Английский язык Учебник 3 класс Верещагина Притыкина часть 2

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Student's book (стьюденс стьюдент бук) - Английский язык Учебник 3 класс Верещагина Притыкина часть 2 - 2014-2015-2016-2017 год:

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"f :.- ’^1- ^ i :• • • -’=^'vtl^''‘s- .-■, ■'■'h ■■■y--'■•' •''•• •’:• ■ - . si к ' ' Ш ''-I- jr^is'ii‘5®.-'''^ Student's Book ® PROSVESHCHENIYE PUBLISHERS PART 2 + CD J и. Н. ВЕРЕ1ЦАГИНА Т. А. ПРИТЫКИНА ФГОС 3 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В двух частях Часть 2 Рекомендовано Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации 2-е издание Москва «ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ» 2013 % I УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 В31 На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук (№ 10106-5215/450 от 01.11.2010 г.) и Российской академии образования (№ 01-5/7д-557 от 20.10.2010 г.) Условные обозначения задание на повторение при выполнении задания следует прослушать текст, прочитать его и выучить наизусть задание с использованием аудиозаписи задание на основе прочитанного текста задание на говорение изучение нового материала письменное задание игры и головоломки Верещагина И. Н. В31 Английский язык. 3 класс. Учеб, для общеобразоват. организаций и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. с при л. на электрон, носителе. В 2 ч. Ч. 2 / И. Н. Верещагина, Т. А. Притыкина. — 2-е изд. — М. : Просвещение, 2013. — 160 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-5-09-029635-9. Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» и предназначен для учащихся 3 класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Авторы предлагают учащимся задания и упражнения в рамках девяти тем, которые будут интересны детям младшего школьного возраста. Задания учебника направлены на тренировку учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности (аудировании, говорении, чтении и письме) и обеспечивают достижение личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов. Содержание учебника соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта начального общего образования. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2АНГЛ-922 ISBN 978-5-09-029635-9(2) ISBN 978-5-09-029634-2(общ.) Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Художественное оформление. Издательство «Просвещение», 2012 Все права защищены Дорогие девочки и мальчики! Этот учебник состоит из двух частей. Это вторая часть. По ней вы продолжите изучать английский язык. Так же как и раньше, обязательно слушайте записи на дисках, выполняйте задания по рабочей тетради и книге для чтения. Грамматический справочник в конце учебника поможет вам при изучении грамматики. Желаем успеха! Нетеры The Forty-sixth Lesson Lesson Forty-six Let Us Learn (T) Do you remember the names of the parts of the body? Name them, please. (2) Pretend you’ve got a these questions. Let dialogue. little sister (brother). You her (him) answer them. ask her (him) Role-play the Example щ - What do you hear^ with? f -I hear with my ears. What do you What do you What do you What do you What do you see with? eat with? walk with? write with? think with? (3) Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 51 1 hear [hia] - слышать Pets and Other Animals Look at the pictures and name domestic and wild animals. Example A cow is a ... animal. Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Listen, read and learn, 52. WHAT PO WE PO WITH ...? We smelU with our nose, We see with our eyes, We eat with our mouth Tasty puddings and pies.2 1 smell [smel] - нюхать 2 pie [pai] - пирог With legs and feet we walk, With lipsi and tongue^ we talk, And with our ears We can hear. Listen to the action song “Head and Shoulders”, Read and learn to sing it. 53. HEAP ANP SHOatPERS Head and shoulders, Knees^ and toes. Knees and toes. Head and shoulders. Knees and toes. Knees and toes. And eyes and ears. And mouth and nose. Head and shoulders. Knees and toes. Knees and toes. Arms and legs. And feet and hands. Feet and hands. Arms and legs. And feet and hands. Feet and hands. And eyes and ears. And mouth and nose. Head and shoulders Knees and toes. Knees and toes. 1 lip [lip] - губа 2 tongue [Up] - язык 3 knee [ni:] - колено Pets and Other Animals Let Us Read 1 South [sau0] - южный CLOTHING The Fifty-second Lesson Lesson Fifty Let Us Learn -two КЕШШЕ, beautiful - more beautiful - (the) most beautiful interesting - more interesting - (the) most interesting (see part 2, Reference Grammar) (D Look at the pictures and compare. Example The first cup is beautiful. The second cup is more beautiful. The third cup is the most beautiful of all. 1 1 Clothing 1 PWOCCH/o 1 Choose the right word for each gap tastier newer the longest more beautiful longer nicer more interesting older the shortest big long 1. The giraffe has got a ... neck. 2. What animal has got the ... tail? 3.1 think that bananas are ... than oranges. 4. The elephant has got ... ears. 5. The horse has got a ... tail than the pig. 6. The new doll is ... than the old one. 7.1 think that the book “Pinocchio” is ... than Three Little Pigs”. 44 The 8. There is no place ... than home. 9. My grandpa is ... than my grandma 10. Kate’s toys are ... than Jane’s. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 58. This man is a magician. He can do magic. Say what he has got Example He has got a ... in his ... . Let Us Listen, Read and Learn :: •;. Listen, read and learn. 59. Ted: Mum, where’s my toy bear? Mother: Oh, Ted, you must know where your toys are. You must always keep the right thing in the right place. Let Us Read Read the text and you’ll know why rabbits have got short tails. WHY MB8/TS HAY£ GOT SHORT TAILS Once there lived a Rabbit. His name was Bunny. He was grey and big, bigger than his Brother Bonny. But he had no tail. And he wanted to have a long tail, longer than that of Mrs Fox. Clothing One day Bunny went for a walk. He 3aw Mrs Fox. “Hello, Mrs Fox,” he said. “Where are you going?” “I’m going shopping.” What are you going to buy?” I’m going to buy a tail.” But you’ve got a tail! I think it’s ihe longest and the most beautiful tail!” “Well, but I want a new one, a longer and more beau-liful one than my old tail.” “Oh, please, Mrs Fox, buy a tail for me too. Look at me, I haven’t got a tail.” “OK,” said the Fox and ran to the shop. In the shop Mrs Fox bought only one tail. It was a beautiful long red tail, it was longer and more beautiful ihan her old tail. She ran back home. On the wayi home she saw Brother Rabbit. Bunny looked at the Fox’s tail and said, “Oh, what a beautiful tail you’ve got. And where is my tail?” I’m sorry,” said the Fox, “but there wasn’t any tail for you.” Poor little Bunny! He was so sorry. Mrs Fox hadn’t bought^ a new tail for him! ii UT9 ii 1 On the way [nn бэ 'wei] - По дороге 2 hadn’t bought [bo:t] - не купила - Л А Dog who was running by came up to Bunny and said: “What’s the matter with you?” “Oh,” said Bunny, “all the animals have got long, beautiful tails but I haven’t got a tail!” “Poor little Bunny!” said the Dog. At that time a Cat was running by. “Bunny! I’ve got an idea. I think I know how to help you!” And he ran after the Cat, bit off a little piecei of the Cat’s tail and gave it to Bunny. Bunny was happy! C “Thank you very much,” he said. “Now I’ve got a tail, too ... It’s a very short tail, but it’s a tail.” That’s why rabbits have got short tails. Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the pictures (see Exercise 6). Let Us Talk Think of another end for the tale Let Us Write Choose and write any 5 sentences (see Exercise 2). ^ 1 bit off a little piece ['bit of sTitl 'pi:s] - откусил маленький кусочек Clothing Puzzle Time Cq) How many words can you find in the chainword? The Fifty-third LOSSOfl LOSSOn Fifty-three Let Us Learn good bad — better — (the) best ■ worse — (the) worst (see part 2, Reference Grammar) Compare according to the example. a) Example ^ a long tail - a longer tail — the longest tail a short tail, a funny monkey, a long nose, big ears, a clever dog, an old man, a long street, big animals, new toys, a nice pet, short legs, big shops, a long walk, a funny story b) Example к a beautiful child - a more beautiful child - the f most beautiful child a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman, interesting books, an interesting tale, beautiful trees, beautiful toys, an interesting story c) Example к a good daughter - a better daughter - the best f daughter a good son, a bad boy, good children, bad food, good food, a good wife Which words do you need to make the sentences complete? the best cleverer interesting more beautiful nicer the longest the funniest big older 1. There are a lot of ... shops in London. 2. Peter is ... pupil in the class. 3. Mr Smith is ... than Mr Grey. 4. I think that the monkey is ... animal. 5. The elephant’s nose is ... . 6. I think Mary is ... than Sally. 7. I think that the parrot is ... pet. 8. This white puppy is ... than that black one. 9. What an ... story it is! Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 60. Q) Try and read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. cat - hat, cap, bad - worse [w3:s] - (the) worst [ws:st] where - wear - wore [wo:] [u] foot - good - better - (the) best [u:j food - boot - shoe a hat - hats, a beautiful hat, my brother’s hat, a new hat, an old hat. Mum wants to buy a new hat. a cap - caps, a brown cap, my brother’s cap. - Whose cap is that? - It’s my friend’s cap. wear - wore - What did you wear yesterday, a cap or a hat? - I wore a cap yesterday. My mother is wearing her new hat. Clothing a shoe - shoes, a right shoe, a left shoe, new shoes, brown shoes, old shoes. Yesterday Mother bought me new shoes. I think my new shoes are very nice. a boot - boots, grey boots, old boots, new boots, big boots. - Do you wear boots or shoes when you go for a walk? - Boots. good - better - (the) best, a good family, a good teacher, a good pupil. - Is Peter a good pupil? - Yes, but Mike is a better pupil and Bob is the best. Milk is good for children. It’s very good of you to help your parents. bad - worse - (the) worst, a bad boy, a bad pupil, a bad egg, bad fish, bad food. The fish was so bad that we couldn’t eat it. I think Nick plays hockey worse than Mike. This story is worse than that one. This old hat is certainly the worst to wear. From bad to worse. Things go from bad to worse. interesting - more interesting - the most interesting, an interesting book, an interesting film, an interesting game. I think that the game leap-frog is more interesting than tag. - And what do you think is the most interesting game? - I think that hopscotch is the most interesting game. Look at the pictures and say what they are wearing on their heads and feet. Let Us Listen, Read and Learn (D Enjoy your English and sing the song “What Do You Wear?”, ^ 61. m/ir DO YOU WEAR? ^ I. What do you wear on your head? A hat. What do you wear on your head? A cap. A hat and a cap. A cap and a hat. ■ 2 times II. What do you wear on your feet? Shoes. What do you wear on your feet? Boots. Boots and shoes. Shoes and boots. ’ 2 times Read and learn the proverb. Give the Russian equivalent Thafs another pair of shoes. Listen, read and learn, 62. /1Г THE SHOP Mrs Grey: I’d like a pair of shoes, please. Shop assistant:^ What colour would you like? Mrs Grey: Brown. Shop assistant: And what size^ do you want? Mrs Grey: Five. Can I try them on?3 Shop assistant: Of course. 1 shop assistant ["fop 9,sist9nt] - продавец 2 size [saiz] - размер 3 try on [4rai 'dh] - примерять Clothing Let Us Talk ^ Now Mrs Grey is going to buy a pair of boots (a hat, a cap). Role-play the dialogue between Mrs Grey and the shop assistant (see Exercise 8). 6o Compare these animals. ^ Choose any toys or pictures (or draw pictures of your own) and compare them. Let Us Write Choose and write any 6 comparisons (see Exercise 1) Learn to write these words. interesting, wear (wore), hat, cap Puzzle Time @ Make sure you remember the words well. Change the letters to make up new words. Example rose - nose big, take, silk, talk, look, life, carrot, bear, box, boy, now, peck, cat, foot, food The Fifty-fourth Lesson Lesson Fifty-four Let Us Learn How many sentences can you make up? Who is the best? Ч Ч Ч 1 • The book The toys The children The street The hat The film The animal The food The stories The woman was were bigger more beautiful better nicer older longer worse newer cleverer more interesting tastier than he thought. j Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Look at the pictures and say: - what you can see; - if the things are new or old; - what colour they are; - what you like to wear; - what your brother likes to wear. 63. ________________________________________Clothing Le^^^^Usten. Read and Learn__________ ^4 Enjoy your English and sing the song “What Do You Wear?”, 64. J3 m/ir PO YOU W£AR? III. What do you wear on your hands? Gloves. 1 What do you wear on your hands? Mittens.2 Gloves and mittens. Mittens and gloves. 2 times Listen, read and learn, 65. SHOES AND BOOTS Shoes and boots, Boots and shoes, Come and buy The size you use.3 Try them on Before you choose, Shoes and boots. Boots and shoes. © Read and learn the proverb. Give the Russian equivalent. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today Let Us Read © Can you choose not more than 6-7 sentences to give the main idea of the tale? Read them aloud. A GOOD /DBA ^ Once^m a very, very old house tl^ere lived a very, very big cat and faToT of > very, very little mice. 1 gloves [gUvz] - перчатки 2 mittens ["mitnz] - варежки 3 use [ju:z] = wear TV set mouse mice The cat, whose name was Tom, lived in the kitchen. 1 The mice livedo under the kitchen. Where could the little mice get food to eat? In the kitchen, of course! But there was the cat H * there! He could eat them! They thought what to do. They thought and thought, and thought ... Then a very, very little mouse had an idea. She said, “Let’s go to the kitchen when Tom is not there.” “That’s not a bad idea!” said Mother-mouse. “But the cat runs quicker^ than you. He can catchs and eat you.” All the mice thought and thought and thought again ... Then the mouse who was older than the other mice said: “I think I know what to do. Let’s buy a TV set for Tom. We all know that he likes watching TV very much. When he is busy watching TV we can eat all the food we want.” All the mice liked the idea very much. So they went to the shop and bought a TV set for Tom. 1 kitchen ["ki^sn] - кухня 2 quicker ['kwiks] - быстрее 3 catch [kaetf] - ловить, поймать _____________________________________Clothing Now every evening Tom watches TV and the mice have a very good supper in the kitchen. They can eat all the things they want. Let Us Talk C (8) Tell your classmates a summary of the tale ) Make or draw a doll and say what it is wearing Let Us Write $0 Make up 6 sentences and write them down (see Exercise 1) © Learn to write these words. bad — worse — the worst; good — better — the best; shoe, boot Puzzle Time Guess the word. This is the code. 1. The first letter of ‘ 2. the second letter of 3. the fourth letter of 4. the second letter of 5. the fifth letter of “ 6. the eighth letter of 7. the sixth letter of 99 The Fifty-fifth LeSSOIl Lesson Fifty-five Let Us Learn (i) Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [i:] tea, teach, meat, eat, clean, jeans, a pair of jeans, blue jeans, black jeans, new jeans, old jeans. My jeans are old, and Mum is going to buy me a new pair of jeans. Boys and girls like to wear jeans. [e] head, bread, pleasure, sweater, a sweater - sweaters, a nice sweater, a grey and black sweater. My sister thinks that a sweater goes well with jeans. Oh, what a nice sweater it is! [au] mouth, houses, trousers, a pair of trousers, brown trousers, grey trousers. - Do you wear jeans or trousers to school? - I usually wear trousers. Yesterday Dad bought a new pair of grey trousers. [ae] hamster, black. Jack, jacket, a jacket - jackets, an old jacket, a new jacket. My old jacket is grey. My new jacket is blue. I like my new jacket. Sue never knows where her things are. And now she is looking for her things. What does she say? Example Where is (are) my I wonder? Clothing ^ Learn to pronounce and use the new words, (e) 66. Look at the pictures and make the sentences complete When it’s ... I wear ... . Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Enjoy your English and sing the song “What Do You Wear? 67. j3 m/ir VO YOU WBAR? ^ IV. What do you wear when it’s cold?i A sweater. What do you wear when it’s cold? A jacket. A sweater and a jacket. A jacket and a sweater. V. What do you wear when it’s warm?2 Shorts. What do you wear when it’s warm? A shirt. Shorts and a shirt. A shirt and shorts. n 2 times 2 times 1 it’s cold [kould] - холодно 2 it’s warm [worm] - тепло © Listen, read and learn, 68. GRASSHOPPER grasshopper Little Grasshopper lives in the fields.! He is a nice funny fellow. His coat2 is green, his hat is blue, His trousers are brown and yellow. Let Us Read Read the text and say what you think of Pif. ptr Pif is a funny little dog. There are a lot of books about Pif. English children like to read them. Now you can read about Pif, too. Pif wants to go for a walk. He puts on^ his blue jeans, a grey sweater, brown boots, a red cap and goes for a walk. Suddenly it begins to rain.4 Pif hasn’t got an umbrella. ^ He is cold. He is very cold. He sees a tree. He runs up to the tree and sits down under it. “How can I get home, I wonder?” Pif thinks. “I don’t want to sit here all alone^ under the tree. I’m cold and 1 field [fi:ld] — поле 2 coat [kaut] - пиджак 3 put on ['put 'on] — надевать 4 it begins to rain [it bi'ginz ta 'rein] - начинается дождь 5 umbrella [лт'ЬгеЬ] - зонт 6 all alone ['o:I э'Ьип] - совсем один _________________________________________Clothing hungry. I want to get home. But how can I? I haven’t got an umbrella! Where can I get one? Oh, that’s a good idea!” Pif takes the tree like an umbrella and goes home. I don’t think that Pif did the right thing. And what do you think? Choose and read aloud the sentences which are true to the story. Pif is a funny little monkey. Pif is a funny little dog. Pif wants to go for a walk. Pif doesn’t want to go for a walk. He is wearing black jeans and a blue jacket. He is wearing blue jeans, a grey sweater, brown boots and a red cap. Pif hasn’t got an umbrella. Pif has got an umbrella. Pif sees a house. Pif sees a tree. Pif takes the tree like an umbrella and sits down. Pif takes the tree like an umbrella and runs home. Let Us Talk C Play a “Memory Game”. Look at your classmates for a minute and try to remember what they are wearing. Then close your eyes and say it. Talk to each other on the topic “Shopping”. These questions can help you. Who usually goes shopping in your family? Do you often go shopping? When did you go shopping last time? Who did you go shopping with? What new things did you buy? What size shoes do you wear? Do you usually try shoes (jeans ...) on before you buy them? What colour shoes (jeans...) do you like to wear? How do you usually choose things before you buy them? What do you usually wear at home? What do you wear when you go to school (to a party)? What do you wear when it’s cold (warm)? Let Us Write .