s table. In Santi’s class there are fifty-two pupils. The pupils play in the playground before classes. Some of them wear their school uniform: a white blouse or a shirt and a blue skirt or trousers. When they come into the classroom, many of the girls take off their blouses and skirts. They usually put on T-shirts and shorts. They do this because they are not comfortable in uniform as it is very hot in the room and because they don’t want to get their uniforms dirty. Before classes they sing one or two songs. The pupils have classes five days a week. Every day they have five lessons. They study English, Maths, Geography, P. E., History, Music and Art. They have swimming, games and computer studies too. Have a look at Santi’s timetable: Day 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 MONDAY Art Geography Maths L English History TUESDAY Maths English Swimming и Maths Geography WEDNESDAY English Nature Study Computing n Games Games THURSDAY Music History English c Nature Study Maths FRIDAY English Computing Maths h Art Art After classes Santi plays football and then goes home. When he comes home, he has something to eat. He usually watches cartoons' on TV before he does his homework. cartoon lko:'tu:n] — мультфильм 3 Английский язык. -4 кл. Часть 1 True, false or don’t know? 1. Santi is from Central America. 2. School starts at 6.30 in the morning. 3. Santi comes to school early because he wants to get a desk near the teacher’s table. 4. He always wears his school uniform. 5. The school uniform is a T-shirt and shorts. 6. He plays football after classes. Put these sentences in the correct order to make a summary of the text about Santi. 1. After classes Santi plays football. 2. They wear school uniforms but when in class they can wear T-shirts and shorts. 3. Santi likes school very much and always comes there very early. 4. A school day starts with singing before classes. 5. The pupils play in the playground before classes. 6 0 Let Us Talk Discuss these questions in pairs or groups. 1. What time do you go to school every morning? Why? 2. Wliat do you do in the playground before classes? 3. Wliere do you like to sit in the classroom? Why? 4. Wliat is your favourite lesson? Wliy? 5. Wliat do you do when you get home from school? Look at Santi’s timetable and tell about vours (see Exercise 12T Let Us Write Look through the text about Santi (see Exercise 12L copy and complete the sentences. 1. The pupils play in the playground before ... . 2. When they are in ... many of the girls take off their blouses and skirts. School Life 3. Before classes ... . 4. Santi plays football ... . 5. Wlien ... he has something to eat. 6. He watches cartoons on TV before ... . Write the sentences using the following: at the desk, at the lesson. on the timetable, at half past .... after classes. Learn how to write these words. К<д1|- (kalves)/ pas+> desk/ dass»*oom/ lesson/ neve>*/ timetoble/ ЛАо+ks/ A4usIo/ +o study (studied) Lesson 3 for Home Reading Lesson 12 Let Us Learn © Look at the pictures on pp. 67-68 and sav if the sentences are true, if not, correct them. /. The armchair is very comfortable. 2. We are having an English lesson. w 3. Alice never wears her uniform in class. 4. The children are having Music lesson in the classroom. music lEngLi-fh P. E. fell Russian. 5. They have got 6 lessons on 6. Museums help us study ani-Monday. mals. (D Play the “Champion” game. Who can think and say more sentences with at half past ...? © Complete the sentences. 1. We play, jump, run in our ... . 2. We write in ... at Maths. 3. They laughed a lot when they saw ... . 4. I met my friend when ... . 5. Look at ... . What lessons have we got today? 6. He likes to have Nature Study ... . 7. — When did you go to the museum? — We went there after ... . School Life Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [°Iq] 14. © Have you got a good memory? Look at the picture for a moment. then close the book and name all the things you remember. © Look at the picture of the classroom (Exercise 5) and give Colin’s answers to Mike’s questions. Choose a partner and role play the dialogue. Then change over. Mike: What is there in the classroom? Colin: ....... Mike: Where are the books? Colin: ....... Mike: Where is the teacher? Colin: ....... Mike: Where are the desks and the teacher’s table? Colin: ....... Mike: Where is the map? Colin: ....... © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as ouickiv as you can. [ae] black, blackboard ['blaekbo:d], a blackboard — blackboards, on the blackboard, at the blackboard. Is there an English word on the blackboard? Mary is at the blackboard. [и] book, bookcase ['bukkeis], a bookcase — bookcases, in the bookcase. — What is there in the bookcase? — There are a lot of books, exercise books and pencils in it. We’ve got two bookcases in our classroom. [w] winter, window, a window — windows, an open window, to look out of the window, near the window. — How many windows are there in the classroom? — There are two windows in it. [o:] four, door, a door — doors, a white door, at the door, to open the door. What colour is the door in your classroom? Look at the door! Why isn’t it clean? [o:J floor, on the floor. What is there on the floor? What colour is the floor in your classroom? [э:] ball, wall, a wall — walls, on the wall, near the wall. The bookcase is at the wall. — What colour are the walls in your classroom? — The walls are yellow. fi] pig, picture f'piktjo], a picture — pictures, a beautiful picture, a little picture, my favourite picture, in the picture. What can you see in the picture? There are three pictures on the wall. [ei] make, late, late — later, to be late for school, to be late for classes. Don’t be late again! She is never late for school. Are they always late for classes? I’m sorry. I’m late. It’s never too late to learn. 1 LOOK, READ. REMEMBER!; ^ © I am five, aren’t I? (am I not?) He is ill, isn’t he? We are here, aren’t we? 0 I am not five, am I? He isn’t ill, is he? We aren’t here, are we? There is a picture on the There isn’t a picture on the wall, isn’t there? wall, is there? There are two windows in There aren’t two windows in the classroom, aren’t there? the classroom, are there? School Life (■I 1|ш|я ■ III lull •шт> w I LOOK, READ, REMEMBER] I’ve got an exercise book, haven’t I? He’s got a pencil, hasn’t he? I haven’t got an exercise book, have I? He hasn’t got a pencil, has he? He can sing, can’t he? We must study well, mustn’t we? He can’t sing, can he? We mustn’t do it, must we? I always meet her at 5, don’t I? She laughs a lot, doesn’t she? I don’t meet her at 5, do I? She doesn’t often laugh, does she? (see part 2, p. 195) But: She is never late, is she? They never laugh in class, do they? Complete the questions. _ I A We usually go to the zoo on Sunday, don’t example 9 1. He’s got many problems with Maths, ...? 2. There aren’t five pictures on the wall, ...? 3. They can’t sing English songs, ...? 4. She never goes to school on Saturday, ...? 5. P. E. class isn’t on Thursday, .,,? 6. He must study better, ...? Let Us Read and Learn Read the proverb and give the Russian equivalent. Then learn the proverb. Better late than nev£E^(^it better never late.) Think of a storv to illustrate the proverb and tell it to vour classmates. Let Us Read Read Alice’s letter to Bettv. Does her classroom differ from yours? What’s the difference? 73, High Street 2)o(/er /Cent /0th Sefitetftben 2)ear Hettif, Thank ifou fot If our Letten. Jt u/as interesting to know about If our school and tfour unifornt. J would like to tell tfou sonte things about nuf school. Уои know in England schools have names not numbers. Well, J go to Cedar Qroue School.^ Jt's not aenf big. CPuftiLs from 5 to ft If ears old go to our school. We have ten classrooms and there is a big beautifrl hall [ho:l] in it. We haue mang trees and flowers near our school and so, when it is warm and the weather is fine we are often outdoors. Hbf dassroom is comfortable and alwaifs clean. There are twentif desks in it. The teacher's table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom which are while as is the door. The blackboard is green and the floor is brown. There are nice factures on the walls. Mear the blackboard tfOu can see a big, ifellow bookcase. There are manif books in it and some of them are vertf interesting. We often read books in class and sometimes our teacher reads them to us. Hesterdag she read a vertf beautifid fairtf tale about Snow White. J liked it a lot. What ссиг tfOu write and tell me about ifour dassroom? 2)o ifou read English books in ifour Jleading class? What books did ifou read last week? Write soon. Lots of loae, ,dlice. Cedar Grove ['siido 'grauv] School — школа «Кедровая роща» School Life True, false or don’t know? 1. Alice doesn’t like Betty’s letter. 2. English schools always have numbers. 3. There is a big, beautiful hall in Alice’s school. 4. There are many trees and flowers near Alice’s school. 5. Children never play in the street. 6. Alice has no problems with Handicraft. 7. The windows in Alice’s classroom are blue. 8. The blackboard is brown. 9. Betty reads a lot of English books in class. Let Us Talk ^ Describe Alice’s classroom. Describe your own classroom. ’0 15) Let’s play a game. One of vou is a bov/a girl from another country. Ask questions about his/her classroom (Exercise 6 can help vou). Listen to his/her answers very attentively and then describe the classroom. Let Us Write Do Exercise 8 in writing. Write 5 sentences using: in the field, in the tree, in the street, in the picture, in the skv. 18) Learn how to write these words. yiacUhoatuii/ bookcase.^ wIkvcIoW/ doo»v wall/ pictu»*e./ la+S/ to be. late fo»*/ so»*>*y/ ZJ'm late Lesson 13 Let Us Learn Read and sav what it is: 1 a place where we usually sit at desks and have classes; 2 a place where we keep books; 3 a thing we usually have on the wall to write on in the classroom; 4 a lesson where we study numbers; 5 the thing, at which pupils sit in class. © Play the game. Have vou got a good memory? Look at the picture for a moment, then close it and answer the question What is there in the classroom? Look at the pictures. What do these people want to do? Make sentences using the chart below. He She They wants want to go to the museum. buy pencils and exercise books. study Maths. meet Cinderella. wear a uniform. School Life 1 I ТТД10ЮЮ U! JEUM . 1. Read the words and guess their meaning. sandals ["saendalz], hospital ['hnspitl], Canada ['kaenada], rocket ['rokit], baby ["beibi], television [4eli,vi3n] © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 15. © Listen to the questions. [oT°] 16. and answer them. © Look at the pictures on pp. 75-76 and sav what the people are doing. Try and read the new words. leaf — leave thing — sing let — yet mouse — count but — luck [i:l Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. speak, leave, to leave — left, to leave the house, to leave Moscow, to leave Moscow for London, to leave for New York. — When did he leave for Canada? — He left for Canada on Wednesday. He usually leaves the house at half past eight. [oi] enjoy, join, to join — joined, to join the group. We are going to the museum. Join us. Will you Join us for a walk? [p] thing, sing, to sing — sang, to sing to the music. 1 like to sing very much. Shall I sing to you? Let’s begin to sing. Will you sing again, please? [d] dog, song, a song — songs. I know many Russian songs. We often meet on Friday evening and sing English songs. Enjoy the song! [j] yes, yet. He doesn’t know English yet. She is not nine yet. We haven’t got this book yet. I’m ill, I can’t go to school yet. [au] out, count, to count — counted. Count from 1 to 20. The boy can’t count well yet. The children can count quickly. Shall I count the apples? School Life [иэ] poor [риэ], poor people, a poor family. I don’t think they are poor. His English is poor. Your answer was poor. They are not poor, are they? [з:] bird, work, to work — worked, to work well, to work at school, to do a lot of work about the house. This work is not interesting work. Have you got any extra! work to do? His work is the best, isn’t it? When do you begin to work? [л] but, luck, good luck. Bye, Nelly. See you tomorrow. Good luck! — We are having a test on Thursday. — Oh, good luck! By the way [bai бэ Vei]. Do you live far away from school, by the way? By the way, we haven’t got any bread for breakfast. What about your extra Maths exercises, by the way? Choose a partner and talk to him/her. Complete the questions and use them. 1. You count quickly, ...? 2. She can sing beautiful songs, ...? 3. He didn’t work well, ...? 4. You are joining me on the sports ground, ...? 5. He isn’t leaving at half past seven, ...? and Learn Listen to the poem “Meet Me in the Morning”. 17. Read and learn it. MEET ME Ш THE MORNiNG Meet me in the morning. Meet me at noon. Meet me in September, Or the middle of June. ' extra I'ekstral — дополнительный Meet me at midnight.' Meet me in the hall. Meet me in the summer. Meet me in the fall. Meet me in the evening. Meet me at eight. Г11 meet you any time you want, But, please, don’t be late. Let Us Read ^ Read the dialogue and sav if Sarah joined the bovs. It’s Thursday afternoon, half past one. Alan and David are leaving school. They are going to the sports ground to play tennis. In the street they meet Sarah and invite her to join them. Alan: You see, David, we didn’t play tennis yesterday. Let’s go to the playground this afternoon. David: That’s a great idea. Where and when shall we meet? Sarah: Hi, boys. Where are you going? David: Now home and then to the sports ground. We are going to play tennis. Why don’t you join us? Sarah: I’d love to, but I can’t. I must study and learn a poem by heart. Alan: Can’t you do it later? We’ll get back at six or at half past six. Sarah: I don’t think I can. I am having Music tomorrow too and Tm not ready with my song yet. We are singing ‘Yesterday’. The music is beautiful but it is difficult. David: Oh, no. You won’t be at home all the evening, will you? Sarah: I will. We are having a Maths test on Friday. By the way, can’t you help me with my Maths? midnight I'midnait] — в полночь School Life David: Certainly, I can. Wliat’s the problem? Sarah: I can’t count well and my answer on Tuesday morning was very poor. Alan: Have you got some extra work to do? Sarah: Yes, I have. I must do twenty extra Maths exercises. So bye, boys! I’ll play tennis with you next week. Alan, David: So long, Sarah. See you on Monday. Have fun! Sarah: Are you joking? Alan, David: Of course we are. See you later. Find in the dialogue and read aloud the sentences which explain why Sarah can’t join the bovs. Let Us Talk Talk about Sarah’s problems at school. Have you got any problems at school? What are they? Choose a partner and talk to him/her about his/her problems at school. C 0 Let Us Write Read the text about two friends and write it as if it all were yesterday. * On Wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven. He leaves the house at eight. Then he meets his friend Andrew, Joins him and they go to their Music class. By the way, they laugh a lot on the way to school. The boys sing their favourite songs too. They go home at half past twelve, have lunch and do their homework. Do Exercise 10 in writing. as if it all were yesterday — так, как будто это было вчера 19) Learn how to write these words. to leave (Ie|+)/ to joiK\^ to sik\0 (saKV0)y so»^0y yety county poo»*y Nvoi^ky to wo»*U/ by tke way/ luck/ by keaH- Lesson 4 Reading Lesson 14 Ш Let Us Learn 9 9 © Complete the questions. 1. We met on Sunday, ...? 2. The pupils are seldom late, 3. We can sing English songs, 4. They never play on the floor, ...? 5. There is no bookcase near the wall, ...? 6. There was a blackboard in that classroom last year, 7. Pupils don’t often laugh at Maths, ...? 8. We shall study Art next year, © Ask questions, using the model \Nhv don’t vou ...? Example ^ Why don’t you join us? leave for Kiev sing that song count from 10 to 5 work hard study Maths meet him at 4 learn it by heart © Find eight words and make correct sentences with them. Example ^ laugh. le со po School Life ave in @ Think of five things you can see when you come into the classroom. Can you name more? Who is the best? © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 18. © Have you got a good memory? Look at the picture for a moment. Then close the book and name all the school things you can remember. © Look at the teacher’s table, vour desk and at vour friend’s desk. What can you see there? Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [ei] late, age, school age, at the age of eight, people of all ages. In Russia children begin to go to school at the age of six. In Great Britain pupils usually leave school at the age of sixteen. [e] ten, pen, a pen — pens. There are many pens and pencils on my desk. Count your pens, please. Where is your pen? [A] cup, rubber, a rubber — rubbers, a pencil with a rubber. Give me the rubber, please. I haven’t got a rubber in my bag. Do you like my new blue rubber? [u:] blue, ruler, a ruler — rulers. Your ruler is longer than my ruler. Can you give me a ruler, please? Where are the rulers? [a:] dark, carpet, a carpet — carpets, a beautiful carpet. Shall I put the carpet on the floor? Your carpet makes the classroom comfortable. There is a beautiful carpet near the bookcase. [au] out, outdoors (out-of-doors). I like to play different games outdoors. In hot countries you can sleep outdoors. It is cold outdoors, isn’t it? Do you always play basketball outdoors? [i] big, difficult ['difikolt], a difficult book, a difficult class, a difficult poem, a difficult game. I don’t think it is difficult to help about the house now. [i:] read, easy, easy work, an easy poem, easy lessons. Our life is not always easy, it is sometimes very difficult. It is not always easy to count. Answer the questions. 1. When does school begin in Russia? 2. At what age do children usually begin school? Do they sometimes begin school at the age of five? 3. Are there usually carpets in classrooms in Russian schools? Is there a carpet on the floor in your classroom? School Life 4. Do schoolchildren have classes outdoors? 5. Do you play outdoors before classes? 6. What games do you play outdoors? 