‘■yy Write 7 questions. Begin them with: did, who, when, whom, what, what colour jeans, what colour shoes. Yesterday Mother bought her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes. Choose the correct word and copy the sentences. 1. Lions are {clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than tigers. 2. The {clever, cleverer, cleverest) domestic animals are the horse and the dog. 3. The {clever, cleverer, cleverest) wild animals are monkeys. 4. The {big, bigger, biggest) animal is the elephant. 5. The giraffe’s neck is {long, longer, the longest) than the tiger’s. Learn to write these words. jeans, trousers, sweater, jacket Puzzle Time Build up the “ladder” (“Clothes”). The Fifty-sixth LOSSOM Lesson Fifty-six The Fifty-seventh Lesson Lesson Fifty-seven Text “Cinderella”, part II The Fifty-eighth LeSSOfl Lesson Fifty-eight Igsson- 69 11 tess°" j^gadinS Horne al The Fifty-ninth LGSSOII LoSSOn Fifty -nine Let Us Learn Learn to pronounce and use the new words, (D Read the new words, tomorrow [to'mDrou] next [nekst] 70 tomorrow, next week, next month ... \ shall Ч I We \ He > play. She ► will It You > They ; ’ll play. (see part 2, Reference Grammar) (D Read and compare. Every day I get up at 7 o’clock. Usually my brother takes our dog for a walk. We often visit Granny. Every morning they have porridge for breakfast. Every year she goes to London to visit her relatives. Dick usually wears jeans. Tomorrow I shall (I’ll) get up at 9 o’clock. Tomorrow I’ll take our dog for a walk. We’ll visit Granny next week. Next morning they’ll have eggs for breakfast. Next year she’ll go to London to visit her relatives, too. Tomorrow he’ll wear trousers. What will they do? Make up as many true sentences as you can and read them aloud. watch TV. Helen celebrate Mum’s birthday, my parents invite my friends to my Tomorrow our family birthday party. Next week my friend and I shall go to the Zoo. Next month I will go to America. Next year my brother play chess. Jack buy a new TV set. play badminton, make toys for little children. a) The children want to play “Zoo”. They have got masks of different animals. What does each of them say? Example I shall be a bear. I shall put on the mask of a bear. I shall walk like a bear. Tony Kitty Clothing b) Now talk about each of them. Example щ Polly will be a fish. She will put on the mask of a fish. She f will swim like a fish. Dick (6) Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [o:] horse, tortoise, short, shorts, a pair of shorts, new shorts, old shorts. — What colour shorts do you like? — I like blue and grey shorts, and you? warm - warmer - the warmest, warm water, warm milk. When I’m ill. Mum always gives me warm milk. It’s warm. It’s warm today. It wasn’t warm yesterday. It was warmer yesterday than it’s today. They say it’ll be warm tomorrow. - Do you wear jeans when it’s warm? - No, I wear shorts when it’s warm. [au] mouth, mouse, house - houses, blouse, a blouse - blouses, a white blouse, a beautiful blouse. You look great in that new blouse! I think that Mother’s new blouse is beautiful. [з:] bird, girl, skirt, a skirt - skirts, a short skirt, a long skirt, a skirt and a blouse, a black skirt and a white blouse. My mother likes to wear a white blouse and a blue skirt. Does your mother like to wear short skirts or long skirts? [з:] shirt, a shirt - shirts, a white shirt, a grey shirt. I like to wear shirts and my mother likes to wear blouses. Tomorrow we shall buy a new shirt for my brother. [эи] old, cold, cold — colder — the coldest, cold water, cold meat. Dad likes to eat cold meat and vegetables for >'-:5>"-v V.- ..V supper. It’s cold. It’s cold today. It was colder yesterday. They say it’ll not be cold tomorrow. What do you wear when it’s cold? Let Us Listen, Read and Learn (z) Enjoy your English and 71. sing the song “The Kittens’ Clothes”, 1 Wf MTTENS* CLOTHES Jeans and trousers, Sweaters and shirts, Socks2 and tights,^ And jackets and skirts. T-shirts,4 shoes. High boots^ and mittens. These are the clothes Of the kittens. ■Ш Listen, read and learn. 72. WHHT HHE you G0LN6 TO 00? What are you going to do When you are twenty-two? I’ll write a story. I’ll make a plane. I’ll teach children. I’ll make rain. What are you going to be When you are I’ll be a I’ll be a I’ll be a I’ll be a twenty-three? pilot, doctor, teacher, worker. 1 clothes [kbudz] - одежда 2 socks [sDks] - носки 3 tights [taits] - колготки 4 T-shirt [Ti:j3:t] - футболка 5 high boots ["hai "bu:ts] - сапоги Clothing Where are you going to be When you are twenty-three? I’ll be in London, I’ll be in Rome,i I’ll be in Africa, I’ll be home. What are you going to do When you are one hundred and two? I don’t know. Do you? Let Us Talk Look at the pictures and say; - what Jane usually does at ... - what she is doing now; - what she will do tomorrow at o’clock; o’clock 1 Rome [гэит] - Рим С 5 ''Ы ж Do you know what you’ll do tomorrow? Tell your classmates about it. Let Us Write Make up any 6 sentences and write them down (see Exer cise 4). Learn to write these words. shirt, blouse, shorts, skirt 46 Clothing Puzzle Time Complete the crossword (“Clothes”) у 1 \r— у ^ 1 — / ^ 1 \ у 'Щ '— \ •. s ^ i > — • у \ / * • ^ 1 » 1 • \ 1 \ -Ч The Sixtieth LGSSOII Lesson Sixty REMEMBER tomorrow Shall Will ® I we rhe she it you Ч 1 1 we j shall. \ play? Yes, < he > she No, < it ► will. you ^they j I we he she it you shall not= shan’t. [Ja:nt] ► will not= won’t. [wount] .i. © I We He She It You They shall not s r' > will not I play (see part 2, Reference Grammar) t -i MA G) Find out what your classmates will do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Let them answer your questions. 0 Gome-^bcMachool- Will you -gtjnshopping with Mum help your granny about the house buy a new TV set go to the Zoo go to the swimming pool put on your new dress visit your friend come to see your granny go to Kiev a) This boy a boaster. Read what he says. tomorrow? next week? next month? next year? Tomorrow I shall eat ten eggs for breakfast. Tomorrow I shall watch TV at night. Tomorrow I shall buy a lot of new things. Tomorrow I shall send presents to all my friends. Tomorrow I shall go to London. Tomorrow I shall play chess with a champion. Clothing • Tomorrow I shall take a cold shower ten times a day. • Tomorrow I shall put on new white jeans to play football. b) Express your doubt. Example Will you eat ten eggs for breakfast? c) Disagree with him. Example You’ll not eat ten eggs for breakfast. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, (4) Look at the pictures and say: - what colour are these things; - what you like (don’t like) to wear; ‘ - what you will put on tomorrow; - what your sister will not put on tomorrow. 73 Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Listen, read and learn the poem “Let’s Play”, 74 cers PLAY I shall be a lion, And you will be a bear. I shall run after you And you’ll hide under the chair © Listen, read and learn, 75. AT THE SHOP Mrs Smith: Good afternoon. Shop assistant: Good afternoon. Smith: Could you changei this sweater, please? I bought it yesterday for my son. Shop assistant: Why? What’s wrong with it?2 Mrs Smith: It’s the wrong size. ^ Shop assistant: Is it too big or too small?^ Mrs Smith: It’s too small for him. Shop assistant: I’ni^ sure this sweater will be the right size for your son. Mrs Smith: Thanks a lot. Let Us Read Q) Read the dialogue and say why Mother is angry. Mother: Pete, it’s seven o’clock. It’s time to have breakfast and go to school. What are you doing? Pete: I’m putting on my shirt. Where are my socks, I wonder? Oh, I don’t know where my shoes are! And where are my trousers? Mum, please come and help me! Mother: Here are your socks, shoes and trousers. And what is there in your pockets,4 I wonder? 1 change [tfeinch] - поменять 2 What’s wrong [п)1з] with it? — Чем он вас не устраивает? 3 small [smo:l] - мал (маленький) 4 pocket Lpokit] - карман Clothing Pete: Oh, some little things. Mother: Let us see what those little things are: a box, a tennis ball, three sweets, two cookies, an apple ...! Oh, Pete!! You must not keep those things in your pockets! Dress quicklyi and have your breakfast. Look at the clock! It’s time for me to go to my office!^ When you go to school, put on your cap, your warm jacket and mittens. It’s cold today. Now, look here, Pete, next time when you don’t know where your things are I shall not help you! (8) Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the picture. Let Us Talk (9) Answer the questions. 1. What was the time when Pete got up? 2. Why couldn’t he dress quickly? 3. What did he ask Mum to do? 4. What things did Mother give to Pete? 5. What was there in Pete’s pockets? 1 quickly ["kwikli] - быстро 2 office ["ofis] - догадайтесь о значении этого слова 6. Will Pete put on his cap, his warm jacket and mittens? Why? 7. Do you think Pete’s mother will help him next time? 8. Do you always know where your things are? 9. Is it good to have the right thing in the right place? Why? Try to tell the text in your own words. Mrs McDonald bought the wrong size jeans (skirt, blouse ...) for her daughter. Role-play the dialogue between Mrs McDonald and the shop assistant (see Exercise 6). Let Us Write Refer the sentences to the future. 1. — What . present? — I • • • you buy for your mother as a birthday buy a box of sweets. 2. — ... you invite Bill to your birthday party? — Yes, I ... . 3. — Nina ... not go to school tomorrow. She is ill. we go next month? — We ... not go go to Odessa. 5. — When ... you do 4. — Where to Kiev, we your homework? I • • • do it at four o’clock. Look at the picture (Exercise 2 b, c): express your doubt (write 4 sentences): disagree with the boy (write 4 sentences). Learn to write these words. \ put on, take off, next, tomorrow Puzzle Time What does the message say? (For the code see Lesson 47, “Puzzle Time”.) 2085 1897820 2089147 914 2085 1897820 1612135 Clothing The Sixty-first LOSSOtl Lesson Sixty -one Let Us Learn Q) Are you curious? Ask your classmates what they will do tomorrow, in the evening, next week, next month, next year. Use the words in the box. Example Will you read in the evening? "S’ teach help make a cake send visit watch TV put on buy write take your pet for a walk come to see invite wear say goodbye celebrate open take off go Say what you (your father, mother ...) won’t do tomorrow, in the evening, next week, next month, next year. Examples^ I shan’t go to the swimming pool next week. f My brother won’t play hockey tomorrow. Tomorrow Father and Bob will go to the shop to buy a pres ent for Mum. \ Will they go to the shop? Will they buy a present for Mum or for Granny? Will they go to the shop tomorrow or next week? Who will go to the shop? When will they go to the shop? Where will they go tomorrow? Why will they go to the shop? With whom will Bob go to the shop? What will they buy? For whom will they buy a present? (3) Ask questions for more information. Tomorrow Nora will go to the Zoo with her Grandpa. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [эи] coat, a coat — coats, a new coat, an old coat, a brown coat. I think a blue coat goes well with white trousers, over, overcoat, an overcoat — overcoats. - Do you wear an overcoat or a jacket when it’s cold? - I always wear an overcoat when it’s cold. [ei] tail, rain, raincoat, a raincoat — raincoats. I don’t often put on my raincoat. I don’t like to wear raincoats. [ai] night, right, tights, brown tights, grey tights, these tights, those tights. - What colour tights do you like to wear? - I like to wear blue tights. What size tights do you wear? Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Look at the pictures and say how they run. 76. Examples к Dick can run quickly, f Pam can't run quickly. Dick Tom Clothing Let ^ Listen. Read and Learn (z) Read and learn the proverb. Give the Russian equivalent Tastes differ. Listen, read and learn, 77. Ann: Mum, we are going to the theatre^ with Granny, and Brett doesn’t want to put on his new coat and trousers. Mother: Oh, Brett, why don’t you want to put on your new coat and your new trousers, I wonder? They are so nice! They suit you^ so well! You’ll look great!^ Brett: Tastes differ, I don’t like new clothes! Let Us Read Read the story and say what you think of Fred and Peg. Fred and his little sister Peg went for a walk. It was a cold day. Fred put on his warm brown trousers, a sweater, a cap, a jacket, warm boots and mittens. Peg put on a warm sweater, blue jeans, an overcoat, high boots, a warm cap and gloves. T]^y_took their dog Rover with them. The dog didn’t have a coat or boots on and soon / he was very cold. ^^lOyer wanted to go home. The children were sorry for the dog and went home. Suddenly Peg said, “Oh, look, Fred! There’s a little bird in the tree. I think the bird is. cold, too. And it’s hungry! Let us give it some food to eat!” “That’s a good idea!” said Fred. When the children came home, they asked Granny to give them some bread and an apple. “What for?” asked Granny. “Are you hungry? Look at the clock! You had your dinner only 20 minutes ago.”4 \ 1 theatre ['0ю1э] - театр 2 suit [sju:t] you - идёт тебе 3 look great [4uk "greit] - выглядеть великолепно 4 ago [э'дэи] - тому назад С 1 . i (4 Oh, no, Granny! We are not hungry! But the bird is. We want to give the bread and the apple to the bird. It’s over therei in the tree. It’s cold and hungry!” “It’s very good of you to take care of birds,” said Granny and gave the children what they asked for. The children went out into the street. They came up to the tree where the bird was and put the bread and the apple under it. The bird ate the bread and the apple and said, “Pee, pee, pee!..” Do you know what the bird said? It said, “Thank you very much, Fred and Peg!” A friend in need is a friend indeed. Co) Choose and read aloud 5-6 sentences to sum up the most important facts of the story. Choose the best title for the story: “The Bird’s Friends”, “A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed”, “It Was Good of Them to Do It”. Let Us Talk Try to tell the story in the shortest possible way. Whose summary is the shortest? Do you take care of birds and animals? How do you do it? 1 over there ['auvs 'без] - вон там Clothing Tomorrow you won’t go to school. What are your plans for tomorrow? What will you do? Let Us Write Ask questions for more information. Begin them with the words given in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mother will wear her new blouse. (When) Pat will go to the Zoo. (With whom) The boys will play hockey. (Where) Alice will put it on tomorrow. (What) Father will buy a new overcoat. (What colour) He will wear a black hat. (Who) V Ask questions for more information. Write as many questions as you can. They will go there. Learn to write these words. tights, coat, ovei^coat, raincoat Puzzle Time Complete the crossword (“Clothes”) The Sixty-second Lesson Lesson Sixty-two ■0- Let Us Learn Q) Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 78. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [e] bed, leg, left, well, very well, do well, read well, write well, play chess well. - What can you do well? - I think I can swim well. - What can’t you do well? - I can’t skate well. - Can your brother play chess well? - Yes, he can play chess very well. [ou] no, know, grow, slow, slow - slower - the slowest. Don’t be so slow! Slow - slowly. John is a slow runner - he runs slowly. Sally, why are you dressing so slowly? [i] big, pig, fish, quick, quick - quicker - the quickest. Mary is a quick runner. Liz is quicker. Polly is the quickest runner. Be quick! Be quick and eat your lunch! Quick - quickly. Do it quickly! Read it as quickly as you can. - Can you run quickly? - I think I can. Time goes so quickly! [ei] day, day off, on days off. - What do you usually do on your days off? - On my days off I always go to the swimming pool with Dad. - Will you go to the theatre on your day off? - Yes, I shall. [e] ten, red, neck, end, weekend, at the weekend, at weekends. We often visit our granny at weekends. - What are your plans for the next weekend? - At the weekend we shall visit our relatives. bad -slow - badly slowly quick - quickly dear - dearly good — well (see part 2, Reference Grammar) ■■ Clothing She reads slowly. He runs quickly. She cooks badly. He plays football well. Read and compare. She is a slow reader. He is a quick runner. She is a bad cook. He is a good footballer. Read and say: - who is the best at English; - who is the worst at English; - who is the best tennis player; - who is the worst footballer. Charlie speaks English well. Dan speaks English better than Charlie. Mary speaks English better than Dan. Mike speaks English badly. Sue speaks English worse than Mike. Roy speaks English worse than Sue. Helen plays tennis well. Jane plays tennis better than Helen. Kate plays tennis better than Jane. Jack plays football badly. Tom plays football worse than Jack. Nick plays football worse than Tom. Let Us Listen, Read and Learn © Read and learn the proverb. Give the Russian equivalent. If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have Listen, read and learn, 79. МУ MOTHER Who said “Good night” When I was a child? My mother. Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gayi And showed^ me often how to play? My mother. ^ gay [gei] - весёлый 2 show [fsu] - показывать Who ran to help me when I felU And who could funny stories tell? My mother. Who sits at my head when I am in My mother. Who is so nice, who is so kind, Another so dear you’ll never find? My mother. bed? Let Us Read Read and say if Mother liked the cake. MOTHER*S StRTHPAY Tomorrow it will be Saturday. It’ll be my Mummy’s birthday! She’ll be thirty-one. But she looks twenty, she really2 does! My Dad and I will get up earlyS in the morning, when Mum is still asleep.^ We’ll clean the house and go to the shop to buy presents for Mother. I don’t know what we’ll buy. We shall see. But of course we’ll buy flowers. All women like flowers, you know! I think we’ll buy a beautiful blouse for her. She likes to wear blouses. We shall buy tasty things, too: sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, apples, oranges, bananas and what not! When Mum gets up we’ll congratulate her on her birthday. We’ll give her the presents and sing the song: Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Mummy, Happy birthday to you! Mother will invite her friends to her birthday party. They will come in the evening at about seven o’clock. 1 fall (fell [fel]) - падать 2 really [Tiali] - на самом деле 2 early L3:li] - рано 4 still asleep ['sU\ s'sliip] - всё ещё спит Clothing Mum will put on her party dress. Dad will be in his best too. I’ll put on my new white shirt and blue trousers. We’ll have a good time! Last year we had a lot of fun that day. Father wanted to make a surprise^ for Mother - to cook a birthday cake. When he put the cake on the table Mum asked: “What is it, I wonder?” “It’s my present for you on your birthday. It’s a birthday cake. I cooked it for you.” Mum thanked Dad and ate some cake. I wondered how she could eat the cake! It was very bad, it really was! I was very hungry but I couldn’t eat it! The next day, when Dad wasn’t at home I asked my Mum, “How could you eat the cake yesterday? Did you like it?” Mother didn’t say anything and smiled.2 Find and read aloud the answers to the questions. 1. How old will Mother be? 2. How old does she look? 3. What will Father and his son do in the morning? 4. What will they buy? 5. Why will they buy a blouse? 6. What song will they sing for Mother? 1 surprise [ss'praiz] - догадайтесь о значении этого слова 2 smile [small] - улыбаться с 7. What will they put on in the evening? 8. What present did Father give Mother last year? 9. Why did the boy wonder? Let Us Talk Sum up the most important facts of the text. Tell your classmates how you’ll celebrate your Mother’s birth day. Let your classmates ask you questions for more informa tion. She’ll make Let Us Write Your Mother is going to buy some new clothes, a list of them. What will she write in the list? Put in the missing words. 1. Why are you so ... ? You are dressing so ... 2. Tim is a ... chess player. He plays chess very 3. Father was a ... cook. He cooked ... . 4. Peg is a ... reader. She reads ... . Learn to write these words. well, quick — quickly, slow — slowly, on the day off, at the weekend Puzzle Tinne What’s the message? (See the key to the code in Lesson 47, “Puzzle Time’’.) 9 1215225 1325 1315208518 451181225 The Sixty-third LOSSOfl Lesson Sixty-three Clothing The Sixty-fourth L0SSOI1 Lesson Sixty-four Review 4 Let Us Talk Q) Play a game “Shopping List”. Who is the winner? c Examples к - ril go shopping, ril buy mittens, f — ril go shopping, ril buy mittens and a cap. - I’ll go shopping. I’ll buy mittens, a cap and © Play a game “Dress a Doll”. Examples 1) - I am putting a dress on my doll. Now I am taking the dress off the doll and putting a blouse on • • • • 2)- Take a dress and put it on your doll. I’m putting a dress on my doll. Now take the dress off your doll and put a blouse on your doll ... . People wear different clothes. It depends on whether it’s cold or warm. What will you wear if it’s cold (warm)? Examples щ - If^ it’s cold tomorrow I’ll wear ... . f - If it’s warm tomorrow I’ll put on ... . (4) Ted invites Kitty to his birthday party. Act out their conversation. Your friend invites you to come to his (her) birthday party tomorrow. What will you wear? Let your classmates guess. Example - Will you wear ... ? - No, I shan’t. (Yes, I shall.) 1 if [if] - если Tell your classmates how you celebrated your birthday. The children are going to have a fancy-dress party. They are choosing masks and clothes. What are they saying? Say it for them. Example Liz: I shall be a fox. 141 put on the mask of a fox. I’ll put on a red dress, a small yellow hat and red shoes. I’ll put on a long red tail too. I think I’ll look great! Say what clothes you like to wear and why. Example к I like to wear a white or a blue blouse. My eyes are f blue. I am blonde. I think that white and blue blouses suit me. Listen to the dialogues, (o) 81. Read and act them out. Then make up the dialogues of your own and role-play them. Kitty: Oh, Liz, you look great in that party dress! It’s so beautiful. It suits you very well. Liz: Thank you. I like it too. II Mother: Oh, Sam, you look terrible in that yellow shirt It doesn’t suit you at all. Sam: Well, I like it. Tastes differ. Clothing Let Us Read @) Find and read aloud: - the names of clothes; - the names of the parts of the body; - the words that help you compare things; - the words that help you describe things; - the names of animals. look after, clever, cap, teach - taught, hat, long, lion, short, wear - wore, wolf, cleverer, jeans, wolves, interesting, (the) shortest, shoes, head, neck, boots, tail, hair, trousers, worse, shorter, bad, sweater, eye, must, mouth, left, nose, right, ear, jacket, better, different, tree, grow - grew, domestic, favourite, face, wild, (the) worst, shirt, animal, quick, foot - feet, blouse, leg, body, slow, shorts, shoulder, skirt, finger, (the) best, quickly, toe, tights, sheep - sheep, coat, slowly, hamster, beautiful, overcoat, big, parrot, nice, raincoat, well, mittens, put on - put on, gloves, take off - took off, badly Read the tale and think of a title for it. Once there lived an old man and an old woman, his wife. They had no children. The old man had a pet - a bird. It was a little grey bird. The man loved it dearly. He took good care of it. He gave it food and water every morning and every evening. One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food. He said to his wife: “I’ll go to the shop to buy bread, salt, butter, spaghetti and sugar. Please, take good care of the bird! Give it food and water in the morning and in the evening!” “OK,” said his wife. “I will.” It was very cold. The old man put on his warm trousers and boots, a sweater, an overcoat, a warm cap and went away. The woman didn’t give the bird food or water in the morning. She didn’t give the bird anything to eat or to drink in the evening. The bird was very hungry and thirsty. Suddenly the bird saw some bread on the table. It ate some bread. When the woman saw the bird eating the bread, she took the bird and threw it out of the window.! When the old man came home, he couldn’t see the bird. “Where is my bird?” he asked his wife. “Oh, where is my little bird? Where is my dear little friend?” “I don’t know,” said his wife. The old man went to the forest^ to look for his bird. He walked, and walked, and walked. He was very cold. But he didn’t go back home - he was looking for his dear friend. 1 threw [0ru:] it out of the window [Vindau] - выбросила её из окна 2 forest [Tnrist] - лес Clothing At lasti he saw his bird in a tree! He was so happy! He asked the bird to come back home, but the bird didn’t want to. The bird said to the old man: “Thank you very much. You took good care of me. But I will not go back home. I don’t like your wife.” Then the bird put two baskets^ - one large^ and the other small - near the old man and said: “Take the basket which you like best and go back home.” The old man thanked the bird, took the small basket and went home. At home the old woman wanted to see what was in the basket. They opened the basket and saw that it was full of gold.4 The old man told his wife that the gold was the bird’s present. “You are not clever! I’m cleverer than you! Tell me where your bird is! I’ll go to see her. But I’ll not take a small basket. I’ll take a large one.” And the old woman ran to the forest. When she saw the old man’s bird in the tree, she said: “Hello, dear little bird! I’m so happy to see you! I love you very much! You gave a basket to my husband. Please, give me a basket, too!” “All right,” said the bird, “I’ll give you a basket, too.” And the little bird put two baskets near the woman -one large and the other small. The old woman didn’t think long. She quickly took the large basket and ran home. She didn’t thank the bird. When she was back home, she wanted to see what was in the basket and opened it quickly. And what did she see? She saw only yellow leaves in it! Agree or disagree. The old man and his wife had no children. The old man had a pet - a puppy. The man loved the bird dearly. 1 at last [at "la'st] - наконец 2 basket ['baiskit] - корзина 3 large [loicfe] - большая 4 full of gold [Tul av 'gauld] - полна золота The woman didn’t like the bird. The woman didn’t give the bird food or water. The bird was not hungry or thirsty. The old man went to the forest to look for the He was very cold. He wasn’t happy to see the bird. The bird was under a tree. The man took the small basket. The woman took the small basket, too. Let Us Write bird Write how you are going to celebrate your birthday. Puzzle Time Find out the rhyming twins and write them down. ✓ Ч bought / there blouses wrong farm short shirt eye taught near big trousers night The Sixty-fifth LeSSOfl I Lesson Sixty-five Text “Cinderella”, part III The Sixty-sixth Lesson Lesson Sixty-six Project Work 4 (p 124) 12 йоте option al N 1ШШШ The Sixty-seventh Lesson Lesson Sixty Let Us Learn -seven 1 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 2 a) Look at the pictures and name the seasons. 83 Example It*s ... . / rj ОУ b) Say what season comes after ... Example After ... comes ... . c) Say what you like to do in winter (summer, ...). Example ^ / like to sledge in winter. d) Say what season you like best and why. 3 Pretend you are a teacher. Ask your classmates as many questions as you can about the pictures. I 4 Play a “Champion Game”. Who can say more sentences to describe the pictures? 70 ns Let Us Listen, Read and Learn__________________ 5 Here is a poem about seasons. Listen, read and learn it, 84. SEASONS Autumn is yellow, Winter is white, Spring is green. Summer is bright.! 6 English people often talk about the weather. Let’s start learning how to do it, ($) 85. Mrs Smith', I say, Jim, how’s the weather today?2 Mr Smith: It’s terribly hot!^ Mrs Smith: Then Bob will wear a white shirt and blue shorts today. Mr Smith: That’s right. his 1 bright [brait] - яркий 2 ... how’s the weather [Veda] today? -2 hot [hot] - жаркий ... какая сегодня погода? 7'J Sandy: Sue: Sandy: Sue: Sandy: Sue: Sandy: II Hello. Could I speak to Sue, please? This is Sue. Hello! Are you busy today? No, I’m not. Well then, let’s go to Hyde Park. The weather is so fine. Great! See you there in 10 minutes. OK. C Let Us Talk 7 Role-play the dialogues. 8 Think of your own dialogue and act it out. 9 There are four seasons in a year. What can you say about each of them? Example Summer comes after spring. Summer is green and bright. It’s warmer in summer than in spring. Summer is the warmest season of the year. ... Let Us Read 10 Read and say why all the Big Banana’s friends liked him. TH£ BiG BANANA ANB THE UTTLE BANANA Look at that fellow in a yellow jacket, blue jeans, brown boots and a green cap. Do you know him? He is the Big Banana. He is from a hot country, from Africa. But now he lives in Great Britain. 72 Не has got а big body, long arms, short legs, small feet, little green eyes, brown hair, a big red nose and a little red mouth. He’s a nice funny fellow. And he’s clever. He’s very clever, much cleverer than his sister. And he’s a great worker. He works a lot. That’s why he grows, and grows, and grows. That’s why he is so big - the Big Banana. He works a lot and grows quickly. The Big Banana has got a lot of friends - different fruit and vegetables - oranges, apples, lemons, pineapples,! pears,2 grapes,3 tangerines,^ carrots and many other friends. They all like the Big Banana, because^ he is good. He’s very, very good, much better than his sister. 11 Choose and read aloud the sentences to describe the Big Banana. Let Us Write 12 Find in the tale the names of fruit and write them down Puzzle Time 13 Solve the puzzle. This is the season When fruit is sweet. This is the season When school friends meet.^ What season is it? 1 pineapple ["pamaepl] - ананас 2 pear [pea] - груша 3 grapes [greips] - виноград 4 tangerine [Даепфэ'гкп] - мандарин 5 because [bi'koz] - потому что 6 meet [mi:t] - встречаться 73 The Sixty-eighth Lesson Lesson Sixty-eight Let Us Learn 1 Some sentences are true, some are not. Choose and read aloud those which are true. 1. In winter there is a lot of snow. 2. Summer comes after winter. 3. Autumn is the warmest season of the year. 4. Summer is warmer than spring. 5. There are five seasons in a year. 6. There is usually a lot of fruit in autumn. 7. Winter is the coldest season of the year. 8. The English celebrate New Year in summer. 9. Summer holidays are the longest. 10. People celebrate Christmas in winter. 11. It often snows in winter. 2 Try to make up as many sentences as you can. I like ... . fine my parents likes ... . hot my friend don’t like When the weather cold my brother doesn’t like is warm we go ... . bad children goes ... . people put on ... puts on ... 3 Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 4 Make the sentences complete. The first winter month is ... . The second winter month is ... . The third winter month is ... . 86 74 44. 5 Match the sentences. Can you explain why? Nancy was happy Mum couldn’t go to the theatre with us Phil was ill My little brother didn’t swim yesterday The children couldn’t sledge Ned sent a greetings card to Bobby I’d love to have another glass of juice I’d like one more hamburger Pam loves Mike she was busy, the water was very cold, there wasn’t much snow, it was his birthday. I’m hungry. he takes good care of his pet. I’m thirsty. he ate too much ice cream and drank cold juice, she got a puppy as a birthday present. Let Us Read and Learn 6 Learn the proverb and think of Russian equivalents Every thing is good in its season. 7 These two poems are about winter. Read them, choose the one you like best and learn it, 87. WINTER It’s winter now, so bundle up tightli Warm mittens and caps will be just right Ice on the lake, snow on the ground,2 Time to ski and skate all around.^ Winter, spring, summer, falH -I like winter best of all. 1 bundle up tight ['ЬлпЬ1 лр Tait] - 2 ground [graund] - земля 3 all around ['э:1 s'raund] - вокруг 4 fall = autumn хорошо укутайся 75 WHEN DOES SNOW StOW?^ When does snow blow? When do flowers^ grow? Is it best to go a little slow When streets are covered^ with ice and snow? Let Us Read 8 Read and say what you think of the Little Banana. THE StG BANANA AND THE UTTtE BANANA II And who is that lady with long yellow hair, big blue eyes, a little white nose, a little red mouth, short arms, short legs, small hands and small feet? Her clothes are so beautiful! And she looks beautiful too! - It’s the Big Banana’s sister - the Little Banana. - But why is she so little? - Because she is lazy,4 she’s very, very lazy. She doesn’t want to work. That’s why she doesn’t grow. That’s why she is so little - the Little Banana. Her brother, the Big Banana, takes good care of his sister. He teaches her how to work, how to grow, how to make friends with other fruit and vegetables, but it’s a slow business - she doesn’t want to. She’s too lazy. She doesn’t care about it. The only thing she cares about is - how to look beautiful. She cares a lot only about her clothes. Look what she’s wearing today - a white blouse, a long blue skirt, white shoes and a big green hat. She thinks she looks beautiful. And what do you think? 1 blow [bbu] - дуть, мести 2 flower [Таиэ] - цветок 2 are covered [^клуэд] - покрыты 4 lazy Lleizi] - ленивый 7 -/ / О Let Us Talk________________________________ 9 Could you compare the Big Banana and the Little Banana? Which of them do you like best and why? Let Us Write 10 Compare. Example hot - hotter — (the) hottest 1) small, warm, cold, long, 2) bad, good; 3) interesting, beautiful. short, nice, big; 11 Which words are missing? Put in and copy. 1) In winter the days are ... than in summer. It’s ... in summer than in spring. Summer is the ... season of the year. 2) The dog is a ... animal. Monkeys are ... than cats. Elephants and dolphins are the ... animals. 12 Learn to write these words. season, winter, spring, summer, autumn Puzzle Time 13 If you put the letters in the right order you’ll get a proverb that you know. Project Work 5 (p. 124> 77 THE ENGLISH YEAR The Sixty-ninth L0SSOfl Losson Sixty Let Us Learn -nine Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 88. You’ve learned the names of winter and spring months. Say what they are. Example ... is the first (second, third) winter (spring) month This picture can help you speak about one of the seasons of the year. - What season is it? - How can you prove it? - What month do you think it is? - Whom can you see in the picture? - What are they doing? The English Year Can you read quickly? Read all the words as quickly as you can. Then choose and read aloud only the verbs. clean, watch, season, drink — drank, winter, buy — bought, make- made, spring, grow — grew, summer send — sent, celebrate, autumn, open, bring — brought come — came, weather, write - wrote, see — saw, hot teach — taught, eat — ate, know — knew, interesting think — thought, beautiful, go — went, invite, get — got do — did, have — had, work, read — read, look Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. November [nou'vembo], in November. - How many days are there in November? - There are thirty days in November. In Russia November is an autumn month. But in Great Britain November is the first winter month. In November it often rains and sometimes snows. December [di'semba], in December. My Dad’s birthday is in December. - Is December an autumn month? - No, it isn’t. In Russia December is the first winter month and in Great Britain December is the second winter month. On the 25th of December English people celebrate Christmas. On the 31st of December people celebrate New Year. January ['(^aenjuori], in January. The first of January is the first New Year’s day. January comes after December. -Does it often snow in January? - Yes, it often snows in January. January is the third winter month in Great Britain. In January in Great Britain it snows and rains. February [ТеЬшэп], in February. My birthday is on the twelfth of February. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in February. In Great Britain November, December, January and February are winter months. not, hot, a lot, because, because I like it, because it’s cold, because it’s interesting. I like winter because in winter I can ski and skate. Willy, put on your warm mittens because the weather is cold. [13] Let Us Listen, Read and Learn © Listen, read and learn the dialogue, partner and role-play It. 89. Then choose a Jim: Jack: Jim: Jack: Jim: Jack: Jim: Jack: TALKING ABOUT THE WEATHER Hi, Jack! This is Jim. I’m callingi from Africa. From Africa?! What are you doing in Africa? I’m on holiday. How’s the weather in Africa? Is it hot? Terribly hot. Are you having a good time? No, I’m not. I’m having a terrible time. The weather is terrible here. I’m sorry to hear2 that. C Let Us Talk '--T; Now talk for Nora and Susan, using the following as a guide. Nora: Hi, ... . This is ... . I’m calling from ... . SusaAi:From ... ? What are you doing in ... ? Nora: I’m on ... . Si/san:How’s the ... in ... ? Is it ... ? Nora: ....... Susan: Are you having a good time? Nora: ..........I’m having a ... time. The weather is ... here. SusamVm ... to hear that. Pretend you are on holiday in another country. Call your friend and talk about the weather in the country you are in. ■j-7] 1 to call [ko:l] = to telephone 2 to hear [his] - слышать The English Year Let Us Read Read and say what new information you’ve learned. THE ENGLiSH YEAR I There are four seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February. The winter months are cold. In Great Britain in winter it snows and rains. Let’s read about the winter months. There is something in each month. November. There are 30 days in November. In Great Britain November is the first winter month. In November in America there is a great holiday -Thanksgiving Day.i Families come together^ for the day. They decorate the houses with autumn’s fruit and flowers and eat traditional^ American food: roast turkey^ and pumpkin pie.5 1 Thanksgiving Day [,0aei3ks'givi]3 "dei] - День благодарения 2 together [ta'geds] - вместе 2 traditional [trs'dijsnal] - традиционный ^ roast turkey ['rsust Tsiki] - жареная индейка 3 pumpkin pie ['рлт(р)кт 'pai] - тыквенный пирог December. There are 31 days in December. On the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England - Christmas or X-mas. People give each other presents and send Christmas cards. Presents for children are in their stockings. The traditional English dinner on Christmas Day is roast turkey and Christmas pudding. The Queen’s speechi is on television at 3.00 p.m. During Christmas in Trafalgar Square there is a Christmas tree. Not all English people celebrate New Year. Those who do celebrate it on the 31st of December. Some people have a New Year party. The party usually begins at eight o’clock in the evening. At twelve o’clock they have a toast to the New Year. The party goes on till^ early^ morning. Let Us Write Write out all the verbs in two forms (see Exercise 4). These are the answers. What are the questions? - There are four seasons in a year. - The winter months are: December, January, February. - Yes, it’s cold in winter. - Yes, it often snows in winter. - People wear warm clothes because it’s cold in winter. Learn to write these words. November, December, January, February, because 1 Queen’s speech ['kwi:nz 'spi:tj] - речь королевы 2 till [til] - до 3 early Lsili] - ранний The English Year Puzzle Time Find 11 words. N F e b r u a r у о w g о u w к 1 s n P z P i к V b J a n u a r у c n t e 1 f c d m о w P s t s m a u t u m n 1 a u e e b ■ J к u w e a t h e r a e У m s p r i n g q b s r о P b e c a u s e d о D e c e m b e r У f i n The Seventieth Lesson Lesson Seventy Let Us Learn REA/tEMBER Is there any water in the glass? Yes, there is {some), (Yes,) there is some water in the glass. No, there isn’t. (No,) there is no water in the glass There isn’t any water in the glass Are there any apples on the table? Yes, there are some. Yes, there are some apples on the table. No, there aren’t. No, there are no apples on the table. No, there aren’t an\ apples on the table. Look at the picture and complete the sentences Examples There is some ... . There is no ... . There are some ... . There are no ... Play a “Memory Game”. Look at the picture for a minute (see Exercise 1), then close it and ask your classmates questions. Let your classmates answer your questions. 90 Examples к Is there any ... ? f Are there any ... ? Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Learn to read the new words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [a:] party, arm, March, in March, the 8th of March. My Mother’s birthday is on the 15th of March. March is the first spring month. — What month comes before March? - February does. [ei] say, day, April, in April, the first of April, on the first of April. - Is your sister’s birthday in March or in April? - Her birthday is on the fifth of April. April is the second spring month. [a:] glass, grass, green grass, long grass. In spring the grass is green. - What animals eat grass? - Horses, sheep and cows do. They like to eat grass. [i:] eat, meat, clean, leaf, a leaf — leaves, green leaves, small leaves. In spring the leaves on the trees are small and green. Trees with their small green leaves look beautiful in spring. The English Year Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Listen, read and learn, 91. SPRING Spring is here, Summer is near, Grass is green. So nice and clean. Winter, spring, summer, fall -I like spring best of all. Let Us Talk Are you a good listener? Let us see. Play the game “A Snowball Story”. Say whatever you can about spring in Great Britain. Examples к - There are two spring months in Great Britain. p - There are two spring months in Great Britain. ^ They are March, April. - There are two spring months in Great Britain. They are March and April. March is the first spring month. ... © Now let’s see what you can say about winter. Each of you says a sentence. Then one of you will sum it up. Let Us Read Read and say what English traditions you’ve learned about. TH£ ENGLISH YEAR II January. There are 31 days in January. It’s fun to see the New Year in. There is a lot of dancing,! eating and drinking. 1 dancing ['dainsig] - танцы There is an interesting New Year tradition: in Scotlandi you can go “first footing”. That is - you visit friends, so you are the “first foot” of the New Year in their houses. In Scotland the first visitor who comes into a house on New Year’s morning is “the First Foot”. The Scots2 believe^ that the First Foot brings luck^ to the family for the New Year. In Scotland the First Foot must be a man (or a boy), not a woman! And he must have dark hair. February. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in February. The 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day.^ People buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They don’t sign^ their cards - you must guess who sent the cards to you. 1 Scotland ['skntbnd] - Шотландия 2 the Scots - шотландцы 3 believe [bi'li:v] - верить 4 luck [1лк] - удача 5 St. Valentine’s [sntVaebntainz] Day 6 sign [sain] - подписывать - День СВ. Валентина The English Year Boys and girls, husbands and wives, relatives and friends send cards to each other. There are different cards to suit all tastes. Let Us Write Write 6 sentences (see Exercises 1, 2). Learn to write these words. March, April, grass, leaf (leaves) Puzzle Time________________ Put in the right letters to write 12 words. The Seventy-first Lesson Lesson Seventy-one Optio” al F 1 D ■ r M h 9 s w s a s r e J У A .Г. 1 У N r g n The Seventy-second Lesson Lesson Seventy -two Let Us Learn © You are a magician! Your bag is full of different toys. The children want to know what toys are in your bag. What questions do they ask you? The English Year Example ► A: Are there any giraffes in your bag? Magician: Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t.) And now play a “Memory Game”. Who remembers what there is in the magician bag? Example There are some ... in the bag. Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [ei] say, day, May, in May. - Is it warm in May? - Sometimes it’s warm in May, sometimes it isn’t. In Great Britain May is the first summer month. [u:] too, tooth, school, pupil, blue, June, in June. - How many days are there in June? - There are 30 days in June. June is the first summer month. — How’s the weather in June? — It’s usually warm in June. [ai] write, eye, tights, right, time, buy, try, my, July, in July. - How many days are there in July? - There are 31 days in July. July is the second summer month in our country. It’s warmer in July than in June. My granny’s birthday is on the twenty-first of July. Say what month comes: after: November, December, May, March, June, February; * before: January, April, February, July, March, May. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, 92. Whom can you see in the pictures on page 90? Look and say. Examples There are some cows in the ... . There is no pig in the ... . There are no tigers in the ... . Let Us Listen, Read and Learn 7) Listen, read and learn, 93. SUMMER The summer suu^ sMues^ \voi and laigla. Baby birds now learn to fly. Green, green leaves and tasty fruit. All the things are so good! Winter, spring, summer, fall, I like summer best of all. 1 the sun [sAn] - солнце 2 shine Lfain] - светить, сиять я / . ^ ж f • «Ль • * ‘ •IL^ . : The English Year Ejijoy your English. Listen to the song, read and learn it, 94. Й WHEN TREES ARE GREEN ^ When trees are green and forests are green, And grass is green and long, It’s good to walk in the forest And listen to little birds’ song. When trees are white and forests are white. Because they are covered with snow. It’s good to be out-of-doorsi and play. Oh, I love it so! Let Us Read In Great Britain spring months are full of holidays. What are they? THE ENGUSH YEAR III In Great Britain there are two spring months: March and April. March. There are 31 days in March. In England spring begins at the end of March. The 17th of March is a national^ holiday in Ireland^ - St [snt] Patrick’s Day. People send greetings cards. On that day people wear a shamrock ['/зетгак]. A shamrock is a plant with three leaves. It is the national emblem ['embbm] of Ireland. In March there is also a holiday for English women -Mother’s Day. People in the family try to make it a day off for Mother and help her in any way they can. On that day they visit their mothers and give them some presents. If they can’t do that, they send their mothers “A Mother’s Day Card”. 1 out-of-doors [,aut9v"do:z] - на свежем воздухе 2 national ['naejsnl] - национальный 3 Ireland ['aisbnd] - Ирландия shamrock April. April is the second spring month. There are 30 days in April. In April or at the end of March English people celebrate Easteri Day. They celebrate it as the start of spring or a religious^ festival. In England it is time to give and to get presents. On Easter Sunday children get chocolate Easter eggs or rabbits. You can buy them at any sweet shop in the weeks before Easter. The Easter holidays are at the end of March and in the first half^ of April. Pupils go back to school after Easter. In April there is a day for fun - April Fool’s Day. It’s on the first of April. English children like this day very much. They play jokes^ and tricks on other people: other children, parents, friends, relatives, school teachers. One is to tell someone that something is wrong with his dress when in fact^ all is in order.6 1 Easter ["iists] - Пасха 2 religious [n'lid^ss] - религиозный 3 half [ha:f| - половина 4 joke [cfesuk] - шутка 5 in fact [in Taekt] - фактически 6 in order [in "o:d9] - в порядке The English Year “Oh, Ted, look, your right shoe is on your left foot!” When the boy looks at his feet and sees that he has got the right shoe on the right foot, the one, who is playing the joke, says, “April Fool!” So children play different jokes and tricks. As you see the first of April is a day for fun. Let Us Talk C 4 i- rV. fi Ш Say what English holidays you remember. Which of them do you like best and why? Let Us Write Change the words underlined to describe spring. There are four winter months in Great Britain. They are November. December. Januarv and February. November is the first winter month. In winter the days are short and the nights are long. It’s usually cold in winter. In December English people celebrate Christmas. Learn to write these words. May, June, July, some, any Puzzle Time What does the message say? (The key to the code see in Lesson 47, “Puzzle Time”.) 1325 61221521189205 1951191514 919 19211313518 The Seventy-third Lesson Lesson Seventy-three Let Us Learn ^£ЛГ£4 any+thing= anything Is there anything in the bag? some + thing= something (Yes,) there is some thing in the bag. no+thing= nothing (No,) there is nothing in the bag. (No,) there isn’t anything in the bag. Л* -'. I iVd . , ,~»t G) Complete the dialogues: -•ВД I Boy: Is there ... in your hat? Clown: Yes, there is ... in my hat II Boy: Is there ... in your box? Clown*: No, there isn’t ... in my box •a.. ;• V: Ml ■Mm Ш. The English Year Disagree. Examples Pam wanted to say something to Pete. No, Pam didn't want to say anything to Pete. Pam wanted to say nothing to Pete. They put something into the bag. Mary took something from the table. There was something in the box. (3) Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [d] box, what, watch, from, sorry, forest, a forest - forests, in the forest. The forests are green in summer. It’s nice to walk in the forest! I think that forests look beautiful in all the seasons. [i:] eat, see, tree, field, a field - fields, in the field. Grasshoppers live in the fields. Look! How beautiful the field is! [o:] bought, brought, autumn, August, in August. There are 31 days in August. May, June, July and August are summer months in Great Britain. - Which is your favourite summer month? - August is. [e] seven, clever, eleven, September, in September. September is the first autumn month. There are 30 days in September. - Does school start in September? - Yes, it does. [эи] so, know, grow, those, October, in October. October comes after September. - Is it colder in October than in September? - It certainly is. In Great Britain there are two autumn months - September and October. Choose and read the names of winter, spring, summer, autumn months in Great Britain. October, January, December, June, September, May, July, April, August, November, March, February Let Us Read and Learn Listen, read and learn, 95. MU Put on your jacket and jeans for fall, Now it’s cold to play football! Leaves turni orange, red and brown. And they all are falling down. Winter, spring, summer, fall, I like fall best of all! Let Us Read © Read and say what you have learned about summer and autumn months in Great Britain. THE ENGUSH YEAR IV May, June, July, August. In Great Britain summer begins in May. So there are four summer months. They are May, June, July and August. The weather is usually warm but not always. It is often changeable. The days are long and the nights are short. When the sun is high in the sky2 it is hot. People wear lights clothes - cotton^ shirts, jeans, skirts, T-shirts and light shoes. In May on the first Monday^ English people celebrate the May Day holiday. Big shops are open and some people go shopping. In June the English people celebrate Father’s Day. On that day children send cards and give presents to their fathers. 