7. What interesting things do you learn in class? ( LOOK, READ, REMEMBERj N ------V Adj love — to love work — to work dance — to dance water — to water colour — to colour name — to name clean — to clean warm — to warm (see part 2, p.l95) Let Us Read and Learn ^O) Listen to the poem “When the Sun Is in the Skv”. 19. Read and learn it. WHEN THE SON IS Ш THE SKY I get up and open my eyes, I wash, put on my dress and a pair Of shoes and all the things 1 wear. Then walking off to school I go To learn the things that I must know. Read the proverb, give the Russian equivalent. Then learn the proverb. A good begioning-inakfis^ a good ending. Think of a story to illustrate the proverb and tell it to your classmates. A Let Us Read Read the text and sav when English children begin school. Рютяг SCHOOLS Ш englanv I In Great Britain school begins at the age of four or five. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of sixteen. In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month, as school rarely^ begins on Monday. The English think that Monday is not a good day to start [sta:t] school. So pupils usually begin their school year on the first Tuesday of September (not always on the 1st of September as we do). The weather is usually fine. It is warm. The sky is often blue and the sun is bright. Little children going to school with their parents on their first school day look so clean and nice. They don’t have any bags or books with them, as there is no need for these things on their first day at school. Pupils will get them later. They will get exercise books, pencils, pens, rulers and rubbers too. Classes usually begin at nine. Pupils have a break at 10.30 and may have a drink of milk or of orange juice. At half past twelve or at one o’clock they usually have lunch — meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. Their classes are not always formal [Тэ:тэ1]. They often sit at their desks but they also often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. They draw or play games. They often look at the animals they have at school — hamsters, rabbits or hares. Sometimes there are birds or fish in their classrooms. After lessons teachers usually read fairy tales and stories to them or sometimes they tell them something of interest. English pupils often play outdoors. ' primary ['praimari] — начальный 2 rarely ['resli] — редко School Life @) True. faiRft or finn’t know? 1. English pupils often leave school at the age of fourteen. 2. The school year always begins on the first of September. 3. English school never begins on Monday. 4. English primary pupils usually have six classes a day. 5. There is no need for the children to take bags, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers with them to school on the first school day. 6. Classes in primary school usually begin at nine. 7. Primary pupils have 3 or 4 classes outdoors every week. Let Us Talk Sav what you’ve learnt about English primary schools from the text (Exercise 13). An American bov would like to know more about our school. What can you tell him about Russian primary schools? Now have a talk with vour classmates about English and Russian primary schools. 0 Let Us Write Write sentences using ‘pair’ words. See “Look. Read. Remember!”. D. 83. Example f We learn the dances of different countries. My little sister likes to dance very much. 1. Love is beautiful. 2. Your extra work in English was poor. 3. We must water flowers every day. 4. Yesterday he coloured his picture. 5. Will you clean our carpet, please? ,19) Write what there was in vour school baa when you went to school this morning. г Learn how to write these words. ci0ey рел\, »*ubbe.>*> rule»*, c-cwpeA, outdoo»*S/ easy/ difpcul+y to be0m (Ье01»л»л1»\0)/ to end (endirv0) Lesson 15 Let Us Learn © Make three lists of words about the topics: Subjects Day of the Week Classroom M... S... b... A... T... b... H... F... d... M... T... w... P... M... d... R... W... f... E... S... p... © Put the verbs in the correct form, referring them to the present-past or future. 1. They ... a lot in their Music lesson last Thursday, {to laugh) 2. She ... us tomorrow, won’t she? {to leave) 3. You always ... well, {to count) 4. Shall I ... you? {to join) 5. We ... a lot in our Music lesson yesterday, {to sing) 6. They ... much, as their work is difficult, {to work) © Play the “Champion” game. Who can sav more sentences using: comfortable, easy, difficult poor, outdoors, wonderful? © Give short information about vour school life. Begin each sentence with By the wav ... . School Life © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [ojo] 20. © You met a boy from an English primary, school and want to know all you can about his school. Ask him questions. 1. How many ... have you got on your timetable? 2. Which is your favourite ...? 3. Do you ... well with the other pupils in class? 4. Wlien are your classes usually ...? 5. How much time do you usually ... in school? 6. When is your school day ...? 7. Have you got any ... teachers in your school? 8. What is more ... for you, Maths or Handicraft? 9. What do you ... at your Nature Study lessons? © Choose a partner and imagine that you are pupils of different schools. Talk about vour schools. (Exercise 6 can help you.) © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] pen, spend, to spend — spent, to spend money on books, to spend money on clothes, to spend time on the sports ground. Where did you spend last Sunday? How do you spend your holidays? [л] rubber, subject, a subject — subjects, an interesting subject, different subjects. We have got many subjects on the timetable at school. What is your favourite subject at school? What is the most difficult subject for you? [ej pen, get, to get on (with somebody). Children learn how to get on with their friends at school. How are you getting on? They don’t get on very well. He is easy to get on with. [эи] over, to be over. The film is over. The lesson is not over yet. School is over. When will the holidays be over? — Will your Music class be over soon? — Yes, it will be over in ten minutes. [ei] face, famous, a famous doctor, famous pilots, a famous school, to be famous for something. London is famous for its museums. — What is he famous for? — He is famous for his book. [э:] floor, important [im'poitont], an important subject, an important book, important problems. It is a very important day, isn’t it? This work will be very important. It is important not to be late for classes. [з:] first, learn, to learn — learnt, to learn by heart, to learn well, to learn English, to learn to play chess. It’s never too late to learn. — Shall we learn it by heart? — Yes, please. (шок.. READ,' What’s the time?/What time is it? 7.40 It’s seven forty. 8.25 It’s eight twenty-five. 3.35 It’s three thirty-five. 6.50 It’s six fifty. 11.55 It’s eleven fifty-five. How often How a day once many a week twice times a month 3, 4, 5 times a year - a day a week a month a year How often do you see Nick? — I see him twice a week. How many times a month do you go to the museum? — We go to the museum once a month. a) Here is the timetable of St Andrew’s Primary School. Look at it and answer the questions. 1. How many subjects do the children do every day? 2. When do the lessons begin? School Life 3. How many subjects have the children got a week? 4. How many times a week have they got History? 5. Are the subjects the same or are they different? Time Day 9.00 10.05 11.10 о p CO 13.50 14.55 15.00 MONDAY History Nature Study Music L English Geography TUESDAY English Sport Maths и Art Nature Study Computing WEDNESDAY Computing Swimming English n Handicraft Maths THURSDAY English Maths Nature Study c Art Sport FRIDAY History Geography Maths h Art Art Ы Sav what subjects vou have on vour timetable. Let Us Read and Learn_______________ '10) Read the dialogue and learn it bv heart. Steve: Hello, Fred! What about your new school? Do you like it? Fred: Oh, yes, I do. It’s very interesting to go to this school, but it isn’t easy. Steve: How many subjects are there on your timetable? Fred: Nine. We have English four times a week. Maths five times a week and we have P. E. and Handicraft twice a week. Steve: And what about Music and Art? Fred: I’ve got Music on Monday once a week, and Art twice a week on Wednesday and Friday. Steve: Oh, we have a different timetable in our school. ® Think of vour own timetable, make up a dialogue about it and act it out with a partner. Let Us Read Read the text to know more about English schools and sav to what schools English children go: 1 when they are 5: 2 when they are 7: 3 when English children finish ITinifl primary school. Рютку SCHOOLS ш еносш II English children have classes five days a week. They have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Classes are usually over at about four o’clock (3.30) and then the pupils go home. They rarely have classes on Saturday and never on Sunday. Saturdays and Sundays are their days off. Schools in England have names, not numbers. They often get named after the place where they are {Green Hill School, Cedar Grove School) or after some famous or important people {St 'Mary’s School). At the age of four or five, primary school children go to infant schools' or infant classes where they spend three years till they are seven. In infant schools they spend much time outdoors. They play different games, run and jump. They sing songs, act and play a lot. Infant pupils learn how to use money in their classroom shop. They look at the pictures in interesting books, draw pictures in pencil and colour ['клЬ] them. They learn how to get on with other children. Their classes are quite^ informal [шТэ:тэ1], but they begin to learn how to read, count and write a little too. When children are seven they go to junior schools,^ where they spend four years till they are eleven. So in England chil- ’ infant ['infant] school — школа для малышей {первая ступень английской начальной школы для детей в возрасте от 4/5 до 7 лет) 2 quite [kwait] — довольно 3 junior ['(feuinia] school — собственно начальная школа (для детей от 7 до и лет) School Life dren spend seven years in primary school. When pupils are eleven or a little older primary school is over. Junior schools are real' schools. The atmosphere ['aetmasfia] is more formal [Тэ:тэ1] in junior classes than in infant classes. Pupils sit in rows2 and follow a regular [Tegjub] timetable.^ Their subjects are: English, Maths, History, Nature Study, Geography, Art, Music. In junior schools Swimming, P.E. and Religion [ri'hd^an] are on the timetable too. But children spend a lot of time outdoors. They visit different museums and other famous and interesting places. Sometimes their teachers take them to London and other big cities. They walk and play a lot. In many primary schools children wear uniforms but in some primary schools they don’t. Agree or disagree. 1. Classes are usually over at three. 2. English children sometimes have classes on Saturday. 3. At the age of 4 children go to infant schools. 4. Children learn how to get on with other pupils at infant school. 5. Infant classes are very formal. 6. Junior schools are real schools. 7. Wlien children are 10 they go to junior schools. Let Us Talk J5 УУВ LJVH Jj^J Lesson 17 Let Us Learn 1 Sav what Sally and Peter did yesterday outdoors. The chart can help you. Peter Sally They met a friend laughed a lot worked hard outdoors. 2 Look at the picture and describe the classroom. Sav what is wrong in the picture. 4 Английский язык. 4 кл Часть I 3 Your granny wants to know: a) when vour classes are over on Monday (Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday): b) what important subjects you learn at school. Tell her about it. 4 Different people are famous for different things: books, films, songs, ■ ■■ ■ Name some of them. Use the following: 1) ... is famous for his/her books. 2) ... is famous for his/her films. 3) ... is famous for his/her dances. 4) ... is famous for his/her songs. 5 Learn how to pronounce and use the пе\л/ words. [qIq] 22. 6 Look at the picture and say where the people and the animals are. T/JB P\ci[^3 Wy Ljv9 J/j 7 Read and guess what it is: 1 a place we live in; 2 a place where we cook food; 3 a place where we take a shower; 4 a place where we wash the dishes; 5 a place where we wash our face and hands; 6 beautiful things that grow in the fields and forests. 8 Look at the picture again (Exercise 6) and describe it. 9 Play a guessing game. Think of a new word. Let vour classmates guess what it is. Example ^ Is it ... ? 10 Try and read the new words. mouse — house kitten — kitchen toy — toilet brother — front brown — flower 11 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself and then aloud as quickly as vou can. [au] house, a house [haus] — houses ['hauziz], a big house, a comfortable house. There are a lot of new houses in our street. What colour is your house? There are four rooms in my country house. [i] kitchen ['kitjin], a kitchen — kitchens, a nice kitchen. There is a little kitchen in the place where I live. Is there any brown bread in the kitchen? How many kitchens have you got? [a:] pass, bathroom [Ъа:0гит], a bathroom — bathrooms, a warm bathroom. There are two bathrooms in their house. What colour are the walls in your bathroom? arm, rather ['га:бэ], rather well, rather famous, rather important. It’s rather difficult to learn it by heart. The text is rather easy. It’s a rather cold day. Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? — Would you like to join us? — Rather. [oi] a boy, toilet ['toilit], a toilet — toilets, a little toilet, a clean toilet. Have you got a toilet in your country house? ['аиэ] our, flower ['flauo], a flower — flowers, a beautiful flower, nice flowers. Where shall I put the flowers? I want to buy some flowers as a birthday present. [л] come, front [frAnt], in front of, in front of the house, in front of the museum, in front of your school. — What is there in front of the teacher’s table? — There’s a blackboard in front of it. There are not many flowers in front of my granny’s house, are there? [ai] find, behind [bfhaind], behind the house, behind the forest, behind the door. Are there any fruit trees behind your school? What is there behind your new house? 12 Look around vou and sav what and who(m) you can see in front of you and behind you. Let Us Read and Learn 13 Listen to the dialogue. [°Iq] 23. Then read and learn it bv heart. Nancy: Do you live near London? Fred: Yes, I do. In a small house. Nancy: Is your house comfortable? Fred: Rather. It’s small but nice with a large kitchen and a bathroom. Nancy: Do you like your house? Fred: Oh, it’s great. It’s not far from London. I like it very much. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in front of my house and there are three old apple trees behind it. Come and see me some day. You are always welcome! Тлв Ws Ljvb Jjj Let Us Read 14 Read and sav why and when the family left for Moscow. //e//o/ My name is Alec, Last year we lived in a small house in the country. There were two rooms in it. The rooms were not very targe. We had a small kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet too. Our house was not very comfortable, it was rather old and not very dean. There were many fruit trees behind the house and there were a tot of flowers in front of it. We liked our house but we wanted to live in town in a comfortable ftad and so in May we left for Moscow. Our flat is not very targe, in fact ifs rather smalt, but t tike it. There are 3 rooms and a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in our new flat. Our flat is dean and comfortable. My room is large and there is a desk and a bookcase in it. rve got a tot of interesting books in it. The walls in my room are yellow and there are beautiful pictures on them. / have a nice brown carpet on the floor, which makes the room comfortable. I've got a colour TV in my big room too. 15 Look through the text (Exercise 14) again. Read the following statements and if vou think they are wrong correct them. 1. The family lived in a large house last year. 2. The family lived in a new house in Moscow. 3. There was not a kitchen and a bathroom in the family’s house. 4. Alec’s room is small. 5. The walls of his room are blue. 6. There are no pictures on the walls. 7. The boy has got a nice yellow carpet on the floor. flat [flaetl — квартира Ш1 0 Let Us Talk 16 Describe: — Alec’s old country house; — his new flat in Moscow; — the place you live in. 17 Choose a partner and have a talk about his/her flat (house). Let Us Write 18 Do Exercise 7 in writing. 19 Complete the questions. 1. We didn’t live in a small house last year, ...? 2. There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in my house, ...? 3. Nick’s house is rather comfortable, ...? 4. They have not got many flowers behind their house, ...? 5. You can’t see a dog in front of the house, ...? 6. There is no river behind my house, ...? 20 Learn how to write the new words. koussy ki+cke»^/ boitk>*oomy »*oitke^»*/ toile+y -[loweHy iKv o-[> be-kindy welcome.. ^!2ome oKvd see me some doy. Lesson 18 Let Us Learn 1 Look at the picture for a moment, then close the book. Name all the things you can remember seeing. 'Глэ Ws Ljvb J/j Х1Э 2 Look at the picture again (Exercise 1) and say what vou can see in front of the house and behind it. Example ^ I can see ... in front of (behind) the house. 3 Pretend vou are a teacher. Let your classmates answer your questions (use the picture of Exercise 1). 4 Use the word rather in the following sentences. _ , _ The book is difficult. — The book is rather dif- Example | 1. The kitchen is large. 2. The carpet is beautiful. 3. The curtains are bright. 4. The toilet is small. 5. The exercises are easy. 6. Many school subjects are difficult. 5 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. i°T°] 24. 6 Choose any room you like and describe it. 7 Listen to the text about Pete’s house. [qX°] 25. and answer the questions. 8 Try and read the new words: all - hall black — back far — car count — shout clock — lock 9 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [u:] room, a living room ['hvir) rum], a bedroom ['bedrumj, a living room — living rooms, a bedroom — bedrooms, a comfortable living room, a small bedroom. We haven’t got a large living room in our house. There is a piano [pi'aenou] in the living room. How many bedrooms are there in your house? [d:] all, hall, a hall — halls, in the hall. 1 left my bag in the hall. What is there in the hall? [ae] bad, back, a back door, to come back, to give back, in the back. Is there a back door in your house? My front door is open, my back door is not. When will she give my book back? We never come back late. My bedroom is at the back of the house. [a:] arm, car [ka:], a car — cars, to go by car. Have you got a car? There are many cars in the street. — Did you walk there or did you go by car? — 1 went there by car. '^hэ Ркюв Wb Ljvb Jjj [au] house, shout, to shout — shouted, to shout at somebody. Who are you shouting at? Why are you shouting? 1 can hear you well. The television is working, somebody is shouting on it. She never shouts in the classroom. Never shout at little children and animals. [i:] tea, key, a key — keys, a small key, a house key, a car key, the keys to my room. — Where are the keys? — They are in the hall. My keys are in my bag, aren’t they? [d] clock, lock, to lock — locked. She always locks the door when she leaves the house. The door is locked, isn’t it? The front door is open, but the back door is locked. 10 This is Nick. He lives in a big house in London. Ask him questions about the place where he lives. Begin your questions like this: Have you got ...? Do you ...? Is there ...? Are there ...? 11 Try to think of some statements. Sav them to vour classmates and ask them to agree or dis-agree. Use these words: lock, key, shout, car, back. Let Us Read and Learn 26. Then read and learn it bv 12 Listen to the dialogue. heart. Anna: Wlio has the keys? Bob: What keys? Anna: My keys. Where are they? Bob: 1 thought you had them. Anna: Oh, no. I gave them to you. Bob: I’m afraid you’re wrong. I don’t have your keys. Anna: Oh, dear, oh, dear! Where can they be? Bob: Anna! Look over there! Here they are! On the table, just under your bag. 13 Think of vour own dialogue, choose a partner and act it out. (р Let Us Read 14 Read the text and sav why Judv shouted. THE KEYS Last summer we went to visit our granny. She’s got a nice, little house in the country. It is very comfortable. There’s a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a hall and a toilet in it. There are many different flowers in front of the house and behind it. There are a lot of fruit trees too. We like to visit our granny but we don’t often go there, as we are very busy. That summer day our granny was out but we had the keys with us. I wanted to have a nice day in the country. We, my little brother John and 1 (my name is Judy, by the way), went to the country by car. When we came and got out of the car, John shouted, “I want to watch TV.” I opened the door, put my bag on a little table in the hall and went back to take the food out of the car. At this moment my favourite dog Rex closed the door and I didn’t know what to do. John was in the house. The front door was locked as was the back door. The windows were closed and I couldn’t get in as the keys were in my bag which was in the hall. I shouted: “John, please, come here! Open the door!” John couldn’t do it because he was only five. “OK, John, then give me the keys through' the letterbox. He did, but they were the car keys and not the house keys. “John,” I shouted. “They are not the house keys. They are the car keys. Give me the house keys, please.” John heard and took the house keys out of the bag. He gave them to me through the letterbox. Then I could open the door. I thanked my brother, gave him the keys and went to the car to get the food. While^ I was at the car John locked the door from the outside and put the keys into the house through the letterbox. How do you like that? ' through [0ru:] — через, сквозь 2 letterbox — зд. отверстие в двери для почты 2 while Iwail] — в то время как; пока... Тлв Pi si D в We Ljve J/j 15 Put five wrong statements to the text and let your classmates correct them. Let Us Talk 16 Arrange the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. 1. The dog closed the front door. 2. Judy’s granny lives in a house in the country. 3. John couldn’t open the door. 4. Judy and John went to the country on a summer day. 5. John gave the house keys through the letterbox. 6. Judy and John don’t often visit their granny. 7. Judy’s brother gave his sister the car keys. 8. John locked the door again. 9. John wanted to watch television. 10. The back door was closed too. 11. Judy went to get the food out of the car. 17 Can you always find vour keys? Where do vou keep them? Are they always in the right place? Think of a small, interesting (funny) story about keys. Tell it to vour classmates. Let Us Write 0 18 Let’s see if vou know the names of the rooms in the flat. Complete the sentences. 1. We cook in the ... . 2. We sleep in the ... . 3. We wash in the ... . 4. We watch TV in the ... . 5. We eat in the ... . 6. We read books in the ... . 7. We take off our overcoats in the ... . 19 Do Exercise 10 in writing. 107 20 Learn how to write these words. liviKi0 >*oom/ kcill/ back (m/ci+ +Ke bcic-k)/ cci»* (to 0o by to skout/ кеу/ look. CT cxYv\ Ok/ deo»^! Look ove.»* tke.»^e.! Lesson 19 Let Us Learn 1 Pete is a boaster and many things he savs are not true. Can you correct him? 1. I have one hundred houses. 2. I go to school by car. 3. There are twenty-five rooms in my house. 4. There are seven bathrooms and four toilets in my house. 5. All members of my family have different cars. 6. I have ten windows in my bedroom. 7. My living room is so large that I can keep my car in it. 2 How many true sentences can you say about the place vou (vour relatives) live in? kitchen, bathroom, hall, toilet, bedroom, living room. 3 Complete these statements. Sav them to vour classmates and ask them to agree or disagree. large I small My mother have comfortable We has a beautiful My relatives warm cold ) Kitchens are usually at the back of the house. Examples § A living room is never at the back of the house. T/JB PhiDB Wb Ljvb J/j 1. ... are usually at the back of the house. 2. ... is never at the back of the house. 3. ... is usually at the back of the house. 4. ... are never at the back of the house. 4 Do you want to know what happened to Robert yesterday? If yes, open the brackets. Robert always (to leave) his keys in the hall but yesterday he (can, cannot) see them anywhere. Robert didn’t (to lock) the door and (to leave) the house. He (to meet) John in the street and (to join) him. He told John about the keys. John (to laugh) a lot and then he (to shout), “Look! Your keys are in your pocket.” 5 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [°Xq] 27. 6 Play a memory game. Look at the picture for a moment, then close the book and name all the rooms and the things you remember Which of you can do it best? 7 Look at the picture again and describe any room you like. 8 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [as] cat, flat, a flat — flats, a rather large flat, a comfortable flat. Is there a kitchen in your flat? I can’t open the front door of my flat as I have no keys. [ii:] room, dining room, sitting room, a dining room — dining rooms, a sitting room — sitting rooms. There is no dining room in my flat. Is there a large table in your dining room? Their sitting room is very comfortable. I’ve got a sitting room and two bedrooms in my flat. [еэ] chair, upstairs, to go upstairs, to come upstairs, to live upstairs. There are two bedrooms upstairs. V^at rooms are there upstairs? downstairs, to go downstairs, to be downstairs. Ann is downstairs in the sitting room. Please go downstairs and phone [faun] the doctor. The toilet is downstairs near the bathroom. [эи] close, sofa, a sofa — sofas, a comfortable sofa, a bright sofa. What colour is the sofa in your sitting room? What is there behind the sofa? The TV is in front of the sofa. [еэ] chair, armchair, an armchair — armchairs, in the armchair. — Are there any armchairs in the hall? — No, there aren’t any. — What colour is the armchair in your living room? — It’s yellow. My old armchair is very comfortable. ['аю] fire, fireplace [Taiapleis] (fire), a fireplace — fireplaces. There is often a fireplace in an English house. We haven’t got a fireplace in our sitting room. There are two armchairs in front of the fireplace. (i^oK, ---------------------------- or Is your bedroom upstairs or is it downstairs? Have you got a red car or a white car? Do you go to school by car or do you walk there? Did you lock the door or did you leave it open? Can Nick count or can’t he? (see part 2, p.l95) ’^hв PhiDB Wb Ljvb J/j 9 Do you want to know anything about your friend’s flat? If yes, complete the questions and talk to him/her. 1. Is your kitchen large or ...? 2. Have you got a fireplace upstairs or ...? 3. Is there a sofa in your bedroom or ...? 4. Do you have dinner in the dining room or ...? 5. Are the armchairs in your flat green or ...? 6. Do you always leave your keys in the right place or ...? 10 Can you ask vour friend some other questions about his/her flat? Let Us Read and Learn 11 Listen to the dialoaue. 28. Then read and learn it bv heart. Kitty: Where do you live? David: Near Hyde Park. Kitty: In a flat or in a house? David: In a flat. Houses are terribly expensive.i Kitty: Wliat’s your flat like? David: It’s small but comfortable and it’s near my school. 12 Think of vour own dialogue. Choose a partner and act it out. Let Us Read 13 Read the text to know what traditional English homes are like. ENOUSH HOMES Many English families live in flats, but a lot of people have got their own2 houses. There are two floors^ in the traditional [trp'dijnsl] English house; the ground floor and ' expensive [ik'spensiv] — дорогой 2 own [эип] — собственный 2 floor [Ad;] — этаж Ш the first floor.! jhe bedrooms and a bathroom (or bathrooms) are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room, the kitchen and a hall are downstairs on the ground floor. The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fireplace in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fire. They read books, watch television, listen to music or sit around and talk. People in England like their homes and often say, “There is no place like home” and “East or West, home is best.” 14 Answer the questions: 1. Do all English people live in flats? 2. How many floors are there in the traditional English house? 3. What rooms are usually upstairs/downstairs? 4. What is the largest room in the traditional English house? 5. What do English people usually do in their sitting room? 6. What do English people think of their homes? Let Us Talk 15 Pretend you are a teacher. Tell vour classmates everything you know about the traditional English home. 16 This is Helen. She is from Great Britain. She would like to know about vour flat, the place you live in. What could vou tell her? ' ground floor — первый этаж дома в Англии; first floor дома второй этаж 11 The PliiDB Wa Ljv9 J/j Let Us Write 17 Copy the words and circle the odd word out.'* 1. desk, armchair, sofa, chair, house, table 2. table, kitchen, hall, bathroom, dining room 3. computer, television, shout, car, picture 4. me, him, us, bus, them, her 5. day, week, sun, month, year, season 6. lock, leave, join, yet, count, learn 18 Write five or six questions on the topic “Mv Flat”. 19 Learn how to write these words. diK\lKi0 у-ооуул^ sit+m0 »*oom/ ups+air^y doWHS+aii^Sy soj-ciy armckoii»*, e.?cpeKvsive V £ Lesson 7 for Home Reading Lesson 20 Let Us Learn 1 Read and sav what it is: 1 a thing we can lock the door with; 2 a place where we can live; 3 a place where we can sit and read before the fire; 4 a thing we usually travel by; 5 a room where we can have dinner; 6 a place to sit by in the armchair and to get warm. ' odd word — зд. слово, отличающееся от остальных слов списка 2 Look at the pictiire and sav what is upstairs (downstairs). Example Щ The hall is downstairs. 3 Do you want to know anything about the places people live in? If so. complete the sentences: 1. You don’t have a flat in Kiev, ...? 2. There is a dining room and a sitting room downstairs, ... 3. You have no fireplace in your flat, ...? 4. You can put the sofa near the window, ...? 5. You will buy two armchairs, ...? 6. You are not going upstairs, ...? 4 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 29. 5 Look at the pictures of the rooms. Sav what kind of rooms they are (they are notL The room is not large, it’s small but comfortable. Example 1 It’s a quiet room 'Глэ Ws Ljvb ]л 6 You are at home (in the living room, in the kitchen chart and make up 5-6 correct sentences. ■ ■■)■ Use the There is/are at ... . on the left . on the right in front of . behind ... . far from ... Ill 7 Look at the pictures and sav what you can see on the walls, on the windows. What kind of things are they? 8 Try and read the new words: love — lovely ball — small fire — quiet sport — corner sit — middle 9 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. girl, a lovely tree, lovely children. It invite me here. What lovely hair you lovely today, isn’t it? What a lovely [л] love, lovely, a lovely . was lovely of you to have! The weather is song! [л] wonder, wonderful, a wonderful place, a wonderful flow- er, wonderful books. Last month we went to London and had a wonderful day there. What wonderful weather we are having today! [з:] bird, furniture [Tamitfa], old furniture, new furniture, comfortable furniture. There is a lot of furniture in the sitting room. There was no furniture in the house. What colour is the furniture in the kitchen? How much is the furniture? Is the furniture expensive? [з:] curtain ['кз:Ш], a curtain — curtains, bright curtains, cur- tains on the windows, to draw the curtains. There are 'fhb PhiDB We Live J;j [э:1 no curtains on the windows in my new flat yet. Mother would like to buy new curtains for our dining room. sport, corner, a corner — corners, in the corner, in the corner of the hall, in the corner of the kitchen. There is a bookcase in the corner of our classroom. We’ve got a TV set in the corner of the room. kitten, middle, in the middle, in the middle of the room, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the summer. There is a lovely carpet in the middle of the hall. sit, mirror, a mirror — mirrors, a magic mirror, a small mirror. — Is there a mirror in the room? — Yes, there is. There are two large mirrors upstairs. What is there behind the mirror? [ij [I] ['aia] fire, quiet, a quiet room, a quiet street, a quiet sea, a quiet evening. They would like to live a quiet life in the country. Be quiet, Ben, stop shouting, please! It is usually quiet in my room. I like to spend a quiet evening at home. 10 Look at the plan of the room and sav what furniture there is in the room and where it is. What kind of room do vou think it is? 117 ( LOOK. REAP, I’m He’s She’s We’re You’re They’re (not) going to going to r Ч. have a holiday. take a shower. swim in the river. visit my granny. come back at 5. read in the sitting room. ^ have a holiday? take a shower? swim in the river? visit my granny? come back at 5? read in the sitting room? (see part 2, p.l93) 11 Answer the questions. 1. Wliere are you going to have breakfast? 2. Where are you going to have lunch? 3. Where are you going to take a shower? 4. Where are you going to watch television? 5. Where are you going to sleep? 12 Look at the pictures and sav what people are going to do. '^hв P\ciDB Ljv3 J/j Let Us Read and Learn 13 Listen to the dialogue, heart. 30. Then read and learn it bv Mum: Let’s have lunch, Pete. Are you hungry? Pete: Yes, I am. Shall I set the table in the kitchen or in the dining room? Mum: Let’s eat in the kitchen. I’m in a hurry. What are you going to have? Pete: Some cold meat and salad, a sandwich ['saenwicfe] and a glass of orange' juice. What are you going to have? Mum: Cold meat, salad, juice... That sounds good. I think I’ll have the same. 14 Think of vour own dialogue. Choose a partner and act it out. Let Us Read 15 Read the text and sav where the bov and his father were last summer. HOUVAYS Ш BRIGHTON Last summer my father and I went to Brighton [Ъгайэп]. Brighton is a lovely place in the South of England. There are a lot of hotels [hau'telz] in Brighton. We lived in a small hotel at 41 High Street, on the fourth floor in a “double”.^ A double is a room with two beds. Our room in the hotel was comfortable and rather large. There was not much furniture in our room. We had a small table, two beds, two chairs and an armchair, a sofa and a TV set in the corner of the room. The table was in the middle of the room. My father’s bed was on the left and my bed was on the right by the window. There was a mirror and two lovely pictures of Brighton on the wall. The curtains on the windows were yellow and they made the room bright and nice indeed. It was rather quiet in the room as it was at the back of the hotel. ' orange I'nrmchl — апельсиновый 2 double I'dAbl] — двухместный номер в гостинице The bathroom was small. There we had a bath, a toilet and a wash basin. 1 We could take a shower in the bathroom, and I usually had one in the afternoon after my swim in the sea. The hotel was on the hill and the view^ was lovely. There were a lot of green trees and beautiful flowers behind the hotel and the sea was in front of it. We came to Brighton by car and spent two wonderful weeks there. We are going to spend our next summer there again. 16 Look through the text (Exercise 15) again and give vour opinion about the following: • if the boy and his father are going to Brighton next summer; • if they are going to live in the same hotel; • if they are going to live in a double room again; • if the boy is going to swim in the river or in the sea. 0 Let Us Talk 17 You have got a new flat. This is the furniture and other things to put in vour living room. Where are you going to out it all? (The words on p. 121 will help vou.i • a wash basin ['beisanj — раковина в ванной (a sink [sipk] — раковина в кухне) 2 view [vju;] — вид 120 Тлэ PlciDB Wa Ljv3 Jjj on the left on the right in the middle in the corner near at on between 18 Describe vour favourite room (Exercise 17 can help you). Let Us Write 19 Write 5 questions using the example. Example ) Are you going to put the bookcase near the sofa or are you going to put it in the corner of the room? 20 Do Exercise 17 in writing. 21 Complete the questions. 1. Do you like bright curtains in the kitchen or 2. Are they going to buy 5 chairs or ...? 3. Did you live in your granny’s house last or ...? 4. Have you got 3 windows in the dining room or 5. Are you going to put the mirror in the hall or summer 22 Learn how to write these words. lovely/y woK\de.K^ul/ 1k\ tke. (of)^ middle./ Ikv +Ke middle (of)/ mi»*i^o>*/ quiet/ to set tf\e table/ to be iK\ a kuf^i^y. TTkat sounds good. CT'II kcive tke. same. Lesson 21 Let Us Learn 1 Think of your flat or vour room. Tell vour classmates what furniture you have, where it is and what colour it is. (The words will help you.) in front of behind in the middle in the corner on the right on the left near by 2 Look around. What colour are the curtains in vour classroom? Is there a mirror on the wall? What other furniture can you see and where is it? 3 Try and think of some statements using the words: lovely, wonderful and quiet. Sav the statements to vour classmates and ask them to agree or disagree with you. 4 Do you want to know where Nick lives? If so. put the sentences in logical order and read the text aloud. ne MSB ts anilii* fattier вПвв cer. {i Пв Штв is small tut Inelif.^ ,tlsaear№"B"- 31. 5 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 6 Sav what vou think these people are going to do. 1. Peter is in the bathroom. The water is running. 2. Alice is in the kitchen. A cup of coffee and a sandwich are on the table. '^hэ Р\сюэ Ws Ljvb J/j 3. Paul is sitting in the armchair. He is opening a book. 4. Anna is in the shop. She likes a large beautiful mirror. 5. John and Jane are wearing tennis clothes and they have their tennis rackets in their hands. 6. Frank is standing near the bookcase with a book in his hand. His other hand is on the bookcase door. 7. Mother is in the kitchen. In the sink there are a lot of cups and glasses which are not clean. The water is running. 8. Some boys and girls are outdoors and one of them has a football. 7 Try and read the new words: cook — cooker park — garden think — sink 8 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] invite, describe [di'skraib], to describe — described, to describe a picture, to describe a film. Please describe what you saw. Words can’t describe it. Can you describe it to me? Shall I describe my flat to you? [o;] warm, wardrobe ['woidraub], a wardrobe — wardrobes, a large wardrobe, an old wardrobe. There are two wardrobes in my parents’ bedroom. I keep my clothes in the wardrobe. As you come into the room you can see a wardrobe on the left. Where is the wardrobe in your room? [e] next, next to, next to my school. Come and sit down next to me. What is there next to your house? My parents’ bedroom is next to my room. [as] man, lamp, a lamp — lamps, a street lamp, a standard lamp, a standard lamp — standard lamps. There is a standard lamp next to the mirror. I’ve got a new standard lamp in the corner of my sitting room. [i] think, sink, a sink — sinks. There is a sink in my kitchen. I always wash cups and glasses in the sink. — Where is your favourite cup? — Sorry, it is in the sink. [a:] park, garden, a garden — gardens. We’ve got a wonderful garden behind our house. There are different plants jn her garden. There is no garden next to the hotel. [d] hot, opposite ['npazit], opposite the house, opposite the hotel. My room is opposite my parents’ bedroom. Our kitchen is opposite the bathroom. There is a river behind our house, just opposite the garden. My school is opposite my house. [u] cook, cooker, a cooker — cookers. In my kitchen the cooker is next to the table. Where is the cooker in your kitchen? What colour is the cooker in your friends’ kitchen? 9 Look at the picture of Main Street and sav: 1 what is opposite the museum/Pete’s house/the Zoo. ...: 2 what is behind the museum/the school: 3 what is next to the shop/the sports around/the stadium. ...; 4 where is the shop/the museum/the park. Peies House Sporis Ground SchooL Shop M/sm SmiEET 124 '^hэ PhiDB Wb Ljvb Jjj Let Us Read and Learn 10 Listen to the dialoaue “New Flat”. 32. Then read and learn it bv heart. Ш HAT Susan: Oh, Alice! I hear you’ve got a new flat! How do you like it? Alice: Oh, I like it a lot. It’s nice. You’ll like it too. Susan: How many rooms are there in your flat? Alice: There are five. We’ve got a sitting room, two bedrooms, my granny’s room and a kitchen. Come and see me some day. Susan: When’s the best time to come? Alice: We’re usually at home after 6. Susan: Are you sure it’s OK to come round 7? Alice: Of course it is. 11 Make UP vour own dialoaue. Choose a partner and act it out. Let Us Read 12 Read Joe’s letter, draw a plan of his house and name all the rooms. A LETTER FROM AFRICA Jamary, 3nf Dear Bob, Thank you for your letter. You ask me to describe my house. Well, / think it's very different from yours. It is a big house, made of stone.^ It has four floors in it and my bedroom is at the top. It's the only room on that floor. / don*t have much furniture in it but / tike it. There is a small wardrobe in the corner of my room where / keep my • made of stone — сделанный из камня clothes. Next to the wardrobe there is a standard lamp and an armchair. / like to sit in the armchair reading books. Under my room there is my parents* bedroom which is next to the living room. We have dinner, supper and tea in the living room and we usually spend a lot of time there. Behw^ there is another floor which has a kitchen and the hall with the front door. On the left as you come into the hall there are some stairs^ which go up to the living room. Below the hall and the kitchen we keep our animals; a horse, a cow and some sheep. My unde and aunt's bedroom is next to the living room on the third floor. There is a small garden behind our house and we've got two big trees in front of the house. There is a targe field opposite our house. Come and see me and my family some day. Best wishes Joe 0 Let Us Talk 13 Joe lives in a big house. Can you describe his house? 14 Tell your friend about the place you live in. The plan can help vou. 1. Do you live in the town or in the country? 2. Do you live in a house or in a flat? 3. What rooms are there in the place where you live? 4. Describe your room. 5. Have you got a kitchen? Is it large? Is it downstairs or upstairs? What furniture have you got in your kitchen? 6. Is your flat/house quiet? Comfortable? Large? Small? Nice? 7. What is there in front of your house, behind and opposite it? 8. Is there a park (a forest, a garden) next to your house? ' below [bi'bul — внизу 2 stairs [steszl — лестница {ступеньки) 1 The Ws Ljvb J/j 15 Choose a partner and talk about the place vou live in. (Exercise 14 can help vou.) Let Us Write 16 Look at the picture and write questions or answers. Example \ — Wliere is the table? — It is next to the bed. 1...... ? It is on the wall. 2....... ? It is on the table. 3 ...... ? It is on the table. 4 ...... ? It’s next to the door. 5 ...... ? It’s under the bed. 6. Where is the chair? 7. Wliere are the clothes? 8. Where are the boots? 9. Where are the books? 10. Where is the carpet? 17 Describe the picture (Exercise 16L Ш 18 Learn how to write these words. to desc»*ibey wciK‘d>‘obey Kve^t +0/ lamp (s+andai^d lamp)y smk/ 0a»*deK\/ opposite/ соокеИ/ to be sui^e. ■How do you like it? CT like it a lot. Wke^\^s -Иле best time to come >*ouK\d? Lesson 22 Let Us Learn 1 Read and guess what it is: 1. a thing where we keep our clothes; 2. a thing that helps us to read when it is dark in the room; 3. things which are usually on the windows and make the room lovely; 4. a thing in the kitchen to cook our food; 5. a thing in the kitchen where we can wash up; 6. a place around or behind (in front of) the house where flowers and fruit trees can grow; 7. a thing that we can see our faces in. Read the sentences and react using: a) / am sure afraid not ... . Ы / am Examples f a) — Will he come tomorrow? — I am sure he will. He wants to talk to you. b) — Nina is eight, isn’t she? — I am afraid not. She is 10. 1. He lives in a quiet place, doesn’t he? 2. There is a fireplace in the corner of his sitting room. 3. They’ve got a new black car. I Тлэ PlclDB Wb Ljvb J/j 4. There is a beautiful garden opposite their house. 5. In my kitchen the cooker is next to the sink. 6. There is a standard lamp near the sofa. 3 Can you remember the place where vou lived last summer? If so. describe it. 4 Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 33. 5 Look at the pictures and name the furniture. 1 iT f 1 О 6 Look at the pictures again and sav where the furniture is. 7 Try and read the new words. under, stand — understand happy — happen big — fridge but — suddenly 8 Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as vou can. [ae] happy, happen, to happen — happened, to happen to somebody. It happened to my cousin last year. — Where did it happen? — It happened to us in the forest. — When will it happen? — It’ll happen next Wednesday, I think. What happened to you yesterday? S Английский язык. 4 кл. Часть 1 1 [л] study, а study — studies. There is no study in my flat. My father’s study is upstairs on the first floor. There are a lot of books in my uncle’s study. There is a lot of furniture in your study. suddenly ['sAdnli]. Suddenly I heard a song. Suddenly Mr Holmes saw a terrible face at the window. It happened so suddenly! cupboard [TAbad], a cupboard — cupboards. Wliere is the cupboard? There are a lot of cups and glasses in the cupboard. — Wliere is the bread? — It is in the cupboard. [i:] leave, believe [bfli:v], to believe — believed. We believe him. I don’t believe you. Why can’t you believe my story? Do you believe that people will live only in towns in future? I believe what he says. [i] big, fridge [fricfe], in the fridge, in front of the fridge. Is there much meat in the fridge? Are there any apples in the fridge? [ae] stand, understand [,And3'stasnd], to understand — understood. She understands English. I understand you well. I can’t understand it. A good teacher must understand children. 9 Sav where and when it happened. It happened ... . athome «.e forest IVec/,, the jtreet ^Sdoy in s - - kitchen 1,1 the garden outdoors lund 'h I9gi AcH at the sports 9^°' h L- uesterday ° fn September house ,ot last 'ЛгееК at scho‘ 10 Think of correct sentences and use the chart to make them up. 130 Tha PhiDB We Ljve \n I He She believe/don’t believe you. We believes/doesn’t believe that man. You understand/don’t understand the story. They understands/doesn’t understand the text. My sister His father Let Us Read and Learn 11 Enjoy your English and sing the song. ГоХо] 34. rmrs A ROOM Ш MV HOUSE There’s a room in a house. It’s a very fine room, It’s a very fine room indeed. (4 times) There’s a bed in a room. In a room in my house, It’s a very fine bed indeed. (4 times) There’s a lamp by the bed. In a room in my house. It’s a very fine lamp indeed. (4 times) There’s a cupboard by the lamp. By the bed in a room in my house. It’s a very fine cupboard indeed. (4 times) There’s a table by the cupboard. By the lamp, by the bed In a room in my house. It’s a very fine table indeed. (4 times) There’s a chair by the table. By the cupboard, by the lamp, By the bed in a room in my house. It’s a very fine chair indeed. (4 times) There’s a person on a chair. By the table, by the cupboard. By the lamp, by the bed In a room in my house. It’s a very fine person indeed. (3 times) 131 There’s а person on a chair By the table, by the cupboard, By the lamp, by the bed In a room in my house. That person on a chair is me. Let Us Read 12 Read the text and sav what happened to Anna Crook last Thursday. /I BURGLARS Ш THE HOUSE It happened last Thursday. Anna Crook who lives at 37 Park Avenue just opposite our house was in her flat. She lives on the second floor in a big block of flats and she can see what goes on in our rooms when the windows are open. That day she was busy in her study writing something when suddenly she looked at our kitchen window and couldn’t believe her eyes. There was a man in our kitchen. He opened the fridge, then he opened the cupboard. He took some food out of the fridge and out of the cupboard and put it in the bag. But the man was not my father, or my elder brother Jim. Mrs Crook thought that the man was a burglar. She called the police [pafliis] and she called my father too. Here is Anna Crook’s talk with the police officer. Anna: Hello, hello, is this the police? Officer: Yes, madam. What’s the matter? Anna: There is a burglar in the house. Officer: Which house? In your house? What’s your address, madam? And your name, please. Anna: Listen, officer. My name is Anna Crook and I don’t live in a house. I live in a block of flats at 37 Park Avenue. There is a burglar in the house which is opposite my flat. It is John Copley’s house. And the burglar is in the kitchen. Officer: What is he doing? Anna: He is taking some food out of the fridge and out of the cupboard and putting something into his bag. burglar fbs'.gb] — грабитель The PJeee We Live \n Officer: Are you sure the man is not Mr Copley? Anna: Of course I am. I know John Copley and the members of his family very well, but I don’t know this man. 13 Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. 1. The burglar puts something into the bag. 2. Mrs Crook thought that the man was a burglar. 3. Mrs Crook lives in a block of flats. 4. Mrs Crook phones [faunz] the police. 5. Mrs Crook looks at the window of Mr Copley’s house. 6. The burglar takes something out of the fridge and out of the cupboard. 7. Mrs Crook gives her address to the police. 8. Mrs Crook is sure the man in the kitchen is not Mr Copley. Let Us Talk ________________________________________ 14 Describe vour friend’s or vour relatives’ flat (house!. 15 Choose a partner and talk about the place he/she lives in. 0 Let Us Write 16 Put in the prepositions at. in. on. 1. I live ... 24 Primrose Street. 2. My mother lives ... a big block of flats ... London. 3. Janet’s flat is ... the ground floor. 4. “Where is the toilet, please?” “... the second floor.” 5. “Is there a doctor near here?” “Yes, ... 17 High Street.” 6. They lived ... America ... 1990. 17 Read the text about Peter’s flat and write about vour friend’s flat. Peter lives downstairs in a flat with a garden. As you can see he lives in a downstairs flat. Open the front door and you are in the hall. On the left there is his living room and on the right is his study. Next to the study there is а kitchen, and next to the kitchen is his bathroom. Peter’s bedroom is opposite the kitchen, and next to his bedroom, just opposite the bathroom is the toilet. 18 Learn how to write these words. to Wappe.y\ (to)y s+Mclyy suddervly^ c.upbocir*d/ +o believe^ •[■i*id0e./ to uy\de.t*siay\d (unde.»*s+ood) Listening Comprehension Cesso/i, 3S Lesson 23 Review 2 C Э 1 Let Us Talk Look at the pictures and “furnish” the rooms of the flat. 04 T/JB PJbbb Wb Ljvb J/j 2 Describe any room of the flat you can see in Exercise 1. Say where the furniture is. The words can help you. on the left behind in front of next to at in the middle on the right near in the corner opposite 3 This is the house where the Smiths live. Look at the pictures and say what they usually do in each room. 4 Make up your own sentences using these words. Let your classmates agree or disagree with you. 5 You are a new pupil at the school and there are a lot of clubs you can join. Which club are you going to join and why, and which club are you not going to join and why? Example ► I’m going to join the Chess 1 like to play chess a lot. Club because The Chess Club. (They play chess.) The History Club. (They study history.) The Book Club. (They read stories and poems.) The Football Club. (They play football.) The Tennis Club. (They play tennis.) The Music Club. (They listen to music and sing songs.) The Dancing Club. (They learn to dance.) 6 Describe the house or the flat you would like to liye in. 7 a) Pete is talking with Nick. He says. “And suddenly I saw a burglar.” Ask Pete questions for more information. b) Imagine you are Pete and tell the class your story. Let Us Read 8 Choose and read aloud as quickly as you can the words on the topics “The Place We Liye in” and “Furniture”. Then see who is the best. house, in front of, bedroom, shout, car, living room, behind, bathroom, kitchen, door, window, bookcase, toilet, lock, hall, key, back, flat, sitting room, upstairs, sofa, rather, expensive, downstairs, lovely, wonderful, in the comer, curtains, mirror, fridge, cooker, understand, wardrobe, quiet, in the middle, opposite, suddenly, cupboard, believe, happen, a study, garden, sink, standard lamp, next to Тлэ P\clDB ^j4b Ljvb J/j 9 Read the text “A Strange^ ‘Burglar’ in Big Mountains”. The story has no end. Who is the burglar? /I STRANGE WRGLAR' Ш BIG MOUNTAINS At the end of November the Jackson family went to Big Mountains by car. Mr and Mrs Jackson and their children Larry and George wanted to spend Thanksgiving there. Soon Father stopped the car. “Here we are!” he said. There was a large house in front of them with a big chim-ney2 at the back. Behind the house on the left, there was a small apple garden and on the right there were big trees. It was so quiet everywhere! When Father gave the children the keys they jumped out of the car, ran to the house to open the door and went in. There was a large sitting room and a kitchen downstairs. The sitting room was lovely. There was a big fireplace in the corner of the room and next to it on the left a large sofa with a standard lamp near it. On the right there was an armchair. There was a beautiful carpet in the middle of the room. The orange curtains made the sitting room look comfortable. The kitchen was small but nice with a fridge and a cupboard at the left wall and a sink and a cooker opposite them. There was a table and four chairs in the kitchen too. The parents began to put the food in the fridge. The boys ran upstairs to the first floor. There were two small bedrooms with beds and wardrobes, a bathroom and a toilet there. Then everyone helped to bring different things from the car. That wasn’t too difficult and soon everything was as they wanted it to be. Then Father said: “It’s such a lovely day. Would you like to go for a long walk into the forest?” “That sounds good,” said everybody and half an hour later they left the house. The family came back much later and Larry shouted, “Our front door is open.” “I saw you close the door, but you didn’t lock it, did you?” Mother said to Father. “No, I didn’t,” the father answered. They came in and went into the kitchen. “The fridge is open,” shouted George. ' strange [streincbl — странный 2 chimney ftfimni] — труба BJ 9 “Oh, yes, it is,” Mother said. “And look there is no fish or fruit in the fridge and there is milk and some eggs on the floor.” “I know what happened. Wliile we were out we had a burglar in the house,” said Mr Jackson. “I’m going to call the police.” Suddenly George shouted, “Look, there are some footprints' outdoors under the window.” Soon the police officer came. He looked at the footprints, looked everywhere in the house and in the garden. He looked under the house too. Then he looked up at the chimney. “Start a fire2 in your fireplace,” said the policeman. “Then come out into the garden and watch your chimney.” Mr Jackson started a fire in the fireplace and everyone went outdoors to watch the chimney. 10 What do you think the end of the story is? Tell it to vour classmates. 11 Now read the real end of the story. Is it different from yours? Suddenly out jumped a little racoon.^ He jumped from the chimney to a tree and was gone. “I can’t believe my eyes,” said Mr Jackson. “Now you know who your burglar was,” said the policeman. Let Us Write 12 Imagine you’ve got a new flat (a house). Describe it in written form. Don’t forget about the furniture. I Lesson 8 for Home Reading ' footprints ffutprmts] — следы 2 fire I'faia] — огонь, start a fire 3 racoon 1гэ'ки;п] — енот — разведите огонь TOWN LIFE. LONDON Lesson 24 Let Us Learn (D Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [qIq] 36. © Look at the pictures and sav what you can see in them. '9' ®IflL and read the new words. ram — main now — town Kitty — city coat — where road — square Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [au] now, town [taun], a town — towns, in town, out of town. There are a lot of small towns in the South of England. My grandmother left town three years ago and now she lives in the country. My grandfather doesn’t live in town. We always spend weekends out of town. [i] sit, city ['siti], a city —cities, one of the biggest cities in the world, the city of London. There are many big cities in England. — Is Moscow a big city? — It certainly is. [еэ] bear, square [skwea], a square — squares. Red Square, a small square, a quiet square. There are two squares in our town. — Are there any squares in your city? — Oh, yes, a lot. We live in Moscow near Red Square. [ei] rain, main [mein], the main idea, the main street of a town. This is the main thing to remember. What is the main square in your city? What’s the rriain idea of the book? [i] big, cinema ["sinamaj, a cinema — cinemas, at the cinema, to be on at the cinema. A cinema is a place where people can watch films. I usually go to the cinema once or twice a month. — Wliat is on at the “Mir” today? — 1 don’t know. The “Mir” cinema is far from my house. [19] near, theatre ['0i9t9j, a theatre — theatres, to go to the theatre. Is there a theatre near here? Do you live far from the theatre? Do you know the Moscow theatres well? — How often do you go to the theatre? — Only once in two months. [3:] sir, church [tjsitjl, a church — churches, in the church, near the church. There were many people in the church when we came. — Is there a church in your town? — Yes, there is. __________Town Ufe. London It is in Main Square. The old church was very beautiful. There are many old churches in this city. [эи] coat, road [raud], a road — roads, a road in the country, a quiet road, to live in Main Road. — Are the roads in your town very good? — I don’t think so. Where is the road to Boston? © Sav where vour friend lives using the words: in the country in a small town in a big city near the main square not far from the cinema opposite the church far from the theatre in front of the market' Let Us Read and Learn © Listen to the dialogue. heart. 37. Then read and learn it bv Andy: Excuse me. Could you help me? Pete: Sure. What do you want? Andy: Wliere is 42 Green Street, please? Pete: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the comer and then turn to the left. Andy: To the corner and then to the left? Pete: That’s right And then walk two blocks to the traffic lights. And you are in Green Street. Andy: Thank you. © Think of your own dialogue. Then role play the dialogue. The words can help vou. 39 Main Street walk one block the zoo turn to the right the shop near here walk 4 blocks the nearest cinema walk 3 blocks the theatre ' market f'maikitl — рынок Let Us Read Read to get some information about London. It’s interesting to know... ... that Bloomsbury ['bluimzbsri] Square is one of the oldest in London. It is more than 300 years old. It is the literary [Oitarsn] part of the city. Many writers and critics ['kritiks] live there. ...that the British Museum is not far from Bloomsbury Square and the Square is famous for the Museum. The British Museum is very old. It was founded^ in 1753. It is in Great Russell Street. The British Museum has a large Reading Room. ...that one of the famous London cinemas is the “Odeon” ['o:di9nl. ...that one of the oldest churches in London is St Paul’s Cathedral. ...that one of the famous London theatres, the Royal Opera ['пргэ] House or Covent Garden, is in the centre of the former^ fruit and vegetable market. ® Read the first part of the sentence in A and find the second part in B. 1. The Royal Opera House 2. The British Museum 3. St Paul’s Cathedral 4. Bloomsbury Square 5. Russell Street В a) was founded in 1753. b) is in the centre of the former fruit and vegetable market. c) is 300 years old. d) is not far from Bloomsbury Square. e) is one of the oldest churches in London. ' founded ['faundidl — основан 2 former [То:тэ| — бывший Tovm Life. London @) Read and sav what Lena’s friends saw ул/ЬНеч they tried to find her house. Lena: Three — one — four — eight — one — five — one. Hello! Boris: Could I speak to Lena, please? Lena: Yes, that’s me. Boris: Oh, Lena. Hi, it’s Boris here. Lena: Boris? Boris who? Boris: Boris Belov. Lena: Oh, hi, Boris! Where are you? Boris: I’m terribly sorry, Lena, but we are lost. Lena: Oh, no. I don’t believe you. Where are you now? Boris: We’re opposite the cinema. Lena: OK, but which cinema? Boris: Let me see. Just a minute. Lena, are you still there? Lena: Yes, yes, I am. Boris: We are near the “Odeon”. Lena: The “Odeon” you say. I see. How did you get there? It’s rather far from my house. Boris: I don’t really know. We left the theatre in Green Street, came to the traffic lights and went up the street. Lena: I think you went wrong at the supermarket ['su:p9,ma:kit]. Did you see the church on the left? Boris: I’m not sure. What shall we do? Lena: Go back to Main Road. You’ll see the church and then the hospital ['hnspitl] on the right. Walk two blocks and you are in High Street. You’ll see the bank [baepk] in the square. Turn to the left, walk 2 or 3 minutes and you’ll see the hotel [hau'tel], and next to it a small museum. My house is opposite that museum. Working in pairs try to imagine that one of you is Boris and the other is Lena. Read the dialogue out loud. Answer the questions. 1. Who is calling Lena? 2. Why is Boris calling? ' while [wail] — в to время как 3. Where is Boris? 4. Is the “Odeon” far from Lena’s house? 5. How did Boris and his friend get to the “Odeon”? 6. Lena’s house is not far from the museum, is it? 7. Does Lena live in a house opposite the museum or opposite the theatre? 8. In what city do you think Lena lives? 0 Let Us Talk 13) Look at the plan and say: 1. What is the quickest way to get to Lena’s house from the Royal Theatre? 2. How did Boris and his friend try to get to Lena’s house from the Royal Theatre? 3. What did Boris do wrong? Phone to vour friend. Invite him to vour flat and explain how to get to the place where you live. 15) Describe the town where you live. (Speak about cinemas, theatres. museums. ..■) Town Life. London Let Us Write Write 5 or 6 sentences about the town (city) which you live in. (Don’t forget to use the new words.) Do Exercise 7 in writing. Think of a place which is not very far from vour house. Draw a plan to get there. Write what is the quickest wav to get there from vour place. '19) Learn how to write these words. towi^y с:Иу/ squai^e.^ tr\a\y\/ c.\y\e.yv\a/ c.ku>*cKy i^ocxci/ Wcxffic. Ii0ktsy +o turn to tke Ie|t (^n0kt)/ to wolk two blocks Lesson 25 Let Us Learn © You are talking to a friend. Ask him/her questions about the places he/she saw. Example ^ When did you go to the Pushkin Museum? 1. When/the Pushkin Museum? 2. When/the “Mir” cinema? 3. When/the Bolshoi Theatre? 4. When/the main square of Moscow? 5. When/the church not far from your house? 6. When/the Children’s Theatre? 7. When/out of town? г ( LOOK, READ. REMEMBERl The Past Indefinite Tense WHEN? yesterday the day before yesterday yesterday morning (afternoon, evening) last last week (month, year, Sunday, last night Friday) a week ago (a month ago, a year ago) in 1993 (see part 2, p. 190) 12) Pretend vou are a teacher. Let vour classmates answer vour aues- tions. (The words and “Look, Read, Remember!” can helo vou.l to buy a ruler and a rubber to see Red Square to live out of town to see a new film to swim in warm water Example f T.: pt T: Pi: Why did you go to London? I went there to hear Big Ben. When did you go there? I went there last year. 1. Why/London? When/there? 2. Why/Moscow? When/there? 3. Why/the Black Sea? When/there? 4. Why/the cinema? When/there? 5. Why/the country? When/there? 6. Why/the shop? When/there? 1 Town Life. London LOOK, READ, REMEMBER! > I II III (V) (V2)' (V3 — Participle 2)2 [d| open — opened — opened clean — cleaned — cleaned [t] wash — washed — washed cook — cooked — cooked fidj visit — visited — visited count — counted — counted ( LOOK,' READ, REMMSI The Present Perfect Tense have/has + Participle 2 © I have opened the window. — Now the window is open. He has locked the door. — Now the door is locked. She has cooked dinner. — Now dinner is ready. We have cleaned the room. — Now the room is clean. You have decorated the hall. — Now the hall is beautiful. They have washed the floors. — Now the floors are clean. (see part 2, pp. 190-191.) ' Vj — форма глагола прошедшего времени 2 Vj — третья форма глагола {Participle 2 — причастие второе) F Look at the pictures and sav what Kate and Boris have doneJ Ask your friend to do something (the words will help you) and let him/her sav what he/she has done. Examples ) P}-. Open the door! P2: I have opened the door. wash up clean your teeth water the flowers visit your granny lock the door clean the carpet wash the floor count the numbers ' what Kate and Boris have done — что Кейт и Борис сделали Town Life. London ( LO^T кЕАРГШЕмШ' The Present Perfect Tense © I haven’t opened the window. He hasn’t locked the door. She hasn’t cooked dinner. Have I opened the window? Has he (she) locked the door? Have you (we, they) cleaned the room? We haven’t cleaned the room. You haven’t decorated the hall. They haven’t washed the floor. © Yes, 1 have. No, I haven’t. Yes, he (she) has. No, he (she) hasn’t. Yes, we (you, they) have. No, we (you, they) haven’t. (see part 2, p. 191) © Look at the pictures and sav what they haven’t done. © Look at the pictures of Exercise 3 and ask questions about Boris and Kate. Let vout friend answer them. Let Us Read and Learn © Listen to the dialogue. [qIq] 38. Then read and learn it bv heart. Alice: Hi, Polly! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Polly: Hi, Alice! I’m fine. And you? Alice: Just fine. Where are you going? Polly: To the cinema. Will you join me? The film starts at 5. Alice: Oh, I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I haven’t seen my granny for ages. I must visit her today. Polly: Oh, sorry. Goodbye then. See you tomorrow! Alice: Bye-bye, Polly! Have fun! ® Think of your own dialogue and act it out. Don’t forget to change over. Let Us Read Read the text and sav what Betsy knows now about London. THfS ts LONDON Betsy likes to read a lot. Her favourite subjects at school are History and Geography. Look! Betsy has just opened her book and is going to read something about London. Would you like to learn something about London? We think it would be interesting for you. You will find some facts [faekts] about London from Betsy’s book and from other lessons too. Here is the first page of Betsy’s book. Read it and say why London is one of the most interesting places in the world. London is the biggest city in Britain. More than seven million ['miljan] people live and work there. London is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business ['biznis] and for tourism [Tuarizm]. In London you can find some of the best theatres, cinemas and museums. There are many beautiful old churches in London too. There are about 10 thousand' streets in London. ' thousand ['Gauzsnd] — тысяча Town Life. London Park Most of the streets are not very wide.* You can see many shops in London. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping centre ['senta]. You can buy clothes, shoes and toys in it. People from all over the world shop in Oxford Street. You can find many old and new beautiful parks in the city. The largest park in London is Hyde Park. It is one of the most popular places for Londoners on hot summer days. There are a lot of other pleasant parks and green squares there too. ^ Find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures. Read the ioke. There are very many cars, trolleybuses [TrolibASiz] and trams in the street. A man is standing just in the middle of the street. He asks the militiaman [miTiJaman]: “What is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital?” The militiaman answers, “If you just stand where you are standing now, you will get there very quickly. This is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital.” ' wide Iwaid] — широкий 1 Let Us Talk Your little sister (or brother) doesn’t know anything about London. Say as much as vou can about it to him/her. (Try and use Lesson 24. Exercise 8. Lesson 25. Exercise 9.) 13) Choose a partner and talk to him/her about Moscow. 14) Sav as much as you can about the town (city) vou live in. 1 9 Let Us Write What Bob savs is not true. So disagree with him and write vour own sentences. I. 1 have watered the trees in my garden. 2. My little brother has washed up. 3. My granny has cleaned the carpet. 4. He has locked his car. 5. My friends have shopped in Oxford Street. Complete the questions. 1. He hasn’t locked the door, ...? 2. They have joined us, ...? 3. She hasn’t finished reading, ...? 4. We have started Text 5, ...? 5. The children have helped their parents, ...? 6. She hasn’t danced a lot, ...? 7. They haven’t laughed, 9 Choose the verb and put in: f/n/sh. wash, lock, clean, help. 1. She has ... reading. 2. They have ... their parents. 3. He has ... the floors. 4. We haven’t ... the door. 5. You haven’t ... your teeth. Disagree. 1. Mother has cooked supper. 2. We have shopped a lot. 3. The children have started to sing. 4. Freddy has danced a lot. 5. They have decorated the New Year tree. Towm Life. Loedloni 1 Lesson 26 Let Us Learn © Who can say more sentences using ...far from the main road? Example ^ The swimming pool is far from the main road. ...not far from the traffic lights? \ Example p My granny’s house is not far from the traffic lights. © Try to think of some statements with the words: main, road, square, church, cinema, theatre, town, far from. Tell them to vour classmates and let them agree or disagree with you. f Pj: Red Square is not far from the Kremlin. Examples P P2. That’s true. Red Square is near the Kremlin. © Play the game and pretend you’ve fulfilled the actions. The examples and the words will help you. Examples Pji Water the flowers! Py. I have watered the flowers. Pf. He (she) has watered the flowers. water decorate start cook open lock clean dance © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. 39. F https://vk.con/school_ipad © Look at the pictures and say what games the children have played. © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] ready, already [oirredi]. I have already cooked dinner. Nick has already played football, now he’s going home. Paul has already finished his homework, now he is not busy. They have already answered your question. [л] but, just [cfeASt]. Nick has just finished playing hockey. They have just started reading “Cinderella”. My cousin has just watered the flowers in our garden. https://vk.con/school_ipad Tomni Ufe. Loinidloni [e] never, ever ['evg]. Have you ever cooked chicken soup? Have you ever dressed your little brother? Have you ever tried on high boots? yet [jet]. Have you done it yet? She has not finished it yet. [I] big, build [bild], to build — built — built, to build a house, to build a road, to build a church. They have already built a new school. The people who came to England many years ago built a new town on the river. building ["bildipj. There are a lot of new buildings in Moscow now. bridge [Ьпф], a bridge — bridges, to build a bridge. They have built a new bridge over the river. Are there any bridges over the Moskva river? What a wonderful bridge! (■LOOJS. АЕАР,.ВЁШ;\Д|а1> I II Ill (V) (V2) (V3) be — was/were — been see — saw — seen read — read [red] — read [red] buy — bought — bought meet — met — met build — built — built Paul has just met his friend. Nelly has already read this book. Have you ever met the Queen? • Has he ever been to London? I haven’t bought the textbook yet. She hasn’t seen Oxford Street yet. We have never been to London. She has never been to Africa. queen lkwi:n] — королева V What Ann says is true. Agree with her. 1. I have never met this man. 2. Pete has just been to America. 3. Polly has already bought a new picture. 4. We have not seen our uncle for ages. 5. You have not read this book yet. 6. They have already built a new bridge. What Bob says is not true. Disagree with him. 1. We have already built two bridges over the river. 2. He has already read the text. 3. She has already brought a lot of food. 4. We have been to South America. 5. She has not met her boss [bnsj yet. 6. We have seen a very interesting film. ® Look at the pictures and ask vour classmates questions. Let them answer vour questions. Example f — Have you ever been to Africa? — Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.) London. , London The Тоуыег от Moscow. London. The Houses of Parliament Ibwn London London. Circus tr^lsboi T^ea.re Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the poem “The Beaches^ of Mexico f'meksiksul”. 40. part I. Read and learn it. m BEACHES Of MEXICO (/IXter Caro/me ffraAam) I Have you ever seen the beaches of Mexico? Have you ever walked the streets of Paris ['paeris]? Have you ever been to England? Have you ever been to Spain [spein]? Have you ever walked barefoot^ In a heavy rain? Let Us Read Read the text and sav what you’ve learnt about the history of London. Betsy has just finished reading the first part of the book about London. It is about its history. Betsy has read some very ' beach [bi:tj] — берег 2 to walk barefoot ['beafut] — ходить босиком г interesting things about London Bridge. She has never been to London but she already knows a lot about it. Here are some facts from London’s history. THE ROMANS^ The Romans went to England many, many years ago. They built a town on the River Thames [temzj. The name of the town was Londinium [Un'diiniom]. The Romans built Londinium near the river. The place for the town was very good. Soon the Romans built a bridge over the River Thames. Londinium got bigger and bigger. The Romans built a lot of roads from Londinium to other parts of Britain. By the year 400, there were fifty thousand people in Londinium. Soon after 400, the Romans left Britain. We do not know very much about Londinium between the years 400 and 1000. The River Thames has always been part of London’s history. In Roman times Londinium was a small town with the Thames in its centre ["senta]. Now London is a very large city ['siti] but the River Thames is still in the centre of London. Until 1749, there was only one bridge over the river: London Bridge. The old London Bridge looked very strange. There were houses and shops on the bridge. In the nineteenth century^ there were already a lot of new bridges in London. Now there are more than twenty bridges over the Thames. ' The Romans I'raumanzl 2 century I'sent/ari] — век римляне https://vk.con/school_ipad Town Life. London 2) True, false or don’t know? 1. There are a lot of bridges over the Thames now. 2. There were a lot of bridges over the Thames in Roman times. 3. The Romans came to England in the nineteenth century. 4. Londinium was a very beautiful town in old times. 5. The Romans built few roads' in England. 6. Londinium is the old name of London. 7. There were a lot of cinemas on London Bridge. Read to get some more information about London. It’s interesting to know... ...that London is in fact two cities: the City of London and the City of Westminster. ...that London stands on the River Thames. There are 27 bridges over the Thames in London and 8 tunnels ['Unlz] under the river. ...that London is 46 kilometres from north to south and 58 kilometres from east to west. ...that London has more than 7 million people and that’s 13% (per cent) of Britain’s population.^ Read the beginning of the sentence in section A and find the end of it in section B. 1. There are in fact 2 cities in London: 2. London stands on 3. There are 27 bridges 4. More than 7 million people 5. There are 8 tunnels 6. London is 46 kilometres 7. London is 58 kilometres В a) the River Thames. b) over the River Thames. c) live in London. d) under the River Thames. e) the City, the City of Westminster. 0 from east to west, g) from north to south. * few roads — мало дорог 2 population [,pDpju'leiJfij — население https://vk.con/school_ipad Let Us Talk Sav what you’ve learnt about the history of London. Imagine that you are a teacher, ask vour class questions about London. The words can helo vou. the Kremlin Red Square the Pushkin Museum the Bolshoi Theatre the Malyi Theatre the Children’s Theatre the Zoo the “Pushkinskii” Cinema the largest church in Moscow 38) Choose a partner and talk about the city (town) you live in. Let Us Write Put in the proper form of the verbs: read, be. build, see, buy, meet. 1. I have never ... to Paris. 2. Nick has already ... the book. 3. We haven’t ... the Tower of London yet. 4. Have they ... their country house yet? 5. You haven’t ... a present yet, have you? 6. She has already ... my cousin. Do Exercises 7. 8 in writing. Learn how to write these words. а1»‘ес1с1у/ jws+y e.ve.i^y y^t> +0 build (built> built)y bulldir\0y bHd0e Town Life. London Lesson 27 Let Us Learn Look at the pictures and sav what the Browns have bought. © Sav where Nick has just been and what he has seen. The words can help you. London Moscow Kiev India Africa © How many correct sentences can you make? Our pupils The children Their cousin His nephew You brought built haven’t seen hasn’t read met bought yet. 6 Английский язык. 4 кл. Часть 1 @ Who can make rtiore sentences using: Have you ever been to ...?. Have you ever read about ...?. Have vou ever seen ...? Let vour classmates answer vour questions. © Put in the following: 1. We have finished reading the book about London (Just). 2. They have been to India (already). 3. He has bought a beautiful carpet (Just). 4. She has lived in New York (never). 5. They have met the President ['prezidont] (never). 6. They have built the bridge over the river (already). 7. You have seen many interesting places (already). Learn how to pronounce and use the new words, [о^о] 41. ( LOOK, READ. REMEMBEfer > -------------------- But: I have already read the book. He has already seen the film. Have you read the book yet? Has he seen the film yet? © Ask vour classmates if they have done it. Use already or vet. Examples You have already bought the flowers, haven’t you? Have you bought the flowers yet? to buy the flowers to see the new film to play the new game © Try and read the new words. to meet their friends to see their cousins rain — afraid lake — wake fur — burn big — rich March — dark bird — dirty Town LIfo. London © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] pen, century ['sentjan], a century — centuries, two centuries ago, last century, in the nineteenth century. People have built many new cities this century. Pushkin lived in the 19th century. The Romans went to England many centuries ago. [л] come, become [Ьт'клт], to become — became — become, to become a teacher, to become a doctor, to become old. I know my sister is going to become a singer. It is becoming late. [ei] rain, afraid [oTreid], to be afraid of smb/smth. I’m not afraid of you. Don’t be afraid of dogs, they are clever animals. Wlio is afraid of going there? I’m afraid we’re late, wake up ['weik 'лр], to wake up — woke up — woken up.— When do you usually wake up? — I usually wake up very late in the morning. My granny woke up early yesterday. Be quiet, Ben, your mother hasn’t woken up yet. [з:] fur, burn [Ьз:п], to burn — burnt — burnt, to burn a cake. The fire is burning. We went to the river and saw a big fire burning there. “My house has burnt! Oh, my!” cried the old woman. dirty ['dartij — dirtier — (the) dirtiest, a dirty street, dirty clothes, dirty glasses, a dirty room. Look at your hands. They are dirty. It’s rather dirty here. I’m afraid. The city became dirtier and dirtier. [ij rich [ritj] — richer — (the) richest, a rich city, a rich country, a rich colour, rich people. My uncle is very rich but he is not a millionaire [ ^milja'nes]. — Is England a rich country? — 1 think it is. [a:] dark — darker — (the) darkest, a dark night, in the dark sky, dark green, a dark brown dress. — It is getting dark, isn’t it? — It has already become dark. It was dark in the room. The Present Perfect Tense already I have already done it. never He has never been to London. ever Have you ever been there? yet Have they read it yet? We haven’t written the test yet. just She has just cleaned the room. (see part 2, pp. 191-192) LOOK. REAg; ШЛЁАА8Ш11 > --------- become — became — become come — came — come burn — burnt — burnt wake up — woke up — woken up He has become a good pupil. Nelly has already come. He hasn’t burnt his diary. Have you woken up yet? [10) Read and compare. Past Indefinite I saw my aunt 3 days ago. They woke up late last Sunday. yNt didn’t see any dirty streets in our town (when we were there). Was he afraid of dogs when he was small? My cousin became a driver last month. Did the famous house burn down last century? Present Perfect I’ve already seen my aunt. She is fine. They have just woken up. We have never seen dirty streets in our city. Has he ever been afraid of dogs? My cousin has become a driver. Has the famous house burnt down yet? Town Life. London Let Us Read and Learn Listen to the ooem “The Beaches of Mexico”. -BS- 42. part II. Read and learn it. THE BEACHES OF MEXICO (After Caroline Graham) II Have you ever been in trouble?' Have you ever been in pain?^ Have you ever been in love? Would you like to do it all again? Read the text and name the parts. Here are some more facts about the history of London. Jane has read about them in her book. I At the beginning of the 11th century England Avas already a great country and London was a very important city. In 1066 William the Conqueror^ and his people went to England from Normandy ['noimondi] in France [frams]. William the Conqueror became King^ of England. The King lived in London. Many of his people lived in London too. But William was afraid of the English, of the people of London and he built the White Tower^ to live in it. Now it is one of the most important and beautiful buildings of the Tower of London. As it is very famous, a lot of people visit it every year. All Kings and Queens of England have lived in London. It became the biggest city in England. By 1600 there were more than two hundred thousand (200 000) people in London. ' in trouble [ТглЫ1 — в беде 2 pain [pein] — боль 3 conqueror ['коркэгэ] — завоеватель; William the Conqueror — Вильгельм Завоеватель ^ king [kip] — король 5 tower I'taua] — башня 11 In those days people usually built houses of wood, and they often were near one another. Sometimes there were fires in the city, but they were usually very small. Then came 1666, the year of the Great Fire of London. On Saturday, 2nd September 1666 there was a strong wind from the river and a big fire began. It started in the house of the king’s baker,' near London Bridge. The baker’s wife woke up in the middle of the night because the house was on fire. Soon the next house started burning and then the next and the next... The fire burnt until Thursday. Many houses in London were burnt. The fire burnt for four days and destroyed^ 80% of the city. More than 250 thousand people didn’t have home any more. After the Great Fire people built a new city. The city became larger and larger. By 1830 there were more than one and a half million ['miljan] people in London. The railways^ ' baker ['beikal — булочник 2 destroy fdi'stroil — разрушать 2 railway freilweil — железная дорога Town Life. London came and London became richer and richer, but it didn’t become nicer. The city became dark and dirty and people lived in bad houses. There are still some poor people in London today, but life is better now as there are many new houses and flats. The city is also much cleaner. ^ Find the answers to the following questions in the text and read them aloud. 1. Wlien did England become a great country? 2. Where did William the Conqueror come from? 3. Where did William the Conqueror live when he was King? 4. What is the White Tower? 5. How many people lived in London by 1600? 6. Where and when did the Great Fire of London start? 7. What is life like in London today? 14) Read the sentences to illustrate the pictures (Exercise 12). 1 0 Let Us Talk Say what you’ve learnt about William the Conqueror. Describe the Great Fire. Choose a partner and talk with him/her about the history of England. (Lessons 25. 26. 27 can help you.) Let Us Write Here is a part of the text about the Fire of London. Find the things which are wrong, then correct them and copy out the text. Ткл^ FLre, of 1лгууЛоу\^ o'Lci..' cbby (г^ duL,rbeJi cl- l-crv\^AjT\^ B>vbA^e^. TU^ i^re-ojbL^e^ ucls dcL-^^ ■Ы'^ежЕ- игежЕ- ■^гдлГ ^ loO-K^e.^ 1лгеже- TLe. -fbrz^ ^ha^rbexL (Twvx яжлжзЬ ur London England St Paul’s Cathedral Sir Christopher Wren Trafalgar Square Admiral Nelson the the City the Tower of London William the Conqueror the National Gallery Choose and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures (Exercise 13). True, false or don’t know? 1. London is the capital of Scotland. 2. The heart of London is the City. 3. A lot of people live in the City. 4. William the Conqueror built the Tower of London in the tenth century. 5. St Paul’s Cathedral is very far from the Tower. 6. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century. 7. Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London. 8. The National Gallery of London is well-known all over the world. Let Us Talk Look at the pictures (Exercise 91 and sav what you can see in them. Sav a few words about each picture. Town Life. London Choose a partner and talk to him/her about London (its places of interest). Your friend from another country wants to visit some places of interest in Moscow. What would you advise him/her to visit? Let Us Write 1^ Choose the right form of the verb and write down the sentences. 1. We already (were, have been) to London. 2. We (were, have been) in London 5 years ago. 3. They (didn't see, haven't seen) the Tsar Bell when they were in Moscow. 4. They (didn't see, haven't seen) the Tsar Bell yet. Write sentences, using the words: capital, tower, tall, monument, bell. Write 5 or 6 sentences about the places of interest in vour town/citv. Learn how to write these words. Lesson 29 1 Let Us Learn Choose a partner and talk to him/her. Ask each other about the capitals of different countries. Answer the questions. Example \ Pj: What’s the capital of Belorussia? P2. Minsk is. Countries: Belorussia England India the USA Russia Ukraine Capitals: Minsk Washington Kiev Moscow London Delhi © Look at the pictures and sav where the monument is til ^1. https://vk.com/school_ipad Town Lifo. London Read the beginning of the sentence in section A and find its end in section B. 1. The Tower of London is the 2. Trafalgar Square is a ... 3. The National Gallery is the ... 4. The country road along the river is a wonderful ... 5. My small kitchen is a nice ... В a) place to see in London. b) place to have breakfast. c) place to walk. d) place to visit. e) place to have demonstrations. Look at the words to make up phrases with them and use them in your own sentences. a) square table (carpet, window, book, box...) b) tall tower (boy, tree, man, girl...) © Learn how to pronounce and use the new words. [qXq] 45. ( LOOK, READ, REMEMBE^1"> -------------------- go — went — gone get — got — got know — knew — known hear — heard — heard do — did — done lead — led — led Where has he gone? What has he gone to see? What have you got this morning? What presents has Ann got? Have you known these pupils long? Have you ever heard it? 1 haven’t heard it yet. What have they done? Wliere has the road led? https://vk.com/school_ipad г © Look at the pictures and sav what Nick has gone to see (where he has ooneL Example ^ Nick has gone to see the Tower of London. The Tower Mgfj '22^1 Gallen, Buckingha»^ PauPs ec/raf Hyde Park Trafalgar Square Town Lifo, London © Read the words and sav what presents Ann has got. Example ^ Ann has got a ticket to the theatre. a ticket to the theatre a doll pens and pencils a ticket to the cinema a picture a rubber a ruler © Try and read the new words: hide — wide green — queen lip — trip read — lead thing — king around — sound © Learn how to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ai] hide, wide, wide — wider — (the) widest, a wide street, a wide square, a wide road, a wide bed. The road is wide, isn’t it? The Volga is a wide river. Which is the widest river in the world? [i] big, trip, a trip — trips, a short trip, a wonderful trip, a trip to London, a business trip. We have been to many places of interest during our trip. That was a short trip but we could see a lot. Would you like to join our trip to Paris? [i:] read, lead, to lead — led — led, to lead to the bridge, to lead to the tower. Where does this wide street lead? Tverskaya Street leads to Manezhnaya Square. [au] out, sound, a sound — sounds, a quiet sound, sweet sounds, the sound of the bell. I heard the sounds of my favourite song. [a:] park, architect, an architect — architects, a famous architect. Sir Christopher Wren was a famous English architect. Who is the architect of St Paul’s Cathedral? Vasily Bazhenov, the famous Russian architect, lived in the 18th century. г [113] thing, king, a king — kings, the king of a country, the king’s word. Once upon a time there lived a king. Henry the Eighth was the King of England in the sixteenth century. [i:] been, queen, a queen — queens, the Queen of England. We often read about queens in fairy tales. Have you ever seen a queen? I LOOK, READ, R£MEMBER1 © © © It takes me 5 minutes to do it. It will take Boris 2 hours* to get there. It took us a month to translate it last year. It has taken them 2 years to build a house. It doesn’t take him long to cook soup. It won’t take you much time to finish it. It didn’t take you long to get there. It hasn’t taken me much time to read this poem. Does it take you long to read the book? Will it take you an hour or more to get to Red Square? How long did it take them to do the test last week? How long has it taken him to become a doctor? Let Us Read and Learn 10) Enjoy vour English and sing the song “London’s Burning”. /3 lONDON'S BURNING London’s burning, London’s burning. Fetch the engines.2 Fetch the engines. Fire, fire! Fire, fire! Pour^ on water, pour on water. ‘ hour ['аиэ] — час 2 fetch [fetfl the engines ['encfeinzl — зд. вызывать пожарные машины 2 pour Ipo:] — лить (воду) https://vk.com/school_ipad Town Life. London Listen to the dialogue. 47. Then read and learn it bv heart. A: Excuse me. B: Yes? A: Is there a post office near here? B: Yes, there is. A: How can I get there? B: You can walk. First right, second left. It’ll take you about ten minutes to get there. A: Thank you. B: That’s all right. Think of your own dialogue. Act it out. Don’t forget to change over. Let Us Read Read the text and say what Westminster is and what places of interest vou can find there. The political centre of London is Westminster. It is that part of London where there are a lot of offices ["nfrsiz]. If you go down Whitehall from Trafalgar Square on the right you will see a small street where the British Prime Minister [,praim "mimsta] lives. He lives at number 10 Downing [ "daunir)] Street. Whitehall is a wide street leading to Parliament ['pabmontj Square. This square is very large. On the left you can see a long grey building with towers which is the Houses of Parliament. The large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin ['bendsamm] Hall. He was a tall man, whose nickname' was Big Ben. So people know the clock as Big Ben. ' nickname ['nikneim] — прозвище https://vk.con/schooi_lpad hup: kurokam П1 Oowning ^•9 Ben Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace The Thames [temz] is behind the Houses of Parliament and the bridge across it is Westminster Bridge. On the other side* of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey.2 It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. It is very old too. It is more than nine hundred years old. There are so many monuments and statues ['staetjuiz] there. Many English kings and queens are buried^ there. Westminster Abbey is famous for its Poets’ Comer too. Many great writers are buried there: for example Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling. The Abbey with its two tall towers is really wonderful. ' side [said] — сторона 2 abbey I'aebi] — аббатство 2 are buried ['bend] — похоронены Town Ше» Londloni The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it which is the Queen Victoria Memorial [тэ'тэ:пэ1]. It takes people ten to twenty minutes to get from Buckingham Palace to Trafalgar Square, in the centre of London. There are so many other places to see and visit in London, but you can’t do all during one short trip. ( LOOK,.READ. REMEMBER! Westminster Whitehall Trafalgar Square Downing Street Big Ben Parliament Square Westminster Bridge Westminster Abbey Poets’ Corner Buckingham Palace the the Houses of Parliament the Thames the Queen Victoria Memorial Find the sentences to illustrate the pictures (Exercise 13) and read them aloud. Answer the questions. 1. What is the political centre of London? 2. How can you get from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square? 3. Where does the British Prime Minister live? 4. What is Wliitehall? 5. What is Big Ben? 6. What bridge is near the Houses of Parliament? 7. Where is Westminster Abbey? How old is it? What is it famous for? 8. Where does the Queen of England live? 9. What monument is in front of Buckingham Palace? Iitlp; kurokam.rii 0 Divide the text into four logical parts and name them. It will be a plan for you to retell the text. Let Us Talk 7) Choose 3 or 4 places of interest and say v\/hat vou can about them: 1. Wliitehall; 2, number 10 Downing Street; 3. Parliament Square; 4. the Houses of Parliament; 5. Trafalgar Square; 6. Westminster Abbey; 7. the Tower of London; 8. St Paul’s Cathedral; 9. Buckingham Palace. ;18) Retell the text “Westminster”. The plan of Exercise 16 can help you. Let Us Write 19j Write how Iona it takes vou to get to these places from vour house. Example \ It takes me an hour to get to school from my house. I) school, 2) the nearest cinema, 3) the nearest theatre, 4) the main square, 5) the nearest church, 6) the nearest bridge Write 5 or 6 sentences about what vou have done this week. Learn how to write these words. к1к\9у с\и&е.у\/ souk\d/ wide./ to lead (led/ led) Ustenmg Comprehension Lesson, ^8 Lesson 30 Review 3 Let Us Talk © Play a memory game. Look at each picture for a moment, then close the book, name all the places you remember. 0 г © Your friend has never been to London, he/she hasn’t read anything about London. Tell him/her all you know about the places in the pictures of Exercise 1. ® What Allan savs is not true and David corrects him. Sav it for David. Allan: People from France came to England and built the town of Londinium near the River Thames. David: ...... Allan: In Roman times Londinium was a big city. David: ...... Allan: There were many bridges in London at the beginning of the 11th century. David: ...... Allan: There were no houses and shops on London Bridge in the 18th century. David: ...... Allan: The Fire of London began on the 2nd of September Mil. David: ...... Allan: The Fire of London burnt for 10 days and destroyed 80% of the city. David: ...... Give Mary’s answers to Ann’s questions. 1. When did William the Conqueror come to London? 2. Where did William the Conqueror come from? 3. Why did he build the White Tower? 4. What was the Tower of London? 5. What are the greatest English churches? © Now imagine that one of you is Mary and the other is Ann. Act out the conversation. Change over. © Think of five more questions which Ann could ask. © You are going on a trip to London. Interview your friend who has just come from London. Ask him/her what places are interesting to visit there. Which of these adjectives describe vour home/town best? Say why. quiet, busy, dirty, clean, beautiful, famous, interesting, old, young Let Us Read © Choose and read aloud as quickly as you can the words on the topic “Town Life. London”. Who is the best? sound, tall, dark, burn, square, already, bridge, theatre, dirty, wide, monument, just, capital, road, church, lead, cinema, rich, ever, become, queen, architect, tower, bell, traffic lights, main, town, city, build, wake up, century ^ Read the text “True Magician”^ and sav why Rosie and the young man left the kino and the queen. rm mGiciAN Once upon a time there lived a King and a Queen. They had a beautiful daughter, called Rosie. The King and the Queen lived in a wonderful palace in the main square of the city. magician [тэ'ффп} — волшебник There was a tall square tower not far from the palace where Rosie’s rooms were. The Tower was next to Tower Bridge. A wide road led from it to the palace. Rosie often went to the Tower. She opened a small door at the back of the Tower with the gold key and went in. She liked to spend evenings there. There in the corner of the dark hall a fire always burnt and above it there was a large bell. There was little furniture there. Rosie was never afraid to come to the hall and listen to the sound of the bell. But the Queen didn’t like it and always described the tower as old and dirty. The Queen didn’t like the fire, the bell or the hall, but she could do nothing about it. Rosie spent many quiet hours there. When Rosie became 18 it was time for her to have a husband and family. With red-gold hair and sea-green eyes Rosie was the most beautiful girl in the country. “We have never seen anyone so beautiful. She has become a real rose,” people said. The Queen knew it was not easy to marry her daughter. It so happened that the Queen’s daughter could marry only a magician. That was the rule.^ “It’s the most terrible thing I have ever heard of,” said Rosie. One night sitting in her room in the tower hall Rosie looked in the mirror and saw a lovely young face in it. It was a young man’s face. “I have never met this man,” thought Rosie, “yet I think I know him.” On the last day of the last month of the year many magicians came to the palace. They wanted to become Rosie’s hus- band, but Rosie didn’t like any of them. Suddenly a young man came in. Rosie looked at him and couldn’t believe her eyes. He was the very young man from ' rule [ru:l] — правило the mirror. As their eyes met Rosie understood that she loved the man and her heart was his. Looking at the man the Queen asked, “You are not a magician, are you?” “No, I’m not. But I love your daughter. Let me speak of my love.” As he spoke, people in the palace could see flowers and stars, they could hear sweet music too. Rosie got up from her throne [0гэип]. “This is my future husband,” she said. “No, he is not,” said the Queen. “Go to the Tower and stay there,” the Queen commanded. “And you leave us!” she shouted to the young man. Both Rosie and the young man left the palace. But Rosie didn’t go to the Tower. She went to Tower Bridge where she met the young man and they both left the country, the palace and the Tower. They took the road leading to their happiness. Answer the following questions. 1. Where and when did the King and the Queen live? 2. What can you say about their daughter? 3. Where was the Tower? 4. Why did Rosie like to spend evenings by the fire in the Tower? 5. Where did Rosie see the young man’s face? 6. Why did the Queen send the young man out of the palace? Let Us Write Write a story about the places vou have been to this month and the things you’ve done. The words can help you. You mav use other verbs too. go see read buy come visit be learn meet become take keep Lesson 9 for Home Reading -Russian Л. Англо-русский словарь adj — adjective — прилагательное adv — adverb — наречие con] — conjunction — союз interj — interjection — междометие n — noun — существительное Aa a (an) [э]; [эп] артикль abbey ['aebi] аббатство about [o'baut] о according*' [s'koidip] согласно, соответственно across* [a'kiDs] через act out* ['aekt 'aot] разыграть no ролям action* ['aekjnj действие activity* [ak'tivsti] деятельность, активность actor I'aekto] актер address [a'dres] адрес admiral* ['asdmaral] адмирал advice SP [sd'vais] n совет to ask for advice просить совета to follow the advice следовать совету to take advice воспользоваться советом It is good advice. Это хороший совет. пит — numeral — числительное prep — preposition — предлог pron — pronoun — местоимение V — verb — глагол advise 51 [sd'vaiz] v советовать afraid 27 [a'freid] испуганный to be afraid of smb/smth бояться кого-то/чего-то Africa ['aefrika] Африка afternoon [,o:ft3'nu:n] полдень, время после полудня in the afternoon днем again* [э'деп] снова against 55 [a'genst] против to be against smth быть против чего-то age [eicfe] возраст air [еэ] воздух airport 32 ['eapoit] аэропорт Alaska [a'lseska] Аляска all [o:l] весь, все all day long целый день alone [э'1эип] один along 46 [эМор] вдоль aloud* [o'laud] вслух alphabet* ['aelfbbet] алфавит already 26 [о:Г redi] уже also 40 f'orlsao] также, тоже always |'o:lw3z] всегда America [э'тепкэ] Америка ' Слова, отмеченные звездочкой (*), не входят в лексический минимум 4 класса. 2 Цифра, стоящая после слова, обозначает номер урока, где слово встречается впервые. 7 Английский язык. 4 кл. Часть 1 Central America Центральная Америка North America Северная Америка South America Южная Америка American 44 [э'тепкэп] американский and [send] и animal ['senimol] животное announcer* [o'naunsa] диктор another [э'плдэ] другой answer ['ainsoj n ответ; v отвечать Antarctica [sen'tarktiks] Антарктика antonym* ['aentounim] антоним any ['em] какой-нибудь anybody ['enibodi] кто-нибудь anything ['eni9ioj что-нибудь apartment* [a'padmantj квартира (амер.) appear 44 [э'рю] появляться appetite* ['aepitaitj аппетит applause* [э'рЬ:г| аплодисменты apple ['aepl] яблоко April ['eipralj апрель architect 29 ['a:kitekt] архитектор (the) Arctic Ocean [(di) ,a;ktik 'эи/п] Северный Ледовитый океан arm [a:m] рука {от ладони до плеча) armchair ['a:mtje3] кресло army 55 ['a:mi] армия to be in the army служить в армии to go into the army пойти в армию to join the army пойти в армию around [a'raund] вокруг arrange* [э'гешф] располагать arrive at (in) 34 [o'raivj прибывать в art(s) II |a;t(s)] искусство as [aez, sz] потому что, в то время как Asia I'eija] Азия ask 48 [a:sk] спрашивать, просить, приглашать to ask for smth просить что-то at [aet] у, около at first сначала attack* [a'tsek] атаковать, нападать attentively* [o'tentivli] внимательно audience 38 I'Didisns] аудитория, зрители August f'o;g9st] август aunt [a:nt] тетя automobile* ['odamabi:!] автомобиль autumn ['aitamj осень kurokam Ш Bb baby ['beibij ребенок до года, младенец back 18 [baek] n задняя часть чего-то; adv сзади, назад to be in the back располагаться в задней части bacon ['beikanj бекон bad (worse, the worst) fbaed] ([w3:s, 6a 'w3:stj) плохой (хуже, самый плохой) badge 37 [bascfe] значок badminton ['bsedmintanj бадминтон bag [bseg] сумка, портфель balance* ['baelansj баланс, пропорция balcony* I'baelkani] балкон ball [bail] мяч ballet I'baelei] балет (the) Baltic Sea ](6a) ,bo:ltik 'si:| Балтийское море bank 53 [baegk] берег (реки, озера) baseball* ['beisbailj бейсбол basketball ['ba:skitba:l] баскетбол bathroom 17 ['ba:0romj ванная battle 55 ['baetl] битва, сражение be (am, is, are) [bi:j быть, находиться to be able to 48 быть в состоянии делать to be going to 20 собираться to be lost 24 потеряться to be on at the cinema 24 идти в кино What’s on at the “Pushkinskii”? Что идет в «Пушкинском»? What’s on TV? Что по телевизору? bear |Ьеэ] медведь because [bi'koz] потому что become 27 [bi'kAm] становиться bed [bed] кровать to go to bed ложиться спать bedroom 18 ['bedrumj спальня before [bi'fo:] до, перед begin* [bi'gin] начинать beginning* [bi'ginip] начало behind 17 [bi'haind] за, сзади believe 22 [bi'lkv] верить, полагать 1 can’t believe my eyes! He могу поверить своим глазам! bell 28 [bel] колокол, звонок below* [bi'lau] внизу, ниже besides 39 [bi'saidz] кроме того (the) best [(дэ) best] самый лучший better ['beta] лучше, лучший between 53 [bi'twiin] между (the) Bible* [(дэ) 'baibl] Библия big [big] большой birch 53 [b3;tj] береза bird [b3:d] птица birthday ['b3:0dei] день рождения Happy birthday to ...! C днем рождения ...! black ]Ь1зек] черный black-and-white (film) [,blaek and 'wait] черно-белый (фильм) blackboard 12 ['blaekbaid] школьная доска block [blnkl квартал to walk two blocks 24 пройти два квартала blouse [blauz] блузка blue [blu;] голубой, синий boaster* ['bausta] хвастун body ['br)di] тело book [buk] книга bookcase 12 ['bukkeis] книжный шкаф boot [bu:t] ботинок boring 41 ['ba:rir)] скучный born 40 [ba:n] рожденный to be born родиться boss [bns] босс, начальник box [boks] коробка, ящик boy [bai] мальчик bracket* ['braekit] скобка given in the brackets данные в скобках brave 53 [breiv] храбрый bravery 53 ['breivari] храбрость bread [bred] хлеб breakfast ['brekfast] завтрак to have for breakfast на завтрак bridge 21 [Ьпф] мост bright [brait] яркий bring [brig] приносить bronze* [bronz] бронзовый brother ['Ьглбэ] брат brown [braun] коричневый brush up* ['brAj 'ap] освежать в памяти build 26 [bild] строить builder 26 ['bilda] строитель building 26 ['bildig] здание burglar ['Ьз:д1э] вор, грабитель burn 27 [Ьз;п] гореть bus 31 [bAs] автобус by bus автобусом number 7 bus автобус номер 7 bus stop 31 ['bAS stop] автобусная остановка at the bus stop на остановке автобуса business ['biznis] дело, занятие business class первый класс (в самолете) busy ['bizi] 1) занятой; 2) оживленный but [Ьл1] но butter ['Ьл1э] масло (сливочное) buy [bai] покупать by [bai] у, около by heart* наизусть by the way 13 между прочим bye (bye-bye) [bai] (['bai'bai]) пока Cc California* [,kaeli'forma] Калифорния call [ko:l] 1) звать; 2) звонить (no телефону) сап (could) [kaen] ([kud]) мочь, могу Could 1 have ...? He мог бы я ...? Canada ['kaenodo] Канада canal* [ko'nael] канал candy* ['kaendi] конфета (амер.) cap [кжр] кепка, шапка capital 28 ['kaepitl] столица Capitol* ['kaepitl] Капитолий car 18 [ka:] машина by car машиной care 39 [keo] забота to take care of smb/smth заботиться о ком-то/о чем-то carpet 14 ]'ka:pit] ковер carrot (carrots) ['kaerot] морковка (морковь) cartoon 39 [ka:'tu:n] мультфильм (the) Caspian Sea* [(бэ) ,kaespion 'si:] Каспийское море catch [kaetf] поймать, схватить to catch a plane (train) успеть на самолет (поезд) category* ['каеГэдэп] категория celebrate ['selibreit] праздновать celebration 37 [,seli'breijn] празднование cent* [sent] цент central* ['sentrol] центральный centre* ['sento] центр century 27 ['sentfsri] век ceremony* ['senmoni] церемония certain* ['s3:tn] определенный, некоторый certainly ['s3:tnli] конечно champion ['tfaempian] чемпион change [tjeinclj] 1) менять; 2) делать пересадку Where do we change? Где мы пересаживаемся? to change over поменяться ролями character* ['kaerokto] герой (книги, фильма) chart* [tfa:t] таблица cheap [tfirp] дешевый check* [tfek] проверять Chicago* [jrка:дэи] Чикаго child (children) [tjaild] (['tfildrsn]) ребенок (дети) chimney* ['tfimni] труба China* ['tfaina] Китай choose* [tfu:z] выбирать Christian* ['knstion] христианин Christmas ['knsmss] Рождество chronicle* ['kronikal] летопись church 24 [tf3:tn церковь cinema 24 ['sinsmo] 1) кино; 2) кинотеатр cinema-goer 39 ['sinamo'gsua] любитель кино circle* ['s3:kl] обводить кругом city 24 ['siti] большой город class 10 [kla:s] класс after classes после занятий before classes до занятий in class в классе business class 34 ['biznis kla:s] первый класс (о билете на самолет) tourist class 34 ['tuonst kla:s] второй класс (о билете на самолет) classroom ['klarsrum] классная комната, класс clean [kli:n] adj чистый; v чистить, убирать clever ['kleva] умный close [kbuzl закрывать clothes [kloudz] одежда club* [к!лЬ] клуб coat [кэш] пальто, пиджак coffee ['kofi] кофе coin 37 [кэш] монета cold [kauldj холодный collect 37 [ko'lektj собирать, коллекционировать collection 37 [ko'lekjn] коллекция collector 37 [ka'lekta] коллекционер colonist ['kolonist] колонист, житель колонии colony ['kolanij колония colour ]'кл1э] цвет colour film ]'кл1э 'film] цветной фильм coloured ]'кл1эс1] раскрашенный colourful 45 ]'кл1эГи1] красочный, яркий column* ]'ко1эт| колонка combination* [ДотЬг'пефп] сочетание, комбинация соте [клт] приходить Соте and see me some day. 17 Заходи ко мне как-нибудь, to come back возвращаться to come from 1) быть родом; 2) приходить из/с to come home приходить домой comedy* ['komodij комедия comfortable 10 ['клтГэГэЫ] удобный compare* [кэт'реэ] сравнивать complaint* [kam'pleint] жалоба complete* [кэт'рИт] заканчивать compose* [kam'pauz] сочинять, составлять compound* [kam'paimd] сложное слово computer [kom'pjuito] компьютер concert ['konsat) концерт conference* ['konfarans] конференция continent ['kontmantj континент continental [,konti'nentl] относящийся к материку conversation* [,konva'seiJn] беседа cooker 21 ['кика] плита copy out* ['kopi 'aot] списывать, переписывать corner 20 ]'ka:na] угол in the corner в углу correct* [ka'rekt] правильный correctly* [ka'rektli] правильно corresponding* [,kDn'spondir)] соответствующий cosmonaut ['kozmanait] космонавт count 13 [kaunt] считать cowboy ['kauboij ковбой create 40 [krii'eit] создавать critic ['kntikj критик criticize* ['kritisaiz] критиковать crocodile 3 ['krokadailj крокодил crossword* ['krosw3:d] кроссворд cry 32 [krai] 1) плакать; 2) кричать to cry for help звать на помощь Cuba 43 ]'kju:ba] Куба culture* ]'kAltJa] культура cup [клр] чашка cupboard 22 ['клЬэб] буфет, кухонный шкаф, полка curtain 20 ['кз;1п] занавес Vd danger 45 ['dein^a] опасность in danger в опасности out of danger вне опасности dangerous 48 ['deincfearas] опасный dark 27 [da:к] темный It is getting dark. Темнеет, daughter ['do:ta[ дочь day [del] день day off выходной день dead* [ded] мертвый dear 4 [dia] дорогой Oh dear! 18 О боже! Боже мой! December [di'semba] декабрь decide 38 [di'said] решать decorate ['dekareit] украшать decoration 37 [,dek3'reij*n] украшение decorator 37 ['dekareitaj декоратор defend* [di'fend] зашишать Delhi ['dell] Дели democratic* [,dem3'kraetik] демократический denote* [di'naut] обозначать dentist* ['dentist] зубной врач depend 47 [di'pend] зависеть to depend on smb/smth зависеть от кого-то/чего-то describe 21 [di'skraib] описывать desk [desk] парта at the desk за партой detective (fdm) [di'tektiv] детектив devoted to smb 53 [di'voutid] преданный кому-то dialogue* ['daiolog] диалог diary ['daiori] дневник die 55 [dai] умирать differ* ['difo] отличаться difference* ['difrans] отличие different ['difrant] различный difficult 14 ['difikalt] трудный dime* [daim] монета в 10 центов dining room 19 ['dainip rom] столовая (в доме) dinner ]'dina] обед to have for dinner на обед dirty ]'d3:ti] грязный discover 43 ]di'skAva] открывать discoverer 43 [di'siowara] первооткрыватель discovery 43 [di'skAvari] открытие discuss* [di'skAs] обсуждать dislike* [dis'laikj не любить divide* [di'vaid] делить do [du;] делать doctor ['dokta] врач documentary (film) 39 [,dokju-'mentan] документальный фильм dolphin* ]'dolfin] дельфин door 11 [da;] дверь doubt* [daut] сомнение down [daun] вниз downstairs 19 [,daun'steaz] внизу, вниз draw [dra:] рисовать dress [dres] n платье, одежда; v одеваться drink [dripk] пить driver ['draiva] водитель £e each 50 [i:tj] каждый each other друг друга ear ]ia] yxo earth [з:0] земля east [i:st] восток easy ['i;zi] легкий eat [i:t] есть egg [eg] яйцо elephant ['elifant] слон else [els] еше what else что еше where else где/куда еше who else кто еше emblem* ['emblam] эмблема emperor* ['emparaj император empty 47 ['empti] пустой end ]end] n конец; 40 v заканчивать at the end в конце up to the end до конца enemy 53 ['enami] враг engineer [^encfei'nia] инженер England ]'iggland] Англия English ]'iogli.n английский enjoy [in'd53i] получать удовольствие, хорошо проводить время Europe 53 f'juarap] Европа European [juara'pian] европейский evening ['irvnipj вечер in the evening вечером on Monday evening в понедельник вечером ever 26 ['eva] когда-нибудь everybody ['evribodi] каждый everything ['evrr0ip] всё excellent 31 ['eksalant] отличный excuse [ik'skjuiz] извинять Excuse me. Извините, exercise ['eksasaiz] упражнение to do exercises делать упражнения exercise book 10 ['eksasaiz ,buk] тетрадь expensive [ik'spensiv] дорогой, стоящий дорого explain to smb [ik'splein] объяснять кому-то express* [ik'spresj выражать extra ['ekstra] дополнительный ff face [feis] лицо to face 45 повернуться лицом fact [faekt] факт fairy tablecloth* скатерть-самобранка fairy tale ['feari teilj сказка false* [foils] неверный family ['faemili] семья famous for smth 15 ['feimos] известный чем-то fantastic 31 [fon'tsestik] потрясающий far [fail далекий far from 17 далеко от (the) Far East* [(do) ,fa:r 'list] Дальний Восток faraway ['fairoweij отдаленный, дальний farm [foirn] n ферма; 44 v обрабатывать землю fast 32 [foist] adj быстрый; adv быстро father ['foido] отец favourite ['fervorit] любимый feature (film) 39 [Tiitja] художественный фильм February ['februan] февраль feel 34 [fill] чувствовать to feel bad чувствовать себя плохо to feel like doing smth иметь желание что-то сделать festival* ['festrvl] фестиваль few 39 [fjui] несколько a few 39 [a 'fjui] мало fewer ['fjuia] меньше fiction 41 ['fikjn] художественная литература field [fiild] 1) поле; 2) отрасль fight 47 [fait] n драка, сражение; v драться, сражаться to have a fight сражаться to fight against smb сражаться против кого-то to fight for smth сражаться за что-то fill in* ['fil fin] вставить, заполнить пропуск film 39 [film] фильм historical film [hi'stDrik(3)l] исторический фильм find 32 [faind] найти find out* ['faind 'aot] найти (выяснить) fine [fain] прекрасный, хороший finger ['Лрдэ] палец (руки) finish ['finiJl V заканчивать fire 19 ['fais] 1) огонь; 2) камин; 3) пожар fireman ['faiaman] пожарный fireplace 19 ['faiapleis] камин fish [fi/] n рыба; 45 v ловить рыбу fisherman 43 ['fi/этэп] рыбак flat 20 [flaet] квартира flight 34 [flait] полет, рейс floor 12 [flo:] 1) пол; 2) этаж on the ground floor на первом этаже flour* ['Ааиэ] мука flower 17 ('Паиэ] цветок fly 32 [flai] летать to fly east (west) лететь на восток (запад) follow* ['fobu] следовать following* ['folauip] следующий fond 37 [fond] любящий to be fond of smth любить что-то to be fond of doing smth любить делать что-то food [fu:d] пища, еда foolish* ['fu:lij] глупый foot (feet) [fut] ([fi:t]) нога; ступня (ноги) to go on foot 33 идти пещком football ['futbo:l] футбол forest ['forist] лес forget 33 [fa'get] забывать form [fo:m] n форма; v составлять found 54 [faund] основывать founded 55 ['faundid] основанный to be founded быть основанным fountain* ['fauntin] фонтан fox [foks] лиса France [frarns] Франция free* [fri:] свободный, бесплатный Friday ['fraidi] пятница fridge 22 [Гпф] холодильник friend [frend] друг friendly 31 ['frendli] дружелюбный friendship 46 ['frendjipj дружба from [from, from] от, из front [frAnt] передний in front of 17 перед (чем-то) fruit [fruit] фрукт, фрукты fulfil* [ful'fil] заполнять, выполнять full [ful] полный to be full of быть полным (чего-то) furniture 20 ['fainitfo] мебель future ['Quitfo] будущее gallery* ['gaebri] галерея game [geim] игра gangster* ['gaepsto] гангстер garden ['gaidn] сад general* ['фепэгэ!] генерал geography [^I'ogrofi] география German ['djaimon] немецкий Germany ['cfeaimoni] Германия get [get] получать, доставать to get on with smb ладить c кем-то to get into a car сесть в мащи-ну to get out of a car выйти из ма-щины to get on a train (bus) сесть на поезд (автобус) to get off a train (bus) сойти c поезда (автобуса) to get ready приготовиться to get together 44 собираться to get up вставать giraffe [^I'raif] жираф girl [дз:1] девочка give [giv] давать to give back возвращать to give a call to smb звонить кому-то glad [glasd] довольный to be glad быть довольным glass [glais] стакан go [дэи] идти, ехать to go on telling smth* продолжать рассказывать God 45 [godj Бог My God! Боже мой! Thank God! Слава Богу! gold 47 [gauld] n золото; adj золотой (сделанный из золота) as good as gold золотой (человек) a heart of gold золотое сердце golden 47 ['дэиЫэп] золотой, золотистый good [gud] хороший Good luck! Удачи! government 50 ['длуэптэШ] правительство grandfather ['graend,fa:d9] дедушка grandmother ['дгаеп,тлбэ] бабушка grandparents |'grsen,pe9r3nts] дедушка и бабушка grass [grors] трава grasshopper ['дга:8,Ьорэ] кузнечик great [greit] 1) великий; 2) потря-саюший, отличный green [gri:n] зеленый group [gru:p] п группа; 45 v группировать, классифицировать grow [дгэи] расти, вырашивать guess* [ges] догадываться guest 48 [gest] гость gun 47 [длп] ружье НА hair |Ьеэ] волосы half (halves) 11 [ha:f] ([ha:vz]) половина (половинки) It’s half past 5. Половина шестого. hall 18 [ho:l] холл, прихожая Halloween [,Нае1эи'1;п] канун Дня всех святых hamburger ['ЬаетЬзгдэ] гамбургер hamster ['hasmsta] хомяк hand [haend] рука (ладонь) handicraft 10 f'haendikraift] урок труда happen to smb/smth 22 ['haepn] случаться с кем-то/с чем-то happy ['haepi] счастливый Happy New Year! C Новым годом! hard 45 [ha:d] adj упорный, тяжелый; adv упорно, тяжело hare [hea] заяц harvest 45 ['ha:vist] урожай have (has) [haev] ([haez]) иметь have got (has got) ['haev 'got] иметь have to (has to) do smth 34 иметь необходимость сделать что-то he [hi:] он head [hed] голова Head Teacher 10 [,hed 'tirtfaj директор школы headline* ['hedlain] заголовок heart 56 [ha:t] сердце Hello! [ha'lau] Привет! help [help] помогать to help about the house помогать no дому help about the house day день no-МОШИ no дому to help smb with the subject помогать no предмету her [hs:] ее, ей, (о) ней here [hi9] здесь Here it is. ['hiantiz] Вот, пожалуйста. Hi! [hai] Привет! hide-and-seek [,haid and 'si:k] прятки hill [hil] холм him [him] его, ему, (о) нем his [hiz] его historic [hi'stonk] исторический history ['histan] история hobby 37 ['hobi] хобби, любимое занятие hockey ['hoki] хоккей holiday ['hohdi] 1) праздник; 2) каникулы home [haum] дом at home дома homework ['haumw3;kl домашнее задание to do homework выполнять домашнее задание honest 53 ['onistj честный honey* ['Ьлш] мед hope* [haup] надеяться hopscotch ['hopskotJI классики (детская игра) horror ['hora] ужасный horror film фильм ужасов horse [ha;s] лошадь hospitable 56 f'hospitabll гостеприимный hospital [/hospitl] больница host 51 [haust] хозяин hostess 51 1'haustis] хозяйка hot [hot] горячий hour ['aua] час house (houses) 17 [haus] (['hauziz]) ДОМ (дома) how [hau] как, каким образом How are you? Как дела? How are you getting on? Как поживаешь? How do you do? Здравствуйте! How do you like it? 20 Как тебе это нравится? How’ve you been? 45 Как поживал это время? How long have you been here? Сколько времени ты здесь? how long сколь долго, сколько времени how many сколько how much сколько how often как часто hundred ['lundrid] сто hungry ['Ьлрдп] голодный to be hungry быть голодным, хотеть есть hunt 46 [hxnt] охотиться hunter 46 ['hAnta] охотник hurry ['Нлп] спешка to be in a hurry спешить Hurry up! Поторопись! // ice* [ais] лед ice cream |,ais 'kri;rn] мороженое Iceland* ['aisland] Исландия idea [ai'dia] мысль That’s a great (good) idea! Замечательная идея (мысль)! ill [il] больной to be ill болеть illustrate* I'llastreit] показать на примере imagination* [i,m^cfei'neijnj воображение imagine* fi'niaecfein] представить, вообразить important 15 [im'pa:tant] важный in [in] в in an hour через час indeed [m'di:d] в самом деле independence (from smb) 47 [,indi-'pendansj независимость (от кого-либо) India 44 ['mdiaj Индия Indian 44 ['indionj индийский Indians ['indionz] индийцы industry* ['indastri] промышленность information* [дпГэ'тефп] сведения instead* [in'sted] вместо (чего-то) interested 44 ['intristidj заинтересованный to be interested in smth интересоваться чем-то interesting ['intristipj интересный international* [,ш1э'пае/пэ1] международный interval* ['intovlj интервал interview ['intovju:] n интервью; V брать интервью into ['intuj в Ireland* I'aiabnd] Ирландия irregular* [I'regjub] неправильный Island 44 I'aibnd] остров it [itj OHO It takes smb 3 hours to do it. 29 Нужно 3 часа, чтобы сделать это. It’s been а long time. 45 Много времени прошло. It depends. 46 По обстоятельствам. It was nice meeting you. Приятно было познакомиться. JJ jacket ['фаеkit] куртка, жакет jam [фает] джем, варенье January I'cfeaenjuori] январь jeans [dsirnz] джинсы join 13 [фот] присоединиться (к кому-либо) joke* [фэик] шутка journey 35 ['фз:ш] путешествие to go on а journey отправиться в путешествие juice |d5u:s| сок July [(feu'laij июль jump [флтр] прыгать June [фи:п] июнь junior* ['фи:п1э] начальный just [cfeASt] 1) только что; 2) как раз /(к keep [ki;p] держать, содержать, хранить to keep а diary* вести дневник key 18 [ki:j ключ kill 55 [kil] убивать kilometre ['kil9,mi:toj километр kind [kaind] n род, вид; 33 adj добрый It’s very kind of you. Как мило с вашей стороны, king 29 [kip] король kiss [kis] целовать kitchen ['kitfinj кухня kitten f'kitn] котенок know [пэи] знать, узнавать a ladder* ['laedsj лестница (переносная) lake [leik] озеро lamp (laempj лампа land 40 [land] n земля; v пристать к берегу language [Mapgwicfe] язык large [1а:ф] большой last* [la:st] adj последний, прошлый; V длиться last month в прошлом месяце last week на прошлой неделе last year в прошлом году last^ [la:st] adv в последний раз laugh 9 [la;f] смеяться to laugh at smb/smth смеяться над кем-то/чем-то lead 29 [li:d] вести, руководить leapfrog ]'li:pfn)g] чехарда (игра) to play leapfrog играть в чехарду learn 15 [1з:п] учить, узнавать to learn by heart* учить наизусть leave 13 [li:v] покидать, уезжать из to leave Rostov for Moscow уехать из Ростова в Москву left ]left] левый on the left слева to the left налево leg ]leg] нога (от ступни) less 41 [les] меньше lesson ['lesn] урок at/in the lesson на уроке letter 50 ['lets] 1) буква; 2) письмо liberty* ['libati] свобода Liberty Island* остров Свободы the Statue of Liberty статуя Свободы library 41 ['laibrori] библиотека lie [lai] лежать like [laik] v нравиться; adj подобный I’d like to мне бы хотелось line 35 [lam] 1) линия; 2) железнодорожное направление lion ['laianj лев list* [list] список listen to smb/smth 41 ]'lisn] слушать кого-то/что-то literary* [Чпэгэп] литературный little ['litl] adj маленький; 39 adv мало, немного living room 18 ['livip rom] жилая комната local ['1эикэ1] местный local cinema-house* ближайший к дому кинотеатр lock 18 [Ink] закрывать на ключ locked 18 [lokt] закрытый на ключ logical* ['1офк1] логический long [lop] длинный look [luk] смотреть, выглядеть to look around оглядываться to look at смотреть на to look for 43 искать to look like выглядеть to look through* просмотреть Look over there! 18 Посмотри сюда! You look great! Ты прекрасно выглядишь! Los Angeles* [Ids 'агпфэИ:2] Лос-Анджелес lot: lots of = a lot of 39 ['lots av], [э 'lot av] много loud [laud] громкий loudly ['laudli] громко love [Iav] n любовь; v любить to be in love быть влюбленным lovely 20 ['Lwli] прелестный luck 13 [1лк] удача Good luck! Удачи! lucky* ['Uki] везучий luggage 32 ['Ugicfe] багаж lunch [L\ntJ] второй завтрак to have for lunch на второй завтрак и,, magazine 50 [,maega'zi:n] журнал magic* ['maecfeik] волшебный main 24 [mem] главный, основной mainland 43 ['memland] материк make [meikj делать, заставлять to be made of 55 быть сделанным из make up* ['meik 'лр] составлять man (men) [тзеп] ([men]) 1) мужчина (мужчины); 2) человек many ['meni] много map 54 [тгер] карта (географическая) March [ma;tj] март marmalade* ['maimoleid] мармелад match* [maetj] подобрать под па-РУ maths 11 [maeGs] математика May [mei] май may 47 [mei] можно, может быть May I do it? Можно мне сделать это? maybe 51 ['meibi] возможно me [mi:] мне, меня, мной, обо мне meal [mill] трапеза, еда to have meals принимать пишу, есть mean 40 [mi:n] 1) значить; 2) иметь в виду; 3) хотеть сказать meaning* ['mi.nir)] значение means (of transport) [mi:nz] средства передвижения meat [mi:t] мясо medicine* f'medsin] медицина; лекарство meet 9 [mi:t] встречать, встречаться member* ['membo] член memorial* [тэ'1тю:пэ1] мемориал memory* ['тетэп] память message* ['mesi^] устное сообщение metal* ['metl] металл method ['me03d] метод metre ['mi:t9] метр metro ['metrau] метро to go by metro ехать в метро middle 20 ['midl] середина in the middle of smth в середине чего-то midnight ['midnait] полночь at midnight в полночь militiaman* [mi'lijaman] милиционер milk [milk] молоко milkman 43 ['milkman] молочник million* ['miljan] миллион millionaire* [,milja'nea] миллионер mineral* ['minaral] минерал mirror 20 ['mira] зеркало miss 35 [mis] опаздывать to miss the train (bus, plane) опаздывать на поезд (автобус, самолет) You can’t miss it! Его невозможно пропустить! (the) Mississippi [(da) ,misi'sipi] Миссисипи mitten* ['mitn] варежка model* ['modi] модель modern ['mndan] современный moment* ['maumant] мгновение Monday ['mxndi] понедельник money ['тлш] деньги monkey ['тлг)к1] обезьяна month [тлп0] месяц monument to smb 28 ['monjumant] памятник кому-либо moon [mu:n] луна moral* ['moral] мораль more [ma:] больше morning ['ma:nir)] утро in the morning утром on Thesday morning утром во вторник Moscow ['moskau] Москва most [maust] большинство mother ['тлба] мама motherland ['mxdaland] родина, отчизна mountain ['mauntin] гора mouse (mice) [maus] ([mais]) мышь (мыши) mouth [mau0] рот move 51 [mu:v] двигаться, переселяться, передвигаться much [rriAtn много mum [тлт] мама, мамочка museum ]mju;'zi:am] музей musical* ['mju:zikl] музыкальный фильм must [mxst] должен, должно быть my [mai] мой, моя, мое Ш name ]neim] п имя; v называть narrator* [na'reita] рассказчик native 46 ['neitiv] коренной (житель) natural* ['naetfral] естественный nature ['neitfa] природа near [ша] недалеко, близко, около near here 35 недалеко отсюда nearly 34 ['mail] почти necessary* I'nessssri] необходимый neck [nek] шея need [ni:d] нуждаться Negroes* ['niigrauz] негры never 11 ['nevaj никогда new [nju;j новый newspaper 50 ['nju:s,peip9] газета New York ],nju; 'jo:k] Нью-Йорк New Zealand* [,nju: 'ziilandj Новая Зеландия next [nekst] следующий next to 21 рядом c nice [nais] милый, приятный nickel* I'nikl] монета в пять центов nickname* ['nikneim] прозвище night [nait] ночь at night ночью no [пэи] нет nohle 53 ['пэиЫ] благородный nobody I'naubsdi] никто noisy* ['naizi] шумный Normandy ['noimandij Нормандия north [пэ:0] север in the north на севере northeast 43 l,no:0'i:stj северо-восток nose [nsuzj HOC nothing ['пл0пз] ничего novel 41 ['novlj роман November [nau'vernba] ноябрь nut 46 [пл1| орех Oo object* ['obcfeikt] предмет ocean ['эцГп] океан October [пкЧэиЬэ] октябрь of [av] предлог родительного падежа of course конечно offer* ['ofaj предлагать office ['ofisj офис, госучреждение; кабинет officer ['nfisaj офицер official* [a'fijal] n государственный служащий; adj официальный often ['ofn] часто Oh! [эи| Ой! Oh no! 13 I'au 'пэи] восклицание сожаления OK [au'keij нормально; так, как надо old [auld] старый on [пп] на once 15 [wAns] однажды open ['аир(а)п| открывать opera* ['opraj опера opinion* [a'pinjan] мнение opposite 21 ['opazitj напротив optimism* ['nptimizrnj оптимизм or ]a;, a] или orange* ['пппф] апельсин orange Juice* ['nrincfe 'cfeu:s] апельсиновый сок order* |'o:da] порядок in order no порядку other ['л5а| другой our ['aua] наш outdoors 14 [,aut'da:z] на свежем воздухе out loud* ['aut 'laud] вслух over ['auvaj над to be over заканчиваться overcoat ['auvakaot] пальто own 50 [aun] собственный Pp (the) Pacific Ocean* |(da) pa,sifik 'ацГп] Тихий океан page* [peicfe] страница pair [pea] пара a pair of shoes пара ботинок to work in pairs* работать в парах pajamas* [pa'cfeaimaz] пижама palace ['pselis] дворец paragraph* ['pasragra;f] 1) параграф; 2) абзац Paris I'paens] Париж parliament ['pailamsnt] парламент parrot ['peerst] попугай part 38 [pa:t] n 1) роль; 2) часть; 45 V расставаться to take part in 38 принимать участие party I'paiti] вечеринка at the party на вечере passage* ['paesi