96 1 turn [t3:n] - зд. становятся 2 sky [skai] - небо 3 light [lait] - лёгкий 4 cotton ["kDtn] - хлопок 5 Monday LmAndi] - понедельник The English Year Most people stay in Britain in the summer. In July and August there are lots of things to do: you can go to the parks, to the swimming pools, to the stadiums. If the weather is fine, there are a lot of people on the beaches.! In July and August you can have a very good time. September, October. Autumn comes in September. Autumn is usually a nice season in England. It is warm and dry.2 But it can rain a lot too. Summer holidays are over in September. The parks, beaches and streets of Britain are very quiet.2 It is time to go back to school. In Great Britain school begins in the second week of September. On the 31st of October in Great Britain there is a nice holiday for children - Halloween. People put pumpkins on the windowsills.4 They draw^ eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face. 1 beach [bi:tj] - пляж 2 dry [drai] - сухой 3 quiet ["kwaist] - безлюдный 4 windowsill ['windsusil] - подоконник 5 draw [dro:] - рисовать с Children dress up in funny clothes. They go from house to house and say “Trick or treat”.i People give them sweets, fruit, cakes, cookies or money.2 This is a nice, funny and “tasty” holiday, isn’t it? Let Us Talk You’ve read about the English Year. Let’s talk about it. 1. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? 2. What are the spring months in Great Britain and in our country? 3. How many winter months are there in Great Britain? Name them, please. 4. There are three winter months in our country, aren’t there? What are they? 5. When does summer begin in Great Britain and in our country? 6. What are the autumn months in Great Britain? And how many autumn months are there in our country? 7. What holidays do English people celebrate: in December, in January, in February, in March, in April, in June, in October? 8. What holidays do we celebrate in our country? 9. When does school begin in Great Britain and in our country? Let Us Write (s) What do you think is the most interesting holiday in Great Britain? What can you write about it? Do Exercises 1 and 2 in writing. Learn to write these words. forest, field, August, September, October, something, anything, nothing 1 trick or treat ['ink э 4ri:t] - угощайте, a to подшутим над вами 2 money ['тлш] - деньги The English Year Puzzle Time Write the message and answer the question. PoEnglishpeoplecelebrateHaltoween': The Seventy-fourth Lesson Lesson Seventy-four Let Us Learn any+body= anybody Is there anybody in that house? some + body= somebody (Yes,) there is somebody in that house. no+body= nobody (No,) there is nobody in that house (No,) there isn’t anybody in that house. ri What does the fox say? a) There is ... in the house. b) Is there ... in the house? c) There is ... in the house. а) Make up sentences. is There was will be somebody in the field, in the forest, in the house, at the stadium, in the swimming pool, at the sports ground, at school, at home. b) Express your doubt. Example c) Disagree. Is there anybody ...? Examples к There is nobody ... . f There isn’t anybody ... . Put the right words in gaps. 1) Yesterday Mum bought ... for me, but I don’t know what it is. 2) It was night and he couldn’t see ... . 3) He saw ... because it was night. 4) There are ... books on the table, but I don’t know how many. 5) Were there ... toys in the box? - Yes, there were 6) Did you see ... in the field? - No, I saw ... there. 7) The boy didn’t ask ... to help him make a chair. 8) ... came into the house. 9) There was ... bread on the table and I asked Mum to give me ... . 10) Is there ... coffee in the cup? - No, there isn’t. There is ... milk in it. The English Year Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Listen to the song, read and learn, 96. WEATHER !■- Ы-. In the North2 it’s snowing, And in the South^ it’s hot. In the East the wind is blowing, And in the West it’s not. In the South the sun is shining. And in the West the sky is blue. In the East it’s raining. And in the North it’s raining too. Read and learn the proverb, give the Russian equivalent. A tree is known^ by its fruit Let Us Read PTjS-V Read the dialogue and say what seasons Tom and Ted like and why. Ш SEASONS ARE BEAUTIEUt Tom: Do you like autumn, Ted? Ted: No, I don’t. I think it’s a dull^ season. The grass is yellow. The leaves fall down from the trees. It often rains. It’s often cold. No, I don’t like autumn. But I do like winter and summer. 1 world [w3:ld] - мир, вселенная 2 North [no:0] - север 2 South [sau0] - ЮГ 4 known [пэип] - узнаваемый 5 dull [dAl] - грустный с Тот: Ted: Тот: Do you? Ted: Yes, I do, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter. And we do not go to school! You can have a lot of fun in summer! And why do you like winter, I wonder? Oh, in winter you can have a very good time too. You can enjoy 1 skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! I think that winter is a beautiful season. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderful in winter! Tom: Well, but I like autumn. I think that forests are more beautiful in autumn than in winter - the leaves in the trees are of different colours - green, yellow, orange, red and brown. They look beautiful! And autumn is a “tasty” season - there are a lot of vegetables and fruit in autumn. And what about spring? Do you like it? Oh, yes, I like it very much, too. The leaves are small and green. The grass is green, too. It’s warm in spring. In spring I usually enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. Well, I think all the seasons are beautiful! Let Us Talk Ted: Tom: Q) What is your favourite season and why? 1 enjoy [in'cfeoi] - получать удовольствие, наслаждаться The English Year Let Us Write Write any six sentences (see Exercise 2 a, b, c) Learn to write these words. somebody, anybody, nobody Puzzle Time Complete the crossword. Write the names of months Ф The Seventy-fifth LOSSOn . I Lesson Seventy-five The Seventy-sixth Lesson „рл I Lesson Seventy-six Lesso"'‘® 91 The Seventy-seventh Lesson Lesson Seventy -seven Review 5 c Let Us Talk © Do you know the names of the months of the English year? Name: - the winter months; - the spring months; - the summer months; - the autumn months. Let’s have some fun. Now try and name all the months in the alphabetical order. Play a game “Nature Lover”. The winner is the one who can say more about each season. Describe any classmates to holidays!) month of the English year you want for your guess what month it is. (Don’t forget about the You’ve learned about some English holidays: a) talk about the one that you think is the most interesting; b) let your classmates ask you questions for more information; c) ask your classmates questions about other holidays of the English year. Think of your own story on the pictures. Let your classmates think of a title for your story. ^ s! The English Year (z) You’ve learned 6 poems and 2 songs (Lessons 70-76). Recite the poem and sing the song you like best. Let Us Read (§) Right or wrong? Choose and read aloud what’s right. There are twelve months in a year. In Great Britain there are three summer months. There are 30 days in June. June comes after August. In Great Britain May is the first summer month. There are twenty-eight days in January. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days February. There are two seasons in Great Britain. Winter is the coldest season of the year. in In winter in Great Britain it rains and snows. People celebrate Christmas on the 23rd of December. Halloween is on the 31st of October. Read and say why Londoners like to go to the parks. CONPON'S PARKS London is a very big city.i More than eight million people live in London. London is a green city. There are a lot of parks in London. The biggest parks are: Hyde [haid] Park, St James’s Park and Regent’s ['riicfeants] Park. London’s famous^ Zoo is in Regent’s Park. In the Zoo there are animals and birds from different countries and continents ['knntmsnts]. There you can see crocodiles and monkeys, elephants and giraffes, lions and tigers and a lot of other animals. You can give bananas to the monkeys! The English enjoy visiting the Zoo. In English parks you can do lots of things and have a very good time: you can sit on the green grass, you can play football and other games, ride horses, watch ducks, you can walk or have a quiet talk with your friends or read your book. Londoners love their parks! Are the sentences true or false? There are ten big parks in London. London’s famous Zoo is in St James’s Park. There are different animals and birds from different countries and continents in London’s Zoo. You can play games in the parks in London. Londoners don’t like their parks. You can give bananas to the monkeys in the Zoo. 1 city [^siti] - большой город 2 famous [Teimas] - известный The English Year Let Us Write You’ve thought of a story on the pictures If it’s a good story, write it down. If it’s not one. (see Exercise 6). - think of another Puzzle Time Which names of 10 months do you need to build up the “ladder”? t-:- b-1 { J Ч 1^ ■:-<я 1 У' Г t . • "Г* ^1*- щ fv.-j v:-: 1 The Seventy-eighth Lesson • Lesson Seventy-eight Text “Halloween" The Seventy-ninth Lesson • Lesson Seventy-nine Text “Trick or Treat" L'V. •I*,;. К‘г- Ш- Project Work 6 (p. 125) 13 tess°” ngadifl 1^ NATURE ritstnsfttaiai'eiti The Eightieth LOSSOfl Lesson Eighty Let Us Learn Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Look at the pictures and answer the questions: - What can you see in the pictures? 98 - Where - Where idays? - Where - Where do you like to spend your holidays? does your friend like to spend his (her) hoi- were you last summer? will your family go next summer and why? !. ^ I Nature ■<% iiA ТиГгГ gtffil'ilr fW I Uiy Make the sentences complete. 1. Do you like to swim in the ... or in the ...? 2. I like to swim in the ... . The water in the Black ... is warm in summer. 3. My house stands near the ... . 4. Last summer the Browns lived near the ... . 5. Will you go to the ... next summer? Let Us Listen, Read and Learn 4) Listen, read and learn, 99. Then act it out. Jack: Hello, Mike! Did you have a good holiday? MikeiYes, thanks. Did you? Jack: Yes, lovely.i Mike:Ah, well. Back to school now. Ready2 for work? 5) Listen, read and learn. 100. BUTTERHY^ Butterfly, butterfly. Where do you fly. So quickly and high. In the blue, blue sky? Let Us Read Read and say how Bob took care of the animals. ON A fARA! Bob is a little boy. He is seven. He lives in a town.4 His uncle Mr Smith lives in the country.^ He has got a big farm. Mr Smith invited Bob to spend his summer holidays with him on the farm. 1 lovely piAvli] — великолепный, прелестный 2 ready [Tedi] - готовый 2 butterfly ['bAtaflai] - бабочка 4 in a town [in 9 Taun] - в городе 5 in the country [in бэ "клп1п] - в деревне, за городом For the first time in his life Bob saw so many domestic animals: horses, cows, sheep, pigs, ducks, hens, chickens and some others. He wanted to see everything. Bob’s uncle had a lot of work to do on his farm. He usually got up at five o’clock in the morning. Bob wanted to help his uncle in his work. One day Mr Smith asked Bob to take care of a little calf.i Bob was happy. The calf was so nice, it was very little and funny. It had long legs. Its eyes were big and brown. They were so beautiful! Bob gave the calf some milk to drink and some bread and other things to eat. He took him for a walk in the morning and in the afternoon. Bob took good care of the calf and the calf grew very quickly. Bob liked the calf very much. And the calf liked him too. It always went with Bob wherever^ Bob went. Soon they became^ very good friends. Bob learned to take care of the other animals on the farm, too. When it was time to go back to town. Bob was very sorry. He went with his uncle to see all the animals and to say goodbye to them. He was sure that the animals were sorry too and that they said goodbye to him in their animal language.^ 1 calf [kcLf] - телёнок 2 wherever [wear'eva] - куда бы ни 3 became [bi'keim] - стали, сделались 4 language ['laei^gwicfe] - язык Nature © Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the pictures. Let Us Talk Choose a partner and talk about your last summer holidays. (9) Tell your classmates about your plans for days. your summer holi- Let Us Write Make the sentences complete. 1) In winter the days are ... than in summer. 2) It’s ... in summer than in spring. 3) Summer is the ... season of the year. 4) ... is the coldest season of the year. 5) In ... the ... fall down from the ... . 6) I think it’s ... in the forest in autumn. 7) It’s warm in ... and in ... . Write the opposites. Example close — open large, in the morning, wrong, summer, night, cold Puzzle Time Read the secret message and answer the question. Ho wmanyoce ansa rethereont heearth? The Eighty-first LGSSOII Lesson Eighty-one Let Us Learn © Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [i] kitten, winter, visit, river, a river - rivers, a long river. There is a long river near our country house. — On what river does London stand? — London stands on the River Thames [temz]. English people often call this river “Father Thames”. And Russian people call the Volga River “Matushka-Volga”. - Do you like to swim in the river or in the lake? - I like to swim in the river. [i:] season, eat, meat, sea, a sea - seas, the Black Sea, the White Sea. In summer we usually go to the Black Sea. When we lived near the sea I learned to swim. The water in the Black Sea is usually warm in summer, ocean ['9ujn], an ocean - oceans, cold oceans. - Do you know the names of all the oceans? - Yes, I know the names of all the oceans. (2) Say where they went for their last summer holiday. in the river, the lake, the Black Sea. the ocean. South America. London. The Browns Helen was near My uncle were to Our family went in My friend’s family Learn to pronounce and use the new words, Look at the picture and answer the questions: 101. •r%:. m _________________________________________________Nature What can you see in the picture? What is there near the lake? What is there near the field? Whom can you see in the field? What are the cows and the sheep doing? What is the dog doing? What colour are the sheep (the cows, the ducks, the dog)? What season is it? Why do you think so? @ Now you ask your classmates questions on the picture. Let them answer your questions. Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Enjoy your English. Listen, read, learn and sing the song, 102. P IfTTlE CABtNi Ш THE WOOD^ Little cabin in the wood. Little man by the window stood. Little rabbit hopping by. Knocking^ at the door.^ P 44 44 44 44 Help me, help me, sir!” he said. For the farmer bobs^ my head.” Come on in,” the little man said. Warm up by the fire.”^ 1 cabin ['kaebin] - хижина 2 wood = forest 3 knock [nnk] - стучать 4 door [do:] - дверь 5 bob [bnb] - зд. оторвать 6 fire Lfaio] - огонь с ■■iflitofeiTwfciiliSSii Let Us Read ® Read the tale and prove that the bird is clever. A CLEVER B/RD It was a fine spring day. A little bird sat in a tree singing a song. A big grey cat saw the bird. He wanted to eat it. So he came up to the tree and said, “Good morning, dear! Come down from the tree! Come here! I want to say something to you.” “Say what you want. I shall not come down,” said the bird. “Do you know that all the animals and birds are good friends now? I like you very much. Come down. We shall play,” said the cat. “No, thank you,” said the clever bird. “I like it here, high up in the tree. From here I can see green fields and forests, beautiful lakes and rivers. Now I see a lot of dogs. They are running here.” Oh, goodbye then. I must run away now.” Why?” said the little bird. “Don’t you know that all the animals are good friends now?” u a Let Us Talk 8^’ Describe the pictures (see Exercise 7). The tale is interesting, isn’t it? Tell it at home. Do you know any tales about clever animals? Tell one of them to your classmates. Nature Let Us Write Make up sentences (see Exercise 2). Write them down ^2 Learn to write these words. river, sea, ocean Puzzle Time Find the rhyming twins. The Eighty-second Lesson Lesson Eighty-two Let Us Learn Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. [з:] girl, bird, third, earth, the earth. The earth is very, very big. On the earth. People live on the earth. - How many oceans are there on the earth? - I think there are four oceans on the earth. There are a lot of rivers and lakes on the earth. [i] his, pig, big, hill, a hill - hills. Is there a lake near the hill? To ski down the hills. I like to ski down the hills in winter. Can you see those green hills near the river? [au] house, mouse, mouth, mountain, a mountain - mountains, high mountains. - Which is higher a hill or a mountain? - A mountain, of course! There are no high mountains in Great Britain. - What is the highest mountain on the earth? - I think, Everest is. Give Jane’s answers to Phil’s questions. Phil: Hello, Jane! Did you have a good holiday? Jane: ............................ Phil: Were you in the mountains? Jane: ............................ Phil: Where were you then? Jane: ............................. Phil: How was the weather there? Jane: ............................. One of you is Phil, the other is Jane. Act out the conversation. Change over. Think of some more questions which Phil could ask Jane. Learn to pronounce and use the new words, (®) 103. Try and read the new words. nature ['neitfa] food - the moon farm - star a) Ask your classmates questions on the pictures. (See page 117.) b) Think of some wrong statements on the pictures. c) Describe the pictures. Nature Let Us Listen, Read and Learn Enjoy your English. Listen 104. read, learn and sing the song, pA SA/lORf WENT TO SEA A sailor went to sea, sea, sea To see what he could see, see, see. But all that he could see, see, see Was the blue, blue sea, sea, sea. 1 sailor ["seib] - моряк й ллт Let Us Read 9j Read the text and say why children like to spend their holidays at their grandfather’sJ AT MY GAANPFATHTR^S My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives and works in the forest - he is a forester. He lives in a small house. He has a garden.2 Different plants grow in his garden. It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. The lake is full of fish. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. A lot of different flowers grow in the fields. The forest is full of mushrooms^ and berries.4 Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows a lot of things about animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them. 1 at ... grandfather’s — у дедушки 2 garden ['ga:dn] - сад 3 mushroom ['тлГгит] - гриб 4 berry [Ъеп] - ягода Nature mr/esmi He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird it is. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat. Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that the forest is full of wonders. We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders. Choose and read aloud the sentences to illustrate the picture. Let Us Talk Describe the picture (see Exercise 9). ^2 Tell about the place where you lived in summer. Let Us Write What can you write about the picture (see Exercise 9)? Learn to write these words. earth, hill, mountain, nature, star, the moon C Puzzle Time $5 If you arrange the letters in the right order you will read an English proverb that you know. H T В T о R S E M О T W S 1 E s A E The Eighty-third LSSSOfl . Lesson Eighty-three The Eighty-fourth Lesson , Lesson Eighty-four al СоП^Р„(ё) ^ Igsson- KJ The Eighty-fifth LOSSOIl Lesson Eighty-five Review 6 c Let Us Talk What words do you remember to describe seasons? The winner is the one who is the last to name a word. 2) Try and prove that the following statements are true. • Summer is the best season of a year. • You can have a lot of fun in winter. • Autumn is a dull season. • Autumn is a colourful season. • Autumn is a “tasty” season. • In spring nature awakens^ from her long winter sleep. • Nature is full of wonders. You had a very good time last summer, didn’t you? Tell your classmates about your holidays. Be ready to answer their questions. 1 awaken [sVeiksn] - пробуждаться Nature What do the photos tell you? You’ve learned a lot about the English year. Tell your granny about it (don’t forget about English holidays). You’ve learned 7 poems and 4 songs (Lessons 70-76). Recite the poem and sing the song you like best. Let Us Read © Read about the planet you live on. THE EARTH We live on the earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it. The earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the earth. Different plants grow on it. The earth is beautiful. There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two. When it is day in one country it is night in another country. When the sun shines it is day, when the sun does not shine it is night. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night. People live in different countries. They speak different languages. Our country is one of the largest countries in the world. It is so large that when it is morning in the east, it is evening in the west. There are a lot of long rivers, beautiful lakes, large forests and fields and high mountains in our country. People who live in our country speak more than two hundred different languages. 8) Answer the questions. Where do people live? Is the earth big or small? What is there on the earth? Where is there water on the earth? How many oceans are there on the earth? What are the forests full of? What are the oceans full of? What is there on the mountains? The earth is beautiful, isn’t it? Why? How do you know that the earth is big? Why do we say that the earth is full of wonders? When can you see the sun in the sky? When can you see the moon in the sky? Are there a lot of countries in the world? What languages do people speak in different countries? What country do you live in? What is the largest country in the world? Ч I г .5 I .7- _____________________________________________Nature (9) Speak about the country you live in. $0 Read the joke and say if the boy is a good pupil. WHICH ts NEARER TO US? Teacher: Which is nearer to us, America or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: The moon? Why do you think so? Pupil: Because we can see the moon and we can’t see America. Let Us Write : jT: ©) Write about something that you like r I The Eighty-sixth LOSSOII Lesson Eighty-six Text “Stone Soup” The Eighty-seventh Lesson Lesson Eighty-seven Text “English Ways” The Eighty-eighth LOSSOIl Lesson Eighty-eight The Eighty-ninth LOSSOH I Lesson Eighty-nine The Ninetieth LOSSOn I Lesson Ninety Project Work 7 (p. 125) for iesso"* цогпо 16 dl 10(> igSSOO’ Opf'"” at ^ -- ' Project Work Project Work 3 Write a report about vour favourite animal and present it to the class. Your report may include: • description of the animal (what it looks like); • what it can/can’t do, where it lives and what it eats; • interesting facts about this animal; • your own drawings, colour pictures and photos of your favourite animal; • your own word game with the name of the animal. Try and use the Internet resources^, dictionaries and encyclopaedias. ^ Compare the reports. Decide which of them is better and why. Project Work 4 Make a small poster of vour family on a holiday. Write what you and vour relatives wear, what the weather is like. Present vour poster to the class. Compare the posters. Decide which of them is better and why. Example: This is me on my summer holiday. Гт wearing shorts, a T-shirt and a hat. It is hot today. Project Work 5 Make a poster of vour favourite season and present it to the class. Your poster may include: • a text about why you like this season and what you like to do during this time of the year; 1 resource [n'so:s] — ресурс 2 encyclopaedia [in^saikla'piidia] — энциклопедия : • interesting facts about this season; • proverbs, poems and songs connected with your favourite season; • your own drawings, colour pictures and photos; • your own word games. Try and use the Internet resources, dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Compare the posters. Decide which of them is better and why. Project Work 6 Work in groups. Choose one traditional English holiday and make a report. Present it to the class. Your report may include: • description of how the holiday is celebrated in England; • interesting traditions connected with this holiday; • proverbs, poems and songs connected with the holiday; • your own drawings, colour pictures and photos; • your own word games. Try and use the Internet resources, dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Compare the reports. Decide which of them is better and why. Project Work 7 Imagine that you are on holiday. Write a letter to vour friend. In the letter you may: • describe where and with whom you are on holiday, what the weather is like; • tell your friend what you did yesterday and what you will do tomorrow; • ask your friend about his/her holidays; • add some photos to illustrate your letter. Don’t forget to say hello and goodbye to vour friend. Puzzle Time: Keys Всё ли ты отгадал в разделе Puzzle Time? Вот ответы: Lesson 46\ Не has got black hair, blue eyes, a long nose, a short neck. Lesson 47: My favourite animal is a lion. Lesson 52: interesting, girl, left, tea, apple, egg, glass, shoulder, right, tail, leg, grey, yellow, week, kitten, now, wolf, foot, toe. Lesson 53: big - pig, take - make, silk — milk, talk — walk, look -book, life — wife, carrot - parrot, bear — wear, box - fox, boy -toy, now - how, peck - neck, cat - cap, foot - boot, food - good. Lesson 54: sweater. Lesson 55: 1) cap, 2) hat, 3) shoe, 4) boot, 5) jeans, 6) jacket, 7) sweater, 8) trousers. Lesson 59: 1. shirt, 2. shorts, 3. boots, 4. blouse, 5. sweater, 6. jeans, 7. skirt, 8. shoes. Lesson 60: The right thing in the right place. Lesson 61: 1. blouse, 2. jacket, 3. T-shirt, 4. socks, 5. shorts, 6. coat, 7. tights. Lesson 62: I love my mother dearly. Lesson 64: night - right, near - ear, skirt - shirt, big - pig, blouses -trousers, let - pet, there - wear, wrong - long, farm - arm, my -eye, bought - taught, thought - short. Lesson 67: autumn. Lesson 68: Tastes differ. Lesson 69: February, winter, January, season, summer, because, spring, autumn, weather, December, November. Lesson 70: January, February, March, April, November, December, winter, spring, summer, autumn, leave, grass. Lesson 72: My favourite season is summer. Lesson 73: Do English people celebrate Halloween? s Lesson 74: 1. January, 2. February, 3. March, 4. April, 5. May, 6. June, 7. July, 8. August, 9. October, 10. November, 11. December. Lesson 77: May, April, March, August, October, January, November, December, February, September. Lesson 80: How many oceans are there on the earth? Lesson 81: Phil — hill, lake - make, day - May, train - rain, all — fall, wing - spring, summer - drummer. South - mouth, chest - West. Lesson 82: East or West home is best. Reference Grammar^ Имя существительное (The Noun) § 1. Существительные в английском языке, как и в русском, обозначают одушевлённые (а girl, а cat) и неодушевлённые предметы (а toy, а book), вещества (milk, bread) и явления природы (snow, rain). Они бывают исчисляемые (а girl, а toy) и неисчисляемые (milk, rain). Перед одушевлёнными и неодушевлёнными исчисляемыми существительными ставится особое слово -артикль: а {ап) перед существительными только в единственном числе {ап перед существительными, начинающимися с гласной), the - в единственном и во множественном числе: а boy - the boy boys - the boys an apple - the apple apples - the apples Неопределённый артикль употребляется, если имеется в виду любой предмет из ему подобных: Give me а toy. Дай мне игрушку (любую). Определённый артикль обозначает, что имеется в виду конкретный, определённый предмет: Give me the toy. Дай мне игрушку (именно эту). Перед неисчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими вещества и явления, неопределённый артикль обычно не ставится (а определённый может употребляться): work - the work rain - the rain 1 Reference Grammar - Грамматический справочник Артикль не употребляется перед именами, фамилиями, названиями городов и стран: Ann, Pete, Brown, London, Moscow, England, Great Britain. Ho следует запомнить, что определённый артикль, как правило, употребляется со следующими словами: the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth. § 2. Большинство существительных имеют два числа: единственное и множественное. Множественное число образуется при помощи окончания s или -es, которое произносится как [s], [z], [iz]'A [S] [zl [iz] после глухих со- после звонких со- после шипящих гласных гласных и гласных и свистящих cats dogs boxes books days dresses pets tables Некоторые существительные образуют множественное число не по правилам, и их нужно запомнить: а шал — теп, а woman — women, а child — children, а mouse — mice, a foot — feet, a sheep — sheep. Существительные, обозначающие вещества, явления, не употребляются во множественном числе: much/a lot of milk (water, bread, tea, snow, work ...) Особенности правописания существительных во множественном числе: -у—> i-h-es (если перед “у” стоит согласная) а leaf - leaves а wife - wives а wolf - wolves a country - countries a family - families a party - parties ho: a day - days 1 Следует запомнить: a house [haus] - houses ["hauzizj. § 3. в английском языке существительные не изменяются по падежам и только одушевлённые существительные имеют два падежа: общий и притяжательный. Притяжательный падеж образуется путём добавления к существительному в единственном числе и знака апострофа ^ к существительному во множественном числе: the pupil’s book - книга ученика the pupils’ books - книги учеников Окончание *s произносится как [s], [z], [iz]: [S] [Z] [iz] после глухих со- после звонких со- после шипящих и сви- гласных гласных и гласных стящих Jack’s cat Ann’s dog George’s book the cat’s nose the father’s book the mouse’s tail the cats’ tails the pupils’ books the tortoises’ legs Если существительное образует множественное число не по правилам, то в притяжательном падеже прибавляется *s (как и в единственном числе): men’s hats - мужские шляпы women’s dresses - женские платья children’s books - детские книги Имя прилагательное (The Adjective) Прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются по числам и падежам, но, так же как и в русском языке, имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную. Сравнительная степень односложных и двусложных прилагательных образуется с помощью суффикса -ег, превосходная - -est: small - smaller - (the) smallest clever - cleverer - (the) cleverest Многосложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень при помощи слова тоге, превосходную степень при помощи слова most: beautiful - more beautiful - (the) most beautiful interesting - more interesting - (the) most interesting Следует запомнить особые случаи образования степеней сравнения прилагательных: good - better - (the) best bad - worse - (the) worst Особенности правописания степеней сравнения прилагательных: - непроизносимая немая “е” опускается и прибавляется -ег, -est: nice - nicer - (the) nicest large - larger - (the) largest - в односложных прилагательных согласная удваивается после кратких гласных: big - bigger - (the) biggest hot - hotter - (the) hottest - конечная “у” после согласной меняется на “i”: happy - happier - (the) happiest funny - funnier - (the) funniest Имя числительное (The Numeral) § 1. В английском языке, как и в русском, есть количественные и порядковые числительные. Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются прибавлением суффикса -teen: four - fourteen nine - nineteen Числительные thirteen и fifteen изменяют орфографию в основе слова {сравни: three, five). Числительные, обозначающие десятки от 20 до 90, образуются путём прибавления суффикса -ty: seven - seventy nine - ninety Числительные twenty, thirty, forty, fifty изменяют орфографию в основе слова {сравни: two, three, four, five). Порядковые числительные, кроме first, second, third, образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных путём прибавления суффикса -th {-eth): six - sixth thirty-seven - thirty-seventh Суффикс -eth прибавляется к числительным, вающимся на -ty, при этом “у” меняется на “i”: thirty - thirtieth § 2. Чтение сложных числительных и дат: 500 people - five hundred people 705 books - seven hundred and five books in 1905 - in nineteen о [ou] five in 1917 - in nineteen seventeen September 5th, 1999 - September the fifth, nineteen ninety-nine; the fifth of September, nineteen ninety-nine. оканчи- Местоимение (The Pronoun) В английском языке есть личные, притяжательные, указательные, неопределённые и другие местоимения. Личные (кто? кого? кому? кем? о ком?) Единственное число I — те he -- him she— her it - it Множественное число we — us you - you they— them притяжательные (чей? чья? чьё?) Единственное число Множественное число (I) (he) (she) (it) my his her its (we) - our (you) -(they) - your their Единственное число this that У казате льные Множественное число these those Неопределённые some, any, no и их производные some — something — somebody any — anything — anybody no — nothing — nobody В английском языке в отрицательном предложении может быть только одно отрицание: There is no milk in the cup. There isn’t any milk in the cup. I saw nobody in the room. I didn’t see anybody in the room. Г лагол (The Verb) § 1. в русском языке у глагола есть три времени: настоящее, прошедшее и будущее, а в английском языке времён больше. В третьем классе нужно знать и уметь правильно употреблять четыре времени: the simple present tense (настоящее неопределённое время): “I read every day”; the simple past tense (прошедшее неопределённое время): ‘Т read [red] yesterday”; the future tense (будущее время): “I shall read tomorrow”; the present continuous tense (настоящее продолженное время): ‘Т am reading now”. § 2. Simple present употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит всегда, постоянно, обычно; часто со словами usually, always, often, every day (week, month, year, Sunday ...) и другими, которые всегда стоят перед смысловым глаголом или в конце предложения, но после глагола to be: We always go to the country in summer. The pupils speak English every day. He is often late. В 3-M лице единственного числа к глаголу прибавляется окончание s или -es, которое читается как [s], [z], [iz]: [S] [Z] [iz] после глухих со- после звонких со- после шипящих и гласных гласных и гласных свистящих works falls dresses helps goes watches takes becomes Не watches TV every evening. She usually helps her granny about the house. Особенности правописания глаголов в 3-м лице единственного числа: - в глаголах, оканчивающихся на “у” с предшествующей согласной, “у” меняется на “i” и добавляется окончание -es\ to try - he (she, it) tries Ho: to play - he (she, it) plays В глаголах, оканчивающихся на о прибавляется -es: to go - he (she, it) goes to do - he (she, it) does Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола do {does). Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма I work. Do I work? I do not work. Не r he 1 He 1 She I ^ works. Does she 1 ^ work? She 1 does not work. It J [it J It J We You They Ч ^ we We work. Do you ^ work? You - J . they , They, do not work. § 3. Simple past употребляется для выражения действия или состояния, имевшего место в прошлом и не связанного с настояи^им моментом, часто со словами yesterday, ago, last week (month, year, summer, Sunday ...) и c указанием дат: in 1941, in 1990 и т. д.: Yesterday my father and I went to the swimming pool. The boys played hockey last Sunday. In 1997 our family lived in Kiev. Last week we saw an interesting play at the Children’s Theatre. В английском языке различают правильные и неправильные глаголы. Правильные глаголы образуют прошедшее время путём добавления окончания -ed или -d, которое читается как [t], [d], [id]: [t] [d] [Id] после глухих согласных после звонких согласных и гласных после букв t, d dressed opened counted helped played wanted danced answered collected Особенности правописания правильных глаголов: - конечная согласная удваивается в односложных двусложных глаголах с краткой гласной: skip - skipped stop - stopped hop - hopped и — В глаголах, оканчивающихся на у с предшествую-ш;ей гласной, “у” меняется на “i” и добавляется окончание -ed: try - tried cry - cried Ho: play - played Формы simple past неправильных глаголов следует запомнить: become - became get - got know — knew Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола did. Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Ompu форме r Л I I I Не he He She she She It ^ helped/went. DidJ it >help/go? It We we We You you You They they They J V J J > did not help/go § 4. Future употребляется для выражения действия или состояния в будущем; часто со словами tomorrow, next week (Sunday, month, year ...). Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа и will во всех остальных случаях: 136 We shall go to the sea next month. My friend will visit his granny tomorrow. Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма I shall He 1 She will It J We shall Iwill They J J ^work. л Shall I he Will she 1 it Shall we Will! 1 they J ^ work? л I shall He She ^ will It ^not work. We shall Iwill They J J § 5. Present continuous употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит в настоящее время, в момент речи. Оно образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to Ъе в формах настоящего времени {ат, is, are) и добавления -ing к смысловому глаголу: I am reading an interesting book now. He is writing a letter to his friend. They are playing hockey. Особенности правописания: - конечная согласная удваивается в односложных и двусложных глаголах с предшествующей краткой гласной: sit - sitting swim - swimming begin - beginning - немое e не пишется перед -mg: write - writing make - making take - taking Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма I am He 1 She Ms It J We You ► are They J > working. Am I he Is s she [it 1 we Are < you [they J > working? ■л I am He She ‘ is It J We You ;are They J >not working. § 6. Повелительное наклонение в английском языке, как и в русском, употребляется для выражения просьб, приказаний, приглашений, запреш;ений. Оно имеет две формы: утвердительную и отрицательную. Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Stand up! Give it to me, please. Let’s go there! Don’t stand up! Don’t give it to me, please! Let us not go there! Наречие (The Adverb) В английском языке наречие часто образуется от при лагательных путём прибавления суффикса -1у: quick - quickly Но: good - well slow - slowly bad - badly English-Russian Vocabulary *1 about [a'baut] о * according to [s'koidii} ts] в соответствии с * act [aekt] играть роль * action ["aekjn] действие Africa ['aefnks] Африка * after [^a:ft3] после afternoon [,a:ft9"nu:n] полдень in the afternoon в полдень * again [э'деп] опять, ещё раз * ago [э'дэи] тому назад * agree [э'дп:] соглашаться * all [э:1] все, всё * alone [э"1эип] одинокий all alone ["э:1 э'Ьип] совсем один * aloud [a'laud] вслух * alphabetical [,aelf3^etik3l] алфавитный always ['o:lweiz] всегда am [aem, эт] 1-е л. ед. ч. н. вр. гл, to be America [э'шепкэ] Америка and [aend, and] и * angry ["aeggnj сердитый, злой animal ["aenimal] животное another [э'плбэ] другой (-ая, -ос, -ие') * answer ['a:nsaj отвечать any ['em] какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь anybody ['enibodi] кто-нибудь, кто-то anything ['eniGig] что-нибудь, что-то apple ['aepl] яблоко April ["eipral] апрель are [a:] мн. ч. н. вр. гл. to be arm [a:m] рука around [a'raund] вокруг arrange [э'гетф] располагать, классифицировать Asia ['eija] Азия ask [disk] спрашивать asleep [a'slkp] спящий at [set, 9t] y, около August ['oigast] август aunt [cunt] тётя autumn ['oitam] осень awaken [a'weiksn] просыпаться away from [s'wei frsm] вдали от * * * * 1 Слова, отмеченные звёздочкой (*), 3 класса. не входят в лексический минимум * * * * * bad [baed] (worse [wsis], (the) worst [w3:st]) плохой (хуже, наихудший) badminton ["baedmintan] бадминтон play badminton играть в бадминтон bag [baeg] сумка, мешок ball [Ьэ:1] мяч banana [Ьэ'па:пэ] банан bark [bcLk] лаять basket ["ba:skit] корзина basketball ['boiskitbo:!] баскетбол play basketball играть в баскетбол be [bi:] (was, were) быть, находиться * be in находиться дома beach [bi:tj] пляж bear [Ьеэ] медведь beautiful ['bju:tiful] красивый because [bi'koz] потому что become [Ы'клт] (became [bi'keim]) стать, становиться bed [bed] кровать go to bed ложиться спать before [biTo:] перед, до * begin [bi'gin] (began [bi'gaen]) начинать * behind [bi'haind] позади * believe [bi'lirv] верить * belong [bi'bg] принадлежать * berry ["ben] ягода best [best] наилучший * between [bi4wi:n] между big [big] большой bird [bs:d] птица birthday ["bsiGdei] день рождения Happy Birthday! C днём рожде ния! black [blaek] чёрный * blink [bligk] моргать blouse [blauz] блузка blue [blu:] голубой, синий * boast [bsust] хвастаться * boaster ['bsusts] хвастун * bob [bob] постукивать body ['bodi] тело, туловиш;е * bone [Ьэип] кость book [buk] книга boot [bu:t] ботинок * both [Ьэи0] оба both ... and ... и ... и ... box [boks] коробка, яш;ик boy [boi] мальчик * bracket ['braekit] скобка bread [bred] хлеб breakfast ['brekfsst] завтрак have breakfast завтракать bright [brait] яркий, блестяш;ий bring [brig] (brought [bro:t]) приносить brother ['Ьглбэ] брат brown [braun] коричневый * bucket [ЪлкЦ] ведро * build [bild] (built [bilt]) построить busy ['bizi] занятой but [Ьл1, bat] HO butter ["bAta] масло * butterfly ['bAtaflai] бабочка buy [bai] (bought [bo:t]) покупать bye [bai] до свидания, пока Cc * cabin ["kaebin] хижина * calf [ko:f| телёнок * call [ko:l] звонить, звать, называть can [kaen] (could [kud]) мочь, уметь can’t [koint] = cannot ['kaermt] * candle ['kaendl] свеча cap [kaep] кепка, шапка * card [ka:d] открытка * greetings card ['griitipz 'ka:d] поздравительная открытка carrot ['kaerot] морковь cat [kaet] кот, кошка *catch [kaetf] (caught [ko:t]) ловить. поймать * category ['ksetigsn] категория celebrate ["selibreit] праздновать certainly ["ssitnli] конечно * chainword ['tfeinwsid] чайнворд chair [tjes] стул * champion [^зетрюп] чемпион * change [tfeincfe] менять * change over ['tfeincfe "ouva] меняться {ролями) chart [tfcL't] таблица * cheese [tfiiz] сыр chess [tfes] шахматы play chess играть в шахматы * chicken ['^ikin] цыплёнок child [tfaild] ребёнок children ['^ildrsn] дети * chin [tfin] подбородок * chocolate ["tfDk(9)bt] шоколад * choose [tfu:z] (chose [tfouz]) выби- рать * Christmas ['krismos] Рождество Christmas tree рождественская ёлка Merry Christmas! C Рождеством! * city ['siti] большой город * classmate ['klaismeit] одноклассник clean [kli:n] чистить; чистый clever ["klevo] умный * clock [kink] часы {стенные, настольные, башенные) * close [klsuz] закрывать * coat [kout] пиджак * code [ksud] код coffee ['kofi] кофе cold [kould] холодный It’s cold. Холодно, colour ["кл1э] цвет * column ["kobm] столбик, колонка come [клш] (came [keim]) приходить come back [baek] возвращаться come home приходить домой come in входить * Come on! Живей! * compare [кэшфеэ] сравнивать * comparison [ksm'paerisn] сравнение * make a comparison проводить сравнение * complete [кэт'рИД] заканчивать * compose [ksm'pouz] сочинять * composition [,kDmp3'ziJn] сочинение * computer [ksm'pjuits] компьютер * congratulate on [kan'graetjuleit] поздравлять * conversation [,kDnv9'seiJn] разговор, беседа * cookie [^kuki] печенье * copy ["kDpi] списывать * correct [ks'rekt] исправлять, поправлять; правильный, верный cosmonaut ['kozmanoit] космонавт * cotton [^kotn] хлопок country ["клШп] страна; сельская местность in the country за городом; в деревне; на даче * cousin ['кл2п] двоюродный брат (кузен); двоюродная сестра (кузина) cow [каи] корова crocodile ['kmkadail] крокодил * cub [клЬ] детёныш сир [клр] чашка * curious ['kjusnas] любопытный, любознательный * dance [da: ns] танцевать * dark [dark] тёмный daughter ['dorta] дочь day [dei] день day off выходной день one day однажды * dear [dio] дорогой (-ал, -oe, -ue) nearest and dearest [ nisrist snd dionst] самые близкие и дорогие Oh, dear! О, боже! December [di'sembs] декабрь decorate ["dekareit] украшать * depend (on) [di'pend] зависеть (от) * describe [di'skraib] описывать * diagram ['daisgrasm] диаграмма, схема * dialogue ['daislng] диалог different ["difrant] разный dinner [Мшэ] обед for dinner на обед have dinner обедать * disagree [,diS3"gri:] не соответствовать, не соглашаться do [du:] (did [did]) делать do exercises ['eksssaiziz] делать зарядку do homework ["hsumwsrk] выполнять домашнее задание doctor ['dnkta] доктор dog [dng] собака * doghouse ['dnghaus] конура doll [dnl] кукла domestic [da'mestik] домашний * door [do:] дверь * double [МлЬ1] удвоенный * doubt [daut] сомневаться; сомнение draw [dro:] (drew [dm:]) рисовать dress [dres] одеваться; платье drink [dnpk] (drank [draepk]) пить driver ['draivo] шофёр * dry [drai] сухой duck [dAk] утка * duckling ['dAWig] утёнок *dull [dAl] скучный, грустный It’s dull. Скучно. Грустно, during ['djusnp] в течение, во время * each [i:^ каждый ear [ю] ухо by the ears за уши * early ["3:li] рано earth [з:0] земля * east [i:st] восток * Easter [4:st9] Пасха easily ["i:zili] легко * easy I'i'.zi] лёгкий eat [i:t] (ate [et]) есть, кушать egg [eg] яйцо eight [eit] восемь eighteen [,еГй:п] восемнадцать eighth [eit0] восьмой eighty ["eitij восемьдесят elephant ["elifantj слон eleven [rievn] одиннадцать * else [els] еш;ё * encyclopaedia [in,saikl3'pi:di9] циклопедия * end [end] конец engineer [,encfei'ni9] инженер * English ['igglij] английский the English англичане enjoy [in'cfeoi] наслаждаться * equivalent [rkwivabnt] эквивалент; равнозначаш;ий * eve [i:v] канун on the eve накануне evening ['iA^nig] вечер эн- in the evening вечером every ["evn] каждый every day каждый день everyone ['evnwAn] все everything ["evri0ig] всё excuse [iks'kjuiz] извинять(ся) Excuse me! Извините! exercise [bksssaiz] упражнение morning exercises утренняя за рядка * explain [ik'splein] объяснять * express [ik'spres] выражать eye [ai] глаз * * * * * * * * face [feis] лицо fact [faekt] факт in fact фактически fall [fo:l] осень (американизм) fall down [To:l "daun] (fell [fel]) na дать fall out ["fo:l "aut] выпадать false [foils] ложный, фальшивый family [Taemili] семья famous ["feimss] знаменитый farm [faim] ферма farmer [Та:тэ] фермер father [Та:бэ] отец favourite [Teivant] любимый February [ТеЬшэп] февраль feed [fiid] (fed [fed]) кормить feet CM. foot field [fiild] поле fifteen [,fifti:n] пятнадцать fifth [fifO] пятый fifty ["fifti] пятьдесят * fight [fait] бой * fill in [Til "in] заполнять * film [film] фильм * find [faind] (found [faund]) находить * find out ["faind "aut] выяснять fine [fain] хороший, прекрасный I’m fine! У меня всё хорошо! Я себя прекрасно чувствую! * finger [Тщдэ] палец {на руке) * finish ["finij] финиш * finish up закончить * fire ["fais] огонь first [fsist] 1. первый; 2. сначала fish [fij] рыба go fishing ходить на рыбную ловлю * fish out выловить five [farv] пять * flower ["Ааиэ] цветок * fly [flai] летать * following ["fnbuip] следуюш;ий food [fu:d] еда * fool [fu:l] дурак; дурачить April Fool’s Day 1 апреля - никому не верю foot [fut] нога (feet [fi:t] ноги) football ["futbo:!] футбол play football играть в футбол * for [fo:, fs] для forest ["fnrist] лес * forget [f3"get] (forgot [f3"gDt]) забывать four [fo:] четыре fourth [fo:0] четвёртый fox [fnks] лиса friend [frend] друг, подруга from [from, fram] из fruit [fru:t] фрукты * full (of) [ful] полный * fun [f\n] веселье, забава funny ["f\m] смешной, забавный * future ["fjuitjs] будуш;ее (время) game [geim] игра play games играть в игры * gap [gaep] пропуск * garden ["ga:dn] сад * gay [gei] весёлый * get [get] (got [gnt]) достать, становиться get up вставать, просыпаться giraffe [cl5i"ra:f| жираф girl [дз:1] девочка give [giv] (gave [geiv]) давать glass [gla:s] стакан glove [glAv] перчатка go [дэи] (went [went]) ходить go for a walk [wo:k] гулять go to bed [bed] ложиться спать go shopping ['Jtipir)l ХОДИТЬ за покупками good [gud] (better ["bets], (the) best [best]) хороший (лучше, самый лучший be good at способный к чему-то; умеюш;ий хорошо что-то делать 144 * good night [,gud 'nait] спокойной ночи * granddaughter ["дгзеп,с1э:!э] внучка grandfather ['graend,fa:6o] дедушка grandmother ["дгаеп,тлбэ] бабушка * grandson ['graensAn] внук grass [grais] трава great [greit] великий Great! Великолепно! Блеск! You look great! Ты выглядишь великолепно! Great Britain [,greit 'britn] Великобритания green [grim] зелёный grey [grei] серый ground [graund] земля * group [gru:p] группа; сгруппировать grow [дгэи] (grew [gru:]) расти * guess [ges] отгадывать * guide [gaid] руководство, образец * gum [длт] смола, резина * gun [длп] ружьё Hh hair [hes] волосы * half [half] половина hamburger ['ЬаегпЬз:дэ] гамбургер hamster ['haemsts] хомяк hand [haend] рука (кисть) happy ["haepi] счастливый Happy New Year! C Новым годом! hare [Ьеэ] заяц has [haez] 3-e л. ed. ч. н. вр. гл. to have имеет hat [haet] шляпа have [haev] иметь he [hi:] он head [hed] голова * headache ["hedeik] головная боль * heart [ha:t] сердце * by heart наизусть Hello! [he'lau] Здравствуйте! Привет! help [help] помогать help about the house [haus] помогать no дому * Help yourself! [jo:'self| Угогцай-тесь! * hen [hen] курица her [ha:] её here [hia] здесь Here it is! Вот! Hi! [hai] Привет! hide-and-seek [,haid3n"si:k] игра в прятки play hide-and-seek играть в прятки high [hai] высокий high boots ['hai 'bu:ts] сапоги hill [hil] холм his [hiz] его hockey ['hnki] хоккей play hockey играть в хоккей holiday ['hnlidei] праздник; отпуск holidays ['hnlideiz] каникулы to be on holidays быть на каникулах * * * to go for a holiday ехать в отпуск home [haum] дом at home дома homework ['haumwaik] домашняя работа do homework делать домашнюю работу * honey ['Ьлш] мёд hope [Ьэир] надеяться hopscotch ['hDpskDtJ] детская игра в « классики » play hopscotch играть в «классики » horse [ho:s] лошадь hot [hot] жаркий, горячий I’m hot. Мне жарко. It’s hot. Жарко. It’s terribly hot! Страшно жарко! how [hau] как How are you? Как поживаете? How many? Сколько? How old are you? Сколько вам лет? hundred ["Ьлпбгэб] сто hungry ['Ьлрдп] голодный * hunt [hAnt] охотиться husband ["hAzbsnd] муж // I [ai] я ice cream [,ais 'kri:m] мороженое idea [aiMis] идея, мысль That’s a good idea! Вот это идея! if [if| если ill [il] больной * illustrate ["ibstreit] иллюстрировать * important [im'po:t(3)nt] важный in [in] в indeed [in"di:d] в самом деле, действительно * information [,inf9"meijn] информация interesting ['intrastii]] интересный into ['inta] в invite [inVait] приглашать * Ireland ["aisbnd] Ирландия is [iz] 3-e Л. ed. ч. н. вр. гл. to be it [it] OH, она, OHO (o предметах и животных); это it’s = it is jacket ['cfeaekit] куртка jam [cfeaem] джем, варенье January ["cfeaenjuari] январь jeans [cfeknz] джинсы * joke [фэик] шутка juice [d^uis] сок July [cfeu/lai] июль jump [ф\тр] прыгать June [фи:п] июнь * keep [ki:p] (kept [kept]) держать, хранить keep a promise ["promts] исполнить обеш;ание * kind [kaind] добрый; вид, род What kind of books ...? Какие книги ...? What kind of animals ...? Какие животные ...? * kiss [kis] целовать * kitchen ["kitfsn] кухня kitten ["kitn] котёнок * knock [nok] стучать know [пэи] (knew [nju:]) знать (is) known [iz 'пэип] известный, узнаваемый ['гл/эп * ladder ["laeda] лестница lake [leik] озеро * language ["laepgwic^] язык (the) English language ['ipglij 'Isepgwicfe] английский язык (the) Russian language 'laeggwid^] русский язык * large [lo:ct5] большой last [Icrst] последний, прошлый at last наконец * late [leit] поздний It’s late. Поздно. leaf [li:f] (leaves [li:vz]) лист (листья) leapfrog ["li:pfrog] чехарда play leapfrog играть в чехарду * learn [1з:п] (learned [ls:nd]) учиться, учить {что-либо) * learn by heart ["1з:п bai "hcut] учить наизусть left [left] левый leg [leg] нога * lemon ["lemsn] лимон * let’s [lets] давай(те) * letter ["lets] письмо * life [laif] жизнь * light [lait] огонёк; лёгкий like [laik] нравиться, любить; подобно, как * line [lain] линия lion ["laian] лев * lip [lip] губа * list [list] список * listen (to) ["lisn] слушать * listener ['lisns] слушатель little [^litl] маленький live [Irv] жить * logical [^iDcfeikal] логический, последовательный * London ["Undan] Лондон long [bp] длинный look [luk] смотреть; выглядеть look after присматривать, ухаживать look at смотреть на look for искать look beautiful [bju:tiful] выглядеть великолепно look terrible [4eribl] выглядеть ужасно * lot [bt] много, масса * a lot of/lots очень много; громадное количество; масса, уйма love [Iav] любить I’d love to. Мне бы очень хотелось. С удовольствием. 147 * lovely ['Uvli] восхитительный * luck [1лк] удача lunch [Lvntf] второй завтрак for lunch на второй завтрак have lunch завтракать (второй раз) * magic ["таефк] волшебство; волшебный * magician [ms'cfeijan] волшебник * main [mem] главный, основной make [meik] (made [meid]) делать * make a resolution [,rez3'lu:Jn] принять решение, дать себе слово * make sure Циэ] убедиться man [maen] (men [men]) 1. мужчина; 2. человек (люди) many [^meni] много How many? Сколько? March [mo:^ март * mask [mcTsk] маска * match [maetj] соответствовать matter ['maetaj дело What’s the matter? В чём дело? May [mei] май meal [mi:l] приём пиш;и, трапеза * meaning ['miinipj значение meat [mi:t] мясо * memory [^тетэп] память merry ["men] весёлый Merry Christmas! C Рождеством! * message ["mesicfe] послание * middle ["midl] середина in the middle в середине * might [mait] мош;ь, сила with all might изо всех сил milk [milk] молоко * missing ["misip] недостаютций, npo-пуш;енный * mitten ["mitn] варежка * mixed-up ["mikst4p] смешанный * model ["modi] модель, образец * Monday ["mAndi] понедельник money ["тлш] деньги monkey ["тлг)к1] обезьяна month [тлп0] месяц last month в прошлом месяце next month в следуюш;ем месяце moon [mu:n] луна * more [mo:] больше morning ["то:ш1з] утро in the morning утром morning exercises утренняя зарядка mother ["тлбэ] мама mountain ["mauntin] гора mouse [maus] (mice [mais]) мышь (мыши) mouth [mau0] рот * Mr = mister ["misto] мистер much [тл^ много Mum [тлт] мамочка * mushroom ["тдГгит] гриб must [niASt] должен my [mai] мой name [neim] имя * national ["naejonl] национальный I г nature ['neitfs] природа near [шэ] возле, близко * nearest and dearest ['niarist and Miarist] самые близкие и дорогие neck [nek] шея need [ni:d] нужда in need в нужде * nephew ["nevju:] племянник * never ["nevs] никогда new [nju:] новый New Year Новый год Happy New Year! C Новым годом! next [nekst] следуюпдий nice [nais] хороший, приятный, милый, славный * niece [ni:s] племянница night [nait] ночь Good night! Спокойной ночи! nine [nain] девять nineteen [,nain4i:n] девятнадцать ninety ['naintij девяносто ninth [nain0] девятый no [пэи] нет nobody [^naubadi] никто * north [no:0] север nose [nsuz] HOC not [not] не, нет Not at all. He стоит благодарности. * not less ["not 'les] не менее nothing ['пл01р] ничто November [пэиЧетЬэ] ноябрь now [паи] сейчас number ["плтЬэ] число, числительное * * * * * * * ocean ["эиГ(э)п] океан o’clock [э'кЬк] at ... o’clock в ... часов It’s ... o’clock. ... часов. October [окЧэиЬэ] октябрь of course [av "ko:s] конечно office ['ofis] учреждение often [^Dfn] часто OK [ ,9u"kei] хорошо, ладно, идёт old [эиШ] старый one [\¥лп] один only [^9Unll] только open ['эирэп] открывать opposite ['Dpszit] противоположный or [э:] или orange ["оппф] апельсин order ['э:бэ] порядок in order в порядке out of order не в порядке other [Чбэ] другой our ["аиэ] наш out of doors [,aut9v'do:z] на свежем воздухе over ["эиуэ] за, через over there там overcoat ['suvakaut] пальто own [эип] собственный * pair [реэ] пара parents ['pesrants] родители * * * * * park [pCLk] парк parrot ["paerat] попугай * partner ["ра:Шэ] партнёр, напарник party ['pa:ti] вечер, вечеринка birthday party вечеринка по случаю дня рождения New Year party новогодний вечер pass [pars] передать past [pa:st] прошедпгий pattern ["paetsn] образец peck [рек] клевать people ['pi:plj люди perhaps [pa'haeps] вероятно pet [pet] любимое домашнее животное * pick up ["pik 4p] подбирать * picture ['piktfa] картина, картинка, рисунок pig [pig] свинья pilot ['paibt] пилот, лётчик pity ['piti) жалость; жалеть What a pity! Как жаль! * pizza [^piitsa] пицца * place [pleis] место * plan [plaen] план plane [plein] самолёт * planet ['plaenit] планета plant [plaint] растение play [plei] играть please [pliiz] пожалуйста pleasure ['р1езэ] удовольствие with great pleasure c большим удовольствием * plural ['р1иэг(э)1] множественное число pocket ['pnkit] карман * poem ["рэшт] стихотворение * point [point] указать (на) * popular ["pDpjulo] популярный porridge ["рппф] каша * possible ['pnsobl] возможный It’s possible. Возможно, potato [po'teitou] картошка present ["prezont] подарок * pretend [pn'tend] притворяться, делать вид * pretty ["pnti] хорошенький, прелестный * previous [^priivjos] предыдугций promise ['prrnnis] обеш;ание * pronounce [pro'nauns] произносить * prove [pruiv] доказывать * proverb ["piDVSib] пословица * pudding ["pudit)] пудинг * pumpkin ['рлт(р)кт] тыква pupil ["pjuipl] ученик, ученица puppy ["pApi] пленок put [put] (put [put]) класть, положить put in вставлять put off откладывать put on надевать * puzzle ['pAzl] загадка, головоломка Clq * question ['kwestfn] вопрос quick [kwik] быстрый jE У quickly ['kwikli] быстро * quiet [^kwaist] спокойный, тихий * rabbit ['raebit] кролик rain [rein] дождь It rains. Идёт дождь, raincoat ["remkoutj плащ read [ri:d] (read [red]) читать * read to yourself [jo/self] читай про себя * ready ["redi] готовый * really ["riali] действительно * recite [ri'sait] декламировать red [red] красный * refer (to) [пТз:] отсылать (к) * relative ["rebtiv] родственник * remember [п'тегпЬэ] помнить * resolution [,rez3'lu:Jn] решение make a resolution принять решение, дать себе слово * resource [ri"so:s] ресурс * rhyming ["raimip] рифмующийся * riddle ["ridl] загадка * ride [raid] ехать верхом right [rait] правый; правильный river ['riva] река * roast [raust] жареный * role-play ["raubplei] разыгрывать no ролям * Rome [гэит] Рим * room [ru:m] комната run [глп] (ran [raen]) бегать run a race [reis] соревноваться в беге Russian ["гл/п] русский * sailor ['seib] моряк * salad ['saebd] салат salt [so:lt] соль * (the) same [seim] тот же самый Saturday ['saetsdi] суббота * say [sei] (said [sed]) сказать school [sku:l] школа at school в школе go to school ходить в школу sea [si:] море season ['si:z(o)n] сезон, время года second ['seksnd] второй * secret ['si:krit] секрет; секретный see [si:] (saw [so:]) видеть * seed [si:d] зёрнышко send [send] (sent [sent]) посылать * sentence ['sentsns] предложение September [sep'temba] сентябрь seven ['sevn] семь seventeen [,sevn4i:n] семнадцать seventh ['sevnG] седьмой seventy ["sevnti] семьдесят * shake [feik] (shook [Juk]) трясти shamrock ["Jaemrok] кислица * sharp [Jci:p] острый she [fi:] она sheep Ul:p] овца, овцы * shine [fain] (shone [fnn]) светить shirt [f3:t] рубашка shoe [fu:] туфля shop [fop] магазин go shopping ходить за покупками * shop assistant [3'sist(9)nt] продавец short [Jo:t] короткий shorts [fo:ts] шорты shoulder ["Jsolds] плечо * show [fau] (showed [food]) показы- вать * sight [salt] зрелипде, вид * sign [sain] подписывать * silly ["sill] глупый * sing [sip] (sang [saep]) петь sister ["sista] сестра * sit [sit] (sat [saet]) сидеть six [siks] шесть sixteen [,siks"ti:n] шестнадцать sixth [siksG] шестой sixty ["siksti] шестьдесят size [saiz] размер the right size нужный размер What size (shoes) do you wear? Какого размера туфли вы носите? skate [skeit] кататься на коньках ski [ski;] кататься на лыжах skip [skip] скакать через верёвочку skirt [sk3!t] юбка * sky [skai] небо sledge [slecfe] кататься на санках * sleep [sli:p] (slept [slept]) спать slow [sbu] медленный slowly ["sbuli] медленно * small [smo:l] маленький * smell [smel] пахнуть; запах I * smile [small] улыбаться * snake [sneik] змея snow [snau] снег It snows. Идёт снег. snowball ["snsubo:!] снежок play snowballs играть в снежки * solve [snlv] решать some [sAm] несколько, немного some of us некоторые из нас somebody ["sAmbsdi] кто-то something ['sAmGip] что-то sometimes ["sAmtaimz] иногда son [sAn] сын * song [snp] песня soon [su:n] скоро sorry ["son] огорчённый, сожалею-ш;ий I’m sorry. Мне жаль. (Простите!) I’m sorry to hear that. Мне жаль слышать это. * sound [saund] звук soup [su:p] суп south [sauG] юг spaghetti [sp9"geti] спагетти, макароны speak [spi:k] (spoke [spauk]) говорить * speech [spi:tj] речь sport [spD:t] спорт sports game [geim] спортивная игра sports ground [graund] спортивная площадка spring [sprig] весна stadium ["steidiam] стадион stand [staend] (stood [stud]) стоять star [sta:] звезда * start [sta’t] старт; начало; начинать * statement ["steitmant] утверждение, заявление £ q." I I br ?- 1^.' * * •k * * * * * * * stay [stei] оставаться stick [stik] палка, прутик still [stil] всё еш;ё stocking [^stDkip] чулок stomach ['sUmsk] желудок stomachache ["sUmskeik] боль в животе story ['sto:ri] рассказ street [stri:t] улица strike [straik] пробить suddenly ['sAdnIi] вдруг suit [sju:t] подходить, быть к лицу It suits you well. Тебе это очень идёт (тебе к лицу). sum up ["sAm Чр] суммировать, резюмировать summary [ЧАтэп] краткое изложение summer [Чашэ] лето sun [sAn] солнце Sunday ['sAndi] воскресенье supper [Чарэ] ужин for supper на ужин have supper ужинать surprise [ss'praiz] сюрприз sweater ["swets] свитер sweet [swi:t] конфета; сладкий * have a sweet tooth быть сластёной I swim [swim] (swam [swaem]) плавать swimming pool ['swimig pu:l] бассейн table ['teiblj стол; таблица table tennis настольный теннис play table tennis играть в настольный теннис tag [taeg] игра в салочки play tag играть в салочки tail [teil] хвост take [teik] (took [tuk]) брать, взять take a shower ["Jausj принимать душ * take care (of) [кеэ] заботиться о take off снимать tale [teil] сказка * talk [tDik] беседа; беседовать tasty [4eisti] вкусный tea [ti:j чай teach (taught [to:t]) учить, обучать * teach a lesson [4i:tf э "lesnj проучить teacher [4i:tf9] учитель teeth [ti:0] cm. tooth ten [ten] десять tennis [4enis] теннис tenth [ten0] десятый test yourself ['test joi'self] проверь себя thanks [0aei3ks] спасибо thank you спасибо that [6aet] тот, та, то that’s why ['daets 'wai] вот почему * theatre ['0i9t9] театр their [без] их them [бет] их {кого? кому?) then [беп] затем, потом these [6i:z] эти they [6ei] они thing [0113] вещь, предмет * Poor thing! ['риэ "0пз] Бедняжка! think [0пзк] (thought [0o:t]) думать third [03:d] третий thirsty ['03:sti] испытывающий жажду I’m thirsty. Я хочу пить, thirteen [,0з:Ч1:п] тринадцать thirty [' 03:ti] тридцать this [6is] этот, эта, это those [69uz] те three [0ri:j три tiger [Чащэ] тигр tights [taits] колготки, трико till [til] до time [taim] время Can you tell me the time, please? Скажите, пожалуйста, который час? It’s time to ... Пора ... What’s the time? Который час? * title [4aitl] заглавие, название * toast [taust] поджаренный ломтик хлеба today [ta'dei] сегодня toe [tsu] палец на ноге * together [ta'geds] вместе tomorrow [1э"тпгэи] завтра too [tu:] тоже, также tooth [tu:0] (teeth [ti:0]) зуб (зубы) have a sweet tooth быть сластёной * toothache [4u:0eik] зубная боль * topic [4npik] тема tortoise ["tDitss] черепаха * town [taun] город in town в городе toy [toi] игрушка * tradition [trs'dijn] традиция * train [trem] тренировать(ся) * treat [tri:t] угощение; угощать tree [tri:] дерево * trick [trik] трюк, фокус, шутка, шалость trousers ['trauzaz] брюки * true [tru:] верный, правильный, правдивый * try [trai] пытаться, стараться try again [э'деп] попробуй опять try on примерять * turkey ["t3:ki] индейка * turn [t3:n] превращать(ся) twelfth [twe^] двенадцатый twelve [twelv] двенадцать twenty [4wenti] двадцать * twin [twin] одинаковый, составляющий пару two [tu:] два Uu * umbrella [лтЪгеЬ] зонт uncle ['лрк!] дядя under [Чпбэ] под * underlined [,лпбэ"1атб] подчёркну тыи * understand [^Anda^staend] (under stood [,Anda"stud]) понимать * use [ju:z] употреблять, использо вать usually ['ju:3U9li] обычно vegetable [Ved5(i)t9bl] овощ * verb [v3:b] глагол very ["ven] очень * violet [\ai9lit] фиалка visit ["vizit] навещать volleyball ["vDlibo:!] волейбол play volleyball играть в волейбол want [wont] хотеть warm [wD:m] тёплый; подогревать It’s warm. Тепло, was [wDZ, W9z] np. ep. ed. ч. гл, to be wash [wdJ] мыть(ся) wash up [VdJ 4p] мыть посуду * watch [wD^ наблюдать watch TV смотреть телевизор * water ['wo:t9] вода * way [wei] путь, способ; обычай, привычка on the way (to) no дороге в the way she does it как она это делает we [wi:] мы wear [wes] (wore [wo:]) быть одетым, носить одежду weather [Ve6o] погода How’s the weather? Какая погода? week [wi:k] неделя last week на прошлой неделе next week на будущей неделе weekend [,wi:k'end] конец недели well [wel] хорошо; колодец very well очень хорошо were [w3:,''wo] np. ep. mh. ч. гл. to be * west [west] запад what [wDt] что * whatever [wDt'evo] всё, что ..., что бы ни where [weo] где, куда * wherever [weor'evo] где бы ни, что бы ни which [wifl который white [wait] белый who [hu:] кто wife [waif] (wives [waivz]) жена (жёны) wild [waild] дикий * window ["windsu] окно * windowsill ["windausil] подоконник * winner ['wins] победитель winter ["wints] зима * wish [wij] желание; желать with [wi6] c with us c нами without [wi'daut] без wolf [wulf] (wolves [wulvz]) волк (волки) woman ['wumsn] (women ['wimin]) женщина (женщины) wonder [VAnds] удивляться, интересоваться; чудо I wonder. Хотелось бы знать. Интересно. * wood [wud] лес * word [w3:d] слово * work [w3:k] работать worker ['\уз:кэ] рабочий * world [w3:ld] мир, вселенная write [rail] (wrote [raut]) писать * in written form [in "ntn 'form] в письменной форме * wrong [гор] неправильный, неверный, ошибочный You are wrong. Вы неправы. Вы ошибаетесь. What’s wrong with it? Что же тут такого? year [jisj год last year в прошлом году next year на следуюгций год yellow ['jebuj жёлтый yes [jes] да yesterday ["jestsdi] вчера * yet [jet] всё еш;ё, однако you [jti-] ты, вы your [jo:] твой, наш * zoo [zu:] зоопарк Irregular Verbs^ be [bi:] V was [wDz], were [ws:] быть, находиться become [Ьг'клш] became [bi'keim] становиться, преврапдаться begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gaen] начинать bring [brig] brought [bro:t] приносить build [bild] built [bilt] строить buy [bai] bought [bo:t] покупать catch [kaetj] caught [ko'X] поймать, схватить choose [tfu:z] chose [tfsuz] выбирать do [du:] did [did] делать draw [dro:] drew [dm:] рисовать drink [drigk] drank [draegk] пить feel felt [felt] чувствовать fight [fait] fought [fo:t] сражаться, бороться find [faind] found [faund] находить, обнаруживать fly [flai] flew [flu:] летать forget [fa'get] forgot [fs'gDt] забывать get [get] got [got] получать, доставать give [giv] gave [gerv] давать go [дэи] went [went] идти, уходить grow [дгэи] grew [gru:] расти have [haev] had [haed] иметь, обладать keep [ki:p] kept [kept] держать, хранить 1 Irregular Verbs - Неправильные глаголы know [пэи] knew [nju:] знать learn [1з:п] learnt [hint] (learned) изучать, учить make [meik] made [meid] делать, изготовлять mean [mi:n] meant [ment] иметь в виду me'et [mi:t] met [met] встречать put [put] put [put] класть, положить read [ri:d] read [red] читать run [глп] ran [raen] бегать say [sei] said [sed] сказать see [si:] saw [sd:] видеть send [send] sent [sent] посылать set [set] set [set] ставить, помещать shake jjeik] shook [fuk] трясти, качать shine Lfain] shone [fon] светить, блестеть sing [sip] sang [saep] петь speak [spi:k] spoke [spsuk] говорить spend [spend] spent [spent] тратить stand [staend] stood [stud] стоять swim [swim] V swam [swaem] плавать take [teik] took [tuk] брать teach [ti:^ taught [ta:t] учить, преподавать tell [tel] told [tauld] сказать think [0ipk] thought [0D:t] думать understand understood понимать [,And3'staend] [,Anda'stud] wear [wea] wore [wo:] носить (одежду) win [win] won [wAn] выиграть, победить write [rait] wrote [rout] писать Contents PETS AND OTHER ANIMALS Lesson 46 Lesson 47 Lesson 48. Review 3 4 10 17 Lesson 49. Listening Comprehension Lesson Lesson 50. Lesson 10 for Home Reading Lesson 51. Optional Project Work 3 CLOTHING Lesson 52 .............................. Lesson 53 .............................. Lesson 54 .............................. Lesson 55 .............................. Lesson 56. Listening Comprehension Lesson Lesson 11 for Home Reading 22 27 32 36 Lesson 57. Lesson 58. Optional Lesson 59 ........ Lesson 60 ........ Lesson 61 ........ Lesson 62 ............................. Lesson 63. Listening Comprehension Lesson 41 47 53 58 Lesson 64. Review 4 63 Lesson 65. Lesson 12 for Home Reading Lesson 66. Optional Project Work 4 SEASONS Lesson 67 ... . Lesson 68 .... Project Work 5 69 74 j THE ENGLISH YEAR Lesson 69....................................... 78 Lesson 70 ............................... Lesson 71. Optional Lesson 72 ............................... Lesson 73 ................. r............ Lesson 74 ............................... Lesson 75. Optional Lesson 76. Listening Comprehension Lesson 83 88 94 99 Lesson 77. Review 5 104 Lesson 78. Lesson 13 for Home Reading Lesson 79. Lesson 14 for Home Reading Project Work 6 NATURE Lesson 80........................................108 Lesson 81....................................... Ill Lesson 82....................................... 115 Lesson 83. Optional Lesson 84. Listening Comprehension Lesson Lesson 85. Review 6 ...........................120 Lesson 86. Lesson 15 for Home Reading Lesson 87. Lesson 16 for Home Reading Lesson 88. Optional Lesson 89. Listening Comprehension Lesson Lesson 90. Optional Project Work 7 Project Work ................................124 Puzzle Time: Keys............................126 Reference Grammar............................128 English-Russian Vocabulary...................139 Irregular Verbs..............................157 i / Учебное издание Верещагина Ирина Николаевна Притыкина Тамара Александровна Английский язык 3 класс Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка с приложением на электронном носителе В двух частях Часть 2 ЦЕНТР ГРУППЫ ГЕРМАНСКИХ ЯЗЫКОВ Руководитель Центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н. И. Максименко Редакторы Н. И. Максименко, Е. Ю. Туйцына Художественный редактор Э. К. Реоли Художники Ю. Ф. Алексеева, О. А. Боголюбова, И. В. Молчанова, В. Е. Киселёв Техническое редактирование и компьютерная вёрстка Е. С. Юровой, И. Ю. Соколовой Компьютерная обработка рисунков Д. В. Горчакова, М. Е. Аксёновой Корректор Н. Д. Цухай Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93—953000. Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от 12.09.01. Подписано в печать 04.03.13. Формат 84X108V>6- Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Ньютон. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд. л. 10,28. Тираж 50 000 экз. Заказ № 0249. Открытое акционерное общество «Издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41. Отпечатано в ОАО «Можайский полиграфический комбинат». 143200, г. Можайск, ул. Мира, 93. www.oaompk.ru, www.OAOMIlK.PO. Тел.: (495) 745-84-28, (49638) 20-685. TMKh*r's Sook i Учебно-методический комплект «Английский язык» авторов И. Н. Верещагиной, Т. А. Притыкиной Reeder 1ШЕИ ДЛЯ 3 класса включает; •^забочие программы (2-4 классы) учебник (в 2 частях) рабочую тетрадь I книгу для чтения книгу для учителя электронное приложение с аудиокурсом на CD https://prosv.ru/ итк/ Vereshchagina о> I lT> СО со о> CNI О Oi о а> ю со со о> CN ю I со h** сг> т О СУ> О LO со 05 ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО